#aj den map
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hiyinajam · 10 days ago
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omg my old den maps from 2018!!! none of them are especially good so I'm just bulk posting them
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faultywiringaj · 8 months ago
Garden Treehouse Den Map
I made a den map finally, it took me forever but yay. Also hi animal jam tumblr
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jaminthoseanimals · 10 months ago
Plants, am I right?
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My most recent den. Really proud of this one
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counterfeitphantoms · 1 year ago
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dognoiize · 1 year ago
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try 2 find what I edited in
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adventurebasscamp · 1 year ago
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man so in like september i started designing this custom aj land based on a chaparral biome and i doubt i'll finish at this point sooo i'll just post what i've got!
dunno what the name of the land would be, but maybe something starting with v. it'd be in that bottom left corner of the map, connecting to kimbara outback (to the right) and appondale (north, through a cave). it'd have kind of a red brick aesthetic to it.
the two buildings are a greenhouse, where you can read about plants and then buy them for your den, and a dye shop, where (for a gem or maybe even diamond cost?) you can make dyes for animal colors that aren't in the menu.
hit a roadblock with this because 1. i have no clue how to draw the thick cover of shrubs and flowers, let alone do them in a simple, aj-stylized way and 2. i have never drawn backgrounds with this level of detail and polish like ever in my life.
if anyone wants to do something with these concepts though, by all means! :o
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lemonjestercoffee · 18 days ago
sorry jamblr- i need to yap a moment about the liza's garden hidden item because it's so ?????
this fucking thang-
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it's so strange to me.
i like the design quite a bit, it's simple yet charming and has that ever so slight imperfect jank to it that i love about oldschool aj items, i was pleasantly surprised by it when i found it.
the strangeness comes in with the size and angle. cause this is by far the biggest hanging item in the game, already making it stand out, but then it's also at a totally different angle to the rest too. it's right in that sweet spot where it's too big and not foreshortened enough to be put on an interior wall, but to small and not flat enough to put outside with out some really strange side effects to your sense of perspective.
because of this we have this great item design that is just- impossible to use in most dens if you aren't one of them batshit decorators who uses the den map more as a guideline for where you can walk and just does whatever over top it
what a peculiar little item, this thing is going to live rent free in my head for a while
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lonely-dog-song · 4 months ago
was this a real AJ location?
i swear i remember a store in Animal Jam Classic but it might have been a dream LOL. it was in the left side of Coral Canyons (around where the den store is now), u enter the room into its right side. it's kind of just a long straight room, with windows along the back wall letting plenty of sunlight in. i was thinking this is where you bought dens but now IDK cuz u just buy dens in the main Canyons map. Was This Real or did i just Make It Up??
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byayunda · 2 years ago
" Ma, dimana lu? " terdengar ucapan Diandra dari kejauhan.
" Assalamualaikum ibu Diandra. Gimana kabar hari ini?" balas Rama.
" Eh, orang nanya itu dijawab Ma. " sahut Diandra sedikit kesal. Baru hari ini ia masuk kerja dan kubikel Rama kosong. Barang-barangnya tidak ada.
" Mbok ya dijawab waalaikumsalam dulu gitu lho. Inimaaih pagi nelpon udah sewot aje. Udah sarapan apa belom nih? "
" Waalaykumsalam bapak Rama yang terhormat. Udah ah cepetan. Lu lagi dimana? Kenapa tempat lu kosong? "
" Gw.. " belum selesai Rama ingin menjelaskan sudah dipotong oleh Diandra.
" Ah parah banget lu. Udah ketemuan aja deh ya pagi ini sekalian sarapan bareng. "
" Ih, anak ajaib bernama Diandra ini jalan pikirannya sulit ditebak sekali. Lu baru cuti kan? Dapet izin pak bos keluar? "
" Udeh. Cincai lah itu. Gw nambah cuti hari ini. Cuma ya emang lagi mau ke kantor sebentar aja. Perasaan gw ngga enak. Lu ngga ada kabar kabar selama gw cuti. "
" Hehe. " hanya itu yang bisa Rama jawab. Di luar dugaan dirinya. Diandra mengajak ketemu duluan dan lebih cepat. Padahalia sudah berencana untuk menghubungi Diandra lebih dahulu.
