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babyblueetbaemonster · 1 month ago
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Dragonborn: I'll bring the entire mushroom home. Hero of Kvatch: All the alchemical essence is stored in the cap. Nerevarine: The best I can do is a slice of shroom.
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sylvienerevarine · 2 years ago
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ajira is the best mage in morrowind. give this woman her PHD immediately.
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ehlnofay · 2 years ago
Summerfest Day 1 - ARCANE
The ring is knobby and cool to the touch, blue-glazed pottery glimmering in the lamplight of the cluttered little study. Caelestis turns it in zir hands, turns it again, watching the light play over the lumps and the patchy colour of the pigment. Spellwork slinks around it, snakelike, coiling in the cracks and running glistening down the sides; it’s almost hypnotic, like the flowing of a river, the rustling of long grass. Ze presses zir thumb to the inside curve of the band.
“Ooh, pretty,” says Ajira appreciatively, suddenly very close to zir ear; ze startles so hard ze falls off the stool. Like she doesn’t even notice, Ajira sticks out a hand with a narrowed-eye grin.
Caelestis blinks. Zir hair is fallen in zir face; ze tosses it back. “You scared me,” ze complains, rubbing zir hip where it hit the floor.
“Give it,” Ajira says, like ze didn’t say anything at all. (She gets like that, sometimes. One-track mind; focused on one thing, to the exclusion of almost all else.)
Caelestis curls zir fingers around it. “No! It’s mine.”
“Ajira isn’t taking it,” she says, wheedling. “She just wants to see. Please?”
The lights in the sconces glitter. Caelestis sighs and holds out the ring.
They’re in the corner of one of the Guild’s basement rooms. Space is economical, here; Ajira’s desk and all her great many belongings (neatly sorted alchemy supplies, mostly; a few fantastical items with which to barter and trade; books stacked on the ground, reaching up to head-height) is all squished together in one end over a threadbare rug. The dais is on the other side, carved with glimmering spell-glyphs. (Caelestis hasn’t used it yet. Ze’s only been around this little corner of Vvardenfell; going too far would be too much. It would be frightening. Ze will – just not yet.)
Ajira snatches the ring, rolls it around in her padded palm eagerly. Caelestis watches through zir eyelashes as she rubs at it – ze half expects a bound spirit to come bursting out of the thing by how enthusiastically she examines it. Ze half expects her to try to lick it.
(Thankfully, she does not.) “Blue,” she pronounces, sharp little teeth on delighted display. It doesn’t seem like the kind of observation that requires so much scrutiny, but what would Caelestis know? She hooks a claw through the band. “This is very nice, friend Caelestis. Where did you get such a thing?”
Caelestis’ hair is wisping out of its ties. The weather here makes it strange and sweat-slick and unmanageable. Ze brings up zir hands to fumble with the ribbons, half shrugging. “I found it.”
Ajira glances down at zem. The ring hangs from her narrow finger. “You found it,” she echoes. “Where, on the ground? On the stalk of one of Ajira’s mushrooms?”
She makes a fair point. It’s not a very convincing line. “An adventurer never tells,” Caelestis says loftily, and holds out a hand for the ring.
It is not given. Ajira does that full-body twitch she sometimes does, eyes wide – twists the ring around her finger and asks, glittering, “You killed someone for it?”
“I – what, no!” (To the best of zir knowledge. Technically.) (And that’s a topic ze really needs to consider, isn’t it – hasn’t had the courage to yet, but if ze’s acting as an adventurer, or being an adventurer – and that’s another thing, about the boundaries of acting and being and what is true and what’s for show when one has accidentally devoted zir life to espionage, but that’s off topic, for another time. If ze’s venturing, which ze has to do regardless of whether it’s acting or being, ze’ll almost certainly have to kill someone, at some stage. That’s what they do, isn’t it? That’s why she leapt to that conclusion? And it’s something ze doesn’t like to think about. Ze doesn’t want to. Ze’d much rather not. But things have already gotten more perilous than ze ever really pictured them getting and it’s something ze needs to prepare for before the necessity arises and ze’s blindsided. It deserves at least a double-page in zir notebook.) (Ze hasn’t killed anyone. Not anyone, not yet. Some animals. Vvardenfell has a lot of animals that seem to very insistently want zem dead, which is less than ideal. Ze’s killed – four, now. And ze’s fought someone. But ze didn’t kill them. As far as ze knows.)
