#aimsey fanfics
genevawrenn · 6 months
Rules: post the first line of your last ten posted fics and see if there's a pattern
01. “Aimsey Trientalis?”
A long-haired brunette questioning impulsive decisions stood on the worn wooden pier the boat just dropped them off at, all their worldly possessions scattered around them.
02. The sun set over the polished marble of the Royal Archives, winking in between the pillars that faced it. The huge building sheltered histories in objects displayed with careful hands and large tapestries woven by talented server members hung across the cold stone walls. Huge shelves of pine covered a good majority of the lower floors filled with scrolls written in careful scrawling handwriting, stairs ascending to the floor wrapping the second level where more specialised exhibits were.
03. He hopes Tallulah will forgive him.
Scrawling their promise to one another ‘ you and me, you and me always ’ on his classic yellow sign and attaching it to the wall where she would see in the morning, Chayanne stopped one last time to look at his slumbering sister.
04. Blood.
He craved it, he wanted to bathe in it, he wanted to coat his scarred skin with the crimson essence to truly feel the need to be satisfied, to drown the screaming in his thoughts. The brunette with a single white curl wants to drown in the red rain, spilling forth from the pale flesh his blade sliced through.
05. Steady, regular beeping.
The only noise to accompany Fit as he sits at Pac’s side as the beautiful man slumbers, the antidote to the Federation working its way through the comatose man. The anarchist cradles a guitar older than this world on his lap covered in denim jeans, peering at the bouquet of crimson roses he placed on the blank table in a glass vase left there.
06. The crow's heart drops, seeing the screen before him with the team divisions for the next two weeks. Philza was cautious coming into this event, his only drive was the voice taunting to complete this event was to win the knowledge of where his children are. He didn’t trust this for a second despite willingly putting himself in this situation because for his children, the world. Ancient instincts were flooding adrenaline through his ageless form tight with paranoia.
07. The crow avian wakes out of a pleasant dream of soaring through the blue air above with the song of the sky in his ears, feeling the wind caressing each feather as he carves his way through the void above. Someone whose instincts called for the freedom he had been grounded from, a sky born being with shorn wings who had been unable to reach the stars he was married to the entire time he had been in this world.
08. Peace.
It's all FitMC could think, looking in those pools of night sky that had begun to entrance him. He fondly remembers the very first time he met the lively brunette named Pac, his joy shining forth and the sheer kindness that surrounded him astounded Fit.
09. A son and daughter awaken their father under the frosty sun of a winter morning, crow yawning and groaning as his ancient muscles awaken. Smiling, he lets Chayanne and Tallulah crawl their way into his bed and under his once-magnificent wings, curling them around his precious hatchlings. It was the day of Christmas Eve, and Phil could only hope their plans they had last minute thrown together would hold up.
10. Loneliness.
It’s a feeling Philza knew intimately, ripping his soul open in the darkest of nights. Filleting him raw under the bare shining cosmos, pale moonlight bathing gaping holes of lost friends, illuminating the emptiness. The threads of his life’s tapestry fraying after the aeons of memories his heart had experienced, slowly falling away one by one until it was only his shining string.
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olzs-stufz · 6 months
Tubbo's other friends are demonic entities who Tubbo seemed to charm and become friends with and sometimes they try and help him out
Tubbo groaned hearing the entities he called his friends tease him to no end about his feelings for the Brazilian who was standing next to him concerned. "Don't worry its just the entities again" Tubbo said brushing it off.
If it were anyone else Pac would've been worried out of his mind trying to help them, but he trusted the entities Tubbo seemed to be surrounded by. The boy in question was ranting to Pac about his Machines when he felt the vibe change. He could basically tell when one of the entities possessed him.
"Hi. Which one are you?" He asked "I'm Aimee" the entity said. They sounded feminine "And you're Pac right?" They asked "Sim" he replied "He likes you too" She said "¿Q-que?" the entity sighed "he has MAJOR feelings for you and your boyfriend. He's just too scared to say it because he thinks you'll hate him" she said.
Pac's jaw dropped, did tubbo actually have a crush on him and Fit? I mean he had feelings for him, and he was 70 percent sure Fit did aswell so it wasn't too far out for him to like them back
He zoned back in seeing Tubbo very flustered trying to explain himself to Pac saying she was just joking around. Pac could see right through that flustered expression on his face that was so fragile, even the slightest touch would break it.
