#ahurrdurr game
prometheanglory · 4 years
😳 vinh and flint pls, bonus if u add why xiangvinh and flintroza is problematic 🥴🥴🥴
idahahah of course 😳 cracking my fingers to practice the art of REACH ⚠️ satire as always. under the cut because this got. admittedly beefy.
🕯vinh is a poor portrayal of kidnapping victims and presents a heavily romanticized depiction of a situation which often traumatizes its victims, and instead implies that there is such a thing as a good kidnapper.
🕯she is clearly a victim of stockholm syndrome, however she is never properly counciled and treated for it. to allow vinh to continue seeing ithas in a positive light is only excusing the behaviors of kidnappers and making light of a very serious crime and an even more serious trauma that very few people ever properly address.
🕯in fact, she is even shown to feel some manner of guilt — is this a truly realistic depiction of a kidnapping survivor? following the set standards of an institution that has CLEARLY no flaws despite being proven time and time again that they are failures in all manners of functioning and handling situations with victims of a possibly traumatic event, this is clearly a case of a woman who cannot think for herself and a writer who is too intent on justifying the actions of a man.
⚖️ flint is an idealized image of the military — especially of drill sergeants, defined by his strict and straightforward (and often times brutal) personality. the indoctrination of youths are nothing to joke about or to romanticize even within the realm of fiction and the lack of awareness present within how flint could be interpreted is careless and actively harmful. to further sell the point of this carelessness, flint being shown as a near-perfect student, well-adjusted and responsible yet showing little to no personality outside of his serious demeanor?
⚖️ it only affirms the stereotypes of the robotic youth, made to fit the ideals of society without defying any expectations. this is a toxic image to present to young viewers and possibly even older viewers. it implies that those who are not similar to flint are inherently failures, or that they are falling very far behind.
⚖️ to elaborate more on this set image of perfection however, it also coincides with cold-war era propaganda of the soviets, portraying them as heartless and mindless people who only follow their leader’s command unlike the free-thinking americans with their democracy. flint is described as having originally come from a rather frigid region of the land of pyroxene, a location that could certainly be interpreted as culturally similar to various Slavic nations. do you really want to support a character that is running off of dehumanizing war propaganda?
🕯🏹 xiangvinh is problematic for a GREAT DEAL of reasons and to enjoy it in any manner of ways is a clear sign of a decay of morals. for starters, there is that monstrous age gap between the two — and while xiang may be a legal adult, vinh should know better than to prey on young men as a woman who is well over 300 years old. it is irresponsible and predatory and it trivializes the experiences of men who are targeted by ‘cougars’. moreover, it is very clear that this is not a relationship of mutual and healthy pining and respect; it is an incredibly toxic one. vinh is objectified and treated as a commodity instead of as anything even remotely close to a girlfriend. xiang is regarded as someone to serve rather than an individual of equal standing. there is a very clear power dynamic here that plays on age-old sexist ideas of what a woman and a man’s relationship should be, implying that a woman’s place is in subservience and a man’s is in exploition.
🌹⚖ flintroza is another example of a sexist and patriarchal view on what a romantic relationship should be. roza is depicted as a naive and curious girl whereas flint is the serious and experienced man; the two are in a relationship that plays heavily into the perceived power dynamics between a man and a woman, in which the man must teach the woman and the woman is there to receive the man’s lessons. the woman is to be childlike and demure, while the man is cold and stoic; the woman is kind and warm, the man is unyielding and blunt, etc... it should also be mentioned that while roza is a 17 year old, flint is one whole year older than her and that is a disgusting age gap that should not exist within fiction nor reality; it is predatory behavior to even consider a 17 year old as mentally mature as an 18 year old.
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prometheanglory · 4 years
u know, if we are gonna go problematic, let's go full on problematic with sarge and ronnie :-) teehee
HAHAHA MY PROBLEMATIC BITCHES ⚠️ satire to the max i love these whores
sarge and ronaldo are both gross sexualizations of second year students — of course, they’re both 18, however that does nothing to detract from the fact that they’re not 3rd years. it’s nothing but an excuse to exploit students, even if they are legal adults.
sarge is problematic on the basis of his former love for wyn — granted they were both similar in age, but the fact that he still cherishes her memory is pedophilic in nature. sarge as a grown man should not ever think back to a girl who used to love him, especially since she’s a) dead b) a minor.
furthermore, the fact that he does not grow to hate the very institution that stripped him of his humanity and boyhood inherently condones abusive and manipulative behaviors. his complex feelings come off moreso as pitying or accepting feelings and it is a well known fact that no victims of institutions such as these would have such grey or conflicting feelings on their abuse, objectification, and exploitation (as per my lack of research).
ronaldo is Toxic with a capital T. why? so many fucking reasons.
he is always quick to antagonize, vilify, and be outright hostile with anyone who ever tries to be close to him and these behaviors are a poor example of what may come of inferiority complexes, victim complexes, and those who have endured bullying. it paints these victims in a bad light and implies that they are inherently dangerous, unapproachable, and not worth talking to.
