#aight I guess it’s time to pick this back up again
kittlyns · 1 year
Good evening girls. Made an absolute fool of myself @ the sams club today
#basically I was like let me go get snacks for the salon since my mom added me to her membership and I haven't really utilized it yet#got my snacks. was like okay let me get a slice of pizza! thatll be good#order my pizza. they tell me it'll be a 12 minute wait. I say that's fine!! and decide to put my snacks in the car while I wait#get out to my car. get all the snacks in. have one case of dr pepper left. haul it up.#one can fucking explodes and covers my light pink skirt in dr pepper viscera and gore#I now look like I've pissed myself#aight. well I already paid for my pizza so I gotta go back...#clean up as much as two napkins allow me to and head back in#ofc nobody cares but it feels like people are looking. whatever. so what if I pissed myself. grow up.#go to fill up my cup w dr pepper (despite the betrayal). no dr pepper.#dear god why. okay. uhhhhh starry???? i guess!!#take a sip. it tastes like shit. oh well. theyre calling my name now#go pick up my pizza. the cheese is nice and melty and it smells good. :) okay. life is still good!#halfway back to the exit I'm balancing my plate on my arm and and I'm holding the cup claw machine-style#the lid snaps off the fucking cup and it spills a good 1/2 cup (cooking measurements) onto the floor#oh my god why. why why why why why.#okay. we can fix this. it's not a ton. put my cup on table and do a cute little walk of shame back to the napkins#get like 50 napkins and do my goddamn best to clean up my mess. goes fine. okay. time to get the fuck outta here before I do something worse#back at my car. open door. holding cup like normal now. lid pops off again and spills all over my skirt a second time.#why the fuck is this happening to me.#out of rage I put my pizza in the car and dump the rest of the cup out on the pavement. tasted like shit anyways#lady in car next to me watches the whole thing.#yeah you're witnessing mental illness bitch. enjoy.#lost my appetite. pizza is good but I don't even want it now
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genshxn · 1 year
guess who wants to (honkai: star) rail another dragon man. there is also (un)fortunately no (star) railing in this.
written pre 1.3 so i’m making shit up for now. (this is also full of vidyadhara headcanons)
in which you find dan heng unable to sleep, you have an awkward conversation, and then he becomes somewhat dragon-brained. twice.
4.2K words (lmao this is way longer than i meant it to be)
you’re not the trailblazer, just another laddie aboard the express.
btw, i bullshited a good chunk of the dialogue and events, so apologies if this is shite. i might've also committed character vehicular manslaughter, in that he might be ooc. lol fingers crossed it's aight.
part 2’s finally up if you wanna read it here
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despite the quiet of the night, you had drifted from your sleep. it had been painfully light as of recent, leaving you adrift in the shallows while you’d toss and turn for a comfortable position. could you really be blamed though? yes, the looming threat of phantylia had been taken out, and everyone from the express that went aboard the luofu had been reunited after what felt like weeks. but you were still in the thick of an intricate web of chaos. the threats were far from over, not with the stellaron still active. but at least for now, you had enough time in this brief respite to be able to not fucking sleep.
you rolled over. you were more or less itching with restlessness, sighing to yourself quietly over your woes of no sleep. you rose from your mussed bed and hobbled out of the room. it was a quaint little place—where you had stayed when it was just the express crew (minus dan heng), when you'd first met tingyun. after that, everything happened like a landslide. memories of her sudden death quickly boiled their way up. with each step you took, you stamped them back down again.
out in the small hallway, you made your way towards the small courtyard out the back. as you walked past the other rooms, you were a little jealous at the sounds of others sleeping. from mr. yang's and march’s respective rooms was the odd, soft snore. from stelle’s room, there was nothing (which was to be expected, as you often found her out messing with the cycrane systems at night). as you walked past dan heng’s room, you were expecting more silence—which you were of course met with, but also a slitted door. you peered through into the darkness. from the dim hallway light, it seemed he had also tried and failed at sleep if his abandoned, nest-like sheets were anything to go by.
you continued to the courtyard. once you cracked open the door, you were met with an unexpected sight. moonlight caught on the black, silken strands that spilt down his back. a glassy, teal tail coiled around his feet, almost glinting in the light with each of its subtle movements. dan heng, wearing his simple night clothes of old, baggy slacks and a tight, black tank top. his ears twitched as you slid the door open further. when you stepped onto the stone tiles, he cast you an over-shoulder glance—a new habit he’d picked up recently.
"can’t sleep either?" you asked him softly, approaching from behind. 
the only response he gave was a strained groan, dragging a hand over his face.
"i take that as a no, then," you said, moving over to sit in another stool at the small table just next to him. as you went past, his tail wound tighter around the foot of his seat. 
"i take it that it’s the same for you," he muttered in reply, jade eyes cast somewhere on the ground between him and you. 
"yep." you leaned against the table next to you, arm propping up your head. your eyes flickered to his face. "and not because i’ve been up playing gacha games."
he briefly met your gaze, eyebrows quirked in doubt.
"okay, i don’t do it anywhere near as much as stelle." 
"right," he said with the faintest hint of a smile. the tip of his tail twitched in amusement. "her room was very quiet when i walked past, though. perhaps she’s mended her ways." 
"i think she’s out screwing with the cycranes instead, actually." 
"of course she is," he breathed as he raked a hand through his long hair. as you watched it pass through the delicate tresses, you stared intently at his claws. after his initial transformation, to say you were floored was an understatement. perhaps more like you were punched 50,000 feet below sea level. he could really only be described as beautiful, but even that word couldn’t quite capture his ethereality. even when he was as exhausted as he looked now, he still seemed to glow—quite literally, too. his eyes and those horns atop his head shone faintly in the dark. when someone was that pretty, how could one not be reduced to a staring fool? particularly you.  as of recent, you’ve ended up forgetting you’re supposed to actually talk to him when he’s with you. and if you did remember to ever say anything, you’d make a fool of yourself. 
he watched your gaze affixed to his hands. he took one look at them and then wrung them in his lap, looking off to the side with an unreadable emotion in his eyes. 
"ah, i’m sorry—" you began, but he quickly cut you off. 
"it’s fine," he said hurriedly, tail coiling up tighter.
"no, really. i know i’ve been acting pretty weir—" 
"i said it’s fine. please, just leave it." he said again. he unwound himself just a little, but the tense line of his shoulders still had yet to dissipate. his gaze wandered a little more back towards you. "may i ask what’s keeping you up?" 
you weren’t thrilled at the spontaneous topic change, but replied nonetheless. "just about everything, i guess. a lot’s been going on. it’s hard to take any time to rest with a stellaron still effectively looming overhead," you said. "though i could only imagine it’s about that, but tenfold for you, given the whole..." you gestured vaguely to his whole new look. 
he dragged a hand down his face, rubbing his sleepy eyes in the process. "i don’t want to think about the stellaron for now…"
"agreed. shall we put a pin in that topic, then?"
"that would be ideal."
the two of you sat in more silence. you were (only half) guiltily back to staring at his features, eyes running over all parts of him. he seemed to shrink under your gaze, ears and tail twitching with thought. his eyes drifted up to look at you—oh, there was something new. his pupils must dilate or constrict based on what he was looking at. when his eyes met yours, you could have sworn they momentarily expanded, until his eyes flickered away again, waning right back to slits. at the same time, his ears angled themselves down just a touch. 
"a—are you feeling okay?" you asked, tilting your head a little. he made a small groan and shelled further into himself. you didn’t think you had ever seen him that tense. "hey, look at me. are you alright?" your voice was as soft as you could make it. you tried to reach out to the arm he had leaning on the table, but it was in vain. he inched away moments before contact.
"i—" his tail-tip continued to flicker with apprehension. 
"well, something else is definitely bothering you. can you talk to me about it?"
"m-must i?" he was almost hiding his face.
"only if you want to," you shuffled yourself a little closer to him. "but if it’s weighing this much on you, it may make you feel a little lighter. so you can sleep. y’know." while you spoke, you gestured somewhat vaguely. ever since his vidyadhara heritage was put on full display, he hadn’t quite been the same as you knew him. he was more tense than usual. on-edge and anxious, preoccupied with his own thoughts, much unlike the down-to-earth dan heng you normally knew. it worried you. he wasn’t even really speaking to mr. yang. with everything that had been going on, you could barely begin to imagine what sort of turmoils he had churning within him. 
"i suppose one thing is that i’m simply not used to this form," he ran a clawed, slender finger up from the base of his horn to the tip. "there’s a strange disparity between feeling like i’ve known myself to be like this my whole existence, but also that i’m suddenly someone i’m not." as he spoke, his voice was quiet. "in a similar vein, it’s like my tail has a mind of its own. look at it," he grumbled while he picked it up into his lap. as he held it bundled in his arms, the tip hung over the side, twitching to and fro. "i’m not trying to make it do that. i can’t control it." he sighed, a slight growl in his throat. 
"wouldn’t it do that because you’ve been so… frazzled, as of recent?" 
"what makes you think that?" 
"um…" how were you supposed to tell him that you only had that theory because you had been constantly stealing glances of him, watching his moods, watching his languid beauty. instead, you thought of some other bullshit answer. "i mean, it’d make sense, wouldn’t it? it’s like cats. their tails twitch when they’re irritated, and i’m sure they can’t quite control it." 
he frowned a little, ears twitching downward. "i’m not a cat," he said, almost with a little pout. 
maybe not, but he was certainly cute like one. "anyway, what you said about your new features…" you began, scratching the back of your head. to your surprise, he looked at you with eyes just a little wider than normal. "i could only imagine how weird it must be for you… who am i kidding, no i couldn’t. it’s probably downright foreign, but you’re dan heng. i’m sure you’ll have it under control in no time." 
with his hands on his knees, he aimlessly grabbed at fistfuls of his loose pants. "you…" he muttered, wetting his lips as he swallowed thickly once again. 
"me?" you echoed quietly.
"forgive me for asking something so asinine, but… what… do you think?" as he muttered out the words, you could have sworn his face was turning a light shade of pink. however, it was hard to tell under only the moon and the dim lights of the courtyard. what you could tell was that his tail-tip was twitching like a bundle of nerves.
you stared at him with owlish eyes. "what do i think of what?" 
"what do you think of… me. as i am now?" 
your breath caught in your throat for a moment as he stared at you with such apprehensive eyes. they were slitted from nerves, but they shone with the moonlight, expectation and most curiously, some sort of hope. "um…"
"i’ve noticed how much you stare at me, yet you said nothing when you first saw me, unlike mr. yang or march. now, you feel almost stilted when you’re with me, like you refuse to address what’s in front of you." 
you swallowed hard at his words. "didn’t stelle also not…" you trailed off. you were doing it again, what he quite literally just said. 
"i’ve spoken to her since then. i’m asking you." he seemed to have regained a little confidence, sitting up straighter and looking at you with the slightest bit more intensity.
now it was your turn to grab at fistfuls of your clothes. you fidgeted with the hem of your shirt as you spoke, heart pounding a mile a minute. "you’ve been truthful with me, so i guess i should too," you muttered. "you, ah, um…" this was really not the direction you thought this conversation would go in. "to be really honest with you, i keep staring because you’re so… pretty."
dan heng sat motionless. if it weren’t for his vidyadhara features, he almost could have gotten away with simply being frozen. upon your words, his eyes widened just a fraction, jade-white pupils dilating. his ears twitched back upwards and his tail fell still. heavy moments of silence passed while you two stared at each other. it seemed like he was waiting for you, so you kept talking. "i didn’t speak much to begin with simply because i was so surprised. i mean, we see you again after so long and there you are, just about the most beautiful thing i’d ever seen, suddenly with the power to split an ocean. after that, i didn’t trust myself to not be weird about you, so i… kind of just refused to say anything." you rubbed the back of your neck, face burning. "but i guess that plan fell flat on its face if you noticed me staring so much." 
once you finished speaking, his gaze fell into his lap, gazing down at his hands that held fistfuls of fabric once again. "but… these powers aren’t me." 
"of course not. they’re not you, only a fraction of the whole you," there was a slight smile on your lips. "are you worried that i don’t see you as dan heng anymore?" 
he made no effort to confirm or deny anything, simply remaining as he was—a blatant yes for him. 
a small smile made its way onto your face. "you’re always going to be one and only dan heng that the whole express—that i—know and love, no matter what other forms you take." you shuffled yourself closer to him once again, now finally able to reach out and brush your thumb over the back of his hand. as you sat there, your face was burning up at your words. did you really have to word it like that? if you really wanted to be honest with him, then yes. 
he was still sat ramrod upright, but a blush now dusted his cheeks and his pupils were blown wide. his tail-tip was back to moving, this time wagging back and forth. he looked between you and your hand on his own, letting out a shaky breath. while he was still as nerve-wrecked as could be, a weight on his shoulders seemed to have been lifted. he looked like he was about to say something, but as soon as he opened his mouth, out came a long yawn. even though he tried to hide it with with his wrist, you still managed to catch a glimpse of his fangs. 
"sorry," he muttered, rubbing one of his eyes. “also, you’re still staring."
"ah, i—i’m sorry, i’ve been acting so weird. i—that habit’s not gonna go away any time soon…" you yanked your hands back into your lap. he looked a little disappointed at the new lack of contact. "anyway, how do you think you’ll sleep now?"
"please do not worry about me. what about yourself?" 
"um…" your heart is still pounding in your throat. "i—i don’t know, to be honest." whatever the answer was, it was bound to be ‘not well’.
"in the past, you’ve come to the archives when you haven’t been able to sleep. you’d place yourself on my bed and then ten minutes later, i’d find you fast asleep." his voice was soft when he spoke, almost with a faint note of mirth. "i wouldn’t mind if you…"
your eyes almost fell out of your head. "hold on, are you really—"
"you’re welcome to sleep next to me, if you’d like." 
"like in your room?" 
"where else?" when he stared at you, there wasn’t much obvious emotion on his face, but at the same time, he seemed so earnest with his tail-tip flicking back and forth happily. 
"but i thought you found it annoying when i did that?" 
"only because you'd wake me in the early hours of the morning. truly, i’ve never been opposed to it."
your face prickled with heat as you raked a hand through your hair. "are you sure you’re completely the same dan heng?" 
"hey." he looked miffed. 
"sorry, sorry." you were just about hiding your face in your hands by this point. "i just thought—" before you could finish, he stood up, long tail unwinding from around the seat. he took two steps and then plucked you off of your own chair. as you yelped in shock, he flopped you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. “hey, what’re you—?!" 
"would you stop being so adamant if i say it will help me sleep too?" 
you gave up drumming on his back, only able to hang in embarrassment as you covered your face. your head may as well have been steaming. "wh—what the fuck is this?" 
he made no reply as he marched you back inside. as he walked, you watched his tail-tip as it was curled upwards, swaying from side to side. his room was close—he opened the door with his foot, stepped in and slid it closed again with his tail. as soon as you were properly enclosed, he placed you onto the bed with unexpected gentleness. in the past, if you were causing trouble, his method of dealing with you was hauling you off somewhere and simply dropping you—now, it was the opposite. you were left dazed in the middle of the sheet-nest, only back to your senses once dan heng got in next to you. but instead of settling down for sleep like you anticipated, he was shuffling about on his knees, rearranging the sheets and pillows so they were in a better formation, according to him. he was even using his tail to smooth out the sheets into circular patterns. 
"are you nesting or something?" you asked, bewildered. 
with no reply, he finally settled down further up against the splayed pillows. "come." he held his arms open for you, but when you made no movement, his tail roped you in instead. you were drawn into his not-very-tight vice grip, trapped in next to him. he held you loosely around the waist with clasped hands, head placed atop your leg where he seemed to be using your side like a pillow. his horns poked into your stomach every time he nuzzled... he was really nuzzling you...
"dan heng, seriously, what’s gotten into you?" 
with only a hum, he ceased his movements and craned his head up, staring at you from behind thick lashes. his pupils were still blown wide open. you couldn’t help but find it mildly foreboding. 
"i don’t understand why you’re… so touchy. i thought you were normally allergic to contact?" 
"is it not enjoyable?" he tilted his head. his fluffy hair flopped in his face with his movement. internally, one part of you was screaming YEEEES and crushing beer cans into your forehead, while the other, larger part of you was just plain screaming. you wanted to bask in this shower of attention, but at the same time, it felt so wrong—like he wasn’t really himself. whatever dragon-brain mindfuckery was going on in his head, it was certainly potent. 
"it’s not that, i just… are you sure you’re thinking straight? or do i need to spell out the situation? because you’ve hauled me back to your bed, made a nest around me and are now cuddling me like a pillow."
dan heng blinked once, twice and then his body went rigid. he pushed himself off of you and leapt to the corner of the bed, crouched with his tail once again wound around him. "wh—what was i…?" he looked down at his hands as if they were soaked in blood. his face was flaring red with a blush. 
"you seemed rather convinced i was something like your treasure hoard for a moment," you said.
upon your words, he sank his head in his hands, and whatever noise he made in embarrassment sounded like a groaning sob. "forgive me, i don’t know what came over me…" 
"some kinda vidyadhara instinct?” it was almost like he was trying to court you. 
"something like that," he muttered from behind his hand that now covered his mouth. his gaze was fixed to a random point before him and his ears were down-turned. "i… i’ve never felt it that strong before."
"wait, you’ve felt it befo—?" right before you could finish, his tail silenced you, thwacking itself against your lips. meanwhile, he was hiding his face again. with the way his shoulders hunched, you were worried—he seemed genuinely distressed. it was a miracle he hadn’t run off somewhere by that point. with a concerned frown, you took his tail in hand and spoke again. "hey, um, this might not help whatsoever, but it was actually… rather nice when you did that." you struggled to look at him. if you called it cute like it was, you’d just be blowing whatever chance you had at keeping him in place. 
he looked over at you, ears perked up. his incredulous eyes went as wide as could be, almost like two moons. a moment passed, and the tail in your hands began to sway. "really?"
"really," you nodded. "it was just shocking to begin with, but i—if you want, you can do it again."
dan heng turned his body to face you, swallowing thickly and trying to meet your gaze. he was stuck dithering for a few moments until he ultimately crashed again, flopping forward until his face was flat on the mattress. "i can’t," he muttered, voice muffled. 
"oh, um, why?" your eyes went wide. 
he turned his face to the side, unable to make a coherent reply beyond a strained, squeaky groan. he was still burning hot with a heavy flush, but it was soon covered by his tail that draped itself over his head. "too embarrassing.” 
a small, light laugh slipped from your lips. he coiled further into himself at the sound of it, but he was soon unwound when you had your hands on him, guiding him back up next to you. he was as stiff as could be when he laid down next to you, gaze cast down the other end of the bed. you tucked a stray lock of long hair behind one of his ears. when your touch grazed past him, his pink-tipped ear twitched wildly, and he buried his face into the pillow beneath him. "why don’t you let me do something? you did say this would help you sleep, didn’t you?"
"while i was practically in a daze. i wasn’t thinking right," he complained, voice once again muffled. "this will only keep me awake, if anything." 
