linipik · 3 months
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microwaving them slowly in my brain
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tenthrees · 2 years
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You don't have to test everything to destruction just to see if you made it right.
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unhingedpirates · 1 year
There's something I need to talk about that I haven't seen mentioned.
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First off, by 1827, Aziraphale has 603 VOLUMES OF DIARIES CONFIDENTIAL JOURNALS (with a lot of entries featuring Crowley, I bet). In the present day, he probably has a lot more.
But when Aziraphale starts writing we can see the previous entry (which is probably on purpose, because they could have easily made him start on a blank page).
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That is what I think it says (sorry for the awful format lol). Does anyone know if Neil has said anything about this?
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arye09 · 1 year
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"I forgive you"
Absolutely cried myself to sleep that night. Tho despite the tears I rlly liked this certain scene of aziraphale right after. The painnn.
(Also the background isn't drawn sadly)
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Airaphale and Crowley are so horrible at communicating that they made up an ENTIRE DANCE to avoid having to have a proper heartfelt conversation/apology
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hikarry · 3 months
Aziraphale: You're the love of my life and my best friend, I would do anything for you. Crowley: Could you give me a bit of your Crème Brûlée? Airaphale: Absolutely not.
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denaliwrites · 9 months
All I Want For Christmas
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Crowley x GN!Reader x Aziraphale
Summary: Crowley would never hesitate to sin. But Aziraphale? Well, it may not be in his nature, but sometimes around Christmas he gets dangerously close to breaking Commandment Six.
Soundtrack: You know the song. Don't act like you don't. Don't lie to me like that.
Requests: Open!
Warnings: Psychological Warfare.
Aziraphale loved Christmas. Well, more and more each year he loved the idea of it more than the holiday itself, generally not a fan of the corporate takeover or how shallow humanity had become over it. But, still, he had hope that they'd see the light, so to speak. And there were still some good things about it.
But there was one thing -- only one, singular thing -- that really tested the extent of his love for the holiday, year after year.
That blasted song.
Every year, he dreaded the moment he heard it for the first time and every year that time came earlier and earlier. This year, it came in October -- October! Before Halloween! It was ridiculous if he did say so himself.
And he did.
Now, Crowley was never much a fan of Christmas -- or any holiday, really, though he did sometimes get a kick out of Halloween and, for some odd reason, Arbor Day. He'd even once celebrated Icelandic Independence Day, just because.
But he held a special place (of loathing) in his heart for Christmas, and it was all because of that blasted song.
That blasted song -- that you could not get out of your head, no matter how hard you tried.
And try you did -- you tried replacing it with other Christmas songs, you tried replacing it with non-holiday music that was equally annoying and catchy, and hell, you tried replacing it with ad jingles.
But nothing stuck, so in your head it remained, haunting you day after day.
And the two of them -- they could sense it on the tip of your tongue from the moment you stepped foot in the bookshop.
"Don't you fucking dare," Crowley warned you with a finger pointed menacingly in your direction as you approached the two of them. You could feel his glare through his glasses and over the rim of the wine glass at his lips.
Aziraphale threw the demon a disconcerted look and cleared his throat. "What Crowley means--"
"-- is don't you fucking dare," the demon repeated firmly.
You swallowed thickly and nodded, though remained silent as you feared what might happen if you opened your mouth.
The urge to sing was maddeningly strong.
"Oh, Crowley," Aziraphale said with a sigh. "The poor thing looks ready to burst."
"I don't care."
"Crowley, don't be cruel."
"Cruel? Cruel!? For not wanting to hear that blasted song for the millionth time -- today?"
You caught sight of a radio out of the corner of your eye, and like Aurora to the spindle, you were drawn to the cursed object. Neither the angel nor the demon noticed you wander off.
"I knew it was a mistake giving her that song," Crowley said, just before infernal music flooded the room.
The two rushed over to where you stood, with your hand still on the radio's dial.
"Oh, dear," Airaphale moaned in dread.
"Darling, what have you done?" Crowley asked.
You didn't answer them. Instead, you belted out --
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mimisempai · 11 months
Simple but yet precious
Aziraphale has prepared a surprise for Crowley. 
