#ahh just like the good ole days
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lunasglow · 1 year ago
I honestly can’t believe that S2 premiers in a few months… kinda wanna kms just to avoid the pointless discourse/witnessing F&B get butchered but I also wanna stick around to see TG get ganged up on daily.
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chronicler-of-narrative · 11 months ago
Ok, gonna try and get back into the rhythm of posting, so here's a few of my old scrapped oc out of context:
- A cephalon who became a cephalon by just having a really bad day
-An Irish rj captain (hes an operator) who has an infested rapier symbiotically linked to his Hydroid Prime (said Hydroid Prime actually being the one in my pfp)
-A Yareli operator who really wants to be an icon of hope in the System, but ends up stranded on said rj captain's ship
-A Vala Glarios fangirl (also operator, Warframe currently unknown) who somehow convinced herself that said Irish rj captain is her own Tempestarii
- A whole ass trio of a Qorvex operator, a Xaku operator and a Citrine operator, with the Qorvex being this steadfast mf who wants to stomp the "corrupted" (edgelord?) Tenno piloting Xaku into the ground, with the Citrine just trying to get everyone to get along.
-A female operator so powerful she can puppeteer 3 frames at once (all elemental), but has deluded herself into believing that theyre just straight up sentient and autonomous.
- A tenno who has deluded herself and tries to convince others into thinking shes an orokin princess as a defense mechanism against ostracization and social isolation.
Oh, and a good old Oberon-wielding pacifist hippie who relucantly works for New Loka while trying to nudge them away from their xenophobia against the Grineer
So yea, honestly, idk if I'll ever do anything with these folks, but hey, at least theyre out there for the world to see
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wackpedion · 7 months ago
hashtag spinning in my chair and accidentally ripping the chord out of my drawing tablet sunday
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rie-092 · 3 months ago
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idk what is this but listen—
just imagine ijekiel alpheus, now the head of alpheus dukedom. saw a child, which is you, on the streets. even though he claimed that he already moved on from the princess, now the empress of the empire, there is still this part of him that doesn't.
so, you who had no relationship with the imperial family and your family died because of an accident back then. for some reasons, you had the same eyes as athanasia. and your hair color was similar with ijekiel. so, what did he do? he adopted you as his child!
honestly, ijekiel alpheus was a great dad. this dude has no plan on marrying anyone. and his vassals and lucas and athanasia was practically never stop on telling him to get married. i mean, athanasia was telling that because he doesn't want ijekiel to be alone. while lucas, this little shit, just want to mess up with him and ruin his day. while his vassals just wanted a heir for the alpheus dukedom.
so, why not bring a child from the streets? look, his intentions was clear. he wanted to help you. but the people who saw you with ijekiel thought you were his secret love child or smth like that. like the good ol' manhwa plot, ofc, they spread rumors that the top husband material in the empire wasn't as clean as they expected. does ijekiel cares? ofc, no. this guy was too busy to spoil the hell outta you to make your heart open up to him. i mean, he's your father from now on, so it's normal for a father to spoil his child, right?
but honestly, here's this shitty side of ijekiel that he hides from everyone. this shitty delusional side of him that imagined you as his and athanasia's child. and this side of him became more worse when he brought you with him to the palace. and athanasia, unaware of your jeweled blue eyes behind the contact lenses that you were wearing. thinks that you were really so adorable. so she too, started to spoil you like you were her own child. how adorable, you're like mother and child— of course he was the father— wait, no.
ijekiel always tries his best to calm himself down whenever he sees the sight of you with athanasia. no, this is not right. the empress was already married to that shitty tower master, this is wrong. he should just focus to you— but...
you see, ijekiel never let you meet lucas. even though that guy was practically saying that— "how cold whitey's boy, you're acting like we're not close friends!" when the truth is they are never friends in the first place. besides, he already got athanasia— that's why he will never, as in never give you to him.
but ijekiel was the kind and understanding one. that's why, when you told him you wanted to learn magic. he supported you, he bought you books about magic, he even goes far on asking lucas for help. but you see— ijekiel too can lose his temper.
