#aint got nothing to smile about smh
fransfilth · 6 days
see usually i never say this but hear me out
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alyszaen · 1 year
your moots as skz members!
This was so difficult Istg but so FUN!!! I quoted a few people, so if you want me to remove the quotes please let me know!!! I made sure it's nothing personal you told me and only shows off your vibe. Thank you for the game, anon!!
Chan - @j-0ne25 - my parent LISTEN. Tan is a Stayblr NATIVE. When we first became moots I got so excited, because "omg a stayblr giant is my MOOT now". Tan isn't a moot I have chatted with all that much, but the few times we have I got clear chris vibes. They clearly care a ton for other people, trying to help when they can. She has a lot of experience in writing and it shows. All in all it's just Leader vibes. I would gladly follow you through the world!
Lino - @yrhome - my bestie Okay I know this is a surprise. And from the way she texts, you would not think that elle is lino. One day we were talking about haunting people as ghosts (i don't even remember how that started) and elle did not HESITATE to say this: "I'LL HAUNT HYUNJIN FIRST JUST BECAUSE THAT MF WOULD GET SCARED SO EASY" Do you need any more proof????? This bitch is lino. Aint no way ANY other member would say this. Like leave poor hyunne alone mans is AFRAID for his life. I just know if elle realistically were to ever have hyunjin visit her, she would buy an airfryer just to scare him. She is a fucking menace.
Changbin - @strayingawayy - my husband Welcome to the SHO SHO SHO. Lol I'm so funny fr fr Nah but sho is so changbin coded. Like out of all the members, changbin is the most likely to be married to multiple people (felix and hyunjin). And sho, han and I are married. Sho is my husband. My wife. My bestie waifu bro. (lets be honest han would hate us). Nah but the messages scream changbin, as does changbin himself. If sho and I were in a room together we would be L O U D LOUD. If changbin was there, too, it would be over. Chan would hate us. He really would. IDK how else to explain it other than loud. And I don't mean vocally. I mean that too, probs. But just the vibe.
Hyunjin - @boydepartment - my sister Jay is 100% Hyunjin. She not only has his energy level, but also his drama. If Hyunne and JJ ever met, I fear for the world (and whoever is in the same room when they do) because they would probably just spill coffee everywhere. Hyunjin would GAG at what she does with her frozen fruits, but he'd then try it in silence the next day - realizing it's lowkey intelligent. But it's not only the drama, but the sensitivity. My sister is someone who can read the room well, and even if she doesn't particularly like someone, she still shows empathy for them. Also ARTISTS! Jinnie would be OBSESSED with Jays artstyle, honestly.
Han - @stealanity - my me I hope you feel honored that you get MY han spot smh Jokes aside. Matty is so Han. Like okay, I don't even know how to explain it, so I'll just show you guys some quotes. "AJFISJEJE IM SORRY" "YES DONT WORRY i screamed a lot" "HEY OMG???" Like look at these. These are so real. Like same honestly. Actually the more I re-read our dms I'm convinced that Han would be afraid of us lowkey LMAOOOOOO Nah but seriously. Matty can be just as energetic as han. Screaming at me in caps, getting just as excited about things. But she has a way of turning it "professh"? fast. Without matty i wouldn't have gone to music bank. Like ????? I owe her my life basically???
Felix - @gimmeurtmi - my sunshine The second I found out she were a spidey stan, the excitement she showed was IMMENSE. I could feel it through the screen! she is such a lovely person. Lilly is incredibly kind. Whenever we text I feel so warm and comfortable. I just KNOW she has a sunshine smile like felix does. All I want from Lilly is a hug. Like gimme. I know it would be the best of all hugs. Lilly knows the memes. Lilly makes the memes. Lilly would totally have recorded that tiktok. You know the one. The one where felix put his whole felussy into it. Like I know she would have recorded it. She probably would have held the camera for felix. I just see it.
Seungmin - @lino-jagiyaa - my comfort Rin may not believe this themselves, but she has a calmness that I haven't seen anywhere. When we first messaged she matched the vibe immediately, without it feeling forced. They were understanding, relatable but still real and themselves. The way she messages is truly gen-z, but not too much? It's like the way we all know that Seungmin knows how to use his phone like a pro, but he will act all adult about it, like he just LEARNED it and didn't have it all his life. Like bro. But anyways. If Seungmin and Rin were to sit in a room together, it would be the most polite room ever. There would be a couple of conversations, but then both would ask someone else a question and just listen to them, content.
Jeongin - @bbyquokka - my discord emote supplier Okay I know this one is unexpected. Nemu is very internet. Like the way she texts shouts "hey ive known this all my life". Now I know this could go for most of the members, BUT the vibe I get is incredibly innie. She is sweet, kind, calm, but I know she gets excited about things that she cares about. Also her emote game is almost as good as mine so I fear for my status as discord emote queen.
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Patching Up
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Prompt: Takes place in season 3 when spooky is missing. Abuelita decides to call the reader to let her know where spooky is regardless of his protests.
Pairing: Oscar ‘Spooky’ Diaz x Reader
(A/N: why aint there any Gifs of this? SMH)
They had been dating for years now, way before anyone had known. She had been there for Cesar when Oscar had gone to jail and was there when Cesar was jumped out of the gang. She always looked after Cesar and his friends who were always up to no good. Oscar had been taking care of a Santos thing and it had officially been three days since she had seen him, three days since Cesar or anyone in the santos had seen him and it was getting to her. He had promised her he was going to take care of things, to not get involved, but she was already involved the moment it involved him. “Maybe he’s hiding out, laying low?” Monse spoke causing (y/n) to shake her head.
“For three days? That’s not like him.” Cesar spoke, it was true, Oscar would never disappear for too long. Jamal and Ruby burst into the door causing everyone to stand on their feet.
“Was he there?” (Y/N)’s voice rang through Ruby’s house.
“Spooky’s car hasn’t moved from the driveway.” Ruby sighed.
“Did you look inside the house?” Cesar asked.
“Through the front window, nothing.” Ruby answered quickly.
“And the side, nothing.” Jamal added.
“What about the back?” (Y/N) asked moving closer to Ruby and Jamal as they looked at each other.
“Cesar didn’t tell us to look in the back.” Jamal gulped, he was scared of (y/n), of course he was, her boyfriend was Spooky after all.
“I didn’t think I had to.” Cesar raised his voice before Monse moved closer to him.
“Check the house means check the house, not part of the house.” (Y/N)’s voice rose and both Jamal and Ruby backed away.
“Okay, (y/n), everyone is doing the best they can.” Monse spoke and (y/n) turned to look at her.
“The best that you can?” (Y/N) huffed and shook her head.
“Maybe this is what Spooky meant by he’s handling it.” Jamal’s voice was quite, almost as if he was too scared to say the words. (Y/N)’s eyes locked with his before he look down at his feet. “I’m just trying to help.” He sighed.
“Well obviously you can’t.” She yelled causing Cesar to close his eyes. He had seen her mad once before and even though it was his own brother that was missing, she had been dealing with it a lot harder.
“Dude, what I’d cuchillos got to Spooky and he started talking?” Ruby tried to whisper towards Jamal, it she heard it, and so did Cesar.
“What the hell did you just say?” (Y/N) moved closer to true pair before Cesar grabbed her arm.
“Nothing.” Ruby gulped.
“No.” (Y/N) was calm, too calm. “Say it.” Ruby shook his head once more before she shook Cesar’s arm off and got closer to Ruby. “Say it! “ She yelled causing Ruby to take a step back, Cesar grabbing (y/n)’s arm once more.
“Look, we’re all worried, now can you just calm down.” Monse had always gotten in (y/n)’s nerves, and today was not the day for it.
“No you’re worried about yourselves. Oscar wasn’t thinking about himself when he stepped in to save all of you. This is all your fault, and you.” She pointed to Cesar. “You’re his fucking brother and you dragged him into this fucking mess if y’all would have just not fucked with the roller world money Oscar would still be here!” Her voice was loud, she was mad, she was hurting. Oscar could be dead right now and her mind wasn’t telling her otherwise. She looked at them once more before walking out of the house, she had once thought of them as her friends, but not after this. She drove around the block for what seemed hours before she parked her car at Oscar’s house, she was hopeless and she missed her boyfriend terribly. The sun had disappeared marking yet another day Oscar hadn’t been home. The tears came automatically as her hands hit the steering wheel. She yelled in frustration almost blocking out the sound of her cell phone ringing. She sniffed and wiped her face before answering the phone. “Hello?” Her voice broke and a sigh at the end of the line made the tears return.
“Mija, can you come over please?” Abuelita’s voice was calming to her, she had always seen her as her own grandmother.
“I can’t, not right now I’m sorry.” (Y/N) sniffed wiping her face once more as the tears kept streaming down her face.
“Mija, porfavor.” (Y/N) sighed, how could she ever say no to her.
“I’ll be there in five.” She hung up the phone and looked at herself in the mirror before closing her eyes. “Where are you Oscar?” She asked herself before clearing her mind and driving to Ruby’s house. She knew Ruby and the gang wouldn’t be there as she had gotten a text from them about a lead but she chose to ignore it. She parked her car before getting off and knocking on the door. The door opened before abuelita looked around the neighborhood and motioned for (y/n) to come inside. “Abuelita, que tienes? What’s wrong?” She put her index finger to her mouth confusing (y/n).
“Shh, you must be quiet.” Abuelita closed the door behind her and she motioned for (y/n) to follow her, only then did she notice the blood on her hands.
“Abuelita, what happen to your hands?” (Y/N) gulped as her heart began to pound harder. She would have hated for something to happen to her. Abuelita shook her head and nodded to the kitchen where she disappeared for a few seconds before (y/n) followed her in. (Y/N)’s heart stopped the moment she saw him, sitting at the kitchen table as he sipped on a bottle of alcohol. She dropped to her knees as the loud sob escaped her mouth. He had only noticed her then, he got up and moved towards her as fast as possible.
“I told you not to tell her.” Oscar hissed out his mouth looking back at Abuelita as he kneeled down to wrap his arms around his girl.
“Mira, she cares about you mijo, she needed to know you were okay.” Abuelita sighed and so did Oscar as he turned back to his girl, her tears running down her face made his heart break.
“Amor.” Oscar sighed causing her to look at him. “I’m fine.” He sighed bringing his arms around her. He’d gotten so soft since meeting her but he didn’t care, he was ready to move away from this part of his life, all he wanted was to be with her, maybe even start a family.
“Three days Oscar, three days!” She yelled causing him to close his eyes.
“I know mi amor, but it’s done. Stuff like this won’t happen again, te lo prometo.” His eyes met hers before he wiped her tears. He hated seeing her cry and even though the beginning of their relationship was made up of nothing but her crying over the shit he did to her, he still felt horrible.
“Your neck.” She whispered as her eyes examined it.
“Yeah, cuchillos got me pretty good.” Oscar took another drink of the bottle he had kept in his hands. “It’s over, she’s gone, all of this.” He kissed her forehead before looking at Abuelita, giving her a small smile of appreciation. “Amor, I’m fine, I promise.” He grabbed her face to stop her from examining him. “I’ve had worse, you’ve seen me worse.” She sniffed before closing her eyes.
“Why didn’t you answer my calls? Why didn’t you tell me you were okay? I was worried out of my mind, I thought you were gone this time, for good.” She looked down letting the tears escape her eyes, she had been worried, way too worried.