"maybe, we’ll see." as you spoke, you took to running your fingers through his long, silky hair. you gathered it up from behind him and brought it forward, draping it over his shoulder. your fingers glided through as though they were passing through a soft mist, fluid and sleek. before long, as you gradually let your hands drift higher until they would pass over his head, he began to decompress. stuttering, held breaths became steady and soft. his nervous-contorted face was dissipating, and his heavy blush was fading to a simple dusting of pink. 
when his eyes fell closed, you glanced up at his horn. beyond just staring at him, you were also tempting fate with how much you wanted to touch his new features. you couldn’t help it though—humans are such curious, tactile creatures, it was simply in your nature. one hand left his hair, which he barely seemed to notice, and inched its way to his horn that threatened to poke you. finally, your fingertip ghosted its surface. it was as smooth as glass, and just as cool to the touch. in fact, you could almost describe it as silky, like his scales. he twitched under your touch, eyes parting open. his pupils were blown wide open again. 
"ah, i’m sorry, i—" you began, but he soon cut you off. 
"no, keep going." he grabbed your hand and placed it back on his horn. you blinked incredulously for a moment, but soon continued as you were, running your fingertips up and down the glassy blue projections. he closed his eyes again and, making yours widen, his soft breaths were followed by a faint rumbling in his chest—a purr. he really was like a cat. 
a few moments later, you felt something long wind its way around your leg. you looked down. his tail was snaking its way up your leg, until the tip draped itself happily over your lap where it laid swishing from side to side. you fell still in shock when he shuffled his body closer to yours until he laid flush against your side. he laid one of his arms across your chest and reached for your shoulder, pulling you in just a little closer to him. 
"you stopped again." his voice was barely a whisper when he leaned his head in the crook of your neck. one of his horns was cool against the back of your neck. 
"it’s a little hard to do anything when you’re this close," you muttered back. 
"then just stay as you are." he nuzzled about with a yawn. he must have been finally settling down for sleep, but that meant using you as a body pillow. your tail-twined leg was drawn towards him, where he draped his own leg over top of it, caging it in between his calves. 
“d-dan heng…” you tried to say his name as if that would do anything, but he paid you no mind. lost in his hypnagogic trance, he only muttered sweet nothings with his lips against your shoulder.
his voice was barely audible. dragon-brain must have been in full swing, because he finished off with a quiet: “you will be mine one day, my beloved…"
you nearly exploded then and there.
i love me some emotive ears, mm yes.
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frvnkcastles · 1 month
I just know Frank would feel a different type of pride if reader got her nails done and got the color he suggested.😌☝🏼 He’s like “damn she actually took my opinion into consideration”
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Summary: You involve Frank in getting your nails done, much to his surprise and delight.
Warnings: Implied sexual content, mostly just fluff, feminine nicknames, language
Word count: 1k
Author’s note: Okay this was supposed to be just a drabble but it kinda got away from me. Anon, you’re absolutely right, he would be so invested and he’d think about it nonstop for days. This was such a wholesome idea, I hope I made it justice <3
He thought it was so silly that you would ask for his opinion on the matter. You getting your nails done in itself wasn’t silly in the slightest — in fact, he enjoyed seeing you get all dolled up and more importantly, he loved how confident you seemed afterwards. It was obviously important to you, and he went out of his way to encourage it, either by driving you to your appointments or even paying for the whole thing.
But asking for his thoughts? He didn’t know what to say, stunned speechless as you stared at him sweetly and expectantly, genuinely curious as to what he was going to answer. He wasn’t stylish or fashionable at all, and he definitely didn’t understand the first thing about color-coding nor did he stay on top of the latest trends. So, when you wondered what he thought your next nail color should be, he struggled to come up with a response.
”Uh… I dunno, darlin’. Don’t wanna give you the wrong answer”, he replied while scratching the back of his neck, his current task of cooking for you on hold as he watched you smile up at him from across the kitchen counter. He knew exactly what your favorite color was, but he supposed that would have been the obvious, no-effort choice.
You chuckled softly, a little amused by his hesitation. ”There’s no right or wrong answer, baby. I just think it’d be nice to have something you picked for me”, you shrugged, insisting that it was just a very casual thing and not something he needed to start sweating over.
A sheepish smile crossed his lips. He was a big fan of your every-day outfits, the way you did your make-up, and yes, also your nails. He knew it mattered to you, so it meant a lot to him that you wanted to involve him in the process.
”Aight, uh, I’mma go with red. Y’know I fuckin’ love seein’ you in red”, he huffed, riled up at the mere thought. It was true — there was no color he didn’t appreciate on you, but whenever you were dressed in red especially, something in him just came to life in a whole new way. He had shown you his admiration multiple times, occasionally resulting in you being late to wherever you were headed just because he couldn’t keep his hands off of you.
You blushed and nodded, receptive to the idea. ”Red it is. Think you can handle it, Frankie?” you teased, very aware of the effect it would have on him. He played it cool, though.
”Guess we’ll have to see, sweetheart”, he challenged you, grinning in that charming way that made your head spin every time.
After the lunch he had been making for you, it was time for your appointment and he made it his responsibility to drive you there, his hand on your thigh as he steered the car. And when you walked in the salon, he held your hand all the way until he couldn’t anymore, giving a look to your go-to nail artist.
”Take good care of my girl, yeah?” he requested, half-joking even if the look in his eyes was grave. You couldn’t hold back a smile, butterflies in your stomach all thanks to his protectiveness over you.
He spent the whole appointment seated in the small waiting area, and the sight of him was so endearing. He wouldn’t touch any of the magazines available, just sat there with his hands folded in front of him and his eyes scanning the area over and over again. Every now and then his alert stare would land on you, and it cracked his stoic expression each time, a small smile tugging on his lips as he watched you ramble to your nail artist about your week.
When you were finally done, you pranced over to Frank, smiling widely and waving your hands in the air with excitement. His heart swelled at your joy, and he tilted his head at you curiously, waiting to see what kind of a look you ended up with.
When he saw the red on your nails, surprise dawned on his face and his smile dropped — not because he didn’t like it, but because he was just that amazed you had taken his opinion into consideration.
”You went with red?” he asked, eyes wide as he met your gaze, so kind and soft. You didn’t really understand what the big deal was, and a little laugh escaped you.
”Of course, I did. That’s what you said, silly”, you reminded, and nodding to confirm, Frank chuckled quietly.
”Yeah, yeah, I did. Just didn’t think… I dunno, just a lil surprised you thought my opinion was that important”, he tried explaining his own surprise, his eyebrows knitted together as he observed the nails, his hand gently grasping yours. You let him take it all in, tilting your hands back and forth to fully appreciate the shine and the details, and it boosted your ego beyond belief. Your nails were a big part of your appearance, and it felt good that Frank always showed love for them, even if he didn’t entirely get it.
”Your opinion is the most important. And now, every time I look at my nails, I’ll think of you”, you explained shyly. Truly touched by your consideration of him, he looked into your eyes and closed the distance between your lips. The kiss was short and sweet, appropriate for being in public, but he hoped it conveyed just how special this moment was to him. And in case it wasn’t, he was already decided on kissing you a lot more at home.
”I’preciate it, sweetheart. Looks real good”, he praised, taking one last look at your nails. Pride surged in his chest — he would have never wanted to take your independence from you, but he liked feeling like he had some kind of claim you. A part of him was with you now, and while it wasn’t permanent, it was enough for him to feel particularly cocky. He had the best girl by his side, after all.
”My gorgeous girl, goddamn”, he muttered under his breath, finding the red incredibly attractive, and it made you grin.
Surely, he was going to show you just how much he liked it later tonight. And he definitely was going to ride this high for days.
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 5 months
Rebuild & Restore - Chapter 3
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I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
All OC Characters belong to me
Series Masterlist
Melvania furrowed her eyebrows as there was a knock on her front door. She looked at the clock that hung on the wall just above the entryway to her kitchen and set her coffee mug down on the counter as she saw it was just after 7 am. 
“Josh?” She asked her baby brother as she opened the door, shocked to see him at her house so early. “What are you doing here?” 
“We need to talk.” He said gruffly. “Can I come in?” Mel nodded and opened the door wider for him to enter her home. 
“Is everything okay?” She asked as she followed him into the living room and sat down on the couch across from the chair he had sat in. 
“No, not really. It’s about yesterday. With Kiyana.” Mel scoffed and rolled her eyes. 
“I should have known.” She muttered, sitting back and folding her arms. “Lemme guess, princess couldn’t handle hearing the truth so she sent you here to set me straight?” She scoffed again. “She is a whore and I'm not apologizing for saying it Joshua.” 
“That’s the mother of my kids Mel, whether you like it or not, you will not say no shit like that again while my kids are around.Yes, Kiyana fucked Joe.” Josh paused and clenched his fist together, he was still having a hard time dealing with that. “But I had an affair first, aight. I fucked up my marriage not Kiyana.” Mel rolled her eyes at his little speech. 
“To be completely honest baby bro, I could care less. She hurt you and that’s all I care about.” 
“You don’t have to like her, I mean you never did. But what you will do is respect the mother of your nephews.” Josh said as he stood up from her couch and walked out of his sister's house without saying another word to her. 
Next stop, Kiyana’s house..
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“Boys!” Kiyana yelled from the bottom of the steps. “What's taking so long!” She rolled her eyes as all she got back were giggles in response. She playfully glared over at Kairo when he started to giggle in his pack’n’play. “And what so funny?” She teased picking him up just as there was a knock on her front door.  
“Dada!” Kairo squealed, reaching his arms out for Joshua as Kiyana opened the door. 
“What are you doing here?” He handed her the flowers in his hand and took Kairo from here. “Who are these for?” She rolled her eyes at the look he gave her. 
“Who else would they be for? Open it.” She eyed the box warily and opened it, shocked to see it was red roses with the letter K in  white roses. “You like it?” 
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Kiyana nodded, “Yes, thank you.” 
“You welcome ba-” He paused and stopped himself. “You’re welcome Kiyana. I’m sorry for letting Mel run her mouth yesterday and not stopping her.”  Kiyana said nothing and set the flowers down on the console table. 
“What are you doing here?” She asked again and Josh sighed. 
“I wanted to take my family to breakfast.” Kiyana nodded and bit her lip.
“Ok, The boys are already dressed. We were going out with my mom, but I guess they can go with you.” She walked into the living room and Josh followed her, shutting the front door behind him. 
“No, Key. Not just me and the boys, you too.”  Kiyana arched an eyebrow and shook her head. 
“No, that’s not a good idea. We’re div-” 
“Divorced, I know.” He cut her off. “You don’t gotta say that shit every time we see each other.” 
“We’re not family anymore Joshua. You and your family made that perfectly clear yesterday.” Josh set Kairo down in his pack n play and walked closer to Kiyana, who stepped back.  
“I’m sorry Key. I was in my feelings yesterday and I apologize. So please, can we take our sons to breakfast?” 
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 To Samara 👯‍♀️: Need to get this nigga head checked out… From Samara 👯‍♀️: Who? Lol what happened To Samara 👯‍♀️: Joshua, he showed up this morning w/ flowers and apologizing for Mel.  From Samara 👯‍♀️: …. Girl  To Samara 👯‍♀️: And now we’re at breakfast bc he wanted to take his ‘family’ out.  To Samara 👯‍♀️: Oh and he played our song on the way to breakfast and kept looking at me out the corner of his eyes  From Samara 👯‍♀️: not beauty by dru hill, lmao too little to late josh smh
“Who you texting?” Josh asked and Kiyana furrowed her eyebrows. 
“Samara.” He nodded, surprised that she actually answered him. He took a sip of his orange juice and watched as she cut up Kaiden’s waffle for him. 
“Joe’s back in Pensacola.” He blurted out and Kiyana paused her cutting and looked up at him. 
“Okay..” She trailed off with a shrug. “Why are you telling me.?” Why in the hell is he bringing up Joe? She thought and then swallowed hard as she remembered the text message she received last night. 
“Cause we had a deal, Kiyana.” Kiyana tilted her head at Josh. She then looked at he kids and noticed that they were busy on their I-PADS (yes, they’re I-PAD kids… don’t judge her) 
“Josh, we're divorced. I can talk to whoever I want to.”  Josh scoffed and shook his head, 
“I don’t want him around my sons, Kiyana.” She sighed and rubbed her temples, feeling a headache coming on. 
“I do not and will not talk to him. Joshua. Me and Joe have nothing to talk about, okay?” She said, just to get him to shut the hell up. Pleased with her answer, Josh let out a sigh of relief and sent a smile her way. 
“Thank you” Kiyana didn’t say anything back to him, she just sighed and looked out the window, wishing she was anywhere but at that diner. 
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A.N/ Kiyana will forever love Joshua, he was her first everything. She did file for divorce first but no matter what she will always be inlove with him.
🏷️ : @christinabae @southerngirl41 @reci1996 @jeyusos-girl @bemybabiibish
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thelov3lybookworm · 10 months
Remember me? (Part 9)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
Summary: Under the Mountain, Y/n met the High Lord of the Night Court, Rhysand. She was scared of him, but soon she found out that he wasn't who he pretended to be. Despite her efforts at not falling in love with him, she fails. It's not that bad as he loves her back.
But now he's gone, and she's left alone with nothing.
Except for a very adorable reminder of him.
Tw: secret pregnancy, none more that I can think of, so let me know if I need to add anything.
A/n: Aight y'all. This thing contains some heavy themes i guess, so this one can be skipped if you want. this part is basically a filler chapter.
This picks up one month after the last part ended.
Here we go.
Feyre's pov.
Feyre was walking home from her art studio, Nyx hopping along next to her. The day was beautiful, not too bright, not too cloudy. It was a perfect day to go out with her family on a picnic and simply enjoy their company and thank the mother for her blessings.
Or at least it would have been a good day for that if her family hadn't been falling apart.
Rhys had been pulling away more than ever. He had become detached from reality, drinking his days away and being locked up in his office all day. He had become more snappy than ever, yelling and throwing a fit at the smallest inconveniences.
A few days ago, he had punched and cracked a wall because his food was too hot.
Rhys was... he going mad. There was no other was to put it.
He did not want to be talked to, and if he found someone looking at him for longer than a moment, he would snarl like a wild beast. His appearance had also become... worse.
He looked so sick, like he would drop dead at any moment.
A loud gasp drew Feyre from her thoughts, and she looked down to find Nyx staring wide eyed at a spot on the ground nearby.
"Nyx?" Feyre questioned gently, trying to get his attention.
Nyx snatched his hand away from his mother's, sprinting away when Feyre tried to grab his hand again.
"Nyx! What are you doing?"
She followed Nyx, walking briskly behind him. She slowed to a stop when he did, watching as the little boy bent down.
A moment later, he drew up again, a huge, adorable grin on his face.
In his hands was a smooth, white rock. He held it gingerly, both his hands cupped, like holding it too tightly would shatter the beautiful thing.
"Papa would love this mommy."
Her heart melted and shattered at the same time.
But she couldn't bring herself to tell him that Rhys probably wouldn't care, so far lost in his head was he.
"Yes darling, he would love it."
Nyx gave her a toothy grin in return, turning back to the ground as he searched for something. He bent down again, and when he came up this time, he held a smaller rock in his hand and held it out to Feyre.
"This one is for Finnie. I will give it to him when we meet again."
Feyre nodded, plastering on a smile for the sake of her son as she agreed to meeting Fin soon.
But deep down, she knew she wished the two boys never met again. Because there were only two circumstances under which they could meet, and neither were favourable.
The first would be if Y/n returned to the night court, and Feyre knew that wouldn't happen as Y/n didn't want Rhys to mess with her or her son's life ever again.
And the second would be if Feyre left Rhys.
And she wished that it never came to that.
It wasn't that she didn't believe Y/n. At first she hadn't, but then Y/n had showed Feyre her memories, and Feyre had to believe her, no matter how much she wanted it all to be a lie. Because fabricating someone's memories was too hard and even unheard of.
Feyre told herself Rhysand's weird behaviour was only the result of heartbreak, of finding out he had another son all along.
She hoped he would go back to normal, that one day he would wake up and realise how bad his condition had been becoming, how he had been weeping and wasting away for something he could never have and throwing away everything he did have for the illusion of happiness.
As she reached the door of the river house, she wiped away all her thoughts and simply focused on getting Nyx to go to sleep. Or do anything but stay away from his father.
Rhys would probably yell at the little boy if he was in a foul mood, and Feyre simply could not handle watching her son cry.
"Hey Nyx, why don't we make cookies? Would you like that?"
Nyx nodded happily. "Yes mommy. We can do that after I give papa this stone."
"No Nyxie. Can we not give papa the stone later? Or I can give it to him." Feyre offered.
Nyx held the stone away from Feyre, shielding it with his body as he frowned. "No. I will give it to papa."
Before Feyre could try more to convince him, he ran off, climbing the stair as fast as his ittle legs would carry him.
She followed him, making as little noise as possible. Because in the past few weeks, even the littlest noises had been triggering her mate's urge to destroy everything in sight.
"Nyx! Nyx, slow down!" She whispered, frantically reaching for him. He had already reached the landing, and now ran to his father's office.
The door was slightly ajar, and Nyx pushed it open the rest of the way in his haste to give the stone to his father himself.
Feyre reached the door, her heart beating in her throat, just in time to see Nyx reach his hands up, the stone cupped in them, towards Rhys, who was staring down at the little boy, his eyebrows raised.
Rhys took the stone, inspecting it carefully before a nonchalant look crossed his features, and Feyre immediately knew that he was going to throw the rock away and either yell at Nyx or dismiss him entirely.
Feyre didn't want to see her boy sad, and so she reached out with her daemati powers and knocked on the mighty walls of the fortress surrounding Rhys's mind.
He glanced up, irritation evident in his eyes, but he let her speak to him through a small window that he created.
Please don't hurt him. Please pretend.
Rhys cocked his head, and Feyre could practically see the wheels turning in his head, and a sense of dread gripped Feyre when a slow smirk spread across Rhysand's face.
Sure, Feyre. He purred in her mind before he looked down at the little boy, who stared up at his father with a hopeful smile on his face.
"This is beautiful, my boy. Thank you so much." And with that, Rhys pocketed the rock, and Nyx giggled, turning to Feyre with the biggest toothy grin ever.
"Mommy, are we going to make cookies now?"
Before Feyre could respond, Rhysand cut in. "How about you do it with Nuala and Ceridwen? I have an important thing to discuss with mommy."
Nyx nodded, then sprinted away to the stairs, and as Feyre watched him go, the dread coiling around her heart felt like a vise.
"What did you want to talk about?" She asked once Nyx was out of sight, and Rhys gestured at her to come in and lock the door. She did so without questioning him.
The moment the lock clicked shut, Rhys prowled forward, his hands landing on the sides of Feyre's shoulders, caging her in against the door. He leaned down, his hot breath washing over the side of her face as he whispered directly in her ear.
"It's been so long since we've had some alone time," A pause as he began to peel her clothes off of her. "Y/n darling."
Feyre stared at the beams of moonlight across the ceiling, tears running down the sides of her face and into her hair.
She was ashamed and disappointed in herself, and as she curled into a ball on her side, she considered peeling off her skin and setting fire to it.
She sniffled quietly, her mind refusing to think of anything but the past few hours, when Rhys had touched her, worshipped her like he were a devoted male and she a goddess.
Except hers was not the name he chanted in his prayers.
No, it was of his former lover, and for some reason, she had not been able to push him off of her or do anything to let him know she did not want him to touch her while he was lost in the thoughts of another female.