“ijekiel, where the hell is ( name )?"
that was the first thing that lucas asked as he left your room where he teleported. ijekiel nonchalantly said that you were at his family's villa, after you threw up blood last night because of using too much magic. but boy, lucas was more perceptive than he thought. saying that he should stop spouting bullshits. but ijekiel didn't say anything.
ijekiel was kind— but the truth is he was beginning to lose his mind. he hated the way how you look at lucas the same way you look at him. he hates the way how you and lucas looks more father and child than you and him. he hates the way how you seemed to like lucas praises than his. and the thin thread that left on his patience snapped when you told him how much you idolized lucas.
ahh, that night when he visited you on your new room in the manor. where he put your beloved toys and books, but put a mana restricting chain on your wrists. he couldn't help but to smile. now, it'll be only you and him.
ijekiel was kind, but when someone is threatening his child. he has no choice but to do this, right?
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notes: idk, but I'm really tempted to make unhinged versions of every green flag manhwa men. anyway, happy 2k followerssss! I'm planning on doing an event to celebrate this, and then i'm going to do the 100+ requests in my inbox. ♪⁠┌⁠|⁠∵⁠|⁠┘⁠♪
pls bear with my laziness (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
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weepingchronicles · 4 months ago
I saw that you are indeed taking requests at the moment and was wondering if you would pretty please with cherry on top write about Yan! Jinx with a darling on hunger strike(bacically darling has gotten abducted by Jinx and so refuses to eat unless freed....is that even a word?)
Tsm 4 reading my request and have a wonderfull day!
ahh, well since you asked so nicely! thank you for requesting! this was fun to write hehe.
content warnings: vomit mention, yandere behavior, forced feeding, unsafe eating habits, kidnapping mention, forced touching.
❝yandere jinx with reader❞
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🚀 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🦈 Jinx had thought you were fooling around, she can usually tell someone's bluff and she knows what it is like to be so hungry that you'll do anything for crumb. You wouldn't last a day.
🚀 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🦈 The day passes, she keeps silent. . smug to herself that you'll be begging her for some food by the night time.
🚀 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🦈 But then a day passes and still nothing.
🚀 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🦈 "Not hungry?" she muses to you almost mockingly as she eats a big ol' sandwich right in front of you. Loudly chewing just to rub it in.
🚀 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🦈 Still nothing. You just pout your lip in defiance and avert your gaze. Interesting.
🚀 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🦈 A few days pass and it almost becomes a game for Jinx, let's see how she can make you finally break. Her pranks and mocking are turned up a couple notches. She loves games and all kinds of bets so for her that is what it exactly is. There is no way she is going to free you AND admit being wrong. No way.
🚀 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🦈 She isn't the best cook but she makes a stack of syrupy pancakes topped with chocolate chips in a droopy smile– waving it infront of your face just to annoy you.
🚀 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🦈 Almost a week passes and she has started to get a bit worried. The game isn't fun anymore when you lose all energy to move, napping most of the day, not even struggling or trying to escape when she wants to play with you.
🚀 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🦈 She finally snaps when she sees you faint as you try to stand. That's it, the game is over. You are not going to win.
🚀 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🦈 When you finally come to, Jinx pours a bucket of cold water to really wake you up. You're tied tightly to a chair, similarly to when you were first abducted by the loose cannon of a girl.
🚀 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🦈 "I'm going to make this easy, firework. Eat or I make you."
🚀 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🦈 Depending on your choice, she either feeds you nicely or she will force your mouth open while plugging your nostrils so you have no choice but to breathe through your mouth. Holding a fingertip to your lips until you swallow all of it. She'll coo and pat your back as you cough, applauding you for finally doing the right thing.
🚀 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🦈 As long as you get something in your stomach she is good for now, she will just keep on forcing you no matter your struggle until you eventually stop your silly hunger strike. She doesn't want to force you so much that your body vomits it up so she keeps it simple until you are in better health.
🚀 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🦈 After that she'll be gentle, almost mockingly so. Cooing to you and forcing cuddles in your lap as if she is some clingy monkey.