“I needed to be sure no one knew were I was before cuchillos was dealt with. I couldn’t risk it, I’m sorry.” Oscar’s hand rubbed up and down her back. They stayed silent for minutes before he spoke again. “I’m out.” He whispered and (y/n) looked at him.
“What do you mean you’re out?” It couldn’t have meant what she wanted it to, there was no way. She had begged him to get out of the Santos for years.
“I’m over the Santos, I want to focus on my future, with you. Move away from here, maybe even start a family?” He shrugged causing a smile to spread over her face. She had dreamt of this for so long, too long but was always too afraid to tell him about it.
“Oscar.” She whispered and he smiled before brushing the tears that were left away. This was the beginning of her happy ever after and she was ready to see what the future held.
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Hi! A fan of your writing here. I just love the way you write Caroline. An Avoidable Heart is my comfort fic and I am constantly in awe with the way you write and craft the dynamics in that story. Caroline's inner monologue is just priceless and God! I just love that intro scene where Caroline is walking into the Mikaelson compound with vampires and hybrids in the surrounding ready to pounce on her.
I would love to hear how you would have visualized Caroline crossing over into TO or not? Like in what season and why? How it would have likely gone?
Thank you!
First of all lovely anon gimme a moment to breathe, asdfghjkl why are people so lovely 😭😭🥺✨ It means sooo much to me that you’d take the time to jump into my inbox and send these kind words, like please I’m not worthyyyyy, But you make me smile and feel really freaking warm so *handcuffs your hand to mine* you aint leaving 💖✨💞🙃
But OK ALSO oh my god dude THAT CAROLINE WALTZS INTO THE COMPOUND AND TAKES ON A COUPLE HUNDRED VAMPIRES BY HERSELF SCENE???? Ughhhhh I’m sorry but I have SUCH a boner for Caroline in that, like my badass -I admit kinda op- QUEEN IS HERE and she’s fucking shit up, I’m sorry but I love that scene so much it’s so dear to me I was killing myself over how self-indulgent and grossly Over powered Caroline is but like idgaf man it’s such a hot scene and Caroline is practically invincible and we just love to see that, so seriously lovely anon, you telling me you LOVE that scene??? Puts the biggest smile on my face and reassures me a LOT bc I was whining and cribbing over how absolutely unbalanced that scene is to literally everyone BUT LIKE YOU JUMPING OUT OF NOWHERE and pointing that exact scene UGHH…...meant to fucking be the both of us 💖💞✨
And ALSO Caroline’s monologue is quite honestly the easiest inner monologue out of the three voices I wrote for that work, Klaus’s is the real pain in the ass tbvh like it is NOT easy writing pretentious besotted losers with a Kardashian complex especially when you need to make them sound cool when they’re the lamest OP dude bros to ever exist - and no I don’t hate Klaus although I seem to try my darndest to convince ppl I do- I just personally believe that a feral fucker like that with a thousand years of existence under his belt can grow a pair and graduate from his kindergarten level of emotional maturity to adult sometime soon, But then on the flipside he’s so grossly adorkably smitten and feral for Caroline plus hella horny for her all the time that its usually easy to write the trashed and devoted idiot he is into something pretentious and powerful and potent when relating to his unflappable arrogance and his narcissism, but sometimes I also need him to be *deep* and ffs profound for the sake of the plot and jfc my muse just wont work with me on that, she’s like I’m sorry I’m not about to bust my ass to make this mongrel intelligible like no sir all I wanna do is make him uncomfortably horny for Caroline and leave him like that.
So smh yeah the struggle is real….but lmao Caroline is just so precious and fiercely protective and just so achingly lonely in that story, so desperate for connection and trust and intimacy yet so guarded and impervious to everyone like it hurts me to write her like that but it really challenges me as an author to balance out her inherent light with the “void” I create in her and through her, so yeah it’s a very fulfilling task and I wouldnt change it one bit, and also I had to balance out her physical op-ness w half a millennium of the ugliest emotional trauma lol so I guess that figures, but the point being….once again I am overjoyed knowing that you liked a facet of the story that I tried so hard to make as authentically Caroline and achingly real and moving as I can and I cannot possibly feel more accomplished than rn for it so ty ty ty ty for reaching out to me and telling me *tackle hugs* It makes me GIDDY knowing that you enjoyed that particular part of the story like ugh stab me please you're too sweet.
And ok NOW, coming to The Originals part of the ask, (also please note that when I say TO headcanon; Hope does not exist, Hayley is a dead in a ditch and ofc Klaus will stop being that lil bitch they tried to pawn off as Klaus in TO) 
Honestly my biggest headcanon when it comes to TO crossovers somehow always include non-humanity!Caroline like it’s just so perfect to me?? The opportunity to make shit BLOW UP b/w them like imagine the DEBAUCHERY, the heat, the SEXUAL TENSION, the repression of one Klaus Mikaelson, the EXPLORATIONS, and omg the role reversal when Klaus has to be the voice of moral reason between them and not bc he believes Caroline would not be able to stand herself if she does something heinous and monstrous but bc he wants her to be completely and utterly herself, and yk *aware*, when she DECIMATES ppl to the ground and is in full-on predator mode, like he wants her monster to come out and play with him when no part of Caroline is locked away or suppressed, so obviously when she is w/o her humanity KLAUS exercises restraint on her behalf, like can you imagine that, Klaus restraining himself and being the vague, extremely broken and just largely inaccurate moral compass between the two of them for ALL the wrong reasons- and the entirety of NOLA just standing there watching him herd this baby vampire who seems to be intent on riling him up and angering him when all she is doing is giving him a massive hybrid hard on, like IMAGINE THE GOODNESS of non-humanity Caroline wrecking NOLA and Klaus letting her wreck it bc he is helpless in the face of Caroline Forbes and also bc he is quite honestly *enjoying* the debauchery himself so why put a damper on the festivities.
-I might wanna add that I favour this headcanon a lot bc I genuinely do not even remotely *like* the idea of NOLA as Klaus's chosen place to set his roots so like I would love Caroline going to NOLA and destroying everything there just bc I detest NOLA and the storyline behind it in TO. (yes is it petty? Obvi, but like I am a petty soul and I make no apologies ma’am)
So yeah that’s my main TO headcanon, but my other one being, one I talk about very frequently, scream about in tag rants to an obsessive level, and like this is a cracky one but still very valid, where Caroline rolls up to NOLA humanity intact and all, finds Hayley preggo and is just laughing her fucking ass off bc anybody ANYBODY, with half a brain and a two minute convo w klaus would know how UTTERLY stupid the entire baby shit is especially when it’s with an immemorable one night stand, and Caroline’s just losing her shit about how like an entire city is obssessed w this baby and she just straight up tells Klaus he’d SUCK as a dad (which he really does tho like he was a shitty fucking dad canonically too) and Klaus is just like *sigh* girl tell me about it. I mean basically he’s finally relieved that someone is on his side about the whole baby thing and how he definitely does not want his entire millennium of life to finally sum up to this one squalling leaking stinky infant/unicorn Hayley is apparently baking in her oven, and I say this headcanon is cracky bc klaus would never have put up w this mess long enough for Caroline to come in and sort it out, there’s this preferred method of disposal of his called heart ripping that would've been employed quite early on and honestly saved us all a lot of brain cells and minused years of life, bc let’s be real any Klaus who’s NOT a lil snivelling bitch wearing a Klaus skinsuit would’ve yeeted the baby and the mama first chance he got, and that’s just how I see it.
Lmao I really hope I didnt scare you away w my *strong* opinions Ik they can be a bit much but I enjoy having them so theyre not going anywhere, anyways this ask answer got WAYYYY too long but I’m hoping I answered your question well with this or atleast left you slightly confused and bemused over my feral screaming....either ways I’m really really really happy to have got your ask and the chance to rant so much bs, Twas cathartic and honestly I had nothing to do today so I was more than happy to dish this baby out for you. Thank you so much sweet anon for putting a smile on my face today I am absolutely HONOURED by your words you’sa cutie 💖💞✨🗣🗣
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davidpastrsnack · 3 years
buckle up besties, roommate anon is about to make you literally cry with this recap
(1) ok so. tyler’s family were scary but they ended up being so nice. when we first got there his brother asked me how much tyler paid me to be there 💀 tyler nudged him and said knock it off. then his brother said “well tyler, glad youre finally bringing a girl home” and his mom had come in just then. and scolded ty’s brother lol. his sister just said hi from the couch and ty went up to her and whispered something. and then they did a handshake which was so cute 🥺 i asked ty’s mom if she needed help with dinner. she took me up on that. it was nice talking to her. she was really sweet. we talked and even got to joking around. so thats good. ty’s dad came home in the meantime and said hi. he talked to me a bit too. ty’s sister was still a bit standoff-ish at dinner. she wasnt mean. just didnt really interact with me. she was the hardest to win over. but she did compliment my outfit. i appreciated that i changed three times she mentioned she needed new clothes for when school starts. i told her if she needed a shopping buddy to let me know. and she was like “really? can we go tomorrow?” and i looked at ty bc i had no clue what he had planned. and he sighed and was like “well i had plans to show her around tomorrow” and i gave him a look and he goes “but i guess we can do that after you guys get back” so next day i woke up before ty and got ready. then just sat there until he was up bc i was too scared to go downstairs alone lol. when we did go it was just his parents awake. his mom had me sit with them while ty made coffees lol. his mom told me they enjoyed having me here. and that tyler hasnt brought a girl over since his hs gf. who wasnt allowed to spend the night lol. and she told me he seemed really happy and…in l-word with me 🙈🙈🙈 oh and she said to not pay too much attention to his sister’s behavior bc she’s just jealous she’s not getting all of ty’s attention lmao. then later i took his sister shopping. we found a pair of earrings we both thought were cute so i bought myself and her a pair. she was really thankful and sweet. we ended up talking and she warmed up to me. especially when i said “you know youre just as amazing as tyler says” and she was like “what?” and i said “he talks about you all the time. i was really excited to meet you because he always says youre his best friend” i think she started to like me more after that. idk i tried to show her that im not stealing her brother from her lol. oh and me and her talked about boys and she mentioned this one guy. i was like oh is he cute and she blushed. i go omg do you have a crush on him. she was so red and told me i couldnt tell ty lol. when we got back though, ty’s brother had friends over. they were asking his sister who her friend was. she rolled her eyes lol. so sassy. then they were introducing themselves to me and ty’s brother was like “she’s not interested. she’s in college and is my brother’s girlfriend” i had to hold myself back from laughing that im in college came first and then ty’s gf. but in their introductions i learned that the boy ty’s sister has a crush on is her brother’s friend 🙈 oh girl. i gave her a look. she ran upstairs to put her stuff away lol.
(2) oh and during all this ty was at the store bc his mom sent him to run errands lol. so i chilled with her. helped her get some stuff ready since we were doing a cookout for dinner that night. ty finally came back. his mom shooed us out of the kitchen and told us to go have fun and then when we were putting on our shoes to go she yells “not too much fun though” 🙈 ty’s brother and his friends were snickering. high schoolers smh 🙈 so ty drove us and showed me around. it was fun. it was cute hearing his stories and memories and seeing how excited he got at some things. tbh i think i was giving him heart eyes more than i was looking around 🙈🙈 idk if i can explain it. just seeing him in his element. and a whole new level of relaxed and at home and domestic. idk. maybe youll get it 🙈 he also asked me how shopping with his sister went. so i told him about that minus her crush i aint a snitch. and i told him about his brothers comment lol. he goes “he’s so ridiculous he literally told his friend there was gonna be a college girl at his house. and he told me that you were too hot for me” that one made me giggle. ty said he smacked his brother for that one lol. i said “well i think you’re too hot for me. i mean look at you” he said “what the fuck are you talking about. i’m the luckiest guy in the world for managing to snag you” which 🥺🥺🥺 he was driving so i leaned over and kissed his cheek. bc it was so cute. and kate🙈🙈🙈 bestie 🙈🙈🙈 im only telling you this (and my other anon friends) bc i trust you guys. i havent told anyone else 🙈 but… i was really close to saying the three words to him 🙈🙈 really really close. but i got scared 🙈 it feels too soon. or that maybe its just in my head bc of what his mom said. idk.
