#aka caracol
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I really hope it doesn't sound like I'm trying to start an argument with this, I genuinely want your opinion. Do you think Israel should exist? Do you think it can exist peacefully? I'm a Jewish kid, I support Palestine and think the genocide needs to stop, but I feel like some (obviously not all) of the criticism of Israel feels a little bit antisemitic. Like I've seen people saying that zionists control a bunch of things internationally and in the us government, and that sounds very similar to antisemitic conspiracy theories. I'm sorry for asking you this, I just don't know who to ask. My mom is really sensitive about this because she's been bullied for being Jewish. And my friends aren't quite as politically aware, so they don't understand the history and just keep being like "why did the us ever support Israel to begin with?" and they certainly don't understand where zionism came from so I can't have actual conversations with them
So if you have anything to say, or any resources, anything you think I should read, that would seriously be really helpful
This ask contains several complicated questions so I'll break it down and do my best to present not just my opinion but also what I understand to be the context and the alternatives, and what factors shape my thinking.
Do I believe the state of Israel should exist? On one level, I don't believe any states should exist. All modern nation-states are built on some amount of violence and ethnostates especially all require some amount of erasure of groups outside the national group being enshrined in the national mythology. This is not unique to Israel; Atatürk's "One nation one language one flag" policy continues to be the basis of Turkish aggression against and denial of Kurdish cultural existence for example. The ongoing Tigrayan genocide is part of the legacy of Amharic supremacy in the statecraft that went into the building of the state of Ethiopia. Every nation-state has a dark history casting a long shadow. For more context on this topic, Worshipping Power by Peter Gelderloos is a good read.
As far as alternatives, the proposals of Murray Bookchin, what he calls Social Ecology, and the Democratic Confederalism proposed by Abdullah Öcalan are promising. Other historical examples of alternatives past and present include the Haudeosaunee Confederacy, the Caracol model of the Zapatistas, peasant cooperative experiments seen in Makhnovchina during the Russian revolution and in revolutionary Spain in the 30s, and of course the Democratic Confederalist experiment in northeastern Syria aka Rojava.
The Rojava model is especially relevant because, while westerners tend to make armchair pronouncements about what ought to happen in the Middle East based on extremely flawed and limited knowledge and a deeply ingrained cultural bias (read Orientalism by Edward Said for more on that), there are experiments in pluralistic multicultural democracy that originate from within the region that are much more relevant. It's always so wild to me to hear Zionist apologia in the form of the question, "well what else could we ("we?") possibly support if not a two-state solution or an only-Israel 'the only democracy in the Middle East™️' solution?" When practically right next door there is a thriving 10-year experiment in radical democracy in an area with more ethnic, religious, and language groups than you can count on one hand, in an area where some people from those groups were brutally murdering each other less than a decade ago and now are having to find ways to patch up society and function in peace and with respect and self-determination for all groups there. That seems very relevant as an example but I almost never hear anyone mention it and Palestine together, despite historically the movements supporting each other.
As far as antisemitic conspiracy theories, I think you're right about that. I know a lot of people, even well-meaning people who have not fully examined their internalized antisemitism, will talk about US support for Israel as if Israel is controlling US politics and that is why there is so much military aid being sent, or they will talk about American support for Israel as if it's the result of Jewish influence in politics. On no other topic do Jews hold this amount of sway. Jews tend to support immigration reform and universal healthcare and yet we don't have the power as a tiny voting bloc to get those passed. No, the US supports Israel because it's an investment. Israel is essentially a weapons research and development laboratory for the US. The Israeli economy is overwhelmingly dependent on its military development and exports. A good source for this is the documentary film, "The Lab" directed by Yotam Feldman, an Israeli Jew himself, who goes into great detail on the role that Israel plays in weapons development for not only the US but also dictatorships in South America.
The other big source of American support for Israel is based on religion but not the Jewish religion. Evangelical Christians are by far the most powerful religious group in US politics, and they believe that Jews being returned to the holy land is a necessary component of triggering the war of Armageddon and bringing about end times etc. They are not our friends; our role in their teleology is to die to bring about the salvation of (a relatively small number of) Christians. This group is represented by powerful televangelists like John Hagee, whose organization Christians United For Israel describes itself as America's largest pro-Israel group. Not only are not all Jews Zionists and not all Zionists Jews; there are more Christian Zionists in America (30 million according to Tristan Sturm) than there are Jews in the entire world (less than 17 million according to Sheskin and Dashefsky data for 2023.)
Antisemitism absolutely still exists and is a real problem, and the conflation of critique of Israel with antisemitism makes genuine antisemitism much harder to address. Israeli propaganda deliberately inflames the reasonable and justified fears of Jewish people and directs them at a relatively powerless target rather than at the systems that endanger all of us.
I would argue that the state of Israel itself is antisemitic. Not only does it aggressively promote the old antisemitic narrative that conflates Jewish identity with Zionism, it has been instrumental in the displacement and destruction of so many Jewish communities and traditions that had been existing for centuries. I just finished reading My Father's Paradise, by a Kurdish Jew whose father's family was forced to relocate to Israel shortly after his bar mitzvah, the last ever to happen in the ancient Aramaic-speaking Jewish community of Zaxo in northern Iraq. It captures a poignant glimpse of how it feels to be the last surviving native speaker of your childhood language, and the role Israeli statecraft played in dooming many Jewish communities of the diaspora to that fate.
And here's maybe my hottest take: even if there were no genocide of Palestinians to worry about, I would still be anti-Zionist because I think Zionism is inherently anti-Jewish. Most of Jewish life has happened in the diaspora for the last several millennia, yet Zionism is an anti-diaspora ideology that sees our lives, our homes, our diverse sub-cultures and languages and spiritual practices as inferior, broken, not worth preserving let alone continuing. Modern Zionism is, by Hertzl's own admission, a settler-colonial project intended to shape Jewry into the mold popular among European nations at the time, and thereby win the respect of Christendom by playing their game on their terms and excelling. In short The national project of Israel is manufacturing whiteness for Jews.
But the truth is that for as long as there has been political Zionism, there have been Jewish anti-Zionists, as evidenced by folk songs like the century-old "Oy Ir Narishe Tsionisten" ("Oh You Foolish Zionists") re-popularized by Daniel Kahn, whose music is also associated with a Yiddish cultural revival among young diaspora Jews.
There's a lot more I could ramble on about and more books I could point towards but this is already very long and I'm no expert on the subject, just a very tired Jew who has been at this for a long time now. I'll leave you with a link to a good article about the recent wave of campus protests and incidents of alleged, and sometimes actual, antisemitism among them:
#antisemitism#jews#campus protests#jewish#antisemitism on campus#antizionism#you can also be anti zionist for reasons that are completely separate from palestine#palestine#google murray bookchin#support rojava#rojava#middle east#google abdullah öcalan
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This is the second Caracolia – aka Sevilla Snail Festival – with 13 bars from Sevilla city and province participating serving up both caracoles and cabrillas. The former are a smaller snail cooked in spicy broth, cabrillas are bigger and usually cooked in a cuminy tomato sauce. It’s a fun event and lovely that it’s down by the river to catch a cool post-dusk breeze. We had a great time and even…
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💜✨🐌 Florencia aka gofloresgo. #soyo #metas #caracol https://www.instagram.com/p/CpvXrWOJA3j/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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“Tenías prisa la última vez que te vi, ¿no es así?” Se cruzó de brazos, adentrándose sin previo aviso en aquella bodega donde guardaban las esponjas y cualquier material de limpieza para las personas a cargo de los autos. Había divisado desde la distancia a su hermana entrar a dicho espacio, por lo que de inmediato se aseguró de seguirla al interior del lugar. “Pero esta vez no voy a permitir que escapes tan fácil. Así que tienes dos opciones: una, contestas mis malditas preguntas, o nos quedamos encerrados en este lugar hasta que dejes de actuar como si tú no hubieras sido responsable de lo que pasó esa noche también.” [ @cailinsch ]
#c: thailin#se lo hago corto porque si yo soy tortuga usted es la evolución de la palabra lentitud en su punto más alto#aka caracol
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Most Essential Vocabulary #3
Part 3 of some of the most essential Spanish vocabulary!
This time I decided to go with mostly nouns - animals (minus fish/marine life for the most part), metals, materials, fabrics, and basic weather expressions!