Caelestis shakes zir head, hard; the half-undone ribbon smacks zem in the face. “No,” ze repeats, insistently. Ajira cocks her head, curious.
“Then you stole it,” she surmises.
Caelestis wishes she wouldn’t jump to conclusions so much. “No,” ze says again, as firm as ze can. (It’s not stealing if they try to rob you first, is it? Turnabout’s fair play.) (It was an honest-to-goodness highwayman; would have felt very storybook if it weren’t quite so terrifying. But Caelestis came here with only the clothes ze wore – continues to wear, though they’ve definitely seen better days – Morrowind’s garb is all loose fabric and unfamiliar colours and it frightens zem – point being, now that ze’s actually gained some belongings after great difficulty, ze’s not going to give them away. Even if there is an impressive club involved. In retrospect, ze doesn’t think they were actually trying to hurt zem, just to scare zem; but it worked, and the convenient thing about magic is that you don’t need a visible weapon on you to be dangerous. Even if you don’t mean to be. Even if you don’t know what you’re doing. That’s the thing about conjured blades, in particular – even if you don’t know how to use a knife, they know exactly how to be used.)
(Ze didn’t kill them. That’s the other convenient thing about magic – once you remember that there are spells that just knock people out, hold them unaware and unmoving in place, it’s a lot easier. A lot less bloody. Took five tries to cast, though ze thinks that at least some of those failures can be blamed on the ring. Still, Caelestis needs to get better at that one; it seems like it’s going to be useful whether ze wants it to be or not.)
(They took the highwayman’s ring, because the enchantment on it made the air wavery, and ze needed to do something. Anything at all. Then ze found a tree to hide behind and pressed against it until it felt like the bark was forever entangled with the sweaty cloth of zir shirt. Ze felt oddly, proudly brave; then ze threw up. But ze was almost in the swamps at that point, so as for the general air of the place – and the smell – it didn’t really make a difference.)
Ajira frowns, opens her mouth again – Caelestis already dealt with all this in zir notebook and doesn’t want to dwell on it anymore, so ze says, “I found it while I was doing your fieldwork for you –”
“Ah-ah!” Ajira says hurriedly, which ze anticipated; she presses her hand to Caelestis’ nose as though that will stop zem talking, which ze did not. (She moves quickly enough that she kind of slaps zem. It makes zem sneeze.) “You were assisting on an expedition. Botanical. Mycological.” Caelestis squints up at her, half-challenging, half just needing to sneeze again; Ajira removes her hand and says, smiling, “Ajira will give you credit in the end notes. Even a dedication, perhaps.”
“Ooh,” Caelestis says, the edge of zir lip pulling up, “a dedication. Give me back my ring, please.”
Ajira grumbles, but she flicks it over, the little thing flashing in the low light; Caelestis completely fails to catch it. Ze pretends ze can’t hear her chuffing laughter as ze gropes around for it on the floorboards.
“You should wear it!” Ajira tells zem – politely not acknowledging zir fumble or perhaps just no longer thinking about it. (One-track mind.) “It is a spell-drinker, yes? Very useful. Especially for the ambitious. And it is such a pretty colour.”
Caelestis finds the ring, knocked against one of the legs of Ajira’s desk. “I want to,” ze says, cradling it; ze frowns at the floor. “But I hate wearing rings.”
(They feel so stiff and clunky on zir fingers. But it would be a waste not to use this one.)
Ajira tuts; ze can feel her teasing disapproval without turning zir head. “You have worn the same hideously colourless shirt,” she complains, “ever since Ajira met you, and wearing rings is too far for you.”
