#ain't :) diabetes :) fun :)
diabeticgirl4 · 8 months
Oh boy I'm getting my first bills for my diabetes supplies w my new insurance and. This is not fun lol.
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Humans get to hurt themselves in such articulate ways...
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clatterbane · 2 months
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And, speak of the devil!
Hadn't heard anything other than from primary care since that appointment, so now I get three notifications in a row from the healthcare portal.
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(With the aid of autotranslate.)
So yeah, no wonder primary care had no idea what I was talking about when I asked about maybe getting the first sample drawn while I was there, and they were already taking my blood over the anemia. (Your local vårdcentral is usually where to get any samples drawn, unless you want to go to the university phlebotomy clinic for that.)
The endo clinic is apparently planning to handle that themselves. I had no idea how to even get that taken care of, and was planning to ask my nurse there how to do the thing once Mr. C got back and could accompany me.
But yeah, they evidently want me there three (3) freaking mornings in a row, for short appointments at the equivalent of 2 or 3 A.M. for my nocturnal ass. At least it is the endo clinic here in town, but it takes longer to get there from the parking building than they are likely to keep me.
The plan is apparently to do a dexamethasone suppression test.
Because of the difficulty in obtaining 24-hour urine collections in many outpatients, some physicians use a l-mg overnight dexamethasone suppression test. For this test, the patient takes l mg of dexamethasone orally at 11 p.m., and the plasma cortisol level is measured at 8 a.m. the following day (normal value: 5 μg per dL or less [140 nmol per L]). The reported sensitivity of this test is 98 percent; the reported specificity is 80 percent.
So they want me to get a baseline sample drawn, take thev dexamethasone, then come back the next morning for another blood sample. The third day?
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I also have some nasty suspicions about what a hefty dose of dexamethasone might do to my blood sugar, but hey. ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯ It is the specialist diabetes clinic proposing to give me the stuff.
Glancing through that web link, I am getting even more honked off at that new endo and her eyeballing judgments.
The most common symptom is sudden weight gain.3,6 Obesity, usually with a central distribution, is the most frequent sign. Any sign or symptom of cortisol excess can develop initially, but muscle weakness, bruising, hypertension, facial rounding and plethora eventually occur. Hypertension is likely to develop in patients who are more than 40 years of age.
Yeah, I know. I have quite coincidentally been there in the distant past, and it ain't much fun. (Not gonna lie, especially when this starts happening to you at 15-16.) I am currently showing zero of those symptoms other than the high blood pressure--which is not at all unusual, and only really went screwy after one particular round with COVID. I am only barely out of the Officially Underweight range again right now, on someone with this size frame to boot. I have pretty much the opposite of the insulin resistance too much cortisol will cause, and they bloody well know that.
It's not a very nice feeling when this is still evidently what immediately pops into your new doctor's mind the first time they clap eyes on you, and then they get all weird about it. When you're even there for a routine check-in over something completely different. Good thing I'll probably only have to deal with the woman once a year.
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brain-rot-central · 6 months
Blood sugar actually does effect the flavor of blood, I asked my diabetic doctor about this year's ago and they confirmed it. Please use that in a thing, not enough vampire media is aware of this fun fact.
Yes! I have a medical background (registered nurse) so that's actually what I was pulling from in my response lol. Blood will taste different based on pH or the presence of bacteria, varying iron counts, etc. Consistency will be different based on hydration levels, colors will vary, etc. I actually wanted to be a hematologist or an infectious disease doctor (I fuckin LOVE pathophys) halfway through nursing school, but I stuck with nursing because 10+ years of schooling to be a doctor sounded like fucking HELL to me. Not to mention it's expensive and ain't nobody had money in that economy (I was in college right after the 2008 financial crisis). I guess there's always nurse practitioner school if I ever wanna go back, but oh well.
But yes this is very, very good lore to add to a fic!!
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Book Review: Love, Theoretically by Ali Hazelwood
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Forgive me for starting with a physics pun about a physicist romance, but this was Big Bang-ing cute!
While Hazelwood does serve up a couple familiar tropes from her previous STEM works, she subverts them in fresh and entertaining ways, making it so she's able to strike a delicate balance between navigating academic politics, fake dating shenanigans, and rivals falling in love. There's something about that combination - and the manner in which it's applied here - which gives the story moments of real gravity as well as moments of quirky acceleration.
