#gyutaro oneshot
imagineanime2022 · 1 month
Upper Moons Reacting To Kianna
Characters: Gyutaro, Daki, Gyokko, Hantengu, Akaza, Doma, Kokoshibo
Requested: @nunezs-stuff
Request: Original Request (there some really cool art to go with the request for this one as there has been with all of the other requests for this OC always forget to say that when linking the ask)
👫 Daki definitely tried to make Kianna feel like she was lower than her, which Kianna would likely ignore but if Daki decided to start a fight Kianna would likely wipe the floor with her. 👫 Gyutaro doesn’t actually have much to do with her unless the fight goes ahead of course he protects his sister, he doesn’t actually dislike her in any way in fact she kind of reminds him of Daki when she was younger. 👫 Gyutaro and Daki reminded Kianna of her relationship with Subaru and in turn reminded her of what the demon slayers took away from her, in fact that might be where an understanding starts to form between the three of them. 👫 They probably will not see eye to eye all the time, especially because Daki truly does believe that she deserves everything and low key wanted to make Kianna one of her meals one day. 👫 When it came down to it Kianna was stronger than they were and they would learn whether they fought her or not.
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🫙 This man tried all of his usual tricks but none of them worked on her and eventually she ended up ignoring him which only offended him so much like all demons he resorted to violence. 🫙 He messed around and found out, honestly. Never happened again. 🫙 From there on he was terrified of her, literally never crossed her again in fact he spent a lot of time trying to impress her after that not that it worked any of the time. 🫙 Gyokko gives off vague Reiji vibes, which pursuit for perfection and judgement of everyone around him, which for obvious reasons made her uncomfortable and she’ll often choose not to be in the same room as him. 🫙 Gyokko and Kianna probably would not get on, she could probably work with him sparingly but there is no world where she offers to work with him or help him in any way.
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😨 He’s terrified of her, he laid eyes on her and shook in place. It honestly doesn’t take much but everything from the way that she dressed and the expression on her face gave him pause. 😨 If she ever meets the other 5 personalities that hide in his body they test their luck with her, often pushing her buttons especially Karaku and Urogi. The others are more periodic and really depend on the situation. 😨 They don’t really interact because he hides across the room, she always knows where he is because she doesn’t entirely trust him. 😨 Kianna is probably the only person that can deal with the 5 different personalities for more than 5 minutes because of the people that she used to live with. Sekido literally hates that he doesn’t scare the way that he does everyone else. 😨 They don’t interact outside of missions so there’s not much to say about they’re relationship, they will naturally choose opposite sides of the room that just they way that they are.
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👊 Mutual respect. 👊 Akaza I feel that reminds her or Subaru because of his loyalty, strength and temper. Kianna to Akaza was someone worth knowing the name of, she was strong in her own right and worth sparing with but was still respectful to those above her. 👊 When they had the time they would spar off all of the upper moons; he is the one that she would be found spending time with by choice. 👊 They both hate Doma (more on that later) so when Doma is trying his hardest to be annoying to either one of them the other will help defend against and in most cases seriously injure him to get him to go away. 👊 Kianna is closest to him, with some interaction mimicking things that happened with Subaru and while she never said it but they both seemed to understand that there was something unspoken for both of them.
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🧎 He reminds her of Laito. End of story. Nothing more. 🧎 She hates him but for the moment that he saw her, he wanted her to love him. Doma has made it his mission to make her react to him and he dedicated his time to that. 🧎 To be honest that was one of the things that she did admire about him, the dedication but apart from that everything about him disgusts her and she wants nothing more than to be miles away from him. 🧎 Doma would always do that thing where he appears behind her to talk directly into her ear and he first instinct is to lash out, her hits would never connect but if he for whatever reason got aggressive it would trigger a fight or flight response in her. 🧎 Doma is the one that she actively avoids, they don’t do missions together but he did seek her out on his own time if only to be annoying.
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🌕 He’s indifferent to her, the same as he is with everyone else. His presence is in some ways comforting. 🌕 Kokushibo would often scold her for attempting to hit Doma but it was his oppressive presence that made her uneasy around him. Again he reminded her of one of the boys that she used to live with Shu. 🌕 She tried not to have anything to do with him past working with him because he was easy to anger and spoke very few words it made her uneasy. 🌕 Unlike Doma, she is able to work with him, he does keep his distance and very rarely says anything past mission details and plans. 🌕 They were professional in their relationship, nothing more and nothing less. Kokushibo doesn’t really have the capacity for anything else.
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Request Here!!
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yandere-daydreams · 1 year
Title: Infestation.
Written for a lovely anonymous commissioner.
Pairing: Yandere!Gyutaro x Reader (Demon Slayer).
Word Count: 3.5k.
TW: Modern AU, Implied Non//Con, Long-Term Stalking, Unbalanced Power Dynamics, Voyueristic Themes, Blood/Bruising, and Mentions of Cannibalism.
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You only got to tour the apartment once before you signed the lease.
A ‘realtor’ with piercing eyes and silver hair met you at the door twenty minutes late with a heavy ring of keys in one hand and a disposable cup from an upscale coffee-chain in the other, muttering something about traffic as she let you into the dank, dark space. She explained, as she shoved open creaking doors and tried her best to clear the dust off neglected furniture, that her uncle owned the building, that she and her brother had stayed here for a while before she found another place on the other side of town. You asked if her family was close-nit, and she looked away, mumbling ‘something like that’ under her breath. You asked if she did this kind of thing for her uncle often, and she gave you a strange look and didn’t answer. You didn’t have the courage to press the topic. She had the kind of presence that made you want to shrink into yourself, to agree with everything she said and do anything and everything you could not to get on her nerves. If, at any point, she’d put a contract in front of you and told you to sign on the dotted line, you probably would’ve done it. If the apartment hadn’t been in the state it was, you probably would’ve asked her for it yourself, just to try and get on her good side.
The space itself was, somehow, even worse than the listing had made it out to be. The lights flickered, the walls were water-stained, and you couldn’t fully open the fridge door without lodging the handle against the cabinets on the opposite side of the kitchen. If you hadn’t been so desperate, you might’ve walked out in the first fifteen minutes, but you were, so you held your tongue and nodded along and let her sit you down in front of a manilla folder, already plotting out how you’d politely refuse and thank her for her time and beg the owner of the studio a few blocks north to give you another chance. That was what you thought you were going to do, at least, until you saw the rent.
“That’s… not what it was on the listing,” you muttered.
“That’s the rate. Take it or leave it.”
“Without utilities?”
“With. But you’re on your own if you want cable.”
“When would I be able to move in?”
“If you can get me out of here in an hour or less, whenever the hell you want.”
You signed everything she put in front of you, barely bothering to pretend to read the countless forms. She left you the keys, apologized for how loud the other tenants could be (something that must’ve changed since she moved out, you guessed – the entire floor was dead quiet), and in two days, your former roommates had sent you off with a tearful goodbye and, for the first time in longer than you could remember, you finally had room to breathe. A musky, beige room that you were pretty sure you’d have to have fumed sooner or later, but still – room to breathe.
And you were thankful for it. At first, at least, you were thankful for it.
And then, three months in, things started to go missing.
Which wasn’t that bad, on its own. You’d lost things before, and you weren’t the kind of person who’d break out the salt and thyme the first time one of your socks went missing, or you couldn’t find a pen you just seen a few days ago, or a mug you could’ve sworn you’d left on your bedside table the night before somehow made its way to your kitchen counter by the next morning, its contents drained but its clay handle still warm. You took it in stride.  You laughed and smiled as you told your friends about the soft creaking you would sometimes hear coming from just behind drywall, the creepy stains on the bathroom floor that just barely look like dried blood when you squint, and you ignored what you couldn’t brush off so easily, kept the hours you spent lying awake at night because you just can’t shake the feeling of unblinking eyes prying into your flesh, the bruises and cuts you’ve decided to blame on thin mattresses and sharp corners to yourself.
You didn’t tell anyone when your missing things started reappearing, either.
Not that you really could. You didn’t know how you’d start to explain the cold feeling of dread that knotted in your chest as you lingered in the doorway to your bedroom, how to laugh as you told someone, anyone about the tattered remains of a shirt you hadn’t seen in weeks that were currently spread across your bed – all ripped to shreds and stained with the same chalky, white substance you couldn’t bring yourself to give a name to. It was all you could do to stare at the mess from a distance, biting the inside of your cheek as you tried to ignore the bitter taste rising up from the back of your throat. Your closest neighbor was two floors down, and you’d only spoken a handful of words to the building’s other occupants as a whole, but still, half-formed fears of faceless stalkers and angered spirits gnawed at the back of your mind. It was probably--
Mice, you decided. It was probably mice. You didn’t know what an infestation looked like, never had to deal with one before, but for what you were paying for a place like this, there were bound to be mice. That’s all it could’ve been. Cute, harmless mice.
Still, you never found it in yourself to tell anyone about your little infestation.  
And then, seven months in, the realtor let herself into your apartment.
It was a small miracle that you’d been awake at the time, that you were buried in a small mountain’s worth of blankets on your worn-out couch, reading some mindless contemporary romance when you heard the lock click, when you saw the same young woman who’d shown you around that first day step over the threshold – her expression one of mild annoyance and more than a trace of exasperation. She didn’t seem to notice you, not at first, not until you cleared your throat, sitting up in a half-hearted effort to make yourself more presentable. You tried to think of something to say, to ask if there was an emergency, but instead, made that much meeker and that much smaller by her aura alone, you just found yourself mumbling, “Can I help you?”
Her eyes widened as she shot to face you, her shock apparent. “You’re still here?”
“…yes?” Were you not supposed to be? You weren’t sure how long your lease was supposed to last, hadn’t talked to the landlord beyond a single, minute-long call when you first signed on. You’d been paying your rent, but still, there might’ve been a notice that you missed, a clause that’d slipped your mind. You didn’t know why the landlord would choose to address that by asking his niece to barge into your apartment in the middle of the night, but the panic remained. “Is something wrong?”
Her lips quirked, something coming across her features that you weren’t able to read in the dim light. “You’ve been away, though, right? On vacation? Staying at a friend’s house?”
“No, I… Was I supposed to be?” You pushed yourself to your feet. “Is there something wrong with the building?”
“The building’s not the fucking problem,” she snapped. You recoiled, but she didn’t seem to care, just letting out an irritated groan as she went on. “He knows he’s not supposed to take this long. Muzan’s going to be—” She cut herself off, throwing her head back and rubbing her temples. She clenched her eyes shut, and only when she opened them again did she seem to notice your discomfort, your muted distress. Just as quickly as she lost her composure, she regained it, her sneer softening into a small smile and her posture straightening until she looked not like a woman who’d walked into someone else’s apartment with no warning or explanation, but a passing acquaintance you’d been the one to approach and who was simply too polite to tell you that she had better places to be. “My apologies for the disturbance. I’ll make sure to call ahead, next time.”
She waited for you to nod, to pretend you knew what she was talking about before starting back toward the door, leaving just as suddenly as she’d come. Without giving yourself time to think, you rushed after her, leaning against the doorframe. You couldn’t imagine how she’d gotten here. The lights hadn’t worked since the day you moved in, and the hallway was as pitch-black and as endless as it’d ever been. “Wait!” She glanced over her shoulder, her smile already strained. You drew back, but forced yourself to go on. “It’s not a big deal, but I think this building might have a rat problem.”
She took a moment to respond.
Finally, as her grin broadened, she said, “There aren’t any rats.”
That night, you woke up screaming, covered in your own blood, and missing a piece of your thigh.
And then, a year after you first set foot in that godforsaken apartment, you met him.
‘Met’ might’ve been the wrong word. It implied something soft, something cute, something harmless – like mice or ghost stories or miscommunications. From the moment you snapped awake, a searing pain in your shoulder and hot blood already drenching your chest, he was all aggression, all bared teeth and dark eyes and gore-soaked lips curling back into a smile just as sickening as that of the woman who had to be his sister, if only because you couldn’t bring yourself to believe that your misery extended beyond the reach of their fucked-up family.
You couldn’t bring yourself to believe this was happening at all, but if you had to, you were going to tell yourself you had someone, other than yourself, to blame.
He was on top of you, straddling your waist, one hand planted next to your head and the other curled loosely around your throat, his palm pressing the delicate junction between your windpipe and diaphragm, making it difficult to manage anything but quick, shallow breaths. He’d never been this close before. You’d seen him out of the corner of your eye, occasionally – little, half-remembered blurs in the darkness; distorted splotches you’d tried to write off as depressions in the drywall or a trick of your own paranoia-ridden mind – but never like this, never close enough to see the muddled whites of his eyes, the pale grey tenor of his skin, the sharpened points of his teeth where your blood didn’t quite blot them out. On instinct, you tried to sit up, to bolt from underneath him, but he only had to flex his hand where it was wrapped around your neck and you were frozen, not willing to test his patience or your own perseverance. You didn’t know if he was strong enough to snap your neck, but he’d already proven that he could tear you apart. If he hadn’t already decided he was going to eat you alive, you’d rather not do anything to put the idea in his head.
You did what you could to go limp, to seem as small and unimposing as possible, and yet, he still let out a breathy chuckle as he shoved you downward – until your back was flat against the mattress and he was allowed to hover as far above you as possible, casting himself as something endlessly strong and impossible to grasp and impossible to escape as anything else that lurked in the dark.
“Easy, now. Wouldn’t want to get yourself hurt, would ya?” His voice was as terrible as the rest of him, raspy and barely audible yet dripping with corrosive, acidic arrogance at the same time. “It’d be a shame if you made be bruise that pretty skin. Loses some of its flavor if you beat it up too much.”
