#qian xuehai
prometheanglory · 3 years
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crawls out of my grave to say chúc mừng năm mới 🐯🥳 don’t party too hard !!! when on nrc premises
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briarrosescurse · 4 years
hi im back what if. hear me out. what if. xiang and xuehai 🐤
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Acupuncture Found Effective For Pelvic Inflammation
Acupuncture Found Effective For Pelvic Inflammation by Ting Feng , healthcmi.com June 24, 2017 Researches find acupuncture effective for the treatment of chronic pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). A total of 70 female patients were randomly assigned to two groups and the results were compared. Group 1 received acupuncture and group 2 received Fu Ke Qian Jin Pian for oral intake. The group receiving acupuncture had a 91.43% total effective rate and the Fu Ke Qian Jin Pian herbal medicine group had a 74.29% total effective rate. Acute PID is often treated with antibiotics and surgery; however, chronic PID is often unresponsive to multiple regimens of antibiotics and exploratory surgery. This research indicates that acupuncture and herbal medicine are both effective for the alleviation of chronic PID. Acupuncture outperformed the herbal tablets by 17.14%. The 91.43% total effective rate produced by acupuncture indicates that it is a viable treatment option for patients with chronic PID. Chronic PID is characterized by persistent low-grade subclinical inflammation. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) principles, chronic pelvic inflammatory disease is categorized under the scope of abdominal pain, vaginal discharge (leukorrhea), and infertility. PID involves the pernicious influence of fire-poisons (i.e., infection) in the lower abdomen, specifically in the uterus, broad ligaments, fallopian tubes, cervix, or ovaries. Scarring may cause infertility and long-term inflammation damages the qi (energy), thereby causing deficiency of the body’s constitution. Primary Acupoints Guanyuan (CV4) Zhongji (CV3) Zigong (extra point) Xuehai (SP10) Sanyinjiao (SP6) Tianshu (ST25) Guanyuan (CV4) and Zhongji (CV3) are Ren meridian acupoints, which regulate the Chong and Ren meridians. The researchers selected these acupoints for the treatment protocol for their ability to dissipate blood stasis, dredge the meridians, and to relieve pain. Zigong (extra point) and Xuehai (SP10) acupoints are used to eliminate blood stasis, relieve pain, and dredge uterine vessels. Sanyinjiao (SP6) is an acupoint located at the intersection of the liver, spleen, and kidney meridians. In TCM, it is used for nourishment of yin. Tianshu (ST25) benefits the lower jiao, intestines, and stimulates qi circulation. Secondary Acupoints Shuidao (ST28) Yinlingquan (SP9) Hegu (LI4) Taichong (LV3) Diji (SP8) Qihai (CV5) Zusanli (ST36) Secondary acupoints were chosen for each participant based on differential diagnostics. Shuidao (ST28) and Yinlingquan (SP9) eliminate blood stasis and damp-heat. Hegu (LI4) and Taichong (LV3) acupoints regulate Qi and blood circulations. Hegu (LI4) and Diji (SP8) dissipate cold, dredge meridians, and enhance blood circulation. Qihai (CV5) and Zusanli (ST36) enrich Qi and promote blood circulation. Treatment Both groups were provided with 4 courses of treatment, each course of treatment consisted of 5 days of continuous treatment. After each treatment course, patients were allowed to rest for 2 days prior to the next course of treatment. The acupuncture point prescription was based on the Zhen Jiu Xue (Acupuncture and Moxibustion) text and the clinical findings of Professor Li Yue Mei from the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Secondary acupoints were chosen based upon differential diagnostics: Damp-heat stasis: Shuidao and Yinlingquan acupoints. Qi stagnation and blood stasis: Hegu and Taichong acupoints. Cold-damp stagnation: Hegu and Diji acupoints. Qi deficiency and blood stasis: Qihai and Zusanli acupoints. Patients were instructed to first urinate and then rest in a supine position. Stainless steel acupuncture needles (30 gauge, 1 – 1.5 inches in length) were used. Tianxie brand disposable sterile needles were used to perform the acupuncture therapy with single-handed needle insertion techniques or hold-and-insert techniques. Upon deqi arrival, primary acupoints were manipulated with mild reinforcing and attenuating techniques. Additional acupoints were manipulated with pressing, rotating, reinforcing, and attenuating