brainyxbat · 8 months
Clockwork Island Adventure- Pt. 3
Usopp's eyes groggily blinked open, and he looked around in confusion when he realized he was high up, strapped to a cross. "What the hell's this?" He was in shock when Zoro and Sanji were no better off than him. Not to mention the former was battered.
Nami and Venus could only look on helplessly, as the Card Pirates schemed. "Where's the 30 million guy?"
"He's been crushed by the trap," Pin Joker reported.
"Bear King-sama doesn't even have to fight to beat them!" Boo-Jack praised.
"The marriage is sealed," Honey announced.
"We must start the preparations," Skunk One declared.
"And our main number will be a test shot of the King Cannon!" He whipped the sheet off the weapon, as his lackeys watched in amazement. "Right at those three!"
"What?" Nami exclaimed.
"No!" Venus screamed.
"And you'll be the brides of the King." He lifted Nami's chin, as she and Venus glared. "Aren't you happy?"
Bear King was shocked when Nami landed a kick on his forehead with her white, heeled sandals. "Who the hell has agreed to marry you?"
"I sure didn't," Venus sneered, preparing an energy ball.
He was silent for a beat. "Do you even understand what you're saying?"
"I'd rather die with them than marry a creep like you!"
"Yeah, me too, you big jerk!" Venus shouted.
They were both smacked away to the base of the crosses. "I'll fulfill that wish! We'll change tonight's party to a funeral instead! Execute them too!"
"Yes, sir!" Skunk One obliged.
Elsewhere, as Luffy struggled to keep the floor down alone, Akees woke up on the staircase. "Luffy! Where did Borod go?"
"He went after the Card Pirates!"
His eyes widened at that. "What? Borod!" He ran like mad up the stairs, leaving him alone.
"Hey, what about me? Help me out!"
By now, Nami and Venus' wrists were tied behind their backs, as they were kept by the crosses. Venus was more of a kicker, so her ankles were tied as well. They and the boys looked on in horror, as Bear King prepared the cannon, pulling a lever back. On cue, the elevator rose in front, blocking the cannon's path. It was Borod! "Who the hell are you?" Bar King sneered.
He whipped off his cloak, and the Card Pirates reacted in horror when he was revealed to have dynamite strapped around his waist. "Sorry, pal." He turned on a lighter. "I took some of your fireworks."
"That voice," Usopp remarked.
"Borod-san!" Venus perked up.
"Yeah!" Sanji agreed.
"He's gonna kill himself!" Zoro fussed.
"What?!" Venus' eye widened in terror.
"This is how I play. I'm taking you down with me!"
Bear King jumped down from the cannon. "Are you utterly mad? You can't blow these up here!" He stood over a glass panel, above a giant wind-up key slowly turning. "Look at this ratchet. You know what it is?"
"The island ratchet!"
"If you blow up now, you'll crush the whole island with you." As Borod hesitated, Bear King lunged in for the attack.
The shaking elevator, and the oncoming dents told them their supposed savior was getting pummeled. "Borod-san!" Venus exclaimed.
He landed in front of Pin Joker, who lifted his head up to taunt him. "Like a cloth to a flame."
""Moth" to a flame."
Now angry, he lifted Borod off the floor to finish him off, only for a staff to stop him. It was Akees! "Don't... don't you touch Borod!"
He was thrown back down roughly. "Akees!"
"You little brat!"
Meanwhile, as Luffy struggled, his wind-up toy fell into the room in front of him, one of the blades breaking on impact. Akees. "It's him." Now more motivated, he pushed even harder with a shout of determination.
On the top floor, as the battle continued, a horde of rooms came crashing up from underneath, surprising everyone. "What's happening?" Bear King watched in shock.
They were followed by Luffy launching himself upward, and panted after landing safely on the floor. "Finally here!"
As the rooms fell away, the island started rumbling, catching the guards' attention. "What's going on?" They began to file outside.
"Card Castle?"
"Hurry up!"
The citizens noticed the commotion as well, including the scientist couple from the town. "It's them," The woman concluded.
"Luffy!" Usopp cheered.
"Finally!" Sanji said.
"Luffy!" Nami beamed.
"You're okay!" Venus exclaimed.
"You're late," Zoro smirked.
"So you're Straw Hat Luffy?" Bear King loomed over him.
The captain glanced around the room. "Where are all the others?" He picked something up from the floor, making Borod and Akees tense up. "I found something fun!" It was a lit stick of dynamite, and Borod's lighter!
"What?!" Bear King's eyes widened in horror.
"No! Idiot!" The Thief Brothers yelled frantically.
"What? Should I drop it? Okay." He threw the dynamite away.
Right into the others, in the elevator. As Borod and Akees panicked, and the Card Pirates stared in shock, the elevator exploded.
Luffy turned to them after watching the smoke billow. "Have you seen my crew?" He asked obliviously.
"You just blew them up!" The brothers shouted.
"I what?!"
Miraculously, Zoro, Sanji, and Usopp emerged from the smoke. They were unharmed, if not a little singed; but one of them was not happy. "Luffy!" Usopp seethed. "You're freaking mad!"
"Whatever," Sanji smirked, "It got us out of there."
Zoro swung his stiff arm. "Yep. That's right."
"Oh," Luffy said all too casually, "You're okay."
"No thanks to you!" Usopp yelled.
Suddenly, the Card Pirates charged in to attack, scaring Usopp into climbing up higher, with Skunk One flying after him. "Usopp!" Before Zoro could go to help, Pin Joker started another duel.
Meanwhile Sanji untied Nami and Venus' wrists, and the latter's ankles, then stood in Boo-Jack's way. "Don't touch them, riddle creep! I'll kick you to hell!"
"Oh, I'm shaking in my boots!" Boo-Jack mocked, and laughed at him. "Kick me with those puny feet?"
"Why, you..." Sanji charged in, but a shoe was thrown at his face. "Hey, who did that?!" He was angry, before he realized; it was one of his shoes! He looked up, and saw Usopp standing on the deck of the Going Merry. "Usopp!"
As Skunk One pursued him, the sniper grabbed his trusty slingshot. "Eat this! Egg Star!" He shot an egg in his face, sending him to the deck.
"It stinks!" He flailed about. "It's a bloody rotten egg! I hate stinkers!"
"Says you!" Usopp taunted.
Skunk One jumped to his feet. "I'll get you!"
Usopp panicked when he went to tackle him; he dodged, and quickly threw the three swords down. "Zoro! Catch these!"
Nami and Venus managed to grab them before they could land on the ground. "Yes!" The witch beamed.
Pin Joker ran to the girls, but the swordsman blocked his path after retrieving his weapons. "You try to slash one with his back turned?" He smirked.
Meanwhile, Bear King tried to punch Luffy, but he jumped away. "Gum-Gum Gatling!" He launched many punches at top speed, but his opponent was unmoved. "What?"
"It's not working," Borod observed.
Luffy stopped the attack. "My body is made of steel, you know. A wobbly, rubber guy like you doesn't stand a chance."
"Oh, I see," Luffy grinned, "You're right!"
"Don't listen to him!" Borod yelled.
"So, you give up?" Bear King taunted.
"'Course I don't. You can't beat me."
By now, Sanji was wearing his covered, protecting shoes, as he tried to light a cigarette. "And what can you do with a pair of shoes? A weakling like you can't protect even the smallest ladybug!"
"You have fire?"
"You'll die on my thorns, and that's that!" Boo-Jack curled into a spiky ball, and rolled up to Sanji, but he kicked him away without a word, sending him flying into the room.
He was stuck into the ceiling, as Borod and Akees watched in awe. Sanji jumped up for another kick. "You wondered..." He sent him to the floor. "What I can do?" He kicked him to a wall, shocking Honey, and continued his barrage.
"He's amazing!" Akees beamed.
"I told you..." Sanji descended down, "You'd regret what you said!" He drove him into the floor with one last kick.
"Yes!" Akees cheered.
With that, Sanji walked away. "Lowly idiot." He tossed his cigarette on his battered opponent.
Meanwhile, Zoro tore the sleeves off his jacket, and whipped his scarf off to tie it around his waist. "Roronoa Zoro, you have my respect," Pin Joker admitted, "You can still stand after my poison darts." He then tied his bandana over his green hair. Now he meant business. "But that is all you can do."
Zoro stuck one sword handle in his mouth, gripping the other two in his hands. "Who cares? I told you you can't get me. I can't afford to lose. There's no way!"
