#ajak and sersi are both queens
lovelyfanatical · 1 year
I Get a Sugar Rush Whenever I’m With You - Chapter 4.2
Good evening fellow Drukkari stans, or whatever time it is for you! I come bearing the next installment! If you missed the last one, you can find it here, or start over from the beginning here. Sidenote: Should I make a post with all the mini-chapters? I don't know if that's helpful, but let me know. Anyway, 'without further ado, here's '70s week continues! What new surprises await our competitors? Find out now in the next installment of Drukkari in the Great British Bake Off, with special guest star, Darcy Lewis!
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Despite his best efforts, Druig hadn’t gotten much better at technicals. It certainly didn’t help that this week, the challenge involved making ice cream, something he hadn’t had a chance to do prior to the competition. While the process itself wasn’t too difficult, the judges had declared his peppermint ice cream too minty. Even at his worst, Druig usually nailed flavors. He may not have been in last place, but the entire challenge had been quite stressful, and the feedback had hit him right where it hurt. Needless to say, he was in no mood to be interviewed, another skill he hadn’t improved much over the last few weeks. But the show must go on, proverbially and literally, and as always, he found himself standing in front of a large camera crew about to talk about his most recent failure.
To say that it wasn’t going so well would be the understatement of the year. Druig was often terse, but today, it was all he could do to resist the urge to just glare directly into the camera. It wasn’t long before Darcy hesitantly uttered, “Why don’t we take a two-minute pause?”
“Right, sure,” he replied, trying and failing to not sound annoyed. At this, she sped off somewhere while he turned to look at the scenery. He tried to get his brooding out before the camera started rolling again. Two minutes went by in an instant, and Druig braced himself as he turned back around. Much to his surprise, Darcy was returning with Makkari and Kingo in tow. At his questioning expression, she quickly signed, I don’t know what’s happening either, before they came to a stop in front of him.
“Okay, we’re going to try something different, so just go with me here,” Darcy began. “Instead of me interviewing you, Makkari’s going to stand behind the camera and ask the questions, and you’ll answer her like you’re just having a regular conversation between friends.”
“Should I sign my answers?” he asked.
“Well, for continuity’s sake, I’d say no. But if it makes you feel more comfortable, go for it.”
After a brief conversation with Makkari and Kingo, the cameras were rolling once again. They started over from the beginning, with Makkari asking the questions and Druig speaking and signing his answers. Darcy and Kingo hung back, watching the monitor. Interviews had been a painfully awkward process for Druig, turning minutes into what felt like ages. But with Makkari, the minutes flew by. Before he knew it, they were out of talking points, and Darcy was calling out, “I think we got it! Thanks!”
As they walked away, Druig bumped Makkari’s shoulder in a silent “thanks.” She returned the gesture, and even before turning his head to look at her, Druig knew she was smiling. Of course, the moment was interrupted by Kingo, who had been trailing after them but jogged in front of Makkari to say, “You know, I suggested having you interview him as a joke. I didn’t think they’d actually do it!”
Wow, exploiting our friendship to get in with the higher-ups? Makkari said, her smile turning into a mocking smirk.
“I just said it was a joke!” he responded. But after a moment, he continued, “Do you think Darcy will promote me if I keep giving her ideas?”
“Don’t you have a marketing job to get back to?” Druig interjected.
“Yeah, but—”
I thought you were an aspiring actor, Makkari cut in.
“I’ll have you know I was a featured extra in an episode of Doctor Who, so I’m not aspiring to be an actor; I am an actor! And second, I won’t need a day job if I get a big break here!” The teasing this statement prompted lasted all the way back to the shuttle.
Their unusual interview had not gone unnoticed by the others. At dinner, they demanded an explanation, and with the sign competition still going as well, Druig let Makkari tell the story. She did so with plenty of enthusiasm, though he filled in when all three of their friends started to look confused.
So Kingo and I follow Darcy over to where the cameras are set up, and Druig’s standing there moping—
While it may have been true, he had to object to this description. “I was not moping. That’s how I always look.”
You were definitely moping, which is why Darcy turned around and said that I would be the one interviewing Druig, she explained to the group.
“Wow, they’re really putting you and Kingo to work,” Dane responded, signing clumsily where he could.
“Yeah, I feel like you should be getting paid for that,” Sersi added with a grin.
“So why were you moping, Druig? You didn’t do that bad,” Ajak asked.
“No reason, really,” he replied with a shrug. When the others stayed silent and Makkari watched him carefully, he sighed and continued. “I’m just usually good with my flavors, but today, they said my ice cream tasted like bland toothpaste.”
“That was pretty harsh,” Dane conceded.
“I wouldn’t worry about it too much. They loved your mango upside down cake this morning,” Ajak said.
“Thanks, but that would mean more coming from someone who didn’t win the technical,” Druig responded cheekily, causing her to roll her eyes and wave him off in mock exasperation.
“I’m with Ajak. You shouldn’t beat yourself up about it. Mint is always tricky to balance,” Sersi interjected.
“Thank you, Sersi.”
“Speaking of winners, did you pick one for the other competition? I’m assuming it’s not me,” Dane asked.
Oh yes, a winner was chosen hours ago, Makkari replied with a smirk.
“Well, who is it?” Ajak demanded.
“After much deliberation, the winner is… Karun!” Druig joked, which elicited groans from Ajak and Sersi and giggles from Makkari. Once she had gathered herself again, Makkari announced, The winner is Sersi!
Sersi seemed genuinely surprised, even as Dane and Druig offered their congratulations. Ajak, however, was not readily accepting of this outcome.
“I demand a redo! Do I not know more signs than Sersi?” she asked.
“Yeah, I’m confused,” Sersi agreed.
The rules were whoever learns the most sign language in a week wins. Ajak may know more, but she had a head start. Sersi has come much further in a week, Makkari explained. Besides, Ajak’s definitely going to get Star Baker this week, so she doesn’t need the win.
While it still took some convincing, Ajak eventually conceded victory to Sersi.
Congrats to Sersi! 🎉🎉🎉Hm, our group is getting a bit small, though, isn't it? Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Part 13
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softquietsteadylove · 4 months
Kinda miss ice queen
So, this is not a request, but listen babe, same! So, here are some headcanons I have that I just haven't been able to fit into any particular story as of yet.
Although I guess since they're my headcanons for my au, they're kind of canon?
Thena was born into the family business as was everyone before her. They get raised and assessed and once they prove they're capable, they can take their own branch in whatever direction they want. She comes from Russian mafia business but she's the one who learned to corner the American diamond economy with both natural and lab grown diamonds to create her own competition and scarcity to control her own supply and demand.
