#ak Matterhorn
yokohangry · 7 months
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Looks like Matterhorn was my very first pull. I remember using him a lot, until I got Gummy. 😅
IS4 has really interfered with doing any doodling. 🫠
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chaos-of-the-abyss · 1 year
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Absolutely losing my mind here at Silverash nonstop sniping down all the people Doctor suggests could be his friends if he just lets them. No you see I have created too many boundaries and walls around myself and throughout my network of *checks notes* acquaintances, employees, and family members, for me to ever be completely genuine with any one of them
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yitsuin · 2 years
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(doctor oc) no med school degree, no brain cells, no problem!
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Matterhorn (Arknights)
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Can Matterhorn perform a…
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gugu-plum · 2 months
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what the heck was that
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sassyshin · 1 year
Favorite AK Operators atm
Vanguard: I love Courier he's my fave, Chiave as well. There is something about Flametail's design that I really like but cant tell what it is so far tho. Also Crabs lady I wanna be friends with her
Guard: Oh God. Where do I even start. Thorns is still my fave. I do really like SilverAsh a lot too. Also Chongyue and Ayerscape. Flamebring does look really cool as well. Indra has such a nice design too and Cutter is my daughter. Not to mention how much I stil like Arene. Yeah this is the class for me. Please give me Broca tho I even bought his gym costume already :( ... Also Tequila
Defender: Matterhorn my man. Nearl is so cool too I really like her. I ended up liking Hung as well he's a nice guy. Also including Noir here because I really like his mask
Sniper: Totter ofc do I even need to say. Ash is a very very close second tho I need another rainbow6 banner like yesterday so I can try to get her like common she looks so cool. Then Firewatch and Meteor they're really neat. I adore firewatch colour scheme. Then Adnachiel. Shirayuki does look cool for me as well. I havent tried Jiyeun yet but I do like her design. I want Sesa btw
Caster: Leonhadt and Passenger are tied to m. I really like Leo he's actually a funny and endearing kid without feeling forced and Passenger is nice. Steward is nice as well. I have yet to try Qanipalaat but I do like his design a lot. Haze is a fun character to me we could be friends too. Indigo is also nice
Medic: Silence is actually pretty cool. Perfurmer is fine but I do like Chestnut a lot. I feel like I'm gonna like Lumen a lot btw
Supporter: Gnosis on top for sure. I want Stainless so badly though still mad I didnt get him. Orchid is cool I always liked her. Glaucus seems nice too and I do like me some Pramanix
Specialist: Either Jaye or Phantom on top for sure, definitely my faves. Ethan is so cool as well. Shaw is my kid. I wish Projekt Red wasnt a kid tho. Cliffheart is cool enough
That's all for the time being I suppose
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kazdelheart · 2 years
Glory it be, named by ash of silver
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― About me!
🌻 hello hello! I go by Selene (Ling is also highly preferable) on this blog, though some of you might know me as Yue :3. I am your local silverash siblings main and I really love enciodes silverash loml though I am also atrociously down bad for his delivery boy courier and tequila, and flamebringer, and matterhorn and- 
🌻 ahem, anyway. I have a total of 9 favourites in ak so I really do hope my gacha luck holds out. Feel free to tell me who are your favourites in my inbox >wo
🌻 I am not the best with social cues and my social battery runs out quickly after a while, but I will try my best to respond to anything sent into my inbox and submissions 
🌻I am a little socially awkward but I like being around my friends :3
🌻I am a scorpio and my mbti traverses between infj and infp!
🌻feel free to ask for my in game ID anytime :D
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melovities · 2 years
about mod selene (or yue):
❀ she/they; adult (above 18);sfw only
❀ likes: learning languages for fun, spicy food, silverash, animals, artsy & scientific stuff, reading, learning about flower language and symbolism
❀ dislikes: rude people, being ghosted or ignored without being given a reason, egoistic people, people who bash characters excessively, being talked over
❀ ak favourites: silverash, courier, executor, tequila, matterhorn, broca, flamebringer
❀ extra: I use mainly british spelling in my pieces! Also I type in lower-case intended occasionally. Send me courier and silverash brainrot <3 brainrots of my other favourites are highly welcomed as well!; Lastly, allow me to do a little bit of some shameless self promo, I write for genshin, enstars and some more arknights on @yuezhong
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If the AK characters were happy version Amiya, Kal'tsit and Enya~
Okay, Amiya & Kal'tsit have been done now. So, Enya Silverash.
