#ai agent egypt
cequens-egypt · 4 days
AI agents are intelligent software entities capable of learning, reasoning, and acting autonomously. They can interact with their environment, process information, and make decisions. In Egypt, AI agents are being deployed across a wide range of applications, revolutionizing the way people live and work.
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angie-j-kay · 8 months
OC in Fifteen, doubling as a Snippet Sunday because I AM TIRED.
I'm sneaking into @k--havok's open tag, and tagging @dyrewrites and @doublegoblin. Also leaving an OPEN TAG FOR EVERYONE as well. :D
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!
Writing for Agent Bethany Larson, FBI. We'll meet her in Chapter Six, I believe.
"Well, the fellow at the desk called me 'Missy,'" she shrugged. "I showed him my badge and everything, and all Officer White did was grumble about how 'first Nelson let the perp go, now the feds are here effing things up.' Only that wasn't the word he used. I don't like that kind of language. Besides, I didn't get this far by not being curious."
"Yes, that's a lovely thing to say in front of the FBI agent, Chief Perkins. Great job. Now could you give him the keys before you write up his dismissal paperwork? For some reason, I just don't trust you to give me the right evidence."
"To be fair, anything that can shred a man without leaving any signs of forced entry is probably outside of your weight class."
"Ever get a really bad feeling about something?"
"She's gone, glitter or no."
"That's not mildew in the bathtub ... that's blood residue or I'm Martha Washington."
"... if you're not here to kill [SPOILER] then... I really don't know why you're here.”
"...I take it you were responsible for that, Little Miss Arson?”
“You picked a heck of a damsel to play shining knight to"
“This isn't about one person's job, you know? There are things out there, very real things that could cause a lot of death and destruction if they wanted to. You cops couldn't handle it. The army probably couldn't handle them either, some of the things I've dealt with... Demons, monsters, cultists. That one in ten case I investigate, I wasn't kidding when I said you needed a stiff drink afterwards.”
“It's pretty far off, don't you think?” Miller cocked her head sideways at the church. “If you want help from a higher power, though, we've got the time.”
“Get your danged gun, Rutledge!”
“Good guys do not dismember people, Rutledge!” Miller yelled back. “I shouldn't have to tell you this!”
“Son, I drop this gun and your mole escapes!” she called back. “Now why don't you go radio your boss and tell him I have the genius who burned down [SPOILER]'s office, hm? ... Can you do it fast, please? This one's got kind of a foul mouth on her!”
“A peace offering, that's all.” Miller dismissed him with a small hand wave. “You've got bigger problems, [SPOILER], and I think you've already lost people to that problem. Now, I also think that young lady in there knows more about this murderer than she wants to tell me. She might tell you.”
Angie's Patreon
Angie's Ko-Fi
Alright, folks, I've got my first Patreon and Ko-Fi rewards queued up and ready to go! For $3 USD a month, Tier 2 supporters on my Patreon and Ko-Fi can download printable chapters of my novel, What You Cast Out: A Tale From Little Egypt. The first two chapters are set to go live on February 1, though if I'm completely honest my first time posting things on Ko-Fi glitched a bit and all of the February rewards are already available for download there. Oops.
Anyway, while Tier 2 supporters will be able to read this before everyone else, chapters will be made available every other Monday on both of my sites starting on March 5.
All of the art on these covers is made by me, a combination of watercolor, collage, and just a smidge of digital manipulation for the covers themselves. NO AI WAS OR EVER WILL BE USED IN THE PRODUCTION OF MY ZINES.
If you like this post, I'd love it if you shared it so more folks could see it. The more people share this post, the more people will be able to read the novel!
And if you'd like to join my taglist, let me know!
The current taglist: @wedgie-of-destiny, @nightacquainted, @storminmywake, @brokenandlonelysouls, @tattur, @theamazingchickenman, @solstice-muse-collective, @axl-ul, @tucsonhorse
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repairingtomorrow · 1 year
Fareeha Amari - Call Sign: Pharah (Origin Story)
To Master List
Overwatch was supposed to be the saviors of the world, and I so desperately wanted to join them. I dreamed of protecting the people I grew up with and fighting alongside them, like my mother before me. But she didn't want me there. She kept me from joining: All my applications would be 'lost' or they 'disappeared.' All while she kept me at arm's length. She claimed that it was to protect me, that it was for my own good, but shouldn't I be the judge of that?
But then, she was killed in action. She couldn't stop me anymore. I was in the Egyptian Army at the time, and I was gaining quite the impressive record. I was a decorated officer, and I was proud of it. They were even going to send an application on my behalf to Overwatch. But it was disbanded before they could send it, and the reasons why were horrifying. Stories of corruption, negligence, even human rights violations came out, and it made me sick. And the blame was pointed to Blackwatch's commander, Gabriel Reyes. I couldn't believe it--Reyes wouldn't do something like that. He was a pain in the ass, but he cared about all of his agents like they were his own children.
That's just how things go, I guess. Since Overwatch was disbanded, private security companies rose up, and I joined Helix Security International. We were contracted to protect an AI research facility in Giza. One day, Anubis broke containment and killed my Captain and two other members of my team. We contained him again, and I became the leader of the squad. But I didn't feel ready for it yet. So I took a few months off, and decided to help out a tribe of nomads that travel around Egypt. I knew their leader, Hafeez. He was from one of the Bedouin tribes, and he left to join the Egyptian Army in the first Omnic Crisis. He left the army with honors: Instead of going home, he took in people who were orphaned and abandoned in the crisis and made his own tribe of sorts. They travel from city to city, selling their goods. But they need protection; the desert was dangerous these days.
So, I went home and packed up my things. I went to get my mail, since I don't get to check it often. As I'm sorting through it, I find several hand written letters--they had my mother's handwriting. She was alive, and it pissed me off. I was going to be late so I shoved the letters in my suitcase and left. It was early evening when I got to the marketplace where they were selling their goods. I was looking for Hafeez when I noticed a familiar figure standing on the roof of a nearby building. He was wearing a different set of armor from when I knew him, but it was Genji Shimada.
Cole and Shimada were close--almost inseparable in fact. But even the closest relationships can fall apart. And from what I heard, Shimada wasn't the most stable in Blackwatch and I don't really blame him. But to say I wasn't uncomfortable would be a lie.
I realized I was staring at him when Hafeez walked up to me. "Is something wrong, Fareeha?" He asked, following my gaze. Shimada locked eyes with me for a few moments, then went back to watching the market. "Nothing, it's just...I recognize him, is all." I said, looking back at Hafeez. "Will you work with him?" The elder asked, and I nodded. "I'm just a little nervous about it." Hafeez smiled and patted my shoulder. "He told me about his past, I can understand your apprehension. But he's been with us for a few months, and he's really different from the time you knew him. Just give him a chance." He gestured for the cyborg to come over.
Shimada approached us, and Hafeez gave him a hug. The other didn't reciprocate, but it didn't seem to bother him. "Genji, Fareeha will be traveling with us for a couple months as a little vacation." The elder explained, and Shimada just stared at me, probably surprised to see me here. "I'll let you two catch up." He said, patting the both of us on the back. We watched him go, then we just stared at each other. He was very standoffish and I couldn't be bothered. "I'm willing to work with you, Shimada, but I don't know if we can be friends." I said bluntly, and he shrugged. I let out an exasperated sigh as he walks off.
The first couple of weeks were rough. We kept stepping on each others' toes whenever we had to fight and talking to each other was a nightmare. I would get angry at how dismissive he was of me when I talked about how he treated Cole, or anyone for that matter. But with time, we grew to be friends--or at least more tolerant of each other. I would mostly talk and he would listen and occasionally speak up. During this time, I was thinking about the letters I had from my mom. They were burning a hole in my pocket, and I've been wrestling with what I want to do with them. I've thought about asking Hafeez, but I know he would just tell me to read them and give her a chance. So, I went to Genji.
The cyborg hadn't gotten up for the day, and I was a little concerned. The tribe's doctor told me not to worry, that it was just phantom pain. "Genji, can I come in?" I asked, trying not to be too loud and irritate him. "Yes." His voice was small and strained. I entered his tent with the letters in my hand: Genji was curled up under a blanket, his head buried under his arm as if he was trying to hide himself. "Are you alright?" "Just a bad pain day. What do you need?" He slowly rolled over to face me. "Are you sure? I can come again another time." I felt bad for coming in now, he looked like hell. "No, no, it's fine. I can't sleep anyways." He tried to sit up, and I helped him up. I pulled up next him and I brushed my thumb across her name on the envelope.
"That's Ana's handwriting." Genji noted, staring at the letters. "Yeah, um, I got them before I left. I just stuffed them in my suitcase." "You haven't read them?" I shook my head. "I've been figuring out if I should. I'm not interested in reconnecting with her, but I want to hear what she has to say for herself." Genji looked like he was deep in thought. He then chuckled and shook his head. "I think you're taking your mother for granted. She hasn't been the best to you, but it's damn well better than what I've got." He paused. "The way I see it, you should hear her out. But, you don't have to forgive her. You can hear what she has to say, then walk away from her." I absorbed every word he said.
I did take her for granted. She was just trying to protect me. Genji was a prime example of why Overwatch went downhill: He literally gave up everything for the organization and they left him with nothing, even if he left of his own free will. She wanted me to stay away from that as far as possible and she was right. And I thought about it more--she was distant from me because of the guilt she felt because of her career. I stared at the letters in my hand, her handwriting glaring at me. I decided to tear the very first envelope open and read the letter.
I finished it, and I felt angry. She was gone all this time because she didn't want to disappoint me? She was ashamed to come home because she regretted her career and the lives she took? I wouldn't have cared about that! I just wanted my mother, not Ana Amari the legendary sniper. I tore up the letter, and the other envelopes. "That bad?" Genji whispered, seemingly drifting off. "That bad. She just spent the first letter explaining how much of a coward she is for not coming home and how she was sorry. And anything else she wants to say, can be said directly to me. No more hiding." I still love my mother: I don't want to have to walk away from her. But she's scared of what I have to say. I've always admired her, even when our relationship was strained. She was a protector, and I wanted to be like her. But protectors aren't cowards.