Like I said, it's a good balance. Makes for a fun, tender, science-filled escape which pins a theoretical physicist against an experimental physicist in more ways than one...😏
The premise is simple yet catching: Elsie Hannaway is a woman who's living a double life. To most, she's an adjunct professor hoping to land tenure somewhere so she can finally afford health insurance, which she needs as a Type 1 diabetic. To others, thanks to her people pleasing expertise, she's a freelancing fake girlfriend who chameleons her personality into whatever a client wants or needs, a job she takes to make extra money so she can pay her bills. (Academia ain't paying much, folks!)
Things start to look up when she gets an interview at MIT for her dream job.
However, as to be expected, things don't run smoothly. Elsie faces an obstacle. A big, tall, muscle-y one named Jack Smith, who not only happens to be an experimentalist who has undermined theorists everywhere, but is also the older brother of her favorite client. Ruh-roh!
Lets just say it makes for quite the nuclear fission!
Anyway, what starts out between them as rivalry, as academic sabotage, soon devolves into something more atomic and quantum, with Jack being able to pierce through to the nucleus of who Elsie is and becoming someone who can give her a safe space to be her authentic self. In a similar vein, she helps him to take accountability for some of his past actions and behaviors, which is long overdue. It makes for a lovely give and take. Not to mention lots of dynamism in terms of growth, characterization, and plot.
As a couple, Jack and Elsie were adorable. I liked how they were a grounding influence for one another as well as an impetus for positive change at times. They kept the smiles coming and those electrons firing! My only complaint is I found some of the steamy scenes between them to be awkward. However, that may be more a matter of preference than anything because I had a similar sentiment when I read The Love Hypothesis.
On the whole, though: RADIOACTIVE WITH CUTENESS!
A big thank you to NetGalley and Berkley for the ARC in exchange for my review.
4/5 stars
**Follow me on Goodreads
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king-arthur-obsessed · 5 months
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details and blablah under the cut ❤︎
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might have seen this little movie with a certain Charlie Hunnam in it? nothing big or fancy of course... *cough cough*
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I am very much late to this party, ain't I?
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so... I randomly discovered King Arthur, legend of the sword last year (june 2023) when I was looking for a movie to show my kids (junior high teacher here) before summer break. and boy... i am obsessed. it's been almost a year now and it's not slowing down. the hyperfixation really be hyperfixating this time. i rewrote the whole freacking script... FOR FUN 💀 (it's the autism 🤷‍♀️) as a maladaptive daydreamer many stories came to my mind, many silly self-inserts with many silly cringy personalities, and some of them eventually turned into ✨OCs✨ two of these stories I have decided I will write and publish on ao3 and wattpad, and on this blog I shall detail my progress with snippets, blurbs, edits and whatnots. you are welcome ❤︎ I am well aware that the King Arthur fandom, if it ever existed (did you know there was supposed to be 6 movies??? 😩), is probably dead and buried. But oh well, I'm in love with this movie and if no one actually reads my fics or likes my posts then so be it. i'm just happy to share my silly stories ❤︎
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★ I will be working on 2 main projects: ❤︎ project 1, temporary-or-not title -> The King's Mage a full rewrite of the movie adding my OC. as canon compliant as can be but the mage will be replaced with my OC with a full backstory which heavily impacts the plot. tags: plot heavy, Arthur x ofc, strangers to slightly irritated partners to lovers, dual pov, 3rd person pov, semi canon-compliant ❤︎ project 2, temporary-or-not title -> The King's Bride starts a few weeks after the end of the movie. A young princess is sent as a bride to Arthur in order to build an alliance between 2 kingdoms. tags: Arthur x ofc, romance, so sweet it hurts your teeth, diabetes level fluffy fluff, innocent-pure-unexperienced-kinda-dumb ofc, maybe smut but not heavy nor the focus and would come late, strangers to lovers, forced marriage
★ about the female OCs: All my fanfictions as of now had started as self-inself daydreaming. I have a maladaptive daydreaming and dissociative disorders and sometimes these stories become more than just silly little self insert scenes with my current obsession, and they start growing and growing until at some point the self-insert persona turns into a whole new original character.
Which is why the female main OCs are most of the time blondes with green eyes and fair skin, because as former self-inserts, they look like me. But their personalities and goals have developed so much that they no longer resemble mine. They have become their own. These characters I now think of as OCs and not avatars of myself.
→ I consider my work to not be self-insert for these reasons but i understand if some disagree.
