#aka arwen and galadriel
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sesamenom · 11 months ago
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no living man may hinder me: The Gilded Wraith of Numenor
from the Reverse Gondolin AU, based on @who-needs-words's idea for Ar-Pharazon's fate! (they also wrote a ficlet for it, check it out here!)
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mask131 · 2 months ago
I am re-reading the Silmarillion, and something strikes me. The women of Tolkien's world have been talked about TO DEATH especially with all the recurring debates surrounding the Rings of Power series.
As we all know, Tolkien was not a "feminist" in the modern sense of the word. He had a very male-centric point of view and appreciation of the world, he had male-driven and male-centered stories, and actual women characters were sparse and rare. There are only five really big female characters in "The Lord of the Rings" - the quintet of Galadriel, Eowyn, Goldberry, Lobelia and Shelob. [No, don't talk to me about Arwen, she only really was a character in the movies, in the book she's just there in the appendix and she was literaly an afterthought of Tolkien to act as Eowyn's romantic double...]
Consider this. Galadriel, Eowyn, Goldberry, Lobelia and Shelob. This tells you everything you need to know about Tolkien's women, in good and bad.
The Silmarillion has the same motif of having a lot of female characters, only for most of them to be just footnotes, secondary characters with no lines, under-developped one-liners... with in a contrast a handful of super-cool, super-badass, complex and developed heroines at the center of the plot.
Aka, on the bad side, when listing the Valar, while Tolkien gives an interesting personality, great domains and cool attributes to all the male ones, half of the female ones are just... there. And do one stuff. And never appear again. I mean come on... Vana and Nessa? Estë and Vairë were done dirty... That's the actual type of "non-feminism" Tolkien has. It isn't about him hating women or trying to be offensive in his depictions - it is about him just, not putting as much thought, effort and care into his female characters as his male ones, a bit the same way he creates the vast expanses of the East and South of Middle-Earth and then never bothers actually developing more of it or seeking to tell tales of it - but that's for another discussion about Tolkien's "racism". Here we talk about women.
But here's the thing, aka the good side... When Tolkien does find the time and care to develop and flesh out a female character, by Iluvatar he goes all out! Again, we are back on what I said earlier: the women of Lord of the Rings can be counted on one hand... but these fingers are Galadriel, Eowyn and Shelob, so you can't claim he isnt writing powerful, important or uninterestng female characters. Which leads me to my original remark - as usual I get driven away in digressions of all sorts and kinds.
Have you ever noticed that Melkor's greatest enemies, the ones he fears the most, and his most effective foes... are women? Tolkien might not like to put them front and center of his tales, and he might have been a man of the early 20th century England in culture and mind, but boy does he has something to say about how women are actually the first enemies of the literal embodiment of evil and destruction! I mean think about it. Varda of the Stars, and Yavanna of the trees. Nienna has her ambiguous relationship to him - her tears work against him, and yet without her plea for him he likely would not have been released from the dungeons of Mandos. You have Melian with her Girdle, and Luthien with her Hound. And of course most of all Arien, guardian of the Sun, not only one of the rare fire spirits that Melkor couldn't corrupt (despite him basically ruling over all fire), but that frightens him so much he keeps hiding away and doesn't even dare to attack her... [I also reblogged some times ago a post praising the brilliance of Tolkien keeping the old European sun-moon motifs but switching the genders. The weaker, inconsistant, lustful, whimsical, disorderly, untrustworthy Moon is now a male principle, while the steady, dangerous, strong, powerful and beautiful Sun is a woman.]
It is actually REALLY easy to do a feminist retelling of Tolkien's work. Melkor doesn't fear Manwë as much as Varda. Aulë's works and servants get corrupted by Melkor, while Yavanna's do not. Melian and Luthien actively works against him. He friggin' pisses himself when the Woman of the Sun shows up. Sure, there are some evil female characters that serve him down the line and are relegated to the "obscure footnotes and undescribed secondary characters" zone - Thuringwethil the vampire or queen Beruthiel. I coul also dropped deleted characters from early drafts, like the ogress Fluithuin. But among them stands Ungoliant... THE only true female big bad on the dark side of Arda. THE badass, nightmarish, creepy eldritch abomination. And who ends up double-crossing Melkor, almost KILLING him, and again making him basically shit in his pants - as Varda and Arien do.
The first enemies of Morgoth are not the Valar, or the Maiar, or the Elves... It's women.