So he was going to eat you. You couldn’t pretend to be surprised, couldn’t say a nightmare featuring fanged monsters with hungry mouths hadn’t accompanied every new missing chunk of flesh and discolored bitemark, but your breath still hitched in your throat, your body going tense beneath him. Your distress was muted, but not subtle enough to escape his prying eyes. His grin widened, the corners of his lips cracking and splitting open. “You scared, little mouse?”
You hesitated, thinking for a moment before nodding. There was a bark of a laugh, a row of blunt nails burrowed into the space just below your jugular. “What do you think I’m going to do to you?” He asked, arching his back and leaning toward you, coming close enough for the tips of his messy hair to brush against your skin. “Tear you apart? Gut you and keep your hollowed-out husk as a trophy?”
There wasn’t a delay, this time. It was all you could do to wait until he’d finished to spit out the one thing you couldn’t seem to get off your mind. “Eat me.”
There was a long pause, agonizing and infinite.
Then, something sparked behind his eyes, and his smile took on a sickening lilt.
You could practically hear your heart beating out of your check, feel something deep in your chest twist and writhe as he dipped even lower; his face soon buried in the small of your neck. His hand fell away, drifting lower – his fingertips skirting over your side, groping softly at your hip before drifting to your wrist, to your hand. There was a clumsy attempt made to intertwine his fingers with yours, not helped by your own unchallenged immobility, but eventually, he managed to take your hand in his own. His skin was cold to the touch, and yet, you still felt like you were burning wherever his body pressed against yours. “No, no, I’m not gonna do anything to hurt ya. Not that badly, at least.” His voice lightened, his drawl softening around the edges. Like he was trying to calm you down. Like he thought anything he said could possibly calm you down. “I don’t have the stomach to binge like that. The last guy Daki dragged in wasn’t like you. All muscle, no flavor, had to choke down every bite. I would’ve swallowed you whole as soon as you as walked through that door just to get the taste out of my mouth, but you looked so damn cute, all oblivious and shit – I just didn’t have the heart to.”
 He straightened his back, but didn’t pull away. Rather, he stayed as close to you as possible, his scarred lips brushing against your neck, then your shoulder, finally settling on your collarbone. He couldn’t be human. You didn’t decide that, you knew it. Nothing human or mortal or natural would have so many scars, or be so pale, or have teeth so sharp – even the gentlest touches violent enough to break the skin. Not that he tried very hard to be gentle. There was the faint feeling of rough lips ghosting over your skin, and then a sharp, sudden piercing sensation; flesh and muscle splitting apart underneath the first hint of pressure. “Not that I didn’t want to,” he muttered, his breath cold against your skin. “Do you know how long it’s been since I had a decent fucking meal? If I had my sister’s self-restraint, I’d already be down to the bones.”
And yet, he didn’t stop himself from latching onto the shallow scrape, his tongue running over your skin as he let out a deep, guttural moan, the sound only slightly stifled by his proximity. You held your breath, clenching your eyes shut as he lapped up the thin trail of blood that flowed outward, over your chest. Visions of hearts torn from chests and pale hands digging through split-open stomachs flitted through your mind, but in the end, he only jerked back was a sharp laugh – more lively than it’d ever been before. There was a certain light to his eyes now, too, a new sense of rejuvenation you almost couldn’t bring yourself to recognize in the same creature who’d stalked you for months, who’d knocked on your walls and watched you at night and given you so many chances to run away, so many chances that you’d been too hopeful and too idiotic to take. You felt him shifting above you, heard your sheets rustle, and you braced yourself, going stiff in preparation for a pointed nail stabbed into your throat, or a skull-crushing blow to your head, or--
Or, for him, it, whatever he was, to kiss you.
You hadn’t known to expect it would be as brutal as it was. What little delicacy, what little gentleness he had was gone. For longer than seemed possible, your world was one of clashing teeth and probing hands and lips pushed against yours with enough force to bruise. You didn’t know whether or not he was trying to scare you, but the gesture was more violent than affectionate – messy and overwhelming and enough to have you on the edge of tears by the time he drew back, panting. He opened his mouth, but you were already talking, words spilling from your lips without reservation. Appeals to ‘please, don’t hurt me’ blurring with an incoherent blend of ‘don’t kill me’ and ‘I’ll do anything’ – anything you could think of, anything that might’ve gotten him to give you the space to breathe. Some of it made sense, most of it didn’t, and all of it seemed to fall on deaf ears.
If he was listening, if he cared, none of it earned anything more than a wry smile, a soft kiss to the top of your head. At that point, you were so desperate, so distressed, you couldn’t stop yourself from leaning into it – only whimpering as he hummed gently and drew you upward, until you were the one sitting in his lap, cradled in his arms. It occurred to you, not for the first time, how much bigger his frame was than yours, how small you felt in his arms. Like a bird with an injured wing, unable to fly and trapped in.
Like a mouse, your neck already snapped by the impartial hammer and your body caught in the maw of something much larger and much more dangerous than yourself.
“You’re shaking.” He was laughing, but you were. You couldn’t stop. Your body refused to listen to you, to push him away, to run, but you just couldn’t stop yourself from shivering – trembling violently enough for it to border on convulsions. “What’d I tell you the first time you freaked out, huh?”
That he liked the way you tasted. That he’d been watching you for months. That he’d thought about killing you and, if he got hungry enough, he’d probably think about it again.
You swallowed, willing the knot of dread at the back of your throat to loosen. “That you weren’t going to hurt me.”
“And you don’t think I’d lie to you, do ya?”
It would’ve been kinder if he did, if he pretended to be something remotely human. “I don’t.”
“Because I haven’t, and I’m not. That’d just be a waste, 'specially when I haven’t gotten half of what I want out of ya, yet.” You were dragged away from his chest, poised to face him. You were given a few seconds to stare up at him through the darkness, to try to begin to process what was happening, what he was doing, before a scarred palm was cupping your cheek, before he was kissing you, again – shallowly, fleetingly, before moving upward, pressing his lips against your forehead and dipping back toward your neck.
This time, he wasn’t content just to content just to hold your hand. You could feel his fingertips skirting over your thighs, leaving strips of numbness spreading across whatever he made contact with, making an attempt at delicacy before his attention drifted and his touch grew rougher, his hold bruising, his skin frigid where it pressed against yours. Against your better judgement, you leaned into your paralysis, not returning his bizarre affection, but making no effort to push him away, either. You tried to hold yourself straight, but not stiff, to keep your eyes open and your jaw locked into place, but even your neutrality was enough to encourage him, to spur him forward. You barely had time to brace yourself before you were being shoved downward once again, before you were being pinned against your own thin mattress with enough force for the jutting springs to dig into your back. Again, he was above you, and again, you were powerless beneath him, just as scared as you’d been when he was just a ghost of fear lurking in your peripheral.
“Don’t worry, little mouse.”
Just as helpless as you’d been when you couldn't see the threat at all.
“I’m takin’ care of you, now.”
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boa-h · 1 year
【Shabana Gyutaro】 January Snow
*i don’t think they had guns back then but let’s just pretend they do
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“I still firmly believe— that you’re out there somewhere in this world, waiting for me, as young as you were, as loving as you were.”
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Perhaps not many people would believe this, the fact that Shabana Gyutaro has also experienced love in his teenage years of life. A monster like him, a freak, how could he have possibly fallen in love? It’s ridiculous no matter how he thinks of it.
It was the first snow of the year when he met you. The color white dyed the entire town and the snow produced a satisfying crunching sound whenever he stepped on it with his bare feet, snowflakes fell from the sky and he had almost mistaken it for rain. Sudden footsteps appeared behind him and he spun around, sickle pointing at whoever dared to approach him, only to find a girl a head shorter standing there, panting, with a pink fur coat in her hands. He guessed that it was yours.
“Uhm...” You started, “I saw you walking by just now, I noticed that you didn’t have a coat, so please, take this.” You handed your coat to him, “You must be cold.”
Ignoring his dry skin that cracked and turned red due to the weather, and his fingers and legs that slowly turned stiff, “Don’t need it.” He scowled. Are you trying to pity him? You wealthy little girl who has multiple coats, each a different color.
Maybe you’ve never talked to anyone as ugly as him before, or maybe you’re just cold as well, your hands shook and tears swirled in your pretty eyes, “N-no, I insist, I can’t bear walking back home still with the coat I was supposed to give you. Take it, if it makes you feel better then return it when winter ends, you will not owe me anything.” You shoved the coat into his hands and ran as fast as you could back into your yard, tripped by the thick snow multiple times.
Gyutaro watched as you hurried back home, he looked back at the coat in his hands and he wanted to tear it apart and throw it on the ground and stomp it until it was nothing but pieces of dirty and useless cloth. But gosh, it’s so warm, to the point where he doesn’t even want to let go.
The second time he saw you, you were just passing by the street with your maid when he dragged one of his victims out of the brothel he was in. Gyutaro flung the man onto the hard earth and pointed his weapon at the victim’s throat. Murmurs were heard throughout the street yet they only made Gyutaro’s smile bigger.
“Now, pay up.” He taunted.
When the gold coins clinked in Gyutaro’s hands and when the man hurriedly scrambled away, he turned around, meeting your eyes. One of your hands covered your mouth and the other clung onto your maid’s sleeves, his surprised expression turned into a frown, and then his lips curved upwards again as he walked to you. Your maid tried to block him but one simple shove from him made her lose balance. You took a step back and he giggled. See, even you’re afraid of him, just like everyone else.
“Got something to say to me? Miss.” He was dangerously close to the point you can feel the heat radiating from his slim body. You looked everywhere but his eyes trying to think of something, would he be mad if you just simply shook your head?
Maggot, dimwit, idiot, good-for-nothing, useless, disgrace, freak, monster. He imagined everything you could call him, hitting him with dirt and rocks on the floor, tripping over your own feet, and then begging for mercy when he decides to kill you.
Too long.
You were taking too long.
“Come on, come on! Say something, man, you’re taking too damn long!” He raised his voice, scratching his neck in frustration.
“Um!” Startled, you blurted out the first thing in your mind, “You’re not wearing the coat I gave you, please wear it, it’s still very cold outside!” Immediately lowering your head, embarrassed of what just came out of your mouth. Gyutaro stared at you, wide-eyed, mouth agape.
“Don’t give me that crap…” He muttered.
“I said don’t give me that crap!!” He shouted, raising his sickle, accidentally slicing across your cheek, blood oozed out of the small yet deep cut instantly, “You say those things like you actually care! I hate people like you, I bet you think you’re the nicest person in this whole world, huh?! I bet it’s nice to have a nice house with maids to look after you, niiiice for you, mannn, niiice for youu… a person like you doesn't have to bring warmth to someone like me, and I don’t need your pity either. Go kill yourself.” His words were like fangs coated with venom, tears flowed down your cheeks and mixed in with the crimson blood that has yet to be stopped. Your hands pressed onto your wound, it hurts. It hurts.
Gyutaro stared at the direction you ran off to, all he could hear was your muffled sobbing and it made him want to tear his ears off. He hates the way you cry, it makes him frustrated and when he’s frustrated he can’t stop scratching himself, until his skin gets stuck under his dirty fingernails, until the tip of his fingers are dyed red.
And then he never saw you again until spring came. Gyutaro always walks back to that place he called home and then pass by your house, and everytime he tries to look through the windows he sees nothing. Not you, not your maids, not your parents, no one. When winter ended, he stood on your front porch, holding your poorly washed pink furry coat in his hands that were red and numb from being in the cold water stream for too long. His hand was raised, ready to knock on the door any second, yet he paused, hesitating like a teenage boy who had just fallen in love. He stayed in his position for at least 15 minutes, his forearm cold like a corpse as his blood struggled to flow in his raised arm. Until the door opened.
You stood there as beautiful as you were a few months ago, the cut he accidentally gave you remained as a scar on your skin. You looked up at him, surprised by his presence, yet remained quiet, waiting patiently for him to say something.
“I… I came back to give back your coat.” He said, dryly, handing over your coat.
“... Thank you for returning it.” You bowed your head as thanks.
Gyutaro watched as your delicate hands reached for the coat that looks like it’s been used everyday for years, and then suddenly he no longer wants to give back your coat. Someone like you touching something that has been used by him seems terrifying, like a drop of ink in a glass of milk. It was a sin— a sin greater than anything else.
He clung onto the coat until he realized that he was clutching onto it, hesitantly, he released his grip. He watched as you passed the coat to your maid, who then took it inside the house.
Gyutaro awkwardly stood in front of you, staring at your peaceful smiling face in silence. Awkwardness took over the air, for him at least.
“Come in and have some tea.” You broke the silence, offering a cup of tea in gratitude for him giving back the coat.
Gyutaro froze in place. Go inside and have tea? What kind of sick joke… You can’t have someone like him dirting your floors, especially after giving you that nasty cut, or what he thought was a nasty cut, on a pretty face like yours. “No- no, I’m good, man. My sister’s waiting for me to go back home. Maybe some other day.” He says.
“Okay.” You said, smiling calmly as always, and Gyutaro’s hand rose up to his nape, scratching it in a kind of frustration he can’t even find.
And there he unintentionally created another chance to see you again. Until the long summer days finally came to an end, and winter passed halfway.
“Hey, Gyutaro-kun! Let’s go to the New Years Festival today! Bring Ume-chan with you, please?” You called his name like you always did, asking him to accompany you wherever you go.
“Sure.” He grumbled, different from when you first knew him, different from denial and rejection.
Colorful fireworks exploded into the night sky, creating a beautiful contrast. It was truly the happiest moment of your life, welcoming the new year with good friends, not worrying about a thing in this world, about your parents who never come back home.
But happiness doesn't last. A sound that sounded like fireworks came from the crowd, a person dropped down onto the floor, a crimson red pooled beneath him, and the people around him screamed.
“Someone’s dead!”
“Who did that!?What’s happening!?”
