#ak shitpost
sncrly0urs · 7 months
if Zayne was real I would probably get sick more often (totally not intentional) and if I were to get rushed to a hospital I would cross my fingers hoping that Zayne was my doctor
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gamingherkiin · 2 months
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outdated meme? never heard of her
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approximateknowledge · 9 months
i think it's very funny that as far as i can remember, kirito uses exactly one actual "weapon" irl throughout the story (kendo doesn't count)
and it's literally just an umbrella she stabs a guy in the leg with *once* at the start of alicization before almost dying and then having to recover from neurotoxin-induced brain damage for the next few volumes (as one does)
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^behold: the only real sword in the whole series
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enriquemzn262 · 3 months
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For the uninitiated
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dostyaak · 2 months
I am so incredibly bored
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artofkhaos404 · 9 months
I'm convinced that folk punk is crack cocaine in disguise and I will not elaborate on this theory any further.
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mlynar-nearl · 2 years
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waykner · 6 months
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angelzandkissez · 6 months
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kurasutaa · 1 month
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It’s the whole fam
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evilreflections · 9 months
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Don't fuck with Elmo
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sncrly0urs · 7 months
when I search for Xavier x Reader and all I get is Xavier Thorpe
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simcardiac-arrested · 11 months
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i want to put them in a room together and see what happens. a demon an angel and a god walk into a bar
closing my inbox thanks everyone i'll see you all in purgatoruy
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approximateknowledge · 8 months
beater syndrome or: "why people misunderstand vriska and kirito for the same reason"
so a little while ago i made a random shitpost that ended me up with this image
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^cursed entity
and it's come back to haunt me with ungogly revelations which i will now share because i have to it feels important
context: originally i was just gonna make a post about kirito, explaining how people misunderstand the character and *why* (and why it's completely understandable); but then i realised there was a real pattern here and the subconscious connection that led to the above cursed image suddenly made sense in my mind
so here it is:
the reason kirito gets mischaracterised so often has entirely to do with the combination of:
a) most people only having watched the aincrad arc (<;keyword watched),
b) the fact the anime gives a twisted image of the characters due to the fact the internal dialogues from the light novel get cut out completely
the end result of this is that when most people talk about "kirito", they're actually talking about "the beater", and those are crucially *not the same*!
the "beater" is a *role*, and a very specific one at that; it's what happens when you try to "own up" to accusations and unreasonable expectations (internal or external) to such an extent you're always playing the same self-destructive part, and because it's fundamentally a defense mechanism you just get stuck in it until things change drastically enough it finally feels safe to stop playing that horrible role and try to remember who you really are, after everything's over
that's what's happening here; when people say a character is "a kirito" they're actually referring to the beater, and the reason those characters suck ass is because they unironically use what's actually a coping mechanism in a horrible situation for a character's actual personality; of course it sucks! because they're doing it wrong!
it's about trying to convince yourself being a loner destructive scapegoat is "cool" despite always having a nagging insecurity it might just not be, but given the circumstances you're in too deep and so the sunk cost fallacy compels you to keep going
it's not *actually* cool; if anything it's depressing
now i think it's becoming obvious how all of this applies to vriska as well, but there's one crucial difference: the death game never actually *ends* for vriska serket; even now in post-canon she's arguably the *only* character who seems to still be playing sgrub, or maybe she never even stopped flarping
except for one version of her. for (vriska) the game did finally end. and they're the same
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the beater dies when the game ends, and we see it happen to both of them
(also they're both transfem i didn't know how to fit that in but they are and that's a fact)
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madame-helen · 1 year
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dostyaak · 13 days
Do the Floormasters sleep in the Death Game facility or is being a Floormaster a 9-to-5 job where they clock out?
Imagine, you are a participant, you get hurt REAL BAD, you go ask for Safalin's help and she goes
"Oh, sorry, I already clocked out... Maybe tomorrow..."
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