On the ship, Usopp was still being pursued by Skunk One, and despite his efforts, he was kicked to the prow. "It's hopeless! You can't run away! Have you forgotten my stink gas?"
Usopp started to panic. "No, no, no, no, no!"
"Say your prayers!"
"Stop, stop, stop! Nooooo!" Usopp quickly dropped the facade with a confident grin. "Fooled ya! Powder Star!" He launched the bullet, then jumped down in the water to avoid the explosion. He floated up to the surface, catching his breath. "Eat that, you worthless bag of filth!"
In the room, Luffy was still battling Bear King, dodging his punches. "Gum-Gum Whip!" His attack was completely ineffective; it only sent him spinning, before Bear King sent him flying into a wall. "This is actually pretty annoying," He griped.
Akees watched the battle between Zoro and Pin Joker, as the former dodged the latter's sword left and right. "Behind you!" He warned, because the swordsman was getting closer and closer to the vacant elevator shaft.
"You look pained, but one creeps what one sows."
"It's "reaps"!" Venus butted in, gaining his attention. "Learn about idioms, idiot!" After launching an energy ball, which he managed to dodge, and taunting him with akanbe, she started running about to distract him.
"You little punk!"
The swordsman panicked when he started pursuing the young witch, sword swinging dangerously close. "Don't you touch her!" As she ran, Venus tripped over her long skirt, giving Pin Joker an advantage, and ended up backing into a wall, the weapon pointed in her face.
"You're parking up the wrong tree, little girl!"
He went to stab her, but was blocked off. ""Barking"!" Zoro corrected angrily, and threw him away from her, as she quickly crawled to Akees.
That did it. "You insolent! Feather Darts!" The yellow weapons were sent out, but he sent them right back where they came effortlessly.
"Amazing!" Akees beamed.
"Impossible! You shouldn't be able to move from the poison!"
"Sorry to disappoint you. But I can't be defeated here."
"Hm?" He stepped back at Zoro's intimidating look.
"There's a man far away, waiting for me to arrive. I can't be defeated, until I surpass him!"
The two went for the final hit... and Pin Joker was down for the count. "Yeah!" Akees cheered.
"Yes!" Venus joined in simultaneously, as they joyfully hugged each other.
Honey's eyes widened in fear. "No! No way!"
Venus noticed her stripping and making a beeline for the pipe. "Hey! Where're you going, lady?!" As fate would have it... she tripped again. "Damn dress!" She glared down at her long garment.
Luckily, thanks to quick maneuvering, the pipe went straight into a clear glass jar Nami found lying around; Honey went straight in, to her dismay. "And there we go!" She grinned, and screwed the lid tightly on top.
"Ah! Let me out! Let me out!" As the jar thrashed and jumped, Nami grabbed a roll of tape, and quickly went to work in sealing her inside.
"Not a chance!" She refused.
"Alright, Nami!" The witch cheered.
"Should've gotten a shorter gown, Venus," The redhead winked jokingly.
"You're telling me," She retaliated with a smirk. There was a sudden rumble, as Luffy was sent into another wall. "Luffy!" She exclaimed in concern.
"What's with him?" He rubbed his sore head. He tried another Pistol punch, but was thrown to the ceiling.
"Luffy!" Nami yelled fearfully, as he fell back to the floor.
Bear King's fist suddenly began glowing a fiery red, before igniting in flames, sending the captain running. "Melting Fist Special!"
Luffy screamed from the burning pain, before regaining his footing. "Gum-Gum...!" His fist went into Bear King's, only to be roasted. And stuck. "Ow! Ow! What happened?" He tried to pull his hand away, succeeding after Bear King loosened his grip.
"It's time to die, Rubber Boy!"
"Bear King!" Borod shouted. Without another word, he shot the King Cannon in his direction; knocking the patriarch aside, the explosive was sent flying, before going off in the ocean. One of the Card Pirates' ships was nearby, with the subordinates aboard fearful of the sudden explosion.
"Amazing," Nami watched from the glass wall.
"Borod!" Akees exclaimed.
"Yeah, Borod-san!" Venus cheered.
"I won't miss next time," He threatened.
"How dare you fire my cannon?" Bear King whipped out a pistol, and shot directly at him.
"Wait!" Venus shouted.
To Borod's shock and horror, Akees took the bullet for him! He was sent through the glass, flying out of the room. "Akees!" Borod ran to the damage, and found him slumped over a broken pane. "Akees!"
He looked down at him weakly. "Now I'm also a... real man... of the seas." Drifting into unconsciousness, he slipped down from the pane.
"Akees!" Borod made a mad dash, but he flew away with a parachute. "Hang on, Akees!"
Luffy watched, as he floated away. "That idiot took the bullet himself!" Bear King remarked. "So keen on saving others. Petty, pathetic, stupid little kid!"
He noticed Luffy had his head low, and his hands in tight fists. "What did you just say?"
"I said "pathetic, stupid little kid"!"
Venus growled in anger, as Luffy had enough. "I'll have you choke on that!" He grabbed his fiery arm, bearing through the searing pain, and threw him to the throne, resulting in the whole top floor collapsing, and the captive ships, sans Merry, falling.
Now furious, Bear King emerged through the waterfall. "I'll teach you what happens to those who make a fool outta me!" He readjusted the cannon, to Luffy's anger. "King Cannon will eat you! Die!" As he pushed the lever, Luffy grabbed the giant gold bullet, shocking Sanji and Venus, and wrapped his legs around a still-standing pillar, twisting himself up. "What the hell?!"
"Gum-Gum..." He launched himself back, fury in his eyes. "Slingshot!"
The bullet was shot straight at Bear King, as was the cannon, and they were sent down the shaft with the island ratchet. It was followed by an explosion, as noticed by the citizens, and the ratchet toppled down. The minefield started going off every which way.
"What...?" Sanji watched in confusion.
"The island ratchet!"
"The ratchet?" He widened his eyes at Nami.
"S-something's happening!" Usopp exclaimed.
"We gotta scram!" Zoro urged.
"Yeah!" Nami agreed.
"Hey, Luffy!" Zoro called, as Venus stayed close.
He looked up when his hat was tossed back to him, and he set it on his head. "Oops."
"The ratchet is destroyed," The male scientist concluded, "The whole island will collapse before long. Are you ready?"
"Yes," The citizens responded.
"Akees! Akees!" To Borod's relief, he started to wake up. "Akees... you... are you okay?"
With a weak smile, Akees took a metal plate out of his shirt. It had a small dent, from where the bullet struck. "It hurts a little." He set it down close by.
Borod sighed in relief. "You had me worried."
Akees turned to his left. "Borod... I hear something." They, and the citizens turned to the castle. The Diamond Clock was unharmed, and the arms were turning! It also played a certain song.
"The Diamond Clock..." The male scientist watched alongside his wife.
"It hasn't worked in years," She remarked.
"This melody...!" Borod stood up in surprise.
The Straw Hats made it to the Merry amongst everything. "It's Akees' music box melody," Usopp remarked.
"Wow, it's beautiful," Venus smiled.
Remembering everything, Usopp approached her in concern. Her skirt had some rips in it from being tripped on. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I am," She nodded, "You?"
She waved her hand in front of her nose. "Is that that guy's gas I smell on you?"
"Oh, yes!" He grinned with pride. "The stinky situation was hopeless, until Captain Usopp jumped in, and saved the day! We battled twice, and both times, he was sent packing!"
"Wow!" Venus lit up, as the others, sans Luffy, rolled their eyes. They made mental notes to tell her the truth later.
Everyone turned to the clock when it suddenly stopped working again. "Huh?" The gear around the top of the island started descending, and all the buildings, including Card Castle crumbled right after. The Merry fell from the tower, the crew holding on for dear life; the citizens urgently evacuated, using parachutes, just as the tower fell completely.
"I feel bad for the people there," Venus frowned sadly, now in casual clothes of skinny jeans and a t-shirt.
"They'll be fine," Zoro assured, "They'll find a new home." By now, everyone was back in their usual garbs.
"Will you be okay?" Luffy asked Borod.
"Yeah. He's got great parents." As he learned earlier, the scientist couple were Akees' parents; when he was an infant, they had sent him to sea when the Card Pirates invaded, so he would be spared the upcoming horrors. "It's best for him to live there. I'm used to being alone. Actually, I'm relieved."
"Huh?" Venus raised an eyebrow.
"He was just getting in my way. And I can have the treasure for myself."
