#aimeric and nicaise are friends
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tototalks · 3 months
And so here we are, the final ramble! I just wanna say a huge thank you to everyone who has been on this lil reading voyage with me and put up with my dumb memes lol. You’ve all been awesome! Special thanks go to @evilovesyou for getting me to read! 💙
My final King’s Rising thoughts 👑👑
- Gotta love Damianos, King of Akielos, looking down at a broken cart and being like “I’m too privileged to know how to fix this” while Lazar and Pallas fuck unsubtly in the background.
- LAMEN. CRYING. 😭😭😭 Laurent really chose Damen’s high school bully nickname.
- Charls is an actual MVP. He took one look at Laurent and understood the assignment. He’s a cousin to the King of Vere now. He is actually a part of the royal family. Ring bearer at the wedding. I don’t make the rules. And the absolute best part about it is that he never fuckin finds out 😂
- Laurent is having the absolute time of his life. He’s sat there TRASHING Nikandros and telling all these Akeilon sluts to cover their arms and accidentally reinventing the cloth trade. What a legend 😂
- The night they spend at the inn is so so significant. Laurent realising that he’s allowed to have desires and finally being asked what he wants. But also the undercurrent of being scared and confused by what turns him on because of his history. Damn I love that his traumatic experiences don’t disappear just because he has Damen now.
- I also need a whole book about their trip through Akeilos - Laurent being too pale and northern for the heat is SO real lol
- King Damianos promising to end slavery 🥲
- I need Laurent and Nikandros to become friends who tease each other ruthlessly.
- Okay so the kid is Kastor’s. I have to admit, I really do appreciate Jokaste and her sacrifices to a certain degree - not the whole degree - but a certain degree.
- Laurent giving himself over for Damen’s sake and the child. Holy shit the symbolism. Damen hearing the Regent confirm what he already kind of knew about Laurent and going apeshit, and Laurent realising he’s defending him. 💔
- “Throw up quick, we need to go.” Nikandros, I love you.
- Damen just WALKING IN to surrender. He really said all eyes on me you’re not gonna forget this.
- He stands up for Laurent against all the odds and I cannot even imagine what that felt like for Laurent.
- GUION YOU RAT ASS MOTHERFUCKER (I should have seen this coming.)
- And this is why you NEVER cross a mother about the ones she loves - the Regent is being taken down by every child he abused and that is exactly how I wanted him to fall. So satisfying.
- Paschal’s testimony and it all coming together. I ADORE how no character is forgotten or irrelevant once they die. Nicaise, Aimeric and even Govart were significant to the Regent’s downfall. The perfect evidence for the council to acquit Laurent and charge the Regent.
- I have to mention the 11 year old boy and how Laurent protects him when he sees him worry for the Regent upon his execution. He truly doesn’t understand what’s going on and the manipulation runs deep. Laurent broke that cycle of abuse.
- Kastor vs. Damianos - another fight that was always meant to happen and solidified that Kastor cannot be redeemed, even by Damen’s kindness.
- Laurent being the one to kill Kastor was only fitting. He’s fulfilled himself, Auguste, and Damen, and he used something so himself to do it. His wits. I really love that.
- And finally we have two legitimate kings, friends, and lovers. Ruling over two kingdoms that will probably end up one. An absolute perfect ending. ♥️
What an absolute ride. Shoutout C.S. Pacat for an awesome story ♥️…. I start the side stories Friday 😂 Y’all on tumblr have one more job, and that’s to fill my inbox with AO3 links 😉🥰 I have a character song playlist to curate lol
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mia-nina-lilly · 4 months
James isn't Laurent, but they could be friends.
James St. Clair and Laurent d'Vere, besides being intentionally irritating and very handsome, have similar pasts in the sense that both have gone through traumatic experiences and have been shaped by them. James was betrayed and probably nearly killed by the Stewards, ending up in the hands of Sinclair and raised in an environment highly toxic to anyone, especially one who was desired by all for who he was in a distant past. Laurent lost his entire immediate family, and his uncle took over his upbringing, creating in Arles his own den of evil and decadence that made Laurent who he became.
Both were desired and courted, but while James was never touched in that sense and long for it – even being more respected than Laurent among his people – Laurent was severely abused by his own uncle and would have been repeatedly if not for Damen or some other stroke of luck in his life. Laurent was not respected at all, not even by those loyal to him. In another direction, James was taught that he would belong to someone at some point, whereas Laurent was taught the opposite – the speed with which his uncle discarded each of the boys who crossed his path probably taught him that he would never truly be desired except for his beauty and position, or even for the vanity of whoever was trying to win him over.
Here is a similarity stemming from these pasts: it only made both develop a similar mindset. Both James and Laurent seem to believe that they cannot truly be seen as protagonists in relationships that are romantic. James thinks his life will be devoted to someone, to a master. Laurent thinks he is secondary in any sexual relationship and that it will not go beyond that – because no one could truly love him for who he was.
However, while James is pure fire, Laurent can be classified as ice – although his anger sometimes makes him burn even more than James. James is more extroverted and open to new experiences, as evidenced by how easily he adopts Will's thinking. Laurent definitely is not, and if he is, it's out of sheer necessity or strong will, as when he decides to sleep with Damen. That's how he discovers things he likes, too – a moment that illustrates this clearly is the rooftop race in Nesson-Eloy. Furthermore, it is a fact that James would love to have someone by his side, while Laurent is reluctant to trust anyone, even the men most devoted to him.
So, if James were to discover Laurent, and if James knew about Laurent's past, he would probably go to our prince just as he went to Will, maybe even provoking him along the way until Laurent poured his raw fury over him and said something to keep him away as he did with Damen, Nicaise and Aimeric. However, if James persisted, and it's very much like him to insist given the developments in his relationship with Cyprien, trying to convince the empty-headed Steward of his point of view, Laurent would give in at some point, perhaps even in an unexpected way – with both gradually revealing each other's softer sides. It is a fact that, before that, there would be a lot of fights and disagreements. Who knows, perhaps even some sort of Force hanging of James towards Laurent, however, it could eventually work out.