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★ I will first focus on The King's Bride because it's less serious, more of a fun fluffy romance and requires less research and plot devices. But I will also continue working on The King's Mage on the side, just so you know, the latter one will take more time to get published. ★ These two fics are not my top priorities at the moment. I am actively working on 3 other fics in 3 other fandoms. It's more of a side treat for myself since they just cannot leave my mind so whenever I feel like it I will make progress and show it here ❤︎ ★ I'm going to assume these projects will not attract many so I'm taking my time but if you are interested or excited somehow please do tell, it usually gives me a good boost if I know someone out there is expecting my work ❤︎
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★ I am currently working on 3 other wips in these fandoms: Hogwarts Legacy / Strangers Things / Rebel Moon
★ You can find my subblogs for each of them where I post updates, snippets, edits and other bonus content:
❤︎ Hogwarts Legacy → Everything Slytherin @slytherin-obsessed ❤︎ Stranger Things → Everything Billy @billy-hargrove-obsessed ❤︎ Rebel Moon → Everything Rebel Moon @rebel-moon-obsessed
★ you can find two of my wips already being posted on ao3 and wattpad: ❤︎ Hogwarts Legacy → ✦ Beyond You Eyes ✦ on ao3 and wattpad ❤︎ Stranger Things → ✦ Stranger Love ✦ on ao3 and wattpad
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✦ tiktok ✦ → I post updates, bonus content and other random things for all my fanfics, fandoms and all my c.ai bots.
✦ character ai ✦ → main account.
✦ charcter ai ✦ → french version.
✦ caard ✦ → all my links in one place.
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itsawritblr · 10 months
Stop buying this bullshit.
I'm gonna get damn real here.
This is an utter and complete lie:
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Obesity is second only to smoking as the leading cause of preventable deaths in the U.S.
We know this. This is not up for debate.
Obesity leads to Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, coronary heart disease, stroke, gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea and breathing problems.
Oh, and the really fun ones: several types of cancer.
This I have personal experience with. I was "borderline" obese, and supposedly fit. I walked a lot and weight trained. But I developed pre-diabetes and hypertension. Then last June I was rushed to the hospital to have an emergency hysterectomy to remove a cancerous tumor the size of a softball, which had been causing me to bleed non-stop so profusely I came this fucking close to dying from organ failure.
The cancer is the kind that develops in the uterus because an unhealthy amount of estrogen builds up in female body fat, triggering uterine and cervical cancers. The more fat, the more likely you are to develop cancer. (Luckily mine was fully contained, hadn't spread, and they got it all. *knock wood* But I still have to wait a year to be certain it's completely gone.)
Obese, active women in their 20s - 30s and even in their 40s think that because they haven't developed any of these diseases they're healthy and will remain so. What y'all don't want to hear is something you may have heard from older family members: once you get into your mid-40s it's like a switch is turned off. Your metabolism slows and you have to work extra hard to keep weight off, and even harder to lose it. Hence the "middle-age spread." Your 40s is when Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and all the other shit begin to manifest. And you are no longer healthy. In fact, you better fucking pray you have good health insurance.
Greedy assholes and deniers like Lizzo are selling this empty dream that you can be 200+ pounds and it will never lead to illness or joint pain. Getting people to eat healthy food is hard; self-denial ain't fun. So what do we do? We tell girls and women that they can eat whatever they want! No more sacrifice or self-denial! Convince them so they make TikToks that just show them proudly cramming fast food! Convince females that being fit is Oppression and Racism!
Fetishize obesity! Make Obesity fanart a thing!
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Sell them XXXL clothes and tell them they're hot at 300 pounds! And when they're in their 40s and start getting ill -- or even before that; Type 2 is showing up in fucking middle-schoolers -- you've already made your money off them, and who the hell cares what damage has been done?
Please, for fuck's sake, don't buy this.
What about someone like Lizzo, who's so active and is vegan? Huh, girl, please. I've seen the TikToks of the vegan food she eats. Vegan fast food. Which still is packed with calories and poisonous levels of sodium.
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You have to burn 2500 calories to lose 1 pound. So, if her diet is truly plant-based, Lizzo should be losing a lot of weight. But that girl is still over 250 pounds. This doesn't add up. To maintain her size with her level of activity she has to be eating a shit-ton of food. Probably all that fast food. She's in her 30s now. If she doesn't get that weight off she still faces the probability of any or all of the obesity-related illnesses, no matter how much she works out.
What have I done for my own health? I'm 99% vegan (except for holiday meals). I walk, if not outside then in place at home. I lift weights at home, inexpensive dumbbells and a barbell and a weight bench from a used exercise equipment store. I read Forks Over Knives magazine for recipes and inspiration. My blood pressure is dropping and so is my weight. And I feel better than I have in decades.
Getting weight off when you're younger than 40 is a hell of a lot easier than after. So do it now. You'll live longer and be happier and healthier in your later years. Because unless you die you're going to get older.
This woman is one of my inspirations.