🚀 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🦈 She probably would not admit it but she was deeply concerned and scared when you fainted. She promises to herself she won't let a thing like this happen again or get to the point that it did.
a/n: thank you for requesting!
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ranchstoryblog · 3 months ago
Fandom Memories: HMFarm
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Hmmm. So, nearly a quarter of you whippersnappers wanna hear about the good ol' days, huh? Well, back in the day, you wouldn't just hang out on one or two big websites to try to find people who shared your niche interests among a million random users. Everything had its own dedicated site, with its own special pack of weirdos that you probably wouldn't find anywhere else. Home grown fandom, sprouting from the cement sidewalks of the freshly paved internet like so many weeds with pretty little flowers on top. So, let's take a little stroll down memory lane and visit one of the oldest fan sites with Archive.org's "Wayback Machine."
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Ahh, just like I remember it. This here is "Harvest Moon Farm." 'course, we just called it HMFarm, like the URL did. This used to be the place to be. The prime progenitor of all farmin' fansites in the English speaking community. Maybe not the literal first, but up until around 2005, this was where you would go if you wanted to know anythin' about digital farmin'. It truly was a magical place to visit.
This screenshot isn't the oldest design, but it's the one I fondly remember. The majority of my time using the site was during the lead-up to A Wonderful Life, which was probably also when it was the most active as an information source. Seeing the screenshots, checking the forums, speculatin', wonderin', dreamin'... It's a warm feeling. I can't really describe how it felt to look at these shots for the first time. Granted, they were mostly sourced from various places like IGN or Newtechnix, but who wanted to go to THOSE messy sites when all the info I wanted was right here? IGN wasn't telling me how to revive the Vineyard in Harvest Moon 64 while I was waiting for AWL news either.
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Our first look at the character we would come to know as Muffy, the sheer novelty of being able to go into the townsfolk's glorious, 3D-rendered rooms, the apparent misidentification of flowering tomatoes... The webmaster, Gamergirl87, would caption each one as well. Some of the captions of those screenshots ended up not being exactly true, but it was the closest thing to on-going coverage we really had. Who else was there to trust?
It's a little off topic, but I think at one point after learning about the GBA connectivity, I must have dreamed about this very gallery and seeing a screenshot of a Gamecube-ized Popuri with the caption that Mineral Town villagers would visit after connecting the GC and GBA together. At least, I'm pretty sure it was a dream. I've met some people who claim they saw the same thing, but none of us have been able to find that screenshot or comment again.
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The one that would most catch my attention was the one on the left here. I didn't have a PlayStation 2, so I was coming fresh off of the GameBoy and Nintendo 64 when going into A Wonderful Life. The pond, the mysterious glowing plants, the mood and ambiance of their lighting, the little tree on the door... Naturally, I mirrored it on my first day the remake was available.
It's a real shame that the message boards are poorly preserved, since it doesn't look like there was a news post about the pre-order plush cow. I was hoping to find the name of whoever it was that convinced me to commit my first ever preorder. I still have the receipt, but without the forum post it's really only tangentially related to HM Farm.
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'course, just learning about existing games and upcoming games wasn't the only good thing HM Farm was for. As I alluded to, there was a whole community here! While it's a shame that the message boards aren't well preserved by the Wayback Machine, you know what is?
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The "ideas" list! This incredible time capsule was one of the first "interactive" parts of the site, starting in the year 2000. It's kind of fun to see how many of these ideas actually happened. Obviously, new characters and personalities were probably expected, but Animal Parade would eventually feature a honeymoon, several games have clothing and other customization, a mall, city, and pig would be added as soon as GBC 3, a goat would be in A Wonderful Life... It's actually amazing how prescient a lot of the suggestions are.
I'd share the whole thing, but the amount of e-mail addresses involved gives me pause. Still, there's a couple I wanna highlight:
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Considering how often I still hear about people wanting to marry the moms and people attributing it to just "the fans getting older," it's funny to see Laserion lay out that, no, we've always been like this. Right down to using Manna's unhappy marriage and Lillia's husband never returning as valid reasons they should be available.
