#aka my actual biography
perotovar · 5 months
baby, i'm-a want you — (ch 1) "session one"
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gif by me
pairing: joel miller/dieter bravo (just this time. main pairing is still javi/joel) rating: E (18+) mdni word count: 3.5k content: swearing, joel and tommy's southern accents being cute af, dieter being a menace, joel being awkward af (but it's cute), cringey porn dialogue, male masturbation (briefly), one (1) handjob, one (1) blowjob (it's messy), lmk if i missed anything! dividers: @saradika-graphics beta: @qveerthe0ry (ily ♥)
summary: javier peña has been doing this a long time. he's really good at his job. joel miller? not so much. he started doing this to get some extra cash to support his daughters. what happens when they're supposed to do a scene together? aka, the au where most of the ppcu boys are gay porn stars~
(read this first ->) prologue | series masterlist
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Joel never would have guessed he’d do something like this ten years ago. Hell, not even five years ago. He’s not even totally sure how he got here, if he’s honest with himself.
He just remembers an, admittedly shady, business-looking man coming up to him and shoving a business card in his face. He asked if Joel had ever slept with men before. Joel was taken aback and thought he was coming onto him in a really bizarre way. He had, but that was none of this man’s business as far as he was concerned.
“There’s no pressure, I promise. Here, my website is on the card. If you see what you like, you gimme a call, okay?” The man had winked, grabbed his coffee, and left. 
Joel was left sitting in the middle of that coffee shop stunned into silence.
Later that night, sitting in front of the laptop Sarah nearly forced on him, he clumsily typed (using only his index fingers) the name of the website from the business card into the search bar.
Love Bites
The name and the man, Max Phillips according to the card, and his invasive question should’ve told him everything he needed to know, but Joel wasn’t prepared for the absolute onslaught of nudity he was met with.
“Jesus–” Joel mumbled to himself, slamming the laptop closed. Not that that would take it away, but he could hope. He sighed and looked up at the ceiling, shaking his head to himself. “The fuck you get yourself into, Miller?” He grumbled.
Slowly, and with one eye closed, he opened his laptop again. Once he got both eyes on it again, the website wasn’t… too bad. Well, it was still a porn site, but it wasn’t anything he hadn't seen before. He started looking around some more and didn’t bother turning it down. He lived alone now, both girls having moved out within the last year or so. He missed the hell out of them, and frankly, found himself bored more often than not. He and Tommy still owned Miller Contracting, but Joel stuck to the delegating and organizing part now. He had too many knee and back problems to keep up on the actual building part.
His finger rolled over to the “profiles” section of the website. He raised a brow and clicked on the trackpad hesitantly. There were several headshots of the men that made content for the website. He felt his cock twitch in his jeans and cleared his throat awkwardly, exhaling heavily. Well, it… had been a while. What could it hurt, right? 
He did have a lot of options…
Dark eyes trailing over the men on the site, he smiled softly. They all had little biographies that explained what their sexualities and preferences were. He snorted a little at seeing two different cowboys; one gay and a little older than himself, the other bisexual and perhaps around the same age. The younger cowboy had a prominent mustache and had a preference for “tying people up”. Bit on the nose in Joel’s opinion, but there was something for everyone. The older cowboy tended toward more amateur-style, “romantic” videos. Joel’s heart softened a little, but decided he wasn’t really in the mood for that sort of thing. 
In his search, he found just about everything; a messy haired, self proclaimed “adventurous” sort, a masked man that liked to roleplay, a clean cut looking man that considered himself a “romantic”. You name it, they probably had it. But his eyes landed on a particular man…
He had deep, intense eyes and a thick mustache. His hair was styled like he walked out of the 80s and he was wearing a thin gold chain. He had a bit of a Burt Reynolds thing going on, and normally that wouldn’t be something Joel was into, but this time, well… 
Joel clicked on his – Javier’s – page and started browsing the videos he had available. His bio said he was “fluid and polyamorous”, but Joel didn’t know what that meant. Wow, he was… popular. That didn’t surprise Joel at all, but his eyes landed on one of Javier’s “solo” videos. It looked like it was filmed in his apartment, but it probably wasn’t from how well lit it was. The video started off like Joel guessed all of them did; a fancy graphic with the words “Love Bites” in the center of the screen before the sound effect of someone taking a bite out of something, and a faint moan. The tips of Joel’s ears warmed, but he pressed on, watching Javier walk onto screen and sit in the middle of the couch that was in frame. 
Javier’s jeans were very tight, but maybe even moreso because of how fucking hard he looked to be. Joel swallowed a lump in his throat, his cock twitching again. Javier had an easy smirk on his handsome face, but he seemed like he didn’t have the cockiness that Joel expected a pornstar to have. The video seemed like it was personally sent to Joel and that thought made Joel’s cock stand to attention almost comically quickly. Unzipping his own jeans, he groaned at the constriction leaving, allowing him to breathe easier. He squeezed his cock and looked back at the video, Javier already getting started without him. He was stroking his own cock slowly, almost teasingly, biting a plump bottom lip. Joel moaned and shut his eyes for a quick second as he took himself in hand–
Ring, ring.
Joel groaned, squeezing his cock harder, and dug his phone out of his pocket. Tommy. He sighed and paused the video on Javier’s blissed out face and big hand wrapped around his–
Ring, ring.
“Christ, Tommy, what is it?” He grumbled, pressing the too-new-for-his-liking phone to his ear.
“Jesus, who pissed in your oatmeal this mornin’?” Tommy’s easy voice filtered in, a chuckle wrapped around his words. “And why are ya outta breath? Ya okay?”
“What–? Yeah, ‘m fine, Tommy. Why y’callin’?”
“Wonderin’ if ya could stop by tonight. Maria’s makin’ meatloaf and I know ya like it.”
Joel did really like Maria’s meatloaf. He sighed to himself and shut his laptop, his cock having softened considerably since hearing his brother’s voice. “Yeah,” he cleared his throat, trying to subtly zip up his jeans while he held the phone against his shoulder. “I’ll come over in a little bit, just gotta… gonna make a phone call.”
“Ooh, ya finally have a date, old man?”
“Can it,” Joel grunted. “‘M forty-three. Ain’t that old. And no, I was gonna call Sarah. See how her classes are goin’.”
“Send her our love, will ya? ‘N tell her she’ll have a cousin soon. Maria’s ‘bout to pop any day. ‘M scared to death,” Tommy sighed. The happiness was clear in his voice, though. Joel was happy for him, and smiled to himself. “How’s Ellie doin’, by the way?”
“Good. Think she said somethin’ ‘bout joinin’ a… roller derby team? Don’t rightly know, but,” he shrugged to himself. “Sounded like somethin’ she’d like, way she was describin’ it.”
Talking on the phone with Tommy always went the same way. He’d find a way to chew up a couple hours of your time, but Joel never minded. Once they said their goodbyes and their I-love-yous, Joel picked up Max Phillips’ business card and sighed, rubbing his thumb over the phone number.
What could it hurt, right?
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That was two years ago. He’s been working for Love Bites for two years and had been avoiding Javier Peña as much as he could.
Joel’s never been good at… initiating conversations. Ellie would always give him shit for it. She usually went up to whoever had caught Joel’s eye and slyly made it her goal to get them to come over to him. 
But Ellie wasn’t here and she never would be. His girls knew what he did and even if they were a little concerned for him at first, they saw how much happier he’d been since joining. He was healthier, gaining a bit of “chub” as Sarah called it, and a healthier glow to his skin. He was on camera more often now, so he had to eat well and work out a little more. He didn’t do anything too crazy, and the audience that watched his videos had a lot of positive opinions and comments about his physique. It made him blush to think about it for too long, so he tried not to.
What was he saying?
Oh, right. Avoiding Javier Peña.
He’d had a huge crush on him ever since that first video he watched, and frankly, didn’t want to make a fool of himself if he talked to him. He’s filmed one video with him and it was the best Joel had felt in years. He almost came too quickly, and the video was supposed to be twenty minutes long. They had to pause so Joel could calm himself down, but Javier was patient and lovely with him. Javier had been doing this a lot longer than Joel had, so he wasn’t worried, which made Joel feel better. Just a little embarrassed. Afterwards, he had to leave, making up a story about seeing his girls for dinner that night.
Joel’s eyes snapped up from his phone. He was in the middle of texting Sarah, saying that he’d call her when he got home from work. He had a scene with Dieter today.
And there he was. God. Joel’s cheeks flushed at the sight of Javier standing in the hall in his robe. He must’ve just finished his scene with Shane, the new kid. He couldn’t hear what he was saying, but the sound of Javier’s deep, commanding voice was enough to send a chill down Joel’s spine. Before he knew it, Javier was talking animatedly with Steve, another actor, as they walked off down the hall and disappearing around a corner.
He knew, realistically, relationships between porn actors could happen. Silva and Jake had been together for years. Joel’s problem with that was, well… Joel. His last real relationship was with Sarah’s mom years ago, and when the girls were in high school he had a relationship with this guy, Ezra for a while.
“Jesus–!” Joel jumped, holding onto one of his ass cheeks protectively. Only one person would have done that.
“Hey, handsome,” Dieter grinned, sticking a hand down the back pocket of Joel’s jeans and squeezing. “Getting lost in Javi’s eyes again?” He winked.
“N-no! I am not,” Joel grumbled, finishing off his text and shoving his phone in his pocket.
Dieter snorted and rolled his eyes, then removed his hand to hold it out for Joel to take. “C’mon, big guy. You get to cum on my face today,” he smirked.
