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Aion - Inggison
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- “Spring Day” - Spring Meeting - Lady In Aion Barus - Inggison - Part I
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Undirborg Observation post pt 2
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Hi there,
Being in quarantine, I started checking my folders for no apparent reason, and you know, I came across ‘Aion’. OMG… Viewing screenshots, I felt great nostalgia for those good old days.
Aion is one of the most beautiful computer games in the MMORPG genre that I have ever played. More precisely, this is my first game of this genre.
I remember how I chose a race of Asmodians without giving it a second thought. They attracted me their unusualness, wrapped in mystery, demonic look unlike the Elyos with their arrogance and imperial bearing. They just looked like ordinary people. Next to ordinary.
I must confess I have always liked to have beneficent influence, so my first character was a cleric as he had skills of HP restoring.
As soon as everything began, it was extremely fascinating: that mystical atmosphere, wonderful background music with a beautiful singing voice at times, burning desire to complete the most difficult quests as soon as possible, for example, get rid of the Black Claw Elites, and learn some new skills like Resurrection or Flash of Recovery. It was so nice to see a dead player, heal him and get a deep gratitude from him. I think many people understand me well, especially Clerics and Chanters, and now Bards as well.
To be perfectly honest, I was not quite a skillful player in the early days to demonstrate my healing skills in practice because there was a strong desire to learn to stand up for myself than heal. I was motivated only by my wish to get… Nevertheless, I become quite a good healer with Benevolence by trial and error. I even remember it was possible for very few people to defeat me, except for Spiritmasters with their Fears and Assassins with their Stuns. You must admit that it is so pleasant to gain a victory. It concerns everything.
Unfortunately, there appeared to be less interest in this project with each update, and it was extremely frustrating because the spectacular game turned into a sad trash which differs in no way from other MMORPG games. I was under the impression that the person, who was responsible for the project development, just killed it.
The first thing, that I was upset, is receiving a lot of XP and gifts. Instead of raising the maximum level, the developers could remove all sorts of items and gifts that contribute to the rapid development of the character as well as return the original complexity of the quests and missions. Try and remember how people got Fenris or wings of the Circle. It was vitally needed, but now you are getting such a lot of experience, so many things became useless.
I think any kinds of players are much more pleasant to enjoy the gameplay when you need to make every effort to receive a reward. They have a goal. If they want to have a high-level character, they will do it themselves without any help. It is worth nothing that the very first players achieve everything themselves. For example, in Verteron, you cannot imagine how good it was to eliminate the monsters at the Tursin Garrison as most of them were elite, and it was not possible to go alone. Or the Fire Temple, full of a great number of monsters, with Kromede bristling with life to defeat which we must have got into the full group. Now two characters can do this. No adrenaline.
The second is modern items, tainting the fantasy atmosphere. Instead of creating motorcycles, making Gunners and Aethertechs and so on, they could create, for example, Masters of hand-to-hand combat like in Blade & Soul. By the way, I do not know so far who copies who because I have a huge suspicion that Aion and ArcheAge have the same ideas at times.
The third is ubiquitous rifts. I understand well that they have to be, but not everywhere.
For example, it is much better to remove any rifts in Inggison and Gelkmaros, when level 50 is reached, you will get permission to go there as it used to be and you should possess the two fortresses to have an entrance to the Silentera Canyon to visit the Beshmundir Temple or get to the enemy territory. They should also return negative effects to any rifts and set a level limit as it used to be. The level 65+ character has nothing to do in the initial locations and vice versa.
The fourth is Newcomers’ Server. Most of the players are just sitting there to get the maximum level, and when you decided to teleport to the enemy territory, you can see only tumbleweeds. What is the use of having enemies then?
The fifth is Abyss. This location is losing its meaning with each new update: if earlier people were going to the sieges, dungeons to earn some Abyss points, and then it lost all sense of its existence in the last update. It is worth noting that we do not have the equivalent of this wild location with its mysterious battle soundtrack in other games. I was impressed by Frozen too, but it does not mean that we got to cover everything with ice.
