xenonb · 2 years
Mega Man Battle Network!
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blue-skytan · 2 years
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nevert-the-guy · 1 year
My Hastily-Drawn Thoughts on MMBN's NetNavis: Game 2
WARNING: Even Longer Incredibly Long Post
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...so yeah, it ended on a bit of a sour note this time, and I'm saving the postgame NetNavis for a special "extra"...
...what's that? In the airport?
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BN1 Review
Plok Boss Music, for those unaware
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fondlepunch · 1 year
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Airman.EXE 💨🤖
“Look up in the sky, it’s a bird, it’s a plane. IT’S AIRMAN, BITCH, AND I’M BRINGING THE PAIN!”
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seer918 · 2 years
Comparing Megaman robot masters to Megaman Battle Network netnavis part 2: The very belated one
Soooooo I totally forgot I was doing this. Shows how bad last summer was if my brain melted to the point I forgot
Oh well, time for the next batch
Score so far is 5-2 in favour of the navi because I count ties as a point for both, and I feel like that gap’s gonna get larger
First, MetalMan and MetalMan.exe
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God these designs fuck (affectionate)
Not a big fan of the yellow on the robot master, and I enjoy the addition of gears and the mechanical fists to make .EXE more metal themed rather than just buzzsaw themed
Point for MetalMan.exe, raising the score to 6-2
Next, AirMan and AirMan.EXE
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Ehhhh, they’re both...alright? Kinda dumpy in different ways
Not sure I like the addition of green to the Navi design, but do like its slightly more threatening fan
But there’s just something truly iconic about the classic design, even if I didn’t grow up with it. I also prefer the overal bulkiness compare to the inexplicably lanky thighs of .EXE...
It’s a tie, 7-3.
Okay, next up is...next up are the Bubblemen
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...it’s a race to rock bottom, folks. Another victim of the random chibi-fication but instead of ruining a solid design it’s just another version of a really ugly look
Why the cheek marks and the fat lips? But then again why give a robot a diving mask? Why make a water robot green?
I’m half tempted to remove a point from BOTH games’ score but instead I’m awarding both games a point as compensation for having to look at these two.
Thankfully the next up are a nice change of pace, pun semi-intended, QuickMan and QuickMan.EXE
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Both are really solid designs, but even putting my personal navi bias aside I do like that .EXE looks like something that can move fast. And all the sharp edges make the idea of simply getting in his way a fatal choice.
9-4, but it was REALLY close this time.
Skipping over CrashMan since I guess they didn’t want to think about how overpowered a program with CRASH in it’s name would be to fight, we move on to FLASH, AH AAAAAAA~
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...this batch (with one notable exception) so far has really been the ‘close to the original’ round, huh?
Ironically given the name, I like the mostly darker colour scheme for .EXE, since it makes the actual flashing parts POP a bit more.
10-4 and that’s mainly because the pauldrons on the robot master being light blue annoys me for some reason, otherwise it’d’ve been a tie.
Next up is a dumpy guy dressed as a lighter and a screaming Hellbeast that looks like a lighter that uses child blood as lighter fuel
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The best glow up in this batch and the best navi partner of Mr Match...oh do I have a burning desire to tear into the last one of his fire trio but I’ll wait until the 6th round.
Even if I didn’t have a bias, I just love the jack’o lantern look to .EXE’s face. They really went hard in on the fact that Navi don’t HAVE to look humanoids and I love it.
And last we have...Oh, nice, WoodMan
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The only Robot master who isn’t mostly red or blue in this batch so my eyes are happy. the yellow accents are weird but do help pop against his otherwise dull tone-mm? Oh, how rude of me, I forgot to get a picture of your decendent, WoodMan.EXEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYIKES!
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I mean I guess they were going more for the wooden golem look but...why give him big meaty lips? Why does his arms look more robotic than the actual robot master? On MetalMan.EXE that makes sense since mechanical bu-WHY DOES HE HAVE A FUEL GAUGE?!
...I’m dissapointed Battle Network. At least you made his operator an absolute cutie.
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11-5. The gap got larger but the classic series is still clinging on
Gonna try and make this at least a twice weekly series since the Legacy Collection will be out soon, even if currently my funds won’t let me buy it until my next paychecque...stupid illness taking out a week and a bit...