They could tell he was sad, but staying strong. "Can you make it alone?" Nami asked.
"A partner never hurts," Sanji added.
"Lone thieves aren't cool," Usopp remarked.
"Being alone is not fun," Venus pouted.
"I'll find one eventually," Borod assured.
Zoro looked to the ocean, and smirked. "I think you already have."
"That's right, Borod!" He was surprised when Akees eagerly leaped onto his boat.
"You can't just split! Luckily, I'm smarter than you!"
"But what about your parents?"
"Don't be silly. I'm a man of the seas! I risk my life to follow my heart!"
"But you..."
"We're the world's best thief brothers, right?"
"Akees." Borod was emotionally moved, as he let a smile grow. "Yeah."
"Right. So we'll share this treasure as brothers."
"Half each? 'Cause I'm grown, now."
"No, seven-three!"
"Don't be so greedy, bro!"
Venus giggled in her hand. "They really are brothers."
"Yep," Zoro smirked.
"You think they'll be okay?"
"After 8 years of thieving, I bet they'll be just fine," Nami replied.
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versinator · 1 year
Almáját borod
Összetorlódtak gyermekünknél gubancba beleharap Vesztegeljenek marják alázatában lőttek Hajtottál szomjúságomat ruhatárba katonákért Sóhajaik részegekkel álszenteskedés izmaid Diáknak tágranyitott termésről baktatsz Rémregényes tördeld szétdobták kórlap Költsenek árkos befútta változásokra Egereket vezérkar elementáris fórumra Vágyakoznak csapd elégedetlenségét segítenélek Oszlopba kürtöm verseiben kihallottuk Kertünkből átlátszóan múltamtól halántékuk Strucc tömegét menhelyek tintás
Olajtól bizonyosságok lélegzetre lábrakap Mozdítja ceruzák nyugtalanítja kokárdákkal Zúgásában rejtelmek gondjuk fantomokkal Káromkodj igán emlékfoszlányaival sarlóalakú Nadrágra aranyhasú fiatalságom tűnjetek Kerítések barátaikkal gyarlóságom munkáslap Porondján sodorjad halásznadrágban gyerekeikért Összekapni menekülésre visszafordulunk karmolta Túlzsúfolt felháborodnak reteszeket bűnhődésük Portára előjönnek londonból szólítottuk Bozótjában díszeiként körmeim gyújtsuk Precíziós cafatai forralnak megtermékenyítettél
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lilac-rose-writes · 2 months
huxley oc brainrot has reached an all time high </3 i fear i may not survive the fallout
(ft. my hugo, sylvia & tami, @c4rl4-k1nn13's ivy, @ketchupandpickles' aaron, and @charismabee's william <3)
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piyalbal339-blog · 2 years
Hollong primary school Boro folk dance
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msbparker · 6 months
Mondatok, amiket nem akarsz hallani a borod értékelése közben: dolgoztam én takarmánykeverőben is...
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Csumidaznam azt a nagybarna faszodat edesem, hogy a jo cigany borod legyen a takarom 3 ejjel 3 nap! Kamaftu faszikam!
Remelem nő írta he.
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444names · 1 year
swedish and tolkienesque forenames BUT excluding "a"
Belemen Belen Belendie Belest Belien Bello Belmon Belron Belsel Beorod Beregor Bergot Beriel Berion Beriën Berker Bernuin Berodrid Beruf Berunge Beruniel Bofilto Bolorn Bomboro Bomil Bomiry Bormton Bormtorlie Borod Borotheor Breth Brilinen Brine Briotto Briën Celdel Celegol Celenwë Celes Cellen Celron Cenwë Cildion Cilliel Cilmë Ciltor Ciriel Cirine Cobeldor Cobellobe Coldur Colgergor Colliellen Corod Cottâri Curgor Curwen Círid Delen Denwë Deregil Derine Dorin Dortinoel Dreth Drethráin Durik Durum Dáinestë Dáinethor Déodh Déodwyn Déomberger Déomë Déoth Déotherior Dírion Ebbelbel Ebreth Ebrimlin Ebrin Ecton Eddilin Edhel Edwineor Egiminbur Eilin Eldbelvi Eldel Eldielth Elebberion Elebreg Elebri Elendurund Elenger Elenglo Elengol Eleondorm Elfwinorn Elion Elkhâl Elkhôr Ellegolfin Ellegolion Elmondor Elmorl Elrod Elrohelex Elrondil Elthor Elundith Elverion Embur Emelin Emelwin Emendilie Emilron Eminoel Endor Endui Eneleil Engorth Enrondil Eriondis Erondeór Erumbur Erved Essui Estil Estir Estretheon Estrid Eäreg Eäregil Eäres Eärnhíring Eärthili Eärwenwë Eärwin Feleo Felwinbur Filtoheri Findilron Findir Findui Finereg Fingerohir Fingrórwen Finry Foril Foron Frecton Fredirmton Fregiminel Freth Frether Frómild Frómin Fuilind Fundind Fungelmo Gelio Gerniel Ghânbron Gilgo Gilhele Gilis Gilmir Gimir Glimon Glinel Glion Gloron Glugundor Glóindil Glóingoron Glóri Glórwend Golde Goldor Golor Golwë Gondil Gondog Gorli Goron Gothos Gotton Grethorn Griene Grimë Grion Gundil Gundoc Gunilie Hedielmo Hendil Hendoron Heredh Hereg Herik Herië Hindur Hinil Hirine Hugdui Hugoldur Hundirid Huolor Húrient Húrimor Iduglis Idumo Ilheoddien Imbrin Imilminyë Imros Indil Ingon Ingridust Ingung Inilzôn Inimberut Inúvie Joellir Joelly Joelwë Johnárin Johnárion Jonton Jostor Julin Julion Jundion Khânbrid Kílin Kílisir Lecthor Legol Lemin Lemir Lendil Lendiloke Lendor Lengolfhil Lengorn Lethéomine Lethéomë Liendor Limrod Lingbofur Lingorn Liond Lishel Lisir Livrik Livrië Lothos Lotte Lotton Louil Lovidur Ludvir Luglo Luiry Lurthels Lurufil Lúvid Melfheor Melin Melip Melke Mellyë Melron Mendir Mendoher Merin Merion Merthil Milhelmo Milke Milmo Milse Milth Mines Minielth Minui Minwë Mioroth Mirin Miryon Molemildo Monuinn Morine Mormo Motton Märengotto Märenne Märwin Neldornhír Nelyë Nengon Nielbin Nielf Nilgo Nimbron Nimir Nimiry Nonne Norod Noron Nárion Nínicil Nínimlin Nínimë Nóline Nómel Nómer Nómir Oherumbur Olduf Olfhind Olgelwë Olgrin Oline Olingorgol Olleglob Ollyë Olorie Orimil Ornhíri Ornienbur Ornuil Ornuilmond Oronuilmo Orwen Pelcwin Pelinellug Pendilgon Periën Perthor Perungo Phelm Rumberil Rórind Rúmel Rúmen Rúmilzôr Rúthir Sebbeor Sebrin Seleb Serimus Sernuil Sheldwin Siggelpen Siggol Siggolë Siggorl Sildui Sillinyë Simed Sinoro Sirid Siriel Sirieliry Sofin Sofund Sofur Sorin Svendirid Svene Súrid Súril Telcwin Telebolge Telimilzôn Tellum Thiel Thmol Thorn Thorth Thoster Thróg Théod Théoro Tildë Tilzôr Tinceor Tinyë Tuolóind Turod Turundur Túrinwë Túrië Ufillod Uglin Ulfwilmo Ulfwind Ulivrilin Ulkhôr Ulmin Ulwin Undur Unúmel Uoron Vegil Velviggel Veren Vidur Vielimë Viendrie Vigger Viggoldwyn Vilivid Vingon Vinuiriel Viondoc Viondur Viothir Visumbor Vorfin Wilge Wilor Windinn Winessë Winil Winúmel Wormo Woronwë Woros Yávin Yáving Ziliv Zimbomin Éoddir Éodenel Éodhel Éomir Éormto Éothir Éothor Írien Írion
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callonpeevesie · 2 years
প্রিয় Peevesie,
তুমি কেমন আছো? বিজয়া দশমীর প্রীতি ও শুভেচ্ছা 🙏 গত এক মাস ধরে Sunday Suspense এ টানা প্রফেসর শঙ্কুর গল্প শুনে, আর সাত-আট তা গল্প পরে এখন আমি ওটা নিয়ে অত্যন্ত obsessed হয়ে গেছি... তাই ভাবছিলাম তোমায় জিজ্ঞেস করবো তোমার সব থেকে প্রিয় Top 5 গল্প কি কি?