Pramanix’s relationship with Rhodes Island is similar to SilverAsh’s, she just occasionally stops by to act as an operator. She seems to visit RI more often than SilverAsh though, and Kjera is there even more often than she is.
These visits allow her to reconnect with her sister, which is good for both of them. She would also be able to see Courier and Matterhorn again.
Back in Kjerag her responsibilities have greatly increased since the events of Break the Ice. She’s not particularly happy about this, but she knows it’s the best thing for Kjerag right now and she has Kjarr, so she’ll be fine.
Her experiences with the outside world would allow her to at least understand SilverAsh’s actions, but I don’t think she would ever forgive him unless he made an effort to fix things between them (this is not going to happen any time soon).
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ranger-kellyn · 3 years
How have you been to that many places?!
i'm very fortunate! (also my dad was better with his money when he wasn't married to my mom dkhf) i've been to 7 countries in europe because i was nominated back in high school to join the Tennessee Ambassadors of Music. it was a 7 countries in 16 days tour, and we played concerts in 5 of the 7 countries. personally, Crans Montana, Switzerland was like......my absolute favorite place. if i could go back anywhere, it would be there.
i've been all over the US because that's just how my mom was growing up. always on the move, and hated being in one place too long.
my dad was also good about taking me on trips. i've been to just about every state east of the mississippi river thanks to him! south carolina, and anything northeast of new york i still haven't been to.
most of dad's side of the family is here on the west coast or up in alaska, so that's why i've been to canada as well. i've done the big Haines to Skagway (and vice versa) loop, which takes you up through whitehorse. i also did a big drive with my mom from Skagway down to Calgary, Alberta, so i got to see some GORGEOUS country on that trip, too. Jasper and Banff National Parks were STUNNING. i want to say it was Banff that was a little better because i think it was that park that handled the bark beetle infestations better, whereas Jasper had been absolutely ravaged by them in places.
so yeah, i'm VERY fortunate in that regard. i remember going to high school with kids who hadn't left the county until they had to go a county over for where our graduation was held.
it's definitely something i am thankful to my parents for. i've been to huge cities like New York City, and i've been to itty-bitty-blink-and-you'll-miss-it villages like Pelican, Alaska. i've been to The Badlands during a spring bloom, and i've seen the endless fields of corn in kansas. i've looked out into infinity up on Harbor Mountain in Sitka, AK, and I've looked into infinity in the mountains of Crans Montana, Switzerland, overlooking the distant Matterhorn.
there's still an incredible amount of earth left to see, and i can only hope i get to at least see half of it
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dlartistanon · 4 years
Do you have any AK ships that you just don’t like seeing? Where either there’s something problematic there or you’re just so whelmed that you can’t get excited about them?
See, here's the thing about "problematic"; two of my fave ships aren't really that good for half the parties involved. Exusiai deserves better than someone who ghosts her for years then comes back without a word or explanation and expects things to have never changed, and Lappland wants to drag Texas to hell with her after the latter wants to leave her past behind.
But that's oversimplifying it, and we still don't have the whole picture. Mostima and Exu were clearly happy together back when they were in school. And who knows, maybe Texas abandoned Lappland when she needed her the most. Even if they aren't ideal or healthy, it's interesting, and that's what hooks me.
On the other hand, an actual answer would probably be Siege/SilverAsh. Apparently it's a popular ship, but I just don't get it. They've never interacted and both have other people you can easily pair them with, like Siege with Indra or Reed and Silverash with Courier or Matterhorn.
And Reed especially can fit into the whole "forbidden romance/arranged marriage filled with political kingdom drama between two warring families" with Siege. There is no reason to bring Silverash into it.
I dunno, It just feels very heteronormative to me. Like "behind every powerful man is a powerful woman" or something.