Er, anyway I’ll try and have the 3rd batch out tomorrow, be good people
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askroahmmythril · 2 years
11. Electric: ElecMan.EXE. 12. Heavy/Metal/Armor: Knight Man (Yet again) 13. Air: Tornado Man (My fav Robot Master) 14. Water: Splash Woman 15: Toy: Ring Man 16. Light: Roll.EXE. 17. Dark: DarkMan.EXE. or EraseMan.EXE. 18. Nature: Dragon Sky 19. Sound: Harp Note 20. Magic/Psychic: Shade Man 21. Special/Multi-Element: Vile
11. Electric - Magnet Man (his Navi counterpart is Elec, so I'm using that as a technicality) / ElecMan.EXE 12. Heavy / Metal / Armor - Impact Man / MetalMan.EXE 13. Air - Tornado Man / AirMan.EXE 14. Water - Bubble Man / SharkMan.EXE 15. Toy - Top Man / ColorMan.EXE 16. Light - Bright Man (another he's a pain but I like his design) / FlashMan.EXE 17. Dark - Shade Man / ShadeMan.EXE 18. Nature - Wood Man / PlantMan.EXE 19. Sound - Shade Man / ShadeMan.EXE get the nod again 20. Magic / Psychic - Magic Man / MagicMan.EXE (I love that they represent two different types of magic, sleight of hand stage magic for the RM, and sorcery and spells for the Navi) 21. Special / Multi - Dark Man / DarkMan.EXE
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Megaman Production Art Scan of the Day #411:
Airman.EXE Head Shot + Full Body Character Design Sheet [Airman.EXE]  
Notations include:
- Height Comparison to Rockman
- Color Trace Paint for his body except for this highlight part
- There is a line on his armor that is only on the inside of both of his arms and legs
- Thick lines for the protruding fins on his body and wrists
- Navi Crest
Full Resolution Scan: https://imgbox.com/dR5ckL40
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pyro-madder · 7 years
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Gospel Navis (half of them, that is)
Haaaa those are from, like, last summer but I’ll probably never finish the set so might as well upload it (besides the fact that I can count the number of exe drawings I still want to do on my fingers)... I had already sketched Magnetman & Knightman somewhere and Freezeman would have a butler-ish outfit. Yeah.
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ick25 · 6 years
Rockman.EXE Episode 48 Review.
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Men can be such dogs sometimes.
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Alpha? Oh, right BN2.
We start the episode with the revival of Airman.EXE who is immediately consumed by a giant dark blob on the ground. This is followed by a clear shot of the leader of Gospel.
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Airman was brought back from the dead just to be chow. XD Okay, it is not confirmed that he was actually deleted, but I know a Navi being deleted when I see it! 
After the title card, we are at Akihara school where Netto is having trouble solving a math problem on the white board. Dekao and Rush ( who is there for some reason) decide to mess with Netto by throwing rubber bands at him. This whole scene was so pointless (and also because of Rush) that I’m not gonna bother taking screenshots of the rubber band war that takes place after they accidentaly hit Yaito too who then pulls out a super rubber band shooter out of her ass. But I DO have to take a screenshot of Yaito suddenly having a bazooka that was of course cutted from the dub.
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So if anyone ever wanted an image of Yaito carrying a bazooka with rubber bands on it, you’re welcome.
Mariko discovers this war and yells for everyone to stop. Just after that, we get another pointless scene since Masa-san and Higure-san appear outside the class windows on ladders trying to ask Mariko-sensei on a date. They obviously start to argue resulting in them eating eachothers gifts and taking part in a manga like battle outside, only for Mariko-sensei to ignore them by closing the window again and shocking the entire class by telling them that there won’t be any breaks.
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Serves them right for giving us that ridiculous rubber band war. A RUBBER BAND WAR!
We then cut to the Maha Ichiban hoping that something interesting will happen, but instead we get Count Elec and Hinouken playing a very weird game with cute paper cutouts of Heatman and Elecman while Mahajarama is preparing Curry and Madoi just talks about how bored she is. Hinouken’s paper doll somehow wins and Count Elec’s reaction to this makes him accidentally push Mahajarama and causes Magicman’s PET to fall in the curry.