And then everything else was a blur. People were running in all directions as more gunshots went off, and fires started to spread from all the knocked over food stalls. More and more people ended up dead on the floor, and people stepped over anything and everything to escape.
“We have to go!” Gyutaro called your name while holding onto Ume. As he finally got a grasp on your wrist, someone collapsed onto the hem of your kimono.
No way… Why now!?
You panicked and tried to yank out your kimono but your feet already took their steps. Tripping over, someone stepped directly onto your back, knocking the air out of you, before the wooden support post of a nearby food stall collapsed right on top of your lower body. You cried in pain.
“Hurry! Get up!” Gyutaro screamed, yanking you with his hands before trying to lift up the support post.
“I… I can’t…!” Tears pooled in your eyes, “Don’t worry about me, just go. Go back with Ume. I’ll be okay, someone will come soon, to help, I’ll be fine.” You shoved on his hand, “Come back later when you get Ume home, I’ll be fine.”
Gyutaro opened his mouth as if to protest, but watching all the chaos going on, and your pleading eyes. “Okay, wait for me, I’ll be back soon.” Slowly, he let go of your hand, and that was the last time he ever touched your warm hands.
You muffled your sobs with your kimono sleeves as you watched him disappear into the chaos with Ume.
No, don’t leave. It hurts. Don’t leave me alone. Help me. Don’t leave me.
White snow started falling from the sky and the fires died down. Tears dried on your face and your vision started to blur. The snow fell on your body like a white blanket as if the sky was mourning for you.
When Gyutaro returned, all he could find was your already cold and stiff body, his hands shook with fear as they reached for yours. Your empty eyes that were still opened stared into his, cut and bruises littered over your body yet you were still as beautiful as always. His hand gently covered your eyes and brought your eyelids down.
“Didn’t you say you were going to be alright?”
Gyutaro gritted his teeth and his eyes were bloodshot with anger and sadness. His sickle that he brought with him cut down the wooden support post, and he carried your body out and slowly brought you back home. He watched helplessly as your maids cried over your body, and suddenly he wanted to cry too.
He wasn’t there at your funeral. He was scared, afraid. Afraid of those hollow eyes that stared into his, as if your death was all on him, as if you were blaming him for everything that happened.
“She wouldn’t do that.” Ume immediately opposed his thoughts. “She’s the nicest person I’ve ever met! If she didn’t die, she would’ve married you. If you think she hates you, then you’re just speaking ill of her.” Tears pooled in her eyes as she cried to defend you with everything she’s got.
Gyutaro looked down at the tattered and molded tatami he’s sitting on. “I wish I married her.” He simply stated.
Even after becoming a demon and losing all his memories, he always knew that there were once someone in this world who loved him. Even when his head got cut off, he still firmly believes, that you’re still out there somewhere in this world, waiting for him, as young as you were, as loving as you were.
And the next time he opened his eyes, you were right there.
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gyusimp · 2 months
°𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐬 ⁽ᴾˡᵉᵃˢᵉ⸴ ʳᵉᵃᵈ ᵗʰᵉ ᵉⁿᵗⁱʳᵉ ᵖᵒˢᵗ ᶠᵒʳ ⁱⁿᶠᵒ⁾
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Hello everyone! I hope you are good. I've been thinking about something for a long time and I want to share it with you. As everyone knows, Gyutarō is my biggest obsession and I decided to create this blog to write content exclusively for him but I love many more characters besides him that I have wanted to write/post things about here on Tumblr but because of that I ended up posting it only on AO3 due to Gyu's exclusivity and some people read it but not as many as I would like or not as many as if I had posted it here too.
I belong to other fandoms and I would like to expand my literary horizons lol and be able to interact with more people and create content for those other characters that I love so much because I also have ideas that don't fit Gyutarō 100% of the time and sometimes I feel like I'm limiting myself, cause sometimes is a bit boring just write for them but not post it and can't talk with someone else about them lol
I'm seriously thinking about opening requests and posting both here and on AO3 content for other characters (both from Kimetsu no Yaiba and other fandoms) since I met a fictional boy who is driving me crazy and I obsessively want to write for him. Important! Without deprioritizing writing for Gyutarō, he will continue to be the main character of this blog and his content will be written normally (as will the requests for him) it would be more than anything from time to time to write a random idea or fulfill a request for another character, nothing serious.
I love you all very much and I appreciate the acceptance that my crazy ideas have had and my growth on Tumblr is thanks to all of you so I wanted to know what you think and based on the majority to be able to make a decision and see if it is okay with you that I post things about other characters here or if you prefer that I just post the link to AO3 specifically for those who are interested in those other characters.
Lately it's been a bit difficult for me to write smut fluently so I've decided to moderate the amount of smut I write to feel comfortable and work with something that I'm happy to post, so I'll put it aside for a while the smut is completely explicit (but you can still find hot scenes, don't worry)
I'll leave a poll where I'll greatly appreciate your opinion or you can say what you think in the comments. Likewise, I'll later post a list of the characters with whom I'm open to writing for, in case one matches with my current followers. I know that not all of us accept changes positively when we have become accustomed to something, however, I ask you to please avoid offensive or hateful comments.Thank you very much for all your support and understanding, I love you! 💜
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honeeslust · 1 year
Just a little blurb since we’re talking about loving the bad boys a little more .
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Y’all I’m juss sayin. Tengen was everything, but Gyutaro. Fucking hell. 🥵
Its the way I need Gyutaro to make me his entirely. He could terrorize a village, cutting down anyone who got in his way and it would all be for me. He wont give a single fuck about it either. If people are going to despise him, shouldn’t he own up to that reputation? He’d take his own head if it meant making me happy.
—That’s why I’d make sure to give him extra special care. Whatever my Demon needed, I’d provide. If he wanted to watch me pass out how from having his fat cock so far down my throat then thats what I’d do.
If he wanted a taste of me, I’d sear the flesh myself if only to see the way he fixated on the blood running hot down my body. I’d let him taste me while he fucked me. Id let him hear me crying out in pain and pleasure. He’d break my mind and wear my body down. And still I would beg for more.
Y’all don’t mind me, I’m ovulating and there’s nothing but horror movies on Netflix and I been stuck on booktok since last weekend. ☺️
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verso-n-vidalia · 3 months
A Demon Through and Through - Kamado Squad + Kanao & Demon! Reader
Imagine being a demon slayer, traveling with Tanjiro, Nezuko, Zenitsu, and Inosuke and being turned into a demon in front of them…
Trigger Warnings: Cursing, Canon Typical Violence, Graphic Descriptions, Disemboweling, Poisoning, Whump
*Please comment additional trigger warnings that need to be included. I am half asleep uploading this so it is possible that a few escaped my brain at the time of writing
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Not me realizing 3 chapters in that I had been posting the links to this account instead of the blog I have dedicated to my art/writing/other creative works. All other ones will be switched to being posted to that account and then reblogged here bc why not.
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helloescapist · 1 year
Prompt/suggestion you can run with (SFW): Gyutaro x Reader (platonic)
Imagine the reader (GN) as a 15-18 year old demon slayer from the Edo period who, like Gyutaro, suffers from congenital syphilis and has been tormented for it.
Reader is sent on a mission to Yoshiwara, and manages to find and cut off Daki's head, leading to her calling for her brother (She's a lot weaker in the Edo period since she and Gyu recently became demons, which is why she's so easily beat by a non-Hashira).
Gyu emerges and is about to off on his usual jealousy rant when he notices the similarities between himself and Reader. Regardless, he tries to kill them since they hurt Daki, but as Gyu gains the upper hand he feels a sort of kinship with the Reader and offers them to become a demon, like he did with Tanjiro.
Reader declines, since they have completely different values of life despite having similarities, and is killed as a result.
Fast forward 100 years to Gyu and Daki's eventual defeat; as he lays dying, Gyu thinks about the demon slayer (Reader) he killed a long time ago, and wonders if he could've made a better life for himself and Daki if he'd gone down a better path and been more like them.
Turns out, although Reader lost the battle, their worldview was the right one in the end.
I'm incredibly sorry this was so long. I'm excited to see what you'll write for this! If you do write it. Apologies if I broke any of the rules, too
hello, hello!
I'm sorry it's been so long. I truly loved this ask, and wanted to give it all of the love and attention, and research it deserved. I wanted to depict the slayer's memories in a way that was similar to that of how we see glimpses of the demons. Admittedly, my computer is on the fritz (forgive it, the old broad is 12 years old)., and jumping everywhere, so i'm not entirely sure if this piece is what I want it to be or need updating when my new computer is in.
Parallel Paths | Gyutaro
Setting: Gyutaro x gn!reader [platonic/two sides of the same coin fic]
Content Warning(s): spoilers, angst, reflective, depictions of gore/blood, red light district, and STI/STD (reader has congenital syphilis).
A/N: reader is born of a courtesan. As such any child of a courtesan is essentially born into service, regardless of gender.
Summary: It has been so many years since Gyutaro thought of the slayer with the same condition as himself, and in his final moments, he understands the beauty of their smile.
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Slate grays dove into waves of charcoal, clouds that dipped across the surface of the moon. Shushing the faint glow of the celestial body. Marred the shadows of the night, and masked the night. The once vibrant night life dedicated to music, and pleasure was now robbed of gratification. Rouge smeared across screams, tears that shattered painted faces. Luxurious fabrics shredded in desperation; extravagant scents spilt into the streets. Marred by the scent of metallic and iron. Hemoglobin that threatened to stain silk. Threads and hemmed littered across the ground, bodies that had been caught in the turmoil. Carnage that littered the walkways, burned flesh caught by the scatter of candles in the attempt to flee. The faint glow of the moon illuminating the horrors of battle spread across the red-light district. Perfumes and incense that threatened your nose, churned your stomach, and caught the nausea at the base of your throat. Muscles that flexed at the overwhelming scent of the lavish Hinoki, delicate noes of jasmine, and rare touch of foreign florals. Hair adornments abandoned in the chaos, gold that glittered against the raging flames. Smoke that seared your eyes, brought tears to your lashes as you forced the tainted air through your lungs. The press of your hand against your abdomen. The chill ebbed across your shoulders, flickered at the touch of your skin as the blood met your fingers. Struggle to whisper relief to your senses, survived. You were alive. Fought the caught of your breath, shook your shoulders as you heaved. Questioned who it was you should pray to, to thank your existence upon this world. Tremble of a smile, no s-so many had been lost.  Alive.  The ache of your bones, of your senses against her screams.
                The curl of long locks of hair rolled across the muck. Screamed insanities, wailed in rage. Strands of a mane that echoed the tricks of her trade, a banshee painted in the finest of oshiroi.  Humiliation that masqueraded as fury, spawned the roll of tears. Sobs that caught at the base of her severed throat. Hair embellishments, gifts from suitors you could only assumed had been fractured in the skirmish.  The pull of your wounds, each step revealing a new affliction. Broken ribs. Eight of them on your right side, easily having been obtained when her pkkuri-geta had caught the side of your torso in your fight. The power of her kick unexpected. Strength, despite the delicate frame she bore, the demon had proven to be as powerful as the rumors had depicted her. Her movements swift, far faster than those of her peers. How she had ever maneuvered the tarnished district in such elaborate foot wear was beyond your comprehension. Daki had been an emerging threat quite capable of climbing the hierarchy. The shift of your heel, drawing the agony across your ankle crawled up the height of your leg. Shattered, your left leg had been shattered when she had flung you through the chashitsu. Scalded flesh beneath the black hakama of your uniform soaked, rattled shards of tea wear embedded into your flesh. Littered your uniform, torn the delicate cloth from a variety of angles. Exposed far more of your complexion that you would prefer, fought back the anxiety of whispers should wandering eyes of victims that had remained caught in the chaos would bear. Childhood wounds that had never properly healed,  and yet, for all the capability your opponent had shown in battle, the loss of sensation in your left arm revealing the failing of your own movements, the sorrow of realization had washed away her sins. The whelp of her tears, round and fitful. Her wail little more than that of a child’s, the youthful round of her cheeks, untouched by time, and cared for by lavish goods—when she had revealed herself to you, you had prayed that her appearance had been maintained by victims. Her demonic state maintained by the blood of her art, or perhaps her meals, but the babble of her bawling revealed a temper tantrum fitting of small children.  The lacquer of binding of your gunbai felt heavier than normal. Although how your heart tried to convince yourself that it was the burden of your battered body, the ache of your chest could not be soothed. Throbbed as you willed your knees to bend fought back the scream of agony as your tarnished zorii sandals struggled to bear your weight.  The excess of ribbons strained at the flex of your wrist as you drew your hand forward. Gathered the excess of your kimono sleeves, bound to your flesh. Concealing secrets that painted your skin, the wiggle of your brow. Heavy and mournful as you delicately lifted her skull between broken fingers. Blood that trickled between the callous of your fingers as you carefully regarded her. The salt of her tears marred across her meticulously painted face, her glare as fierce as the blade of your staff. The fierce glower of chartreuse behind long eyelashes, touched the mourning of her rage, of her loss. Round, doll like eyes that scowled at you, hissed obscenities. The quiver of her pout, swore that you had cheated. “It’s not fair,” her voice shook, trembled at the knot that caught in her throat.