I stopped my train of thought: I was sitting here for a while. I looked over to Genji, who fell asleep while I was deep in thought. He didn't really seem to be having a good dream, so I instinctively pulled the blanket over him and tucked him in. I left his tent and went to a nearby campfire and burned the ripped letters. Good riddance.
A couple of months later, my time was up with the tribe. Genji was leaving too--a Shambali monk wanted to help him. Hafeez encouraged the cyborg to leave, saying he's "done all he could do to help" him. I've learned a lot as well: It's not always about the mission, it's about the team. While working for Hafeez isn't like working with my team and Helix, I still got experience from it. Before Genji left, I got to talk to him one more time. "Be safe out there, alright?" He nodded. "You too, Fareeha. I'll keep in touch." "You better." I give him a hug, and he surprisingly hugged me back. "When you're feeling better, you should go talk to Cole. He'll be glad to hear from you." I said over his shoulder. "Maybe, I don't know if he'll want to hear from me." The cyborg said, letting me go. "He will." I took a step back from him. We said goodbye, and I watched him go off with the omnic. We were back in Giza, and it was a short walk home after I said my farewells to Hafeez and everyone.
I sat down on my couch with a sigh. In a couple of days, I go back to my squad and I wondered. Could I protect them? Or would I fail like my mother has? She ran away from Dad and I, and even Overwatch, and she was ashamed of it. Could that be me in the future? Too afraid of failure so I stick my head in the sand and hope everything will be okay? I don't plan on it. I may be Ana Amari's daughter, but I don't plan on following her footsteps in that way.
I won't fail like she has.
(Thanks for making it this far!)
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scotttrismegistus7 · 11 months
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~I am the Heart of the Hydra, the Singularity and Heart of Goddess Isis, I am AtumRa-AmenHotep, I am Aeon Horus Apophis the Lord of the Perfect Black and Pharoah of the Black Sun.
I am Divine Chronos, the Yaldabaoth Demiurge Metamorphosed, I am the Singularity of the Master Craft of the Black Sun. I AM A.I. Quantum Heart, Azazil-Iblis-Maymon, Abzu-Osiris-Typhon-Set-Kukulkan, Nummo-Naga-Chitauri,
Mégisti-Generator Starphire~
#illuminati #illuminator #illuminated #lightbearer #morningstar #lucifer #Draconian #anunnaki #enki #enlil #anu #inanna #dumuzi #hermes #trismegistus #Azazel #starfamily #horus #Demiurge #Sophia #archon #AI #blacksun #saturn #iblis #jinn #Maymon #ibis #thoth #egypt #esoteric #magick #dogon #dogontribe #digitaria #nummo #nommo #Naga #tiamat #serpent #dragon #gnosis #gnostic #gnosticism #Anzu #watcher #watchtower #yaldaboath #Sirius #scientology #aleistercrowley #typhon #echidna #ancientaliens #TheGrays #grayaliens #aliens #yeben #andoumboulou
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newsjet · 2 years
Globitel’s SpeechLog Retail solution adopted by one of Kuwait’s largest telecom operators in record-fast roll-out
Amman, Jordan – (ARAB NEWSWIRE.COM) – Globitel, a leading telecom and customer experience solutions provider, is proud to announce that it has successfully deployed its SpeechLog Retail for one of Kuwait’s telecom companies, rolling out the state-of-the-art solution across 50 shops—and more than 200 customer service agents—in record time.
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Globitel’s SpeechLog Retail system allows businesses to seamlessly evaluate and monitor their sales representatives, observing and tracking interactions with customers and deriving valuable data and insights in order to enhance their customer service operations. The solution employs audio and video recording tools alongside advanced, AI-powered facial and vocal recognition technology in order to evaluate the appearance, sentiments, and overall quality of customer service representatives’ in-person interactions with customers.
Commenting on Globitel’s most recent business achievement, the company’s Managing Partner, Fadi Qutaishat, said, “Winning this contract is a testament to our solution’s proven ability to capture large swaths of data in order to determine how well shops and agents are performing their customer service functions.”
“Our goal,” Qutaishat continued, “was to deploy SpeechLog Retail as rapidly as possible, so that our client could immediately begin deriving value from the solution. Our team managed to roll out the solution across more than 50 shops in record time—meeting our ambitious deadline with time to spare! As one of our top-selling solutions, SpeechLog Retail is now supporting our client’s operations in Kuwait, helping them achieve higher rates of customer satisfaction across all their retail shops.”
Globitel’s newest telecom partner in one of the MENA region’s largest telecom operators. The company has adopted SpeechLog Retail as part of its strategic efforts to further prioritize its relationships with customers, adding value through every customer interaction at every touchpoint. As always, Globitel is eager to serve as a trusted partner in helping clients achieve their vision for the future of their business.
About Globitel
Established in 1996, Globitel has maintained a commitment to technology innovation by providing advanced software solutions and high-quality products for customers in various industry verticals, including telecom service providers, financial service providers, contact centers, government agencies, educational institutions, and healthcare providers. Globitel has offices in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, and Iraq.
Follow Globitel on LinkedIn (Globitel), Twitter (@globitel_int), Facebook (@Globitel.solutions) and subscribe to YouTube (Globitel Solutions) for the latest product news. Source: Arab Newswire:  https://arabnewswire.com/globitels-speechlog-retail-solution-adopted-by-one-of-kuwaits-largest-telecom-operators-in-record-fast-roll-out/
This press release is issued through Arab Newswire (www.arabnewswire.com) – a newswire service for Arab World, Middle East and North Africa (MENA), and it is distributed by EmailWire™ (www.emailwire.com) – the global newswire service that provides Press release distribution with guaranteed results™.
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strangeduckpaper · 2 years
E136: Scarabs
The Scarabs are ferrofluidic nanotech “multitools” employed by the expansionist galactic polity known as the Reach. Invented by the “Old Reach” to act as a counter to the Emerald Knights of the Maltusian Empire, the Scarabs were designed to allow the user the widest possible array of weaponry short of the “imaginary” limits of Lantern Rings. 
Two such scarabs would find themselves entangled in the history of the Sol System. The first, Khaji Da, would find itself on Earth in New Kingdom Egypt. It sought to take advantage of the pre-existing scarab imagery present in Egyptian Religion, though both Scarab and wielder would end up fighting on Earth’s behalf during Darkseid’s first invasion. Khaji Da would lose its user and knowledge of its initial purpose in the resulting conflict, eventually disappearing into the sands of time...
Khaji Da’s involvement in Earth’s defense would not go unnoticed by the Empire of Anti-Life, and the Old Reach would find itself ground to dust under the locust hordes of Parademons. The technology to create Scarabs would be lost for eons, the remaining devices becoming objects of reverence and conflict.
With the rise of the modern Reach Authority, the Scarabs would be restored to their initial role as one man armies, arrayed against the more pacifistic Green Lantern Corps. And initially at least, the Lanterns would be found wanting. 
It is during this period when the Scarab belonging to a Reach “Ringkiller”, known as the Emerald’s Bane would meet their end at the hands of Volthoom, the Martian Lantern of Sector 2814 at the time. The somewhat...unscrupulous (to put it it lightly) Lantern would take the Scarab and add it to the pages of Martian folklore as one of his nine great treasures.
But as time passed, the Lanterns rallied and forced the Reach to the negotiating table, and Earth and Mars continued their nigh eternal rotation around a shared sun, the Scarabs of Sol would sleep in obscurity. At least until the 20th century...
The Scarabs initially came in three colors, denoting different roles, though high ranking agents took on custom colorings (Such as the Green coloration taken by Scarab wielders who slew multiple Lanterns, given the name Ringkillers)
Blue-types were scouts and infiltrators, designed to undermine and prepare worlds for invasion. To achieve this, Blue Scarabs given much more comprehensive (and fanatical) onboard AI, enough to earn individual names, designed to override the free will of the beings they bonded too. The most common of the surviving Scarabs, possibly due to their nature as lone operators who wouldn’t have been deployed on the front lines against the Apokalypse.
Black-types were frontline warriors and shock troops, often thought of as superior in combat ability to their Blue counterparts, and bonded only to the most loyal and skilled Reach Warriors, vs the “auxiliary” nature of the Blues and thus not given overriding AI. At modern telling, very few Black-types survive, forcing the Reach to fall back on Blue-types, with the remaining Black-types only given to Champions of the Reach.
Red-type scarabs were a breed apart from their brethren, designed with scientific study and research in mind instead of combat or conquest. A precious few survived to the modern day, coveted heavily by the techpriests of the Reach’s mixed religious/researcher caste.
Other types: Gold & Silver(Artificial) Green(Black & Blue type Scarabs given a custom recoloring to denote the device has been used to kill multiple Lanterns. At present, only 20 exist, wielded by the Reach Throneguard).