Rhys had wounded Feyre's heart for nearly half the night, and she could do nothing about it.
Worse were the way he'd rubbed salt on her wounds after the whole ordeal, telling her she was nothing compared to her. That Feyre could never be her, and that it really was a waste of time to have pursued Feyre to see if a mate was worth loosing Y/n over when he could have been with Y/n all along.
Every muscle in Feyre's body clenched as she tried to quiet her sobs so as not to wake him as he slept peacefully at her back.
Feyre didn't know what to do.
Slowly, her mind drifted to that day a month ago, when she and Y/n had talked, and Y/n had showed Feyre exactly what Rhys had done to her.
Feyre... you can come with us.
You can live with us.
Look Feyre, you are Nyx's mother. You know what's best for him. If you need time, then take some time. Think about this if you want. But leave him Feyre. He does not deserve you or Nyx.
I can't force you to come with us but... I beg you Feyre. Think about this. And when you are ready, write to me. I will ask Eris to make arrangements for your safe travel to autumn court.
Feyre sniffed, wiping her tears with her palms as her path forward became clearer.
Write to me.
A pen and paper appeared next to the bed on the nightstand, and Feyre picked them both up, scribbling down a quick message and then winnowing it away, hoping her friend was awake and found it.
Though that would be a miracle, as it was quite literally the middle of the night, and not many people stayed up crying over their pathetic lives.
But there was nothing else Feyre could do except hope, because anything else had been stolen away by her mate. The one who was supposed to never harm her.
With one last look at the sleeping form beside her, Feyre stood, gathering all her discarded clothes and pulling them on, trying not to cringe in embarassment.
Then, she grabbed a bag, stuffed all her clothes and Nyx's inside of it, especially all the expensive gowns of hers. She could maybe sell them to make a little extra money.
Just before se left her and Rhysand's room, her gaze snagged on a bundle of money Rhys stored in his drawer, and a plan formed in Feyre's mind, and her lips lifted in a small smirk.
It seemed that the meeting with Fin would happen sooner rather than later.
And that a visit to the bank was necessary.
Taglist: @holb32@awoa1@cleverzonkwombatsludge@luvmoo@we-were-beautiful@eerievixen @zoe2 @fussel9913@j-pendragonx@thesnugglingduck @jesssicapaniagua @devilsnightz@esposadomd @littleffawn @mandowhatnow@bubybubsters@eos-princess@nightless@bigcreatorwombatdreamer @princesslolaasworld @asemkta @cat-or-kitten@txzii @bunnyredgirl @theofficialmadman@leeknows-wife@aria-chikage@amygdtjhddzvb @azriels-mate123 @inky-clover@kemillyfreitas @12358 @justdreamstars @cuethedepession @princessvesta @fides25 @nocasdatsgay@acourtofbatboydreams@stained-glass-eyes0708@glaciuswduo@wallacewillow0773638@cassie6392
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Keep you close! ♡‧₊˚
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⚘ e42!Miles x black!fem!reader
⚘ fluff! use of n word, thats about it
⚘ Summary: Miles and reader go for a walk
⚘ Pretty short so I didnt bother with a wc.
⚘ This has been sitting in my notes for days and was going nowhere so I decided to stop struggling and post it. I didn't edit it besides a lil read over so if theres typos or sumn doesnt make sense, my b
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“Hey, ma, you busy?” You hear from the other side of the phone, after picking up.
“No, and that’s the problem.” you sigh looking to the ceiling, “I think I’ll go on a walk or sumn…”
“At this time of night?”
“Uh, yes?”
You could hear the sound of his jacket shuffling around, “I’ll be at your place in 10 don’t leave without me, aight?”
“Wait-“ and he hung up.
10 minutes go by and just like he said he’s at your door. You shuffle out of your room and open the door wide enough for him to step in.
“I can handle going on a walk by myself, y’know,” you throw out while tying on your shoes.
He shrugs nonchalantly, “Yeah, I’m sure you could knock a nigga out but it don’t hurt that I go with you.” 
Once your done tying your shoelaces, Miles takes your hand in his before sliding both hands into his jacket pocket. You had no end destination in mind, you were willing to go anywhere as long as it wasn’t inside.
After mindlessly walking around in comfortable silence with the occasional fleeting conversation. You could hear a familiar voice down the street but was failing to place where you recognize it. Miles took notice of your concentrated face, as you try to jog your memory.
“What’chu thinking ‘bout?” He asks bumping shoulders with you to grab your attention.
“I think I might know someone down there,” you point with your free hand to the small crowd of people down the street, “Maybe we had a class together…? I guess we’ll see as we walk.”
As you draw nearer you subtly picked up your pace, not really wanting to walk through a crowd of what seemed like people leaving a party. All of them dressed nice, whereas you were dressed the opposite. I just won’t look, You tell yourself being sure to look anywhere but the crowd.
Nearly making it past the group you hear that familiar voice again, “Y/n? Is that you?”
Then it clicked, the girl speaking was in your class last year, Shelby. Y’all got along well and sat together the whole year, she was nice and easy to talk too. So while you weren’t in the mood to socialize you didn’t mind stopping to talk to her a bit. But as the two of you caught up you could see Miles getting flirted with out of the corner of your eye. Shelby followed your line of sight to the boy you kept glancing at.
“Let’s catch up more another another day. Those girls over there can be messy so you might wanna take him and keep going.” she warns.
The girls kept trying to flirt and make advances only to be shut down by Miles with a quick word or step back. You were feeling kinda of bad for him since you knew the only thing keeping him from taking your hand and going back home was that you were catching up with a friend.
“It was good talking to you, Shel.”
 you smile before walking over to Miles taking his hand and giving a sarcastic smile to the girls.
Once the two of you rounded the corner Miles speaks up, “Was fightin for my life back there, bout time you came n rescued me.”
“Aww, I’m sorry,” you giggle, “I’ll be sure to keep you closer when I talk to people.”
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Feel free to leave requests or just talk :)
Thanks for reading!
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olivescales3 · 3 months
The Forgotten Legends of Chima Episode 4
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“My dad really knew what he was talking about. There’s nothing in here”, Eris ruffles up her white feathers in frustration as she picks up everything available to analyze in this small section of a tall shelf.
The piles of paper and files have been growing ever since noon. And even before that, Eris’ voice didn’t stop echoing around the library from morning until now. The sunlight that was hitting our heads is now softer, but still feels like a heat wave is upon us, with the ceiling made out of glass radiating extreme warmth on us. I’m surprised how this hasn’t gone down with fires yet. Cragger is panting, trying to cool himself off, alas, to no avail— his arm’s temperature is hotter than normal, I can sense his scales getting dull from the touch of my paws. Eris, however, seems unbothered by all this heat.
She turns around, giggling a bit, “Guess you guys live in the cooler side of Chima. Just wait for the sun to move away.”
We continue listening to the incessant page-flipping noises. How come we’ve been almost the entire day here, and yet no sign of clues?
“If we don’t find anything soon, I fear that our situation might actually turn for the worse. I might’ve recovered, but this doesn’t mean we don’t have someone behind our backs.”
Eris freezes in place for a brief moment, her beak pointed at the empty shelf. She then turns around, facing the mounts she accumulated throughout the day. They look intimidating for sure; I wouldn’t have the brainpower to absorb— furthermore dissect— all of that information. She’s very dedicated to her goals. Pages upon pages of archived material won’t stop her from spreading them all across the wooden floor. This vast library’s walls are covered with books, but its center is empty; how many books are there, really? After a few minutes of thinking, the eagle calls us to stand besides her, then sits down.
The countless papers describing our sky and starts in detail… Ah, even from the distance I can find studies about the moon!
Eris sighs, perplexed, “So far, the only information I’ve found about the Hundred Year Moon was from anecdotes—”, she picks up a piece of thick, old paper, “and the document my dad previously talked about, like, a week ago”.
Unfortunately, ever since I got myself entangled on the inter-tribal dispute with those crocodiles, my dad started to be more worried with my vulnerability on the outside world… which is something I can’t deny. The incidents related to wolf deaths and the Purple Moon also began to increase, alongside to the strong rise in robbery of Chi— it’s a strange coincidence, too.
“The old piece of document aside, which I’ll try to decipher later— we only have three crucial clues for our mystery: the Purple Moon being linked to wolves going insane, who afterwards go searching for Chi.”
I ask, “Do you mean that the Purple Moon and Chi are somehow linked?”
She nods in response.
“Aight, but… If that’s the case”, Cragger interrupts our conversation, “then why did a lone wolf attack Laval?”
Eris shrugs; perhaps that specific wolf wasn’t affected by it, as they attacked me independently of the others in a premeditated manner.
She proceeds to grab a book, one that is open on a section about the moon. “I’ve been speculating about this for a while now… Chi has a liquid form, doesn’t it?”
I nod; Chi, in a liquid state, can be seen all the time, back at the Sacred Pool of Chi.
“It’s a well known fact— at least inside our Eagle circle— that the common moon shakes the lakes and rivers of Chima”, the bright eagle continues speaking as she looks at me attentively, “but the Sacred Pool of Chi is unaffected by this strange pull.”
The heat begins to die down a bit, enough for our minds to refresh. I have slight difficulties breathing because of the altitude, but it’s the expected. I’m feeling better, at least.
“Chi is normally found in crystal form, Eris.”
“Yes… but!”
She observes once again all of the things she had previously scattered, and focuses on them with her eagle vision. If there’s something unclear to us, then it’s obvious to her. I don’t doubt that a genius like Eris will let us down.
She adds, “ It wouldn’t hurt to test it out. Tomorrow will be Chi’s Giving.”
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Because of the reoccurring incidents, our visits have to be done from inside the lion temple. Lagravis had discussed with his brother on how to let important visitors without risking them being attacked by the wolves— they reached the conclusion that events such as our “Chi’s Giving” can only be executed in the morning, around the time the Sacred Pool of Chi is bright enough like the sky above it.
I observe the blue, liquid Chi inside the pool; it twitches around in small waves, almost freezing at certain areas, which soon sinks then rises to the surface as a crystal.
Those waves… do they react with the Purple Moon?
“What are you looking at, son?”, Dad interrogates me, his worried tone of voice sounds passive aggressive— or that’s what it feels. He’s behind my area of view.
Lagravis kept his body stiff on top of his throne the entire time we waited for our guests. He chose to not budge. I fear for my dad, that anguish has started to consume him whole…
The temperature in the room refreshes a lot, and not even the scorching torches that hang from pillars are able to heat us up properly. It’s much better than whatever went on at the library.
I turn around; Dad’s head lies on his hand as support, and he’s sitting with legs crossed. The tapping noises from his toe echo across the octagonal room, though they blend in against the noises of the Chi waterfall behind my father.
“I’ve been thinking about Chi for a while. Do you believe there’s a reason for the wolves to want it so much?”
He sighs. “One can only speculate, Laval.”
Tall silhouettes appear on the distance, who seem to walk at our direction. A surge of relief falls upon me— I’ve been waiting for this moment, eager even, as Eris might push us forward and give us a boost to end this mess. Then, the clouds of feathers shine through the Chi’s light, revealing themselves as Ewald and his kin. They greet us with a shy hello.
It’s only a few minutes later that someone brings the courage to speak:
“Ah… well, quite complicated, isn’t it?”, Equila stuttered.
His white feathers blend with the blue reflection of the Chi; the light also hit his eyes, which aren’t protected by his goggles.
No one else had the audacity to speak over Lagravis’ silence, but Equila’s words have compelled my father to reply.
“Good morning. Yes, everything thus far has been more than complicated”. The lion king stands still behind the Sacred Pool of Chi, itching his chin nervously. “I hope you understand why I took these measures. It is simply not possible to hold the Chi’s Giving event outdoors. We have to escort Chima’s kings inside the lion temple.”
Ewald bows in agreement without letting his golden wreath fall down to the ground.
Eris and I glance at each other; this is the longest my dad has taken to execute this ceremony. He seems hesitant, his eyes staring down the electric blue liquid. I can see his paws shaking ever so slightly, and his black, shiny lips struggling to open.
I walk next to him and hold his hand; it’s cold and sweaty, kind of like mine sometimes. Lagravis melts a bit, his anxiety tones down. My eagle friend also comes to comfort Dad: she lays her head on his shoulder, then hugs him tight. It’s not we’re supposed to treat a king, but he isn’t bothered by our manners at all.
Ewald chuckles. “I’m sorry—”
“No. Do not apologize. I… needed this.”
Lagravis detaches us off him, proceeding then to kneel to the Sacred Pool of Chi; his muzzle falls near the reserve’s water, appearing as a distorted reflection on the liquid’s surface. Afterwards he raises his arms to honor Mount Cavora above us.
“I, king of the lions, hereby lend you the Chi bestowed by our creator, Mount Cavora. Your tribe shall be blessed by its magnificent power.”
This isn’t even the beginning of the ritual, and yet, the water inside the pool already begins to vibrate with intensity— it sways in huge waves, forming crystals from below. Nature itself is manifesting its power. It intimidates both Eris and I– her eyes glint not in a way it would–, because we’re sure to test whatever it takes to learn about this miracle we call Chi. Some may say it’s a daring move, or that we’re going against nature’s will, but I don’t care—
A surge of uncertainty pierces my heart.
Well… perhaps I do care. But I believe that I’m doing this for Chima, for everyone.
Lagravis continues his speech, while retrieving the crystals, “Please, accept this gift from Mount Cavora. We would be nothing without it.” He marches towards the leader of the Eagle’s Ruling Council. “Use it well, use it wisely.”
Lion guards, including Longtooth and Leonidas, surround them while wielding ceremonial spears, and tilt them, making some kind of ‘tent’ shape. They raise their spears and shout, “For Chima!”, before hitting their polearms on the ground in synchrony.
Usually, music would play. Seems that this event is going to be more discrete than usual.
The lion guards leave, marching outside the temple. Lagravis nods to signal that the event is over. It was quicker than I expected.
Eris waves to me. She blinks, because she knows she’ll see me later. I wave back. They leave.
…A surge of loneliness hits me. Why does all of this feel so… lonely? Before, animals from all tribes would look at us receiving our Chi. They would cheer out of excitement. Now, it’s just us, afraid, in danger. We’re terrified, with no light giving us hope to leave the cave of despair. I can’t understand why would this Purple Moon even happen in the first place, but it’s making our lives miserable. That’s why I want to find a solution; I want to bring peace again, just like a prince would do. Or, I hope to do such a thing. I will not disappoint.
I had seated myself on the first step of the Lion Temple’s entrance, as the scorching sun sizzled on my bruises and made them ache. I kept observing the few clouds that barely did anything to protect my fur; they came and went, just like the hours did. I ended up submerging myself into some kind of weird reality where only the blue sky existed, but it was just me drowning under my boredom. I had waited for Eris, and she came.
“Laval! Hello? Please, get away from the sunlight, you’re going to have a heatstroke!”, my friend scolds me, “You’ve been still for a while, it’s worrying, you know.”
I nod. “Yes… Sorry.”
I didn’t notice it at the time, but she parked her white, shiny Speedor right in front of the stairway. Animals go up and down, avoiding the vehicle that’s blocking their path. A few of them even glance at us, which is understandable, because they’re witnessing two important animals just… staying in the middle of their way. Me almost suffering from a heatstroke is also concerning. Eris hops on her unicycle, and I place myself behind her. As she takes her leave, riding us away from the Lion Temple, she turns to the left.
Our surroundings become drier, the landscape barren and fragile. Eris took a decent path towards the Eagle Spire. I think it’s quite fun to see that tall peak from far away.
She begins to speak, waving her head sideways, “So… you see, I may have just found something important… Actually— it may be just a hunch, but I need to test something out.”
I poke my friend’s back to remind her that she’s driving.
“Sure. What is it?”
She points at the sky, bringing my attention to an almost transparent dark dot. “That might be the Purple Moon. I saw it using my telescope just to make sure.”
“And you’re still not sure?”
“…Yeah— Doesn’t hurt to test it out, though!”
“Test what—”, my voice is cut off by Eris’ sudden speeding.
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A marvelous sight at the Eagle Spire’s helipad greets me. It’s awesome! Eris brought a single Chi crystal with her. It shines bright, spreading light blue across our view.
The eagle observes her Chi up close.
“After the ceremony, my dad told me about the wolf invasion that happened inside your borders. I am sorry for the losses of both the Lion and Wolf Tribe… However, he said that those wolves were after your Chi, and it made me think for a while!”
Eris’ enthusiasm with her research surprises me… How can she keep such a bright spirit amidst the horrors of the Purple Moon?
“I have a tiny speculation… that might crack the code! That’s why I chose to call you under the Purple Moon.”
I ask about her ideas; she raises her voice in excitement.
“The Chi might be influenced by it!”
“Does this mean that you’ll have to use this crystal for your own research? Chi is a scarce resource! Do not!”
She groans. “Do you want more wolves to die?”
I shake my head.
Then, a familiar approaches us. Equila has come to see us, but why? Eris smirks in silence, refusing to utter a word. She giggles a bit before raising her head with a menacing grin. A macabre and suspenseful weight pushes both Equila and I down as we wait for the genius eagle to speak.
At the helipad, our horizon broadens exponentially— I can see the Outlands from here! It’s amazing to see the gray landscape of the Alpine Tundra, where stipples of dull greenery scatter across the surface. Sometimes, if I tilt my head, everything flattens up.
A cold touch pokes my shoulder, catching me off guard. Did I get distracted again?… Eris and her brother stand behind me; Equila’s expression right now has changed into fear, with sweat falling down his slick feathers, an unbelievable face considering how overly happy he was at the time of the last Speedorz Race; his orange goggles can’t be found on him, which reveals a worried and anxious look I’ve never seen on him before. He’s quiet. 
Eris, on the other hand, is excited, chirping underneath her fluffy feathers. She has been holding a Chi crystal between her delicate talons. But then, she hands it to Equila.
“What do you want..?” He shrieks quietly.
Eris has not spoken yet, as she would only chirp merrily; a macabre suspense haunts the air around us, raising anxiety at each breath she takes. The bird looks at her awkward, scared brother, who reciprocates the visual contact. 
“I want you to eat the Chi.”
Equila gasps in response, his beak open wide; this terrifying demand pierced through Equila like a thunder and left him paralyzed from head to toe. It was only seconds later that he managed to sweep away the shock and snatch the crystal from Eris’ talons, placing it behind his back.
“Eris! What went through your head?”, his despair shoots through his screaming voice, “Where did you get that idea from!”
In the blink of an eye, Eris holds herself back but returns to her eager face; her eyelids shine slightly with a faint violet tint of the Purple Moon that’s far away into the sky, hidden in plain sight.
She sighs, “I’ve thought hard about this. I’m not doing a sort of gag— if I understand how the Chi works, we might solve the problems that cause the wolves’ aggressiveness.”
Equila is visibly unable to understand his sister’s words and chooses to not ask any further.
“Your sacrifice won’t go in vain! Please, help us free the Wolf Tribe from suffering.”
“S— sacrifice? I don’t want to die! Eris, I’m begging you, for the Phoenixes’ sake, leave this idea behind. I am not going to swallow a Chi crystal.”
My friend clenches her palms; she frowns her fluffy eyebrows; her patience is reaching its limit. In an outburst, she cries:
“If you won’t, then I will!”
