#aidan michaels
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morfinwen · 17 days ago
1 for Q, 3 for Aidan, 4 for Neal, 5 for Connie, 6 for Ash, 7 for Lanzo, 8 for Susanna, 9 for Angela, 10 for Reagan, 11 for Christopher, 13 for Amanda, 14 for Nate, 16 for Leah, 20 for Darcy, 21 for Niner, 22 for Lauren, 24 for Ian, and 25 for Kira, please?
It's time for another round of, "random asks i've finally answered"!
1. Does Q have any motifs?
I don’t think i do motifs, sadly. At least, haven’t so far.
3. Is Aidan an indoor or outdoor person?
More of an outdoors person than you’d guess, based on how much time he spends inside. So long as there’s sufficient sunlight and fresh air, Aidan would be okay with spending the whole day indoors, but spaces with no windows or doors make him uncomfortable. Possibly the result of his childhood home being a burned-down barn with most of its roof and walls missing.
4. What's Neal's favorite recreational activity?
Surfing. It’s something he’s done for years that has relatively few negative associations. 
5. What was Connie's dream job as a kid? Is it different than what his career ended up being?
He settled on “scientist” in grade school. He probably didn’t pick the specific branch of science he ended up working in, and he certainly didn’t anticipate the amount of paperwork, reading, writing, and other “non-science” aspects of the job, but young Connie would be satisfied with his grown-up self’s career choices.
6. What is the thing Ash likes least about himself?
Eventually he’s realized that he takes after his dad more than his gentle, easy-going mother when it comes to grudges and being tolerant. He can usually master himself, but should someone push too many of his buttons or too hard, it can be really hard to keep from dropping “speak softly” in favor of a “big stick”.
7. What is the thing Lanzo likes most about himself?
He’s got a persistent sanguinity (vampire joke) that always manages to resurface, no matter how many unpleasant situations he’s lived through. 
Vampires are at a disadvantage coming into immortality, namely that their natural perception of time and change is human, and humans don’t live anywhere close to forever. To oversimplify, when it comes to adjusting their perception, vampires have two options: learn to care about nothing, or find some way of remaining upbeat as everything constantly changes around you and almost everyone you know dies. Most vampires Lanzo knows have chosen the former, and it just seems like an unpleasant way to go about it. He considers himself fortunate that the latter method comes more easily to him than it probably does to most.
8. What book genre is Susanna's favorite?
Susanna doesn’t care much for reading, but “life in [historical setting]” books are interesting enough to hold her attention for a while. Say, fifteen minutes.
9. What book genre is Angie's least favorite?
Apart from erotica, literary fiction. The stereotypical “middle-aged professor contemplating adultery and a midlife crisis” type of book. Rarely has anything interesting to say, usually too impressed with its own vocabulary.
10. What kind of music does Reagan enjoy?
Her tastes are as eclectic as anyone’s, but she tends to prefer alternative rock or quieter, more acoustic stuff.
11. Has Christopher ever fallen in love and with whom?
Chris is the kind of guy who can develop an intense crush pretty quickly. He’s had a number of relationships and infatuations throughout the years, most of which weren’t worth talking about after a few weeks or months, but a couple have been more pronounced. The most notable would probably be Elizabeth, talked about here, and Jordan. 
Self-awareness is not his strongest skill, and there was an important realization about himself Chris hadn’t made until he started crushing on the passionate, charming, gregarious, good-looking guy in one of his acting classes. Even separate from that revelation, Jordan was one of the few people he crushed on that didn’t have some obvious incompatible character trait or quirk, and Chris spent a lot of time with him through school, so that was one of his longest-lasting crushes.
13. Where would Amanda like to go on a honeymoon?
The Mediterranean. The food, the history, the ancient buildings, the scenery, the wine. It just sounds like the pinnacle of romance.
