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Elain's engagement ring may be Made; a theory 💍
Does it mean she is a witch? What about Nesta?
🌸 Elain Archeron Week 2023, Day 1 - Seer/Powers
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Disclaimer: this theory is a bit all over the shop, sort of like my life right now. The textual evidence might be a bit sparser than usual, sorry. 🫠
Spoilers: the ACOTAR, CC and TOG series to date (2023).
This theory probably wouldn't exist without the lovely @123moiaussi, who messaged me after I posted this theory suggesting that Elain may have Made the necklace that Azriel gave her on Winter Solstice in ACOSF. She wondered if Elain had possibly Made her engagement ring, in addition to/instead of her necklace - which is a solid theory and could definitely still pan out! - but a little later I had a thought; what if the Cauldron already Made Elain's engagement ring when she became High Fae?
She was wearing it when she went in, so why not?
It would then parallel other Cauldron Made items, such as Gwydion - and very likely Truth-Teller, if it is fully confirmed to be Made in a future book - which was dipped into the Cauldron by the High Priestess Oleanna. Metal (and pearl) goes into the Cauldron (in this case iron, not meteorite, which could always make a difference in how it reacts to the Void within) and, hypothetically, comes out imbued with the Cauldron's own magic.
Elain's refusal to give the pearl and iron ring back to Graysen then makes a lot of sense in this new context, beyond her understandably grieving the end of their relationship - could a human even hold it and survive? - as she may hear it calling to her, singing to its kin, as I often wonder if she hears Truth-Teller, and possibly even Azriel's "beautiful" siphons (as Bryce from CC hears a certain sword, one of many parallels that exist between the two).
Rhys winked at her. Feyre rolled her eyes. But then she said to Nesta, “Elain will need time to dust off her powers to try to See the Trove. But you, Nesta … You could scry again.” Rhys added, “As swiftly as possible. Time is not our ally.” - ACOSF, chapter 21
When Rhys spoke of Elain needing time* to "dust off" her powers, it sounds like he's referring to an item. Her ring? What might it do? And how?
* As an aside, the wording in this passage is strange. "Time is not our ally" made me look twice this time around. Could Rhys unknowingly be referring to a god of time, similar to Chronos or Aion? From whom Elain may need help with her powers? Both are associated with cyclical time, which brings me straight back to my theory that Elain may need to collect the Ouroboros from the Bone Carver's Prison cell to Look further than she has before, or to even use it as a portal.
There's no confirmation that Elain still wears her old engagement ring either way, at least not since Feyre remarked on it in ACOWAR. Has Elain put it away somewhere safe, possibly not knowing that she is drawn to it, finding herself unable to part with it even though she has moved on from Graysen by ACOSF, as demonstrated by the following quote:
Elain cocked her head. Didn’t dissolve into the crying mess she usually became when Graysen came up. - ACOSF, chapter 17
Or has the hypothetically Made ring glamoured itself such that it is forgotten, as Made items are able to do, and that's why nobody has mentioned it in two books even though she still wears it? But I digress; if it is now a Made item, what might Elain's engagement ring be able to do?
Trove of Dreams
I mentioned earlier that I have previously theorised that Elain could have Made her rose necklace on that emotionally tumultuous winter solstice night in ACOSF, a book in which Nesta Made her own trio of weapons: sword, greatsword and dagger. Now of course, there is still the distinct possibility that her necklace will go the way of Cassian's Sidra-bound ACOFAS solstice gift to Nesta and barely rate a mention in the next book, but there's also a chance that it's Made (or even came to her with powers already instilled in it, like the knives and necklaces that exist in the catacombs under the Hewn City).
So, to mirror Nesta's Trove of Nightmares, what if Elain will Make a Trove of Dreams? What would such a trove even entail? A rose necklace, possibly a pearl engagement ring*, and another item or two that she'll Make in her own book? Such as:
A staff, to parallel Iris, the messenger of the gods (and provide defence if required).
A ring of light, possibly acting as an external power source or for protection against vengeful Beings; perhaps, as @ladynightcourt reminded me, like Silba's ring protected against the Valg in TOG? Rhys did say that females preferred gold or silver to iron. Maybe that offhand remark contained some hidden depth.
A cuff, spindle, or something else entirely? I'm eyeing her baked goods, ear plugs and possibly some homegrown medicinal powders...
* There's a good chance that a ring Made by being dipped into the Cauldron will be a little different than one Made directly by an elemental faerie, so it may not count as part of Elain's own trove.
