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kissxmedeadly · 4 years ago
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«Sorry about the blood in your mouth. I wish it was mine.»
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daebom · 4 years ago
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— You an art expert? — Well, I've seen some, uh, TV shows about art. You know, like, PBS and shit like that.
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ahs10fx · 4 years ago
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New photos of Billie Lourd behind the scenes of “American Horror Story: Red Tide.” AHSDoubleFeature📷
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evanpetersbr · 3 years ago
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Evan Peters é Austin Sommers em AHS: Double Feature - Thirst; episódio 3 | Evan Peters as Austin Sommers on AHS: Double Feature - Thirst; episode 3
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wroteclassicaly · 3 years ago
Val tying up the reader and using his powers to make you finger yourself and he sits back and watches while you beg for him to fuck you instead🥰
Gawd dayummmmm! Coming for my wig are you, nonnie? Okay, so hopefully you like this one! I’m sorry if it’s all over the place, but I’m a little off my game again, haha. Thanks so much for sending this in! ❤️
Pairings : Valiant Thor x Female!Reader
Warnings : Dom!Val, filthy smut, language, vaginal fingering, and bondage.
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“How am I supposed to manage any of this?” The whimper that slinks its way off your swollen mouth is quite pathetic.
“Pitiful.” That echoing depth answers your sharply carved thoughts.
He’s reading my mind again…
“Humans have such a precise nature. They’re so power hungry and full of self-doubt, that they squander away any potential to be paired with greatness.”
Your already glazed over eyes are ignited with a widening stance, drinking in Valiant as he stands, placing the crystal glass on the cherry oak table beside his arm chair. His nose crinkles in distaste at the bitter liquid, his long finger approaching the glass rim with an ease so strikingly soft that you feel the urgent need to bite down on his shoulder. He dips his fingertip into the amber substance, bringing it forward and beckoning your lips to part for him. There isn’t a moment’s hesitation for your end. You suckle his finger against your tongue, licking in matched paces to clean the substance - leaving behind only Val.
Valiant isn’t too vocal, as you’ve noticed in your trysts. You suspect it has something to do with whatever he is, how it takes him over. Everything, everyone has carnal desires, do they not?
“Good girl.” Your lover praises, before working his way around on expensive black and white wing tip shoes. When he faces you in a brisk twist, he’s shedding his black jacket, and loosening his dark patterned tie, haphazardly discarding them. His voice lowers an inhuman octave, his seafoam eyes pinning you to the raised table. “You will manage it.” He exposes your previous word in a shrouded, repetitive tone.
You can simply fathom your agreement. The pounding pummel to please this… being, it’s too violent to fight. Hell, you don’t even want to. Valiant observes you in a coercing head tilt, finding purchase in unbuttoning his crisp white dress shirt. His creamy, freckled - sprinkled skin is gleaming in these golden lights. Your throat is scratched, starved for his attentions. Among other areas…
“If you want me, Y/N, you’ll do as I command you to.” His fingers splay out to part the fabric, untucking it from his leather belt. His nipples harden under the temperature in the room, not unnoticed by either party.
“But I can’t move my hands, Valiant-“
“You’ll call me Val, understood? We already agreed to this.” He places his hands behind his back, a raise of one mischievously locked brow, and you feel a twitching tickle dust across your bound wrist.
“Do you trust me, Y/N? Do you believe in not only what I am trying to do, but what I seek to engage in here, with you?”
There’s a timid vulnerability in his question, rising into a hot red tide with his confidence. You send out a thought to him, knowing he’ll hear you.
I do, Val, I do…
“Then touch yourself between your legs. Venture inside that place where you shamelessly opened up to me, Y/N. I want you to feel what I feel when I’m inside of you.”
Your last resolve gives and it’s like your binds do as well. Only… they don’t. Beyond your hand’s new extension, you’re still tied down to the lab table ; naked and bare for your extraterrestrial owner. That brushing movement follows the bones in your hand, a pressure that hovers, mimicking a very familiar, and larger hand. You gape in wonder at Valiant, that expectant smirk planted on his mouth, showcasing his defying jawline.