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thickenmyblood · 6 months
Since the fic is in Damen’s POV we see him & Ancel’s relationship a lot. It got me curious towards Ancel & Laurent’s relationship & their dynamic. Are they bitchy bff type towards each other, or are they supportive, or are they more like siblings. I was wondering if you can share more insight into their relationship. Especially since of course they are very close but because Ancel is always texting Damen, and now they’re best friends. I wonder where that puts Laurent. And how did Laurent react to when Ancel started befriending Damen especially since they became friends only after the breakup. Do Laurent feel any jealousy at all or is it just amusing to him?
hello!! i got this q a few times, so:
ancel and Laurent are def supportive. like, Laurent isn't condescending or mean to angel in the way people might assume. he really, really respects ancel bc he knows what it took for him to get where he is, and how kind ancel with people he loves, and how smart he actually is (he's smart about things he cares about). I like the idea of a kind friendship between them, less bitchy than what fandom often makes it out to be.
ancel befriends Damen because both Aimeric and Laurent have sort of dropped him. Aimeric is going through a lot mentally (eventually he gets sent away) and Laurent has aaaaall of nicaise's issues to deal with plus his own mental health and grief over damen. so, because of this, and because he understands that ancel wouldn't hang out with Damen unless he saw something in it, he's okay with it. plus, it's kinda like his fantasy all along: Damen and his friends finally getting along.
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aspoonofsugar · 8 months
Omg, you've read Captive Prince? Who are your favorite SIDE characters?
Yes, I have! Mmmm a lot of them actually:
Nicaise, Jokaste and Aimeric, who all foil Laurent (my very fave)
Charls! Because he is hilarious and genuinelly good natured. He is a kind person, who loves his job and other people, to the point he is shown being welcomed by the people of Akielos even before the alliance. Plus his short story is just hilarious
Jord because he is a sweetheart, who definately did not deserve what happens to him. It is impressive he stays loyal to Laurent even after what happens to Aimeric. In general, you can see how Jord is protective of Laurent that he has known since the Prince was 15.
Ancel mostly because of his short story. I like his point of view in the story and how good he is at reading people and at playing them. He is also a disaster at the same time.
Nikandros because he is a good friend, who doesn't deserve being involved in the most complicated love story ever :''') I like the implication that in the end he accepts Laurent and even teaches him wrestling.
Mekodon because his new found fondness of Laurent is honestly hilarious and the relationship I did not know I wanted until it happened :''')
Lazar, not because he has some great characterization, but simply because I like that he is introduced as a mercenary, but grows loyal to Laurent to the point he follows him all the way to Ios
And here are some of my fave side characters! Thank you for the ask!
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wizardofarles · 11 months
Sneak peek of LYKMC chapter 11!
(a bit late today, sorry about that! my aim is to have this chapter done by next sunday, but as always, check back here for updates.)
Eventually he drifted off, and when he opened his eyes he saw the courtyard at school, awash in silvery moonlight. He was looking down on it from above, as though he were floating somewhere in the starless sky. There was a dark-haired figure seated on Aimeric’s bench, but Laurent knew at first glance that it was not Damianos. The figure knelt before him was too small to be Kashel, with a mop of brown hair atop his head and blue sapphires dripping out of his ears. They piled up around his knees, the puddle of frozen teardrops growing as he knelt.
A chill hand gripped Laurent’s heart, and snowflakes fell from his eyes to dust the ground beneath him. They landed unmelting in his uncle’s hair, and Nicaise’s too, glimmering like diamonds upon their heads.
Uncle looked up and smiled at him. “Enjoying yourself?” he asked, in a voice sharp with amusement.
Then suddenly Laurent was watching from behind the tree where he’d hidden from Damianos and Kashel, and in his fist he clutched a rock the size of a softball. With a wordless cry of rage, he threw it toward the bench. The stone bench split in two with an impossibly loud crack that echoed inside his skull.
A plump white dove took startled flight, vanishing beyond the trees. Uncle and Nicaise were gone.
The clouds parted, and Laurent squinted against the sudden sunlight in his eyes. The grass was summer green beneath his feet, and around the border of the yard yellow and orange daylilies swayed in the breeze. They waved at him like old friends.
A rustle in the brush behind him sent Laurent’s heart leaping into his throat. He whirled, expecting a rabbit, but it was his uncle who stepped into the grass, crushing it beneath his toes. He stopped in front of Laurent, smiling.
“I have a gift for you,” he said. “Hold out your hand.”
Laurent did. His uncle pressed something cold into his palm that seemed to bite at his skin. Laurent unfurled his hand. It was a small metal razor blade, sharp as sin.
He looked up, but his uncle was gone. Nicaise sat across from him on the floor of the bathroom stall, a blue wall behind him. The razor lay on the tiles between them.
“It’s my turn,” Nicaise snarled as chips of paint flaked off the wall behind him and drifted lazily downward like a slow blue snow, “mine.”
He lunged forward, and Laurent did too. They scrabbled on the floor, fighting each other for the blade. Laurent’s hands turned red with blood. Nicaise’s remained white as bone.
Laurent gasped and sat up in his bed, his arms and legs all tangled up in his sheets. Across the room, his door knob turned, creaking softly. He never knocks. A shadow slipped into his room.
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ches-grinner · 1 year
Day 16 - Ancel
Prompt: This is a story about sanity, unemployment, and being a media personality
Ancel stares at the screen of his phone in disbelief. As if the words will change if he looks long enough. ‘You’ve been terminated. You may pick up your belongings at the front desk.’
Blink. The words don’t change. He flings his phone as hard as he can, it bounces off the back of the couch, the cushions and comes to rest on the floor, unharmed. He curls his fingers through his hair, against his scalp and fights the urge to scream.
After a deep breath, he sends a group text. Within the hour, Nicaise and Aimeric have helped him come up with an insane plan. It involves a meeting with Nicaise’s fashion designer older brother, Instagram, and risque camboy videos - though he flatly refuses to cross the ‘porn’ line.