Many of us suspect that Elain will search for the illusive fourth part of the Dread Trove, the item that Lanthys showed to Nesta as a bit of age worn bone, half shrouded in shadows. Could pearl be mistaken for age worn bone? Unlikely, but worth a mention. I do think it's tricky, though, as there are multiple ancient Troves appearing, and the Dread Trove is only one of them. Gwydion (aka the Starsword), Truth-Teller and possibly Narben seem to be another trove, though maybe not Made in quite the same way as the Dread Trove (ie. dipped in the Cauldron vs imbued with power by a more elemental faerie).
We all know that I suspect Koschei* might have used the Cauldron to give Elain a bonus mate bond after orchestrating with Jurian to shoot Azriel with a poisoned ash arrow. And we know that the Cauldron has a dark maker, who made the Book of Breathings. Could there be a light maker, and is this hypothetical being working for or against Koschei? Are they the Mother (and maybe Urd)?
* I really think that Koschei could need Azriel out of the way, and needs Elain as a stand in for the Mother, or someone else important, somehow, in order to work some massive spell.
Could they have gifted Elain her Sight, or any other powers, and even put a little something special in her engagement ring. Something that would provide protection*, as Silba's ring did against the Valg in Erilea? The latter is less likely for an iron ring, but still plausible.
I've said before that I'd love to see the Archeron sisters create their own version of Midgard's Archesian Amulets, with one ring made from each of their magics to protect their loved ones and hide them from danger, and that still stands. This post goes into more about the rose necklace providing protection, if you're interested.
* Unless Koschei, or whoever orchestrated the Making of Elain and Nesta, stored something they needed to access in the ring instead, to free it from the Cauldron's grasp and make it available to them?
One of the first thoughts that came to me almost two years ago, upon wondering what purpose a Made ring would serve Elain, was the possibility that it could be a focus for her power, something to tether or ground her while she was wandering the murky realm. This is backed up by the witches' use of iron throughout the TOG series, which @wingedblooms has discussed in many of her witchy posts, and I'll mention a little later on.
Could the pearl ring be Elain's focus, and ground her? Or might it function as a siphon or invoking stone does? Given she rubs the ring, I wouldn't be surprised if it helped her focus her being, or control her magic.
Some witches in ACOTAR are said to be able to amass powers beyond their natural capacity.
Nesta drifted toward the desk, the maps atop it. “What is the difference,” she asked none of us in particular, “between a faerie and a witch?” “Witches amass power beyond their natural reserve,” Mor answered with sudden seriousness. “They use spells and archaic tools to harness more power to them than the Cauldron allotted—and use it for whatever they desire, good or ill.” Elain silently surveyed the tent, head tipping back. - ACOWAR, chapter 51
Could the ring "harness" her to an external reserve of powers?
Could this reserve of powers even be the Cauldron itself?
Could the ring provide Elain a living bond to the Cauldron, such as the one Feyre had while she touched it during the battle in ACOWAR, when she witnessed Elain assassinate the King of Hybern?
In SJM's TOG series, we witnessed iron's ability to both block someone's access to their own magic and provide a grounding point to the witches, who might have otherwise been pulled away from their world. The leader, it was said, was so powerful that she required iron and pain to tether her to their realm. In the same passage, we learnt that pain was a gateway to the divine, which I have theorised may be behind Elain's glove-free gardening habits.
Legend had it that all witches had been gifted by the Three-Faced Goddess with iron teeth and nails to keep them anchored to this world when magic threatened to pull them away. The iron crown, supposedly, was proof that the magic in the Blueblood line ran so strong that their leader needed more—needed iron and pain—to keep her tethered in this realm. Nonsense. Especially when magic had been gone these past ten years. But Manon had heard rumors of the rituals the Bluebloods did in their forests and caves, rituals in which pain was the gateway to magic, to opening their senses. Oracles, mystics, zealots. - HOF, chapter 12
In Seers, Blindfolds and Bloodbane, I posited that Elain - like the Seers in Erilea once did - may be able to open portals to See spirits from other worlds by imbibing in certain hallucinogens (possibly with experiencing pain), and we know from Feyre that witchberries exist in the Spring Court (ACOTAR). Witches, who in HOF were associated with Oracles, mystics and zealots. Elain is 2/3 of those so far, and being the only sister to take an interest in faerie religious customs, she's possibly closing in on the third. But I'm getting off track. If Elain - whose powers have been linked to the same void/murky realm as Azriel's, through which Bryce was yanked to Prythian - has witch-like abilities, then surely she will need something to keep her grounded in her body in Prythian while she traverses the murky realm, searching for visions and possibly help. Especially if Truth-Teller helps her to go further than before, breaking through mist and shadow.