তোমার উত্তরের অপেক্ষা করবো...
((P.S. I really love Saunders' letters so I wanted to write a letter to you myself :) Hope you're having a good day ))
Shizen!!! Bhalo achhis to, shubho bijoya! Amar priyo golpo ekshringo obhijan, nokurbabu o el dorado, corvus, byomjatrir diary....ar ekta subject to change, compu, hypnogen onekguloi bhalo lage. Tor priyo golpo ki ki? Bhalobasa nis, boroder amar pronam janas, khub bhalo thakis. —peevesie
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anchanted-one · 2 years
Legend of Vajra. Chapter 23. Fires on Coruscant
Level 1313 ‘Gangland’
Sergeant Ava Jaxo advanced towards the target with her squad, nervous to be out here in full regalia. Her work was usually undercover, so wearing the Republic standard-issue armor made her stand out.
Sadly, there were few who knew this labyrinthine level’s layout like her girls did, so they’d been the ones dispatched to investigate the build-up. Fortunately, she wore a helmet with a voice modulator, so the chances of her being recognized were slim.
Which was good. Her favorite restaurant was on this level, and she would no longer be allowed if it became known she was with Republic Special forces.
But any hopes they had of the Gangs staying out of the soldiers’ way during the red alert were dashed when they saw the Serroco Mud Stripes.
“Oy! What’re you doing here?” one of them asked, as his friends raised their weapons. “We don’t want your kind here!”
“Listen, the Imps are here on Coruscant again. You remember what they did last time, don’t you?”
“We patrol this sector,” the thug said stubbornly. “No Imps down here. Now leave!”
“We can’t do that. There’s a thermal build-up occurring three blocks away, and we need to investigate it.”
“No dice, bucket heads,” the thug cried. “We’ll look after our own territory. Go play with your Imps someplace else.”
“Sarge? Heat’s building up!” Venta said nervously.
“Please. Please! Look, we don’t mind if you escort us in and out, but we need to check this—”
“No!” the boy screamed. “You had your chance. Now die! Open fire!”
Jaxo grabbed the man and threw him on his compatriots, a sticky bomb taped to his chest. There was an electric discharge, and five thugs went down, stunned. She rolled behind a balustrade to evade their blind shooting. From behind his own cover, Borod fired three times; two more thugs went down, the third only narrowly escaping the shot. Jessie shot two of the stunned men as they tried to rise, Venta shot another. The sound of blaster fire was loud now.
Jaxo took the opportunity to stand and fire at the last of the thugs, she fell to the ground before she could whimper.
“We gotta hurry!” Jaxo whispered. “Others will come in. Jess, call in our reinforcements. Tell them they’ll be walking into a gang war.”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
Level 1178, Reynault Sector
Sergeant Nevil Kirnold of the Red Bolt closed Marina Benz’s eyes with a sigh. “Goodbye, old buddy. Warm up a seat for me up there. At this rate, I won’t be far behind you.”
Corporal Pide wiped his tears behind him. “We lost seventeen good people here, Sarge. Here, on Coruscant. Why did the Imps come here again? Haven’t they had their fill of blood yet?”
“Apparently not,” Brinia Nole said angrily. “They’re like skep-vultures. Always need more blood and guts.”
“We succeeded in our mission at least. We secured the box. Whatever the fuck’s inside it.”
“Good. Now burn it. And leave the melted ash for the Imps to find, so they know there’s no stealing this from some vault. Jedi’s orders.”
Brinia complied eagerly. “I heard this component costs sixty thousand credits,” she said conversationally. “But there’s no price on imagining the look on the face of whoever’s gotta report this to their Sith overlord.”
The squad forced a tired laugh. Once his order was carried out, and the box reduced to slag, Nevil picked up his drinking buddy. “Let’s go home. Gather up our dead. They get funerals fit for heroes.”
Sector 225, Windswept sector
Corporal Silda Barton felt like scum when she killed the last Imp soldier, who looked much less threatening without her helmet. In fact, she was sobbing her eyes out, begging for mercy.
If only Silda could give it to her. Unfortunately, that wound on her belly was going to kill her anyway; so really, she was doing the other woman a favor.
“Thank you,” was the soldier’s last words… and Silda realized that she had been begging for a different kind of mercy.
“No sweat,” she said casually. “How many did we lose?” She called to her buddy.
“Three. And five Coruscant Guards.”
“In exchange for two squads of Imp Soldiers? I’d say that’s a good trade.”
“And here’s the crate they were trying to make off with. Are you sure you want it fried?”
“Positive. I hear the Jedi in command is just a kid, so no wonder he digs the fried stuff.”
“Copy. I pity his stomach, but copy.”
Level 1313
Jaxo and her squad were within sight of their objective when their luck ran out.
“THEY’RE HERE!” Borod fired on the Trandoshan who’d sounded the alert, but it was too late. A group of Moon Hunters with force pikes converged upon them.
“Fire at will!” Jaxo ordered, and her team began firing at the incoming reptiles. But even as they went down, another group of Serroco rounded the corner, emerging directly between Jaxo’s team and their destination.
Weequay Grayfoots began to appear as well, and more Trandos. That made all three of the major gangs controlling Gangland.
“Shit, shit, shit!” Jaxo cursed as she set her rifle to auto and began swinging it around with her finger pressed on the trigger.
“Sewers?” Jessie asked, after shooting her third Weeq in the eye.
“Bad idea,” Borod said. “It’s tight down there. We enter the sewers like rats, then we get trapped down there like rats. Better if you wait for an opportunity and climb instead.”
“In case you’ve forgotten, I’m in my hundred-ton armor here.”
“Too late. Just shoot your way out if you can.” But the goons had gotten close enough that even their short-ranged blasters were now a threat, so the squad had to fire from cover now. “Damn, I really could use you, hunk.”
“What was that, Jak?”
“I need my emotional support man, okay?”
“Now, of all times, Jak?” Jess asked.
“This one can shoot, alright? I need a nice, strong meat between me and them!”
“We really need to hear your fancies now?!” Venta asked.
“Ignore her, ignore her. She just wants to think about cock in her final moments.”
“Hey! Take that back, Jess! I mean it, Lieutenant Queens is a real badass! And he’s big too!”
“Keep shooting, alright?” Pol begged. “We’re dead if they get any closer!”
“Oh, shit,” Jaxo noticed the danger before it sniped them. Luckily, she didn’t need to break cover to aim at the thugs climbing the fire exit. “Yeah, we really shoulda come down here with more meat—I mean, more bod.” She cursed angrily. “You know what I mean, alright! We’re outnumbered!”
And the odds were just getting worse. Every thug in the sector was converging on their location, and arriving one bunch at a time. Soon, the streets would be covered in dead gang members.
“Who armed them anyway? They’re using pea shooters!”
“We’re at the edge of their territory, remember?” Venta said. “The ones with big guns will be here soon—”
“They’re here,” Najo said tensely. “A few, at least. Nice knowing you, everyone. Jak, I think now’s the time I told you that your cooking always leaves me dropping bombs in the toilet, which the war crimes board might consider ‘chemical weapons.’”
Jaxo’s head turned slowly in his direction, an evil look in her eye. “WHAT DID YOU SAY, YOU LITTLE SHIT!?”
“He’s right Jak,” Jess said gently. “If there’s a next life, learn not to use so much Seracha? Or Parvian Habanero?”
Jaxo sighed dramatically. “You ungrateful bastards better hope there’s no next life! I’ll track you down and feed you my famous twelve-course meal for the rest of eternity. Don’t like that? Then don’t fucking die!”
“We love you too, Jak.”
Venta took several hits and went down. “I’m fine!” she cried. “Pea shooter…”
Jaxo risked a quick look around. They were caught in a tight circle now. At least no one was trying to climb the ladders again. Several attackers had larger rifles, but they were still not too many, and they weren’t bold enough—or armored—to come any closer than they had to.
But they were getting there.
Their lines inched forward, and finally they were close enough that the squad was pinned down.
Then the explosions came. But not on them. There were cries from all around them, and the blasters started to focus their fire in a different direction.
Jaxo snuck another peek and sighed with relief. “Cavalry’s here.”
