#airsoft france
diejager · 9 months
bro make a fanfic about the reader and the ghost/konig WHEN THE READER WAS SHOT IN THE BUN ON THE MISSION AHAHAHHHAH LMAO (in the military helicopter when they were supposed to return, the reader was holding her butt, moaning, writhing in pain and trying to hide the pain)
That is a funny thought…
Shots Cw: gun violence, bb shots, tell me if I missed any.
You yelped when you were hit is the ass, flinching forward and raising your arm just as you turned to glare at whoever landed the shot. Your right cheek exploded in soreness, tingling from the sharp pain of a BB shot.
“Hit!” You called it, letting your rifle hang from your shoulder as you rubbed your right cheek, grumbling about the bastard, “On my fucking ass of all places.”
You walk towards the respawn with your arm up, still cussing out whoever shot you in the ass. You had a hunch about the shooter: Soap, who else had enough courage to shoot you in the ass. You doubted Gaz did it, he might’ve been tempted, but he preferred other type of pranks, more mischievous ones like tampering with the washer or drinks, harmless but hilarious. Soap, however, rarely knew the limit, going as far as stealing and hiding your stuff, tapping you in the ass or messing up your head while he cackled away, speeding off to Ghost or Price to escape your wrath.
You reasoned that this was a staged scenario, a small group activity Laswell came up with that landed your Task Force somewhere in France for game of airsoft, a Free for all in the reserved location. No one had complained, thinking it a good activity mixing fun, training and awareness —everyone agreed to it enthusiastically once Ghost had voiced his grumpy acceptance, seeing this as a moment to be able to training without the prying eyes of others or the presence of strangers. Once you reached the spawn point, your jump back in to land a few shots at Soap to see whether or not he liked getting his ass bruised by a BB. You walked off determined, mind narrowed down to a single goal, your retaliation—
Until you yipped a second time, a pellet bouncing off your second cheek. You whipped around, yelling as your eyes scoured the tree line and the openings in the buildings behind you, the windows, the roof and behind pillars. You couldn’t find Soap anywhere, he wasn’t hiding behind the trees or in the buildings, but you did catch the glint of a scope —a familiar sniper scope.
“Ghost, you son of a bitch!” You screamed in outrage, feeling how both cheeks throbbed with pain. You bared your teeth, hissing at your Lieutenant who seemed smug and comfortable in his high perch on the roof of the building, “Why’d you do that?! I was already out!”
”Big target, luv,” his amused voice cracked in your comm, the low rumble of sadistic pleasure ringing out in your headgear. He cocked his scope, his white mask standing starkly in his dark gear and broad figure, “Impossible to miss. Quit moaning.”
“Big target? Are you-!” Huffing at his continued laughter, you glared his way before you turned to hurry back to the respawn, “Let’s see who’s laughing later, you ass.”
“Fuck- Hit!”
Your shoulders shook with restrained laughter, admiring the way Ghost jumped from your perch, hidden in the darkness given by the cement wall. You listened to him hiss and swear, massaging the place you aimed for: the pronounced curve of his ass, his jeans rarely doing him the pleasure of hiding what he had.
“Quit moaning, Ghost,” you cackled as you parroted his words, telling him the same thing as he told you, but you had more to add, more to taunt and tease him as revenge, “Couldn’t miss it, Lt, it was a big fucking target.”
You watched him stomp off, retreating to the tree line for his spawn point. It filled with a sense of elation and ugly smugness, and all that was left now, was to find Soap.
“Steamin’ Jesus!” Johnny’s yelp felt more exciting than Ghost, something you could devour over and ove without regret.
“Not so fun, is it, Johnny?” You smirked, replying with a gleeful tone.
He looked red-faced, the tip of his ears turning a bright shade of red from the way you spoke to him, utilising his known weakness and playing him to watch him stutter and flush brightly.
“Awa’ a bile yer heid! That hurt, lass!” His voice had taken a whinier tone, face screwed in embarrassment and something that you couldn’t put your finger on at this distance.
“I know, shouldn’t have shot me in the ass then.”
Gaz tapped you on the shoulder, a smile threatening to break into chuckles. He’d known what happened to you and knew what you did in retaliation, finding amusement after siding with you, sitting beside you and peering at two frowning and mumbling men.
“Heard you had a lot of fun.”
“Not enough.”