(3) i maybe repeated some of this bc i forgot where i left off. we drove around some more. parked and walked around at a few stops. i maybe asked him about his hs gf 🙈 he said they werent really compatible and she was nice but they were better as friends and dated more bc of the pressure of dating. he was very open and honest about it though and that just made me more 🥺 we went to a park with a really nice overlook. then you have to walk through a forest and theres another more secluded one. we were going to kiss but i said “did you take all the girls here” and he said “no, i actually only ever came here alone. youre the only one” and i gave him a 🥺 look. he was a little pink. and i really really wanted to say it again 🙈 but i just kissed him instead. and then we made out 🙈🙈 for a decent amount of time actually. it felt like we were the ones in hs lol. then we were gonna go back. but our lips were a little swollen and red 🙈 so we went to get ice cream instead. then we went back to ty’s. his brother made a comment about us being gone for a while and was smirking. ty flicked him😭 oh and omg kate this was so cute 🥺 so they have these really cute lights in their backyard. his mom is super trendy lol. and they had music playing the whole time. eventually everyone went inside. they refused to let me help bc i had helped enough. i told ty i wanted to sit outside some more. it was so cute out there. the music was playing softly and i was cuddled up with ty and wearing his sweatshirt. it was a good vibe and i wanted to enjoy it.
(4) so we were sitting there quietly. he was just rubbing my shoulder with his thumb since his arm was around my shoulders. and then omg kate 🙈 this is so cheesy 🙈 thinking out loud by ed sheeran came on. ty got up and held his hand out. and asked “dance with me?” i had the biggest grin on my face and nodded. so we danced in his backyard 🙈 just like swayed back and forth nothing fancy. he was spinning me around and i was laughing. eventually we weren’t even dancing just laughing and swaying and trying to get each other to spin 🙈🙈🙈 until he finally pulled me in and we swayed again. i really almost said it again 🙈 but then he leaned down and kissed me. it was soft and sweet. we didnt stay out too long after that. but then we got ready for bed and stuff and he ran downstairs bc his brother used his phone charger and left it downstairs. and when he came back up he was so red. and i was like “are you good? did you just run a marathon or something?” and he flopped down on the bed next to me and groaned. he goes “my whole family saw that” and i said “saw what” and he goes “us dancing and the kiss. i just got hardcore roasted” and then i was like “oh” and he goes “my mom and sister think were adorable. my dad said i need to learn how to dance” which made me laugh. and then he goes “my brother told me my kissing game was weak and my mom glared at him and said it was respectful, which is how you should treat girls.” i hid my face in his chest and said ty this is so embarrassing. he said “your fault for laughing so hard it got their attention” but he said it jokingly lol. i said “maybe take your dads advice and learn to dance so i dont have to laugh” which made him laugh and squeeze my side. that made me squeal and i go oh no that was so loud. tyler was cracking up. but then he got serious and told me he was glad i was getting along with his family 🥺 he told me i fit with them well and that hes glad i was able to bond with his siblings, especially his sister 🥺🥺🥺
(4? 5? fuck i forgot again) and then today i woke up first before anyone else. so i threw on tyler’s sweatshirt and went and sat outside again. just enjoyed the morning. ty’s mom came out and asked me how i slept and all that. then told me she saw us two dancing last night. and she told me her son was clearly in l-word with me and then she smirked over her coffee mug and said “i think the feelings mutual” and took a sip of her drink. SHES SUCH A SAVAGE 🙈🙈🙈 i took a sip of my coffee just so i didnt have to respond and i could feel my whole face was on fire. but then she goes “you two are really sweet and im glad you make him so happy” and i said “he makes me happy too. you raised a great guy” and she smiled at me. then she told me stories about her and her husband meeting and stuff. and also about raising tyler. then his dad came out and brought breakfast. he also added in some stories. oh and his mom asked for my number and she sent me a few pictures she took of me and ty when we were sitting outside and when we were dancing 🙈🙈 idk how neither of us noticed them watching us through the window. but the pictures were cute. ty and his brother came downstairs and also ate with us. then ty and i went on a walk around their neighborhood which was nice and peaceful. when we got back we chilled with his family some more. his sister was awake too and asked me to help her with makeup. so we went to her room. and she was like “you and my brother are cute” 🥺 and she goes “that kiss was like a movie kiss” and i blushed 🙈 she told me how she hasnt had her first kiss and asked me about mine and stuff. it was kinda cute that she trusted me to like ask questions and be open. she was more open about her crush too and told me how he talked to her yesterday and gushed about how cute he was. i just let her go with it lol. and then she told me it was nice having a girl to talk to like a sister bc she cant talk to her brothers about that stuff 🥺�� so i told her if she ever wanted to talk she could reach out to me. so now she follows me on insta and has my number lol. then we sat with the fam again and had lunch and then it was time for ty and i to leave. everyone in his family gave me a hug 🥺 and they told me i should visit again 🥺 so it started off really scary but his family dynamic is so cute and they were all nice.
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planetjisungie · 4 years
lucky charms- h.rj
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characters; ravenclaw! renjun x hufflepuff! reader ft. gryffindor! mark and gryffindor! jeno (sigh)
summary; with the exams coming up, you need a little help with your charms. well you dont, you just needed an excuse to talk to your long time crush, huang renjun
an; i literally changed this on the spot 🤡 plot holes here i come- (also id like to think jeno is more of a hufflepuff but idk man)
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sigh okay this is a long boi
end of year exams were in just a few weeks
yay, your absolute favourite !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
now, charms
in room 99, classroom 2E in the south tower
i did my research
you were pretty good at charms, not nearly as good as you were in the care of magical creatures and herbology though
still above averagely good
you know who else was good at charms?
huang renjun
the star ravenclaw prince boy, the pride of the house and a very beautiful boy
best boi renjun
if jeno was being quite honest he was SICK AND TIRED of hearing you two pine over eachother
jeno met you in first year, and you quickly became best friends and even ended up in the same house as eachother
despite having different friend groups (your friend group consisted of you and eunji), you stayed best friends until now aka 5th year
just go with it okay
so as he was saying before i digressed, jeno physically is pained as he watched the longing glances both you and renjun throw when the other isnt looking
but it isnt his business to meddle with your lack of relationship problems
best boi part 2
BUT! but! he will give you both a tiny! eensy! little! minuscule! nudge
that nudge being forming a plan with you
you were slightly reluctant when jenos very enthusiastic face greeted you at the table saying he had ‘a totally brilliant, spectacular, show stopping, wonderful, flawless plan’
this was jeno we were talking about
the same boy who planned the failed midnight snack run a few weeks before
and as soon as he mentioned renjun your eyes narrowed
the plan was for jeno to ask renjun to tutor his friend who was falling behind in charms
said friend was you
and you were ahead of the class
bUT!! you agreed because he wasnt in your class, so there was no way he could know that right?
who was in your class?
mark lee. one of renjuns best friends.
also the boyfriend of eunji and the reason you wanted to gauge your eyeballs out everytime you turned around to talk to them
thats right eunji ditched you to sit next to her little markie. bitch.
nonetheless, you agreed because your dumb, spontaneous ass forgot that renjun even knew mark, because if someone said ‘whos mark?’ you would go ‘eunjis boyfriend’
so of course, when all the students were making their way to their class, jeno caught up with renjun seeing as they both had muggle studdies
"hey man, i have a favour to ask"
stage one of operation: stop the oblivious fuckers from pining over eachother (that name may need some revamping) was a-go
"depends what said favour is"
smart boi™️
"is it possible to tutor one of my friends in charms for the upcoming OWLs?"
oh? this piqued china pretty boys interest
"i mean, sure, i could do with some revision too. tell them to meet me at the library after school"
and so jeno walked away with a smug smirk, victorious
and when jeno told you he had agreed later in potions, you were yet you werent surprised
so of you trotted after last period, kinda nervous because youre about to be in the literal breathing proximity of renjun
like obviously youve talked to him before but this time it was just you and him
no get those thoughts out of your head
n e ways u perv
renjun sat at the back table, textbooks and notebooks with his neat writing in both chinese and korean all over the pages
smart boi part 2
so seeing him not looking at you
attention whore
wow why am i so mean today
you sat down and cleared your throat, placing your blank notebooks on the table so the boy wouldnt get suspicious
you had to pray to whatever gods were listening for your cheeks not to flare up the colour of the strawberries you had for breakfast
healthy girl™️
and the gods apparently answered your prayers
because as soon as renjun looked up and into your eyes you swore you were too distracted for your blood cells to even think about moving towards your face
and renjun nearly had a heart attack (by aoa)
poor boy
jeno had NOT told him that he would be tutoring you
he was going to be choked later
"sorry im late"
renjun was nearly offended that you would even apologise to him for being late by
2 minutes and 48 seconds
"no no its okay i havent been here long"
that was a lie he had study period last and has been sat in the same goddamn chair for an hour already but your presence made his ass cheeks ache less
so he started teaching you, but ???
you seemed to fully grasp the concepts
confused boi
excuse me ma’am/sir/señor/señorita whatever you prefer to go by-
you need to brush up on your acting skills dude
appalling smh your drama teacher back from your muggle school would be completely distraught
so for the next hour renjun ‘tutored’ you
things you already knew but this was a dream-
and actually he was a funny guy
he was also muggle born, so you could both relate over things you experienced as a kid
this lead to a raging debate over dora the explorer
that bitch was shaded in said debate, fully annihilated
hola soy dora your asshole
but,, it was fun. because jeno was pureblood and grew up knowing about all his magicky stuff so he was kinda boring sometimes
no tea no shade
but you ended the session with smiles on both your faces, cheeks literally aching with how hard youd been laughing and smiling
so lads
the next day at breakfast renjun was all happy, plonking himself next to mark at the gryffindor table because
man does not give a SHIT about the looks he was getting. he is huang renjun.
"why are you so smiley this morning? and why didn’t you come to my common room last night"
the gryffindor common room was the dreamie hang out
no one dared tell THE mark lee to go somewhere else with his friends
"sorry, last night i was tutoring y/n in charms" smiley boy still
mark seagull eyebrows: activated
excuse him?? charms?? you?? the one who got an outstanding in your report card??
something smells fishy here
"renjun... y/n got an outstanding on her charms"
eunji who had magically appeared next to mark basically said what he was just thinking
confused boi part ??