Could the iron engagement ring keep Elain tethered to the realm in which her body/Prythian exists, when her waking dreams threaten to pull her away into the murky realm? Was this why Elain was constantly fiddling with it in ACOWAR, before she learnt how to block her visions with light?
Tharion eyed the bare-bones wooden hallway as he and Flynn strode down the worn planks, aiming for a round door at its far end. It looked like the entry to a vault, solid iron that didn’t reflect the dim firstlights. They’d been halted at the first door by the Viper Queen’s guards. Flynn had snarled at them, but the males had ignored him, their drug-hazed eyes unblinking as they radioed their leader. That Tharion knew of this door at all told her guards he was important enough to warrant a call. - HOSAB, chapter 64
In CC2/HOSAB, we learnt that the Viper Queen had a vault made from solid iron, guarded by males with "drug-hazed eyes"... which sounds too much like a coincidence to actually be one. However, the more relevant point to note here is that the solid iron didn't reflect the dim firstlight (donation of a faerie's soul magic made when taking The Drop). Does this mean that iron absorbs firstlight/magic, rather than reflecting it? Is this how iron functioned to block magic wielders in TOG from accessing their magic when worn?
Could an iron ring function to absorb and hold a charge of power, like the one Prythian witches were known to create?
Following on, we know the Cauldron is made from a dark iron, and it very likely contains the Void. The Book of Breathings considers the Cauldron to be its home. Additionally, Elain fiddled with her pearl and iron ring* constantly in ACOWAR (I've wondered if it was singing out to her, but maybe it has more than one purpose). Does the ring now see the Cauldron as its home, too? Would Elain, and maybe Nesta?
* Azriel's shadows have been described as "rings of darkness" around his fingers, which could tie him into this plot?
In addition to potentially providing a living bond to the Cauldron as I mentioned above - and wouldn't it be absolute crazy if the ring itself was somehow made from the same iron source as the Cauldron, only passed down through human lines rather than Fae - what if Elain's iron ring is a backdoor of sorts that she can use to channel or even control it? Conduits are an increasingly common theme among SJM's work - and I've been harping on for years now that Elain's Sight might be due to her ability to act as a conduit for at least one god/goddess.
If Elain's engagement ring did come from the same iron source as the Cauldron itself, could it act like the One Ring in The Lord of the Rings, controlling the other Cauldron-Made items?
In addition to (hypothetically) allowing Elain to become a conduit for the Void inside the Cauldron, what if Elain's iron ring being Made permitted her to track it easily? "Like calls to like," Made objects Singing to their kin and all that. This could make it a possible target for theft.
Circling back to iron's ability to both dampen magic and ground witches in TOG, I wonder if both stem from the same function; ie. that the grounding of witches in their physical realm is done by dampening their specific type of magic, or their access to it. And considering ACOTAR, where the humans have believed - falsely, apparently - for centuries that iron will protect against the Fae… maybe this was intentionally spread misinformation, and done to convince humans to wear iron in order to block their magic. That would achieve an easier to control populace, all thanks to a little lie. This would mean that - if @wingedblooms, @silverlinedeyes and I are right about the Archeron sisters being descended, albeit distantly, from the Starborn fae - Nesta* and Elain were actually being contained by wearing their iron bracelets. I wonder what effect, if any, that may have had on their mental wellbeing? It could explain why Feyre was considered wild, even.
Could this mean that Elain's ring functions as a tether because it dampens her ability to access the murky realm?
Alternatively, does the iron ring contain the power that the pearl may have absorbed from the Cauldron's endless Void?
Another absolutely cracked theory is that it turns Elain into a walking embodiment of the Cauldron when she accesses the murky realm while wearing the ring, when she is physically contained by the iron. Void inside iron, like the Cauldron.
* Nesta having a Trove of Nightmares should count as an amassed external power source, imo, which also fits the definition of witch.
Pearls are said to be associated with water, the moon, healing, honesty and integrity. Apparently they are also useful to centre and calm one's self.
This makes them sound perfect for use in a magical object that is used to ground or tether a Seer while she sails the Void.
Mother of Pearl (which isn't included in Elain's engagement ring, but is worth a mention) is even said to have protective properties, and be able to heighten intuition and psychic sensitivity.