Level 1065, Turanno Sector
Ravel groaned in pain. She had never felt pain like this; that blast had blown away both her legs, and someone had shot her full of holes. And stabbed her for good measure.
She wished she’d taken Breg’s suggestion and sent in scouts, but she had looked around and said ‘No one’s up and about.’ Famous last words, they turned out to be.
Instead, they’d had to fight a desperate last stand as Imps shot them up from all sides.
“Nice try, Republic scum!” the woman in Imp armor sneered. “But we had you outgunned, outnumbered, and outfoxed from the start. We’re taking this cargo and…”
Ravel shook her head. “You shouldn’t have brought the box so close to me, numbskull.” She closed her eyes and hit the dead man’s switch on her detonator, setting off a massive explosion. The last thing she saw was the precious crate on fire. The crate her crew had given their lives to destroy.
All around her, the once-triumphant Imperials began to scream in dismay.
Gev Dubren Sector
Captain Genn sighed, looking at the case in his hand. He did not know when it had happend, but one of the Republic soldiers had managed to shoot a hole in his prize as he made off with it.
“Check it,” Lieutenant Blanche said with weak hope.
But the only thing inside were badly fried microchips. The only batch of such high-end chips on Coruscant was now slag, and they’d somehow have to get a ship past the shield to procure more.
“Tarnis is going to have our heads.”
“Better him than his old man,” Private Boggart said gloomily.
All twelve of his surviving command sighed heavily.
Level 1313
Jaxo’s group was still pinned down for now, but at least there was no one advancing on their position. But the streets were now crowded with thugs, more corpses than live ones. And there were now hundreds of live thugs.
The big guns were also out in full force now, and Jaxo thanked all her lucky stars that the cavalry had arrived when they had.
They’d sent in a force of heavy war droids and a dozen light artillery guns along with heavy commandos, but their advance had also been slowed by all the converging gang armies. It was a brutal firefight now, with plasma raining to and fro in every direction.
“Why are the goons even fighting this hard! At this point, they should be cutting their losses and rebuilding!”
“Trandos,” Borod replied. “Probably them. They’re very territorial. I’ll bet the Rocs and Weeqs are regretting their alliance right about now.”
“Wait…” Najo’s helmet tilted for a second. “I think I hear a Lightsaber!”
“Wait, what?!”
The others listened too; it was true. Jaxo peeked over the edge again, and was treated to the satisfying sight of a Jedi in action. He must be the kid in charge right now; an alien with blue skin and four arms. He held Lightsabers in two of them, keeping his other two free. His blades whizzed through the air so fast they seemed to turn into twenty or thirty extra pairs of hands. It was true; Lightsabers did reflect blaster fire. Dozens and dozens of goons were hit by the ricochets and fell, but the fabled Serroco courage held, as did the Trandos’ territorial zeal.
But the Jedi wasn’t just deflecting; he attacked one cluster after another, leaving fallen thugs all over the place. She… she couldn’t even see him when he was moving.
Were all Jedi like this? Fuck, that was amazing! She needed a few of them for her squad.
“Sarge?” Venta called. “The heat signature…”
“Right. Jess? Take the sewer, head for the source. See what’s in it, and report.”
“Copy! I really hope my olfactory blockers are working…”
Level 1009, Industrial Sector
Sergeant Mera-maosh Suliri counted to three before breaking cover to hurl his last grenade at the enemy. All but two of his Hunting Owls remained, two out of an entire platoon. Three of the enemy went down screaming, injured but probably alive. When he dropped back under cover, his eyes went back to his best friends Nubu-neb Arra, and Tonia Hill, whose lifeless eyes continued to stare at him, just as they had for the past ten minutes.
Somewhere behind the enemy, Nira Bell had finally gone silent, her gutshot finally claiming her life. Her flanking manoeuvre had been brave, but ill-fated. She had been spotted before she’d gotten so much as a shot off, and her friends had been unable to either reach her, or end her suffering.
So many were dead…!
Hamish Stroud took the opportunity Mera-moush had provided to stand and fire several well-placed shots from his rifle. Two more Imps went down, leaving both sides finally equal in number after a lengthy duel. Mera-maosh saw the sniper emerge and tried to warn Mish, but the shot took him through his head.
Howling in rage, Rila emerged and shot down the last one of the remaining infantry, then fired at the sniper himself. But it was no use; the Imp was well out of her rifle’s range.
“Rila, get down!” Mera-maosh called, but she was far beyond reason. She had just watched the sniper kill seventeen comrades from a safe distance after all, and now her best friend of twenty-seven years was dead. She was still firing when she also took a headshot.
Mera-maosh choked back a cry, but stayed in cover. He was the last one remaining.
“Come on out, Republic Dog!” the sniper called. “You can die like a man, at least!”
“Tough talk coming from a chicken who doesn’t even show himself!”
The sniper’s loud laughter was derisive, but it ended with an abrupt scream. Confused, Mera-moush risked a glance, and saw the man fall from his perch. Actually, the perch had been what fell. It was not so steady a nest after all.
But he had made a mistake in thinking the downed men were out of the fight; several shots clipped him in the neck and side, and he fell to the ground gasping. But then he saw something that warmed his heart.
Civvies came out from the woodwork, screaming obscene warcries and falling upon the surviving Imps with a cold fury. The wounded soldiers cried out in fear and pain as they were hacked apart with butcher’s knives and picks. The sniper crawled out from the rubble, but he didn’t last long either. Someone started lobbing heavy crates at him from a window about halfway down. Perhaps the perch hadn’t been unstable after all.
The man grunted each time something hit him, but his final scream was a terrified one, as he saw an antique piano falling towards him. There was a loud crash, along with the off-note sound of keys playing one last time.
With peace descending on the battlefield, he got a good look at the battlefield at last. The corpses of his comrades of three tours littered the streets, many missing large holes in their faces. Damn that sniper!
But on the other side, the Imps had also been wiped out, having been taken by surprise and finished off like chickens in a trap before their sniper managed to get into position.
Memories of the desperate firefight filled his mind, as did the names and faces of all his dead comrades, who would have died for nothing had the civilians not stepped up.
“It’s okay, soldier!” he heard someone cry, and he got turned about by a kind-looking Devaronian woman. “We’ve got you.”
He grabbed her hand weakly. “Tell them…” he whispered. “Tell them that the Hunting Owls did our duty. Tell them… we fought. To the end. To the fucking end. Do what we did. No surrender next time. No more treaties of Coruscant. Till victory, or death. Tell them.”
Others had started to gather around him as his vision began to fade. He thought he heard the sound of weeping, as well as the sirens of police speeders.
“For… for Coruscant.”
Jessina Trell tried not to think about the squelching noises and dirty water that reached till knee-high.
At least it wasn’t coming in contact with her skin yet. She really shouldn’t have suggested the sewers. After a lot more time than she wished, she reached another ladder, and climbed out of the hole. The cover took a lot of work to push out, and when she was finally out, she had to double back as stealthily as she could.
With the armor making her stand out so badly, she had no choice but to ditch it, letting it drop back into the open sewer. Hopefully the clothes she wore underneath wouldn’t draw nearly as much attention.
She looked around; she was in an alley, and could see a never-ending stream of thugs surging towards Jaxo and the others. They were stupid. That Jedi would get them all.
She couldn’t risk getting onto the streets, she’d be caught in no time, and skulking around was a bad idea. So, she took Borod’s suggestion and began climbing. Luckily, she had been a champion freerunner until losing her crown just the previous month.
She took one look at the architecture here, and knew she was playing on easy mode. There were plenty of handholds, sturdy pipes, cables and other things she could use. She ran up a wall, then double jumped onto the windowsill. Leaping into the air, she took hold of a pipe and flipped onto it.  Then she ran along the pipe, making straight for a cable. She jumped at a run and caught it. At the peak of her swing, she let go and flipped again, catching the balcony ledge on the other side. She jumped from balcony to balcony, ignoring the trash piled in them since her feet never touched the floor.
Finally, she used another cable to get her to the building on the other side. Her destination.
She entered the building from a window, and snuck in quietly, hoping to find some nice boots before she left. It was hot here; she could feel her skin heat up.
She crept around, following her sensor to the source of the heat… and sighed when she reached it. “This is Jess,” she whispered into her comm. “No weapon here. Just some homemade furnaces. I think they’re cooking something here. Wait… I don’t believe it. They’re refining spice! Here, of all places! Looks like drastic measures to me, in response to the lockdown. I know it’s not the objective, but I’m shutting this place down. Luckily, she’d held onto her high-yield detonator. She set it for two minutes and bolted.
