#akaza oneshot
arichaa · 9 months
Taking care of Akaza's wounds
Hi! This is my first oneshot... I just hope you'll like it ♡ So it talks about Akaza being injured and we take care of his wounds yeah? Alright good good hahahahahahahhhahahahahahha
Precisions: Female human reader; Akaza's personality is like... shy, maybe a little bit tsundere? And too proud to show weakness; the infinity castle dynamic isn't like the one in the anime, but it's more like a big big house where they all live together or smth; Demons can be injured and don't have any regenerations abilites.
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Nobody knows why Muzan needed a human in the Infinity Castle. Y/N might be important for his plans. She seems to know that she has no choice and is conscious of her duty in all this. A duty no one else needed to know. Muzan commanded the Upper Moon 3, Akaza, to protect her at all cost. To be her "bodyguard" when she needed to go outside the Castle, for instance.
Y/N is always kind and respectful with the Uppers Moons. She doesn't know them personally and some of them scare her, so she decided to interact with them only when needed. She knows what demons are capable of, although she tries to comfort herself into thinking that they would never disobey their master by hurting her. Or worse.
What doesn't help is that she's absolutely beautiful. Irresistible. So elegant. Pretty inside and outside. The fact that she blushes and loses her grip when someone compliments her accentuates her beauty. The Upper Moon 2 just has no shame in making her uncomfortable using this weakness, but it's just to tease her, according to him.
When it comes to Upper Moon 3, he doesn't care about her link with Muzan or what she is here for. Because why would he? Muzan didn't thought it was necessary to inform them about anything. No. What he cares about is her as a person. He gives his all. He gives his all to not embrace her tightly when she's worried. He gives his all to not absolutely destroy this colored eyed idiot's face everytime he pronouces a syllable directed at her. His all to have a non emotional discussion everytime he talks with her. He tried everything. Nothing worked. Maybe it's because Y/N stayed here for too long... no... just one month? He has never been like this, in his demon life and human life. He knows it's wrong, so he keeps giving his all desesperately. -----------------------------------------
Upper Moon 3 has been training with his colleague, Upper Moon 1, Kokushibo. He doesn't shows any mercy in his trainings, but that's a sign he appreciates him and wants him to get stronger. Akaza would rather die than ask him to be less harsh with him. He keeps collecting bruises and other injuries, but he doesn't talks about them because he just doesn't want to bring attention to him and show any signs of weakness.
Y/N is cleaning the kitchen. She doesn't have anything to do so why not? She hums, rearranges a little. Akaza happens to walks into her. There she is. Not that he looked for her. And if he was, it would only be to assure her protection. Nothing else. Come on. He knows he can't convince himself into thinking that. She didn't noticed him yet, tiptoeing to reach a bowl on the shelf. She looks adorable as always. He swallows, then clears his throat to annouce his presence. She looks behind her shoulder.
Y/N: Ah... Akaza dono, good evening.
Akaza: Good evening, Y/N.
Y/N: How was your day?
Akaza: Not bad, thank you.
Y/N: Good then...
They just look at each other, not knowing what else to say. Maybe he should leave now. It's just a greeting. The more Y/N looks at Akaza, the more she turns around completely to face him.
Y/N: Akaza dono.
What? What does she want? She swallows again, apprehending.
Akaza: Yes, Y/N?
The way she looks at him, it doesn't look good for him. She approaches him, looks at his chest. His wounded body. Then she looks back at his eyes
Y/N: You look severly injured. Is it because of your trainings?
Akaza is taken aback. He doesn't know how to respond correctly.
Akaza: Ah... "Severly" is a big word don't you think?
She tucks her hair behind her ear. Trying to keep composure.
Y/N: I picked this word because that's the only accurate one. *sighs* Don't you think you should... take breaks sometimes? Or, at least treat your wounds?
She knows these kinds of words might upset demons, so she tries to keep a calm voice to balance. He is the last person she wants to upset. Akaza doesn't know what to think. She is the last person he wanted to attract pity from. Yet he likes that she is worried about him.
Akaza: My... wounds don't need to be treated. And I don't have time to rest.
Y/N bites her lip, thinks for a second and takes his hand before walking towards her room. Akaza is absolutely flabbergasted. Of course it wasn't the first time they had physical contact. It would happen when he had to carry her around or when she tripped. But this time, it is initiated by her. He can do nothing but follow her. His neurones are all focused on her soft, small hand. They arrive in front of her door and Akaza regains composure.
Akaza: Y/N... What is this?
She looks at him, flustered
Y/N: I... Please... Let me take care of your wounds. I know you will never do it.
Take care of his wounds. That's what she wants to do. But Akaza is the one supposed to protect her. He doesn't want to be a burden to anyone, especially to Y/N.
Akaza: I'm not letting you do that.
She opens the door and slowly pulls his hand to make him enter. It's crazy how he can't even make himself clear to a human. To a woman. No. To Y/N.
Y/N: With all respect... Please sit down. I hope to see you in my room when I'll come back.
She leaves the room and runs to another. While Akaza, still standing, puts his hand on his hips, sighing from embarassement. He wonders how he managed to get himself in this situation. He just goes to sit on her bed, waiting for Y/N to come back. When she does, Akaza sees in her hands an aid kit, with everything needed for a healing session. She closed the door then goes sit next to him, at his right.
Y/N: Hearing you refusing my hand, I thought you would leave unnoticed.
She plans to do this step by step, his right arm first. She takes his hand again, his palm showing. Y/N just stares at his limb. Bruises and cuts everywhere. She wouldn't have survived if she had all these injuries. Or maybe she worried too much. After all, Akaza is strong, well build... Those muscles... She swallows then focuses on her mission.
Akaza: I appreciate your concern, but I really don't need all this.
Y/N: Cuts are open doors for infections. It can end badly, Akaza dono.
He sighs. That's too much for him. He already loved her to death. She didn't need to do this. Y/N looks at his arms, while he looks at her. Her focused expression makes his heart beat like drums. They're so close he can hear her breathing. That little mouth makes him imagine situations. It's the same thing on Y/N's side. She tries to keep a regular breathing. While she puts cottons on his cuts, she also tries to caress his skin for her own pleasure. Maybe it's inappropriate. But as long as he doesn't notice.
Of course he did. He hopes with all his soul she doesn't look at him to see a blushing Upper Moon. Y/N goes towards the shoulder to try and heal his wounds. Just the perfect height to hold her close. Her close presence distracts him from the stinging of the alcohol. They have been silent for a while now. They both know they should say something.
Y/N: If there's any intern injuries, I'm afraid I won't be able to help.
Akaza: There isn't. And you're doing enough, thank you for this.
She now treats his chest, full of deep cuts. That chest of his she always had to look away from. She touches him with her fingertips, evaluationg the seriousness of each bruise. While Akaza seats here, not moving. If he does nothing, he can't do something bad. He stiffens everytime she touches him.
The neck is the next step. While Y/N does her magic, she glances sometimes at his face, admiring his features. His cheeks so kissable. His little nose she wants to rub hers against. His eyes reminding her of a sunny day. She finds it ironic because Akaza can't go out in the sun. That mouth makes her lose her mind. And his hair urging her to caress it. Akaza looks back at her. Her heart does backflips.
Y/N: Ah! I was just... uh... checking if there's any wounds on your face. Yeah...
Akaza: I didn't say anything.
Y/N: Haha, indeed...
Well that's embarassing. She ends her awkward laugh with a sad smile. Akaza can be cold, but never mean, especially to Y/N. She knows it. And the Upper 3 just tried to not let himself do something he might regret by avoiding eye contact. But her stare was too long to avoid it indefinitely. And why did he have to say that? Out of all the other things he could've answered with... Akaza becomes more self conscious and tries to control his gestures and strength. He doesn't want to scare or hurt her.
Now they exchange words about the other moons, his injuries and other small talks. That makes them feel more comfortable. Y/N even starts to hum. She's almost done with the last body part she needs to treat, his left arm. She put bandages on each cuts. After finishing his hand, she brings it to her lips, closes her eyes and kisses it... kisses it?
Her brain is still trying to process what she just did. After all, that cutie used to take care of her nieces and other children's bruises and kept the reflex of the kiss on the little boo-boo. Heck she even made that "mwah" sound... She stayed on automatic mode for too long. What is she supposed to do now? Pretend it didn't happen? Apologize? Leave the room? She just keep looking at his hand and swallows. She is anxious about what would happen if she makes eye contact.
Akaza's brain is in the same state as hers. He can't even breathe anymore. She did it first. He can't do this anymore.
Y/N: ...Wait... let me explain, it's a ref...
The demon gently holds Y/N's hand, guides it towards his mouth and puts his lips on her fingers while closing his eyes. She didn't miss a second of that. Their movement are now only fueled with want. She looks so moved by his gesture. Y/N comes closer and caresses his cheek. He leans in her touch, pressing her hand with his.
Y/N: Akaza dono... I...
Akaza: Shhh... no need for words...
Akaza takes her in his arms, holding her tight. Her eyes are wide open as he shoves his face in her neck. She gently pushes him to make him lie on the bed so she can cuddle with him, her head against his chest. She tighens her hug by embracing his waist. And of course he lets her do whatever she wants with him. They both dreamed about it. They don't care about consequences now.
Akaza: Y/N... I know I shouldn't but... I'm in love with you. From day one. This moment between us, it was the last straw.
Y/N: I see... *chuckles* I love you too, Akaza dono...
Akaza leans in for a kiss. He slowly catches her lower lip between his, as she wraps her arms around his neck, and his around her waist. As sweet as he imagined. She intensifies the kiss by caressing his hair. She keeps kissing his cheeks, lips and nose while he blushes and smiles. He would've never thought she was the kind to show that much affection and he loves it. Y/N kisses him one last time on the chest and closes her eyes to feel his embrace.
Y/N: *whispers* I know your containing your strength. Don't hold back and hug me really tight. I need to feel you.
She didn't need to say more. He makes himself more comfortable and holds her for all the times he couldn't while putting his cheek on her head.
Akaza: *whispers* You can call me Akaza from now on.
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imagineanime2022 · 1 month
Upper Moons Reacting To Kianna
Characters: Gyutaro, Daki, Gyokko, Hantengu, Akaza, Doma, Kokoshibo
Requested: @nunezs-stuff
Request: Original Request (there some really cool art to go with the request for this one as there has been with all of the other requests for this OC always forget to say that when linking the ask)
👫 Daki definitely tried to make Kianna feel like she was lower than her, which Kianna would likely ignore but if Daki decided to start a fight Kianna would likely wipe the floor with her. 👫 Gyutaro doesn’t actually have much to do with her unless the fight goes ahead of course he protects his sister, he doesn’t actually dislike her in any way in fact she kind of reminds him of Daki when she was younger. 👫 Gyutaro and Daki reminded Kianna of her relationship with Subaru and in turn reminded her of what the demon slayers took away from her, in fact that might be where an understanding starts to form between the three of them. 👫 They probably will not see eye to eye all the time, especially because Daki truly does believe that she deserves everything and low key wanted to make Kianna one of her meals one day. 👫 When it came down to it Kianna was stronger than they were and they would learn whether they fought her or not.
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🫙 This man tried all of his usual tricks but none of them worked on her and eventually she ended up ignoring him which only offended him so much like all demons he resorted to violence. 🫙 He messed around and found out, honestly. Never happened again. 🫙 From there on he was terrified of her, literally never crossed her again in fact he spent a lot of time trying to impress her after that not that it worked any of the time. 🫙 Gyokko gives off vague Reiji vibes, which pursuit for perfection and judgement of everyone around him, which for obvious reasons made her uncomfortable and she’ll often choose not to be in the same room as him. 🫙 Gyokko and Kianna probably would not get on, she could probably work with him sparingly but there is no world where she offers to work with him or help him in any way.
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😨 He’s terrified of her, he laid eyes on her and shook in place. It honestly doesn’t take much but everything from the way that she dressed and the expression on her face gave him pause. 😨 If she ever meets the other 5 personalities that hide in his body they test their luck with her, often pushing her buttons especially Karaku and Urogi. The others are more periodic and really depend on the situation. 😨 They don’t really interact because he hides across the room, she always knows where he is because she doesn’t entirely trust him. 😨 Kianna is probably the only person that can deal with the 5 different personalities for more than 5 minutes because of the people that she used to live with. Sekido literally hates that he doesn’t scare the way that he does everyone else. 😨 They don’t interact outside of missions so there’s not much to say about they’re relationship, they will naturally choose opposite sides of the room that just they way that they are.
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👊 Mutual respect. 👊 Akaza I feel that reminds her or Subaru because of his loyalty, strength and temper. Kianna to Akaza was someone worth knowing the name of, she was strong in her own right and worth sparing with but was still respectful to those above her. 👊 When they had the time they would spar off all of the upper moons; he is the one that she would be found spending time with by choice. 👊 They both hate Doma (more on that later) so when Doma is trying his hardest to be annoying to either one of them the other will help defend against and in most cases seriously injure him to get him to go away. 👊 Kianna is closest to him, with some interaction mimicking things that happened with Subaru and while she never said it but they both seemed to understand that there was something unspoken for both of them.
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🧎 He reminds her of Laito. End of story. Nothing more. 🧎 She hates him but for the moment that he saw her, he wanted her to love him. Doma has made it his mission to make her react to him and he dedicated his time to that. 🧎 To be honest that was one of the things that she did admire about him, the dedication but apart from that everything about him disgusts her and she wants nothing more than to be miles away from him. 🧎 Doma would always do that thing where he appears behind her to talk directly into her ear and he first instinct is to lash out, her hits would never connect but if he for whatever reason got aggressive it would trigger a fight or flight response in her. 🧎 Doma is the one that she actively avoids, they don’t do missions together but he did seek her out on his own time if only to be annoying.
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🌕 He’s indifferent to her, the same as he is with everyone else. His presence is in some ways comforting. 🌕 Kokushibo would often scold her for attempting to hit Doma but it was his oppressive presence that made her uneasy around him. Again he reminded her of one of the boys that she used to live with Shu. 🌕 She tried not to have anything to do with him past working with him because he was easy to anger and spoke very few words it made her uneasy. 🌕 Unlike Doma, she is able to work with him, he does keep his distance and very rarely says anything past mission details and plans. 🌕 They were professional in their relationship, nothing more and nothing less. Kokushibo doesn’t really have the capacity for anything else.
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Request Here!!
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rooviebae · 7 months
Akaza with a mermaid reader(fem or gnc) that was kept by a cruel circus? like reader is only able to be put on display in the circus tent and the staff is just cruel to them. would love if akaza rescued them!
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⟣┄─ ˑ 〃 ۫  🐇 Akaza
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‣ Akaza encounters a mermaid demon and chooses to save her.
‣ 1,337 words
‣ Might be a bit rushed, sorry if it seems that way 😢
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While Akaza doesn't like most circuses in general, finding the performances and activities exhausting or childish, he does stay for the fireworks towards the end, meaning he just hangs around doing little too nothing. He usually watches the kids run and squeal at everything that they're seeing, or the parents trying to talk to their kids about particular behaviors when it's obvious even to Akaza that these kids aren't going to listen because of their excitement.
He rests on a high and sturdy branch, his back resting on the tree. It almost felt like the entire performance was taking much longer then prior years. He was starting to get annoyed.
Actually, he wants to leave because he knows that he has better things to do then sit around and do nothing, but he hopes that this would end soon so that he would stay a little longer to see the gorgeous illuminations bursting in the sky.
However, luck was not on his side this year, and he eventually stands up with a disappointed sigh to leave. If he stays any longer, he would only get into problems with Muzan himself, therefore, this was all pointless. He takes a deep breath as he bounces from one branch to the next, but then his body suddenly stiffens up. He already knew that he wasn't the only demon here, but he didn't do anything about it since they were either here for the same reason he was or because they were planning a late nights feast. However, the overwhelming feeling of desperation was too much for him.
He jumps off of the branch, landing effortlessly on the dirt below before making his way back to the crowded circus. He stops behind one of the nearby trees that was by a few adults who were peacefully talking about their children, and he leans in to grab one of the overcoats before quickly putting it on.
Akaza never imagined that he would ever feel at ease in the presence of other humans. He can't help but glance at each passing person, talking in the ones who had their skin beautifully decorated with a variety of colors of paint. They were so sure that he was wearing some as well that they weren't bothering to give him a second look since he looked just as human as they were. This only made things easier for him.
The inside of the tent didn't look as decorated as the front was. Actually, most of it was empty besides a few food and drink stalls and a giant glass container against the tent wall that looked to be holding nothing at all. People still swarmed in front of it, their faces filled with excitement and desire, searching the container to their hearts fulfillment.
"Excuse me." Akaza raises his hand slightly to attract a woman's attention. She smiles at him as a greeting. "I don't frequently go to circuses, but why is everyone so excited over an empty tank?"
"Rumor has it that this year's circus will have a demon." She points to the container.
Akaza's brows furrow as his eyes center on the swaying water. He doesn't bother to say anything else to her regarding the demon, since he knows that these so-called rumors aren't exactly rumors.
It didn't take long for her to show up. There were dimly lit lights inside of the water, causing anticipation among the people, including Akaza. He was standing calmly in the back of the crowd away from most of the eager children, yet his focus made him feel as if he was in the front. He almost entirely drowned out the shouts around him when he suddenly saw movement at the top.
That was the demon, and he immediately sensed her discomfort. She swims gracefully in the water, her melancholy gaze drifting over the crowd until they settled on the children up front, and Akaza noticed the softening glow that came over her.
So, she has a sweet spot for kids; how cute. He knew that demons exists in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors, but he has never seen a demon that resembled a mermaid before. From the way her hair danced in the water from the way the water mirrored the shine on her tail, he was in awe of her beauty. He quickly regains his composure and steps a few steps closer to get a better look.
Her eyes quickly go from the children to him, and he knows that she knows that he's a demon. His face is expressionless as he scans her, and he opens his mouth unintentionally. "How on earth is a demon such as yourself in a place like this?"
Her eyes widen, and a glimmer of hope emerges in them. She doesn't respond to his words, but he knows what she's thinking: she wants to leave this hell hole, the place that stole her freedom away from her.