Tuan145, on the other hand, I just find extremely amusing because of the specific "2002 Escalade" part. Yes, this is clearly the ideal vehicle for all farmers in the Story of Seasons universe. This is now accepted headcanon. The boat was added in GBC 3 too, so obviously a 2002 Escalade is going to be added any day now.
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Another thing that's amazingly well preserved is the site's fan art section. There's a few missing images here and there, but for the most part the entire thing is open to explore. People of basically all ages and skill levels happily submitted their creations, including original characters, digital art, traditional art, crossovers with popular series like Sailor Moon, a liiittle bit of drug use... Y'know, all the kinds of things you'd expect to see in a fan art gallery of the day.
Even better, some of the artists are still doing art today! Looking around, I quickly discovered one of my favorites, Rina Cat, is now on Blue Sky. I made sure to ask for permission to repost their art before including it here. Reaching out to everyone would be a bit much though, so I'll just encourage you to just browse the gallery using the Wayback Machine yourself. There's poetry and fanfics too!
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There's a lot more to the site, including useful bits of history like keeping track of release dates for games, pre-release screenshots, and information that was only available on Japanese websites at the time, but I'll leave it at that for now.
Unfortunately, though the site continued to be updated until 2010 and stayed online until 2021, it's no longer available on the regular internet and the URL doesn't seem safe to access anymore. I wanted to include an interview with the former webmaster as well, but all their readily available contact information was tied to the website and I haven't had any luck so far in finding other means of contact. If I have any success, I'll be sure to make a follow-up! If you have any memories of HMFarm, or other fan sites, I'd be happy to hear about it.
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palmolli · 9 days ago
Kinda wish that dlc where you play as sksw Zelda actually got made. Imagine it had the memory recovery system of Breath of the Wild. That would be so freaking sick, but Nintendo doesn't have the balls. The implications of what happened during the war between Hylia and Demise is honestly horrific. In the opening cutscene with the cave paintings, it showed a LOT of people just being straight up BURNED. Hylia definitely saw a lot of that. So... in theory, Zelda was ALSO subjected to that, AGAIN. SKSW ZELDA HAS WAR PTSD. IM TELLING Y'ALL. And to relive all of that at the ripe ol age of seventeenish... is not good for the psyche. Nobody talks about her trauma enough, and it makes me big sad. ALSO. If I'm remembering correctly, Zelda's way of speaking sorta changed? Like... uhhmmmdjdj...
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You can't convince me something didn't fundamentally change in her brain. Is this a stretch??? WHY IS SHE TALKING LIKE THATT??? gosh, the agnst potential here is CRAZY. Like. Be Link. Save the world or whatever, and now your girlfriend is suddenly spitting out philosophy and talking like a poet out of nowhere. That'd be kinda disorienting. Even more disorienting is having the memories of a past life along with your own. Like, uh... what if she asked Link about something she thinks happened, and he's just like... "Huh?" And she'd just be like, "Oh, that happened when I was Hylia, nvm."
ALSO IMPA!??!?!? like she DEFINITELY had a close relationship with her as Hylia maybe, I headcanon she saw Impa as a daughter, and then the roles got swapped when she became Zelda. Or... oh God PLEASE DONT MAKE THIS A PEARL AND ROSE QUARTS SITUATION PLEAAAHAHEEESEEEE 🙏🙏
Anyways. During that journey, she definitely grew attached to Impa, especially because she already knew her in a past life, which is kind of a special connection my dudes. And then BOOM she disappears. Bye bye warrior woman you will be missed dearly.