You thought you heard Price sigh tiredly.
taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @im-making-an-effort @daisychainsinknots @0alk0msan @danielle143 @dont-mind-me-just-existing-sadly @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @notspiders @brokenpieces-72 @petwifed @aldis-nuts @randominstake @cassiecasluciluce @hayleybarnesx
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
A Dearborn suspect charged in an antisemitic attack last month at Michigan's oldest Jewish congregation was arraigned Tuesday in Oakland County Circuit Court as new details emerged in federal court about his activity at a gun store the day of the incident.
Hassan Yehia Chokr, 35, who targeted children and parents at Temple Beth El in Bloomfield Township, will face a pretrial hearing on April 4 after he appeared for his arraignment before Judge Jacob James Cunningham. He remains in Oakland County Jail on a $1 million bond in a case that has drawn national attention as an example of the upswing in antisemitic attacks.
In addition to facing two counts of ethnic intimidation brought by Oakland County Prosecutor Karen McDonald, Chokr also faces a separate criminal case in Wayne County on a previous charge involving an assault. And he faces federal charges filed last month for lying on a federal firearms form that he didn't have a felony conviction when he sought to buy a shotgun, a rifle and a semi-automatic pistol at a Dearborn gun store after he drove to the Oakland County synagogue.
Federal prosecutors gave new details Thursday in court filings about the gun charges, saying he made inflammatory remarks while trying to purchase weapons at Dearborn Outdoors on Dec 2. The U.S. Attorney's Office also produced several new images from what appears to be a store surveillance video of Chokr holdings guns inside the Dearborn gun store; they show him trying out several weapons, including a Mac-10 machine gun, 12-gauge shotgun and AK47-style assault rifle.
"Chokr threatened 'Y’all are gonna die' at a Jewish synagogue," prosecutors said in a brief filed Jan. 12 by Assistant U.S. Attorney Frances Lee Carlson. "After that, he went to a gun store to purchase firearms that he said would be used for 'God’s wrath' and 'to even the score.'"
Chokr was "attempting to illegally purchase firearms so that he could possess and use them" and was "making false statements regarding his eligibility to do so," Carlson wrote. "This was after he spent the morning terrorizing employees, children, and parents at a Jewish synagogue in Bloomfield Hills, by spewing racist and antisemitic threats and yelling 'You all are going to die!' and “You’re going to pay!'"
"Fortunately, Chokr was denied the purchase after a background check," said the government's brief. "This enraged Chokr who threatened to break into the store and 'get his guns.' He also posted a picture of the denial slip on social media with the words, 'Time to bust out the drywall. Ouzzie time.'"
Chokr also was heard in the gun store saying: “It ain’t a fair fight out here. I’m going to even the score. I’m going even the playing field real soon brothers, real soon.”
A police report from Bloomfield Township filed in the federal case also provided new details.
More:Judge says Dearborn man's targeting of synagogue 'bone-chilling,' sends case to trial
More:Video shows suspect yelling at kids at Bloomfield Township synagogue, hurling racial slurs
"While reviewing the videos (filmed by Chokr), detectives observed Hassan with a firearm which he couldn't lawfully possess," the report said. "Hassan pointed the firearm out the window and began making threats. Dearborn PD began documenting the incident."
Police then took him to a mental health center in Detroit.
"When Hassan left his home this morning, he was placed into protective custody based on the Wayne County Mental Order," the report said. "He was transported to Team Wellness in Detroit for treatment and a 72-hour hold. Dearborn detectives were able to obtain a search warrant for Hassan's home to determine if he was in possession of any firearms. During the search, detectives located an Airsoft gun but no firearms."
Police said earlier that day, Chokr had driven to Temple Beth El in Bloomfield Township as parents were dropping their toddlers off at a preschool that's associated with the historic synagogue established in the 19th century.
Chokr made derogatory remarks towards the synagogue, calling it the "Mother of the devil," Carlson wrote in the federal court filing. He also made bigoted remarks about Jewish people and Blacks, repeatedly hurling racial slurs at two Black employees trying to protect the synagogue as he drove outside it screaming. Chokr filmed himself as he was driving at the center and uploaded to video to Instagram. He can be seen and heard yelling at children and parents as they walked and carried them to the preschool.