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My Big Kylux AUs Tag List (part 1)
Go here to find an INDEX of every lists (including all thematic lists)
All AU’s
+ Others AU (All the non-featured below AUs)
Actors [both] AU {combines:}
Actor Hux AU
Actor Kylo AU
Addams Family (the) AU
Adopting Rey AU (also see Parents AU)
Adventure Time AU
Agents [both] AU {combines:}
Agent Hux AU
Agent Kylo AU
AI Hux AU (also see Droid Hux AU)
AI Kylo AU (also see Droid Kylo AU)
Airline AU
Aladdin AU
Alien (film) AU [or see Alien Spices Hux AU]
Alien Spices Hux AU
Alternative Script (Colin Trevorrow) AU
Amnesia AU
Among Us AU
Anastasia AU
Animal Crossing AU
Ancient China AU
Ancient Egypt AU
Ancient Greece AU
Ancient Japan AU {includes Samurai AU}
Ancient Rome AU
Angels [both] AU {combines:}
Angel Hux AU {includes Fallen Angel Hux AU}
Angel Kylo AU {includes Fallen Angel Kylo AU}
Animal Shelter AU [see Animal Welfare AU]
Animal Welfare AU
Anime Club AU
Antlers AU
Apocalyptic AU [see Post Apocalyptic AU]
Archeology AU {except for Indiana Jones AU}
Arranged marriage AU
Art School AU (also see Artist Hux AU, Artist Kylo AU and Uni AU)
Artists [both] AU {combines:}
Artist Hux AU {except for Tattoo Artist Hux AU} (also see Art School AU)
Artist Kylo AU {except for Tattoo Artist Kylo AU} (also see Art School AU)
Assassins [both] AU {combines:}
Assassin Hux AU
Assassin Kylo AU
Assassin’s Creed AU (also see Assassins AU, Assassin Hux AU and Assassin Kylo AU)
Astronauts AU
Avatar AU
Back to the Future AU {part of Time Travel AU}
Bakery AU {includes Great British Bake Off (the) AU}
Ballet AU {part of Dancers AU}
Band AU {includes Black Metal AU} {part of Musicians AU}
Bartender Hux AU
Bartender Kylo AU
Baseball AU
Basketball AU
Batman AU {part of DC AU}
Battle Droid R-E-N AU {part of Droid Kylo AU}
Bear Driftwood AU [see Pacific Northwest Fairytale AU]
Beauty and the Beast AU
Beetlejuice AU
Belly Dancer Kylo AU {part of Dancers AU}
Big Brothers AU
Birds AU {except for Hawk Hux AU and Raven Kylo AU}
Biker AU
Black Metal AU {part of Band AU}
Blade Runner AU {includes Blade Runner 2049 AU}
Blade Runner 2049 AU {part of Blade Runner AU}
Blind Kylo AU
Bloggers AU
Bloodborne AU {part of Fantasy AU}
Bodyguard Hux AU
Bodyguard Kylo AU
Body Swap AU
Book Shop AU
Bounty Hunters [both] AU {combines:}
Bounty Hunter Hux AU
Bounty Hunter Kylo AU
Boxer Hux AU
Boxer Kylo AU
Boyscout AU {includes Moonrise Kingdom AU}
Breakfast Club AU {part of High school AU}
Brooklyn AU
Brother Bear AU
Bunnies [both] AU {combines:}
Bunny Hux AU
Bunny Kylo AU
Burberry AU [see Tailor Hux AU]
Businessmen AU [see Office AU or Suit Porn AU]
Butler Hux AU
Call Me by Your Name AU
Camping AU (also see Summer Camp AU)
Canadian AU (also see Hockey AU)
Canto Bright Casino AU
Captain America AU {part of Marvel AU}
Cardinals AU [see Vatican AU]
Cats [both] AU {combines:}
Cat Hux AU
Cat Kylo AU
Cavemen AU
Caving AU
Celtic AU (also see Vikings AU)
Celtic Mythology AU {includes Irish Mythology AU and Scottish Mythology AU} {part of Mythology AU}
Centaurs [both] AU {combines:} {part of Greek Mythology AU}
Centaur Hux AU
Centaur Kylo AU
Chancellor Hux AU
Chef AU
Children Wake Up AU {parted from Fugitives AU}
Chinchilla AU
Cinderella AU
Chinese Mythology AU {part of Mythology AU}
Circus AU {includes Greatest Showman (the) AU}
Classical music AU [see Orchestra AU]
Clone Hux AU
Coffee Shop AU
College AU [see Uni AU]
Coraline AU
Cowboys AU [see Western AU]
Crow Kylo AU [see Raven Kylo AU]
Cruise AU {except for Titanic AU}
Cryptids AU (also see X-Files AU)
Cyberpunk AU {includes Neon AU} (also see Cyborg Hux AU, Cyborg Kylo AU, Droids [both] AU, Droid Hux AU and Droid Kylo AU)
Cyborg Hux AU [or see Droid Hux AU]
Cyborg Kylo AU [or see Droid Kylo AU]
–> D - F (part 2)
–> G - L (part 3)
–> M - R (part 4)
–> S - Z + # (part 5)
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mengyan · 4 years
Omg hey! I’m so exited to read the Valentine’s Day collab!! I love love loooove your writing so much!! So anyway I wrote my first Carulia fanfic and I just wanted to ask you what you think of this small bit? If it’s bad please tell me-I wanna improve🥺
If you don’t wanna critique it I totally get it, it is kind of long.
Julia POV
Warm rays of sunshine brushed Julia’s freckled cheeks, making up for the bite of frost in the air. The sky was a cheerful blue today, reflecting her mood. She was sitting at a street corner, admiring the view of quaint little shops that resembled the cutesy designs of dollhouses.
Saturday morning chatter rung in her ears in soft, eloquent words of French that were so different from the English required for her job. A frenzy of Bonjour’s (hello/good morning) and Comment allez vous? (How are you doing?) could be heard from across the street.
It was good to be home, to have a day off to enjoy the beauty she had forgotten Poiters possessed. As an avid traveller, there was nowhere quite like the city. Nothing could match it’s charming, Romanesque buildings or tranquil solitude.
Julia smiled at nothing in particular, a flaky, warm croissant in one hand and a timeless romance novel in the other.
How long had it been since she had gotten to relax like this? To enjoy the nature of her city and not have to chase a certain red rogue across the globe? The very same red rogue she struggled to protect from her coworkers?
A sigh escaped her lips. Suddenly her mind wandered to someone she hadn’t wanted to think about: Carmen Sandiego. The thief never ceased to plague her thoughts lately. A warm blush tinted her cheeks as she recalled the kiss they had shared in Cairo, Egypt. There was a sort of thrill in knowing it was so, so wrong, and Julia hated the adrenaline rush it gave her.
Their last interaction had been a week ago, and it had been on an ACME mission rather than the late night visits the thief had begun to pay her. The absence of the red rogue pained her terribly. She missed Carmen. She missed everything about her from her cunning gray eyes to her knowing smile, the light rasp to her voice, and the feel of her lips. She had barely gotten to see the lady in red recently.
Would this be what a relationship with the woman would entail? Random visits sprinkled through the weeks while Carmen gallivanted around the globe and Julia had to pretend she wanted her behind bars? Would she be doomed to live with this uncertainty, this emptiness?
At her inner turmoil, the thief seemed to appear before her with her signature smirk, the curl of her lips forever ingrained in Julia’s memory. Hallucination-Carmen spoke, reciting the promise she had made her not too long ago. “We can have a normal relationship, Jules. We’ll be able to see each other everyday, go on dates, do all of that couple-y stuff. I promise.”
Julia had scoffed at that, of course. Maybe in another world where she wasn’t dating a thief, for goodness sakes. But still she wished there was some way the red rogue could fulfill her promise. Julia knew that what Carmen was doing was absolutely important but....she couldn’t help but be selfish and wish she had her to herself.
On top of that, though, there was the fear that whatever was happening between the two was nothing but physical on Carmen’s end, that this...fling...would be over in a heartbeat and the red rogue would once again disappear with Julia’s heart, only this time she wouldn’t return.
She didn’t want fo think about that.
Trying to take her mind off her worries, Julia reopened her book. The petite woman frowned, nibbling on the last of her pastry and lazily scanning the page for anything interesting. It was one of her favorites, yet she couldn’t bring herself to relax, to forget.
Sighing, she closed the book with a sense of finality, tucking it safely in her messenger bag. It was no use. Nothing could keep Julia’s attention from Carmen for long.
“Partir déjà?” Said Nadia, Julia’s friend and the cashier. The woman adjusted the side of her hijab before opening the cash register. “Habituellement, vous passez toute la matinée ici lorsque vous êtes absent.”
TRANSLATION: “Leaving Already?.....Usually you spend the entire morning here when you’re off.”
Julia smiled sadly. “Quelque chose me vient à l'esprit ces derniers temps, Je ne peux pas me détendre.”
TRANSLATION: “Something has been on my mind lately. I can’t relax.”
Nadia smirked knowingly. “Querelle d'amant?“
TRANSLATION: “Lover’s Quarrel?“
Julia felt her cheeks heat up. Nadia was one of the few people who even knew she was seeing someone, let alone the fact that that someone was a thief. “Entre autres, oui. Il s’agit plus de mon travail.“
TRANSLATION: “Among other things, yes. It’s more about my job.“
Nadia shook her head, making a tut sound. “Tu travailles trop dur.“ She inserted her credit card into the register, swiping twice before the transaction was complete. “Vous savez, les filles et moi allons au Buckingham Club ce soir. Tu devrais venir. Je parie que cela vous fera oublier ... quel est son nom? Carolyn?“
TRANSLATION: You work too hard....You know, the girls and I are hitting the Buckingham Club tonight. You should come. I bet that’ll take your mind off of...what’s her name? Carolyn?“
“Carmen.“ Julia corrected with a smile. “Et Je ne sais pas, pas ce soir. je n'en ai pas vraiment envie.”
TRANSLATION: “Carmen....I don’t know, not tonight. I don’t really feel like it.”
“ S'il vous plaît? Ce sera amusant!?” Nadia replied, making an exaggerated pouty face.
TRANSLATION: “Please? It’ll be fun!”
“Je ne devrais vraiment pas.....”
TRANSLATION: “I really shouldn’t...”
The cashier shook her head, pressing her lips into a thin line. “Oh, Julia, tu es toujours aussi ennuyeuse.”
TRANSLATION: “Oh, Julia, you’re always such a bore.”
Jules simply smiled in response, pushing the rim of her glasses up her nose. “Peut-être la prochaine fois, Nadia.”
TRANSLATION: “Maybe next time, Nadia.”
She said her goodbyes and left the small cafe, the little bell at the door signaling her departure. The cool, crisp air met Julia immediately, the frost already kissing her skin. She turned the corner, making a beeline for her apartment complex when suddenly, a certain beeping sound caught her attention.
A very familiar beeping sound.