“I’m trying to have some more of my clothes sent over,” Caelestis argues pettishly. (It’s not zir fault ze wasn’t given a change in prison. Or that the clothes here are so unfamiliar as to be terrifying. Or that ze is too scared to talk to the old man Cosades until ze’s ‘not so wet behind the ears’. Or that ze can’t send a letter home without his help.) Ze picks at the top button of zir doublet. “It’s just –”
Ze stops. Thinks. Sits down again, on the floorboards with zir back to the desk, and holds up the enchanted ring to the buttonhole. The slit in the fabric, neatly sewn to stop fraying, isn’t nearly wide enough to let it move through – but a quick cut, maybe on a slant –
“Ajira,” ze asks, “Can I borrow your sewing scissors?”
“For what? Destroying your –” Ajira blinks; her eyes narrow. Her hands fist in the gauzy blue of her skirt. “Oh, no.”
Caelestis grins up at her. “It’s efficient. Make use of the enchantment without wanting to claw my knuckles apart.”
“It clashes with the fabric,” Ajira bemoans. “The shape is wrong. You were on thin ice as it is – Ajira will not be seen with one with bad taste.”
(Caelestis doesn’t know Ajira especially well, yet. They have spent maybe two weeks on and off in one another’s company, all up. But ze likes her. Ze likes how she talks like they’ve known each other for ages; it makes zem feel so much less nervous.)
“Perhaps I’ll start a trend,” ze says brightly. Ajira groans.
(Ze takes the scissors, cuts the buttonhole open and the button off the thread. Zir stitching is inexpert and messy – ze’s not exactly experienced in mending clothes, zir experience only extending so far as sewing lumpy little creatures on the living room settee with zir mother, but it’s perfectly passable, and the enchantment works. Ze makes Ajira flick a magelight at zem to check.)
(She doesn’t stop complaining about zir crimes against jewellery and dress for the next week, until she has another research project to attempt to cajole zem into assisting with.)
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lifewithmuhasu · 2 months ago
Namna ya kujiajiri baada ya kumaliza chuo kupitia taaluma yako
Kujiajiri kupitia taaluma yako ni kitu  cha msingi na kitu kinachowatesa watu wengi sana kwani wanamaliza masomo wakiwa na matumaini ya ajira Duniani changamoto ya ajira limekuwa tatizo kubwa sana , japokuwa kuna baadhi ya nchi angalau kuna unafuu wa upatikanaji ajira, suluhisho ni kujiajiri kupitia taaluma yako Tanzania ni moja kati ya nchi zenye uhaba mkubwa wa ajira serikalini na sekta

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skyrim-forever · 4 months ago
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I got the best Ajira photo ever đŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„ș
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fist-of-vengeance · 9 months ago
a second plane has hit the island
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vyntheshork · 5 months ago
Ajira, Snow and Rain (Part 1)
Winters on the southern coast of Pellitine were never harsh in the slightest, many locals have never so much as seen a snowfall, but as Ajira crawled out of her beach tent she was met with a slight chill on the wind off the Southern Sea. It was the first day of Evening Star and the start of Ajira's self-imposed exile. Life away from home will be rough, but Ajira always came prepared for any situation, even one that led to her potentially never seeing her family or friends ever again.
The mid-day sun hit her gray fur and began attempting to warm her as the wind continued just as hard. Before long, she had finished packing up all of her belongings into her small skiff. It wasn't much, but the trusty boat was as hardy as the Nords she bought it from. She thought back on all the fishing trips she had endured with the vessel. Coming back to port with buckets full of fish and ocean critters to help feed everyone always made her feel like she had a place, but going forward, she'd have to find a new purpose.
Before she set off, she took in her surroundings one last time. She dug her toes into the warm sands and took a deep inhale of humid jungle adjacent ocean air. She gave pause for a silent prayer to Azurah and climbed into her boat, pushing off, and watched as her home slowly drifted from view as she made her way.
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dmdog · 2 years ago
Cat mom and cat dad. Snugglin after a long difficult campaign
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(I tried to kill them so many times but they lived)
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grippysoxx · 6 months ago
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spockvarietyhour · 1 year ago
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Oh, it's Ilana from Lost
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ljones41 · 2 years ago
“LOST”:  “The Wrong Promise”
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While going over old "LOST" articles and forums, I had come across a post that asked members how they would have ended "LOST". After reading several other sites and articles about the series, I had posted my answer.  
