#ai professor
nyaagolor · 1 year
SV PMD AU plot... 2!
Tumblr was yelling at me bc the first post was too long??? So all the finale and postgame stuff is here oops. Under the cut bc Long
Arven has long since been getting visions from his professor parent alongside Violeta (the protagonist), and has a mysterious connection to the 'raidon that's traveling with her. The professor is constantly asking them to come down to Area Zero, which makes all of them Hella Suspicious. Violeta assumes that her memory issues and the origin of these strange dungeons might likewise be connected to what's happening in Area Zero, so the three decide they're going to go down there along with Nemona (battle backup) and Penny (knows a lot about dungeon magic)
The dungeon is even freakier than regular mystery dungeons, with stairs often allowing glimpses into the in-between space. Unlike the tight corridors and caves of other places, Area Zero is wide open and you can see the sky no matter how deep you descend. Crystals grow out of the walls at unnatural angles, becoming more prominent the deeper they go, and most importantly all the pokemon there are strange, unnatural monsters that look like facsimiles of real Pokemon and attack on sight, but that look similar to the monsters in the book that Arven got from his professor parent
As they go deeper, they encounter rest areas / research stations that the professor used to use. Inside of each the professor will appear as a vision and urge them to activate the crystals inside, which allows them access to the deeper levels. Things start to get weirder and weirder (like encountering strange pokemon that look like flowers who only speak in a nonsense, cryptic language), and the team starts to doubt the professor's intentions. During this time, Arven spills his backstory to the rest of the team: how the professor is his parent but disappeared into the dungeons long ago, how he met and was cared for by Mabosstiff, but that Mabosstiff got hurt trying to return him to his parent in Area Zero, and his backstory with the 'raidon
The professor had always been fascinated by Area Zero-- it's the only naturally occurring mystery dungeon, after all. A pokemon named Heath tried to explore it long ago but lost a partner in the labyrinth and retreated, keeping their notes in a book that the professor was obsessed with. While in Area Zero, the professor found the 'raidon (though Arven admits he doesn't know more than that) and brought them home to be Arven's sibling. However, they had to stay in hiding because the professor was afraid of people's reactions. Eventually, 'raidon was spotted while playing with Arven so the professor took the 'raidon back to Area Zero to live there, leaving Arven behind. The 'raidon admits this is true and that their memory of Area Zero is extremely hazy. Penny suggests something traumatic might have happened, but the 'raidon seems hesitant to elaborate and the topic is dropped
They reach the pit of Area Zero, where they see the ruins of a lab, the professor standing just outside of it-- except it's not the professor. This new pokemon, who looks just like the strange monsters seen all around Area Zero, is very much Not Arven's parent even though it looks like them and speaks in their voice, and so the team all demands that the "professor" explain everything, which they are happy to do
This "professor" admits off the bat that they're not the real professor, they're a paradox pokemon created from the professor's memories. They explain that the crystals in Area Zero are responsible for its mystery dungeon like qualities and are capable of strange magic. The real professor, they said, created a time machine from the crystals after exploring Area Zero and not finding the supposed "paradox pokemon" described in the book. The first they ever brought in was a 'raidon (not the one traveling with Arven) that became their partner (this idea came from a reply by voidtravler). Together, they explored many dungeons and worked on the time machine, becoming great friends and drawing more paradox pokemon from another time
However, all this meddling with time and space caused the influence of the crystals to grow, turning surrounding caves into mystery dungeons as well. Anything underground or in a mountain-- aka where crystals could grow) slowly began to have destabilized reality. This affected the minds of the pokemon within them as well, slowly driving them feral if they were stuck there for too long. Unfortunately, the professor didn't realize this until it was too late
The professor ended up bringing another, younger 'raidon to the present, who they intended to raise alongside their son Arven. While doing that, the first 'raidon stayed in the dungeon to upkeep the time machine. However, things went wrong in the way Arven remembers it and the professor had to return to Area Zero to keep the 'raidon a secret. Unfortunately, all the time alone in close proximity to the time machine drove the first 'raidon feral, and upon seeing the second 'raidon their territoriality kicked in and they attacked. The professor tried to stop them, but was killed by their 'raidon partner. The little 'raidon freaked out, fleeing the scene and desperately trying to find Arven again. They flew to the beach near the lighthouse they had been living in with Arven, but crash landed and fell into a mystery dungeon. Being there alone affected the formation of memory, so they ended up relatively amnesiac and not knowing what happened in Area Zero other than that it was terrifying