"Toward the end, it was uncontrolled, seething rage that quite frankly, would make anyone shudder with bone-chilling fear," Judge Kimberly Small of 48th District Court in Bloomfield Township said earlier this month before binding him over for trial to Oakland Circuit Court.
At previous hearings, Chokr mooned a Detroit judge and yelled antisemitic slurs at a Bloomfield Township judge.
Chokr's attorney and a family member said that he suffers from mental health problems and needs assistance rather than being in jail. They also said that while some of his words were improper, he has a constitutional right to free speech.
The Bloomfield Township police report filed in the federal case describes an officers' interview with a brother of Chokr, Hussein Chokr.
"Hassan has been diagnosed with a mental condition, but Hussein is unsure which condition," the police report said of its interview with the brother. "Hassan has been prescribed medications but does not take them regularly. Hassan will act normal for a while and then become frantic and manic. Sometimes Hassan will let his emotions rage, and no one will be able to control him."
His brother also said that Chokr was a constitutional auditor, describing people who sometimes film themselves getting into confrontations with law enforcement to illustrate their constitutional rights.
Chokr's attorney, Nabih Ayad, argued for Chokr's release from jail in the federal case, saying he is willing to have him turn "in his passport, seeking mental health treatment, being in the custody of his brother, and being on a GPS tether and not be allowed near any religious institutions or gun shops."
Ayad also challenged prosecutors on their claim that Chokr was in possession of a firearm.
The prosecutors "are trying to have their cake and eat it, too," Ayad wrote in his brief filed on Jan. 11. "If (Chokr) possessed a firearm, then why not charge Defendant with acquisition as opposed to attempted acquisition ... The only explanation is that the government cannot get a conviction."
Prosecutors responded in their brief, saying that Chokr "had actual physical possession of and control over six different firearms for almost four minutes."
The court filings also show that the FBI helped police in their investigation, taking possession of Chokr's cell phone at one point.
Chokr's criminal history was detailed in the police report. Some of the cases included: an order in 2021 that prohibited him from buying a pistol; pleading guilty that same year in a misdemeanor case involving cruelty to animals; pleading nolo contendere in 2013 in a misdemeanor assault case in 19th District Court in Dearborn; and pleading guilty in 2017 to felony stealing with a financial transaction device, which often refers to credit cards, debit cards or gift cards.
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omagazineparis · 5 months
Airsoft – quels sont les avantages offerts par ce sport d’équipe ? 
En France, la pratique d’airsoft est en pleine expansion. Ce sport de simulation de combats et de scènes de guerre attire de plus en plus de personnes, car il offre de nombreuses possibilités de jeux. Découvrez pourquoi pratiquer cette activité et comment l’utiliser la réplique de manière sécurisée ? Airsoft – qu’est-ce que c’est ?  Airsoft est un tir sportif, le but consiste à toucher les membres de l’équipe opposée, à l’aide de billes de réplique airsoft. C’est un sport très complexe qui exige une endurance physique et beaucoup de technique. Chaque participant doit être précis. Le travail d’équipe et la mise en place d’une meilleure stratégie sont les clefs du succès. Ce sport a l’avantage de rassembler des personnes différentes et issues d’un environnement opposé. Il faut souligner qu’il est aussi possible de pratiquer ce jeu de tir en solo et à l’intérieur.  Pourquoi pratiquer l’airsoft ? À pratiquer en équipe, l’airsoft permet de développer l’esprit d’équipe, la concentration et l’endurance. L’airsoft est avant tout un sport collectif. Il figure donc dans la liste des meilleures activités pour développer l’esprit d’équipe et faire preuve de stratégie. La prise d’un camp ennemi, la protection d’un VIP ou encore la libération d’un coéquipier ne s’improvise pas. Afin de gagner le combat, les membres de chaque équipe doivent faire la mise au point d’une stratégie efficace. Ce n’est pourtant pas suffisant, car pour atteindre les objectifs, il faut couvrir ses alliés et se sacrifier autant que possible. A lire également : Qu’est-ce que la latunga : décryptage Par ailleurs, l��airsoft procure aussi des avantages sur la santé physique. Il s’agit d’une activité physique intense qui se déroule souvent dans une zone forestière, difficile d’accès. Un choix qui varie en fonction du mode de jeu. Le matériel est aussi lourd et rend le jeu plus complexe et beaucoup plus excitant. Durant la pratique de l’airsoft, il faut courir, ramper, escalader et se baigner dans la boue. Tout au long de l'épreuve, chaque participant va bouger et transpirer beaucoup.  Ce qui améliore la santé physique.  