"Look, Aimee was saying nonsense it was a prank I swear-" he said cutting himself off hearing one of them say something "I should probably head to bed, sorry for the trouble pac" he said tears threatening to fall.
Pac smiled grabbing his hand pulling him closer. He rested his other hand on the brit's cheek with a soft smile. That was enough to break him. He clung to Pac sobbing. The two sunk down to the ground, Tubbo on Pac's lap crying his eyes out while Pac holds him,giving him soft kisses and rubbing his back.
After awhile he stopped crying. He just sat there curled up on Pac's lap "do you wanna talk about it?" The other shook his head. "Okay. I'm ready when you do. I'll always be here for you Tubbo. I love you, eu te amo." He said watching Tubbo smile at his words. He smiled, knowing he was able to help him feel better made him feel good. He kissed Tubbo's head once more before hearing fit
"I leave for a month and my boyfriend and best friend are dating, my god" he said joining the two on the ground. He gave Pac a kiss on the cheek before kissing Tubbo's forehead. God they really needed to talk about this later.
WHAAAAT FIRST FANFIC IN 3 MONTHS IS POLY MORNING CREW??? Seriously though I haven't written anything other than school stuff in so long it was nice to post this. I'm posting this on my ao3 2 so. Bye
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spiraltides · 8 days
pspsppsps go read it
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Life is a Railway (3/4) | It Makes You Fearless (Nothing to Lose) | 5,439 words
In which the Kyton Gang try to rob a second train.
AKA: Come for the Nightingale cameos and the Kestrel guest appearances, stay for the Fantasy Western AU some of y'all asked for!
CW: Blood, death threats, fantasy drugging, violence, and discussions of whaling.
Written for @mcytblraufest 2024.
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kalliope371 · 7 months
A quick one shot about the gays doomed by the narrative! I have a feeling that a!guqqie knows more than she lets on, and my current theory is that there’s a time loop of some sort.
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wispofthevalley · 5 months
asmp brainrot #1
Guqqie wakes to a headache— the kind where you can’t think clearly because the pressure between your eyes is enough to make your brain feel like mush— and she knows it's begun. The thick snow surrounding her burrow does nothing to deter her visitor.
The sun is setting when he ends up in her house like he always does. This time will be different though, she knows it.
She sighs when she manages to get the prince out of her house and back to his. Maybe Guqqie’s claim that he owes her is enough to frighten him into staying away, he might even run for it if she claims the prince’s house is hers too. It's on her land after all.
He doesn’t budge an inch.
He’s an idiot; that’s what he is for staying here after she’s done just short of kicking him off the land herself. If the little prince insists on staying here they’ll need her help.
Guqqie knows it’s hard on him, when she wipes the sweat from his brow late at night. He’s always been a fitful sleeper.
She smiles the first time she catches them talking to the moon late at night, some things never change it seems.
The house is filthy because of that damn bird that’s been taking up the prince’s time as of late. The choice to clean was barely even her’s, because all she can think about is the smell and how it’s sunk into the walls. When the prince returns home, the castle is sparkling.
The sun is setting and Guqqie is a mess. She’s looked in every nook and cranny of the nearby surroundings and just about wears a hole through the floor with her pacing when the lock rattles. They’re home, and the stench of iron clings to them, but she’s home and Guqqie can’t bring herself to care about the blood dripping on their polished floors. Her prince is home.
When he’s asleep and tucked safely in bed, she goes to her burrow and she sobs. She swore it was just a little help and now look at her. Pathetic. She’s fallen for them again, and she can’t do shit about it.
The moon is high in the sky when Guqqie forgets to look at the stars instead of the prince. She rubs her thumb in circles around his when they hold hands.
It's raining the first time she screams at them, her shrieks echoing through the forest . They don’t understand, and sometimes neither does she but they both need to if they’re gonna make it through this.. 
It’s raining when she kisses them too, and when she tells them they need some time apart
The world is on fire and they won’t make it. It was foolish of her to think anything else and her voice catches in her throat when she calls out for them. She has her sword on the ready so she can finish the job.
She tosses it into the lava.
