#aido au
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kynimdraws · 6 months ago
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More Aido musicverse shenanigans now with True Damage uncles/aunties...the prev part can be seen here btw
Again reminder that Aido is a fankid OC for yosante/k'yone I made with ref here
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tetsunabouquet · 2 months ago
I'll be letting you vote for Kinktober on Headcanon Ideas!
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pinkyberet · 2 years ago
Nicky AUs/Versions ~ Bad Apple
Corrupted!Nicky (Hello Bloodness): Yarui Munegi
Nightmare!Nicky (Hello Nightmares): Jorgeloid
Mystery!Nicky: Lacan Giga
Swap!Nicky: Cerif Genderswap: Vy1
Vampire!Nicky: Takara Asune
Lust!Nicky : Soune Renzi
Survivor!Nicky (Hello Monster): Akuma Yuko
Hakama!Nicky: Finn Barington
Medieval!Nicky: Rioki Skyzure
Waste!Nicky: Kiyone Kai
Hello Neighbor Corrupted: Yukimura Nori
Teenager: Aido Feirune
HN x Cookie Run: Gakupo Kamui
Hello Roommate (Josh): Matsudappoiyo
Reaper!Nicky: Yang
Ink!Nicky: Alejo
Anit-Glitch!Nicky: Gakupo V4
Inkling!Nicky: ZOLA Project Yuu
Error!Nicky: Samuel Katsune
Nickyette: Akita Neru
Doki Doki!Nicky: Fuzzy
H E L L O N E I G H B O R: Dem-03
Nik (Pow Nicky): Kaito
Player.exe: Sonic.exe
Frisk!Nicky: Equinox
Fell!Frisk!Nicky: Kai Kim Liminal!Nicky: HamanoKUN
Neko!Nicky (Hello Conde): 强い音 0701
Concept Art 1: Kasane Ted
Concept Art 2: CRINA Bitter
Concept Art 3: Tai Suki
Psychopath!Nicky (Hello Psychopath/Hello Kiler 2): Takara Asune Re:Act
Flower!Nicky (Hello Flower): Maksune Eku
Angel!Nicky (Hello Angel): Shining Dragon
Story Mode!Nicky (Hello Neighbor Story Mode): Hatsune Mikuo
Sweet & Sour (Andrew): DAR
@askkassandragf-v-2 @hello-neighbor-three-aus @hello-conde @hello-psychopath-hn-au @vanetheglitchfox @mochi-chan-2006 @mujin-draws @mujin-made-hn-au @abrilk
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philoursmars · 1 year ago
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Il y a une petite quinzaine, je suis allé avec Julien et Katie, au Louvre-Lens pour une expo temporaire : “Animaux Fantastiques”. Une très belle expo ! Ici des ouroboros, des hydres et des serpents :
Quetzalcoatl - Mexico, 1300-1500
coupe au serpent à cornes Aido Hwedo - ethnie fon, Bénin, 1889
Théodore Pélékanos - traité d'alchimie, l'Ouroboros - Corfou, 1478
extrait du film de Don Chaffey - "Jason et les Argonautes" - 1963
André Alciat - "Les Emblèmes", Triton et un ouroboros - Pavie, 1550
composition alchimique - origine inconnue, 1700-1800
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christophe76460 · 6 months ago
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Je vais PRENDRE mon culte ou RENDRE mon culte ?
J’ai souvent entendu des chrétiens dire je vais PRENDRE mon culte, sans doute dans l’idée qu’ils ont de prendre le repas de la cène.
Mais en réalité, nous allons à l’église pour RENDRE un culte.
RENDRE, c’est bien différent de PRENDRE qui est bien trop anthropocentrique dans la terminologie. Personne d’autre que notre Seigneur ne doit être au centre du culte que nous rendons, autrement il se transforme en idolâtrie…!
Dans Hébreux 12.28-29, nous lisons : « C’est pourquoi, recevant un royaume inébranlable, montrons notre reconnaissance en RENDANT à Dieu un culte qui lui soit agréable, avec piété et avec crainte, car notre Dieu est aussi un feu dévorant. »
Le verbe RENDRE se dit dans le grec "Latreuo" qui renvoie aux notions de : faire le service, officier, offrir des dons, adorer et célébrer un culte.