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shiyorin · 2 years
You know what they said. Bad boy ain't good but good boy ain't fun. In this case, bad boy Emperor's Children is more interesting than good boy Imperial Fists. Ain't no party quite like a Slaaneshi party. Meanwhile the Imperial Fists are just a slice of plain white bread, and a dry slice at that.
The Imperial Fists are just bland white bread. No butter, no jam, no peanut butter. Just a slab of bread, all by itself, just kinda sitting there, taking up space. Doesn't taste much when you're eating, but it's not bad, either.
The Emperor's Children are like a triple chocolate cake with a layer of caramel drizzle on top. A cake that would absolutely give you diabetes and, quite likely, kill you, but you're still gonna eat the whole thing anyway.
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falconlord5 · 8 months
Comfort And Joy
There is no comfort or joy in -20 weather. Summer is the only good season.
Why is Hawkgirl the only one in a coat? J'onn is more naked than she is.
Aw, look at the cute little octopus aliens!
Well, that's kind of a depressing note to begin an episode on.
Written by Paul Dini. That explains a lot.
Directed by Butch Lukic.
GL snowboarding. Cool. I don't think we get to see a lot of the Green Lantern's just... using their constructs for fun. At least, not in JL. Probably something that happens more often in the comics.
Ooh, snowball fight! We weren't allowed to do those at school, for fear of ice and rocks. Which, sadly, some kids would have absolutely packed into their snowballs.
Do orphanages even exist anymore?
Okay, that's a stupid toy. But I can see why the kids (and the Flash, who is a big kid) would like it.
Honestly, Clark should have brought J'onn to the Kents ages ago. They have a lot of experience with helping an alien fit in.
Okay, I want to talk about this line here. We've talked about how Barbara was originally introduced as a love interest and relative equal to Batman. How she was not intended as a love interest for Dick Grayson and how that relationship was the product of internal politics at DC and remains a serious downgrade for Barbara. Seriously. She went from an independent hero to the sidekick's love interest. Fuck. that.
We've even talked a bit about how Barbara and Kara are bisexual and are super into each other. So I want to be clear here: they ain't skiing. Barbara has Kara holed up in a lodge somewhere (probably something she sweet talked Bruce into loaning her) and they. are. fucking. like. energizer bunnies on steroids. Barbara is Kara's domme and she totally has Kara tied up, whipped, whatever her evil little mind can think of. And Kara is loving it. Kara is a naughty sub who continually provokes Barbara into more punishment.
And when they're not fucking, they're doing each other's nails and drinking enough hot chocolate to give the entire country of Canada diabetes while warming themselves by the fire.
Ah, Streaky. It's funny how much of the BatFam has a thing for cat people. There's Bruce/Selina (and arguably Talia; she's always struck me as very feline); Dick/Starfire (descended from alien cats); and Barbara/Kara (owns a cat).
Ooh, that had to hurt.
Ah, Black Friday. That American shit needs to be outlawed here in Canada.
You know, Santa's real in the comics.
Don't worry about it Ma. Every man in the DCAU wears the same size! (I kid, I kid)
Shayera, your definition of a celebration is not the same as most peoples.
Hey, it's the Ultra-Humanite. How'd you get out of prison?
Ammo's heavy. Like, really heavy. And that battery pack doesn't look any lighter. Why do bad guys only notice they're out of ammo when they pull the damned trigger?
Thing about holidays: if you're looking for company, you can find it. Jewish, Christian, secular, whatever. Holidays are communal affairs by design.
Shayera, you're a bitch.
Okay, on the one hand this was kind of a dick move by the Ultra-Humanite. On the other hand, The Nutcracker is genuinely loved by kids, so I can see why the kids appreciate it even if it isn't the exact toy they wanted.
And why wouldn't kids love The Nutcracker? You've got action, romance, adventure, deliciously evil villains... there's a reason why it plays every Christmas and there's three hundred adaptations of it.
That's so sweet. In a Conan-the-Barbarian way.
The DCAU has a thing for making its male stars sing, huh?
Superman created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster
Animated by Koko/Dong Yang Enterprise Co. Ltd.
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tmnt2k12defender · 2 years
Should not have waited until late to eat. Thought I could fast tonight til lunch at work tomorrow, but nope. Eating something small but filling to watch out for sugars.
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29-pieces · 5 years
Original WIP
“Hey,” I started as Sophia dropped her bag and stood in the center of the room. “Um… maybe you should sit- Sophia!”