There was one thing that I wish showrunners Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof had not added into the script for the series finale, (6.17)"The End".  I wish they had not allowed Kate Austen to promise Claire Littleton that she would help raise the latter's three-year-old son Aaron after reaching civilization, while the pair was making their departure with a handful of other survivors aboard the patched-up Ajira 316.
I realize that Kate was trying to assure an agitated Claire that everything would be all right, once the latter was reunited with Aaron. Especially since Claire had been stuck on the island for three years and had not seen her son.  But in the end, Kate's promise to help raise Aaron struck me as the wrong one to make. Why? It was not possible for her to meet this promise.
When she had departed Los Angeles on the Ajira Flight 316 in (5.06) "316", Kate had broken her plea deal from (4.04) "Eggtown".  She would have to remain in California for a ten-year probation.  When she had left California and the United States in (5.06) "316", Kate broke the terms of her probation.  According to the show's canon, the period between "316" and "The End" was roughly two weeks.  Chances are, Kate had left the country under an assumed name.  And since Ajira Flight 316 had been missing for two weeks, I suspect a great deal of publicity would have generated from its return to civilization.  I would not be surprised if the moment she returned to civilization after the plane's departure from the Island, Kate ended up in prison for breaking her probation.  That would have left Carole Littleton to help daughter Claire raise Aaron.
One might consider the possibility of Kate moving to Australia after serving time in prison for breaking her probation.  That is a possibility I do not see happening.  I doubt very much that the Australian government would have allowed Kate to re-enter the country. Three years earlier, Kate had entered under a false name and as a fugitive from the law.  Which mean that she had entered the country illegally.  I just cannot see them allowing her to set foot on Australian soil again.
Why would Claire need Kate's help?  The latter had left Aaron in custody of the former's mother, Carole Littleton, a day before boarding Ajira 316.  Ms. Littleton had custody of Aaron by the end of the series.  And to be honest, she would be the best person to serve as Aaron's guardian, considering the tenuous nature of Claire's mental state in the series finale.   Considering Claire's mental state, I cannot see Ms. Littleton would have allowed Kate, a criminal who had deliberately kept her grandson away from her for nearly three years, near Aaron while he was a minor.  In fact, I do not even see Claire allowing Kate to be anywhere near Aaron.  Hell, I would never allow a child kidnapper with a series of crimes hovering around her, near my offspring again . . . even if that person helped me get off the island.
All I can say is . . . what were Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof thinking, when they had allowed Kate to make that promise to Claire in "The End"?  They could have found another way for the fugitive to ease the young Australian woman's fears.  And for the past thirteen years, fans automatically believe that Kate had helped Claire raise Aaron. Without Carole Littleton's help.  Even to this day.
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jiubilant · 25 days ago
thought i'd share some morrowind mods i'm using. my aim's for a largely vanilla-game feel with some goofy fun here and there
morrowind graphics extender xe: add-on to the morrowind engine that improves the game's graphics and makes many of the below mods tick
morrowind code patch: fixes many bugs in the vanilla game including—and this one's made the game so much more fun—the sneak toggle not working correctly
oaab data, tamriel data, and the crafting framework: asset libraries that contain resources used by some of the below mods
been there, done that: shows you which dungeons you've cleared in tooltips and the map menu
player character customization
more heads: many additional face + hair customization options for all playable characters
vanilla-flavoured hair: retextures for the base game's hair models
racer dust arms and armor: new armor!
concept art dunmer helmets: new helms!
olaf's best cloaks in town: new cloaks!
weapon sheathing: displays your character's equipped weapon on their hip or back when the weapon is sheathed (as in tes iv and v)
fun stuff
the guar whisperer
pet the damn scrib
planters for ajira
daily training
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igorlevchenko-blog · 10 months ago
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Morrowind: Portrait of Galbedir (WIP)
Galbedir is an apprentice wizard at the Balmora Mages Guild. She's young pert and—being an enchantress-prodigy—a tad bit conceited. Given she has her own study on the second floor and how expensive her wizard paraphernalia is, I assume she is from a wealthy, caring family. She and Ajira are both vying for an important promotion at the Guild.
