potahun · 3 years
Okay, so we never got the end I guess. But here’s to iconic moments from QCYN3 that really stayed with me, as in, the ones that I will think about again and again :
Li Junhao in the press conference “Involution is...is...it is eh? ?? wait a second .....?! ” *legs keep shaking*
Jony’s “Spiderman spiderman, fsht fsht fsht” audition
Wu Le Bu Zuo! all of it.
First stage evaluation: Li Junhao messes up his lyrics and goes “OH! NOooo” (literally)
Whatever that thing was that Niu Zaizai and Xu Xinchi did for “Bu De Bu Ai” and Pan Weibo being like...u know what. go for it. take that song as yours. do what makes you happy. even if it’s fucking weird
Sun Yihang’s breakdown backstage after “Sunshine Rainbow White Pony” while Lian Huaiwei, Yan Xi and Cao Yu proceed to film him and laugh 
Impossible to choose one pair only but basically, when they had to pick partners with whom to learn the Theme song (aka everyone gets their love letters read in public)
That one sequence showing the trainees practicing the Theme Song, you know, the one where you see them lose their minds one by one
Niu ZaiZai’s theme song evaluation
Xu Ziwei’s theme song evaluation (“Journey to the West” plays as BGM)
Niu ZaiZai’s first round acceptance speech - aka “what is emotional stability”
Luo Yizhou to Tang Jiuzhou: “Then if I changed, would you pick me...?”
Aikelili’s trash talk to Wei Xingchen. (I think about this one so much you have no idea)
Li Rong Hao: “Xu Ziwei’s dancing is just right. Nothing more, nothing less would incite our explosions of laughter”.
ok a heavy one: Liu Jun’s dance audition. Because it really deserves it.
not heavy: Liu Jun’s rooftop video: “WEEEEEEEIIIII” *voice breaks multiple times*
Chang Huasen demonstrates his special talent by PCB welding through an entire night
Deng Xiaoci and Li Junhao acting Tiny Times: “I cAN TAkE cARE of yOU!?”
Aikelili and Niu ZaiZai’s Oscar-worthy performance of “Huan Zhu Gege”.
Li Junhao and Sun Yihang laugh so much at Luo Yizhou that they hit their heads against each other and go to the hospital
Shi Qi: “STAND BACK. STAAND. BAAACCCKKKKKKK.” Tang Jiuzhou: ?????????? ???
Chen Junhao: “Yezzirrr!”
Thanks for the laughter, QCYN3. 
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青春有你3-艾克里里 210410 — Qiaoben Yutai (Yuta), Xu Ziwei, Liu Guanyou (Neil), Tang Jiuzhou (JOJO), and Aikelili (IKELILI)
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sereiaxz · 3 years
Gonna miss so much Niu Zaizai and Ikelili😔💔
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sinflowerr · 3 years
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Knockoff IKELILI?
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jewelrycollections1 · 5 years
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For Details : Aikelili Couple Lovers Stitching Necklaces 2 Pieces
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爱奇艺青春有你 210403 — Tang Jiuzhou (JOJO), Aikelili (IKELILI), Xu Ziwei, Qiaoben Yutai (Yuta), and Liu Guanyou (Neil)
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青春有你3-钟骏一 210410 — Tang Jiuzhou (JOJO), Zhong Junyi (ONE), Sun Yinghao (Kachine), Chen Yugeng (Crayon), Qiu Danfeng (Chuk), He Derui, and Aikelili (IKELILI)
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爱奇艺青春有你 210414 — Luo Yizhou, Wang Jiachen, Yi Xuan (KINGSTON), Aikelili (IKELILI), and Tang Jiuzhou (JOJO)
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sinflowerr · 3 years
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Knockoff IKELILI KO’d
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sinflowerr · 3 years
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Knockoff IKELILI holds a grudge
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青春有你3-艾克里里 210410 — Aikelili (IKELILI) and Tang Jiuzhou (JOJO)
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爱奇艺青春有你 210409 — Han Jingde (Hans), Deng Xiaoci (Jerome.D), Aikelili (IKELILI), Wang Linkai (Jason.K), Chang Huasen (Waston), Wang Jiachen, Han Ruize, Bai Lu, Du Tianyu (Jacky), Liu Junhao (Kaiden), Liu Jun (Jun Liu), and Zheng Xingyuan
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艾克里里 210702
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青春有你3-艾克里里 210410 — Aikelili (IKELILI) and Chen Junhao (Drcchen)
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sereiaxz · 3 years
Wait who paid money to be in the top 9? What happened?
SJDKDKDK this season was HEAVILY controlled over money. Crayon was supposed to be in top 20 due to the real data that got leaked. Aikelili should have made it into top 35. The fanbase of Xiaoci is way too rich, and he is rich too. Money got into this a lot, and it was heavily manipulated. Explain me how Xiaoci who was in top 9 ONLY DUE TO HIS PERSONALITY in the start could made it into the group AT THE FINAL? Sorry but the dude is not there for his voice, dancing skills or charm in stage. The dude literally has no facial expression at all. How can someone like that can make it? If you have money, you can. When I was in the mass voting for Xingxing a lot of the accounts we bought got used by Xiaoci stans. We had to make everything to get the accounts first instead of them.
Or some other boys, for example Jacky. Explain how he made it into top 20 in such a good position? He was curiously higher, more than Jun Liu and Liang Sen. I didnt even remember his existence bc he hardly got camera time and surprise he was in top 20.
Nanjun should have been in a better rank too. They did so dirty to Nanjun too, who has A BUNCH of international fans and national too, but the poor boy was stuck in 25-26 ALL THE DAMN SEASON. He literally went in a better spot at the final. They didnt show a lot of things of Nanjun and only did him dirty due to his personality.
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