“I told you..” His voice is by your ear, hot and wet, a secret shared for two, yet he still remains in his position by his seat, feet away from you, mouth unmoving, body still. “If you trust me, I’ll make you undergo things that no human on earth could ever seek to fathom.” He circles his point finger, his arm flexing to a bend, and your own sinks inside your embarrassingly sopping wet cunt.
Valiant relieves himself to being seated, calculated in managing, in being careful not to push you off the pedestal of his power. His knuckles have a bruising grip when they squeeze his own thigh, his hardness raising to an uncomfortable thickness. You whine, arching into your own touch, helpless to your binds. You’re begging him, pleading in agonizing aches that send their flaring shards across your flesh, pooling arousal inside you.
“Do you have a question you’d like to ask me, Y/N?”
Your lips tremble, the tears gathering at your lash line. You have to have him or that precipice is going to take you off the edge and demolish you. His thumb is swiping across your bottom lip, tapping your teeth in a coded melody. He’s nosing you into facing his eyes, which have gone dangerously white. However, he remains with you.
“Is this what you want?” And you’re crying out, a familiar weight nestling on your abdomen. Your hand isn’t touching his cock, your pussy empty, but you’re full of him. Your legs are shaking in sporadic pulses.
“Val, please!” You finally scream the words in a symphony of moaning marches.
Your ears buzz in a whipping static, and Valiant is a distance further from you.
“Maybe when I’m done playing with my little human pet, she’ll get what her body is requiring…”
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@angelicmichael @holylangdon @fckinsupreme @codyarchives @instinctsxbaby @langdxn @celestialrequiem @forthesakeofthecarebears @kissxmedeadly @blakescoven @ramona-thorns @langdonsjoyy @wormycircumstance @7-wonders @peachesandfern @our-mrlangdon @lovelylangdonx @dailylangdon @xavierplympton @sojournmichael @ritualmichael
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stayevildarling · 3 years ago
Wilhemina Venable x Cordelia Goode x Reader- Tender
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word count: 4.5k
warnings: mention of sickness, scoliosis, a little angst but mostly fluff
Prompt: Wilhemina catching a cold but being stubborn and keeping her walls up high, trying to not show either of her girlfriends how she is truly feeling. Based on a little prompt I wrote a while ago:
Wilhemina: „I can take care of myself! I don‘t need your pity“
Cordelia: „Darling, you have a fever, I have to-“
Wilhemina: „Don‘t touch me“
Cordelia: „Listen here, I don‘t like this either but I won‘t let you suffer or go through this yourself. I know I can help, so let me please''
Dedicated to: @minaslittleone ❣️
@lunaticwhittaker, @mrsdeanhoward, @in-cordelias-coven, @kenzbro, @twistedpoeticjustice, @billiebeanhoward, @minaslittleone, @vintagepaulson, @ninaahs, @whitelotus00, @httpfiftyshadesofgay, @talulahmae, @okpaulson, @commanderspeach, @lntlmate
Cordelia watches as the silhouette of the woman she had fallen deeply in love with, fills her vision. The redhead, she had met years ago, trying to make her way up the stairs of the academy. Now, Wilhemina had always been a little slower than most, people often rushing past her and abandoning the woman on their way. However, the redhead didn‘t care as she stopped paying attention to these details years ago, never expecting anyone to actually wait for her or accept and understand the reason for any of it.
Regardless of that, she did find someone, not just one but two people, making her life complete, allowing them into her heart and finally finding the people trying to understand her and wait up for her, not scared to fight any obstacles together, you and Cordelia.
The supreme's eyebrows furrow as she watches Wilhemina fighting her way up the stairs, slowly and without being able to look in her face and read her reaction, knowing something was off. Different about the way her legs were a little shaky and cane hitting the floor a little harder than usual. The blonde's heart stops for a moment, hating to see either you or Wilhemina in any discomfort or pain, only ever wanting what's best for you and for you both to be healthy and happy, despite the universe having other plans with Wilhemina.