14. An embarrassing secret about Nate?
He was a pretty credulous kid; ‘gullible’ implies trusting, which i don’t think was the case, but he was not into fact-checking. If he heard that, if you did x, y, and z in video game X, you’d get a secret ending, even if he tried to get it and failed, he’d still assume it was the case, he’d just messed up somehow. 
16. How does Leah feel about her parents?
By her early teens she recognized they both had noticeable issues (her mother was anxious, her father emotionally withdrawn) that were affecting both herself and her sister. Part of the reason she and Nate married so young was because she wanted the fresh start of her own household, and to put some distance between them. She still loved them, but they weren’t really willing or able to recognize their problems, let alone get help for them, so she definitely needed some distance herself.
20. A nostalgic memory from Darcy's childhood?
I mention it in the OCs section, but one of the few things he recognizes as generating a positive emotional response is setting up a pillow fort in the living room with his sisters and having a mini-party, eating snacks and watching their favorite childhood movies. Even with Kira being a teenager now, it’s something they all still love too much to be self-conscious about, and as they’re only allowed to do it on special occasions, it’s got the same kind of emotional resonance as Christmas or birthdays.
21. Hobbies Niner enjoys?
She’s not really into things that normal people would recognize as hobbies. There’s a variety of odd, somewhat cat-like things she’s into, but they don’t really have names. It’s stuff like ‘finding the best way to lie in the sun in this room’ or ‘sleep in someone’s clothes on the floor without them noticing’ or ‘bat a ball of yarn without unraveling it’.
22. What is holding Lauren back (from) achieving her goals?
Time, mostly. She’s actively working toward them, and certain characteristics (like her temper) might make it more difficult, but there’s nothing outright preventing her. 
24. How does Ian handle the death of someone he knows?
His maternal grandmother died when he was in high school. He felt some sadness, and cried at the funeral, but thought he was okay after that. It took him until senior class started to realize that he hadn’t dealt with all his grief, and only then because his teachers were concerned at his sudden inability to pay attention in class or complete even simple assignments on time.
25. Kira's favorite food and color
Color: Magenta. It’s bright, stands out, and is different enough from pink that she (a sensitive, self-conscious teenager) doesn’t feel bad about liking it.
Food: There’s some exceptions, but garlic + cheese + pasta in most combinations is a winner. 
Thanks for asking!
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princesspierpaolo · 3 months ago
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two of us (2000) dir. michael lindsay-hogg
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stellamarielu · 3 months ago
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always updating! sorry it's all smut lol
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joel miller
blurred lines part 2
new territory
on the job
joel miller blurbs and drabbles
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declan o'hara
sweetheart part 2
we shouldn't
leave it on
good girl
mr o’hara
like father, like son
back to the office
look at you
breaking the rules
friendly competition
talk too much
declan o’hara blurbs & drabbles
boyfriend!declan headcannons
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michael robinavitch
late night visits
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john mitchell
show me
boyfriend!mitchell headcannons
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haveyouseenthismovie-poll · 6 months ago
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kassy-djomunson · 4 days ago
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force-dyad · 11 months ago
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waywardangel-13 · 4 months ago
Just finished elementary and uh
1.) Amazing. Love love love love love
2.) That was one of the rudest bait and switches I've ever seen
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movie--posters · 3 months ago
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tavolgisvist · 6 months ago
At the beginning of Two Of Us DJ's talking about Silly Love Songs - and we slide right now in:
How can I tell you about my loved one?
I love you, I love you
Ah, I can't explain The feeling's plain to me Say, can't you see?
But we don't hear this song, Peter Frampton starts to sing instead:
I wonder how you're feeling…
Then we move from Paul to John who's listening this song too. These shots set the tone for the whole film: the song playing in our (and heroes') heads vs the song we (and both heroes) can hear. John and Paul scan each other again and again: I wonder how you're feeling… - instead of just saying the words of Silly Love Songs. The song remains behind the scenes and it's words don't sound but we (and the heroes of the story) keep hearing they inside of us: I love you… Say, can't you see?