techniques. The needle retention time was 30 minutes per acupuncture session. Needles were manipulated once per session. Patients in the herbal medicine group did not receive acupuncture but received administration of Fu Ke Qian Jin Pian. The herbal medicine Fu Ke Qian Jin Pian (0.32 g/tablet) is manufactured by Zhuzhou Qianjin Pharmaceutical Co, Ltd. Fu Ke Qian Jin Pian was taken orally with warm water, 6 tablets each time, 3 times per day. The patients were asked to avoid spicy, raw, cold, oily, or greasy food. The tablets were comprised of the following ingredients: Dioscorea japonica Fructus rosae laevigatac Radix angelicae sinesis Radix codonopsis Herba andrographitis Indicators According to the researchers from Guangzhou, CRP (C-reactive protein) was observed as a degree indicator of low-grade inflammation in chronic pelvic inflammatory disease. The researchers selected the monitoring of CRP for several reasons. CRP indicates inflammatory responses. Tissue injury often rapidly increases concentrations of CRP, usually within 4–6 hours. CRP is not affected by gender, age, hypergammaglobulinemia, anemia, pregnancy, and other factors. CRP activates the complement system, which is a cascade of biochemical responses in the immune system that promote inflammation. CRP activates the complement cascade via the C1q (an 18 polypeptide chain) protein complex. Hence, C-reactive protein was observed in this study as an indicator of the degree of low-grade inflammation in chronic pelvic inflammatory disease. Results Acupuncture produced a 91.43% total effective rate. The breakdown is as follows: 10 completely healed, 16 had excellent results, 6 had significant improvements, 3 had no improvement. Fu Ke Qian Jin Pian produced a 74.29% total effective rate. A total of 7 completely healed, 12 had excellent results, 7 had significant improvements, 9 had no improvements. The results of the investigation indicate that acupuncture and herbal medicine are effective for the treatment of chronic PID. To learn more about the treatment of chronic PID, take a look at the following aacupuncture continuing education course entitled: PID and Chinese Medicine > References Liao MX, Shi R & Meng ZZ. (2014). Therapeutic Effect of Acupuncture on Chronic Pelvic Inflammation with Low Grade Inflammation. Journal of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, 30(11):19-21. Zheng XY. (2002). Clinical guideline of new drugs for traditional Chinese medicine. Beijing: Medicine Science and Technology Press of China. 2002:243. Steel DM, Whitehead AS. (1994). The major acute phase reactants: C-reactive protein, serum amyloid P component and serum amyloid A protein. Immunology Today. 15(2): 81-88. Yang PA, Zhang F.(2010). The Application of Hypersensitivity C Reactive Protein in Diagnosis of Gynecological Diseases. Journal of Ning Xia Medical University. 32 (1) :127-128. Zhang XD.(2006). Integrated traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Obstetrics and Gynecology .Henan Science and Technology Press. 2006:129. Zhang HM, Xie CG,Chen SW. (2005). Study on TCM Pathology of Inflammation of Low Degree. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine. 37(1):14-16. Feng GZ, Zeng GL, Lv CS. (2013). Analysis on TCM Pathogenesis of Low- grade Inflammatory Pathologic State.Chinese Archives of Traditional Chinese Medicine 31(8):1768-1770. Yuan XH,Yin S,Liu XD. (2011).Clinical Research Summary of Gynecological Tablets Medical Information Operations Sciences Fascicule. (7):3249-3250. Zhang Y.(2012). Observation of Curative Effect of Gynecological Tablets on Chronic Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases. China Practical Medical.7(28):140-141. Yuan JL,Guo JS,Wu CR. (2010). Effect of Qianjin tablets on serum IgA, IgG and IgM in acute pelvic inflammation in rats.Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine University of Hunan. 30(9):87-89. Original Page: http://www.healthcmi.com/Acupuncture-Continuing-Education-News/1765-acupuncture-found-effective-for-pelvic-inflammation Shared from Pocket
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prometheanglory · 2 years
⚤ genderbent Xuehai?
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🥶 (🤪)
xuehai -> xuechun — much more headstrong and curt than the usual xuehai. she’s generally a very quiet person, however her voice has been known to reach some, unprecedented levels when provoked.
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prometheanglory · 2 years
Hello hello ! Can I ask for the Ethereal 4, with 🖍, ☄ and ✏ please ?