Debating her options, knowing that Wilhemina isn't one for long conversations or even check-ins, Cordelia tries weighing her options, trying to understand what was causing the redhead discomfort, without pushing her further away or cause for the cold and distant version of her girlfriend to make an appearance. Despite knowing and loving Wilhemina for a long time now, she knows that the redhead is easy to build her walls right back up again, all the work of building trust and allowing her to love herself enough to let her love, not one but two people, down the drain.
It had happened before, a few times, Cordelia pushing just a little too much about her pains, only out of love, of course, caring. However, Wilhemina had never felt or received a kind of love like this before, so strong, filled with tenderness, love, and care. The fact that she could be loved by anyone, let alone two people, only making it harder at the beginning. However, together the three of you overcame those obstacles at the beginning, up's and down's and catching Wilhemina whenever times were tough and she felt not worthy or deserving.
''Hi Delia'' your voice fills the hallway, startling Cordelia a little, the blonde not realizing that Wilhemina had long made it up the stairs, disappearing into her office, the concern and worry causing for the blonde to stand frozen in the hallway, longer than she realized.
Cordelia turns to you, the same loving and adoring smile she had reserved only for her sweetheart and Wilhemina plastered on her face. ''Have you finished with your classes already?'' she asks, running her fingers through your hair gently, playing with it a little, a habit of hers that still manages to cause your heart to flutter.
''Yes all done'' you announce proudly but there is something different about your girlfriend today and you instantly notice. The furrowing of her eyebrows, concern in her brown tender eyes, giving away that something was troubling her. Your hand wanders towards hers, holding it gently before asking ''Delia? is something wrong?''.
The supreme meets your gaze and for the first time, you can see uncertainty in them. The blonde visibly fighting a battle deep down, trying to figure out whether it was fair to share her concerns with you, add to your plate with the concern for your other girlfriend but at the same time knowing you care so much about both of them and deserve to know.
''Delia?'' you ask again, voice sounding a lot smaller than before. Once again, you startle her, pulling Cordelia out of her thoughts. ''I'm a little worried about Mina, have you talked to her today?'' she asks. Even the slightest mention of Wilhemina in this context causes for your stomach to drop. The concern for your redhead girlfriend was a constant state, always fearing she is in more pain than she leads you both to believe and just wanting to fix her and take her troubles away.
''Just this morning'' you explain and you try and wander back to the previous morning and think about any details you might have missed. ''Miss Cordelia, I'm terribly sorry but you are needed downstairs'' one of the younger witches suddenly interrupts. Cordelia gives her an empathetic smile before explaining ''I will be right down''. She looks at you with an expression that you also don't usually see on her features, desperation. Knowing exactly what to do, you quickly reassure her ''I will check on her promise'' before squeezing her hand a little to make the promise final.
''I will make her some coffee and take it up to her room'' you explain while making your way downstairs with Cordelia. ''Good idea sweetheart'' she reassures, before you both part ways. The supreme needed for her responsibilities within the coven and academy as headmistress and most powerful witch.
As you stand in the mostly white kitchen with some black and golden accents, making some fresh coffee for your girlfriend, knowing by now just how she likes it- black, you try and figure out what could possibly be troubling her. Usually, she doesn't really disturb you or Cordelia with her problems or things on her mind, despite being overly protective and always wanting to know what's on yours and what was troubling either of you.
Walking up the stairs a little later, a warm cup of coffee in hand, as well as a few cookies you found that Cordelia made this morning, you hope that she will let you in and not push you away. It would happen rarely now, however, you fear rejection and not being able to see behind the walls that she has built up high. As you approach her office, you instantly hear a few coughs and Wilhemina blowing her nose.