Akaza doesn't immediately react to this thought, but he does look around the place to see what he can do. Firstly, the tent was large, larger then most of the ones here. The tank was also fairly big, but it wasn't entirely full, which led him to believe that this was due to the water preventing splashes when the humans toss her in, or maybe it was her frail state that prevents her from jumping out on her own.
On her own.
Right, she wasn't on her own now. He was here. He could get up there and have her jump out so that he could grab her.
He moves away from the female demon, ignoring her dropping expression and makes his way to the side where three men are conversing among themselves. He doesn't bother to grab the later, instead jumping up and landing on the tanks very edge. "Hey, what do you think you're doing?!" He ignores them, too busy focusing on her.
Akaza crouches on the edge, staring at her blankly as if waiting for her to move. Everyone who had been watching with fascination was now looking in disbelief, but aside from the workers, no one bothered to stop him. "What are you doing? Just jump."
She doesn't waste any time and swims to the top before leaping out. She barely reached the top, but she was close enough to the upper moon for him to grab onto and lift her up. He jumps down on the floor, and before the males were about to grab him, he kicks one into the tents wall, hard enough to break a rib or two, but not enough to kill him
"You're lucky I'm in a good mood or else you'd be dead by now." Akaza says as he walks towards the tent entrance, holding the mermaid in his arms.
What a bizarre event this night has been, one that will most likely only happen once in his lifetime. He remained quiet, although he had many questions regarding this demon. However, he kept his mouth shut and focused solely on leaving the area. How cruel were these humans to let a demon be so weak and desperate? Despite all of this, he still remembers seeing the sparkle in her eyes when she looked at the kids. She must not eat humans, whether she was unable to because of her imprisonment or because she chooses not to. Either way, he doesn't question it.
"You have a name?" Akaza finally asks. "(Y/n)." Her voice is soft and hushed as she stares ahead to see where he is leading her "You have quite the name."
He still doesn't know where he's going to put her, but he's sure he'll figure something out along the way. Maybe he can put her in that lake not too far where he stays. It may not be the biggest, but it might be great for her. At least it was bigger then the tank.
Now he just has to make sure Douma doesn't find out about her.
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dahliamalfoy97 · 1 year
FEAST - Upper Moons, Muzan x Y/N reader
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Synopsis: Muzan calls for a meeting with the 3 Upper Moons and his wife is just s little greedy and Muzan decides to share her.
Warning: SMUT 18+ explicit content, slight dub con, group sex, rough sex, threesomes, choking, slapping, spanking, degradation kink, praise kink, slight blood kink, masochism, voyeurism? Monster kink, size kink, oral sex, mentions of kidnapping, murder,violence. So much going on in this.
A/N: first time writing a big group sex thing so it’s probably a bit cringey at times and it’s not edited so there’s probably lots of errors. I am such a simp for these four and have been trying to put them together the best I could. Anyways, hope you enjoy and don’t say I didn’t warn ya 😏
Word count: 7,102
"Y/N," Master Muzan calls from the dining hall, "please bring some of that wine out here."
You hurriedly, grab the bottle and a glass from the cabinet and rush out to the dining room. You freeze for a moment when you arrive. Noticing the Master isn't alone- there's 2 Upper Moon demons siting at the table, your master at the center while one of them sits at his left and the other at his right.
Moonstruck, you cautiously, approach the table, taking in all  the guests in a mixture of awe and fear. These two were the real deal. demons after Muzan himself. They were all sitting in one room and you feel the powerful aura that emanated from each of them.
"I'm so sorry, Master, " you stutter, "I didn't realize we had guests, or I would have gotten more glasses."
"It's alright, little dove," Those crimson eyes meet your nervous ones, searing into your soul as usual, making you feel all sorts of flustered.
Master Muzan was the King of Demons. The one that commanded them all to do his bidding. He held the most power. He was also the Devil incarnate because he was able to create demons and to become more powerful he fed on humans. He had an unrivaled bloodlust and was cold to everyone around him. He was cunning, vicious and evil. To everyone but you.
You had been just a human girl, on the brink of starvation when he took you in. He originally was going to fatten you up to kill you, but he ended up finding comfort in your presence and ended up falling for you instead. Because most humans would have been disgusted and terrified of him. But you were willing to do anything to please him. Most demons like him - emotions capable of emotions like love. But you had made him feel much more powerful than his demon army could.
Naturally, you too had fallen in love with the Devil who had saved you. Call it Stockholm Syndrome if you will- but you willingly stayed after learning what he really was. After seeing the blood he shed and the lives he destroyed. You fell in love with the monster anyways.
"Well isn't she a delight?" One of the upper moons cooes, he was ethereal. Like an demon in angel's clothing. This was the vibe the demon gave. He had friendly and inviting smile on his face, but something in those rainbow irises told you it was probably just a mask of the true intent that hid underneath. The one that was full of malice and all things evil. He made you shiver at how someone demonic could look so heavenly. He had pale porcelain skin, and long locks of silvery blonde hair, that swept in all kinds of different directions.
"This is my wife, Y/N," Your Master, replies. "Little dove, this is Douma, he's Upper Rank 2."
You bow your head in respect, "it's a pleasure to meet you."
"my my and she knows her manners too," he kisses your hand with his lips, his touch cold yet shivers automatically shoot down your spine. Something about this demon intrigued you and you wanted so desperately to know the devil underneath those rainbow eyes.
"Lord Douma, if you could please keep your hands to yourself," Muzan warns.
"But I mean she just looks so exquisite- it's shame she's your wife. I'd claim her for myself in an instant."
"You're disgusting," another Upper Moon mumbles to the left of Douma. "Have some fucking respect."
This demon had a more serious aura about him, he seemed more pissed off that he was here. He had hair the color of magenta and eyes like seemed to glow like the sun. His skin was a cool gray hue that had blue lines marking his skin and the rest of his body. He was well defined, as had an open purple vest that exposed his torso. You so desperately wanted to trace all those lines on his chest to see how deep they ran.
"Oh calm down, Pink Head, I'm just paying the lovely lady with some compliments."
"You never have genuine compliments," The Pink haired Upper Moon hisses. "or genuine intentions."
You can't help but giggle at their little banter. All three pairs of eyes focusing on you when you do. You can't help but feel a little shy being at the focus of all these powerful demons. Handsome ones at that.
"She giggled," The Pink Haired Demon says, sounding surprised. "Has she no fear of being around us?"
Muzan looks at you with adoration, "no, my little dove is quite fearless."
"Amazing," Douma wonders, "and she's so fûcking cute too."
Suddenly the doors to the dining room burst open, and the air shifts. As if it was a sunny day and the thunder decided to roll in. This is power this demon had. He had the most intimidating presence of all. He was very tall and muscular, taller than the rest of the demons here. His hair fell into black luscious waves, the ends dipped in a deep red.  But it was his eyes that made you tremble. Six pairs of eyes the color of the moon- his scleras a deep red that matched the tips of his hair. He was beautiful in such an intimidating way. If you weren't currently married to Muzan, you'd be falling in your knees in an instant for this man.
"Look who finally decided to show up." Douma taunts, earning a cold glare from the demon.
Something inside you quivered which each step he took. His purple and black checkered kimono billows behind him.
"Kokushibo, you're late," Muzan adds.
"I was busy," the demon finally replies and oh his voice is enough to make you press your thighs together.
Fuck fuck fuck.
You were married to the most powerful demon of all and yet you were craving these demons just as much.
The newcomer- Kokushibo. Who you knew from the character that was stained on his iris- that he was the Upper Rank One, took a seat the other end of the table.
"Well now that everyone is here, we can finally start this meeting, little dove, do you mind getting some more glasses ? "
"Of course, Master," when you looked in those crimson eyes there was a knowing smirk there and you exit the dining room in a flash.
While you're in the kitchen, you can't help but sneak a hand underneath the folds of your skirt, past your panties and feel your arousal dripping.
The amount of power in that dining room had you soaked to the core, flustered and embarrassed at the lewd images that filled your head, you hastily pull your skirt back down and grab the glasses from the cabinet.
Being a little short, you struggle to reach some of them, you try to climb the cabinet but a hand snakes around your waist, pining you between the counter and his backside. "Careful, little one, you're going to injure yourself." He reaches up to grab the glasses for you and places them in your hands, his pale large veiny hands covering your small ones completely.
"Thank you, Lord Douma," you say, a little breathless at the way he was holding you. You could feel something against your backside.
"No problem, little one, I'd be happy to help you in any way," He whispers seductively in your ear, his voice is soft and melodic but the way he speaks, has your nipples straining against the fabric of the  flimsy gown you wore.
"Aren't you supposed to be at the meeting?" You murmur as you feel a hand creep under your skirt.
"I am but I excused myself for the bathroom, sometimes a man has needs to attend to," his hand traces circles along your thigh before reaching the outline of your panties. "I know your Muzan's, but fuck, I can't keep my eyes off you. I want to devour you so badly but my curiosity for you and what you'd feel like around my cock, overshadows that and I want nothing more than to have a little taste of you," he tugs your ear between his teeth causing you you whine softly, his fingers dip into your panties and begin to rub your clit. "Did you know all of us demons have a heightened sense of smell, so I can smell your sweetness from across the room. And I just gotta have it."
"But I'm Muzan's," you protest lamely, arching your back as the circles on your clit quicken.
He laughs into your ear, "that's not what your sopping cunt says right now. Akaza was right. I'm not a man with good intentions. I take what I want, when I want."
With a wicked glint in his, he inserts a finger into your hole, he groans lightly at the way your finger just sinks him in, "so fucking wet for pussy that belongs to someone else."
You shamelessly begin to grind yourself againt him as he begins to fuck you his finger.
"Look at you, grinding on me like a needy slut," Douma cooes, while adding a second finger, scissoring them to stretch out your gummy walls. Soon a third finger is added, and you're a sopping mess as he curls them upward immediately finding the spot that makes you scream. "Careful now, don't want your husband to hear you, or maybe you do."
All you can do is whine as he fucks you brutally with his fingers, you hear some rustling, and then your panties are being ripped down, and something hard is poking at your entrance. As soon as it pierces your walls, you let out a wail. The stretch burns and Douma gives you no chance to adjust to his curved long cock as he brutally pistons into you. Your still wedged between him and the counter so there's no room for you to move. Your completely trapped and helpless against his assault on your body.
"Fuck. So. Damn. Tight," he moans in your ear.
You could feel every scrape and every vein of his throbbing cock hammering into you, he was much longer than Muzan was and seemed to reach places deeper, and perhaps it was the precarious position you were in but all you could feel was him.
"Don't stop," you cry, you knew it was wrong for letting Douma fuck you, but it felt too good that you couldn't resist submitting to his control.
"Don't worry, Dollface," he pulls your ass out so it's angled and you have more room to move. You finally can glance down at where your connected, his balls slapping against your skin, that you knew would leave bruises with how hard they were slapping. His thrusts were relentless, animalistic. The counter's edges dig into your skin with each thrust.
Muzan has his rough tendencies, but this was another level, and you were overwhelmed by the pain and pleasure.
Douma's hands travel to your covered breasts and he cups them in his large hands giving time a squeeze.
"You keep clenching around me and I'm going to cum sooner than we both want. Although maybe I should use you for my own personal cum dump, and just take what I want from you."
You're so incoherent at this point that all the comes out of your mouth is strangled garbles, which turns into a whimper when he wraps a hand around you throat to cut off your airway.
"But unfortunately we can't take as long as we want, because your husband is probably wondering where we are," he just continues to babble in your ear.
The possible reminder of Muzan catching you with Douma, made you even more aroused than it should. You clamp around his cock at the thought, which causes him to fuck you harder. You could feel your stomach coiling he continued to pound into that one spot. He kept playing with your airway, with each thrust of his cock he would squeeze and then let go.
"Fuck, Douma, I'm close," you cry, tears streaming down your cheeks.
"So am I, your pussy is amazing, I want to kidnap you and keep you for my own. Muzan is a lucky motherfucker."
His thrusts become slower more torturous as if to draw out your agonizing orgasm, which was desperate for release.  You were about to lose it if you didn't cum soon. The ache was too much. Too overwhelming.
"Please Douma, let me cum," you beg.
He laughs, "You can beg better than that."
you pout, but that instantly changes when his speed picks up again, rocking your body with his, "FUCK DOUMA LET ME CUM PLEASE."
He cackles, his rainbow irises bright with amusement, "if Muzan comes in here because of that we are both dead."
"I don't care," you hiss, pushing yourself back on his cock trying to get more.
"Well go ahead then, cum slut, make a mess on my cock," Douma encourages. "If you're the desperate to. I think you're just too drunk on my cock to not care about anything else."
His mocking tone along with his greedy thrusts, has you coming undone.
"That's it, make a mess for Douma," he grins madly, before thrusting a few more times before exploding inside you. You both watch in satisfaction as his cum fills you up. "Looks so pretty with my cum." He grabs something behind him and shoves it into your pussy, making sure his cum doesn't leak out.
"Shit Douma, what if Muzan sees?"
The haze of sex has lifted and you're reminded of what you had just done. But there's no shame or remorse on Douma's face and you sure don't regret a single thing.
"Well if Muzan finds out we're both dead, but it was worth it. Come let's go back to the meeting I'm sure he's wondering where both of us went."
Douma leaves you and you hastily follow after. Arriving at the dining room.
"Sorry, Master Muzan i must have had an upset stomach, one of the girls I ate today before coming here must have messed me up," his rainbow irises have disappeared into crescent moons as he takes his seat next to Akaza.
How could he act like nothing happened just now? Meanwhile, you could feel his cum still inside you, and your cheeks were probably flushed. You had no idea how you looked right now.
As soon as Muzan's scarlet cat eyes land on you, you see that familiar glint in them, and you know he knows.
He was the Demon King after all, he knew everything.
"Little dove, did you forget the glasses as I asked for you to get for our guests?"
His tone is calm, but there's an underlying of a mocking tone.
Shivers immediately go done your spine as you bow in a frenzy, "I'm so sorry, Master I- I don't know how I could have forgotten. I'll go back and get them."
"What a bad girl," Muzan tsks. "You forgot something so simple? I wonder why that is."
"Muzan- I-"
"Y/N come here."
You freeze he never uses your actual name unless it's for a punishment. Ashamed you walk over to where Muzan is sitting, but it's a little hard to with Douma's cock nearly damaging you just moments ago. Whom had a smug grin on his face.
"Shut the fuck up and turn around," you shiver at cold and calm his tone was. But you obey nonetheless.
Muzan pushes you against the table, your front side digging into the edge. He pushes up the hem of your skirt and your cheeks immediately heat. All of the demons in this room could see your naked ass. But before you could look to see what their reactions are like, a hand comes down on your ass hard, you jolt at the sudden harsh sting. You look back at those scorching scarlet orbs that seemed to burn into you. Fingers graze your swollen pussy, that's stuffed with your underwear."
"Looks like you've been having too much fun with one of my demons," Muzan states, flashing a glare at Douma before glaring at you again. He tugs the cloth out for your pussy and you cry feeling the liquid drip out of you.
"Douma you just can't control yourself can you?" Akaza scolds and you hear a sudden slash. You turn to see Douma's head being split in half. Akaza's hand covered in his blood. You grimace at the sudden violence but a slap against your ass steals your attention.
"Of course he couldn't," Muzan chastises, "how could he resist such a slutty pussy? Especially when it belongs to me?"
"Because it's fûcking paradise, that pussy is," Douma's melodic voice is back and you see that he's regenerated looking as bright as ever.
"Did he fuck you good?" Muzan inquiries, ignoring the Upper 2, his focus entirely on you and your flushed cheeks and the way Douma's cum oozes out of your glistening cunt. "Looks like he did if you let him cum in you."
You're at a loss for words.
He suddenly grips your throat yanking your had back, choking you slightly, making you look at only him, "fucking answer me, slut!"
"Y-yes," you sob, "He fucked me really good."
He chuckles darkly, "perhaps I should let them all fuck you. Huh? Would you like that? Because you're such a slut my cock isn't enough to satisfy you? So you must have them all."
"Muzan-" you try to plead but suddenly your mouth is being stuffed with something wet. Your arousal pools when you realize it's your panties that's wet with yours and Douma's cum. The stench of sex fills your nostrils.
"Shut the fuck up and get on the fucking table."
Trembling out of embarrassment and arousal you climb on the table, your legs shaking.
Before you can situate yourself, Muzan is flipping you over on your back, and drags your head over the edge, letting it hang. Your legs are spread wide letting all the upper moons getting a view of your exposed cunt.The panties in your mouth are being yanked out and replaced with something hot, thick and heavy. Before you have a chance to process, it's being rammed down your throat without any warning.
Muzan looks at you with a sadistic grin as he plows his cock into your mouth. You could feel the blood rushing to your head making you light headed in this position. But he didn't care to stop at your precarious situation. For Muzan wasn't a kind man when he had to punish. His punishments were cruel and brutal. But never to you. That's why you were so shocked but aroused at his sudden cruelty. Saliva and his precum coated your tongue and dripped out of your mouth, as his balls slapped against your chin.
"What a pathetic little cock whore you are," Muzan mocks, as his cock continues tearing into your throat constantly hitting the back of it. "Who wants a turn with my whore's pussy first?"
"Don't mind if I do," you hear Douma say from somewhere, but your mind is too fuzzy. If you were human, you would have died from getting throatfucked in this position with how hard Muzan was abusing it. You wouldn't be able to talk after this for awhile or ever again if he continued. Suddenly, you feel hands spreading your legs apart, a cold breath hits your aching cunt and when the first flick of a tongue meets your folds, you buck your hips at feeling causing Muzan's cock to hit the back of your throat harshly. A chuckle sounding like Douma's tickles your dripping hole, causing you to flutter. You lose it when that tongue begins swirling your clit. Despite his cold breath Douma's tongue was hot and consuming against your pussy lips sending you into immediate overdrive with the urgent yet hungry way he eats you out. He holds your hips with his hands to keep you from squirming. Becoming a prisoner to his delicious assault. His fingers splay your wet lips open, making it easier to that sweet spot. His slurping noises have you screaming . You weave your fingers into those silky, soft silver locks and push him in as deep as can go.
"You taste so fucking sweet, Doll," Douma hums against your folds. His feasting on you is relentless. The way he swirls and sucks on your clit has you falling apart within seconds. But he doesn't stop when you've cum on his face already he just keeps going. Your thighs shaking as he guides you through another orgasm.