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The scene ends with Mahajarama burning his hands trying to get Magicman out and then his face because he slips and the pot of Curry falls on his head.
Now we are back to Netto and friends walking home after school planning to have their Navis go to the Net Colosseum, but they are stopped by a scene so stupid and pointless that the dub decided to spare us the pain by cutting this entirely. Starting with them spoting Mariko-sensei buying “flowers” from Saloma and Miyuki, and then Higure running towards her asking her out on a date, she ignores him and a heartbroken Higure slams his face into a pole.
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That was so ridiculous that the animators didn’t even try to make the crash look convincing.
After Higure injures himself, Commander Beef appears on top of the post just making some cheer about Masa in a lame attempt to get Mariko-sensei to date him.
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That is my exact same face right now.
Needless to say that Mariko-sensei ignores him too, with Rush this time, and this finally ends with the Commander falling from the pole and landing on Higure’s back before leaving.
We focus on Saloma and Miyuki talking about how calm the Commander is when something seems to be going on in the net, just then, Miyuki’s crystal ball, which is magical now, glows and shows them an image of Netto and friends running away from something before getting sucked into a giant black hole in the sky.
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Miyuki tells Saloma that it is a sign of a terrible future ahead, but after enduring these past five minute, I’m REALLY LOOKING FOWARD TO THAT!
Our heroes are gathered at Yaito’s secret base where they plug in their Navis, who kinda look out of place in this shot of Internet city. I mean, look at them, the “Navis” look like robots from some different kind of scifi anime. And is that a walking fridge?
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Are you sure about that Rockman? It’s just a still shot of these robot people.       ¬ __¬
Immediately after this, we get rid of Rush who starts to “chase some tail” with the close up of some girl Navi’s butt removed from the dub.
The Navis arrive at the Net Coloseum where a battle is taking place between two familiar faces, Shiningman and Whaleman.
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This is how their battle would’ve been if Blues hadn’t taken them both out along with Breakman. n-n
After Shiningman defeats Whaleman, Rockman jumps into the arena, Gutsman tries to follow, but another old face beats him to it.
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Yes, Thunderman and Raoul return. After blocking some cutted buster shots, Thunderman attacks with lightning only for Netto to block it by tearing the fabric of time and space after sending some mini bombs.
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See? This has never happened before when sending mini bombs, they just appear in midair. Why this all of a sudden? o_o
Rockman attacks, Netto sends in a Sword along with some other chip (that doesn’t exist in the game) that absorbs Thunderman’s electrical attack.
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Did Netto by any chance stole that chip from Count Elec during episode 46?
Raoul and Thunderman are surprise about this and Netto explains it to them with a flashback, from a couple of seconds ago, where he calls out the chip after sending the sword and showing it appear behind Rockman.
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In case you didn’t catch the chip the first time. Seriously though, that thing matches Elecman’s design.
Rockman charges at Thunderman who blocks it, an explotion occurs for some reason and... I think it’s suppoused to be a tie?
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IDK, it looks like Rockman won, but Thunderman’s ring is suddenly next to him. Not just the animation, but the execution is poorly made too!
After this battle, we cut to an aerial view of Internet city.
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I knew it! Net Navis are being replaced by space era robots and walking fridges!!!
Hovering over the city is that mysterious cloacked Navi we saw back in episode 33 sensing something involving a Navi carrying a suitcase with the IPC logo on it. The Navi walks into an alley where he is suddenly consumed by the same blob that ate Airman at the beginning leaving behind nothing but his suitcase.
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We come back from commercials with Blues doing some parkour around Internet city as if he was searching for something. Blues finds the suitcase and reports to Enzan that the Navi from his company is nowhere to be seen.
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I reeeeeeeeally wanted this to be a gif, but for some reason I can’t find one. So here is a gif of Blues from last episode. n__n
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We then return to the Net Coloseum where Raoul is telling Netto about Navis disappearing all over the world as Thunderman tells a badly drawn group of Navis about his friend gone missing.
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I’m having episode 19 flashbacks.
Raoul and Thunderman also tell them that all clues related to the disappearances leads them to believe that they are being taken to Japan. Dun dun dunnnn!