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frodolover · 7 months ago
this is something i have seen surprisingly little about, but sea-longing is a fascinating concept to me and frodo is my favorite character so i want to examine it.
sea-longing aka the unquiet of ulmo is of course what is experienced by elves when they are being called back over the sea to valinor. legolas experiences this in lotr. and sea-longing is not so much about the sea itself than it is about what awaits across it: valinor.
this obviously affects elves because they're the only ones permitted in valinor. however as we know, frodo sails there at the end of lotr, though he's not an elf, but a mortal. however i think it's very clear that frodo experiences sea-longing despite this.
in valaquenta, it's stated that ulmo loves both elves and men (of which hobbits are a branch of) and that from his horns music plays and "those to whom that music comes hear it ever after in their hearts, and longing for the sea never leaves them again." additionally, these horns are "wrought of white shell," and in "the sea-bell/frodos dreme," it states: "i walked by the sea, and there came to me, / as a star-beam on the wet sand, / a white shell like a sea-bell; / trembling it lay in my wet hand". the connection between the white shells stands out to me, as these white shells are from where ulmo's music and source of sea-longing come from. (and whether or not frodo is the author of the poem, it's undeniably about him)
now here we come to the text in lotr. in book i, chapter v, frodo's journey has barely begun, but he has a dream about the sea, and a "great desire" to see it. it's also mentioned that the sound of the sea "often" troubles his dreams, so this likely started even before this.
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the second time frodo dreams is when he is in the house of tom bombadil, in book i, chapter viii (first pic). while it doesn't directly mention the sea, we know the sea and valinor are connected. this is especially notable because the dream frodo has here is shown to have come true, almost word for word, at the very end of rotk when he sails to valinor (second pic, from book vi, chapter xi).
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i don't have much to say about this one, but in book ii, chapter vii, frodo actually sees the sea, rather than hearing it, for the first time in galadriel's mirror:
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much later, when frodo believes the ring is lost and the quest has failed, he says this (book vi, chapter i):
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"only elves can escape. away, away out of middle-earth, far away over the sea"-- i love this line especially with the knowledge that frodo does get to "escape" over the sea, like the elves. and like the elves, he is experiencing this sea-longing, this call to the undying lands already.
i think this is all very, very interesting, because it seems that frodo's fate is sealed as someone who can't exist in middle-earth anymore rather early on in his journey. the idea that elves are the only ones permitted in valinor is also interesting because, while frodo is a mortal, he is described as having an "elvish beauty" and "elvish air," he is named an elf-friend, and he has a lifelong interest and love for elves, and knows a bit of elvish. also, arwen gives frodo the evenstar as this symbol of him being able to take her place on the ship to valinor that she forfeits. his connection to the elves, and therefore to valinor, is there from the beginning.
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shirefantasies · 1 year ago
Ok, so like the elves’ spice tolerances from 0 to 10 (doubt they have good spice tolerance because they’re white af but still) (do they even have spices in Middle Earth)
I'm DEAD this is so random but so funny I love this uhhhh let's see
Legolas- Probably higher than average because he's pretty strong & has a very high tolerance for alcohol & other things. Claims that yes, he can feel a bit of a tingle, but it is exhilarating is it not? Extra hearty so solid 7-8 here.
Elrond- Can eat spicy stuff but doesn’t like it. Avoids it if he can and complains a bit/raises his eyebrows at it. Asks Lindir to let the chefs know this exotic stuff wasn't really it. 5.
Arwen- Sees it as a challenge especially if someone assumes she can’t. Goes beyond her tolerance level sometimes but doesn't show it until the other party turns their back, then she lets the tears flow. 7.
Haldir- Acts like he can handle it, waves his hands and carries on when he tries. Not quite full 'ketchup is spicy' but definitely the type to get incensed over an excess of heat AKA anything beyond mild. 3-4.
Lindir- Terrified when it is presented to him, all but shaking as he raises it to his mouth...only to find that it's not that bad, here try some everyone! Cue everyone else dying, this man with his snobby taste somehow just downed a ton of habanero sauce like a king and made some comment about finally enjoying foreign food. Surprise 9.
Galadriel- An absolute badass are you kidding. 10/10 no questions she makes the others look like babies. Would win hot ones or whatever I've never seen the show. Pain is nothing to this queen, she just smiles that gorgeous smile and laughs at the others' reactions as if she was given a bonbon.
Thranduil- Threatens anyone who questions his 'allergy' to spice as weakness, literally getting in their face and whispering a threat that shakes them to their core. If cornered would claim geographic tongue. Solid 3, vinegar is practically too much for the guy, all he can handle is the faint 'burn' of alcohol.
lmao we love our white bois & girls 💀😂
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neyafromfrance95 · 3 months ago
Exactly! If the lorebros had it Galadriel wouldn’t be a main character(some of them are trying to hide their misogyny by being like “if round have been better if Celebrian had been the main female character instead of Galadriel!”even though they would have still found something to bitch about!)so if they’re trying to do with Galadriel what the movies ended up doing to Arwen because of the same misogynistic backlash IDK how they expect their show to be popular.
And the thing is they know very well that Haladriel is the main draw to the show and the general viewer doesn’t really care about Teleporno nor would that relationship be able to overshadow Haladriel that’s why they’ve kept him away for 2 seasons lol.
And 100% on the ick factor of having Galadriel being humbled and talked down to by all these men all the damn time. The same Galadriel that has a npc husband so she doesn’t get overshadowed by him?🙄 And it gets even worse when you take into account that she’s older than both Elrond and Gil Galad.