The sixth is skills. They should return a complexity of the skills development, the cost of ancient stigmas, and their former system one. Players used to have a goal to earn kinah, which were deleted as far as I know, and Abyss points to get skills. Coins, medals and so on were personal. The players are now taking everything on a silver platter. That is not interesting for anyone.
The seventh is a Soul Healer. They should remove all his ability to the blessing and regaining the HP, MP and flight time. It is sufficient that players can regain their recoverable experience. People sincerely used to ask Clerics and Chanters, especially the last one with his Blessing of Stone, to buff them, and now pay no attention.
The eighth is a storyline. They should return the previous one, so that players have an opportunity to go to the dungeons again, for example, the very same Fire Temple or Alquimia Stronghold to get uncommon skills. Now many important moments are flying by if they were not deleted yet, of course. Recently they made a group entrance to the Haramel and Kromede’s Trial. Like Edie Britt said: ‘What the hell you have been smoking?’
The ninth is minions. Instead of making them, it would be better to create a well-designed system for domestication of wild animals as they promised. It is much more useful and interesting. Instead of it they made transformation into Minions.
The tenth is equipment. They should remove the use of high-level equipment, its complete destruction and a 100% gain by magic stones. I think, many people remember when they inserted them into equipment and kept their fingers crossed. It was a sort of mental stress, you know. There is also need to rework the system of enchantment jewelry as the careless localizers put it in the game shop for real money at a high price, thereby destroying the game balance.
The eleventh is initial locations. They should return all of them because players should perfect the tactic skills of the chosen class as well as the attack zone in previously inaccessible locations Theobomos and Brusthonin. The twelfth is locations. They should return Sarpan and Tiamaranta as well as North and South Katalams. If they made a decision to get rid of those locations later, during the course of events in the Atreia history, they could deny the high-level characters every possible opportunity of teleporting there. New players do not know who Tiamat is.
They could create an open world and a wide stretch of water to make people set out on incredible adventures on open spaces of the huge world with powerful raid bosses and fierce sea battles.
As stated above, as a result of the advent of the open world, they could add peaceful areas for building of houses, it is precisely that building of houses which is of interest to us, and not buying them at an auction, in which you can set, for example, tables for crafts, and in the surrounding area you can grow materials used in them, for example, having collected seedlings or seeds in the wild using Essencetapping or Aethertapping. It is also necessary to develop a system of trade in order to earn money through the delivery of commercial cargoes.
Develop a system of raising the level of the legion, improve graphics and game mechanics. In other words, instead of creating a lot of second-grade projects, it would be better to do one, but great. How long are the Linage and the World of War Craft on the market? People are still interested in.
In conclusion, it is worth noting that most of the changes, like I said, were taken from ArcheAge, for example, hairstyles, the same skills of the High Daeva that in the above-mentioned game are called Ancestral levels and skills, and Archeage, in turn, created fly gliders in the form of wings.
I think a partial destruction of the game began with version 3.0. We all know about the existence of the so-called Master server, which is not available in many countries, but this is not what players need.
About one of the last updates, it is better to stay silent because most of the content was removed, simplified in the extreme, there was created a powerful Dragon Lord Ereshkigal, but pretty soon you have to kill her. Is it over? Of course not, now there is the next stage of mixing with ArcheAge: they created a location in which it is necessary to care for environmental protection, and in Aion it is a location with the laboratory polluting it.
I think if the developers were truly interested in developing their magnificent project which they killed, then it would have a great success. But now it is, like I said, the next sad trash.
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1. New Map: Apsuranta
Apsuranta é a terra que antes pertenceu a Apsu, o Dragon Lord assassinado por Tiamat em um ato de traição, com a intenção de ocupar o seu lugar de Dragon Lord. Com o avanço da Stella Industries pelo território tentando utilizar o que restou dos artefatos de Apsu como fonte de energia, e Elyos e Asmodians em busca de Inanna após a visão do Arctifact of Time, Apsuranta se tornará um grande campo de batalha onde diversas raças e ideologias lutarão em busca de beneficio próprio. - Apsuranta pode ser acessada após atingir o level 81, pelo portal em Inggison ou Gelkmaros. - Apsuranta é um battlefield, todavia estar em Apsuranta não vai consumir o seu Hourglass. - É impossível usar skill ou scrolls de Summon Party Member em Apsuranta.