HI ANDHRA OFC YOU CAN 😳😳💕💕 also this a lot longer than i intended but oopsie poopsie
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🖍️ CRAYON - what advice would you give to them?
marian -> i think i’d also tell him to maybe read a few proper parenting books so that his ‘pupils’ stop turning out like that. and maybe try picking up mopping and laundry as a hobby.
sarge -> to be entirely honest i think i’d get more helpful advice out of him than i could ever give to him specifically but maybe being less convoluted when talking to other ppl would be helpful in feeling more in-tune with others.
vinh -> for the love of god please let yourself be a person there is nothing to gain from being an object or an ideal
xuehai -> take a chill pill 😐 you need to take a damn chill pill. ur technically not in the immediate wrong, but you’re not exactly being the most reasonable about how u approach everything.
☄️ COMET - what do people assume about them? are they right?
marian -> an irresponsible and flaky weirdo, but more of a nuisance than anything else. there rly isn’t much else to assume about him, because it’s kinda all up in your face already. he’s got a bit of that ‘otherworldly mystique’ that makes people assume he’s probably got some shit going on with him, but nobody’s bothered to ask him.
are any of these assumptions inherently wrong? no. there’s just a little more to him, say... his stunningly vast intellect! there’s an unparalleled genius amidst your ranks...! maybe you could count his more calculative and curious side, but i feel most people already know that he’s got a few more metaphorical teeth and eyes on his person than what’s average. but then again, this isn’t really anything that’s running contrary to any pre-existing ideas of him, it’s just a little more lurking under the surface of the fickle marian blede.
sarge -> he’s seen as a very amiable boy :) courteous and kind, trim and good humored. sarge’s largely seen as an admirable peer who pulls forward in most matters relating to easing people out of their shells or buttering others up, all with a bit of classic casanova playfulness. this is all said in a positive light, but nobody can really deny that he’s always got a bit of a slippery or morbid current running through him... but it’s not that distracting, so people gloss over that part of him. some of the more negative things people think about him is that he’s a bit of a sissy or that he’s a womanizer. a slacker. a bit of a degenerate creep. unnecessarily vague sometimes. shockingly calloused and insensitive despite the ‘do no wrong’ vibes.
in short? they’re spot on with him (yes even the bad ones). he’s a very honest type and it pleases him to no end that people can see ‘through’ him so easily. he really doesn’t see much point in trying to be coy about his intentions or any of the facets of his personality, so why not just put it on display? it’s for their viewing pleasure, and whatever they may take away from it is... well, it’s not really up to him what they see, but as long as they saw part of it. except for that sissy thing, he just doesn’t like getting dirty. how is cleanliness a fault :( 
vinh -> ppl usually see her as a very resilient and confident woman... and though a bit elusive, she’s very serious and not one for letting others distract her from her responsibilities... and perhaps she’s hiding a little more than she lets on 🤔 a well-mannered but steely workaholic professional who’s got a harsher bite than her bark?
...while her serious nature and dedication to responsibilities are very spot-on, the parts of herself that are seen as ‘workaholic’ has to be coded with a separate sort of nuance. she does do what’s best for others to concerning degrees, but it’s not from a perspective of self-fulfillment or enrichment at all. there’s isn’t much of a self inside her to benefit after all, so the work just doesn’t matter much to her at all (you wouldn’t ask a blender if it’s fulfilled by smoothie making, would you?). also, she isn’t much of a #girlboss #confidentkween either, however her very indifferent personality certainly does give off the impression that she’s a lot bolder than she is. in reality, she’s a very passive and avoidant type… she’s just had enough time to mature that her subdued/reserved personality lost its awkward edge, so it’s not really a quirk of naivety or endearment anymore.
xuehai -> an overwhelmingly large presence that’s only backed up by an even larger ego and somehow, an even larger temper. he’s a volatile and violent person that you generally should avoid under most circumstances if you can because the smallest thing could set him off and now you’re buried under 3 feet of snow. outspoken, confident, brutally honest, insensitive, aggressive, intelligent, independent.... he sure is macho but he also sure is a huge diva about his reputation, his performance, and his appearance. when he’s not passing time by being one of the most intense people to ever exist, he’s... manageable. he’s quiet and minds his own business, he’s logical and he’s a driven student. he’s got a real noble lion-heart when the moment strikes, but seldom does that moment ever crop up.
i’d love to try to save xuehai’s reputation by saying that this isn’t true and that he’s a lot cooler and more noble than this, but i really.............. can’t. he’s exactly as he comes off — what you see is what you get. he’s awe-inspiring and cool to be around to some extent.... but when it loses its novelty, he’s essentially just a ticking time bomb to be one of the most overwhelming people you have ever had the displeasure of being stuck around. 