Anyway team more Arondir and Galadriel scenes. He’s the only one that hasn’t talked down at her and respects her as a leader,etc. ✊
yes, their argument is insane, btw, and it further shows their misogyny.
celebrian, like celeb0rn, was created so that galadriel can't be reduced to being a mother/wife.
the initial plan was to make gal marry elrond and have arwen, but then gal would have been known as elrond's wife/arwen's mother first.
so tolkien gave galadriel npc husband & child in the background so that they don't define her!
and yet! here we are in the 21st century, defining her by her npc husband and child, lmao. even REDUCING her to being their wife/mother and saying they are more worthy than she is.
some of them also say celebrian would have been a better protagonist bc celebrian *is* more traditionally feminine. while galadriel has always been "guy-ladriel" aka the "man-maiden", the mightiest of the elves, the powerful leader.
and yes! we need more galadriel and more arondir! these two got hate from the nerd bros even before s1 aired even though they have been the most interesting characters to follow in both seasons. hope to see their friendship develop as well!
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markantonys · 5 months ago
Ngl I lowkey ship Adar and Elrond 🫶 (he's not Maglor right)
i'm right there with you!! they were already two of my favorite characters individually, and then they came together and their interactions were so powerful. adar/galadriel and adar/elrond are two interesting good flavors of a hero/villain ship: the former is a version where they have a lot in common and in a weird way can understand each other like no one else can, and the latter is a version where they are very very different and could both challenge each other to grow (elrond's early-season stance that nothing good can ever come from a bad creator would face a reckoning if he fell for adar and became Orc Stepdad, and as for adar, if he fell for elrond, well, then he would embark on redemption immediately because elrond being disappointed in you would be the literal most painful thing anyone could experience, i would kill myself if elrond was disappointed in me)
i know Literally Nothing about tolkien stuff, but i think i heard that maglor is elrond's stepdad?? in which case i also hope adar is not him haha but this raises an interesting point that i've been thinking about while reading all the Who Is Adar speculation! said point being: if adar is going to be revealed in the show to be a specific elf from the lore, the only option is celeborn. because no one else would mean anything to the general audience aka like 95% of viewers.
now, i don't really think adar is celeborn. i think that within the canon of the show he'll only ever be an OC and they'll never specify who he was pre-morgoth. or at most they might drop some kind of easter egg that would allow lore experts to definitively connect him with a certain elf from the lore, but without making a big Reveal out of it or spelling it out explicitly. and either way, people are having fun speculating who he could be and i'm all for that, knock yourselves out! but if we're envisioning an actual scene in the show where they go "drumroll please............adar is actually so-and-so!" it could only be either a) a specific named elf the general audience would be instantly familiar with (which i can't think of any examples of since there are no other Universally Known elves like elrond, galadriel, and arwen), because if they drop a specific name and it's not instantly recognizable to the majority of the audience, the drumroll would fall super flat.
or b) an elf who has a close connection with another character we already know AND, ideally, who was mentioned already in the show. they could be like "drumroll please..........adar is actually elrond's stepdad! or gil-galad's brother!" and the general audience would be like "oh! okay. uhh since when did elrond have a stepdad or gil-galad a brother though?" but if it was "drumroll please...........adar is actually galadriel's missing husband!" then the general audience would go wild because we already knew she had a husband who disappeared and we've been wondering what might've happened to him. (okay a lot of people who watched s1 2 years ago have probably forgotten all about that haha but at least a good chunk of us would go wild! and the rest would soon follow once they'd gotten their memories jogged.)
anyway! i got so off-topic djfkg but i've seen so many lore-knowers speculating about adar's elf identity that i thought it might interest some of you to see a show-only perspective on The Only Adar Identity They Could Reveal That Would Be Interesting To Us General Audiences. but i still think it's very unlikely he's celeborn and he will simply never be specifically identified in the show!
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arokel · 10 months ago
TBITB LOTR AU (that will never happen)
because @teaforarteza said the words "lotr au" and, well. there are nine of them.
we worked out a casting and nothing else, but if anyone has additional thoughts please feel free to suggest/argue/take inspiration :>
Roger as Gandalf: man of few words (in the book), bow seat = deftly guiding the shell (group), very good techninique in both rowing and studying the arts of the sacred flame etc etc
The Nine Walkers
(obviously this is a boromir lives au because how could i possibly kill any of them)
Joe as Aragorn: very caring and concerned about the welfare of others, motivated by a deep and abiding love, complicated parentage, closely attuned to the needs and movements of the ring bearer
Bobby as Boromir: fiercely loyal, skilled commander and strategist (sometimes in a cold-blooded fashion), used to getting his way
Johnny as Legolas: rich kid/from a noble lineage, a bit high and mighty ("it was foul"), in tune with nature
Gordy as Gimli: down to earth (aka from a dairy farm), slowly becomes great pals with Legolas/Johnny, very stoic and calm in bloody situations
Jim as Merry: a worrier (especially about his best buddy Chuck) and a planner, *slightly* taller than Pippin/Chuck, often takes others under his wing
Chuck as Pippin: the comedic heart of the group, doesn't always think before he speaks, smokes a lot, often hits on the solution somehow anyway
Shorty as Sam: supportive and loyal (got your back etc), often overlooked, sweet and a little naive (as the youngest)
Don as Frodo: the linchpin of the group, carries a burden (lung issues), is following a path not his own but everyone else follows him, possesses a quiet strength
With supporting cast as follows:
Ulbrickson as Elrond: sets the nine on their quest and keeps an eye on them
Joyce as Arwen: obviously
Royal Brougham as Bilbo: writing his book and hanging out with Ulbrickson
Pocock as Galadriel: wise and knowing, provides the nine with things they need for their quest
Bolles as Celeborn: idk someone has to be
Ebright as Theoden: rival kingdom but an ally in the end
Coy as Eowyn: would like his chance to prove himself, crush on Joe(??)
