#ai cw
cthulhubert · 16 days
A news site called WindowsCentral just posted a headline: "57% of all content on the web is AI-generated."
They're misquoting a Forbes article that said, "57% of all text-based content on the web is AI-generated."
Which itself was also a misquote of a study saying "57% of all text translations on the web are machine generated."
Figured I should give everyone a heads up
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for all the "OMG dead Internet theory is real!" posting coming up.
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foone · 4 months
Amusing mixed feelings: I saw a torrent that was a complete rip of a patreon artist. Oh no! Stealing all their work? that's no good! I'm against this!
It turns out said patreon was all AI generated images. Uhh... Less bothered now.
Further, it turns out it was pinups of marvel superheroines with penises. And now I don't know WHAT to think.
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intimate-mirror · 1 year
steps to being a non-evil LLM company imo:
Don't build frontier models
Let people pay to use your models however they like
I'm calling this the Mithril model of AI:
it's extremely valuable and shouldn't all be hoarded by dragons
stop fucking mining deeper or you're going to get us all killed
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defectivealtruist · 1 year
playing chess with chatgpt is honestly hilarious. it constantly plays illegal moves and when you put it jn checkmate it essentially flips the board around and goes "nuh-uh. YOU're in checkmate. not me."
Me: Can you play chess with me? I'll start: e4
ChatGPT: Of course! I'd be happy to play chess with you. You've just moved your pawn to e4 (1. e4). Here's the current board state:
8 r n b q k b n r 7 p p p p p p p p 6 . . . . . . . . 5 . . . . . . . . 4 . . . . P . . . 3 . . . . . . . . 2 P P P P . P P P 1 R N B Q K B N R a b c d e f g h
Now it's my turn: 1. ...c5. I've moved my pawn to c5. Here's the updated board:
8 r n b q k b n r 7 p p . p p p p p 6 . . . . . . . . 5 . . . . . P . . 4 . . . . P . . . 3 . . . . . . . . 2 P P P P . P P P 1 R N B Q K B N R a b c d e f g h
Your move.
oh queen that is not correct
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beeflibeef · 9 months
source of the song
the images
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k1ttygam3r · 9 months
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Can we be normal about anything ever
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muzzleroars · 2 years
I like the idea that AM generally sounds robotic, but shifts to a more "human" voice when torturing the main cast. Like, it has more of an effect hearing Harlan Ellison being the one to torment you than a robot tormenting you. (He only adopts that voice out of sheer spite-it's the human voice he hates the least.)
oooooh that's a good way to incorporate ellison's voice!! see because i do really like how he voice acts in the game and of course it makes sense as he's the author, i just love am having a computer-generated voice so much that i was torn ;A; but really if he could find a human voice that he could deal with and it caused more psychological distress...he'd definitely use it, like there's no way he'd pass that up lol
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pinkiepig · 4 months
I wanted to draw a cool tiger from someone’s dream 🐅
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(Link to the original poster)
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caramel-macchiatowl · 11 days
I know they used some AI generated image because that bullshit is trendy right now but. what does this have to do with security.
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cthulhubert · 3 months
I'm not an AI doomer but I am AI cautious, and I think the future holds something more general purpose than the generators we have now.
But I also think people are off base about the danger. Both in aims (a "rogue" AI seems unlikely; one told to do evil by its owners, however?) but more importantly, in methods.
I'm not concerned about ultra-tech or super manipulators; I think the issue is in a capability that humans already naturally dismiss: cooperation, coordination, administration; and how those scale.
An AI won't be dangerous because it invents fusion powered lasers and gray goo, it'll be dangerous because it can do the work of a nation state, but directed by a single will.
(below the cut, some elaboration)
To be clear, I don't actually dismiss, out of hand, the potential of an AI to develop physical tools and processes faster than humans could, and implement them better.
Nor the idea that it could be as much better than a human salesman or spinmeister as AlphaZero is at chess than any human chess master. (I think some people underestimate this because the danger of a good manipulator is that they don't make you feel manipulated. People don't want to acknowledge their own psychosocial limitations. I've seen people say about mass targeted harassment campaigns, "Well, I would just ignore it," because they've never actually been tested that way.)
Both of these are easily memeable and more easily dismissed: "Maybe it can be smart but it can't be magic!"
But I don't think that's the most likely weapon to be wielded by a machine intelligence (or "general purpose goal satisfying applied statistics system" if "intelligence" is too loaded for you).
People dismiss conspiracy theorists because they (correctly) realize the goal and methods those theorists describe are, uh, fucking stupid. But more rarely people point at the fact that the level of coordination and cooperation to hide the moon landing or the shape of the Earth is just impossible.
I think that people may intellectually understand that every single one of the 8 billion human beings on this planet is a real whole actual person with a life and interiority; but they don't grok it on an intuitive level. I think this is true even of people that don't believe in the Illuminati.
So they might intellectually know that a vast machine intelligence could have the equivalent intellectual goal-satisfying power of a nation, and that every iota of that power is moving in perfectly coordinated lockstep, directed by one purpose. But it doesn't scare them because on one emotional level, they already think of nations as working like that. And so even if pointed out, they imagine that vastness being just as ineffectual and inefficient as large corporations and countries.
Just think about the "personal FBI agent" memes. Of course those are tongue in cheek, but I think there's something real underlying that. People imagine themselves as already heavily surveilled and manipulated, but it just doesn't do enough to them. We can't truly imagine what it'd be like to have an entire human's amount of awareness tracking our every step for the sole purpose of using us for some goal.
I'm just always thinking about somebody who has seen a tea kettle moving a pinwheel and goes, "I don't see what's so scary, powerful, or useful about steam. This 'industrial revolution' idea is a pipe dream."
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foone · 3 months
I don't want to deal with LLMs because I hate them and all, but it'd be slightly funny to train one on explicit erotica and then republish public domain classics on Amazon after having run them through it.
Yes, Sense and Sensibility has always had a knotfrotting scene Marianne and Mr Willoughby, I'm sure you're just misremembering.
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intimate-mirror · 1 year
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defectivealtruist · 1 year
i wonder what white-collar jobs gpt probably won't be able to do (barring major capability improvements)? there must be some things that require human level understanding
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cathacker13 · 17 days
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Why the FUCK is this undisclosed shitty ai chatbot ad using a sexualized version of lily from duolingo 😭
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deerteatime · 2 years
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im having very strong feelings about AI art in this chilis tonight. [ID in alt.]
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ieilaf · 3 months
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OOOUuOOoAaooouuuu Some doodles I made! :D
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In the second last art was originally 3Ds backgrounds I wanted to mod on my 3Ds but it took awhile but I'm really happy with how it turned out :D
In the last one I drew what if Benery interacted with Gordon and i was just happy with the drawing the silly guys! ٠ن٠
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