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ghost-bison · 1 year ago
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Fave platonic soulmates
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morfinwen · 1 month ago
For the 5 Characters ask: 3-5 for Ash, Julie Wilson, Meaghan, Neal, and Nate, and 10, 13, and 17 for Kira, Darcy, Susanna, Hannah, and Avery, and 14, 16, and 20 for Ian, Aiden, Q, Angela, and Lauren, please!
Ash, Julie, Meaghan, Neal, and Nate
In a car chase with
Meaghan. She probably has the most experience, and while she wouldn't necessarily qualify as a "safe" driver, i'd have more faith in her to avoid crashing than some others.
Ash. He might not be able to use magic to help, but he'd stay calm, which is an important part of car chases.
Julie. She can't drive, and i don't think she'd be especially calm, but she'd still be better than Neal or Nate.
Neal wins out over Nate because Neal at least wouldn't be able to run away. He'd want to, but he wouldn't be able to. Not that I'd blame Nate for running away necessarily, but it would be a bit of a morale hit.
Shopping for formal wear with
Julie. She's got more of a fashion taste than i do, and it'd be a fun afternoon.
Neal. I think he'd have a better idea of fashion than i do (not hard).
Meaghan. She might get a bit frustrated with how uncomfortable fancy clothes feel (she's much more invested in the feel of clothes than the look), but she probably has at least a little experience, and wouldn't get worked up over it.
Ash. He's a patient guy, usually, but this might not be something he has the patience for. Best-case scenario, we get in, find something tolerable, and get out.
Nate. He wouldn't be a bad person to do this with exactly, but he knows nothing about fine fashion, and he'd probably be annoyed at being asked. Not that i can blame him, asking a ghost suffering from post-death depression to participate in something like clothes shopping is just mean.
On the run from corrupt authority figures with
Ash. We'd need to get ahead enough that he could use his enchanting skills to fortify our hideout, but once he did, i think we'd be quite safe. In addition, he's part of a whole society of people who operate under the radar, so he'd have lots of friends and acquaintances who could help.
Meaghan. She's got experience with this kind of thing too, but when she's involved, things tend to get a bit more shooty. Still, would much rather be on her side than against her!
Julie. She doesn't have the experience of some others, but… how to put this. She's been close enough in the past that she can honestly say, with 100% certainty, how she would act in such scenarios, not just bravado and wishful thinking. And she's a werewolf, which would help if the corrupt government agents got too close.
Nate. I feel bad putting him near the end of all of these, but they're just not to his strengths. At least in this scenario, he'd be less threatened by the corrupt government than i would be, so he could be a "voice on a headset" type of assistant if nothing else.
Neal. Depending on how we're playing it, he might have some experience, but that comes with trauma and bad memories, which wouldn't be very fun for him. Still, he's definitely more of a take-action guy than some others would be.
Kira, Darcy, Susanna, Hannah, and Avery
To cut and style my hair
Kira. Look, i wouldn't be 100% comfortable letting any of them near me with scissors and dye, but if we were in a setting Kira could be comfortable with, i feel like things would go… not terrible, at least.
Hannah. She's a bit young and inexperienced, but i think in this case that would encourage her to stick to the directions. She'd certainly stop and ask for help more often than some others.
Avery. She's a soldier who grew up on the run, and i don't even know if they have hair dye in Ferelden. This might be one of the only scenarios where i'd feel better about her assistance if Isabela was also around to help.
Darcy. He'd read the instructions thoroughly, and the fear of doing it wrong would more likely cause paralysis than disaster.
Susanna. It's not happening. I'm not even entering the same room with her if she's got scissors.
Rewatch my favorite movie/show with
Hannah. I'd pick one that's age-appropriate, and we'd have a great time.
Kira. So long as i picked the right one, i think we could have some good conversations.