Meanwhile, Muzan is still violently fucking your throat, you could feel every vein of his hard cock as he repeatedly slams into you. It grows heavier against your throat and you knew he was close by the low-yet strained grunts coming from the Demon King above, but before you get the chance to feel his seed down your throat. He's yanking your head off and hot cum sprays your face instead. When you whine in protest, he interrupts, "coming down your throat would be a reward for you. I'm not sure you deserve the reward yet."
Douma, removes himself from your pussy, he guides you up into a sitting position, his face is soaked in your juices, you your lips at the sight.
"So delicious," he praises, before pulling you forward, he reaches for you face and brings you into a hungry, demanding kiss. His lips cold yet, hot at the same time. Tasting your arousal his tongue as he swirls it with yours. You shamelessly lock your arms around him bringing him closer so that you're in his lap, straddling him. You grind yourself on his clothed erection, causing him to coo in your ear. "Such a messy girl, you're making such a mess on my pants. Does it drive you crazy knowing that the four most powerful demons are watching you make a mess on me? Watching you turn into a dirty, greedy, little whore? Hmm?"
You  turn into mush at his soft voice that's filled with such lewd words, you continue grinding on him, feeling his massive length under you.
"Yes, Douma."
He chuckles, leaning back lazily watching you fall apart in his lap, while he was doing nothing to help you. 
"Look at your girl becoming a slut for another," Douma smirks at a glowering Muzan. You blink your eyes open and meet those scorching scarlet ones. Making you even more turned on. He was currently sitting in his chair, leaned back while stroking himself. His black curls sticking to his face from sweat. A feline, predatory look in the way he stares at you, while you're getting yourself off in another man's lap has you become more frantic- more bold. More needy. 
"Yes because that's all she is. Is a good little whore for us demons to ruin."
You moan, gripping Douma's neck,  glancing around the room at the others. Akaza was looking disgusted and aroused at the same time. As if fighting an eternal storm in his brain. But the noticeably large tent in his  pants said otherwise. His golden eyes meet yours and you beckon him with your finger.
"Come join us, Akaza," you plead. Kokushibo on the other hand was much harder to read. He gave nothing away in those moon colored orbs  as those six eyes stared at you with an intensity so strong but it was cold and indifferent at the same time.
"Yeah Koku and Akaza, am I only one going to indulge in this sweet pussy or are you guys going to join?"
"I have no interest," Koku hisses, but his eyes never shift from yours.
"I don't want to share with you," Akaza bites back. "I fucking  hate you, rainbow child. "
"But it's not for me, it's for her."
"Plus it's my orders to get to know what's mine," Muzan adds. "And what you'll never get to experience again after this."
"More the reason for me not to join," Koku growls. "Why would I join if I can't keep her all to myself?"
"Because I want you too, Daddy," you plead.
Something in those six eyes flashes, something dangerous that coils in your gut, you come on Douma's lap making a mess, "good job, little one."
"You have no idea what you're asking of me," Koku warns.
"He's a coward then," Douma taunts, flashing the Upper One a charming smile, as he sheds out of his clothes, your jaw dropping as his body was revealed. Douma had a well toned physique his muscles were exquisite and smooth, broad shoulders and a slim waist. Your eyes traveled this cock that you hasn't been able to see before when he was fucking you with it in the kitchen. It was massively long with a slight curve. A good ten inches. You bet. And it stood red and angry against his taut stomach as crisscrossed his legs and brought you back into his lap, not wasting a moment guiding his long shaft into your awaiting heat. You wrap your legs around him, this position was new something you'd never done with Muzan. Every part of Douma was flushed with you. Your tits slapped against his bare chest you rode him in this position. Every inch of his cock was deep and snug against your slick walls. He lets out a strangled moan when you take your nails down his back. There was no telling where you ended and where he started. And you both loved it. He dug his sharp nails into your hips, trying to pull you in deeper.
"Fuck," you both moan, you throw your head back, in pure utter bliss. Reveling in the way he dug into your hole, how every vein and every crevice seemed to scrape along yours. You were sure he was all the way in your stomach.
"You feel so snug and warm against me Doll," Douma praises, his nails digging in deeper. Drawing a little blood causing you to arch into him. "Those idiots don't know what they're missing out on."
A low growl comes from Koku.
"Your blood is just a pretty as you are," Douma grins manically, he brings one of his hands that's covered in your blood. Before bringing it to his mouth. Those usually bright eyes instantly darken and turn feral, the sight of him tasting your blood has you sobbing in pure pleasure. He shoves one into your mouth causing you to choke around his fingers. You instantly taste the metallic taste on your tongue. "Don't you taste divine, little one? Fuck, I might just steal you away from Muzan. I'm too fucking addicted to everything about you. You are so fucking perfect for me. The perfect little doll who takes whatever I give you. don't you all want a taste?"
His words and his actions send you into a frenzy mess and it's not long before your spasming around him, clamping down on him as your orgasm takes over.
"Fuck Douma," you scream.
"I love it when you scream my name," Douma says ever so softly.
Before you have a chance to breathe, you're being pulled off of Douma's cock, you cry at the sudden emptiness. But strong arms whip you around, and without warning a new cock it's a little shorter than Douma's but it is thick, and it's girth is ravenous as it enters you, your head is being pushed down on Douma's lap. His still hard cock being shoved in your face, he just smirks and lifts your head.
"Took you long enough to join us, Pink Head."
"Shut the fuck up, Rainbow Shit," Akaza seethes as he rams into you from behind. His marked hands grip your hips, as he rocks forward into you. Your whole body is jerking at the sudden abruptness. "It's my fucking turn. So let me fuck the bitch."
"Ohmygodohmygod," you cry, "Akazaaaa, you feel incredible."
His cock split you open perfectly. You eagerly took his length in.
"Damn, who pissed you off pinky?"  Douma teases, looking at you with a mischievous grin. His long fingers grip your chin and pries your mouth open, his other hand strokes his cock. He smacks teases your half opened  lips with the tip, smearing precum on your face. "Open your mouth, little one."
You open up wide, he dutifully shoves your head down on his cock, you hollow your cheeks and slacken your jaw to help take him in. But he didn't really you a chance to adjust as he forced your head up and down his long shaft.  Akaza's harsh thrusts causing for Douma's cock to bump down your throat even deeper. Everything felt so good. You'd never felt so used in your life and you were loving every inch of it.
"Now there's a good slut," Douma taunts, "my own personal cocksleeve. Is there anything you can't do?"
"How are you feeling  little dove ?" Muzan suddenly calls out, sounding amused. "You're looking quite stuffed there."
To be honest, with the other two demons currently using you for their pleasure you had forgotten about your husband.
"Her mouth is too stuffed with my cock, Muzan, she's not going to answer you," Douma chants.
"Douma you talk too fucking much!" Akaza snaps, his hips snapping in response and then everything falls silent.
Except for skin on skin, and the lewd moans and slurping sounds that filled the room.  The three of you were way to into this situation.
"That's it, bitch," Akaza growls as you begin to spasm around his cock. "Squeeze me just like that."
Meanwhile Kokushibo was as silent as ever. His moon colored eyes watching with unnerving intensity. He didn't know what he wanted. He knew he wanted you. But he hated everyone else in this room and didn't like the idea of having to share you with any of them. His cock was painfully hard under his kimono. His knuckles where white and gripping the edge of his seat. But watching how the mess the other demons turned you in, listening to your sweet moans and listening to how wet you were, it was driving him mad.
"Fuck,"' you managed in between having Douma's cock down your throat. "Don't fucking stop. Please Akaza."
"Don't worry, I won't stop  until your leaking full of my cum."
Fuck. You were so overwhelmed. The pleasure was unbearable.
You came in white waves, just as Douma's load shot in your mouth.
"Good girl," Douma grins when you swallow all of it.
Not long after Akaza releases in your sensitive  cunt with a low grunt, milking it all the way through til the last drop til he pulls out.
You fall into a heap on the table, completely covered in cum. Your whole body ached.
"If you truly want me to fuck you, Princess," Kokushibo suddenly speaks up, "you better crawl to me. And I'm not sharing you with anyone. You're all mine to fuck alone. Understood?"
Douma chuckles, "I don't think she can move, Koku."
"I understand, Daddy."
He chuckles deep and low, sending shivers down your spine.
"Now come to me," he orders.
Slowly, you sit up and get on your hands and knees. Your whole body aches, your drenched in come. But you want nothing more than to be  fucked by the Upper 1. Ever since he walked through those doors. There was something about him that made you want to kneel before him and do whatever he asked of you. So you crawl.  You feel the others watching you in silence. Even Douma is silent. Kokushibo's eyes never leave yours as you finally reach his end.
He stands up, and fuck, is he tall. He towers over everyone here, he grips your chin with his hands, making you look at only him. Those six eyes burn into every inch of you, "you better pray that you can handle everything I give you. Because I won't hold back. None of these idiots can compare to how I'll make you feel. Not even Muzan. I'll sweep you off your feet," he whispers so no one else but you can hear him. He glances up in the direction of Muzan, as he removes his clothes.
And holy shit is he built by the gods. Now not built by the gods. He is a god. Made of pure muscle. Pure power and pure dominance radiated from this demon. As if he was carved from stone. Not a single inch of him was flawed. You  wanted to lick those abs. The flame pattern that he had on his face went down to his chest. Making him look even more exquisite.  Your eyes shamelessly rake down to his rock hard cock. Or could you even call it that. It was bigger than anyone else's here. And it was thick. Long, thick and you knew it was going to break you.
"Fucking hell, Kokushibo, I might even be gay for you," Douma replies.
"Okay everyone out. Except for Y/N and Muzan. The other two I want you gone."
"So selfish, don't you know sharing is caring-"
Douma is cut off by Akaza dragging him by the hair.
"From here on out, you're mine. With the permission of Muzan-"
"Oh you really think I'm just going to hand her over to you?" Muzan laughs darkly. "She's mine, she was mine before she was yours."
"Why don't you both just fuck me and stop this overbearing egotistical shit?" I ask. "If you both want me, then you have me."
" I don't share," Kokushibo seethes. "I would literally start a war to make you mine."
"But so would I," Muzan replies.
You roll your eyes.
"Well let's just see who fucks you better," Koku challenges.
"Sure," Muzan replies coldly. "Go ahead and give it your best."
"Lay down and spread those legs for me, Princess," Koku demands.
You immediately obey him, and watch him as he stalks towards you. He bends down and closes the distance between your lips. A wildfire burns through you at the intensity of his lips. The way he seemed to command and consume your lips. You barely could breath. You let out a moan when he nipped your bottom lip. His hands start to roam your body, and yours could barely grip onto his back. You were so small in comparison to him. But you were determined to feel every ridge. He begins to fondle your breasts, playing and kneading  them like dough. You were nothing but putty in his hands. You reach for his cock, but he slaps your hand away.
"Fuck, Koku," you say breathlessly. "I need you now. Please."
"Patience," he hisses, his lips leave yours and starts leaving trailing down your neck. You arch into him when he begins sucking marks into your skin. He continues you mark and map you with his mouth, until he stops just right where you want him. Over your throbbing pussy. Which was still sensitive from the other demons, so you knew he was going to truly ruin you.  He runs a finger along your slick seams and you hitch in a breath. "I love how you're still begging to be used after Douma and Akaza had their way with you. I guess you're not fucked properly enough if you can still crawl to me. Don't worry, Princess I'll fix that little problem for you."
He slowly inserts a long finger, groaning at the way you immediately suck him in. "Even though you've already been fucked by the others, you still need to be prepared to take me. Because I am much bigger than they are."
"Fuck," you whimper.
After prodding you with one finger he adds another and then a third. Scissoring open your gummy walls. He wastes no time curling them upwards and finding your spot. Jabbing them slowly, teasing you.  You arch your back, but something stops you and pins you still. Muzan has joined in. But he's in his true demon form. With his white curly hair, and tentacles sprouting from his back. His tentacles are straining your arms, leaving you utterly immobile.
"You're so greedy fucking all my demons today. What, you want them all? Is that it? Am I not enough for you?"
"Y-you are enough i - I just-" you scramble for words, but you're slapped in the face, Kokushibo's mouth finally descends on your clit. " Lies!" Muzan growls at the same time you scream out  " aww  fuck!"
Kokushibo's tongue delves into every crevice, sucking while he still fucks you on his fingers. You eagerly grind on him, for more friction. Needing and wanting more.
"Koku, don't stop!" You cry.
Muzan leans over you and shoves his cock down your throat again. At the same time you feel yourself being stretched. No- ripped. You scratch the table since your arms are still pinned by Muzan's tentacles. Kokushibo wastes no time hammering his monster cock into you, greedily taking you however he wants. Muzan's cock plunges into your mouth with the same carnal desire.
"Such a good little toy," Muzan says. "Isn't she Kokushibo?"
But he ignores and focuses his attention on where your bodies meet. He could see the outlines of his cock in your stomach. The table was creaking underneath all the weight. Both demons destroyed and ravaged your body in the most inhuman way, none of them caring about how tired battered was becoming. It was a lewd sight. Truly insane. One of Muzan's tentacles curls around your body and down your clit. Sucking on it as Kokushibo's thrusts become harder, deeper.
You mumble incoherent moans around Muzan's cock. Your vision was becoming blurry, your body numb from all the attention it was receiving.
Another tentacle plays at your other entrance, the wet muscle teasing the rim of your opening.
"See you can own her pussy," Muzan states confidently, "but I  own her entire body. Including her soul."
With that the tentacle pushes into your hole. Muzan pulls out of your mouth to let you scream. Choking you with his hands. You come instantly. Your body is being overwhelmed the pleasure was starting to hurt because you've come countless of times tonight, you didn't even know how many. But your body was reaching its limit. But you didn't want them to stop. All your holes are being filled and there wasn't an inch of you that belonged to you anymore. You were theirs. Their plaything.
"Shut the fuck up, Muzan!" Kokushibo warns.
Muzan just laughs, and sobers up when he notices how dizzy you're looking, "you okay, little dove? Do you need us to stop?"
Kokushibo slows a bit, caressing your face, "we'll stop princess, if you need us too."
You shake your head, "no... I'm fine."
Kokushibo picks you up, taking you into his arms, kissing you softly, his length still pounding upwards into you while you cling to him like a koala.
"Please don't stop, koku. I want you to come in me," you whine. Muzan is suddenly at your back. Your sandwiched in between the two most powerful demons, and you couldn't be more at peace.
"Lift her for me," Muzan commands softly. Kokushibo doesn't fight this time, he grips your ass with his massive hands a lifts you up, Muzan's tip nudges your other entrance before easing his way in. You whine at the sudden stretch of both men inside you. Both with big cocks and big egos. They take turns hammering into you. You grab Koku by the neck and pull him in for a sloppy, kiss. Moaning into his mouth. He kisses you back with as much fervor.
“fuck don’t stop you guys,” you plead, before pulling away from Koku. Muzan grabs you by the chin and claims your mouth with his you grip his white silky locks, tugging on them as he devours your mouth possessively.
You could feel your orgasm approaching and by the way both cocks were growing inside you, and hips were starting to stutter, you could tell both demons were close.
“Koku- Muzan - I’m close.”
“Makes a mess, Princess,” Kokushibo encourages gruffly, “make a mess on Daddy’s cock.”
“Little dove, cum for Master,” Muzan growls.
“I want us to come together, fill me up, please.”
“Alright,” Muzan says.
A few more thrusts and clenching around them, you throw your head back onto Muzan’s chest as both men fill both your holes up with cum at the same time.
“Awww fuck,” you all say unison when you’re being pulled off and cum gushes out.
“That is the most satisfying thing I’ve ever seen,” Muzan says.
But you’re eyes are drifting shut.
“I’ll have make you a mandatory part of our meetings from now on,” Muzan says, pressing a kiss on your forehead.
“I hope you understand I’m not letting her go now,” Kokushibo warns. “She’s mine now too.”
Muzan rolls his eyes, lifting you into his arms.
“Well then how about she’s all of ours,” Douma appears with Akaza in tow.
“I don’t share,” Kokushibo snaps, “I will kill you all to have her to myself.”
“And I definitely don’t want to share her with you, Rainbow Shit.”
Douma pouts, “I thought we all just had a bonding moment. We’re friends now you and I.”
In a blink of an eye, Akaza swipes Douma’s head in half.
“You and I will never be friends.”
“How rude,” Douma sighs as he’s once again regenerated. “ I am seriously offended,” he puts a hand over his chest.
“You’re all lucky I let you indulge in MY WIFE,” Muzan reminds them harshly. “Next time I might not be so kind.”
“Guys can you all stop fighting over me?“ you murmur sleepily on Muzan’s lap. Still naked. Kokushibo grabs his kimono and places it over you to cover you up. “What if I want all of you?”
All eyes snap to you, all demons growl. Even Douma is annoyed.
“Sweetheart we are demons, we don’t share with others. We take what we want from others even if that means killing,” Douma explains. “ and us four demons specifically each other’s guts.”
“Fine, then I want none of you then,” you hiss.
“No!” Kokushibo snaps, “ you want all of us? Then fine. We’ll agree to your wishes if it makes you happy. “
“That’s if we don’t kill each other first,” Akaza pipes in.
“No promises,” Douma smirks.
"All right, little dove, you win-“ suddenly Muzan’s head is beheaded falling to the floor with a thud. Kokushibo is standing behind, before stealing you from the demon king, then before anyone can react.
Kokushibo vanishes with you in his arms.
“I believe this will definitely start a war Koku,” you protest.
“I don’t care, we both know the minute I walked through those doors, that you were mine.”
Feeling a bit overwhelmed, but you didn’t mind. He was right he stole you away from Muzan the minute he walked through those doors.
“So where are you taking me, Koku?” Pulling caressing his face softly.
He looks down at you with a warm smile, “I’m taking you home, with me. Where you belong.”
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mayullla · 1 year
Title: Little Sunshine! (Part 2)
Characters: Mainly Akaza with Douma (/Doma) at the end! (Demon Slayer)
Summary: You were taken into the Paradise Faith cult with Kotoha (Inosuke's mother.) And Douma became rather fond of you like he did with Kotoha. When Kotoha ran away, she had no choice but to leave you behind as Douma hid the truth away from you. After becoming a demon you slept for a year and finally woke up again.