Cough. Okay to sum this up:
Live life normally as just a girl in school. Yippie, everything is awesome. Everything is cool when you're part of a team. Oh, sick, your crush won the race thing despite not studying a day in his life, and you've built up the courage to FINALLY ask him out-
Uh oh! TORNADO! and now you're in an entirely different land basically surrounded by monsters, defenseless, apparently despite the fact you've been attending a knight school for twelve or so years, you freaking nepo baby (affectionate). Grandma lady saves you. Then uh cool mysterious lady starts guiding you, and apparently you've known her in a past life-
War flashbacks. Some ash baby lookin ahh dude slaughtered a bunch of people bc he wanted some golden doritos, also, you used to be a goddess, the same one you worshipped and prayed to all the time. What the flip. What's Link gonna think about this? WHAT? YOUVE BEEN BASICALLY USING HIM? WHAT? PARDON? NO?! WHAT THE FLIPPITY JIPPITY. You tell him after he does some stuff belehsiebr then get sealed away and have to see him claw at you at bawl his eyes out. Not traumatizing at all. Then when you finally get reunited, a RuPaul's Drag Race reject pops in and kidnaps you and steals your soul to revive Temper Tatrum Ash Baby. Link beats both of them up. Also that dude who bullied him and had a crush on you is cool now. How sick! But OH SHART. IMPA ISNT COMING WITH YOU BACK TO THE PRESENT? oh haha she was just the old lady this whole time she's right there-
And she exploded.
Just great!
Not traumatizing at all.
idk, I just feel like she's such an interesting character who gets kinda mischaracterized all the time without taking into account that she suffered too. STOP VILLAINIZING MY BABY, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE SHE'S NOT EVIL.
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mayortrolyphic · 10 months ago
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(((((MAP PART FOR KIRBEE TEEHEE ,,,, THE BROO,, THE WHOLE THING TURNED OUT SUPER GOOD IF YOU HAVNT SEEN IT CHECK IT OUT !!!!!!! ))))) i want to strangle that middle scene i forgot to color everything AND AHH ,,, I WISH I COULD,,,,, SKDHDHDBHXHSJS,, the shading is badass though yes or no, i also ,, im gonna revise the desi- SORRY UH,, CHECK THIS OUT!!!
ITS 12 AM SO LAST DAY OF SCHOOL RAAAHH,, i atill, yea i ,, !!!!! Davetrap draws all these posts btw but hes on the run ir whatever im just posting for him thank you,, !!! MUGWUMP WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DRAW THEM- NO WAY,,, I drew them as cannon oh my lord ,, i honestly forgot,, guys im sorry its be a fatass sexond since i played dshaft ahh!! My art is slowly driffiting away like from the steven universe,,, song yes ,,
i have been gone,,, mingling with the dsaf instagram fandom,, those guys r freaky as hell ily lex, wicko, ace, and mj,,, if u see any of them give em a big ol sloppy,, wet ,,, high five for me, especially wicko ahh 🤤❤️❤️❤️
And also sadly i cannot post freaky davesport on ig so ,,, ill ,,, ill probobly start posting on here again!!! ,,, and i migth go back to dialtowm,, or uh spice it up a bit,, GWAHHA… (also whoever said i whitewashed dave and jack/lh AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 😭😭😭,, i ,, i had to take a second,, not qhat i was going for,, it,, it.oh my phone lord ,,, i was trying to make a stage,, light,, it was the divide blend,,
OK ILL SHUT UP,,, thank you that is all 💀
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mynameismisty · 1 year ago
☆SUMMARY: Johnny wasn't a jealous man, but you with his co-star seemed a bit too over the line.
☆ORIGIN: I don't really have a song for this LMAO btw this came from a request, thanks anon! The request is rlly long soo💀
☆WARNINGS: NSFW, obvious p in v, jealous sex, creampie, praise
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You knew Daniel. He was one of Johnny's co-stars, and a friend of yours. You had come to know it after he flirts with you multiple times, knowing you were with Johnny. But Johnny didn't seem to mind at all, you knew he wasn't jealous, he was just a bit protective. He knew when it went too far.
On a day where you got to the set first before Johnny, Daniel was on the set filming a scene and apparently, the girl he was supposed to make-out with... wasn't there! And who was?
"It'll just be a small little session, darling." Daniel purrs, holding you by the shoulder after convincing the director to just put a wig on you. "C'mon, aren't we friends?"
"I don't wouldn't want to-"
"But we won't kiss anyway! Just some good ol' hollywood fake-a-roo."