Sophia dropped, not all the way on her face, but hitting her hands and knees so fast that I was afraid she’d passed out. Flinging my own things aside, I grabbed Sophia’s shoulders and helped ease her down onto her side. I felt my heart pounding, sending blood rushing through my ears in a dizzying whoosh.
“Candy,” Sophia slurred.
“I’m here!”
“No… candy. I need candy. Sugar. Miscalculated…”
Twisting one way then the other, I reached back and snagged Sophia’s bag from where she’d dropped it. I hauled it over and ripped it open.
“I messed up,” Sophia whispered, dark eyes standing out even more against the unnatural grey tint of her skin. “I really messed up…”
“Okay, it’s okay, you’re fine,” I babbled as I hurriedly shifted through Sophia’s purse in search of something sweet. “You’re okay, you’re going to be okay, it- damn it, what the hell am I looking for in here?”
“Jus’ dump it…”
I upended the bag and spilled the contents out over the floor. While I did, Sophia reached down and clumsily unhooked the insulin pump from the waistband of her jeans. She brought it up to her face, staring at the buttons before selecting one to push. I wasn’t sure what it did, but after hearing three tinny beeps, Sophia dropped it again and lolled her head towards the pile of things on the floor.
“I need to call someone,” I persisted, watching her struggle and waiting in vain for my own heart rate to slow. “911-”
“Mm,” Sophia grumbled, shaking her head. “Feeling better already. Just needed to sit down.”
Except she hadn’t sat down, she’d basically collapsed. I could see the fine tremors still running through her limbs—not to mention that her eyes were shining with frightened tears, so despite any protest to the contrary, this was obviously a big deal.
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fategoflatass · 2 years
final thoughts · summer 2022
since some people seemed to care about my seasonal opinions, i bring you some more food!
this was a weak ass season, huh...
engage kiss (5.5/10) [DROPPED]
wasn't planning on watching it until chibi mentioned someone in the staff (scripwriter?) and how he had liked their past works, so i was like "i mean, why not?"... it wasn't the big thing. i wasn't like hyped hyped, but i still hoped for something else, some spice? which we got, but it wasn't enough to keep me engaged to the series.
hataraku maou-sama!! (7.5/10)
second season of "the king of hell is working at your local mcdonald's" and, honestly? i think i'm enjoying it even more than the first season. the animation is not better, but i guess the mediocrity from this entire season has numbed that sensation out of me until someone else mentioned it. it's still fun so, who cares?
hoshi no samidare (4/10) [DROPPED]
i'm at a loss for words. i haven't read the manga, i didn't even know it was a popular story. i got into it because i thought "well, that is a ridiculous sinopsis. how the hell are they going to make it work?" and, oh lord, they don't even know how to make it work. the pacing is weird, the characters ain't shit, the art is definitely something, and the animation is one of the worst things i've ever seen in anime. such a shame because i heard it's an amazing series, and naz can definitely do better than this.
isekai ojisan (7/10)
production problems aside, this show is pretty enjoyable! i'm only 18, so i don't get all the uncle's references, but i still find them funny. his (mis)adventures and the characters he meets along the way i enjoy pretty much. when not involving any otherworldly experiences, the "now" world is also able to entertain you with the always so unique and sweet uncle, the i-am-so-done but also hell-yeah-my-uncle-is-rad nephew, and the always appreciated (and also loveable) childhood friend who, along with the elf girlie, offers us some spice (truly appreciated).
kami kuzu☆idol (5/10) [DROPPED]
i like music, i like supernatural. i came from heroine tarumono which i enjoyed pretty much, so i read "idols" and i was like yeh. sadly, the show was hella boring for me. you couldn't save it even by getting a ghost to posses it because is so deadbeat. the cgi looked weird, the songs were fine (?), and is it me or the group only has fans on their 30s? nothing against them, it's just that i thought idol's demographic were younger girls? don't ask me about what happened in it because i don't remember.
kinsou no vermeil (5/10) [DROPPED]
i'm a simple woman: i see big boobs, i click. the story is nothing special: the mc is kinda like iruma, but an albino and like, pretty powerful. he can't summon a familiar until he summons a whole demon because he has neat mana or something like that. also, turns out he couldn't summon anything because... the familiars were scared of how powerful he was! omg!! this bitch seems to have more bde than ashnikko herself while looking like a weak ass bitch smh. kept on watching it until it became hella boring and decided enough was enough.
kumicho musume to sewagakari (7.5/10)
i love children, they are adorable. so, if a series includes them i'll probably end up watching it. i also love series that have to do with mafias and all that (grew up watching shows that i shouldn't have been at that age), so perfect match ig? it's not much about the mafia life, but more like a tough guy getting soft for this really sweet child which i love that shit gimme more please. this shit will probably give you diabetes, but it's worth the risk.