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beatmathyer · 3 years
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«Es war tough»: 15-Jähriger joggte von Solothurn nach Zermatt Vier Tage war der Solothurner Schüler Gian Gunzinger unterwegs, der mit seinem Schulprojekt Spenden für einen guten Zweck sammelte. Die letzte war die härteste Etappe. 9,5 Stunden nachdem Gian Gunzinger im 45 Kilometer entfernten Hohtenn losgerannt war, traf er am Dienstag pünktlich um 18 Uhr in Zermatt ein. Über 40 Personen warteten bereits auf den 15-jährigen Schüler, für den seine Familie extra einen Zielbogen aufgestellt hatte. Zwar mass sich Gian mit keinen Kontrahenten, dennoch hat die Ankunft im Ziel die Bedeutung eines Sieges:der Sieg seines starken Willens. Denn ohne diesen hätte der 15-Jährige die Her­ausforderung, die er sich selber imRahmen einesSchulprojektes gestellt hat, niemals geschafft. 145 Kilometer joggen, von Solothurn bis nach Zermatt, und dies innerhalb von vier Tagen. «Es war sehr tough», sagt der Jugendliche, «anstrengender, als ich im Vorfeld gedacht hatte, doch ich habe es geschafft.» Zum Glück habe das Wetter mitgespielt, erzählt der 15-Jährige weiter, der in Solothurn das Schulhaus Kollegium besucht. Einzig am dritten Tag habe es kurz geschneit. «Ich bin durch wunderschöne Landschaften gerannt», schwärmt Gian Gunzinger. Ein Highlight: als das Matterhorn vor ihm auftauchte. «Das hat mich für die letzten Kilometer nochmals gepusht, der Schmerz in den Beinen war vergessen.» Und wie fühlt er sich am Tag danach? «Erstaunlich gut», sagt der 15- Jährige. «Die Beine schmerzen zwar etwas, ich könnte aber sicher noch joggen. Heute bevorzuge ich es aber zu relaxen», sagt Gian und lacht. In den nächsten Tagen, die er gemeinsam mit der Familie in Zermatt verbringt, wird er wieder ak- tiv. Vielleicht werde er noch Ski ­fahren gehen, sagt Gian, oder wandern. Der Zermatter Kurdirektor ist beeindruckt (hier: Mathyer Consulting) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNqwADYliAO/?igshid=1g31fiw3nbmka
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sexypyzamo · 4 years
Webmoda.sk - šTýlová Móda Lacno
Webmoda.sk - šTýlová Móda Lacno
Vitajte na mdnom blogu Mya Mirell zameranom na vetky aspekty Mdy, Krsy, ivotnho tlu mdne stylish a vychytvky, tipy, novinky a mjho osobnho nhadu na mdu. Mda je sasou mjho ivota u od dospievania a je mojou vou. S mdou som neustle v kontakte vaka prci modelky, ktorej sa dlh roky ete stle venujem a vaka cestovaniu, o mi umouje prenikn do mdneho sveta rznych ktov, nasva atmosfru a erpa neustle inpircie.
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Módna Pánska Obuv Na Sezónu Jeseň-zima 2020/2021 ...
Charming je kolekcia, prostrednctvom ktorej vs prevedieme z rozhorenho africkho safari do tne pokojnho vidieka. B sa, e v hustom lese seznnych trendov zabldite sa.
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Tieto šAty Budú Módnymi Trendami V Roku 2021 - Matterhorn-moda.sk
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Takto topnky s alm tipom na seznu jese-zima 2020/2021 od mdneho domu Fendi. S m ich nosi? Perfektne doplnia jednoduch minimalistick outfity.
Mdne horn obleenie v kadej novej sezny znamen nov rieenia, trendy a smery, ktor vm ponkaj megachilinae a mdne spravy s pvodnou jar sady. Ponhajcich sa zmeni tepl kabty a kouchy, parkas a nadol bundy, zimn kabty a bundy nahusten na nzkej hmotnosti vrchn obleenie na container, je preskma, a zoznmili s poprednmi jarn mdne smerom na container tohto roku.
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Ndhern bude jarn mda bombardry, koen sak, blejzre, bundy na jar, a tie vesty. Leading npady leading vrchn obleenie na jar, ktor sa vytvraj inpiratvne spravy a tandemy container, si mete vyzdvihn krsne dopaj podlahy-dka, MIDI dka alebo krtke rieenia. Megachilinae nominacii vrchn obleenie bude mon oarujce na doplnenie container vzhad a s aty, nohavice, sukne a aj nohavicov kostmy.
Tento fad bude ndhern pastelov farby citrna, prkov, modr, fialov. Na lesk a jas jar bude dva cestu k ervenej, ltej a modrej, jednoduchos, biela a ed a ierna, ako vdy, aj v trende. Ak chcete vytvori jedinen sbor na container pome a vzory, ktor dopaj jar vrchn odevy: kvetinov na bombardry, zeleninov a kvetinov ozdoby na kabty a vkopu kabty, vivky a appliques na gensoukai a bundy v koen vykonanie nenech nikoho ahostajnm.