2. Guerra pelos 'Artefatos Territoriais'
Em Apsuranta existem 13 artefatos que podem ser dominados por Legions. O ocupante da Arctifact Relic comandará a linha de operação por 1 hora. - Quests serão liberadas para a Legion que dominar um Artefato. - Artefato 11 e 12 não podem ser dominados, e permanecem liberados para que todos façam suas quests durante todo o dia.
3. Legion Tasks
- Legion Tasks foram adicionadas. Você pode utilizar o mapa exclusivo para checar as Legion Tasks de cada artefato. As missões possuem tempo para conclusão, caso você não consiga concluir a task no tempo determinado, ela será cancelada automaticamente. - O número de quests que você pode completar vai depender do Renown da sua Legion. Legion Renown é outra novidade da 8.0.
4. Legion Renown
O sistema de Legion passou por um grande rework. Quanto maior o renown da legion, maiores serão os benefícios disponíveis. Renown Shop, Teleport, acesso a territórios, etc.
5. World Bosses
O sistema de World boss em Apsuranta é diferente de qualquer outro Battlefield. A cada quest completada em um Artefato Territorial, o relógio global de respawn do World Boss será reduzido em 10 minutos. Quando um World Boss nascer: - O céu de Apsuranta ficará escuro. - Você será teleportado para a zona neutra da sua facção. - Todos os kisks serão destruídos. - Todos os Artefatos Territoriais serão dominados por Balaur. - A entrada de Heart of Apsu será fechada.
6. Atividades exclusivas de Apsuranta Quando anoitecer, um NPC especial que vende itens necessários e limitados aparecerá. NPCs com quests limitadas também aparecerão em busca de ajuda.
7. NOVA INSTÂNCIA: Heart of Apsuranta
- Level Necessário: 81+ - 2 a 6 Players - 2 entradas por semana.
A nova instância vai fornecer sets com status PVP e PVE unificados. Não haverá mais distinção.
8. Desenvolvimento de personagens
- Level Máximo aumentado para 85. - Daevanion Talent System adicionado. - Quando o seu personagem chegar aos levels 81, 82, 83, 84 e 85 você aprenderá 1 Talento (o primeiro) de três disponíveis. Os outros dois podem ser adquiridos usando Daevanion Talent Skillbooks. - Você pode trocar os seus talentos de acordo com o seu gosto pessoal. Para trocar os talentos é necessário a ajuda do NPC Daevanion Master, localizado nas principais cidades. - O sistema de DP foi modificado, agora existem skills específicas que influenciam no seu ganho ou no total de DP do personagem. Quando você está fora de combate, a barra de DP será reduzida gradualmente.
9. A Relíquia dos Empyrean Lords
Quando você atingir o level 85, poderá ativar a Relíquia do Lord na base operacional da sua raça em Apsuranta. Você pode evoluir sua relíquia com a ajuda da 'God's Water' que pode ser craftada ou adquirida em missões. Quando maior o nível da relíquia, maior será o status do seu personagem. Certos níveis da relíquia vão liberar habilidades exclusivas dos Empyrean Lords para o seu personagem.
10. Vow System
O Vow System permite que você adicione skills customizáveis passivas em suas armas e peças de armadura. Diferente dos Talentos, os Vows não possuem limitação de classe e podem ser aprendidos por qualquer uma delas. Inicialmente existem 6 Vows, que podem ser adquiridos fazendo missões pelos diversos territórios de Apsharanta. Alguns deles estão disponíveis apenas por combinação.Para adicionar uma Vow Skill na sua arma, você precisa ter em mãos um Slate of Oath e adicioná-lo com a ajuda dos Altars of Vows pertencentes a sua facção. Se o Altar estiver dominado pela facção inimiga, você não poderá adicionar Vow Skills em seus equipamentos.