Thena learned to use knives at an early age, and the knives grew with her. She can use other weapons, but none like a knife. She still has her little baby knives stashed away for nostalgia's sake. It freaks Kingo out that they're just sitting around somewhere in her office.
Thena's only other relationship was with a boy she used to train with. She did skating and ballet and equestrian training and he did wrestling and diving. They had two physical encounters and never spoke another word to each other. She poured one out for him when she found out he was killed.
Gil has always been a point of interest for her. She won't admit it, but ever since Ajak formed their loose community of those with 'business' in the city, she has kept tabs on the Tyrant King. She just thought it was fascinating how he commanded such a wide territory the way he did. No personal interest whatsoever. Sersi would argue that she does the same thing with Chinatown, but sure, no personal interest.
Gil has always been a little protective of Thena. It's his gentlemanly nature coming out. She would get mad at him for it, but if he heard she was getting hassled or something he would ask if she wanted to borrow his resources. She said her methods were more effective.
She maintains her Korean, which is still at an acceptable novice's level. She gets a little shy about it, though, so she doesn't really practice it at home much. Imo will encourage her, though, so they'll speak on the phone and through email in Korean. Thena is well and truly scared of her aunt/mother-in-law.
It is true that Koreans don't really consider someone an in-law; as far as Imo is considered, Thena is her daughter just as much as Gil is her son. And she approves greatly. If she needs to contact them for anything, she'll call Thena first, much to Gil's frustration.
Thena had to cut all ties with her family--business rules. There does exist a man she might call Grandfather, whom she doesn't contact except in emergencies. When Gil was shot she called him. She dealt with the Little Heiress herself, but the actual shooters were found for her by those from her old life. Cutting off the ring finger is actually an old Russian mafia practice.
Grandfather learned of the engagement and sent her the veil her mother wore for her wedding, also with the lace design that's actually a form of a family crest. After the veil was taken home the box was ordered to be burned. Kingo was even more freaked out by that.
Karun feels a lot like Thena's favourite attendant from when she was young, so even as one of her assistants, he feels very fatherly. She has a soft spot for him, and she doesn't let Gil kiss her if Karun is watching.
Thena really is sentimental. She collected up all the flower petals from Gil's failed proposal and kept them. She has some of them framed just between panes of glass very artistically. He doesn't even realise what it is for a while, but when he does he gets very sentimental and mushy over how romantic it is. She's mortified.
Thena does have a skincare routine, mostly basic cleansing and some serums maybe. She wears light makeup when she has meetings. Gil tried to replenish her stuff for her once as a sweet gesture, and while he image matched them all he was horrified to discover the price of them, as if they both aren't rich. He got her onto Korean skincare stuff because he swears it's better, and she doesn't need any of it anyway (such husband material).
Thena had her tubes tied as soon as she was age of majority. It wasn't known that she'd had her relations with the boy from her academy days, but everyone in their family gets their tubes tied to prevent complications. Her mother was an exception as the only daughter in eight generations.
Thena has more stamina than Gil. He's great at satisfying her, of course, but if they're both wound up, Thena can easily go for four rounds while Gil usually tops out at three. That's why he's gotta put on his best moves (his own words).
Even moved in together, Thena doesn't like Gil knowing too much about when her period comes and how she deals with it.
Imo has shown Thena all her baby pictures of Gil and she secretly really, really adored them. They look just like him now and it's the only time she's even remotely thought about children, even if they both can't have them. She's never spoken a word of this to Gil.
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eternalowl · 2 years
Eternals incorrect quotes part five, but with a special appearance of Dane
Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
Thena, at the slightest provocation: FIGHT ME YOU MOTHERFUCKING SON OF A BITCH-
Kingo: I am going to Cobra Kai this.
Ajak: How come that everywhere I go, the ducks come to me?
Ajak: Everywhere I go, there is a rubber duck or a real duck or both-
Sprite: I don’t know you and I don’t trust you, sO FUCK OFF-
Sprite, singing: Last Christmas, I gave you my heart~
Sprite, angrily screaming: AND THE VERY NEXT DAY, YOU RIPPED IT TO SHREDS-
Ikaris: *approaches Druig*
Druig: Shut up!
Ikaris, after ranting about how stubborn Thena is: Why do I hear boss music?
Thena, in the distance: I heard that you were talking shit and you didn’t think that I would hear it.
Ikaris: Why? Why me?
Druig, popping out of nowhere: bECAUSE OF ME-
Gilgamesh: We have ways for making you talk.
Gilgamesh: *cuts a slice of cake*
Druig: Can I have some?
Thena: Cake is for talkers.
Thena: Anyone who would even dare to hurt Gilgamesh is a person I’d murder on sight.
Ikaris: Well, I’m about to drown my sorrows in some wine. Thena, you want some?
Thena: Sure.
Ikaris: Get your own.
Thena, casually: Choke and die.
Kingo, whispering to Sersi: Siblings, am I right?
Druig: *is pouring syrup on some pancakes*
Druig: my fucking pANCA-
Ajak, hungover: Please tell me I'm imagining that I claimed I was queen of the ducks.
Sprite: I would, but then I would be lying to the Queen of All Ducks.
Phastos: That sounds like a terrible plan.
Makkari: Oh, we've had worse.
Ajak: Love makes people do stupid things.
Kingo: I love everything!
Ikaris: That explains a lot.
Druig: The universe is cold and unfeeling. The only constant is chaos.
Ajak: Did Gilgamesh catch you trying to steal his food before it was done again?
Ikaris: Real life should have a fuckin search function, or something.
Ikaris: I need my fuckin socks.
Ikaris: Can I have some water?
Druig: *starts chugging his water bottle*
Druig: *chokes from drinking too fast*
Druig: *spills water all over himself*
Druig, coughing: I don't have any water.
Thena, texting group chat: What flavour of ice cream do you guys want? I’m at the store so be quick!
Makkari: Moose Tracks is good!
Kingo: What the fuck is that!?
Makkari: How dare you insult moo-
Kingo: No. No no not that. What the hell. Why do you spell flavor like flavour. It’s like you have flavor but then this guy shows up and is like “Oui Oui Would you like chocolate flaVOUR or vanilla flaVOUR.
Thena and Makkari: what?
Kingo: I don’t get it why add the EXTRA u when it’s PERFECTLY FINE AS IT IS!?
Thena: Are you done now?
Kingo: Yeah ok.
Thena and Makkari: ...
Kingo: ...Can I have the Mint Chocolate chip flavour?
Thena: Don’t worry. I’ve got a few knives up my sleeve.
Dane: …Do you mean cards?
The other Eternals: She did not.
Thena, pulling several knives out of her sleeve: I did not.
Ajak: What’s up guys? I’m back.
Ikaris: What the- you can’t be here. You died. I literally saw you die.
Ajak: Death is a social construct created by the humans.
