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therequisiteseattle · 1 year ago
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New 2024 Dadoir Calendar Pre-order is live! Link in bio.
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astrallar · 1 year ago
sorry ignore that last reblog, was trying to DELETE it not bring it back into the world
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a-narcissists-warren · 6 months ago
Oh you poor... Poor soul... While I have nothing in my power lessen the pain, I can offer you some nice tea. I assure you, it will all be okay :)
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SHIT- okay,, hhfu hi. sorry yehayeahyeagyeah a . ahyeah. yeah. yeah. yeah.
sorry yeah.,,, tea,,,,
[m!a 6/15]
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suweggeritos-blog · 6 years ago
Bus Buddies. (part 1)
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This will be a double POV story! Will be leaving it in 2 parts! :-) Y/N Brief description: you have been noticing this really tall and good looking male taking the same bus as you almost everyday and he would always be listening to music and sketching on his little drawing pad that he would carry around with him all the time. You also realized that he worked at a little studio right beside the building you worked at. You've been to his studio before, out of curiosity, and realized it is his little art gallery where he puts up his art pieces for sale and also, he's a freelance photographer. This morning, out of nowhere, he came and stood right beside you in a really tightly packed bus.
"Sorry, excuse me," you muttered, shoving past the people selfishly standing around the door for easy access out of the crowded space when it's their turn to alight. Finally, you manage to plant yourself in a spot that is slightly less crowded and let out a sigh of relief as you silently pray for the day ahead to not be as hectic as today's oddly crazy passenger load. Did everyone oversleep today? You thought to yourself as you connect your wireless earpiece to your smartphone and started playing the latest song by one of your favourite singers, Shawn Mendes. After four stops down from your place, you arrived at a rather familiar area and your eyes shot towards the door, eager to see that familiar face of a guy that has been taking the same bus as you. Sure enough, he boarded the bus and his eyebrows furrowed at the sight of the packed condition in the bus as he made his way inwards and towards your direction. Flustered, you quickly looked away and out of the window, pretending that you haven’t been noticing him around.
Song Minho. An artist at All Mighty Song's Gallery and a freelance photographer. You came to know of his name when you realized that he actually worked at a studio right beside your office building - thanks to your friend who dragged you in to take a look at this new place that opened. He was all smiles when he saw that you've entered the place with your friend and walked over to greet the both of you. That was the first time you've seen him up close. He has really thick eyebrows and a sharp nose. You noticed that when he smiles, he was smiling not only from his lips but his eyes too - tiny little wrinkles gather around the corner of his eyes when he just smiles. He has a really small lip and sun-kissed skin that's really smooth. You can't help but be in awe of how nice his skin looks, like is he a fairy? Your friend snapped you out of your thoughts when he had to attend to another customer and you guys have to return back to the office before lunch hour ends. That was it.
You felt a tap against your hand that has been holding on to the bus handles and you glance up to see another handle near yours. Not thinking much, you just looked back at your phone and continue browsing through instagram, a little upset by the fact that this crowded bus is not going to let you see Minho for a bit. Then you felt it again, a tap that felt like it's trying to get your attention. You frowned and looked up once again. That same hand. Sighing, you pluck off your earpiece and turned over to look at whoever it was tapping your handle with theirs.
"Oh you finally took off your earpiece." He said, smiling.
It took you a while before you recognize this tall figure and fruity voice belongs to the one and only - Song Minho. You froze but quickly got back your composure.
"O-oh. Can I help you with anything?" You asked, trying your best not to stutter or let him know that you feel nervous around him.
"Do you know why the bus is so packed today?" He asked before glancing around. "It's not like the usual half packed bus we always take in the mornings."
You held your breath momentarily. He notices you too.
"I guess they all woke up late today?" You said, giving your honest opinion.
He started cracking up at your comment, his handle tapping onto yours as he shifted around slightly. His action earned some eyes from the people around as they turned around to look at him laughing away. Minho quickly noticed and stopped, clearing his throat and giving you a thumbs up. You flashed him a shy smile at his gesture.
"Good one. Love that joke." He beamed, doing his little smile with his eyes again.  "Honestly, you have a really nice smile." He muttered, loud enough for you to hear.