lycoris recoil (6/10) [DROPPED]
why are there so many people hyping this show up? in my humble opinion, it just looks good. the characters are alright, the story is fine... is it the yuri? is it *checks anilits* chisato? is it chisato's thighs that made you give it an entire nine??? whatever the reason is, this show is nothing special. you want something to turn your brain off? this show is for you. the action scenes are 👌, but that's kinda everything i have to say.
mamahaha no tsurego ga motokano datta (4/10) [DROPPED]
i love shitshows. i hate shitshows that take themselves seriously. pretty sure the author of brothers conflict knew it was a mistake and thus never took it seriously, making it ridiculous and bad, but still so much fun. but this? this is like kaguya-sama (sorry akasaka), but with inseki. "we broke up, now we're stepsiblings living under the same roof and (sounds fucked up, but yeah) i wanna bang my now stepsibling, but my pride is so big i'll make them fall for me again, confess to me and make them call me big bro/sis". what kind of weird fetish is that???? kaguya-sama was funny, but this?? you can't even use it as toilet paper.
rwby: hyousetsu teikoku (5.5/10) [DROPPED]
it was... something. boring, definitely boring. mind numbing even. the animation was as espected from shaft (except for that one background it seemed they forgot to animate) and the colors were 👌. the pacing was fast on the first three episodes, i didn't fully get what was going on. the character design is... also something. i get they decided to keep the original designs, but i wasn't a big fan of them from the start so it was natural for me to be like "ugh" to some of them. the characters are pretty 2013 which may not be the best for a 2022 series? but i also get the hype since rwby is such a beloved webseries (that's why i gave it a try in the first place), so yeah. hope fans from the og series can enjoy shaft's version.
saikin yatotta maid ga ayashii (6.5/10)
lilith may be one of the reasons why i started this series. she might be, but i won't say. what i'll say is that it's a cute show. nothing out of the ordinary, it's just an slice-of-life anime which follows a rich boy and his maid, a concept that has be seen before and i've liked. the thing is, i guess this is supposed to be a romance? which, i have zero problem with the boy falling for the maid because that's sweet and all. the problem would be if lilith also ends up falling for him, i'm honestly scared. for now, it stays as a cute show about a pretty candid boy falling for his suspicious maid.
sasaki to miyano: koi ni kizuku mae no chottoshita hanashi. (7.5/10)
i just wanted an excuse to express my gratitude for this ova to just, spawn in my life when the need to rewatch sasamiya started growing and growing. same vibes the first season gave, same sweetness and same shit that made me love this show and just jump straight to the manga. who's ready for the movie?? because i'm definitely not lol
shadows house 2nd season (5/10) [DROPPED]
why do i keep watching when i know, i just know shadows house is definitely not my thing? because i'm an idiot.
summertime render (5.5/10)
and still haven't dropped it. it just never caught my attention, but it wasn't boring so i kept watching. never connected with the characters, there're some twists and turns that weren't surprising at all, the suspense and cliffhangers never worked on me... you know what i mean? it looks pretty, the first op and ed are fire (the second op has this shounen vibe (?) that i don't like for the series) and... that's pretty much it. it has some things that're just convenient to the plot which ugh, but what can you do about it? overall, not the first series that would come to mind when trying to recommend something to a friend and definitely not a show that i would rewatch in a near future.
yofukashi no uta (7.5/10)
i've been thinking for like 10 minutes what should i write about it because i have no idea. i really like the colors, the artstyle, the op and ed are bangers and in my head 24/7. i love the monogatari-esque vibe it has (same director); i love everything from it. the characters and their backgrounds, why are they like that, why do they think like that. i like that there're vampires because they're rad. it just has a lot of stuff that i personally really like, a mix of my interests. it's funny, dramatic, interesting. definitely worth watching.
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gluttonousyurei · 5 years
Insulin should be free and accessible to everyone thank you very much capitalism
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Joseph + Guns for Hire
Hurk: Listen, listen man. I need some pointers. You obviously know how to run a cult, I mean look at ya! You're the Faaather, whatever that means. Listen, man, I wanna start my own cult so I can be my own daddy, so I can party all day long! What do I need to do?
Joseph: Stop talking. Please stop talking.
Joseph: I love all, I really do. But how am I supposed to just deal with this... man-child?
Hurk: *lifting his shirt up, trying to get abs by flexing*
Joseph: *sighs*
Joseph: How has he not gotten us killed yet?
Hurk: I may be dumb, but I ain't stupid.[iCarly, anyone?]