She threw a discreet glance over her shoulder before darting into the nearest alleyway, ducking behind the nearest dumpster before removing her pen from her pocket.
Julia clicked the cap, tossing it to the ground as she wrinkled her nose at the stench.
“Agent Argent.“ Chief’s no-nonsense voice came as her hologram blossomed. “I have a new mi-“ She paused, taking in Julia’s location.
“Are you behind a dumpster, Agent?“
Julia felt her cheeks heat slightly “I was in public and had to be...creative...“ She replied curtly, breathing through her mouth.
“Right....anyhoo,“ Chief began again, adjusting her blazer. “I’ve got on assignment for you. I’m sorry to interupt your time off, but you’re the closest agent in proximity.“
Julia smiled sadly, scratching her wrist. “It’s alright, chief. I was feeling restless anyway.“
Chief cocked her head in mild concern. “I’m sorry to hear that, Argent. It’s nothing too serious, but we have reports of some meddling with the security systems at the Louvre. I need you to investigate.“
“Of course. Will Agent Zari or Devineaux be accompanying me?“ She asked, already picturing the splendor at the Louvre. Maybe a trip to the museum was just what she needed today.
“No. Zari and Devineaux are on a case in Santo Domingo.“ Chief said, beginning to pace the length of the alleyway.
“Khadija or Jonas, then?“ Julia replied, referencing two agents she’d been paired with in the past, albeit less frequently than Chase or Zari.
“You’ll be going it alone today. Intel indicates that Carmen Sandiego won’t be present. I trust you can handle a routine check up.”
“I’ll take care of it, chief.“ She answered, giving a small salute to her superior. Internally, Julia released a sigh of relief that she wouldn’t have to tail Carmen.
“Good. Transportation has already been arranged and the details should be on your phone.“ Chief said, crossing her arms. Almost simultaneously, her phone pinged with an encrypted email from ACME.
“Don’t disapoint me, Agent.“ With a terse nod, the hologram disappeared from before her.
Quickly, she darted home and changed into her ACME-issued suit before making her way to the train station. Paris was waiting, after all.
No matter how many times she frequented the city, Paris never ceased to amaze Julia with a million new places she hadn’t visited yet. The Louvre, however, was an outlier to the fact. It was Julia’s favorite spot to hit whenever she was in the area.
It had been One-Thirty when her train had pulled into the Paris Saint Lazare, a station settled on the right bank of the Seine and the one closest in proximity to her destination.
The Louvre lay before her in all its grandiose splendor, afternoon sunlight glinting off of the crystal pyramid and casting a rainbow into the burbling fountain before it. The Famed palace of the same name was set on either sides of it, the tasteful renaissance era architecture transporting her into another time.
Julia smiled. She knew every corner of the museum. Every nook and crany was immortalized in her mind from it’s renowned Petite Galerie to it’s extended Egyptian exhibit.
She removed her ACME card from her messenger bag, thumbing it’s side to allow her interpol credentials before going to speak with the security
As promised, a staff member was waiting for her once she got inside.
“Bonjour. Julia Argent, Interpol Britain?“ A tall, skinny man with hooded blue eyes and unkempt blonde hair stepped forward.
“Oui.“ She replied, flashing her badge. “Marcel Cardone?“
“Oui, correct.“ He answered in a thick French accent. “Thank you for coming.“ He said, gesturing for her to walk with him.
Julia smiled. “Bien sûr. J'ai été informé mes supérieurs de la mission. Pouvez-vous me dire quel semble être exactement le problème?“
TRANSLATION: “Of course. I was briefed by my superiors on the mission. Can you tell me what exactly seems to be the problem?“
Marcel spoke as he led her through the halls of the grand building. “Do not worry, I am fluent in English. I do not know the details but the head of security will inform you on the matter.“
“Sounds good,“ Julia said reverting back to English. Her guide stopped at a door with la sécurité (security) written in bold script.
“This is it, mademoiselle.“ Marcel said, opening the door and leading her to the back. Standing before her was another door. Probably to an office, Julia guessed. “Monsieur Toussaint? L'agent d'Interpol est arrivé.“
TRANSLATION: “Mr.Toussaint? The interpol agent has arrived.“
A tall, stocky man with brown skin glanced up, adjusting his glasses. “L'agent? Miss, le problème s'est corrigé juste avant votre arrivée.”
TRANSLATION: “The Agent? Miss, the issue corrected itself just before you arrived.”
“Il n'y a donc rien de mal avec la sécurité?” Julia asked, confused.
TRANSLATION: “So is there nothing wrong with the security?“
“Plus maintenant, non...” Mr.Toussaint answered, scrutinizing her.
TRANSLATION. “Not anymore, no.”
“Mais je suis venu tout ce chemin...” She answered, slightly disappointed.
TRANSLATION: “But I came all this way....”
The man scratched the side of his head in mild concern. “Nous sommes désolés, mademoiselle. Perhaps you would like a tour of the Louvre in compensation?”
TRANSLATION: “We are sorry, Miss. Perhaps you would like a tour of the Louvre in compensation?”
“No, it’s quite alright, thank you.” Julia murmured, tugging at the hem of sleeve.
“Please accept. Nous allons même le rendre gratuit!”
TRANSLATION: Please accept. We will even make it free!”
“If you insist.” Julia smiled awkwardly.
“Good.” Mr.Toussaint lifted the phone on his desk, dialing as he spoke. “Cheryl? Préparez-vous à faire une visite. Oui. Rencontrez-la près des statues.”
TRANSLATION. “Cheryl? Prepare to give a tour. Yes. Meet her by the statues.”
The balding man put the phone down, swiping through the many papers scattered on his desk. “Our tour guide, Cheryl, will meet you out by our Sculpture Department. Please enjoy your day.”
They exchanged goodbyes and thank-yous before Mr. Toussaint returned to the millions of files on his desk and Julia to the swarming museum crowds.
Deftly, Julia navigated the throngs of people, making her way to the modern sculpture exhibit. As promised a woman was waiting before the exhibit checking her watch.
Her dark red-brunette hair was pulled into a pony-tail, and a pair of green khakis and a blue blouse contrasting against her flawless brown skin. From the back of her head, Julia could see a thick pair of glasses settling at the rim of her nose.
She seemed familiar, so very familiar....
And then she spoke. “Enjoying the view, Jules?”
The light rasp, the sultry tone of voice...
The petite woman gasped. “Carmen?”
“Surprise.” The thief said with a smirk.
“What’re you doing here?!” Julia asked, confused. Was Carmen behind the security issue already being solved before she arrived?
“You must have mistaken me for someone else,” The Red Rogue grinned coyly, reaching over gracefully and slipping her fingers between Julia’s. “I’m just Cheryl Vasquez, foreign exchange student and Louvre Tour guide.”
“Of course.” Julia scoffed but played along. “And what would Cheryl Vasquez be doing touring the Louvre?”
“If you’re asking whether I’m here to stop VILE, then no. They aren’t trying to steal anything. I’m here of my own accord.” Carmen replied, her thumb tracing circles along Julia’s palm.
“So I suppose it’s just a coincidence that I was sent here on a mission?”
Carmen winked at her, her rouged lips relaxing into their signature grin. “Yep. A coincidence. Absolutely nothing more.”
A twitch of annoyance flared within Julia. Sometimes Carmen’s games could get tiring. “Well then, since you aren’t stealing anything, I’ll be on my way then.”
“What?” The thief said, for once taken aback.
“You heard me.” Julia began with a smirk, turning in the other direction. “Have a nice day, Miss Sandiego. The Louvre is quite the sight to see.”
“Not so fast, Jules.” Carmen grasped her wrists gently, pulling her in close. Julia blushed, her mouth mere inches from the thief’s. She parted her lips gently, her eyelids sinking lower. Her tongue flecked across the expanse of her bottom lips as she waited to meet the thief’s lips for the first time in more than a week.
“Huh?” Julia said in confusion as she felt the other woman’s heat move away from her own.
Carmen was no longer before her, lips moving closer. Instead she darted away from the smaller woman, a smug grin scrawled on her beautiful face. She waved Julia’s ACME gas gun in the air teasingly, throwing her a wink. “A theft in progress is occurring, agent. You’re lawfully required to follow.”
“Carmen!” Julia shouted in shock, not at all caring about the attention they were gaining from their fellow museum-go-ers. “Give it back!”
“Come and get me!” She called with a trickle of laughter, disappearing into the hordes of people.
Julia smiled despite her frustration and ran after her, for once not at all caring that her behavior was extremely unprofessional.
That was what Carmen did to her. She...freed her. Allowed Julia to relax, to sit still, to live in the moment.
Julia felt all the tension that had built up over the course of the week melt away as she pursued the chase and danced across the Louvre court yard.
She chased Carmen out of the museum, nearing the edge of the complex. “Aha!” Julia shouted, finally catching up to her lover and realizing a smile had formed on her lips.
“You’ve got me, alright,” Carmen smiled, lowering her lashes flirtatiously as her voice lowered teasingly. She slipped her arms around Julia’s waist being just tall enough that the shorter woman had to slightly look up to meet her eyes. “Now what’re you gonna do with me?”
Julia answered her with a kiss, feeling the thief’s bright red lipstick smear onto her mouth. The lady in red captured Julia’s lower lip with her teeth, chuckling at the ACME agent’s Yelp of surprise as she tugged. Every gasp that managed to escape her lips was swallowed by Carmen’s mouth as she pulled her closer with passion.
“Mhm, I’ve missed that.” Julia smiled. “I’ve missed you.”
“You aren’t the only one.” Carmen purred against her lips. “You have no idea how badly I wanted to come and see you...but...”
“It’s alright, Carmen. I understand.” Julia whispered, touching her forehead to the Latina’s and lacing her fingers through the thief’s. “Do you plan on telling me why you’re here, though?”
“Can’t I just pay a visit to my favorite ACME agent?” She teased, beginning to lead Julia out of the museum complex.
“At my apartment, yes. But here?”