Please do not rush into the comment section telling everyone how you stole her soul gems—you're a scum and deserve to spend time in Crassius Curio's Tickle Dungeon or @spoonmagister 's prison at Tel Uvirith—I hear they practice a unique type of execution there: immurement by Scelian Plebo (i.e. the priest at Wolverine Hall).
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elderscrollsconceptart · 6 months ago
Ask and you shall receive (asks)
This is my new cat who I named Ajira after the alchemist Khajiit in Morrowind
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Good kitty!
May they walk on warm sands 🐈
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skyrim-forever · 6 months ago
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I would like to introduce you all to someone ❀ The cat distribution system has worked once again, this khajiit was a stray and had nowhere to go so her travels have led her to the warm sands of my apartment 😛 Her name is Ajira (also answers to pookie girl and pretty girl) ❀
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ansu-gurleht · 8 months ago
okay, so here’s my little analysis of the mage’s guild faction in morrowind. it’s pretty cool tbh! but you really have to dig a little to find the interesting parts tbh. so hopefully i can shed some light here on those parts.
most likely your introduction to the mage’s guild in morrowind will be at the balmora guildhall. i’m not actually sure if you can start anywhere else? like if any of the other halls have quests doable by an associate. anyways.
you’ll sign up for the guild with ranis athrys, but she’ll immediately say “rank up scrub” and tell you to go get your duties from ajira, an apprentice with the guild. so you go downstairs and talk to her. she’s an alchemist, and her first quest is appropriate: find these four mushrooms that grow in the bitter coast region.
i think this is a fun way to introduce the player to the guild. i don’t think ajira intended this (her goals seemed to be firmly aligned with advancement in the guild), but it teaches you several qualities useful not just to budding mages but to players of the elder scrolls iii: morrowind: exploration, discovery, and identification of usefulness. a mage must explore and know the world, discover its secrets, and identify which secrets are even worth knowing. i shouldn’t have to explain how these concepts are also useful to any morrowind player. also, the mushrooms you are told to find specimens of are all located near the beginning of the game in seyda neen; you don’t have to wander far to find all four. in fact, you may have already collected them all; i always do, but that’s because i know what to look for already lol.
anyways, you go back and turn in the mushrooms, and ajira introduces you to another facet of mage life: rivalry. she has a bet with the enchanter galbedir that she’ll reach journeyman rank before galbedir. as part of that bet, she wants you to sabotage galbedir’s research by swapping out one of her real soul gems with a fake one. now, we obviously don’t know the entire history of this rivalry, but it actually seems like, based on this quest, that ajira is the one who initiated the more underhanded aspects of it, the sabotage and whatnot. i’d always remembered it as galbedir being the more dastardly one, but i suppose not. anyways, yadayadayada, you do the thing and galbedir is none the wiser. (i’m not giving full beat-by-beat on these quests unless it’s relevant to my analysis.)
after that, ajira wants you to collect some flowers, too. teaches the same lessons as before, and is again in an accessible place: the road between seyda neen and balmora. you may have already collected all these, too. come back to ajira, give her the flowers, and she’ll send you off to buy her a ceramic bowl. this quest is actually just an excuse to get you out of the mage’s guildhall so the cell can be prepared for the next quest. if you leave the guildhall without taking the ceramic bowl quest, and then come back, you won’t even get the ceramic bowl quest. it’s just pure filler.
anyways, galbedir has retaliated. stolen and hidden ajira’s reports on those mushrooms and flowers that you gathered somewhere in the guildhall. you can ask around for where they are, and i believe if you get galbedir’s disposition high enough she’ll confess to their whereabouts as well. this actually ties into BOTH of the themes of these early ajira quests: exploration AND rivalry.