Sprite: Can we go out and get ice cream?
Sersi: Did you ask Ajak?
Sprite: She said no.
Sersi: Then why are you asking me?
Sprite: She’s not the boss of you.
Sersi, internally: It's a trap, it's a trap, it's a traP-
Druig: I’m so tired. I give up.
Ikaris: *carries Makkari and places her in front of Druig*
Makkari: *smiles*
Phastos: Everything will be ok. You can not stop it.
Phastos: Everything will be fine. You have no choice.
Druig: What the fuck kind of pep talk is that?
Phastos: The only one that will work when I have to deal with you idiots.
Ajak: Slash game mode creative.
Sersi: Ajak, this isn’t Minecra-
Ajak: *starts levitating*
Kingo: I feel like I have died and gone to heaven.
Thena: I have that dream, too, but you go in the other direction.
Makkari: I have no respect for Santa. Don’t sneak in through the chimney and undermine my authority by bringing my family presents. Walk in through the front door and fight me like a man.
Kingo: I once went on holiday and pretended to be twins. It was amazing and fun. I invented this mad, glamorous sibling and went around really annoying everybody. And d'you know, I could get away with anything when I was my crazy twin Kingo.
Ikaris: But you're Kingo.
Kingo: Kinda stuck. It’s a long story.
Phastos: I have the sharpest memory here - name one time I forgot something!
Druig: You left me and the others in a Walmart parking lot at 2am a day ago.
Phastos: I did that on purpose, try again.
*While the Eternals are in a battle*
Thena, trying to warn about the location of a Deviant: To the left!
Kingo: Take it back now y'all!
Sersi: Thought I was meowing back at my cat for the past hour, but it was just me and Kingo meowing at each other from different rooms in the house.
Kingo: It’s locked. Any of you got a lock pick?
Sprite: Yeah-
Thena: *kicks in the door*
Sersi: Why are you on fire?
Makkari: This is just how my day is going.
Thena: I’m a reverse necromancer.
Gilgamesh: Isn’t that just killing people?
Thena: Ah, technically.
Druig: Due to personal reasons, I will be fucking sinking to the bottom of the ocean in a large metal box.
Phastos: Did Makkari say 'I love you' and you said 'Thanks'?
Kingo: Guess what I'm about to get!
Thena: On my nerves.
Ajak: Don't joke about murder. I was murdered once and it offends me.
Makkari: Watcha doin?
Sersi: Stealing my neighbour’s cat.
Makkari: Scandalous.
Makkari: Can I help?
Sprite: I’m gonna mix a can of Red Bull with seventeen shots of espresso in a fishbowl and then chug it while Kids by MGMT plays in the background so I can perceive twenty-three spatial dimensions and fight my own soul.
Sprite, texting Kingo: Kingo there’s a giant moth on the outside of the bathroom door can you get rid of it?
Sprite: Pls hurry because I’m going to cry
Sprite: Kingo
Sprite: Kingo
Kingo: Kingo is dead. You’re next. Love, Moth.
Makkari: I tried to write ‘I'm a functional adult’ but my phone changed it to ‘fictional adult’ and I feel like that’s more accurate.
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moonlit-imagines · 3 years
Headcanons for Ajak falling for you, a human
Ajak x human!reader
prompt: anonymous: “(Ajak anon) Good! I wanted to ask first before sending a request in, just in case! Dating Ajak would include with a human!reader, similar to the one you made for Makkari, please? Thank you!”
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you had neighboring farms
that was how you met
one of your fences had broken and some of your animals had gotten loose, making their way to her property
“hi, hi, so sorry, neighbor!” -you, wrangling up your cattle
“oh, please don’t apologize, it’s alright! let me help you” -ajak
you spent a good bit of time trying to get everyone back where they belong
“thank you so much. oh, and nice to finally meet you, sorry i don’t get out much. i’m y/n” -you
“ajak” -she shook your very muddy hand
“ooh, i like that. would you be willing to come inside for dinner? it’s the least i can do” -you
she accepted, albeit a bit hesitantly
but you hit it off right away and ajak enjoyed being out of solitude for this bit of time
she didn’t know how much she missed the company of others, her family, until it has vanished
but your relationship didn’t start until some time later
you were each other’s favorite neighbor
you made her all sorts of desserts and dishes and she invited you over and you had the best of times
“so, do you have any family?” -you
“i do…although i have not seen them in some years. my youngest, she moved out not too long ago” -ajak
“and she hasn’t come to visit yet?” -you
“no, not yet, but they all live so far away. there’s still time” -ajak
you’d sit on her porch in her rocking chairs and watch the sunset, sometimes you’d even make it to sunrise, too
and one day she decided to make her move
“you know, we both have such empty houses…and it’s such a long ways between them” -ajak
“are you suggesting we do something about that?” -you
“i am…would you like to move in, y/n?” -ajak
ajak was moving slowly, but she knew deep down she was running out of time with you
so over dinner one night, she’d finally asked you if you’d like to make it official
and soon after, she told you the truth about her life, lifetimes, family, and origins
which was a lot to take in
but you did, and you thought she was just as amazing as before
by the time you were together, you were already in love
and she really was so loving
her kisses were heavenly and her hugs warmed you on the coldest days
you rode horses together, sometimes racing for some “friendly competition”
“she’s the fastest in all of this dakota” -you, petting your horse
“maybe i let you win” -ajak
cuddling on the couch and listening to music
which usually led to dancing together
you really wanted to meet her family, but it had been years and they still hadn’t even called. your time could run out, not theirs
but you focused on how happy you were with ajak and ajak alone
she used her powers on you a great deal. you took a few tumbles and got a few cuts and bruises while working on the farm
“what would i do without you?” -you, smiling through pain on the ground
“oh, i’d rather not think about it” -ajak, laughing while she heals you (and gives u a kiss to top it all off)
as you grew older, ajak grew weary of you working and started taking on more responsibility
“don’t worry, my love. i’ve endured much more work than this quaint little ranch” -ajak
“i don’t deserve you” -you
“of course you do” -ajak, holding your face and kissing your forehead
you got weaker and she stayed the same, knowing that one day she’d lose you and be alone in this house once more
but she made the most of your time together
and your mind seemed to slip, for that she had no cure
you sat in your rocking chairs holding hands, you muttering things that don’t make sense and asking for “your kids,” like sersi and sprite and ikarus
only you called them sarah, pete, and isaac
“they’ll be home soon” -ajak
but they didn’t come home until you were long gone
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartlizzie07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @johnmurphyisqueer // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @canarypoint // @zoeyserpentluck // @randomawesomeperson102 // @brutal-out-here // @wonderful-writer // @of-a-chaotic-mind // @resplendentlady // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @lxncelot // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @petersgroupie // @dindjarinsspouse // @werewolf-himbo // @lost-fantasy // @moobrvoobl-moobmoob-oobmpoobroom // @summersimmerus // @cipheress-to-k-pop // @augustvandyne // @spoodermans // @the-did-i-ask // @glxwingrxse // @scarthefangirl // @cyanide-mustard // @druigmybelovedone // @beth-gallagher22 // @bad4amficideas // @magnificentzombiebasement // @sheridans-dynamos // @seraphinevalentine //
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eternallyyours82 · 3 years
NSFW 18+ Headcannons for Eternals 0rgys
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Summary: NSFW VERY EXPLICIT 18+ ONLY DNI. Filthy Headcannon Debauchery with all Eternals save Phastos and Sprite. Leans heavily Drukkari. Ikaris has a mommy kink.