RENDRE ce n’est pas PRENDRE…🤔
RENDRE, c’est redonner une part de ce que nous avons reçu. Et cela suppose déjà de réaliser en premier lieu tout ce que nous avons reçu. Ainsi, lorsque nous avons mesuré l’étendue des grâces qui nous sont accordées, nous apportons une partie de ces grâces pour servir notre Dieu dans un culte de reconnaissance.
N’oublions pas que le culte agréable à Dieu réclame la piété et la crainte révérencieuse.
Le mot "agréable" en grec "euarestos" est un adverbe et non adjectif. C’est donc la façon de rendre un culte qui le rend agréable à Dieu.
Il en découle à l’évidence que Dieu n’accepte pas tous les cultes qui lui sont rendus (Amos 5.21-23). Dieu n’accepte que les cultes qui lui sont RENDUS de la bonne manière.
Le culte doit être offert avec "piété".
Il s’agit du mot grec "aidos" qui parle d’honneur, de modestie et de révérence.
Adorer Dieu avec piété signifie prendre des précautions et faire preuve de prudence.
Nous ne pouvons pas nous approcher de Dieu de n’importe quelle manière. Montrons de la prudence lorsque nous lui RENDONS un culte et faisons le en accord avec ses instructions reçues et pas selon ce que nous pensons bien ou aimons…!
Enfin, le culte que Dieu aime est RENDU avec "crainte". Il s’agit du mot "eulabeia" qui décrit une crainte respectueuse et révérencielle, un effroi mêlé de respect.
Le culte à Dieu ne devrait pas être caractérisé par une bonne ambiance que l’on cherche à créer pour rendre l’homme confortable.
La crainte produite par l’effet de la sainteté de Dieu sur nous, doit nous conduire à offrir notre adoration par Christ, par sa médiation parfaite qui seule nous permet de nous approcher de Dieu avec confiance.
Hébreux 10.19-22 « Ainsi donc, frères, puisque nous avons, au moyen du sang de Jésus, une libre entrée dans le sanctuaire par la route nouvelle et vivante qu’il a inaugurée pour nous au travers du voile, c’est-à-dire, de sa chair, et puisque nous avons un souverain sacrificateur établi sur la maison de Dieu, approchons-nous avec un cœur sincère, dans la plénitude de la foi, les cœurs purifiés d’une mauvaise conscience, et le corps lavé d’une eau pure. »
Et si nous allions ce matin à l’église pour RENDRE un culte d’adoration à notre Dieu par Jésus-Christ ?
JE NOUS VOUS SOUHAITE PAS UN CULTE AGRÉABLE���…mais je souhaite que notre culte soit agréable Dieu car son objectif n’est pas qu’il le soit pour nous, mais bien pour lui….et c’est notre responsabilité à tous qui est ici engagées.
Past. Xavier LAVIE
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nordseehexe · 10 months ago
Nemesis (griechisch Νέμεσις Némesis, deutsch ‚Zuteilung (des Gebührenden)‘) ist in der griechischen Mythologie die Göttin des gerechten Zorns, der ausgleichenden Gerechtigkeit, wodurch sie zur Rachegottheit wurde.
Ihre Begleiterin ist Aidos, die Göttin der Scham. Nemesis bestraft vor allem die menschliche Selbstüberschätzung (Hybris) und die Missachtung der Themis, (der Göttin) des göttlichen Rechts und der Sittlichkeit.
Im späten 20. Jahrhundert ist durch Einfluss der Popkultur eine Bedeutungsveränderung im Sinne eines ewigen Gegenspielers, eines Erzrivalen, einer Art persönlichen Todesengels, eines Todfeindes, eines nicht personifizierten Todbringers oder einer tödlichen Bedrohung eingetreten. Die Aussage „Ich bin deine Nemesis“ wird als „Ich bin dein Untergang“ statt als „Du bekommst, was du verdienst“ interpretiert.