She’s not willing to back down.
I swallow my saliva in anguish. There’s no way she would do that, I thought, but if she’s this determined…
I lay my paw on her tall shoulder. She freezes for an instant. 
Equila’s eyes twitch between the Chi on his grasp and his sister. He has a multitude of choices, but seems to only think of two. And so, with grief… he shoved the Chi down his throat. He flinches in pain, gulping multiple times; he starts to gag uncontrollably afterwards.
Eris stands there, staring at her brother— who once was an extroverted, outgoing eagle— transform into a surge of uncontrollable anguish. As the Chi went down his throat, he choked for a bit— then, a blue, almost ghostic silhouette of his rose from the ground, and it pushed us away with a powerful blow. After that, Equila’s eyes shined like the Chi he had swallowed. He couldn’t hide the pain, wouldn’t stop screeching; his cries have been piercing our eardrums, along with the noises of his nails scratching the helipad’s floor. Tears fell down his face until he was unable to hold himself any longer. It feels like an eternity—
He pounces on me, but lands face first onto the floor. I quickly turn around and run up to Eris, who kept watching everything without moving an inch. Senses come back to her, she pulls me tight to her bulky chest.
The haze leaking from Equila’s beak transitions from blue to purple, and the screams that rise out of his lungs become more and more unbearable.
“Somebody help us, please! Equila, hang in there!”, Eris pleas, her voice blending in with the painful noise underneath. Her panting breath grows louder as she holds me strong in the air.
A flash turns at us, and, in the blink of an eye, we’re inside a jet. My head stumbles itself into a state of shock; all that surrounds me become twisted into a fuzzy mess hurting my brain.
Soon enough, my eyes return to normal, yet I feel light headed. To my side, where the passenger’s door is, I can see ten other jets surrounding the Eagle Spire’s helipad, beaming downwards blue fire to stay afloat in the sky.
“Stay where you are, Equila!”, a deep, breathy voice shouts, “We won’t hurt you— just be still!”
The feral white eagle can be seen clenching himself from afar; he’s really trying to not go against those orders. However, I have a gut feeling that it won’t take too long for Equila to lose his control.
A sudden gust of wind races from Equila’s wings and wobbles the jets, including the one I’m in. At this moment, I turn around and notice that Ewald was the one who saved Eris and I from any further harm. He, the leader of the Eagle’s Ruling Council, put his life on the line for our sake. Right now, he looks horrified. His son has gone into a state of madness because of the Chi.
Eris cries with her hands over her face, “D— dad! I’m sorry! It’s all my fault.”
“What do you mean?”, her father shuddered.
Then, Equila punches his wings around the sky and they push the air at every flap, but it seems like he can’t keep up with the flight— the bright electricity on his body begins to sizzle, and the eagle has become unable to maintain his position. He lands on the Eagle Spire’s ground, exhausted.
When our eagle jet roosts down, Eris pushes the door open and sprints towards her unconscious brother. I follow suit, walking behind her.
The bird’s face rests emotionless, besides the pain felt wrinkles near his eyes. My friend lays her head on his chest; the tears that fall across her feathers would soon hit her brother’s apparently unmoving keel. His wings are spread across the floor, tainted with dust. However, Equila’s body is not stiff; when I lay my fingers on his wrist and press it for a bit, I can feel the blood crossing inside of him.
I smile in tears. “He’s not dead”, I cry.
A navy blue eagle— the one who helped us just now— leaves his flying vehicle. He walks up to Equila and, with a red magnifying monocle, analyzes his every feather.
Ewald whispers, his voice weak, “Eglor… Tell me that my son is alive!”
“Yes, he is. It would be a lie to say that he isn’t!
Eglor pokes Equilas knee, and the tendons jerk in reaction.
“Now, call the paramedics! I can’t help him all by myself”
Both Ewald and Eris screech with every strength their lungs can muster; thereafter, from a faraway building at the Eagle Spire, blue-tinted raptors slide in the air towards us, and four of them seem to hold a stretcher; they quickly come by, laying their golden claws down on the helipad. Equila is placed on top of the stretcher, disappearing alongside the other adults.
For a fleeting moment, I saw Eris' eyes shed tears, but she fled just as fast as the other eagles while mumbling to herself; each step she took was too fast for me to keep up with, and her words got lost in between her despair. I could see her silhouette from afar, getting farther away from me.
She continues to sprint without looking back; one of her talons twist right at the edge of the ground— and Eris has fallen in front of my eyes. As I reach the same edge as she did, my heart starts to punch down my guts. However, she's flying fine— a bit disoriented, I'd say— straight up to the library. I run around the stairs of the mountain, trying to reach the same destination as my friend; they are long and hard to climb for a lion like me, though bearable enough right now; at my top speed, I drift along the stairway a few times and enter the library.
Absurdly tall bookshelves corner me akin to a maze, yet they cannot stop me from overhearing Eris' weeps that echo from left to right. I go through the jungle of books; the sections vary by subject, like religion and geography. Until, something catches my eye: Eris is removing a book from a shelf; her body quivers a lot, shaking the arms without control; she opens the book, trembling, which reveals pages filled with child-like handwriting.
"I— I can't believe! Where is it?" She wails, the sound of flipping papers whispering beneath her tears.
The eagle seems to land on a specific part of the book, one that makes her stop and read; afterwards, she drops it and herself onto the wooden floor.
My soul can't stand looking at Eris like this!
"Eris! Don't worry, I'm here... Please—"
"I almost killed my brother!"
I can’t wipe the image off my mind— Equila��s reaction to the Chi was awful, and I suppose the pain he felt was horrible too. Though… I still don’t understand how this was influenced by the Purple Moon. Is it even a moon? And Equila ate a crystal, instead of drinking a liquid. Anyhow, now’s the perfect time to ask questions. Cragger and I have been waiting for our other friends to come, in hopes of discussing what to do next.
During our time doing nothing, Cragger kept nagging me about what games to play next.
I told him, “We’re in a critical situation right now, Cragger. It’s not safe to play out there!”
But then he got down to his knees and looked at me with big, watery eyes, begging me to race at least once.
“I have cool tricks to show you that Papa taught me! …Pretty please?”
“Okay, okay”, I grunted, “We’ll play later, just promise me to not do anything hasty.”
Well, at least that made my buddy calm down… He’s leaning on the same rock as I am, somewhere in the route between the Lion Temple and the Eagle Spire.
To think that I’ve been frequenting this area quite a bit…
Eris and Worriz arrive on their Speedorz, and we greet them.
“Good to see that you kept your promise, Laval…“, Worriz laughs, “You’ve been keeping a keen eye on this Chi stuff.”
I sigh, “Only keeping a keen eye… Since Eris is the one doing the actual research.”
My fur looks unkempt; I barely had the energy to tidy up, as the recent memories of Equila’s agonies haunted me down to my core— it made my paws tremble, and I needed to hide from Dad whatever happened beforehand by lying through my teeth that I was fine. I’m laying lies after lies; this will not end well. Dark circles cast from underneath my eyes, very much so, to the point where not even makeup could make them less visible.
“What are you going to do next?”, the pup asks Eris, snarking, “You guys are catching up some pace, but are still nowhere. Sacrificing your brother won’t do much.”
She puffs up, frustrated at Worriz’ words. “I’m planning to bring a bucket of Chi where the Purple Moon is near.”
Cragger, who was distracted with the rattling leaves from above, becomes startled with our conversation. “Where is the bucket of Chi? Don’t we just have crystals?”
“Or so you’d think— but I let the Chi simmer on hot water and melt for a long time. Oh, also, I thought that you could take notes with Laval during our experiment. We have to document everything we see... Everything.”
He nods. 
Eris speaks with a melancholic tone of voice, “Great... Let’s go at the West side of Chima tonight, the three of us.”
Worriz huffs while hopping on his Speedor without afterthought and quickly leaves the area. It’s surprising that he spoke so little during our short meeting— perhaps it’s another jab against us? Or is he wimping out like a coward? … Is it my appearance? 
The sky is pitch black, but It doesn’t bother us for the experiment. Instead, this might as well be the ideal scenario for Eris’ plans. From above, the only source of light remains the Purple Moon, and from below– where we are– dances a tiny flame at the eagle’s palm; a torch brightens the liquid Chi inside this bucket on the floor.
“When the moon moves, it might pull the liquid Chi. I made sure to come here when the normal moon was unable to be seen”, says Eris.
I— I can’t believe we’ve come this far. Equila's temporary sacrifice of his well-being showed itself to be the key for our experiment. We will save the wolves, I’m sure of it. If this water sways along with the Purple Moon, Chima will finally have some peace of mind.
I poke Cragger’s shoulder and point upwards. “Are you keeping track of the moon?”
He looks at me, slightly startled, as if I had caught him off guard, then returns his gaze to the bright, cursed sphere that hangs atop the horizon.
I stare deep at the Chi. Adrenaline pushes my heart back and forth. Pencil and paper in hand, my paws shake as sweat begins to crawl down my forehead— I swipe it aside with the back of my wrist as to not let it fall into the bucket. But the liquid wont move.
A sudden force pushes my arm.
“Look! The stars, they’re shinin’.”
At that moment, the Chi shook— it moved!
“Take notes!”, Cragger shouts.
I rapidly push my pencil on the paper and scribble down what I witnessed.
Eris and Cragger rush towards the bucket, observing it with all of their energy. Again, it moved!
Tears slide down Eris’ eyes. Cragger shoves us into a hug. We start to jump around and frolic.
Who could’ve thought that this was so easy, so quick? It’s amazing!
Something hit the bucket; it’s circling on its own circumference. The liquid rocks violently, and it’s pushing the metal object.
The bucket falls down. All of its insides flow out, being absorbed by the grass.
Then, a gust of dust blinds us for a second, before our surroundings tremble. Worse— I can see that a huge stampede runs at our direction.
A piercing agony cuts me in half, hardening my legs like dry clay. I can see the wave of creatures consuming the horizon. They get closer and closer each time I blink.
“Laval, what are you doing? Run!”, Eris screams from the bottom of her lungs.
She pulls me with her hand. I can’t stop looking behind me, even if she’s dragging me away from that crowd.
Loud howls form a symphony of wildness, followed by the percussion of paws running on the ground.
My legs return to their senses and begin moving with my will. I turn around and sprint far away from the stampede, but the darkness of the night engulfs us into a sudden, unpredictable maze. The cracking noises of leaves and branches can’t muffle down the stalking wolves; they get louder by the minute— they might catch us soon.
A sudden pebble gets stuck in between my toes— I loose my balance and trip. I can only feel the leaves breaking under my fall. But something lifts me just after, as it tightly grips my tunic.
I tried to scream, but fear shut my mouth.
And yet, the stampede is behind us. Maybe.
“How’re you this heavy?”
This familiar voice breaks the suspense haunting me. Childlike and brittle… It can only be Cragger!
“Alert! There’s a big tree nearby. Follow me!”
We follow suit the eagle’s words.
An explosion of leaves echo out of our sight.
“I— They’re getting closer!”
Eris’ voice becomes louder than before, "Cragger, please, hold my friend tight!”
He groans, “What do you mean?”, before a gush of wind pushes upwards on us.
Wing flaps can be heard, slow but steady. Worse— it seems that Eris picked us up just by herself! The pressure on my tunic gets stronger, starting to rip part of my clothes, and it worsens with my friends wobbling atop the sky, until I’m finally able to touch on high branches.
My friends proceed to hold themselves onto the tree alongside me. From the looks of it, as I stare downwards at the tree’s roots, the trunk is very, very tall. Weird enough, the branches are long yet sturdy, flowing in whatever direction it can.
The moonlight shines, hitting faintly on these huge, hollow seeds that hang from those branches. They’re not just hollow; they have open holes like doors and windows! Are they houses?
Cragger whimpers, “Eris… Tha’was close! How did you…”
“You just answered me by yourself.”
He sighs.
From below, the rush of wolves pass galloping in a hurry, avoiding us and the tree, but their noise attracts an unexpected rumble at our height too. We hear heavy panting, and it gets louder by the minute.
“Dude!”, the disembodied voice groans, “What in Cavora is going on?”
I look behind me and notice a small gorilla, perhaps a kid even, juggling from branch to branch until he reaches us— up close, his bright markings all across his face feel familiar.
“Ey, Gorzan!”, Cragger greets the child in relief.
“Oh, hi bud. Crocodiles never climb trees.”
Gorzan stares at us, suspicious of why we’re here in the first place. Though, he looks down once more, then analyzes us briefly, before nodding.
“So you guys are also troubled by this mess?…”
“Wait— what do you mean ‘also’? Where were you during all of the past Hundred Year Moon incidents?”
Eris starts to propel herself using an offshoot in an attempt to wrestle the kid, but he remains unfazed. The eagle’s eyes shine with tears— I suppose adrenaline also pumps violently in her, just like it does in me.
“…We stayed home each and every night it crossed our view. We’re not reckless, you know!”
I unwillingly giggle, my voice trembling a bit; now everyone’s attention is directed at me, so I lower my voice.
“Yes… We aren’t reckles… I guess…”
The gorilla laughs loud, swaying himself around. He’s amused, but I’m not. I don’t think my other friends are amused either. But he’s there, kicking his feet on the air, for a minute. Underneath his smile, I can notice he’s slightly nervous. Then, he returns to a calmer stance, hanging with one hand.
"You guys should come with me. My grandpa won't be happy to see us here like this..."
After being led with my friends by Gorzan into his village, we're greeted with faint lights that scatter across the enormous tree they're hanging from. Those lights all come from the houses of the Gorilla Tribe; one of them in particular strikes attention because of its flashy blue paint job. Gorzan points at it, telling us about a little party that was going on in there; it got previously interrupted due to the sudden wolf stampede, followed by our screaming. He proceeds to vocalize and whoop; the other gorillas who remained inside that house reply and wave at us. We swing our way to the party.
As we set our foot inside that abode, a dizzy sensation makes me lose focus; the seed is more hollow than I had imagined, with a lot of empty room, besides a circle of gorillas awaiting for us. One of them, a grayed elder, itches his dry lips before drinking straight from an open coconut.
"Thank you, grandson, for saving the future of Chima...", he bows to the child in relief, "When I heard them, I immediately recognized their voices... An old leader like me can't do much."
Gorzan gives him a massage on the shoulders. "Grizzam, don't worry about it, I brought them here just fine! Let's just relax and party!"
Another tiny gorilla, dressed up with flowers, hands us a handful of coconuts. Her blue skin bears a resemblance to Gorzan's, but her fur is brown.
“Drink it— you’ll feel much better, especially if you did a lot of exercise beforehand!
She crawls up to us, then whispers, “My bro loves coconut water… That’s because it helps you regain the salts you lose when sweating!”
Gorzan blushes in reaction after overhearing our small conversation.
He says, “Don’t mind G'loona, please! My sister's kinda talkative about our lives…”
“But she didn’t say anything special… Oh well, perhaps I do need to drink this more often”, I tilt the fruit at my muzzle and drink the refreshing liquid, “I tend to sweat a lot… Do you Gorzan?”
His face immediately becomes shiny, with water dripping from his forehead. He covers his face in shame and everybody laughs.
Eris starts to dance to the rhythmic clapping of the animals around us; Cragger also joins the fun; everyone chants and sway around eagerly... but me. I look behind, stare at the dead of night, thinking about the bucket of Chi we abandoned. Oh well, I wonder what those wolves did with it. The music bounces around the house— my ears hurt! Eris, however, probably noticed me crouched on the floor; she reaches her hand, inviting me to dance.
Should I?
My legs wobble and I fall back to the ground. She giggles and lifts me up.
"Don't be shy, Laval! I know you can dance."
"Yes... But—"
The gorillas stop their music. Grizzam's pale blue eyes shrink unexpectedly.
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"You heard that?", he utters, "Troops are marching their way here. Gorzan, take care of the unwarranted visitors!"
The grandchild bows before hopping down the house; he descends from branch to branch, until I can't see him well at this height. I crouch again and tilt my ears forward; the silence helps me eavesdrop a husky voice below, then faint metallic noises. Eris sits near me, picking her feathers.
"Hey—", "Calm down..."
"Bring them to me!"
Afterwards, Gorzan comes back, panting and trembling.
"It's... It's the Crocodile Tribe's commander, grandpa! He wants Cragger and Laval!"
My blood runs cold— The commander, he said!
Grizzam coughs. "I suppose someone had to come rescue these children..."
I snap, "But— Why would it have to be the commander-in-chief? What about Cragger's dad! He's the king! Right, Cragger?"
He stays quiet. "I— uhh... I dunno..."
Gorzan pulls our hands, visibly afraid. Cruz— I can't even imagine what that deplorable criminal said to him!
"Guys... We have no choice", he whispers.
Cragger and I are brought down to the earth's level, face to face with the blue, tall, intimidating crocodile and his army. The moon still shines bright, but the purple tint has gone away. Gorzan runs back to the tree, and we're left alone with the crocs.
A medium sized vehicle stands behind Cruz; it's bulky and wide, with a crocodilian mouth open on the front. Cragger is slowly escorted by some guards to the back of that tank, slow enough to be deliberate; I see him distracted, his back facing me.
A blunt force hits my head and all fades to black.
That... horrible, disembodied voice— I know it... I've heard it one too many times. It pierces my skin without remorse. It haunts me, crawls inside my eardrums, spits on me, screams at me.
"And you thought that you could get away from me, brat!"
Cruz' foul breath hurts my eyes; I tear up, and whatever I could barely see is now gone. The humid and airtight room makes me squirm.
"What are you even doing?", I cry.
He pushes my head onto something hard; the pain spreads around the back of my skull. "Making sure you don't get in my way."
"Way of what?"
He hits me again, but I hold myself back from crying. "What do you have to do with the wolves?"
A finger shoves itself onto my muzzle; it pulls my mouth upwards, then snaps it back to place.
"You rat— Why should I tell you anything?" He stays silent for a moment, breathing heavily. "It doesn't matter anymore. I got what I wanted; you'll see it soon when I kill your entire family!"
No— not my family!
Chains rustle as I shake my body, trying to free myself. Cruz laughs with a raspy, sadistic cackle, before wet steps begin to hide his voice: "The Crocodile 'king' has a huge storm coming for him... Hah!"
Dead silence.
Here I am, once again caught in between these chains, hidden by the shadows of a selfish commander. 
"If someone tried to attack us, we'd have no choice but to defend ourselves", the words of my uncle echo in mind.
While I am left here to rot, Cruz will, without a doubt, start war against my tribe. Perhaps... kidnapping me was the plan, to avoid the wolves from being saved, to continue this disaster and take advantage of it? Stir violence from violence? Meanwhile, where is Crominus? He's the one in charge; where is he in a fragile moment like this! 
I stare down at my stiff, tightly held body; the strength of those chains begin to hurt my bones. An anguished sigh leaves my throat.
If I recall properly... Cragger didn't know where his dad was, right? I wouldn't be surprised if my Dad summoned him because of Cruz' actions. But it doesn't make sense for Cruz to be left alone and do what he wants!