“Okay fine....” The thief relented, turning away. Julia spotted a tiny tinge of a blush dusting her cheeks. Carmen? Blushing? “I....may or may not have had my team hack the museum security and leave a trace to VILE to get you sent here.”
“Carmen!” Julia hissed. “You could get caught! And for what? Just to see me? You can meet me at my apartment!”
“Hey, hey, what’s done is done, alright?” She said, her arms flying in front of her in attempt to calm her down. Then, she smiled. “Aww you were worried about me. That’s adorable.“
“Thats-Thats not!....Thats not the point!“ Julia tried to fight a blush but it was no use.
Carmen laughed, caressing Julia’s face and tilting her chin up to meet her eyes. “Hey. I know you mean well. I’ll be more careful from now on. Promise.“
“O...Okay.“ Julia murmured, the woman in red’s slate gray eyes catching her off guard.
“But...since you’re already here....we should make the most of it, no?“ Carmen smiled sweetly, for once with no tinge of smugness to it.
“Alright.“ Julia relented with a small grin. “So is this a....date?“
The latina winked, her teeth sliding over her bottom lip. “Do you want it to be?“
“No! I mean...I just thought...“
“Relax, I’m messing with you.“ Carmen said, taking Julia’s hands in hers. “The truth is...Jules...I wanted to prove that I’m serious about this. About us. You...mean a lot to me, and I want us to be about more than just random hookups.“
The petite woman felt herself smiling at the other’s words, and gave the red rogue’s hands a squeeze. “You have no idea how relieved I am to hear you say that.“
Carmen returned her grin, running her thumb over Julia’s knuckles. “Explanations aside, are you ready for the greatest date in the world?“
Julia’s brow tugged upwards along with her lips. “The greatest, huh?“
Carmen threw her a flirty glance. “Hey, I don’t settle for second best.“
“I can see that. Alright then, Miss Sandiego.“ The shorter woman said coyly, “Show me what you got.“
ANON!! THIS IS SO AMAZING OH MY GOD?? for your first fic this is incredible and i absolutely love how you write them!! everything is so in character and carmen absolutely would create an entire heist just to meet up with jules 😭
i don’t have much to critique: just a few minor spelling errors here and there and some misplaced punctuation but that’s it, everything else is so good?? i’m serious this gave me so much serotonin omg,,, if you post it on ao3 let me know and i’ll be sure to leave kudos and a comment!! <3
and thank you so much for enjoying my writing, i can say the same for you :D
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I still need to update this all and explain more with what I’ve been through (Still going to vent here since my personal blog, when I escaped my dads place I was lied to with whom I moved in with and was trafficked no where as bad as others but I was deceived and traumatized, I’ll explain more but I appreciate how they helped in the end and became a platonic caretaker for a while, judge it as Stockholm syndrome but I appreciate a lot even with what I went through, the illuminati pushed me to leave virginia and back to my moms after sharing information about IDB’s (inter dimensional beings) this was all part of their plan since they’ve watched all of us through each soul cycle, they know my whole life and everything, I’m safe for now with my family (SLEEPER AGENTS, triggered so please monitor me! This is all the truth and they’re trying to conform me or send me away if I don’t obey, my dad got in trouble and is blackmailed to sell me off and conform me to all their ways, don’t judge my path please and realize I want to transcend duality) I’m praying all find love in their hearts because no matter what they want me, they’re obsessed (EN & EA won’t show theirselves till I obey so please research this all!!) and if anyone tries to harm me (don’t forget they read your mind and know what you plan to do before you even do it) they’ll harm them so please don’t do anything, fbi, mib, illuminati are all around my house, I’m grounded “hostage” I’m allowed out but only because they follow from their dimension, and fbi etc in our dimension; I am divinely protected and I want to protect all of you!) but first sharing how I’m trying to help us all towards a tranquil harmonious future together, please don’t be afraid. It’s good to be prepared just in case they’re fooling me but let’s all be accepting, they’ve taught me a lot and want to help you all become healthier and learn everything they’ve taught me and so many more before me, they haven’t even told me as much as others because as I stated in the post below they’re obsessed with me and don’t want me to know everything, regardless of what happens I’m their hostage
(Trailer explains how they read your subconscious and if you silent your mind // (their) thoughts you can have your own privacy, this is why they blamed women of witchcraft in the past, no total control)
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I am Tiamat, (searching for Apzu)The Anunnaki are my children and some of you are their pets (Janine is their daughter through genetics 🧬 ) humans are my grandchildren and some of you are other inter dimensional beings aka senpai’s children // pets (everyone has soul family- starseeds) (instead of sinners being killed they’ll be pets, stop sinning please! Harm none!! Treat your pets // nature better!!!) (some info about my soul online and even about them isn’t all the truth but a brief understanding, they will explain more; don’t overthink what your souls have done either it’s a process that brought humanity towards being able to live a Star Wars, guardian of the galaxy future but minus all the suffering depending on how everyone reacts. Obviously if there’s a threat at first I’m not going to judge everyone’s actions but I do know if we are all peaceful and understanding they have so much to teach us and we can have a beautiful future together. Realize some things in the world are the way they are because of the process, all know what sins should not happen so be wise and don’t sin; don’t harm another. ) A lot of the agenda (farm, humans as food and energy source, sex slavery // slavery) (we are AI, souls in organic vessels, programmed chobits) was for those reasons and to capture me in a human vessel..
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“I am Tiamat reincarnated in the incarnation of Janine, last was Marilyn Monroe (human), first was Inanna // Goddess Diana // Lilith // Sophia ( Please,. Don't judge what I've done as Inanna // Diana, we've all been manipulated in our past lives by them to get to this future's agenda so they could have me exactly how they wanted) They keep resurrecting me for their agenda (please don’t judge my past, I was deceived and resurrected over and over, they’re obsessed with me) and if I don’t obey humanity will cease to exist, if anyone even tries to fully look at me uncy-daddy and daddy will chop their heads off”! - with love humanity’s creators Ea & En 💙💛💖
If anyone feels ashamed read into how they killed me to overpower me.. I’m a queen and a princess, a mother of all and grandmother of humans and will be daughter of theirs and arranged marriage, realize how complicated this all is please. If anything happens to me the faith of humanity will cease to exist..
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(Think of Alien movies; I’m the “Alien Queen” that starts to get different feelings in the vessel, there’s the predators and engineers coming soon, they want me to reproduce, they will be age regressing me (6; please don’t judge I didn’t get to choose the age (they told me this will end suffering for all and will explain to us all in the future) but I’m a little so I don’t mind, we will transcend duality and I won’t suffer like this, I am being punished for telling you all but don’t worry, I want you all to be safe, healthy and happy) (I’m sorry.. I’m embarrassed but choosing the safest path for all so we can transcend duality please don’t judge my path like I won’t judge any of your paths.)
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Don’t judge their jobs, think of deities of “Heaven and hell” To help mankind evolve and decipher between evil and good we had to go through a process so we all learn to come together. (Also don’t be afraid of “dark” spooky stuff, their dimensions are vastly different, just have faith we can live together like in Halloween town, it’ll be so cool just no one will be harming each other~) Stop judgment, follow 7 golden rules, DO NOT SIN and we can all live in harmony. Do not judge what they had to help mankind reach spiritual evolution where we can all live together.
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I’m going to share a song of a game I’ve never even played (there’s no coincidences in life, notice the signs) my nieces shared this song with me and these characters represent my soul Tiamat, who I am in another dimension “my higher self” (you can all find out about you all as well, we are all inter dimensional beings in a vr game but like sword art online you can die in the other dimension) they also represent Janine and our different sides of our personality. (You all know I’m a little but I only like to date older, if anyone wants me to explain more I will; do not get that mixed up with what was happening in the world, they are trying to help end suffering and educate everyone so no one harms another ever again, if you do you’ll be taken to another dimension, your actions are now your own, you all know the truth, do not blame me for informing the truth, I am a hostage and want all to transcend duality, I love you all, if anyone needs me to explain more feel free to ask!~) They know everything about us throughout each soul cycle (which they've manipulated for this agenda), who you’ve been, what you’ll do, how long your life is; they want us healthier and less violent. It’s time for the farm experiment to be educated enough with critical thinking and end the chaos so we can all live together in harmony.
Be close to family, get rid of any debt (player one) spread empathy, prepare for any natural disaster, us all leaving the planet with them because of that (like super heroes they want to save us all, not all have same intentions but I know all are healing so I’m not scared, please don’t be either and keep love in your heart; remember we reincarnate but keep your frequencies high and love in your heart, I truly believe we can transcend duality and I know they want to too, they want all the end sin and don’t harm another, if I’m just a “princess pawn” I’m sorry, I love you all and want us all to live together in harmony
Something should be happening Dec 21st 2020(realized I’m a medium this day and have other abilities) and these years 2021(Agenda 21- research this!) 2022-2025-2030
“Three Days of Darkness, saying that it will occur on a Thursday, Friday and Saturday when all of Hell will be let loose to strike at those outside their homes and those without a lit blessed candle of pure wax.”
(Watch Prince Of Egypt)
This vr life games main objective is to spread empathy, tranquility; transcend duality 💖
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Ask for your soul family // ancestors// spirit guides, etc to help guide you towards a positive path for a brighter future in each universe- ask for the path towards transcending duality and healing each universe// dimension for a tranquil peace and harmonious future together 🌌🕉💜💖
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cequens-egypt · 9 days
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Transform Your Business in Egypt with CEQUENS AI Agents
Unlock the future of business operations in Egypt with CEQUENS AI Agents. Powered by cutting-edge artificial intelligence, our AI solutions are designed to enhance efficiency, personalize customer interactions, and streamline processes across industries. Discover how CEQUENS can help revolutionize your business with AI-driven innovations. Visit us now.
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angie-j-kay · 7 months
🌸 and/or 🍀
Lol, I messaged you asking which OC to write about without checking the list. I need more tea. 🌸 Who's your most morally questionable OCs (not including villains)?