Due to their ties to the moon and moon magic, pearls are said to be both a representation of the moon and linked to Selene and Luna - goddesses that embody the full moon. Apparently they can be made into pearl essences, and can be charged with intent.
Her gaze shifted to the carved wooden rose she'd placed upon the mantel, half-hidden in the shadows beside a figurine of a supple-bodied female, her upraised arms clasping a full moon between them. Some sort of primal goddess-perhaps even the Mother herself. Nesta hadn't let herself dwell on why she'd felt the need to set the rose there. Why she hadn't just thrown it in a drawer. - ACOSF
This sounds like a certain effigy next to which Nesta placed the dark wooden rose that Papa Archeron carved for Elain.
The name Selene is linked with Helena, which is a derivative of Elain.
Charged with intent sounds almost exactly like an object being Made. I am desperate to know what Elain experiencedbin the Cauldron, as that may affect the essence that the pearl hypothetically took on.
Pearls are said to be appropriate offerings to spirits, goddesses, and the sea.
"What are you looking at?" I asked Elain, keeping my voice soft. Casual. Her face was wan, her lips bloodless. But they moved barely-as she said, "I can see so very far now. All the way to the sea." - ACOWAR
We know from Amren that Narben was thrown into the sea; maybe a trade will be necessary.
Pearls are said to be useful with transformation magic and associated with wisdom.
I hope we can all remember this brilliant post by @wingedblooms, and note the evidence that suggests Elain may shift.
Mor said, back in ACOWAR, that Elain was wise.
Pearls are sacred to Aphrodite, and can be used in love magic.
Sounds appropriate for someone who may or may not end up Making her own mating bond.
There are a lot of possible uses for a magical ring, whether or not it is Cauldron Made, and I can't wait to see what happens with it!
Thanks for reading!
#elain archeron#elain archeron theory#elain#pro elain#elain's powers#seer elain#witchy elain#elainarcheronweek2023#elain archeron week 2023#elainweek2023#elain week 2023#elain week seer#acotar#sjm#acotar cc tog crossover theory#elain's ring#hosab spoilers#acotar theory
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crying I was going to post about how I was listening to haka nightmare and I miss Aion and Ailane and I went to get cards and screenshots they’re in together and

why are they fucking like this. They’re my everything
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This account ain't abandoned!

🙈 just extremely busy days.
Recently I was clearing some space on my PC and found this little treasures for study redraws.
Here are two screenshots from The Sims 4 and two from Aion. And Idk which one I like more. Characters from The Sims 4 looks so random and funny, and the screenshots was made really randomly! 😄 But Aion's characters are... more colourfull and interesting designed. Can't say I like new worlds, but some creatures there are cool!
Anywaaaay I'm happy to find some time for finishing and uploading. And can't wait to come back with some new vampire sketches!
#art#sketch#artists on tumblr#procreate#new artist#artist#artwork#The Sims 4#Sims 4#Sims#Aion#Redraw#Study sketch#Sketch#Sketches#Artwork
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Kanie West mentions that he is now following Taylor Swift on Instagram
West, Taylor Swift Blue Makford/GC image; Aion/GC image It is displayed West Finally be prepared to finish with bad blood to finally hold on Taylor Swift – and it started with all single social media steps. Saturday, February 1, West, 47, now followed by 35 -year -old Swift InstagramThe He also shared a screenshot on his “following” list in his Instagram stories, noting that Swift is the only…
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Kanie West mentions that he is now following Taylor Swift on Instagram
West, Taylor Swift Blue Makford/GC image; Aion/GC image It is displayed West Finally be prepared to finish with bad blood to finally hold on Taylor Swift – and it started with all single social media steps. Saturday, February 1, West, 47, now followed by 35 -year -old Swift InstagramThe He also shared a screenshot on his “following” list in his Instagram stories, noting that Swift is the only…
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Kanie West mentions that he is now following Taylor Swift on Instagram
West, Taylor Swift Blue Makford/GC image; Aion/GC image It is displayed West Finally be prepared to finish with bad blood to finally hold on Taylor Swift – and it started with all single social media steps. Saturday, February 1, West, 47, now followed by 35 -year -old Swift InstagramThe He also shared a screenshot on his “following” list in his Instagram stories, noting that Swift is the only…
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Game Screenshot Archiv (A-C)
Update: 20.08.2024
Vom 16.-19.08.2024 habe ich eine vollständige Revision der Archivdaten durchgeführt. Der Bestand der digitalen Bilddateien (Screenshots) stimmt nun exakt mit der die Dokumentation begleitenden Exel-Tabelle überein.