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Filming with Dieter always felt good. He was a bit wild for Joel’s personal tastes, but he always made sure Joel was comfortable, and today was no different. 
Joel was playing a “plumber” that needed to work on Dieter’s “pipes”. This of course led to Dieter offering to “pay” in his own way. 
“Oh, come on, big guy like you doesn’t need money, right?” Dieter recited his lines expertly, running a hand down Joel’s t-shirt covered chest. “Bet it gets lonely doing this sort of work, huh?”
Joel had gotten a lot better at the acting part of things over the past couple of years. He was super stiff (and not in the right way) in the beginning, but now, he easily plastered on a smirk, eyes glued to Dieter’s lips. “Sometimes,” he shrugged, a big hand hovering over Dieter’s shoulder. Dieter saw the hand out of the corner of his eye and grinned, curling his fingers around Joel’s thick wrist and moving it down to his ass.
Joel smirked, squeezing the plump flesh appreciatively. “Bit forward o’ you,” he rumbled.
Dieter visibly shivered and bit his lip. “Sexy guy like you, of course I am,” he breathed. He leaned forward and kissed Joel messily, the hand on Joel’s torso moving down to unzip his jeans. Joel was already painfully hard and grunted into Dieter’s mouth when his pants were opened and lowered enough to pull his cock free. Dieter moaned and curled his fingers around Joel’s shaft, pumping rhythmically.
They stayed like that for a while; open mouth kisses, heavy breathing from Joel, and Dieter’s moans being picked up by the mics. 
Dieter pulled away to look down at the thick cock in his hand and bit his lip at the sight. “Fuck,” he groaned, his own cock twitching in his sweats. “Can I suck your cock?” He looked up at Joel demurely, eyes big and nearly black with desire.
Joel forgot he was supposed to be acting for a minute and grunted, hips bucking into Dieter’s grasp. “F-fuck, yeah,” he nodded, eyes glazed over. Dieter smiled and guided Joel over to the couch on the set. Technically, Dieter was supposed to get on his knees in the “kitchen”, but he knew Joel wouldn’t be able to stand for that long with his back problems. Sometimes Dieter’s improv classes came in handy. Max couldn’t complain too much, as long as Dieter sucked Joel off, then the video was still following the script.
Joel grunted as he sat, hard cock swaying slightly. Dieter giggled a little and happily got down on his knees, hands traveling up and down Joel’s thighs appreciatively. “Such a pretty cock,” he hummed, licking his lips as he watched it twitch in front of him, a drop of pre-cum gathering at the tip. 
“Why dontcha put that mouth to use, then?” Joel smirked, gripping the base and tapping the head against Dieter’s cheek. “Want your discount, right?”
Dieter smiled and opened his mouth wide, eyes shut in pure bliss. Joel gripped Dieter’s messy curls and held him still as he hit the head of his cock against Dieter’s tongue. Dieter moaned and opened his eyes, watching Joel’s face for any cues to stop. They never came, but it was something they all had to keep an eye on. When everything seemed to be going well, he happily wrapped his mouth around the head of Joel’s cock and started bobbing his head up and down.
He moaned, the vibrations traveling down Joel’s cock and up his spine, making Joel groan in return. “Mmm, knew you’d be good with your mouth,” he grinned, holding the back of Dieter’s head to set a pace Joel liked better.
Dieter heard a cameraman move to his right to get a better angle of his mouth, so he amped it up a little. He got messier, saliva dripping down along the sides of Joel’s shaft. Joel moaned weakly, resting his head on the back of the couch, but keeping one of his hands tangled in Dieter’s messy curls. Dieter started bobbing his head slower, eyes locked on Joel’s face as he moved further down his shaft, taking as much as he could down his throat. He choked slightly and pulled off, pre-cum and saliva covering his mouth and Joel’s cock. He smiled up at Joel and panted heavily, curling his fingers around the base to pump the thick cock.
Joel’s eyes rolled back and he grunted, hips bucking off the couch. “C’mere,” he breathed, heavy work boots landing heavily on the set floor as he stood. “Gonna fuck your face.”
Dieter shivered at the low timbre of Joel’s voice and nodded happily up at him. He pulled his sweats down and gripped his own cock in hand and started stroking himself rhythmically. Dieter opened his mouth for Joel obediently and nearly choked again when Joel shoved his cock down Dieter’s throat. He moaned weakly when Joel’s hips started moving, his heavy balls slapping against Dieter’s chin.
Dieter just had to take it, the lewd sounds of Joel fucking his face filling the otherwise quiet room. He fucking loved it because Joel was subtly massaging Dieter’s scalp and it sent shivers down his spine. His fist was almost a blur over his own cock and tears leaked out of his eyes, a blush high on his cheeks.
“Mmm, bein’ such a good boy f’me,” Joel grunted, biting his lip to rein it in a little. Dieter moaned at the praise, eyebrows downturned in pleasure. “Yeah? Like bein’ my good boy?”
Dieter whined and nodded as best he could, eyes completely glazed over. Joel slowed down his hips a little and let Dieter breathe for a minute. Dieter panted hard, a near-dopey smile on his face. “Come on my face,” he breathed heavily, extending his tongue for Joel. “Please.”
It was Joel’s turn to shiver as he slapped the head of his cock against Dieter’s face again. “Gonna have to earn it,” Joel smirked, reciting his lines as well as he could. 
Dieter whined and pouted up at him, his own hand slowing down a little. He didn’t say anything, letting Joel continue.
“Make me come, and I’ll paint this pretty face o’ yours.”
Dieter’s face lit up and he curled his fingers around Joel’s shaft. He watched Joel’s face while he wrapped his lips around the head and bobbed his head. His free hand held Joel’s hip and subtly moved to his ass and squeezed. He moaned around Joel’s cock and shut his eyes briefly before obediently looking up at him, big eyes wet and innocent. 
“Atta boy,” Joel grunted, cupping Dieter’s face lovingly. Dieter removed his mouth to kiss down his length as he stroked him, attaching his lips to one of Joel’s balls. “Mmm, fuck,” Joel breathed, tipping his head back. 
The hand on Joel’s ass moved slightly until one of Dieter’s fingertips prodded at Joel’s asshole. Joel grunted in surprise and smiled down at Dieter. “Really want me all over ya, huh?”
“Yes,” Dieter nodded, sucking one of Joel’s balls into his mouth. “Please.”
“Keep talkin’ like that and– ooh, fuck – Jus’ might get your wish,” Joel panted, shutting his eyes. He felt the build up in his lower stomach, his cock twitching violently in Dieter’s hand. “C’mere, baby boy,” he grinned, taking his cock back to stroke himself over Dieter’s face.
Dieter was buzzing, lifting Joel’s t-shirt to lovingly caress his hairy tummy, mouth open wide and obedient. 
Joel felt his balls draw up and his hips buck until– “Fuck–! Shit,” He moaned, thick ropes of come spurting out from the tip of his cock and landing on Dieter’s face and mouth. He caressed Dieter’s hair, thick fingers massaging his scalp while the other hand stroked himself until his balls were completely empty. 
Dieter happily licked his mouth clean, and hid his face in Joel’s stomach, whimpering into the sweaty skin. He moaned weakly, his entire body trembling as he came, completely untouched. Dieter was the only one in the cast that could do that, and he loved showing it off as much as he could.
“Shit,” Joel smiled, petting Dieter’s sweaty curls back and out of his face. “Ain’t you a sight.”
Dieter deflated, a huge grin on his face. He started giggling into Joel’s stomach and smiled up at him. “Fucking love your cock, Joel,” he hummed happily.
“That’s what you always say,” Joel snorted, helping him up onto his feet. Dieter was a little wobbly still and cuddled into Joel’s side. He always got a little clingy after a scene, but Joel didn’t mind. As different as they were, Joel would probably consider Dieter one of his closest friends. It always worked in their favor, their natural chemistry and closeness coming through the cameras.
They were handed a couple towels and some water, the both of them taking them gratefully. Max came up to them, his usual shit-eating grin on his face. Joel always thought Max reminded him of a vampire, with that mischievous glint in his eye that always seemed to be there.
“Great show, boys,” Max started. “Dieter, d’you mind if I steal Joel away for a second?”
Dieter whined and clinged onto Joel tighter. Joel grinned and hugged him back. “Sorry, boss, looks like he ain’t leavin’ anytime soon.”
Max rolled his eyes, but continued anyway. “Fine. Meant to tell you earlier, but things got rolling, you know how it is–”
“What is it, Max?”
“You’ve got a scene with Javier tomorrow.”
If there were a record player anywhere, Joel would probably hear it scratching right about now. Dieter paused too, and looked up at Joel with worried eyes. He knew all about Joel’s crush, and was always telling Joel to just go for it. Joel froze briefly, but tried to school his emotions as best he could.
“O-okay, um. What time?” He asked shakily, gripping Dieter’s fluffy robe tighter.
“I’m thinking around noon? That way Javier can prepare, y’know?”
Preparing was always done before a particularly intense scene. Joel tried really hard not to think about Javier wearing a plug for a while before coming to set. 
“Right,” Joel nodded, cheeks going a little pink. “I’ll be there.”
“You’re the best, Joel!” Max snapped his fingers and walked off, talking to a couple of assistants. 
Dieter tapped on his chest and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. “You really gotta say something, Joel,” he said softly. 
Joel sighed and nodded. He knew that. 
He just didn’t know what.