Kinky. Vulgar. Pls read at your own risk/comfort.
All of the Eternal men came buckets.
Makkari would know. Over the course of a thousand years together Gilgamesh, Ikarus, Kingo and Druig had ran a train on each of the girls (save Sprite) at least once.
Phastos, graciously declined the offers but he had his own share of fun throughout the years.And poor Sprite. She never had any fun at all.
Ikarus, the arrogant mommas boy was as vanilla as the Eternals came. But Makkari knew for a fact that he definitely had a mommy kink. He spent the majority of his time with Ajak sucking on her nipples as she played with his hair. He actually cried when he came all over her calling her mom. That night Makkari and an impossibly drunk Druig had to leave the room out of fear that Ikarus would kill them both if he saw them giggling. With the other women including Sersi, Ikarus simply jacked off onto them adding his cum to the mess. Eventually he became exclusive with Seris but Druig swore up and down that he continued to hear Ajaks moans coming from Ikarus's room for another millennia.
Gilgamesh was big. Very. Very big. His horse cock stroked fear into each of the Eternals women. He fucked as hard and roughly as you'd imagine. And his cock was not the one you wanted to start with. But with Thena he was different. Yes she was a size queen but she was the only one he'd go slow with. Savoring his time with her until he'd finally pick her up and fuck her against the wall leaving a obscenely large cum stain. He too eventually left the debauchery, purely out of his desire for Thena. His breaking point happening one messy night when Kingo came on Thena's face during the groups climaxes. He didn't talk to Kingo for years after that. Eventually he got over it.
Kingo was a walking Kamasutra dictionary. He swore he knew the guy who wrote it and that half of the moves were actually his. But Makkari didn't buy all that. But Kingo did know alot of moves. And unless you didn't mind getting fucked upside down in the ass, sucking toes and getting your guts rearranged, you might want a rain check on Kingo. Early on he and Makkari had once tried to have meditative tantric sex for 24 hours. It ended in an hour after he got bored. He had much more luck with human woman who stroked his ego and called him a God.
And Druig. Druig was the best of them all. Although he was the smallest in stature his cock measured nearly as long as Gilgamesh and he was thicker than Kingo.
But his first secret weapon was not his gloriously large cock. It was that tounge. His tounge was fat and wide and when he lapped at your clit it was like magic. He could lick your entire pussy in one go. Which he often did, just to get warmed up. Lapping up juices that got all over his face.
He also ate ass. Which all but Gilgamesh refused to do. Once, Druig had spread Makkari obscenely wide, using rope to tie her limbs to opposite sides of the room. He ate her pussy followed by ass her so long she remembered feeling drunk off and bambi legged for days. Any given session he would plunge head first between her cheeks daring them to suffocate him, fingering her cunt while the other hand rubbed at her clit.
But his most secret, treasured trick, he saved for Makkari. He could make anyone-- man, woman and anyone in between--cum with a thought. On a dime. Any place. Any where.Once, the other men finally broke asking if he could share his secret as to why all the girls wanted more time with him. So he used it on them making them cum in their pants right there and then. He never laughed harder in his life. They all hated it except Kingo who found it really awsome. The other two swore to kill him if he did it to them again.
Druig was also the most conformable receiving. None of the other men admitted to liking it. And Gilgamesh only ever allowed Thena to try. But Druig? He would cum all over your body as you lapped at his hole. He would take whatever strap you wanted to try. Fuck it. Fishnets? Why not. Heels. Ok.
And Druig was especially down for anything with Makkari. Once he and Gilgamesh tag teamed their girls grinning as they raced to see which would squirt first. Druig and Makkari won, naturally, but Gilgamesh and Thena called bullshit and made Druig admit he used his powers. Makkari picked him up and threw him over her shoulder, he was naked wearing only his socks. She dashed disappearing in a flash when Thena aimed an axe at his head. She hated to lose. He and Makkari took a vacation that month, feigning a trip to meet the newest prince of North-something-or-other and all was forgotten when they returned.
Makkari. Oh Druig had the best fun with her. And she with him. No one could compare to the spine tingling, mind bending orgasms he could inflict. Druig once spent 2 days with her tied up on his bed edging her with his tounge and cock and a battery of dildos for when he would need a break after cumming. He had eased into her brain, blocking her ability to make it over the edge of her orgasms. And he kept her pleading and desperate, tied up for two whole days... save for when he fed and watered her and let her sprint to the bathroom. On the third day he let her cum as much as she wanted, all over his cock and his fingers and his tounge, over and over, all day. And after she could no longer cum on her own he made her orgasm until she cried, fully spent. Fully satisfied.
The next two weeks they spent alone. He didn't let her lift a finger the entire time. He lavashed her with massages and sweets from the nearest town. Cooking her favorite meals. Reading her books, translating from ancient sanscrit into sign for as long as she wanted. He was dumb in love. Pussy whooped. And he didn't give one single fuck. He loved her and her perfect little cunt more than anything in the universe. Fuck Arishem. The center of his universe was between her legs. He knew he could never fuck another being again as long as he lived.And yeah. He came buckets. They all did.
Go find me on Ao3
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geminirum · 3 years
hot take: druig is a plant dad 🪴
*also, this edit contains some innuendos so heads up. i have no idea where it came from but yeah*
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liked by simplymakkari, heyimphastos, spriteintoaction and 826 others
itsdruig: plant dad by day, dog dad by night 🪴🐶💚
simplymakkari: don’t be shy… move the dog
itsdruig: oh you’d love that, wouldn’t you beautiful? ;)
heyimphastos: um- are we witnessing your sexual tension over instagram comments… i-
spriteintoaction: oh to see without my eyes
officialkingo: me googling how to delete someone else’s comment
therealeros: i think its sweet
missthena: of course YOU would, your name is literally eros
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liked by missthena, cookingwithgil, therealeros and 78 others
itsdruig: me & gil 🤝 appreciating the fine food in life
spriteintoaction: how cute, our brother in law finally teaching you how to cook
missthena: yes because all you were good at was eating the food we made
itsdruig: i have a refined pallet
simplymakkari: can you make me some pasta the next time i come over?
itsdruig: i would literally buy you a restaurant if you asked me to
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liked by lovesersi, officiallyikaris, officialkingo and 100 others
itsdruig: makkari being obsessed with my hands for 100 decades straight
simplymakkari: hands are the most attractive part of the body and i can tell you why
officiallyikaris: for the sake of everyone, please do it privately. we don’t need to know
lovesersi: lets talk about how talented druig is! brilliant work, love how everything you own is black
officialkingo: do you own any colourful stuff?
itsdruig: no.