Sie ist eine Tochter der Nyx („Nacht“), entweder nur aus dieser geboren, oder die Tochter der Nyx und des Erebos, bzw. Tochter des Okeanos.
Zeus paarte sich mit Nemesis in der Gestalt eines Schwans, nachdem sie zunächst aus Scham und gerechtem Zorn vor seinen Nachstellungen geflüchtet war. Auf ihrer Flucht über das Meer verwandelte sie sich in einen Fisch, am Rand der Erde angelangt, schließlich in eine Ente oder Gans, mit der Zeus als Schwan die Helena zeugte, um deretwillen schließlich der Trojanische Krieg geführt wurde.
In einer anderen Version der Geschichte spielt Aphrodite die Nemesis Zeus zu, indem sie sich als Adler auf den Schwan stürzt, der sich in den Schoß der Nemesis „flüchten“ kann. In beiden Erzählungen wird das Ei zu Leda gebracht, die Helena aufzieht – wenngleich sie nicht selbst die Mutter Helenas ist. Schwan und Adler wurden zu den entsprechenden Sternbildern.
Nach Bakchylides ist Nemesis mit Tartaros die Mutter der Telchinen von Rhodos.
In Ovids Metamorphosen bestraft sie den Narziss, weil dieser die Nymphe Echo und andere durch seine Unerbittlichkeit zugrunde gerichtet hat.
Ihre Attribute sind mannigfach. Unter anderem hält sie einen Zweig vom Apfelbaum in der Hand und wird von einem Greif begleitet. Wie die Erinys als Erinnyen kann auch Nemesis in der Mehrzahl (Nemeseis) angerufen werden. Zwei Nemeseis wurden in Smyrna verehrt, die bei dem dortigen Heiligtum Alexander dem Großen im Traum erschienen, als er erschöpft von der Jagd unter einer Platane schlief: Sie forderten ihn zur Neugründung der Stadt Smyrna auf, wo sich ihre älteste Kultstätte befand. Das Orakel des Apollon zu Klaros bestätigte den Auftrag.
In Aischylos’ Der gefesselte Prometheus heißt Nemesis auch Adrasteia („die Unentfliehbare“), in Ovids Metamorphosen Rhamnusia nach ihrem Heiligtum mit dem berühmten Kultbild in Rhamnous.
Dass im Unterschied zum modernen Verständnis die Göttin Nemesis mehr Richterin als Rächerin ist, macht der Orphische Hymnos „An Nemesis“ deutlich:
Ich rufe Dich, Nemesis!
Göttlich waltende Königin!
Allsehende, Du überschaust
Der vielstämmigen Sterblichen Leben.
Ewige, Heilige, Deine Freude
Sind allein die Gerechten.
Aber Du hassest der Rede Glast,
Den bunt schillernden, immer wankenden,
Den die Menschen scheuen,
die dem drückenden Joch
Ihren Nacken gebeugt.
Aller Menschen Meinung kennst Du,
Und nimmer entzieht sich Dir die Seele
Hochmütig und stolz
Auf den verschwommenen Schwall der Worte.
In alles schaust Du hinein,
Allem lauschend, alles entscheidend.
Dein ist der Menschen Gericht.
Friedrich Schiller dichtet:
„Es ist des Wohllauts mächtige Gottheit,/ die zum geselligen Tanz ordnet den tobenden Sprung, /die, der Nemesis gleich, an des Rhythmus goldenem Zügel / lenkt die brausende Lust und die verwilderte zähmt.“
– Der Tanz, 1795
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iamdeos · 1 year ago
O dam, I’m not dead
Close to it, but not quite dead.