Three years have passed since Ancel’s life took a sharp detour. He has a portfolio now - two of them, actually. One financial and one for fashion shoots and endorsements. He’s learned to smile for the camera - but keep the sycophants at a distance. He knows who his real friends are, and keeps them close.
It’s a delicate balance - his sanity versus the popularity treadmill. Those friends? Yeah, they’re there to gleefully remind him who he is.
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folfar · 2 years
fic writer questions, 7, 13, 74? 👀
7. How do you choose which POV to write from?
The idea for a fic almost always sparks for me with a single line. I can remember most of them - with Sunblind, it was "the sun is in Auguste's eyes when he dies - it is there when he wakes up too" and from there, I started thinking about Auguste, how he would see things, how he would naturally perceive events if he just dropped into Artes one day post-canon. And that really had to be from his POV!
With a more niche fic - my brexit series - it was because I was suffering at work doing [redacted] and I wanted to spread the suffering around. And then I thought of
“Maybe”, says Auguste abruptly, digging into his enormous slice of cheesecake, “we should leave without a deal.”
And then I thought - who would be the funniest possible person for him to say this to? And the answer is Nicaise, who Does Not Care, watching someone who DOES (laurent) rip him to shreds.
"Who would be funniest" is the rule I followed with Von Trapped too - where Laurent is married off to Guion - because from anyone else's perspective, it's a horror - but from Aimeric's POV his self-delusion and self-absorption (justified) make it a comedy because he's so appalled that he has to live like this.
13. what’s a common writing tip that you almost always follow?
See, I feel like I approach writing in such a chaotic way that I genuinely couldn't think of one at first. Statistically alone we probably have to go with kill your darlings though.
I am very trigger happy (particularly with OC's. I think the point of an OC in fic should be to die, most of the time), and I will delete huge chunks of fic on a whim. In the Sunblind spinoff, Sunstruck, I wrote about five thousand words of an opening scene and ended up just getting rid of it all because it was boring. But needs must, etc etc
Sometimes it's pretty begrudging - a friend had to have a come to jesus talk with me about scrapping loads of backstory exposition from one of Auguste's bad dreams in SB, but I will do it! Eventually.
It would probably be better to have a mantra like 'fix your pacing' or 'look for a plot beta' but here we are
74. You’ve posted a fic anonymously. How would someone be able to guess that you’d written it?
....sounds like it was written by an ai trained on genteel Edwardian comedy but the tenses are all messed up [crying]. Also someone has a past so horribly tragic it makes you want to tear off your clothes.
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dancyon · 3 years
Capri Recs Part 2
Here's part two of the capri masterpost rec list. Took me days to complete it. Part 1 is here
One the Other by Ruby_Wednesday (Auguste lives AU where Damen takes Laurent to Ios as his charge)
Along For the Ride by idratherhaveyou (Modern College AU, Laurent hitchhikes a ride from Damen and his friends to go save Nicaise)
Wicked Game by onekingdomonce (Laurent amnesia AU canon time)
Star Power by TurtleTotem (Singer Damen and actor Laurent pretend to date to fix their public image)
When the sun is on again by thickenmyblood (Auguste lives at Marlas AU. Bittersweet fic)
The Same Moon by onekingdomonce (Prison AU where they're all assholes)
Wine and Flowers by magisterpavus (The regent sells Damen and Laurent into slavery)
Sun and Spear, Peach and Petal by SteeleStingray (Game of Thrones AU)
A Traitor's Choice by blackgoliath (Aimeric makes a different choice)
Black Light Red by Entity_Sylvir, goldendraeconis (Dark Noir, a killer is on the loose)
Now Again a Beloved Son by ofsevenseas (In which Marlas evolved differently)
Courts, Crowns, and A Little Game of Chess by waywardwriter (The fix where Damen courts Laurent the way he deserves)
Slow It Down by orphan_account (Laurent finds a sugar daddy to be free of his uncle. Spoiler alert, it's Damen)
Beg my broken heart to beat by VeretianStarburst (In which Laurent visits his brother in jail and that's how he meets Damen)
Thrown for a Loop by Just_Another_Day (Ice Skating AU)
Beyond the Pale by marrieddorks (College AU)
Between Cat Acrobatics by fakexpearls (In which Damen's cat loves the neighbor's balcony)
Catch and Release by barbitone (In which there's a fine line between law and crime. Modern AU berencel)
marble, salt, and prophecies by Graysworks (Damen amnesia AU right after KR. Laurent and Nikandros are trying their best, ok?)
On one's knees by thickenmyblood (This is Kastor/Laurent canon time.)
Detours From the Road to Ruin by Just_Another_Day (omegaverse canon time)
Nikandros Doesn’t Get Paid Enough For This by dragonmage27 (In which Lamen are more innocent than Nikandros thinks)
they're angry, they're sorry, they're worried (you don't care) by Anonymous (In which trusting someone with your whole self is hard. But Laurent is trying. Post canon)
Water of Life by deripmaver (I hate you derip. extremely graphic and traumatic birth, y'all have been warned)
Under The Shade of Trees by nuttinonice (Laurent is still trying his best. He really is)
According to plan by Poteto (Nikandros is also trying hard. His friends don't make his job easy)
Deliverance by EmergencyBroadcastSystem, SEABlRD (Priest Nikandros, Angel Damen and Demon Laurent)
The Best Contract at Court by barbitone (Ancel really does not know what's up. Also Auguste is very straight)
Homeward Bound by Seek_The_Mist (Post canon celebration)
The Stars Go Waltzing Out In Blue And Red by Holly_Golightly (Lazar POV of canon time)
What A Feeling To Be A King Beside You by beautifulmagick (omegaverse post canon)
Four things that didn't happen to Laurent, and one that could have changed everything by st_aurafina (What it says on the tin)
A wreath of laurel by Kirianna_May (Dryad Laurent AU)
after me, the flood by vicariously kingly (pelted) (In which they reincarnate. Again. And again. And again)
Moonsea by Tyranno (In which Damen doesn't survive the whipping. This is a ghost story)
False Cognates by scarlet-kingsnake (high_spring_tide) (Cultural collision. Vere and Akielos are very different)
The Finest Thing (Whatever It Is One Loves) by booksnchocolate (In which Laurent tries to do the wooing.)