Sudden noises– of what sound like sparks– burst around the surface; I hold my breath and listen to them, but they're interrupted by faraway screaming; it's followed by dashing steps that get stronger by the second, alongside a torch I see, being held by Crawley. He enters the cave, looks around, then whispers: "Dang it! Cruz has to stop drifting away from my plans!". When he noticed that I listened to it all, he gives me an ugly look, akin to a threat, and leaves the place.
"Troops, to the entrance! Go!", Cruz' orders manage to get inside my eardrums.
Noises of metallic weaponry clanging and banging around follow suit, but one seems to direct itself inside the cave. A tall brown crocodile, with a metal lower jaw, rises from the depths holding a torch.
The crocodile moves behind me and begins to melt down the chains holding me; the dampness of this cave makes them sizzle ever so slightly, as fire appears within my view.
“W– what are you doing!”, I cough blood.
Suddenly, the chains fall free onto the muddy floor, but I’m held by unbelievably huge, muscular arms.
“Silence”, he whispers, “They’ll catch us if you make any noise.”
The stranger hugs me tight before running away; I cannot see properly for I have been tied up longer than anything in my life; though I lost track of time, the light quickly blinds me in a matter of what feels like minutes, and deafening noises of heavy vehicle tracks invade my unrecognizable surroundings.
Even if my senses are adrift, I will always find my way— unfortunate, however, the stench of blood floats on the atmosphere; rich and metallic— a smell that I am too familiar with.
I cry, “The gore… It’s sickening…”
The crocodile’s heart beat shoots fast.
“Crug, you insolent swine! Go to the battlefield like I ordered you to!”, Cruz’ orders echo from afar.
Crug rubs my eyes, helping me regain my sight. He pets my tiny little mane and leaves me behind, hidden besides a tall tree, whose roots rise of the ground with very good shade. I hide underneath it, then stare at the mud on my legs and arms. Ugh.
And so I dive myself into the mud, hoping that my adrenaline stink becomes less noticeable.
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Ugly screams of agony shake the ground, mixed with thuds of dead bodies being shot with Chi lasers, metals clanging, blood splattering. I could not interfere. Neither could I help. I'm left to rot here, and if I leave, I will die! Oh Mount Cavora— I had a hunch that Cruz was indeed plotting something... And he did! Outside of the Crocodile's Swamp Hideout is a battlefield!
Underneath all of the noise, a firm voice passionately screams far away: "Give my nephew back to me, heinous criminal! You will never be king, speaking as the brother of one! You are nothing but—"
A heavy gunshot silences Lavertus.
"I will run over all of your lions! Crominus is no longer with us— I, the commander of this tribe's army, have become the Crocodile Tribe's only ruler!", other gunshots ensue, followed by painstaking roars of demise, "Your nephew keeps meddling in my business; I'll take care of him just like I did with those soldiers!"
Crocodile soldiers bellow in pain; I close my ears in reaction. My body shakes in fear, as sweat surges from my skin.
No... First the wolves, now the crocodiles... No... Cragger— Oh Cragger, I'm sorry, I hope you're alright...
Lavertus groans, "Crominus... Crun— They're at the Eagle Spire, and you pounced at the moment they left because of the Purple Moon! You coward!"
I shut my muzzle shortly after, as to not gasp. My heartbeat loses all rhythm and goes out of control. Tears cascade down, burning my eyes.
Everything around me becomes bleached of color in a sudden— these wooden walls that surround the Crocodile's Swamp Hideout curl into an oddly familiar shape, similar to the Coliseum; it's like I'm watching a Speedor Race from above, as the tiniest of ants spiral, until a crocodilian mount of dirt rises from the ground, holding a gun.
Its eyes shine bright, like amber.
"The wolves, Laval... They don't know it yet!", it screeches into a macabre laugh, "It's too late. Give up."
In a fraction of a second, the entire scenario dissolves, revealing Lennox in front of the hideout's now burnt down walls. He pulls me away from underneath the tree, and, while he runs to somewhere, my eyes begin to lose their senses.
"Laval! Oh, please...", Lavertus' voice is swallowed by the never-ending cries of misery, as I fall asleep within someone's grasp.
I start shoving my face onto the bed's pillow with strength— it becomes stained with warm tears and mucus. I cry, scream, muffling down my voice on the cushion.
"Why, why? I'm useless! Oh Mount Cavora— ever since that sinister wolf hurt me, everyone's lives have been falling apart. I tried all I could, but it always ends up unfolding into something terrible. Wolves are being killed everyday, and now we got crocodiles trying to take advantage of this for power!"
My tail, whipping sideways, hits something— then it gets grabbed and pulled around! Ouch! And so I turn around.
It was Furty who picked my tail; but as I stare at his body, I notice the stiffness of his bright orange fur; his tan raggedy clothes are covered in dirt and grass. The fox’s quaking in place, kneeling in front of my bed, clenching his hands as if begging.
“Please, Laval, hear me out!”, he whimpers, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, but please give me one chance!”
“W— what is it? How did you even get in here? Guar—“, I tried to scream, but he shut my muzzle shortly after.
Furty lets me go, then wipes the tears off his eyes. “I betrayed you, okay? I told them about your plan. They went after you. It was my fault! But it was at that moment where things escalated— I had to run away! But they found me and threatened to kill me if I…”
 His cries start to become too loud, so I shut his muzzle for a second.
 “You… were involved with Cruz?”
“Yes! I thought he was some… crazy, overenthusiastic croc, but he’s actually doing it! His plan… He told me that if I snitched, he’d kill me. I don’t want to go back. I am the last of my kind— and I am done for!”, he cries on my bedsheet.
 “You sneaky— Argh! Guards!”
Furty grabs my cold hands in despair; his dry paw pads uncomfortably itch my skin. He moans in fear. “No! If your guards catch me, they’ll kick me out! Don’t you understand?”
He looks at me with very, very wet eyes. It is a life or death situation for him— it must feel horrible to be the last fox, with his impending doom right behind the door. I don’t want to be responsible for anyone’s death… No… He put my life at risk, but I would never want to do the same… 
 “I need refuge. Please.”
I sigh, hiding the pain of my voice, “Look… I’ll try to save you, Furtivo. But you will have to promise me two things!”
His ears raise.
“First, you’ll have to tell my dad everything you know, spoke and heard about this; and you will never, under any circumstance, meddle yourself in crime! I will call the guards and you’ll be imprisoned— then, you’ll soon be interrogated by my dad and kept behind bars for your own safety.”
Before the fox could do anything, Longtooth gently opens the door, catching him on sight; to my surprise, I'm able to get out of bed and walk to the bodyguard. He looks at me with a worried expression, but he's understanding of Furty's presence; the lion pets Furty's orange fur and wipes away his tears. Of course, it was only a matter of time for that cunning youngling to be arrested. He better explain everything he knows about Cruz and the wolves... If he wants to be forgiven by those around him...
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The leaders from each and every tribe of Chima have reunited to discuss about the reoccurring issues of the Purple Moon. Not only that, but—
"The commander-in-chief of your tribe has attempted to overthrow your ruling", Dad speaks with an assertive tone of voice that echoes within the lion temple, "Explain yourself, Crominus."
I tug on my father's leather skirt, afraid. Cragger... I am so afraid for you...
"Your Majesty, I went to visit the Eagle Spire with my wife and children— we had important matters to solve with the Eagles, right, Crunket?"
She, queen of the crocodiles, remains silent, without budging any of the pale green scales of her lips. Her moist pink dress flows stiff as she pinches it in inquietude.
He continues, "The wolves began to advance into our territory each Purple Moon. Their power is... Uncontrollable. The walls protecting the Crocodile's Swamp Hideout might not be enough. I had to consult Ewald for help— his tribe has the technology, after all."
Ewald picks on dead skin of his talons. "Exactly that, Your Majesty! But we're at a tough place right now. As I've said before, we have almost nothing about the Purple Moon. My daughter found extremely crucial clues, though they're not enough..."
Dad sighs, tapping the index finger on his arm. Those words don't seem to convince him of anything...
"You're drifting away from the point, Crominus. The captain you chose was not a trustworthy one; he kidnapped and tortured my son multiple times! I can't imagine how you weren't able to crack down on this sooner."
The crocodile king tries to speak, but his words are run over by those of my father, who gives Furty his turn to speak. Lagravis' menacing stare pieces through the poor teenager, whose face has become expressionless with dread. He laughs a bit, shaking.
"Ah, Lagravis— I mean, Your Majesty... It is of—"
 Dad roars, "Do not play with me! Be honest and direct or face a father's wrath!"
 Furtivo audibly gulps, "Yikes! Sorry— I first saw Cruz at the swamp... He was gnarling at Crawley— you know the one, who shot a bullet during the Speedor Race— about kicking Crominus out of power. His tirade was so absurd that I had to butt in... I swear to Mount Cavora, I didn't know he had that much power!
His breath runs short with saliva dripping from his muzzle down to his tan raggedy clothes. "He kind of hired me as his personal spy... But it was only at the moment where he began to manipulate the wolves that a red flag rose, especially with whatever happened after the Speedor Race. I couldn't back away as he had threatened my life when I did so."
I hide behind Lagravis' back, holding myself from tears. All of this can't be a ruse, the Chi moved along the Purple Moon, how could that crocodile even control such a raw item of nature?
"Furtivo, are you implying that the wolf attacks against my son have a correlation with Cruz' actions?"
"Yes, sir."
"Argh!", Lagravis screams as he hits the hilts of his throne, "I should have summoned the wolf elders. Was Wakz right all along? Is Wilhurt on the loose?"
"I... am afraid so, almighty king of the lions."
Taglist: @fenth-eiria @harleyacoincidence @awleeofficial @eldritchx @tigeryasou @shadow-of-tea-and-tea @the-lesbian-demon-queen1 @nexusofdomains
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mysadblacksoul · 4 months
Let's talk about Clancy, eh? (plus the livestream)
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So I'm watching the livestream (the vod) and I decided to share my opinions about each songs!
without the first 4 singles
But tbh I think I'm an Overcompensate girly, that before hearing the rest of this album this is my top 1
With Backslide as a close second
Wait why should I increase my volume
Oh that's why
It was a trap
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Okay Midwest Indigo, let's go I'm so ready
What an outfit Mr Joseph
Omg it's so bouncy
I love the shouty lyrics
This MV is so goofy what the hell
Okay so it's so happy, so funky I love it!
The drums make want to do a lil dance
Hope the next one won't be sad
Yes Tyler, this song will go so hard live, I agree
And yes, put Josh on the mic!
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Routines In The Night everybody
Oh so it's the rap one?
It's much less bouncy, but I can still tap my leg to it so I'm fine
You think that this is like the sister song to Ode To Sleep?
The chorous is so catchy what the hell
Yes! Give me those adlibs!
The dances, the visuals, the face card that never declines
What is he eating for Lord's sake
I can't pay attention to the songs when every time one ends those fools pop up on my screen again lol
"not every video is gonna be lore based" my ass
Wait so Routines is not lore oriented? But I see so many references :((((((
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So it's a crowd's favourite? Aight
Oh it sound so nostalgic
More rap? okay, okay
Omg the vocals????
It's so different, like I can't predict where are we going with the beat
The bridge is so out of place but so in place???
What is going on
No but I see why they like it, for sure
God I love all the Joshes in the MVs
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So Jenna's version will have another MV?
Sounds fun!
Oh it's soft version
So this is a fanmade mv for Jenna, how cute
No for real it is emotional, but in the best way possible
This version is filled with so much love, I can't even explain
The flashbacks to the young dudes? I might cry too
Yeah I se the vision. Like The Craving does feel more "right" played on the ukulele. It gives it much more emotion!
Now you just bully him lol. Tyler has two hands to hold two ukuleles, this is lore guys
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Lavish whoo!
Before we start why the hell is the title of this song the only one written in different font in the lyric sheet in the CD, huh?
O damn man in black, get it I guess
The vocals are so dreamy, so different
Another leg mover
Why all of this songs are so catchy are you putting crack in it or what
It's also very chill so far
I also really like the use of the strings, it makes the song more full!
It kind of sounds like a movie soundtrack? Or is it just the MV that makes it feel this way
The silliest MV so far lmao
And seeing the amount of work that went into it makes it even better
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And now Navigating!
I have to stop myself from looking for lore
I'm 3 seconds in, why it already sounds like a bop
This might be my new favourite song from this album
The electric guitar? With the synth? 11/10
The chorous is so amazing, simply
Will the bridge be sad or will he scream
Oh come through with this bass
Where did he go irl lmao
No for real it might be my favourite now, sorry Overcompensate
The Bandito one is the real one, write that down
What the hell Tyler, we have such a different taste then
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Snap Back let's go!
What is going on
I'm like a second in
Oh no, it's broken
Instead of Snap Back premiere we have the premiere of Next Semester (ukulele version)
I'm not mad at all
Okay, let's go for real this time
Oh it's so dreamy
So this is the MV with head shaving lmao
BACKSLIDE, I heard that everyone
The drums are really shining on that song
And I love the contrast between low tone verses and more melodic, high alibs in chorous
The bridge seems sad I fear
Or are we picking up the tempo?
Nah we are putting more adlibs now!
Even better
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Oldies station better be nostalgic
And quick question before we start, what the hell did you do to Josh?
Is this ballad?
Soft, fun and with funky vocals!
The lyrics are so beautiful, god
Omg Josh lmao
What a contrast to the song lol
Oh we are switching
I don't know how to justify it, but it feels like such a twenty one pilots song
Like it just makes sense for them to make it
I really like it
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Honestly At The Risk Of Feeling Dumb sounds silly from the start
So is the MV
I really like the rollercoaster of the vocals. They are kind of all over the place, but still makes a lot of sense
It's the beat drop on the "drop"
Oh rap some more sure!
Why does he want to fight in every MV
Very fun, very chill and then you have the post chorous that are hard hitting
Love the contrast
Am I crazy or did they use kalimba in the end? I might be wrong tho
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That's so sad that we are already finishing
One last track
Paladin Strait whoo!
I'm afraid that this one will be the sad one
The tears producer
The heart clencher
The ukulele strikes back
Love those low vocals
It's a song to sway this time
The drums strikes back
I don't know why it kind of sounds like the end of the western movie. Like after the good ending the cowboy is walking towards the sun, you see my vision?
This song is full of hope, so amazing
God the lyrics sounds like Clancy is finaly free
I might cry
It sounds like good ending to the trilogy
So it feels like a scam
It's too good to be true
But I don't know, maybe after all the ending of this story is good for all of us
What, is the silence in the official audio or is it just the end of the livestream
wait guys no
Now I need the MV to see what the hell is going on
The End
Nah, I'm not leaving you like this
I still think that Navigating is my fav from the new songs
But I'm gonna go listen to the album some more and then decide for sure
It's a good mix of everything, very twenty one pilots style
I just wished for more rage and screaming, but we need to be calm sometimes, I get it
There isn't a song that I don't like, that's for sure
So yeah! This are my feelings, thoughts (and prayers)
Give me your favourite song in the comments!
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carsonian · 1 year
Steve/Tony fic recs | theme: "SOFT"
I've read a decent number of SteveTony fics and I wanted to give an indecent amount of love back to the writers who put out such gawrjus pieces. The theme for this list is "SOFT" in capital letters because it's not your average erectile-dysfunction soft but some real silk-scarf soft shit. You know, the classics: the diabetic stuff, the ooey-gooey stuff, the puddle of feelings stuff...
Now I don't want NOBODY saying, girl, I've read that, are you being for real? Because guess what? I am always being for real and these fics are real, and you can always re-read them. So spread the love. Respect!
"There's an App for That" by Annie D (scaramouche) (@no-gorms) - I know you're looking at me and saying, aight look Carsonian, whatchu takin me for? You think I'm some greenhorn mark to put down a flag for SteveTony witout cracking Annie D's stash three times whole? Well, to that I raise: my glass. Cuz samesies. But truuuuust me, this fic is worth the re-read. It is a stroke of genuine AU brilliance that doesn't get the hype it deserves (a billion kudos of hype pls!). Super solid set-up, refreshingly quick lines, the kind of easygoing falling together that is just jazzy to relish. This fic is like a date with an almond huddled inside. Sweet and mushy but with a surprisingly solid bite at its core. Summary goes:
Thanks to the modern gig economy, Steve is the successful owner of a break-up service, i.e. people pay him to break up with their partners for them. One day, he gets the first break-up request for Tony Stark.
😏 Uh-huh. Oh okay. Meet-awkwuuurd time. J.A.R.V.I.S., cue up "Start of Something New" by HSM. 😏
"The First Time I Went Dancing Sober" by schemingreader - This fic is like good wine; it ages like a beauty. This month will make it ten (10!!!) years since it was published but by God does it hold up. It holds me up. Like a firm but comfortable back brace. Summary goes:
Steve Rogers is a great physical therapist who works with sick kids. Tony Stark is a damaged biotech engineering genius who really wants to be one of the good guys.
You.... you know the vibes, don't you? You--uh, you catch the flow? Yeah, you do. C'mon, read this fic and give me a hug, brother. I'll clasp you close and whisper homoerotic sweet-nothings into your ear while we hug, partner. It'll be silly romantic, bro.
"we pick ourselves undone" by laramara (@commandersteverogers) - Another old-but-gold fic. Hang on, read the summary first:
It might appear that award-winning surgeon Tony Stark, the head of neurosurgery at Shield Hospital, well and truly has his life together. Now if he could only figure out how to tell people that his father, world class neurosurgeon Howard Stark, is locked away in a nursing home with Alzheimer’s, devise a way to get Chief Fury off his back for good, and work out what the hell he’s going to do about the weird on-again-off-again thing he has going with the head of cardio, he’d finally have everything sorted.
Now that's what I'm motherfucking talking about. This fic is also ten years old et voilà: a certified historical moment. When I first read this, I thought about quitting fic writing; it's that good. And then I re-read it and life was okay again. Tee El Dee Arr: I want to give this fic a smooch on the mouth and a sincere insurance plan.
"for better or for worse" by earliebirb (@earliebirb) - This is the fic you re-read when you want to remember why you're into Steve/Tony. It's iddy, it's tender, it's achey but beyond all a that, it's SOFT. Soft like whipped cream. Soft like a vanilla ice cream milkshake. Soft like Tony's tush and Steve's tits. R-E-S-P-E-C-T! Summary goes:
Sitting quietly like this, Tony can almost pretend that nothing has happened, that this is just another normal day of Steve waking up in bed next to him. Married and in love with no threat of divorce looming on the horizon. Of course, that is before he catches sight of Steve’s bereft ring finger. He wonders how long it has been since Steve’s ring finger is empty. He wonders if he should start taking off his own, too. He wonders if Steve wants him to take it off.
I know, I know, you're going: Carsonian, wyot the hell, this sounds like angsty stuff. Shhh. Shhhhh. Shhh. I'll get my hand off your mouth just as soon as you start listening. Sport, this is the ooey-gooey stuff. All of the angst is the hot chocolate fudge. It's what makes the milkshake so bloody damn good. Now get da fuck outta here and read this fic!!! Or re-read this fic!!! It's worth it! (Just like Steve & Tony's relationship in the fic, shhh no spoilers.)