Still, it weirded you out that he'd be presumably slobbering over your cheek in attempts to make the scene look real. You hoped no one would tell Johnny.
So they filmed the scene, and just like you thought, you had Daniel making out with your cheek and the Camera behind him where they could only see your hair and kissing noises.
After, it was like nothing happened. You went back to Johnny's trailer to just hang around until he came. Going over to the sink, you washed your face thoroughly, turning off the faucet and getting a scare.
"Johnny, baby!" You let out a yelp, holding onto your chest.
He stood, just beside the locked door of the trailer. You must've not heard him due to the water running.
"You enjoyed that, didn't you?" He said, it was obvious venom laced around his words.
"Huh? Enjoyed what?"
"That little make-out session you and Daniel had."
"Oh, but you enjoyed that, didn't you? Liked him kissing all over you?"
"No! We just filmed a scene since the other girl was gone!"
"Still," He walked over to you, managing to pin you on the small counter in the trailer, you leaning back in fear that he might bite. "Does it give you any permission not to talk about it to me first?"
"But, baby! It all happened so quick- I-"
"I- I- I-," Johnny imitated in a mocking fashion. "Answer me, does it give you any permission not to talk to me about it first?"
"You know I'm not a jealous man, right, sweetheart?" You nod weakly. "But that just crossed the line."
You knew you were definitely in for a wild ride.
“Oh fuck, Johnny, I can't!" You moaned into the pillow, gripping the sheets tightly.
"You like that?" He pants, holding you by the hips with a death grip as if you were going to run away any minute. "You like how I fuck you?"
"Ah! Yes, Johnny, yes!" You felt a hand smack over your ass as he pushed his dick undeniably deeper into you. You felt Johnny slap it again and again, watching it jiggle, loving the sight of you squirming and moaning uncontrollably.
"You like that, huh? You like making me show my limits?" And you could only moan in response.
Johnny's pace slowed down as you whined. "Come on, baby, if you wanna cum, work for it."
"No buts, c'mom pretty girl. But you tell me who's the only person to make you feel like this and I'll help you out."
You moan, pushing your pussy back to him. "You do— ahh— please—!"
"Good girl," He cooed, this time lightly pulling you by the hair (but still having his other hand on your waist) gently and increased his pace. "Go on."
"Y-You! Only you can make me f-feel like this!" You stuttered over your own words, writhing and moaning uncontrollably.
"Ahh! Please, make me cum!" You felt the familiar knot in your stomach tightening, about to rip into two pieces as you try to hold onto the damn bed.
"Yeah, baby, just— fuck— keep talking."
"Only you, J-Johnny! I love you, n-not anyone else!"
Your ass, moans and arched back were just too much for him, burying himself into you as you felt that knot snap in two "Ahh- fuck, Johnny!"
Your orgasm washed over you, thighs trembling, threatening to give out on you, your pussy clenching around him and your juices dripping down the sides.
He wasn't done though.
"Such a good girl for me." He pounded into you, over and over again until small tears started to flow from your eyes. "Yeah, I know baby, you're sensitive?"
You nod, too tired to have anything else come out your voice rather than moans.
"Come on, make those sounds for me, pretty girl, don't hide 'em."
That made you moan even louder as he pushed into you back and forth, leaning over you so his mouth was just next to your ear. "You like that, baby?"
You felt your second orgasm approach, clenching your pussy around him and tensing up a bit.
"My girl gonna cum on my cock again?" You could feel his smug grin pressed into the back of your neck. "Fuck, yeah, hold on." He still pounded into you but you felt him reach out for something and opening it, rubbing over your back.
Then you realize. He's writing his signature on your back. In Sharpie.
"You look good like this, babygirl— shit!"
He felt you cum again, juices slipping iut faster this time and he couldn't hold back.
"Ahh, fuck, shit, baby!" He pushed your head into the pillow as he came inside you, shoving all of his seed into your stomach that it made you feel full.
"I know, baby, I know.." He kissed you on the forehead. "You're sorry, right?"
You give another weak nod.
"Mhm, don't worry, baby, just don't let it happen again, yeah?"