A little confused, you stop in your tracks, never having seen or heard Wilhemina cough before let alone blowing her nose, as it sounded a lot like she has got a cold. Slowly the pieces fall into place, like Wilhemina keeping to herself the last few days, only barely making an appearance downstairs in front of the other witches. Only seeing her this morning and the redhead being quiet, probably to avoid talking, and Cordelia and you learning about her being sick. Your heart breaks a little, knowing she isn't feeling well but still hiding away in her office and seemingly doing work as you can hear the clicking on her keyboard.
Taking a deep breath and all your courage together, you knock a few times. Behind the closed door, you can hear some rustling, Wilhemina getting rid of any evidence of her sickness, by putting the pile of tissues in the trashcan under her desk and also hiding the pain medication in her desk drawer. ''You may enter'' she announces and you almost find yourself chuckling at her antics.
''It's just me Mina'' you announce with a smile and instantly she relaxes a little, grateful it's not any of the witches disturbing her, despite that barely happening as they know she appreciates her privacy and isn't fond of interruptions. As your eyes lock onto the redhead, you instantly notice her nose a red color and the exhaustion on her face, her forehead a little sweaty as well.
Choosing to ignore this for now, not exactly knowing how to approach the subject yet, knowing this won't be easy, you walk over to her desk and pass her the coffee and plate with cookies. ''I got you this'' you explain with a shy smile. Upon noticing her expression, a little stern and confused, you quickly add ''I thought you deserve a little break you know and maybe we can share those?'' you smile, hoping it will get her to loosen up a little.
''Thank you little one'' she finally replies after a little pause before offering you to sit. ''Sit down with me will you?'' she asks, and you instantly notice the cracking of her voice due to her throat probably hurting, another symptom you notice. Locking eyes with her, you can see the hesitation and almost fear in her eyes, scared you will notice, worried you will pity her, those emotions clouding her mind, only adding to the physical pain she is in, pushing through the day, just like she usually would.
The two of you sit there in silence, Wilhemina drinking her coffee and you taking a cookie that Cordelia had baked. ''How are you feeling little one? finished with classes?'' she asks and you nod to those questions as you awkwardly try and not drop crumbs all over her office and desk. The redhead finds herself chuckling internally, seeing her little one being adorable and also appreciating some quiet time alone, making the pain a little less and moments a little more bearable.
''Yes I'm finished and I'm feeling good'' you explain after finally finishing the cookie. A little nervously you ask ''How are you today?'' and instantly you find a set of brown eyes locking with yours. For a moment you see her fighting the same battle again and as she opens her mouth to speak, you are relieved for a second, thinking she would let you in. However, you are disappointed when she mumbles a quick ''I'm fine little one''. Despite knowing it's a lie, you feel a little disappointed and at the same time, having no idea how to get her to open up, not wanting to push further.
A few moments later, you hear a few notifications coming from her laptop, indicating some emails coming through. ''I don't want to keep you from work Mina'' you announce and she simply nods but you are also met with a little smile, a silent thank you for coming to see her and also for the coffee and cookies, despite not being able to eat any. ''And please take it slow'' you add, before leaving her office, leaving Wilhemina behind with a puzzled reaction as you usually wouldn't say things like these to her but at the same time a confirmation that you know that she is trying to hide how miserable she feels.
Making your way downstairs, you wander the halls of the academy a little aimlessly, just thinking about your girlfriend feeling miserable and trying to think of a way you could help her. After some minutes, you run into Cordelia, just finishing with her last classes of the day. For a moment you don't even notice her standing across you and watching you stare out the window, which would never usually happen as your face would instantly light up upon noticing either of your girlfriends.
''Sweetheart?'' she asks carefully, making her way over to you, moments later feeling two warm and safe arms wrapping around your frame and her head resting on your shoulders. ''Are you alright?'' she asks, however you barely let her finish the sentence before interrupting ''It's Mina, you were right .. she um isn't feeling well''. You let the words escape your mouth before thinking about it further, as the concern ripples through you.