Where flowers bloom by emaline (Hanahaki disease AU)
eyes like sinking ships by Veraison (Nikandros will be there for the Prince of Vere. He'll do it for Damen)
Out of my league by Anonymous (Football AU)
Whirlwind by shoulderpadutopia (Nikandros helps Laurent get a pet)
A Party of Our Own by DisraeliGears (Nikandros and Laurent bond over not liking parties)
No End of War by Just_Another_Day (Zombie AU)
Lovefool by Kittendiamore (Laurent is an actor Damen hires and brings to a family party)
Marks of a Life Well-Lived by Jinxed_Ink (In which Nicaise is very much alive and thriving)
Before the Veil by Jaydee_Faire (Post canon. Medical issues)
Into You by bowtieowl (Damen is Torveld and Laurent's bodyguard. And then just Laurent's)
The Sun Goes Down Every Night by Kittendiamore (Damen is with Jokaste. He is also with Laurent. This is harder than it should be)
Kidnapped by Josselin (Laurent and their son get kidnapped. Damen has to find them.)
Paraskínia by SEABlRD (Wing fic. There is absolutely nothing nice about this story. Read at own risk)
In The Veretian Style by IAmANonnieMouse (Nikandros teaches Laurent how to wrestle)
united we stand, divided we fall by baekhyun (baruna) (Ghost Auguste hunts Damen until he doesn't)
A Dozen Marriage Proposals by mfingenius (In which Damen mistakes Laurent for a pet, and Auguste is a big brother)
How Laurent accidentally got himself into a relationship by mfingenius (What it says on the tin)
Meet the 'Boyfriend' by Just_Another_Day (Laurent has a foolproof plan to make Aleron accept Damen. He'll bring Lazar home first.)
ships passing in the night by ciin (Soulmate AU)
Snakebite by Jaydee_Faire (Medical horror post KR. Kastor's blade was poisoned and Laurent has no one left but Damen in the world)
Laurent's one-year secret relationship by mfingenius (In which Auguste has a little brother who is growing up)
dinner until you wrestle it up by baekhyun (baruna) (Laurent wants to meet Damen's family)
Stubborn by JustDrinkTea (Soft Summer Palace fic)
Sleeping Beauty by Pepperweb (Coma patient Laurent and Damen was his nurse)
The storm who leaves no trace. by Mechanical_Candle (Magic AU)
Written In Runes by Nayona (Magic and science and fighters. Futuristic AU)
The Cast Iron Prince's Romantic Way to Happiness by Anielka (In which Laurent suddenly finds himself the character his favorite book)
words like oil, tongue as a sword by kapteeni (Undercover abolitionist Laurent meets undercover slave owner Damen)
The Freedom of Falling by LadyKyrin (Pacific Rim AU)
with luck, it might even snow for us by marrieddorks (Christmas time chateau in the mountains fic)
Oracle at Delfeur by elesary (Laurent goes bake in time to Marlas and changes everything)
Concordia by Ccainao3 (post olympics AU. not as cute as it sounds)
sanguinary poultice, love charm by Lapin (Laurent and Damen meet in completely different circumstances)
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pourcap · 3 years
thoughts: pg chapter 15
He had learned how to handle Veretian armour. i love that this acts as an indicator of 1) how much closer he feels to veretians in general and 2) laurent lol
man, i just want the regent to die and before that, i want everyone to find out about all that he's done. i want nicaise to be safe and faaaar away from terrible people and instead close to laurent, and i want laurent to be a happy king with a great reputation and another happy king with a great reputation by his side :')
Because it was impossible, he allowed himself to imagine, just once, what it would be like to face Laurent as a man . . . (...) and he was honest enough with himself to admit that if he had encountered Laurent in that mode, all golden lashes and needling remarks, he might well have found himself in some danger. i am about to have a breakdown <3 once i'm done with these books i'm going to read every single au in which everyone's happy and alive and damen and laurent find their way to each other without anything or anyone in their way <3
Laurent said, ‘I’m afraid you don’t have time.' hhhhh
Laurent said, ‘Lazar said he came because he took a wrong turning.' i feel like lazar and damen could be great friends. like, in a modern au, they'd go out and be each other's wingman and get laid until obv damen would meet laurent and fall head over heels in love with him
aahhh laurent asking about sex again
'Auguste preferred women. He told me I would grow into it. I told him that he could get heirs and I would read books. I was . . . nine? Ten? I thought I was already grown up. The hazards of overconfidence.' alright so, in the above-mentioned modern au, damen, lazar and auguste would go out to get laid :') (i also can't think about a cute, innocent baby laurent without sobbing, so i'll just think about lazar, damen and auguste being happy hoes in my au lol)
Damen said, ‘You can rest easy. You are ready to face Lord Touars.' the familiarity :( the understanding :( i love this sm
Laurent said, ‘Maybe it seems that I can outplay him now. But when this game began I was . . . younger.' i want laurent to become king, put the regent in a cell and then just let him rot there until he dies a slow, torturous death
Younger. Laurent had been fourteen at Marlas. (...) Younger. Thirteen, on the cusp of fourteen. please. i will cry.
(...) It was just as impossible to imagine him fighting in battle at that age as it was to imagine him trailing around after an older brother he adored. It was impossible to imagine him adoring anyone. first part: did laurent fight at marlas? i thought he was just there...? second part: OPEN YOUR EYES.
And their general wasn’t the King, it was the twenty-five year old Prince, holding the field. :( auguste deserved better. i know it was war and if he hadn't died, damen had, but still. i hate this.