✏️ PENCIL - is there a particular quote / lyric that you associate with them?
I ASSOCIATE SO MUCH WITH THEM I’M GONNA EXPLODE. but. to keep myself contained i’ll just do one quote rn. i’ll revisit this with actual analysis and maybe quotes later lel
marian (i know this is rly long but the entire song just has him written all over it)
lyrics: Cotard’s Solution - Will Wood and the Tapeworms
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lyrics: Werewolf Heart - Dead Man’s Bones
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lyrics: In The Woods Somewhere - Hozier
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xuehai (its not meant to be taken so literally pls i promise)
lyrics: Judith - A Perfect Circle
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prometheanglory · 2 years
‘⚤’ huehuehue Vinh and Xuehai pls
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HUEHUEHUEHUE 😈😈 of course
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prometheanglory · 2 years
⚤ xuehai
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hehehehhehe 🙈 xuechun era
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prometheanglory · 3 years
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trying 2 get back into the oc swing 😵‍💫 messing around w my style with the model 6 teehee
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prometheanglory · 3 years
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good day to all, have a celebratory wip because i managed to get some shit done
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prometheanglory · 3 years
This is random but what kind of daemon you think your twst oc ?
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i haven’t actually heard of ‘his dark materials’ yet so this was a bit of a learning experience digging thru the book’s wikipedia BUT !!! the premise sounded fun so i couldn’t resist the temptation 😎
berkeley: some sort of… mutt? — a little on the nose for berkeley, but i think it’s very fitting of berk to not be of notable pedigree even with a daemon. what could suit him better than a scruffy-looking pooch! simple requires simple, and his daemon matches him in protectiveness, loyalty, but overall chummy nature! a little clumsy and headstrong, and prone to aggression but it’s all mostly in good faith. neither of them are particularly ambitious people, however they stand strong for what they believe in, even if it isn't that grand.
cordell: domestic pigeon — i’m thinking specifically of homing pigeons, but overall! i’ve chosen pigeons for their very tame and gentle personality! i’ve always had a fondness for associating cordell with wood pigeons just because of their similar muted colors and softer… aesthetics? i’m not calling him a dove because that’s got its own connotations and i like pigeon connotations better. a little airheaded but very cool and calm otherwise! a bird that can adapt to most situations and return home no matter where they may end up — i think it captures cordell’s very open but nonetheless serene outlook on things!
chase: moose — big, intimidating, and would mostly prefer to be left alone. while neither of them are inherently aggressive, they’re both stuck in their ways and don’t like to be forced to change or follow unwelcome leads. things can become quite nasty with them if their boundaries are taken too lightly. while undoubtedly a pillar of silent pride and strength, their ultimate folly is being overly suspicious and wary of others, and too keen on doing everything by themselves. they should learn to concede ground when there is nothing left to stand for.
eddie: opossum — a scrappy and admittedly strange little marsupial that skitters through a variety of situations without much concern for where it is or what exactly it's doing… however it certainly suits eddie! they’re both not incredibly aggressive however when they land in situations they don’t like (which are few and far between), they tend to lash out more than they would like to. all they really wanna do is stay in their lane.
edgar: raven — creepily intelligent and accompanied by the unease of the macabre, i think the bird suits him quite nicely! his crafty nature accompanied by his strangely outspoken demeanor (and his very… scavenger-y personality), the only other possible option would be a crow however… ravens just fit any gloomy writers named edgar more 🥴 he's an adaptable guy with a high tolerance for everything, but more over anything else is his keen memory that maybe makes him a little... a little too sentimental.
flint: goat — admittedly a bit plain, but nothing would suit the pristine flint better than the gruff goat. they embody a straightforward existence that cuts no corners and seldom lets anybody else take shortcuts either. while not refined or born into high graces, their adaptable nature allows them to always push for a sense of order and control no matter where they may find themselves. some may view them as a bully, and maybe it's not far from the truth, but you gotta at least respect the integrity and audacity.