" Di tempat biasa ye Ma. Jam delapan. Gw tunggu. Awas lu sampe ngga dateng. Gw samperin ke kostan lu. " ancam Diandra
" Yang bener aja jam delapan di tempat biasanya sih ok ya. Mon maap ni ibu sekarang jam berapa? Dipikirnya gw punya pintu doraemon kali. "
" Nah itu gw juga mau. Dah cepet lu siap-siap sekarang ya. Gw udah di jalan."
" Iye yee. Kalo gw balesin lu mulu kapan gw siap-siapnya."
" Oya bener juga. Tiati ye Ma. See you. "
" You too 😊. " pesan terakhir Rama dengan emotikon senyum. Ketika Diandra membaca balas chat terakhir perasaan kurang enak itu semakin menguat. Anak ini ngga biasa-biasanya manis dan romantis gini, segala ada emotikon senyum pula.
Baru saja duduk di kursi tempat janjian dengan Rama, Diandra mendapat telpon dari nomor tak dikenal. Siapa lagi ini, batinnya.
" Hallo, dengan ibu Diandra. " sahut penelpon dengan suara tegas.
" Iya betul pak. Maaf ada keperluan apa ya? jawab Diandra ragu.
" Kami ingin mengabarkan teman ibu bernama Rama Permana mengalami kecelakaan. Tertabrak mobil ketika hendak menyebrang jalan. "
" Baik pak. Posisinya di rumah sakit mana ya? " jawab Diandra seolah tegar.
" Posisi rumah sakit tidak jauh dari cafe seruni bu. Mohon untuk kedatangannya segera ya bu. Terima kasih dan hati-hati di jalan." balas penelpon.
" Baik pak. Terima kasih. Saya segera ke rumah sakit sekarang. "
Diandra hampir pingsan mendengar berita kecelakaan Rama. Berarti kecelakan yang tadi ia lihat sebelum masuk cafe itu adalah Rama. Ia tidak berpikir korban itu adalah Rama, temannya. Posisi lampu orang menyebrang sudah hijau tapi ia melihat ada mobil nelaju dengan kecepatan tinggi melintas dan menabrak para pejalan kaki, yang ternyata salah satu korbannya adalah Rama.
Diandra masuk ke dalam ruang ICU rumah sakit tempat Rama masih berbaring tak berdaya. Ada banyak peralatan medis yang menempel di tubuhnya guna mendapatkan perawatan terbaik. Diandra duduk di sampinya, berdoa dan sambil memegang tangannya. Berharap ia segera pulih dan bisa bercerita tentang alasan pengunduran dirinya.
" Ma, inget ngga sih pertama kali kita ketemu itu di tempat wawancara di perusahaan tempat gw kerja sekarang. Iya udah bukan kita lagi Ma, karna lu udah resign. Resign mendadak ngga bilang bilang lagi alesannya kenapa ke gw. Ma, dari awal kita ketemu sebenernya gw udah bisa ngerasain ada hal yang berbeda dari lu dan kebanyakan cowo di luar sana. Lutampak dingin tapi sebenernya menyimpan misteri. Ada sesuatu yang lu tutupi dan lu jago banget nutupinnya. Lu selalu ceria dari awal kita ketemu. Ma, plis bangun ma. Gw mau dengerin cerita lu. Gw mau kita main bareng lagi. Gw mau denger suara ketawa lu. Gw mau lu nemenin gw kemana pun gw pergi. Ya walaupun gw ngga pandai baca maps, salah belok atau kelewatan dikit ngga papa ya Ma. Cuma lu orang paling sabar jalan sama gw, mba-mba golonga dua belas persen ngga bisa baca maps dengan bener. Ma, plis yaa. Gw ngga tau kalo ngga ada lu harus cerita sama siapa lagi. Ma, bangun yaa plis. Gw berharap banget lu bisa segera pulih dan sembuh Ma. " tanpa sadar Diandra mengucapkan itu dan meneteskan air mata mengenai telapak tangan Rama.
Menjelang subuh tangan Rama bergerak sedikit dan matanya meneteskan air mata mengenai rambut Diandra yang ternyata sudah terlelap karna letih bercerita sendiri di sampingnya. Sedikit saja gerakan tangan mengusap rambut Diandra. Ia berkata lirih " Maaf ya Ndra. "
Diandra terbangun karna suara alat detak jantung berbunyi nyaring. Nit panjang sekali disertain garis lurus di layar alat detak jantung Rama. Ia panik dan segera menekan tombol panggilan perawat. Perawat dan dokter jaga datang dengan segera dan menghampiri. Mencoba untuk melakukan pertolongan yang terbaik. Diandra diminta untuk menunggu di ruang tunggu. Apapun hasilnya gw ikhlas Ma, batin Diandra di saat yang bersamaan melepas tangan Rama.