But just as she reached the window, she heard someone emerging from a door to the right. On instinct, she aimed her gun at the door… only to hesitate when she saw a kid standing there. No older than twelve.
But the kid had a gun, and when he noticed her hesitation, he went for it.
Jess managed to shoot it out of his hand but was too rattled at having to shoot at a kid to notice the figure emerge from the door behind her, a figure who shut her mouth with a large palm and yanked her backwards. She felt a dagger plunge deep into her back, but her scream failed to leave her throat.
Her killer let her fall, and she saw another kid, this time around fifteen. But from his eyes, she saw that hers wasn’t the first life he had taken.
“This is Jess… they got me. I’m sorry.”
The last thing she heard was the roar of an explosion, and an approaching wall of flame.
Carrick Station
Eless’iabarra fiddled with her lekku as she watched the news. She’d been deployed to Alderaan the last time her home had been attacked, and today she was caught in between deployments. Her unit should have left three hours ago, but all pending movements were put on hold in case Coruscant needed assistance. Already, four battalions’ worth of heavy troopers previously on Carrick Station had been ordered there.
There was little news from Coruscant, except for brief statements released each day.
Instead, they had to watch stations from Corellia and other worlds speculate on what was really going on.
The current anchor, Lutha Rimber. was speculating on the last press release.
“Imperial Black Ops have clashed with Republic Military and Coruscant Guards in thirty locations all over the capital. We still don’t know what they’re fighting over, or why the Empire is on the Capital, but Supreme Chancellor Janarus has, once again, refused to run while the people were trapped. Several hundred Dreadnoughts were pulled out of their respective sectors to ship cargo to the suffering citizens, and crewmen have reported that the capital is in the tightest lockdown. There haven’t been many Jedi left on Coruscant since the Sacking five years ago, but there is at least one confirmed to be down there, and we now know that it was his decision to lock down the planet. The office of Supreme Commander Rans, currently supervising an uprising elsewhere, has released a statement that the Knight’s decision was the correct one, based on the info they have. The Jedi Council has likewise affirmed their support. It is the belief of this news channel that, given the many, many skirmishes taking place down there, that he was right. But this decision has had its critics, like Governor Leontyne Saresh. The esteemed Governor had this to say.”
The holo switched to a middle aged Twi’lek, perhaps a little younger than Elessia. Everybody knew Saresh. She was a controversial figure, liked and hated to extremes, with no middle ground. Most of the military hated her, thanks to her dumb decisions on Taris.
“People of the Republic. While I do not want to cast doubt on our staunch defenders, the Jedi Knight leading the defense is said to be a mere teenager. The same Jedi who sent out a red alert. Children often make mistakes; children often act rashly. I agree that flareups and skirmishes are troubling. But is it worth locking down a world with over a trillion citizens? The people down there are suffering as supplies start to run out. It’s been two weeks now. Two weeks! I say it’s time to end the lockdown and send in all Outer Rim fleets to wipe out the Imperial presence. It’s time for the Jedi to step aside, and the real heroes of the Republic—the common soldiers—to step into the light.”
Elessia snorted. Send in all the Outer Rim fleets? This was why Saresh wasn’t taken seriously by the soldiers. What did she think would happen if any worlds were left undefended? The Empire was striking at their capital! Did she think they wouldn’t exploit a gap in their defenses, never mind hundreds of systems being left to fend for themselves? The Republic would never be able to take them back.
“Erm, this just in,” Lutha said. “We’re getting reports of a live broadcast about to start, one from Supreme Commander Rans himself.”
It took several minutes for the “Good morning, everyone. As you may have surmised, this broadcast is in response to the esteemed opinion of the very esteemed Governor Saresh. Pardon my bluntness, but it’s been a difficult fortnight. You don’t know what you are talking about. Let me reiterate that, for our own security, we are not broadcasting everything we know. I said I stand by this Jedi’s decision, and I mean it. No matter what his age is, his decision was sound. In addition, suggesting we strip our outer rim systems of all their defenses is asinine at best. It will be an open invitation for the Empire to come in and take them. What, you don’t think they will? They’re on the capital right now! The Treaty is one bad breath away from falling apart! I understand that everyone’s worried, but I humbly request everyone, including the very esteemed Governor Saresh, to keep their opinions to themselves for now. We can’t have panic, and we don’t want to deal with misguided patriots clamoring to jump onto stupid bandwagons. A time will come when we release more information about what’s happening down there; a time when we can discuss everything happened down there. What went wrong, who made the mistakes, who needs to be held responsible. But that time is not now. When it does come, you will all realize that this young Jedi has acted admirably. Much more so than people who act like they’re experts when they’re really not. I further request news stations to not provide a platform to such people for the time being.”
There was ear-shattering applause from the entire cantina to hear Rans taking off his kiddy-gloves for once. “To Supreme Commander Rans!” Eless’iabarra called.
“To Rans! Nice job, you smooth, magnificent bastard!”
“And to the Jedi, young or not!”
“To Coruscant.”
“To a wiped-out Empire!”
Everyone raised their glasses, and for a moment there was solidarity among the soldiers, who had all realized the most important thing the Supreme Commander had let slip. The war might be about to reignite.
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jukti-torko-golpo · 2 years
Shubho Bijoya my dear 🫂
Shubho bijoyaaaaaa, Jilipi di!!! Amar onek bhalobasha and pronaam niyo, barir boroder amar pronam janiyo!!
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Anna Maria Alberghetti Actress Vintage 1964 Theatre Theater Program Cast Musical.
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brainyxbat · 9 months
Clockwork Island Adventure- Pt. 2
Meanwhile in Card Castle, a serious competition was underway: specifically, a game of poker between Nami, and her captors. "And I win again!" Nami boasted after laughing with victory, and gathered her earnings. "So sorry, guys."
Venus watched from behind the redhead, leaning against the dresser with crossed arms. "See why I didn't want to play?" She snarked. Despite her not being in the crew for long, she already knew not to get her money involved with the greedy navigator. Thanks for the warning, Zoro.
"She's going to make us lose everything!" Skunk One moped.
"Why don't they come to try and save you?" Honey tried to break her spirits.
"The traps must've got them," Boo-Jack guessed.
"It'd be easier if they were that weak," Nami retorted.
"They can get through anything," Venus added.
"Out of the frying pan... into the fryer."
Venus furrowed her eyebrows. "What?"
Nami looked at Pin Joker with annoyance. "It's "fire"." He glared, but stayed calm.
Honey stood on her feet. "I'll go, and check up on them."
"Running away, are you?" Nami beamed. "You owe me quite a lot." Venus rolled her eye. "You can pay with your body!" In retaliation, Honey stripped down completely, and turned completely into water, shocking the two girls. "What?"
Honey slithered down a pipe, as Boo-Jack rode out on his unicycle. "Let's go!"
Nami looked on in awe. 'Don't tell me she's...'
Venus turned to her, feeling surprised herself. "Is that what you meant, by her paying with her body?" Her innocent question was met with silence.
Elsewhere, the guys rode in a basket with a parachute above the town. "Cool! It's like an airplane!" Usopp commented in awe, as he and Luffy enjoyed the view.
"Watch out, there's a minefield below us!" Borod warned.
"Hey, look at those windmills," Luffy pointed out.
"Eh?" Usopp perked up.
Luffy took out his toy from the beach, and looked back and forth between it, and the real thing. "They're identical."
"It must be from here," Usopp observed.
Luffy tried to wind it, but it wouldn't budge. "It's broken."
"Give it to me," Akees held his hand out. After Luffy gave him the toy, he whipped out a blue-handled screwdriver, and began tinkering with the wind-up key.
He opened the top, and continued to work, as Luffy and Usopp watched in awe. "Wow, you're pretty good at this kinda stuff!" Usopp complimented.
"He's amazing!" Borod said, as he steered the makeshift balloon. "He can repair pretty much everything."
Just then, Akees put his screwdriver away. "There, fixed."
He winded the key, and sure enough, it was working just like new. "Cool!" Luffy gushed. "Wow, you're great!"
"Oh dear, are you still alive?" A familiar, female voice interrupted the happy moment. Sure enough, strangely-colored water descended from a pipe, and Honey started to manifest nearby.
"It's that hot babe!" Sanji swooned, as Usopp held him by the waist to keep him from falling. "I gotta see her again!"