after that quest, ajira only has quests for you once you’re of warlock rank, and at this point you’re probably only a journeyman. so she tells you that ranis athrys, the lady who signed you up upstairs, probably has duties for you. but ajira also says that she doesn’t like ranis (we’ll soon find out why) and recommends you go see edwinna elbert in ald’ruhn for duties instead. we’ll get to edwinna later; i think most players are more likely to get their duties from ranis anyway, since she’s closer.
so ranis is actually a really interesting character! let me give you the rundown of what her quests have you do, and then i’ll explain a bit more about them.
first, she has you recruit a telvanni, named llarar bereloth, from the tower sulipund in molag amur, into the guild. ranis says if he won’t, then kill him. at the same time, since she’s nearby, ranis has you collect dues from manwe, a mage’s guild researcher in the cave punabi very close to sulipund. ranis says if you can’t get the money from her, kill her. next, she has you go to an argonian in balmora who is offering restoration training unsanctioned by the guild. ranis says if you can’t get him to go away/stop offering training, kill him. next, she has you escort itermerel to the inn in pelagiad, and find a way to retrieve his notes from him. ranis says to kill him for the notes, if necessary. next, she has you kill a supposed necromancer in maar gan named tashpi ashibael – she doesn’t even offer an alternative way to solve the problem, this time, she just wants you to kill tashpi. (it’s notable that the one with tashpi isn’t even in ranis’ JURISDICTION, being in maar gan – that would fall under the ald’ruhn guild.)
notice a theme here? ranis is VERY open to just killing people to get her way – or even just because they made her mad (as in tashpi’s case – she’s not really a necromancer, she just said no when ranis asked her to join the guild). you might get the impression, since these quests are so early on, that that’s just how the morrowind mage’s guild operates. but once you move on from ranis, you will only ONCE be expected to kill somebody, and in that case you’re attacked on sight anyway. so what’s ranis’ deal?
if you ask llathyno hlaalu, a priestess in the balmora tribunal temple, about “latest rumors,” she’ll tell you that ranis has something against non-guild wizards, and suspects it’s because her parents were killed by the last archmagister of house telvanni, the one before gothren.
fun aside: ranis is possibly VERY old. gothren is spoken of as having been archmagister for a very long time, and was a magister already in 2e582. the archmagister in 2e582, nelos otheri, could then, be the one who had ranis’ parents murdered. but it’s also possible there was an archmagister or two in between nelos and gothren. it’s not really clear, and it’s possible when the eso writers were working on the vvardenfell telvanni stuff they didn’t even take into account this one throwaway line about ranis. but it means that ranis could be at least like. what, 600ish? that’s pretty old even for a dunmer, i’m pretty sure.
i think that it’s most likely that ranis is herself ex-telvanni, which would explain why that archmagister would’ve known them/killed them. it also explains her methods of “kill first ask questions later” – that’s a very telvanni approach.
now, ranis’ last quest is to catch a telvanni spy she suspects has infiltrated the mage’s guild. you can ask around at the various guildhalls and find out there’s a fairly obvious spy right under archmage trebonius’ nose, BUT. there is another approach to this. if you don’t kill itermerel or tashpi (itermerel will just give you his notes if you ask after you finish escorting him, and tashpi can be convinced to just leave vvardenfell and you can tell ranis you killed her anyway), then a new option opens up: you can claim that ranis is the telvanni spy. trebonius will kick her out of the guild and she’ll get her comeuppance. there’s probably an argument to be made that she IS actually a telvanni spy, so it’s not like a total lie, i guess.
that wraps up balmora! i won’t talk about ajira’s later warlock quests, bc they’re not super interesting. just “here’s an artifact i heard about. go to this cave and kill this person and take it from them and cool now you have an artifact”. so let’s move on next to ald’ruhn!
so in the ald’ruhn guildhall, you’re getting your duties from edwinna elbert. the main theme of her quests is the study of the dwemer. she has you bring her a copy of “chronicles of nchuleft,” steal a copy of “chimarvidium” from the vivec guildhall, return the copy of “chimarvidium” later, bring her a dwemer tube, check on an expedition to nchuleftingth, and get some old dwemer documents from mzuleft and bethamez. the only super notable thing about her quests is that, again, she’s having you steal something for the guild. which like, coming off of ranis’ quests is nothing. and at least she has you secretly return it later. so it comes off more like wily mage antics rather than like. literal crimes.