Hurk: Hey, Joseph, when my cult gets up and runnin', do you wanna be an administitty or something? You can advertise for it, show how much fun we have!
Joseph: No, thank you, Hurk. I'm happy where I am.
Joseph: I admire you, Grace.
Grace: Why?
Joseph: You are a strong woman. You stand up for yourself. You stand against stereotypes that dictate who you should be.
Grace: I didn't think we could get along Joseph.
Joseph: Me neither, Grace, but I'm glad we can.
Grace: It's only for the deputy, though.
Joseph: I thought we had something special?
Grace: You are a deranged man, Joseph.
Joseph: *laughs* I've heard that before.
Grace: I mean really, what the fuck goes on in your head?
Joseph: No need to get down to the psychological aspect.
Grace: I'm down! Medic!
Joseph: If you say we are friends, I'll help
Grace: Goddammit, Joseph
Nick: Well, well, well, we meet again, Joseph.
Joseph: Pleasure speaking to you, as always, Nick Rye.
Joseph: You are very skilled with a plane there, Nick.
Nick: Tell that to your brother, the "best pilot in the world."
Joseph: Yes, yes, I know John has some pride issues. We will work that out.
Nick: No- I mean, I was kidding. Don't like... hurt him or anything.
Deputy: *to themself* Listen to that friendship grow <3
Joseph: *singing* See the nonbelievers by the path, nonbelievers by the path, nonbelievers by the path-
Nick: Sorry, the songs are a bit catchy. *Singing very loudly* Oh John! Bold and brave!
Nick: Joseph, have you ever even been to the Bliss?
Joseph: A time or two, yes.
Nick: Then... why do you want others to go?
Joseph: Because it's magnificent, Nick! A beautiful place. Anyone is lucky to see it.
Nick: Yeah...
- Joseph would be terrified of Cheeseburger
- "He seriously has diabetes? He's a bear?"
- "Oh Lord, he's chasing me. He's chasing me. HE'S CHASING ME! DO SOMETHING!"
- Cheeseburger sitting in front of Joseph, with almost a sarcastic grin on his face. Joseph points to him and speaks, "I am not afraid of you. You are only an animal. You can't hurt me."
- Joseph is still afraid of Cheeseburger, even after seeing how gentle he is
- He would make sure the deputy is in between him and Cheeseburger at all times
- The deputy would hold a fish in Joseph's hand to hand-feed Cheeseburger
- Boomer was hesitant about Joseph at first
- Joseph isn't an animal person, but Boomer was an exception. Because he left him alone.
- Soon, Boomer would learn Joseph wasn't anyone to be afraid of. He would quickly grow comfortable.
- He would fetch random items for Joseph, and Joseph often responded with "What am I supposed to do with this?"
- Boomer begging for Joseph's food, and Joseph giving in to give him a bite
- "Okay, you're not that bad. We can get along. Just- don't bite me."
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supercritter64 · 5 years
hello everyone! it's been a long time ;v;
just figured i'd give the remainder of you guys that actively follow me a little life update!
work is taking up all of my time due to working full shifts in a city 2 hours away! that's a 4 hour commute plus about an extra hour combined if you also count ubering to the train station. my days are normally wake up > go to work > come home > sleep, and repeat for 5 days a week. i love my job and the people i work with, but this past week has been particularly stressful, especially due to the fact that i work as a cleaner during this covid outbreak.
my dog tank passed away on january 3rd of this year, and it's been very hard on me and my family. as it turns out he had a rare form of diabetes, and malignant cancer in his paw, which we were planning to amputate. but by the time we found out he had the cancerous growth the diabetes had made him too weak for surgery, and so we put him to rest. he's at peace now, but i still miss my fat little dandelion every day.
on a lighter note, pokemon shield and minecraft have been my hobbies lately! and with animal crossing new horizons coming out today i'm super excited to play. i also recently started pokemon go again, and my code is 3278 0632 4216! sadly though i'm still about 4 years into not having wifi at my house, and don't have nintendo online so i guess i'm digitally isolated as well as physically. Q_Q
art has been on hold since i've started working which absolutely sucks because i have so many things i want to draw but no time to work on my passion projects. i still have WIPs sitting in my folder from 2019 that i haven't even been close to finishing. i do have a physical sketchbook that i carry with me, but all i want is to use my tablet and draw my usual smooth shiny lineart instead of messy train scribbles >:U
also i just wanted to once again thank those of you who have commissioned me throughout the years!! i'm in such a better place now financially, catching up on bills and affording food, and it's your business that has kept my family afloat in times of need so please remember how grateful i am to have drawn for you. if there is ever anything you guys need help with, you're welcome to send over a message at any time. <3
i'll be posting normal social media stuff until i can get this account back to being an art blog. i keep seeing lots of fun things that i want to reblog so ain't nothing holding me back from that now, lol.
take care of yourselves! wash hands, get as much rest as you can, and all that. i'll be around. :>
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Pride VS Jealousy Rap Battle.