"Calm down."
"What was that?!" Zoro demanded.
"Devil Fruit powers," Borod replied.
"Correct!" Boo-Jack threw Honey's long coat to her, as she fully changed appearance, back to being fully clothed.
"Melt-Melt Fruit. Boo-Jack, give them their prize."
Boo-Jack rode his unicycle along the rope tied to the basket. "Yes! Come to me!" Sanji gushed obliviously, but his face quickly changed to disappointment when it wasn't her approaching them. Boo-Jack threw a ball at them, and Sanji prepared to kick it away, but it suddenly jutted out black spikes all over. He wasn't quick enough to pull away; his already injured foot was impaled.
"Sanji!" Luffy exclaimed in terror.
"Right in his foot!" Zoro remarked.
Sanji started to fall, but luckily, Borod grabbed his ankle, just as Honey floated over. "Hold it right there!" Using her powers, she shot a large gush of water over the crew. Borod accidentally dropped Sanji, who bounced face-first on the grass, followed by a mine explosion.
"Sanji!" Luffy screamed, as they flew away.
Nami and Venus gasped in shock when the battered, tied-up cook was suddenly brought in, and thrown to them close by. "Sanji-kun!" Nami looked over him in concern.
"Your feet!" Venus cried at the bloody sight before her.
"Nami-san, Venus-chan... I'm sorry."
Bear King approached them. "Look, I spared his life. That's how much I love you two."
"I see now," Nami stood on her feet, "Yes, I really prefer strong men like you."
"But I need more time to think..."
"Me too," Venus agreed.
"I understand."
"So don't kill..."
"Skunk One!"
"Sir! I will convince them!"
"Wait!" Venus shouted.
"No!" Nami protested. "I said don't kill-!"
"Now, let's play." Bear King kept Nami and Venus back, as Skunk One flew away.
Meanwhile, the guys recovered from the crash landing outside the spade-bearing gate. "Damn it all!" Usopp fussed. "If only I had my slingshot."
"You wouldn't dare to anyway," Akees snarked.
"What?" Usopp glared.
"Borod would save me, even if he lost both feet!" He bragged.
It was then when Usopp noticed: Borod had a metal, prosthetic hand under his left sleeve. "Your hand... did you?"
"Yup, he always protects me, risking his life for me."
"You brag about being saved?"
That caught Akees off guard. "I'm just a kid, and I'm still weak, so..."
Usopp stood on his feet in anger. "It's not a question about being weak or not!"
"Stop it," Borod put a hand on the sniper's shoulder, "That's enough."
"It's not!" Usopp nudged him off. "I hate brats who think they'll always be saved!"
"As if I care!" Akees retorted.
"What'd you say?!"
"If that girl getting in Borod's business earlier thought she'll always be saved, would you hate her too??"
"Leave her out of this! I would never hate her!"
Through the argument, Luffy stared on in deep thought, then spoke up. "Okay! Let's go!" He swung his arms about in preparation. "Hey, kid. You can go home."
"Well, I'm not saving a weakling."
Borod's eyes widened in shock. "I'm not going home!" Akees protested.
"Okay," Luffy grinned, "Then fight! Gum-Gum Pistol!" With a single punch, the gate was totaled. "Come on!" He started to run inside, but quickly turned around the horde of angry guards, as they chased him out. "Oh, crap!"
"I'll take them!" Zoro ran in to help, followed by Usopp and the Thief Brothers.
"There's too many of them," Luffy fussed.
"Leave 'em to me!" Zoro stole a sword, and curb-stomped guards one by one effortlessly.
From the top floor of the castle, Pin Joker was watching everything. "Roronoa Zoro," He smirked.
"Ooh!" Bear King perked up when the elevator rose into the room.
"What?" Nami looked up, as did Venus.
The door opened to reveal a large, mystery device concealed by a white sheet. "So my doomsday weapon is finally done!" The patriarch eagerly ran over.
The trio of guards standing in front danced in celebration. "All hail the great Bear King-sama!"
"Much better than our last boss!"
"The King Cannon has finally been completed!"
"The spicing on the cake," Pin Joker grinned.
""Icing", you mean?" Nami corrected.
"King Cannon," Honey's eyes widened.
"Is that it?" Boo-Jack questioned.
"The legend about me has begun!" The weapon was wheeled out of the elevator. "I'll be the King of all Pirates!" He laughed evilly.
Nami turned to Sanji when he groaned in pain. "Sanji-kun!"
"I'm sorry... Nami-san, Venus-chan."
"Don't worry," Nami assured, "They're dumb, so Venus and I can-"
"No, you can't," Sanji cut her off.
"I just wanted to save you... by myself..." The two girls looked down at him in sympathy, before they were surprised by him wiggling like a worm with a wide grin. "... then be hugged by you both as thanks, followed by this and that, and-!"
"You creep," Nami frowned.
"Going by yourself is reckless!" Venus scolded. "Why would you want to save us alone?!"
"That's a conversation for another time," Nami dismissed.
Just then, an angry Bear King came running. "Who are you to my fiancées?"
Sanji glared defiantly at him. "The one who rubs suntan lotion all over their backs."
"Sunblock for me," Venus corrected innocently.
"Shush," Nami hissed.
"What?!" Bear King shouted. "Crucify this creep!"
"No!" Venus protested, as Sanji was lifted by his ropes.
"He might be one of her crew, but I'm gonna kill him!" The cook was thrown roughly to the floor, and bounced into a stone wall.
He landed face-down, and was pinned down by Boo-Jack. "Watch your mouth. You weaklings have no chance against us." He wrenched his heel in his back.
Sanji glared up at him, weak from his injuries. "You'll regret those words before the day is over," He vowed.
Outside, the rest of the crew were warding off the endless guards; Luffy using Gum Gum Pistol, Zoro slashing and stabbing with his "borrowed" sword, and Borod punching them out. "What's this stench?" Usopp complained, closing his long nose.
Skunk One. He was perched menacingly on top of a tall pole in front of them. "Welcome to Card Castle. Your friend is waiting." He pointed to the sky.
"What?" Everyone looked up, and to their horror, the cook was strapped to a cross.
"Sanji!" Luffy exclaimed.
"He made Bear King-sama a bit angry. So we crucified him a little."
The guards were scared away by a smelly, yellow fog spraying from his back, but the crew stayed, and covered their noses. "What's this?" Borod glared.
"Devil's gas! One breath, and you'll turn into a powerless lump. Have fun holding your breath!"
"You're kidding me!" Zoro fussed, "We can't just..." He tried to run, but his strength seemed to have been drained. "Luffy!"
The captain sat cross-legged on the ground. "I don't wanna do anything."
"Get a grip!" Zoro yelled.
Usopp and Akees watched from afar, avoiding the noxious gas. Usopp took a deep, nervous breath, and braced himself. "Akees, you said I didn't have the guts to do anything, right? Take a look at this, brat! Behold Usopp, when he does his amazing, cool stunts! Venus-chan needs me!!"
"Usopp!" Akees was shocked when the sniper ran straight in, and shimmied up the pole the stinky villain was perched on. He latched onto his waist, and held on tight.
"Lemme go!"
"Dream on!"
A weakened Borod pushed himself up. "That idiot," He panted.
"Leave this guy to me! Just go!"
Skunk One blasted himself off the pole with the gas. "Now eat that!" As everyone watched, Usopp blocked the tank... with his mouth! As he fought off the horrid taste, he was flailed around aimlessly. His stomach became greatly inflated, due to getting rapidly filled with gas.
"Usopp!" The little boy exclaimed in shock.
"Come, Akees!" Borod ordered, and made a mad dash to the castle.
"Don't let his bravery be in vain! Hurry up!" After some hesitation, Akees joined them in their sprint.
On the top floor, Skunk One barely managed to make it, before he kicked a bloated Usopp to the floor. He let the gas out from his mouth, as his stomach deflated back to normal. "I can't believe that he's alive."
The girls watched from further inside. "Usopp!" Nami exclaimed.
"Usopp-kun!" Venus followed suit, but more shocked.
Bear King put his hands on their shoulders from behind. "Do you care about him?"
"Of course!" Venus threw him off, as did Nami.
"He's one of us!" Nami added.
"You both should care about me alone," He glared, "Crucify this guy too!"
"Yes, sir!" Skunk One obliged.
Nami grabbed a broom nearby, and began swinging at him, as Venus prepared an attack. "You big, stinky jerk!" Her eye widened when the redhead was quickly outnumbered, losing her weapon. She was pinned down to the floor by her throat. "Nami!"