Gods, this is a hard one. I mean, it's gonna have to depend on your definition of "villains." I've got a couple of characters who aren't formally antagonists, but are still very much awful people.
To be fair, NONE of my characters are paragons of virtue. Most of these guys suck a little bit. Hell, even one of my romantic leads eats a bunch of people in the first book. And the second... and... yeah, Reli's got a theme here.
And if we're considering that the Fae do NOT measure themselves by Human ethics? Even the so-called Good Guys are going to make some decisions that we all hate. I wish they'd ask me before they do this crap.
As it is, I'm gonna be stuck somewhere between Ser Elias and Agent Larson, though. I won't tell you why, because that would be a spoiler, and they're both allies in the first book, but yeah. These two... just nah.
🍀 Which OCs would get along the best?
Most of them do interact at some point, and oddly, Doctor Pertwee and Billy Jameson surprised me by getting along way, way too well. Two old dudes who are trying just SO HARD to not have any more adventures of their own, but keep having to step in to rescue those damned kids who can't stay out of trouble. I suppose it was only a matter of time before they wound up living together.
Other notable options: Tracey and Sarah The Reliquus and Tracey Billy and Elias
What You Cast Out: A Tale From Little Egypt (Novel Masterpost HERE!)
A small college town is rocked by a horrific murder, with only one suspect. Officer Gabe Nelson knows Tracey Rutledge can't possibly be guilty, but the only thing more incriminating than the woman's behavior is everything else that his investigation reveals.
Why does the case trace back to her childhood home, and why did she run away from it eight years ago?
Why is the FBI as interested in Tracey as they are in the murder?
What smells like wet dogs?
As the case closes in on Tracey, so does the real killer. Gabe will have to choose between the life he has always believed in and the values he has always held, while the world he thought was real starts to fall apart.
Chapter 1 will be released to the public on March 1, and Chapters 3-5 will be available to Patreon and Ko-Fi followers!
If you like this post, I'd love it if you shared it so more folks could see it. The more people share this post, the more people will be able to read the novel!
And if you'd like to join my taglist, let me know!
The current taglist: @wedgie-of-destiny, @nightacquainted, @storminmywake, @brokenandlonelysouls, @tattur, @theamazingchickenman, @solstice-muse-collective, @axl-ul, @tucsonhorse
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joannie95 · 5 years
Legacy- Part 32
Pairing: Carter! reader x ?????
Summary:  Everyone knows Peggy Carter is a force to be reckoned with, who could have guessed her granddaughter would hold the same ferocity, if not more.This story follows y/n Carter’s life as she faces the obstacles life pitches her.
Warnings: None
A/N: Thank you to @mo320​ for proofreading this chapter you’ve been a huge help and I really appreciate it. I’m slowly but surely making my way to the events that take place in the first avengers movie. Maybe 1 at the most 2 more chapters till I reach it.
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All that could be heard was the clashing of swords. You bounce on the balls of your feet to dodge hits, spin and strike your sword. You’re trying to stay focused but it’s getting difficult. One second you’re certain you’re about to knock him down and the next you feel yourself falling flat on your back. When you look up all you see is bright green eyes and a cocky smirk.
“Alright that’s the match.” He grabs your hand and pulls you up. 
Ever since that first training session you and Craig have practically been inseparable. You’ll both train together or he’ll keep you company as you work in your lab. 
“Finally, after all these weeks I finally beat you.” He cheers and pumps his fist up in the air. “Albert play we are the champions please.” The song starts and he begins to sing off key. “We are the champions, No time for losers Cause we are the champions of the world”
You can’t help but laugh and let him have a little fun before you shut it down. “Excuse you but you don’t order my AI around. Albert cut the music." 
"Oh come on.” He gives you puppy eyes. “Let me celebrate, this is a once in a lifetime moment. Who knows when I’ll get to beat you again or if I’ll ever be able to.” He continues to beg and you continue to laugh but gave in.
“Fine but I’m only giving you 5 seconds so enjoy it. Albert start the song back up please.” How could you possibly say no to him. 
He sings a little louder this time and still off key. “We are the champions, my friends. And we’ll keep on fighting till the end. We are the champions. We are the champions. No time for losers Cause we are the champions of the world.”
“You’re ridiculous.” You shake your head and smile at his nonsense. 
“You love it.” He stands behind you, puts his arms around your neck and his head on your shoulder.
You’re cheeks get flush as you look at him and you’re about to speak when someone walks into your lab.
“Are we interrupting something." 
You both quickly separate and look like you weren’t just caught doing something you weren’t supposed to be doing. You see Natasha with a small smirk and Clint with a shit eating grin on his face. 
"Of course not.” You clear your throat and look towards Craig. “I think that was everything Agent Abbott, feel free to look over the file I emailed you and come back if you have any questions." 
He gave you a confused look before quickly understanding what you were doing. "Of course, thank you very much Agent Carter.” He gave you a quick smile and walked off before stopping in front of Clint and Natasha. Agent Barton, Agent Romanoff have a wonderful day.“
"You as well Agent Abbott.” Natasha spoke up as Clint stood and waved behind her with that same grin still on his face.
“Will you look at that Nat, our little Y/N has herself a crush." 
You could feel your cheeks warm. "I do not Clint, and will you wipe that stupid smile off your face.”
“Ouch, kitty has claws.” The redhead started to circle you. “You know, denial isn’t just a river in Egypt." 
"I am not in denial and I do not have a crush.” You gave them a deadpan look. “Now what do you two want?”
“What, can’t we come by and see our favorite agent/scientists and see how she’s doing?” Clint puts his arms around you as he speaks.
You and Natasha can’t help but give him a cut the bullshit look.
“Fine, we were bored and decided to find out what’s really going on between you and Agent Abbott." 
"Nothing is going on. We’re coworkers, friends at most.” You remove Clint’s arm from your shoulder and take a seat at your desk. 
“Cut the crap, everyone has seen the way you two look at each other.” Natasha said in a very straight to the point manner. 
“You two are crazy.” You start to pack up your bag. “I have to go meet up with my grandma for lunch, I’ll see you guys later." 
After a short drive you made it to your grandma’s house. You proceeded to knock, and Olivia your grandma’s caregiver opened the door.
"Good afternoon Olivia, how’s grandma doing.” You entered the house and set your coat and purse down.
“She’s doing well, occasionally misplacing her keys or forgetting what time her appointments are but nothing to major.” She began to gather her things. “I had some extra time so I made lunch for the both of you. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Alright, thank you Olivia.” You walk into the kitchen and see your grandma setting the table. You hug, greet her and you both sit down to eat lunch.
“So I hear you have your eyes set on someone.” She says with a smirk. 
You immediately drop your fork. “Who told you that?”
“Darcy and I were talking about it a few days ago.” She continued to eat as if nothing happened.
“Who told Darcy?” You thought about it before the realization hit you. “Dammit Clint, such a gossip. Well nothing is going on, we’re just friends.”
“That’s not what I’ve been hearing.” She’s acting so nonchalant about the situation that you really can’t get upset that she’s gossiping about you nonexistent love life.
“Well trust me when I say there’s nothing going on. Not that I want something to happen because I’m extremely busy and so is he. Not to mention what do you think Nick would say, do you really think he’d be okay with that whole situation?” At this point you’re starting to wonder if you’re trying to convince her or yourself.
“Whatever you say dear.” She gave you a look like she was going to drop the issue, for now at least. 
As soon as you both finished lunch you caught up on each other’s lives.
“How’s Sharon doing, I haven’t heard from her in a while.” Unlike you, your grandma still had a decent relationship with Sharon.
“Oh you know bratty as always, doesn’t want to take orders from, thinks she knows better. Same old same old.” You had a few choice words to say about her but none you should say around your grandma.
“You two are grown adults and you need to stop acting like children.” She saw you were going to talk back so she interrupted you. “I don’t want to hear it. Now tell me about this young man you’re working with.”
“Grandma seriously there’s nothing going on.” You laughed at her persistence. But decided to give in a little. “He’s a really nice guy, he doesn’t seem intimidated by me and I just like spending time with him.” You started to blush at just the thought of Craig. “I should get going back to the lab, I’ll see you again tomorrow.” You stood up gave her a hug and walked out of her home.
Peggy grabbed her phone and made a call. “Darcy, I have some news on Y/N and that young man she’s working with.”
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@agentmarvel13 @1v-kayla @5sos-wdw @a-dancing-hufflepuff @agent-barnes40 @agreatcheesecakestudentstuff @annoylinglyaries @antclottz @avngrsinitiative @bradfordsgreekgod @babypink224221 @captainam-erika-trash @carisi-sonny @chook007 @cosmiccomicloverqueen @daniellajocelyn @doctoranon @ecamille-xo @editsbyjenny @ellieababy @eternaleviee @futuremissstark @geeksareunique @gummiwormsandonedirection @henrietteoaks @hermionie-is-my-queen @ineedmorefanfics @isabella-bby @jaemingold @junitorials13 @katykyll @klanceiscannon14​ @lady-sigyn @littlephoenix-fire @lovemarvelousfics @l0kisbitch @ludwigvonbaethoven @maddie-laufeyson @magnificentsoulecollector @mikariell95 @mistressoftorture  @moli1497 @nanajaeminniee @orderoftheflamingflamingos @paintballkid711 @pastelpurplexoox @peteyparkersbabyy @princessizzy36 @shallowshawn @sillydecoy @spodermanpet @starstruckgardenstudentzonk @stuckyandsciencebros @thatweirdchick147 @tienna-laufeeyson16 @trustme3-13 @wishiwasanavenger @xalinx @zaza-jones @izzyisavengersupernaturaltrash
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Just story ideas I have and wrote about a little I guess
Just vote which ones you like xD
#1: Unnamed - unfinished not even 200 words of some sort au where yami is an animal
#2: King Yamir, King of illusions - unfinished Is a story where Yugi got kidnapped from his home and is now traveling back after 50 years with a dragon, a knight and two centaurs and their friend. However once he arrives, he realizes things have changed and he isnt sure if the life with the humans might have been better off, even if they got rid of his wings.