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carmendeiact2whenplz · 5 months
Things we don’t know about Old Mondstadt (that Hoyoverse refuses to tell us)
Aka things that haunt me (and probably many other old mondstadt fans)
(keep in mind- not all of these may be entirely unanswerable as of now, some have partial/vague canon answers, while some may have completely canon yet relatively obscure answers)
(for the sake of making things easier to write, i will refer to venti’s dead friend/the nameless bard as “nb” and the red haired warrior as “rhw”, and specifically wisp venti as “wispti”, and i will be referring to the group of wispti, nb, rhw, gunnhildr, and amos (and maybe decarabian too if he’s relevant in that context) as the “old mond gang”)
Note- lots of paragraphs ahead
1- why is nb nameless? does he just… not have a name? does he have a name that he either intentionally or unintentionally kept secret? did he have a name that he used openly and oftenly, but it was forgotten by history as time went on? if anything, did he at least have some sort of nickname people used for him (so we can stop calling him “some nameless guy or smth idk”)?
2- While nb being, well, nameless, may be a bit more justified, what about rhw? did he also have some sort of name? would calling him “ragnvindr” (or similar) be entirely un-canon? did he at the very least have some sort of code name/nickname?
3- what is the timescale of the rebellion? did it take weeks, months, years? decades? how long ago did thoughts of revolution start in old mondstadt? were the people always unhappy, or did old mond use to be a better place?
4- what is nb’s role in the rebellion? did he start it? is he just a leader in general? or is he just there for the moral support? was he on the front lines or in the distance, playing his lyre to rally the troops? is he a strategist? has he ever directly fought anyone on the opposing side?
5- actually, how old is nb anyway? pretty sure most people agree that the rest of the old mond gang are adults (not wispti but like. i’ll touch more on that later), but i’ve seen stories/theories/headcanons about how old nb was (at the time of death) ranging from around 14 to 23 years old- that is not a small range by any means. (according to a poll i made a while ago, 16 was the most common answer on what people thought their age was (my headcanon too), but there was definitely a lot of range in the answers)
6- If Amos and Decarabian’s romantic relationship is so toxic (for lack of a better word), how any why did they get together in the first place? Did amos enter the relationship aware decarabian was against some of the things she wanted most in life? did she enter the relationship purely to try to “fix” him? was he abusive towards her, or was it just a lack of attention/affection/caring about other things more than her? or was it that he never loved her/was attracted to her romantically at all? were they still in a relationship even until the very end, or did they eventually split up when they both knew they would have to fight eachother and that things wouldn’t work out between them?
7- according to the “biography of gunnhildr” book (i think that’s the name), it says they worshipped the wind spirit barbatos and treated it like a deity, while other sources say wispti was nameless and was like. just kinda there. is one of them the truth, or both, or neither?
8- does wispti have arms and/or legs of any kind? can he talk/communicate with people? if so, how does he go about doing so?
9- it’s implied in “a drunkard’s tale” (an ingame book) that the wind spirit that transformed into a fox and helped create wine is the same wind spirit as well. wispti. if that means wispti can shapeshift, to what extent can he do it? can he even become a human/humanoid (not to the same detail and/or time extent that modern venti/barbatos can do so but still)? if so, how does that impact his relationship with nb and/or the rest of the old mond gang?
10- how long did the members of the old mond gang know eachother? did most of them meet in relation to the rebellion, or did some of them know eachother before they got to that point?
11- what is the order of events between amos dying, nb dying, decarabian dying, barbatos getting the gnosis, barbatos taking nb’s form, the end of the fighting, and rhw leaving/abandoning (for lack of better words) everyone? how much time took place between all those happening?
12- what exactly are the purposes of the tower? is it just a living space/government building for decarabian and amos, or is there more to it? did other people live in the tower too? if the circular ruins/symbols seen in the tower present-day were also there back then, why and how are they there? are the light actuators in the tower related to anything involving decarabian’s power/immortality and/or the storm wall?
13- how impenetrable is the storm wall, really? is everything restricted from going in or out, or are some people able to move freely? what is the immigration/emigration rate of the city? how often are things imported and exported? does the wall have any intended purpose other than for keeping the blizzard out?
14- how did amos get her bow? why is it so (hypothetically) powerful? where did she get it and how did it “retain its power” to this day?
15- how “old” is wispti? he could theoretically be any “age” between “manifesting into existence shortly before his first interaction with nb” and 14 billion years old/as old as time itself(and you thought nb’s theoretical age range was large.) how much did wispti truly know before getting involved with the rebellion? was he technically a toddler (in terms of knowledge/mentality), or does he actually have thousands of years of knowledge?
16- to what extent did the imunlaukr (i probably spelled that wrong) and lawrence clans participate in the old mondstadt rebellion? were they involved at all? should the old mond gang be eventually expanded to include more people? (lawrence, venerare, etc)
18- what is the relationship of the old mond game to eachother? were they friends? found family? or were things far more complicated than that? (and what was their reaction to knowing amos, one of their biggest allies, was also the lover/partner of their (the old mond gang’s) enemy?
19- did some of the genshin weapons with lore relations to old mondstadt actually get used during old mondstadt? (aka did nb get to use freedom-sworn as an actual combat weapon)
I probably left out a lot of things so i may go back later to edit, but there are just. SO many things hoyoverse keeps behind the lore basement. If anyone would like to add onto this list, or provide personal headcanons and/or canon answers to the things mentioned here, i highly reccomend doing so.
@honorary-fool @amarisrosalette @gierosajie @lanternlightss @arson-n-quwubilder @littleblueberryartist @lilyandthegenshinbrainrot @elysianheresy
@goyayato @lordofthetower @nellfe-the-feral-creature @thatonenerdinyourclassroom
(if anyone tagged would not like to be tagged, please let me know)
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Look, neither Meghan nor Harry are details people. So chances are extraordinarily high that they never bothered to actually read the papers or understand the laws about how the titles, succession, transition, and accession actually worked.
RTA, I'm not sure I'm buying this one: primogeniture (aka the firstborn son gets everything) has been *the law* for the English aristocracy for centuries; as dumb as Harry is, this must have been a central fact of life for all in his circle, no way he wasn't aware. He just expected that an exception would have been made for his own self, because Mummy.
That's why Andy had to "Pitch at the Palace", and Charles had the Duchy.
And there are about a million Harlequin Regency romances - not to mention Austen, Thackeray, and the like - where the rakish second son of a Duke, or what have you, has to find his fortune in the army, because again the firstborn gets everything. The spare gets the army. The third son gets the Church. It is known.
They wanted to be the exception to the law of land: I suspect this is what they meant with "modernizing the Monarchy".
I see what you’re saying but just because we know and most of the family knows it and it’s the subject of countless historical fiction/regency romance novels doesn’t mean that everyone knows it. It doesn’t mean that everyone gets it.
Does Harry get it? Does he know this? I’d say yes. Yes, he did. Because by all accounts, that’s the trajectory he was set up for. But obviously something happened because in 2015, he left the army instead of remaining in and going for a full career. Allegedly, he left the army because he wanted a promotion without doing the work and qualifying for it and Granny wouldn’t bend the rules and just give it to him and everything suggests that he couldn’t understand why she refused to help him in this regard. However, Harry still planned to remain associated with the military, only by aligning with veterans’ groups and Invictus Games instead of actually serving. So I think he gets it.
Where it all went belly up is Meghan. She didn’t get it. She doesn’t know this. She’s an American so how could she know the intricate details of heir, second son, third son, etc? She’s definitely not reading any regency romance novels. She’s definitely not doing that kind of homework - she’s only reading as far back as Diana’s biography and which French couture fashion houses she wants to be dressed in.
She probably is the one that had these ideas in the first place. Which goes back to my original point - she didn’t have a good grasp of hereditary succession and thought she could change it through PR, popularity, and media. And I suspect that once Harry was on board with the idea, his understanding of “this is how it works” disappeared. We all know Harry is dim anyway - and Diana even confirmed it herself about him - so it probably doesn’t take much to get him to change his mind, especially if it’s not something he fully understood in the first place.
So all this woulda coulda shoulda, it appears the inflection point in this timeline is Harry’s decision to leave the army in 2015. Had he stayed in and did a full 20+ like his godfather Uncle Andrew did, there’s no telling what kind of royal family we’d be watching now. I don’t think Meghan would be here if he stayed in.
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mybrainismelted · 15 days
Weekly Tag Wednesday!
Thanks to @energievie for this week's series of random questions, and to @lingy910y for the tag!
Name: Kat
Age: Older than almost all of you (aka, 2 Noshos minus 2)
Location: Ontario, Canada
And now...
What is your DJ name? I.... don't have an answer for this question
If you were a genre of music, what would it be? Probably emo 🙄
What would you title your biography? 101 ways to not live your life
What are the first three things you'd do if you were invisible? Like if I just woke up invisible one day? Panic and wonder if I'm dead, play pranks on people in public places, and then go see all of the stuff I want to but don't want to pay money for
What subject do you wish was taught in every school? Logic and Reasoning
When was the last time you tried something for the first time and what was it? hmmm, food-wise... I try new snacks and stuff all the time because I get international snack boxes. Life-wise... I try to take a class or something a few times a year to try new things, I've had lots of fun doing it, but haven't found anything that stuck recently
What is the most underrated city you have ever visited? Pass
What day in your life would you like to relive? Hmmm, you know, I don't believe in dwelling on the past or trying to re-create it. Have to keep looking forward
If you could eliminate one thing from your daily routine, what would it be and why? Work! I mean, who wouldn't love the freedom to just live without ever having to work again?