"wait what?"
but later on he didnt question you about it
he silently observed you
he told himself that anyway
quite honestly if you were spending time with him he was not about to complain
he was staring at you, simply put
my leng bby (thats you, youre my leng bby)
so for the next 2 weeks every day after school you would meet up to ‘catch up’ on your charms
that being said it literally always, every time, ended up with you two talking about something unrelated
like the 5th day you had a conversation about which series of power rangers was better
"SPD, obviously"
AM I THAT OLD?? on god i hate it here
"no, y/n, we all know that dino force is better"
i agree with y/n on this one pal
on the 7th day you talked about muggle sports that you both enjoyed
"i played a lot of cricket"
"cricket? okay tory"
"i am NOT a tory"
on the last day when you should have been, you know, LEARNING
you were having a lovely old chinwag about the x factor
"simon cowell is a king"
"i agree"
legend behaviour if you ask me
wait does chinwag exist in other countries??? translation: chat
so of course the exams came up
but you were dreading them for a different reason
this meant the end of tutoring with renjun
this was super bittersweet, you wanted to spend more time with eachother
you literally could it wasn’t that deep both of you are so dumb smh aint nothing stopping you
jeno agrees with me too, mans pulling out his hair still as you had somehow not gotten together yet
it was like watching snails race, incredibly frustrating but you know that there is the finish line somwhere over the horizon
so you took your exams and both of you passed with flying colours, obviously
smart kids
and you ran right to renjun to celebrate
seeing as he had
not really helped you but you thought that he thought he helped you
oh no honey he knew that you didnt need help
but he didnt know whether to confront you about it?
rip your guilty conscience
so after a long discussion with mark, our china boy decided to ask why the heck you wanted his help when you were absolutely fully capable
unlike mark
and when you saw him approach you first in the halls your heart went
that was the sound of a fast motorbike
"hi y/n"
‘damn renjun, couldnt have thought of anything better than that?’
"uhh hi renjun"
awkward silence by stray kids
"i just wanted to know why you asked for my help"
okay where is the nearest shovel and what is the most efficient way to dig a large hole-
as if renjun sensed your panic radiating off you in waves
which he did
"not that it was an issue! i enjoyed spending time with you, it was just, you didnt really need help"
he was a pure boy
so you puffed your cheeks and decided to just come clean
somewhere, jeno felt his senses tingling
"genuinely i just wanted to spend some time with you because i really like you"
renjun froze and wanted to smack his head into a wall
you noticed his expression and panicked yet again
stop panicking man its okay i gotchu
"it was jenos idea"
blame jeno is always a fool-proof plan b
unless you get pregnant, that would not be a good idea
so i guess its not fool proof
renjun face palms and groans
"youre kidding me! all this time we wasted doing boringass charms work when we couldve gone on dates"
but?? you felt hopeful??
"i dont think im on the same wavelength"
"i like you too dumbass"
oH so YOURE the dumbass??
yes, yes you are renjun is best boi, accept the L which is really a W bc renjun likes you back
jeno who had found his way to you, listening from around the corner sighed in happiness
"fucking finally!!"
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mingi-bubu · 4 years
Watch “Flower of Evil” with Me!
Episode 6
well damn its been a minute eh?
forgive me i’ve been also not good at other parts of life too aldkfjas;lkjdf
but anyways, the show is queued, i have my water, its freezing in my apartment
as the wonderful strawberry headed mark lee would say, lezgeddit
okay last i recall they were like getting joongi from the pool where he almost died
this blond man is wearing the *ugliest* shirt in the world where can i get it
joongi baobei are you okay???
jesus dude the driver was so slow to see if the guy he hit is alive im
hes covered in blood and groaning but no im sure he feels just fucking fine
like a goddamn field of daisies im sure
no hospital
i mean we know why but sitll
i hathe the way this is being filmed im just not a fan of the shaky cam stuff
i know he lives so im not pressed rn
oh is
is this bby joongi???
seems like
oh shit thats uhhhhh
thats blood huh
jesus fuck i hate seeing the dad
joongi pretty
i know i shouldnt be like focused on that rnbut
sir stop movingggg
you are just survived drowning
ew feet
ooh he got that vip room then huh
is this real or like a horrible dream
that looks like sangyeon
what is happening
oh thank god
he said skrrt
is she gonna slap him???
is she gonna hug hm??
oh thank god joonwon lives on
hehe rhymes
the fact that i can’t hear “it’s okay” in korean without thinking about exo’s playboy says a  lot about whom i am as a person no?
oh reporter-nim
he’s looking better
damn we get to hear a lot about his now huh
is that the father?
why read out this in front of eunha????
fuckign commrcials idc about acura
induced hypothermia?
oh interesing
memory issues oh yikes
oh my god hes joking stoppp shes so cuteee
im perhaps emotional over this
i love the relationship with eunha and joongi above all else
wow the dad sure does know how to lie in front of popel
oof this is awkward
i am lie spanish monkey meme rn
oh eunha....baobei.....
the way i am willing to die for the child
shes my favorite charcter
jiwon c’mon be obviousss
make his state a bit more unstable perhaps
ugh this guy is still alive
he is a vegetable???
bro he got hit in the brain like...idk how to tell you this chief but
eunha looks so much like cha-ssi
like i guess we know whose genes won out in this family no?
she aint even gonna give her a hug???  and shes in her lil pink overalls too
oooooh tea
just make his condition more unstable ???
normally with the other dramas ive watched i’ve already read the wiki and stuff for spoilers but liek???  i cant now
oh detective cutie is back i lvoe it
oh ok this is kinda cute i take it back i love the goldfish commercials that are like stop motion and shit
jiwon unnie are you okay?
this doctor is
like i understand but still
the way i want to give her a hug now fUCK
akdjfalsdjf why is he so adoralbe
i amm poropoisng to him
can they really arrest a man if he just stares and says nothing??
oh shit
i really did say make the body more unstable but fuck this is uhhhhh
joongi looks so nice for having been unconscious for five or more days
i love how cautious with his words that dect. cutie is being
aldkfjasldk he said we gotta get our storeisAJDFLAKDSJF DONT COMPLIENTMENT AKJFA;LSDJ
the bathroom doors are nice
what is reporter-nim doing
i love this cleaning lady she’s fun
ooooohhhhh she said too much O.O
i am eyes emoji
im so worrieeeeedddd about thier relatiohnship
asldfjasdlfj poor dect. cutie he really was thirdwheeling
alsdkfjasldkfj the way that OH MY GOD
this is so fucking funny i cant
dect cutie is like what the fuck we really starting with the hard questions huh
oooh leading questions shes iconic
ooooooh shit
dect cutie please decide on OOOOHHHH shes skedooting out
jesus choi im
aldskfjasld;jf he fucking
wow dect choi
the way that joongi is like :)
tension thats the word
oh shit backstoryyy
i mean like choi was right but still
all of this is still being recorded lmao
oh shitttt
i need to keep remembering hojoon’s name but anyways im in love with him
the drama of it all ugh i love
oooh the murdered man’s widow has tea to spilll
i think they meant disguise but im not positive
fuck i really want chinese food now
who let reporters in????
oh no
dont give jiwon ideas
and goddamn
this is horrifying to see like in a very haunting way
literally does he have the like legal ability to do this
i mean i guess its no longer an active crime scene its fine, no?
i hateeee commercials
i dont care for using an online dating site though the video chat feature is actualy a good idea i will say
i want a quesedilla
then why are you acting so sketch jiwon
jiwon please
just spit it out
probably not is my guess
aish what
“what are you?”
i dont
i mean i tihnk all of y’all so go to thereapy but like
thats just me
yo i have so many questions and so does she but like
what season is it if their breaths are able to be seen
a human rights issue
oh shit this guy im sick
awehhh eunha looked adorable there omg
ooooh the condition of that man is going to be more unstable
oops :)
what???  is she doing???
forensics kit?
i dont?
okay that was so obiusly edited in FUCK
thats uhhhhhh
thats a lot
yinks thisnt good
oh jiwon are you sure
did he ever clean up after reporter-nim?
i mean even if he did it wouldnt necessarily matter i suppose bc forensics
oh a mask
yeah thats a smart idea
awehhh im so nervousss
oh no
that guy is faking his comatic state huh
if his eyes snap open im fucking calling it
god he looks hot a s a nurse tho
what is going on
a-fucking-pparently it is
dude seriously
but joongi
you still have loose ends you dont know about
oh  noooo
i dont want to see anything on the floor please
in korean
i dont care about toyota thank you
why are you hesitating
he wants to understand jiwon
oh no
oh bro
youre really shit at your job
but joongi is gone
bc you wouldnt fucking listen to him before dick
did he???
not kill him????
im so confused
he really didnt kill hm huh
oh fuck ing
oh no jiwon
oooohhh baby eunhaaaa
shes so cute oh my gooooddddd
oh god
this is fucking heartbreaking
his watchhhh
oh reporter-nim got the cleaning lady to do this
the talking about the second guy
jesus thats horrifying to see i hate that
what i that
please tell us
what fucking cloud?
i dont understand
a duffel bag?
oh my god
oh my god this is so tense
oh fuc i didnt remember that the widow was pregnant
thisis some weird copaganda ngl
but moving on
shes deffo talking to herself more than the widow
your eyes can trick you
but also why is joongi so handsome i cant stand it
thats all for this episode!
i have many thoughts and feelings about seeing joongi with a kiddo
oh shit
the peeks into the next episode hhhhhhhh
but its late and i told my roommate we’d get ramen for lunch so i gotta mcsleep now
thank you for reading!!!
stay safe and stay healthy <333
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hunchoskeazo · 4 years
Chapter 3 “The Breakdown”
“So its been a few days that ive been in this hospital and aint heard from nobody wtf is up.?” As i sat there and thought because what else am I suppose to do.
*Picked up the phone and called Rik*
*No Answer*
( Called Ashley)
Ashley:Hey Boo How you doing I been up there but you was sleep so i was gonna comeback today.
AJ:Oh... You been up here to see me?
Ashley:Why wouldn’t I? She asked so confusingly.
AJ:Oh... Nah i just aint know you came up here....They say I can get discharged tomorrow you gonna come get me..? I asked
Wait.. where is my car hold on..
(I checked my app)
“Yes i have a tracking device on the whip A nigga like me gots to.”
AJ:Oh its outside in the parking garage... Who drove it here.? You did.? I said with concern 🤔
Ashley:Uhhh no rik drove it up there...
Aj:Oh ok... (How she know that I thought to myself but didnt say nothing).“Well ight wyd rn”
Ashley:Nothing Missing you she said. She gave me the cutest look when she said that.
AJ:Dont be saying it like that girl i said with a smirk on my face.
Ashley:Ha Whyy? And Do you still need me to come get you?
AJ:Oh yeah actually leave your car imma send you a uber come here and we’ll drive my car.
Ashley:Oouu yes Ok ill be there in the morning.
AJ:Ight Bet
(Phone Hangs Up at the same time the doctor walks in and some man in a suit.)
I grimmed him “Who tf is you?” i said with a aggressive tone.
Detective:Hello Mr.Davis My name is Detective Johnson(He put his hand out for me to shake it)
(I just looked at him and his hand.)
Detective Johnson:Oookkkk then anyway. Im here for your case to try and figure out and find the person that did this to you.
“Nah Im good bro bro”
Detective John: Whether you good or not Im still on the case and im here til its closed. So either you gonna let me help you because as of right now your an innocent victim. Or you can become a prime suspect Your choice.!
“Man whatever” I said with a attitude like a bad bitch😂😂😂
DetectiveJ:Oh ok thats what i thought now can you tell me what happened.(He pulls out his pad and pen.)
“I went to visit my mans and someone started shooting next thing i know i woke up here”
Detective:(Writing on the pad) Ok who is your mans? He asked
(Dead Silence)
Detective:You gonna answer the question Mr.Davis?..
(Dead Silence)
Detective:Ok We’re done for the day Thanks Doc we’ll be in touch and i will be seeing you very soon mr davis. (He hit the back of his pen on the pad and put them both in his pocket. Right before he walked out the door He said...)