Pratiquer l’airsoft – les règles de sécurité à connaître Les billes airsoft sont généralement en plastique, mais il y a aussi les billes biodégradables. Dans les deux cas, ces billes peuvent présenter des dangers pour les joueurs. C’est pour cette raison qu’il faut connaître les mesures de sécurité avant de pratiquer le jeu : - Choisir une réplique dont la puissance est inférieure à 2 joules. Il est également possible de la régler pour affiner la précision des tirs. - S’équiper de protections oculaires conformes à la norme. Lunettes ou masque, ces équipements protègent les yeux de l’impact d’une bille projetée. - Utiliser des billes de bonne qualité, issues des marques connues. Les billes bas de gamme risquent de s’exploser au contact de leur cible. - Éviter la pratique de ce jeu de guerre sur terrain public. - Toujours pointer sa réplique vers une cible (objet ou personne) précise. L’airsoft offre plusieurs types de jeu, permettant de vivre des expériences inédites. C’est un jeu violent qui fait le bonheur des amateurs de sensations fortes. Si vous voulez le tester, le respect de ces quelques règles de sécurité vous aidera à rendre le jeu beaucoup plus amusant et à profiter de tous ses avantages. Read the full article
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gook54-blog · 8 months
Blowing up house with expired rpg
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Airsoft Guns Market Likely To Reach Beyond $3,522.2 Million By 2030
The global airsoft guns market size is expected to reach USD 3,522.2 million by 2030 and expand at a CAGR of 7.8% from 2022 to 2030, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. Mounting consumer demand for airsoft sports events is pouring several associations to conduct airsoft leagues all over the globe. For instance, the International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC) conducts an international competition for airsoft shooting. Each year, participants from more than 105 nations actively take part in this competition. They have about 200K members across the globe who are into generating awareness about this event, thus driving the market for airsoft guns.
An increasing number of enthusiastic along with adventurous high net-worth individuals are increasing expenditure on airsoft guns which drives the market growth. Though, people are increasingly becoming more conscious of the damage caused by the abuse of these gadgets, which is restraining the growth of the market.The COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on the growth of the market. Most leading brands experienced a decline in sales due to the pandemic.
Various major airsoft events and activities were postponed or cancelled during the pandemic which resulted in a decline in the demand for airsoft guns in 2020. The growing adoption of online channel sales makes the market grow at a steady pace again from the last two quarters of 2020. The handguns segment dominated the market with a market share of over 40.0% in 2021. This is owing to a rise in the demand among customers for them. These lightweight, user-friendly toys are easy-to-use and need no user manual, as such, they are a widely held option by children and adults. Therefore, it is mostly used all over the world and generated large revenue in 2021.
North America acquired the largest revenue share in the airsoft guns market in 2021. This is due to rising consumer inclination for adventure activities and increases in disposable income in the region. By considering the market demand, several companies are offering fields and airsoft guns for rent, where everyone can enjoy the adventure activity. For instance, U.S.-based company, AirsoftC3, LLC is one of the main hosts of indoor as well as outdoor airsoft games that offers field, bb guns, airsoft guns, and protective gear for rent. Thus, North America generated the largest revenue in 2021.
A growing number of rifle companies in advanced countries, such as the U.S., the UK, Germany, France, and Italy have played a significant role in boosting the use of airsoft guns. Companies are running multiple airsoft gun activities and events to bring people into the team.
Request a free sample copy or view report summary: Airsoft Guns Market Report
Airsoft Guns Market Report Highlights
Middle East and Africa are expected to dominate the market over the forecast period from 2022 to 2030. Varying consumer behaviors toward adventure sports activity, along with rising disposable income, particularly among the youth working population, in countries such as Saudi Arabia and UAE, is likely to increase the market growth in the region
The rifle segment is likely to dominate over the forecast period from 2022 to 2030. This is owing to the majority of game experts advising players to use these rifles as they help in providing improved overall shooting accuracy
The online segment is likely to dominate over the forecast period from 2022 to 2030. A growing number of social media drives about the thrill of these sports events will surge the demand for airsoft guns over the online channel over the next few years
Airsoft Guns Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the airsoft guns market report based on product, distribution channel, and region.