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liked by guidingajak, simplymakkari, heyimphastos and 89 others
itsdruig: broke people should never laugh 😔
guidingajak: would you look at that. potential in-laws hanging out together, how sweet
spriteintoaction: UM- did ajak just- !!!?!?!??!
spriteintoaction: potential drukkari wedding confirmed ✅
itsdruig: if we were to get married, we’d elope
simplymakkari: easy and efficient ^
cookingwithgil: does no one want to mention the fact that now they BOTH indirectly confirmed it
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liked by simplymakkari, lovesersi, missthena and 2k others
itsdruig: its time to talk about the greatest image that’s ever been posted on the internet… EVER. the first time i saw it, it altered my brain chemistry, and i’ve never quite been the same person
simplymakkari: not me blushing over a caption
itsdruig: do you need anything my queen? kisses, hugs, cuddles? i love you, my moon, my stars, my everything ☝🏻❤️
therealeros: just a girlboss and her malewife
officialkingo: y’know… whenever someone in your family gets a partner, you hope that they’ll be good to them. you’re too much, man… i do NOT need to constantly see the pda you have with my sister
lovesersi: oh so you two are in LOVE, love… 👀
itsdruig: no actually, we’re just good friends
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liked by spriteintoaction, officiallyikaris, danewhitman and 67 others
itsdruig: before you all ask, yeah i do boxing it helps me let me aggression out
itsdruig: @/officiallyikaris you’re the number one cause of this aggression
cookingwithgil: alright i’ll admit, that was good ^
danewhitman: sersi is next to me and the laugh she let out was the funniest thing i’ve ever heard
itsdruig: thank you, finally appreciating my comedic talents
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liked by missthena, officialkingo, heyimphastos and 1k others
itsdruig: happy bday kid (tagged: spriteintoaction)
spriteintoaction: hey everyone, today my brother pissed me off so i’m starting a kickstarter to put him down. the benefits of killing him would be i’d be pissed off way less :)
officiallyikaris: 💳💥💳💥💳💥💳💥💳💥
missthena: i don’t understand how we all haven’t murdered one another yet. happy birthday kiddo!
officialkingo: did sprite receive my gift?
spriteintoaction: yes thank you so much kingo for your gift. i always wanted an entire boxed set of every movie you’ve ever been in
heyimphastos: kids man, they’re interesting
itsdruig: i know. being an animal parent is hard
heyimphastos: raising a human and animal are two very different things
simplymakkari: idk, but he’d still be a dilf regardless
itsdruig: oh yes, honey ;)
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Yesterday, I finally got to watch "Eternals," and Whoa, the similarities between Darklina and Ikseri were greater than I even imagined! 🤯🤯🤯 Especially, after Ikaris was revealed as the morally-grey antagonist with the Greater Good mentality, versus Sersi's more hopeful, "The Greater Good just leads to the lost of innocent lives" stance. That reminded me so much of Aleksander and Alina. Also, Aleks and Ikaris both have mommy issues...Just sayin'...🤫🤫🤫 And are WM/East Asian Woman couples.
(Eternals and Shadow and Bone Spoilers)
I'm so glad you sent me this ask because I was pondering doing a character/ship comparison for these two and now you've given me the perfect excuse to do. But you are so right they really are similar, like scarily so. Here are some examples of those similarities.
Both Aleks and Ikaris isolate themselves from others because of something that happens in the past, with Aleks its Luda and the fold, with Ikaris its the secret Ajak tells him that he then is burdened with.
Both Aleks and Ikaris commit acts that are morally grey but where they believe they are acting for the greater good.
They are both seen as the military leader type figure and think about the big picture. They think and act strategically and struggle to connect with humanity.
However just like how Alina helps Aleks reconnect with humans, Sersi helps Ikaris connect with humanity and see the beauty in the world.
Sersi and Alina both start out as the shy overlooked girl but grow into their powers to have a badass queen moment in the end and both grow into being leaders.
Sersi and Alina are also both very much of the people and live amongst the people in opposite to Ikaris and Aleks who isolate themselves.
Both Aleks and Ikaris are considered the most powerful of the grisha/eternals. And both feel the burden that comes with that assumption.
Aleks and Ikaris both worry that their feelings for Alina and Sersi will interfere with their true purpose/mission and so they try to push that love down which results in them really hurting their girls. Loveable dumbasses.
Both Sersi and Alina end up feeling betrayed by their loves and have very emotional scenes where there is lots of crying and angst.
Both couples have a situation where they are on opposite sides to the one they love and have different viewpoints that cause a rift between them.
I haven't seen it myself but I saw someone say that Richard described Ikersi as yin and yang. Ben has also described darklina as yin and yang.
There's the obvious one as well that these are both immortal/immortal ships. But they both also have the female having a second love interest that is mortal.
As you said both Aleks and Ikaris have mommy issues. What else is interesting is both of these mother figures side with the female love interests and aide them in standing against the male love interests. Both mother figures also reveal a secret that the male love interests were keeping. Baghra helps Alina run away and reveals that Aleks is the black heretic, Ajak makes Sersi the new leader and by choosing her ensures that she learns about their true purpose, a secret that Ikaris was determined to keep from Sersi. Though to be fair to Ikaris he was originally keeping that secret at Ajak's behest, he just kept keeping it after Ajak changed her mind.
Ok this is one similarity that I wasn't expecting but that I really love. In demon in the woods we learn that Aleks has a massive sweet tooth, can't get enough of those desserts. Funnily, Richard revealed that Ikaris also has a huge sweet tooth and loves anything with sugar, like twinkies.
This one is not really a similarity but more of a really weird coincidence. But a little while back in a post I compared Aleks and Alina to Peter Pan and Wendy and the grisha to the lost boys. So you can imagine my amusement when watching the film and Kingo compared Ikaris and Sersi to Peter Pan and Wendy and the eternals to the lost boys.
There are probably alot more similarites but these are the ones I can think of for now. Obviously there are some differences as well, like Ikersi have that history where they have been together for 5000 years that darklina don't have, but I can't deny that there are also alot of similarities.