Turns out the "time machine" was actually a wish-granting machine, and now the only wish around was the 'raidon's wish to bring their partner back. Their wish was so powerful it created an entirely new pokemon that contained all the late professor's memories-- not the same person, but a close copy almost like an AI. Being in contact with such strong feelings of regret and grief from the feral 'raidon powers the wish machine to insane levels, so the AI professor begs the team to stop it before it hurts any more people or corrupts reality any further
They enter, but the AI professor is suddenly overtaken: the dying wish of the professor is powering the time machine and turning the AI professor to its side via magic. The AI professor asks the team to defeat them, and they're able to and move to turn off the wish machine. At this point, the 'raidon reveals themselves, blind with anger and grief, and attacks immediately. The team is no match for them and are swiftly defeated, but the little 'raidon refuses to let their friends get hurt and stands up to fight. They also react to the crystals' energy, and powered by the strongest wish of all-- the wish to help their friends-- they get a burst of energy and engage in battle. It should be a clear defeat, but the power of friendship quite literally powers up the little 'raidon and they're able to pull through, snapping the first 'raidon out of their blind grief
The first 'raidon breaks down, saying they just wanted their partner back and can never forgive themselves or stop trying. The AI and team explain that even though it's hard, it's not healthy to dwell on it for this long or ok to hurt other people in the process. The AI professor says they need to shut down the wish machine, which will continue to run for as they're both holding onto the professor. The 'raidon says they lost the other thing tethering them to this time and that they're not truly from here, so they don't know what to do. The AI talks to them, and both decide they're going to go to wherever the wish machine brings them together, having no real connection to this world anymore. The team bids them farewell as they walk into the wish machine, hoping to find the professor wherever they happen to be. The wish machine finally deactivates, falling part and releasing its hold on Paldea. All the mystery dungeons return to regular caves, all the feral pokemon come back to their senses and are magically transported to the entrance of the dungeons they were wandering, and the paradox pokemon are freed from the madness of the time machine
Everyone returns to the guild, where they're greeted by their friends. Team Star is officially back in the guild, Nemona and Violeta + the 'raidon are the highest possible exploration rank, and Mabosstiff is pardoned from his earlier outlaw status and allowed to join a team with Arven. Everyone gets their happy ending :)
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agentc0rn · 1 year
Another fun thought
Idk if anyone said this already but you know when AI Sara/Turo disappear into the Time Machine warp? To me it symbolizes the ascension to heaven (which is often associated with paradise). It’s also basically “change da world, my final message. Good bye” meme where they part with Arven for good (again). In that context, they have done their part in atoning for their sins in stopping the Time Machine (minus their neglect of Arven), which they then leave the purgatory aka zero lab. That scene really made me envision that imagery.
Edit: On a side note, I remember someone pointing out the allusion of the garden of Eden from one of the quotes:
"You wıll fal| herə, withın this gɑrden paradisə—and aɔhiəve n■thıng in the ənd."
This quote is interesting because that happened to Sada/Turo too, though they still managed to achieve and extend their dreams becoming reality through the Paradise Protection Protocol. It sort of parallels the first sin committed by Adam and Eve.
Sada/Turo sacrificed all that they had to further their research, including their own lives, to fulfill their ambitionss - it is by their own actions and obsessions that led to their downfall (and potentially causing disruption in the ecological balance of Paldea)
Anyways, that all may be but a mere thought in my head, but it's something that I felt was worth sharing.
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dorianbrightmusic · 1 year
Guys i’m making music again, here it is
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briar-craft · 2 years
Final review
Okay, so I finished the whole regular story of Pokemon Violet (I have not gotten to any postgame stuff yet cause I want to finish my Pokedex and to do that I need to go through Scarlet) and so this will be my last sort of review for the game. I will talk about the characters outside of the game still, but I saw at least someone liked me talking about the actual game and characters, so want to give closure on what I think and feel of the game. So as always, spoilers below!
Now, when Pokemon Scarlet and Violet were first announced, and the time leading to their release, I only read/heard the bare minimum since I knew I was going to get them anyway because it's my childhood and whole life basically. That minimum being that there were going to be three story lines that you could do. To me, I thought they meant you had to choose one path and go with it. Maybe a research path where, like in Arceus, you "get badges" depending on how many pokemon you get, or something else.