In the Bentley, blindfolded, the demon lets the angel lead him, not knowing what to expect. What does his angel have in mind?
Autumn, picnic, some fluff…
Day 27 : Picnic
On Ao3
Rating G -  1181 words
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"Angel, where are you taking me?"
Aziraphale was pulling Crowley toward the Bentley, and Crowley, though reluctant and showing it, let himself be pulled along anyway.
"So, lovebirds, are we having a good time?"
They turned to see Nina leaning against the coffee shop door, a mocking smile on her lips.
Aziraphale exclaimed as he opened the passenger door for Crowley, "We're having a great time, my dear Nina. Tip top!" he added to the demon, "Come on, dear, get in."
Crowley stopped short, shook his head, and replied, "No, no, no, you're not driving."
Aziraphale pulled him toward the car anyway and said with puppy eyes, "Come on Crowley, do me a favor, please, it's a surprise."
Crowley sighed, "Angel, that's not fair, why are you looking at me like that, you know I can't resist when you do that."
Aziraphale, when he was sure Crowley was properly seated in the car, leaned forward, planted a light kiss on his lips, and replied, "I do it precisely because I know you can't resist."
He slammed the door and heard Crowley retort, "And I'm supposed to be the demon?!"
The angel laughed slightly as he walked around the car to sit on the other side.
The demon asked, "So where are we going?"
Aziraphale shook his head and replied, "You'll know when we get there. Would you like me to explain what a surprise is?"
Crowley raised his hands and said cheekily, "Very well, I surrender, Mr. Fell, do with me what you will."
Aziraphale replied a little more hesitantly, "Speaking of doing what I want, will you allow me to blindfold you?"
Without a second's hesitation, Crowley grabbed the piece of cloth Aziraphale had just pulled from his pocket and blindfolded himself. He immediately felt the gentle caress of Aziraphale's hand on his cheek and the angel said softly, "Thank you for trusting me."
Crowley simply replied, "Always, Angel. But..."
"But what?"
"Next time I want a blindfold in something other than tartan."
Aziraphale exclaimed, "But tartan is stylish!"
They both laughed as the Bentley pulled away.
Crowley felt Aziraphale's hand rest on his knee, and his hand naturally came to cover it as their fingers intertwined.
They drove for half an hour, and Crowley's keen senses enabled him to recognize certain parts of London, but for the last fifteen minutes he had no idea where they were, except that they had left the city. He tried several times to trick the angel into revealing his secret, but Aziraphale remained absolutely tight-lipped and gave nothing away.
Suddenly, the demon felt the Bentley slow down and then stop.
Aziraphale squeezed his knee and said quietly, "We've arrived. Please stay in the car for another five minutes and I'll come get you."
Crowley replied, raising an eyebrow, "So much mystery.... "
Aziraphale planted another kiss on his lips, then Crowley felt him pull away, heard him open the trunk, then walk away again, and finally heard him return a few minutes later, just as he'd said he would.
The angel opened the car door and said softly, "I'm back."
Aziraphale took Crowley's hands, helped him out of the car, and led him forward, still blindfolded, along what appeared to be a narrow path. 
Crowley said amused, "You know, we could have, I don't know... teleported here?"
Airaphale replied gently, "But what's the point of the mystery, of the surprise, my dear?"
Suddenly, they stopped and Aziraphale released Crowley's hands, moved behind him and unfastened the blindfold.
Crowley blinked a little before realizing where they were, and the first thing he said, surprised, was, "You brought me here for a picnic?"
They were in a small clearing, a blanket, tartan of course, spread out at the foot of an oak tree and a picnic basket beside it. The natural world around them wore the shimmering colors of autumn, the air temperature was mild, and the sky was perfectly clear of clouds.
Aziraphale chuckled before replying mockingly, "How perceptive!"
Crowley turned to him and asked, somewhat puzzled, "Why, Angel?"
Aziraphale smiled fondly, grabbed the demon's hands, and led him to sit on the blanket. Then, as he began to unpack what was in the basket, he explained, "Well, I thought a little interlude would do us good. The uncertainty of the future doesn't allow us to go on vacation or anything like that for now, but there's nothing to stop us from taking a few moments like this, so I wanted to do this for us. Aren't you happy?"