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everlocks-funhouse · 3 years
the eternals as s3 etn players
slight spoilers ahead, scroll with caution!!
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-matthew as ajak-
both are driven, natural leaders and emotional
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-safiya as thena-
other than the fact that they’re both girlbosses, they’re both also intelligent and resourceful
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-nikita as druig-
i mean, they’re nothing alike but they’re both outcasts from the group in a way, and are also the type of characters you hate to love
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-makkari as teala-
underdeveloped underrated queen shit
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-sersi as colleen-
both unafraid to call people out on their bs and also have main character energy
ill post part two soon!!
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deadricsupremacy · 3 years
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This is my second post about my introduction, the first one is all about Harry Potter. Now it’s the Marvel things you might want to know about me.
My favorite Avenger is Ant-Man
My favorite villain is Ghost
My favorite movies are: Ant-Man, Ant-Man and the Wasp, Thor: Ragnarok, Guardians of the Galaxy, GOTG Vol. 2 and 3, Black Panther, and Avengers: Endgame
All of my favorite characters: Scott Lang, Cassandra or Cassie Lang aka Peanut, Hope Pym queen, MADAM Pepper Potts, Natasha Romanoff or Natalia Alianovna Romanova such a poser, Yelena Belova muah, MISS Maria Hill, marry me Carol Danvers, Wanda Maximoff gorge, Gamora so hot, Nebula <3, Mantis tho, Xu Xialing such a badass, Katy Chen aka miss Chen Ruiwen, Kate Bishop so cute, Michelle Jones duh, Gwen Stacy ugh, Betty Brant, mommy Felicia Hardy, Cindy Moon another BEAUTIFUL spiderman’s ladyy, Valkyrie sheesh, THE SMARTEST Shuri, Okoye another badass, Nakia too, we don’t wanna forget about Thena, the powerful Sersi, My ghorl Ajak, the fastest Makkari, ALMOST FORGOT Jean Grey, another powerful Ororo Munroe, amazing Raven Darkhölme, my lovely Groot, and Loki Laufeyson or Odinson whatever. I just realized, these are all WOMEN with a hint of men
Favorite team? The Revengers obvi, but seriously the Rev— Avengers :))
My favorite Spider-Man is Andrew Garfield’s
But my favorite Peter Parker is Tom Holland’s
Tobey Maguire’s Spiderman is elite though, he got to keep his two love interests, Peter 1 and 3 could never lol
My favorite Eternal is Thena, such a queen wait no— a goddess
Favorite Revenger: Thor Odinson, he sorta carried with his jonathan-less I meant Mjolnir-less lightning thunder powers
Favorite Guardian of the Galaxy: Groot duh, Drax could work if only I could see him
Favorite Avenger in the Original 6: Iron Man in the MCU, Black Widow for the rest
Favorite possible next-gen Avenger: Spider-Man
Favorite mutant: Magneto and/or Storm
Favorite spiderling: Spider-Man Earth-120703
Favorite in the Fantastic Four: Human Torch, both cast be Captain America and Erik Killmonger lmao
Favorite MCU actor: Robert Downey Jr. aka RDJ no hesitations
If I were to have the ability of any marvel character (only one), I would either choose The One Above All because it’s a one ABOVE ALL, Doctor Strange because time ya know, or simply just Hawkeye ‘cause dude got aimbot and survived a war against aliens with a bow and some arrows (idc if it’s explosive), maybe Black Widow too ‘cause she’s Black Widow
I will choose the Time Stone out of all the six Infinity Stones if I have the chance to get one.
If I were given a chance to acquire one weapon out of all the weapons in Marvel, I will either choose the Infinity Gauntlet (with complete ∞ stones) or Spider-Man’s Nanotech suit by Tony Stark
I would like to be Pepper Potts, idk why
I made a fanfic with a Filipino OC named Gemma Gamata, she’s a spiderling and her alter ego is named Gamba
I want the Quinjet for myself
I’m crying
Don’t mind the songs ;) anyways- these are my account username from different platforms: deadricsupremacy
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While attending something important Thena gets suddenly and very boldly proposed from a man with high position. And Gil is there, watching, slightly amused and curious!
Would be funny if you would write it!
"Sankta Olga," her people bowed to her as they greeted the regent after their recent triumph in battle.
Thena overlooked the masses, looming over Olga's shoulder as her most trusted war advisor. Not that Olga had needed 'inspiration' for her ideas--equal parts ingenious and cruel. Thena had no qualms with what the human queen wished to inflict upon her enemies, no matter Ajak's claims of inhumanity and needless violence.
Let the humans know they were true beings of power, Thena thought. No matter their mortality, humans were fierce when it came to their loved ones. Whether protecting them or avenging them, it seemed.
"I owe this greatly to you."
"I contributed nothing," Thena argued with Olga's soft, gentle words (for a woman with a continually rising death count on her hands). What Thena meant was that Olga had fashioned the idea to attack during the Drevlian revelry herself. Thena had never - and still would never - pick up a blade against a human.
"Your support is more than you think," Olga smiled at Thena over her shoulder during the brief reprieve between subjects and nobles gathered in the palace. "For I could never have...after they..."
Thena offered Olga a slight bow - more respect than the Warrior Eternal tended to show to human leaders - before moving away. She had been by Olga's side when news of the Queen's husband arrived. She had done what she could, but she had to admit that she did not have the stomach for thinking about the death of one's husband.
Thena inhaled as Gilgamesh received her at his side, his hand settling at the small of her back, over her fine velvet dress but under the heavily fur lined cloak she wore as a member of court. "Hey."
Gil hadn't been there to witness the massacre. He, like Sersi, didn't really have the stomach for the violence of it. Thena had only gone alongside Olga to lend her support (and to keep her from going too far, if need be). "How is she?"
Thena looked back up to the throne, where Olga was continuing to receive grateful subjects now free of Drevlian invasion. The woman still had the glow of victory to her, but Thena could see the fatigue of grief still heavy over the woman. "I think she is nearing the end of her vengeance."
"Nearing?" Gil asked and looked at Olga just for a second. He ducked his head down and whispered, "she's not done?"
"I believe she had one more act to see through," Thena said just as quietly. She looked at Gil, knowing how he felt about Olga's actions. "If it were you, I would still be laying waste to the entire continent."
He smiled, pushing some hair away from her cheek and over her shoulder, "you don't have to worry about that."
"Hm," Thena sufficed as a response, nonetheless leaning into his touch.
"I'll get you something," he said gently, referring to either food or drink or both. She didn't need either, but he liked to think they could help her relax--feel a little more in the human spirit. He brushed his lips over her temple, "wait here, Solnyshkuh."