There are always going to be words I miss, but these are some of the most common ones you come across. Though if you’re watching nature documentaries or getting into crafting you might find other words or more specific words than these; still, this is a good baseline for things you’ll come across in everyday Spanish
Los Animales [Animals]
el perro = dog la perra = dog [f] / bitch [the literal word for “female dog” Spanish-speakers do call their female dogs perra or perrita; but it is also the insult “bitch”]
el gato = cat la gata = cat [f] [again sometimes some unsavory elements to la gata but still very common]
perrito/a = puppy
gatito/a = kitten
el cachorro = puppy, pup el cachorro = pup / baby animal [mammals; it’s not specifically dogs]
el pájaro = bird
el loro = parrot
el lagarto = lizard la lagartija = lizard [small]
la tortuga = turtle / tortoise [large land turtles are sometimes called el galápago like the islands]
la serpiente = snake
el ratón, la rata = mouse / rat [interchangeable at this point]
el erizo = hedgehog
el hurón = ferret
la cobaya = guinea pig [in the medical sense too!] el cuy / el cuyo = guinea pig [South America] el conejillo de Indias = guinea pig [lit. “little rabbit from the Indies”; occasional, but not standard]
el conejo, la coneja = rabbit
el pez = fish [as opposed to el pescado “fish” which is fish you eat, aka “seafood”]
el reptil = reptile
el ave = bird
el mamífero = mammal
la mascota = pet [and “mascot” for teams]
gruñir = to growl
masticar = to bite
ladrar = to bark
maullar = to meow
arañar = to scratch
lamer = to lick
acariciar = to pet / to caress
Also, not totally necessary unless it is - el sabueso is “hound” while el galgo is “greyhound” or “running dog”
Los Insectos [Insects]
el insecto = insect
el bicho = bug [sometimes means something very different in other countries but it is generally “bug”]
la mariposa = butterfly
la hormiga = ant el hormiguero = anthill
el gusano = worm / maggot
la oruga = caterpillar
el ciempiés = centipede [lit. “hundred feet”, just like what “centipede” means]
la mosca = fly
el mosquito = mosquito
la araña = spider la telaraña = web, spiderweb, cobweb [lit. “spider fabric”]
la abeja = bee la colmena = hive, beehive el panal = honeycomb la reina = queen
el enjambre = swarm
la avispa = wasp
el zángano = drone el obrero, la obrera = worker
la picadura = bug bite / sting
la mantis (religiosa) = (praying) mantis
el escorpión = scorpion el alacrán = scorpion
el caracol = snail
el saltamontes = grasshopper
el grillo = cricket
la langosta = locust [also the word for “lobster”, which is unfortunate]
la cucaracha = cockroach
la pulga = flea
el escarabajo = beetle / scarab
la luciérnaga = firefly, lightning bug
la libélula = dragonfly
la mariquita = ladybug [lit. “little Mary”, because ladybugs are linked to Mary in Christianity in many languages]
I know some of these aren’t technically insects don’t @ me
Las Aves [Birds]
el pájaro = bird
el ave, las aves = bird, birds [technically feminine; umbrella term] (el) ave rapaz, las aves rapaces = birds of prey las aves acuáticas = waterfowl [lit. “aquatic birds”] las aves marinas = seabirds
el águila = eagle [technically feminine] el águila calva = bald eagle
el gorrión = sparrow
la golondrina = swallow
la alondra = lark
el petirrojo = robin
la urraca = magpie
el buitre = vulture
el pájaro carpintero = woodpecker [lit. “carpenter bird”]
la paloma = dove / pigeon
el pavo = turkey
el pavo real = peacock la pava real = peahen
el ganso = goose
el pato / la pata = duck
el pollo = chicken
el gallo = rooster
la gallina = hen
la gaviota = seagull
el cisne = swan
la garza = heron
la grulla = crane
el cuervo = crow
la corneja = raven [but usuallly cuervo; even in literature, Poe’s “The Raven” is El Cuervo]
el búho = owl
la lechuza = owl [the ones with flatter faces; those owls... think Hedwig from HP]
el cucú = cuckoo
el loro = parrot [sometimes el papagayo]
la cotorra = parrot [regional, such as las cotorras de Murcia]
el avestruz = ostrich
el pingüino = penguin
el ala, las alas = wings [technically feminine]
la aleta = flipper
el pico = beak
la garra = talon, claw
la pluma = feather [or “pen”, since it all originally came from the idea of a “quill” which is pluma]
el huevo = egg
el nido = nest
el polluelo = chick, baby bird
Los Animales De la Granja / Domésticos [Farm (Animals) / Domesticated Animals]
el ganado = livestock / cattle
la vaca = cow el toro = bull
el buey = ox
el caballo = horse la yegua = mare
el establo / la caballeriza = stable, stables
el potro, la potra = foal / colt, filly [baby horse]
el ganso, la gansa = goose
el pollo = chicken el gallo = rooster la gallina = hen
el gallinero = chicken coop
el palomar = pigeon coop
el cerdo, la cerda = pig, sow el puerco, la puerca = pig, sow
el chiquero = sty, pen / pigsty, pigpen
el corral = corral
el carnero = ram
la oveja = sheep
la cabra = goat
el cordero = lamb el borrego = lamb, yearling
el rebaño = flock (of sheep)
el asno / el burro = donkey
la mula = mule
dar de comer (al animal) = to feed (an animal)
ordeñar = to milk (an animal)
montar = to ride (an animal/bike)
a caballo = on horseback montar a caballo = to ride on a horse, horseback riding
Los Animales Salvajes [Wild Animals]
el lobo, la loba = wolf
el oso, la osa = bear el osenzo / osito/a = bear cub, cub el oso negro = black bear el oso pardo = grizzly bear, brown bear el oso panda / el panda = panda bear el oso polar = polar bear
la serpiente = snake la víbora = viper, venomous snake [poisonous snake, used almost like a generic name]
venenoso/a = poisonous, venomous no venenoso/a = non-venomous, not poisonous
el búfalo = buffalo
el buey, los bueyes = ox, oxen
el bisonte = bison
el jabalí = boar
el mono, la mona = monkey
el simio = ape, simian
el chimpancé = chimpanzee
la gorila = gorilla
el león = lion la leona = lioness
el tigre = tiger la tigresa = tiger [f], tigress
el línce = lynx
el elefante, la elefanta = elephant
la jirafa = giraffe
la cebra = zebra
el cocodrilo = crocodile
el caimán / el aligátor = caiman / alligator [sometimes it has other names that are regional]
el hipopótamo = hippopotamus
el rinoceronte = rhinoceros
el leopardo = leopard
el ciervo, la cierva = deer, stag / deer, doe el venado, la venada = deer, stag / deer, doe
el alce = elk / moose
el reno = reindeer
la ardilla = squirrel
la nutria = otter
el zorro = fox [the female form is la zorra which is “female fox” or “vixen”; also a very mean insult like “bitch”]
el conejo, la coneja = rabbit
la liebre = hare, rabbit
el mapache = racoon
la comadreja = weasel
el castor = beaver
el canguro = kangaroo [also a slang word for “babysitter”]
la hiena = hyena
el chacal = jackal
el murciélago = bat
la foca = seal
la morsa = walrus
el delfín = dolphin
la ballena = whale
el asta = antler [technically feminine]
el cuerno = horn
el colmillo = fang el colmillo = tusk [boar, elephant, etc]
el hocico = snout / nose (of an animal)
la garra = claw
la zarpa = claw (feline)
la guarida = lair, den
la madriguera = den, lair, hideout
el depredador = predator
la presa = prey [la presa also means “reservoir” or “dam”]
el macho = male
la hembra = female
salvaje = wild / savage
manso/a = tame
la manada = pack / herd [generally the word for “a group of animals”, so you see it everywhere for animals but the most common example is la manada de lobos “wolf pack”]
Los Metales [Metals]
el metal = metal
metálico/a = metallic
el oro = gold
la plata = silver
el bronce = bronze
el cobre = copper
el plomo = lead
el hierro = iron
el acero = steel
el aluminio = aluminum / aluminium
el zinc / el zinco / el cinco = zinc
el platino = platinum
la lata / el estaño = tin / tinplate / tinfoil [la lata also means “a can” as in food]
el latón = brass
You will also find that el hierro “iron” is used very idiomatically just like in English to mean “strong” such as la Dama de Hierro “Iron Lady” which was the nickname for Margaret Thatcher; or the translation of Xiran Jay Zhao’s book la Viuda de Hierro “Iron Widow”
And many metals or things made out of metal can be called férreo, férrico, or ferroso. A common example is el ferrocarril or la vía férrea for “railroad” or “railway”.