Warmest and Brightest by ishipallthings (@ishipallthings) - Naww shuddup I don't want to hear any accusations of favouritism. Yeah I think Jen is aces, but I'm not speaking from a place of bias when I say her fics are aces too. It has been scientifically proven. By Tony. And me. Here's the source. Also, I read this WAYYYY back when, and put it down in my list as "sitcom/hallmark set up with stevetony charm". So if you're into that, you know what to do. And if you're not into that, get da fuck outta here!!! You can not NOT be into that. Okay but if you're seriously not into that, no judgement. Okay, a little judgement. With 100% love. Summary goes:
It’s Christmas Eve, and Tony’s supposed to be getting decorations ready for his and Rhodey’s Christmas bash in their new apartment. Instead, he’s stuck in an elevator with the hot guy from 12A Steve, who doesn’t seem to be in much of a festive mood. It turns out to be a bit of a holiday miracle.
Y'know what else is a miracle? How I got through this fic without kicking my feet up like a gleeful teen in a 2000s romcom. Y'know what else? I totally didn't get through this fic without doing that. Maybe the miracle is in the friends we made along the way 🧑‍🤝‍🧑(that's me n u, babey, holding hands as we watch Steve and Tony debate superior rom-coms into a relationship).
"One Last Christmas" by Captain_Panda - Speakin' of Xmas miracles, here's another fic that is super soft and set during the Christmas holiday period. And YEAH I'll admit it FINE FINE. I'm deffo playing favourites here....but as we all know, I am a Captain_Panda fan first 😤❗, a SteveTony fic enthusiast second. Respect!!! Summary goes:
You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch. The year is 2012. Cuddly-as-a-cactus Tony Stark is throwing a Christmas party for his fellow Avengers. It's all going really well--except for Tony, who is quietly succumbing to his own demons.
You see how the summary says "cuddly-as-a-cactus"? Well, it don't matter because the fic will cuddle you anyway. Tony gets cuddles, we get cuddles, the world gets a cuddle. It's all cuddles in here and you best believe I'm weeping at the slumber party. In this fic, the world is soft and rough-edged and love is worth losing for. It's beautiful. Gawly I'm weeping again. Last time I read this fic, I wrote this in my comment and it still holds true.
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And that's all she w"rec"ked!
Go forth: SteveTony lovers, fuckers, ambassadors, champions, perverts, freaks, losers, dreamers, legends! Read, re-read, kudo, comment, spread legs and spread love.
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this was supposed to be longer but i got tired (and realized maybe this wasn't such a good idea) so i kinda bs'd this to just finish it up. sorry it doesn't look all that good lol
transcript of my shitty handwriting + more rambling under cut
panel 1:
len: rin, just leave him—
rin: NO! i'm not going to give up now—
len: i know you're upset, but all you're doing is—
panel 2:
rin: i know he still remembers, he has to...
panel 3:
rin: kaito-san, it's me; rin. you tried singing one of len and i's songs the other day. you got the melody right, remember? meiko-san's birthday is soon. remember her? a few weeks ago you said you needed to buy her a present. what were you going to get her? do you remember? tell me.
aight yea so this is what yall get for picking that ❄️📺❔🕚💾🪦 option on the poll (which btw was related to this drawing)
i'll just keep it simple: basically kaito gets dementia (or i guess the robot equivalent of it??). yeah.
not sure if this takes place on the cusp of v3 happening and just this specific kaito v1 module was unable to be updated for some reason? or if they're all still stuck in v2 and v3 hasn't happened yet/will not happen for a while... but i do know its def before v4 happened, so people like fukase and una don't exist yet
anyways though as you might expect, it pretty much sucks all around for everyone involved. not just the other 5 cryptonloids watching their close friend so previously full of life deteriorate into a husk of his former self, but for kaito himself too. he suddenly can't remember things like where he is or who the people around him are, and its incredibly frustrating b/c he knows he did have the memories at some point, its just as if they got misplaced... there's random bits of recollections that do come sometimes but as much as he tries to hold onto them they flicker and fade away just as quick as they appeared. left sinking back into a feeling of hopelessness that then becomes pure emptiness, as you can feel how you're losing yourself but there's quite literally nothing you can do
visually the static is used to represent a lot of that "foggy" feeling as things become more and more unclear, and given the robot/android nature it makes sense i guess? it's not really seen here but just as an actual machine might be when breaking down, his visual + audio processors begin to malfunction, causing a literal static overlay on his vision with faces/objects he can't recognize occasionally glitching out as well as constant white noise in his hearing and the sound of people talking to him becoming garbled and unintelligible. as time goes on he also loses his own ability to synthesize speech so aside from becoming withdrawn and quiet out of fear he'll say something that makes no sense, he then literally just becomes incapable of responding at all
again (as you might expect), the other cryptons aren't doing very well as this is happening. rin and len see kaito almost like a father, so watching one of your parental figures slowly march towards death is... not great. rin (as seen here) is still trying to hold on, because she swears kaito has had a few good days where he does recall more, where he seems much more like his old self, and maybe, just maybe if they wait a bit more he'll get better [tbh she's speedrunning the 7 stages of grief but goes between being stuck in some of the earlier stages its... not good]. len's grief on the other hand is manifesting itself in a way more similar to meiko's: he's not as distant as her, but he has already recognized that there's pretty much nothing that can be done and just wants to minimize kaito's suffering. len's just as shattered as rin though, but he's not showing it openly, figuring he has to accept it, as fighting against the grief like his sister won't help anything.
i just mentioned meiko so speaking of her: this is also probably extremely difficult on her, as, yknow, the counterpart v1 to kaito. she's withdrawn herself away from kaito, as she doesn't want to cause him pain in case he happens to recognize her, remember something about their relationship, but not comprehend what it means and just become confused/distressed. at least, that's what she says; it's more or so she can't bear to see him in this state, as he slowly loses more parts of himself, so she isolates herself in hopes the pain will be somewhat less when its all over, for having seen him less and not having false hopes of his recovery. that being said though she has definitely still been around him and tried to keep her composure... from kaito's pov, in moments of recollection, its disheartening seeing your wife close friend suddenly ignoring you, almost like she's mad or sad about something, but you can't remember why. did you forget to do the laundry? is it something unrelated? you want to ask her but she won't tell you; why? did she already and you just forgot? why...
miku's usual cheeriness has also crumbled, as even with rin's attempts, she can't find anything to be optimistic about in this scenario. she just feels this immense guilt, that she should've done something about this; she has influence as the most popular of the entire group, surely she could do something to make it all better. but aside from the arguments and indecisiveness regarding ethics and not wanting to do something without everyone's collective decision, she does know deep down its not her fault. maybe someone like one of the technicians or programmers would be more at fault, but she doesn't want to blindly throw accusations either, because surely they hadn't foreseen this happening either; nobody would intentionally throw in such a cruel fate for someone, it was an unfortunate system glitch that they were working to fix, but even if they did come up with a patch for it, it would be far too late for kaito at that point. she doesn't want to dwell too much on the logistics of it, miku just wants to be there for everyone else, because she knows how deep in despair the others are—she is too—and doesn't want their whole group to fall apart after such a devastating event.
as for luka: i would assume we're kind of actually seeing everything from her perspective, so as an audience lens she'd be more objective about presenting everything as it is without putting too much of her own bias/thoughts into it. but she's not completely unfeeling either. she tries interacting with kaito quite often, despite some of the others warning her about doing that too much. she tries talking to him about random things, not necessarily aiming to get him to remember anything in specific, though if any of his memories do surface in conversation she'll def address them and ask if he recalls anything more (and if not that's alright too). on some occasions she's been accused of being insensitive, but she doesn't want his death to be this huge tragedy, she would want him to be somewhat happy in his last moments. after everything that's happened, he deserves to leave in peace, in her opinion.
i've mentioned death a few times and there's a literal gravestone in the original emoji combo so safe to say, yeah, he dies. unfortunately the damage to his hardware is beyond repair from the critical/fatal errors and glitches, and it's decided that it'd be best to ultimately just deactivate him and delete all his files to not prolong any pain he might've been in for any longer. not exactly sure what would happen afterwards (aside from an obvious aftermath of the grief): if this is before/on the verge of v3 happening, there's the situation i thought about of them receiving a new replacement v3 kaito module, which has its own angst w/ it: its almost like seeing a fucking ghost, but it's not the same one they all remember, nor does it have all those memories. and this v3 kaito himself experiencing conflicted feelings as someone who was brought in to try and give back happiness to this group, only to seem to cause more despair for being so similar to someone long gone that he'll never truly replace. again though i'm not sure if i'd actually have that happen for the sake of everyone involved's sanity but it is something interesting to think about
i've been typing this for like 3 fcking hours now and i have no idea if this makes any goddamn sense lolol uhhh. like all my things it sounds way better in my head than when i actually put it on paper 😭 but congrats if you actually went thru the effort of reading all this. i might do more explanations like this of my things if anyone's interested, like of the other poll options, but we'll see
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itsparis-07 · 6 months
welp here's the script i was hyping up, sooo i want you guys to treat this like first fic and I don't minds some tips and other comments and such...but anyways enjoy!
Brooklyn’s Kidz 
By: itsparis!!
MONIQUE, a short,brown skinned,and fairly chubby girl with short black and red dreads sits on her bed, waiting for something to happen. She looks at her phone.
As MILES, a tall,brown skinned, with twin braids, was drawing a portrait of his crush at his desk, he stops and dials her number.
Monique picked up her phone and pressed the answer button.
Hey Miles, I was hoping you’d call me earlier than this.
I know, it’s just that unc had me out there on patrol and well you know how that goes.
Right, so did you hear about the trip to Florida. It's for juniors this time.
Mhm… I’m going, don’t worry ma.
Monique smiles while playing with her dreads and kicks her feet back and forth. Miles adjusted himself on his bed against a pillow and sighs.
I'm guessing you’ve found someone to sit with?
Nah, I wanna sit with you, that's why I didn’t ask anyone today.
Don’t play with me.
I’m not,think about it Miles we’ll be in the middle and not in the back like last year.
Wait, why aren’t we sitting in the back again?
Dude, what do you think happens in the back seats on a field trip with no teachers until we get to the hotel on a bus filled with juniors?
Oh. . . right, those kids go back there right?
Monique laughs, covering her face with her free hand and turns over to the left side of her bed and sighs to catch her breath.
Bruh, sometimes I wonder how you got into visions with a brain like yours.
Maybe, it’s because I didn’t get in because of some program unlike some girl I know.
Okay, and who helped you out in Spanish when your mom found out you almost got a C?
Aight, you got that one I’mma let it slide.
(She sighs in pure bliss)
I love using that against you, speaking of your mom, how is she and your uncle?
They're okay, Ya know maybe we should bring some snacks and stuff for the bus ride.
You mean like right now or tomorrow, because I was gonna go to theo’s after I called you.
Right now is fine, we can just walk there and you and I can just hang out in my room if you want.
Yeah, I'm down.
She presses the red button to hand up, and puts her phone into her left pocket while getting off of her bed. She tied her high tops and walked out her room door. Miles does the same and walks out of his room letting his mom know where he’ll be until dinner.
Monique stands outside of the store waiting for Miles, tapping her foot impatiently. She tucks her braids behind her ears. Miles crosses the street walking towards her. Monique looks up joyfully.
Way to keep me waiting, And don’t use that “time is relevant” line because I will smack you.
Hey,You know that lines work, you laugh at it everytime.
God, how are you from brooklyn and you're this corny?
 Just shut up and go in!
They walked in the store and looked at each other then looked around for snacks. They stopped at the drinks and both grabbed root beers.
So what else should we get, I mean food stamps can only get so much you know.
Yeah I know, but some candy should do it or maybe some chips?
Hot cheetos!
(She shivers)
EW, those things are practically made out of wax!
Remember in third grade, when you melted one on the playground and it actually happened?
Oh yeah, I forgot about that well whatever I’m still gonna eat em’.
You're so disgusting.
Monique picks up a bag of sea salt chips, two cans of pringles, and a ginger ale, as Miles gets a bag of hot cheetos, some skittles,and some orange soda, as they both walk to the checkout counter Miles followed right behind her and paid for their stuff, they walked onto the sidewalk and continued walking forward down the sidewalk.
So, your place or mine?
Yours,Anyways don’t you think it’s weird how we’re getting this high class trip to Miami, I mean like where did BVA get the money from to do these trips?
I mean it is a boarding school, so maybe like public funding or government funding?
Yeah,sure. . .
So, who do you think is gonna be your roommate?
I was hoping for you, but it’s obvious that we’re all going separated by gender and I don’t blame them.
What, You think some kids have the balls to sneak into each others rooms just to fu-
      (Monique covers his mouth mid sentence and lets go.)
Stop and think for a minute, what happens when two idiot teenagers are alone with each other in the same room at night?
Okay but we’re young, it’s bound to happen plus with no teachers on the bus… yeah it’s not gonna go well.
Ya think?!
Miles and Monique walked into a rooming house and shut the door behind them walking up to door 208. Miles opened the door greeting his mother RIO and closed the door behind him.
Miles, is that you?
Yeah, I’m back from the corner store with monique. 
Good, dinner should be done in a little bit. Monique, it's nice for you to come over again, how's your mother?
She’s alright, I’m just over here to talk to Miles about the school’s trip to Florida. The school is giving the juniors a chance for a trip.
Right that trip, I’m just counting on you to keep my son in good shape and out of trouble.
Mami,I’m not a little kid any more I'm 16,Entonces no preocuparse por favor. 
Cortar el afuera mijo, don't tell me not to worry for your safety.
Ma,don't worry about me. I'll call you when me and monique get on the bus and when we get to the hotel,yo promesa.
Miles and Monique eat dinner as they finished they helped Rio washes dishes, afterwards They enter Miles’s room keeping the door creaked open sitting on his bed.
Aight, did we get everything for the trip tomorrow? 
Yup, snack wise but everything else is up to us on what to pack like hygiene and clothes, but I mean this is our first trip till we’re seniors and the only time we won’t be wearing our uniforms.
True, so what time do you need to head home again?
Before the streetlights,speaking of that rule, haven't you wondered why that was our curfew growing up?
I don't know, but I'm thinking about seeing all the pretty girls out there…
Um, hello you have a girlfriend sitting dead in front of you!
Right, my bad mi vida.
Miles, Monique, and other kids of the school stood outside waiting for the buses. Monique held Miles’s hand while on her other hand she was  biting her nails.
You're holding my hand a little tight there, you good?
Yeah, it’s just what I’m feeling right now, I don’t know if I should be nervous or excited.
(spoke with a smile on his face)
You’ll be fine ma, you're sitting with me in the middle and I’ll just give you my earbuds.
Thanks Miles, but I’m fine I just haven’t been on a trip in a minute ya know?
I get it, just take a deep breath and wait for the bus.
(with a calm yet nervous tone)
Okay, I’ll try to calm down.
The school buses pulled up to the front of the academy. After every group got done with attendance from their teachers, each class walked on the buses and sat down in a seat with their baggage, Miles and Monique sat in a random three sitter in the middle row and sighed.
Well, this is it. I'm hoping we can go shopping or head to Universal or Disney world.
And where’s the money to do all that Morales?
I have a job, it ain’t like I’m broke or something.
(she says while laughing, she rolled her eyes and looked at him shaking her head.)
That doesn't mean you're rich either,look I have enough money for shopping but knowing visions they’d probably give a free trip to disney like they did with the seniors last year.
(He puts his earbuds in and starts a playlist called “MM ♥ ️ MJ” holding one out for her to take.)
 So, you wanna listen with me or do you wanna hear the yelling of screaming banshees?
MONIQUE (she takes the earbud and put its in her right ear and puts her head on his shoulder, she sighs as the bus starts to move looking out window. )
So you're not gonna call her yet, I mean your mom is still worried about you. 
Yeah I know, but… I’ll call her when we make it to the hotel or something.
Alright, but can we please stop listening to post malone? like play some tyler or just anything else?
Miles rolled his eyes as he chuckled to her and put his hands on her waist. Monique smiled at him tuning out the rest of their class all at once and focusing on him.
INT. A Gas station - EVENING  
A group of students were hanging around the gas station or going to the bathroom, miles and monique walked into the covenant store looking around.
So you gettin’ any snacks or drinks, because I got enough for a little something if you want.
Maybe, but we still got the stuff we got from theo’s and that should hold us off for a bit.
Right, let’s go outside and wait till the bus is fueled up I guess.
They walked outside the store sitting on the curb, Monique pulled a blunt out her pocket lighting it and taking a small drag passing it to him.
Hey I wanted to ask, what did you see in me to like ask me out and stuff?
Well, I mean you and me are like out of at least 15 other the only black kids there at visions,but besides all that I like that you're a geek and you're pretty,and your freckles are like stars in a way I don’t know but I'm bound to you.
Wow I mean, I like you too and that beauty mark of yours yeah I know about it you don’t even have to hide it,and if you’d let me can I take you out during the trip?
(She scoffs at him, while taking a drag she passes it back to him.)
In your dreams Morales, but hey game recognize game don’t think I don’t know bout it.
 (He takes the last puff and steps on it, putting it out on the sidewalk and standing up with Monique.)
Yeah, whatever you say.
All the students got back on the bus and in their seats,as Miles and Monique went back to the middle row and sat down listening to their playlist getting lost in their own little world and the bus was back on the road again.
Monique and Miles walked in the hallway until they stopped at a door with the numbers 103, and with a keycard she opened the door and let themselves in sitting on the bed.
So, let’s fill out the plan sheet tonight then tomorrow we'll know what to do that day so we won’t be lost.
Do you ever not use a planner sheet? Monique, come on, at least try to have actual fun.
But Miles I just wanna be sure. Also, did you call your mom yet because she called me and texted me “thanks for picking up and telling him when he gets back, we’re gonna have a talk.” 
(He sucked his teeth as he sat beside Monique on the bed.)
Wow, yeah that sounds about right… So do you wanna stay up or?
Do you even have to ask?
They spent the whole time talking about anything yet nothing at the same time, again getting lost in their little world as the Florida rain fell from the sky hitting softly on the ground while the streetlight shining through the window.
Fade out :
Time lapse throughout the whole trip from different places from the mall, disney world, universal, and now it’s the last day after packing their things Miles and Monique joined the rest of their class along with teachers still doing attendance. The buses pulled up to the front of the hotel and all the students got on the bus and sat in the same seats that sat on the way there.
After all the students got off the buses everyone’s parents came to pick up their kids, as miles and monique waited for miles’s uncle AARON to pull up and as if right on que he pulled up on the curb and the two got in the back.
So who’s this girl? I thought it was just you I was picking up.
Oh, this is my… partner Monique. She’s Ms.Jackson's daughter and they live on the same floor as me and mom.
And y'all haven’t?
 Just drive!
Alright alright, how was the trip? y'all had fun?
Yeah, Florida was nice and didn't worry him and I didn’t get in much trouble.
Good, somebody has to keep a good eye on him if I’m not around and you seem to fit the role very well if his mom trusts you that much.
Wow, so you are the problem child. I had a feeling about that.
(He playfully hit her shoulder while he laughed.)
Shut up, that was one time and one time only!
Uh-huh, keep telling yourself that miles I mean whatever helps with the denial.
Fade in : 
Aaron’s car pulled to the rooming house as Miles and Monique got out of the car they walked to the door, Miles pressed the buzzer letting his mom their back and Aaron's car pulled away and the two went inside and walked up the stairs and to their doors.
So, I’ll see you on monday?