Thena watched him go, excusing himself as he attempted to navigate among the fragile little humans.
"Sankta Athena."
Thena frowned; both of those names were wrong. The man standing before her was a member of nobility, although she wouldn't be able to recall his rank if given a thousand years to do so. She tilted her head, "you cannot mean me."
"But I can," the nobleman bowed to her in greeting first before straightening up again. He was tall for a human, with reasonably agreeable features. "You are the Queen's most trusted War Advisor, are you not?"
"I am her only War Advisor." Because as soon as Thena had proved her worthiness of such a title, Olga had dismissed the entire panel of others.
"Then your reputation precedes you all the more."
"Do you have a point?" she asked in a painfully direct manner. This was the kind of manner that usually kept humans on her outskirts. But she supposed every once in a while, one or two - and they were always males, usually of high status - would walk right up to her, brazen as daylight.
"I would like to ask you something, oh great War Advisor," he continued to schmooze and flatter her. He had an insipid grin under his moustache.
"Is it related to battle?" Thena droned. She couldn't much refuse if it was, as much as she might come to want to.
"The greatest battle," he chuckled before lowering himself to his knee before the whole throne room to observe. But he ignored the looks and whispers, staring up at Thena. "The battle of marriage, my Lady. Indeed, I would like to ask you to become my wife."
Silence stretched over massive and echous room. The flames lining the walls in sconces and torches flickered, and no one dared take a breath.
"This is Arthur all over again."
The human blinked, "my Lady?"
"The answer is no," she offered just as directly as before, staring down at him with disdain. She glanced at Olga, who was watching with shameless curiosity. Thena sighed, "you dishonour yourself just by asking."
"This is just the battle to which I was referring."
Did he think she was being coy in her refusal? Thena looked down at him again, making her distaste for his actions even more plain to see, if at all possible. "There is no battle to be won, sir. I have no interest in your nor any proposals."
"I do relish a challenge, my Lady," he grinned still, even moving closer to her in his crouched position. "I am no stranger to the harsh ways of the world. And I believe that you could find no better a match-"
"You are glaringly wrong," Thena drawled, more and more bored with the conversation, if it could be called that. "Everything from my name to your intentions are misdirected."
The man was at least starting to feel jilted. "That's-"
"I do not know why you thought I would say yes."
He laughed, finally rising to his feet again, although it allowed him to move even closer to her. "Because I believe you are a woman of intellect. And it would be most unwise-"
"To reject a stranger's proposal?" Thena finished the truest form of that statement. His humiliation was starting to show the more she frustrated him. She took a step back, "do not speak to me of wisdom."
He reached out, nearly grasping her arm over her cloak.
"I wouldn't, buddy."
Thena smiled as he made his way back, two goblets in one hand and a grin on his face. He was clearly watching the proceedings. "You could have come and dissuaded him."
Gil laughed, sloshing some of his mead onto the deep brown bear fur of his own cloak. "And miss the show? You know I love to see these idiots throw themselves at you."
The human man flushed at being insulted, not even directly. "I never-!"
Thena looked at him, reminded that he was indeed still there. "Leave."
"Wh-!" he was fuming mad, now, gripping the hilt of the sword on his hip. He glared at Gilgamesh, "and who are you to speak to me in such a way?"
Thena laughed faintly this time. "He has seen me reject more suitors than you can count, I'm sure."
That finally made the human flinch, if just a little. He looked at Gil, "is he a royal concubine, then?"
"Ooh," Gil practically giggled, "I've never been called a concubine before."
"Hm," Thena looked back at him, drawn in by the music of his laughter. She tilted her head at him, "it doesn't do you justice."
The human bristled, forced to witness the salacious behaviour of Gil moving Thena's hair away from her cheek and her leaning into his touch again. The indecency! "Oh, I see."
"Look, pal," Gil finally snorted outright. He made eye contact with the nobleman as he pulled Thena closer to him with his arm around her waist. "She said no. If you ask again, she's gonna use that sword to make a kebab outta you."
"Hm," Thena purred as Gil's chest moved, pressing the soft fur he wore against her cheek. "You make wonderful kebab."
At some point, the nobleman decided he had had enough. He would perhaps complain about it later, but it wasn't as if he would have the Queen on his side for it.
"I swear, there's always at least one idiot who thinks it's a good idea to propose to you," Gil shook his head, still shamelessly moving his hand over her back, although her heavy cloak disguised such lascivious behaviour. "After - what? - two words to you?"
"I do not believe even that much," Thena sighed, enjoying pressing her cheek to his chest far too much. "No matter."
"That's true," he chuckled, pressing a kiss to the top of her head (avoiding the golden circlet sitting on top of it). "You're all mine."
And she had been since long before this kingdom came to be, and would be long, long after.
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can you write some Thenamesh fluff? like, the two of them sleeping in front of a fireplace, snuggled up
Gilgamesh tossed another log into the fire as the door opened and shut, the air from it flickering the flames into a little dance. He leaned back on his elbows. "Hey."
"Hey," Thena smiled as she walked over to him, dropping the cloak and heavy robe behind her as she did. She shuddered once rid of the fine dressings of a royal war advisor, but that allowed her to hurriedly burrow under the blankets Gil had spread out for them.
"How's she doing?" Gil asked as Thena settled herself into his side. He asked it casually, the way he would ask about Sprite or Makkari or Sersi.
But they were referring to Olga, the current queen regent of Kievan-Rus, and freshly widowed due to Drevlian attack. The regent took the killing of her husband - cruel and undeniably torturous - personally.
She had asked her revered and unearthly war advisor how she should proceed. Ajak and Sersi had both moved to set the slander aside--for peace. And while being an advisor didn't mean Thena could incite grand wars between humans, she had answered honestly.
"What would you do?" Olga had looked up at Thena from her throne. "If it was your husband?"
Thena had thought about Gilgamesh in an instant, imagining his smiles, his hands holding hers, the warmth of him as he banished the unrelenting cold from bothering her.
"I would burn the world to the ground and then reshape the ashes in their likeness so they could beg my forgiveness from beyond the grave."
"Thena," Gil raised his brows, although for whatever he was feeling about the declaration, he did not look surprised about it.
"She may do with that advice what she desires," Thena mumbled, the warmth of Gilgamesh already soothing her like a cat in a sunbeam.
"Ajak is gonna be mad," Gil teased quietly as he leaned forward and reached into the fire with his bare hand to adjust the position of a log. He wiped the ashes off on the rug before pulling Thena into his lap.
"She already is," Thena sighed, although she did not care if their Prime thought she was being too violent in her suggestions. Olga had asked her - human woman to Warrior Eternal - and Thena had given her honest answer. She tightened her arms around Gil's neck.