Morry as Faramir: cox solidarity with Bobby/Boromir
That guy from USRowing as Denethor: tries to block their way because he feels his hands are tied
??? as Saruman: help please??
Gollum as himself
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velvet4510 · 9 months ago
OK, so it’s common knowledge that Eleanor refers to Frodo as her dad’s “treasure”, right? Which is cute and all, but also kind of a strange, very specific term to use completely unprompted. I mean, my own father has several good friends whom he loves very much, but I don’t call any of them “my dad’s treasure”. So my theory/headcanon is that Sam referred to Frodo as his treasure at least once. Maybe in text, while he continued to write the travel accounts in the red book. Perhaps Eleanor would read it with more interest than her siblings? 
IDK, I’m intrigued as to what you think of all this. 
Thanks for this ask! I DEFINITELY agree that Sam must’ve called Frodo his treasure at some point. In Elenya54’s stunning fic “All That I Had,” Sam does this when one of the local hobbit children sees him and Frodo leaving the Shire for the Grey Havens and asks Sam if he’s going to find treasure like Bilbo did - Sam replies “no, I’m going to lose my treasure.” Within this fic is a smart theory that Sam already knew Frodo was leaving the Shire, but was under the impression that Frodo would just be moving to Rivendell so Elrond could heal his wounds, and thus Sam would be able to visit him sometimes (which accounts for him still being shocked when he learns Frodo is actually sailing West.)
That fic is one of my favorites to the point where I’ve adopted most of it into my headcanon, so I picture that as a moment where Sam called Frodo his treasure.
BUT when it comes to Elanor, she mentions it in conjunction with a reference to Celeborn telling Aragorn that he hopes Aragorn’s treasure will stay by his side, unlike his (Celeborn’s) own treasure. This is a line from the actual LOTR book. So Elanor realizes that “treasure” was Celeborn’s term for Galadriel aka the person who he was in love with but had to say goodbye to, and thus Aragorn’s “treasure” was Arwen since she was the person who Aragorn was in love with. This then prompts Elanor to make the same connection between Frodo and Sam. So in her mind, like Celeborn’s mind, “treasure” is a term for a lost love. The fact that she instantly associates this with her father’s relationship with Frodo means she can tell that Sam feels the same way about Frodo that Celeborn feels about Galadriel. So even if Elanor never heard Sam call Frodo his treasure aloud, she has definitely perceived that her father is in love with the long-lost hobbit legend, and thus perhaps her “treasure” finally puts a fitting word to Sam’s complex feelings for Frodo.
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hobbitwrangler · 9 months ago
LOTR Ask Game
Thank you @emyn-arnens for tagging me in this! <3
How old were you when you were first introduced to LOTR?
I was about eight when my father read The Hobbit to me and my brother. I watched the lotr movies at about the same time and then read the books when I was ten. I was a goner from the minute Gandalf went off on his 'good morning' rant, it was irretrievable from there.
Favorite LOTR character?
This is ridiculously hard. Gandalf wins because he is one of the first characters that I ever identified with (can you tell I was a crabby child?) and is one of my favourite characters ever, but Éowyn, Faramir, Théoden, Gimli and Boromir come in real close. Also I am ridiculously attached to pretty much every character from these books, even minor ones.
Books or movies?
I refuse to choose. Each has different things that I love about them and they sort of meld together to form their own 'canon' in my head.
Which location in Middle Earth would you want to visit?
Uh, just the one? Definitely the Lonely Mountain because I've wanted to go since first reading The Hobbit but also Rivendell, Minas Tirith, the Grey Havens, Edoras and, of course, Dol Amroth (seaside holiday!).
Favorite movie?
It changes by the month. Currently it's The Two Towers because it's when Éowyn, Théoden and Éomer are introduced. Also Helm's Deep always makes me feel about 50 emotions in the pit of my stomach. Saruman's speech about the doom of men still makes me feel so much fear and dread and then Théoden's monologue ... I can't. (Also the scene of Théoden stalking after Gríma down the stairs of Meduseld is one of my favourite in the movies.)
Favorite scene?
In the books any scene with Galadriel and Gimli in it, Éowyn demanding to go with Aragorn, Éowyn and Faramir's kiss on the walls (aka the reason I believe in love), the conversation with Saruman after the Battle of Helm's Deep and the scene where the Three Hunters meet Gandalf again.