The dawning of all your fears evident in her protests. Unable to fight the pity that captivated your features, the way your voice met her wails. She’s a child. Hummed a distant lullaby, one that echoed your upbringing, faint memories of your mother’s perfume littered across features. Cradled her severed head despite the way she protested, tucked the mangled of hair that had caught against her snot. Soothed the fragments of her hair embellishments from her hair, attempted to hush her wails. Ghost of a childhood, clung to the many linings of your mother’s kimonos dazzled by her hair ornaments that caught the light as she danced under the lanterns. Swept the sweat slicked strands of hair that had unraveled in her state of duress from her brow, murmured reassurance that all would be well. Rocked the shrieking head as memories of hours dedicated to tayu training hummed recollections of a childhood you had abandoned. The faint echo of your mother’s lower rouged lip that trembled, how her touch had recoiled from the pat of your head. The tears she had shed at your parting, far too young to understand the mercy she had expressed to her only child. Oblivious to the great risk she had put herself at the hands of the master, shooed you from her sight, whisked away by a patron that had frequented her brothel. A hashira she had bartered with for your well fare, spirited away in the middle of the day, utilizing the daylight hours to disappear without a trace. Far too young to understand how the scars that blemished your skin had threatened your existence, nor old enough to understand that it had been the sacrifice of a mother’s love that had uprooted you. A child entangled in the horrors of the night, a tangle of sex, and violence, the tarnish of your complexion impacting your profit. Far too young to understand, just as the young girl you now cradled in your arms. Whispered reassurance of the afterlife, of forgiveness, and rebirth.
“I-It’s not f-fair,” she hick-uped between snarls. Thrashed her eyelashes as the depths of her jade-colored eyes caught against your own. Whelps of tears, large and unrelenting as her rage. Humiliation that had nicked at the tip of her nose, fallen to the fullness of her cheeks. A victim of the times, of profit, and of the night, the fury of her tears , and a razor sharp tongue that elicited insult after abuse. The tremble of your brow, how this little demon reminded you of the tayus who had fought for your mother’s attention and affections. Slighted by the warmth she had often provided—they had probably taken your place if she had fallen from grace in your departure. “Y-You cheated. H-How dare you t-touch me. Di-DISGUSTING! L-Look at you! Look at you! H-How d-dare you!!!!!”  the snap of her jaw, the sharps of her teeth snatched at the curl of her lips. Wrinkled her nose as the tears down poured. “O-ONIIIIIIIIIIIIIICH-HHAN!”
Rolling, the revolting slump of her beheaded torso slumped before crackling in a stomach-churning rattle of bone and marred flesh. The bite of chill that threatened to swallow you whole. Senses snubbed, and delayed. The tilt of your vision, blood loss—no. No. The impact met your form eight ten broken ribs shattered by the blunt force. Crunched under the pressure, sending your form clattering through a series of buildings. Wood splintered against your weight, the impact of pure blunt force trauma inflicted from a mangle of bones. A foot that had landed with precision. Fractured any chance of breathing, claimed a lung in the tumble of your limp stature. Devastated the remainder of strength, and robbed you of the ability to grasp your blade. The clutch of your knuckles, your left arm struggled to grasp the naginata between fragmented finger bones; held together by the mere flesh that bound them. Blood that poured from gashes, threatened exposes your rashes to the night air. The drowning terror that caught in your throat, and intimidated your resolve. The flutter of your eyelashes, bruised and lacerated across your left eye. No longer able to catch the vision of shapes from your left optic. Blood that dipped to the lining of your lower lashes as you struggle to your feet. The length of your blade balancing your weight, bearing far more than the naginata was intended. The tremble of your jaw as the faint glimpses of a huddled form flickered in the flames of the night. Rattled words that could only be described as jagged rocks scratched against one another, formed soothing praises. The touch of a tender words, a figment of nightmares. Crouched delicately over the form of Daki’s head. Long, spindly fingers that used their nails to graze across her childlike features, sweet in their regard. Affectionate, and soothing. Tangled, and knotted putrid green hair bound into a neglected node at the top of its skull. Bones that rutted from beneath paper thin flesh, stretched over the skeletal form of famine that rocked in its soothing movements. The touch of blood that bound the two together, the blossom of cellular growth that kissed at the base of her neck, silk that recoiled Daki’s once severed head back to her limp form. Tearfully joined despite the weight of the hand upon the top of her haid. “Oniichan,” she yowled in her snivels, “G-Gyutaro.”
“There, there,” the gravel tone as though his neck bones had caught against one another, “it will be okay. Big brother will take care of it, sssssh. It’s okay.”
Big brother.
Yellow eyes the combined hue of mucus and jaundice, encased in citric orange flickered your direction. Fear caught in the base of your throat, the blink of your eyelashes drawing the monster to your sights. The graze of his fingers threaded through your hair, pruce flesh slashed across his face. The sight of his jagged teeth revealed ins his snarl, reaction time given no opportunity to allow the gravity to hit your senses before he slammed your face into the ground.  The clutch of his knuckles weaved into the tangles of your ponytail, a berating laughter that slammed into the ground repeatedly. Delighted in the crunch of your nose. The cartlidge smashed and deformed beneath the brunt of the ground. Cackles that berated, and rejoiced in your shame. “Such a pretty-pretty faceeeeeeeee."
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Daki’s tears caught at the corner of her long eyelashes. The beauty of her jade eyes trembled in her wails. Touched at the depths of her despair, shamed at her short comings. Blindsided by you, the bastard who had dared to touch her. Threatened her peace, assaulted her in the comforts of her own home. Revealed her to the masses, exposed her being, and left her muddled in her own blood. Disgraceful, shitful little worm. Good for nothing who dared to exist in the same space as his little sister.  The curl of your hair caught between his blades of his nails, his snarl of jealousy in the lush care of your mane. Silken, like Daki’s kimono. Disgusting. Wretched little bastard. The furrow of his envy drawing his knee to the side of your cheek, the impact smashing the side of your cheek bone, tossing your form once more. The flutter of bones, and the wounds of your prior battle. The skid of your zori beneath your weight. Gritted your teeth as your left eye cinched. Your vision jumped, and rattled and trembled. The rattle of your knees—scared. Oh you were scared, he could practically smell the piss in your pants. The spread of cracked flesh, the neglect of his lips sprawled into a smile. Shrew and misshapen over his deformed jawline the dip of his chin tucked to his chest. Predatory in his regard, catching at the tremble of your breath. Shattered like a broken, little doll. Beautiful, little doll. Far too weak to do anything to escape your fate, trembled, and delayed. Far too slow to stop the way that his fingers knotted in the bangs of your hair, ripping your gaze to match his own. The tremble of your eyes—oh to break the pretty little—ugly bastard.
                “Y-you,” the growl unavoidable. Flinched across the touch of your lips. Anxious, and exposed. I-It had been so many years since someone’s gaze had flicked across the abrasions of your skin. Appraised as livestock, little more than profit that recoiled in disgust. The clench of his fist, revolted at your appearance. The vile of a past you had prayed to forget, one of lavish kimono and exquisite tea. Paraded women, little more than entertainment amongst war. Casualties of famine, and of poverty, sold to the highest bidder. Lessons dedicated to poetry, to singing. One in which your beauty had once been praised, a mirror image of your mother, a jewel amongst the brothel you had been born into. Cultivated in sweat, tears, and the musk of strangers. A fatherless bastard gifted the beauties of the world, the madam charmed at the prospect of owning a rare beauty, and how quickly all of it had been ripped from your fingertips. The blossom of the rashes that had claimed the high of your cheek, danced across your nose. Blossomed down your left shoulder, and claimed your arms. Tarnished your once cherished face, revolted all those that had looked upon you. The color of puce deformed the otherwise perfection of your complexion, and the jewel of the brothel you had once been. Treasures taken from you, punishment, the mere sight of you an insult to the brothel. Nights locked in a store house, torn from your mother’s side, from the lavish clothing you had known, and the hair ornaments the tayus had coveted. Asunder, bare to the night air, as far removed from your mother’s sights as you had been the madams. The whispers of the courtesans lacking in decorum, pleasured in the fall of status, and delighted in your depths of sorrow. Peace only relieved in the depths of the morning, the shatter of your mother’s voice in the storehouse. Having found your malnourished form lingering to life. The tears that had gathered at her cheeks, and the weight of her throat as she had ushered your frail weight to the back of a man. Whispered her goodbyes, unable to do little more than reach for her as the man tore you from her side. The faint touch of her fingers as she traced your features into her memories. {YN], please. Live, my beautiful little one.
                The memory caught in your throat. You were far to young the fate that awaited those who actively defined the madam or the consequences of the disease that had deformed you.. A sin of your birth caught in the bruised colored rash that had scared your flesh. Plagued your existence. Shuttered touches from strangers, and avoided those of peers in the Demon Corps. Now exposed from your bound wrists, under the gaze of a demon who bore similar blemishes. Laughter that threatened to spill from his lips as his hand met the back of your head. Demanding the diversion of your gaze. “You ugly little bastard,” he cheered, “dare to look down on me, you pathetic little worm. Look at you! Look at how ugly you are! Oh my, the world must hate to have you, disgusting. Disgusting little rat.” The patting of his hand smacked against the base of your skull, over and over before you found the strength to grasp your naginata. Desperate in the strain of muscles, torn and ripped in the abuse. Twirled the hilt across yoru shoulders, kept to the hit of your wrist in an attempt to heave him off of you.
                Futile as the laughter that emerged from his lips. Playful, as a child who had found a new toy. “Ah, I like you,” whiny, and amused, “You know, all filthy things belong to me. What do you say?” Jagged teeth that snickered as they clenched together. Predatory eyes that circled your form, loomed over you and exerting pressure that dared to snub out the breath of your lungs.
                [YN] Please, live.
                “I’m sorry,” you whispered to the night air. Far too aware of the agony that wretched across your bones. The weariness that had long since set in, and the exhaustion that had begun to seep into your pores. Suffering that longed for suffrage, lamented in torment, and prayed for release. To smell her perfume here of all places. A rarity even amongst the red light district. Distinct in her scent, and warm as her silken robes. The bittersweet memory of her soft fingers wiping the tears from your eyes. The small stirring that smiled upon your lips as you gazed up at the creature before you. Scared and broken. The rash that littered across his form, blossomed across his face, a mirror of your own. Painted in depravity, and desperation to survive. A casualty of the pleasure trades, discarded to fate, and neglected of love. “I’m sorry, I-I’m.” my beautiful little one. The ache of your breast as your eyes found Gyutaro’s. “beautiful.”
"I'm beautiful," you whispered to the night air, severed to the after life.
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Beautiful, it had been a hundred years since had thought of that particular fight. In all of the years spent in depravity, partnered with his little sister, it had not been an impressive brawl. It left a lot to be inspired, but despite the passage of time, Gyutaro had always felt frustrated at the way you had smiled at him in your final moments. Beautiful. Delicate in the way the rash dared to touch your delicate complexion. The time had not robbed him of the familiarity of your luscious hair. Long, and well cared for, stylish, and extravagant. The lovely shade of your eyes blissful in the way that they greeted death, oblivious to the disgusting crush of the rash that had spread across the majority of your skin. Scarred your complexion, and in the moment when his raged, to hear you dare speak of yourself as beautiful in your state, he was enraged to know that he was envious of your beauty. The delicate smile that you held as your gaze welcomed his bone scythes.
                Far different than how he had greeted death. The chill of absence of the bridge of his existence numbs into his features. Hollowed the realities of his life into his chest, as his feet fell beneath his weight. Daki leaned into his touched, determined to remain at his side in an oath he had made so, so many years ago. In another life in which he had cherished her more than power, more than wealth, and more than beauty. The warmth of her touch, seeking his soothing. It had been, so many years since he had thought of that slayer, time had robbed him of his sense of self. Given way to pride, and contempt. Ensured him status, and survival, and yet, yet, in his final moments, it was the beautiful of the smile that had robbed him of his confidence. Whispered doubt of his choices, of his abilities—of what consequences would fall upon his sister at his side. Linked in death as they had been in life, a treasure he had neglected so long ago. Beautiful in its warmth, in its comfort. Precious as it was in life, a bond of siblings that survived the world. A beauty he had over looked, and was far too young to appreciate. Beautiful.
                Just as that of the smile of the ghost that passed them by.
If you're curious about base notes: here you go!
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signedeclipse · 2 years
Hi Eclipse, I wanted to know your emergency requests are open? if so I would like to ask for one 👉🏻👈🏻 see, recently I started working and studying at the same time and I feel so exhausted, stressed and just want to cry so I would like a Fem reader x Gyutaro one-shot (modern au human gyutaro), she comes home after a long and stressful day at work, she just wants to cry so Gyutaro decides to make her feel better and relaxed with a night of slow, passionate and loving sex for her to de-stress. I would greatly appreciate it! I'm so glad you're back, I missed you so much 💖🤧😭
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Hard Work [Gyutaro X Reader]
Reader is Human Female | Modern
Recomended Song - Take My Breath Away by Berlin
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Recently, it had begun to feel like your life was on loop. Waking up at an ungodly hour in the morning, barely time to make a simple breakfast before speeding out the door for another painfully infinite-seeming shift. Even as you got home, there were still house chores to complete before you collapsed into bed from sheer exhaustion. 
One of your coworkers had quit without any notice, and with no one to fill in their shoes, it fell on you to complete all the work they hadn’t done. Of course, the pay was looking great on top of all the bonuses, so you took it up, but it felt like there was no end in sight as the manager struggled to find a new candidate to fill the old one's position. 
But today, even more so, after your supervisor snapped at you for taking too long on your break. The night before, you had actually gone out of your way to make a proper meal and were savouring it in the break room when they barged in, screaming about how it was no wonder you were so behind. 
You kept your smile up then, even though twitches of a frown and the watering of your eyes, even through the rest of your shift and the trip home, but once that door locked behind you, the waterworks snapped into overtime. 
Tears slipped out like a never-ending gush of emotions, throwing your shoes aside as opposed to how you used to stack them neatly. 
From the living room couch, the usual man that greeted you peered over in concern before hurriedly shoving himself from his seat. You couldn’t see his face through the tears, but it was one of extreme worry. He enveloped you in his arms before your knees broke from under you, quickly finding you a comfortable spot where he once sat and letting you cry it out. 