We then cut to Rush still following that girl Navi until she turns around a corner where she encounters a giant beast. The blob on the ground engulfs the girl and is then absorbed by the monster. Rush tries to escape but the tail of the creature tosses him into the air making him land on its head.
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The giant beast then goes into the city where it destroys some buildings and scares off some Navis (normal looking ones this time), and absorbs an entire group with the blob.
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The part where it devoures the group of Navis seemed to be another animation mistake beacuse I swear the crowd was running towards the beast instead of running away.
After this, the beast breaks into the Net Colosseum where Whaleman and Shiningman were having a rematch before becoming food. After seeing this, Rockman, with the rest of his friends behind him, jump into the arena where they see the monster up close.
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Blues suddenly arrives at the scene and the beast charges at them. Rock and Blues push Roll and Thunderman out of the way before the monster lifts them into the air.
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Roll’s boots and mark on her helmet are miscolored and Netto has a mullet, why am I not surprise?
Both Navis are paralyzed in the ground after that, and I need to point out this other coloring mistake on Blues.
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But the question I have right now is, why can Navis take fall damage? If a Navi falls off a building does it get deleted or just damaged? Are they normaly programed to fall on their feet like cats?
We then see the weird looking Gospel leader viewing everything on one of his monitors while Freezeman is apologizing on the other one by letting it escape. The Gospel leader couldn’t care less for it is creating chaos like he wanted.
The beast heads for the paralyzed Rock and Blues until Thunderman comes to their rescue by using a new powerful lightning attack on it.
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Why is Blue’s gloves still the wrong color?!
It is a direct hit, Rock and Blues get up, but after the smoke clears out it is revealed that the monster wasn’t even scratch.
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Props to Thunderman and Gospel for turning one of my least likeable characters into one of my favorite foods, a hot dog. n.n
The beast charges at Thunderman who is then absorbed after trying to escape his jaws.
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R.I.P Thunderman. u.u
They then realize that the creature grows with every Navi it consumes. Enraged by what happend to Thunderman, Rockman charges at the beast but only gets flickered off like a fly. 
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Like a fly indeed, beacuse that was so fast that I could barely catch a good screenshot.
Blues proceeds to attack the beast but his sword breaks upon impact. The creature then sends him flying into a wall before falling on the ground again.
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Okay, how can Blues create that big of a hole? I know its because of the force of the impact, but that hole is not very acurate and it would also mean that Blues is made out of a very strong material, which wouldn’t be too farfetched, but the animation doesn’t help with this.
Both Navis are down and everyone watches in horror as the beast draws near Rockman.
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It opens its jaws untils the mysterious Navi from before lands between him and Rockman. They stare at echother withouth saying a word (unlike in the dub) before the beast suddenly turns around and leaves.
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The dub had him saying stuff like “you are not going to hurt me...” and “You know who I am...” But he was compleately silent the whole time. Does the dub think kids are gonna get bored if there is no dialogue every five seconds?
Rockman wakes up.
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Wow, rude.
And the episode ends with Enzan and Netto frustrated because they couldn’t do anything and the leader of Gospel demanding to know who that Navi was before revealing that a certain character might not be dead afterall.
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What do I think?
Oh my god, the animation and the pacing were horrible! What was the writting for this episode?! We get like five or six minutes of pointless scenes that didn’t lead to anything and did not contribute to the plot in any way! It was torture to have to endure those idiotic scenes that confuses the audience.
 It was a good thing that the dub decided to cut that last filler, they kept the scene of Netto and his friends walking down the street and then cut to Saloma and Miyuki commentating on how happy they seem before Miyuki’s magical crystal ball lights up. I get that maybe they were trying to make it like “the calm before the storm” kind of thing by showing how peaceful their everyday life is before the sudden appearance of a giant monster, but they could’ve written something better!
Like this: After Airman is consumed by the mysterious blob, we cut to Netto at school, something (actually) funny happens and then we see the WWW scene where Madoi comments on how boring everything is and Mahajarama mentioning that Gospel seems to be inactive lately. Then we cut to our heroes walking together after school where they are talking about the rumors of Navis disapearing all over the world, they decide to stay on their toes when they go to the Net Coloseum. Saloma watches them pass by until Miyuki appears with her Crystal ball saying that she senses something terrible going on before showing her the image of Netto and friends getting sucked into a black hole. Knowing about the Navi disappearances maybe would’ve made the Navis try to stick together and ironically not noticing that Rush got separated. Then the whole episode would’ve proceed as normal.