You give a sigh and fall asleep, body plumping to the side as you hear Johnny get up to go grab a towel.
"Think I'll need a talk with Daniel."
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bloodsalted · 6 months ago
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lil update. some medical stuff, just so ya know! (long winded. sorry!)
// soooo. now that everything is settled and fine. i just wanted to pop a message up to say thanks to everyone for being so patient with me this past month. i had a pretty big health scare that i didn't really talk about unless it was privately to a handful of people. i'm talking about four. and barely anyone offline. most of which happened about a week before the final test because i don't like people worrying about me. it was the kind where a biopsy is done and all that jazz. waiting from one test to another and the results was a mental mind fuck to put it bluntly. with my ocd and anxiety/panic disorder being triggered mainly by my health? uh. it was a wild ride. i was up and down in my moods and carrying on as normally as possible but my brain was pretty much nonstop--that.
but!!! everything is clear and non-threatening and how my gut kept telling me it'd be. ahh mental health working against you tho. it's a bitch! took me even a week or so after the good news to start getting back into my head correctly! a nurse told me it was the adrenaline built up in my kidneys and leaving my body making it so tired! this week i'm FINALLY feeling back to my normal self. with a bit more of an appreciation for my family, friends and all my loved ones. and you guys and gals and non-binary pals, too! the dash was a blessing to occupy my time with. even if i wasn't writing. reading your posts always makes me happy. so if you're on my follow list? and part of my day to day?
this is just me saying thanks. i appreciate you all more than you know. and man. don't take your health for granted. take care of yourselves. get your check ups. and do what's right for your body. cause i love ya. i'm cleaning today off and on. but i'm planning on binging some supernatural and some spooky stuff once everything's how i want it and dusting off my writing brain as i go! did a lot of video gaming to try and fill up my brain when i was being quiet, too. but it's not the most creative thing in the world! so!!! catch up is coming! much love!
ps. it took me a while to post this cause i'm so so so freaking never wanting to give peeps a reason to worry. but i really wanted you guys to know what's up and why my activity has been so sporadic/focused on a small amount of things. give ya the ol' heads up. i know none of you expect a reason or whatever. i just thought i'd share. and give ya all a reminder that you're important.
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eleniyappz · 2 months ago
Something about reader being a cowboy/girl (cowboy has a better ring despite reader being a woman). The good old hard working Dog inside Simon Riley can’t stop even once he’s been medically discharged from the SAS.
So what does he think the best option is? Hit up his good old American Cowboy friend who owns a cattle station out in Wyoming.
“Hello Mate, it’s Simon” Is all his guff voice can manage as he speaks through the phone. “Ahh good ol’ Simon, what’s got you calling ol’ Dog” His good old Cowboy pal Bucky. “You still needin help on yer station?” Simon grumbles down the phone his bags already packed with his small amount of possessions. “Always needin fuckin elp’” Bucky laughs loudly back.
2 days is all it took for Simon to be on the station and put to work already. He’s a creature of habit, the doctor told him enough work for a lifetime his bones are old, his brain is fried but he can’t help himself. “Okay I’ll introduce you to my head farm hand” Simon just gives a nod in return. He wasn’t being sexist when he expected a man to be the head farm hand but he was presently surprised when he shook your hand to find out you’re a woman. A fucking small one at that, you have to be 5’2 - 5’3 MAX and it makes him internally chuckle but he was even more surprised to look down and see a baby strapped to your front by a baby carrier. “Howdy” You say sarcastically as you shake his hand firmly “I’m y/n, head farm hand and I organise all the newbies like ya self” you hum as you size up the mountain of a man infront of you. “Simon Riley” Is all he grunts out.
“Does this fucker even know how to ride?” You ask your boss as you look between him and Simon. God you’ve already got a grip on him, you’re sassy, sarcastic and definitely strong. Your winter clothes which consist of an old beat up aviator jacket, Jeans, old Cowboy boots, trucker cap and a bandanna sloppily tied around your neck. “Yes he fuckin knows how to ride” Bucky scoffs but it’s in a friendly way. “Cool, come on mountain man let’s get moving” you say as you start walking not waiting for Simon, the message is clear “Keep up or be left behind I ain’t got time”
@tabbslouuformer am I onto something 😋 this is totally not a reflection on my childhood hehe
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How about Lute and Adam at the hotel.