Airsoft Guns Product Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
Muzzle Loading
Airsoft Guns Distribution Channel Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
Airsoft Guns Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
North America
Asia Pacific
Central & South America
Middle East & Africa
South Africa
List of Key Players in the Airsoft Guns Market
Colt's Manufacturing Company
ICS Airsoft, Inc.
Crosman Corporation
Lancer Tactical
Kriss USA
Ballistic Breakthru Gunnery Corporation
A&K Airsoft
Tokyo Marui
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hopefuless · 2 years
Où pratiquer le Airsoft en France ?
Où pratiquer le Airsoft en France ?
En matière d’airsoft, la France a beaucoup à offrir aux amateurs d’intérieur et d’extérieur. Pour ceux qui préfèrent rester à l’abri du soleil, il existe plusieurs arènes couvertes où les joueurs peuvent s’équiper et s’affronter dans des situations de combat simulées. Ces arènes présentent souvent des environnements différents, comme des paysages urbains ou des jungles, ce qui permet aux joueurs…
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don-lichterman · 2 years
Airsoft Guns Market is estimated to reach $4.13 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 8.3% from 2022 to 2031
Airsoft Guns Market is estimated to reach $4.13 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 8.3% from 2022 to 2031
Airsoft Guns- report increase in number of shooting organizations in many developed countries which includes U.S., Germany, UK, France and many other developing countries PORTLAND, 5933 NE WIN SIVERS DRIVE, #205, OR 97220, UNITED STATE, October 10, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — According to a new report published by Allied Market Research, titled, “Airsoft Guns Market,” The airsoft guns market was…
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skysnozz · 4 years
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donpelayoairsoft · 3 years
France army or something like that 😏
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theaverageshooter · 5 years
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The FAMAS. Not something that you get to see every day. . #famas #french #rainbowsixsiege #rainbowsix #airsoft #556 #gun #freedom #rifle #bullpup #cool #france #weapon @brownellsinc @weaponsdaily @weaponsfanatics @weaponspage @sickguns @grey.wolf.tactical @gunsdaily (at Syria) https://www.instagram.com/theaverageshooter/p/BxLP6duprwI/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6ktafm2t9ttq
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tango3milsim · 8 years
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On refait la tapisserie de ta grand-mère
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omagazineparis · 5 months
Airsoft – quels sont les avantages offerts par ce sport d’équipe ? 
En France, la pratique d’airsoft est en pleine expansion. Ce sport de simulation de combats et de scènes de guerre attire de plus en plus de personnes, car il offre de nombreuses possibilités de jeux. Découvrez pourquoi pratiquer cette activité et comment l’utiliser la réplique de manière sécurisée ? Airsoft – qu’est-ce que c’est ?  Airsoft est un tir sportif, le but consiste à toucher les membres de l’équipe opposée, à l’aide de billes de réplique airsoft. C’est un sport très complexe qui exige une endurance physique et beaucoup de technique. Chaque participant doit être précis. Le travail d’équipe et la mise en place d’une meilleure stratégie sont les clefs du succès. Ce sport a l’avantage de rassembler des personnes différentes et issues d’un environnement opposé. Il faut souligner qu’il est aussi possible de pratiquer ce jeu de tir en solo et à l’intérieur.  Pourquoi pratiquer l’airsoft ? À pratiquer en équipe, l’airsoft permet de développer l’esprit d’équipe, la concentration et l’endurance. L’airsoft est avant tout un sport collectif. Il figure donc dans la liste des meilleures activités pour développer l’esprit d’équipe et faire preuve de stratégie. La prise d’un camp ennemi, la protection d’un VIP ou encore la libération d’un coéquipier ne s’improvise pas. Afin de gagner le combat, les membres de chaque équipe doivent faire la mise au point d’une stratégie efficace. Ce n’est pourtant pas suffisant, car pour atteindre les objectifs, il faut couvrir ses alliés et se sacrifier autant que possible. A lire également : Qu’est-ce que la latunga : décryptage Par ailleurs, l’airsoft procure aussi des avantages sur la santé physique. Il s’agit d’une activité physique intense qui se déroule souvent dans une zone forestière, difficile d’accès. Un choix qui varie en fonction du mode de jeu. Le matériel est aussi lourd et rend le jeu plus complexe et beaucoup plus excitant. Durant la pratique de l’airsoft, il faut courir, ramper, escalader et se baigner dans la boue. Tout au long de l'épreuve, chaque participant va bouger et transpirer beaucoup.  