Sesampainya di kota tujuan, ia langsung menuju masjid terdekat untuk melaksanakan solat Jumat. Ia sampai stasiun sekitar jam sebelas. Masih ada waktu menuju masjid karna adzan dzuhur saat itu pukul 12.09. Cahaya matahari siang ini cukup terik sekali.
" Sak, udah sampe? " chat masuk ke dalam telpon genggamnya lalu segera ia balas.
" Iya nih udah. Di Tugu ya. Di pintu keluar. " balas Sakti
" Tugu? Kamu baru bilang e. "
" Lho, memang kamu dimana? "
" Aku udah standby tiga puluh menit yang lalu di Lempuyangan. "
" Owalah, maaf. Aku ngga ngeh liat tiketnya. "
" Sek yo tunggu aku tak ke situ. Diem aja ya. Jangan kemana- mana! "
" Iyo, tiati. Ku tunggu. "
Seketika Sakti terbangun dari mimpinya dan tersadar sudah sampai di stasiun tempat ia akan melakukan perjalan bisnis dari kantornya. Bersyukur bahwa apa yang ia alami tadi itu hanyalah bunga tidur semata. Ia menyadari bahwa mimpinya kali ini sangat rumit sekali. Ia seperti masuk ke dalam mesin waktu yang membawa ke masa depan dan masa lalu. Alurnya maju mundur seperti cerita novel yang sedang ia baca. Banyak pula menguras emosi di dalamnya. Ada luka batin dan bagaimana cara untuk berdamai serta menerima luka tersebut. Sampai ia berpikir rasanya menyenangkan sekali menjadi seekor ikan mas saja. Ikan mas merupakan hewan paling beruntung karna hanya menyimpan memori kenangan dalam waktu sepuluh detik saja. Ia mau jadi ikan mas untuk melupakan hal - hal kurang mengenak saja dalam hidupnya. Untuk hal baik ia mau selalu mengenangnya.
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libelluleeaj · 5 years ago
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spring has sprung!
aj user- libellulee 🦋☁️
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mango-aka-manog · 5 years ago
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i have risen from the grave to slap a lazy den map on here 
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aj-pet-ferret · 6 years ago
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Here’s a spring den I did a few weeks ago
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glossin-aj · 6 years ago
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the enchanted hollow 💎🌸✨
aj user- glossin
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animaljamrewritten · 2 years ago
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New lands for Animal Jam Rewritten
Phantoms Wasteland - a phantom-like submarine will pop out of the ground. Click on it, and you be treated with a short cutscene of the submarine heading down the phantom river, and throwing your animal hard into the phantom river. Your animal then does an exclusive cutscene where they get out of the river, are covered in phantom goo, but they try to get it off. Along the way, you'll spot the phantom river, with a bridge to the other side, a dirty lagoon and a phantom bar you can enter. Phantoms Wasteland shop sells weird out of this world items and clothing
The Forgotten Valley is a fan-made area of the world of Animal Jam and it is the land above Appondale and the left of Mt Shiveer. There is a river and small puddles running through the middle. The rest is made of grass and features assorted rocks. Three of the rocks are actually wells featuring signs (bamboo stalks for den store, AJ Wristband for clothing store, giraffe silhouette for adoption center). There are assorted bamboo stalks around. There is also a bamboo  treehouse
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The Alpha's Base Camp is an area of Animal Jam and you get to meet the Alpha's and get their weapons and learn their ways and you go to the cave by this area
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The Lonely Ice-berg
research place for Cosmo and there is an game task where Cosmo explains how he is working a new potion to fight the phantoms, but he needs the player to find the last ingredients. He gives a recipe to the player, Which can be accessed at any time during the adventure.
Tigerstone is found directly outside of Cosmo's lab.
Ottertonite is found by the edge of the iceberg.
Featherstone is found near the hills.
Altrivestone is found near a cave.
Megamanium is found near the middle of the map, but has a door that requires four players to jump on pads.