Stay Safe Mr.Davis (He side eyed me with a smirk and walked out)
Doc:Why was you not cooperating with the detective?
“I dont move like that doc” i said with a nonchalant tone.
Doc:But he’s here to protect you and help you.
“I dont need help or protection this some street shit i gotta handle that the feds cant handle the only thing they get out of it is a ceremony and funeral that they family and coworkers gotta plan for them so no i dont need they help.”
Doc: Smh just dont learn... You know what can i tell you something? She asked
“Yea go ahead” as i stared out the window.
Doc:I get alot of patients just like you in here from gang violence and me being a young black doctor its hard. Seeing young black kings lose their lives in my hands because of the streets it breaks my heart everytime.
(Guilt knocked down that brick wall of pride i had built up just moments ago.)
Im going to just say this one thing before i leave out this door just please cooperate please, because i see something in you and obviously you are on gods green earth for a reason. So please cooperate but get some rest before you leave tomorrow i will come check on you 1 last time before i let you go ok.
“I looked at her and shook my head and said “Ight I gotchu doc”
Doc:Ok Bye Mr.Davis she said so innocently and walked out the door.
(I laid back moments later the nurse walks in and looks at me with a grumpy look)
“Aye you the one that forcefully put me to sleep man you betta not be coming in here to that shit again and you in here by yourself aww hell nah this old lady about to rape me I cried out.”
Nurse:Boy shut yo ass up i dont want you im married.
“SO” i yelled out🤔
Nurse:I am about to put you to sleep tho(She hurried and grabbed the IV and injected the sleep juice in it.
“Wait wait let me—-
(Right before i fell asleep i heard the door open)
——:Pay close attention to the people around you adrian....
(It got dark)..
“I popped up it’s the next morning Dr.taylor and the nurse are already in the room.
Doc:Hello Mr Davis are you ready to go home? She said with a big smile on her face.
“Yea I am actually”(Picked up my phone and texted ashley and sent her money for the uber)
Ashley:Ok imma be on my way in 15 mins.
Doc:Ok let me finish up your paperwork and you can get dressed and leave.
“Ok” I said
As she finished my work i thought to myself was I dreaming or did someone actually come in here and say that to me.... “Fuck It” i said out loud.
Doc:Whats that..?
“Oh oh nothing” I looked at my calls Rik called me but its not a missed call...
Wtf maybe i answered but was still sleep. I hate when people call me while im sleep man.
(I called back no answer)
Ashley:Im omw babe.
I texted back “Ok im about to get dressed im just waiting on them to get done with my paperwork.
Ashley:Ok im omw.
Doc:Ok heres your discharge papers and your prescriptions that you pick up later on today ok...
(She hands me the papers)
Doc:Ok im going to let you get dressed ill be out here when you leave.
“Ight thanks doc i really appreciate you and everything you do.”
(She blushed and clutched her clipboard said thank you and walked out the room.)
“YOU LEAVE TO LADY” i said jokingly loud
(The nurse giggled walked out and shut the door i hopped up and locked it to make sure she fasho couldn’t comeback in and went to the bathroom.)
*15 mins later*
I walked out the bathroom from a hot shower someone knocked on the door.
“COME IN” i yelled
(They jiggled the knob)
Lmao “Oh yeah I forgot i locked the door”
(I unlocked and opened its ashley she walked in smiling and smelling good than a mothafucka with a couple bags in her hand.)
“Ooouueeee who told you to come up here like that red bottoms on, hair laid, lashes on eyebrows done, cleavage out wassup.”
She said “Boy stop it” as she was blushing hard. “Look I got you some stuff to put on everything i just bought yesterday.
(Breds ,Purple brand all black Jeans and a red/black vlone shirt)
“Ight bet”
(Before i was just about to reach for the stuff)
“UNHT UNHT you not gonna give me a hug first damn can i at least get a thank you..!!
I smirked “You right you right im sorry babygirl”
I hugged her and wrapped my arms around her and grabbed her ass she hugged me so tight and she smelled so good I wanted to eat her. She kissed me on my neck i sat down on the bed and pulled her close to me by her hips we started kissing.
She tongue’n the kid down i started to get hard through my towel she felt that and grabbed me and slowly started kissing me from my neck down my chest to my 6 pack...😏
*Knock Knock Knock*
She jumped up i jumped up “UH YEAH COME IN” i yelled
Doc: Its me i have one more thing to give you so stop by the desk before you leave ok.
“Ight i gotchu doc”
(Door shuts i gasped and we looked at eachother and laughed)
“Yea let me hurry up n get dressed” and looked down at mini me and said.
“Control yo self man”
She sat down and crossed her legs, bit her lip and fucked me with her eyes. I grabbed my stuff and went in the bathroom and got dressed.
(Moments later) “Ight im ready”
We grabbed all of our stuff and walked out.
“Im about to stop at this desk realquick”
“Ok” she said and walked ahead”
“Ok whats the deal doc” i asked
“Here (She gave me a card) look on the back”
It was a sticky note with a number and a name on it. I looked down the hall at ashley she was looking the other way. I looked back at doc.
“Call me whenever you need something...Anything..”
I hesitated at first then said “Ok i gotchu” and walked away.
(Caught up with ashley)
“Whats that in your hand?”
“Oh its a card she said to call them if i have any questions about anything....”
(I hurried and put the card in my pocket.)
“Unht unht give it here let me see the bitch probably put her number on the back”
“Man what” i started laughing
“Give it here” she yelled
I pulled the card out my pocket she look at both sides.
“Mmhm sneaky ass” she said in slight disappointment. “Let me find out you fuckn her.”
“Come on na babygirl” i smirked and we walked to the car..
After a long day of shopping eating and talking shit we go back to her crib.
“Omg im so tired and my feet hurt” she cried out
I laughed and said “I bet they do”
“Boy shut the fuck up you always talking shit” she said so agitated.
“I walked over to her and said say it to my face”
“Boy fuck you”
(I picked her up and carried her to the room)
“Put me down Aj you gonna drop me stop playing.” She yelled out.
I threw her on the bed and got on top of her and started kissing on her she immediately calmed down and relaxed her body n started kissing me back. She placed her hand on the back of my neck while my hand maneuvered my way between her legs.
“Oh you ready ready” i leaned up and said
She smirked and grabbed my hand and put my fingers in her mouth.
“Oml”😩 this girl so freaky i think thats why i love her.😂
She hopped up off the bed and walked real slow and sexy to the bathroom while taking her clothes off at the same time.
“Come here daddy” she demanded and waltzed in the bathroom.
“Oh you aint gotta tell me twice” i hopped up so fast i fell flat on my face pants to my ankles shirt halfway on.😂 Its up there.
I walked in the bathroom she already hot and wet. Im about to fuck this girl like a dog.
I stepped in and stood right in front of her she looking up at me and im looking down at her.
I grabbed her neck kissed her i picked her up and Pinned her to the wall and started sucking on her neck she wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck and moaned in my ear.
Now yall know when a female moan in my ears it do something to me.
I couldn’t wait i was so hard i was throbbing.
I stuck my dick inside of she gasped.
I went in slow to open her up she so warm and tight.
“Fuuuck” i said slow and low my strokes became faster her grip became tighter, she dug her nails in my back.
I went faster and deeper her moans became louder.
“Ahh AJ” she moaned
I just knew i was about to be a father.
“Fuck it” I said out loud and released.
“Dammnn“ i said outta relief because i just released so much stress.
“Damn the hospital fixed you up you aint never did that before.” She said while she finished showering.
“No cap”😂
We both finished showering she got out before me but i felt the vibes change mins later before she got out.
I finished up turned the shower off and grabbed my towel and walked out the bathroom.
“Whats up?” I asked out of concern.
“........Im not ready AJ..”
“😕Wow You not ready....Why?”
I sat on one side of the bed she sat on the other side.
“Ive been taking birth control pills”
“Man what!!! When was you gonna tell me this we just talked about this a few weeks ago and you said you was ready.” I yelled
“Well yeah that was before you stopped answering my calls and stopped being over or around me all the time.” She cried out
“Ive been working you know that.”
“AJ you know ive been told that before ive been in this same situation before and the person i was in that situation with fasho not you obviously im just scared to go back down that road because im still dealing with that by myself you have to give me that.” She said with a scratchy voice as if she was about to cry.
I started to feel guilty again by another women.
It became dead silent...
“🤔You know i never understood why mothafuckas let otha mothafuckas hold them back from their blessings that they asked for... that they been praying for... A mothafucka standing RIGHT HERE IN FRONT OF YOU”
“Maybe Im too genuine.. Maybe I aint what she want..Maybe...”
“Man Fuck this shit” I said while jumping up and storming to the living room.
“WHAT” she yelled
(She jumped up right behind me and chased after me.)
I pounced on the couch and turned the game on.
She came and stood right in front of me with her hand on her hip silk robe half way open, skin soft and shiny with the meanest sexiest look on her face.
“AJ really this what you gonna do while we talkin.?”
*Pat Tap Tap* Controller Buttons
She scooted over in front of the tv.
“Man Move” i said in agitation
She dropped her robe and i dropped my bottom lip Along with the controller.😂
“You ready to listen now?”
“Yes maam” i said with such thirst that i was ready for whatever.
I laid back on the couch and she climbed on top of me and was under a spell after that.
What can I say Imma sucka😋😁
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Ig: HunchoSkeazo
Youtube:Huncho Skeazo
We The Future Ent Copywrite 2020
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minimenace · 5 years
Felix live thoughts:
i still don’t get why gabriel, who is known to wear his ring, is polishing both his and emilie’s rings
nathalie smiling at gabe aww
its been a year???
cat song from chat blanc
sitting together, bonding time??
gabriel: i need to tell adrien im hawk moth and its for the greater good - the greatest good id ever get - emilie’s ass
adrien: oh dad i know
gabe: wHAT??
adrien: yeah...you and nathalie  👀 im cool
not that adrien knows his mom is even alive smh
gabe, you can’t expect your son to be all hopeful when there’s nothing he knows of to be hopeful for
gabe: bitch get ready cousin you is coming
1 year since emilie ‘went for cigarettes’
adrien: healing  😌
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marinette’s first act as class president: class meeting!!!! (plus luka and kagami) we need to cure adrien of his depression
adrien is hallucinating his mom isn’t he
wait it’s his mom’s twin isn’t it
amelie and emilie huh
gabe is not “NO get out”
grouch kitten time!!!
felix getting hugged: bitch...fine ok
so felix and adrien’s favorite game as kids was Parent Confusion huh
gabe: how dare you shake my hand
felix: how dare you not shake my hand
so gabemilie wedding rings were from her family
emilie’s maiden name was NOT agreste...bitch no im DYING with this headcanon
felix whats to know what the FUCK is up with kyle gabriel
marinette...no...do not tell your crush you’re in love with him when you’re trying to console him about his missing mom
ok slightly better
bitch you’re still recording
is this gonna be another copycat where marinette tries to get the phone to delete the message
wait this is LITERALLY another copycat
“I’m really sorry I didn’t come to your dad’s funeral” OH BITCH NOW I GET WHY HE HATES YOU
explains why they’re wearing black
felix with bryce’s voice hits bad
he needs kousei arima...max mittelman...pLAGG
“you do everything your dad tells you to” “oh well yeah you know”
do do do do-dUUHN
adrien and felix used to challenge each other in chess...nerds
plagg: “you’re cousin is being sus BUT HE TOUCHED MY CHEESE THAT UNFORGIVABLE”
plagg: *points out adrien’s mother is* adrien: *gets sad* plagg: oh baby fuck im so sorry
felix i know adrien is complete dumbass but you cannot call him an idiot!!!