“Hey, hey, shh…” He cooed after clearing his throat from having not spoken all day, trying to get you through it despite his confusion. 
“I-I’m so so s-” you could barely breathe through your speech, having to cut off as another round of sobs came through, the usually laid-back man holding you for dear life, hoping some kind of comfort might help. It soothed his worries when you hugged back, clinging to his loose sweater. 
“It’s okay; it’s all okay!” It wasn’t much, but he lifted your head and used the sleeves of his sweater to wipe, away the tears, and it started to calm, carefully blowing on your face to cool you off and help dry any tears. Both his hands cupped your cheeks now, holding you so close to him with your legs thrown over his lap. He had taken your weight against him to keep you sat up, but he found it highly comfortable. 
From then on, he waited for your breath to slow to a far more healthy pace, kissing your cheek when you seemed to come back to. 
“God, thank you, Gyu.” Even though slight, your smile brought his grin back to his face, holding you tightly once more as he began to rock you gently back and forth in his arms. 
“Anything for my favourite girl. You’re safe now.” He continued to leave kisses from your cheek to your forehead, followed by your nose and lips. He hadn't realized, but his heart had raced just at hearing you cry, and he felt much more at ease now that you were, too. 
A small laugh bubbled up from your throat, enjoying the nickname and the silliness of seeing how he was quite literally babying you at the moment- even more so at the idea that it had worked, before giving him a quick peck back on his lips. The longer he held you in his grasp, the more you seemed to melt into his arms, sighing at the feeling of bones cracking back into place and your muscles de-stressing. 
The show playing on the tv filled the air with something other than your breaths, Gyutaro dipping his head into the nook of your neck to leave even more of his sloppy kisses all over your neck, teasing giggles out of you at the ticklish feeling. A blush climbed to your cheeks, hands clinging to his sweater harder than before. The cry felt terrific, but Gyutaro’s comfort was even more so. 
You gasped when he bit down lightly, teasing your fragile flesh between his teeth before letting go, meeting back at your face to admire the blush growing along with his smile. Normally he’d act a lot cockier, but something in his eyes held a softness you saw only in glimpses. 
“Please, darling, let me take real good care of you.” He was practically begging with those eyes that tested your own, soaking in the feeling of being one of the luckiest men alive to be holding this beautiful, talented girl in his arms. Your nod didn’t take too long to follow after. 
Cautiously, he stood up from the couch with you in his arms like a bride on her honeymoon. 
The walk back to your shared room was filled with bubbly kisses that he greedily stole every chance he got, dropping you onto the comforter of the bed with a soft ‘oomph’ from the impact. It was a welcoming feeling on the ache of your back from having worked all day, being able to get off your feet and relax finally.
You could see tufts of green and black hair peek from the edge of the bed as hands skillfully pulled off your bottoms, and crouched down to pull off your socks, too. As he raised back into view, his cold hands traced from your ankles up to your thighs with a feather softness that sent shivers through your body. In a swift movement, he pulled his hoodie up and over his head, leaving him in only a loose black graphic tee and his gray sweatpants. 
His grin returned so quickly, admiring the eye candy laid out before him. You looked so comfortable, and it helped him to know he was able to do something to get you to relax and ,most importantly, forget. 
He raised one knee onto the edge of the bed, followed by another so he could safely straddle you. Both hands moved under your arms and pulled you further up onto the bed, so your legs no longer dangled off the edge, trapped in loose sheets and his towering figure above your own. 
You had been so kind to remove your top from him, leaving only your undergarments which wouldn’t last very long around your lover. He tended to be rough, ripping through most clothes, but today he had quite a bit of mercy left in him. 
The palm of his right hand happily roamed from your arms to your waist, holding you into the bed as the other made itself home on your left thigh, dipping inwards to gently brush two fingers against the fabric of your underwear, moving over your clit and down between your folds until the fabric creased, leaving a sharp outline of what hid below. He was desperate, and so were you, but he would give up anything to ensure you were damned well taken care of. 
It didn’t stop there; the two fingers making their way down quickly drew back up, tugging the fabric up in the other direction before hovering over your clit, feathering slow circles into it before moving back up and down through your clothed folds, feeling every twitch and squirm at the subtle arousement.
“Gyu…” You whispered his name so nicely, encouraging him at the enjoyable sensation that slowly pooled heat from your body, shaky breaths following through as his touch went a little deeper, pushing a little harder to keep the friction building, to keep you needing. His hand holding you down moved up, gently squeezing one of your breasts through your bra, earning a teasing whine from your throat. 
He was playful, terribly so, but that's what got you going. 
As if he could sense your overwhelming need, the free hand moved back down and hooked onto one side of your panties, his other hand moving up and leaving you touch-starved to help remove the item, tossing it aside carelessly. 
When he dipped his fingers back against your clit he could feel the heat radiating from your body, a welcoming sensation to him but shocking when his cold fingers pushed against the sensitive bud, earning a gasp. 
“Sorry,” despite his apology, he smiled cheerfully at the satisfying noises that would escape you when he caught you off guard. He had lowered himself enough to keep your legs apart since he sat between them, giving him the perfect vantage point to slip one finger into your pussy, swallowed easily after all that teasing. His other hand pulled you down by the hip to keep you still, but that didn’t stop your hands from instinctively grabbing onto his wrist and gripping the sheets. 
Your strength was nothing compared to his own, so he kept pumping the finger in and out until it went easily, slipping in another that he would occasionally press up against your walls, making sure you’d be able to handle him when the time came. 
It almost surprised him how slick you got his fingers; he could feel his cock getting stiff, pulling the band of the sweatpants down so it could comfortably sit, increasing his pace with his fingers to enjoy the wet sounds that escaped both your pussy and your lips with small moans and little begs. 
“Are we feeling ready, princess?” His pace slowed so he could look up and meet your eyes, enjoying your lovely red face that refused to make eye contact. 
“Yes, Gyu! Please.” Normally you’d beat around the bush, but today it seemed enough was enough. The way he had been handling you was to die for, and resisting just wasn’t worth it. 
The boy nodded, leaning forwards to offer a kiss on your cheek, cock brushing up between your folds as he did so, which easily sent another spiralling blush on both your face and ears now, making him chuckle. 
His own cheeks had blushed a rosy pink after the nice feeling of your wetness mixing with the pre cum dripping from his stiff cock, terribly in need from all the ways you made his heart jump. With permission and the addition of lube, he had warmed using his hands; everything was all set for him to spoil his favourite girl. 
He got comfortable between your legs, faces inches apart, as he gazed down to make sure he was getting settled in the right spot. First, he pushed it through your folds and brushed the tip against your clit just to get a reaction before pressing it into your entrance, which satisfyingly slipped in. 
A grunt escaped his lips at the feeling, closing his eyes so he could focus on the feeling of ecstasy your pretty little body gave him. 
Even your panting made it worse as he started off slow, rocking an inch back and forth before adding another, keeping the pace up to make sure you took it all in at your own comfort, up until he was fully snug in you, giving it a couple of gentle rocks while keeping your expression in mind. 
And god did you look happy, as if minutes ago you hadn’t been crying; you were now all snug and clinging to him for dear life. 
With one last breath, he started to thrust in and out at a comfortable speed, watching you bounce up and down in the sheets as your breath started to sync with the thrusts. Soft and meek moans were blessings to his ears as he continued to push forwards, speeding up the pace whenever you’d try to push down. To keep you from helping he got his arms closer, making sure you were pinned in place to enjoy being taken care of. 
“I love you so, so much~” His voice was low and whispery, moving in to leave butterfly kisses along your neck, enjoying how one of your hands had moved to play with any loose strands of hair. It was almost as if you were scared it was a dream, how you stared into him lovingly, how you moaned almost in question. He never doubted that he had lucked out to have you around him like this, to have you wanting him. 
It seemed you tried to repeat it back, but just to mess with you, he quickened his pace, the sound of his hips meeting yours mixing with the panting and pleading. Your bodies were pressed together as he leaned in closer, feeling your every rise and fall of your stomach, how you frotted against him with his heavier thrusts and clung to the fabric of his shirt as if it would save you from the overwhelming feeling. 
The man could only hold himself together for so long, coordinated thrusts becoming sloppier whenever your walls would tighten around him, grunts becoming frequent as the drawn-out foreplay seemed to have an effect on his performance today. He could tell you were beginning to tire out as well, words becoming slurries of his name and the word ‘please’. 
In what was mostly a last-ditch effort, he gave a couple of rougher thrusts before coming undone the moment your walls gave a final, tight squeeze, accepting the fruits of your combined work as his cum spilled half into you and half on his sweater that he had put under your waist to keep from the bed. He hadn’t even realized he had pulled you into a kiss until it broke, each of you painting until you could catch your breath. 
“I love you too, Gyu…” While minutes later, he appreciated that you didn’t leave him hanging, giving a quick peck to your nose before collapsing beside you in the bed, happily snaking his arms around your waist and pulling you into his chest. 
“I’ll clean you up in a bit, princess, but how about a quick snuggle?” His voice was hoarser than usual after all the heavy breathing, and part of him knew that you’d both likely fall asleep before he actually did that, but it was the idea that counted. 
Besides, a nice morning bath sounded like a great idea. He’ll call in sick for you tomorrow.
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Author Note -  I understand how stressful it can be with both studies and a job! I've been doing it too and trust me when I say you are doing a great job and making everyone proud! Especially me, I know what you are going through and applaud you for keeping it up <3 Thank you for requesting!
Word Count - 2,417
Art Credit - 蕾一
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sir-subpar · 1 year
Demon Dad Gyutaro Au-
"Father, and Sun"
Chapter summary: parenting is hard, even for demons. Especially when there's a certain time when you can't be outside. (No, the title isn't a typo)
Below the cut!
Oh god- toddlers. 
One would think that being a demon would make parenting somewhat easier, demons had more strength and energy, surely that would make things easier, right?
Oh what a fool he had been.
As it turns out, demons can get tired.
For the first time in a little over a hundred years, Gyutaro actually felt the need for sleep.
These kids absolutely exhausted him. They were loud, even Nezuko, who, while still not having said her first word yet, loved to either laugh or shriek, there was no in between, Gyutaro learned. Now that she was old enough to walk, Gyutaro had two little shits to chase around the house.
These brats were messy too. Throwing things, spitting up substances that Gyutaro, while used to it by now, still did not wish to describe, and rolling around in dirt and other muck. 
He couldn't even bathe them without some sort of struggle. They'd splash and paddle about, getting soap in Gyutaro's eyes on multiple occasions. 
And Tanjiro, while still sweet, was just old enough to start developing a bit of an attitude. 
"Oi Tanjiro! Get back in the damn tub!" 
Gyutaro barked as the child climbed out of the tub. He slipped away from him, running down the hall naked, covered in soap suds and water.
"I don't wanna!" The boy spat, sticking his tongue out.
"If you don't, you'll stay filthy and reek!" He barked back, gaining on the child.
Just as he grabbed Tanjiro, the boy threw a curveball at him. "So!? You stink too! You don't take baffs!" 
Though the boy had mispronounced the word "bath", Gyutaro loathed the fact he was right. He didn't bathe often enough, it was an...undesirable habit he had acquired during his human life.
Though, there was no one stopping him from bathing now, was there?
So, he started bathing himself regularly, and while Tanjiro still had aversions to baths, he seemed more willing to take them since.
Then, there was Nezuko, who had developed an obsession with putting things in her mouth that didn't belong there. 
Basically anything she could fit in her mouth, went into her mouth. 
Gyutaro's fingers? Chew toys in her eyes. Random pebbles? Apparently snack material. Sticks? Crunchy salad as far as she was concerned. 
Gyutaro still remembered the days when she wouldn't even drink milk, yet now she'll eat dirt.
Messy, loud, filthy brats.
But for every frustrating, infuriating, exhausting memory, there were these little moments…
Moments that made Gyutaro feel things he struggled to describe.
He wasn't sure what it was at first, it was familiar, yet so new.
It was the little things at first.
Tanjiro once found a pretty yellow rock, and gave it to Gyutaro because it "looked like his eyes".
Or the times Nezuko would try to share her favorite candy with Gyutaro. 
Or the way the kids fell asleep in his lap after playing. 
Or the time the kids found some red spider lilies and made flower crowns for Gyutaro and Daki.
Each of these little moments made the inside of Gyutaro's chest feel warped on the inside. Like tiny hands were grabbing his heart and squeezing it every time the kids looked up at him with their pink, earnest eyes.
It wasn't until a certain night, that he knew why.
Anyone who's ever raised kids knows this:
"The worst things always happen when you aren't looking."
The same was true for that night.
Gyutaro let out a yawn. The sun would be rising in an hour or two, but he allowed the kids to play outside while he watched, just for a bit longer.
They chased each other, laughing and playing hide and seek.
He was thankful that he and Daki managed to snag a house further from town. Better privacy that way. Though his sister still went into town disguised, usually leaving him with Tanjiro and Nezuko. 
Tonight, however, Daki had come back, the siblings talking on the front steps to their home. 
Gyutaro couldn't remember what they were talking about, all he remembered was how quiet it got, and looking towards where the kids were playing.
Only to see they were gone.
He sprung up in a panic, yelling the children's names. 
"Nezuko! Tanjiro!" No response. 
He ran into the woods, they couldn't have gotten far, right?
His heart beat so hard, feeling as though it were slamming against his ribs with every pulse.
The sky started turning from a black to a deep blue, the stars slowly disappearing. 
The sun.
It would rise any minute now.
He started pulling bushes from the ground, perhaps the kids were hiding.
"No more games you two! Come here!"
He didn't know when his breathing became so uneven, but he was struggling to keep a consistent breath. His hands trembled.
Where are they?
Where are they??
Then he heard it.
Two tiny voices screaming.
He blindly stormed towards the sounds.