Warnings/tags: Platonic yandere, fem!child!reader, reader recently got turned into a demon and just woke up
Note: Part 1 is here!
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Akaza didn't know when or why he started to become so attached to you. When he was forced to come to Douma's cult to tell that damn demon some news about the demon slayers, he wanted to keep the time there at the minimum.
That was where he met you.
You were alone in the middle of the garden, looking everywhere, confused and tired. He thought you were a human child at first but had to take a second glance when he realized that you were a demon.
He wondered if it was a joke, a demon art of some demon that could turn into a kid. Yet when he saw your eyes, it was clear that you were not a trap made by some weak demon. You looked at him with no fear but with curiosity and wonder. An innocence that was not supposed to be in a demon yet there...
You took a step towards him when your leg suddenly lost energy and started to fall. You thought you would hit the floor, face first into the dirt, but that never happened when the collar of your sleeping robe was grabbed by the mysterious man who was once on top of the wall.
Looking up at him, you saw the man confused face, surprised at his own actions. "Thank you, mister!" You said, returning to looking down to the floor, your feet not quite reaching as you made a kicking motion.
He let you down after a pause, but before Akaza could leave, you started asking him questions. Asking if he knew where Douma was? "How do you know that guy?" Akaza asked curiously at you. You pouted at him as he didn't answer your questions. "I live here! Douma-sama had let me stay!" You told him flapping your shoulders' sleeves.
Somehow, everything clicked in an instant when he realized who you were. He suddenly remembered that long ago, Douma had asked Muzan if he could turn a small kid into a demon a year or two ago.
You were probably the child that he had turned into a demon.
Akaza snapped back into reality when he felt his pants being tugged, looking down to see you holding him, wondering why he wasn't saying anything.
"Mister, are you okay?" You asked curiously. Giving you a grunt, you took it as a sign that he was okay and smiled at him. Watching that smile, it was strange if not weird almost to see it in a demon. Most demons have malicious intent, as most have killed or done things that were morally wrong, even if they haven't by now the smell of blood should linger on their skin. Demons can't eat food anymore to survive.
They needed blood.
Yet here you were. He barely could smell any of it from you. He wondered if this was the first time this ever happened. Why were you even here, Akaza thought to himself as he unconsciously patted your head.
When you giggled, the innocent sounds made him uneasy.
"Mister, play with me!" You called out to him, raising your arms. "Up! Up!" You told him. Akaza blinked again in surprise when he saw you asking him such a thing. Never in his life after becoming a demon did someone ask him to play like this. Most human kids run away either because they already know that he was a demon or they witness him kill someone.
However, you refuse to let your hands down and continue to stare at him. He wondered if you couldn't feel it at all, the difference in rank between him and you. Most demons can't even look at him in the eyes. Yet it seems that you didn't care as you approached him again one step and then suddenly lost strength again, staggering as you thought that you would fall again.
Akaza caught you... again. Why did he do that??
Bring you up to eye level, holding you by the collar Akaza examined you as if you were some foreign alien. You looked at him again and smiled as he wondered why you are so weird?!
Reaching out to him again, you motioned that you want to get on his shoulders.
"... Fine... Just this once." Following your instructions hesitantly as he placed you on his shoulders, holding your legs as you held on his hair. You giggled as you started pointing him in directions to head to, "Go there, Mister! Go there!"
It was so awkward for him as he followed your childish demands, wondering why he was even listening to them. Walking over to trees, you touched the branches that were far too high for you to reach before and beamed at him with self-pride. "I am so tall!" You laughed.
The more the two of you played under the moonlight, the more relaxed Akaza started to become. When was the last time he played like this when he was relaxed with almost no care in the world? He smiled as you showed off to him that you were taller than him when both of you knew that he was carrying you which made you tall.
And Akaza... maybe in a way, wanted to show his powers to you. He thought it would be a fun idea really.
You gasped in surprise when he jumped, the wind on your hair, as you guys reach so high over 3-story buildings up. This was your first time seeing up so high. You shouted in awe and excitement as the both of you landed on the roof of a building. You raved on and on about how cool that was and that Akaza was amazing, with so much respect in your eyes begging him to do it again.
You don't know how long you played with Akaza, jumping higher and higher up in the sky, and you looked at the world around you under the night sky. You didn't know when you fell asleep again, a smile on your lips hugging Akaza's neck as he held you in his arms.
Akaza looked at you in wonder, wondering why you were a demon yet so amazed by what Akaza thought was normal as a demon.
But right now wasn't the time.
"You can show yourself now." Akaza didn't turn around to face Douma. He knew for a long time when the guy showed up but would rather focus on you to really care for the man.
"Ah, Akaza-donno, thank you for taking care of her. She has been sleeping for a while now and must have been so confused to wake alone like this. It is such a shame that I wasn't by her side." Douma walked towards you, his eyes on your hair, your face hidden by Akaza's neck softly snoring away, unable to notice the two demons looking at you.
"She didn't notice anything... she is weak." Akaza stated he could not smell, not even a scent of blood other than Muzan and Douma's in you. In his mind, it was obvious that Douma had been staving you for so long now.
"She has been sleeping for over a year now after her transformation to a demon. The poor little girl refused to drink blood when her senses were telling her to do so. I had an amazing meal prepared just for her, too, that time." Douma smiled, his eyes on you slowly turning to the one holding you. "Thank you for caring for her but I will take it over from her-"
Douma's hand that was reaching out for you suddenly exploded into bits and pieces, spraying blood and flesh. His eyes still smiling as he stared at Akaza showed no emotions of annoyance or anger.
But you could see a small vein on the side of his temple.
Akaza didn't want to give you back to Douma. He didn't want to give you to this sick bastard because Akaza knew that he would break you. And as a demon now, this pain can be forever. Rather than with Douma, Akaza knew you would be father better off with him.
He would not let you go, not like this.
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Note: Hope you liked it! Have a nice day guys~
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kkencess · 2 years
AKAZA, feenin.
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although it might be obvious, there’s one unspoken rule in a relationship. never admit you find another man attractive around your short-tempered husband.
𖤐 info ─── oneshot written by yours truly… i got this idea out of nowhere, and had to write it all before the dialogue disappeared from my head, lol! it was like three in the morning, but i somehow finished this. as an eighteen year old who just turned eighteen, i recommend reading if you’re sixteen, and up! if you aren’t, don’t mention it please!
𖤐 warnings ─── lowercase intended, female! reader, human! akaza, akaza is your fiancé, mild age gap, explicit content, dirty talk, rough sex [punishment sex?], crying, a lil praising, the one time akaza doesn’t respect women, muahaha! just kidding.
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most people shamed others for taking on the role of the housewife, but at least for you; it was easy. in a large mansion like the one you lived in, it was only natural others would assume you had it hard. but in all honesty, you didn't. you didn't have any kids at the moment; so that alone was a bonus. cooking was a breeze since you enjoyed it so much, and cleaning wasn't bad since it hardly ever got untidy.
you lay soundlessly in bed, your eyes glued on the phone screen that rested in your hands. a housewife, and a senior in college. of course, all eyes were on you at all times. others often wondered how you scored a faithful husband at the age of twenty one; and honestly, you didn't have a clue yourself.
akaza wasn't in college, like you. he worked for a private organization; and was twenty-seven himself. you didn't have a problem with the miniature age gap; and slightly found it all the more attractive. don’t get you wrong or anything, men these days just weren't up to par. especially those around your age group, or younger. besides, you doubted you'd ever date someone younger than you.
your cheek is engulfed in your palm, black framed glasses falling from your face as you dive your head against the pillow. your glossy lips ruin your pillow, squinted eyes pulled close. you were all caught up on your assignments, surprisingly. you would graduate from college next month, before attending law school.
the distant sound of keys jangling catches your attention, bringing you to raise your head from the pillow. you glance over towards the door, finding it still closed. whatever, your husband must’ve been home. that was great news, considering you were bored; and needed someone to bother. and a coping mechanism to separate your mind away from the stress of law school, and college overall.
you arise from the bed, sighing softly. just before you completely arised; the door opened, revealing a familiar black haired individual. settling down against the edge of the bed, you’re dressed in a cami tee, and shorts. with narrowed brows, you open your mouth to speak, head tilted. “damn, you were out longer than usual.”
akaza sighs, greeting you with a kiss against your forehead. “muzan requested a meeting.”
you roll your eyes at his typical response. “that man is extremely annoying. i’m sure his employees don’t get paid to take part in sudden meetings.”
the other shrugs, setting his suitcase down against the edge of the bed. the buttons of his suit top remained undone, slightly revealing the outline of his toned chest. of course, he worked out very often; but he looked insane. his body looked, and felt unrealistic. especially his muscles. and it was just perfect for you; deeming he often lounged around the house in nothing but sandals, and shorts. your husband looked fucking amazing.
“somewhat hot, but still annoying.” you finish, darting your eyes elsewhere.
akaza’s attention immediately snaps over to meet your own, blue eyes now settled on you. you’re completely silent, scanning the interior of the room with tapered eyes. your ridiculously pretty face is relaxed, though the last words to leave your mouth were completely out of line. you both knew there wasn’t any honesty behind any of what you just voiced, but the boldness of course; is what usually placed the cherry on the top.
“i’m sorry?” the earthy smell of man's cologne seeped from him dearly, infiltrating your nostrils quickly. the scent mashed well with his body wash. he smelled just as great as he looked. lusciously; you lick at your lips, bringing your eyes back over to meet your lover’s own irritation tainted ones.
“what are you saying sorry for?”
the man rolls his eyes, yet doesn’t settle for any more of your bullshit. maybe on a good day he would’ve fallen for it, but after such a long day at work, he figured it wasn’t necessarily worth the sacrifice. muttering something inaudible beneath his breath, he advances forward into another room; the bathroom.
you whine at the lack of attention, pressing your body up from the mattress to step on to the ground. you felt you had at least a bit of the right to be annoying. you hadn’t seen him in a little over twelve hours. those shifts were dangerous; especially to the wife of the man taking them. man, everytime you’d capture a glance at his boss, you’d send him a filthy glare. if there was anyone you truly hated in this world, you’d bet your ass it was fucking muzan, kibutsuji.
“well, that wasn’t fun.”
for what little of the day you had left, you spent your time preparing dinner. akaza hadn’t gotten out of the shower yet; but he always took long; so to you, it wasn’t anything out of character. you figured a breakfast styled dinner wouldn’t hurt. It was a fun choice as well, considering you were craving it these past few days. your husband was never too picky about dinner choices, so he should be fine with the option you settled for.
dinner was silent for the most part. you watched your lover, whilst spooning a mouth full of grits in between your lips.
“are you ignoring me?” you question, breaking the everlasting silence. you’re seated directly across from him, utensils aligned against the transparent glass table. you’re eyeing him shamelessly, cheek pressed against your palm. well, unfortunately for him; the silent treatment only worked in movies.
“it’s about the muzan comment, isn’t it?”
you hoist your legs up to meet akaza’s thigh, letting the anatomy settle hotly against his skin. you’re not completely facing his direction, but your body is angled to meet his. you’re still shoveling pieces of food into your mouth, chowing down on a sausage as you prepare your next bite. you adored how you looked around him, but never when you were eating. it’s not like you ate like a pig or anything, you were just comfortable enough to eat as you would alone.
“i don’t like being ignored, y’know.”
akaza would always answer you. and being who he was (your husband) of course, he knew you well. probably better than you did yourself. so of course, he was wary of the fact that you were a bitch for his attention. sometimes, he’d purposely pretend he couldn’t hear you just to stimulate some sort of reaction out of you. and every single time; it worked. miraculously, but it did.
“i’m aware, [name.]” his tone was stern; low and captivating. you have to press your legs close at the raw sound of it, an array of tingles pulsing through you like a shooting star. your legs dangle off of his own, your chair now pulled a bit closer to his own. the platform of your slippers pressed against the hem of his seating.
“you’re so pretty when you’re upset, babe.” though you were the one who spouted the compliment, your cheeks don’t of course fail to heat up. your tone is quite teasing as well, a playful smile grasping your lips.
“i'm not upset.” he clarifies, eyeing you momentarily. “you’d be a lot more attractive yourself if you stopped making jokes like that about my boss. it’s disrespectful.”
“huh, your boss?” you question, perking a brow. “what’s gonna happen if i don’t?” a smile slowly grasps your lips, eyes darting over to match a gorgeous blue pair.
you weren’t any idiot, of course. you knew he secretly enjoyed it when you talked back; because in a way, it riled him up even more. to fuck you into complete submission, that was. you could simply tell by the way his fingers grasped your ankle tonight would be worth its while.
your back hits the bed’s cushion quite roughly, though the hand grasped around your neck never detached itself from the stated anatomy. you’re pulled into a rough kiss, a soft groan emitted at the rather brutal force; though you were accustomed to it. the male kissed hotly against your lips, savoring every wince emitted, and the shudders performed. you’re pinned down against the cushion, either of your hands pulled against one another; as they’re pinned above your head; near the neatly stacked pillows nearby.
the spaghetti strap tee you wore was hauled up just a bit, revealing your pierced belly. hell, the lounge shorts you wore had ridden up to your mid thigh. a hand of his is free, to lap at the slick coating your thighs; your legs pulling apart to help give him a little more access to what should’ve been his most desirable target.
“you’re always so quiet when we finally go at it.” he started against your lips, where he kissed softly. a finger of his pressed against your clothed clit, earning a slight jolt from you.
you press your eyes shut as his fingers ride against your soaked parts; shutters emitted. he’s quick with his actions; the stated anatomy dipping past your soaked underwear and nearly into you; residing just near your entrance while he teased your clit with his available fingers.
you have to strain a gasp as he loses your lips; mouth now against your neck where he sucked, and bit. nonetheless he’s an expert. you were so fucking soaked and he had only kissed you. nothing else. maybe him being a man of his words played an odd part in it, but for now, you’d give him the benefit of the doubt.
“god, you’re soaking wet, baby. i’m gonna stuff you so fucking well.” cooed the older male, voice as silky as ever. his words alone were enough to increase the amount of pre-cum that currently seeped through your underwear, a shudder animated as you gasped into your palm, when he sunk a finger into you. not just one finger, but two. and his pace started unforgivingly.
he was already plunging his fingers into you with undeniable speed. you could feel the eagerness, your body jolting beneath his own. akaza stared you down mercilessly, lapping at his own lips with the soft pink flesh of his tongue. your fingers grasped desperately at his wrist as his digits pushed through, flush against your walls. you moan out in pleasure, the slight pain pushed quickly aside as you wriggled in his touch. “f—fuck!” you cursed, fingers caressing akaza’s tight muscles. they felt so fucking nice. he worked out often and it showed physically, thankfully.
“gonna come from just my fingers?” he questioned, shoving another one in without restraint. “shit, you are, aren’t you? you aren’t embarrassed?” your face was hot, flustered in mortification, as he confirmed. his words were rather teasing; although his voice remained silky. rather smooth, even. he worked his fingers like a damn god. he knew just what to do to keep you doused in pleasure, while simultaneously making sure it didn’t send you over the edge. it was clear he knew your body better than you did.
“t—to m-much!” you exasperated. it should’ve been criminal. the way your back arched from the bed as he worked his fingers delightfully. he chuckled coldly at your remark, head lowering; before he leveled himself out of your sight, and beneath your trembling thighs. he tore at your lace undergarments with ease, allowing them to fall against the bed’s soft cushion.
“is it?” he seethed, lapping at your pretty, now exposed pussy. your clit glistened with your own produce, spilling against the velvet colored sheets. akaza wasted no time, settling his tongue against the anatomy, circling it just perfectly. his fingers still plunged into you with brute force, his free hand clasped around your thigh harshly, where he gripped to make sure you didn’t escape his grasp.
“my god…” the only thing you could do was take in the pleasure, moaning as your hand pulled down to grasp at his hair. the grip he had on your thigh tightened, earning a wince of pain from you; though the overall pleasure you received from both his fingers, and mouth overthrew whatever pain you previously suffered. you were so fucking close, closer than ever. “akaza— shit. that feels amazing… don’t stop.”
you were positive he would let you cum. at least now. rapid blinks blinded you, your mouth pulled apart as lengthy moans made way. the knot in your stomach had only slightly undone itself; disappointment quickly washed over you when not one, but all of whatever pleasure you had been feeling before completely vanished.
“b-babe?” there wasn’t much time to react; your body quickly being pushed over. you were now laid flat against your stomach, body pressed into the cushion. your face was hot in embarrassment, mind scrambled. you didn’t know what to say. you could hear the male above you chuckle, his hands settled against torso; where his fingers grasped harshly at. you twitch in his caress, the warmth of his breath evident against your neck since he had resided so close to you.
it was quite thick, and heavy— only for what it was, that is. you guess you couldn’t be too mad, since things weren’t looking so bad for you. it was a shame you couldn’t see it, though. it looked pretty. and trust you, you weren’t at all exaggerating. a pretty pink tip, and gorgeous smooth skin following it. it had a perfect arch, one that could easily strike you in all of the right places. you got lightheaded thinking about it, swallowing hard as you await his actions.
“shit, m’gonna fuck you so hard… give you just what you wanted.” he says, either of his palms engulfing your ass. he spread you apart with ease, spatting out a thick wad of saliva against your entrance, that’d be his substitution for lube. you could only whine beneath him, as you mentally prepared yourself for the next few moments.
“you’re lucky i even gave you that much,” he spouts, cock pushing into your entrance. you have to bite into the sheets, limbs weakening as he pushes further, and further into you. with each push came deep breathy grunts, from akaza himself. he only stopped when his hips were locked against your ass, hands sliding down to grasp at your waist. you gasp out in pain, the lack of proper lube making it all the worse for you. not only that, did you even finger prep properly? he should’ve let you come, before.