Father, I can beat him, he’d said. Then go, his father had said, and bring us back victory. that was difficult to read for me. to think about damen and his men celebrating their victory and laurent's entire world being shattered at the very same time... it's just really tragic
ugh no, not the regent's men...
'They’re moving to flank us. Have they mistaken us for an enemy troop?’ said Jord, confused. ‘No,’ said Laurent. oooh laurent is finally a real threat to his uncle <3 yes <3
‘There is still a path open to us, to the north,’ said Damen. ‘No,’ said Laurent. laurent is so hot
i just LOVE how damen has become laurent's closest confidant
executed for treason????
(...) You can outplay him, Damen had said, but it had been long weeks since he had faced the power of the Regent. (...) in all honesty, the regent is such a good villain. he's the worst person, horribly disgusting, smart, and i really, really, really want him to die very soon, but props to pacat for managing to craft an authentically gross character like him
i knew it. i knew he was going to be a problem.
i haaaaaaate him
oh shit i forgot about jord
Aimeric watched with his chin up, but gave Jord no particular attention. Jord’s face was stripped raw with betrayal and stricken guilt as he dragged his gaze from Aimeric and met Laurent’s hard, unrelenting eyes. (...) How long had Aimeric been missing, and how long, out of misplaced loyalty, had Jord been covering up for him? oh no :( i feel so bad for jord but what did he assume aimeric had gone missing for...? ... laurent isn't going to kill him for this, is he?
'I don’t betray my family. I’m not like you,’ said Aimeric. ‘You hate your uncle. You had unnatural feelings for your brother.' is there a single person in vere's court that has not been manipulated by the regent?
'At thirteen?’ From his frigid blue eyes to the tips of his polished boots, Laurent could not have looked less capable of feelings for anyone. ‘Apparently I was even more precocious than you.' laurent really can dish it out... but also, "precocious"? isn't aimeric laurent's age? i remember damen saying he couldn't be older than 20 in one of the earlier chapters
i really hate aimeric so much
This rabble of men, who not long ago had been divided, shiftless and disloyal, would fight to the death for their Prince, if he asked them. i'm getting emotional
i couldn't make it through guion's whole spiel about the regent's kindness and patience without gagging so i won't quote it to spare you the displeasure of having to read it again
'Speaking of negligence,’ said Laurent. ohhh!!!! he's got a trick up his sleeve. of course he does :')
'I have something of yours. I’d chide you on your carelessness, but I’ve just had a lesson in the ways that the detritus of a troop can slip from one camp to another.' i don't know what it is he has but i just wanna say that i love him and that he is the coolest, most intelligent, most shrewed person in the world
There were fourteen prisoners today, when yesterday there had been ten. He looked sharply at Laurent. i still don't know what that means but i'm sitting here smiling so much lol laurent is seriously so fucking cool
Thick-tongued, ‘My lord—a force of men to the east, riding to intercept you at Hellay—' 'This is Hellay,’ said Councillor Guion, with sharp impatience, as Captain Enguerran looked at Laurent with a different expression. oh my goooooddddd i love this i love laurent so much what the fuck is his brain how is he so cunning i love himmmm
'What force?’ Aimeric’s sudden voice was thin and edged. yeah, that was pretty terrible timing to switch sides
laurent has been planning this for so long?????
'You’d like that, wouldn’t you?’ said Laurent. i hope damen sucks his dick someday (if laurent wants him to)
TORVELD. that was in book 1??? what thef uck laurent???
'I have a choice?’ said Laurent. You planned this! Nicaise had flung the words at Laurent. You wanted him to see! ‘Did you think,’ said Laurent, ‘if you threw down a challenge to fight, I would not accept it?' sorry to repeat myself but laurent is. so. hot. (also love nicaise being mentioned!!! i miss him </3)
'My scorn and contempt,’ said Laurent, ‘are not in need of your leniency. Lord Touars, you face me in my own kingdom, you inhabit my lands, and you breathe at my pleasure. Make your own choice.' what a line. (what a man <33333)
'I need you to captain the men. Take the command from Jord. It’s yours. It should have been you,’ said Laurent, ‘from the start.’ The words were hard as he spoke of Touars: ‘He is going to fight.' aaaah i'm sad about jord but yes!!! go damen!!! "it should have been you from the start" i am actually going to pass out
i feel like i haven't taken a single breath this entire chapter lol
'I can win you this battle. (...) He felt his battle instincts rise within him at the audacity of it, to take one of the most powerful forts on the Veretian border. It was something not even his father had dared, had ever dreamed possible. (...) his confidence is so attractive. also, i love how the idea of taking ravenel because it's so difficult and complicated. he and laurent could truly be a match made in heaven <3
Laurent said, ‘You were right about him. He spent his first week here starting fights, and when that didn’t work, he got in bed with my Captain.’ His voice was inflectionless. ‘What was it, do you think, that Orlant found out, that got him skewered on Aimeric’s sword?' noooo that's what killed orlant?? man, i hate aimeric so much. i really do. what an asshole.
that was such an incredible chapter but probably super stupid of me to read at 1 am bc now i am too tense to sleep lol
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tototalks · 3 months
That’s a wrap on Prince’s Gambit!! 🥳 Let me tell you, there was not a SINGLE chapter of this book I didn’t adore. Absolutely stunning ♥️
Final thoughts! ✨ (Sorry for the length again 💀)
- Starting off strong with seeing Halvik and the awesome lady warriors again!! Halvik really saw the longest, prettiest, most luscious eyelashes on a man and knew it was an absolute waste. She is SO valid for that.
- Laurent is playing Game of Thrones 5D chess, and his mind terrifies and amazes me. His strategy and diplomacy with the reinforcements was absolute genius and this is why I need a Hamlet situation to happen with uncle dearest.
- Damen. Leather loincloth. That’s it. That’s the post. 🙂
- I love this weird point where Damen and Laurent both look at each other like “this is so clearly more than friends, but what the actual FUCK is this??”