11. Inventário exclusivo para montarias foi adicionado ao jogo.
12. Novas transformações legendary: Fennec Adventurer
Attack Speed 25%
Cast Speed 18%
Movement Speed 60%
Healing Boost 57
Physical Attack 90
Magic Attack 90
Magic Resistance 287
Physical Crit 237
Magic Crit 237
13. Novos sets adicionados:
Sand's Illusion e Soul Fighter's set. Os sets possuem status unificados de PVE e PVP, podem ser usados para qualquer finalidade.
14. ETC
- Sieges agora vão premiar participantes apenas com PVE Enchantment Stone. PVP Enchantment stone não poderá ser usada nos novos equipamentos, mas ela pode ser trocada por PVE Enchantment Stone.
- Instâncias antigas sofreram diversos nerfs, e os equipamentos antigos agora podem ser usados para Item collections.
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Refly - Map Changes
Another wave of information has been released, this time on map and leveling changes. Korea is deleting maps again, while releasing one new map reserved for level 75 to 80 (which will be shared by both factions), dubbed Lakrum.
Unfortunately, these following maps will be removed forever: 1. Asmodae
- Altgard - Morhiem - Brusthonin - Norsvold
2. Elysea
- Vertanon - Eltnen - Theobomos - Iluma
3. Shared
- Kaldor - Levinshor
The maps that will remain are confirmed to be
- Ishalgen/Poeta - Belusan/Heiron - Gelkmaros/Inggison - Enshar/Cygnea - Abyss
Known existing instances linked to the pending deleted maps will be relocated elsewhere. You can read the rest of the changes for leveling here, leveling is confirmed to be accelerated. The devs are also planning additional rewards to “compensate” players who have already hit level 75.
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AION 7.7 - 5 Days Of Farming S-CLASS MINION CONTRACT! Here Is What I Hav...
For the last five days I have farm Wild mobs on Inggison map in hope to get S Class Minion contract and to earn some kinah... lets see what did I get each day within last 5 days. SUBSCRIBE to my channel to see more Aion videos in the future! Let me know in the comments below will you play this new Aion event and tell me did you manage to get some nice rewards from it or not? Did you get S-Class minion contract? If you play Aion Korea (아이온) or Aion Russia (айон ) let me know how do you like Aion 7.7 Update on your servers?
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На американских серверах Aion Online запустили обновление Shadows of Balaurea Масштабное обновление Shadows of Balaurea те��ерь доступно на североамериканских серверах фантастической MMORPG, Aion Online компании NCSoft. Уровни в регионе Inggison и Gelkmaros были увеличены и... #Qaser #mmorpg #игры
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There was literally a mob named “Nope Team Leader” in Inggison... that looked like a cat? What?
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Balaurea Aion loading screens from the old days!~
(NA Names)
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🍭 ❄️ 📷 for your ask game! 😊
🍭 - 5’2” :’)
❄️ - summer and spring for the aesthetics, winter and autumn for the cozy ;)
📷 - you can like selfies @.inggison on instagram xoxo give me clout pls
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- “Spring Day” - Spring Meeting - Lady In Aion Barus - Inggison - Part II
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Name: Citrinne Maviska
Class: Cleric
Job: Bounty hunter
Birth Date: 26th November [♐] (ascended at 25 years old)
Height/Weight: 166cm/50kg
Race: Elysean Archdaeva
Weapon: Labyrinth Mace, Labyrinth Shield
Confident, can be slightly arrogant sometimes.
Hard-working and determined. She prizes efficiency.
Impatient and easy to anger.
Having some kind of trust issues due to betrayal.
Was an idealist until corruption in her old legion had turned her salty and sarcastic.
Despite of that, she can be sweet and caring to people she close to.
Hobbies: Singing, gardening.
Likes: Flowers, plants, minerals and gemstone.
Dislikes: People who brag/bigmouths, traitors.
Background Story
Citrinne was has been living and training her healing skills since she was orphaned at tender age of 12, as her mother succumbed to illness. Taken in by a relative who mainly works as a bounty hunter and she wanted to help out, Cit learns advanced clergy and eventually becomes a priest, taking the healer role for the family.