Roman: You want to talk about originality? You can't even get your schtick right! I'm the king here, so step aside, Joker, you're just a colour-inverted copy of the creative crown-bearing creation.
Jay: Oh no, alliteration, I'm terrified. You think you're so clever, but we both know otherwise. Virgil hates you and Logan finds you incredibly annoying. But who doesn't? You look disgusting, you insult them constantly, you never shut up and you can't think of any good ideas for Thomas. You should've just died as Pride.
Roman: You think you're so slick, bitch you're nothing but a fantasy, I'm the real king here, you're just a lonely princey wannabe. My darling emo's mere, a small part of this feud really. And at least my love doesn't fully fear me. I don't care about my looks, ideas? I can fill up books. My insults are menial, and you're in denial, because my wit's too agile, catching up's not worthwhile. Whilst Pride is a part of me, my name's Creativity, I'm all you will never be, so don't try and step to me.
Jay: At least I'm dangerous enough to be feared. You slay fictional beasts, though you've done the least, while you're ahead you better fucking cease! I'll end you, offend you, put you over the table and bend you, you can't stop my power flow, just look at how my power glows!
Roman: Please, I don't need to be feared, I'm already revered, and the beasts that I slay, at the end of the day, would soon put an end, to your boasting parade. You can't touch me, not much, me, but I'm out of your clutch, me. Your power's pathetic, your man's diabetic, and your sex toy's so bored he's quite apathetic. You glow like a night light, go back to giving kids frights, leave the real work to a proper knight.
Jay: My man may be chubby but yours is robotic, even when you fuck, he's so stiff it's far from erotic. People call me psychotic, they call you idiotic. I'd kill you in an instant, but I like the way you fight, keep trying to defeat me, you know you aren't that bright. You let yourself be used, you let your family be abused, all the while I stay in charge, smirking and amused.
Roman: People call you psychotic because you are. So low you've set the insults bar. Logan is complex, a not-so linear beauty. Your man is vain and shallow, between you and me. Not unlike yourself, my little copycat bitch, it seems you don't know the drill, ask the dragon-witch. I don't need to try, I've already beat you. Smirking causes wrinkles, dear, I'll have my beautician meet you. You like the way I fight? Dear me this isn't right. You say I'm not that bright, then if I'm dim, you must be darker than the night. Used, abused, amused you say? Such big words you're throwing my way. A child like yourself shouldn't be awake, you'll be crabby. So how about you run along back to your sugar daddy? Oh wait, he doesn't love you, I suppose Lust will have to do, you'll fuck any side who gets within three feet of you, that kinky ass is down for being mad abused.
Jay: You really think he's vain, aw that's such shame, he hates the way he looks so much it really is a pain. I'm the copycat? Now I don't think it's that. I'm so much better, I can make Logan even wetter, than you can, look, man, I know you're not my biggest fan, but you can't stop my plan, now do you understand? My skin is smoother than my ice cold voice, you could just give up now, there's always that choice. You say I'm dim as night, but we both know that ain't right, watch me grow more and more, and finally take flight. EM was never worth it, and even though I'm hurting, I'll rise so far above, men like me don't need love.
Roman: You're the sappest side I know of, so dull I'm getting bored of, this petty back and forth so, let's end this catfight, no? You leave your men when they're done, your only friend, you've forced to run, and your sick self scares sides for fun. You need attention to function, we're all bored of this commotion, so make like Deceit and shut up. Logic is mine, you act like that's fine, but touch him and you'll be crossing a line. Your so-called plan, is as good as your man, you are your only fan. Loyalty's a mystery, darling you'll be history. I'll never give up, I'll never give in, so leave us alone you mindless slutty cretin. You dumb little fuck, you'll take a bang for a buck, you look like a shmuck, you're all out of luck, here with me you're stuck, in short, you suck, go suck on some muck, you blind little cuck.
Jay: I'm cruel while you're a fool, you think you're so fucking cool. Fight me, bite me, try your best to fright me! I do as I please, I'll get you on your knees, watch your muscles seize as I tear you apart! We know I have no heart. So just go ahead leave, like every other side, I'll just tie down Logan and take him for a ride
Roman: Jay, it's not your day, so let me just say: Fuck off.
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