Aziraphale couldn't hide a slight concern at the thought that Crowley might not want to do this. That dinners in restaurants, walks in the park were enough. That maybe he'd asked for too much. That maybe he...
The demon's voice kept the angel from worrying any further as he replied softly, "On the contrary, Angel, I'm delighted that you've done this for me, for us. It's a lovely surprise."
Crowley leaned forward and pressed a tender kiss to Aziraphale's lips, backing up his words. 
Tha angel continued to unpack what he'd brought and handed a bottle of wine to Crowley, who opened it and filled two glasses.
They ate and drank side by side, talking about anything and everything. 
When they finished their meal, Crowley leaned back against the tree and Aziraphale naturally sat down against him, his back against Crowley's chest as the demon wrapped his arms around him and kissed him gently on the neck before murmuring, "Thank you, Angel.
Leaning against the demon, Aziraphale replied softly, "You're welcome. I'm glad we could spend some quality time together like this."
Crowley murmured against his hair, "When we're together, it's always quality time."
Aziraphale chuckled softly and replied, "You're absolutely right," then rested his head on Crowley's shoulder as the demon rested his chin on his hair.
At that moment, a warm, bright yellow leaf twirled in the breeze and fell onto Aziraphale's lap. He took it delicately and murmured, "Beautiful, just like your eyes."
He laughed softly as he heard Crowley sigh against his hair, then gently placed it in his jacket pocket.
Crowley, curious, asked, "What are you going to do with it, Angel?"
In the most natural way in the world, the angel replied, "Dry it out and make it into a bookmark so I have something to remember you by."
Crowley buried his face in the angel's hair and whispered, "Angel, you're killing me, you know."
Aziraphale reached back and as he stroked the demon's scarlet cheek, he said, "You'll get used to it in time."
Crowley shook his head, "I doubt it."
Aziraphale replied quietly, "That's all right. I've got enough faith for two."
The angel leaned comfortably against the demon and they stayed that way for a long time, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere and each other's company.
They had both long thought and believed that they would never know peace or even happiness, not like this. 
And yet, here they were, sharing moments as simple and precious as a picnic together, forgetting for a moment everything that wasn't them.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Ineffable Growing Love series : here (After season 2)
Ineffable Husbands masterlist : here (Before season 2)
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hiraya-sa-dilim · 1 year
good omens s3 predictions
ye boy jc is a major character. he is west asian and a most wonderfully human Being
and fruity (there will be a joke about his luscious locks)
he doesn't want to do the second coming because of all the suffering it will cause (there will be dialog refering to the calvary and him not wanting anyone to go through the same thing he did), just as adam rejected armaggedon
there will be a scene of ye boi jc and adam (older and ocassional baysitter on roster with the them to anathema and newt's four children, the youngest of which is named agnes) delighting in eating apples under a tree with an old Dog
god face reveal
ye boy jc calls them Mother (he calls mary, who he likes much better, mom)
god is either the biggest bitch alive or is surprise-revealed to be the type the metatron will coup against
ye boy jc somehow gets wind of his archangel's 6k yr old dilemma and goes out of his way to do something about it instead of attending operation second coming logistic meetings
he officiates the ineffable husbands wedding in the finale himself, during which a nightingale sings at berkeley square. there will be extremists shitting themselves irl
weddingsinger!tori amos cameo
wedding band!queen cameo
god and satan are godparents somehow
aziraphale's one night only apology dance spectacular featuring the modern ladies of camelot and/or ms. sandwich's girls + the shopkeepers association + lower ranking angels + lower ranking demons + ineffable bureaucracy + madame tracey in a special role + what's left of the chattering order
hastur returns semi-majorly and gets one (1) badass moment with shax before being foiled yet again by a narrative in need of a laugh
eric gets the promotion they deserve
muriel gets the promotion they deserve (they get to stay/keep the bookshop)
crowley attempts suicide by holy water; earth friends stop him
crowley gets discorporated (azi already did in s1)
crowley fires a real gun
the plants wilt and crowley spends the whole season trying to revive them but they don't until he and aziraphale get back together. he almost throws them about but holds out until it seems like all hope is lost. he's in the process of throwing them out during The Reckoning
crowley moves into the bookshop. there will be a scene with aziraphale clearing out some prime spots for the plants
aziraphale sets the bookshop on fire to save crowley and/or earth friends
muriel names the bentley
nina and maggie are ready for a relationship (i will cry)
one of aziraphale's first ordinances as archangel is to miraculously raise population interest in vinyl records
aziraphale v metatron face-off
aziraphale, crowley, and ye boy jc v god
aziraphale and crowley visit gabriel (still in sweaters and faux fur coats) and beelzebub (still punk) on separate occassions, and in both times are told to stop being idiots and get their shit together
aziraphale drives the bentley in crowley's prefered form at breakneck speed (possibly to save crowley at some point)
neil cameo
hillywood show cameo
more tumblr references/representation (the 'wait-and-see' dialog!! why is nobody talking about that?!)