Life update: moved to a new city, got a new job, gonna be even busier and slower to post shit than normal since I have to actually think at this job, but sometimes the added pressure actually squeezes more creativity out of me. We’ll see.
new master list of current WIPs:
Chasing the Dawn
EraserMightMic Left 4 Dead 2 AU, basically a zombie apocalypse AU. I think I’m 4 chapters max from the end, but then again I write 10k chapters so you know how that goes
The Death of Aidos
Overwatch, Reinhardt/Brigitte fic aka the slowest burn that ever burned: slated to be the main WIP after I finish Chasing the Dawn. This poor fic has been on the backburner too long because writing a godfather falling for his goddaughter is haaaard, but dammit, I’m going to do it. Also, plot keeps getting in the way, who told it to do that?
Invictus Sequel
That one story that everyone probably wishes I would hurry up and write. On the backburner after TDOA and CTD, this one’s another monster. Basically an omegaverse retelling of Vinland Saga prologue where I make Askeladd and Thorfinn fall in… love? Though neither of them will admit it. Slow slow plot burn argh but damn if the enemies to lovers isn’t sweet
Random other Stuff
God I have so many WIPs make it end.
omegaverse Lin Beifong/Tenzin WIP that’s been on my laptop since 2019, would love to finish it in time to post for the anti-AI omegaverse event on the bird app
Smutty little rarepairs of all kinds, FatMight, FatHawks, EndHawksJeanMight, JeanBaku, JeanShot, NanaYuuji, EnDabi, it never stoooops
whole buncha longfics in progress
If any of the smutty little rarepairs catches your eye, comment which one you wanna read cuz sometimes that helps give me direction on which one I should work on…
ok, now that I’ve proved I’m not dead, gudbai
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aidocar · 2 years ago
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rotkad · 9 months ago
HI OP uh
I got a few guys,,,
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Kavir [he/him]
Kavir is among the older ones of the gang, he was picked last minute so he was a little bit behind everyone else. He was a bit of an oddball among them and he knows that but he doesn't know why. Though, that never deterred him from giving it his all. He always tries to befriend anyone he meets, even the monsters who captured him.
But after watching Sua die, he wanted to play hero and try to save Mizi, Ivan and Till, not really caring so much for Luka, knowing he was the fan favorite.
Suffice to say, his plan isn't going as well as he hoped it would
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Tsumiki [or just Tsu in this AU] [she/her]
Tsu was an odd one from the start. No one expected her to pass. And she herself didn't care if she did or not.
She freaked everyone in their district out, mostly because of her weird obsession with bugs, dissection and monster anatomy. The monster caretakers themselves would go out of their way to avoid her. There were even rumors going around that she had attacked some of them.
What's worse, Tsu's music was uncomfortable to listen to. Not that it was bad, her singing talent was wonderful but the songs themselves were grimey and disgusting. And the monsters hated it but they couldn't vote her out. They say it's like somehow her singing compelled them to keep her in the game. Or rather, maybe it forced them.
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Stacy [she/her]
A boisterous and boastful young woman. Her voice was incredible and the monsters went mad over it, she was even rivalling the popularity of Luka.
Given her good looks and captivating personality, the monsters practically let her do and get whatever she pleased. She was spoiled rotten by her adoring fans and caretakers. And she was happy to have that leverage over others. But she dreaded death. She dreaded it more than anything.
So one night, when she disappeared, everyone was confused. Even her fellow competitors. She had everything she wanted, so why would she run away?
Where did she even go?
Concepts for other ocs that belong to other universe so just have an ALNST AU
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Rex - fish enthusiast, attacked a monster, was detained, broke out, now helping Mizi and Hyuna
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Mela and Sero - twin idols that will only perform together
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Darling - actively trying to befriend monsters to save her friends
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Aido - wasn't even supposed to be in the competition but forced her way in. immediately proceeds to rebel against the monsters
Some other concepts I haven't expanded on yet!!!
Mordekai - Rigged votes / bribed judges to get further into the competition
Nora - Lost her jaw in an attack from Luka, needs a robot voice to speak and sing
Kev - Has a crush on Sua? Or a hatred for her? Probably? She doesn't really know
Yuké - Actual crush on Ivan. Very graceful and angelic on stage but is literally just a bumbling mess of emotions
Moire - actively trying to help the monsters kill the other humans
Goro - doesn't understand what's happening / doesn't know people are actually dying so he decides to play with his life at any chance he gets
AND THATS IT so sorry for infodumping GRYDYVJ
just curious, I haven't seen many ALNST OCs out there (at least here on Tumblr). Does anyone have an ALNST OC they'd like to maybe share about ,,,,
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yanderevampireknight · 3 years ago
Squid Games! AU
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Guard! Human! Y/n: Aido, can you get up?