Cordelia turns you around a little so she can look at you, before cupping your cheeks. ''What did she say darling?'' she asks before you shake your head ''Nothing but she doesn't look well at all, I think she has a cold or something'' you explain and now your concern reflects in Cordelia's eyes, the tenderness replaced with worry for your other half. ''Alright, let's give her some space, and in the meantime how about we make some soup? wanna help me, sweetheart?'' Cordelia asks gently. You nod, appreciating that she wants to give your girlfriend some space, knowing that is what the redhead now needs most.
As you and the blonde come up with a plan, wanting to make some light dinner, hoping it would help Wilhemina with her cold, the redhead's state only seemed to worsen as the hours spent at her desk, doing work and reading as well as answering emails, didn't help with the throbbing headache, added to the pain in her back and her runny nose. After a while, she allows her eyes to close for a second, noticing her vision slowly starting to blur a little and her body slumping into the chair a little as the exhaustion crept up on her slowly, a result of pushing herself too much and not allowing anyone in and anyone to help.
A little while later, you and Cordelia make your way upstairs, both wanting to check on Wilhemina and deciding it's best to do it together, hoping to be able to convince her to join for dinner with the other witches or at least get her to have a bite. However, after knocking you are both met with no reply and for a second you assume maybe Wilhemina had already made her way to the bedroom, to hide away from everyone for a little. ''Maybe's she's in the bathroom?'' you question. A few moments later though, you hear a groan coming from the redhead's office.
Delia and your eyes lock for a split second, the equal concern visible as it sounded like your girlfriend was in a lot of pain. Cordelia wastes no time before opening the door, the concern stronger than her wanting to respect her girlfriend's privacy at this moment, especially after noticing her state a few hours ago, combined with what you had noticed. You and Cordelia are met with the sight of Wilhemina propping herself against her desk, her cane on the floor next to her as she must have dropped it.
''I'm fine'' she quickly announces, despite the crack in her voice and also the pain very visible in her features proving the opposite. ''You are far from fine honey'' Cordelia scolds, making her way over to assist her, while you quickly grab her cane and hand it to her. Wilhemina takes her cane with shaky hands, before visibly pushing through the pain and reassuring ''I'm okay'' she repeats. Cordelia and you exchange a look, knowing at the cost of arguing or her trying to push you both away that you need to be there for your girlfriend know and fight through this with her.
''Darling, please you need to lie down for me'' Cordelia tries to plead with her, voice soft and filled with love and concern. You remain in the background, right there but at the same time knowing if anyone can convince Wilhemina in this it's Cordelia. Their dynamic had always been a strong one, like an invisible bond connecting both of their hearts, words being exchanged through brown eyes locking. You admired their bond all the time, knowing you had a different kind of bond with them, just as special but filled with different details. You often admired how both of them can balance each other out, despite them being stubborn in their own ways but always knowing what is best for each other.
''I don't need to lie down, I'm fine'' she tries again, however just as if the universe decided to agree with Cordelia, a wave of pain shoots through her body, mostly her back. In response, she closes her eyes for a moment, a clear indication to both of you that she is in pain as she would never word it. ''Mina please'' you whisper, trying to reason with her as well, hoping if she knows you and Cordelia being on the same page, she might agree. As Wilhemina opens her eyes again, the wave passing momentarily, she simply nods, too tired and exhausted to fight it any longer.
''Come on darling'' Cordelia says softly, holding out an arm for Wilhemina to lean on. To your surprise, the redhead takes it and you lead the way, opening and shutting the door to her office and doing the same with the bedroom door moments later, as it was thankfully on the same floor, no more stairs necessary for Wilhemina to climb. ''Would you like a bath darling?'' Cordelia tries softly but the redhead shakes her head, not feeling physically strong enough to bear a bath at this time.
You watch helplessly as Wilhemina collapses into a chair in the corner of your shared bedroom, letting her body rest for a moment, while Cordelia walks to her wardrobe to get some comfortable and loose-fitting pajamas for the redhead. For a moment you stand there frozen, never seeing either of your girlfriends in pain likes this before and not being able to handle the thought of Wilhemina suffering more than usual and more added to her plate, that is constantly filled with pain as it is, due to her condition.