crowley keeps off the first phases of the second coming but gets involved when his earth friends are put in danger
maggie is revealed to be Something Else Entirely
mr. shadwell and/or madam tracey die and go to heaven where they reunite with aziraphale and contribute to his shenaniganery and/or slap some sense into him
anansi boys cast cameo
american gods cast cameo
discworld adaptation announcement post credits
god and satan makeout sloppy style
...BEFORE airaphale and crowley
everything will be okay
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linipik · 4 months
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The Wheel Of Misfortune
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multi-rants · 2 years
Crowley: You're giving me a sticker?
Airaphale: Not just a sticker. That is a sticker of a kitty saying “me- wow!”
Crowley: I'm not a preschooler.
Aziraphale: Fine, I'll take it back
Crowley: I earned this, back off!
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Rewatching Good omens season 2 liveblog
Episode 4- The hitchhiker etc Post 2
Post 1 link
Liveblog master link post
Aziraphale is such a impulsive disaster…I love him and respect him because same. He’s buying a freaking GUN for a magic show??
And Crowley is like wtf
Crowley: “Are you sure” x3
The face of a demon realising he might’ve gone overboard with the encouragement and processing that his angel already HAS a gun. Really finding out allot about each other in this flashback. Like how Aziraphale has a suspicious amount of guns for a ‘good guy’ and Crowley has fired a suspiciously low amount of guns for a ‘bad guy’.
Funny that…isn’t it Aziraphale….
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But wtf did Aziraphale mean when he said
“You’re a demon you must have fired allot of guns?”
Aziraphale seems so progressive sometimes then he will just have these moments of whiplash where he just says something completely off the wall. Why would Crowley have ever fired a gun? Why would any demon? Why would they need guns?? Where was Aziraphales mind going with that, does he think demons kill people or fight in wars? Just what? And it made me think about in Furfurs Angel book he’s called a demon smiter? I have many questions. And all of them involve asking Aziraphale if he’s a hypocrite and why he has so many guns.
But Crowley doesn’t even correct him, which shows how much they really don’t talk about anything important. He just lets Aziraphale believe it until he has to admit ON STAGE that he’s never fired a gun. But this way he doesn’t actually have to explain anything and Aziraphale never has to actually examine his beliefs….which is what leads to our blowout in the last ep. Aziraphale has never reallllly had these thing challenged directly. They get challenged indirectly by Crowleys very presence and who he is, but he’s had little in the way of direct challenging because Crowley tends to just drop it if they start arguing about these things. And honestly I think that has allot to do with Crowleys own need to maintain a ‘tough’ exterior, and perhaps is own beliefs about being ‘bad’ and that’s why he can’t advocate for himself when Airaphale says some wacky shit like ‘you must’ve fired allot of guns’.
Moving on…
Look at this TERRIFIED BEAN. He’s a friggin Angel of the eastern gate, demon smiter and he has STAGE FRIGHT.
His whole outfit is so silly in this scene I couldn’t take him seriously he’s like a child at a talent show and WHY did he draw on the moustache
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I can’t decide if they keep putting Crowley in all this backlighting as a symbolic thing like the stereotypical image of Jesus with the light of heaven behind him in stained glass windows OR if they’re doing it just because David Tennant is pretty.
I’m going with a 30/70 split on that one, favouring the latter
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*furiously study cramming while you stand outside the exam room*
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Listen. This demon was SHAKING. He’d never even fired a gun before and now he had to shoot at Aziraphale and keep his cool with no miracles and not blow his head off.