How long would you last in a zombie apocalypse? Probably not long.
What would be the most surprising scientific discovery imaginable? Hmmm.... that humans actually CAN fly, but a long time ago, our ancestors decided to do an experiment and see how long it would take us to re-learn if they just didn't teach an entire generation
If you could have any view out your office window, what would you choose? My view from my office (home office) window right now is pretty great, actually. I overlook a park with a nice pond, cattails, and loads of mature trees. tagging in some peeps to play along:
@jrooc, @blue-disco-lights, @krysmiss, @deedala, @heymacy
@darlingian @heymrspatel, @mickeym4ndy, @mickeysgaymom, @sleepyfacetoughguy
@mickittotheman, @creepkinginc, @crossmydna, @too-schoolforcool, @suzy-queued
@doshiart, @palepinkgoat, @ms-moonlight-inn, @deathclassic, @gallawitchxx
@wehangout, @francesrose3, @thepupperino, @michellemisfit, and @lee-ow
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tinyowlthoughts · 1 month
"I can divide by biographies!"
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My favorite episode. Donnie is such a patron, and I empathize with the librarian so much. So, a librarians view of the library episode:
-Donnie is so fucking excited to be at the library. Mood. -Inhaling that bibliosmia, which is the proper term for 'old book smell'. -He has opinions on the nonfiction area. ("Geology stinks.") -Is absolutely IN LOVE with the idea of being IN a book. -"Holy Gutenberg." I'm stealing this to use with my coworkers. -Patron is asking for something but doesn't come right out and say it, instead rambling about personal stuff instead of making it easy for both of them. -Doesn't actually ask the librarian for guidance to the information, instead strikes out on his own to find it. (aka Ignoring a resource right at his fingertips, one of the biggest reasons large, high-traffic libraries employ professional, master's degree holding librarians) -Knows what the Dewey Decimal system is and how it works. -Intuitively figured out the mystic library cataloging system, which is hella impressive. -Doesn't write down the call number of the book, thus leaving his brothers in a lurch when he gets blasted into the baby zone.
And can I just say, the book being part of a display was my absolute favorite part. The name of the display, the beautiful display shelf - peak librarianship right there. Making displays is one of my favorite things to do.
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Feel so bad for the Bat Librarian (who deserves her own name for the BS she had to put up with!). Like - the wreckage, the destruction, the falling books? Do y'all have any idea how long it would take to collect, organized, catalog, and reshelve those thousands of books?!?! And then the work that would pile up since she has to focus on that? I didn't notice any other librarians in the episode, and it is a well known fact that if you're not a librarian, page, or trained volunteer, we would prefer you put the books on a cart instead of shelving them yourself because there are many nuances to both Dewey and the alphabetical order (St v Saint, etc.). Also it's a mystic library, so maybe there's no need for other librarians because if everything is running smoothly, Ms. Bat can handle it.
I'm fairly certain that if Donnie showed up to apologize, he would be put right to work assisting her in the mundane shelving task. And let's be honest, he would adore it. Raph might be granted the chance to help, since he's such a softy and would likely be genuinely apologetic for the mess now that Mayhem is out of danger. I could see him using his powers to help hold the larger stuff in place for repairs to the shelves, walls, etc., or moving large pallets of books around for Donnie to shelve.
Leo and Mikey? Straight to the kiddie room, if not outright banned from ever entering the mystic library again. (Yes, libraries ban patrons. It happens all the time - when you enter a library, you are agreeing to follow the Code of Conduct. You break it, we ban you, from a month to life.)
Such a good episode. One of my all-time faves from the series.
Honestly, if I made an OC for this world, it would probably be a library manager for a smaller branch of the Mystic Library that is more present in NYC, likely disguised as a 'used book store' that is more public library and less academic library, and more easily accessible for the Yōkai living in the human realm. Instead of hush bats there would be a big, fluffy library cat named LoC who sits on you if you're being too loud.
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theonevoice · 8 months
Rumination n. 7 - The Stain
I am about to say something outrageous, but this scene is haunting me and I need to take it out of my obsessive brain.
We all have been thinking about the (not so) slightly maniacal, sphinx-like smile that appears on Aziraphale's face at the very end of e6 end credits, and how it seems to suggest that something is brewing inside the angel's head.
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But this is not the scene that is haunting me. It's this one:
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Now, like many of us, I've been toying with possible scenarios involving the Metatron and the threat of the Book of Life, and I want to take a moment to say something up top: I have mixed feelings about the Book of Life as a thing. Not just because we don't know anything about how it actually works and, if we want to be punctilous, we don't even have undisputable confirmation that it exists and it's not in fact a myth that the Heaven-regime has spread in order to keep everyone in check (that Heaven has regime-like strategies for controlling its ranks, possibly even before the Fall, it's clear by the appalling callousness of the Metatron saying "For one Prince of Heaven to be cast into the outer darkness makes a good story", meaning a story that works as an effective cautionary tale). But most of all because this all-encompassing Book of Life seems to me like the kind of overpowered magic-object-ex-machina plot device that can really break a narrative, and I am willing to accept it only because I trust Neil Gaiman entirely. Also, I have a feeling that, on a metaphorical level, the prospect of being "erased from the Book of Life" has already happened, in a way (but that's matter for a different rumination).
That said, I am wondering if it's Aziraphale the one we should be worrying about. Mr "I would always know the stain was there", aka fixing something is not enough, the preferable solution is to make sure that the bad thing never happened in the first place, so its memory will not haunt you, its remaining smudge will not darken the perfect picture that you want your existence to be.
I am wondering if that creepy smile means that he is planning to steal the Book of Life, like several metas and fics imagined, but not to keep himself and Crowley safe: he could be planning to steal it in order to undo the Fall.
And sure, that would mean erasing the 6000 years of his and Crowley's history together, and nobody in his right mind would do that - but is Aziraphale in his right mind? When he steps into the elevator, he is as broken as Crowley is, and possibly more, because in addition to their relationship crumbling into dust, he also has to deal with the pull of his desire to bring into reality the idealized version of Heaven that he has always hoped for.
He is shattered. He has lost Crowley, has lost his bookshop, has lost Earth. He is involved against his will in the Second Coming plans. He's hyperventilating as the elevator goes up, shoulders and chest struggling to find air - is on the verge of a panick attack. He is in the mindset of someone who is feeling his entire existence slipping away under his feet at lightspeed, not knowing how or why, not a split second to realise what is happening.
It's not impossible, when you are in such a state, to shut down and cling to one and only one thought: how do I undo this?
It's not impossible, if you are in the middle of a traumatic response, to fixate on finding the single, cursed, wrong turn that sent you down the path that lead you in this place of devastating pain and fear, obsessing over the idea that if you can correct that one error, everything will be fine again. Because you just cannot process the idea that what happened is destined to stay "happened": it's just too big and too wrong and too unthinkable to become a part of your biography like all events before that - as per the definition of trauma by Judith Herman.
You cannot reconcile it with the rest of your life, you enter in a state of mind that denies reality and treats it like a a gamer would treat a mission that he messed up between to saving points: yes, it sucks, but nothing to worry about, you just go back in time and this time do things the right way. You just need to identify where you went wrong.
This is, I think, the place where Aziraphale's mind is in the final scene.
"What have I done wrong? Where did I do the wrong thing? When did I say the wrong word? What incident brought us here? How could this happen if I love you so much? Why would you shout and be angry at me if I love you so much? What evil force could prevent you from seeing that I love you so much? This is all a mistake. How can we not be together right now if I love you so much? How can the fact of us being separated exist in the same world where I love you so much? This must be a mistake. What is it that I need to undo to save us, our dream? To make the error and all this pain go away? If only I could find the mistake, the single bad thing that threw a monkey wrench into our happiness..."
But he cannot find one single moment in their long history together that stands out as "the" mistake to blame for what just happened, and he keeps going back and back and back, looking for "the" thing that ruined their plans.
If only we were not on opposite sides.
I think that, right now, in Aziraphale's head, the one original error that lead him to lose the love of his life is the Fall. It's the initial irreparable fracture that ripped in half the angelic population of the beginning and made impossible for the two parts to be together ever again.
Of course Crowley did and could not want to be "restored" to his former angelic status, he can see why, he's not blind. And probably he's more than ready to recognize that Crowley is right in refusing that offer. The proposal was wrong in the first place. The solution to all their problems isn't making Crowley not a demon anymore, it's making sure that there were no demons to begin with.
"If I'm in charge, I can make a difference."
I can make a different ending for this scene that just went horribly wrong. I can make a different reality where this horrible moment could never happen.
And if this is what is going through his head, his next task - and Crowley's mission - will be to accept that sometimes there is no undoing. You can either find a way to patch things up and find the right path again, or stay broken and astray. But either way you will have to come to terms with the fact that some mistakes cannot be undone, and the bad things that happened cannot be erased. You can only learn to live with them, accomodate their painful memory in your existence, accept the presence of a stain that will always be there, underneath.