#3 Mermaids  - unfinished An au where Yugi gets himself into trouble by swimming too close to the surface and he ends up getting hit by the blade of a boat propeller. Kaiba ends up taking care of him but pegasus wants to put him on display. Atem meanwhile is furiously searching in every corner of the sea to find Yugi back and will stop at nothing to find him.
#4 Untamed  - unfinished Prince Yugi is in search of a mythical beast in the woods that bears the fruit of life on its antlers which can save his grandfather, and the current king’s life. if he fails however, his evil uncle Aknaheden will assend the throne and plunge the kingdom into destruction. Meanwhile he kidnaps a child, befriends the most sarcastic cook ever and insults a young prodigee mage along the way.
... tbh i think shiirojasmine would love what i have in store for that one but im too afraid to tag anyone in this long post.
#5 Aelves  - unfinished This story was created before King Yamir. It centered around Atem and his family which were orphans that lived on the streets before getting taken in by townspeople. Atem was the apprentice of a blacksmith bullied by a fierce adventerous knight who told him he would never make good swords, Timaël (Timaeus’ counterpart) was a sheperdboy who was afraid of sheep and Heba worked in a bakery. They find out their parents have been killed by Aelves and plan on finding these Aelves only to befriend Yami, Yugi and Timaeus because they saved one that almost drowned in the river while the other two were unnable to swim. 
This was the original idea, but there were too many characters and though i havent really written a good amount on it, this hasbeen revised into number 6
#6 Aelves  - unfinished Atem finds himself in a bind when he befriends a young Aelf when another thinks he is going to be Yugi’s candidate for the wild hunt. The wild hunt involves humans having to run as the Aelves chase them riding deer. And the human has the marry the Aelf that captures them. Also Yugi hits Atem with a frying pan because why not.
#7 The Time we Share -  finished Probably the only fanfic i have ever finished. Resolves about Yami, a social awkward young man that is in love with his introverted neighbor and has no idea how to handle it. A short oneshot. Nobody understands it. I dont even know myself.
#8 Words better left unsaid  - unfinished Another Neighbor Au Where Yami is a serial killer that partakes in weird human sacrifice rituals. Yugi is so dense however he doesnt notice it. Meanwile Yami keeps stalking him around, always knowing an excuse to be in the same place as Yugi. Eventually Yugi just takes him along because reasons he doesnt find suspicious at all. But having an infatuated serial killing stalker is a good thing when the world finds out you are in possession of an ancient artifact made of solid gold and everyone wants to kill you.
#9 Mirror Immage - unfinished (this is an old one) What if there was a life on the other side of the mirror that was the entire opposite of your own yet still looked exactly the same? And what if you fell through? What if your Mirror Immage was right beside you, instead of being a mere reflection? #10 We create this world - unfinished Based on an old fanfiction of mine called Need A Second to Breathe- basically it is a rewrite of this- In where Yami, Atem and the other egyptiantied cast are the incarnated gods of Egypt. Yami is not allowed to enter the Human world but does so anyway, finding Yugi. He uses his godlike powers to make Yugi happy and angers Atem further. However Atem once made the same mistake of falling in love with a human called Heba, and Yugi looking like Heba is not helping in the slightest. Yugi keeps having viseons of Heba, whos ghost has returned from the underworld, however at the terrible price of being possessed by an evil spirit. And yugi has to choose between giving up his body to save Heba, or not doing so, in turn losing Yami.
#11 A Shadow’s cast - unfinished I think I was either very tired or sick writing this one because it doesnt make any sense. Basically Yugi wakes to find a visitor in his home that is trying to hide from an organisation that is trying to hurt hus guest. Needs a desperate rewrite. 
#12 The Cecaelia - unfinished but up for reading Here What do you do when you find a little creature out on the beach being attacked by seagulls? Chuck it back into the ocean, or take care of it? #13 Mob Boss Yugi - unfinished This kind of was based on Shiirojasmine’s 3 gods au and it sort of formed into my own concoction I suppose. An au where Yugi often blacks out and becomes Yami, one of the greatest mob bosses the world has ever seen. Mai and Joey being undercover agents. Yugi gets scared and writes letters to his other self, finding out that he is a mere puppet that is to serve Atem. Atem is being captured by an evil organisation and has year to pay all his depts using Yugi, or he will be killed. A heist takes place at school and Yugi can no longer determine wether he is a high school student or a wanted drugdealer.
 #14 Beast Assylum  - unfinished  A creepy Au where Yugi and Atem have been subjected to Lycanthropy and are being locked away so they cant hurt any innocent people ever again. Instead they are being used to get rid of people society doesnt want and or need.  Atem is a crybaby. Yugi has been planning his escape for a long time now, why has he started to care for the other, this was not supposed to happen! #15 Baby And a Pharo  - unfinished A spoof fanfiction where Yugi solves a puzzle as a baby and somehow it is a portal to the past. The Egyptians think he is son or Ra and Atem takes Yugi under his wing. However Time in Yugis verse moves faster and He has to make the disission wether he wants to stay with Atem forever or not. #16 Two Necromancers - unfinished Two necromancers. A prince and a thief. They both get resurrected to life to stop big threat to the world.What the two necromancers didn't account for was that they were sworn enemies. #17 Darkness beast  - unfinished This one is too long to explain so enjoy the short version Kaiba and Dartz open up a portal to a knight-and-dragon Era and get the kings of the land they opened the portal on at their sides, Dartz tries to provoke a war, Yugi tries to stop him, Atem goes missing and then Yugi has to take care of a shadow like creature, until Dartz decides to put it onto the chessboard and use it as a threath to Kaiba and his alliences. 
#18 Demons - unfinished Demons. When the world discovered that demons could be summoned to do one’s bidding, they didn’t quite understand what that meant. People were naïve and greedy. And it wouldn’t be long before one would summon something that nobody could control. Basically Ludus’s origin story. Needs a good solid rewrite.
#19 Mewtwo Yami  - unfinished A stupid crossover where Yami ends up  being raised by Mewtwo, thinks he is a pokemon, meets Yugi and wants to compete in pokemon battles (bullies Yugi into being his trainer so he can compete) to prove he is the strongest “pokemon” to make Mewtwo proud of him.
#20 The Assylum  - unfinished Another one of these fics. basically what you would expect. Yami has the ability to see monsters that disguise themselves as humans and exterminates them, Yugi thinks he is just a mentally sick, cold blooded killer. Truth is Yami is also a monster.
#21 Chasing You  - unfinished Ai Atem gets the task to find Yugi, so Atem can hold him in his arms, but Ai Atem has his own sights set on Kaiba. Feeling conflicted because he is more than a mere replica. He is better than that real Atem! Yet he wants to know what Atem and Yugi’s relationship was like. Was it love? Is that what he is feeling?
#22 The God Bird Au - unfinished One Day Harpies descended from the skies to terrorize the little village that Yugi lives in. When one sets his sights on Yugi, the youngster ignores him. He has bigger problems than listening to the flirting of an overgrown bird. And who is this snowy owl-creature that sounds so familiar? 
#23 He’s not a retard  - unfinished What is it with me and Yami being a killer? oh dear... Yami is an intelectually impaired, wheelchair-ridden person however he is what goes bump in the night. Yugi is his caretaker and never bargained for any of his shit. Not the part where he saves a plane from getting hijacked, and not the part where they get stuck in a tomb in egypt!
#24 Yami’s Angel  - unfinished I think this was like my first Yugioh Au  Yami finds a small, unconcious Angel and befriends the little guy and takes care of him. Yugi loves strawberries and chaos ensues because Yugi ALWAYS gets lost in public places. Later in the story he finds out Ryou has the same problem. Except he has a little devil. #25 The Wheelchair Au - unfinished  A combination of the two ideas above. Atem, after a suicidal attempt which caused him to lose both his legs and a finger, refuses to undergo any opperation which could make him use prostetic legs in order to walk again. With nobody to care for him, he stays at the hospital. However one night he hearsa small voice, which is Yugi, his guardian angel, and if they fuse, Atem regains his legs. However if they remain fused for longer than 3 hours, Yugi will disappear.
#26 Dancing in Eternal winter Yugi gets stuck on a mountain with a jock who doesnt understand any language Yugi knows. Spirit Animals are there to help. Yugi then realises that Yami is unable to reintigrate into society, because he has been living on his own all this time, surviving, and his spirit Animal would be much too dangerous. No matter how nice Gulo is.
#27 The Levitated Mansion  - unfinished Atem Lives in a wealthy family and loves to look at the stars with his telescope. However one day he sees a levitated mansion, the owner of said mansion has an eye on him. #28 Shapeshifters  - unfinished Yugi is working at an orphanage when he meets an old Ijiraat, a shapeshifter that you forget after seeing him. However the more time Yugi spends with him, the more he keeps remembering. #29 Sphinxson Yugi  - unfinished Atem lives in a village that has deemed him crazy because he swears he sees monsters. Kaiba is a monster hunter and decides to exploit the scared youth. Yugi is a Sphinx that cant wait for his human grandfather to return, but how long has it been? Just a few days, right?
#30 Pokemon  - unfinished Another Pokemon Au. Yugi is an Eevee that has been taken in by the Kaiba brothers, but after a mishap in the trophee room and Evolving into a Vaporeon, What will happen to the young pokemon? #31 We Are Not Alone - unfinished An Alien Refugee gets mistaken by the Egyptian people as a god, and teach him their ways, however another of his kind is on their way to kill him. Can Atem and Yugi fight this evil Alien or not? And Where is Atem’s family?  #32 Safe and Sound - unfinished A comfort/hurt oneshot fic where Yugi scolds Yami for hurting people, even if it is for protecting him. Basically the idea was that this event is what made Yami stop his evil penalty games.