“shit. you’re so tight, baby. so tight.” he started roughly, plunging in and out of you with an indescribable force. he was reckless, fucking into you with his own neediness. the tears that spiked your vision fell, staining the bed’s sheets. his grunts of pleasure only satisfies you, making you hot all over. he practically tore his way inside of you, yes— but of course, it always felt amazing soon after.
the pleasure gradually builds, moans spilling from your mouth as he delved even deeper into you, striking you in all the right spaces. there’s hardly any pain involved now; only strained moans and whimpers. you crumble beneath him, head hanging against the pillows— hurried, heavy pants occupying your eardrums. akaza couldn’t see your expression, and to be quite honest he was dying to— all he needed was a proper glance at your fucked out face.
so, he settles against the edge of the matress, only detaching himself from you for a second. in the next instant you're resting in his lap, his cock sinking into you without warning. this angle was even better than the last, though the part where he entered always hurt like a bitch. his free hand engulfed your chin, forcing it down so that your gaze matched your own. your eyes were hazy, eyelids hanging low— making it so that you could hardly even see. speckles of stars spiked your vision, vanishing once your eyes finally fell close.
“you’re a mess, sweetheart.” akaza says, tone low and sweet. saliva grazes your lips, hands weakly wrapping around akaza’s shoulders. you couldn’t say a thing— your body wouldn’t allow you to. no, your brain wouldn’t. all you could do was shut up and take whatever he had to offer, like how he knew you would. of course, akaza always got the last laugh. you started things off, but he’d finish them in an unbelievable way.
“shit, you’re making me feel so good. so good, baby.” he protests, a smile engulfing the lips of his pretty face as he takes either of your ankles in his hand, pulling them apart so that they are fully wrapped around his waist, ensuring that you took every inch of him. there wasn’t any running away in this position, and to be quite frank you weren’t upset with the lack of options.
“akaza…” you mutter, with what little strength you had. “m’gonna come…”
the male eyes the hardly evident bulge tracing your stomach, eyes soon tracing further up. he presses a kiss against the exposed skin of your chest, legs trembling as he nears his orgasm. his pace became desperate as he fucked rapidly into you, practically drilling you dry. your head is resting into his shoulder, hanging between the juncture of both his chin, and collarbone. your ass bounces against his cock, the wet sounds audible. dribbling past your lips was drool, that slid down akaza’s back, dipping into the curves of his muscles. you were far too weak to scratch at him, so for now all you could do was take it.
you wanted to speak up, in the least bit do something. it was hard hearing you anyways, when akaza moaned so desperately in your ear, whispering about how good you were; and how well you took him. he pressed a kiss between your chest, blue eyes tracing up your figure. his fingers grasped you roughly, in fact you were sure it would leave some kind of mark.
just another pump was enough to send him over the edge, specks of white shooting into you; not even a drop trickling down your thighs. it doesn’t take long for you to come after him, your mind going completely numb as you clang on desperately to his body. all you could hear were akaza’s strained breaths that seemed to never end. you didn’t know what to say, or do either. nonetheless, you couldn’t stay like this forever.
finally akaza catches himself, catching your chin in between his index finger, and thumb. there’s a slight upturn of his lips, pretty blue eyes eating at you disastrously.
“one more time.”
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mirnsey · 10 months
• A𝐦𝐚𝐛 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫. 𝐁𝐢𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐦, 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐝𝐚𝐜𝐫𝐲𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚, 𝐩𝐰(𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞)𝐩, 𝐜𝐮𝐦 𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐳𝐚 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐝,  𝐚 𝐛𝐢𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟 𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐝, 𝐚 𝐛𝐢𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐨𝐨𝐜 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐳𝐚 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞.. 𝐢 𝐝𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐨, 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐧𝐠𝐥 •
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You and Akaza met in a one of a blue moon moment, your relationship blossoming from when Akaza first spoke to you. The demon never knew he would be in a great relationship after losing a loved one a millennium ago, finding one just like it in newer years of his demon hood.
And.. It was great.
Unlike how Douma acted with his religion and many concubines, it seemed as if having a relationship was a one and done thing. It seemed as if with the rainbow eyed demon you just met a woman on the street, took her home, fucked her, and then left her once the sun met the horizon. Or kill her. Akaza of course didn't kill women, but that of course didn't downcast Douma's pestering. He kept insisting that 'he was a demon, life was practically an object' and 'he could at least try something new in his second life'. Of course he wouldn't listen to him.. until now.
You were amazing. Of course not greater than his first human love—but of course a great runner up! Your public relationship was great. Lakeside dates on full moons and clear nights, mornings spent snuggled in bed as Akaza wasn't called to kill Hashira's yet and stepping outside would of course turn him to dust.. Or afternoons spent trying to word off Douma as he asked what position you guys usually fucked in, where Akaza would just yell at him after. Though, if he really wish to know, it was usually a mating press.
But your private relationship..
Akaza was never an outgoing man, in or out of bed. Douma would pout when he would even have a conversation with you over ten minutes that wasn't insulting, as the best thing he could get out of him was a backhanded comment. He never got to talk to him like that, how come his fuck buddy gets to! To Akaza, just being able to touch you under a kimono, or grope at your dick over your clothes, would've been enough for him for a night, cum staining the inside of his pants. Though, farther on with experimenting, you found that the only pose he had known from his decades of life was missionary.. with him on top. That was something you definitely weren't gonna stick with.
So, you showed him the reins. Almost every night he wouldn't be called away or the sleepless days you would be trying to find out every pressure point, nook, and cranny that made him shudder. Hours of lubbing your fingers with spit and trying to find that pace on his cock or in his hole that would make him whine. And it wasn't hard either. Years of chaste loyalty caused Akaza to be an open book; and, oh, was he an open book you were gonna read.
There was a full list of things that made Akaza weak, all carved into the grooves of your brain. Grabbing his waist from behind and pushing your hard on into the groove of his ass, whispering your demands harshly into his skin, and marking him. Oo—He loved that one.
Watching the multiple bite marks stain his skin with a wreath of red crescents, thin red lines traveling down his shoulder blades left when you would tease him with your nails, or hickies tainting his porcelain and lapis skin in a constellation of deep colors. Often after one of your.. sessions, he wouldn't even heal them, relishing in the slight ache of the markings. He never knew why he liked this, but you told him it was nothing but liking. Everyone liked different things, as you explained them as kinks, and he enjoyed standing in front of the full body mirror in your room, a tent rising in his pants as he stared at the different tags of your ownership adorning his skin.
And tonight was one of those nights.
A cracked main left Akaza's swollen lips, his back arching. Pink hair was sticking to his forehead from sweat, whole body glossy with it. His skin wrinkling at the side of his eyes, tears beading his eyelashes. It was all too much but also too little.. he couldn't explain it.
The tip of your cock hit his prostate with every thrust, fingers digging into the skin of his hips and having him meet your movements. Your mouth was practically glued to his skin, teeth nipping and lips sucking marks onto him. With every snap of your hips against his more pleasure rippled through your body, mind clouded with lust. You couldn't even help but rut into him, eyelids fluttering as his hole pulsed around you. Akaza has memorized every vein and curve of your dick, but no matter how many times you force him onto your cock, he can't help but cry on it.
His cock bobbed under him, hitting his abs a couple times with every heave of your hips. He felt a spark of humiliation from the squelching noise of his hole squeezing taut around your length, but he couldn't help him if you were fucking him so well. But, the spark was dissipated by the waves of pleasure crashing upon him, your lips leaving a wet hickey against his pale skin. If anything the spark caused his stomach to twist more, pushing him closer to his orgasm.
Akaza's clawed hands searched for yours, whining out when you thread your fingers together. He was usually a pillow princess as he of course never had to take it from the back, so barely being praised for a long period of time started to take a toll on him. He didn't get into a relationship just to take dick like a slut.. but that was definitely a plus.
Though, his thoughts dispersed when you started to babble into his skin, just the sound of your voice causing his hole to clench tighter, ripping a groan from your throat.. "Oh—you take me so well. Hah ah, f-fuck... Mhmm, your noises are.. 's pretty.." you slurred, brows furrowing as you bit another oval of marks into his shoulder blade. Your teeth clashed with your teeth as you went to lick over the but mark, words barely comprehensible.
The line clad demon shuddered, back arching and hips pushing back onto your cock, a glob of precum falling from the tip of his dick. He couldn't help but let his head fall back into your shoulder, spikey hair falling more unruly while small tears fell down his cheeks. Choked moans and drawn out whines fell from his spit soaked lips, bright eyes glossy with tears that left marks in his face.
"Come on.. haah—oh fuck—you can do it.." you moaned into his shoulder, hand wrapping around his waist and grabbing his dick. With quick strokes you matched them to your thrusts, already overstimulating the great demon. Despite your encouraging words his head shook side to side, body thrashing lightly. He couldn't do it. At this rate, by the second round he would be shooting blanks. 
From both your impending orgasm and Akaza's wiggling your hips stuttered, a light whine falling from your mouth when you missed his prostate. With a newfound vigor your free arm wrapped around his waist, leaning closer to him and pressing your chest flush on his back, hips trying to chase that pleasure you had just been indulging in a second ago. Akaza moaned from the impossible closeness, red eyes going crossed. With a particularly hard thrust to that spongy spot in his ass drool escaped the side of his lips, rolling down from his chin.
"I'm gonna—fuck, haah, oh g-gods- cumming!" He gargled out, eyes squeezing closed. His line covered cock, already soaked with precum and spit, twitched aggressively, ropes of cum spurting from his red (and slightly purple) tip. Beads of the white liquid stained your hand, running down your knuckles and onto the ground. As if right on cue you came after him, tip of your own dick shoving right against his prostate as your own cum squirted out and painted his walls white.  Akaza let out loud whines as he came down from his high, the fatigue of just fucking weighing down on him enough to let him slump back into you.
You sucked in sharp breaths, pecking kisses onto the side of his neck. Your hand continued to run over his spent cock a couple times, pulling whines from the demon. "No—n-no.." he hiccuped softly, the tears once running down his face leaving small streak lines to accompany his blue markings. You continued on, thumb rolling over his tip, coaxing out the last of his cum.
Fingers letting up from his dick you pulled away, holding it in front of his face. Almost immediately Akaza lolled his tongue out, running in over your cum covered palm to get it off. Akaza could barely comprehend the embarrassment his mind wanted to feel, as he would usually be taken aback by anyone telling him to eat his own cum. He wouldn't be in the place to do that anyway, but even if he was, he would have killed you. But of course.. It was you. He would never...
You were his second true love, and even if you died a mortal death before he was executed by the king of demons, he would never forget that.
𝐇𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐲'𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬, 𝐚𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐦𝐚𝐬 </𝟑
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megantrancyfanfics · 2 years
Shower thrills| Akaza x demon female reader
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Warning: rough shower sex, dirty talk, possession,praise, pet names, spanking, choking, creampie.
⚠️Some themes can be disturbing to some. Read at your own risk⚠️
Tags: @animupiglett
Notes: Thank you guys for 600+ followers it means so much to me I wish I could hug all of you🥺💜💜 but like- last time I looked I was at 500 then I went to finish this draft and I seen a 6 and I was like 😦 but fr thank you it means a lot. I also might make this into a series with some hashira but don’t hold me to it! Thank all of you for waiting on me to post. A lot of things have happened in my life and I’ve been healing. Today I got my haircut and I feel like a whole new person💜
Ah, the warmth of the water from your shower seemed to wash all the stress away. Your head back, eyes closed: this was the most relaxed you’ve felt in days.
When a hard chest came in contact with your back and sneaky muscular arms made their away around you, you let out a gasp. Your lover was freezing.
“Aww darlin did I scare you?” He asked kissing your shoulder.
“No, you’re cold as fuck.”
“Sorry my love, it’s cold outside, and a warm shower with the love of my life sounded absolutely heavenly.” He spoke softly as you turned to face him. Some water bouncing off your chest and splashing him. “How was your day? Did everything go ok at the meeting with you know who today?”
“Yes it did. It was after the meeting that made me stressed out.” You said with a sigh. “Doma kept hitting on me and trying to get me to come home with him.”
“Oh? Is that so?” His voice had a tone to it that sent chills down your spine. This isn’t the first time doma had bothered you, despite knowing Akaza and you were in a relationship.
“I swear if I could kill that man I would. How dare he hit on you.” He let out a sigh., his shoulders relaxing. “You do know you’re mine, right darling?” He asked softly, gently tracing your cheek with his knuckles making you blush.
“Yes, only yours Akaza.”
It started out slow and sensual. Akaza kissing around you neck, collarbone, and jawline, but once his lips met yours, his whole demeanor changed. The kiss rough and hungry. Hands roaming your body like you’re his prey.
“You’re mine. It pisses me off every time you tell me that asshole hit on you. He should know by now that you belong to me. You’re my angel and no one else’s.”
Next thing you know, you’re moved to the side, your back pressed up against the cold tile wall. 2 of akaza’s fingers pushed themselves into your cunt, his thumb placed on your cunt. With each thrust of his fingers his thumb rubbed your clit.
Dirty praises fell from his lips as he enjoyed watching you fall apart over just his fingers. He’s obsessed with feeling your walls tighten against his fingers. The way it wants to keep them inside. He loved hearing your whines and whimpers as he draws you closer to your high. He can’t help but to kiss your jawline, feeling your chest heave as you let out a gasp.
“That’s it baby let it out good girl.” He praises as he slows his pace as you ride out your high.
“What a good girl. My good girl.” He mumbles against your jaw with a final kiss before turning you around.
A hard smack landed on your ass, a gasp escaping from your chest hitting the cold tile and the force of the smack.
Akaza spit in his hand, giving his dick a few strokes before slowly going inside. A small moan escaped both of your lips when Akaza finally bottomed out. Your pussy being stretched so deliciously.
“It doesn’t matter how many times I ruin this pussy it’ll always feel so good to me.” His movements start out slow, before his thrusts become hard, quick, his only mission is to abuse the tip of your cervix, make you scream his name, and cream all over his cock the way he loves.
Moans filling the bathroom as your voice echoes off the tile.
“Such a pretty voice you have darling.” He comments before another harsh slap lands on your ass.
Akaza could start feeling his mind slip. Your pussy tightening around him, signaling you were close. He was close as well. He wasn’t going to cum this early, no way.
“For a demon you have such a heavenly pussy princess.”
“Akaza” you were able to whimper out before coating his cock in the slick he loves.
“That’s a good girl.” He says, never slowing his pace. Was he doing it to overstimulate you or himself? With each passing moment he feels like he could explode. Even though you just came you’re still clamping down hard on his cock. He’s going crazy. He knows he can hurt you if he isn’t careful. So he tries to limit what he does with you. Yeah, you’re a demon and you can just regenerate or heal whatever Akaza inflicts onto you, but he just can’t hurt a hair on your head.
Eventually, the bathroom is filled with one more voice: Akaza. His grunts and soft moans begin also bouncing off the walls. The grip on your hips tight enough that if you were a mere human they would be broken.
“A-Akaza I want you to cum inside me.” You whimper out, your hips trying to match his thrusts, another high quickly approaching.
“D-don’t speak like that.” He grunts, a hand clasping onto your throat tight enough to crush your windpipe.
You have no idea what has made Akaza like this but you’re not complaining.
“P-please” your able to choke out, akaza’s grip tightening, only releasing when you let out a gasp, air not being able to fill your body, making Akaza quickly remove his hand, landing a slap onto your ass before returning his grip back to your hip.
“Fuck it. Beg for what you want.” Akaza demands, his thrusts getting sloppy as your sent over the edge once again, your voice loud, as you beg for Akaza to fill you up.
“Such a naughty bitch. You’ll get what you want darlin-ah” you’re pushed up against the tile more, as you feel thick, hot ropes of akaza’s cum entering you.
“I-I hope that fucker will be able to smell my scent on you.” He says with a chuckle, turning your back to face him as you tumble forward. Of course your lover catches you. Your head resting on his chest as your legs shake.
“I bet he will..for at least 2 months.” You both giggle, Akaza scanning over your body to see indents on the sides of your neck and hips. He runs his hand through your wet hair.
“Are you hurting angel?” You shook your head no.
Akaza smiled, turning off the water and helping you out before helping you with your nightly routine before the both of you climbing into bed and cuddling.
“Are you sure you’re not hurting?”
“I’m fine Akaza. Those marks will be gone in a few hours. Don’t let those marks make you not be rough on me again. I liked it.”
“I’m so glad.” He says softly before kissing your forehead.
As he closed his eyes, he analyzed what you had just said, a soft gasp escaping his lips as he looked down at you.
“Y/n! You dirty girl! Maybe you’re more of a demon than I give you credit for.”
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themainreactor · 2 days
"Please, don't leave me... I'm sorry."
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In which, Akaza finds you, a lady that brings the thought of his Koyuki back to him. He grows an unhealthy obsession with you and the memories of the beautiful woman haunting his mind. He can't lose her, not again, so he does everything in his power to make sure that he doesn't lose you. Whether it be killing someone or watching you all hours of the night, he'll do it.
How does one know when they've won?
Well the first question is, what did they win? What was the goal that they believe they've achieved to begin with? Then they have to cover all the bases, make sure that they do everything correctly in order to win.
Even the smallest of things that lead to one big accomplishment need to be done as best as they can so that it all fits together perfectly. Akaza knows, his one and only goal is to get stronger, it always was and always has been.
Well, he always thought it was.
Until he saw you.
He can't remember what he was doing that led him to you. He might have been killing demon slayers, maybe he was on an errand for Lord Muzan.
All he knows is that his gaze rested upon your scared expression that night.
He hadn't done anything, it's not like he was standing over a dead body with blood on him, he's not even sure that he moved in a way that should have scared you. Maybe it was his appearance, after all, he didn't look anything like a normal human.
Yet you didn't try and run away from him like most people did, you just fearfully stared at him. It was as if you had internally given up already and expected him to kill you. He would have let you go if you tried to escape, if you chose to run now he wouldn't hurt you.
It was only then that he noticed something else in your eyes besides some unknown crippling fear. Curiosity.
Dare he says that you had a show of admiration in your gaze, a fascination for what you didn't understand.
... Koyuki? Who was that?
Akaza's brow furrowed, replaying the faintest memory of a woman in his mind, her beautiful yet hazy face was from a dream, or maybe a dream of a dream.
He looked upon you for a moment longer, indulging his mind for the female that didn't try to run. You reminded him so much of the woman from long, long ago. He can't remember who the woman is, but he can feel the love he held for her in the past tightening his chest.