See? Something like that instead of having something that looks like a parody of their life in Akihara that reminds me of (Spoiler Alert) the episode before the ending of Beast + where Netto is trapped in a fake world that resembles his life back in the first season, only PETs and Navis don’t exist and it was just a regular boring day with something not feeling right. I wouldn’t be surprise if everyone except for Netto ended up transforming into Jammingman.
Anyway, the giant monster was called Virus Beast in the dub, but it’s real name is just Gospel and it is the final boss of Battle Network 2. It’s american counter part is actually named Treble but lets not talk about that now to avoid spoilers. Since the dub renamed the group Grave instead of Gospel if would’ve been a little confusing and maybe silly to call the beast Grave too, or Treble. In the game it is a giant beast created out of bug frags, the purpose for its creation is a little different from the anime, but I am not gonna talk about that yet, neither about the Mysterious cloaked Navi until next episode.
And about the weird looking Gospel leader... I think he can wait too.
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catwithbenefits · 9 years
I love love love love love Mega Man music, but since my blog is also a furry smutty yiff blog, I fear no one ever finds my music posts.
Maybe I need to make an all ages blog. A sort of secret side blog to operate in the background of my main blog about semen and animal penises. <.<
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blue-skytan · 2 years
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The cool thing about your ship having AU counterparts is that you can have fun with it
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fukouiro · 10 years
some doodle or die drawings, not in any particular order Even though I really like the idea, I slowly stopped playing because it's rather laggy (and I keep getting new chains instead of drawings to describe). Also, drawing on only one layer is pretty annoying, though I'd still play if it wasn't laggy.
(I seriously can't believe I forgot to put a beret on it...)
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This last set of Stream DVD production art features old man Barrel - who is the oldest 50-year-old you’ve ever seen, the museum curator who housed Dingo and Shanka’s Totem-sama in Ep. 33, Asteroid Airman and Bowlman, a trio of watery viruses - Whirly, Marina, and Slimey, and finally wraps things up with ancient alien ship technology, also known as Duo’s comet.
Captured from: Rockman.EXE Stream DVD Extra Galleries
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So, I guess Princess Pride was originally going to be sleepy Tron Bonne.EXE...
Since I’ve been more focused on contest-related posts to keep it fresh in people’s minds, I’ve been overdue for new scan posts. So here are a few more samples from the EXE CSS.
While nothing mind-blowing per se, there are a few things you won’t find in the other EXE artbooks. To go along with Pride, on the second scan you can see Aquaman, in what looks like a yellow pajama set, a yellow dress Elementman that makes him look like a giant shuttlecock, and a whiter-top armor/helmet Colonel, that almost makes him look like somebody forgot to finish coloring him.
The third scan has some Forte crest concepts and his fins styled down, an extremely ugly-looking Life Virus bug, and an Alpha that is basically just a slight recolor.
Scanned from: Capcom Special Selection: Rockman.EXE, Circa September 2014
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megaman-fluffcanons · 3 years
(MMZ progress anon) I mean, what game are you playing right now? P.S. Mind if I request FreezeMan.exe, WoodMan.exe and AirMan.exe jealous headcanons?
I’m currently playing Balan Wonderworld, Pokemon LeafGreen (again) and Hollow Knight
He does get jealous, but not too often, it just depends on the situation. If he sees his loved one with someone else, laughing and smiling with someone that’s not him, then for sure he’ll get jealous, but he won’t get to the point where he’ll drag them away or anything, he knows that they need others to be around aside from him.
He doesn’t really get jealous, surprisingly. Sure, he’ll feel a pang of jealousy from time to time, but that’s about it.
He can get jealous rather easily, it doesn't really matter what the situation is. He tries to control it/calm down, but he just can’t. He may have to walk away from the situation before someone ends up getting hurt. He does feel a bit bad about it, and has apologized about it on occasion.
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