next is wolverine hall in sadrith mora, led by skink-in-tree’s-shade. edwinna’s second quest actually takes you here, to get a potion from skink. anyways, he’s a cool dude. the most respectable mage’s guild quest-giver, since he never asks you to break any laws or do anything shady. it’s said that even the local telvanni respect him as a powerful mage, even though his abolitionist tendencies tend to ruffle some feathers. his quests aren’t as tightly themed as the others, but he has a couple quests where he has you fetch rare books about vampires for him. otherwise, he has you do some other things, like kill a (confirmed) necromancer, arrange for him to meet with an ashlander wise woman, and capture the soul of an ash ghoul.
his first quest is a little interesting. he wants you to escort the scholar tenyeminwe to the docks in sadrith mora; evidently she got into some kind of spat with some telvanni and is afraid for her safety. but nothing happens as you escort her. you make it all the way to the docks with no issue. this kind of indicates to me that 1) the telvanni don’t give as much of a shit (or pretend not to give as much of a shit) about the mage’s guild as the guild thinks they do,* and 2) skink might be a liiiiiiittle paranoid.
here’s a bit of a silly theory i’ve come up with about skink: i think he might be a vampire seeking a cure.
hear me out. yes, the quests about the rare books could just indicate it’s a topic of scholarly interest to him. but what if it’s more personal than that? the second book he has you get, galur rithari’s papers, tells the story of a buoyant armiger who became a vampire and later found a cure. what if he seeks out a wise woman to see if they know of a cure in their old ways? what if he sought out the soul of an ash ghoul as part of a potential cure?
i know it’s a bit far-fetched and there’s no concrete evidence. just a fun little headcanon.
anyways, there’s only one other quest giver of note: the archmage trebonius himself. everyone in the guild seems to regard him as kind of a moron. he’s evidently a rather accomplished battlemage, but he’s not a very competent leader. he only has one quest (at least until you finish the main quest): discover what happened to the dwemer. he clearly gives it to you as an impossible task so you’ll leave him alone. but it’s not impossible: there are three books (the hanging gardens of wasten coridale, the egg of time, and the divine metaphysics) written in dwemeris that can reveal to you the mystery – if only you could read dwemeris. thankfully, there is exactly one person in all of vvardenfell who can read dwemeris: yagrum bagarn, the last living dwarf. he’ll translate the books for you and even offer theories as to what they mean. you can then go back to trebonius to finish the quest, although it’s obvious he is surprised you were able to accomplish this and also doesn’t really care anyways.
i think there’s an interesting question about trebonius: is he really as much of a fool as he seems to be? or is it a farce, a way to make people underestimate him? he very much is an accomplished battlemage, as you discover when you fight him to become archmage yourself. he can be quite a tricky fight. he had to have become so powerful SOMEHOW, right? mages rarely do so without study and some degree of intelligence and competence. it’s definitely POSSIBLE he’s smarter than he lets on, but it’s hard to say. not a lot of proof there. plus, it’s possible much of his difficulty in the fight comes from his powerful enchanted staff and amulet.
speaking of the amulet, he wears the necromancer’s amulet, one of the best amulets in the game. the name is evocative; is trebonius an undercover necromancer? is that a potential reason for his projected stupidity? oh, no, they’ll never expect the idiot of being a necromancer, he can barely cast fireball, much less lead a guild. something to ponder!
and that’s about all there is to say about it! i think it’s a wonderful faction with a lot of cool quests and stories, even if some of them are somewhat buried in subtext. hopefully this little analysis proves interesting!
*- back to this point about the telvanni. the telvanni obviously DO see the mage’s guild as somewhat of a threat to their magical hegemony on vvardenfell, judging by the house telvanni quest “mage’s guild monopoly,” where you have to convince some redoran councilors to block the guild’s monopoly over magical services on the island. but it seems like the telvanni are taking care of business pretty well, and the mage’s guild isn’t posing that much of a threat.
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