- AIMERIC?! NO NO NO. FFS!! Omg I didn’t see that coming!! Why do I even bother getting attached anymore. I am the fool.😭
- Jord is breaking my fucking heart in two. I need good things to happen for him after this. He’s done nothing to deserve the betrayal, and that’s the phenomenal cruelty of it. Bad things happen to good people and there’s not shit you can do about it. ☹️
- BATTLE FOR THE PRINCE!!!! Man, I was ready to ride into battle with them! What an adrenaline kick of a scene!
- Damen was fully recognised, and yet, in the midst of it, there is MORE PAIN FOR JORD 🙃
- I am so happy that we get to see Erasmus and the living testament to the fact kindness is powerful.
- “I don’t like the Regent. He burned my leg!!” YOU TELL THEM BABE!! His revenge is so so sweet. Enjoy it, Erasmus♥️
- The kiss. Oh my stars, the kiss. That was the most angst promising, stunning, and oh-so-earned kiss made even more poignant by the fact I’m convinced Laurent KNOWS and is letting it happen anyway. If my suspicions are correct, he’s had to come to terms with the fact he’s fallen for the man who killed his brother. I am TERRIFIED for King’s Rising. 🙃
- Aimeric and Laurent, both very different victims. - “you attack those who can’t defend themselves” - Damen… bro… I love you but stop. But I like the fact we get to see that Laurent is not impenetrable. He’s cold and cunning but still human and deeply hurt.
- Damen and Laurent’s first time. Wow. Just wow. The layers to this scene. Laurent’s clear trauma associated with sex and Damen’s reassurance and honour. “How a man takes a boy?” “No. How a man takes a man.” You hear that? That’s the sound of my heart shattering further. Sex scene done RIGHT.
- “Nicaise would not see fifteen now.”… well there goes the last of my fucking heart. I am DEVASTATED. He deserved to live. If you hear sobbing coming from the general direction of Hong Kong, just know it was me. 🥲
- “I’m sorry, Jord” - C.S. Pacat. We are gonna have words. You cannot make a bad bitch like me cry this hard.
- The Regent and Kastor in kahoots. Ooooooh boy - it pains me that deep down I feel like Laurent wanted to prove to himself that Damen wasn’t special and goaded him into that punch to prove it, and yet Damen recognises the cycle of abuse and that BLINDSIDES Laurent.
- Aaaaaaand there’s Damen’s secret blown to utter smithereens. Nice job, Nikandros lol
- And if all that wasn’t enough, chapter 19 1/2 killed me off for good, so long folks 💀
Let’s go, King’s Rising!! 👑 ⚔️
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cakegatedisaster · 3 years
Y'all, Laurent, Nicaise, Aimeric, Ancel, and Jokaste would all be such good friends. They would tear each other apart, or they would try. They would take countries by storm. The sheer power of their combined beauty and intellect would have men dropping to their knees to please them. And it wouldn't work.
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thickenmyblood · 3 years
fics i think about every single day of my sad little life
Incision by Ccainao3
The Akielon loses the fight.
Sometimes I want to die and it’s because of this fic right here. No words.
Canis Major by Lapin
It starts because Aimeric is a pushy, arrogant, little bastard who has never learned when he needs to keep his mouth shut. His very presence at this party already irritates Laurent in the worst way.
Laurent is only trying to be a good friend to Jord. Damen was never supposed to be a factor.
Okay so this fic is not only VERY WELL written (as in, perfectly) but it also has all the best tropes EVER: pining Damen, fake dating, Auguste as an ALIVE older brother, NICAISE, Damen and Auguste are bros. Amazing dialogue, and the chemistry between Laurent and Damen is fucking BONKERS. And one more thing: THE SEX SCENE WAS SO HOT. IT WAS SCALDING MY EYEBALLS.
Nature by ahdriking
Laurent snorts, drinking in Damen’s horror like it is something to be savoured.
“I have done nothing,” he says, “but aided nature in its course.”
Pain, but the good kind.
before it all burned down by onekingdomonce
It was true that love was nothing like people explained it to you. Growing up, no one told you that you might find it in more than one place. You find your soulmate. Your one. No fairytales prepared you for the feeling of that sentiment being ripped down the middle, figuratively and literally. Laurent didn’t know how to live with it, so he just had to.
You know sometimes I wake up at, like, five am and I wonder how Nikandros is doing in this universe. This fic ruined my brain and we need to talk about it more often because it’s so fucking hard to get GOOD cheating fics and this one is NEXT LEVEL. This is subtle, but fucked up, but sweet, but sour, but Jesus Christ just READ IT. THE CHEATING IS SO GOOD IN THIS, GO ADULTERY! GO! AND THE WRITING JKBGKJBGK AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
The World's More Full Of Weeping by deripmaver
At thirteen, a boy named Laurent Devere had gone into the woods with his uncle.
What had come out was wrong. He was wrong.
He was not Laurent.
He was a changeling, and he needed to find a way to bring Laurent home.
Petition for derip to stop. This fic is a MASTERPIECE. This was so sad but sweet it sometimes had me CRYING my eyes out and that’s no easy task considering I have like three tears left. No spoilers but the final scene had me sobbing like a fucking child. It is SO GOOD. Best tropes ever too: trauma (lmao, am I calling trauma a trope? yes, this is derip’s fic), AUGUSTE AND LAURENT’S CRUMBLING BUT STILL THERE RELATIONSHIP, angst, the horrible realization that you will never be a child again and that there are parts of you that have died or been killed by life but also that does not do this justice. PLEASE READ THIS FIC.
No Plan by melancholicpie
Laurent and Damen are not bonded by the Red String of Fate. Laurent worries about it.
Loved this concept so much. This was originally posted in 2020 and has now been re uploaded so just take a chance and read it because it’s the best take on soulmates I’ve read in this fandom!
between them, sharp as a knife by Ccainao3
Damen tells Laurent his true identity at Ravenel.
It doesn't go well.