He can't help but stare at you. He's not sure what makes him want to walk closer to you, possibly allow himself to touch you, hold your face, a face he thought he had long forgotten. He silently cursed himself but refused to move, he doesn't know why he wants to focus onto your eyes as if he was studying something.
He hated studying.
"Run." Akaza finally orders, noticing how you flinched before a show of uncertainty embraced your expression. But you didn't hesitate, you obliged and did what everyone else normally did.
Everyone ran from danger. It was in their human nature to do so, especially from a demon, their natural predators for about a thousand years.
But why hadn't you ran until he told you to? He didn't understand and yet it intrigued him to no end.
He needed to know you. He needed to see you, so he could see her again.
And so days went by, days turned to weeks and then turned into months of him just following you. To the point where he knew what you liked, the things you did, the people you talked to.
Akaza couldn't help but follow and learn everything there was to know about you, it confused him still because he didn't believe that this was his first intention. He had just been curious.
He wanted to know just what type of person you were, to have the audacity... No, the gal, to stay still that night, to look at him with a silent interest. To remind him of someone, the one and the only in his past life.
His Koyuki.
So he mindlessly followed you. Stalking was the right term he believes, though he would rather not call it that. Unlike Douma, he felt at least some level of shame when it came to things like this.
It made him feel uncomfortable that he'd somehow let himself become a creep. He would much rather call it a romantic walk with an unknowing person, though he supposed that was too long of a name.
Of course he could only do it in the dead of night, he couldn't follow you around in the sun and it makes him want to find the blue spider lily more earnestly. He had almost died on way too many occasions just watching you right before the sun rises, scaring him into hiding as to not get burned.
Thankfully, you seem to be out a lot at night, usually just doing your job. For a bit he almost felt bad about you working so hard and so late at night, but the few times that he'd see your accomplished smile forbade him to pity you even with the exhaustion that followed after.
When you are inside of your house at night instead, he'll find somewhere to perch himself on, whether it be on one of the neighbors houses or the outside of your windowsill, he'd watch you as you did what you pleased with your fleeting but simply precious life.
Akaza has almost convinced himself to enter your room while you were asleep more than once so that he could be closer, nearer to you, maybe hold you in his arms. Key word, almost convinced himself to enter your room more than once, he still thinks about it.
It makes him feel weak, you make him feel weak.
Each time the thought occurred, he quickly scolded himself, not wanting to scare you. He wouldn't want you to think that your life was so fickle that he could just enter your place of safety and comfort.
Though, It was fickle, he could just enter your place of safety if he really wanted to.
He later found out more about you, more of what you liked and what you didn't. He found out you were quite strict with yourself when it came to what you did around other people compared to when you were alone.
When you felt safe, you were outgoing, you were more outwardly passionate with your life when you were alone. You only felt safe because you didn't know he was watching, he didn't mind though.
He also found out rather quickly that you could paint and cook as that is what you did for the most part. When you were really bored, you dared to occupy yourself with things that men did like learning how to fight, which almost made him laugh.
He can remember the first time that he watched you, for the first week you painted someone on a canvas, it wasn't a big one, about the size of a book, one that didn't take much effort to paint on.
Yet you treated it with such care that it made him feel conflicted about why he liked watching you. Whoever it was took up so much of your time and rest that it made him jealous.
Your hands, gentle and careful when using your paintbrushes. You confidently creating whatever you deemed fit for the canvas while still choosing to keep it hidden instead of showing your hard work off to others.
That perplexed him.
Gyokko would have loved this passionate display of craftsmanship, of course Akaza thinks that with sarcasm, he'd never let the demon know you were alive to begin with. Or he'd have to kill him.
Strangely enough, it seemed like you tried your best to keep everything that you were proud of hidden, whether it be out of embarrassment or to keep your humble stature he wouldn't know.
What baffled Akaza even more in the week that he watched you paint the specific canvas when you had the time, was that during the end of it, he realized that the person you were painting was him.
You tried to paint him from memory.
He couldn't fathom it, why? A woman that just by chance laid eyes on him, chose to try and remember him rather than forget his existence. When he realized it was him, he waited until you had left the room to enter through the window and look at the painting more thoroughly.
It looked a lot like him, though of course his demon form. You painted him the same way you had probably seen him, late at night with few lights, shadows etched on his face and the environment around him.
It almost scared him just how accurate your painting was, after all, why would you try to remember a demon like him? But it warmed his heart. So after the painting, he had decided he would work up the courage to face you, so that you could see him again. Maybe paint him again.
He found himself watching you every spare minute he could. Your tranquility, the way your eyes lit up with emotion each time something interested you. The way you smiled at the smallest of sweet things. He couldn't comprehend what the feeling was.
He watched you to the point that he didn't even realize he was hungry, unintentionally starving himself, to which Muzan caught onto one meeting and questioned him about it.
Akaza wasn't sure how to answer at first, so he just claimed he lost track of time, which was the truth in a sense and Muzan let it go.
That scared him, that he was so infatuated with you that he actually had forgotten to eat. You kind of scared him. Which brings him back to a question.
How does one know when they've won?
Well... Normally you have to figure out what you've won first to determine whether or not you have actually won anything.
Akaza thought he was losing at the moment, that he couldn't get to the top and this was as far as he'd go. All he had to do was kill the last two demons in his way, Kokushibo and Doma and he'd be first, but he found that to be exceedingly difficult.
But now, he's not sure if this sick obsession with you is just another place he should win at or not. You would now be his new goal, he could care less about becoming stronger right now, not when he was so close to remembering her.
So he continued his nights of sightseeing, still working up the courage to let you know he was watching you before he saw him. A man that had bumped into you and then hung out around you just to claim he wanted to be like a mentor to you of sorts.
Akaza knew better though, the way the man looked at you said otherwise and as reserved as you were, your innocence unfortunately gave you a disadvantage in protecting yourself.
Akaza immediately felt anger towards the man, hating him with a passion. It wasn't because of the fact that he was flirting with you, oh no, it wasn't even because of how he placed his hand on the small of your back right near your ass and basically hinted at how much he'd love to have you at his mercy.
Not even that.
But because after Akaza took a little detour to investigate this man and he found out that the grown ass son of a bitch that wanted your virginity was already married.
He had a bunch of kids along with a caring wife, but he was a drunken bastard that didn't take care of them.
Even if he were to leave his wife and marry you, there was no guarantee that he would be faithful to you. He gave the man some time, he waited for him to do the right thing for the span of one week. But after that, Akaza cut off his life as quickly as he had entered into yours.
Akaza couldn't even force himself to eat the man because of how grossed out he was from how the man acted with his own family. So he just left the body for the authorities to find and they believed that he died in a bar fight.
It was better for the man's family anyway, the only one that mourned him was his wife, and she only cried for a little bit, the rest of the kids didn't seem to mind so much. It didn't matter, he killed men in worse ways than when he killed that one.
Akaza wasn't jealous, he genuinely would understand if you wanted to marry someone. He would understand if you wanted to be with a human, after all that was the normal thing to do and you didn't even know that he was watching you.
He saw how men looked at you so he knew that it wouldn't truly be hard for you to find someone to marry, but he was smart enough to identify which look was which. Which was was an actual look of a man admiring you for who you were and which one was a corrupted man, filled with a deep rooted lust.
But he also couldn't help but want you to stay alone, he wanted to keep you for himself. He didn't want to lose you.
But after a couple more weeks of watching you, killing men that wanted to harm you and forcing himself to leave the men that respected you alone (even though he also had a strong urge to kill them too), he finally worked up the courage to see you again.
Well, he worked up the courage to be near you, you didn't know he was there though so he's not sure that counted.
He had quietly entered your house through one of the windows he forced open, making sure not to break the glass or make any noise that would disturb you since you had just recently gotten home.
He let himself down on your wooden floor, taking a few steps out of the room that he realized was the kitchen before entering the living room. He slowly stepped, making sure not to wake up the dog.
He wasn't entirely sure what he was doing, what was he supposed to say? It had been three months since he first saw you, that night when he only spoke one word to you.
What in the world was he going to say? He didn't have a clue what you liked in men, he only knew that you thought most men in general looked pretty and he only got that from eavesdropping. It was funny how his stalking didn't seem to help with the information in that category yet.
His ears perked at the sound of humming and his chest tightened at the thought of seeing you. How would he know that you wouldn't try to run off? You might just tell the police that some demon or crazy looking monster had entered your house.
Of course he could deal with anyone that tried to harm him, heck, he could just kill all the people in this village and then take you for himself. But for some reason he didn't want to do that either. Would you even give him a chance to begin with? He was so nervous he felt like throwing up.
He silently followed the humming, entering a hallway before crouching down on the floor. The door to your room was closed and he didn't want to open it, maybe it would have been better if he came in through that window like he normally tried to do.
He couldn't give up now, this was the farthest he had gotten himself near you.
He listened to your humming, allowing your voice to calm him down. Your voice was beautiful to him, one that was unique to you and he's still not sure why you remind him of his Koyuki. All he knows is that when he sees you, he feels closer to her.
He barely opened the door, quickly moving away and ducking when you stopped humming to look at your door.
You eyed it for a moment before chalking up the door movement as wind, after all you didn't have the best or strongest doors.
You went back to humming, hanging up your kimono before blowing out one of the lamp lights.
It was darker, it was quiet, you suddenly felt something moving.
Another gush of wind appeared and in an instant the other lamp was out. You would have freaked out if you knew what it was.
Who were you kidding? You were freaking out right now.
Quickly you peaked around the corner, forcing yourself to look in the hallway before looking through your room for the source of the wind.
You weren't really scared but you felt like you were going crazy. You almost thought you saw a silhouette of someone in the shadows.
Safe to say, you didn't sleep that night.
Now, did Akaza run away? Yes, yes he did. But at least he made some progress. Gosh, he just knew that Kokushibo would look down on him for cowering in fear from a mere WOMAN.
He couldn't help it though.
Make no mistake, he didn't run out of fear, he ran because of you and he admitted that to himself no matter how embarrassing it was to do so.
He continued to stare at you from a distance, peaking from one of your neighbors roofs while silently hyperventilating. He could see the way you were sweating, how you looked around while holding a pillow, as if smacking an intruder with something that soft would protect you.
He almost did it, he almost touched your hand but he couldn't get himself to do it. What would he even say after that? Most people don't touch each other in their first interaction.
He waited another week, testing himself each time while entering your house whether you were at work or not. Slowly but surely he was getting himself closer to you, you never did see him even though half the time he would be right behind you but he didn't mind.
Finally one day he couldn't handle it anymore, it had been four months since he first saw you and he desperately wanted to hold you in his own arms, protect you, help you in any way he could.
He had thought swirling around in his mind, thought he knew he only had because he was a demon. He wanted you to be his, his and his alone.
No, you were his. You'd be his until the day you died and he wanted you to only belong to him. Whether you knew it or not.
Heck, he never wanted you to die either, he'd bring you into the demon world soon just to make you one and stay with him.
He wanted you to know you were his.
But for some reason he also wanted you to want him. It wouldn't be worth it, for him to take you and make you his own if you didn't want it. He would hate that, if you stayed with him only out of fear.
He felt like he had asthma, he couldn't breathe properly, he might pass out. This was almost similar to whenever he forced himself to face Muzan. You were nowhere near as strong as Muzan, you were just a beautiful human and nothing more.
So why was he so worried?
He harshly shook the thought away, hyping himself to enter your room. You were already asleep because he couldn't bear the thought of talking to you just yet.
He wasn't surprised that you had fallen asleep so early either, he had come as soon as the sun went down and you apparently stayed working almost three hours after you were supposed to leave.
With your dedication, Akaza's sure you'd be a strong demon if someday you allowed him to turn you into one. He would like to force you to become a demon, but he won't do it against your will.
He opened the window like he always did, slowly entering in as to not make the floorboards creek before closing the window behind him. As soon as he entered, he was graced with your sleeping presence, your quiet snoring and tired expression, you were even drooling a bit and it made him want to smile.
But he didn't, he was just focused on not waking you up. He stood there for quite some time.
What was he supposed to do now anyway?
Why did he always ask that same question when he came in here?
He could just talk to you while you were sleeping, he always did that, maybe give you a kiss on the forehead for once, after all, you slept pretty hard.
He could make you his.
Akaza punched his nose immediately when the thought occurred, so hard that he could hear the recoil of his neck in his head. His body healed the wound almost instantly but he wasn't worried about that in the slightest.
"I know you never hear me... I suppose it doesn't matter anyway." He starts, talking to your sleeping form as he chooses to sit on the floor.
"It's Akaza... Y'know, you're interesting..."
The silence was annoyingly unbearable and yet, it made him feel more comfortable about being this close to you.
Akaza sighed, leaning his forehead against the mattress as he tried to continue talking. He couldn't think of anything, he really wanted to find a way to talk to you someday when you were actually awake.
"You kind of make me embarrassed, but one day, I want to talk to you normally." He continued, lifting his head up again to look at you. "I like your painting of me too... I tell you that all the time though don't I?"
He chuckled a little, watching as you just stayed still.
Until you moved.
Akaza jumped up, about ready to run out the window from your movement because why wouldn't he? He was nowhere near ready to let you actually see him.
Then he realized you were just stretching so he didn't need to run.
Aw, that was cute. You looked like those dumb little orange cats that he sees in peoples windowsills that's always stretching like they've actually worked at all.
"Don't scare me like that." Akaza grumbled as if you'd reply. Though he could imagine, if he was a human that you might giggle at him.
If he was a human, you'd treat him normally, he wouldn't have to sneak anywhere just to see you either.
Life was confusing wasn't it?
He's been alive for a long time, but you've only been alive for a while. Did that mean that his infatuation with you was wrong? It didn't feel wrong.
It felt so right.
You were his Koyuki, you had to be. Sure, you were you but you reminded him so much of her that it hurt him.
He could still barely remember her.
All he knows is that he had her, and then he lost her.
No, not again. He won't lose her again. He won't lose you
Akaza looked down at you again, slowly moving to sit on the bed at the thought.
You weren't his Koyuki, that much was certain.
But you were just so damn... Perfect. It didn't matter to him that you might never love him, you were his and he didn't care.
He couldn't lose you again.
"Sorry." He finally spoke, his voice sounding like a whisper when he turned back to your sleeping figure. Something got a hold of him and without thinking, he moved closer to hug you.
By the grace of God, you haven't woken up yet, but he isn't sure why he's so attached to you when you clearly aren't the same person as the woman in his past.
"I'm sorry I didn't protect you." He murmured, apologizing really to her and not you. He was protecting you, that's why he had been watching you so diligently. He isn't even sure why he's saying all this, it's not like he could remember everything from his past.
And yet, the words that kept escaping his mouth just came naturally. A silent plea to bring something back that he never truly was able to have.
It hurt so damn bad and yet her couldn't stop smiling. He just held onto you as gently as one could whilst trying to show some semblance of a human emotion. Was it relief that he found you, someone that was somewhat close to Koyuki? Probably not.
Grief. He doesn't normally feel grief, he can sympathize, but he hasn't felt guilty about something in his past. He couldn't even remember anything about his past before until he saw you.
"I'm sorry, don't leave me... I'm so sorry." He finally cried, one drop and then another spilled from his eyes and rolled down his cheek. He quickly wiped them away before they dropped on you or the mattress but he couldn't stop it.
He let go and started moving away from you, exiting the house entirely through the window. He'd much rather not cry in front of you, even if you were sleeping.
You are the most beautiful woman he's ever had the honor of being near. He doesn't understand why but he's seen you, he knows how kind and selfless you are.
He knows how you are, he knows his Koyuki.
You were his too, you had to be. He needed you to be, so he would do everything in his power to protect you, even if you never did see him again.
He'd be your secret protector, then maybe, just maybe, he'd be able to atone for the terrible things he's done in his life.
Did he even deserve that? He doesn't know, all he knows is that he'll be happy with whatever you allow him to be.
If you saw him someday and chose to love him, he'd be pleased. If not, then he'd just make sure you were safe. If he could never work up the courage, he'd still hum the same tune you always hummed alongside you outside the window.
So has he won yet?
That wasn't really a question was it? There wasn't a point in winning anyway, he didn't have an end goal with you in all of this either. He didn't cover all the bases or make sure everything was in his favor.
They say that the smallest of things that lead to one big accomplishment need to be done as best as they can. So that it all fits together perfectly.
He knows that, his one and only goal is to get stronger, it always had and always would have been. If he didn't see you and you didn't see him that night.
So that answer to that question was that he's not sure and quite frankly, doesn't care. After all, he'd probably die from a demon slayer someday.
So maybe winning didn't matter.
Maybe he didn't have to win or be the strongest.
But who knows? He sure doesn't. This odd and probably unhealthy love he had for you was difficult to understand sometimes.
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lokidottir1308 · 1 year
Akaza x reader
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warnings: gore, mentions of death, ⚠️spoilers for s2, s3e1 / manga spoilers⚠️, some angst, fluff
One hundred and twelve years. That’s how long Akaza had you waiting for him. He disappeared one night and never came back to you. Though, you knew he was alive and well.
If anything else were the case, Master Muzan would have called an Upper Moon meeting. So, to say you were unpleasantly surprised to see him again, was an understatement.
You stood waiting in the shadows with your brother. Together, the two of you held the places of Upper Moons Two, while Akaza was Upper Moon Three.
He‘d never been intimidated by the fact that you were stronger than him, for he thought that you truly deserved the rank. Your brother, on the other hand, not so much.
On another platform, an ugly pot moved around. Akaza furrowed his brows as he looked at it. "Well, well, if it isn’t you, Akaza-sama! So lovely to see you in such good health!" a voice spoke from inside.
Hands and a head appeared from the opening, revealing Gyokko‘s figure. In the place where, normally, two eyes should be, a pair of mouths was placed. An eyeball was located on his forehead, along with where his mouth should be.
"What has it been, ninety years? The thought that you might have perished made my heart sing-" the pot demon spoke before clearing his throat. "- I mean, it made my heart fill with anguish!"
Akaza glared at Gyokko before turning towards the demon sitting on a set of stairs. There was a big bump on his forehead and horns growing from his temples.
"Terrifying! Terrifying! In the time we‘ve been apart, you‘ve even forgotten how to count, Gyokko. It’s been one hundred and thirteen years since we were last summoned. An indivisible number, unlucky und uneven, an odd number! Terrifying! Terrifying!" Hantengu spoke up from the stairs.