In her early days as a daeva, she joined a legion who had quite a fame in Inggison as she wanted to contribute something to Elysea. After a while she realized they barely did any missions in their leader's absence.
The division captain and members she was in are slacking and never takes missions seriously, resulting in more failures than success, but they were never caught because they often forged their reports. Despite of her disappointment, her superiors left her with no other choice and forced her to forge her reports as well. She eventually grew salty over her legion.
As she had enough of the lies, she decided to resign, but before she could she were expelled from the legion. Her captain threw her under the bus and spreads lies and slandered her name, saying the reason for her expulsion was from her insubordination towards higher command. Sadly, the brigade general took the captain’s words against her.
Hurt from the betrayal, she turned cold and bitter. She vowed to never join and trust any legion from now on. Eventually she returned to a life as a bounty hunter once again.
[UPDATE 5.5] Sanctum - Dredgion Defense and Bastion of Souls
Ratia who was looking around for a competent cleric found her and somehow managed to convince her to join the legion, to fill up the healer position Cait relieved from in exchange of kinah. She half-heartedly agreed as in that time she needs the money, but she still refuses to blend in with her new legionmates. Afraid of getting hurt again. [TBA]
She seems to have developed a crush towards Koshinuke since he saved her in Archives of Eternity.
Since she ascended and become a Cleric, she realized she won’t be as strong as the other clerics in terms of healing power. Therefore, she learned to use her spells to give her maximum healing efficiency.
Since she is very confident with her own healing skills, she can be slightly arrogant sometimes. Still, she respect fellow clerics and open to suggestions to make herself even better healer.
Kind of infamous because of her generally salty attitude, but people who knows her would tell the opposite, as she only opens up to people in her comfort zone.
Fornacite - A young Songweaver that often seen hanging around her, people assumed that they are relatives since they both are named after gemstones. She never confirm or deny the rumor.
Ioth Sabrathan - [TBA]
Koshinuke Ken Ryuma - An Assassin she currently having crush on since he saved her in Archives of Eternity. She wanted to thank him personally but haven't able to do it because it seems like he’s actively avoiding her[??].
RO Counterpart: [TBA]
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Exploring the Elyos side
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Immortal: Flowers of Ice - Beyond 5.5
This was an interview conducted with the Aion developmental team regarding 5.5 patch, as well as answering several player concerns and what to expect beyond 5.5.
- Despite many videos showcasing Ereshkigal, technically, her revival has not yet occured. Although it is mentioned that her revival will be imminent, and it will happen in the next big update - It is confirmed that a 6-man version of Arena of Gold is in the works - They are considering adding more crafted equipment (including Balic equipment) for Archdaeva crafting - Further improvement to be made to Sky Island content, however, this is not on their list of priorities. They stated that Sky Island was an idea that worked successfully from concept to live, but regretfully, they had failed to control the difficulty and thus, did not attract enough player attention - Master server will be getting less focus than live servers in the coming days. The next known update will be new area unlock for Gelkmaros/Inggison (2.1, since Empyrean Crucible was not mentioned)
(I’m not going to translate the whole thing though, you can read it at your own pace regarding their answers to current player response on 5.5)
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AION 7.7 - GELKMAROS WILD MOBS Locations... S Class Minions, Fat Kinah B...
This is second video regarding locations of Wild mobs which are droping things like S Rank Minion contracts, kinah bundles and more...in my first video I have show you locations of wild mobs on Inggison map and in todays video I will show you location of Wild mobs on Gelkmaros map. During the special event which we have right now on EU servers of Aion you can farm specific mobs on Inggison and Gelkmaros map which are droping S-Class minion contract! Mobs you can farm every day in the evening between 7PM and 8PM until January, 12 and in todays video I will show you which mobs to farm and all locations of that mobs on Inggison map. I will try to make another video regarding locations of mobs on Gelkmaros map in a few days. SUBSCRIBE to my channel to see more Aion videos in the future! Let me know in the comments below will you play this new Aion event and tell me did you manage to get some nice rewards from it or not? If you play Aion Korea (아이온) or Aion Russia (айон ) let me know how do you like Aion 7.7 Update on your servers?
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