Cordelia kneels on the floor, next to Wilhemina, smiling at her softly, trying to convince her it will be okay and that she has got her now. As you take a glance at Wilhemina, you notice the fear in her eyes, scared to be vulnerable, to let you both see this, not fight through this alone like she usually would, and also not knowing what to expect as no one had ever cared for or about her, always fighting her battles alone so far.
''I'm going to help you darling, so we can get you into bed'' Cordelia explains, letting her know exactly what she is doing, to maintain the trust, knowing this isn't easy for Wilhemina to accept at this moment. Again, the redhead simply nods in response, quite literally at a loss for words. As you watch Cordelia help Wilhemina undress, you feel like an intruder for a moment, that you shouldn't be there right now as Cordelia is doing a perfect job at taking care of Wilhemina, getting her changed and comfortable into bed, with enough pillows and blankets.
Just as if Cordelia sensed it, she turns towards you, after helping Wilhemina to bed and meeting your gaze with a gentle smile. ''I'm just going to grab a few things, can you stay with her sweetheart?'' she asks. You nod eagerly before replying ''Of course'' and as she passes you, she presses a kiss to your forehead, before disappearing to get some medication as well as a few other things necessary to take care of Wilhemina and the flu she was battling.
''Mina can I do anything?'' you ask, watching her lay in bed nestled in some pillows and the blanket pulled to her neck. Her eyes are closed and she almost looks peaceful, if it wasn't for the painful expression on her face. She simply shakes her head, the voices in her head reminding her that today she is more of a burden than any day and confirming all of the insecurities she fights on a daily basis.
Your hand wanders to her forehead, wanting to comfort her and show her that you are right there. However, you both gasp as your cold hand startles Wilhemina, pulling her out of her thoughts. You gasping in return as you feel she is burning up. ''Mina you have a temperature'' you explain, worry once again overtaking. Just as she is about to reply, Cordelia walks into the room, carrying a tray in her hands.
As she notices your expression, while placing the tray on a nightstand next to the bed, she looks at you before mouthing the words ''What is it?''. Not being able to contain it, despite trying to protect Wilhemina you explain ''I think she has a temperature, Delia''. In response, the redhead simply rolls her eyes and sighs ''I do not'', suddenly her fighting side back, armor and walls right back where they were hours ago. Cordelia takes a deep breath, knowing she has to push a little more, fight a little more in order to take care of her girlfriend.
''Wilhemina please'' she begs once again, sitting on the edge of the bed next to Wilhemina, locking eyes with you and the redhead, the concern for your lover reflecting in both of your tender eyes.
''I can take care of myself, I do not need your pity, Cordelia'' the redhead hisses, her eyes closed and suddenly her voice sharp like a knife again, a mechanism she learned early on in order to protect herself.
Cordelia carefully reaches for the thermometer that she had brought with her, before pleading ''Darling, I have to, you have a fever, let me check''. However Wilhemina is having none of it, seemingly stiffening and fighting this, fighting both of you and the love and care you are trying to provide for her in order to make her feel better.
''Mina please'' you plead again, hoping that combined, you and Cordelia might be able to convince her again. Your hand shakily reaches out for hers underneath the blanket, however, she pulls away before whispering ''Don't touch me''.
Her words are sharp, cutting you like a knife as she pushes you away and while Cordelia is better at processing and handling this, you aren't, tears prickling in your eyes as a result. Cordelia instantly notices, locking eyes with you and mouthing ''It's okay'' reassuring you that she has got this, she has got you both.
''Darling, listen here, I don't like this either but I- we won't let you suffer or go through this alone. I know I can help so please let us'' Cordelia tries, hoping Wilhemina will relax in her touch as she gently reaches for her forehead. She gives you a little reassuring nod, to carry on trying, noticing that Wilhemina is starting to loosen up at her words again.
''We love you Mina and we just want you to feel better and not feel any pain okay?'' you explain, voice sounding small and also filled with desperation. The tears prickle in the redhead's eyes as she still fears this, accepting the attention, care, and tender love that she never felt before meeting you both, however, the pain doesn't allow her to fight any longer.