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I didn't understand how to correctly use any/all pronouns for people until I read a fanfic about Aimsey
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narabea06 · 6 months
Guys pls
Pls consider this fic idea im begging you
c!Aimsey-oriented Modern AU fic where Aimsey is cursed with the ability to see and talk to spirits, and uses the ability to talk to Beep and Ranboo, two ghosts haunting two separate apartment buildings she stays at
Bear SMP lore is the first apartment building, Dream SMP lore is the second apartment building :>
Pls somebody hear me out, i have so many ideas for this and i never see c!Aimsey oriented fics like anywhere, pls pls pls hear me out
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anonymousaccount1015 · 3 months
Aimsey was spending time scouting the SMP and the surrounding area, still pretty new and naive to the world. She was walking a short way off the prime path, talking to her chat, when suddenly, she stumbled into an unexpected hole.
She screamed as she fell before slamming hard into the ground with a thud, kicking up dust and dirt all around her. She swiftly checked the online list, nobody was around that would be in the greater SMP area to have heard her scream and fall.
“Chat, what is this place?” She stood up and started brushing herself off, her knee was scraped, but that was nothing she couldn’t fix when she was back to the surface. She knew she fell a pretty long way though. And the cave was dark and kind of musty.
She could feel some kind of pulsating energy, and a faint red glow. Almost like a presence in there with her. And it felt sinister.
“H-Hello?” Aimsey says, her voice shaking and cracking, betraying her apprehension about the situation.
“Hello, Aimsey.” An ominous voice says, she tries to place where it was, but it felt like it was coming from all around her. Or maybe in her head?
“Wh-Who are you? Where are you? How do you know my name?” Aimsey says, her voice quavering, she suddenly takes on a fight or flight stance.
“I know all about you. You’re new on the SMP.” The ominous voice said. “Won’t you come closer?”
Suddenly the red glow in the room strengthened. She instinctively threw up her hands, immediately pulling out her sword, preparing her shield, she was ready to fight, but upon realizing it wasn’t an attack, she slowly she let her guard down, and her gaze fell upon the giant red egg.
She stared in a kind of silent wonder, her arms slowly falling to her sides as they hung limply. Her sword and her shield clattered on the ground, they must have slipped from her hands.
She stumbled towards it kind of subconsciously, her steps short and labored. She started to feel a strong compulsion to obey… well, whatever it was. She felt like it was sinister, but also powerful. What could it possibly be? She had to know. She wasn’t under its control just yet, but there was a fascination.
(Part 1 of several, maybe? 👀)
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sammannnn · 1 year
Lowkey thinking about writing a fanfiction. 🤭 even tho I can't write
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genderlessbleach · 7 months
Ignoring the fact that I haven't finished writing chapter 2 of Beautiful Eyes (in my defense, I went of the rails in AWHN chapters 5-10 and I have to figure out how I'd rewrite them in the new version), ASMP fic soon anyone? Anyone like the idea of exploring when Guqqie said, "I haven't had bird in a while." ??? Just got me thinking yk... only a bit....
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becca4leafclover · 9 months
crowned (not yet in blood)
super short drabble of the choosing of a leader of Team Golden Geese in Purgatory 2 ft. shifter dragon Tubbo <3
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kaz-oooo · 4 months
Aimsey had nearly given up on their search for their missing friend Ranboo. He'd been gone for months now, the scene he'd left behind was beyond gruesome. They'd held onto hope for so long but maybe it was time to finally let go.
That is until Tommy sends them a link to a strange video he'd found.
Aimsey finds Ranboo, for better or worse.
Hey! I decided to write a fic for GenLoss week!!!! I was a bit too busy to do the rest of the prompts, but that's okay :) we got one thing out for the anniversary week and I really liked how this one turned out too!
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spiraltides · 2 months
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d011zk1ll · 1 year
Hey!!! I'm taking part of angstober, I haven't done 1-3 for personal reasons but I did day 4 and I'm quite proud of it!
It's sunshipduo centric, angst with an unhappy ending and area unknown!!
Tw: blood/gore and implied sh mention.
Its just over 1k words and they're all so sad at the end <//3
The prompt for today was:
'i want to believe you'
And it was not beta read so I apologise for any grammar mistakes :D
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enderpearl · 6 months
GUESS WHAT GUYS! CHAPTER 7 IS UP! IM SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT! It’s kind of short compared to other chapters, but there’s some good quality lore in there. Following Aimsey things are going to get WILD. Ranboo’s ability to resist mind control? Hardly know her! It’s going to get crazy guys, and I’m so exited to share my silly thoughts with you
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