I have to say how happy I am that I was wrong about it. It would have been such a drift from the norm to not have to do any of the gyms in a main line pokemon game, so left field and I think it would be interesting down the line to have the option open of taking different paths. But no, this time Gamefreak, Nintendo, all of the story makers made an incredible story that does indeed have different paths, but they all lead into the same end.
Nemona, your battle rival. You have one every game, yet none of them are really supportive of you as she is. The "rivals" in X/Y, where I think really is where they start the trend of the rivals really being friends, are just off doing their own thing, and if they run into you, cool. Sun/Moon, sure Hau supports you, but is also focusing on learning to become a Kahuna one day. Hop encourages you in Sword/Shield, but mostly in a "You have to keep me strong" way. Nemona however, she wants you to become strong more for your own potential. Of course, in the end she wants someone to be able to go all out on, but she isn't pushing you to just be able to push herself, she's already "done" her treasure hunt and is a champion rank, she actively checks up on you and sees where you are in your journey. Just a perfect balance between enthusiastic and encouraging where she doesn't feel like too much all of the time, but also is just there to support you. I love her honestly, she's just a breath of fresh air for rivals.
Penny, Cassiopia. She's a nerd. While we had people like Trevor, they never seemed like shut in introverts like Penny. While they were smart, they were never dorky or nervous, wanting to hide behind a screen. I wasn't bullied too much in school, I can definitely relate to her being quiet and reserved, but also having a quirky side as she at first wanted to watch anime when Geeta was talking about giving her her job, and she even admits that some of the things she's come up with, "Hasta la vistar!", are cringe, and so a lot of people can relate to her. Not to mention, like I seen someone else somewhere say, a lot of people would love just an Eeveelution team. Eevee is so cute, yet can be so versatile and such a wild card to evolve. It has an evolution for almost any part of a team no matter how late or early in the game it is. I relate to her and her struggles of wanting to fit in even with her strange tastes and hobbies.
And now, Arven. I didn't like him at first, he was too arrogant, too hot headed. He basically abandoned the Raidons on you without any sort of real explanation. Then I get to meeting Mabosstiff and I warm up to him more because, as I said in a previous post, I love pets. I've had so many over my lifetime. I've had older/sick pets that I honestly just wanted to love and be there for them. And seeing him care so much for Mabosstiff, wanting to make him feel better, I cried during the rest of the cutscenes for the titan pokemon because he is trying so hard...
Now, separate, all three of these characters are great. They have a good balance, they are unique and just themselves rather than trying to become someone else. But together, they're even better. Sure, at first, they bickered like cats and dogs, Penny ragging on Arven, Arven riling up Nemona, and Nemona just kinda bugging both of them with how much she just wanted to battle, but they grow to like each other and open up. We learn that Penny's Dad is a bit over affectionate, which many people could relate to when they were teens, Nemona is the second daughter of the company present of Rotom Phones I think so while they pushed her sister a lot, her parents never really gave her much expectations and just do whatever she wanted, and Arven talked about Professor Turo/Sada. Here, I'm just going to say Professor since they're basically the same, only thing different is whether they studied/fantasized about the past or future.
Growing up, Arven loved the Professor, possibly/most definitely both since they're both technically his parents, and so wanted to spend time with them of course. But then, the Professor was so engrossed in their project, trying to make their way to the bottom of Area Zero no matter how much their partner wanted them to stop, that they break up. Why the partner didn't take Arven with them is a mystery really, if they saw how much the Professor was hurting him by not being around. But the fact was that they didn't, and so Arven only had Maschiff, and eventually Mabosstiff, by his side.
The Professor knew the possible consequences of having such a young boy around so kept him at home, which is fair enough, but to barely even talk to him through video calls, which I have to point out was possible all along even before the AI came to talk to the protag, was just wrong. Arven, a boy who just wanted to connect back with his parent, went down the most dangerous area, only for his best friend to be hurt. I understood then why exactly Arven despised the Raidons: Because if the Professor was unsuccessful with bringing the Raidon here, Mabosstiff wouldn't have been hurt. He wouldn't have been hurt. The Professors would have still been around. He would have his family still if the Raidon hadn't come through the time machine.