In etymology, you also see this linked to el herrero, la herrera “smith” or la herrerería “blacksmith” or the metal section of a hardware store; and the word for “hardware store” is sometimes el ferretero
Additionally, though not metals some general materials:
el carbón = coal el carboncillo = charcoal [charcoal is also el carbón vegetal “plant coal”, el carbón de leña “firewood coal”]
el papel = paper
el cartón = cardboard
el cristal = crystal / glass [more formal is el vidrio “glass”]
el cuarzo = quartz
el diamante = diamond
el rubí = ruby
la esmeralda = emerald
el zafiro = sapphire
el ópalo = opal
la amatista = amethyst
el topacio = topaz
el ámbar = amber
la joya = jewel
la gema = gem
la perla = pearl
el nácar = nacre, mother-of-pearl
el yeso = gypsum, plaster [also a “cast” for broken bones, which were made out of plaster] el revoque = plaster
la madera = wood
el plástico = plastic
el pegamento = glue, paste
la resina = resin
el ébano = ebony
el marfil = ivory
el mármol = marble
la piedra = stone
la arena = sand
el ladrillo = brick
la arcilla = clay
la arenisca = sandstone
la caliza = limestone la cal = limestone, lime
el granito = granite
el alquitrán = tar
el hueso = bone
la mina = mine
la veta = vein (for metals)
cavar = to dig
forjar = to forge fraguar = to forge [interchangeable; la forja “forge” and la fragua “forge” are also interchangeable]
la aleación = alloy
el crisol = melting pot, crucible
La Tela [Fabric]
la tela = fabric
la fibra = fiber
el hilo = thread / string / yarn
la aguja = needle
la cinta = ribbon
la seda = silk
el algodón = cotton
la lana = wool / yarn
el terciopelo = velvet
el encaje = lace
la red = net, fishnet
el poliéster = polyester
a lunares / de lunares = polkadot, with dots [lit. “with circular”]
a rayas / de rayas = striped, with stripes [lit. “with lines”] de raya fina / de raya diplomática = pinstripe
a cuadros = checkered, gingham, plaid escocés / tartán = plaid [lit. “Scottish”] / tartan cuadriculado/a = checkered [lit. “with little squares”]
la piel = leather [lit. “skin”] el cuero = leather [formal]
el pelo = fur, hair la piel = fur / hide las pieles sintéticas / la piel falsa = faux fur, synthetic fur, fake fur
la gamuza = suede
orgánico/a = organic
artificial = artificial, manmade
sintético/a = synthetic
coser = to sew
cortar = to cut
tejer = to knit
ajustar = to tighten / to adjust
You may find something like un abrigo de piel which would be like a “fur coat”, as opposed to una chaqueta de cuero “leather jacket”, as opposed to a “fur jacket”
The issue here is that la piel is “skin” but it also means “pelt” or “animal hide” [el pellejo is another one] which has fur attached, so depending on the context it could be “leather” or “fur” for materials depending on context
El Tiempo / El Clima [Weather]
el sol = sun
la nube = cloud
la lluvia = rain / rainfall
el aguacero = downpour
el hielo = ice
la nieve = snow la nevada = snowfall
el viento = wind
la ventisca = blizzard
el vendaval = strong wind, gale
el remolino = whirlwind / whirlpool / swirl
el granizo = hail
la tormenta = storm la tormenta eléctrica = thunderstorm la tormenta de arena = sandstorm
la tempestad = big storm
el trueno = thunder
el rayo = lightning bolt
el relámpago = lightning flash
el tornado = tornado
el ciclón = cyclone, tornado
el tifón = typhoon
el monzón = monsoon
el huracán = hurricane
hacer sol = to be sunny soleado/a = sunny
nublar(se) = to be cloudy nublado/a = cloudy
llover = to rain lluvioso/a = rainy
nevar = to snow
granizar = to hail
hacer viento = to be windy
tronar = to thunder / to boom, to be very loud
hacer frío = to be cold (weather)
hacer calor = to be hot (weather)
asomar(se) una tormenta = “for a storm to be brewing”
caer un rayo = for lightning to strike [lit. “for a bolt to fall”]
la estación = season [or “station”]
la primevera = spring de primavera / primaveral = springtime, spring [adj]
el verano = summer de verano / veraniego/a = summertime, summery, summer [adj]
el otoño = autumn, fall de otoño / otoñal = fall, autumn, autumnal [adj]
el invierno = winter de invierno / invernal = winter, wintry [adj]
La Transportación [Transportation]
la transportación = transportation
conducir = to drive [also “to guide” or “to conduct”] manejar = to drive [also sometimes “to manipulate”, or “to work by hand”]
el conductor, la conductora = driver / conducter
el carro = car [general Latin America] el coche = car [Spain and parts of Latin America, still understood] el auto = car [often South America but still understood; short for automóvil “automobile” which is also “self-moving” literally]
la carretera = highway / roadway / motorway [lit. “car-way” or “place for carts”]
la autopista = highway / roadway / motorway [lit. “car-track” or “road/track for cars]
el camión, la camioneta = truck [regionally dependent [el camión is sometimes “very big truck” like the 18-wheelers, while la camioneta is sometimes a smaller truck that a regular person might drive; all regional but all makes sense]
la furgoneta = van / pick-up truck [regional; large car]
arrancar = to start a car (or machinery) [arrancar is actually “to yank” or “pull up/out”, but with many machines originally having a lever you had to “pull” the word became arrancar for starting machinery]
acelerar = to accelerate, to speed up
decelerar = to decelerate, to slow down
parar = to stop
dar (la/una) vuelta = to turn around / to make a U-turn
dar marcha atrás = to reverse, to drive in reverse retroceder = to go backwards
el autobús, el bus = bus
el taxi = taxi
el avión = plane, airplane
el helicóptero = helicopter
el aeropuerto = airport
el boleto / el billete / el pasaje = ticket (for a plane) [boleto and billete refer to a “slip of paper”, while el pasaje is literally “passage” or “fare”]
el pasajero, la pasajera = passenger
el viajante, la viajante = traveler
el asiento = seat
la parada = a stop, a layover
el tren = train
la estación de tren = train station
el andén = platform (often for trains)
el ferrocarril = railroad, railway
la vía férrea = railroad, railway, tracks [lit. “iron way”]
el metro = subway, “tube”, metro [short for el metropólitano “metropolitan” which literally means “inside the city”]
el subterráneo / el subte = subway / “underground” [regional for “subway”, usually Rioplatense Spanish; it’s literally “subterranean” or “underground” which is a basic enough adjective, but here it’s “the underground” as subway slang]
el túnel = tunnel
la bicicleta = bicycle la bici = bike (abbreviation)
la motocicleta = motorcycle la moto = motorcycle / motor bike (abbreviation)
ir = to go irse = to go away, to leave
marchar(se) = to go away
viajar = to travel, to voyage
volver = to return
de ida = one way el/un pasaje de ida = a one way trip/ticket
de vuelta = back / coming back el/un pasaje de vuelta = return trip/ticket
de ida y vuelta = round trip
¡Buen viaje! = “Have a good trip!” / Bon voyage!
#Spanish#language#languages#learning Spanish#learn spanish#vocabulario#spanish vocabulary#long post#ref#so much vocab#langblr
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ *grabby hands* give me your character facts i need them!!!!!!!!!!!!!! two stars for miss beloved jia and two stars for mr old man miraak (・ω・)
4 ⭐️= 2 facts about Jia, my original character, and 2 facts about her significant other, Miraak! 🥰
⭐️Jia's most treasured item is a blanket made of wool, picturing the needlework of a growing crescent, embroidered with golden and silver stitches. In this depiction, even though the moon is less than one-half lighted by direct sunlight, a fraction of its disk is increasingly illuminated by the sun. It is a blanket woven by her mother and has a double meaning: Jia's mother was a Companion, and even though she did not choose to become a werewolf herself, the personal sigil she always sewed on her attires was a Nordic ship beneath a full moon. As for the second meaning, I cannot yet reveal it as I will spoil my own fic, but I will only say it has to do with Jia's and Miraak's connection…😼😌
⭐️Jia is an aspiring scholar, following the footsteps of her Imperial father. Kodlak Whitemane, who taught her to read and write in the Common Tongue and Nordic, noticed her tendency in education, and despite not having a single idea of what those fancy Imperials found so interesting about dusty tomes, he hired a private tutor for little Jia to teach her Old Cyrodilic and instruct her in the world of knowledge. From then, and after growing up a woman and adventurous Dragonborn, Jia started collecting her books until she finally built the caracoled, two-leveled library tower she always wanted in Heljarchen Hall.
⭐️In my headcanon, Dragon Priests were hymning. And there was a distinct psalm they chanted for the avatar-deities they worshipped––a different for the Dragon (aka Alduin/Akatosh), other for the Moth (aka Dibella), other for the Wolf (aka Mara), etc. So, Miraak, as a highly esteemed Dragon Priest, has a marvelous singing voice. It has a deep, baritone cadence with a little pinch of hoarseness inside, and I personally imagine it like this!