He rubbed her back. She wasn't saying as much, but the thought of what she would have to do without him always tended to shake her. They were Eternals--it wasn't something they had to consider often. But they were also Fighters, and it was technically possible for them to perish. And that never seemed to bother the Warrior Eternal until they were on the subject of him.
"I can't imagine what she's feeling," Thena finally confessed in a whisper, the crackling of the fire underscoring her words. "If I had to worry about you dying from an attack by a handful of humans-"
Gil let her burrow into him deeper, her face pressed to his neck, her hands clinging to him. He was happy to let her, bending one of his legs and letting it cushion the curve of her back. He tucked the blanket over his shoulders more around her, even at the cost of having his other arm exposed to the open air. "So, we're going to war, huh?"
"I doubt they'll need us," Thena sighed, unwinding slowly. She pressed a hand to his chest. "Olga has...other methods in mind."
"I don't wanna know," Gil snorted as he adjusted them again. He laid himself lengthwise, parallel to the fire. He rested on his back with Thena stretched out on top of him. His hand raised to push her hair behind her ear. "I'm sure I'll be horrified at what she's about to do."
Thena pursed her lips, "I think they'll be somewhat deserving of whatever she is about to enact."
Gilgamesh chuckled, raising his head just to touch the tip of his nose to hers. "You menace."
Thena purred as she melted into him, under the blankets, close to the fire, listening to the beat of his heart and the rise of his lungs under her. "Olga was rather creative with her plan, actually. She needs no assistance from me."
"That's a little scary," Gil snorted. He gave her waist a squeeze. "You're beautiful when you're violent."
Thena laughed, all of her teeth showing.
Gil rolled them to the side, letting Thena's back be closest to the fire. He didn't need the extra warmth; he pulled her closer to him, burying his nose in her hair. "My Solnyshkuh has started another war, hm?"
Thena inhaled against his chest, running her hand up his flank and over his pectoral. "I do not start wars, I finish them."
"Well," Gil let out a loud sigh, the comfort of their position also lulling him into rest. "Whatever you ladies have planned, you know I'm around if you need me."
"Hm," Thena pressed her smile into his shirt, "yes, my ever helpful husband."
It wasn't the first time they had been taken for a married pair, and it would be far from the last. It wasn't as if it was out of the question for them.
Gil twirled a lock of her hair around his finger. "We should really get around to that."
"I suppose so."
"Olga could marry us."
"She's busy, Gil."
"After, I mean."
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softquietsteadylove · 2 years
Hi! I just had this sudden idea and I have to ask you!
For the ice queen/tyrant au!
Thena asks Gil what and how exactly the assasination happened and if he can remember anything. While Gil summarizes what he can remember Thena listens quietly without interrupting him. When he finishes Thena says nothing a while and Gil gets worried but before he can say anything she softly takes his hand with the ring tattoo and kisses it while looking directly into his eyes, saying a lot without actually talking. Just this intimate, soft and quiet moment.
"Hey," Gil smiled as he heard the door to his hospital room slide open and shut. He was improving by the day - maybe even by the hour, at this point - and Ajak had promised his release within the week.
Thena remained silent.
Gil kept an eye on her as she came over to her chair, same as she had been. His jacket he had been brought in with was still thrown over the back of it, providing her a shawl of sorts when she was sitting in the chair (and not in bed with him, despite Ajak's complaints about that).
"Gil," she finally spoke up, pulling off her gloves and shedding her coat. She had come from work, either her office or his. "What can you tell me about what happened?"
He let his surprise show. He hadn't expected her to ask--at least not right now. She hadn't asked at first, and as time went on, he just assumed she had been briefed on things.
When she had been poisoned, he had demanded to know every detail of it.
Thena was quiet, sullen, pulling his hand in between both of hers. She looked at him, her brows pulled together and her lips pulled down at the corners, "please?"
Gil inhaled and sighed, looking up at the ceiling. He had thought about it some, dreamed about it more. It was hazy, at first, but the longer he spent recovering the more of it came back to him. "I was headed home after work. The weather was nice, so I wanted to walk."
Thena's hand was already tightening around his.
"Tires screeching," Gil narrated as he sorted through his memories in real time. He had woken from a nightmare or two in his time in this room. Thena had been there for all of them, comforting him silently but resiliently, every time. "That was the first one, but when they realised they missed they got out."
"I tried running, but I guess my guard was down. The other two shots landed, and I went down hard. Part of it was the actual shots, but part of it was also figuring that maybe if they thought they got me, they'd leave. It kind of worked."
She didn't return his little smile, or his shrug.
"I laid there for a little bit before calling the office. They used the civilian line to call in an anonymous tip for an ambulance for me. I also asked them to notify Ajak and Sersi. I...I trusted they would tell you."
Thena continued to listen to him in silence, although he looked over and caught her tears dripping from her long lashes. "Hey."
She let him reach over and brush them off her cheeks. She sniffed, pressing the back of his hand to them and then clasping them together again. "Go on."
Gil sighed. He wasn't sure what she was after, or if she just wanted the full story from his own perspective. It seemed to be distressing her more than anything. But she asked, so he would answer. "I was pretty surprised when I found out it was her. Didn't think she had balls like that."
Thena frowned at him.
"Either way," Gil shrugged, not nearly as bothered by the mere concept of the Little Heiress as his Ice Queen was. "That was the last I remembered before they got the drugs in me. When I woke up...well, you were here."
He smiled, pressing his palm to her cheek. His heart skipped a happy little beat as she leaned into his touch, her expression so tender it could make him fall in love with her all over again. That was his Thena, looking at him like that.
She sighed, just looking at him, taking it all in. She let him brush his thumb against her cheek as he liked, allowing the comfort both of them. Her hands held his other one, running over his palm.
Gil automatically leaned as she pulled at his left hand faintly. He watched as she brought his hand to her lips, kissing the tattoo of his ring. His eyes locked with hers. "Thena?"
But she had no answer to his question. The kiss was its own statement, and really, it was all she had to say.
Gil nodded, running his fingers through her hair, "I know. Me too."
Thena, satisfied that he had understood what she was saying in not so many words, stood from her chair. She pulled back his covers, crawling into bed with him.
Gil made room for her, pulling the covers up over them and holding her against him. "And what happened to listening to Ajak?"
Ajak, who had told them multiple times that Gil's IVs could come out if they were all snuggled up in the tiny hospital bed together.
But Thena curled up against him, forehead pressed against his collar bone, hand over his heart as if to order it to keep beating so long as she was present.
Gil kissed the crown of that hair of hers, settling comfortably on his side so they could both fit together. "I love you, too, Thena."
She had said so much when she had kissed his hand--the ring he had imprinted into his skin to mark that he was hers inseparably. Telling him how much she loved him was just one of those many things.
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