When all five ingredients are found, the player must return them to Cosmo. Cosmo will reward the player with 5,000 Gems and he gives the player a special item He murmurs something that the player doesn't catch, then leaves.
The Winter Wonderland
the land is a literal "winter wonderland" it appears as crystal sands but is a winter area attractions: Frozen Slide,Pet wash ( winter themed ) shops: Hot chocolate 'n' coffee, tierney's snow gear and only appears every Jamaalidays
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jambusaur · 3 years ago
Hello! I play aj classic with my younger brother and we’ve recently gotten more into play wild. Do you have any tips on how to do things? Bc we just learned about fireflys and it feels like there’s other things we’re missing out on. Like how to get alpha items. Thank you !
i’m so glad you and your younger brother enjoy aj!! it’s so nice to see people play with their family and friends :)
the best thing i can show you is the ajpw wiki! it has loads of info, and you can kind of just click around and search to learn new stuff! here’s the link:
but as for specific stuff, here’s a list of stuff that most newer ajpw players might not know about that i can think of right now:
the number one thing i want you to know is that you don’t have to pay to get a membership! you probably already know this if you follow my blog, but just check my pinned post for more info :)
the phantom dimension! you can buy portals in the sapphire shop for 100 saps, or you could use the one i have in my den for free! the phantom dimension is honestly really fun, and you can get some cool stuff from there! i was thinking of making a guide for it in the future, lemme know if i should!
golden shovels! at all times, there’s at least one golden shovel digging spot on the ajpw map. click on it, and you get a little treasure finding minigame! you can find fossils, crafting crystals, gems, sapphires, normal treasure chests, and alpha treasure chests! both normal and alpha treasure chests can be placed in your den, and then you can exit the den furniture menu, then click on the chest, and bam, you get stuff!
alpha items! alpha items can be obtained in a lot of different ways! i can’t really list all of the ways, but some main ones are: alpha treasure chests, longer pet expeditions, and fireflies!
pet expeditions! after leveling up your pet in a pet station (i have one in my den that you can use!), you can send your pets on pet expeditions in crystal sands! after waiting a bit, your pets will bring you back some stuff!
packs! packs are super fun ways to play on teams with your friends on ajpw! you can only be in one pack at a time, but when you’re in a pack, you can get daily pack treasure chests in the pack hideouts (only for members unfortunately tho). pack runs are also really fun! they’re like timed gathering games, and you can win prizes! and members can open the treasure chests in pack runs too.
the shop explorer! in coral canyon, the shop explorer is right where you spawn in. in it, you can search up an item and see who has listed it in the shop explorer for the lowest price. it’s also good for determining how low you should price your own items!
that’s all i can think of right now, but i’ll reblog this post if i think of any more later!
thank you so much for reaching out to me! and i hope you and your brother continue to enjoy aj together!! :)
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lemonjestercoffee · 1 year ago
okay okay okay okay- brainworm time.
my aj fan au project thing shenanigans. it's called Legends of Jamaa so imma tag any posts about it as that.
it has a few different things going on in it cause the original idea is "if i could be in control of updating animal jam classic, what direction would i take it in". so this concept has four types of content in it: game mechanics, item/animal/den ideas, preexisting visual altercations, and Lore™.
the items/animal/den, game mechanics, and preexisting visual things ain't nearly as interesting as the lore due to i'm too lazy to draw literally any of it, where as you don't need to draw the lore for it to come across right. i might post about them a little bit, but the most of what i'm gonna share here is the Lore™ i'm playing with
having said that, the lore can be divided into two subcategories-
World: the actual mechanics of the world, the hierarchy of the residence of Jamaa, the folklore and history, and various adventure stuff Characters: the NPCS, both preexisting and ones i made up myself, who play roles in the over aching story i'm building
there is some retconed canon stuff in both of these cause i thought it was stupid the way it was dealt with in canon, so heads up on that. and just as well, some stuff i do is a bit darker than canon due to my desire to make the lore more mature and story driven
soooo- if anyone wants to send me asks about this- please do, i will ramble
spspspsps- hey, bonus- i redrew the map cause i wanted something easier for me to add new lands onto, which i do intend on doing once i figure out what they look like
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you can kinda see where the lands are intended to be on the map due to how i drew this gdshsdgnsfjs
the ui part was jsut for fun, mostly just to see if i could
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