He found a clearing-
And saw his children burning in the sun. Their skin peeling away.
Without thinking, he bolted into the morning light, his back already burning away.
He shielded the children from the sun, holding them close to his chest as they wailed in agony. 
He couldn't hold back the wetness in his eyes. The heat was so intense.
He stumbled, struggling to get to his feet. They'd all die if he didn't act now!
Even the rocks beneath his feet burned, like standing on tiny lava rocks that pierced and burned through his feet.
He leapt into the shade of the trees, the sound of screaming children and the smell of burning flesh overwhelmed his senses. His body moved on its own accord running between rays of sunlight to stay in the shade as much as possible. 
Their home came into view, Daki safely inside, holding the door open for him.
She wailed for him to come quickly.
One last dash through the sunlight. Just. One. More.
He did one last leap through the light. Only in the sun rays for a few seconds, the agonizing burning made it feel like a hundred years.
His body collided hard with the wooden floor. Smoke wafting from his burned body.
His breath was shaky, his whole body shuddered with every gasp of hair he inhaled. Tears poured from his eyes in seemingly endless streams, and he curled himself around Tanjiro and Nezuko, holding them tight and close.
The two of them held him as tight as they could, burying their small burned faces into his chest as they wailed.
"Brother!" The voice of his terrified sister cut through the screams. She had already shut the door, and blocked the light from coming through any windows. 
He suddenly felt something cold and wet touch his back.
She put some small wet cloth on the children's burns. 
Ah, so that's what it was on his back.
Daki's belt coiled around the three burnt demons, helping them onto a bed. 
Gyutaro swallowed a lump in his throat. He didn't want to look. God, how he didn't.
But… he had to know if they were okay.
He gently pulled the children away from his chest, resting them on the bed beside him. His back protested any movement, but he tried to ignore it.
He reached for the cloths covering the children's burns, and slowly pulled them away.
He checked Nezuko first, she was so small still, it felt like a miracle that there was any of her left.
He pulled the damp fabric away.
She actually wasn't burned too badly, relatively speaking. Her feet had gotten the worst of it, and there were random burns on her arms and back, but she would heal from it.
He let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. She was gonna be okay, that's what mattered. He wrapped the damp cloth around her again.
Time to check Tanjiro. 
Gyutaro wanted to throw up.
Tanjiro was missing parts of his face. Gyutaro could see the boy's muscles under the skin on his forehead. 
It took every ounce of willpower he had not to empty his stomach right there.
He had seen so many injuries of the sort, hell, he had caused many more that were worse.
But right there, seeing the torn up face of Tanjiro made his stomach churn. 
Would that even heal properly?
Tanjiro, for the first time in a while, opened his eyes, and upon locking his gaze with Gyutaro, teared up even more.
He reached for Gyutaro, and through sobs cried out three words. One sentence. The one thing that completely destroyed any sense of composure that Gyutaro was clinging to.
"Daddy, it hurts!"
Gyutaro broke. His cheeks dampened with tears.
Gyutaro's feelings finally made sense.
It was only then that it really sunk in.
These two children, these two innocent babies…
They were his…
Gyutaro pulled Tanjiro and Nezuko close.
"I'm so sorry," he began, his voice cracking as he struggled to stay any sort of calm. "I know it hurts. It's…"
He held them tighter. "It's gonna be okay.."
"Daddy's here."
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hqnqm1 · 2 years
infinity castle - demon masterlist
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𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧…
the train leaves as you hear the sound of broken melodies made by the biwa…
(to the main masterlist)
Muzan Kibutsuji
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kellywar-jijiloryo · 1 year
Kimetsu no yaiba - one shot
New book with to start, a Os of Gyutaro
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mrsshabana · 1 month
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𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞 - 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞
ꔫ‧₊ Content Gyutaro x female!reader, 18+ MDNI, vaginal sex, creampie, breeding kink, pregnancy, age difference, angst, fluff, modern au ꔫ‧₊ Note 5k words. This is the last chapter for this fic, but I still have lots of things that I want to write for this au so be on the lookout for oneshots in the future. Thank you for all of your support for this series ♡ ✧:・゚→ Part one ✧:・゚→ Part two
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“Fuck fuck fuck! What do I do? Her mom is gonna kill me if she figures out I’m dating her daughter! And then Y/N is gonna kill me for telling her mom!” Gyutaro thinks to himself as he begins to panic.
“Ahem,” your mother clears her throat and repeats her question, “Who the hell are you, sir?”
“Er um… Gyutaro?” he says as if he’s not sure what his own name is. 
“Gyutaro?!” her eyes widen.
“Shit… does she already know who I am? I thought Y/N didn’t tell her…” he thinks again. 
“Y/N! Come here!” she yells inside the house, then she turns back to Gyutaro and opens the door, “Come in, Gyutaro.”
“Um… th-thanks,” he stutters as he nervously steps inside, not sure whether your mother is angry with him or not. 
“Yeah, mom? What’s wro-” you stop mid-sentence as you come into the dining room and see your boyfriend standing there. 
“Y/N,” your mom says sternly, “This man just told me that his name is Gyutaro.”
You blush, “Um yeah… this is Gyutaro.”
“You failed to tell me that your boyfriend was a grown ass man,” she scowls and walks into the kitchen.
“Mom, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you! I was scared of how you’d react,” you plea as you follow her into the kitchen.
Gyutaro just stands awkwardly in your dining room, wishing that he could shrink and hide somewhere. His palms begin to sweat as he thinks about the consequences of his actions. Is your mother going to make you break up with him? 
The thought makes his heart ache. Is he going to lose his sister and his girlfriend on the same day? 
Your mom comes back into the dining room holding a teapot and some cups, “Gyutaro, come sit and make yourself comfortable,” she says as she pours a cup of tea for him. 
“Y-Yes ma’am,” he mutters and sits at the table.
You aren’t sure what to do or say to make things better, but you sit beside Gyutaro and give him a reassuring look in an attempt to comfort him. In response, he looks at you with a guilty look in his eyes as if he’s apologizing. 
“Gyutaro,” your mom says calmly as she sits across from him at the table, “I have three questions for you.”
“Y-yes?” he gulps.
“Do you have a job?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Do you have a criminal record?”
“No ma’am.”
“Do you pay your taxes?” 
“Of course!” he answers enthusiastically.
“Alright. Now Y/N, I have three questions for you,” she diverts her attention to you now, “Does Gyutaro make you happy?”
“Y-Yes! He makes me very happy…” you blush. 
“Does he behave like a gentleman?”
“Yes, always,” your cheeks redden.
“Do you love him?”
“I-I do,” you mutter, feeling shy about admitting this in front of your mom. 
“Alright, then I approve of him. Even though he’s a bit older than you, he seems like a decent man,” she states as she looks over at Gyutaro’s flustered face, “Welcome to the family, Gyutaro.”
“Th-Thank you Miss L/N!” he lets out a sigh of relief, finally feeling in the clear that your mom approves of your relationship. 
“See mom! I told you he was a good boyfriend!” You jump up and give him a big hug, genuinely feeling so happy that your mom accepts your relationship. It was something you were really worried about, especially since your mom has always been very protective of you. Honestly, you're quite surprised she’s so cool about the age difference between you and your boyfriend. 
“I honestly thought you’d be mad,” you laugh nervously, hoping you aren’t jinxing it. 
She sighs and sips her tea, “You know dear, your father was the same age as me. And he left me when I was pregnant with you. He was young and immature. Age means nothing,” she shakes her head, “I rather you date an older man that pays his taxes and takes care of you than a man your age that only cares about himself.”
Gyutaro smiles, finally feeling like someone accepts him and doesn’t judge him. He sees where you get it from now. 
“And that’s why your father is in prison for tax evasion…” she mumbles under her breath, only Gyutaro hears what she says. 
“Aw mom… I promise you Gyutaro is nothing like dad,” you say, looking a bit somber as you take a sip of your tea. 
“I can already tell,” she smiles, “Well, you two can go have your fun. Just be home by ten.”
“Are we going on a date, Gyu?”
“Oh uh no… actually I came over for something else,” he swallows dryly, “Um… I told Ume about us.”
Immediately from the look on his face you can tell things didn’t go well. “Oh… Did she take it really hard?”
“Yeah,” he nods, choking up a bit, “She called me disgusting… then she slapped me and left,” he touches his cheek, still red from her hand. 
“She what?!” you gasp, totally shocked that Ume would get physical with her brother. You aren’t sure what words to say, it seems like nothing would be able to fix this. The one person who has been with him his entire life, the person he dedicates all of his hard work to doesn’t accept his relationship. It’s a really hard pill to swallow, and he’s still struggling to even think about it. 
The surprise meeting with your mother distracted him momentarily, but all of those raw feelings from his argument with Ume are flowing back now and he feels his eyes begin to well up with tears. 
“Ume is his sister, right?” Your mother whispers to you.
“Yeah,” you nod. 
“I see,” she puts her hand on Gyutaro’s shoulder, feeling lots of sympathy for him, “Gyutaro listen, your sister didn’t mean it and I think you know that. The two people that she’s closest to started dating and she’s probably feeling left out. Like you two will get closer without her and leave her. She’s just scared and said whatever she could to try to hurt your relationship. Just give her time, I promise she’ll come around.”
Your mom smiles softly, offering Gyutaro that motherly care he grew up without.
“Th-thanks,” he sniffles, trying to hold back his tears, “I know you’re right. It just hurt when she said those things, but I know she still loves me… and I still love her too. I just hope she comes home soon…”
“Maybe try calling her tomorrow if she doesn’t come home by then,” you suggest as you rub his back.
Gyutaro nods, feeling better after having talked to the both of you. 
Of course, it hurt like a ton of bricks crushing his balls, but he knows the pain is only temporary. Soon enough his sister will come back and he’s going to make sure she doesn’t feel left out. 
The thing is, even after a couple of days Ume doesn’t return home. Nor does she answer Gyutaro’s phone calls. 
Every day you receive worried texts and calls from Gyutaro asking if you’ve seen his sister. You haven’t heard anything from her, and to be honest you think it’s kinda messed up that she’s ignoring her brother like this. Sure they had a pretty big argument but she knows he cares about her, and she knows he’s losing his shit worrying about her right now. 
Seeing your boyfriend so torn up over it is making you really upset, and you’ve had enough of it. 
Ume has been ditching class for a couple of days, but she finally shows up. Coming into the room completely ignoring you, taking her seat at the opposite side of the lecture hall. Even though you hate confrontation you know you can’t just let her walk away after class ends, so you stop her as she’s leaving the lecture hall. 
“Ume! Hey wait up!” you shout as you follow her out of the room. 
“I have nothing to say to you,” she turns her nose up.
“Please talk to me,” you finally catch up to her, “I just want to talk, Gyutaro told me what happened.”
“Of course he did,” she scoffs, “Because you two are so buddy-buddy now. How about you just move in with him and take my spot in the house? I bet you’d like that, huh?”
“What? No! I’m not trying to take him away from you!”
“What else am I supposed to think?! You were my best friend and then I find out you’ve been hooking up with my brother behind my back! You’re a shady bitch!”
“It’s not like that! I was never “hooking up” with him!” You plea, “We just started dating like any other couple, I don’t see why you have to say it like that.”
“So what is it then? If you weren’t just hooking up with him what were you doing then? Do you want his money or something? Want him to be your sugar daddy?” she makes a disgusted face.
“No! You don’t get it! Just because Gyutaro’s older than me doesn’t mean I’m using him for this or that. I just like him because he’s a good guy,” you say, trying to get your point across without yelling at her, “Why can’t you just accept that I like him for who he is?”
Ume’s frown begins to soften and her eyes dart from side to side as if she’s thinking about something. She’s beginning to realize how selfish it was of her to think that someone couldn’t love her brother for who he is. Gyutaro came to the realization that he was unlovable long ago, and his beliefs rubbed off on his sister. But now she’s starting to see how wrong that is, she should have been his biggest cheerleader regardless of how glum things seemed. 
Sure Gyutaro isn’t the most attractive guy, nor is he the most charming, but she knows her brother more than anyone. And she can think of a thousands reasons why someone would fall in love with him. 
“I’m sorry Y/N,” she says, “You’re right. My brother is super slay, and I shouldn’t have been surprised you liked him. You’re the only girl to get close to him, so I guess it makes sense.”
You smile, finally feeling like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. 
“It’s alright, I know it came as a surprise to you,” you lean forward and hug her, “But I’m honestly just happy to have my friend back.”
“Me too,” she says with a smile.
After you reconcile with Ume, Gyutaro comes to pick you up from campus as the two of you had planned a date for tonight at his place. But when he pulls up to the curb and sees you with Ume he immediately parks his car and gets out.
“Ume!” he shouts as he runs towards you, “Where the hell have you been?!”
“Calm down brother,” she acts nonchalant about being missing for three days, “I was staying with a friend.”
“You had me worried sick,” his voice cracks as he tears up. Feeling a mixture of anger and relief.
“I’m sorry,” she gives him a tight hug, “I-I’ve been a brat lately. I shouldn’t have reacted the way I did when you told me about Y/N… and I should never have hit you either. I’m really sorry, brother…”
“It’s alright, sis,” immediately Gyutaro’s attitude changes and he has a smile on his face, “You are a brat, but I love you anyways,”
For the first time in your relationship, Gyutaro actually feels normal. Knowing that he has the approval of his sister, he no longer feels so much shame about being older than you. He can confidently walk out in public with you now and hold your hand without giving a fuck. Someone stares at you weirdly? Well, fuck them! Gyutaro is with his girl and he couldn’t care less about anyone else’s opinion about it. He’s happy and you’re happy. That’s all that matters to him. 