''It's okay don't fight this honey'' Cordelia coos and moments later she is met with Mina's scared eyes locking with her own. However your hand is now intertwined with hers and the blonde is also near, she relaxes and starts to calm down in both of your embraces and touches. ''Open your mouth'' Cordelia instructs, checking her temperature at last.
''It's not too bad but I will have to keep checking'', she announces moments later, before handing Wilhemina some water and medication. You help the redhead sit up and let her aching and tired body rest against yours, knowing she needs the support and balance and to lean on you now. ''Thank you, honey, you should get some rest now'' Cordelia coos while walking over to the other end of the room.
Still a little nervous and worried, you move a little closer to Wilhemina, however not too close yet as you aren't sure whether she wants the space. Cordelia walks over with a few of Wilhemina's knitted blankets, before wrapping them around the redhead much to her annoyance. ''What are you doing Cordelia?'' she asks a little grumpily before the supreme explains ''We need to make sure you are warm enough honey''.
''Now I'm gonna check on the girls and heat up your soup, you are safe with Y/N for now and I will be back soon'' the blonde explains, before pressing a kiss to Wilhemina's cheek. The redhead rolls her eyes, not too fond of the fact she is wrapped in a blanket, feeling far too warm and also not fond of the idea of soup at this moment.
There is silence for a while after Cordelia leaves and still, you are unsure what you can actually do to help in this situation, fearing to make things worse. However, you fail to recognize that both of your girlfriends know you inside and out, especially Wilhemina being able to read your silence. ''Little one, just come here'' she orders, being able to understand your thoughts and understanding your insecurities.
''Can I give you snuggles?'' you ask, your voice again sounding small and if Wilhemina wasn't both physically exhausted and in pain, as well as utterly in love with you she would have responded with a snarky comment, however, she simply ignores it and nods, actually liking the idea of having her little one close and preferring your calm and gentle company, knowing you always just want to help and what is best for her, despite still feeling a little grumpy about the fact Cordelia basically trapped her in bed with a bunch of blankets.
You snuggle closer to Wilhemina, finally holding her in your arms, making sure not to add to her pain or discomfort and be gentle, wanting so badly to fix this, fix her and make everything go away, gladly taking the pain in return if you could. Your arms wrap around her carefully as you snuggle into her side. As your arm is resting on your girlfriend, you watch as her chest rises and falls, eyes closed. It takes moments for her to relax in your touch and only a few moments later you watch her fall asleep in your arms.
As Cordelia returns a few moments later, with some soup for both you and Wilhemina, she walks in on you snuggled into Wilhemina's side. The redhead still wrapped in the blanket and also surrounded by pillows to help her be comfortable. She smiles as she realizes that Wilhemina had fallen asleep and she feels relieved, knowing with the help of the medication, she will be better in no time, as well as the tender care and love from both of her girlfriends.