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Good Boy by DreamDrop
Auguste wouldn't have suspected the turn his life took after his brother came back from France to live with him. Now he couldn't imagine ever going back to the way it was before. Especially not after meeting Nik. Not after experiencing the stunning sub looking up at him and calling him Daddy.
I KNOW. I KNOW WHAT YOU’RE THINKING.THIS PAIRING WORKS HERE. I SWEAR TO GOD IT DOES. Also the porn here is very, very, very hot. Very hot. I think about this at least ten times a month. 
Étude by xlydiadeetz
“The heart has a melody. Once you discover it, there’s no going back.”
Present day, Auguste is dead. The Golden Pianist is gone, and Laurent finds himself completely alone in the world. Haunted by the ghost of the promise he never accomplished, he goes through the stages of grief as he remembers his brother and deals with the return of a high school crush who makes him start to believe once again in the beauty of music.
No words, just pain. Most painful fic of my life. If you’re a Laurent lover this is a MUST READ. No skipping the classics. This is a fandom gem. This is like the Bible but for Capri fans.
Notorious by VeretianStarburst
“You genuinely don’t know who I am, do you?” Laurent asked, tilting his head back to look into Damen’s eyes.
“Should I?”
“I’m rather notorious around here. I have a feeling you’ll find out why soon enough.”
This is so good and the ending was so good and I want more. Mafia AU, baby!
Lose You by Ellies
“I’m pregnant,”
Damen paled as soon as those words left his mouth. Laurent felt vaguely sick himself.
This is or the Incision fans. Hell yes, this fic is INSANELY good. It will keep you on the edge of your seat. It’s SO GOOD.
[this is me trying] by ace_assin9
Aimeric would like to say it wasn’t his fault. What happened. He’d like to, but he’s never been much of a liar. Not unless he’s already spitting mad. Lies don’t formulate themselves like prophecies demanding to be spoken, not like they seem to for the others. He blames the fact that he’s never had to lie. He’s only ever had to hide and hope his parents don’t find him when he fucks up. With five older siblings, it had never been particularly hard.
“Aimeric,” Jord said, haltingly. His shoulders were tense. “D’you think you should see a therapist?”
I Don't Smoke by rmayuscula
He loves Jord, loves him the most. But not enough to let himself be wrecked by him, to be kicked to the curb like a dog, like his parents did to him. To be used by him, like he has been before. He’ll stay here.
“I could wait too. You could come back.”
Everything Leo writes is cool (check out his latest fics btw, he’s DERANGED) bt this fic will always be special to me because it’s the only fic that made me like Jord as a character. YOU NEED TO READ THIS. GIVE AIMERIC A CHANCE. PLEASE. 
all alone by desastrista
Inspired by Green But For a Season. AU - Auguste never discovers Jord and so Jord never joins the Princes Guard. Instead, he finds work at Fortaine, where he is assigned to instruct Lord Guion's fourth son in swordfighting.
Amazing fic. If you’re looking for something that reads like canon and has this tragic feel to it, give this a try. PLEASE. You will NOT be disappointed. Amazing writing.
Works In Progress - Special Mentions:
(Not) Meant For You by Holly_Golightly
With the internet buzzing over Auguste and Damen’s latest fight and Auguste going off the rails a little bit, Laurent was fairly positive now was the worst possible time for him to accidentally send Damen a text meant for his ex. A text asking for sex.
Auguste was going to kill him.
This fic will be my death. I can’t seem to NOT think about it. Auguste in this is so amazingly fucked up. I love him so much. Lamen here are 10/10
All My Words by itallends
Over one quiet summer, Damen becomes enamoured with his son's boyfriend.
UGH my gem, my guilty pleasure, my love. I love this fic even though it leaves me feeling like a gutted fish. Damen is so fucking hot in this. PLEASE READ.
Concordia by Ccainao3
He’d had hope, after those talks, that when the sting of Olympic loss had faded he and Auguste would be able to salvage something of their old friendship. This doesn’t seem likely now. Sorry I gave you a concussion when I checked you is one thing; sorry I beat you out for the gold medal and then had your little brother wear it while I fucked him is another.
Is your fic rec a fic rec if Concordia isn’t in it? GHHHHHHHHGGBJKGJGJGJGJ I hate this author so much, she poisons my brain with her stupidly well written fics and they won’t leave my MIND. Seriously this fic is SO GOOD. Angry Auguste, Protective Damen, Asshole Laurent. ALSO... Erasmus and Damen in this... they’re my OTP even though they’re not together like that in this. 
Pop Stars by silentdescant
Laurent has been famous since he was a preteen, signed to his uncle's label, Regency Records. Damen and Nik front an indie band and signed with Regency for the opportunity to go on a world tour and open for Laurent.
NO WORDS. Groundbreaking. Wonderful. An ode to suffering.
The Firebird Suite by treeprince
Ancel knew the Regent preferred his pets blue-eyed and younger, but he was the best, so he wasn’t too worried that he couldn’t turn the highest head. If nothing else, he knew he’d make a lasting impression and land himself a contract either with someone much more suited to his tastes, or better.
After all, the only person looking out for him was himself, so there wouldn’t be any need to improve his circumstances with his current owner. There was no use in sticking his neck out for those who wouldn’t do the same for him.
WHY WON’T GOD LET ME HAVE GOOD THINGS. WHY. @treeprince just fucking update it’s KILLING ME. Best Berencel fic of 2020-2021-forever.
sanguinary poultice, love charm by Lapin
A different brother dies at Marlas, a king is crowned, and a new prince is born.
In a garden in Patras, Damen meets Laurent.
No, you do NOT understand. Laurent pretends to be a pet and Damen believes it and this fic is literally the most beautiful thing I read all year. You don’t UNDERSTAND. By the time you see this it’ll probably be completed but... Jesus Christ. The chapters are super long and juicy and beautiful. The scene transitions are SEAMLESS. The sex is so fucking good (Canis Major levels of good). PLEASE read this. The writing is so, so, so, so good. DAMEN IS SO OBLIVIOUS AND I LOVE KASTOR’S LITTLE SON. PLEASE, PLEASE READ THIS if you love love and pain and jokes and pining.