he never bothers to establish proper communication and instead always resorts to brushing others off, belittling them, etc. this is not a healthy depiction of an egotistica yet antisocial character and paints those who may relate to his struggles in a very negative light and as such, his characterization is heavily in need of revision. His hatred for an entire dorm is prejudiced — he has no grounds to actually hate them and is instead being exclusionary and toxic in his unreasonable disdain for others.
he blackmails others. that doesn’t need any elaboration. he gaslights people, emotionally abuses them, humiliates them, and does nothing to redeem himself for his poor behavior. even within the realm of fiction, these behaviors are inappropriate and should not ever be present or portrayed within a main character — it implies that someone who does these are still inherently good instead of presenting a real threat to society (despite being a fictional character).
his mood swings are another factor in why ronaldo is problematic. it’s totally unrealistic for people struggling with a variety of problems to lash out in such damaging and self-sabotaging ways and to feel regret later. awareness of being toxic does not forgive nor justify your actions, especially if you have not done anything to try to right yourself of your wrongs. he is aware of how he mistrests his classmates, his friends, his family — and yet? he does nothing but go quiet without a single word or action. this does not constitute a redemption. this is hardly even a try to develop their personality, and instead is a cheap grab at victimization.
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prometheanglory · 4 years
Vinh for the problematic ask
this is a headsup for the entire game — this is satire !
vinh is an inherently sexist portrayal of women.
she is an attempt at the ‘strong woman’ archetype however she does not align with western ideals of what it means to be a strong woman.
instead, she follows the ‘yamato nadeshiko’ standard, the idealized japanese wife — which is entirely centered on being submissive and meek (as we can observe in vinh’s quiet and subservient nature). this idea of strength is detrimental to modern day values of working women, because it implies that women cannot be viewed as strong or acceptable lest they come in a manner that is most digestable for the male gaze (i.e. an obedient wife type).
to develop further on this sexism, vinh does not bother to achieve grander or more over-arching positions — she is compliant with always being the subordinate, this is unacceptable. it implies that women are not meant to be in outright positions of power, control, and or influence.
furthermore, her manner of acting towards idia could be viewed as toxic — young viewers observing their interactions may not understand the gap between fiction and reality and copy her actions. as we all know, idia seems to have issues with anxiety and it is quite cruel of vinh to not treat him any gentler when it concerns his fears.
elaborating on vinh’s behavior, a key point in her characterization is in her sense of devotion. this is unhealthy. she has an unhealthy sense of devotion and doesn’t seem to have healthy boundaries when it concerns humanity — this is a gross romanticization of obsession and love and it is unacceptable, even within the realm of fiction.
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prometheanglory · 4 years
Problematic queen lola lets go
satire again hi ⚠️
lola has a history of harassment, violence, sexism, and has a literal criminal history.
it’s discriminatory to look down on men, societal nuance be damned, lola is in a constant state of harassing and bullying men who she deems unacceptable, obnoxious, or just flat out ugly. these actions are unacceptable in reality and as such should not be portrayed within fiction.
lola also has her history of violence to be coupled with this, such as mugging, vandalism, and physically harassing others, she has no grand goal to justify her actions and instead it simply exists as an act of violence, typical to impoverished areas. this paints people from poorer areas in a poor light. barbarians, mutts, thugs — her character does not aim to subvert the associated image of the unrefined, poverty-stricken, and violent city rat
she’s vain and shallow, dumb and brash, she doesn’t bother to behave in a sophisticated manner and seems to only care for the pleasurable things in the world. this falls into the age old sexist and misogynistic trope of a bimbo as well. she is a poor excuse of a ‘strong female character’ as her character’s mannerisms imply that the only way to be a strong woman is to be rough and violent, while still embracing traditional femininity (as seen through her love of fashion).
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prometheanglory · 4 years
problematic chase
this is a headsup for the entire game — this is satire !
chase’s character implies that one of the worst positions to be in within life is that of an impoverished child in a developed society — that is not true and it undermines the struggles of children in places with far less resources.
the fact that he grows up to be distant and quiet is a bad message for kids coming out of those situations— could he not have embraced his experiences and come out someone far healthier and hopeful? can children from poverty-stricken appalachia not be granted the same joys in life as those from other areas? this message of down-troddenness is in poor taste and is needlessly depressive and bleak on the influence of money in our society.
chase is also a sexist ideal for men — being seen as admirable and strong, quiet and serious. while he has yet to be seen behaving arrogantly or aggressively, his character implies that a man is not a man lest he be only a stoic pillar.
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prometheanglory · 4 years
whats the problematic vinh?
⚠️ this is satire
her work ethic sets a poor example for younger viewers who may see it as an idealized or admirable standard of working instead of exploitative. it is unreasonable and unrealistic to force that much work onto a single individual and portray them as still well put together. she is a fantasy of the bourgeoisie, a silent and obedient worker who does not complain about her work, does not slack on her work, and does not bother to fight against the oppressive hold of the dominanting class.
of course, vinh does supposedly aim to upheave those of lower social standings and balance the scales, however one must still recognize that she is of upper social standings and will never fully grasp the struggles of those below her. she has committed acts of violence against them in her past, having aided and even contributed to the oppressive system that is ever-present within the sierras of ambrosia — her guilt does not forgive her actions, and no amount of actions will ever be enough. vinh is a dog of the nobles and remains as such the longer she takes to dismantle the centuries-long patterns of prejudice, ignorance, and violence against those commonfolk of the sierras of ambrosia.
