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danijaci · 1 year ago
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Don't let him be alone with me 😭😭🙏🙏‼️
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soaked-doors · 5 months ago
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“Those two things can exist at the same time. Like you said, it's all—it's all tangled up together, you and me.”
double page spread for one of my favorite luzo fics of all time, poly philtatos (the most beloved by far) by my good friend - @swordsmans!
I knew I wanted to do a double page spread the second I finished this fic and I drafted abt a dozen ideas before landing on what would ultimately become this. There were so many snippets and moments I wanted to illustrate but I ended up doing more of an abstracted version of the fic as opposed to 1:1 drawings of scenes 
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funnily enough while the fic itself is told in zoros pov this spread is framed mostly through luffy’s eyes - his tears literally frame comp for their reunion, the moment he loses zoro, and the centerpiece of the first page which is this weird abstraction of him on the beach seeing zoros corpse-not-a-corpse in the waves just beyond his reach. 
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gyro put the crane wives’ never love an anchor on the playlist for this fic which i heavily used as inspiration in picking ornamental things for the spread (the anchor, the fleet of ships by luffy, and the nautical rope splitting the second page). also just like. overall really heartbreaking lyrics guys 
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there are smaller elements throughout the spread that are 1:1 references though (all i will say for these is if you know, you know hehe) i wish i had more time to do a lengthier piece for fanart for this fic bc it's one of the few luzo fics that have been rattling around in my brain forever now - once again please please please read poly philtatos if you haven't. gyro is a masterful writer and they deserve all the love! ok byeee
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dollypopup · 9 months ago
unpopular opinion. . .but I do NOT want Anthony to walk Penelope down the aisle. Not only because they don't really have much of a relationship, the two of them really haven't interacted at all, but also because Anthony has really been. . .pretty damn hard on Colin. Like of all the siblings, Anthony has been the most stern and displeased with Colin. There's just something about the idea of him walking Pen down the aisle to Colin that doesn't sit right with me when Anthony was also the one of the linchpins who encouraged and pushed Colin to put on his mask. S1 he made fun of him for being a virgin, S2 he yelled at him in full view of the entire family for investing money in Pen's family to the point where Benedict and Eloise called him out for it, and S3, the only praise he gave him was for the attention he got from others after putting on a persona
No, I want someone else to walk Penelope down the aisle. A man who is also a wife guy, completely besotted, and would completely get Colin's feelings toward Pen. A man who already has a good relationship with Penelope, to the point where he was absolutely delighted to see her looking beautiful in a new dress. A man who has taken up the mantle as the OG Featherington Husband and would be nothing but excited for the honor of walking his Sister in Law down the aisle
and the man for this job?
None other than
Albion Finch
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saumya-us · 2 years ago
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foldingfittedsheets · 2 months ago
Seal the Deal Chapter 5
Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 5 (current)
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Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 5 (current)
Kleo and Aisling grapple with the times a'changin and suddenly coming in to a lot of money. Still several chapters to go!
Tips to the artist!
Find this and my other comics on Tapas, Once Upon a Meet Cute
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morganbritton132 · 5 months ago
A student at Steve’s school, Amy, posts a Tiktok of her going around asking teachers questions. When they get to Steve, she asks, “Mr. Harrington, what’s the coolest thing you’ve ever done?”
Steve: I bowled a perfect game once.
Amy: That’s boring
Steve: I’m a boring guy
Lilly, heavy metal fan that’s been following Eddie since he made a Tiktok account: Weren’t you in a music video?
Steve, trying to remember if he was in a CC music video: …maybe?
Classroom: *explodes into questions*
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craigslisthorses · 8 months ago
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someone dropped their hippo
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bananananurr · 2 months ago
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(# things i made months ago but forgot existed )
the perfect world in which they decide to go to target instead of star court and somehow that keeps the evil demon man at bay ( he’s a walmart man probably)
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a-sketchy · 1 year ago
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potatoes of indeterminate size
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until-the-house-shakes · 1 month ago
Sirius: So Prongs.. when are you asking me to be your best man?
James: oh.. uh… about that.
Remus: I’m his best man.
Sirius: HUH???
James:… yeah. I uh
James:.. not mine?
Sirius: What??
Regulus: oh for fucks sake. I want you to walk me down the aisle and be my best man.
Sirius: *tearing up* R-really???
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Thinking about how the biggest difference in Robin’s character post timeskip is how Oda invites us to laugh at her (yes, AT HER) where he didn’t before. Thinking about all those gags of the Strawhats giving a vivid reaction shot except for her because she was meant to be mysterious and guarded and, on some level at least, untrusting of those around her. Thinking of how Robin’s personal growth is directly tied to her willingness to embrace the whole of her humanity and thus to be undignified at times. Thinking about One Piece’s philosophy about how comedy, and more specifically silliness, is inherently tied to freedom and thus to happiness.
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pineappical · 1 month ago
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cooking lessons
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dd-writes · 5 months ago
♡ Inappropriate touching in inappropriate places is a valid love language ♡
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saumya-us · 2 years ago
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marzely · 4 months ago
Lucanis mentions in some banter that houses are known to poach crows that show potential from other houses. How do yall think Viago would react to Lucanis trying to poach Rook from House De Riva?
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morganbritton132 · 10 months ago
A girl makes a Twitter post that reads: Eddie Munson is on my flight and he’s currently arguing with the man next to him about his dog. Kinda a dick move ngl
They follow up with a post that says; NVM. I googled it. He’s arguing with his husband about their dog.
Follow up: EM thinks the dog should have the middle seat. Husband thinks dog should sit in aisle seat.
Follow up: Cute that they bought a ticket for their dog. Some people don’t.
Follow up: Insane to willingly sit in the middle seat tho
Follow up: EM says they’ll have extra leg room if the dog is in the middle. Hubs says dog should be on end so people can pet him as they go by
Follow up: They are so loud lmao. EM basically told the entire airport that you shouldn’t pet service dogs when they’re working. So true bestie
Follow up: Husband: Okay. Okay. Just say you don’t want to sit next to me if you don’t want to sit next to me!
Follow up: Munson: When did I say that? I didn’t say that. Just sit down wherever you want and eat your fucking granola. Cranky ass.
Follow up: Actually, I don’t think they’re arguing. I think this is flirting.
An Eddie Munson Fan: They’re definitely flirting
Fan who has seen every ‘Steddie’ TikTok in existence: Pretty sure this is just foreplay for them.
Someone else: Wait, who won the argument?
Official Corroded Coffin Twitter Account: Oz *pic of Ozzy sitting in the window seat*
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