Avery. I feel like finding one that would hold her interest would be difficult, and there would definitely be a risk of her heckling the best parts of something that i liked, but if it was something comedic, it'd be ten times funnier with her.
Darcy. He'd probably be quiet during it and polite after it, but even if he really liked it, i don't think we'd have much to talk about.
Susanna. There's a chance i'd find something we'd both enjoy watching, but if i guessed wrong, then she'd be running around making noise in no time, or complaining about it, or something else.
Cook dinner for
Avery. She's not going to be picky, and she'd be a terrific dinner guest.
Hannah. All i need to do is make some frozen pizza and we're good.
Kira. Also not picky, and an easier conversationalist than some.
Darcy. More particular than his sister, but i feel like he'd be accepting of something simple. He'd be quiet, but wouldn't complain or anything.
Susanna. She is a loud, adventurous ten-year-old. Best-case scenario, it's a loud, messy experience, and i hate cooking as it is.
Ian, Aidan, Q, Angie, and Lauren
Leave in charge of my home while I'm away
Angie. She'd probably clean up, maybe even go shopping for groceries, just to be nice.
Q. Responsible, low-key, lives far enough away from his cousin that there's no serious danger of chaotic friends or relatives showing up.
Ian. Even if it got a bit messy in the middle, he'd do his best to tidy up afterward. He might miss a thing or two, though.
Lauren. Not a meaningfully worse choice than Ian, but she'd get more high-strung over it.
Aidan. Decent odds he'd burn something, almost certainly would leave sesame seeds or bits of dried fruit lying around somewhere.
Study for an exam with (i hope you don't mind the replacement; "sent to assassinate me" is just too difficult and unpleasant to answer)
Ian. Putting something to music is a very effective way to remember it, and i think we could come up with some creative ways of doing that.
Angie. If nothing else, she'd be a considerate study partner.
Q. He'd be a bit more standoffish than Angie, but probably doesn't have any egregiously offensive study habits.
Lauren. We'd be fine as long as she didn't get too frustrated. And i feel like she's probably had enough experience with school in general that she knows how to cope with studying.
Aidan. He'd be the kind of person to say what was on his mind, and since it's been close to a century since he was in school, he'd probably have a lot of questions.
Work as a bodyguard for
Aidan. If there's a way of permanently killing a phoenix, neither of us are aware of it, so i wouldn't actually need to do any bodyguarding. Probably i'm just there for optics.
Ian. The situation that has him needing a bodyguard might put some stress on him, but he'd still act fairly laidback, and he definitely wouldn't be inclined to do anything dangerous or disregard orders or any nonsense like that.
Angie. Being with Angie in any circumstance means accepting that she probably knows more than you do about the current situation. Unless the stakes were world-endingly high for some reason, she probably wouldn't ever put me in the position of chasing after her or wondering where she was, but knowing i don't know everything about her thoughts and plans would add a degree of stress to the job.
Q. Like Ian, he would stay out of trouble and follow the rules… mostly. There could come a point where he makes a decision like "move to another country without telling anyone" as a coping mechanism. Still, he has more experience than any of the others with having bodyguards, so he might not get to that point.
Lauren. She wouldn't be any more inclined to disregard orders than the others, but she'd hate it. And just being in close proximity to her on a constant basis would inevitably mean experiencing her temper on a regular basis.
Thanks for asking!
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princesspierpaolo · 3 months ago
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two of us (2000) dir. michael lindsay-hogg
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cillianmurphysdimples · 4 months ago
How is it, every time I watch Michael Collins, I'm surprised that Alan Rickman is in it? I've seen this film over a dozen times and I still go "ah, Alan Rickman!" every fucking time like an arsehole! 🤦🤣
Educating the kids this morning, not that they give a fuck.
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kassy-djomunson · 2 days ago
boys will be boys
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beatlespolls · 1 year ago
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karmaalwayswins · 8 days ago
Aidan Millward "The New Team That Did It Right - The Story of the Jordan 191" (2023)
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