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prometheanglory · 4 years
how is cordell problematic LETS GO
cordell is portrayed as a very distant boy with odd mannerisms— in fact, he could even be taken as mentally disturbed. he is portrayed in a very infantilised manner that gives him little to no true agency. he is a 16 year old boy and yet the manner he is written, he comes off as one much younger. this is no doubt intentional, and it implies that those with mental ailments are children, unfit to take care of themselves, and should not be trusted with responsibilities.
he is also shown to be a shockingly violent and gruesome boy with no actual morals, does this imply that those raised without proper socialization are inherently dangerous? that they are somehow less than other people? he is observed handling animals in manners that are rather cruel or inhumane at times, it seems that this message is being conveyed rather prominently.
cordell seems intent to learn how to be polite, it raises the question of why western values of proper behavior should even be considered. to behave ‘civily’ implies compliance to the ideals of proper behavior set by the oppressor.
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prometheanglory · 4 years
i want the full list on problematic sarge and xuehai
this is a headsup for the entire game — this is satire !
sarge’s portrayal is one entirely centered around unhealthy boundaries, toxicity, and gross romanticism.
for starters, he could certainly be viewed as a yandere, a trope within japanese media characterized by an often delusional character with an obsession for another. it shouldn’t need to be said, but evidently yanderes still exist in the world despite their inherent vileness for some odd reason.
he is a gross and unrealistic take on albinism — completely dismissing the struggles of albinos in other cultures, and instead praises him, and being as bold to even refer to him as beautiful. he does not experience any of the discrimination nor struggles that real albino people face and provides poor representation for them. even the sheer implication of sarge being beautiful is disrespectful, for it implies that paleness is the ideal for beauty — this is an outdated standard and should be avoided.
furthermore, to even portray any manner of cultism or catholicism in a positive light is disrespectful and in bad taste. many individuals have been traumatized by such institutions of obsessive religion and to even delve into the topic is insensitive and rude. he does not provide an accurate depiction of a child who has been raised by cultists or overly zealous religious clergymen — he is instead a grossly romanticized image of catholicism and supposed saintliness.
xuehai is problematic because he does not view others as equal to him, a clear sign of egoism — and he does not seem to try to better himself of this attitude in any way.
the fact that he does not bother to properly reciprocate marian’s love either is toxic and creates for a poor portrayal of what a proper and healthy familial bond should be. xuehai is taking marian’s efforts for granted and he is even neglecting marian by not paying attention to him. in the instances that he communicates that he wishes to be left alone — he is often domineering and brash, and not at all respectful in his message.
now, xuehai is very much so a sexist portrayal of manhood and toxic masculinity. he is viewed as a respectable figure despite his aggressive and rude nature. he is silent yet violent, playing into the male power fantasy of unquestionable domination, that strength is the only valid means of having one’s worth judged. while he himself may not explicitly say it, his demeanor implies it.
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prometheanglory · 4 years
your oc is problematic, with penn and nik? the twins?
⚠️ this is satire
penn and nik are an exaggeration of anxiety — it trivializes the experiences of individuals who may struggle with severe anxiety. to see that the twins are treated as infants, that they are constantly on edge, and cannot be taken seriously is dehumanizing and insulting.
their reliance on each other is also very unhealthy, bordering on gross codependence even. it also furthers the stereotype of some sort of ‘mystical twin connection’ and does not aim to actually dispel any of the misinformation and myths surrounding being twins.
nik is portrayed as an antithesis to what a proper man should be — however he is grossly infantilized and this is detrimental to modern values as it does not inherently praise nik for his sensitivity nor does it aid in his portrayal as what could have been a serious discussion on severe social anxiety amongst many other things.
penn is another subversion from toxic masculinity— however much like nik, he too is not viewed in a particularly good light for his characterization. he seems to be treated more seriously than nik, however it is solely on the virtue that he cries less than nik. this is in poor taste. it implies that he who cries less is more respectable than the one who sheds tears— and it is another lingering sentiment of toxic masculinity.
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prometheanglory · 4 years
Problematic Berkeley, shoot
unproblematic king
im lying
satire ⚠️
berkeley’s behaviors may be copied by younger viewers who believe that berkeley’s recklessly aggressive and devoted behaviors may be admirable. they may also believe that the variety of the things that he endures are totally safe (totally not up to the discretion of the viewer and ability to distinguish fiction from reality in what may be safe and sane instead of. well. whatever the hell berkeley is doing).
the fact that berkeley even has the nerve to act as though living in an impoverished and underdeveloped rural area is a struggle implies that he is totally ignorant to the economical and historical state of the world. rural areas of appalachia totally are developed, they just don’t wish to be developed. it implies a great deal of classism that doesn’t exist at all in the real world and instead trivializes a great deal of other situations and institutions that could be discussed and depicted instead.
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