baiboop · 2 years
i decided to just make this into a separate post rather than a reblog of my other post! (this is just a little ficlet/scenario from much later in my fanfic so enjoy!)
Micheal had never before stopped to observe (and examine with care) the tufts of unruly hair on a humans head. He had never paid any kind of special attention to any human before, especially not to something as insignificant as the way their hair fell to frame their face, or how it stuck up in certain areas (presumably from falling asleep with wet hair).
No, he had never cared, not before Adam.
Adams head of dark sandy locks captivated Micheal for no good reason. A handful of Micheals time with Adam was consumed by every-one of Micheals angelic eyes inspecting Adam. Taking in any discrepancies from the last time he had viewed him, as well as just gathering data about this special human.
A couple of Micheal’s eyes stared at the out of place hair sticking up on the side of Adam’s head. Effectively keeping Micheal’s mind semi-occupied in thought while his beloved rambled on about the time he and his mom had gone to the zoo.
Michael was not ignoring Adam, he wouldn’t dare disrespect him like that. However, he had heard this story twenty-eight times before and hadn’t forgotten a word of it. Even now, preoccupied, he was still listening to the story and noting all the tiny differences from last time Adam had told it.
Some changes include, a time difference, the last time Adam had relayed this story, he claimed they stopped for lunch after the penguins at 12:30pm. In this instance of story telling he claimed it to be 1:00pm.
Micheal, of course, knew Adam was not purposely lying to him, he had been around Adam long enough to understand human perception of time and memories were not exact.
During Adams enthusiastic description of two polar bears Micheal reached out towards Adam. This movement seemed to shock Adam a bit, as he ceased his description and quietly watched Micheals path of motion. When Michael’s hand met the side of Adam’s head he repeated a downward petting motion four times, delicately raking his fingers through the strands and smoothing out the ungoverned hair.
Adam gaped back at him, blue eyes highlighted by the sun. The slightest tinge of a blush crept across Adam’s complexion.
Micheal could feel Adam’s flattery and happiness exuding off of his exquisite soul even before the smile started to appear on Adam’s face.
“Bedhead?” Adam questioned sweetly through his smile.
“Mmm.” Micheal responded in an affirmative hum.
“Thank you, Michael.” Adam beamed.
Micheal watched in awe of the creature in front of him. His eyes tracing the crinkles forming at the corners of Adam’s eyes and the lines that appeared around Adam’s mouth. The signification of happiness proudly displayed on his lovers face was quite wonderful. It even earned a smile from himself in return.
“Of course, Adam.”
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sgrobailancoiseam · 3 years
ath-ìomhaigh ann an lob truaillte
Slìogaidh Aicheall na corragan tro falt Phàdraigill, pògan cniadach anns na corra mòmaidean sìtheil air an t-achadh Tròidhe.  Gaol, mòlltaich le umha. Pristeal sgathain, tugta dhuinn tro caogad linntean.
Linn tuaighe.  Linn lannach.  Linn gaoithe.  Linn faoil. Tha tost air Breasaias fhathast.  Thuirt a suathaideas brathadhan na peacaidhean ladarnach a chunnaic i sa àm sin.   Thar na t-aimsirean tha pàragoin cuèir thoirte dhuinn.
Gearribh ur làmhan air na oirean sgragach, a’ peantadh an rud na bruanan le lacaor bogha-froise. Chan eil cuidegin sam bidh nach bheil luachan leinn,  neas cuiridh sinn cuèireas sa chridhe eachdraidhe.
‘S e clàbadairean a th’annainn, cho nì sinn naisgeach ùr airson na spleadhan an t-saoghail.  
(cuiribh mi ceart)
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baiboop · 2 years
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made some quick art of micheal and adam :) made it based off of a sketch i did at work!
look at all of micheal’s eyes watching adam, i like to think micheal is constantly monitoring everything about adams body to make sure he’s 100% physically okay all the time <3
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