"Biwa woman! Is Muzan-sama not here?" Akaza asked towards Nakime, Muzan‘s assistant, if you‘d like to call it that. He was already fed up with the two other demons.
"He has not yet arrived." Nakime announced, playing a single note. "Then, where‘s Upper One? Don’t tell me he’s been killed." Akaza spoke, still looking at the female demon.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold up a second, will you, Akaza-dono? Aren’t you even a little bit worried about me? You don’t know how dreadfully worried I was, since you are all cherished comrades of mine! And I‘d be heartbroken if I lost any of my comrades. My sister was especially worried about you." Douma said, walking down a set of stairs before placing his hand on Akaza‘s shoulder.
You glared at your brother‘s statement. You stepped out of the shadows as well, keeping a good distance between you and the demon you once called your lover.
His eyes landed on you, his gaze softening upon seeing your face. You glared at him in return, not wanting to stand too close to him. In contrast to your brother, you were a lot more likable in Akaza‘s opinion.
"Douma-dono! Y/N-sama!"
"Long time no see, Gyokko! Is that a brand-new pot? It’s a beauty! You know the pot you gave me? I‘m displaying a woman‘s head in it! In my room." Douma said, tightening his grip on Akaza‘s shoulder as he spoke.
"That wasn’t its intended use. But I do find it intriguing!" the pot demon answered. "Listen! You should come over to my place sometime." your brother offered.
"Get off. Get your hand off me! You‘re not the Upper Moon Two demon that’s allowed to touch my shoulder!" Akaza spoke up, angrily, referring to the fact that you were also Upper Moon Two.
Without giving Douma time to react, he punched the blonde‘s lower face. Blood splattered all over the place before Douma regenerated again.
"Whoa! That was some punch. A bit stronger than before, wouldn’t you say, Akaza-dono?" Douma grinned, making an irk mark appear on Akaza‘s forehead.
"I summoned Upper One here first. Even now, he‘s listening to us." Nakime spoke up again, letting the topic drop. You were glad that Kokushibo wasn’t the one that got killed, since you always got along with him.
You‘d never once doubted his strength, threatened him or made him dislike you in any other way. He found you the most tolerable one of the Upper Moons.
"I‘ve been here the entire time. Muzan-sama has arrived." Kokushibo spoke up. Sitting at a table near you was Muzan, doing one of his many experiments.
You got down to your knees beside Akaza, placing your forehead on the tatami floor. "Gyutaro is no longer with us. Meaning the Upper Ranks are now incomplete."
You weren’t surprised by the fact that Gyutaro was the one who got killed. His sister had always been a hindrance to his strength. Even if you liked Daki, you had to admit that fact.
Ever since Muzan had killed off the Lower Moons a few months prior, he‘d relied on the Upper Moons even more. Daki had always been a thorn in his side.
"Is that true, my lord? You have my sincerest apologies since I was the one who brought Gyutaro in. How can I atone for this embarrassment? Shall I gouge out my eyeballs? Or should I-" Douma began before he was interrupted by Muzan.
"I have no need for your wretched eyeballs. I knew that Gyutaro would be defeated. As expected, Daki proved to be his weakness. Had Gyutaro fought alone from the start, he would have won if the battle hadn’t gone on after he‘d poisoned them. Oh well. It doesn’t matter anymore. How useless. Can’t you see you’re falling in order of who has the most of their humanity remaining? But neither does that matter anymore. I expect nothing of you all."
"There you go again with the melancholic words. Has there ever been a time when Y/N and I didn’t meet your expectations?" Douma asked, looking up at Muzan.
"Y/N has never disappointed me. However, you still haven’t annihilated the Ubuyashiki family. What about the blue Spider Lily? Why can’t you find it after so many hundreds of years? I‘m starting to question why you all even exist." Muzan spoke, angrily. The glassware on his table started to explode as he got angrier by the second.
"Oh, please forgive us! I beg of you!" Hantengu whimpered. "I don’t know what to tell you. Ubuyashiki is a master at concealing himself." Kokushibo spoke.
"Search and detection isn’t my strong suit, either. I‘m at my wits‘ end." Douma said. "Muzan-sama! Not me! I‘ve acquired some information that will bring you a step closer to your goals! A mere moment ago-" Gyokko spoke before his head was cut off by Muzan.
"The one thing I dislike is change. Change in circumstances. Physical changes. Emotional changes. In most cases, change of any kind means degradation. It’s decay. I prefer the unchanging. A perfect unchanging stage that lasts forever. For the first time in one hundred and thirteen years, an Upper Rank has been killed, and my frustration has reached a boiling point! Don’t ever give me unconfirmed information. And wipe that smirk off of your face! I’d advise you all to apply yourselves with more urgency from now on. I‘ve been far too lenient considering your failures, all because of your status as Upper Ranks. Gyokko, once you‘ve confirmed that information, head over there with Hantengu." He disappeared after finishing his speech.
"Understood, my lord!"
"Gyokko-dono! What kind of information do you have? I’d like to tag along." Douma said, kneeling down so he could take Gyokko‘s head in his hands.
Hearing this, Akaza walked up to Douma. "Can’t you let me in on it? Please, I‘m begging-" he was cut off when Akaza punched the upper half of Douma‘s face off.
"Did Muzan-sama give you any orders? Get lost." Akaza said before his hand was cut off, Komushibo suddenly appearing beside him and in front of you.
"Akaza. You always go too far." he spoke, looking at Akaza from the corner of his eyes. "It’s all right, Kokushibo-dono. I don’t mind in the least."
"It’s not for your benefit that I speak. Disrupting the hierarchy, which, in turn, undermines subordination. That’s what dismays me." Kokushibo stated.
"Oh, is that right? I see."
"Akaza, if you’re disgruntled, you should battle for a replacement." Upper Moon One suggested.
"Well, well! If I may, Kokushibo-dono, even if he were to challenge us, Akaza-dono could never defeat us. Even so, he would never fight Y/N. In my case, since I became a demon after Akaza-dono, yet was promoted before him, I‘d be angry, too, if I were in his shoes. Don’t be so hard on him. And besides, I didn’t dodge that blow on purpose. It’s just a little harmless horseplay. This is how you nurture friendship, you know." Douma spoke as you raised your brow at him.
"I would hardly consider this a friendship." you said, looking at your brother. Out of the corner of your eyes, you could see Akaza looking in your direction.
"Don’t be mean to me! Those of us on top shouldn’t give our subordinates a hard time. Don’t you think-" Douma continued before being interrupted by Kokushibo again.
"Akaza! Do you understand what it is I‘m trying to say?" he asked. "I understand. I‘m going to kill you, if it’s the last thing I do." the pinkette said, frowning at his superior.
"Is that right? Then do your best. You couldn’t even stay with the woman you loved, yet, you’re out here acting high and mighty." Kokushibo spoke before disappearing.
"Goodbye, Kokushibo-dono, goodbye! It kind of feels like I got shut out of the conversation. But that’s just me overthinking it, right, Akaza-dono?" Douma asked.
Akaza looked in your direction again, seemingly wanting to say something to you. "Nakime-san, please bring me away." you spoke, making eye contact with your former lover.
Within a second, you were in a forrest, standing at a clearing that led to a lake you always liked to go to. You sighed a breath of relief. However, your relief didn’t last long.
"Go away, Akaza. I don’t want nor need your explanation." you spoke, not looking behind you. You started walking towards the lake, hoping he got the message.
However, you heard footsteps following you. "You left me behind, Akaza. You left me alone without looking back. Do you have any idea how heartbroken I was? Every day, I was scared that you would die. The only conformation I had that you were still alive was the fact that Muzan-sama didn’t summon an Upper Moon meeting. I loved you, and you left me like you didn’t even care about me. More than a century. That’s how long I haven’t heard a single word from you. And now, you expect me to jump back into your arms like nothing happened? Like it wasn’t your decision to leave? No. I am not going to discuss your excuse."
"It’s fine if you’re not going to talk to me about my explanation, but at least listen when I talk." you stayed silent at his statement, giving him the okay to speak.
"It wasn’t my decision to leave you behind. It was Muza-sama‘s." Akaza spoke, making you turn towards him. "And why would Muzan-sama want that?" you asked.
"Didn’t you listen to what he said earlier?"
"The one thing I dislike is change. Change in circumstances. Physical changes. Emotional changes. In most cases, change of any kind means degradation. It’s decay. I prefer the unchanging. A perfect unchanging stage that lasts forever."
"So he asked you to leave me behind because he didn’t want either of us to get distracted by our feelings." you realized, fully facing him now. He nodded at your statement.
He walked towards you, placing his hands on your cheeks. You leaned into his touch, used to the intimacy. You looked up into his eyes, softened by looking at your face.
"I missed you so much. I almost got killed the first few years after leaving you behind because I was still so distracted by the thought of you." he admitted.
You chuckled at his statement, remembering the time Douma had to save you because you froze mid-battle, thinking about Akaza.
"Why are you back here now?" you asked. If Muzan was against your relationship, he surely wouldn’t be happy if you continued it against his will.
"Muzan-sama believes that both of our performances could improve if we continued our relationship. He implied that our duties were fulfilled better back before we broke up." Akaza explained.
"So you still want this relationship?" you asked.
"More than anything."
You smiled at him and stood on your tiptoes, leaning up so you could place a kiss on his lips. He put his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
You smiled into the kiss. You couldn’t get enough of the taste of his lips, chasing them when he pulled away. "So, are you willing to be my lover again?" he asked.
You replied by placing your lips on his again.
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lavender-z-love · 1 year
–Black.FemReader X Akaza
One winter evening, you thought you'd been asleep and dreaming. After you heard a knock, you answer the door. Now widowed you didn't expect anyone to be at your home. It was usually the time Hakuji returned to you. But that day, what you'd nerver thought in a million years happened.
Standing in the door frame, the dark silhouette seemed familiar to you. You couldn't make out their face due to your doorway being so dark. Though, when they— or rather He stepped into the light you were shocked. It felt as if your lungs had collapsed.
Your eyes widened as you staggered backwards. Mouth a gaping as your words were lost.
Its not possible, is it? For someone to return— nonetheless with a different appearance?! Maybe you were still grieving? Maybe this was the 'denial' stage of grief? Your husband from the dead.. is now standing in your doorway.
"Don't look at me like that Y/n— Aren't you glad Im back Beloved?" The voice you hadn't heard for weeks comments.
You didn't know what to do..Why is he back? He walked in like he'd never been gone and shut the door behind him. "Beloved? Whats wrong?"
"You—", you stuttered. The sweet face you'd fallen for. His fair skin, now tainted with thick blue markings on his face. His short wavy hair now pink. Those yellow eyes, pink eyelashes throwing you for a loop.
"Hm?" His pink brow raised in confusion to your cut-short sentence.
He takes quick strides to get to you as you stood speechless. His blue fingers reach out to your pulling them up to his lips.
"You okay Y/n?" He bends down a bit to get eye-level with you; as he was taller than you.
"Hakuji—", you hic.
Almost losing your balance, your knees buckle causing you to almost fall. Your husband catching you by the waist, "Woah easy there Y/n!" ,he chortles.
'He's real..He's actually real— I can feel his touch', you think to yourself.
Your hands shaking, feeling his arms, and up his biceps. Hakuji raises a brow, staring at you with confusion. "Hakuji, you're real?"
"Mmm...yes?" He chuckles.
Happy, no...elated your deceased Husband was before you— You'd tackled him to the ground on accident. Your tight hold around him rough you could choke him back to death.
"Y/n, hon?" You eyes and nose running, causing his clothes to be drenched. "Hakuji, I'm really hoping– I'm praying I'm not drunk or you're not a ghost right now."
His arms comforting you, gently rubbing your back. "No honey, I promise I am 100% real. Just a little...different. I hope you aren't disappointed."
"No..I'm happy, So happy."
Akaza smiles,"Im sorry I left you for so long beautiful." He pulls you out of the hug, and looks at you. Seeing your pretty face every morning really made everyday worth living. His fingers wiping away your tears, sharp nails grazing your skin.
"I-It's okay, I'm so glad you're back", you whine.
His eyes..Something so different, yet still the same loving glaze. His eyes..now yellow instead of blue. The marks on his skin, patterns that were new to you. You would look at the marks on his arm, and trance your finger along them.
He gazes at you, humming in response. "Why..why did you come back."
Hakuji's eyes look to the side now, almost as if he tries to think of something to say.
"I was given a second chance..", he admits standing up. Aswell as helping you to your feet. "Start this second chance with me?" He finishes.
"Hakuji, of course." You'd say without thinking, you didn't want to be away from your beloved. Especially after You'd just got him back.
Hakuji walks over to the kitchen counter before picking up your wedding ring. Remembering since you'd technically been widowed there'd been no reason to wear it.
"Honey?" You questioned. Hakuji, returning back to your side. He took your hand sliding the ring on your finger. Just like the day you two became one.
Pulling you in, he held his arm around your waist and the other locking fingers with yours that held the ring.
"Y/n, my sweet and beautiful Y/n..", he mumbled pulling you into a longing kiss. You'd submit complete and immediately almost forgetting what his kisses felt like. Sugary, strong..he was confident~ and so sexy.
When he pulls away he cups your cheek, whispering to you. "Let's do this again hm? But, better this time."
He lures you into a tight hug,"Yes." You say, melting into his arms. There was a silence before he speaks up again.
"Right...before I forget"
"Just so you dont get confused why others call me something different.."
Hakuji looks at you once more, smiling, ear-to-ear fangs showing. Grazing his bottom lip–
"My name is Akaza darling."
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Oof chilie I'll decorate this post when I wake up, I was just wanting to post it !!! Thanks fo reading, hope you liked it :)
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arichaa · 9 months
Giving Akaza a massage
Hello! Here's a little spicy oneshot in which Y/N suggested a massage session to Akaza...
Precisions: Upper Moon female reader; quite spicy but just a little; demons can experience muscle pain.
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It has been a few months since Y/N became Upper Moon Six. She finally achieved it after putting in a lot of effort. The Lower Moons are content with their positions and often don't strive to go further. But according to Y/N, it's quite easy to enter the Lower Moons. And it's just as easy to leave. She wanted the luxury that the Upper Moons enjoy, which is much harder to reach.
Y/N is highly regarded within the group of Upper Moons because she doesn't cause any trouble and always goes above and beyond to satisfy her master. She has formed bonds with some of the moons, particularly Akaza.
A while ago, Muzan commanded her to team up with Upper Moon 3 for a certain mission. It lasted several days, so some nights, Y/N permitted herself to visit the town nearby and buy little things while her colleague trained or bathed in the hot springs. The end of the mission unfortunately ended up being more challenging than expected. Three hashiras were in their way and after some time, the two demons managed to kill them.
The sun is about to rise, and Akaza and Y/N need to return to their hideout, an abandoned house in the middle of a creepy forest, which is difficult for a human to access. They enter the forest just in time and quicken their pace to avoid the deadly rays of the sun. They use their senses to check for the absence of humans or demons before rushing into the house.
Y/N enters the house and Akaza closes the door behind her. She sighs and looks at him. She fought with a hashira while he dealt with the other two. His muscular build is starting to give him trouble, so he's stretching his neck and arms, his facial expression showing his discomfort.
Y/N: We're finally done...
Akaza: Yes, we'll have to go back to the castle for the report.
She nods, assuming that they'll leave tonight.
The house is barricaded from top to bottom, and it doesn't let any sunlight in. They are in their own rooms, trying to adjust to the fact that they'll have to stay locked in for hours. Y/N decides to visit Akaza, to propose something. She knocks on the door and opens it when she hears a positive response.
Y/N: Hi... Am I bothering you?
Akaza: No, please come in.
She closes the door behind her and leans against it. She sees him sitting on his bed, noticing that his hands are tightly gripping his knees. She had a specific idea and purpose in coming here, but now that she has to face it, she has doubts. Akaza looks at her, patiently waiting for her to ask him what she needs.
Y/N: Well um, I wanted to make a proposal...
Akaza raises his brow, intrigued.
She takes a deep breath and confesses.
Y/N: You surpassed yourself in the fight a little while ago, and I saw... I mean I noticed, that your body is hurting?
Akaza: I... I'm surprised you noticed... But yes, indeed.
Y/N: So here's the thing... How about... a massage?
There. It doesn't matter how the situation turns out, she'll accept it. She swallows, waiting for an answer. On his part, Akaza is surprised. Y/N never gave the impression that she would be comfortable making this kind of proposal, and yet here she is waiting for an answer. He considers it for a moment and ultimately accepts it.
Akaza: That would be really helpful, thank you for proposing.
Y/N smiles.
Y/N: Good, wait for me here please...
She opens the door again and leaves Akaza alone, perplexed. He hears Y/N return and turns his attention to the door. Y/N enters this time without knocking. She has a bottle in her hand.
Y/N: I have something that would make this better...
She reveals the object to be massage oil. Akaza smiles.
Akaza: I'm sure that will be very pleasant.
Y/N approaches the bed and sits down.
Y/N: Can you lie down please?
Akaza removes his haori and places it next to him on the bed. He lays down on his stomach, his arms supporting his head. He’s a little nervous about getting so close to her.
Y/N climbs onto the bed, kneeling near him. She tries to soothe her heart by breathing slowly as she opens the bottle of oil and pours some on her hands.
Y/N: Okay, here I go then...
Y/N places her hands under his neck and begins a gentle massage. She focuses and presses her thumbs into Akaza's flesh. He feels his heartbeat accelerating when she touches his nape with her oiled hands. He closes his eyes as she starts massaging him with a firm grip. He relaxes his body and accepts her care, letting her do whatever she wants to make him feel better. She then aims for his shoulders.
Y/N: Is it okay?
Akaza’s eyes open slightly, feeling overwhelmed by her touch. The oil makes the massage even more pleasurable for him, and he loves the way she moves her hands to press hard into his shoulder muscles. He nods affirmatively, letting Y/N know she's doing great.
Akaza: Mmhh... Yes, it feels wonderful...
She makes a small understanding hum and continues. Y/N did not estimate herself as a pro, so she is giving her all to satisfy Akaza. And she is relieved that he cannot see her all red and flustered. She cannot ignore the fact that she is enjoying the situation. After a few seconds, she realizes she has to push harder than anticipated.