guts: black bear — it is certainly more skittish than its bigger counterparts… but don’t let that trick you into thinking its a poor excuse of a bear. solitary, nonchalant, and flexible with wherever the flow goes! he has no interest in picking fights or getting too riled up, but as cowardly as both guts (and the black bears) may seem, he clings to his own sense of privacy and doesn’t like to let other people interfere with them. they're more tenderhearted and emotional than their appearances or demeanors would outwardly suggest, but they'd prefer to keep it that way.
holly: domestic cat — you know how people say that you shouldn’t let cats out because they're apex predators? yeah. like that. a sweetly fickle woman who’s limber and languid atmosphere hides a dangerously clever demeanor that’s only really held back by her own laziness and vague disinterest. her daemon… politely chatty but there’s always a distinct sense of slyness to it. ambitious isn't the immediate word you'd associate with her, however it really just begs the question of why it feels like she always seems to have some sort of goal in mind that's juuuust out of reach.
lola: scarlet macaw — loud, social, bold, and free! playful but never underhanded! i don’t think anything else could really suit lola outside of such a brilliant bird (aside from… u know. a spotted hyena. but shh.). a macaw encompasses the mildly cumbersome and clumsy aspect to lola, however it doesn't detract from her undoubtedly clever and quick-thinking demeanor! they live life with no restraints and no bars holding them back, always looking for the most exuberant of situations (but sometimes, at the expense of others).
marian: oriental magpie — a sign of good fortune and a creature of concerning intelligence…! a bird that can remember a face and come back with a vengeance is definitely something that suits marian’s petty temper. it'd be dangerous if either he or the bird had any real ambitions, but it's their equally fickle and plucky personalities keeping us safe. other than that, they're incredibly chatty and at times, dangerously territorial but for the most part, they're pretty much harmless aside from a bout of aggressive bravado.
musu: ferret — slippery, crafty, loose, and free! what could be a better match for musu! sure, there’s more threatening options out there that would probably be cooler, but none of them particularly capture musu’s playful scrappiness in the same way that those little bandits do. not much of a true threat, never been much of a strong presence, but he’s more of a nuisance than anything else.
nik: rabbit — skittish, high energy, and a little more destructive than you immediately expect…. but ultimately very flexible in their lives! both don’t like to be cornered and are quite prone to turning tail when disaster rears its head. once you finally gain their fickle trust though, you’ll find that they’re pretty playful and curious at the core!
penn: mouse — quiet and reclusive, but adaptable and stubborn (of a very subtle sort). he and his daemon are both surprisingly hard to get under wraps and to fully control, despite their initial ‘cowardly’ impressions. there’s a certain air of craftiness that surrounds them both, just of a lesser intentionally malicious degree.
ronaldo: swan — beautiful and gentle connotations aside, it’s critical to recognize the swan is embody ronaldo’s incredibly aggressive, bossy, and prideful nature. while it’s possible to misinterpret their hostility as simple bravado, it discredits the very righteous, frank, and driven nature that is ronaldo at the core. never a pushover, always outspoken, but never a reckless idiot. they have dignity, you know (and sometimes dignity is all they have).
sarge: ewe — sacrificial lamb of god aka the big J-Man. i’m mainly joking 😊 but not entirely because an animal as domesticated and soft as a sheep can only be sarge. it’s incredibly social, prefers to follow others’ lead, and moves along the tide of life without any complaints. also the sheer amount of cultures with some sort of status elevating of an animal like a sheep tickles my brain :-) they're not very ambitious or driven, but they like for things to stay as calm as possible.
ulysses: koala — stupid, cute, and horribly mean, but ultimately stupid at the end of the day. that’s the main reasoning here. too stubborn to really change their ways, but at the same time, it’s not like either of them really know any other way to live other than the way they always have lived. they’re content as is to keep up their old patterns, and will likely maul someone if poked too much. they
vinh: crane — honestly i was stuck between a deer, owl, and crane but i feel that the crane honestly suits her best (tsuru no ongaeshi/tsuru nyoubou/ isycus’ crane/hephaestus purposes)🤪 graceful and serene, gentle yet wary… the embodiment of deference, complete with the dedication, devotion, and dutiful demeanor that knows no bounds. however, despite their nose for justice + responsibility, they are still spineless and fragile individuals with little no sense for self-preservation. nonetheless, they champion obligation above all else (very much at their own expense).
xuehai: rooster — ferocious and ever-proud, and synonymous with being a dick if you use the right word… while a peacock was also an option, i think the way that roosters are both decorative and aggressive is very xuehai :-) loud, competitive, and more headstrong than most people prefer to deal with — you’ll definitely know who tends to run the show if u run into either of them. even then, it's not like their aggression is ever fully unwarranted. they're very wary and protective people who prefer to have as much power as they can in a situation.