The three of you go back to Gyutaro’s house and watch a movie together. The plan was for you and Gyutaro to have a stay-at-home date together, but you decided it’d be best to include Ume too so she doesn’t feel left out. It went well despite the fact that Ume decided to sit in between you and Gyutaro. 
After the movie ends Gyutaro asks you a question as he cleans up some popcorn that fell between the couch cushions, “So uh… did you want to stay the night?”
“Not with me!” Ume butts in, “She has your cooties now!”
“Ume! Shut it!” Gyutaro blushes, “Cooties don’t exist, don’t be so childish.”
“I was just kidding, brother,” she rolls her eyes, “Y/N just stay in my brother's room. Just promise you guys won’t be too loud.”
“H-Hey!! It ain’t like that!!” he shouts with a completely red face as Ume is already walking back towards her bedroom. He knows she’s just teasing him but he still feels very shy when it comes to this kind of thing. Especially since the two of you have only spent one night in the same bed, and both of you vividly remember what took place then.
“It’s ok Gyu,” you chuckle, your cheeks already pink from Ume’s earlier statement, “Let’s just get ready for bed, ok?” 
“Ok…” he grumbles as he finishes cleaning up his sister’s mess. 
Following Gyutaro to his room, you can’t help but think about what might happen tonight. Will you have sex with him again? How will it go? Maybe you’ll try a different position or maybe even oral this time. Your heartbeat quickens as you think about all of the possibilities. 
Little do you know, he’s thinking about the exact same thing. He wants to be intimate with you again so badly. And for the first time instead of feeling awkward and insecure, he feels confident about initiating sex with you.
“I’m going to run a bath for us,” he says after he closes the bedroom door behind you and walks into the bathroom that’s connected to his room. 
“O-Ok,” you stutter as your face heats up. Did he say he’s going to run a bath for us? Meaning he wants to take a bath with you?
As you hear the water running in the bathroom you decide to take off your clothes, only leaving your undergarments. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, you take a deep breath and try to calm your thoughts. If you do end up having sex with him tonight, you want to be relaxed so you can enjoy the moment. 
But even though Gyutaro seemed cool and collected he’s freaking out on the inside. And that shows when he comes back into the room to see you in nothing but panties and a bra. Immediately the cool guy act crumbles and he’s staring at you like this is the first time he’s seen a naked woman. 
“U-um Y/N?” he stutters. 
“Is the bath ready?” you sit up to meet his flustered gaze. 
“Yeah,” he nods, tenderly taking your hand and leading you to his pristine bathroom. The first thing you notice is how clean and neat it is compared to Ume’s. 
Gyutaro avoids eye contact with you as he begins removing his clothes. First to go is his shirt, revealing his muscled torso and the large tattoo on his arm. He hesitates when taking off his pants, already feeling himself getting hard. 
“Fuck…” he mutters to himself. Not wanting to make this awkward by just flaunting his hard-on. So he faces away from you and quickly steps into the tub, covering himself with his hand just to be safe. 
To be honest, he got in so quickly that you didn’t even really notice. You do feel a bit shy removing your own clothes though, this will be the first time he’s seen you nude in a fully lit room. 
And your boyfriend can tell just how nervous you are so he doesn’t stare. Only reaching out a hand to help you get into the tub when you’re ready. 
The water is warm and soothing, the surface covered by cherry scented bubbles - which he strategically put in there so you wouldn’t be able to see how achingly hard he is. 
Leaning back with a content sigh, Gyutaro opens his arms to you, “C’mere.”
With a blush you come to your boyfriend and lay your head on his chest, snuggling up to him under the warm water. Surely by now you can feel it, so maybe the bubbles were a waste of time. But that’s ok because Gyutaro isn’t even worried about that anymore, he’s too focused on how lucky he is to be having this moment with you right now. 
“This is nice, Gyu,” you hum as you trail your hand up and down his chest, “I like being alone with you like this.”
“Me too,” he whispers while trying not to moan from your touch. “You-you look really beautiful by the way…” His gaze drifts down to see your curves peeking out from beneath the water. 
He can’t deny it anymore, how badly he wants to have sex with you right now. Ever since you did it the first time it’s constantly been on his mind. But not for the reason you may think. He loved it so much because he felt so loved. It was the first time in his life that he felt so intimately close to someone. That kind of love and closeness is something he’s craved for his entire thirty-five years of life. 
And after today, all of the confidence he gained from finally having his sister’s acceptance, he’s feeling less ashamed of himself. His girl loves him, so why shouldn’t he show her how much he wants her? There’s nothing to be afraid of. 
Mustering all of the confidence he has, Gyutaro gently caresses your cheek - moving a strand of hair away from your face and looking into your eyes. Immediately you feel your knees go weak and your thighs rub together with need. 
He pulls you closer and presses his lips against yours, initiating a heated kiss. 
You can’t help but completely melt into him, allowing him to guide you fully on top of him. Now you’re definitely able to feel his erection as it presses between your legs. But it’s no surprise, you could tell he wanted you by the way he looked at you before he kissed you. 
Beneath the water he maneuvers his hands, one cupping your breast and the other squeezing your thigh. Enjoying the slippery softness of your soapy skin under his touch. Moving his kiss down to your neck, he nibbles and sucks on your delicate skin. 
“Ah, Gyu,” you whimper and hold onto his shoulders. 
He can’t help but smirk, pride building up within him that he’s able to make you melt like this. “M’gonna make love to you,” he whispers into your ear as he moves forward, pushing you to lay on your back as he moves your legs to hang over his shoulders. 
Looking up at him, you feel like your body has become jelly. He looks so sexy as he hovers above you, from the way his long damp hair sticks to his forehead and neck to the way the water droplets cling to his abs and biceps. Not to mention the patch of hair that trails up to his belly button. It all makes you feel butterflies and you can’t help but spread your legs for him. 
Tightly gripping your thighs, he leans forward and whispers, “Don’t worry baby, I’ll go slow,” and gently moves his hips forward - gradually sliding into you, splitting you apart on his length. 
You gasp and squirm beneath him, your body sweats as you are not only surrounded by the warm water but also by his hot body on top of you. 
Once fully inside, he slowly thrusts into you just as he had promised. Making sure to pay close attention to your reaction to make sure you're comfortable. 
And you’re more than comfortable. If anything you’re too comfortable. The fact that he isn’t vigorously ramming into you as if he intends to put a baby in you is unbearable. So you grab his hips and forcefully plunge him into you, “Fuck me harder Gyu!” You pant, desperately trying to guide him to a faster pace. 
His eyes widen and his cheeks turn pink, but he doesn’t need to be told twice. With your permission, he grabs your hips and violently thrusts into you - so hard that the water in the tub spills over the edge. But neither of you care, too lost in pleasure to even notice. 
“Ahh, I wish you could put a baby in me, Gyu!” you moan, not fully realizing what you’re saying. But your statement sparks something within him and triggers a kink he didn’t even know he had. 
“Fuck… I wanna put a baby in you so bad,” he grunts, “gonna stuff you full.”
The thought of getting you pregnant makes Gyutaro absolutely feral. A family is something he’s always wanted, so just the mere idea of you carrying his baby drives him to fuck you even harder. Determined to get as deep as possible, ensuring that his seed fills you nice and full. 
With that thought in mind, he picks you up and holds you close to his body while he stands on his knees. Holding onto your hips as he pounds into you, the sound of wet skin slapping fills the room along with water splattering onto the tile floor. 
Meanwhile, you wrap your arms around his neck, holding on tightly while he fucks you silly. Saliva dripping down your chin and your tongue lolls out of your mouth, moaning and gasping as your boyfriend continuously forces the air out of your lungs. Your entire body begins to tingle, you know you’re getting close. And he knows it too by the way your walls are tightening around him. 
That’s the only warning he gets before you’re cumming all over him. Your body shaking as his strong arms hold you up. 
However, his orgasm hits him out of nowhere, as soon as he feels your orgasm hit you it pushes him over the edge as well. He didn’t want to cum just yet but you feel so good that he can’t help it. His cock twitches as it fills you to the brim with his sticky seed. The warmth spreading inside of you comforts you as your sensitive body lies in his arms. 
Gyutaro pants as he holds you there for a moment, trying to catch his breath. Then he gently lowers himself back into the tub, holding you and softly kissing you as you remain in his arms. 
Now that his orgasm has ended, he knows it was all just talk. That he can’t actually get you pregnant since you’re on birth control. But he can tell that a part of what you said was true and not only because it was in the heat of the moment. And it was true for him too. He really would like to get you pregnant and start a family one day. 
“Don’t worry my love,” he whispers, “One day we will start a family together, I promise.” 
You can’t help but smile and snuggle closer to him - hoping that one day you really will get to start a family with him. 
And it won’t be long until Gyutaro makes you an official Shabana.
Because a year later he proposes to you. 
After you graduated and moved in with him he knew that he had to make you his wife. So it wasn’t long until he couldn’t wait any longer and just asked. The two of you were on a weekend trip to the beach when he proposed. Nothing too fancy, but it was nice and romantic. He hadn’t planned to propose that weekend either, he had been carrying the ring around in his pocket for weeks. But when he saw how beautiful you looked as you walked beside him on the shore, he knew he had to make you his wife as soon as possible. 
You had the wedding four months after the proposal. It was a small ceremony with close family and friends, but it was absolutely perfect. 
Ever since then your life has felt like a dream. 
Gyutaro got a promotion so now he doesn’t have to work overtime as often and there’s no pressure for you to work a full-time job if you don’t want to. Ume moved into an apartment in the city so now it’s just you and Gyutaro living in his house.  He’s even taken up doing some renovations in the kitchen and the spare bedroom too. 
It’s strange how your life changed so quickly after you met Gyutaro. You went from a college student living with your mom to being married and living with your husband in your own house all in the span of a year and a half. 
This isn’t the life you had envisioned yourself having after college, but you wouldn’t change a single thing. It’s perfect, and it’s only going to get better from here. 
“Honey, I’m home!” Gyutaro shouts as he comes into the house, “Sorry I’m late. I wanted to pick us up something from the bakery-” he stops when he looks around and sees you’re nowhere in sight. 
He peeks into the kitchen, “Where the hell is she?” next he checks the garden. “Y/N?” no, not there either. 
Usually, when he gets home from work you’re in the kitchen preparing dinner or sometimes outside in the garden. Sometimes you go out with your friends but you usually tell him first. He’s not mad though, he just assumes you went out and forgot to tell him. 
“Oh well, I’ll text her and see what she wants for dinner tonight,” he says to himself as he takes off his tie. His mind is lost in thought as he thinks about what he wants to make tonight, he’s thinking one of your favorites. 
As he contemplates dinner, he walks into the bedroom to see you sitting on the bed. Immediately he can tell that something is wrong. 
“Y/N? Are you alright?” he walks over to you and puts his hand on your shoulder, “What’s that in your hand?” He asks as he notices you’re clutching something in your hands, hiding it from his view. 
“Gyu… I-I have to tell you something…” you mutter. 
“Babe, you’re scaring me… whatever it is, you can tell me. I promise I won’t be mad,” he says in a caring manner, trying to comfort you. 
Your thoughts are spiraling, not sure whether he will be happy or angered by what you say. But you know that it’s something he needs to know. 
However, you can’t even muster the words. So you just hand him the object you had clutched in your palms. 
The room is filled with silence as he closely observes the object, “You… you’re pregnant?”
“Y-yeah, I’m pregnant,” you nod and look up at him, anxious to see his reaction. And it isn’t at all what you had expected. 
There are tears pouring from his eyes as he clutches the positive pregnancy test. All of his walls start crumbling down and he lets it all out, sobbing uncontrollably. 
“Gyutaro?” you gasp, starting to panic. 
Before you can reach out to him he lunges forward and embraces you, tightly wrapping his arms around you. “We-we’re gonna have a baby!” he sobs, “I can’t believe it.”
“Aw honey, so… you’re happy?”
“Of course I’m happy! Th-this is the best thing that’s ever happened to me!” he says between sobs.
It seems you were worried for nothing. You knew Gyutaro always wanted children but you didn’t know if he wanted them now especially since you haven’t been married for very long. Gyutaro has always been nothing but loving and supportive towards you, so of course he was overjoyed at the news.
Your husband drops to his knees and presses his forehead against your stomach, “This is everything I’ve ever wanted…”
“Aw Gyu…” you smile and kiss the top of his head, “You’re going to be a great father.”
Hearing those words makes his tears flow even more. “I-I had no idea you were pregnant...”
“It was bound to happen,” you chuckle causing him to chuckle too.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right haha,” he stands and gives you another tight hug. 
The news was shocking to him, but he couldn’t be that surprised. Ever since you got married you’ve been having unprotected sex so it’s no surprise that it happened so soon. However, even though he’s married to a beautiful woman there was still a part of him that told him he was too old to have a family. Too old to have a child of his own. And too old to make a woman like you happy. 
But now he’s finally starting to realize that none of it was true. 
And he does deserve this. Marriage, children, and most importantly you. 
“I love you, Y/N… thank you for making all of my dreams come true.”
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Taglist: @gyusimp @kyu-kitsune @idontevenknowlsjsbsbdj @tremendoushorsepatrolgoth @chibi-absol @sterzin @cherrysxuya @angelicsaiko @misskaorii @matsukaah @dawn-rays-dingo @hoshigafuru @gloomysel @tergyri @404starlight @irondreamerface @zoroisminty @edenminx @multisstuff @that1lxnlybxch @emberlovesthemoon @blurpleuni-squid @boggiesho @nekee-lilac02
347 notes · View notes
anime-fan-05 · 1 year
Started: 10th September 2023
Last update: 27th September 2024
Total works: 78
My rules are here. Please, read them before asking me.