Walking over to the other side of the bed, to place the soup down on the tray, she notices that not only Wilhemina had fallen asleep, soft snores coming from the bed, but also belonging to you as you fell asleep in the comfort of your redhead girlfriend and the safety of being in her embrace. All Cordelia can do before pulling a chair closer, ready to sit watch and be right there beside Wilhemina, she smiles warmly, feeling content as the love she feels for both of you, warms her heart and shoots through her body, causing butterflies to erupt in her stomach, just like it always would when looking at either of her two soulmates
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violetharmonsbae · 3 years ago
EVERY violet harmon exact worn
i went through american horror story and watched every violet scene and researched all the outfits she wore. in the list below, i organized all her exacts by season and episode. i will include exact brands and item names :)
SEASON 1; Murder House (2011)
episode 1 (pilot)
-APC madras floral tiered dress, urban outfitters sparkle and fade boyfriend cardigan (yellow)
-anthropology anthro horkelia shift dress (orange)
-see by chloe holes pullover sweater (creme/beige)
-urban outfitters reformation riley dress, purple/blue flannel
-YMC modcloth little prairie dress, american eagle graphic short sleeve henley, cocoon cardigan (grey)
episode 2; Home Invasion
-urban outfitters trouve chevron striped orange top
-splendid tab long sleeve tunic blouse (purple)
-staring at stars navy slip, red plaid drop shoulder cotton button up shirt (FLANNEL)
episode 3; Murder House
-free people lost in the forest sweater (faded rose)
-urban outfitters trouve chevron striped orange top
episode 4; Halloween Part 1
-free people floral lace henley (white), Kinks band tee
-BDG floral leggings, free people burnout henley, chloe k leaf shirt
episode 5; Halloween Part 2
-joie varia navajo striped cardigan (with previous outfit)
-free people lost in the forest sweater (white) 
episode 6; Piggy Piggy
-free people lace and terry cutaway pullover (brown), free people animal print tank top (brown)
-free people scandalous lace top
-free people spending time pullover 
-ecote striped sweater (pink)
-intimately free people trapeze slip (storm grey, grey lace), gypsy rose cardigan (brown), staring at stars navy slip
-free people all over lace pullover (purple)
episode 7; Open House
-free people scandalous lace top, banana republic striped cardigan
-free people lost in the forest sweater (faded rose)
episode 8; Rubber Man
-levi’s fringe wrap cardigan, free people lace henley (black)
-BDG floral leggings, free people burnout henley, chloe k leaf shirt
episode 9; Spooky Little Girl
violet wasn’t featured in this episode unfortunately 
episode 10; Smoldering Children
-free people regal macrame tunic (blue)
-kimchi blue wildflower dress (plum), free people crafty cuff thermal (mocha), forever 21 chevron zig zag cardigan
episode 11; Birth
-california dip dye drape tee (grey dipped in purple), wallpapher bohemian macrame fringe vest, electric daisy carnival stockings
-pins and needles (urban outfitters open weave cable fisherman knit body) sweater
episode 12; Afterbirth
-APC madras floral tiered dress, urban outfitters boyfriend cardigan (yellow)
-ecote striped sweater (pink)
-lucius lagoon slip (dark grey), free people lost in the forest sweater (faded rose)
-levi’s fringe wrap cardigan, chloe k leaf shirt
-free people fit and flare burgundy skater dress
SEASON 8; Apocalypse (2018)
episode 6; Return to Murder House
-GAP ditsy floral button down short sleeve dress, urban outfitters blake cardigan (rust)
VIOLET extras and accessories
-army bag (olive green) i got it on amazon, i will leave a link below
-small silver hoop earrings
-urban outfitters socks (with 3 buttons)
-pork pie hat
-racoon hat
-chocolate converse
-wedged boots
-cigarettes (lol jk)
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love-evan-thomas-peters · 3 years ago
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cruzinwithhorrorstory · 4 years ago
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American Horror Story: Double Feature | Bad Omen - Season 10 Teaser Screenshots | FX
A collision of terror like you've never seen. American Horror Story: Double Feature premieres 8/25, streaming next day on FX on Hulu.
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starhour · 3 years ago
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Finn Wittrock as Harry Gardener in American Horror Story (S10E5)
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evanpeterseditz · 3 years ago
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Evan peters icons | austin sommers
c @suspermans
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iamthebricklayer · 4 years ago
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daebom · 4 years ago
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Macaulay Culkin as Mickey in Episode 2: Pale
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ahs10fx · 3 years ago
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evanpetersbr · 3 years ago
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Evan Peters é Austin Sommers em AHS: Double Feature - Thirst; episódio 3 | Evan Peters as Austin Sommers on AHS: Double Feature - Thirst; episode 3
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stannyramirez · 3 years ago
by clicking 🅷🅴🆁🅴 or the source link, you will be redirected to a page with #45 gifs of 𝓬𝓸𝓭𝔂 𝓯𝓮𝓻𝓷 as valiant thor in american horror story: double feature. feel free to use in gif hunts/crop for gifcons/use in crackships, just give credit :)
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