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Update: 20.08.2024
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Act of War 2005 188 11 Aion (F2P) 2009 17 24 Alan Wake (PC) 2012 28 9 Alias (Backup) 2004 11 8 Alien Isolation 2014 145 56 Aliens Versus Predator 1 1999 15 1 Aliens Versus Predator 2 2001 22 1 Alone in the Dark 2001 9 5 Anno 1404 2009 7 22 Anno 1701 2006 6 13 Apocalyptica 2003 4 0 Aquanox 2 2002 13 0 Arcania Gothic 4__2010 2010 74 50 Area 51 2005 46 4 Assassins Creed 2008 31 16 Assassins Creed 2 2010 31 9 Avatar (meine Vollversion) 2009 15 10
B-17 Flying Fortness 2000 7 0 Babylons Fluch (Demo) 2003 7 0 Baphomets Fluch 4: Engel des Todes 2006 3 9 Batman Arkham Asylum 2009 13 8 Battlefield 1942 2003 7 3 Battlefield 2142 2006 0 27 Battlefield V 2018 48 28 Beambreakers 2002 6 5 Beyond Two Souls (PS3 2013, hier PC 2019) 2019 488 16 Bioshock 2007 19 32 Bioshock 2 2010 14 15 Bioshock Infinite 2013 107 33 Black & White 1 2001 6 6 Black & White 2 2004 10 0 Black Hawk Down 2003 23 0 Black Mirror 2 (engl.) 2009 12 23 Blacksite Area 51 2007 9 13 Bladerunner 1997 10 8 Blood Omen 2 2002 3 12 Blur 2010 3 2 Boilling Point 2005 6 10 Borderland The Pre-Sequel 2014 33 67 Borderlands 1 2009 12 40 Breed 2003 21 13 Bridge to another world_Through the looking glass 2018 24 8 Brothers in Arms Hells Highway 2008 2008 20 21 Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood (2) 2005 18 9 Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 (1) 2005 25 13
Call of Duty 2003 30 4 Call of Duty 4 2007 27 6 Call of Duty BlackOps 2010 27 8 Call of Juarez 2006 41 7 Call of Juarez 2 2009 13 16 Call of Juarez Gunslinger 2013 40 32 Cäsar 4 2006 30 0 Child of Light 2014 52 27 Chrome 2003 34 1 Chronicles of Riddick 2004 9 16 Civilization VI 2016 5 28 Clive Barkers Jechicho 2007 8 9 Cobra 11 Burning Wheels 2008 16 13 Codename Panzers: Phase One 2004 17 6 Colin Mc Rae Rally 3 2003 10 22 Commanche 4 2001 10 20 Command & Conquer Generals 2003 15 24 Command & Conquer Tiberium Wars (3) 2007 26 13 Commandos 3 2003 12 0 Company of Heroes 2006 5 43 Condemned 2005 117 11 Counterstrike 2003 11 5 Crime Cities 2000 29 11 Crimson Skies 2000 9 14 Crysis 1 2007 11 5 Crysis 2 2011 19 14 Crysis 3 2013 43 60 Crysis Warhead (meine Vollversion) 2008 31 13 Cyberpunk 2077 2020 65 16

Dr. Andreas U. Korn, 20.08.2024
+ + +
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My tumblr is mostly reblogging interesting stuff from the amazing people I follow and sharing anything relating to my grumpy and feisty Miqo'te huntress. I love writing, but as I create content on a professional basis as well, me writing stuff here mostly depends on how recharged my energy batteries are after work. In my previous games (UO, NWN, Aion, Rift, SW:TOR) I wrote a lot of forum posts adding some background and flavor to the in-game events and I would love to get back there. But my time is just more limited than it used to be, so after work I like to simply play the game or roleplay within the game. Up until now I do not write as much as I would like to, but aiming to get back there again. Because I simply love it.
I have been an active FF14 player since ARR - with the usual ups and downs in activity from time to time. That was mostly due to RL becoming overwhelming or exhausting. My love for the game and it's community never waned. I used to be "only" a casual roleplayer, yet I have been getting more active again since last year. So some probably might not consider myself really being casual. But I do not necessarily roleplay on a daily basis and like to simply do FF14 stuff - dungeons, raids, PvP. And of course the MSQ, about which I could gush all day! I also want to get more into better screenshots and stuff. But I still have to see how that turns out, because I am still looking around, gathering resources etc.