♥️: fluff
⚡: angst (my angst are never too violent or sad and they usually have a happy ending)
Sailor Moon
Nothing yet
Inazuma Eleven
With a reader like Roxy (Endou, Gouenji, Kidou, Kazemaru and Fubuki) ♥️
Mermaid Melody
Nothing yet
Hunter x Hunter
Nicknames (Gon, Killua, Kurapika and Leorio) ♥️
Sweet (KilluGon) ♥️
Boyfriend headcanons: Shin ♥️, Nobu ♥️, Ren ♥️, Takumi ♥️, Nobu and Shin part 2 ♥️, Yasu ♥️
With a legendary singer who's very connected with her singing partner (Nobu, Shin and Yasu) ♥️
Jealousy (Nobu, Shin, Yasu, Ren and Takumi) ♥️
Cuddling (Nobu, Shin, Yasu, Ren and Takumi) ♥️
With their crush (Nobu, Shin, Yasu, Ren and Takumi) ♥️
Boat's capsizing during your cruise (Nobu, Shin and Yasu) ♥️
With an idol reader (Nana) ♥️
With a professional dancer (Nobu, Shin and Yasu) ♥️
With a J-pop idol reader (Nobu, Shin and Yasu) ♥️
With Nana's younger sibling but totally different from her (1st part) (Shin) ♥️
With a very famous singer and dancer, chill and kinda flirty in public but actually shy and sweet reader (Nobu, Shin, Yasu, Ren and Takumi) ♥️
Wait, you're what?! (2nd part) (Shin) ♥️
Blindness (Takagi Yasushi x reader) ♥️
My Hero Academia
Receiving a kiss on the cheek from their crush as thanks (Midoriya, Bakugo, Shoto, Mirio, Tamaki and Hawks) ♥️
Kimetsu no Yaiba
Calling them 'handsome' 1st part (Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke, Genya and Yoriichi) ♥️
Calling them 'handsome' 2nd part (Giyuu, Kyojuro, Sanemi and Muichiro) ♥️
Calling them 'handsome' 3rd part (Kokushibo, Douma, Akaza and Gyutaro) ♥️
With a reader like Stitch (Muzan, Kokushibo and Akaza) ♥️
Calling them by their first name 1st part (Tanjiro, Giyuu, Kyojuro, Sanemi and Muichiro) ♥️
Calling them by their first name 2nd part (Obanai and Tengen) ♥️
Boyfriend headcanons: Muzan ♥️
With a young admirer (Obanai) ♥️
Cheater? (Muzan, Kokushibo, Douma and Akaza) ♥️⚡
Assassination Classroom
With a VKei singer reader (Karma and Itona) ♥️
Sick (Isogai Yuuma x reader) ♥️
Fullmetal Alchemist
Nothing yet
Break up prank (Hinata, Kageyama, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Nishinoya, Tanaka, Sawamura, Sugawara and Azumane) ♥️
Getting a girlfriend (Kenma) ♥️
Proposal and marriage (Kenma) ♥️
With a short reader 1st part (Hinata, Kageyama, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi and Nishinoya) ♥️
With a short reader 2nd part (Oikawa, Kuroo, Lev, Tendou, Goshiki and Atsumu) ♥️
Is that my jersey? (Kageyama, Sugawara, Oikawa, Kenma and Akaashi) ♥️
Akatsuki no Yona
Cupping their cheeks (Kija, Shin-Ah, Jae-Ha and Zeno) ♥️
SFW alphabet: Hak ♥️
Sleeping together 1st part (Kija, Shin-Ah, Jae-Ha and Zeno) ♥️
Sleeping together 2nd part (Hak, Yoon and Soo-Won) ♥️
Together (Shin-Ah x reader) ♥️
You weren't the right one (Hak x reader) ♥️⚡
Yu Yu Hakusho
Calling them 'handsome' (Yusuke, Kazuma, Kurama and Hiei) ♥️
With a reader who thinks they're funny (Yusuke, Kurama and Hiei) ♥️
With a very feminine reader (Yusuke, Kazuma, Kurama, Hiei and Koenma) ♥️
Three times (Jin x reader) ♥️
Big proposal (Jin x reader) ♥️
Terrible day... but maybe not that much! (Jin x reader) ♥️
Attack on Titan
With a small reader (Eren, Armin, Levi and Jean) ♥️
Hugging them for the first time (Reiner, Bertholdt, Porko, Zeke, Colt and Falco) ♥️
General headcanons with OCs: 1 ♥️, 2 ♥️, 3 ♥️, 4 ♥️, 5 ♥️, 6 ♥️, 7 ♥️
Sweet domestic life's scene (Eren, Armin, Reiner, Bertholdt and Falco) ♥️
My children are titan shifters?! (Eren, Armin, Reiner, Bertholdt and Falco) ♥️
Kamisama Kiss
Nothing yet
Code Geass
First kiss (Lelouch, Suzaku, male Kallen and male Cornelia) ♥️
Ouran HighSchool Host Club
Finding out their crush is being bullied by their fans (Tamaki, Kyoya, Hikaru, Kaoru, Honey and Mori) ♥️
First kiss 1st part (Naruto, Sasuke, Sai and Shikamaru) ♥️
First kiss 2nd part (Gaara, Kakashi, Obito and Itachi) ♥️
Forever (Madara x reader) ♥️⚡
I'll always stay with you (Naruto x reader) ♥️⚡
Death Note
Nothing yet
Blue Lock
Dating them includes... (Isagi, Bachira, Chigiri, Nagi, Reo, Rin and Sae) ♥️
Nanatsu no Taizai
Nothing yet
Jujutsu Kaisen
Being called 'darling' by their crush 1st part (Itadori, Fushiguro, male Nobara, Inumaki and Okkotsu) ♥️
Being called 'darling' by their crush 2nd part (male Maki, male Mai, Gojou and Getou) ♥️
Playing with their hair 1st part (Itadori, Fushiguro, male Nobara, Inumaki and Okkotsu) ♥️
Playing with their hair 2nd part (male Maki, male Mai, Gojou and Getou) ♥️
Cat called? Not when I'm around! (Inumaki x reader) ♥️
Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon
With a sweet, shy and awkward reader who has difficulty communicating (male Miyo, Kiyoka, Kouji, Kazushi and Arata): crush ♥️ and boyfriend headcanons ♥️
Marriage (Arata) ♥️
Children (Arata) ♥️
Pharaoh's Concubine
Nothing yet
Sabaku no Harem
Nothing yet
199 notes · View notes
echantedtoon · 11 months
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Monster Bride : Monster au Upper/Lower Moons x Reader
Demon Bride : Upper and Lower Moon reverse harem x reader
Demon Bride Lost Bits : Upper and Lower Moons x Reader
In The Moon's Shadow (Yandere Kokushibo x Reader)
Love Is Blind : Kagaya Ubuyashiki x reader
Everyone Wants A Brother Like You : Semi Nezuko x Various Characters/Slice of life
A Rock And A Hard Place : Douma, Akaza, Semi Rengoku x reader
Eclipsed Starshine (Yandere Kokushibo x Reader)
Waning Obsession (Yandere Kokushibo x Reader)
Ocean Deep : Mermaid Au Uzuren + Wives x Reader
Promise : Demon Yoriichi/Michikatsu x Reader
Oblivious Crushes : Mitsuri x Clones (NOT Zohakutan!)
Quite A Handful : Hantengu + Clones x Wife Reader
A Lovers' Circle: Polycule Haishiras x Reader
Fleeting Memories : Demon Yuichiro Au
Kamanue x Reader
Househusband Kokushibo x Reader
Househusband Gyutaro x Reader
Single Dad Michikatsu x Reader
Kagaya x Reader x Amane
Single Dad Michikatsu x Reader 2
Cryptid Rengoku x Reader
Hairou x Reader
Mermaid Douma x Reader
Akaza x Koyuki Band Au
Kagamane vs Muzarei x Reader
God Tengen x Reader
To Where The Hand Extends
KNY Swap Au Rambles
KNY Swap Au Rambles P2
Kny Swap Au Ramblings P3
KNY Mermaid Au Rambles
Kny Mermaid Au Ramblings P2
Kny Mermaid Au Ramblings P3
Kny Mermaid Au Ramblings P4
Mermaid Headcannons
Monster Bride Rambles
Haishira Polycule Au Rambles
Haishira Polycule Rambles P2
Single Dad Michikatsu Au Rambles
Double Demon Siblings Au
Demon Bride S/os Love Language
Nicknames They'd Call You
DB S/os React To You Being Hit On
Who's The Tallest Boy In Demon Bride
Demon's Jobs
Genderbent Names
Platonic Yandere Kokushibo x Little Sister Reader
Kagaya x Pregnant Wife Reader
Genya x Shy Reader
Fanart 1
Fanart 2
Fanart 3
Fanart 4
Demon Bride Characters
Fanart 5
Love Is Blind Y/n
Fanart 6
Fanart 7
Fanart 8
Demon Bride Meme
Fanart 9
Fanart 10
Yoriichi/Michikatsu x Y/n
Demon Yuichiro Tokito
A Lovers' Circle Coverart
Kagaya/Amane x Y/n
Demon Yuichiro Tokito P2
Kyojuro Rengoku x Y/n
Fanart For Others
Fanart For Others 2
Fanart For Others 3
Demon Slayer Oc
Fanart For Others 4
Marionette Enmu And Y/n
Demon S/o Meme 1
Demon S/o Meme 2
Demon S/o Meme 3
Demon S/o Meme 4
Demon S/o Meme 5
Demon S/o Meme 6
Dragon Rengoku
Upper Moon Dads
Lower Moon Dads
Demon Dads
Yandere Demons And Brides
Yandere Demons And Brides P2
Yandere Demons And Brides P3
Bouquets/Flowers They'd Give You
Bouquets/Flowers They'd Give You P2
Kaigaku Theory
Running Away From Yandere Demons
Running To Your Slayer S/o
Running To Your Slayer S/o P2
Telling Them You're Pregnant
Telling Them You're Pregnant P2
Yandere Kokushibo
Caught Once Again
Fanart People Had Done For My Stories
(Please support all artists linked there.)
155 notes · View notes
Could I request a male demon slayer hashira reader x Gyutaro? He comes with Uzui and the others and immediately falls in love with the demon, protecting him and helping him and Daki escape and fighting off the other demon slayers, just finding Gyutaro to be the most beautiful person ever? A oneshot with He/they pronouns please!
Sure buddy, your request is approved 💙😁
Gyutaro X Hashira! Male Reader
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"What is the meaning of this, you stupid Hashira??" Gyutaro asked, surprised by you helping him get out of a battle. "Haha, you're kinda cute, you know?" You asked teasingly, this caused Gyutaro to blush a bit.
"You got some nerve to say that to me human," he said menacingly, this response only made you chuckle. "Aww, is the puppy angry?" You asked teasingly again. Gyutaro tried to attack you but you dodged him before pinning him down, "g-get off me, you dumb human," he yelled while trying to break free but couldn't.
You find it cute seeing him resist, and you kissed him without any hesitation, he was shocked by this and he pushed you away while trying to hide the blush on his face. "Haha, did you like that puppy?" You asked while smiling. "S-Shut up!" Gyutaro yelled as he stormed off into the night, making you laugh for making him so flustered before rendezvousing while your fellow Hashiras.
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honeeslust · 6 months
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Tw: IDK. He’s demon who eats human flesh. Maybe dubcon.
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Gyutaro who indulges in the womans form on the regular, they're much more mouth-watering than their male counterparts. The feast serves to feed his bodys insatiable appetite. But the only thing stronger than his hunger for flesh is his need to have something soft and pretty wrapped around his cock.
Gyutaro whose never acknowledged how long hes been searching for what hes found in you. But can admit it now as he grows acutely aware of the subtle fluctuations happening between your legs when his claws etch themselves deep in the flesh of your thigh.
Gyutaro who is annoyed at how much hes become taken with you. He's never needed a single thing the way he needs you.
Gyutaro whose never been so drawn to something the way he is to the feel of your skin as your body twists beneath his. You tend to shut your eyes when the the use of his tongue is just right. Because hes an attentive demon. Becoming well acquainted with your body is easy. Your bashful mewls and writhing form teach him which touches are most effectual.
Gyutaro who finds pain to be the catalyst To giving your body the most gut wrenching orgasms. Its almost as if you took joy in being used and abused as needed.
Gyutaro who squeezes harder. You like this? …. You must, given the way it makes your wet region vibrate.
Gyutaro whose never been so transfixed on something as common as a womans pussy. Yes he needs it… but for reasons he can't fathom, he's salivating over yours. Theres a essence emanating from the most alluring part of your anatomy, he'd rather starve himself a century than not know what your forbidden arousal tasted like.
Gyutaro whose a demon posessed by the likes of you from the moment he feels your walls contracting around him. He uses His fingers first, regarding that fearful look in your eye as your gummy underserved womb responded as he touches you in places no wicked thing ever should.
Gyutaro whose fascination with you grows. His obsessionkeeping him from doing anything that would prove lethal to his newest pet. For the first time in his life, he finds himself fighting the urge to tear into your flesh and and feast from your body as he tasted you.
Gyutaro who for life of him cannot figure out why he even cares enough to be gentle. But he does so, always doing the best he can not to break you… not too much at least.
Gyutaro who ends up breeding you brain dead. His hateful cock fucked you deep until your cunt was sinfully overflowing with his cum! Your milky soft thighs are bruised from the abuse. You're marked and this excites him. It pleases him to suck on each and every mark adorning your skin.… the flicks of his thumb across your oversensitized clit coupled with the harsh marks hes making on your thighs sends you freefalling into oblivion.
Gyutaro whose never aftercare. He usually treats his concubines with such indifference. He's bothered by how bad he can’t stand the thought of not having your body flush to his as you wept in your sleep. Still convulsing with aftershock. But he bathes you and dresses you. Bringing you to his room to sleep until he feels you've rested enough to go at it again.
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