wait is felix gonna find out marinette is ladybug because she was recording for so long
probably not lol
felix fuck you im the only one allowed to make fun of nino’s dudebro accent
felix bby youre not building a good case for yourself by making fun of my babies
also bryce is trying to do a lower voice and he just sounds dudebro
wait is felix gonna rip chloe a new one
YES felix and chloe knew each other
the one time chloe is being genuinely nice for no discernable reason and felix is like “fucker”
well with the season finale we know it doesn’t matter
marinette time bitch lets see what happens im scared
ok thats mean
the writers are trying very hard to make me hate felix but joke’s on them, i’ll never hate anyone on this show
no joke i used to hate theo and call him a pedo and now i’m like “aww poor baby”
wait where is theo i havent seen him around
ok he deleted the videos so immmmmmmmmm hmmm
felix getting ready to cause havoc
ok luka is kind of a joke
*strums guitar* im supportive. this is my personality.
i cant really be mad about felix sending that mean message but adrien deserves to be a feral kitty
fel-ien: i renounce all my friends y’alllll SUCK
me: ...
calls out chloe specifically: NO THATS MEAN but true
marinette: there’s no way adrien can be mean he’s an absolute...aNGEL (how does that meme go)
i mean she has a point because he’d never call chloe out like tHAT
lila spying for gabe seems to be a good thing but im concerned about what gabe will be doing with this video
oh ok they knew it was felix
nathalie: so uh...sir...now’s a good time to um...akumatize some vulnerable kids...
gabe: ok amelie lets see how you feel about THIS akuma attack
gabe getting people to go chase down your “son” is still going to inevitably hurt your son
im fairly certain that max and kim know marinette is ladybug at this point 
*announcer voice* and in the confusion, reflekta, lady wifi, and princess fragrance were deakumatized because they couldn’t figure out who to be mad at
WHICH ONE OF YOU IS THE FAKE ADRIEN they all shout. “idk what do you think” says adrien 1 to adrien 2
adrien: *starts acting all mean*
punishers: IT MUST BE HIM
nathalie: STOP IT ADRIEN
punishers: wait who
adrien: muwahauwah i wonder who I could BE AJAHAHAHA
felix: bro why the fuck are you covering for me
nathalie get your grove on
felix: ha...no?
felix: oh well...KONO FELIX DA- LET’S FIGHT
istg if felix has his own miraculous
ladybug saves fel-ien
fel-ien: i love you
activates “smooch”
marinette: *has flashbacks to spook-drien* uhhh no
felix you’re being very menacing about this kiss
ok... i feel like marinette going “NO MEANS FUCKING NO” is a brownie points moment just the entire structure of the scene...also she has no reason to suspect adrien is not adrien, so the punching is just...intensely weird to me
this also feels like astruc trying to be like “FELIX IS THE OPPOSITE OF ADRIEN WHO IS A PERFECT GENTLEMAN AND RESPECTS WOMEN AND THEIR BOUNDARIES” when like um i dunno, adrien ALSO tries to kiss women (ladybug) without their consent but those moments are always treated as comedy so you’re not being very slick with this scene
side note; idk why when a male morally dark end character gets into a fight or something with a girl very one goes “THAT’S SEXIST”, like basically what you’re saying is “you can’t hit girls” which in itself IS sexist. everyone can be punched. don’t fucking hold back.
side note; you shouldn’t punch ANYONE
“You’re not Adrien, he would never be so pushy!” *looks at chat noir* uhhh....
i mean good deduction skills tho? i still think it’s pretty hastily and badly written
adrien is fucking OUTING his cousin lmao
i feel like there was pre-existing tension
felix: is actually ashamed for once
lb: great!!! now break the tablet felix: bitch this is some good fucking money i aint breaking it
felix and lila are the moth gang
hawk moth: why felix: uncle give me your fucking jewelry
felix: manipulate the situation...and profit
that has got to be the GREATEST defeat ever...truly lucky
felix looks like he thinks that he’s going to jail
adrien: dude wtf amelie: ...his dad- felix: no dude that was pretty fucked up, ill own up to it
“i hope to become a better person and see you again soon!” this was one concentrated bad incident but yeah ok
the tone is making me think this is supposed to be inauthentic and he doesn’t mean it but im hoping this isn’t the case.
but if it is genuine, it sounds like there’s a tacked on “learn to be better- from you” which like, yeah adrien is better than felix we get it but you don’t need to emphasis adrien as a model dude when he’s like tier 1 good guy. he’s decent. lmao.
wait felix has always been wearing a ring i didn’t notice
awww felix and gabriel made up.
what even happened between them to begin with.
adrien: aw sHIT CUZ WAIT gabe: nO DAVIC
adrien: if you need to talk in here felix: thanks
astruc: see he’s morally superior
did felix just gift adrien some expensive cheese lmao
felix: hey i feel bad, i replaced your cheese
adrien : *records message to thank everyone and says “i love you”* marinette: *obsessively plays back the “i love you”*
marinette: ill take what i can get
so felix really is a magician huh
i feel like him and jean duparc would get along
oh so there’s history behind the rings?
“where it belongs” everyone hates gabe huh. wuh happened
gabe why are you taking your wife’s ring
it’s like he needs that thing to function
the ring: why you so obsessed with me
is it like an anti-nathalie charm or something
gabe: bitch get it together yOU’RE MARRIED, YOU’RE WIFE IS DOWNSTAIRS
the beef is, probably like all things, related to the miraculous
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bibliomint · 6 years
Headcanons; Nagakura Shinpachi
Things are wild dating him
Sometimes unpredictably so
Consider: food fights
Not in the sense y’all are throwing food around
But you're stealing food from the other and having this wild chopstick battle
Everyone’s watching you like
“who invited these children”
Also?? Makes stupid anniversaries
“Dude I can't believe you forgot about my little toe’s birthday smh what a friend you are”
Has definitely forgotten to knock before walking into your room
Once you had the door almost all the way closed but not quite and you were getting changed
And he was like “well the door isn’t closed all the way I’m sure its fine”
And he walked in
And immediately turned and walked right back out
His face was very very red and he couldn’t look at you right for a week
It’s so easy to make him flustered???
You literally just have to look at him and smile a little and he’s g o n e
Likes to hold your hand and play with your fingers
“You good? You’re staring off into space”
“I was thinking how much softer and smaller your hands are. is cute”
Some people at first glance might think y’all are related just from how close you are
But no he’s just really easy to get along with
Sometimes fights with you?
He’s just very passionate and has strong opinions and Does Not Hesitate to voice them
It can sometimes get him in trouble
If he doesn’t tell you what he’s thinking......
Something’s very very wrong
“Ok be honest does this make me look fat”
He’s stuck in this eternal loop of not wanting to make you angry but also sticking to his morals
Don't ask him if it makes you look fat
Can't lie to you?? Ever??? Is actually incapable of it
Would rather just leave out information instead
Overenthusiastic!!! About!!! Everything!!!
“It’s a statue”
“Yeah yeah bUT LOOK AT IT”
Talking for hours over nothing in particular
Getting nostalgic over memories shared
“Remember that time you took me to go see the fireworks?”
“yES and we got dango!! You dropped your first one and almost cried”
“liSTEN it was traumatic ok”
Ok ok but consider:
Laying on the futon together, his arm under your head
Summer bugs chirping outside
The moon painting the room in a soft glow via the window
Talking about what you want in the future
Relieving past moments in life
Soft laughs as you try not to wake up everyone else but thAT WAS FUNNY OK
Soft laughs turn into snorts and then y’all are laughing harder because?? things are twice as funny when you’re not allowed to laugh
He’s really bad at keeping secrets
He’s a little better than Heisuke but honestly??
not really
Impatient for everything
“I know this is for your birthday in a week but I couldn't wait I wanted you to have it now”
Will vent to you all of the time
You don't always have to listen
But he really likes it when you agree with him or at least have a solid opinion!
“Broccoli is gross ok fite me”
So freaking oblivious to everything
pls spell things out clearly for this boi
Fumbles with anything sexual
Like he tries to play it off that he knows what he’s doing
But really?? only has small idea of what to do or what’s going on
Not really that into PDA when others are around
Like he likes it but probably won't initiate it
One kiss to his cheek has him so far gone in embarrassment but also JOY BECAUSE!!!! YOU KISSED HIM!!! oMG!!! BEST DAY EVER??!!!
Super blushy but also won't shut up about it
Sano tolerated it for a while but after the 10th time of “oh my gods theyre so cUTE” he threw a mug at him
It was empty but still
Gets drunk a lot but pretends like he’s not???
Boi you aint foolin nobody
Pushes himself too hard all the time???
S t o p  I t 
You caught him flailing his sword late at night and when he basically collapsed to the ground you draped this towel over his head to like dry off
and I kid you not he s c r e a m e d
“I’ve been here ten seconds stop screaming you’re gonna wake the entire compound”
Endearing Boi™ pls love
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knitspecibus · 6 years
Chelsea’s Bizarre Watching...Adventure
I actually...want to see more of this. Let’s go!
Episode 3
s2g dio already looks like a vampire
o hay oddjob. uh. did you sneak in because it doesn't seem like jojo even knew you were here
reo speedwagon. alright
i mean, ill agree, dio does seem bad to the bone. which sounds like a good stand name.
well, this is a trap. whatcha plannin dio
yeah with that humanity talk, that seems like what he was going for
look at this poison sellin’ dick, smiling over there. also for some reason im not terribly worried about jojo’s stab wound. also how did he let himself get stabbed, smh
sir joestar why are you so forgiving and good
dio why would you leave the mask
O_O wwwwwell then!
i mean i don’t know if ‘alive’ is the right word
XP dont like the squirt on that bullet wound
how nice of him to explain
well, Jo, I have to say, thats an interesting interpretation
okay zombie man, you dont have to be horny about it, and reo will you fucking move and not just let him grab your face
Jo, how do you have such a heart of gold that you’re worried about kicking dios ass because you were ‘brothers’. c’mon. you were never really brothers. not in blood, and definitely, especially not in spirit.