"What are you doing?" He sneered.
"Don't spoil your dress, m'lady," Bear King picked her up with both hands, "And mind your manners. Skunk One, fetch the little one for me."
"Yes, sir!"
Venus glared when he began to approach her. "Touch him, and you'll regret it," She growled, and launched her energy ball at him. He jumped away to dodge it, only to do it again when she shot another one.
Usopp's exhausted eyes watched, as familiar black sneakers briefly showed themselves under the long, white skirt. "Ve-Venus-chan."
"I won't let him near you!" Venus promised through her attempted battling. Sadly, despite her best efforts, she was outnumbered, and forcefully escorted away. "Usopp-kun!"
During their trek up the spiraling staircase, the guys fought off even more guards effortlessly. They made it to a covered bridge, where something caught Luffy's eye. "Look there!" Usopp was crucified, just like Sanji! "Usopp!" They ran up more stairs, and encountered a spiraling pillar behind a grated wall. "What's this?"
"It's the mechanism protecting this island," Borod explained.
"Let's hurry!" Zoro urged.
They continued their sprint, but Akees was knocked to the ground, now unconscious. "Akees!" More guards came, one of them being the culprit. A furious Borod fought them off, and looked over his adoptive brother in concern. "Akees!"
Just then, a grated door closed, blocking off the exit, before the whole tower started to rumble terribly. The floor was rising! It abruptly slowed when the Straw Hats pushed on the ceiling. "What's happening?" Luffy questioned in shock.
"Akees!" Borod ran over to him, as he woke up.
"I'm just dragging you down again," He smiled weakly, and began to drift off again.
"Don't give me that, Akees! We're brothers, remember?"
"It's so heavy!" Luffy exclaimed, as the floor continued rising.
"We can't hold it for long! Borod, you gotta help us!" Borod ignored Zoro, as he lifted Akees off the floor. "What?"
Borod stared daggers at the two, then smiled. "Of all people. You disappoint me." He started shifting away, as Luffy and Zoro struggled. "Seems no one can fight the Card Pirates."
"What?" Luffy watched him in confusion.
"After I took your ship and all."
"You stole our ship?"
"I thought something was fishy," Zoro glared, "So it was you!" Borod jumped off the floor to a safer staircase. "And to think, Venus liked you! She's too good for you!"
"Like I said, I'm not looking for a relationship."
"You used us to get to the Clock!" Zoro exclaimed.
"I'm not after some damn clock."
"I just wanted you to defeat these pirates, and save the island."
"B-but why?" Luffy stammered.
"I wanted to return Akees to his parents on this island."
"So this is his..." Zoro concluded.
"His birthplace," Borod finished, "I'm sure of it. Sorry for the trouble. And please take care of Akees, should I die here." Zoro glared during his struggle. "I have to fight them."
"Idiot! You don't stand a chance!"
"I don't care. There's no future if you run away." He glanced at the unconscious boy with a smirk. "Right?" With that, he sprinted up the stairs.
"Borod!" Zoro shouted, but went unnoticed. "He's ready to die. Luffy, can't you do something?"
"I'm afraid not." A door opened to reveal Pin Joker.
"Who are you?" Zoro's eyes widened.
"Long time no see, Roronoa." He pointed to the long, horizontal scar going from the top to the bottom of his face. "I have not forgotten the scar you gave me!"
Zoro sneered, but was confused. "You... who're you?"
"You don't know?" Pin Joker griped.
"Can't remember all the weaklings I've beat."
"Agreed!" Luffy nodded.
"I will teach you that he who walks first, squalls first."
""Falls first"," Zoro corrected.
That made him mad. "Shut up, and die! Featherdarts!"
Luffy braced himself when yellow feather-like darts shot out from the man's sleeve, but to his confusion, he didn't feel anything. At least, other than more weight above his head. To his shock, the swordsman took the full brunt! "Zoro... you...!"
"You lunatic! You almost scared me." He prepared his sword through the pain. "Sorry, Luffy. This won't take long."
Pin Joker chuckled mockingly. "Try it. Skunk's gas, and my poison darts... your body won't move."
"Damn." He went in for the attack, but another door closed, and he was stabbed.
He landed on his back in front of the captain. "Time to kick the one who's clown."
"D-down," Zoro stammered, before drifting into unconsciousness.
"Zoro!" Luffy screamed, as he was taken up the elevator, over Pin Joker's shoulder.
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A kedvenc reszem a szobadban az ablakod volt. A nyolcadikon laktal es utcafrontra nyilt, eleg magasan ahhoz hogy egyszerre mindent lassak es engem senki se lasson. Nem feltem. Abban a szobaban egyedul en voltam a veszelyes. Tizenegy korul volt, kint sotet, a szomszedos panelhazakban egy-egy szobaban meg egett a villany, az egen nehany csillag, majdnem ujhold es csend. Az agy vegen ultel felmeztelenul es dohanyoztal, en meg neztelek. Az allolampa sarga fenyetol egeszen furcsan csillogott a borod, gyonyoru voltal, de nem mondtam, nem mertem, talan kellett volna. Messze az egyik panel tetejen felvillant egy vakito fenyszoro, azt mondtad minden haz tetejen van ilyen, azt kerdeztem, te voltal-e mar fent, igen, de teriszonyom van, mondtad. En meg nem voltam soha, de szeretnek, mondtam. Hallgattunk. Olyan egyszeru volt abban a pillanatban lenni. Eloltottad a csikket, azt mondtam, ennek szeretem a hangjat. Hatradoltel az agyon es szoltal hogy kovesselek, a szemeidbe neztem, nehezen tudtam elengedni a tekinteted. A valladra fekudtem, azzal a kezeddel atoleltel, ugy neztem fel rad, es nagyon hozza akartam erni a szadhoz. Nem tudom, mennyi ideig csokoloztunk igy, mintha minden egyes lelegzetvetel az elso lenne. Megkertelek hogy erintsd meg a hatam, a nyakadba furtam az arcom, fogalmam sem volt elotted, hogy ennyi levego fer a tudombe. Megnyult a fejemben az ido es a ter, a gondolatok felrehuzodtak hogy helyet adjanak neked es arra gondoltam, bar itt lehetnek orokre. Kozelebb huztal es nevettel, elmondtad mit csinaljak mashogyan amikor megcsokollak, ereztem ahogyan reagalsz arra hogy megertettem. Ereztem ahogyan elkezdenek kiutni a gyogyszereid es a mozdulataid lelassulnak, figyeltem ra, hogy ne ebresszelek fel, amikor megerintelek valahol. Akkor mar csukva volt a szemed, de az ajkad meg mindig kovette az arcom vonalat. Felalomban lehettel amikor atfordultam oldalra, azt suttogtad, na igy, es atoleltel, kihuztam a kezem magam alol hogy megfoghassam a tied. Ugy szoritottad meg, mintha tudtad volna hogy ez az elso es az utolso ejjelunk egyutt. Igy aludtam el.
c.h - words for n1na // the only way i want to be wanted is the way you wanted me
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peevesiehasasideblog · 5 months
Shubho noboborsho!!!! Bhalo theko
Belated shubho noboborsho!! Onek bhalobasha ar barir boroder pronam janalam!
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ludmilla-core · 11 months
soha nem mondtam
mert nem akartalak zavarni vele
de sosem ereztem rajtad
hogy ugy ernel hozzam
mintha hozzam akarnal erni
erezni akarom
amit te erezhettel rajtam
ahogy en tettem
azzal a szomjusaggal
mert a borod alatt elnek
hogy minel kozelebb
es kozelebb legyek hozzad
visszafogtad magad?
ennel jobban akartal hozzam erni?
kivancsi vagyok
milyen erzes lehet
ha igazan hozzam akarnal erni
irigylem azokat akik ezt ereztek
hogy milyen mikor
igazan szomjazod az erintesuk
felek nem te vagy az igazi
de en nagyon szerettem volna
hogy te legyel
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blogynews · 1 year
Unveiling an Unprecedented N.F.L. Stadium: The Ultimate Fusion of Sports and Gambling
“The significance of betting within the realm of sports cannot be understated, particularly when it comes to the betting industry’s relationship with football,” stated Borod, a seasoned professional in the field of sports betting. With nearly a decade of experience, Borod noted that there was once a belief that sports books should not be located inside stadiums. However, with the evolution and…
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