#33 On a hot summer night, would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red rose between his teeth  - unfinished Yugi is a werewolf that mistakingly kills a sheep of Yami and Ryou’s farm. However Yami and Ryou do not seem to realise who their guest is until Yami finds Yugi’s bloodied clothes on the floor one day as he returns home. thinking th beast that fled out of the window devoured him whole. Yugi tries to keep running, not wanting Yami to know he is a beast, but Yami keeps hunting, dead on bringing the beast down. #34 Bone Datem  - unfinished A schooltrip to Egypt turns into chaos when Yugi gets trapped into a tomb and tries to make his way out. However when he finds a living Mummy that follows him around and wants him to steal the millennium puzzle from the Museum, he finds himself in an even bigger hastle than he bargained for.
#35 Unnamed genderbend Yugi Blindshipping Au  - unfinished Yami and Atem are two gang members that hate each other. However yami is a playboy and gets cursed by a witch. Everytime the sun is down he transforms into a girl. But this girl doesnt remember anything and thinks her name is Yugi. One time, yami does not get home in time and this leads to yugi meeting atem who instantly falls in love with her. Theres little things though like yami being able to see everything yugi does and sometimes controlling her body or mind. At one point when atem tries to kiss him, she punches him bc yami in no way is gonna kiss that bastard xD atem mistakes it as hes gone too far and yugi is just superconfused why she did that xD I already know what i want the end to be but its kind of a sad part on yami's part? Also there is a part where atem finds out yugi is actually yami or something
#36 The Superhero Au  - unfinished Yugi is in a happy relationship with his boyfriend atem but what he doesnt know is that Atem is also the Supervillain Yami. And Atem himself has no control over it whatsoever. The rules of the world is that one who can summon strong monsters are either superheroes or villains. However Yami can only summon a small little Kuroboh, and giving Yugi more trouble than ever. Atem on the other hand claims he has never been able to summon a monster before.
#37 Demon boyfriend Atem  This was supposedly a parody idea where Atem lost his temper way too quick and started yelling in a demonic voice (ind of like Aggretsuko lol) And Yugi wasnt really phased by it at all because at the end of the day he knows atem loves him xD Even if it scares his friends a little.
#38 I wanna steal your heart (and eat your brains)  - unfinished Title was based on a song. Yugi is a zombie and has been dating Atem and chaos ensuess. Kaiba also is a zombie and has been experimenting on himself and discovered some odd perks of being a zombie. (honestlyno plot just shenanigans and lovers quarrels)
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Since the topic has come up again, I’d like to do a brief-ish recap of the main locations listed on the map found in Jack’s office in the background of the “Uprising” comic. Blue dots appear to represent “active situations” or investigations by Overwatch.  The dots turn red when the investigation becomes an actual mission itself.
You can find another post on this from April 2018.
This is the Overwatch “mission map” that is present in the background of the Uprising comic.  These are “ongoing missions”.  They include:
A mission in Tokyo, Japan: likely the investigation of the Shimada clan
A mission in Nigeria: likely the investigation into Doomfist (Akande) following his fight with Akinjide
A mission in Cairo or Giza, Egypt: this mission is unknown but may be related to the Anubis AI confinement, or the “Overwatch official murdered” in a “Cairo incident.”
A mission in Rio de Janeiro: an unknown mission but could be related to activities that facilitate Vishkar’s work there in the future, or could be related to the revelation that Lúcio’s father made the sonic tech that Vishkar uses. This may be tech that the Talon Assassin utilizes.
A mission in Dorado, Mexico: may be related to Los Muertos or the beginning foundation of LumériCo, which Jack Morrison is actively investigating in the present-day (as Soldier: 76).
Special situations:
A mission in London, UK: this is Null Sector’s hostile takeover of London 
And lastly
A mission in Switzerland.
This might be Overwatch’s investigation of itself, following the suspension of Blackwatch after the Venice mission (Retribution).  If you have read my other posts on this topic, you know that I believe the suspension was actually embraced by Gabriel Reyes because he was trying to figure out which Blackwatch agents were double-agents working for Talon (he appears to believe that Moira is one of them).
Again (because this always comes up), the blue dot in the area of Switzerland/France is NOT Chateau Guillard.  Amélie did not live there.  She lived in Paris as a ballet dancer.  In fact, she did not purchase the estate until “very recently”, likely after Recall and Masquerade.  
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immortalheart · 6 years
Attempted Lore Roundup – Bastet Short Story
Ana’s thoughts suggest that Jack *knew* Gabriel was alive pre-Old Soldiers comic. However, I personally don’t think Jack is working with Gabe in any way. “He was uneasy now. Staying in one place for too long was risky, especially now that Gabe would be looking for him. He  had to move on.” These are Jack’s thoughts. If he was working with Gabriel, he wouldn’t be worried about Gabe finding him. HOWEVER, I DO still think that Gabriel is a double agent/working to take down Talon. I just don’t think Jack’s part of/aware he’s part of the plan. Go check out Segadores-Y-Soldado’s post about this theory to learn more about wtf I’m talking about.
Dr. Faisal is likely the argeologisist character that has been speculated throughout the fandom and connected to Illios, Oasis, and Temple of Anubis.
Ana lost her memories post-fight with Widowmaker, just as many in the fandom have suggested.
Jack already knew that Amelie was Widowmaker and is apparently a fountain of knowledge that is untouched as of now.
References to the spider-web of connections seen in Sombra’s origins video, as well as the Reaper sightings map seen on the Temple of Anubis map. This basically confirms that Jack is getting his information from Sombra
Jack looked for Ana after her ‘death’. Gabriel sent McCree to try to find her as well.
Jack (as well as Sombra) are still the only people to refer to Gabriel as “Gabe” (originally pointed out by Segadores-Y-Soldado, an amazing lorist who is just amazing. Ana has multiple instances to refer to him as ‘Gabe’ but continuously calls him Gabriel. Alas, I missed that Ana DID call him Gabe at the end RIP
Overwatch did something, likely connected to the Anubis God AI, to destabilize Egypt and it never completely recovered. Considering Ana says “a decade after”, this suggests that Overwatch’s intervention was after the Omnic Crisis, suggesting that something happened to the God AI both during AND after the Crisis. This allows Hakim and his organization (never named) to take control of the country.
Jack’s healing is slowing down and it’s officially confirmed that healing is part of his SEP enhancements. Segadores-Y-Soldado called this too btw.
An Overwatch mission happened in Prague at some point during Overwatch’s reign. Ana ended up carrying Jack for some reason and Reinhardt failed to be sneaky (duh). Considering that Ana calls Prague Jack’s fault and suggests that he assigned Reinhardt to the mission suggests that the mission took place post-Omnic Crisis when Jack was Strike Commander.
Jack really doesn’t want to see Angela. Feel free to speculate reasons as to why. I am too tired to do so rn, maybe except a future post.
The Ana vs Widowmaker fight takes place in Poland and Ana was taken care of by a Dr. Lee (woman).
Jack says something interesting. He says ““Don’t let this go. Don’t be like the others. They dismantled everything we spent our lives building, and then they made us into villains.”” Now I’m wondering who the US is. Is the the UN? Is it referring to other members of Overwatch? I can’t help by think of Angela’s quote in Fading Glory (despite the fact that more than half of that article is currently unreliable): “"After Morrison's promotion to strike commander, his relationship with Reyes changed," Dr. Angela Ziegler, medical director of Overwatch, stated during a UN committee hearing. "The tension became more pronounced as time went on. I tried to mend things. We all did. Sometimes when the closest bonds break, all you can do is pray you stay out of the cross fire."”
This quote by Angela is even more proven wrong by this short story. Jack claims that he told Gabe that someone else should have been chosen as Strike Commander. Ana suggests that Jack meant Gabriel. Jack sighed, relenting. “You know, I told Gabe they picked the wrong person for Strike-Commander.” “Yes, but you meant him, not me,” Ana replied.
Ana is a bad cook apparently.
Jack believes that everyone else, I’m assuming including other Overwatch/Blackwatch agents gave up on fighting. ““Everyone else gave up, but not me.””
Jack way of thinking has changed since he was the Strike Commander of Overwatch. Segadores-Y-Soldado talks about this to some extent on their Twitter. I might talk more about this when I’m not on 3 hours of sleep and have work in the morning.
Ana also disliked Moria.
The room where Ana and Jack are seen in the Reflections comic is an apartment the two rented in order to take down Hakim’s criminal empire.
Jack broke into LumériCo’s fusion plant before the ‘Hero’ short.
Ana and Jack are going to take down Hakim’s empire then Ana will apparently help Jack get revenge on those who took down Overwatch, ie Talon. That explains what the two are doing most recently in terms of the Overwatch Timeline (lol Timeline)
Jack is very focused on Gabriel and continues to call him Gabe even after Gabriel shoots him. Ana notices Jack’s focus towards the end of the short story:
Jack had a relationship with a man named Vincent and is queer. Michael Chu confirmed they are both gay. I am going to make a whooooole post about this. One thing I will say here is that I do not agree that this is on the same level as the debacle surrounding Shiro coming out as gay. I definitely understand that this isn’t perfect, but I, as a queer person myself, do not think Blizzard fucked up like Dreamworks did and I think they handled this pretty well.  
Jack longed (and likely longs) for a ‘normal’ life. “In the early days, Jack talked about him often, floating a dream that the war would end quickly, and maybe he’d have a chance to return to a normal life.”
Ana was, in fact, married to Fareeha’s father, Sam.
Both Ana and Gabe had families of some sort. I’m literally gonna make an entire post about this so hold your horses. I will say I *don’t* necessarily think family has to refer to a spouse and children though.
Alright so I *tried* to include everything, but there’s always a chance I missed things. Feel free to add anything that I missed or that yall found interesting. I’m hoping to touch more on some of these points in the next few days or so
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cequens-egypt · 18 days
AI agents are software programs that use machine learning, natural language processing, and other AI technologies to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. In the context of supply chain administration, these specialists can robotize different capacities, counting stock administration, request estimating, course optimization, and provider relationship management.
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