Dámske Trendy Na Jeseň A Zimu 2020/2021, Ktoré Sa Oplatí ...
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Medzi materily, ktor ponka vina on-trend mdy a leading modelov obleenia na container 2020-2021 rok bude koe, denim, cashmere, semi, prikry, rainwear textlie a in materily na ochranu pred vetrom a prpadne d na jar. Odrody modely vrchn obleenie pre container umouj vytvori elegantn a univerzlne obleenie kabt, priekopa kabty, vesty, blejzre a bundy.
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bepoets · 4 years
favorite ride in every disney park? favorite attraction thats not a ride in every disney park?
-MK: Seven Dwarves Mine Train
-EPCOT: Frozen Ever After
-AK: Flight of Passage (I’m sorry dinosaur I love you so much I promise)
-HS: Tower or Terror (I’m sorry mickey&minnie’s runawah railway i love you too)
-Disneyland: Matterhorn Bobsleds (this ride is like the epitome of the *chuckles* ha ha I’m in danger meme)
-DCA: Radiator Springs Racers (!!!!! Best ride and best themed land EVER y’all can fight me better than Pandora and better than Galaxy’s Edge I’m RIGHT)
-MK: Carousel of Progress (my bby I love you)
-EPCOT: The Disney on Broadway Concert Series at Festival of The Arts (chefs kiss)
-AK: The Dinosaur Pre-Show (this one’s for you dr. Seeker)
-HS: The Lightsaber building experience they have at Galaxy’s Edge (I cant afford that but my friend went and I got to be her guest and holy shit that thing is like the best themed experience I’ve ever been to EVER)
-Disneyland: Literally just...existing on Main Street USA
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gugu-plum · 2 years
((ak)) was doing sv-2 auto for first clear rewards when matterhorn shows up like this
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um mr matterhorn yak i dont think sal viento is a good place to surf
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None of you asked for this, but y’all probably know as someone who grew up in SoCal, I am keenly defensive of our coast’s disney park. As such, here is my official ranking of which rides are better at which parks:
1. Pirates of the Caribbean: Winner- Disneyland. Look, I’m going to say this a lot, but ours is the original and the best. The theming of the queue and load/unload area is better, the bayou scene is better, we have the Blue bayou restaurant and we have two drops. We’re better. Plus, the ride’s outside facade and the placement in New Orleans square is more thematic and special than it is in WDW.
2. Haunted Mansion: Winner- Disneyland. This is actually a tough one, but I think the facade and queue are more thematic on the west coast. It’s more enclosed and run down, and other than the occasional screams from nearby Splash Mountain, it’s pretty spooky. The Florida queue is too open and sunny for my tastes. And as fun as the interactive tombs are in the Florida queue, it’s almost too goofy. Florida does have two additional scenes than the Cali one, but they don’t add much. Plus, we have the cool portrait gallery in Cali that again, adds to the atmosphere.
3. Jungle Cruise: Winner- Magic Kingdom. This was tough as I’m not particularly attached to the ride itself and I’ve only ridden the WDW version once, but the inclusion of the temple scene really adds to the ride. Queue-wise, I want to say I Iike Cali’s better, but really as long as they both have the old timey radio spiel, we’re good.
4. Splash Mountain: Winner- Disneyland. I’m not sure what it is exactly that I Iike more about ours, but I think it’s better. Our ride feels like it has more animatronic characters, larger show scenes, an additional song (the one the possum? Sings to the kids on the way up the lift hill) and you aren’t outside for too long after the big drop. Florida has the cool jumping Br’er rabbit figure but the laughing place scene isn’t nearly as terrifying and chaotic in Florida as it is in Anaheim’s.
5. Big Thunder: Winner- Disneyland. I don’t know if Florida’s has been redone with the new finale like ours has, but I think ours is better because it’s been redone and “plused” with the new finale, which is way more fun than the shaking walls of the old scene.
6. Space Mountain: Winner- Magic Kingdom. Look, I don’t exactly keep quiet about how underwhelmed I am by our space mountain. I def don’t think it’s worth it unless you can walk right on. But that being said, I like the track layout and vehicle better in Florida. I recently learned that they took the Matterhorn track layout and put in Florida and made it space. So that’s probably why I like it more, it’s way more rough and the individual seats with the T-shaped lap bar means they can do sharper turns and sudden drops in a way they don’t do in Cali.