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lingy910y · 15 days
Weekly Tag Wednesday
thanks @energievie for the very thought-provoking questions 🤩
name: ling
age: 17
location: ny
what is your dj name? thank you rhymezone for ding-a-ling 💀
if you were a genre of music, what would it be? indie
what would you title your biography? The Garden Inside My Mind (i'm just winging it at this point)
what are the first three things you'd do if you were invisible? this is a very lame answer but i wouldn't do anything i wouldn't do if i were visible because the guilt would consume me 😬 if i don't belong there, even if it's nothing serious, i don't want to lie and intrude someone else's privacy
what subject do you wish was taught in every school? economics (thank god it's required in my school)
when was the last time you tried something for the first time and what was it? i tried bubble tea (strawberry tea) for the first time when i met up with my friend who i haven't seen since elementary school, she was very kind and insisted on paying for everything lol
what is the most underrated city you have ever visited? i've only visited 4 cities so garden city? i've never visited a suburban place before and it was rly pretty
what day in your life would you like to relive? why am i tearing up over a tag game :') man it makes me wish i had more motivation to write in my journal. it has to be a day from my middle school years, genuinely the best years of my life. maybe the day before quarantine aka before everything went to shit, when we all thought we'll see each other again 😭😭😭😭😭 can you believe my hs graduation is this friday
if you could eliminate one thing from your daily routine, what would it be and why? ruminating and worrying and overthinking - oh please i would literally save hours 🙏
how long would you last in a zombie apocalypse? i would hide but refuse to die. prob only the first week
what would be the most surprising scientific discovery imaginable? excluding actual time travel that is straight-up impossible, a device that connects your brain to someone else's, like telepathy. but there's already ai controversies so...
if you could have any view out your office window, what would you choose? just a nice scenery of trees so i won't get distracted
tagging @deedala, @michellemisfit, @mmmichyyy, @creepkinginc, @sgtmickeyslaughter
@iansw0rld, @doshiart, @mybrainismelted, @lupeloto, @burninface
@blue-disco-lights & @heymrspatel 🫡
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burningvelvet · 7 months
on cancel culture, tumblr, lit crit shit, paranoid reading, and some observations on blogging about byron & the shelleys —
every day someone comments on one of my posts about old dead writers with the most insufferable and reactionary takes disguised under a veil of liberalism. go read eve sedgwick's essay on paranoid reading & reparative reading, and learn how to enjoy things!!! why are you trying to cancel people who died 200 years ago? stop!!!
9/10 times they've never read the writer in question, they just hear that these writers were problematic and without using their own critical thinking skills, and having done zero research, they readily condemn them. no real appreciation for literature, no real appreciation for history or culture. and if they do have these, or if they have done research, it's entirely biased, already marked with judgement (aka exemplary paranoid reading).
i think it's very interesting that percy shelley and lord byron were getting cancelled in their own time period left and right, and now they still face cancellation attempts for some of the same reasons, only now more often at the hands of self-described progressives who feel they do so for the "right reasons."
a major problem in discourse (both in and outside of academia) is that most people do not understand the difference between "criticism" in the academic sense (which is synonymous with "discussion," "analysis," "engagement") and "criticism" in the colloquial sense (synonymous with "condemnation" or "harsh judgement" or even sometimes "attacking").
so when we start talking about literary criticism, some misinformed people automatically seek to cancel every dead writer, burn every book, and disregard all of history, even the progressive bits, because they simply don't care, and think that they are being "critical" and that this is a good thing, when they are using the wrong definition of the term to begin with. if i taught a class on literature the first thing i would do is make the distinction between these two definitions.
a lot of people approach dead writers or old writing in bad faith (paranoid reading). they automatically denounce The Olds for being problematic, and then proceed to believe they are morally superior for their own lack of depth.
percy shelley is one of the most progressive and forward-thinking figures of his generation and it's honestly a miracle that we still have access to some of his works which were literally burned in his own lifetime, but that his friends and most importantly his best friend, his wife mary shelley, carefully preserved during his life and long after his death even in the face of social ruin and censure, because they recognized his immense merit and they desperately loved him and his work. this is a beautiful thing!!!
this isn't the narrative a lot of people prefer, though. a lot of people would have mary shelley, instead of being the publisher and defender of his works as she was, be forced into the role which she herself openly derided, of being percy's unwilling bride, victim, who merely tolerated him, who was herself either repressed or oppressed by him. nor is nuance allowed in this narrative.
this narrative is based on a reactionary stance disguised as progressive. that all women writers are mere victims to the men around them. nevermind the fact that mary shelley's husband was one of her biggest encouragers (as well as her trusted proofreader and editor; and all this also goes for her father godwin, but to a lesser extent, as one could more easily make the argument that godwin did emotionally neglect mary).
paint all male writers as abusive control freaks, and all female writers associated with them as their weak-willed puppets, all based on their biological sex and a surface-level analysis of their biographies. these people are arguably just as bad as the sexist pseudo-scholars who have claimed that percy actually penned the entirety of frankenstein and used mary as his puppeteered pseudonym. as if mary never sought agency of her own and never possessed a modicum of it!
for a fair analysis on percy and mary's connection, i highly recommend Anna Mercer's "The Collaborative Literary Relationship of Percy Bysshe Shelley and Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley" and her interview by Mathelinda Nabugodi for a TLDR version.
i find it interesting that my posts about percy shelley's personal life are not only much more popular than my similar posts about byron (probably due to percy's surname; the mary/frankenstein connection) -- but also that i see way more criticism against percy than against byron.
i think this is partly due to their portrayals in the ahistorical 2018 mary shelley biopic film (see: graham henderson's blog posts on this topic) wherein byron was somehow portrayed as less of an asshole than shelley (which i never would have thought possible had i not seen it). & maybe it has to do with interest in & misconceptions about mary in general. but this is surprising because in many regards, percy really is much more likeable and progressive than byron.
i once had a person hating on byron and trying to argue with me entirely under a post about percy shelley which had nothing to do with byron. whenever i try to critically engage with this sort of backlash on my posts, it is utterly pointless. none of them are interested in or respectful of the opinions of others, nor are they receptive to facts or nuance or engaging with any material in any mature or serious way.
it's especially difficult that they mostly comment on my more popular joking posts/memes, bc that sets up a false pretense for me or my blog to be taken unseriously, when i do take academic figures & topics seriously. my blog is a place for me to unwind and joke about literature, yes, but it's not like i'm just mindlessly joking about writers i've never studied. a lot of people assume that i'm genuinely ridiculing writers when i playfully make fun of them, so they take it as an invitation to do the same, when that's not my case at all.
— back to the percy/byron comparison: in the history of my blog posts, i've seen probably 30+ percy haters and maybe 5 byron haters. as i said, this is honestly bewildering. there are way more justifiable reasons for hating byron than there are for hating shelley.
if we're speaking solely in terms of political, creative, & ideological stances between the two, (and there are hundreds of books/essays comparing their lives/works/philosophies,) i agree and disagree with both of them on various topics. they're both extremely complex writers/thinkers/figures and very different people, despite having been friends.
but if i'm comparing them biographically speaking, if i had to let one of them babysit my children, i would choose percy 10/10 times. if i had to live with one of them, i would choose percy most of the time, although either of them would be tough as a roommate for different reasons.
but overall, percy was a bit more decent biographically speaking, though that doesn't make him a superior writer (percy himself wrote numerous times that he felt byron was creatively superior to him, but morally inferior). and i think most people who've researched the two would agree that percy is the more moral poet by most standards.
for these and many other reasons, it seems apparent to me that the majority of people who hate percy are often parroting the rhetoric of others & not actually thinking for themselves -- which mary endlessly wrote that she despised, as she devoted so much of her time and energy to defending her husband's moral character from critics, so it's especially disappointing that most of the anti-percy sentiment comes from mary shelley fans, who don't even realize how much effort she put into publishing his work and transcribing it as his pre- and posthumous amanuensis.
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captainmera · 10 months
Hi Mera! Just simple and... nice question! Or two! About IBWR 😂💙
When did Theo and Oliver first appear in your head? How different they are now? Oliver had wand and blue hair at some point, right haha?
Did any side characters not make it into the final product aka your comic?
GOSH YEAH. So many characters merged and changed or were removed completely.
For example, the first version of the story was a mystery where a wealthy lady (Sally) was investigating a series of murders that seemingly was done by witchcraft, she did this by going undercover and joining forces with this vampire guy she got lodging with - why? I don't know! lol. I was inspired by Jack London's biography of the east end.
IT WAS SUPER EDGY AND OLIVER HAD BLUE HAIR. Or- well, I gave him blue hair to indicate to the reader when he was having a delusion.
I scrapped it because.. I didn't like the story and I cringe a little at it, but I liked the characters and their friendship. So that's the only thing I really brought with from that version. I illustrated bits of it in 2015-2016:
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Sally and Oliver's friendship are still going to remain in IBWR though. I also really liked Sally as an investigator, someone observant, adventurous and nosey.
Sally also had a husband in this version named Tom!
It was late 2015, early 2016 when IBWR actually came to me in it's early stages. At that time, I was trying to force the old story to work with the new but quickly abandoned it. I still kept Sally as an important figure though and developed her family tree.
The only survivors of that version, though, are William, Logan and Bothan.
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I merged Logan and Mitch into one character, t gave him more depth and nuance. Their kids got scrapped, too many characters and they served no purpose for the developing story. Alexina's and her sister merged and and their roles got transferred into Oliver's niece Louise instead. So she's Filipino now! Since Oliver's brother's wife is! :)
I'm going with that I have to serve the story I'm trying to tell, the characters are tools to tell that story. Which unfortunately means removing or changing them around.
And.. *gestures* Theodora (Jessica with Jane's personality basically) was Theodore's oldest sister. At that time, Theodore had way more sisters and, honestly there were too many characters. Too many twins too! Jenny and her twin sister merged into one for one.