⭐️Again in my headcanon, Miraak has long snowy-white hair and eyes of deep blue like the reflection of a wintered, dark-clouded sky in the ocean. Around his irises, there are also traces of purple as a result of his larger-than-normal magicka pool. He is an exceptionally talented wielder of spells, especially the ones concerning ice. He is basically the opposite of Jia, who is red-haired and sun-colored-eyed and wields only fire spells. (Fire and Ice, summer and winter, First and Last, both opposites and other halves. See what I did there? ��)
#thank you so much for asking love!💖#oc: jia#miraak#skyrim#skyrim ocs#skyrim headcanon#the priest and the dragoness#otp: twin flames
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Goro Akechi’s strange relation to Jun Kurosu.
So like theres this DLC for persona 5 for costumes that are based on previous installments in the persona franchise.
(spoilers for p2 and light spoilers for P5)
Most of the time it just puts the characters in the uniforms of each games respective school;
persona 4^ example
And usually, only Akira and Morgana wear anything that represents the older characters specifically. (Morgana dressed as the "mascot" and Akira as the protagonist) everyone else is just wearing the uniforms, EXCEPT for the P2 collection where Goro Akechi is dressed as none other than Jun Kurosu (aka Joker, funnily enough).
None of the other characters are wearing this uniform either.
Now, this strikes me as particularly interesting cuz they're clearly drawing a parallel... and its a pretty weird one honestly.
So let's see the similarities:
(using the persona wiki for like descriptions)
"Jun's character is defined by his ambiguity"✅
"he is asocial, introverted, calculating and actively uses his beauty to manipulate other people."✅
"wants to fulfill the dreams and wishes of humanity, even if his means of achieving this goal are questionable. Additionally, he is afraid of being marginalized by the society he's working to please."✅
Jun is distinctly less selfish then Goro but they share similar desires and fears as well as approach .
"dismisses the idea of him having any of the positive traits"
Goro tends to view himself irredeemable the same way Jun does.
Goro and Jun both have an alter ego of sorts as well, but Jun's facade is disconnected from himself in ways that Goros isn't but the fact they both hold a secret alter ego in the first place and are both kind of fitting a similar narrative niche.
Another similarity is Jun hated his parents who fought constantly and generally neglected him. so like mood I guess. oh, hey, look at this...."The Aquarius Skull mocks Jun for being his father's pawn and for forgetting the person who should be there, later revealed to be his mother, Queen Aquarius, who had taken a fatal blow meant for him back at Caracol."
Pawn to an evil father? ✅
Loosing sight of the love of their mother? ✅
Jun also shares an intimate bond with the p2 protagonist. one fairly akin to the bond Akira and Goro has…. with the whole two sides of the same coin narrative foil inexplicably drawn together by some form of fate… deal.
Though the main difference being Jun and Tatsuya met as children and where best friends that spent their time ... playing ... heroes together...
Nice! wait... .
"One For all, all for justice, put your hearts together with your friends and pierce through."
"if only we'd met a few years earlier"
oh...not nice.
Okay so i made this post originally on reddit and on the P5 amino a few months ago so update on “ i cant make this shit up” They gave Goro the Black Condor equivalent costume for the Featherman dlc and gave Akira the Red Hawk equivelent.
Just like Jun (Black Condor) and Tatsuya (Red Hawk)
So persona be comparing goro and akira to Jun and Tatsuya.
Even more I guess
#persona 5#persona#persona2#persona 2#akira x goro#akira kusuru#p5 akira#goro akechi#akeshu#jun kurosu#tatsujun#p5#p5r#goro#akechi
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Majolina playlist
(aka songs that plays in Majolina’s scenes)
Anque No Sea conmigo - Celso Piña
(the one Paulina is listening in her car before going to the party at 1x13)
No Hay Nada Más Triste Que Lo Tuyo - Hidrogenesse
(the one that plays when MaJo breaks up with Paulina in 2x06)
Esa Hembra Es Mala - Gloria Trevi
(plays after MaJo breaks up with Paulina in 2x06 when Paulina is at the cabaret and you can’t tell me she isn’t thinking about MaJo)
El Triste - Yuri
(It’s not exclusively theirs since is the season 2 finale song but you can’t tell that MaJo wasn’t thinking about Paulina while smoking in the balcony while Micaela sings “No saben que pensando en tu amor, en tu amor, he podido ayudarme a vivir” okay)
Me Voy - Julieta Venegas
(plays after MaJo breaks up with Paulina while she’s in the cabaret in 2x06 aaand when MaJo says she’s not getting back with Paul and goes home with another woman in 3x06)
Yo No Nasci Para Amar - Juan Gabriel
(the one that plays at the elevator scene in 3x08)
La Maldita Primavera - Yuri
(the one that plays when Paulina proposes in 3x10)
Los Caminos De La Vida - Los Diablitos
(the one that plays when MaJo chases the police car to accept Paulina’s proposal in 3x11)
Mamy Blue - Pop Tops
(the wedding song at 3x11)
Sopa de Caracol - Banda Blanca
(the one MaJo says their guests played at their first wedding in el funeral)
Yes Sir, I Can Boogie - Baccara
(the one that plays at the season 1 trailer (it has scenes of them in there so. i think it deserved to be here too)
Tu Falta De Querer - Mon Laferte
(it doesn’t play in the show (I think?) but I think it fits those two a lot)
(I think that’s it! please let me know if i forgot any or if any of you want any to add something to the extra)
#la casa de las flores#paulina de la mora#maria jose riquelme#paulina x maria jose#majolina#majolina songs
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Weird question, but you mentioned "música latina" (I just copy-pasted that from your post, not sure what else to call it since I grew up calling it all Salsa music,) which I love because I spent hours and hours listening to it on the in-game radio in the Sims 2 while I tormented tiny fictional people as all young sims players do lol. Anyway that was also really my only exposure to it for years and I don't really know how to find more so I was hoping you could reccomend a few songs with a fast-paced dancy vibe? I'll definitely be checking out the artists you mentioned in your post too and I also wanted to thank you for even mentioning them because it's pretty helpful! (A lot more useful than me trying to search "salsa music" and getting one song repeated four hundred times in the search result while I feel like an 80-year old asking Facebook how to use the google...)