Player! Vampire! Aido Hanabusa: Aww, babe-
Guard! Human! Y/n: Who the fuck you callin babe???
Player! Vampire! Aido Hanabusa: You're so cute when you're angry
Guard! Human! Y/n: Stop talking to me
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VIP! Vampire! Kaname: I hope that blonde idiot didn't cause you to much trouble darling
Guard! Human! Reader: *Blushing* Um- No of course not!
VIP! Vampire! Kaname: Well, if he was, I'd hope you'd tell me
Guard! Human! Reader: O-of C- Yes of course!
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Guard! Vampire! Zero: Why were you talking to him
Guard! Human! Reader: Huh?
Guard! Vampire! Zero: *Frowning* You know what I'm talking about
Guard! Human! Reader: No reason! He was just making sure Aido wasn't harassing me! :)
Guard! Vampire! Zero: I wish you'd stop talking to those monsters
Guard! Vampire! Zero: I'd hate for them to hurt you
Guard! Human! Reader: Oh! They wouldn't do that!
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Vip! Vampire! Ruka: Are you alright?
Guard! Human! Reader: Huh?
Vip! Vampire! Ruka: I saw Lord Kaname speaking to you. He can be a very cruel man
Guard! Human! Reader: Oh no! Not at all!
Vip! Vampire! Ruka: Well, be careful little one
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Player! Vampire! Kain: I'm sorry about Aido, Y/n
Guard! Human! Reader: Huh? Oh, no it's quite all right! No need to apologize :)
Player! Vampire! Kain: Really? Lord Kaname didn't seem to think so...
Guard! Human! Reader: What do you mean?
Player! Vampire! Kain: Nothing. *Rubs your hair* See you later
Guard! Human! Reader: *Waving bye* See you, Kain!
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VIP! Vampire! Kaname: *Glaring at Aido*
Player! Vampire! Aido Hanabusa: Lord Ka-
VIP! Vampire! Kaname: *Slaps Aido* Ever harass Y/n again and I'll kill you
Player! Vampire! Kain: Should of known better Aido
Player! Vampire! Aido Hanabusa: *Glaring at Kain* Are you serious?
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nakachuchu · 4 years ago
Beach | Aido Hanabusa
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SYNOPSIS: Modern School AU where your soulmate has a specific scent that draws you to them.
READER: female
WORDS: 802
WRITTEN: 01/14/2021
NOTES: Thank you for requesting @millennialxletters I love this one so much more than the Takuma one I wrote rip so I hope you love this one too
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Hanabusa had always been a ladies’ man, but in a world where soulmates existed, he was lucky enough to be born with one. He surrounded himself with women, in hopes that you would be amongst them.
You never were. Everyone’s scents were dull or repulsive to him. He tortured himself daily in hopes of finding the one who was made for him. He was on a high of disgusting scents that weaved around him like rope.
He had hoped to find his soulmate in high school, where most people did. He was already a senior who had no aspirations in life. His only goal was to find you. That was what would make him happy in a dull world full of money-crazy people. 
He decided to skip school today. One day didn’t matter. As long as he kept his grades up, his parents wouldn’t care anyway. His personal driver took him to the beach as requested. 
Shirtless and shoes in hand, he sunk his toes into the sand and wiggled them around. Taking in a deep breath of the fresh air, he looked up at the sky and put his hand up to block the sun.
“Where are you?” he whispered. 
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“Gah, I’m so tired,” you complained.
“Y/N-san, please stop being so lazy,” pleaded Zero. “We have to finish this project.”
“Hmm, you’re my kouhai, so let me take a break.”
He sighed. “We’re in college now, not high school. And I’m only five months younger than you.”