You can feel the heat rushing up to your cheeks at his comment and felt a little taken aback by his words. Finally, it was your stop and both of you got off the bus after much struggle with the packed people on the bus.
"Wow, that was really packed." He said, tucking his hands in his pocket. "Oh, and sorry if what I've said just now was too sudden. I, um, can't help it." He said shyly, his hand rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
You smiled, shaking your head slightly as a gesture to tell him it was alright. You can't believe you're talking to someone you've been lowkey noticing on the bus and you're really loss for words.
"But hey, we are friends now? Bus friends?" He smiled, offering a handshake and you grab his hand for a little shake. "Oh, come over to my gallery sometime when you're free. You've been there right?"
"Yeah, once." You smiled shyly.
There was a quiet pause between the both of you for a while and he quickly waved goodbye before jogging off to his studio. You stood there, slowly letting everything sink into your mind because it happened way to quickly.
Did Minho just talk to me?
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jia-kemi-blog · 6 years ago
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Well, this was my first attempt of doing a "kpop journal" :u I don't really like it, but meh~ #journal #kpopjournal #winner #ahyeah #위너 #아예 #민호 #승윤 #진우 #승훈 #케이팝 #예쁨 https://www.instagram.com/p/BzE3CdYFeAO/?igshid=104fr8uj44ixy
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xxmino-ssmm · 6 years ago
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namjoonia · 6 years ago
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ygwinnercircle · 6 years ago
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grilluo · 2 years ago
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How about them Panthers......PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANTHEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRS!!!! Uh, oh.... AHHHHYEAHHHHH!!! #KEEPPOUNDING #PANTHERS #CAROLINAPANTHERS #AHYEAH #AHYYEAH #WOOHOO #NFL #nflfootball (at Santa Clara, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkFWu7juXG8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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picsandimages · 6 years ago
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seansheap · 6 years ago
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Record 1777. #KRSOne #AhYeah #12inch This is not the first time I came to the planet. But everytime I come, only a few could understand it! #hiphop #rap #vinyl #records #nowspinning #vinyljunkie #recordcollection #hiphopvinyl #hiphopwax #vinyligclub https://www.instagram.com/p/BtBBktggOZz/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1n7lb9gpvaoqs
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blazeoftyrants · 7 years ago
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Morning run!!! 😁😁😁 P/s: ignore my timing please 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️ #jogging #jog #eveningjog #joggers #exercise #lazyatitsfinest #tryingtostayfit #tryingtostayhealthy #bestsongforrunning #exid #ahyeah (at Shah Alam, Malaysia)
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foureirarufans-blog · 7 years ago
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Ah Yeah Ah Yeah Ah Yeah Fuego! Yeah Yeah Fire! #ЭлениФурейра #Фурейра #EleniFoureira #Foureira #meme #fuego #ahyeah #fire #yeahyeahfire #🔥 #foureirakia #rusfanpage #fanpage #fanclub #ΕλενηΦουρεϊρα #ΕλένηΦουρέιρα #ΕλενηΦουρειρα #Φουρειρα #Φουρέιρα #φωτια #foureirarufans
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gameofsocialnetworks · 7 years ago
24hrs in Vegas to see EXID. @exidofficial @ahnhani_92 @x_xellybabyx @hyeliniseo @jeonghwa_0508 #kpop #EXID #Hani #ahyeah #lasvegas #vegas #kpopsummernight #koreanmusic (at The Chelsea)
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suweggeritos-blog · 6 years ago
Bus Buddies. (part 2)
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y/n. A girl who's been on the same bus as me ever since I opened my studio near the huge building at the business district. I mean… I've noticed her since day 1 of me taking the bus to work. She always sits around the same place, a corner seat right at the back of the bus with her earpiece stuck to her ears. Some times she would glance over and I would try to smile at her but I guess my smile was too subtle for her to notice and give a smile back. Or maybe she just thought it was weird to smile at a strange man on the bus… but I hope I didn't plant a bad impression on her though.