I mean dios always been a monster. he’s just being a little more open about it now
im really not surprised he caught it.
is it really jo or has jo created a clever ruse??
well that fire came out of fuckin no where, but okay
man, not even fire, huh
man this whole place is gonna burn down, huh. this is the 1800s, fire brigades then? not very efficient.
jojo. ur so brave. and stupid.
jo how did you jump that high and also take that thing out of your shoulder!...or not, sometimes youre supposed to leave it in so it dosnt bleed as much i think
i kinda like how he’s just strolling up at a 90 degree angle
he couldnt what?? what is jo doin
man, speedwagon’s got a lot of concern for a dude he just met the other day. i mean its one thing to have compassion but he’s acting like jo’s his best friend
jo, you are truely noble
o_o well. that. that was very english. “Good bye, JoJo!”
yeah, sure bud, you’ll rule the world. just stay out of the sunlight forever i guess
well. that was a fortunate sequence of events. belt him up, jo!
i love how jo has to be like, “look, its the knife you killed my father with” before he stabs dio
jo yelling for his dad to help is some real Cinderella shit. and its gonna work,
or. jo can just kick the wall and impale dio, that also works
ah ha! right, the more you beat him, the tougher he gets.....is that jojos stand or. listen. i dont know. it seems like a super natural ability if its true. and not just jo’s pure willpower to forge on
and Jo makes it out alive! buuut. im under the impression that dio sticks around for a good while AND sires a son, so im curious to see where this goes
Episode 4
I think it’s a rare thing for jojo NOT to have spirit. like damn.
i got goosebumps, her face is gonna be the first thing he sees when he wakes up :3
aaaaaaa ❤❤❤
i mean she aint wrong, jojo’s a fuckin tank
nice catch jo ;) poor E must have been up for a long time
holy shit jo did that with a broken arm?
o hai dio. so you arent jack the ripper, you’re just gonna control him. also i feel like the artist could have done a little more with designing Jack The Ripper. he just looks like. a dude. which is fair im just. bah, nevermind
anyway, back to dio. i thought you burned to a crisp, buddy! how’d you get back out?
u’ll give him unprecedented pleasure, huh dio
i feel like just smashing it wouldnt break the mask forever. you should probs try to find it
oh boy. whos dr. strange over here
ಠ_ಠ that was a very deep pinkie stab to the gut, wtf guy
ಠoಠ!!!!! his arm is fixed!!!
that man broke a rock in half, through a frog, without hurting it...
a good goal to have
Erina: JoJo what the fuck is going on??? JoJo: ah damnit how do i have her back in my life without involving her in my Bizarre Adventure
:O he’s making the tree blossom!
please dont pop the corpse open dio oh god is sHE STILL ALIVE, DONT LIKE WHATS HAPPENING HERE TO HER EYE
how does sitting underwater help
mm. i appreciate that you’re determined to see your girl again, but maybe you should have found a way to leave her a note
also jojo who dressed you
ಠ_ಠ well thats not right
oh okay his head didnt get replaced with the horses, the horses head was just...thats like, a tiny margin better? still, not nice to do that to the horses
ಠ_ಠ THATS ALSO NOT RIGHT. das nasty
he. stabbed himself
im glad you called his next move and then dd nothing to stop him
he. sprouted knives out of his body
that was a very inspiring speech. i think.
thats a pretty high bar dude. but jo will probably clear it
*polite cat face* well. that was certainly an animation. anyway, good job, jo
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chamaelhyun · 7 years
so i just finished reading stephen king’s it...
... and i have too much feelings for it i think i have to write everything down, more for myself than for anything else lmao
first and foremost, bill loves georgie so much just thinking about them makes me so fucking soft??? and georgie kissing him on his cheek that day legit brought tears to my eyes knowing what’s gonna happen to him
also, stanley did not take that fucking bath i refuse to believe it no sir
“it was easier to be brave when you were someone else” - richie tozier
eddie my dear boy why would you marry your mother smh
ben loves beverly so much okay!!!!
i feel like bill and eddie’s friendship is so underrated so let me just put it right here -- bill thinks of eddie as his only real friend prior to everything that happened that summer and eddie "would have died for bill", if bill had asked him he would have just responded: “sure, big bill.. you got a time in mind yet?”
"..richie’s mouth was like a half-tamed horse that has a way of bolting for absolutely no reason at all” uhHHH IF THIS AINT THE TRUEST THING LMAO
“maybe sometimes things didn’t just go wrong and then stop; maybe sometimes they just kept going wronger and wronger until everything was totally fucked up”
eddie loves bill like a big brother or a father if this isnt the purest thing ever im crying
RICHIE LIKES PINCHING EDDIE’S CHEEKS OKAY DO NOT TOUCH ME “i hate it when you do that, richie” “ah, you love it, eds” 
i’m such a trash but richie!!! winking!!! at!!! eddie!!!
uhh richie telling eddie about his ambition when they were hanging out in eddie’s garage??? good shit right here
from eddie’s pov -- richie has an “enchanting, often exhausting charm” okay
the savage bill that usually comes out when richie is being such a little shit, i love it!! “best part of you ran down your father’s leg” kids pls lmao
stan “i think that must have been my father” the man
“it was just richie. he could drive you bugshit.. but it was still sort of nice to have him around” oh eddie spaghetti
isn’t it adorable how whenever richie says something which eddie thinks is bullshit but he isnt really sure is bullshit, he just turns to bill for confirmation??? “is there such a thing as a sift bill” 
“you know about fucking, don’t you, eds?” uhhh richie dont corrupt my innocent little son like this??? (tho of course my son is well aware thanks to this taliendo boy?? whoever he is??)
uh ben is such a genius??? youngest architect y’all. this. my son. right here.
that time when they were caught by mr. nell building the dam and everybody -- even richie himself -- was like, “shut the fuck up richie gdi!!!” and stan was holding on to richie’s arm ready to squeeze him hard if he starts being a little shit it’s like one of my faves of them idek why it’s just so funny to me??
also, richie is such a trash for bill istg??? “..maybe just seeing bill’s eyes light up with their own excitement was enough” ???
ONE OF MY MOST FAVORITE RICHIE MOMENTS (and there’s a lot considering he’s my fave loser) -- him making bill feel better and less guilty about georgie’s death and then comforting bill, tho awkwardly, when the latter started crying 
uh idk if i maybe missed it in the book or in the movie but why is almost the entire fandom saying that his parents dont give a shit about richie?? cause i think out of all the losers, his parents are fairly regular (bill said so himself) he even gets to joke around with them?? and from richie’s pov: “he could read both of his parents like books -- well-worn and well-loved books” so im really kinda confused??
“they’ll pinch my cheeks and tell me how much i’ve grown” “that’s cause they know how cute you are, eds -- just like me. i saw what a cutie you were the first time i met you” uhh richie how many times are you gonna call eddie cute?? well i dont really blame you, my son is a reaal cutie
also!!!! bev and richie’s frienship??? hello why was it not in the movie????? cigarette buddies??? my badass babies??? 
richie: “likes bev a lot. well, he likes her, but not that way.’
also richie: *blushes and flustered when bev teased him if he was asking her out on a date*
ben not believing himself when he told richie to shut up, oh child you have all the right in the world to make him shut up lmao
bill and richie are like two of the bravest losers but after escaping the werefolf from the neibolt house they both just hugged each other and cried and oh my god my poor sons they do not deserve any of this theyre just kids ffs
uhhh beverly on the plane on the way back to derry was just a mess who couldnt stop laughing and just?? if i could smack tom rogan i would gladly do so and her father too for good measure
ben and bev and eddie just hysterically laughing is my aesthetic my kids deserve all the happiness in the world pls
ben always stands up for bev he’s so sweet?? he doesnt even care much what others say to him as long as they arent disrespecting bev and i just????
my pure innocent eddie not understanding why bev isnt allowed to have boys into the house when there inst anyone else there oh boy so precious
what’s worse than frightening stan uris? offending him, that’s right
the losers have forgotten about each other for more than twenty years but when they remembered and met up again its like nothing has changed at all????
uhh richie trying to calm eddie down but the latter just rounded on him telling him not to call him eds!!! and not to pinch his cheeks!!! cause he hates it!!! and richie recoiled and just?? my heart hurts
“i wish stan was here” you and me both mikey
“she wouldve died for him” why are they all willing to die for bill oh god these kids
“he thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts”
dafuq richie is really so funny istg??? im not playing favorites with my kids here but he’s so funny?? his voices are so funny i hate him lmao
The Apocalyptic Rockfight (need i say more?????)
excuse me but richie (and bev) taking care of eddie after said rockfight
bill is like the president of the losers club and richie is his right hand man am i right or amirite
I JUST LOVE HOW THESE LOSERS KEEP SAYING THEY LOVE EACH OTHER??? they’re so vocal about it and just??? idc if they were, like, brought together by this turtle to fight it,, their friendship is one of a kind and they deserve all the best thinsg in life
“stan did not have much sense of humor, and the bit he did have was sort of peculiar” UHH I SHOULDNT BE LAUGHING THIS HARD
“i don’t call you dick, as in ‘you got any gum on ya, dick?’“ OHH EDDIE STRIKES BACK YES
uhm excuse the fuck outta me but richie called eddie “my love” do not fucking touch me
“the losers are still losing, but stanley uris is finally ahead” uhhh fuck you pennywise???
I JUST LOVE IT WHEN THE LOSERS ARE BEING KIDS AND JUST PLAYING AROUND TOGETHER HAPPILY this is how it shouldve been anyways they should all just be happy and protected 
stan catching the losers’ crazy yup
richie being so proud of them, of his friends?? losers or not losers?? he;s just proud that theyre all together?? im so soft
"he shouldnt be down here” - richie when he heard eddie coughing when they were in the smokehole im such a reddie trash i feel like i notice every little thing between them lol
bill is eddie’s hero it’s canon
uhh when the losers visited eddie in the hospital and not even richie was smiling uhh why dont you just step on my heart???
“no good friends. no bad friend. only people you want, need to be with; people who build their houses in your heart.”
"it hurts, doesn’t it?” “yeah, why, sure. it hurts.” RICHIE CRYING CAUSE OF STAN SOMEBODY HOLD ME
richie asking for eddie’s aspirator and the others doing the same before they entered the house on neibolt street
UHH EDDIE IS LIKE THE LITERAL BABY OF THE LOSERS DON’T FIGHT ME ON THIS he’s often called cute (by richie of course) and often described as fragile, vulnerable and beautiful. and also,ticklish. so yup. a baby. The Baby.
“sure i can. i was alone last time. this time i’m with my friends.” SEE AN ACTUAL BABY THAT MUST BE PROTECTED AT ALL COSTS
“anyone who tries to steal your aspirator, we kill him. but we kill him slow.” oh richie just say outright that youll protect the baby itsokay son say it
“hey eddie needs help okay?” richie making sure the baby is properly assisted by the losers (ok im such a trash really, sue me)
stan,,,,, makes me so sad istg yes he’s like the weakest among the losers in some ways but he was brave enough to go with them that summer okay and that says so much about my poor baby!! “i don’t have anything” YOU HAVE YOUR FRIEMNDS SON PLS DONT HURT ME LIKE THIS
uhh can i just say,, i love all my children,,, but no to cheating pls????
these kids are such,,, kids lmao that part where eddie wanted a lick on richie’s ice cream (i think) and richie’s like no??? germs??? sharing??? your mom wouldnt like it?? then began to eat faster and eddie’s just like, i’ll chance it. so richie reluctantly let him have a taste but snatched it away quick lmao then stan offered his to eddie
“she says henrys gone crazy” “shit you mean he used to be sane??” richie istg
baby eddie!!!!! richie’s like no eds youre not going your arm is still broken and bill’s like he has to so walk with me eddie ill keep an eye on you (and protect you and carry you on my back and)
that moment when eddie called the others fucking pussies cause he’s doing that mashed potatoes all over it and he’s got a broken arm!!!!! ahhh i love this kid so much?????
and then after when the eye is gone and richie is mimicking eddie and was like “not too shabby, eds” and eddie was all “i hate it when you call me eds” and richie just goes i know and HUGGED EDDIE and says, “but somebody has to toughen you up, eds...” I LOVE THEM SO MUCH?????
FUCKKKKKK it’s the part when my kid’s arm got cut off and my heart just hurts so fucking much????? he doesnt deseve this?? none of them does????
‘richie was weaving and tumbling toward him like a drunk at the end of a long hard night’ “--eds--” STAB ME IN THE HEART WHY DONT YOU
 “richie, don’t call me eds. you know i..i...” FUCK YOU ALL I HATE YOU ALL
uhhh lets not talk about that thing that happened so they could get out of there im still so fukcing disturbed??? 