Omg "Salsa music" I can't 💀 so I did the same shit tbh but with the indie/rock option, that's why I'm now addicted to that kind of music lol
Soo this ones are my favorite to dance and are the ones I remember at the moment lol, tell me if you want more 💖
-Al otro lado del mar by Proyecto Uno
-Darte un beso by Prince Royce
-Ella menea by NG2
-El chico del aparato 512 by Selina (aka queen)
- No le pegue a la negra by Joe Arroyo y la verdad
-La loba by Las Chicas del Can
-Juana la cubana by Las Chicas del Can
-Aguanile by Marc Anthony
-Y qué tú quieres que te den by Adalberto Alvaradez (in all family gatherings of mine this song always plays, it's law)
-La vida es un carnaval by Celia Cruz
-Amor Prohibido by Selena
-Rabiosa by Shakira
-Bailando por ahí by Juan Magán
-Taboo by Don Omar
-Ella me levantó by Daddy Yankee
- El baile de los pobres by Calle 13
-Atrévete by Calle 13
-Sopa de Caracol by Banda Blanca
-Vete y pega la vuelta by Pimpinela
-Devuelveme a mi chica by Los hombres g
-Un verano en nueva york by El Gran Combo
-Propuesta indecente by Romeo Santos
-Esta rico by Vas Bunny
-Yo no sé mañana by Luis Enrique
-Suavemente by Elvis Crespo
-All Sandy Papo songs, you'll not feel your feet after
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Power Rangers Ultraverse teams 17-32
Status Post #8394: Folder | List
17. Thunder Storm Rangers (Gouraiger, mentored by Kelly Halloway)
Hunter Bradley / Thunder Storm Red
Blake Bradley / Thunder Storm Blue
Leanne Omino / Thunder Storm Yellow
18. Dino Thunder Rangers (Abaranger, mentored by Tommy and Kimberly Oliver)
Conner McKnight / Dino Thunder Red
Ethan James / Dino Thunder Blue
Kira Ford / Dino Thunder Yellow
Tommy Oliver / Dino Thunder Black
Hayley Zitkor / Dino Thunder Crimson
Trent Mercer / Dino Thunder White
19. SPD Rangers (Dekaranger, mentored by Doggie Cruger)
Charlotte "Charlie" Haywood > Jackson "Jack" Landors > Skyler "Sky" Tate > Bridge Carson > Alexander "Alex" Asimov > Bridge Carson / SPD Red Ranger
Beevor > Sky Tate > Bridge Carson > Lina Song / SPD Blue Ranger
Cliff Jones > Bridge Carson > Lina Song > Elizabeth Delgado / SPD Green Ranger
Ivan Lane > Elizabeth Delgado > Sophie Hutchison > Sydney Drew > Megan "Meg" Grafton > Sydney Drew / SPD Yellow Ranger
Rachel Motohime > Sydney Drew > Leo > Morgana Davison / SPD Pink Ranger
Andrew "Dru" Harrington > Samuel "Sam" Martin / SPD Omega Ranger
Nova Maxwell / SPD Nova Ranger
Kelson Boom / SPD Orange Ranger
20. SPD Alpha Rangers (Dekaranger, no mentor)
Anubis "Doggie" Cruger / SPD Shadow Ranger
Katherine "Kat" Manx / SPD Kat Ranger
Birdie Fowler > Sky Tate / SPD Deka Ranger
Isinia Cruger / SPD Gold Ranger
Konchu / SPD Insect Ranger
Gaius Silverback / SPD Purple Ranger
21. Mystic Rangers (Magiranger, mentored by Udonna, Daggeron and later Leanbow)
Nicholas "Nick" Russell / Phoenix Red
Charles "Chip" Thorn / Garuda Yellow
Madison Rocca / Mermaid Blue
Vida Rocca / Sprite Pink
Alexander "Xander" Bly / Minotaur Green
Daggeron / Solaris Gold
Merida "Udonna" Russell / Snow White
Alexander "Leanbow" Russell / Wolf Crimson
Clare Langtree / Gatekeeper Purple
Leelee Pimvare / Vampire Black
22. Overdrive Rangers (Boukenger, mentored by Andrew Hartford)
Mack Hartford / Overdrive Red
William "Will" Aston / Overdrive Black
Dax Lo / Overdrive Blue
Veronica "Ronny" Robinson / Overdrive Yellow
Rose Ortiz / Overdrive Pink
Tyzonn / Overdrive Silver
Seth Knight / Sentinel Knight
Mira / Kunoichi Warrior
23. Jungle Fury Rangers (Gekiranger, mentored by Master Mao)
Casey Rhodes / Red Tiger Ranger
Lillian "Lily" Chilman > Francine "Fran" Chilman > Lily Chilman / Yellow Cheetah Ranger
Theo Martin / Blue Jaguar Ranger
Robert "RJ" James Finn / Purple Wolf Ranger
Dominic Hargan / White Rhino Ranger
Jarrod Rhodes / Black Lion Ranger
Camille Finn / Green Chameleon Ranger
Maryl Snyder / Elephant Ranger
Luen Martin / Bat Ranger
Silva Jennings / Shark Ranger
Yang Mao / Caracol Ranger
Gaius Rilla / Gorilla Ranger
Michelle Guin / Penguin Ranger
Andrew Lope / Antelope Ranger
24. RPM Rangers (Go-onger, mentored by Kathleen Cameron aka Doctor K)
Scott Truman / RPM Red
Flynn McAlistair / RPM Blue
Summer Landsdown > Tenaya Sevenson > Summer Landsdown / RPM Yellow
Ziggy Grover / RPM Green
Dillon Sevenson / RPM Black
Gem Chang / RPM Gold
Gemma Chang / RPM Silver
Marcus Truman / RPM Crimson
Natalie Landsdown / RPM White
Maxine Campbell / RPM Navy
25. Samurai Rangers (Shinkenger, mentored by Retsudo Shiba and Tomoe Gozen)
Jayden Shiba / Red Samurai Ranger
Kevin Baron / Blue Samurai Ranger
Mia Watanabe / Pink Samurai Ranger
Michael "Mike" Parry / Green Samurai Ranger
Emily Reese / Yellow Samurai Ranger
Antonio "Tony" Garcia / Gold Samurai Ranger
Lauren Shiba / Red Samurai Ranger II
26. Megaforce Rangers (Goseiger, mentored by Gosei)
Troy Burrows / Megaforce Red
Emma Goodall / Megaforce Pink
Jake Holling / Megaforce Black
Gia Moran / Megaforce Yellow
Noah Carver / Megaforce Blue
Orion / Megaforce Green
Robo Knight
27. Relic Hunters (Gokaiger, no mentor)
Jonathan "Johnny" King / Relic Red
Marcos Miller / Relic Blue
Michelle North / Relic Yellow
Arjuna Patel / Relic Green
Kaya / Relic Pink
Benjamin Miles / Relic Silver
28. Dino Charge Rangers (Kyoryuger, mentored by Kendall Morgan and Zenowing)
Tyler Navarro / Dino Charge Red
Chase Randall / Dino Charge Black
Koda / Dino Charge Blue
Riley Griffin / Dino Charge Green
Shelby Watkins / Dino Charge Pink
Ivan / Dino Charge Gold
Albert Smith > Kendall Morgan / Dino Charge Purple
James Navarro > Kaylee Stonesfield / Dino Charge Aqua
Phillip III of Zandar / Dino Charge Graphite
Zenowing / Dino Charge Silver
Heckyl / Dino Charge Navy
Erin Griffin / Dino Charge Crimson
29. Ninja Steel Rangers (Ninninger, mentored by Mick Kanic and Ninjor)
Brody Romero / Ninja Steel Red
Preston Tien / Ninja Steel Blue
Calvin Maxwell / Ninja Steel Yellow
Hayley Foster / Ninja Steel White
Sarah Thompson / Ninja Steel Pink
Levi Weston aka Aiden Romero / Ninja Steel Gold
Emma Harris / Ninja Steel Green
Andrea Romero / Ninja Steel Black
30. Brave Charge Rangers (Kyoryuger Brave, mentored by Zenowing)
Matthew "Matt" Griffin / Brave Charge Red
Nelida Valensis / Brave Charge Black
Farai Jukwa / Brave Charge Blue
Stanford Winner / Brave Charge Green
Marie Claire le Monde / Brave Charge Pink
Osamu Tezuka / Brave Charge Gold
31. Hyperforce Rangers (Hyperforce, mentored by Wesley and Jennifer Collins)
Marvin "Marv" Shih / Red Hyperforce Ranger
Edward "Eddie" Banks / Blue Hyperforce Ranger
Jack Thomas / Yellow Hyperforce Ranger
Vesper Vasquez / Black Hyperforce Ranger
Chloe Ashford / Pink Hyperforce Ranger
Joe Shih / Green Hyperforce Ranger
32. Beast Morphers (Go-Busters, mentored by Tamara Shaw)
Devon Daniels / Beast Morpher Red
Ravi Shaw / Beast Morpher Blue
Zoey Reeves / Beast Morpher Yellow
Nate Silva / Beast Morpher Gold
Steel / Beast Morpher Silver
Blaze Stephenson / Beast Morpher Purple
Tyler Rinker / Beast Morpher Orange
Roxy Mitchell / Beast Morpher Green
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one of my favorite words in spanish & portuguese is “encaracolado” which refers to tighter-patterned curly hair (as opposed to “rizado,” which includes all curl types) bcs it’s a v pleasing word to both write and say
the thing is though the word is a direct reference to the spirals in snail shells (aka caracoles), and while the word is so cute in spanish & portuguese the only way i can really translate that to english is saying i have snail hair
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AKAPELLAH & LIL SUPA’ Jueves 25 de Julio a las 21h en Sala Caracol, Madrid
Anticipadas: €12 + gastos en Ticketlabel; taquilla: €15
Este 25 de Julio en la Sala Caracol de Madrid una celebración del Hip Hop caribe a la que no puedes faltar 🙌🏾 Akapellah y Lil Supa en un solo show.
LIL SUPA’ Venezuela audio video web AKAPELLAH Venezuela audio video web
El Gordo más pesado del hip hop, Pedro Elias Aquino a.k.a. Akapellah de Turmero City y Lil Supa’ aka Lou Fresco se presentan en Madrid a escasas semanas de la publicación de Caciques Vol. 2, en el que aparecen junto al padrino Willy DeVille y RayOne para rendir tributo al gran Big Pun.
Ambos lideran al propio DeVille y los también internacionales Mcklopedia, Apache o Canserbero como puntas de lanza de esa generación del hip-hop venezolano que, al amparo de plataformas como el Dojo, ha conseguido salir de su país, donde arrasan, para mirar hacia el exterior, cosa que pocos raperos de Latino América han conseguido hasta ahora. Akapellah acaba de firmar por la todopoderosa Universal mientras que Lil Supa’ mantiene su base de operaciones en su Venezuela natal pero no por eso deja confirmar shows en medio mundo.