In the movies it's Gandalf's reassurance to Frodo in Moria, Aragorn's coronation scene, any scene with Éowyn and Théoden in it, Arwen challenging the Nazgûl and Gandalf having the time of his life at Bilbo's birthday party.
Favorite quote?
One which has been engrained in my psyche ever since I was a kid is: 'All your words are but to say: you are a woman, and your part is in the house. But when the men have died in battle and honour, you have leave to be burned in the house, for the men will need it no more. But I am of the House of Eorl and not a serving-woman. I can ride and wield blade, and I do not fear eitehr pain or death.'
The anger and hopelessness at the unfairness in this line has never left me.
What Middle Earth race would you want to be?
Much as I love the Shire, I think being a hobbit would be just slightly too much like the neighbourhood I grew up in. I'm also not cut out to be an elf and being a dwarf is out of the question because I'm claustrophobic and hate caves. I do think I'd make a half-decent Maia, however. I'd either get to hang out working for one of the Valar (preferably Ulmo but I'm not picky) or I'd get sent to Middle Earth to meddle in other people's business and shriek into the wind when they don't listen to me. Which is what I do in life anyways so 🤷 Also I could totally see myself going down either the Gandalf, Saruman or Radagast route depending, so this seems to be the race that would fit me the best.
Favorite LOTR ship?
Farawyn. They were so powerful they had a child who could not care less about romance absolutely enthralled. I still haven't recovered.
I've lost track of everyone who's been tagged in this so apologies @swanmaids @imakemywings @mithrandirl @sotwk if you've been tagged already and if anyone else hasn't, this is your chance to say you were tagged and share!
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sesamenom · 9 months ago
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arwen's goth phase, aka the most stressful decade of sauron's life
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with the full mask & veil without the white makeup
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beck-a-leck · 8 months ago
I can't sleep, so I'm gonna ramble for a bit about an AU that's been entertaining me recently.
Lord of the Rings Summer Camp AU
Basically the War for the Ring is just one Extremely Intense game of capture the flag (ring) that happens every summer between two rival summer camps that share a lake or something.
Like, basic rules: Each camp designates one camper to be the Ring Bearer. They must keep the ring on them at all times. They cannot pass the ring off to another camper, except under special circumstances, or to a councilor. Their job is to find a way to get the ring to the other camp and put it in the designated place without getting caught or losing the ring. If they succeed by the end of camp, they win! If the other camp steals the ring and gets it to their rival's designated spot then they win. Rival camp councelors are allowed to take the ring if they can get it away from the bearer, but it must be given to their own team's Ring Bearer. Secrecy is often the key to success in this matter.
And now the cast:
Frodo, Sam, Merey, and Pippin: four new campers this year. They all grew up on stories of from Uncle Bilbo about his fun times at camp, and now they're old enough to go and super ready for their first time at camp! Frodo gets designated Ring Bearer (definitely not a rigged choice)
Gandalf: Nobody's quite sure if he owns the camp or he's like the Head Councilor. Sometimes he's actively engaged in camp activities, other times he's off doing Old Man Shit. Very frequently can be found chilling with Bilbo as they watch the game unfold
Aragorn: he's one of the camp legacy kids. Been coming every summer since he was little (his sorta-dad works there) and now that he's old enough he's become one of the Junior Councilors. Aka the almost-adult they trust to run the kids around and supervise them in the woods and during Ring Shenanigans
Boromir and Faramir: their first summer at camp. Boromir's Aragorn's age and also a Junior Councilor. For whatever reason he's got beef with Aragorn and totally deals woth it in a healthy way. Faramir's just under the age cut off for Camper vs Councilor. (He didn't even want to come but their dad said he had to) and he spends most of his time chilling with the other guys around his age and also at the stables.
Legolas: sent here because his dad thought a summer away from home would be good for him and also he should see his cousin (arwen) more and his paperwork was half-done (a d daddy's off to europe for a month byeeeee) so nobody's quite sure how old he is, so sometimes they think he's a camper and other times he's a junior councilor and he just kind of rolls with it off the vibes of the day. (So he's definitely not telling his birth date)
Gimli: an older camper, but his first time at camp. For some reason he immediately imprints on the four teenies (the hobbits) and decides he's just gonna tag along with their group during camp. Couldn't possibly be because Aragorn and Boromir are their councilors and Legolas tags along after Aragorn.
(The chaos in this camp drives Elrond Bananas, but Gandalf just kinda shrugs and always counters with 'the kids are having fun. There's no harm in it')
Arwen and Eowyn: its not a co-ed camp, but their dads are both staff members so guess where they're spending their summers. As the only two girls, they became friends out of necessity. Elrond maybe actually owns the camp? He's at keast the guy keeping things organized and moving. Eowyn's uncle owns/runs the stables, so she's most often found working there. Her brother and cousin do most of the riding lessons for the campers and she's often left out. (The adults tend to turn a blind eye when Goold Old Dernhelm, who's definitely been a camper since day one, shows up to activities)
Other folks from the story probably have various filler rolls. Generally vibing with the idea that leaders/kings/queens are the Adults TM and actual Camp Councilors and Staff.