The first version of ibwr was that Sally found out that her brother in-law was a witch that had gotten into trouble that just kept escalating and- well, that was Theodore. lol. He was the (not so) secret villain. 😂
But that sucked and I was still trying to make a murder mystery for some reason, so, all of that is scrapped now lol! 😂😂😂😂😂
But I couldn't work out what Sally was supposed to do? So I put her aside to develop Oliver - who had like... NOTHING.
I make it sound like it was originally all just about Sally, but it was about Oliver and her both. And I couldn't find a story with her without sacrificing what made the core of her character. If I changed her, it wouldn't be her anymore.
I had this idea for a story, and nothing worked. :/ I had to re-invent the story and the character's purposes completely.
When I turned my focus on Oliver more, the world of IBWR came into fruition. Peculiars, witches, spirits, the gods, everything just rolled out from there.
Finally I found the story I was trying to pin down on paper.
That's also where I realised his love interest was Theodore.
it was my friend Spooky who named Theodore, it was supposed to be a placeholder name. BUT IT STUCK. SO.... NOW HE'S THEODORE.
The new version developed Oliver more. His backstory has pretty much remained as is. Some, or half, of it circling around the tension in his family around him being a part of the family dynamic now. being his father's mistress' son who they all have to get used to existing with them. Here's an early mini comic where I was trying to figure out the vibe/mood of their relationship:
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But once again I hit a road block in the narrative.
Oliver held so much plot and story, but I couldn't tell it entirely through him. The story couldn't start with him, the world couldn't be introduced through him without spoiling too much or losing momentum for all the other elements in the story.
It had to start with Theodore. He was the witch, it was through him I could show the core messages and conflicts of the story early on without it feeling force-fed and annoying.
Through Theodore I also realised what the overarching plot and conflicts were, discovered more themes and what I was actually trying to say more cohesively.
But that meant I had to go further into Theodore's family! And who they were, what place they had in society. And bam! I saw what the end game looked like.
Now I had villains that scratched the itch I had been trying to locate.
I hopped between Oliver and Theodore's narratives, weaving (hah!) their storylines together and could make a sensible yarn out of it (heheh).
Through them, Sally finally got her importance back. She is a bit in the background, but without her a lot of things just wouldn't work out. And with her, Sebastian became her partner in crime (well, not literal crime). And William! :D
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There are also bi-characters like these peculiar hunters:
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Casper is still in the story, you see him in the prologue! But Casper-Jesper-and-Jonathan is just a reference to a swedish childrens rhyme.
Jesper remains but is re-imagined, but Jonathan is scrapped.
Casper and Jesper will both show up again as henchmen. But you can also see Casper here in this chapter poster:
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This is a small note but:
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in 2019, right before I started IBWR, I hadn't yet made the decision that spirits all have black eyes. So in this poster, where Oliver is dressed as the ghost of Christmas Past, the spirits have regular eyes.
The way I draw eyes are very specific now. Gods have a certain type of eyes, so does spirits, just to further visually distinguish them from one another in the realm of spirits/gods.
But yeah!
I think they are solidified properly in 2019-2020 when I started the story officially. That's when I felt like I understood enough to actually start rolling the ball.
there are still some stuff I'm working out, but they will become clearer once I actually have made enough progress on the story. I need to know how this beginning looks before I can see where to go forward with certain things.
uh.... yeah! :V
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mask131 · 7 months
Can I ask this question?
What's the deal with Pére Noel?
Do you any information about him?
I really found very few information about Pere Noel before he was synchronized with Britain's Father Christmas and US' Santa Claus.
Was he just a french version of Father Christmas, focused in adult festivities and merrymaking before becoming a gift-bringer like Santa and St. Nicolas?
Is he today any different from Santa and Father Christmas?
I read that in some parts of France St Nicholas is still the main gift-bringer figure, so I'm confused about the events that led to Pere Noel being a major holiday figure in the French context.
This ask actually needs a very long and complex answer that I will provide below, because the topic of the "Père Noël" is extremely complex...
My guess is that you are referring to the "Père Noël" that appeared in Chris Schweizer's set of "Father Christmas cards" - which appears here if you want the original post, but to clarify I will copy the art below for the sake of the explanation -
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This is not the current day "Père Noël". You will NOT see this guy around in the streets today. In modern France, "Père Noël" is the name of the French version of Santa Claus. Or rather, French people call Santa Claus "Père Noël". Current day's Père Noël is just a Santa Claus copypaste. Now, "Père Noël" literaly means "Father Christmas" in French, so one would expect him to be much closer to the British Father Christmas... But yes and no. Yes because it is another incarnation of Father Christmas that predated the American Santa Claus, but no because the French Père Noël has a different (though similar) iconography than the British Father Christmas.
Overall, if you recall my previous post, it is the same thing as with the "proto-Santa Claus/Kris Kringle" of 19th America (mischievious elf-like figure wrapped in brown furs) versus the 20th century American Santa Claus (jolly old man in red and white). "Père Noël" was the figure that was the placeholder of the gift-giver before the arrival of the American Santa Claus in the post WWII world (as with all things American in France, it was imported by the Americans that helped set France free). The earliest records of Père Noël appearing are from the mid-19th century - George Sand writes in her 1855 biography that as a kid she was waiting for "little father Christmas", this "good elder with his white beard", that dropped at midnight from the chimney to place shoes in the "petits souliers" (little slippers" of the kid) ; while an humoristic newspaper of 1848 wrote a dialogue where Père Noël knocks at someone's door - only for the person not to believe them, and saying he should be entering by the chimney not the door. Here, despite the name linking him to the British Father Christmas, he bears the marks of the proto-Santa Claus/Kris Kringle of 19th century America (such as the small size, explaining why he fits through chimneys). But it is all unclear as the figure was definitively not set in stone. In fact, in the second half of the 19th century, there was a certain fleeting between "Père Noël" (Father Christmas), "Bonhomme Noël" (Old Man Christmas/Christmas Man) and "Petit Noël" (Little Christmas, aka a variation of "Little Jésus", a French variant of the German Christkindl).
The thing with France is that it is a cultural crossroad - and this explains the diversity of Noël/Christmas traditions. For example in Provence there is a strong focus on the Epiphany and the Rois Mages (the Three Magi), similar to the traditions of the Reyes Magos in Spain ; while Eastern France truly kept alive the Saint Nicholas tradition typical of Central Europe (Netherlands, Germany, etc). And that's without counting local figures like Tante Arie... Anyway. So yes, saint Nicholas was a very popular gift-giver in France for a long time because France was a deeply Christian country (First Daughter of the Church), and the tradition stayed in the "Germanic" or Dutch-influenced parts of France (North, North-East). But in the rest of the country, Père Noël emerged. A continuation of Saint Nicholas-Sinterklass (still an old man, still with a donkey/horse, carrying gifts in a wicker basket), but with less religious symbols (while he still looks like a monk in some depictions, he never looks like a bishop and never has any overt Christian symbols). There's also the whole Père Fouettard as the French evil counterpart of Père Noël, the same way Saint-Nicholas/Sinterklaas has many "dark companions", but that's another story...
That all being said, the reason Père Noël was so easily "morphed" or "transformed" into the American Santa Claus is because, while he existed as a figure of Christmas folklore in France, he was not actually... defined. There was no specific image of him, no specific attribute, no lasting tradition - he existed as an archetype, as a general image, as a figure everybody knew by name but nobody agreed on how to depict. Sometimes he was closer to Saint Nicholas/Sinterklass by appearing as a thin monk-like old man with his donkey ; other times he was similar to the British Father Christmas by being a larger man dressed in green ; other times yet he was rather similar to the traditional embodiments of winter by appearing as a being wrapped in a grey or white large cloak... You've got some fleshy red-dressed Père Noël with fur-lined clothes similar to the future Santa Claus, just as much as you have skinny brown, blue or purple Père Noëls. There was a father Christmas but more as a general idea. And it is this inconsistency, this "freedom" of depiction that led to the American image of Santa Claus easily becoming the new face of Père Noël.
For example, here are various images of what the pre-Americanization Père Noël looked like:
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You will notably notice that many of the visuals used in these Christmas pictures can also be found in England as the Father Christmas there tried out and found various looks - which is why it is sometimes hard to differentiate Victorian Christmas cards from French ones, and shows again how the French Père Noël is basically a cross between Father Christmas and Saint Nicholas.
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In conclusion, long story short, Père Noël is not actually truly "French". It is a French figure, but born of the arrival of the British Father Christmas figure into a very Catholic France that fused him slightly with Saint Nicholas, hence a slightly more "religious" look ; and threw in some traditional Father Winter/Old Man Winter imagery to the lot. Overall, when you say "Father Christmas", you also speak of "Père Noël" as they are basically the same figure, with no massive difference, just slight alterations and a different cultural context.
And today Père Noël is just Santa Claus. BUT some elements that were part of the "old" Père Noël legend stuck around even in the modern Americanized incarnation, such as the habit of referring to "petits souliers" (little slippers) as the place he is supposed to leave gifts.
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l-1-z-a · 1 year
Will Wright was passionate about rallying and how it was shown in The Sims 2
While researching the development history of the original The Sims on TCRF, I came across a link to a fan site about Will Wright in the sources:
This is a very interesting site. There's a biography of him. And one of the chapters describes that Will Wright was into rallying and even participated in one of them:
Will Wright also used to be into Rally, before he was into computers. "It's very small in the States. The American version of Rally was in fact a little more hardcore than the European. It wasn't as competitive but they didn't allow pace notes and so when you're going down the road you don't know what's around the corner. I still love following the WRC".