Te lo trae Giradiscos
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Nascido e criado no Rio de Janeiro, Godi Osegueda começou como DJ nos anos 90 quando seu interesse por instrumentos musicais se estende para produção e mixagem.
No início dos anos 2000 inicia sua primeira residência regular no Club 00. Em seguida se une ao coletivo LickSamba, braço artístico-musical Rio de Janeiro - Austin, com seu auge nas edições da festa Ritual. Godi se desenvolve como DJ e produtor, graduando-se em Técnico de Estúdio e Produtor de Música Eletrônica nas escolas Microfusa e Sae Institute, em Barcelona.
Após sua primeira experiência internacional e, reintegrado à cena carioca, passa pelas pistas e festas mais relevantes do Rio, desde afters hours no Dama de Ferro, Fosfobox, RARA, dentre outras. Com sua construção musical, baseada em sons multi- étnicos, criou seu espaço na concorrida São Paulo com apresentações no Caracol, Soul. Set e Sunday Sessions, para citar algumas.
Ainda em seus últimos movimentos, junto a cena carioca Godi integrou o coletivo Disconnection com apresentações regulares no ClubHouse Rio que contaram com memoráveis edições ao lado de Joi Cardwell, Cordell Johnson (Excursions, Chicago) e Jojo Flores (GotSoul, Montreal).
Impulsionou também o Coletivo de Dança e House Music Bonde do Jack que hoje é uma referência na modalidade house dancer no Brasil. Zsa-Zsa Jung é uma DJ alemã, atualmente sediado em Lisboa. Os seus enérgicos sets de DJ fluem através de vários estilos de minimal House & Disco. Mais tarde, ela encontrou o seu amor pelo hip-house, influenciada por artistas como @kaytranada.
Puçanga, cantora, songwriter e produtora musical. Puçanga lançou o álbum "Fazer da Trip Coração" (2021) e recentemente o seu EP "Impish". A sua música é uma mistura de sons electrónicos dark com uma voz forte, frágil, exploratória.
No seu trabalho, dá muita atenção ao poder da voz e as suas composições e letras são inspiradas num certo reivindicar do folclore, em ideias de justiça social e em imaginar lugares onde ultrapassamos os limites da nossa perceção. Música como um remédio caseiro. O novo disco de George Silver (aka André Neves) é um exercício dialético em torno do impulso e da forma; uma tentativa de canalizar o fluxo que precede a linguagem e de parar, ouvir, e voltar atrás sob o compromisso de não o comprometer.
Uma conversa de si para sobre criar com a consciência de que já tudo parece ter sido criado, sem que se perca o espanto da revelação. A dezena de temas do disco (composto e gravado ao longo de 2021 e ao abrigo da Bolsa de Criação da OUT.RA - Associação Cultural) atravessa territórios de contemplação beatífica transcultural (como em “Jardim”, meditação de encontro entre Brasil, África Ocidental e o Sudoeste Asiático), de eletrónica chill para um sunset inquieto (“Insultório” ou “Pessoas são ilhas”) ou de synthpunk (em “Bom petisco” imaginamos, como se ouvida do outro lado do rio, uma colaboração entre os Suicide e os Scúru Fitchádu), para acabar placidamente numa esplanada parisiense não-necessariamente deste século (“Última rodada”).
Entre motivos transversais que remetem em permanência para a música de um fourth world que são todas as civilizações e nenhuma em particular, revela-se o ser-no-mundo de Silver – em todas as partes e em todas as épocas onde se imagine a sua música, no interior do fluxo que lhe precede a linguagem, sabe-se de tudo mas sabe-se nada.
Com um currículo extenso que se prolonga por mais de uma década atrás dos pratos, Mariana Cruz sintetiza a toda uma vasta experiência como residente de inúmeros espaços, bem como convidada frequente de tantos outros, num pseudónimo que evoca história, respeito, segurança descomplexada e conhecimento de causa: Sheri Vari. O repertório não é tanto estilístico, mas principalmente conceptual: de downbeat sedutor a funk sintético, do clássico disco e new wave ao mais deep e sexy house, do emotivo techno de Detroit ao abrasivo acid de Chicago, dos sub graves londrinos ao atómico groove introspectivo berlinense, Sheri só está interessada em tocar uma coisa: a Verdade que perdurará.
Há algo sobre a liberdade encontrada num dance floor escuro que segura uma grande possibilidade, para o Panooc, um talentoso músico de jazz, o dance floor foi o espaço perfeito para explorar o seu Eu interior e novas formas de expressão na música eletrônica. Os DJ sets do Panooc passam desde House, techno, acid, breaks, disco até leftfield bass, integrando saxofone ao vivo, adicionando sempre mais camadas de som e improvisando para criar uma energia mais única entre o público.
M¥ss keta é um anjo que usa óculos de sol, sempre vendada. A sua identidade oculta é a melhor maneira de dizer a verdade, porque "não ter um rosto permite ter um pouco de miss em cada um de nós". Performer, rapper com uma atitude punk, ícone pop e diva definitiva. M¥ss keta é de milão, e não poderia ser de outra forma.
Como verdadeira líder, ela lidera um grupo que dá pelo nome de "raparigas de porta venezia", sedutora e perigosa. Com as suas raparigas, m¥ss keta, incendeia os palcos dos maiores festivais e clubes de Itália num júbilo de techno, house, dubstep, rap que parece que está a sair diretamente do seu corpo. Este é um concerto Liveurope: a primeira iniciativa pan-europeia que apoia salas de programação de música nos seus esforços de promoção de artistas emergentes europeus.
Residentes em Lisboa o Nahuel Colectivo dedica-se à produção e difusão musical e visual da Latinoamerica. Pretende transmitir e recuperar a tradição sonora de Tijuana à Tierra del Fuego, de Cartagena a Buenos Aires, criando fusões com os ritmos e elementos de ontem e hoje.
Realiza uma exploração cultural e histórica dos vários países latinos, muitas vezes pouco conhecidos, para que estes cheguem a todos os ouvidos. Nahuel Colectivo tem como objectivo mostrar a outra face do mundo sonoro e visual latino e dar a conhecer toda a sua diversidade cultural e musical. Nahuel (jaguar em Mapudungún - idioma dos Mapuche) é composto pelos “depredadores sonideros” da corrente latina da cidade de Lisboa.
Com mais de três anos em cena, Ritmos Choluteka aka Bruno Sin Más (Cholula, México) e Guillotina Cumbiera aka Nicolás Bragunde (Montevideo, Uruguay). Criadores das Festas Cumbieras, de Domingo TropiKalisimo e das Latin Roots Session Sunset-Party. Juntos transmitiram, nestes últimos anos, um infinito de ritmos e géneros latino-americanos, que têm chegado a ouvidos que nunca antes tinham ouvido, dançado ou sentido a cumbia nas sete colinas de Lisboa.
Com uma filosofia clara “A cumbia é das pessoas para as pessoas” assim como as velhas e novas correntes emergentes da nossa querida América, este ano começam um novo projeto juntos, no qual não se perderão os espíritos de nós próprios. Seletora/DJ de cuba, inspirada pelos sons vindos de áfrica e da américa latina. Os sets de vinil da Cami vão para além disto, pois ela recolhe música de todo o mundo, procurando histórias através de música com raízes orgânicas semelhantes. Envolvendo o público com a discoteca cubana, raridades afro-caribenhas e grooves funky tropical amazónico.
Com sets no Brasil, México, Panamá, Finlândia, Alemanha, França, Suíça, Reino Unido, Grécia, Itália, Holanda e Bélgica. Atualmente a viver em Havana, ela é até agora a única local que produz e promove eventos com formato 100% vinil. Durante o último ano, Cami teve o seu próprio programa mensal "Insolar" na rádio londrina @NTS RADIO, onde cura música ensolarada de diferentes.
Gear faz parte de um seleto grupo de artistas nacionais que estão a impulsionar a cena eletrónica em Portugal.
Residente no Harbour Music Shelter, concentra e reflete toda a sua génese musical para a pista de forma descontraída, envolvendo o público numa viagem muito pessoal. Storyteller, faz dos seus sets perfeitos guiões, cuja cadência é constituída por diferentes estilos que convivem em harmonia na mesma história.
Nos últimos tempos lançou vários temas onde se destacam colaborações com as editoras Hubble Recordings, Vandalism, Piston, HomeMade, e mais recentemente lançou o seu primeiro disco em vinyl na editora belga MUZI Cartel.