Galadriel is probably camp nurse. Her office is the one air conditioned building in camp, and yeah getting hurt or severely dehydrated sucks, but spending a time in the Lothlorien Cabin is just So Rejuvenating.
Meanwhile in the other camp... Camp Mordor:
Sauron: there's no ambiguity here he owns the camp, he runs the camp, he's in charge. Though he's not above using underlings to get most of the work done
Saruman: he thinks he's second in commant, and generally Sauron lets him be, because he can't be arsed to micromanage every camp group's activities. There's some feud between him and Gandalf that's honestly funny to watch. Takes the Ring Games almost as seriously as Sauron.
The orcs: generally they're the campers in Camp Mordor. Some of the older ones might be in the role of Junior Councilors, but they're all the kids who are going to do most of the work during the Ring Games.
The Nazgul: theyre the adult camp councilors. Easily identified by their uniform shirts, which are black (and honestly the worst choice for a summer where it can often reach 90 in the shade). They take their ditues very seriously. Most of them are legacy campers who eventually aged into councilors as they got older.
Oh my god i nearly forgot Gollum/Smeagol!
Genuinely nobody is sure where this poor kid came from. He might just be some wild kid living in the woods. Nobody claims his as a camper. But also, they're not gonna let some (possibly homeless) dirty child starve, and Bilbo ends up feeling really bad for the poor thing whenever he wanders into camp. So they feed him and let him join in on camp activities when he's around. He's extremely shy of the adults and often doesn't let them see or catch him (they barely got his name from him and nobody's sure if Gollum is a self-appointed nickname or not). Nobody is convinced that he's not really a secret agent for the Other Side. He seems to have an unhealthy obsession with the ring and has been known to steal it from the ring bearers in both sides and run off into the woods to hide with it (Aragorn's usually the one who tracks him to his hidey hole)
Also, Bilbo's just like a financier or something. Not camp staff, but friends with Gandalf and he just spends his summer also watching the Ring Games (rumor is he started the first ever Ring Game when he was a boy at camp). Often found enjoying the comforts of Not Being a Camper and doing Old Man Shit with Gandalf.
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buffyfan145 · 9 months ago
I like how everyone is posting that interview quote from Charlie were he admits Pre-Eye Sauron was hot and how he is proud to play that "beautiful young man" form. 😁 Dude is so casual about his charismatic good looks. 😆 He also lowkey confirmed Hot Sauron is a vain bitch when it comes to his appearence just like we all said. 😁 Jokes aside, Charlie does show his deep knowledge of Tolkien lore because the Professor always said Mairon/Annatar/Pre-Eye Sauron was extremely "fair," which is ME-speak means he was extremely gorgeous. I even think part his eye punishment was taking away his handsome humanoid appearance to hurt his vanity. Also, as a Half-Maia Celebrian, I have to imagine how beautiful that Silver Queen must have been with two stunning parents like Galadriel and Sauron. They were both known for being among the most beautiful beings of all time. I also think Sauron's divine beauty contributed to Arwen's almost-Maia appearence as "The Second Coming of Luthien." It's weird how supposedly she looked so supernaturally beautiful despite only being Melian's Great-Great-Granddaughter. She would have hardly had any Maia blood in her without a closer godly relative, aka Maternal Grandpa Sauron, who was also a known hottie.
I love Charlie's said that too. LOL But it's accurate. The term fair as also used to mean beautiful for centuries so that's exactly what that meant. And I agree about Celebrian and Arwen too. Especially for Arwen as that would make more sense if she had even more Maiar ancestry. It also makes me wonder if the new LOTR movie "The Hunt for Gollum" will finally cast Arwen's brothers. If both boys look extremely attractive too, which they seem to be from the books and other LOTR art/games I've seen them in, and maybe even similar to both Elrond and Sauron/Halbrand then we got our answer. LOL
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alaynasansa · 2 years ago
On this special day I wanted to share some of my favorite female characters in literature, cinema and tv
Sansa Stark (asoiaf)
Catelyn Stark (asoiaf)
Arianne Martell (asoiaf)
Elia Martell (asoiaf)
Brienne of Tarth (asoiaf)
Rhaena Targaryen (daughter of Aenys) (asoiaf)
Rhaenyra Targaryen (asoiaf)
Elizabeth Bennet (pride and prejudice)
Amy March (little women)
Galadriel (lotr)
Arwen (lotr)
Eowyn (lotr)
Leia Organa (star wars)
Shira Brie aka Lumiya (star wars)
Padmé Amidala (star wars)
Danni Quee (star wars)
Sabé (star wars)
Mulan (mulan)
Anna Marie Lebeau aka Rogue (x-men)
Lorna Dane aka Polaris (x-men)
Emma Frost aka White Queen (x-men)
Rachel Summers aka Askani (x-men)
Betsy Braddock aka Captain Britain (x-men)
Monet St Croix aka Penance (x-men)
Sue Storm aka Invisible Woman (fantastic four)
Sersi (eternals)
Joyce Byers (stranger things)
Kira (knights of emerald)
The Knights of Emerald is a heroic fantasy book series written in french taking place in a fictional medieval universe. Kira is the main female character. In short : She is purple from head to toe, with clawed fingers and toes, sharp teeth, and vertical pupils. She's half insect (her father is a giant ant, so what ?) half fairy and half elven. Her father is a megalomaniac emperor who raped her mother and wants to invade the continent where she lives. She is a crown princess but abdicates her throne because she knows nothing about politics and prefers to fight to protect her people as a knight. During the series the reader sees her grow from a toddler to an undisciplined nine-year-old child who does not yet have the maturity to understand why she is overprotected against her father's schemes and why she does not have the right to become a squire like her friends, then to a fifteen-year-old teenager who is insecure because of her looks, finally has the right to join the knighthood and experiments romantic love, then to an experienced adult who still goes through several trials before she can fulfill her destiny. I love this character !!