He plotted a route through the southern states that was hundreds of miles longer than the more popular path. It avoided the northern roads likely to attract more contestants and police. He and a partner, the race organizer, zoomed across the country in a Mazda RX-7 outfitted with a souped-up engine, a roll cage, an extra fuel tank, a night-vision scope, two police radar detectors and a prototype of a radar jammer. The team got one speeding ticket near Indianapolis and Mr. Wright talked his way out of two others, once by pretending to be a lost local resident and once he convinced an Indiana state trooper he was a writer for an automobile magazine test-driving a car when he was pulled over for doing 104 mph.He actually won that race with a time of 33 hours, 39 minutes.".
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How it was shown in The Sims 2?
And this hobby of Will Wright was shown in the game. For example, in the form of this collection of objects:
And the tire table was posted by EA for the download as far back as the turn of 2004-2005. But there's also the sports car from the base game.
It was supposed to be an aspiration reward. But it was also, at the same time, a CAREER reward for the career of a "car racer", the costumes for which are available in the base game.
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But it's not that simple. After digging around in the car code, at the level of, I must say, my shabby knowledge, I came to the conclusion that there should be two career rewards for each career. The first is something given out at early career levels, like a punching bag, purely to pump up skills faster. But the SECOND award should have been... cars - and not at all "decorative" or working as a "personal cab", aka house - community lot - other community lot - house with the additional option of going to visit other sims.
Suppose your sim works in the police. At the beginning of his career he can get a scanner, and at later stages he can get his own, real, personal police car. When he selects the "Drive to Work" option in this car, he will not go to the unknown, but, for example, to a community lot where thieves, robbers, pickpockets like the Unsavory Charlatan, drug dealers and pimps will show up. Sim can arrest all these criminals, take them to the police station, and interrogate them "with intensity".
Pretty cool, huh? About the AUTORACING... Take a look at this ancient "kind of mod"...
Swimming competition!!! (Note - part of it, namely the lane dividers in the pools, "went" to Nightlife EP). And the dog competitions are in The Sims Pet Stories! On that basis, then why wouldn't there be car racing in the game as well? Especially since the motion animation is in Nightlife EP.
But everything is not so simple with the racers. Something is missing... Maybe THIS... (helmet)
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Please pay attention to this creator's work in general. If it is something from the game, you get a "good and quality" thing. However, when you start to "unselect", there are problems with textures and with a lot of polygons, which leads to a bad result.
Link to the content:
I also noticed that the helmets matched the colors of the suits. So there had to be a green suit, a yellow suit, and a pink suit.
На русском языке (and how to make races suits available in sport category of clothes):
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thebeatles-world · 1 year
Hi I love all your imagines and stories so much! Do you think you could possibly do a sequel or something to Picture Perfect? Hope you get better soon!!
Thank you! And yes! Here’s to all who have been waiting patiently for part 2!! I’m so sorry if this sucks, I’m having a bit trouble in my relationship lately but writing for you guys helps me cope with it ❤️
Perfect Picture: Part 2
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You and Ringo have been going out for a while now. Even though you and Ringo (aka your new man) have tried to keep it private… somehow the paparazzi always found out and took snapshots of you guys walking down the street or when you and Ringo hopped into a taxi.
According to the press, Elvis gave his honest thoughts of what he thought about The Beatles.
A while back Elvis was honestly worried about The Beatles being more popular than him and he ended up being right. The Beatles were getting more popular than him. They even sold more records than he ever did. Elvis considered The Beatles a threat to his own popularity.
Now that The Beatles were stealing his popularity, it made it worse when one of the members from The Beatles dated the love of his life which was Y/N L/N…
Elvis was not happy about it. He felt like The Beatles were stealing everything that he had.
You have recently started your own cookbook since you were a big fan of cooking and eating. Food was your passion.
Not that long ago, Grace started her own cookbook as well. You didn’t think too much of it.
Then you wrote a biography of your life and of course you added Ringo Starr in it since he was your boyfriend. You wrote a whole chapter of how you guys met, how much you loved him, how he helped you heal from the breakup with you and Elvis, how sweet The Beatles were when you first met them and how much Ringo made you happy.
Ringo was there by your side while you wrote it. He was actually really supportive of your book.
Later that week, your book got so many sold copies that your book was the number one hit in the U.S and in other countries.
Not that long after your book was a huge hit, Grace started her own ‘’bio’’ book as well but it wasn’t a huge hit like yours. It was noticeable that she was copying you and the fans noticed it too as well as the press.
If you wore a white dress out in public, the next day Grace would wear one too. If you had your hair curly, Grace would have hers done too the next day.
It was like as she was trying to keep up with you through magazines, the public eye, interviews, live conferences on T.V
You did get a little annoyed with her but you were really nice not to say anything about it in the public eye. Instead you went on with your day and spended a lot of time with Ringo.
A few months later, you and Ringo went to the next step of your relationship. You guys moved in together to a big mansion together. You two were really excited to move in together.
Honestly when you came into Ringo’s life, you made a huge influence on him. He was so happy with you and he couldn’t stop talking about you in interviews and he always blushed when his bandmates teased him about you two.
One night a week after you and Ringo moved in together, he decided to pick up a nice dinner meal for you and him on his way home from the studio. You couldn’t wait to hear about the new album that Ringo and his bandmates were working on.
You sat on the couch and read a book while you waited for Ringo to come home.
Suddenly you heard the doorbell rang.
‘’That’s weird… We don’t expect any company.’’ You said to yourself in confusion.
You closed your book and headed to the front door.
‘’Um… who is it?’’ You said as you opened the door.
You didn’t expect to see your ex-boyfriend Elvis standing there at your front door, at your new place holding your favorite flowers in his hands.
‘’Elvis? What are you doing here? What are you doing at my new place?’’ You exclaimed.
‘’Y/N I just wanna say I’m sorry for everything… I should have never taken you for granted. I’m so sorry baby. Why did I treat you badly? I’m such a fool. Please give me a second chance. I know I haven’t been the best. I know I hurt you badly. I have been walking in a trance since we broke up. ‘’ Elvis’s voice cracked.
‘’Oh Elvis. I can’t. I’m with Ringo. He makes me happy. I love him so much.’’ You started to say but you looked at Elvis who seemed to have a sad look on his face as you explained to him how much you loved Ringo.
‘’But I won’t forget about all the memories we had together, we had wonderful memories together. You may have been my first love and I will never forget that. You will always be in my heart no matter what Elvis.’’ You softly patted his shoulder.
‘’Besides you have Grace don’t you? She makes you happy right? You should be giving her those flowers instead of me.’’ You told him.
‘’Grace is just… too…’’ Elvis began and then stopped.
‘’You know Y/N, you're right. I should move on. But just always know that I will always love you.’’ Elvis said to you.
You looked into his sad blue eyes and nodded sadly.
‘’That’s right Elvis. You will always mean a lot to me as a person. Good luck in life.’’ You smiled sadly.
Even though you loved Ringo with all your heart, Elvis will always hold a special place in your heart and it still tug on your heart just seeing Elvis again. Especially talking to him about how he will always mean a lot to you.
‘’Thank you Y/N.’’ Elvis said and before you knew it, he placed his lips against yours.
‘’I’ll see you… one day… maybe never again.’’ He said as he walked away.
You were too stunning to speak. You couldn’t believe that Elvis kissed you. You didn’t have time to react or to even slap him for doing that. It just happened so fast that you felt like everything around you was spinning.
Oh no… What if Ringo finds out…? You thought.
*** if this gets enough likes or comments, I’ll post part 3 of the series***
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wrvtchedhearts · 15 days
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Stats --
FULL NAME: Zakir Aamir Sethupathi
AGE & DATE OF BIRTH: 28 -- January 8th
OCCUPATION: rapper, translator, interpreter
GENDER & PRONOUNS: cis-man, he/him
SEXUALITY: Bisexual, Biromantic
LANGUAGES:  mother tongue: Hindi, Urdu fluent: Arabic, Spanish, English, Russian, Punjabi, Gujarati conversational: Japanese, Cantonese learning: Portuguese, Mandarin, Bahasa Malay
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single ( crushing on Anchali )
FC: arpan kumar chandel aka King
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Biography --
Zakir was sixteen when he moved from New Delhi to New York City hoping to find a richer more full-filling life there. He hoped to become a famous rapper. He grew up the oldest son of a Muslim and Hindu couple, with little prospect in life other than continue his father's business. His uncle - a friend of his father rather than his actual uncle - told him stories of America, of New York City, and the American Dream.
He got into crime because he needed funds and connections to gain his fame. He's known for making songs in which he fluently meshes languages and meanings together, rapping under the alias Baagee. However, a lot of his time is spent translating for Dead Hand or using his understanding of languages to decipher coded messages.
He's been releasing songs steadily during the past five years, and has been an official associate of Dead Hand for three years.
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Headcanons --
He's a polyglot; he speaks multiple languages and easily picks up new ones. Currently he's learning Portuguese, Mandarin & Bahasa Malay. He's however always interested in learning more.
He addresses anyone his age with either habibi/habibti ( ‘my dear’ or 'my love’ in Arabic ) or bhai/bhen ( 'brother’/'sister' in Hindi / Indic language ), and anyone older than him as auntie or uncle. Does this consistently and with respect.
Despite his mastery of languages, Zakir still has a distinct accent when speaking in Russian, English or Spanish.
He produces his own music.