LEBRE - Lances de Hermes é um espectáculo da palavra enquanto imagem-tempo, de hip-hop filosófico, de teatro de cabaret para os cidadãos digitais. O projecto toma como ponto de partida a ideia de que estamos numa era da velocidade e da comunicabilidade, que são atributos da figura mitológica de Hermes; sob outra perspectiva, assume um diagnóstico de inflação hermética, na medida em que a cultura contemporânea do ocidente sofre de manipulação da informação, de dissolução de valores, de comodificação da cultura e das artes.
Alexandre Pieroni Calado e João Ferro Martins aprofundam neste projeto uma reflexão sobre o tempo presente a partir da revisitação da tradição greco-latina já encetada em O Declive e a Inclinação – Fragmentos do mito de Sísifo e A Morte nos Olhos – sobre o mito de Perseu e Medusa. Agora, Lebre – Lances de Hermes é um oratório-downtempo que investiga criativamente o ambíguo ascendente de Hermes na nossa época, em especial o dinamismo compulsivo e a acelerada dispersão dos regimes de verdade.
LEBRE - Lances de Hermes é um espetáculo da palavra enquanto imagem-tempo, de hip-hop filosófico, de teatro de cabaret para os cidadãos digitais. O projecto toma como ponto de partida a ideia de que estamos numa era da velocidade e da comunicabilidade, que são atributos da figura mitológica de Hermes; sob outra perspectiva, assume um diagnóstico de inflação hermética, na medida em que a cultura contemporânea do ocidente sofre de manipulação da informação, de dissolução de valores, de comodificação da cultura e das artes.
Alexandre Pieroni Calado e João Ferro Martins aprofundam neste projecto uma reflexão sobre o tempo presente a partir da revisitação da tradição greco-latina já encetada em O Declive e a Inclinação – Fragmentos do mito de Sísifo e A Morte nos Olhos – sobre o mito de Perseu e Medusa. Agora, Lebre – Lances de Hermes é um oratório-downtempo que investiga criativamente o ambíguo ascendente de Hermes na nossa época, em especial o dinamismo compulsivo e a acelerada dispersão dos regimes de verdade.
Circa Papi, o pseudónimo de Ronald Bravo Rómulo, “Mestre de Cerimónias” de raízes propriamente viradas ao old & new school Hip Hop & Rap, R&B soul, nunca esquecendo Afro Beat/Swing Amapiano, Baile, Grime, UK Funky House transita entre estes e mais outros géneros musicais sempre de forma cool, groovy e geralmente eclética, providenciando boas vibes para a plateia
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For All U That Let This Country Lie 2 U with This U R African American is Propaganda in Every TV 📺 Show & Movie 🎥 We R Referred 2 As African American Which is A Modern Slave a 14th Amendment Citizen U Have No Human Rights U R Property of the Government Executive Order 13037 Signed By Your lst Black President Bill Clinton Do Your Research According to Professor Rafinesque Constanstine We Was Already Here The Cherokee & Yamassee in the 1500’s & He Describes his journey discovering Primitive Black Nations & Black Indians of America He Refers to The Ancient Caracoles of Haiti 🇭🇹 Represented As A Nation of Beast By The Historical Song Brown & Dark Skin Complexion with Happy 2B Nappy Hair Were The Original Autochthon Aboriginal Indigenous People of America But Our People Don’t Read or Do Their Research Soooo They Stuck on a African American LIE Shame On U 4 Allowing Yourself 2B Labeled Something Your Not A Modern Day Slave aka African American 🤷🏽♀️#primitive #black #nation #1832 #blacknativeamerican #indigenous #to #america #Colombia #haiti #guyana #honduras #california #panama #carib #doyourresearch #weaintafrican #weaintafricanamerican #knowyourtribe #ido #hachotakniyamassecreektribe #chieftess #iskitanihatapushiknitakomi #grateful #gratitude #yakoke #halito https://www.instagram.com/p/B8TxGUKHVsD/?igshid=15o01p2czf9jo
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CA2M CENTRO DE ARTE DOS DE MAYO Avda. Constitución 23, Móstoles. Metro Pradillo L12 Cercanías C5
Con los conciertos de: EL COLETA / COSMO K / TRONCO / LA PLATA / HUIAS / KOU KERI KOU / AARON RUX / LA URSS / LIDIA DAMUNT / VVV - Ganadores del Concurso de Maquetas Autoplacer 2017
Pista de Baile con: FEMUR / A_MAL_GAM_A
Durante todo el sábado 21 de octubre, tendrá lugar la octava edición del Festival Autoplacer, una iniciativa del colectivo Autoplacer/Sindicalistas que cada año celebra la música autoeditada a través de conciertos de bandas emergentes y/o sumergidas, sesiones de música electrónica y la presentación de proyectos relacionados con la autoedición de discos, fanzines, libros, diseño, etc. Una fiesta gratuita para todos los públicos a lo largo de todo un día en la que disfrutar de un auténtico festival de música… pero dentro de un museo de arte contemporáneo.
Además el Festival Autoplacer contará un año más con la colaboración de AC/E Acción Cultural Española para recibir a responsables de algunos de los mejores proyectos de música independiente de Francia, festivales, centros y agentes culturales: Un Je Ne Sais Quoi (Tours), Festival Soy (Nantes), Cabaret Aleatoire (Marsella), La Pleiade (La Riche) y el Fraca-Ma (Orleans).
Ramses Gallego aka El Coleta logra desarrollar un tipo de rap social (rap macarra de Mortatalaz) que a la vez que fotografía la cultura quinqui de los últimos 35 años con estribillos inmediatos, genera la sensación de estar tocando fibra a golpe de verdades como puños. El mundo de las canciones de El Coleta son los bloques de la periferia, el barrio, las tardes muertas en los bancos de la plaza con litros de cerveza y el 'loro' a todo volumen.
Cosmo K son María, Ángela y Álvaro. Hacen pop acelerado y rabioso. Sus letras, autobiográficas, recorren relaciones de amigos, amantes, ex-amigos y ex-amantes, cigarros, cervezas, cementerios y muchos territorios comunes.
Tronco son Conxita i Fermí. Conxita i Fermí son hermanos y hacen canciones. Conxita canta y Fermí toca la guitarra y hace los coros, aunque esto a veces también es al revés. Normalmente ensayan en la habitación de Fermí. Les gusta escuchar música, ver pelis e ir a la playa.
La Plata es un conjunto musical formado en 2016 en la ciudad de Valencia por Miguel Carmona, Salvador Frasquet, María Gea, Patricia Ferragud y Diego Escriche que hacen pop “nueva ola”. Pese a su juventud —rondando los 23 años de media—, han sabido escoger los elementos de este género y aunarlos con la herencia valenciana de los años 90. Pop vitaminado con mucha mala hostia y con un gusto impecable.
HUIAS surge en Gijón tras rescatar una serie de canciones que María, su vocalista, había grabado utilizando su voz y una guitarra. Santa no tardaría en mezclarlo todo con sintes, acordeón y mucha reverb. Han actuado en varias salas y festivales como el BBK, FIB, L.E.V. Festival o el Mutek. HUIAS vuelve con nuevos sonidos que pronto verán la luz a través de su nuevo disco “Father” que será descubierto muy pronto de forma autoeditada. Su sonido oscuro y bailable, bebe del trip-hop y el R&B.
Kou Keri Kou son cinco personas totalmente dispares que viven en Barcelona y forman un grupo musical. Ander Agudo (percusiones y ritmos), Jordi Gegé (guitarra y coros), Juantxo Agudo (bajo), Olatz Azcona (voz) y Pope (trompeta y fliscorno) llevan dos años tocando juntos y creando canciones que antes no existían, incitando al baile y cantando sobre temas importantes de su actualidad, que también puede ser la tuya. Sus primeras diez canciones se compilaron en un álbum homónimo, editado por El Genio Equivocado a principios de 2017, y desde entonces no han parado de tocar ni de componer, ni piensan hacerlo jamás.
En 2015 Aaron Rux, compositor de bandas sonoras y miembro del colectivo de cineastas Canódromo Abandonado, empieza a colaborar con Joe Crepúsculo, en su álbum Nuevos Misterios. Poco después llega Pacific Princess (2016, El Volcán Música), el debut de Rux en colaboración con Lorena Iglesias, una propuesta de pop anacrónico concebida como un viaje en crucero donde siempre es happy hour. La saudade de la bossa-nova juega un papel importante y su derivación, el lounge, junto con el soul de los años 70 y la inocencia de las bandas sonoras de los Giallos más luminosos crean un ambiente de una nostalgia alegre.