Bridgess (knights of emerald)
Bridgess is smart, straightforward and a born leader. She's kind of like a big sister to Kira and has been very supportive of her. She manages to stand up to the most stubborn characters of the series but sometimes she breaks down and fails because she is not perfect and perfect characters are boring
Swan (knights of emerald)
Swan is brash and has trouble obeying. She was born into an extremely sexist kingdom and continually feels the pressure of having to prove herself in order to be as respected as men are within knighthood. She's quite friendly and very tolerant, especially with her best friend Kira. Swan starts a family in the midst of war and struggles to deal with this new change in her life, fearing that she will not be able to fight with all her pregnancies, experiencing guilt and pain at not being able to be with her children and not seeing them grow up as much as she wants
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allbycharles · 4 months ago
This turned too sad too fast ok. So I am bringing:
10. The twins no.2 born in Valinor in fourth age to Elrond and Celebrian looked so much like Elros that Elrond almost had a heart attack.
That was the last time he felt bad.
11. The story of scary Undomiel eating little boys was passed down the loooong generations of little Elessars, Estels, Aragorns and Arwens in Minas Tirith for several ages.
12. Elrohir, Elladan and Celeborn came to Valinor on the first day of Spring and they all had a big party in Olwe 's palace and then a second one in Arafinwe 's palace. Because why not.
13. Elrohir got married so fast it shocked even Galadriel. It was to a vanyarin lady from Ingwe 's court.
14. Meanwhile Galadriel and Celeborn finally had the honeymoon on a boat they planned for centuries and never got time to organize.
15. Twins no.2 grew up to be incredibly good in sculpting and took lessons from lady Nerdanel aka grandma no.3
16. Maglor got back, got scolding and a job.
17. I can go on
some elrond raising aragorn headcanons on this fine sunday:
1. Elrond's irl children have a running joke that he loves Aragorn more than the three of them combined but everyone knows it's just a joke and the truth was that he loved all his children equally: but his love for Arwen, Elrohir and Elladan could be split across thousands of years like a slow burning candle. But he would only have Aragorn for a century or two — simply a blink in the eye of time, so his love for him was fiery and blazing — a sandstorm in an hourglass.
2. Toddler Aragorn was 100% spoilt, and it was entirely Elrond's fault. Most of the Dunedain fosters would normally come to Imladris as adolescents, as per general medieval fostering custom, and leave by adulthood. Aragorn, however, came in as a baby due to his circumstances, and Elrond — whose last baby was a baby 2800 years ago — went FERAL
3. Baby Aragorn was the bane of Glorfindel's life. He would make it a point to personally torment him. Four year old Aragorn once braided Glorfindel's hair to his chair so remarkably it took Erestor an hour to free him. When Elrond found out, he gave Aragorn extra dessert for being clever enough to do such good braids.
4. The best day of Elladan's life was the day Aragorn got his first haircut at the age of three, because Elrond cried for some inexplicably paternal reason and Elladan prayed Mandos would strike him down in that moment so he could die laughing hysterically.
5. Have I mentioned that baby Aragorn was very spoilt? However, nobody in the House of Elrond said anything of it, because that baby being a little spoilt was small payment for bringing joy to a family shrouded in grief for centuries.
6. Aragorn was 10 when Thorin and his company passed through Imladris, and he was OBSESSED with the dwarven lord. He would follow him around, beg him to play chess with him, ask if Thorin wanted to hold his pet lizard. Thorin would never admit it, but he too grew to adore the boy across those few days.
7. The entire household of Imladris spent decades placing bets as to when Elrond would accidentally call Aragorn 'Elros'. Elrond, for his sins, made sure that he never once mentioned Elros to him — so that Aragorn would grow up knowing he was loved for being him, not a facsimile of a long dead twin... until the day they parted, and Aragorn put a small heirloom from his family in Elrond's hand. A tiny gold ring traditionally given to elflings on their first begetting day — that had once belonged to his own ancestor, Tar-Minyatur.