7. Radiator Springs Racers vs Test Track: Winner- DCA. Look man, Test Track is a super fun ride and it goes really fast, but RSR wins because it has the fun racing element, amazing theming, and some really impressive dark ride elements. I don’t even like Cars and I try and ride this every time we go if we can because it’s fun. Plus, Test Track, while it does have the really fun interactive element of designing a car, just screams too much Iike an ad for me (which it is).
8. Mission Breakout vs Tower of Terror: Winner- DHS. You all know I am not a fan of the new overlay of our tower, but that fight is over now, so I guess I’ll stop complaining. Well, that much, anyway. But obviously the tower in Florida is the OG and it’s still really cool. As a horror fan, it’s hard to find spooky theme park attractions that aren’t cheesy, and the OG tower is spooky without being outright scary. It’s a master of theming and atmosphere, has a killer soundtrack and pays tribute to a show I grew up loving.
9. Matterhorn vs Expedition Everest: Winner- AK. This is not remotely a fair comparison, and I adore both rides, but comparisons must be made regardless. The 2015 refurbishment of the Matterhorn saw the placement of some amazing Harold animatronics and some cool new scenes and effects. I love this ride and try and ride it every time I go to DLR. But Expeiditon Everest is such an awesome ride. So thrillling, so well themed, and it has a cool environmental message. Even with Disco yeti being a disco man since like, 2006 or whatever, it’s still a must-do ride.
10. Incredicoaster vs Rock n roller coaster: Winner- Incredicoaster. This was hard for me because I still miss Screamin (rip) but I have to say the fact that it’s an outdoor coaster really helps. I like Rock n roller coaster and both rides have really well themed queues (and honestly, not that great of a storyline) but there is something about riding Incredicoaster at both nighttime and daytime and feeling the wind on your face.
11. Indiana Jones vs Dinosaur: Winner- Disneyland. Listen. Dinosaur is a disgrace of a ride. Tbh if they redid that whole area into an Indiana Jones themed South American land like the rumors, I’d be fine with it. Dinosaur is SO BORING. It’s dark. It’s loud. There is zero tension. Oh no, the dinosaur is chasing us, what will we do?? I assume the ride was more fun when it first opened but Eisner neutered it and here we are. Oh well. Anyway, Indiana Jones is probably the greatest American ride they’ve ever made and it’s immersive-ness and theming and everything else is SO GOOD and honestly I think Disney should lay off the screens and go back to that (here’s hoping the new rise of the resistance ride is more like this).
12. Star Tours: Winner- DHS. The rides are basically the same but the outside queue for the Florida version is way cooler. So that’s a plus. even though you can see the lights and the support structures (because “studio park”) its’ still super cool to hav the Ewok village and the giant AT-AT outside.
13. Toy Story Midway Mania: Winner- DCA. I haven’t been to the new Toy Story Land yet so this might change next time I go to Florida but I just love the Victorian midway boardwalk theming of the DCA version so much. The ride is pretty much the same regardless but it’s so charming. And I love our Potato Head being an actual barker on the outside a whole lot.
14. It’s a Small World: Winner- Disneyland. Ours is the original and the thing that makes it better is that it’s an entire giant facade. It’s gorgeous. The small world facade being hidden in Florida really cuts down on the iconic parts of the attraction.
15. Peter Pan: Winner- Magic Kingdom. Personally I think both versions of this ride are overrated, but the one in Florida seems a little cooler, if I recall right. Idk, man.
16. Buzz lightyear: Winner- magic Kingdom. I don’t remember this too much but I think it’s cooler in Florida? Regardless, I don’t ever do this ride because I’m usually prioritizing other stuff.
17. The Railroad: Winner- Disneyland. I Iike the OG railroad because we got those cheesy dioramas left over from the world’s fair. Nice. Plus, I don’t remember if the WDW version cuts through any rides like the DLR one does, but seeing Splash mountain is fun.
18. Grizzly River Run vs Kali River Rapids: Winner- DCA. Dude, come on. As someone who grew up going on Grizzly, sometimes 5 times in a row, that ride is great. Great soundtrack, great queue theming, great theming on the ride itself, and it has Iike, three drops and several parts where you can get wet. So imagine my surprise when, after waiting for like an hour in 80 degree heat, listening to the sound of chainsaws the whole time, I get on Kali only to discover it has one measly drop?? So weak. WEAK. Although I do appreciate the environmental message, even if it’s like, super creepy to hear chainsaws in the distance in line.
This is all I can remember off the top of my head so that’s where I’ll leave off. If I missed any, let me know!
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