Dude, it’s not like I can skip school plus you're kinda the only reason I go anyways… Goodnight Miles.
Right, good night Moni.
She walked up to him giving a small kiss on his two toned lips, as they broke the kiss she smiled at him and walked inside her apartment, Miles doing the same.
8 notes · View notes
~4 times Texas was the comforter (and 1 time he was the comfortee)~
⚠️mention of getting high/drunk, censored swearing, mention of pets dying,⚠️
Comfort victim 1#: New York
Texas had just walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water when he saw New York curled up in the corner with his knees to his chest and his head buried in them. "Uhhhh…. New York?" He asked, a bit confused as to why York was doing this.
York looked up from where he was and stared at Texas with the look of someone on the verge of tears and insanity. He had mascara and eyeliner running down his face, which kinda scared the living crap out of Texas at first. "Whaddya want?" asked the smaller, his voice shaky and quiet.
"Are you umm…. A-are ya doing aight??" The Lone Star State asked with a slightly nervous laugh.
"I’m perfectly f(speaks New York)in’ fine. Piss off." York hissed. He glared at the taller when he walked over to him and knelt down.
"Are ya sure?? Ya ain’t lookin’ to hot. Are ya sick or somethin’?" Texas asked as he brought a hand to York’s head to check for fever, only to have York swat it away like a cat.
"I’m not f(speaks New York)ing sick. Just leave me alone already." said the smaller state as he buried his face in his knees again.
‘As always, bein’ a stubborn lil’ yankee…’ Texas thought to himself. He sighed and said, "Aight ya stubborn lil’ yankee, tell me what’s wrong fore’ I get yer brother in ere’ so he can get it outta ya himself." He noticed how York seemed to be in some sort of pain and the way he cringed at Texas’s stern tone of voice.
He sighed and lowered his voice a bit. "Hey bud, can ya please tell me what’s wrong? If yer sick or hurt ya can tell me, I would be glad to help."
"I’m not hurt or sick it’s just….." York started before trailing off.
"It’s just…?"
"Ughhhh Bronx and Queens won’t shut up about sports. They’ve been fighting and screaming at each other for the past two hours and haven’t stopped once." York said, another tear running down his face.
Texas cringed at that. He knew very well that it wasn’t fun dealing with arguing cities. He gently wiped the tear from the smaller’s face and stood up. "I have an idea that might help distract you, but I’m gonna need ya to come with me." He said, holding out a hand for the Empire State to take. He noticed how York seemed to be kinda skeptical about taking his hand. "It’s ok. I’m not gonna hurt ya or anythin’."
York reluctantly took his hand and allowed himself to be pulled to a standing position. He let out a small squeak when Texas picked him up and burrowed closer to his chest and buried his face in Tex’s neck, making the taller chuckle a bit. He felt Texas move an arm away and heard the snap of his fingers, meaning they had just teleported somewhere. York unburied his face and looked at their surroundings, and noticed that they seemed to be in Texas’s room.
The main light wasn’t on but instead there were small little fairy lights everywhere that created some dim lighting, and there were small little plants hanging on each wall, which he guessed were all native to Texas’s state. There was Texas’s flag hanging from the wall, which wasn’t surprising, but what WAS surprising was each of the other main 6’s flags hanging next to it. Ofc Texas had the other normal things such as a bed, a tv, a desk, ect…., along with different band posters of country singers and rock bands. Overall, it was pretty peaceful in there, and there was a slight scent of smoke, wood, and fruit.
Texas carried York over to his bed and gently dropped him there. He grabbed his remote and laid down next to where York was laying and turned on his TV. He then opened YouTube and turned to York, "Do ya have a favorite band or musician?"
York was barely paying attention at first, as he was too busy looking around him. He snapped back to the world when he felt someone gently shake his shoulder a bit. "H-huh?"
"Do ya have a favorite band or musician?" Texas repeated.
"O-oh, umm- yea I like Nirvana." York answered, silently cursing himself for stuttering.
"Nice choice."Tex said as he typed "Nirvana" into the search bar thing and played a random Nirvana playlist that he listened to on the daily.
"I didn’t know ya listened to Nirvana." Said the Empire State.
"Course’ I do. They’re a great band. Ya over Cobain’s death yet?" Texas asked with a smirk.
"Nope. And I never will be. That man was a f(speaks New York)in’ leGEND-*whimper*" York started but got cut off by a whimper when a large wave of pain went through his entire upper body.
"Woah wth was that?! Are ya alright?!" Tex shouted, but lowered his voice when York winced a bit. "Sorry."
"No no, you’re fine, Albany just joined the fight and now all three of em’ are yellin’ at each other." York reassured the older, massaging his temples a bit while catching his breath. He managed to catch his breath and relax ever so slightly.
"Oh d*mn…. Can I try somethin’??" Texas asked the smaller.
"Umm… sure I guess??" York responded.
Texas reached over and snaked an arm under and around York and pulled him closer to himself so that York would be cuddled into his side. He gently pulled off the smaller’s hat and ran a gentle hand through his hair and gently scratched his scalp, pleased with the small little sigh of contentment he got in return. York had flipped onto his side and now had an arm wrapped around Texas and his face buried in the side of his chest with his eyes closed.
Tex saw that York was now definitely a lot calmer and slid his hand down York’s neck and onto his back, smirking fondly when the smaller state shivered and giggled slightly. He gently massaged his back, digging his thumb gently into the middle of York’s back and feeling all the tension slowly start slipping away. He did the same with the rest of York’s back, and he was surprised at how tense the Empire State was, and how many times he massaged his fingers into York’s back and there was a muscle pop or a knot that needed to be dealt with. Eventually, he got the smaller state to fall asleep while purring.
He looked down at New York and smiled fondly when he saw the state peacefully for what was probably the first time in a long while.
Comfort victim #2: Louisiana
"Have any of you seen Louisiana?" Gov asked. The states were all at a meeting that Gov had called to discuss some things. All except Louisiana. All the states needed had shown up except Loui, whom no one has seemed to have seen.
"Uh… no I haven’t now that you mention it. Tex?" Florida said, now actually slightly concerned as to where his best friend was.
"Nope. Mass?"
"I saw im’ this mornin’, but he seemed a lil’ bit off today." Mass said.
"So nobody has seen him? I need to talk to him about some things regarding his state." Gov sighed when there was a collection of no’s. "Can someone go check on him?"
"I’ll go." Texas said, standing up.
"Awww, didn’t expect big bad Texas to care~" Oklahoma said teasingly.
"Why you little-" Said the taller, but got cut off by New Jersey, who sat between them.
"Alright yous two!! Knock it off. Oklahoma, shut up. Texas, go check on the Voodoo b*tch." Jersey shouted.
"Fine." The two states said glaring at each other with hatred.
Texas got up and walked out of the meeting room without another word.
~~~~Outside Loui’s room~~~~
Texas walked up to the door to Loui’s room and knocked.
"Lou? Are ya in there?"
No answer. Instead he heard something that sounded like muffled crying coming from the other side of the door. That’s not good.
"Loui? Bud are ya in there?" Texas asked, slightly worried now.
Again, no answer.
"Lou I’m comin’ in there." Texas said as he turned the doorknob, relieved to see that it was unlocked. He walked into the room and closed the door behind him before turning around to see the sight that would break his heart.
Loui was curled up in the corner of his room with tears and eyeliner running down his face. He seemed to be staring at something in front of him, and whatever that was was terrifying him seeing as he had a very scared look in his eyes and they were glowing brightly. He was rocking back and forth and breathing heavily as if it was a struggle. Texas noticed that the room also seemed to smell like weed, meaning that there was a chance that Loui was kinda sorta maybe high.
Texas almost immediately ran to Loui’s side, but stopped when Loui gave a cry and covered his face and somehow backed further into the corner. He didn’t know what was scaring his friend, but he knew that he needed to deal with this calmly carefully and quietly. But everytime he moved forward, Loui would only somehow back up further or try to get away. He finally gave up and just ran towards Loui, trying his best to ignore the cries as he enveloped him in a tight hug so that Loui couldn’t escape.
"Shhhhhhh you’re ok…. Shhhhhh….." Texas said as he moved the smaller into his lap and started rubbing his back comfortingly. He noted that Loui did in fact smell like weed, but he also seemed to not really be high, seeing as he showed very little signs of being high. It took a long time to get Loui to be somewhat calm again (keyword: somewhat), or at least calm enough that he could speak.
"T-t-Tex??" Loui asked, his voice shaking as he spoke.
"Yes it’s me bud." Texas responded, hugging his friend close.
"T-Tex t-they w-won’t stop…." Loui said, sounding terrified and looking at something in front of them.
Texas tried to look at whatever Loui was looking at, but could see nothing. "Who are ya talkin’ about Lou??" He asked the younger, who was still shaking and trembling and trying to hide in Tex’s chest.
"T-they won’t s-stop…. The s-spirits… T-THEY W-WON’T LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" Loui said, crying out and holding his neck all of a sudden.
‘What the he//??’ Texas thought to himself. He did not like this one bit. "Loui, move yer hands so I can see what’s wrong."
"N-no he’s gonna do it again!!" Loui yelled shrinking further into himself.
Texas managed to get a firm yet gentle grip on Loui’s hands and pinned them above his head so he could see what was wrong without the Pelican State’s hands being in the way. He took a look at whatever Loui was trying to cover and saw a large bleeding scratch and a red mark that looked as if someone was trying to choke the smaller state. Tex decided that after he found who did this, he would make sure that they would not see the light of day again, until he remembered Loui saying something about spirits. That meant that he could do nothing.
He hugged the crying state closer to him after releasing his hands. Loui had his legs wrapped around Texas’s torso and his face buried in his shoulder, so Tex could feel how much the smaller was still shaking. He just hugged him close and gently rubbed his back as he cried. He hated seeing those he loved like this. Especially Loui, who was the sweetest person in the world. Eventually, Loui managed to calm down almost completely, only letting a few tears and whimpers escape.
"Hey Lou…" Tex said, relieved that Loui had calmed down so much.
"Mmmm…?" Loui hummed quietly.
"Just outta curiosity, why does it smell like weed in ere’??" Texas asked.
"Tried to get high… to ‘scape the spirits…." Loui said tiredly.
"Whaddya mean ‘tried to’??" The older asked.
"It takes a lot more dan’ one roll to get me high sha."
"Oh. And who were the ‘spirits’ you were talkin’ bout?"
"I’m one of da most haunted places on earth sha. And those are the spirits of those dat I either killed in battle or those dat I couldn’t save…" said the smaller with a sad tone. Tex could feel him starting to shake again. "They never leave me alone, Tex. It’s all my fault they died, so dat’s fair I guess… but they just all screech at me and touch in places I’d rather not be touched and blame me for everything and hurt me sometimes, and and-"
"Shhh shh Lou…. Yer gettin’ worked up again. Slow down and breathe" Texas interrupted and softly poked Loui in the side, making him giggle slightly.
"S-sorry sha."
"Ya don’t need to apologize. Just relax ya goofball." Said the Lone Star State calmly. He hugged the smaller tightly and rubbed his back soothingly, calming Loui down a lot. He gently nudged the other with his head, his hair brushing against Loui’s ears, making him giggle even more. ‘Laughter. That’s good.’ He thought to himself.
Eventually, Loui fell into a peaceful slumber whilst hugging Texas, who eventually also fell asleep as well.
Comfort victim #3: New Jersey
It was a rather nice day outside, so the Lone Star decided that it would be good time to get some work done. He put on his boots, grabbed his hat and walked out the back door into the backyard. As he was on his way to the shed for his tools, he saw somebody sitting under sitting under the giant oak tree that was in the yard. They seemed to be petting something in their lap and honestly looked incredibly sad for some reason. Texas decided to just drop by and see if everything was alright and maybe offer them a drink.
As he walked a bit closer, he realized that it was New Jersey. Why out of all people would Jersey look that f(technical glitch)ing sad?? Doesn’t matter. Texas’s mama instincts have already kicked in and he’s ready to fight someone. He and Jersey don’t really talk much, but he wasn’t overly obnoxious like some other states, and Texas considered him someone that he could definitely chill and have a beer with.
"Hey Jersey!!" He called out.
Jersey looked up and instantly traded the sad look on his face for a neutral one and wiped his tears. "Whaddya want??"
"I just came to check on ya. Ya looked sad and it’s a hot day so I came to ask if ya wanted a drink or somethin’." Said the taller with a friendly smile as he held out a drink for the Garden State to take. He saw what seemed to be an old fragile cat in a blanket in the shorter’s lap. Honestly, the cat looked like it was on the verge of death.
"Oh uh- nah I’m good." Jersey said before looking back at the cat in his lap with a sad expression that he couldn’t stop from appearing on his face.
"Is everythin’ alright? Ya look sadder than a wet cat right now." Asked Texas.
"Yea, it’s just- this is my cat Nala and as you can quite clearly see she isn’t doin’ too well." Said the Garden State as a single tear managed to escape his eyes. He silently cursed himself for being weak in front of someone by crying.
"Yea, I bet she’s really nice tho!! She seems to be a lovely ol’ girl." Texas said with a smile. "Can I pet ‘er?"
"Yea sure she won’t mind. And yea she is really nice." Jersey said. He snorted a bit when he saw the amount of joy in the taller state’s eyes as he pet the cat. "Unfortunately she’s umm…. She’s very old and sick and I don’t think that she has much time left. I’m gonna have to….*sigh* I’m gonna have to put her down tomorrow."
Texas looked up at the northerner with a sympathetic look. "Oh my goodness…. That’s- that’s terrible Jersey….I-I’m so sorry to hear that."
"It’s f-fine. I don’t want ‘er to suffer anymore than she already is. I love ‘er too much to do that to ‘er." Jersey said, wiping a tear from his eyes and petting Nala gently, and smiling slightly when she leaned into his hand.
"That’s prolly really difficult for ya, but I’m glad ya made the right choice." Texas said and hugged Jersey around the shoulders. He was surprised, but not disappointed when Jersey returned the hug.
~~~~2 days later~~~~
Jersey was sitting alone in his room on his bed. It was the day after he put down his cat, and he was still mourning the loss. His dogs seemed to know something was wrong, seeing as one of their fur friends was missing, and had curled up on their owner’s bed next to him. The Garden State heard a rough knock on the door and got up to go answer it. He opened the door and saw his twin brother standing there with a bag that seemed to have a box inside it.
Massachusetts just handed him the bag and said "Here. Texas said to give it to ya. He also said to be careful with whateva’s in it, cuz it’s kinda fragile."
"Aight. Thanks I guess." Jersey said, taking the bag.
Mass seemed to notice the sadness that was radiating off of his brother, so he gave him a tight hug before walking away.
Jersey closed his door and walked over to his bed and set the bag down. He untied the bag and took the box out, a little startled when he heard a small meow-like sound. He set down the box and opened it to find a small little calico kitten with a black and white bow wrapped around its neck and a note. Jersey picked up the note and read it:
"To New Jersey:
Hi!! I found this lil’ guy on the road yesterday and picked him up, gave him a bath, and got some food and water in his system. I didn’t know what to do with him since I already had several other animals to take care of. But then I remembered our lil’ conversation the other day about your old cat Nala, and I decided that since he needed a good home and owner, and you have just lost your cat (which I’m terribly sorry about that), that you would be a good person to give him to!! Hope you like him!!!
PS: There is a collar for him in the bag as well as a few toys that used to belong to my cats before they got too big for them.
The Lone Star State ⭐️
Once Jersey finished reading the note, there was a happy expression on his face. He set down the note and gently picked up the kitten and held it close, smiling when it rubbed its face on him and started purring. "Hey lil guy~" he said in a bit of a high pitched whisper. The kitten wormed out of his hands and climbed on top of his shoulder, and sat down. Jersey picked up his phone and scrolled through his contacts til he found Texas’s number.
NJ: Hi
TX: Hey!! Did ya get the box??
NJ: Yes I did
NJ: Thank you, by the way. He’s adorable.
TX: Yer welcome, and glad ya like im’. Does he have a name?
NJ: I think, imma call him Star. He has a little star shaped mark on his back, so it fits.
TX: That’s a great name.
NJ: I know :)
Comfort victim #4: Florida
It was about 2am when Texas decided to go to bed. He walked down the hall to get to his bed room, but stopped in his tracks when he saw Florida sitting by Loui’s bedroom door looking like he was at a loss of what to do.
"Hey Florida. Why the long face??" Texas asked.
"Not right now Texas." Said the Sunshine State, glaring at the taller.
"Is somethin’ wrong?" Asked the Lone Star State, who was confused as to why the usually chaotic state wasn’t himself.
"It’s Loui." Florida said sadly.
"Is something wrong with im’?" Asked the taller. He knew that if Florida was worried, then it was probably a big deal.
"I’m not even sure. He told me that he dealing with the spirits again, and that he needed some alone time and he would tell me when I could come in. But that was 5 hours ago, and his hasn’t said anything. The only sound I’ve heard come out of his room was pain and crying." The Sunshine State answered, wiping a tear from his eye. "I’m just worried about him, is all."
"And ya have every right to be. I’ve only been in Lou’s room once with the spirits tormentin’ his soul. And as much as I hate to say it, that was one of the saddest and scariest things I’ve ever seen. So yes, you have a reason to be worried for im’." Texas said, putting a hand on Florida’s shoulder comfortingly. "When was the last time ya heard anythin’ in there?"
"About 2 hours ago."
"Maybe he fell asleep or passed out. If it makes ya feel better, we can go in there and check on him." Texas suggested.
Texas put out a hand for Florida to take, which he did. The taller hugged the smaller around the shoulders as he opened Loui’s door. They both walked inside a looked around, a little worried to not see Loui immediately. That was until Tex saw something in the corner and pointed it out to the Sunshine State. It was Loui, who had fallen asleep (or passed out) in the corner with tear stains on his face. He was wearing one of Florida’s hoodies, which was too big for him, and had a peaceful expression on his face.
It took everything the two states had in them to not audibly coo and wake up the sleeping one. Florida walked over, gently picked up the Pelican State and brought him to his bed and cuddled him close. He smiled when the smaller leaned into him and wrapped his arms around him.
Texas smiled fondly at the sight and turned around to leave, only stopping when he heard the sound of someone trying to get his attention. He turned around and gave Florida a confused look and walked over.
"It’s ok, you can join us if ya want to. I don’t mind, and I know for a fact that Loui won’t mind." Said Florida a with a smile.
"Uh no- it’s alright. I’m good." Texas said, rubbing the back of his neck. What he didn’t expect was for Florida to grab his arm and pull him onto the bed and somehow get him on the other side of Loui.
"Too bad. Now sleep." Said the older before he buried his face in Loui’s hair and fell asleep. Texas was about to try and escape when he felt Loui turn around and wrap his arms around his torso. Welp. There’s no moving now. Eventually, Texas fell asleep as well, basking in the warmth of the other two states.
Comfort victim #5: OH wait- It’s Texas’s turn?! YES BI-
Texas teleported into the southern living room at around 3am after having gone to several meetings with his governor that day and dealing with his cities arguing again over stupid laws and sh*t. Saying he was tired and done with life would be quite the understatement. He nearly passed out where he stood, but was caught by somebody before he could fall. He looked up to see Louisiana, who seemed to have been the one to catch him.