You grinned, poking his nose with your pencil. “We have time. I’m gonna go for a walk.”
“Oh, come on, Zero! We don’t go to college by the beach for no reason,” you retorted. “Besides, we don’t have class today. That’s the whole reason we chose to meet up at this cafe today.”
You stood up from your seat, taking a sip of your iced coffee before placing it down on the table. “Less than an hour. I’ll treat you to anything you want.”
You smiled. “Thanks!” 
Hurrying out of the cafe, you took in a deep breath of fresh air. Being in an enclosed space of people who weren’t your soulmate was suffocating. Your nostrils burned harshly. 
You were glad Zero had his own soulmate because you weren’t able to smell his scent. That was one good thing about people who already had soulmates. 
The walk to the beach wasn’t long. You hurriedly took your shoes off, holding them in hand as you jumped feet-first into the sand. You smiled happily, beginning your stroll on the sand. 
You brushed your hair behind your ears. “Windy today, huh?” you asked yourself.
You froze in your tracks, sniffing the air as the scent of churros and fresh parchment wafted through the air. Turning around hastily, you tried to find your soulmate. He was close, you could smell him. You began running to where your nose took you, until you stopped in front of a boy who had a shocked expression on his face. 
“You...” You breathed heavily, attempting to catch your breath. “You smell like churros and paper!” you exclaimed, tears in the corners of your eyes. 
He stared at you, unmoving as tears fell down his face. “You... You smell like shaved ice and freedom.”
You fell onto your knees in tears. “Where were you? It took nineteen years.” 
He dropped his shoes and ran to you, sand flying through the air as he enveloped you in a hug as soon as he reached you. “I was beginning to lose hope,” he whispered.
You laughed and hugged him. “I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of smelling you.”
He buried his face into your hair. “Me too.”
Once the two of you had calmed down, you began to talk about your lives. You sat on his lap as he wrapped your arms around you and watched the ocean together. 
“I can’t believe you’re older than me. It’s like dating a cougar.”
You smacked his head. “Don’t say that! I’m only nineteen, you idiot.”
He chuckled. “Sorry. You have to go back soon, right? You said you left your partner at a cafe.”
“Yeah, he’ll be pretty pissed. Let’s meet up again this weekend! Give me your phone.”
He handed you his phone and watched as you added yourself into his phone. You two smiled at each other one last time before parting ways with the promise of seeing each other on the weekend. 
Once in the car he came in, Hanabusa looked out the window with a smile on his face. “You know, you don’t smell so bad,” he said to his driver.
The driver froze. “Sir, did you—"
“Yeah. Keep it a secret from my parents. Just a little longer. I want her all to myself.”
“Of course, sir.”
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kynimdraws · 7 months ago
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Main reason for drawing a ref for modern Aido is...
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tetsunabouquet · 11 months ago
Now Basic Instinct Is Over, What Would You Like Next?
Finding Spring (Aido Hanabusa X human f!reader):This is basically an Aidori fic with the reader taking Yori's place. Because it is downright criminal for the best ship to only become a thing in the sequel and barely getting some screentime when they finally do get together. This will have all the political drama their relationship was marked by, similar themes on touching on mortality as my vampire Akashi AU and the joys of love and a warm family to get you through the face of impending darkness.
Can't Help Falling In Love With You (Midorima x Bad girl!reader): You are not the girl Midorima is supposed to want or care for. You come from a Yakuza filled neighborhood, struggle with underage substance abuse and your friends are the definition of bad news. So Midorima pines for you from a distance, seeing the girl you are beneath the damage and how you are worth his time despite everything. When he finds you crying alone at school, his heart cannot ignore you and he decides to comfort you. In a foolish moment, he kisses you and having tasted the forbidden fruit Midorima can no longer go back to hungrily savoring just glimpses of you. What will become of it? Holding Onto Your Constellation (EVENTUAL Ren Tao x F!reader): After Men was nearly killed, gearing himself up for the Flowers Of Maize, Ren cannot help but pull him out of the tournament, not wanting to gamble with his son's life. He is the only thing left of Jeanne and Ren will not risk him. As a grieving kid, Men becomes too angry with his father and runs away. On a lonely night, you find the young boy trying to take refuge in your garden shed. You take the boy in, and try to resolve the mystery surrounding him. This series will focus on developping a bond between the reader and Men before Ren enters the picture. It's probably safe to say Reader-Chan won't interact with him in the first ten chapters at least.