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prometheanglory · 3 years
Omg The “your dad looks GNC AF” joke except it’s Yuu, Xuehai and Marian
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i slept for . 11 hours and then proceeded to draw this as fast as i could before it could leave my mind
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prometheanglory · 3 years
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welcome to the vy doodle dump of very old doodles and shart that i never uploaded
dystopian cyber au bc i was thinking abt psychopass and ghost in the shell ft. former high-class ai turned scrappy android vinh and scrappy mechanic to unintentional wanted criminal berkeley
mafia au vinh technically, but it could also be that one lounge singer movie au thing
mafia au vinh technically, but it could also be that one lounge singer movie au thing
modern au where vinh’s masters degree went nowhere bc she decided to stay close to home and instead works as a tattoo artist now
ignihyde dynamics in which idia must stroke his mad genius ego
mafia au with flint/roza (@/briarrosescurse)❤️ in which we can see flint(*) post-kaboom and rozalina currently at an empty-casket funeral ❤️
dream i had about xiangvinh where xiang managed to get brainwashed by a government program thing working with secret services and ends up trying to kill vinh but anyway he snaps out of it near the end and also vinh turned him into the police bc she wasnt sure abt what to do but xiang thinks that was the right thing to do (but they dont ‘fully’ arrest him bc they were also in on the program.)
monster hunter. vinh wyvern.
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prometheanglory · 3 years
Hi! I just wanna know what the ethereal 4 think of each other especially since they get grouped together often. Thank you!
something like this !
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prometheanglory · 3 years
If some of your OCs were possessed by ghosts in the new event, what would they be like? ?
ooc….. possession indulgence…..
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running off of the ocs that i drew for 2020 Halloween event lel (and bonus eddie)
berkeley houndstooth
you know that specific brand of egregiously rich, snooty, haughty noble... the bitch... the elite... the apex of wealth and egoism. yeah. that's him. if only he had the funds to back it up.
chase manchester
he's definitely chatty. very loud, boisterous, and… uh. robust. you're not gonna be able to hear your thoughts over him at all. like, you know how cartoon heroes tend to laugh heroically and (manly voice) 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐲 every like 5 minutes. yeah. that's him.
cordell snare
hot-tempered and spiteful little guy. think of the generic little devil personality. he's got a number of tricks and entirely out-of-pocket things to inflict on you to ruin your evening.
eddie hyne
stoic and unfriendly? as much as eddie already doesn't speak, you're getting a different type of cold shoulder from possessed eddie. he wants absolutely nothing to do with anyone.
flint remington
arrogant… arrogant slacker. regular flint is confident and capable, sure — but this is kinda like… obnoxiously overbearing. those annoying do-s otome dude types. eugh.
marian blede
he's very lethargic. there's nothing firing up there in his head. he's very droll and droopy and floppy and boring. very lame. even if you make fun of him he doesn't really care enough to do anything about it.
ronaldo buckman
super flamboyant, loud, chatty, giddy, and definitely lively. think about a bird of paradise and you basically got it. he's not particularly harsh like this, possessed ronnie seems to be having fun.
sarge glase
where the usual sarge is pretty flowery and languid, this is basically the epitome of a cement block. he has absolutely no charm, no humor. he's like a token straight man.
ulysses finn
well-spoken and charismatic. that’s the first time i’ve had something positive to say about ulysses’ attitude. just think of the most princely and noble person you can.
vinh torch
from personality of a boiled carrot to the ever-expressive and excitable shoujo protagonist... sugar and spice all in one combo with a spoonful of the usual protagonist naivety and ditziness.
qian xuehai
he's shy. like think of the stereotypical bashful anime girl who's stuttering over every word and can't go 5 seconds without going red at the ears. yeah. like that.
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prometheanglory · 3 years
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not in the mood to draw means u must animate nonsensically (ft. xuehai and his tendency to go 4 a swimmy in arctic waters, and a frolicking marian)
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prometheanglory · 3 years
Can i please have Xuehai in 🐆 ?
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peacocks have such.... chicken-like wings... they’re so round and compact.
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