He's a romantic, friendly and charming, and a little afraid of violence. Will always portray the role of a diplomat in a conflict.
Zakir was raised in a Muslim and Hindu household, though neither him nor his siblings got much of a choice which religion they wanted to follow. As a result he still follows a lot of rules from Islam and participates in all its religious days, including Ramadan.
He doesn't drink or smoke - though he on occasion uses the drugs available at El Anhelo, and has his way to say why those aren't as bad.
He has an augmentation in his eyes, installed just before he moved to the United States by a street engineer. Because it was a prototype, he's had to get it checked out several times. It essentially works as a video camera: he can zoom in, zoom out, rewind, slow down, and speed up. As well as choose to save certain moments to his phone to view later. Because his eyes are more sensitive now, he wears sunglasses or tinted glasses almost all the time.
wanted and established connection can be found here.
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Slang --
Some slang Zakir might use and its meaning:
Yaar: friend/buddy/dude, addressing someone.
Arre yaar: addressing someone while expressing disappointment, surprise, or frustration.
Mashallah: 'God has willed it'
Inshallah: 'if God wills'
Wallah: 'I swear', said very often, presume Zakir never lies when he says this, as it's a sin.
Yallah/Chalo/Vamonos: Let's go!
Alhamdulillah: 'Praise to God'
Subhanallah: 'Glory to God'
Māśūqa: sweetheart, used for Anchali
Chai: Zakir never says tea
Jhakaas: Awesome!
Mast: excellent or fantastic
Bhai __ hai?: he uses this in restaurants mostly when he wants something quickly.
Theek hai: ok or it's okay
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ema0666 · 2 months
The Real Helen Hirsch and The relationship with Amon Goeth.
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In my opinion Helen Hirsch is a very sad historical figure in the movie, in the book, and in reality. Many people have stated that Ms. Hirsch wasn’t even a real person and was inspired by Amon Goethes second maid Helen Jonas Rozeinweig. But if you paid very close attention during the ending of the movie Schindlers List directed by Steven Spielberg in the scene where the actors were next to the actual survivor the actress who played as Ms. Helen Hirsch (Embeth Davidtz) was next to another woman who wasn’t Jonas Rozeinwig. That woman was the real Hirsch. I was confused at first on why people would deny her being false as she also appears in a documentary called Schindler: The Documentary.
If you were to search her up on Google the only thing that would pop up would be the biography of Helen Jonas Rozeinweig and her documentary called “Inheritance” that also had Monika Hertwig (aka Amon Goeths biological daughter). The truth was ultimately sad on why Hirsch only appeared a few times in the media (Full name was Helena Horowitz Hirsch). It was stated that she was being interviewed for the Schindler Documentary and it accidentally came out that she was almost raped by Goethe while horribly drunk (he was known for being a alcoholic) and had to scream out his mistresses name Majola (Ruth Irene Kalder) to save her from him. She was so worried about the public eye twisting her story and make theories or assumptions of her having to do “sexual things” with Goethe in order to escape (which was completely false) retreated from any further interviews and let Jonas do all the talking. This was also due to the interviewer being an outright disrespectful jackass who kept on rushing the poor woman whilst she told her story as Helen kept repeating “im sorry.”
In the historically accurate book Schindlers Ark by Thomas Keanally it described Hirsch as a very tiny and frail woman in her 20s who would have bruises on her face or small body. It was stated that Goethe had to bend down to beat her often. She lived in the basement next to the kitchen where Jonas also stayed she was about 16 at the time. Ms Hirsch gained the nickname “Lena” because Goethe was way too lazy to call her full name. In both the movie and book Amon Goethe had an unhealthy obsession with Hirsch and was the “tragic love” and target of his outlandish behavior. Emilie Schindler the wife of Oskar Schindler had stated that he beat her often because he was in denial that he had fallen smitten for a Jew. He was too in love with her that he only forbade Hirsch from wearing the Star of David out of embarrassment that he liked her.
Hirsch would beg Amon constantly to end her life but would refuse and make up a random excuse to keep her. Another witness account had stated that he harbored love for his maid but was too devoted to his ideals and the Nazi regime that he couldn’t come to terms with it.
It could easily be mistaken as lust but Goethe was a very mentally unstable man. He couldn’t possibly show love the proper way as he even beat his own wife and mistress. It was stated in the book that he had a very strong problem with the beating of women and would seek help from his brother officers. It also angered him that Helen didn’t feel the same way towards him causing him to beat her even more.
In the original script of the movie Amons love for Helen was written more romantically than ever. Even him admitting his love for her in the basement scene. It also features a full scene where Amon and Schindler are both playing cards and when Amon looses he lets out a cry of pain as he has to give her up. (which was removed from the movie) but the last and final scene was described after Amon lost his job from the SS and was seen wondering around Schindlers factory like a lost dog. Schindler worried for his friend invites him inside and offers him money since Goeth had practically lost everything. He declines and states that he didn’t come back for money but to see Helen again and take her back with him. Schindler obviously shocked and unprepared for his request lies to him and says that she had died. This causes Amon to spiral into depression and drink himself away.
In real life he would throw parties all the time in his villa and even the guests there would notice his weird behavior towards his poor maid. Some guests would even come in the kitchen (her room) and talk to her/or complain about him being an arse. Helen Hirsch has stated that he had a strong desire to take advantage of her in other ways than beat her (I think you know what I mean) and he fortunately couldn’t because she was Jewish. Often why he wanted to see her suffer an other ways because he couldn’t act out on his fantasies.
“Did Amon Goeth love Helen or was it just pure lust”
To answer that question he was in love with her but could not understand it and tried to convince himself he was not. Even finding out how numerous times he as tried to show his affection towards her physically or emotionally Helen would always turn him down causing him to feel more angered towards her. If it was purely lust Amon would have killed her when ever he had the chance.
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natequarter · 2 months
1, 9, 10 and 15 for the ask game!
1: Recommend your favourite fic ever.
well, that's one hell of a question! perhaps the only must-read for doctor who is Time v.3.0 by Teyke, a haunting and terrifying fic about the time war. nonetheless, it is not necessarily my favourite fic... i honestly don't know what that is. In Due Time We Shall Reap by Thascalos is beyond explicit, but, well, formative influences (aka 'that thing you read over and over again at A Certain Age') are formative influences whether or not you want them to be, i suppose. don't bury me by petroltogo is haunting.
as far as humour goes, The Grand Sci-Fi Fuckathon of Hitler and Stalin by yonderdarling is the funniest thing i've ever read. yes, really... don't drink whilst you read it. runners-up for Funniest are: How Now, Brown Monkey by Liadt and The King of Tallstoria by the_alchemist. all i can really say, i suppose, is don't give medieval kings candy crush.
it's unfinished, but i'm currently putting The Red Rose of York by medieval_scribe up there. Like Gods by Ade. Continuitas by skazka. Mary on a cross by Neolina_W. thou child of my right hand by heartofstanding. (shattering! i am not sure at this point that i am capable of identifying a favourite piece!) Periapsides by avani. No Indifferent Judge by edwardianspinsteraunt. sincerest apologies if you have not, for some strange reason, whiled away the hours haunted by baldwin iv.
of comfort and despair by damnedscribblingwoman is definitely an all-time favourite, and i really mean it this time.
anyway, here is the actual answer: Queenmaker by La Reine Noire (lareinenoire). delightfully fucked up.
9: Recommend a fic from your first fandom.
Le Donne Che Piangono (The Weeping Women) – The ‘Thrice Cursed’ Remix by aralias. The Boy Who Killed Time by Netgirl_y2k. , said the nightmare by patrexes. Burn Your Biographies by JaneTurenne. (i promise these are categorised. they really are.)
The Chronicles of The Oakdean-Smiths by PinkPunk010. Any Port Manteau In A Storm by yonderdarling. (actually, i recommend all their works, along with MayFairy. speaking of...) The Definition Of Trouble by evilqueenofgallifrey (MayFairy). probably not quite so good as i remember it, but the only good execution of 'twelve/missy lovechild' i've seen, so...
17 Reasons Why Romana Is Better Than The Doctor by calapine.
Girl in Every Port by tree_and_leaf. No Sacrifice: the What Are We Doing In Love? Remix by hhertzof. A Life Full of Compromises by paranoidangel. read the old stuff. it usually pays off.
did this say 'a fic'? suddenly i can't read.
10: Recommend a fic from your latest fandom!
What Twisted Webs We Weave by The_Purple_Opossum. obviously.
15: Recommend a gen fic!
Thick Skull by thehappybones. both sweet and inventive
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severin-photocopy · 4 months
the song is an Italian meme
sad to think that us
us two will never be anything
how much silence on the roofs between a thousand discussions
and your coke light
I never told you[...]
yes that is my actual room
this is referencing an anecdote from Wanda von Sacher-Masoch aka Angelika Aurora Rümelin aka Sacher-Masoch's first wife. She describes how Sacher-Masoch starts a correspondence with another man inspired by his own novel "The Love of Plato". They meet in a hotel one night and other shenanigans happen (meeting at the opera and other stuff). In the end this friendship/situationship/I-don't-know either-ship doesn't end well, the end also apparently includes a strange fanfiction but a few years later Sacher-Masoch and Rümelin spot a picture in a newspaper. The article is about the mysterious death of Ludwig II of Bayern. They recognize him as the admirer.
This is obviously something that you should take with a mountain of salt since it has been said multiple times that Rümelin's biography is very sensational and stuff. Tho it is very funny.
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