“son, you did real good” i wouldve smacked this turtle thing or whatever had i been a loser,,, i mean???
“we gotta get him out of here” “it’s too dark, you know.. it’s too dark. eds.. he.” RICHIE MY POOR BOY MY SON MY MOST PRECIOUS SOBBING OVER HIS BELOVED
“fuck you, bitch!!!” 
ben and beverly yes its what they both deserve
“even if we forget each other, we’ll remember in our dreams”
mike went through so much,,, i mean he was the only one who stayed in derry and looked into all that happened there beginning from god knows when. he was scared as fuck when the killings started again but he put off calling the others cause he wanted to be absolutely sure it is back before he disrupts the other losers’ lives??? he wasnt envious whatsoever of the success of the other losers even though the difference between him and them is so fucking vast?? he accepted it -- that he stayed in derry for a reason and that is to call the others back to finally end it hwen it comes back. he has done all these and more. let us not sleep on him. my boy deserves all the love and recognition he deserves. 
YOU KNOW WHAT FUCKS ME UP SO MUCH IT’S NOT JUST THE DEATHS OF MY KIDS it’s the fact that after everything theyve gone through together, they forgot about each other in the end
but maybe it was better for them too. to not think about the nightmares. to not think about the lives lost. but is forgetting really better than not knowing at all?
they went thorugh so much together and in the end they’ll forget
maybe cause as richie said, “nothing lasts forever”
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i-c-f-a-m-e-blog · 7 years
Never date a newly single man
I always have the best damn luck wth messing with newly single people. It's always the ones who's working it out with their ex or working "it" on their ex. I get so tired of feeling like that guilty pleasure. Not the good one but the one you use when your spouse aint looking. Like looking at porn on silent knowing damn well we all watch it to hear the noise. You want it but too scared to do it. Until one day you grow some balls. So recently i messed with this boy I use to know. We had became acquaintances through a mutual friend. I Wanted him before but at the time he had a man or a situation and I don't do niggas in situations.So my messy ass seen that he said he was single on Facebook for a couple of days now and decided to like a couple of photos.Hours later he inboxed me. You know with the same pick up line every nigga use. The " hey stranger long time " line. Then I use the same corny ass come back line. "No you a stranger not me". We caught up throughout the day texting and talking and laughing. I mentioned I seen he was single and asked himif he was okay. He said "yes fuck that nigga. I need to focus On me and my dreams.I'm finally free".I said "I hear that lol.got to do what's best for you ugly". Then the flirting began per usual and we decided that we should pre game at his house and go to the club that weekend . I was hype. Lord knows I shouldn't of been. Lord story short that Saturday came and it was time to get ready. Mind you me and him chatted that Monday. So I was planning what I was going to wear and everything.I made my way to Brooklyn to go meet him at his house. I'm not telling y'all where in Brooklyn. Got off that 494738394 hour long ass train ride and walked to his house . He opened the door shirtless. My mouth dropped for second but then I picked it back up real quick. I said " eww put a shirt on ugly". He started laughing. Lord knows nothing about that body was ugly. So we talked and played music and talked some more then tapped the Henny bottle and started taking shots. It's reasons why I don't do henny. Henny is Viagra in a bottle. Certain music came on and we started singing along. Once freaking r kelly half on a baby came on I started singing every word. That's my shit. So he started laughing and I pushed him telling him to hush. Then we started pushing each other then looking at it each other more and he started to lick his lips. I kept looking down and away. Anyone that knows me knows I do that to stop thinking about how im about to make a bad decision. So he pulled my face and we begin kissing. I promise you I never felt softer lips. I pushed away and said "are you sure?" And he begin kissing me with tongue. If it was a camera in that living room I would of looked at it and smirked . He took my hand and We left the half way finished bottle and cups in the living room and made our way to his room. All I had in my head as I was walking is the rupaul meme saying DONT FUCK IT UP. One thing lead to another and I pushed him back. I wanted to show him my skills. ( WARNING ITS ABOUT TO GET EXPLICIT) So I started to slob on his dick so sloppy as I let the spit from down from the head of his dick and catching it before it reaches the balls. He was looking in amazement.Eyes rolling back and everything. I felt like I was pinky in a porn shoot. Mollywhopping that dick.So I begin licking up the base sucking each side until I got to the head. Then suck it repeatedly as he grab the back of my head. He was in heaven. Head heaven. He made me feel like my skills was porn star level. He pulled my head up and said " chill before you make me bust bro". Before I could comprehend what he said he threw me on the bed and turned me on. He rested my legs on his shoulder as the whip cream and chocolate was right next to him. He planned this shit out he know what was going to happen.and he started pouring some down my thighs and catching it all with his tongue slowly on each side of my thighs. Lord I was in heaven. Trying not to make my legs to the earthquake shake. Looking like Beyoncé and dance for you. Then he sprayed whip cream all up and down my leg and slowly lick it off getting every drop of it as i grab my head. I didn't want this shit to end. I was in the moment. In the grove. Then he flipped me over and pour chocolate on my cheeks and other parts and licked it clean. He was ready to devour my chocolate ass.Hold my legs down so i don't run from that good eating. Here's the fucking kicker ! Then all of a sudden someone begins banging on the door like it's the cops.we both jump. Then he tells me to continue laying down he going to go check. So I'm laying there smiling. I'm about to get some and tell my friends how I got some. Wrong. The next thing I hear is his ex boyfriend walk in talking about he miss him and let's try for real this time. I'm laying there like this can't be happening. This a fucking prank. I guess his ex turned around and seen the Henny and the cups and started going off. Talking about " who the fuckkkkkk you had over here ?!?! Is he still here ?!?! Bitch come out ?!??" Part of me wanted to go out there so bad but for what ? I don't fight over men. So as they was arguing and fighting . I gladly put on my stuff in the room and went down the fire escape. Almost died do that shit my clumsy ass. Finally get down and as soon as I get down. He bust in the room and you can hear him tossing and turning shit over. I'm walking to the train pissed because I ain't get none. More pissed because it's 2 in the morning and Brooklyn trains be acting up after 8:39pm. So I'm guessing he left his house and he kept calling me and texting me. I didn't answer. I felt like a fool I should of known that was going to happen. A week pass by and what do I see on Facebook they are back together smh. Moral of the story besides niggas ain't shit is don't mess with newly single man they always end up going back.
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effervescentmind · 4 years
Entry 13: 6/14/19 @3:57 p.m.
I’m once again on the patio at work.
So some things have happened since the last time I wrote. A few days ago, I was at work and greeted a table. The Wife was there first and I guess her husband was parking the car. Anyway, I introduce myself to her and in the middle of getting her drink order, a man puts his arm around my waist and squeezes me against his body from behind. “Hi, how are ya!?” says the smiling man next to me. “Well, that wasnt creepy”, his wife says irritated. I didnt speak, just went to grab the drinks and gave them to a coworker. I asked him to please take my table, that I was uncomfortable with them. He agreed and I continued to care for the rest of my section. I ended up telling my manager and he told me to just get him if anything else happens. Nothing did but later on I was standing in the front, talking with the hostesses and I saw the man walk out the door. His wife was on her way out too and I just felt the need to say something. “ Excuse me ma’am. I think your husband owes me an apology, he made me very uncomfortable’. “I already yelled at him but if you want me to go get him and fucking give you a fucking apology then I’ll fucking do it. Jesus fucking christ!”, she yelled as she rushed out after her husband. I was so angry that I went to the back and refused them when they came inside. She was up there yelling at the hostesses because I refused to come out and demanded that I come up for my apology. I didnt, told the girls to tell her to leave. She did but not after letting everyone know that they were never coming back again. I told my manager what happened and he was more upset that I didnt come get him and started arguing with me about it. He made it about himself because he wanted to yell at them. I hate him, he always wants to be in the middle of drama and hes unprofessional and belittling. I cant believe that I had just been sexual harrassed and he was angry with me because I felt the need to say something. I HAVE A RIGHT TO TALK IF I WANT TO!!! I’M THE FUCKING VICTIM DAMMIT!!!! And didnt I get you from the beginning?? Why didnt you go talk to the table after that?? Smh, I hate him. He also tried to make me feel bad and make a passive-aggressive, half threat about the possibility of corporate recieveing an email from the guests. Like why the fuck is that even a valid argument?? I am the one that was assaulted and we have it on video. Do you honestly think that corporate would fire me for that?? Fuck no! Unless they want a court case on their hands which I would GLADLY go through the trouble of doing. Its just insane that I felt uncomfortable and violated at work and I dont even get any fucking help from management. 
Later on that night, I went home and got ready to hangout with a guy I met and chilled with the night before. He was my lyft driver and really cool but that was short lived. We ended up having sex and he came in me without permission. When I asked him if he had, he said yes and then I got angry with him. I expressed my feelings and how stupid he was and he told me not to worry because he “takes care of all his kids” like???? BITCH I DONT WANT KIDS!!! This wasnt discussed like????? He laughed and argued back a little. “You didn’t even ask me if I was on birth control!”. “ Are you?” I glared at him, “ Don’t fucking ask me now dumbass, buy me a plan b wtf.”. He asked how much, “I don’t know, between 40 and 50 dollars”. “Hell fuck that. Nah. Not doing that sorry.”. I started arguing and he stopped me and said he would do it. Then we laid there in silence. “So you gunna be mad all night cuz I aint tryna be quiet like this all night. Like when you gunna stop being mad”. He was chuckling at me again…I stayed quiet but was cursing him out in my head. I was in disbelief that he was not understanding the level of violation he just put me through and that he had the audacity to tell me to get over it. I was on birth control but he didnt know that and that was a risk that I didnt appreciate. A selfish, stupid risk. Ugh, he made me sick. Such trash. I was going to make him give me 50 for the plan b I didnt need but fuck that. I wanted him out of my bed. I wanted him out of my fucking apartment! “I’m going to get the pill myself”, “ Oh, ok good”. What a piece of shit…he really is a fucking bum. He cant afford to get me a plan b but he can take care of my baby? Smh, such a garbage broke little bitch! “ Yeah, Imma get it and you need to go.” “Oh, for sure” he jumps up, gets dressed and goes to the living room. I put on my clothes, follow and watch him pack. He then angrily asks me if he can have his 20 dollars (I asked him to bring me a little bag of weed and I would pay him for it) and I told him that I had to get the pill and that was the least he could do. With added aggression, “So you keeping the weed or the twenty?”. I wanted to punch him in the face, Man he was a piece of shit. “Take you’re petty ass twenty and leave you broke ass nigga.”. He started arguing about leaving and I told him to get the fuck out that he doesnt get away with violating people and closed the door behind him. 
So, I’ve decided to refrain from boys for a while. I’ve tried to find a fwb but the guys I’ve met have been pathetic and aggrivating, broke bitches and I just don’t have the time or enegry for it. I’ve had two ask me for money like?? Hell nah bye!!!!!!! Ugh, I’m really done. Deleted the dating apps I had and everything. Just going to concentrate on my life, betterment and school. I can’t be living here in Texas longer than I want to and I can’t be stuck at this bullshit ass job that wears me out and doesnt pay enough. I gotta do better and be better. I deserve BETTERRRRRR!!!!
In other news, i paid off my Dade county court fee and turned in all the necessary documents and whatnot. Soon I will have my license back and be able to drive legally and with peace of mind. So, thats something to look forward too :) I also will be starting my one year of classes in September. Things are slowly falling into place and I can only continue to go up from here. 
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