So, while Nemona was basically the brawn of the team, Penny the brains, Arven was the one that had the experience of what Area Zero was like. He kept both of them in check because being too cocky or too skittish could lead them to be hurt as well. He seen it all too well with Mabosstiff, and he sure as hell wasn't about to let the same thing happen to anyone else. It took all five Herba Mystica to basically revive Mabosstiff, and he could protect Mabosstiff in his pokeball, not the girls.
To me, Pokemon Violet and Scarlet has a bittersweet end. While Nemona found someone strong enough to go against her, while Penny was able to meet her friends in person and work to help those like them, Arven had lost the last of his family. He has Mabosstiff, but it could never replace the loss of a parent, their love, their support. Arven knew that the Professor at the end was an AI, but it was the only thing they left as a legacy and, because of the real Professor's selfishness, they had to leave Arven alone once again, and just as he was getting back to them, they were ripped away, with no chance of coming back.
On the surface, without Area Zero, yes, people can and should be able to enjoy the game. It's light hearted, an adventure to call your own. But, once you go to Area Zero, it's a sad tale of kids having themselves and each other to survive and thrive, lost family, misunderstanding. But, it's also a tale of friendship. Of found family, connecting to each other through hardships and pain. Lifting each other up.
One more thing I think they got right, it's a small detail, but the fact that the other three, the protag, Penny, and Nemona all act almost nonchalant about what just happened, is because they can't relate to what Arven just went through. Protag just got to the region, so other than talking to the Professor about updates on Raidon, they hadn't had the chance to really make a connection with the Professor. Nemona has both parents, and while they aren't super close, she can still say she loves and cares about them. Penny only talks about her father, but while she may be embarrassed about it, you can tell her father loves her a lot. They have no idea about the loss and pain Arven will be going through, they don't know how to broach the topic, so they choose to try and cheer him up and keep his mind off of it. While it may sound bad, they are kids. They don't have the capacity to really comprehend how much of a loss this really was, to see basically the image of your parent wanting to destroy the world you're in just to protect their dream and passion.
They're just kids in school, trying to find their own foothold in life. And while Arven may just be numb for now, he doesn't try to ruin their mood either. He may just be tired after, but he goes on the walk with them the long way back to school. Because he's still a kid too, and so it will take a long time for him to process those emotions himself. But at least he has Mabosstiff with him to help.
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snooper16 · 2 years
AI Professor Lyrics Snippet
We’ve reached the pinnacle of our great research, It is a time to rejoice to our victory! Infinite possibility lies with us, So we can make our dreams reality! Open the rift that traverses space and time, I will go through and see the whole new world myself, This is farewell, I will not ever return, this is a tragic destiny I must embrace now! ... Good... Bye...
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warandpeas · 5 months
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danger-bird · 4 months
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In Today's News: hot professors from your local university are having a coffee date between lectures (and sharing a newspaper)
This post poisoned my brain
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concord-and-cliches · 2 years
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what-ifs that are funny only to me <3 [id in alt!]
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shaniacsboogara · 2 years
Ryan Bergara wearing a different colour beanie in each episode of Are You Scared so far is so fun. We have orange, pink, and blue, I wonder if we'll be able to make a beanie Bergara rainbow by the end of this season.
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onefey · 2 years
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So, You're The Bad Parent Of A Rival In A Mainline Pokémon Game...
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doggendoodle · 1 year
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do i have this right
edit: turns out i missed a few
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wyrdle · 2 years
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[AI Clavell has initiated battle.]
An au based on @derpyfangirl AI Clavell AU and @k-chips art, where Clavell sticks around in Area Zero on behalf of the profs. Unfortunately the -raidon incident happens, and AI Clavell is unaware of the Paradise Protection Protocol the profs have placed. AKA, they’re watching the artificial replica of their friend be warped by a system of their own design I guess.
I wanted to play around with animating bits of the comic lol. Good fun! More horror vibes.
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yoyobionicle · 1 month
(Spoilers She Totally Cried)
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Arven called it
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transmutationisms · 1 year
it is simply not possible to angst out about the spectre of human cognitive decline, or mental atrophy or whatever you want to call it, in any non-reactionary way. "will relying on ai cause our intellectual faculties to regress" congrats you are doing degeneration theory. let's unpack your views on disabled people
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bugsiover · 1 year
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warandpeas · 11 months
Anything You Like
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