Sunblind by Folfar
The sun is in Auguste’s eyes when he dies. It is there when he wakes up, too.
Everyone has read this fic. We all agree it’s the best of the best. MOST ANTICIPATED AUGUSTE FIC EVER. Damen and Auguste bonding. Laurent... well, READ IT. 100000000/10
Wait, did you think I was done? Without mentioning my favorite fic of alll time? Surprise, bitch.
The Mannequin Gallery by marrieddorks
Laurent was still standing at the bookshelf, his fingers grazing the edge of one of the shelves near eye-level, seemingly scanning the array of titles like that was what he was here for. As he slowly walked, following the parallel lines of the shelves, the angle of him changed, allowing Damen to take in the neat way his sweater was tucked into his pants, the way the belt there accentuated the waist that Damen knew was underneath all those layers, the waist that was so slight in comparison with the build of his illusionary-worthy shoulders, the wisps of hair escaping the low ponytail his hair was pulled into, dancing around the elegant column of his neck like a nonexistent necklace, and the ridiculous length of his eyelashes as the, however briefly, rested on the apples of his cheeks for a blink.
“I, however, am not my uncle,” Laurent continued, his fingers hesitating over a well-used copy of 'Il barone rampante' by Italo Calvino. “Because of that, I will not make his mistake in my counter-offer to you.”
“Work for me instead,” Laurent said.
Best fic ever. IT HAS JUST BEEN UPDATED. PLEASE READ IT. Soon we’ll get fake dating and fake kisses that are actually real and I need you to PLEASE READ THIS. I am on my knees. Begging. Crying. Throwing up. Laurent is a model. Damen is an influencer. Together they escape from the Regent lol. Something like that... READ THE FIC.
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anch0ram · 3 years
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Pirate Nicaise feat Aimeric as his cursed companion
Son of a witch, Nicaise was orphaned when his mother was betrayed by a close friend and executed for witchcraft. With nobody else wanting to take care of him and facing the abysmal life on the street, Nicaise accepted the Regent’s offer to come live him  despite having heard the rumours surrounding the high-profiled merchant. 
At fourteen he betrayed the merchant by selling information about his trade schedule to pirates. The betrayal nearly cost him his life when discovered, but somehow Nicaise escaped minus an eye and three fingers. 
His enlistment at the pirate ship L’Enfant Terrible could best be described as cashing in a favour, and jury’s still out on whether he’s more of a bitchy liability than asset to the crew. Luckily for him, the captain doesn’t seem to mind much.
Aimeric was a crew member and traitor. Burdened by the realisation that he betrayed his allies for a man who’d never loved him, he attempted to end his life. However, this was foiled by Nicaise who in a desperate attempt to save mind if not body, bound his soul to the closest living creature. 
Related to a Pirate/Merman Lamen piece I’ll post soon :)
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truestarshine · 3 years
I just finished all three books of the captive prince series, no one asked me but here are my thoughts and (wrong impressions lol):
-Back when this series was being published and the fandom was very popular and active, I saw here and there art for it but I never felt curious enough to check it out, because although I love enemies to to friends to lovers, 'slavery but make it sexy' is not my thing so I kinda forgot about it.
-Until a few days ago that I saw this beautiful art and decided to give it a chance.
-So based on only fanarts and random book quotes on here, like a show/movie you never have watched but know only through gifs you saw on tumblr, so before I read it, I thought that the blond guy was in the past the big guy's slave, and now the blond guy has captured the big guy as revenge.
-I also was kinda spoiled to the big trues™ but since I got the context wrong, I spend ALL the books 100% being Laurent's apologist lmao I was like "why people say that Laurent was cruel and bad to poor Damen, if anything I think Laurent should have treated him worse, he deserved being treated like that for what he did to Laurent." and you know what, after I finished the books and understood what actually happened, I'm glad Laurent never showed remorse for his actions because what Damen actually did was unforgivable (in my eyes at least).
-I'll be honest, I don't hate Damen but he is not my favorite character either, how could he be so smart about war strategies and stuff, but so stupidly blind to the obvious signs that Laurent was a person that was abused and his harsh personality was the result of trying to protect himself on a place where everyone wanted to hurt him one way or another. I feel like the only reason he grew to like Laurent was because he was horny for him, he only saw the exterior he not least than a million of times mentioned how fascinating he finds his gold hair, his fair skin, and his blue eyes, and just nearing the end is where he "realized" how sweet he actually was. dude....
-I was a bit surprised to see that Nicaise and Aimeric were loved characters? I found both very annoying in all honesty. But I won't deny that I felt awful for poor Nicaise, I cried my eyes out reading how upset what happened made Laurent. In the case of Aimeric it felt so satisfying the way Laurent verbally destroyed him, the way I see it, he deserved it. Aimeric was a traitorous little shit that almost got Laurent and everyone (his fellow veretian soldiers and lover included) killed. At least Nicaise was still a child and didn't knew any better, but Aimeric was an adult, he literally got blood on his hands and still continued with the scheme.
-I don't want to sound like a mean goodreads reviewer lol but a pet peeve for me were all the random "big fancy words" that came out of nowhere, I felt like "the blood orange guy" every time I had to stop to search for the meaning of a word.
-But contrary on what I may sound, I enjoyed the story and all their character development, Laurent's transformation from Ice-cold bitch to the person that would risk it all for love™ was very romantic and sweet to witness from Damen's perspective, I will give him that.
-The end was abrupt and disappointing not gonna lie, after all the shit they had to endure to claim their rightfully titles as kings, I would have liked to see that happen Laurent and Damen deserved to have a big and very pretentiously described coronation, pretty fancy words telling us how beautiful these two kings were on the day their kingdoms were painted red and blue celebrating that all in the end was worth it! love and justice won! but oh well, I think maybe the author intention was deliberately not give a "this is the end folks we can all go home now" as not to close the door to a possible new book with new adventures of them.
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