"Hey Lou. Thanks for uh… catchin’ me I guess." Texas said, regaining his balance, but his vision was still slightly blurry at the edges.
"No problem sha, but are you alright?? Ya don’t look too good." Responded the Pelican State.
"Wow so nice." Said the taller state sarcastically.
"I’m serious sha. Ya look like yer sick or about to be." Loui said, kinda concerned about his friend. And he was right, Texas did not look like he was doing too well. He was swaying ever so slightly and was shaking a bit, and he looked like he would die at any moment.
"I’m fine Lou, it’s just a stupid migraine and my cities won’t shut the f(speaks Texas) up bout’ the new laws and sh*t that me and my governor discussed at literally every single godd*mn meeting we went to today."
"How many of em’ do ya got arguin’ up dere’??" Asked the Pelican State. He knew full well that the cities were a problem for his tall friend.
"Well let’s see…. Austin, San Antonio, Dallas, El Paso, Houston, and uhhh Fort Worth, so like- 6?" Texas answered, taking a minute to count how many cities that was.
Loui stood a bit wide eyed at that. "Mais sha, how the flying f(speaks New Orleans) are ya still standin’?!"
"I’m fine."
"You are quite clearly not ok. Yer comin’ wit’ me." Said the younger before taking Texas by the hand and dragging him to Florida’s room where he was hanging out with Florida, New York, and California. Texas tried to get his hand out Loui’s grip, but unfortunately he was way too tired to use his full strength, and despite being built like a twig, Loui was still pretty strong. Once they got to the door, Loui burst it open and quietly shouted "Aight b*tches I got an extra!!"
All the attention turned to the two states that had just entered the room. The other three were all in a giant nest of pillows and blankets and squishmallows and a few other things.
"Hey Tex!! Welcome to the party, Estrella Solitaria!!~" Florida said with a chaotic grin. How he had that much energy at 3am, Texas didn’t know.
"Hi." Texas said tiredly with a yawn.
"Well you look like a fate worse than death." Said New York, who looked like he didn’t wanna be there. He was wrapped in a comforter and laying on his side with his knees slightly pulled to his chest.
"Could say the same to you." Said the taller. He sighed a bit when Loui excitedly pulled him into the pile and cuddled himself in the taller’s side. He chuckled a bit and said, "Ha. I forgot how much of a cuddle bug you are."
"I-I’m not!! I am a force that is to be feared, a power, a-" Loui started to say, only to get cut off by Cali saying:
"Don’t even bother denying it. You are the equivalent to a cute little puppy."
Loui looked flustered as all he// now. "I am not!!"
"Listen Lou, as much as I hate agreein’ with the liberal snowflake of all people, he’s right." Said Texas, ruffling the smaller’s hair.
"W-well- it’s also kinda yer fault too for being so good for cuddling!!" Loui said as he pushed the taller state down into a laying position against the wall and cuddled closer into him. He grabbed a comforter and covered the two of them with it. "Yer all warm and cozy!!"
"Guess I can’t really deny that. Although, how the he// am I supposed to control my state’s temperature??" Said the Lone Star State with a bit of a chuckle.
"Don’t know. Go to sleep. You need it desperately. I can tell." Loui said, looking up at Texas with slightly pleading eyes.
"I’m fine, I ain’t that tired." Texas said, but yawned straight after, further proving Loui’s point.
"Ey cowboy, don’t bother lyin’. You are definitely tired, and everyone else in this room can see it." York said, now laying on Cali’s lap and secretly enjoying the feeling of the taller state running his hands through his hair.
"But I ain’t-" he started to say, but getting cut off when Florida barreled into him and hugged him tightly.
"Aight. You’re going to sleep whether you like it or not. I’m simply not giving you a choice." Florida said with a chaotic grin on his face as he gently knocked off Texas’s hat. He dragged both Loui and Texas into a laying position with Tex’s head in his lap and Loui buried in the taller’s side. He gently started carding his hands through the Lone Star State’s hair and smirked when Texas leaned into the touch ever so slightly. After a bit of a while, Texas was calm and having a bit of a rough time staying awake. The other two states joined in and eventually comfortably fell asleep.
In no time at all, Texas eventually fell asleep alongside Florida. To be honest, he did feel a lot better and he could no longer hear his cities fighting. Peace. He felt at peace.
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Misfits (yeah like the Arcane song)
Summary: From the dark musty cell of Stillwater all the way to the very base of Firelights, but where to from there? Guess you'll just have to let fate lead you.
Author's note: I like summer, but what I don't like is getting fried by the fucking sun.
Thirty seventh chapter
"Scar! What was that?!"
"No idea."
"We need to check it out!"
"[Reader] no, what you need to do is stay the fuck here. Scar, you wait near the entrance, we'll have to wait for the lookout to come back."
People were starting to gather outside and low chatter replaced the sudden noise of an explosion.
"Everyone calm down!"
"We should go see what happened!"
"No! We'll wait for the lookout to come back, go back to what you were doing! I'll call for you when I have information."
Okay, so that's how it looked like when Ekko actually took on the role of a leader. Wow. I mean.. whaat?
"Come get me when they show up."
Scar nodded to the leader and walked away to the entrance, waiting for the lookout group, which you didn't even know ever existed.
"Aight, let's go back?"
"I mean. Sure?"
Ekko gave you a curt nod and left to go grab a hoverboard, not wanting to climb the stairs again, leaving you waiting in front of the tree. Well, that washed over quickly. The leader was already flying towards you on the device, reaching a hand out and pulling you onto the board without stopping.
It would've been actually very smooth if you haven't lost your footing and forced Ekko to balance the both of you.
"Shut up."
The machine stopped on his balcony and you both hopped off, a lot more gracefully than you got on.
"You wanna pick up where we left off?"
"Of course! I can't wait to pry more information out of you."
"Ya know you can do that without taking shots of whiskey right?"
"Yeah but where's the fun in that?"
"Okay fair enough."
You grabbed the bottle and Ekko went into his room, emerging a few seconds later with a bottle of the foul tasting liquid.
"Still don't understand how you can drink that."
"Says the one who wants to take whiskey shots."
You rolled your eyes and slammed your ass on the ground. The boy joined you, setting his bottle next to yours.
"So, you wanna start or? "
"You're the one who came up with it, you start."
"Okay well uhhh... I dunno, all I can think about is fucking inappropriate."
Ekko chuckled softly at your words.
"That's fine by me."
You played for a bit, but both of you ran out of questions pretty quickly and the liquor started to get to you, Ekko still judged your choice of drink but he himself was slightly on a different astral plane. You were both lying on the ground, starring up at the leaves and the sky.
"Okay, I have another. Never have I ever slept with someone on the first date."
"Ekko, for the last time. I haven't been on a date. Ever."
"Gee, sorry. I forgot your whole personality is that you spend half your life in prison."
"That's mean tho."
"So what? You're no fun."
"Is your idea of fun sleeping with someone?"
"Yea? Yours isn't?"
"No?... Why would it be?"
"I dunno? You're hot."
You reached for your bottle again, accidentally bumping your hand into it and spilling what remained of the drink.
"Aww man. Wait, what did you say? You think I'm hot?"
"What if I do? You think the same about me."
Why was drunk Ekko so removed from everything, it was actually kinda funny.
"How can you know that?"
"You stare a lot."
"I do not!"
"Do too."
The entrance stone rolled open as Scar pushed it away with ease, letting in a pair of Firelights back in. He motioned for them to stay there and wait and turned to go get Ekko. The man took a hoverboard from them and flew to the leader's balcony.
"Scar! Hiiiiii~"
"[Reader], hello? What are you two- are you drunk?"
"Scar, is the lookout back?"
The bat eared figure turned his attention from you to the leader.
"Yes, come."
"Not here please."
"[Reader] just stop speaking, he didn't mean it like that. Just, wait here."
You groaned a responce and the two men left. Time slipped out of your consciousness and it felt like two seconds before Ekko came back, but that was probably becouse you fell asleep.
"The council is gone."
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tennco · 4 months
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now that im awake, kirby's return to dream land deluxe was fun. again im not sure if it really needed the switch treatment i think the original was just fine, and the added features don't really make up for it imo. but, aight, it looks nice i guess. i hadn't finished the original back then so this was a good opportunity to actually complete the game in its entirety.
magoland was a nice diversion, i usually don't pay much mind to minigames and such but the added missions made me want to play through them. some were better than others of course, and i do think that there's such a thing as way too many minigames. im sure they're more fun with others but, yeah, not much else to say. it's required for a 100% file so there's that.
magolor epilogue was surprisingly fun, it kinda reminded me of milky way wishes in a way, the way you unlock more abilities as you go through it, 'cept here you also get to boost them and make them more powerful. the focus on combos is a good concept, though at a certain point i just almost exclusively used the dash because it's busted lol. hits like a million times and does really good damage. it's a nice bonus for a remaster i guess. the new music is nice, though i wish the bosses were more than just remixed versions of the vanilla ones (except for the final boss of course). which leads me into..
the true arena adds in those new bosses, separate from the extra versions, which i feel bloated up the list a bit. it got kinda long for a boss rush. i'm not sure if the supply of healing items is different from the original, i would assume it is? even then i had to use some maxim tomatoes from magoland and, i feel terrible about it but i'm not doing it again for now, maybe in another playthrough.
the new abilities, sand and mecha, are really fucking good and really fun to use, that was really the highlight for me. borderline busted at times, both cover a lot of options and sand has the added benefit of having an invulnerable block (though you can't sidestep out of it). they also come with their own ability challenges which, are fine, mecha was a bit frustrating but overall not that bad. that was also my pick for the arenas btw and it performed fairly well (outside of my ability to dodge).
finally, though this is a complaint about the original game tbh, extra mode is just lame. half hp doesn't really matter when you still get a shitton of lives, it just makes the process longer on occasion, and the bosses aren't really that different from their normal counterparts. i get that they couldn't do a different character since, those are coop here, and i know extra is a thing in other kirby games too but, yeah it just isn't that different from the normal experience and felt more like a chore to get 100%
overall i had fun with it. i still think you can play the original wii game and get basically the same experience, this is not a superstar/superstar ultra situation where one is clearly the superior version, i really think they could've done a little bit more with it to make it its own thing if that was the goal. if it was just meant to be a simple remaster uh, again sure, it is what it is, it is the definitive version in that sense but again, not by much.
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jokertrap-ran · 4 months
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[スタオケ] La Corda d'Oro Starlight Orchestra Main Story Chapter 2-7 Translation
*Starlight Orchestra Masterlist *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Main story tag will be #Main Starlight
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Akira: Oh, (L/n)-san.
Akira: …Why do you look so curious? Ah, are you interested in what's inside this huge bag?
☆ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♬◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ☆
⊳ Choice: Doesn't look like you're shopping…
Akira: Are you really that curious about it? Must be nice to have such free time to meddle in the affairs of others…
⊳ Choice: Are you becoming an off-season Santa Claus?
Akira: Haha, if this bag's goin’ to be filled with presents, then the recipient might be in for the surprise of their lifetime.
☆ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♬◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ☆
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Akira: Well, I s'pose it's some sort of fate that I met you here. Help me out? I'll bring ya' someplace nice.
Akira: Why are you givin' me that look?
Akira: I'm not doin’ anything bad, I swear. Welp, this bag's all yours then.
☆ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♬◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ☆
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Akira: *sigh* What a huge mess again today.
Discarded plastic bottles, crushed cans, and cigarette butts were scattered all over the place.
☆ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♬◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ☆
⊳ Choice: Do you always pick up the garbage in here?
Akira: Not always, but I'll come by whenever I feel like it. Otherwise, untended, this place will end up being nothin' but a trash pile. Akira: What? Does it come as a surprise to you that I'd do this?
⊳ Choice: Who the hell made such a mess here!?
Akira: Drunkyards and elementary school students find their way here sometimes. This is the trash pile left in their wake. Akira: It's a real mess.
☆ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♬◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ☆
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Akira: But well, it's been a long time since this place went outta business.
Akira: No one's manning nor managing the place, so it's not like we can really do anythin' about it.
Akira: …Ah, be careful about the back. There are broken bottles over there.
Akira: Oh? Your movements are really swift, smooth, and effective. You're pretty apt at this yourself.
Akira: …Aight then. My bag's kinda full now so let's stop here for today.
Akira: We managed to clean up quite a bit. Thanks.
Akira: Want a cola?
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Akira: Phew! Cola's best served ice-cold!
Akira: Hm? Why do I make the effort to maintain this place?
Akira: I wonder why.
Akira: I guess it's because there are people out there who call this place home…
☆ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♬◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ☆
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Teacher: There's no other way to go about it, is there? The grandson of the Kiryu Clan’s Boss…
Teacher: If problems were to arise due to someone like that being in our Brass Band Club… Well, it'd be too late to do anything by then; the damage would have been done.
Akira (Past Self): Are you for real…? And THAT'S why you cut-
☆ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♬◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ☆
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Akira: …
Akira: Well, it's not too shabby, right? I guess you can call it a secret hideout of sorts.
Akira: I used to come here a lot back in the day since they allowed the oddballs like me up on stage without so much as a bleet.
Akira: It used to be a pretty popular place. Although, you probably won't be able to imagine that ever happening with the state it's in right now…
⊳ Choice: I saw a video of it back in the day
Akira: Oh, really? I didn't know you watched something like that. Akira: I wonder when that video got taken though.
Kirigaya had been in the video with one other person— someone who played a Trumpet.
⊳ Choice: It's a little hard to ask…
Akira: Why are you fidgeting so much? Did you get somethin’ on your back? Akira: Who was the other guy I was performing with? Well, that's…
⊳ Choice: Who was the other person performing with you?
Akira: Other person? That's… Akira: A secret. Akira: Wouldn't life be much more interestin’ with a secret or two?
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Akira: Hey, hurry and finish your cola. There's nothin’ more depressing in life than a fizzled-out can of cola.
☆ ━━━━━━━ ���◦♬Main Starlight♬◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ☆
Previous Part: (Chapter 2-6) Next Part: (Chapter 2-8)
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urfavouritegirlie · 1 year
Chapter 6
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(Part 6)
**The present**
Aaron POV
I recall on the memories of me and Maya from the old picture I have. The conversation I had with Miles has me really thinking about her. I really do wonder where she is now and what she could be up to. Since I have no job to do I had ordered a pizza and decided to be lazy for the night but then my phone starts buzzing. To my shock it's Jeff. I leave it and silence it. Minutes later my pizza finally arrives. I pay the delivery man and slump on the couch. My phone rings again. Him again. I sigh and pick up.
"I called 5 times."
"And I watched ring 5 times."
"Why are you like this?"
"Cuz I'm your lil bro. Why'd you call?"
It's been a while since the two of us had talked. The last time wasn't so good either. It was about Miles being around me because I'm a bad influence to him because Jeff knows what I do.
"Rio wants you to come over on Christmas. We're gonna have a party and people are gonna be there."
"What your cop friends or sum?"
"No, family Aaron. Just be there man. Rio's been nagging me. Don't say I said that."
"Aight fine. Can't make promises tho."
Then the line cuts. Tsk. Man, this sucks. Maya would've dragged me without a doubt. Damn you Maya, why can't you just leave my head. I just miss her.
**Christmas Day**
I stand outside their apartment complex.
Miles shouts from his bedroom window. I nod at him. Such a funny kid. I walk in and walk to their apartment. The door was already open with kids running in and out the place. I let myself in.
"Aaron hi, glad you could make it."
"Uh yeah, thanks for the invite Rio."
Miles almost tackles me to the ground from the side.
"Aye wassup lil man."
"Im 11 I ain't little no more but I'm good."
"All the guys are on the roof preparing the BBQ."
I walk up the stairs with Miles behind me. I open the door and there are more kids and grown adults. Downstairs was were the females were. Cooking and gossiping. The men on the roof talking, things that we talk about I guess.
"You actually came."
Jeff. I turn around and hook my arm around his neck.
"Well I can't miss a special Christmas invitation from my big bro."
Despite the distance between us, I will always love annoying the hell out of him. He shrugs his shoulder to remove my arm from him. He walks ahead with a bag of charcoal to bbq stand.
"Who's dumb idea was is to have a bbq in winter, in New York?" I ask so loosely.
"It was mine." Jeff so kindly replies;
"I figured that much."
I help out on what needs to be done, against my will. Honestly I didn't want to be here but Rio doesn't take no for an answer.
"You talked to Maya?"
I freeze for a moment and look up and shrug my shoulders.
"She calls me and Rio ya know. She's always asking about you."
I hesitate to ask but ask anyway.
"What did she say?"
"Maybe if you picked the phone you would know."
Here we go. Unwanted advice from my big bro. I roll my eyes and sigh.
"You know I can't do that."
He gives me a look and shakes his head.
"Maya is a good person, a great person even. Don't tell me you're gonna throw it away because of what you do. I know you didn't ask but I suggest you quit working for that man before something bad happens."
He's right, I can't lie, but the thing is I'm in too deep. I can't quit now because there are people who want me dead and out their way but I can't tell anyone that, not even Jeff. Being in contact with Maya would probably put her in danger. Having Jeff and his family close is a risk itself.
Jeff stopped the life of crime when we were younger, after mom passed and after we both spent a night in jail for robbery. I started hanging around with the wrong people that got me connected to Wilson Fisk. And now, I can't go back.
Maybe if I had continued that business me and Jeff had I wouldn't be in a predicament.
The party started and the music was flowing. Children of different ages playing and running around without a care in the world.
Maya had always talked about families. She used to have immense baby fever when she moved in with me. She would stare at every kid she would come across. She loved Miles like he was her own. She brought up the conversation of kids and I panicked. It was a not so good conversation. It ended in slamming doors, sleeping in the other room and tears.
How can I explain to her that bringing a child would be dangerous because of my job. That's a route I didn't want to go down. What if she would leave me for good. Even after all that she respected my decision. I honesty don't deserve her.
"Hola everybody, thanks for coming. Isn't it nice to have family for the holidays. I have a Christmas gift for everyone today. You're gonna love it."
This got everyones attention. What could she possibly have that everyone would love. Money? Nahhh.
She walks down the fire escape and small conversations emerge again. She came back as fast as she left. Everyone is now confused because she comes back empty handed.
"Well where is the present?" someone asked.
Then everyone notices another figure behind her. Then the world stops completely. Ain't no way.
"MAYA!" Everyone is rushing over to her and greeting her. She knows everyone here. No surprise. She's so likeable and approachable. Everyone loves her, well including me.
The atmosphere is filled with excitement as people are still talking to her. She lights up the room, well air with her smile. Her dimples haven't faded at all. I'm stood so still like a literal statue. Until I feel someone nudge me back to earth.
"I said go talk to her."
She's talking to people as she walks over. She's talks to someone and makes a brief glance at me with a smile. I'm not ready. I try to make an escape by turning around to get a drink or something but Rio is in the way. Giving me a look. A look with her arms crossed and shaking her head.
Without a word she turns me back around and shoves me forward and into 'lo and behold' into Maya. She seems surprised to bump into me but I catch her out of instinct. She looks up and I look down. I'm so speechless I look like a fool.
"Uhh hey."
She attempts to hold a laugh but completely fails. She has me acting like a fool.
"Hi Aaron, how have you been?"
"Come on man don't stuttering on her now lil bro." Jeff mocks him.
"I'm doing good."
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