La URSS es un grupo de música satánica fundado en Granada en torno al 2007. Inspirado en el punk de los años ochenta, y en cualquier forma de expresividad radical.Influenciado por bandas como Eskorbuto, Familia Real, Larsen, Último Resorte o KGB han creado su propio estilo, sonido e imaginario personal que habla de absurdos cotidianos y miserias sociales. Mid Tempo, 0% Hardcore. Oscuro y melódico, pero no post-punk. Dramático pero no sobreactuado.
Lidia Damunt inició su carrera musical en 1997, al frente de la banda punk-pop Hello Cuca y no es hasta 2006 cuando comienza a componer las canciones que conformarían su primer disco en solitario. Acompañada de una guitarra acústica, una pandereta en el tobillo y una armónica, se reinventaría a sí misma como “mujer orquesta” y “cantautora rockabilly”. Desde entonces ha publicado varios trabajos en sellos como Subterfuge, Austrohúngaro o el suyo su propio, Tormina Records. Sus discos han estado en varias ocasiones entre los mejores del año en la revista Rockdelux y ha tocado en diversos festivales como el S.O.S en Murcia, el Primavera Sound, el Lemon Pop, el Primera Persona o el BAM en Barcelona. Desde el 2014 Lidia ha compaginado su carrera en solitario con su participación en Arre! Arre!, grupo sueco en el que toca la guitarra solista. A finales de 2016 se edita “Telepatía”, quinto disco de Lidia Damunt en solitario con muy buenas críticas entre público y medios.
VVV - Ganadores del Concurso de Maquetas Autoplacer 2017
VVV son Meursault, Karènine y Adrian Bremner. Nacidos como homenaje a la cultura del frío, el ruido, la modernidad y los parkings. Hace un par de años publicaron Dirty Leeds EP, y posteriormente Dance'n'cry EP (1&2) en el invierno de 2016-2017, acompañados de algunos videos, bolos y bakaladas en el circuito madrileño (Jueves Subterráneos en La Central, Sala Caracol con Tropic of Cancer, Polygon…). Su sonido está a medio camino entre la coldwave francesa y la zapatilla de Espiral. Están más enfadados que tristes.
La Integral se ocupa desde hace años de agrupar en un mismo espacio el trabajo de varios artistas y diseñadores, con el fin de promover su obra y otros productos de difícil cabida comercial. Se organizan temporalmente exposiciones con aportación musical en cada una de ellas. A Autoplacer llevarán su género de producción más independiente, como son los libros, fanzines, revistas o camisetas. Y cómo no, pasarlo muy bien.
El Instituto de Transición Rompe el Círculo es un colectivo que busca promover la transición ecosocial desde una perspectiva poscapitalista a través de tres vías: la investigación, la difusión de discursos bien ajustados a los retos del presente y, por último, con la puesta en marcha de experimentos prácticos que ensayen, en el ámbito local, respuestas adaptativas y liberadoras ante las transformaciones en curso. El proyecto Será una vez Móstoles 2030 tantea este horizonte mediante la exploración de un imaginario colectivo utópico que se atreva a pensar el decrecimiento como una aventura estimulante bajo el signo de la lujosa pobreza.
La Negra es una tienda de discos, libros, fanzines y ropa que abrió sus puertas en 2015 en la calle Eugenio Salazar 9, en el madrileño barrio de La Prospe. Especializados en punk y hardcore, también dan a todos los palos de estilos como rock, garage, pop, reggae, experimental o soul, tanto en primera como segunda mano. Y para rematar, también vendemos camisetas, chapas y parches de grupos molantes: de Blitz a Black Flag, de Eskorbuto a Discharge, pasando por Siouxsie and the Banshees o Bauhaus.
Bombas para Desayunar es una microeditorial de fanzines que nació en 2010 de mano de Andrea Galaxina. Afincada en la actualidad en Madrid es firme defensora y difusora del DIY y el feminismo. Sólo publica fanzines hermosos hechos con amor y este año ha llegado a la referencia número 50... que es un libro... sobre fanzines, claro.
Último Mono es un taller de impresión en serigrafía y risografía, editamos estampas y fanzines sobre todo con artistas locales afines. Empezamos con esto en Sevilla en 2012 y también hacemos diseño gráfico, cursos y a veces organizamos exposiciones.
El Rapto es un estudio de Granada nacido en 2014 formado por un equipo de diseñadores, artistas plásticos e impresores en serigrafía. Tratamos de conciliar el trabajo de diseño con las técnicas de impresión. Pensamos que el diseño se retroalimenta positivamente conviviendo con las técnicas que determinan su materialización. Los nexos comunes que nos unen son el diseño, el arte contemporáneo, la producción editorial, la serigrafía y la implicación en la vida cultural de la ciudad.
La Fonoteca es una plataforma para la promoción y difusión de la música española. Lo que comenzó en 2008 como una página web colaborativa a modo de archivo histórico online compuesto por biografías y discografías de elaboración propia. Además, están afianzados en el terreno de la edición discográfica y bibliográfica con más de una decena de referencias en vinilo y varios libros musicales. LaFonoteca también está involucrada en diferentes actividades relacionadas con la música, como son la producción de eventos corporativos para marcas e instituciones y programación en espacios públicos y privados.
En el verano del 2014 Las Lindas Pobres era un montón de archivos sin editar, mails que iban y venían, gente que nos atraía y nos identificaba, cajas de papel para reciclar. Hasta que por fin Autoplacer Sindicalistas marcó un deadline a la vista y nos invitaron formar parte de aquel octubre en el CA2M. Allí y en la habitación que nos prestaron Eva y Camilo para recortar fanzines -uno a uno- nacimos. Unos años después la historia se repite y para celebrar el cumple de Las Lindas volvemos a ocupar en el festi, pero esta vez con una querida MINIRAVE LLP en donde sacaremos un line up con fogonazos.
Plastilina Records es un sello discográfico y productora que nace en el 2006 con el fin de compartir y promover lo mejor de la música independiente. Siguiendo una línea estética y musical enfocada en el indie, Plastilina Records ha editado hasta el momento más de 28 álbumes con bandas de países como: Inglaterra, Escocia, Estados Unidos, Argentina, Indonesia, Suecia, Perú, entre otros; y producido los conciertos de artistas como Christina Rosenvinge, CocoRosie, Silver Screen, Los Planetas, Molly Nilsson.
COCOARS, equipo formado por María Espada y Alfredo Rodríguez, presenta los resultados de un experimento: transformar el objeto fotográfico en prenda para vestir el cuerpo. La base del proceso está fundamentada en la interacción de la luz, ciertas sales de hierro y el agua sobre tejiidos. El resultado son prendas confeccionadas a mano, de patrones sencillos y únicas.
El Colectivo Laika es una asociación cultural sin ánimo de lucro surgida en el año 2006 con la intención de dar cabida en Valladolid a propuestas culturales que las programaciones habituales no contemplaban. Después de once años y más de doscientos conciertos, Laika se ha convertido en uno de los colectivos culturales de referencia en la ciudad, gracias a actividades que han trascendido a la prensa especializada nacional e internacional. Al margen de la programación musical, también desde el 2006, aunque con menor asiduidad, el colectivo ha publicado varios fanzines autoeditados, que han contado con notables colaboraciones como Barry Gifford, Roger Wolfe, Nacho Vegas, Antonio Luque, Paula Bonet, Cristóbal Fortunez, Jorge Lawerta, Pablo Und Destruktion, Fee Reega, Jorge Tabanera, Juan Santaner, Martxel Mariskal etc.
Levadura salvaje es un proyecto de Mónica Iglesias celebrando la fermentación. Obrador itinerante, eventos, colaboraciones, etc. Estará preparando algunos bocados y pinchos para tomar con el vermú. En su cocina, panes caseros naturales, ingredientes cocinados muy despacito, un poco de jugar y mucho de comer rico.
CA2M CENTRO DE ARTE DOS DE MAYO Avda. Constitución 23, Móstoles. Metro Pradillo L12 Cercanías C5
Diseño de imagen Autoplacer 2017: http://oscaranha.tumblr.com/
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“Valiosas Perlas de Occidente” aka “Zugzwang Caracoleado Reloaded” Alexx-ashida.pixels.com #cris #pita #kiki #carlos & #alexx @coleccionashidacueto #museopaleontologia @ #casaashida Gracias Infinitas 😘🍀💫 Ganbatte Kudasai 🇯🇵 & 🇲🇽 #caracoles #perlas #mx #gdl (at Museo de arte Raúl Anguiano) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2EZAbMloev/?igshid=bn6m4xmd33fh
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