Would you like to know more? Read my >pinned post< - there is also a link without bugs, but with my carrd.
It's been a bit since we did a headcount, kupo! Especially in the wake of social media being weird; this might serve as a good way for people to connect with each other. Please like and reblog this post if you are an active Final Fantasy XIV blog focusing on one (or more) of the following: roleplay, writing & worldbuilding.
It does not matter how active you are at all three, only that you participate in some of it and would like to follow more likeminded people.
The bigger this post gets, the more people can have a look through and follow people they like the look of! You can also use the reblogs to give a little blurb about yourself or even make you're own separate post tagging @mooglemeet that I will reblog for extra traction!
This headcount was posted 8/19/2023, to help gauge overall activity of users on it!
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Edited my Poeta screenshots, it looks like a whole new game! :o
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So I bid on another house in FFXIV and lost again... I think it's been like 6 times now? *sigh* So Cina and I went to EuroAion to blow off steam and ended up playing... Elyos? My main is a Sin... which I haven't played in like forever but it's so much fun really. Together with Cina as a Cleric it's a true stunfest. That server has double exp so we are taking advantage of it. I also bid on a house and won it woohoo. One of my alts will now slave away to become a Constructionist to make furniture. I'll try to bid on a house in 14 again but at this point I wonder how much it's worth wasting money when Island Sanctuary is around the corner. I wish they'd give more info on it than they did so far. I guess we'll see over time...
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i linked to the paper these screenshots are from in the post but just some quotes;
"Much of the archaeological “loot” that was divided amongst the Committee sponsors ended up overseas. Some 160 mosaics went to the United States, whereas only a dozen or so went to Paris. The mosaics that arrived in the United States are today distributed amongst museums and academic institutions. [...] Most recently the mosaic of the sea goddess Tethys, from the Antiochen bath F, was sold by Dumbarton Oaks to the Harvard Business School"
+ "Thus, the Worcester Museum without any apparent reason dismembered the panels from the corridor of the Aion House (selling three of the seven to the Allen Memorial Art Museum of Oberlin College in Ohio) and sold off to the J. Paul Getty Museum all five of the panels coming from the vestibule of the little Bath of Apolausis, dated around 400 A.D."
+ "The last case to be remarked in this brief review of atrocities is that of the martyrion of St. Babilas. Situated close to the inhabited centre of the city of Antioch, the remains of this building were excavated in the spring of 1935. This case reveals yet another aspect of the fate of the mosaics of Antioch and its environs. There is no record as to what happened to the hundreds of square meters of mosaic that were uncovered by excavation, but then left to their destiny. Amongst these figure the mosaics of the enormous cruciform martyrion. In view of their extraordinary documentary importance, they ought to have been preserved in situ. Alas, as things now stand, only a few scrappy remains in opus sectile and four dedicatory inscriptions carrying the date of 387 survive today, and these are to be found two in the Hatay Archaeological Museum of Antioch, at the Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collections in Washington, and at Princeton University. Poignant in this respect are the regrets expressed by Jean Lassus, French archaeologist who served as assistant field director, about the necessity to dismember a number the pavements in order to excerpt inscriptions and extract figural panel from an expanse or geometric or floral backround! Although the former Sanjak of Alexandretta was formally ceded to the Republic of Turkey in 1938 and the commencement of the hostilities of the Second World War brought archaeological investigation to a rapid close, it is extremely surprising that there has been no systematic attempt to resume work at Antioch since then. It is quite likely that with the passage of time and thanks to the general neglect the mosaics that did remain in situ fell victim to the urban expansion of the modern city. Nevertheless, Antioch was one of the most important metropoleis of the ancient and medieval Mediterranean, and its material culture demands justice."
the way excavated houses in antioch were taken apart is uhm. well just look
sometimes even just single mosaics sliced up
#like lmao what does the business school need that for fdshf.#really the paper is worth reading. it's not long. says some interesting things about the way the context of the mosaics was removed too
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Aion - Inggison
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it’s not snowing anymore at the FC house
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GAC Aion LX and Aion V, Ukraine. Screenshot from original video published by by VOLTauto ChinaEV on October 7, 2021.
Source: VOLTauto ChinaEV
#GAC Group#GAC Aion LX#GAC Aion V#electric crossover#Ukraine#fossil fuel phase-out#competition#electric vehicle#screenshot
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