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Whatever I said in the past was the gayest thing I’ve ever seen is minuscule in comparison to this moment:
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The face of jealousy.
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It’s giving: “Why won’t you climb me like a tree then if you’ll happily jump on this idiots back like a monkey in a waistcoat?”
I can’t take him seriously with that drawn on moustache tho. He such a silly boi
Furfur: “We’ve met.”
Crowley: “Have we?”
Girlboss, gatekeep, gaslight.
But he might genuinely not remember, another hint to Crowleys memory having been wiped after his fall…
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*crowley is threatened with severe punishment*
*goes to sleep*
Same. To many sources of imminent danger to be bothered about anything anymore. Take a nap.
Link to next post
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pantheshroom · 1 year
While I think that Airaphale and Crowley’s love for one another is just as undeniable without it being physically expressed, I also think that the kiss was so important in that moment in particular, because it was Crowley attempt at appealing to Aziraphale’s love for humanity as much as it was appealing to his love for Crowley.
They have grown so much together, bonded by their shared love of the things they’ve learned about earth and humans. Yes, their love exists outside of human romantic convention. But Crowley needed to remind Aziraphale where it came from nonetheless.
He was saying stay with me. Stay with humanity. See what we love about them. See how they love each other.
You can see Aziraphale realise it as they step apart. You can see him realise how much he’s going to miss it all. But he’s already made his decision.
(I know this is probably already widely understood in the fandom but I needed to get it all out)
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too fast?
warnings: sad Crowley, kind of suicidal if you squint
did he hear him right? 'too fast'?
Crowley sat in his car, the phrase 'too fast' replaying and replaying
'is a car ride too fast?'
he started the car and drove back to his apartment, still thinking 'too fast, too fast, too fast'
He gets home still thinking, he still has the holy water in his hands, the 'just in case' holy water, he sits in his throne, the holy water an arms length away, 'why?' he thinks 'how am i too fast?' he stares at the holy water 'i tried to be patient'
4:34 am
Aziraphale wakes up to the sound of his phone ringing multiple times, he gets up from his bed and answers the phone
Aziraphale was cut off by gagging and whimpers
Airaphale knew, the second he gagged, the first letter he spoke, he knew
"ill be there soon dear"
aziraphale hung up and ran straight out the door, didnt change, theres no time
He jogs to Crowleys apartment, the bursts the door open-
there he is
Crowley doubled over on the ground-couldn't make it to the bathroom-spewing blood and sick and theres the holy water, not full, a quarter taken away
Aziraphale runs to his side
"ohh...Crowley...you idiot..." he holds Crowley up holding Crowley's stomach and neck lightly, he doesn't care that alarms would be blaring red in heaven, Crowley's is everything, he miracles him then holds him tight
"im not getting you holy water again"....
to be continued...
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theriverspath · 11 months
Good Omens November 2023 Writing Challenge. Day 8
Besotted (teen rating, maybe?)
Crowley slid back in surprise, quickly meeting the sofa’s padded arm.
“Oh! I am so sorry! Here, let me just…” A pristine white handkerchief appeared in Airaphale’s hand. He proceeded to dab at the wine he had just spilled onto Crowley’s vest.
Crowley watched in mild panic as the sotted angel’s quick pats turned into leisurely strokes. Then, eyes as blue as a noonday sky looked up at him through quivering lashes. The panic turned to that familiar ache in his chest.
Quick as a snake, he captured Aziraphale’s wrist with his hand. He held the angel's gaze while a couple of bottles nearby refilled themselves. He needed to be sober for this.
“You know, Angel. If you want to touch me, all you’ve ever had to do is ask.”
“Well, then.” Crowley caught movement out of the corner of his eye. A few more bottles regained their original contents. Aziraphale shifted his position so that the hand, now somehow empty of the square of fabric, hovered above the space where vest gave way to the thin cotton of the shirt beneath.
“May I?”
Following these prompts
Cross posted to Sendarya's Patreon discord
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aro-oak · 1 year
Hey so. Airaphale. Mr. Fell. Is an angel. And angels they. Angels. FALL
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