I came to know her name when she visited my workplace one day, probably a month after I've opened that place. That was when it was the first time I actually saw her up close rather than from a distance and she was just… beautiful. I can't even describe her with words to actually fit how she looked in my mind. But at that point, I didn't have the courage to approach her and say "hi, I know you from the bus ride, corner seat girl." I just greeted her and her friend casually, trying to stay professional and also hoping to be able to start a conversation with her especially.
She was looking around the studio and at one point, she just stared at me quietly while her friend was casually asking me some stuffs. Then, some customers came in and at the same time, they were also planning to leave. I didn't manage to say goodbye but I manage to note down her name on her staff pass dangling in front of her. y/n.
"Go and make a move on her! Hit her up!" My best friend, Seungyoon exclaimed as he picks up another piece of chicken wing and stuffing it into his mouth. "I mean, you clearly are interested in her."
"Wouldn't it look creepy if I suddenly talk to her on the bus?" I asked, a little hesitant about his suggestion. "We never even talked once and I bet she don't even know my name or who I am."
"Wouldn't hurt to try." He smiles and took a bite from his chicken. "Who knows, maybe she's been noticing you too?"
That morning I woke up deciding that I was going to talk to her. Hit her up. Although I might end up sounding creepy or she might see me as a stalker but I'm gonna try and do it. I'm going to regret if I don't even try.
The bus arrived and the door opened to reveal a really packed bus. I frowned, thinking that all my plans to start a conversation with her is going down the drain and sighed, pushing my way to the centre of the bus. That's when I saw her, standing this time but the same old earpiece in her ears. I grinned and quickly went for the spot next to her and stood there, hoping that she'll turn and look at me and maybe I could say hi.
No attention is given.
I shifted the bus handle that I've been holding and tapped on hers.
No attention is given again.
I tapped again.
Finally, she pulled off her earpiece and looked up at me, looking rather annoyed but it quickly turned into a shock expression.
"Oh you finally took off your earpiece," I said, flashing her my brightest smile.
"O-oh. Can I help you with anything?" She asked, her expression softening at my words.
"Do you know why the bus is so packed today?" I asked before taking a look around the bus. "It's not like the usual half packed bus we always take in the mornings."
Her mouth was opened slightly, like a goldfish in the fish tank. That's cute. She quickly cleared her throat and shrugged her shoulder a little.
"I guess they all woke up late today?" She said.
I burst out laughing at her comment. That's quite a witty comment that really tickles my funny bone. I guess I was laughing too hard because people started turning their heads towards me and I quickly stopped, stifling my laughter before giving her a thumbs up. She smiled at that gesture and it really made my heart flutter.
"Good one. Love that joke." I smiled, feeling rather great at her response to my rather sudden chat with her on the bus. "Honestly, you have a really nice smile." I continued, complimenting her softly.
Shit, Minho. Why did you say that?
I looked at her, hoping that she isn't giving me a weird look. She didn't. But her cheeks were rather pink. Is it because of the packed bus?
Finally it was out stop and we quickly got off the bus, freeing ourselves from the stuffy situation.
"Wow, that was really packed." I commented, tucking my hands into my pockets, trying to look chic. "Oh, and sorry if what I've said just now was too sudden. I, um, can't help it." I added on, feeling rather shy and embarrassed at that extra comment of mine.
She just smiled and shook her head slightly, as if telling me she was cool with it.
Wow, I am really talking to her now huh? Someone I've been noticing on the bus for the past few weeks and was so afraid of ruining her impression of me? Now, I seemed to have gotten to the stage of mutual with her? I really hope.
"But hey, we are friends now? Bus friends?" I smiled, offering a handshake which she quickly grab and gave a little shake.
"Oh, come over to my gallery some time when you’re free. You've been there right?" I silently cursed in my head for saying that. I'm revealing that I've noticed her before with those words!
"Yeah, once." She smiled shyly, her eyes diverting away from mine and down to the floor.
There was a moment of silence between us for a moment and I quickly waved goodbye to her to help ease the situation. I jogged over to my studio, smiling like a fool that's won the lottery.
That's one step closer to her.
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sospeedygirl · 5 years ago
@jindoris​ HJBJYHBS U
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