#theres probably more for ronaldo but im coming up blank rn
prometheanglory · 4 years
u know, if we are gonna go problematic, let's go full on problematic with sarge and ronnie :-) teehee
HAHAHA MY PROBLEMATIC BITCHES ⚠️ satire to the max i love these whores
sarge and ronaldo are both gross sexualizations of second year students — of course, they’re both 18, however that does nothing to detract from the fact that they’re not 3rd years. it’s nothing but an excuse to exploit students, even if they are legal adults.
sarge is problematic on the basis of his former love for wyn — granted they were both similar in age, but the fact that he still cherishes her memory is pedophilic in nature. sarge as a grown man should not ever think back to a girl who used to love him, especially since she’s a) dead b) a minor.
furthermore, the fact that he does not grow to hate the very institution that stripped him of his humanity and boyhood inherently condones abusive and manipulative behaviors. his complex feelings come off moreso as pitying or accepting feelings and it is a well known fact that no victims of institutions such as these would have such grey or conflicting feelings on their abuse, objectification, and exploitation (as per my lack of research).
ronaldo is Toxic with a capital T. why? so many fucking reasons.
he is always quick to antagonize, vilify, and be outright hostile with anyone who ever tries to be close to him and these behaviors are a poor example of what may come of inferiority complexes, victim complexes, and those who have endured bullying. it paints these victims in a bad light and implies that they are inherently dangerous, unapproachable, and not worth talking to.
he never bothers to establish proper communication and instead always resorts to brushing others off, belittling them, etc. this is not a healthy depiction of an egotistica yet antisocial character and paints those who may relate to his struggles in a very negative light and as such, his characterization is heavily in need of revision. His hatred for an entire dorm is prejudiced — he has no grounds to actually hate them and is instead being exclusionary and toxic in his unreasonable disdain for others.
he blackmails others. that doesn’t need any elaboration. he gaslights people, emotionally abuses them, humiliates them, and does nothing to redeem himself for his poor behavior. even within the realm of fiction, these behaviors are inappropriate and should not ever be present or portrayed within a main character — it implies that someone who does these are still inherently good instead of presenting a real threat to society (despite being a fictional character).
his mood swings are another factor in why ronaldo is problematic. it’s totally unrealistic for people struggling with a variety of problems to lash out in such damaging and self-sabotaging ways and to feel regret later. awareness of being toxic does not forgive nor justify your actions, especially if you have not done anything to try to right yourself of your wrongs. he is aware of how he mistrests his classmates, his friends, his family — and yet? he does nothing but go quiet without a single word or action. this does not constitute a redemption. this is hardly even a try to develop their personality, and instead is a cheap grab at victimization.
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