8. Elrond used to scare Elladan and Elrohir with the idea of Ungoliant when they were younger, but when they tried the scare tactic on toddler Aragorn, he was very excited and wanted to hear more about the enormous spider. So they had to resort to drastic measures and tell him about an even more fearsome creature that ate little boys who didn't go to bed: Arwen Undomiel, the giant werewolf prowling the forests of Lothlorien.
9. Many songs were sung about the final parting of Arwen and Elrond, a tragedy that would last beyond the breaking of the world. Less sung about was a quieter parting, where the Lord of Imladris watched King Elessar walk towards the gates of Minas Tirith for the last time — Elrond's final baby. His very, very last.
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THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THIS AI IMAGINE THE RICK AND MORTY VERSION SAGA SOURCE : @hitek.fr AI : @Midjourney or @DALL-E ARTIST : @AI_Dreams Last month, we introduced you to this Internet user who offered us to rediscover the antagonists of the famous Lord of the Rings saga in Ghibli version, thus allowing us to have an overview of certain great villains of Middle-earth revisited in a whole new style. And even more recently, fans also got to see what the Lord of the Rings characters might look like if they were part of the Rick and Morty animated series, again thanks to the work of an artificial intelligence. This therefore gives us the opportunity to discover not only certain cult characters from Tolkien's work, but also certain emblematic places of the saga. WHEN THE LORD OF THE RINGS ENTERS THE WORLD OF RICK AND MORTY It's been some time now that artificial intelligences (or AI) are talking about them. Last year alone, the arrival of ChatGPT made headlines a lot, giving us a glimpse of the potential of these new tools. And among the AIs that are now known to the general public, we find in particular DALL-E or Midjourney, two generative AIs that are able to create images from textual descriptions. Tools whose use has become more and more democratized, thus giving rise to all kinds of creations of all kinds. This is why thanks to these tools, many Internet users have fun revisiting certain cult franchises in many ways. Ranging from Harry Potter to Star Wars, via Marvel and DC superheroes, fans can now let their imagination run wild by appropriating these emblematic universes. And among all these licenses, that of the Lord of the Rings, based on the works of the famous J.R.R. Tolkien, is regularly the subject of various reinterpretations. We had you in particular this Reddit user who had imagined the saga in Korean drama, or even in the style of anime, without forgetting this cat version. But this time, a netizen wanted to see what the result would be if the Lord of the Rings saga met the universe of the Rick and Morty animated series, sharing his creations on the AI Dreams Instagram account. GANDALF LEGOLAS GREENLEAF FONDCOMBE Frodo Baggins ARAGORN SAURON GIMLI A BALROG PEREGRIN TOUQUE AND MERIADOC BRANDEBOUC, AKA PIPPIN AND MERRY SAROUMAN GOLLUM MORDOR ARWEN UNDÓMIEL BILBON SACQUET BOROMIR ELROND PEREDHEL GALADRIEL MINAS TIRIT THE MORIA MINES A NAZGUL SAMSAGACE GAMEGIE ARACHNE A URUK-HAI A WARG #thelordoftherings  #artificialintelligences #ai  #lotr  #rickandmorty  #saga #midjourney  #dalle2  #Gandalf #Legolas #rivendell  #frodo  #aragorn #sauron #gimli #balrog #pippin #merry #saruman  #gollum #mordor #arwen #bilbo #boromir #elrond #galadriel #minastirith #moria #nazgul #arachne  #urukhai #warg
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ao3feed-tolkien · 2 years ago
with love's light wings
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/DgBerIa
by enviousmoon
My only love sprung from my only hate! Too early seen unknown, and known too late! Prodigious birth of love it is to me That I must love a loathèd enemy.
(Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare Act 1 Scene 5 lines 152-155)
or: the House of Oropher and the House of Durin have been feuding for centuries, though no one alive quite remembers why. When two members of the feuding families fall in love, will Arda bear witness to the greatest love story ever told, or will it end in tragedy for all involved?
(aka the Romeo & Juliet au that absolutely no one — save for the author — asked for)
Words: 8587, Chapters: 1/5, Language: English
Fandoms: The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, F/M
Characters: Gimli (Son of Glóin), Legolas Greenleaf, Aragorn | Estel, Thorin Oakenshield, Kíli (Tolkien), Fíli (Tolkien), Elladan (Tolkien), Elrohir (Tolkien), Thranduil (Tolkien), Glóin (Tolkien), Elrond Peredhel, Galion (Tolkien)
Relationships: Gimli (Son of Glóin)/Legolas Greenleaf, unrequited Gimli/Galadriel, only briefly tho! Gimli gets his shit together, Aragorn | Estel/Arwen Undómiel
Additional Tags: Crack Treated Seriously, Alternate Universe - Romeo and Juliet Fusion, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Alternate Universe - No One Ring, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Forbidden Love, Cultural Differences, mirkwood is the greenwood here because i said so. yes there's giant spiders still, thranduil is a good dad and i will die on this hill, gimli is very dramatic
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/DgBerIa
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