Y/N: You have a tough skin...
Akaza: Yeah, I kind of figured...
She switches her zone of massage to go to the middle of his back. Akaza is relieved to see just how relaxed he is. His blushing cheeks warm his arms, which serve as pillows. He sometimes even lets out little moans of pleasure with his mouth. Y/N is happy to hear how much he enjoys himself. Akaza rarely shows his emotions and desires, so she feels privileged to witness his pleasure, or rather, contribute to it.
Y/N realizes she has to lean in order to reach certain sections of Akaza's body, which gets her in an uncomfortable position. She has to get closer.
Y/N: Akaza... may I... ask if I could um...
Akaza: …Yes? What is it you want to ask me?
Y/N: Can I sit on you? It would make me a lot more comfortable...
She can't help but blush. Perhaps she is going too far and may be inappropriate, but she wants to try anyway. For his pleasure as well as hers. Akaza’s eyes light up when Y/N proposes that solution. He’s very receptive to her idea, considering her small size compared to his and how much more comfortable it would be for her.
Akaza: Sure, I don't mind...
Y/N: Thank you...
Y/N is surprised but relieved. Akaza is allowing her this, even though it is quite a bold thing to ask for. She approaches him, lifts her leg to sit astride him.
Akaza has the instinct to clutch the sheets when he feels Y/N's butt pressing almost against his own and her thighs warming him. He swallows and hides his face in his arms. It's the first time they've had such intimate physical contact. The situation prevents them from raising their voices, so they take on a softer tone to communicate.
Y/N: Am I heavy?
Akaza: No, i-it's nice...
The pressure of Y/N's body on him is just right, not too much to be uncomfortable, but enough to give him a pleasant sensation and to increase the pleasure he’s experiencing with her massage. Y/N admires Akaza's oily back, passing her small hands over it and enjoying the softness. She presses his neck and his shoulders. And now she goes much lower and massages his lower back.
It is a relief for him. Akaza did not think of this at all, and he is touched to see that Y/N cared enough to offer this solution. He can no longer concentrate on the massage but rather on Y/N herself. He feels the tickles of her hair strands grazing his skin, the warmth of her body surrounding his own, her soft hands spoiling him with care, and her breathing, which he is trying to hear better.
While she massages him, Akaza cannot help but notice that Y/N's body moves on top of him according to her manual movements. He cannot deny that the situation has taken a sensual turn, although he cannot say when exactly. When she climb on him? Or when she touched him for the first time? Or even before...? Regardless, he cannot stay still anymore. He can't stop his small moans of pleasure, which are definitely not unpleasant to Y/N. He takes a deep breath to try to calm down.
Y/N: Can you give me your hand?
Akaza complies. Y/N takes care of his right arm and places her hands flat on his muscles. She goes further and presses her hands between each bone of the palm. She then takes his left hand and does the same. Maybe it is not very useful to do this, but so be it. They've moved past that point.
Akaza closes his left hand on hers, trapping them. Y/N was not expecting this and is waiting to see what he wants. His eyes are closed and he tries to reach behind him to grab her right hand. She swallows and gives her hand after she understands his intentions. Akaza pulls gently at her hands and places them just under him. There they are, trapped between the bed and his chest.
Y/N: W-What are you doing?
Akaza: ...My chest also needs attention...
It's a surprising answer, especially coming from Akaza. She's trying to keep distance between his back and her chest.
Y/N feels the skin of his torso, and it almost makes her faint. Akaza hears her breathing speed up and caresses her hands to soothe her, having the opposite effect. She succumbs and places her chest against his back. Akaza’s expression reveals his nervousness, but he does not want anything to stop. He feels Y/N’s arms hugging him, her stomach and chest pressed against him, her hair surrounding him and her hot breathing tickling his neck.
Y/N is unable to keep her eyes open. The demon's warmth tires her. His big, warm hands comfort her. The hands she often thought about. Akaza’s right hand starts to slowly loosen its grip on hers. She lets both of her hands crushed between him and the bed while he caresses the sheet softly, making his way to her thigh. His fingertips touch her skin, then slide down behind her thigh, caressing her flesh. Y/N moans gently from the touch, making Akaza's ears twitching.
She tightens her embrace, caressing his neck with her cheek. They stay this way for a bit. Neither of them dares to break the silence and they enjoy each other's touch. Y/N turns her head to be able to place her lips on Akaza's neck. She kisses him several times to form a line of kisses on his skin and hair. Akaza swallows and clears his throat.
Akaza: *Whispers*Is this part of the massage?
Y/N: *Whispers*It can be, if that's what you want....
Akaza: Y/N...
He lets her do as she pleases. Akaza feels so good, as if Y/N had swept away all its worries. As she slides down next to him, Akaza looks at her. She looks at him while hiding her mouth with her fist. She breaks the eye contact by turning away, as she needs a minute to calm down in order to not let her desires speak. But Y/N is too far away for Akaza's taste.
He draws near, embraces her waist, and pulls her close. He feels her back up against his chest now, as Y/N allows it to happen. He strokes her tightly and gently bites her shoulder. She can't help but moan softly and kiss his palm. He sighs as he feels her lips and caresses her cheek. Y/N looks at Akaza's haori and takes it into her embrace.
Waiting until evening shouldn't be so bad after all.
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ghostlyforxst · 1 year
Hii wanted to ask if ur requests are open ?
If they are then can i get a headcanon with akaza x fem y/n who has interest in him but is insecure of her self since she cannot cook and always doubt herself if she can make a good wife for him as his previous one and always feels bad about it
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GENDER: Gender Neutral Reader
WARNINGS: Slight! Angst and Fluff
A/N- My request are currently open and of course, please enjoy! ♡
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𓂃𓍊𓋼𓂂𓏸 Akaza was suspicious of your behavior these past few days, unintentionally distancing yourself and in deep thought with a frown on your face when he was around.
𓂃𓍊𓋼𓂂𓏸 He was bothered by it, questions distracting him from his missions and loyalty to Muzan—fearing you were going to end your relationship with him.
𓂃𓍊𓋼𓂂𓏸 Not only was Akaza asking himself that question, you were too. You felt insecure in the relationship, you couldn't cook or do those other wifely duties as good as other women. Continuously asking yourself why he would want to be with someone like you, he could find better. So you distance yourself from him, unawaringly.
𓂃𓍊𓋼𓂂𓏸 Akaza had enough and confronted you, asking with a frustrated tone.
"What is wrong?"
"Why have you been distant?"
"Are you leaving me?"
𓂃𓍊𓋼𓂂𓏸 His tone and irritated expression softens as he discerns the tears dampening your cheeks and your lower lip wobbling.
𓂃𓍊𓋼𓂂𓏸 Akaza's hand strokes over your hair and tugs you into him, urging you to telling him the reasoning for sadden attitude.
𓂃𓍊𓋼𓂂𓏸 You reveal insecurities to him and he frowns, the embrace becoming tighter.
𓂃𓍊𓋼𓂂𓏸 Akaza makes sure to reassure you that those cooking skills and other duties of a wife was not what attracted him, that no matter if you had those skills or not he'll love you. Adding that he doesn't need you to cook for him, he eats the human flesh raw. :)
𓂃𓍊𓋼𓂂𓏸 He'll become more affectionate, letting those sweet nothings whisp into your ear and comfort you.
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rooviebae · 1 year
Can i please request akaza x demon child(platonic-) where reader is the child he got to have when his still human with his fiance?(is this considered a spoiler lol?ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ) and they(reader) got to turn into demon along with akaza. I like to see a oneshot of them watching fireworks together (if u know u knowಥ⁠╭⁠╮⁠ಥ)
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╭ Akaza and his Child Watching the Fireworks♡‧₊˚ ┆Wordcount: 526 words ┆Warnings: n/a ╰➤ Request here
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It was an annual event: observing the fireworks from a high tree, experiencing the flashing lights as they boomed in the night sky, causing both of them smile. However, Akaza can't manage to focus his attention on the fireworks for long because they weren't the most beautiful scene in his eyes. It was you.
You were his child, and he adored you more than anything or anybody else. You were everything to him—his life, love, and source of power. You were the reason he wouldn't ever give up on you, and you're the reason he never gives up on anything.
You were the reason he remembered.
You see, you weren't just any ordinary demon child that Akaza encountered and chose to pick up off the streets; you were biologically his. You were his world that he had maintained all these years, and seeing how similar you were to his deceased fiance, he had not realized that his dead memories were gradually returning to him. And it was all because of how much your smile mirrored hers.
"Y/n, what are you doing?" The upper moon rises from his crouch after watching you leap from one tree to another, closer to the little village that was currently crowded with humans. Your smile expands as another firework shoots up, your eyes blazing and radiating as you look at it with such delight. Akaza follows suit, placing his palm against the tree behind you. Another one shoots up, but he doesn't look up to see the enthralling sight.
The demon shifts his feet, watching your expression as you continue to gaze at the vivid display. That nostalgic expression you had, he'd seen that type of bliss before.
"It doesn't matter if we don't get to see the fireworks this year, we still have next year, and the year after that, and so on. The only difference is that we'll be watching them with our child."
He remembered it well, as well as the excitement in her eyes when he mentioned their kid, with whom she was currently pregnant at that moment.
"Look, papa! They're setting up the really big one!" Akaza's train of thought is interrupted as he hears you exclaim in enthusiasm, your right hand on the tree as you support yourself while you take little hops to convey your excitement. Akaza chuckles, dropping his hand and sitting on a tree branch, looking down at the people below, who are conversing and preparing for more fireworks. He notices a male human holding a large container, which he recognizes as the 'really big one.'
He doesn't respond, but his soft smile grows as they set it up as he can still see you smiling from the corner of his eye. Even when they finally let off the enormous firework, his thoughts were not fully on the loud boom or the colors that stretched over the sky; his thoughts were on his family. He reaches out and takes your hand, drawing you down while encircling your shoulders with his arm. "Relax, honey. You still need that energy."
It was a yearly thing, and he didn't want to stop it.
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babyminty · 9 months
Cg Muzan/Little Akaza
Akaza had just defeated the Flame Hashira, but it had not been an easy fight for him. It actually resulted in Akaza regressing.  Right in front of Muzan.
Muzan knew what was happening the moment Akaza regressed, so he started to talk to Akaza more calmly and gently. "Akaza, I know you are little right now." He told him. Akaza looked at Muzan nervously.
"I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to help you." Muzan told him. "Help me with what?" Akaza asked. "To look after you until you feel big again." Muzan explained. "Okay." Akaza hesitantly agreed.
"Can we paint? Akaza questioned. "Sure." Muzan said. He disappeared for a minute or two, but returned to Akaza with a canvas and some paint. "Here you go." He said as he gave the things to Akaza, who took them, thanking Muzan.
Akaza began to paint on the canvas. He painted lines and squiggles and little blobs, and if he was trying to paint something specific, Myzan wouldn't tell him, but he couldn't tell what it was.
When Akaza was finished painting, he proudly showed what he had made to Muzan. "Good job, bud." Muzan said, lightly ruffling Akaza's hair.
Unfortunately, Akaza wasn't very successful with keeping all the paint on the canvas, and some paint had gotten on the floor and Akaza's hands as well as somehow on Akaza's face.
"Can we clean up? Muzan asked. Akaza nodded, and with Muzan's help he was able to get the paint off the floor. After putting the paint away and putting the canvas somewhere safe to dry, Muzan led Akaza to the bathroom, helping him wash the paint off Akaza's face and hands.
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xxlady-lunaxx · 8 months
Emotional pain | {DouKaza}
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Theme: Angst+Fluff
Note: Manga spoilers<3
Have you ever felt guilty for something at an excrutiating level, to the point you feel that you can no longer live, no longer feel and you go numb, not wanting to live, anymore, just wanting to end everything? And yet, you don't know why. You don't know why you feel like that, you could never understand yourself, but you still—still—feel so fucking guilty. 
Douma sat with his head buried in his hands, wishing he could rid of this ache in him, wanting to understand what the hell he'd done to make himself feel like this. 
Footsteps, quiet, familiar.
He turned.
Uppermoon three stood at the doorway, his arms crossed, eyebrows raised. "Didn't know you spent your free time crying," he said.
"I'm not crying!" Douma protested. 
Akaza sighed and walked forward, untangling his arms and reaching out, wiping Douma's cheek was strange tenderness. "You're crying. You literally have tears staining your cheeks," he said, showing him the tear drop he'd gotten on his finger.
Douma reached up and rubbed at his eyes. "No... I just got something in my eye," he said, pouting.
"Whatever you say."
"Why are you here, Akaza-dono?" he asked, tilting his head.
"Because the sun rose and this place had to be the only close shelter," Akaza said, rolling his eyes. "Just my luck."
Douma beamed. "We can spend time together!" he said.
"Fuck no, I'm not spending any time with you." Akaza turned abruptly. "I was planning to not even talk to you but I heard someone crying."
"I wasn't crying," Douma whined. Then remembered why he had been and said, quietly for he was afraid Akaza would only call him stupid, "Akaza-dono, do you know why I feel guilty?"
Akaza paused in his tracks. "Guilty? Of what?" 
"I'm not sure," he admitted. "But it hurts."
The shorter Uppermoon turned. "Hurt? How?"
Douma placed a hand to his chest, pressing slightly. "Like pain that wasn't there but hurt a lot," he murmured. "I could tell, only, that it was guilt. I... don't know why, or how, or what happened, or anything. Only... what."
"Oh." Akaza blinked. "Do you have any idea why? Did you recently do something regrettable?" he asked, tilting his head slightly. 
Douma shook his head. "If I did, I wouldn't know. I never know." He looked down. 
Akaza sighed, moving forward until they stood face to face. "Listen, guilt is like a form of regret that comes if you did something you felt you shouldn't have or if you didn't do something when you felt you should've. Something like that. Might not be obvious to you since you're a dumbass, but try thinking about if you know anytime that might fit my description." 
Douma nodded, sitting down on the cushion he always sat on while he spoke to his patients, except this time he was the patient being spoken to, helped.
Akaza sighed and sat down as well, figuring nothing bad would come out of this anyways. Besides, if he made Douma realize how to understand emotions maybe he would stop bothering the shit out of him.
And so he waited in silence, the only sound in the room was their breathing which came out soft and quiet, even in the silence.
Akaza started counting the seconds, his boredom getting the best of him. 
When he got to around four hundred and seventy two, Douma spoke up, his voice loud and startling both of them. 
"Sorry," Douma said, lowering his voice to a near whisper to fit the silence that had spread across the two of them.
"Mm, did you figure anything out?" Akaza asked. He was curious, although he'd never admit that.
"Well, there was this woman... Her name was Kotoha. I dunno... I kept her with me for a bit but later she found out I was a demon and ran away and I killed her and she dropped her child off a cliff." Douma shrugged. "That's all I can think of. Well, I've always wondered what would happen if I had emotions. People say they would feel horrible if they killed someone or if their parents died or anything like that, but I never felt anything when all of that happened for me." He sighed. "I don't konw, Akaza-dono. I can't figure anything out." 
Akaza stared at him. "Why did you kill the woman?" he asked completely ignoring everything else.
"Because she ran away?" Douma said, confused. "Why not?"
"She's a woman!! She didn't do anything wrong!! Besides, I'm sure she would be devestated to know she dropped her child," Akaza said, crossing his arms. 
"Huh? But... she was a human?" Douma said.
They stared at each other for a beat before Akaza sighed.
"Fine, we'll drop that topic. Why did you keep the woman with you?" he asked.
"She was pretty! And really cheerful." Douma smiled, reminising in the memories. "I sometimes feel like I shouldn't have killed her. But I don't know if it's guilt. She was just good company."
Akaza rolled his eyes. "Clearly you have no experience in emotions despite living for over a century. A normal person would feel horrible if they killed someone they enjoyed spending time with. And what you said about your parents dying, they'd feel bad for not doing anything. Unless they didn't give a fuck about them, of course," he said, lifting a shoulder in a half shrug.
"...Okay," Douma said, nodding. "So maybe that's it? But then... why's it so... intense?"
"Why's what?" 
"The guilt? Or whatever." He looked down. "Will it go away?" 
Akaza shook his head. "It might go away, it might not. Depends on if you will still care."
Douma nodded again, closing his eyes. Fuck it wouldn't go away. It appeared less, now, as if he understanding it better could bring him to feel better as well. But it wasn't gone. 
"You alright?" Akaza asked as Douma's facial expression contorted to one of pain. 
The slight concern hidden in his voice brought the rainbow eyes to open and he looked up, nodding stiffly.
"I'm scared, Akaza-dono," he mumbled.
"I don't understand anything. I don't like this." His voice was so meek, small, so contrasting to everything he'd ever done.
And it made Akaza pity him. Sort of. 
He stood, then, sitting next to Douma and placing a hand on his back.
"Listen, sure, we're demons, but everyone needs some time to understand shit and learn. You'll understand eventually and it's not like you haven't functioned before without understanding. I just... don't stress it, it's annoying and you're going to keep asking me for help, probably. Whatever you regret, it's in the past and you can't change that." Akaza paused, then, his mind flashing him everything he regretted, too fast for him to comprehend but slow enough for him to notice. He sighed. "Whatever happened just try not to let it happen again."
Douma nodded slowly. "Okay... That makes sense," he said, turning to look at the Uppermoon. "Thank you, Akaza-dono." He smiled, an action that looked so much more genuine than normal and made Akaza's heart flutter with something he'd never admit to even himself. 
"Sure, whatever," he said, slipping off the cushion and standing. "I'm going to go find a room to stay in here. Don't talk to me anymore."
"Okay!" Douma said, a lot more cheerfully than before. 
Akaza gave him a slight smile then wandered out the door and into the halls, his mind stuck on the image of Douma's smile.
{Word count: 1245}
A little explanation to Douma's silly guilt:
Mostly, I was thinking, he felt guilty for not being able to feel bad or feel anything and react properly about anything
He'd been helping his patients and had been hit with a sudden thought that people poured out their emotions to him and he responded with more or less a lie and a half hearted sorry to hear that and he felt bad about that, but he didn't realize since he'd been doing it his whole life and had never realized it wasn't really normal 
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