Sanity Bear With Me (Ruki Mukami X F!Reader): You are the elder cousin of the Sakamaki's and in human years, an early twenty something. With Yui having chosen Carla Tsukinami, your original intention was to eat popcorn as you watched your uncle grumble over his sons failing. But unfortunately, your uncle has now commanded you to be their official babysitter as he works out plan B, which you suspect is to plot an arranged marriage between Yui's eventual daughter and one of your cousins. Through circumstances, you and Ruki end up as drinking buddies, bemoaning how each respective household became a mess upon Yui chosing the Tsukinami clan. What may happen, as you rear the 'children' together?
The Flowers I Found For Your Grave (Vampire Akashi AU): I already published both his AU bio as well as the prologue to this. The story follows Akashi, who upon the death of his mother can no longer stand vampire society. He finds kinship in the way human cultures deal with grief, and decides to live amongst them to remember what it was like to be human and learn from their ever-evolving society. This story follows Akashi as he learns from various KNB characters across time, heals and finds love with the reader at the end of his journey. An Overnight Story (Jonathan Morgenstern X F!Reader): What if things had went differently for Jonathan and he ran away before his father shaped him into Sebastian? Meet young Jonathan, aged 7. Always lonely whenever his father is away, he scoured the woods only to find you. You were the daughter of a Shadowhunter couple that lived in one of the mansions at the outskirts, always curious to explore relics like Ravenscar Manor, when you found the ultimate hidden treasure. The two of you became friends that day. When the two of you were twelve, you could no longer bear to witness your best friend suffer and proposed to run away together. You had received your first rune, it was safe to go. Or so you thought. Going from Shadow Market to another, trying to live as children on the streets wasn't easy. But you would do anything for him and his dreams of finding a cure to his demon blood. The only secret he never told you, was that his true reason for wanting a cure was to be a boy worthy of the kindness you showed him every day.
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lordyouko · 6 years ago
I need a Vampire Knight AU where yuki is gone somehow and Kaname isn’t dealing with it well and a KanamexZeroxAidou triangle is on the hoirizon where there are 102 chapters dedicated to who Kaname is going to be with and the only way the problem can be solved is with lots of yaoi and violence.
One emotionally tortured boy unable to accept his fate as the belonging of one vampire king after Kaname killed his former master
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A pureblood king of vampires who is not all together sane after losing yuki and giving in to his inner darkness
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One loyal follower who has every reason to question his allegiance after his leader’s cruel and heinous act against his family, but unable to deny his feelings
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And, of course,
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Just posted chapter 15 of my Vampire Knight fanfic for any of you who are interested.
Ayana Kuran was the eldest child of Haruka and Juri and the twin sister of Kaname-Well, not that Kaname. 16 years ago the Senate took her real little brother and left an impostor in his place. An impostor that answers to the same name and possesses the same likeness as her dearly departed brother. Now, she's allied herself with the new Kaname in hopes or reviving the Ancestor's original body and freeing her real brother from his possession. But with no guarantee it will work or that her brother's mind will not be damaged beyond repair, the mounting hostilities between the Monarchies and the Senate, and the Inner Council's anti-pureblood agenda Ayana finds herself being a piece in a game of political chess with fake Kaname plotting out all the moves.
"Ayana ran her hands over his face. 'Sometimes,' she said, 'I can't bear to look at you. It hurts too much...You look like my darling little brother, but you're not him. He's gone. They killed him and left you in his place. And, when I look at you all I see is the ghost of him and it breaks my heart.'"
(AU) Kaname/OC
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furuichissoulfordessert · 7 years ago
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I still can't move on from these two. Theirs is a bittersweet love that will both melt and crush you at the same time. 😭💔
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