Ce qui améliore la santé physique.  Pratiquer l’airsoft – les règles de sécurité à connaître Les billes airsoft sont généralement en plastique, mais il y a aussi les billes biodégradables. Dans les deux cas, ces billes peuvent présenter des dangers pour les joueurs. C’est pour cette raison qu’il faut connaître les mesures de sécurité avant de pratiquer le jeu : - Choisir une réplique dont la puissance est inférieure à 2 joules. Il est également possible de la régler pour affiner la précision des tirs. - S’équiper de protections oculaires conformes à la norme. Lunettes ou masque, ces équipements protègent les yeux de l’impact d’une bille projetée. - Utiliser des billes de bonne qualité, issues des marques connues. Les billes bas de gamme risquent de s’exploser au contact de leur cible. - Éviter la pratique de ce jeu de guerre sur terrain public. - Toujours pointer sa réplique vers une cible (objet ou personne) précise. L’airsoft offre plusieurs types de jeu, permettant de vivre des expériences inédites. C’est un jeu violent qui fait le bonheur des amateurs de sensations fortes. Si vous voulez le tester, le respect de ces quelques règles de sécurité vous aidera à rendre le jeu beaucoup plus amusant et à profiter de tous ses avantages. Read the full article
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adlerboi · 2 years
Perseus France
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My graphic designer friend made me this logo for my airsoft team located in France.
We will represent agents of French Perseus, in the 70s/80s
I found it interesting to exploit this side to make a French band. We are for the 3, myself Viper, my spouse Volk and my friend Blockhaus 😊
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lynxkaomhin · 5 years
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La m4 est toujours là meilleure AR de #modernwarfare et même IRL elle est parfaite 😁 équipée de son petit viseur reflex et poignée avant. #m4a1 #m4 #fusildassaut #callofdutymodernwarfare #callofduty #arme #replique #airsoft #rt #france🇫🇷 #youtuber (à Coulommiers, Ile-De-France, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5BMXUrI64a/?igshid=1hssi2ce0ousn
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red-cathedral · 3 years
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What happens if you release Resident Evil cosplayers from Belgium, France and Germany (in alphabetical order) into the care of a photographer? And what if you add a police car? Well.. it's #Spooktober so get ready for some horror & gore! The talent in almost alphabetical order: Team Resident Evil Cosplay Belgium IG @ResidentEvilCosplayBelgium FB @ResidentEvilCosplay.be S.T.A.R.S. • Aurélien – Barry Burton | IG @Demo_bx • Gregory – Brad Vickers | IG @Rowdy_Cosplay • Lara – Jill Valentine | IG @LaraDavid23 • Michael – Chris Redfield | IG @Michaelus_Cosplay_Belgium • Oliver – Joseph Frost | IG @RPD42cosplay • Shana – Claire Redfield | IG @Kogumacosplay Umbrella Corp • Alex – Soldier | IG @Alex_Satorie • Nathan – Soldier | IG @Fury_theDarkness • Tyro - Scientist |IG @Tyro_cosplay Zombies • Florian – Zombie | IG @Panda.Florian • Rémy – Zombie | IG @FirouFifo • Sofie – Undead scientist | IG @rpd42cosplay A giant thanks to the entire team for light, MUA and assistance. #residentevil #biohazard #stars #cosplay #cosplayers #cosplayer #capcom #shooting #umbrella #zombie #capcomgermany #rpd #raccooncity #capcomcosplay #virus #belgium #french #germany #policebrutality #halloween #horror #undead #umbrellacorp #soldier #larp #videogame #horror #game #survivalhorror #airsoft On my Flickr (RedCathedral) are loads more images.. maybe I'll post another serie on IG later-on when all images have been processed.. only halfway ATM. Or check out my FB @therealRedCathedral (bij Raccoon City) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUsg21XDPyj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hideout-inc · 6 years
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. no blue on blue . #noblueonblue #riki #noda #trg #tactics #france #jsdf #medic #airsoftworldwide #airsoftworld #airsofter #サバイバルゲーム #サバゲー #サバゲー男子 #サバゲー女子 #戦場行きたい (Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/BttLpLkFbi0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=jgd8acbqxyyc
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