Lucifer's been thinking about asking Adam out on a date since they've started to get along better but has seeds of doubt thinking that Adam and Lute are already a thing because they're close friends.
Truth is, Adam feels the same way about him and only talks with Lute about it.
Miscommunications and misunderstandings, good times.
Ahh yes good ol' angst.
Lucifer has been working up the nerve to ask Adam out on a date, meaning he's trying to figure out if Adam would be interested in going on a date.
Sometimes the signs are there and sometimes not. He's always talking with that friend Lute of his.
Well........ Lucifer assumes their friends but they could be more. They spend so much time together, they sit next to each other during therapy sessions and their rooms are even across from each other!
Maybe they were dating........ He never saw them kiss or anything but that didn't mean a damn thing. Some people just kept that part to themselves in private.
Lucifer was leaning on the counter eating some breakfast when they came in, together. Always together.
Adam smiled: Morning.
Luicfer returned the smile: Morning.
He couldn't help but admire Adams new sinner features, soft and fluffy lamb ears, black and gold horns and his wings were now a shimmery black. He looked so perfect.
His eyes went to Lute, her own golden eyes held a stoney expression in them, she too had horn like her exorcist mask, her wings stayed the same only a little darker and she had a black chrome prosthetic arm.
Frankly her staring was bothering him.
Adam: What are you up to today?
Adam leaned on the other side of the counter across from Lucifer, the King wanted to reach out and take his hand in his to hold, kiss and caress.
But he can't.
Lucifer: Oh, you know this, that, and the other thing! Hehehe, oh is that the time? I should probably go do them! S-so what are you guys up to?
Adam: Well, we were just going to hang out around here a bit. Might go check out a few things this weekend.
Lucifer deflated: Oh.... So you're busy?
Lute: Yes.
He felt his eye twitch, he wasn't fucking talking to her! Lucifer tried so hard not to be jealous...... But he couldn't help it.
He had thought that maybe Adam would want to go to a concert with him...... But maybe he'd rather go with Lute.
Adam shot Lute and annoyed expression, her tone was too firm. He would blow her off to hang out with Lucifer.
If he asked.
Luicfer: Oh, Uhhh, well then you guys have fun I umm ..... I gotta go.
Lucifer set his bowl in the sink and left, he had a meeting to get to anyway.
As soon as he was out of sight Adam rounded on Lute, his golden eyes ablaze.
Adam: The fuck was that?
Lute: What? We are busy.
Adam: We can check out this shit hole any day of the week, what if he was going to ask me out just then?
Lute sighed, she knew that Adam had a huge disgusting crush on Lucifer, late at night he'll go on about how much he's loved him since the Garden.
Lute: You really think that? The guy is thrown into his work.
Adam glared: You scared him away with your face!
She couldn't help the laugh that came out, her? Scare the fucking devil? Please.
Lute: Doubtful. Maybe he's not interested?
She didn't want to crush her friends dream, but one of them had to be realistic.
Adam: D-don't say that. It could happen........
Lute: I just don't want you getting hurt.
Adam grabbed them some fruit for breakfast and they went back up to his room.
Adam: I know and big preci on that, but stop cock blocking me.
Later that day when Lucifer came back he was exhausted, he just wanted to relax. He glanced over where Adam and Lute were sitting on the couch just hanging out watching a movie.
Adam looked over as he noticed Lucifer walking towards the stairs, he had to take a chance. He got up and went over to him.
Adam: Hey.
Lucifer: Oh hey.
Adam: Are...... Are you busy?
Lucifer: No, but I wouldn't want to keep you from your movie or girlfriend.
Adam: What!? Lutes not my fucking girlfriend, we're just friends.
This whole fucking time he thought Lute was his girlfriend!? No wonder he always looked like a kicked puppy.
Lucifer brightened, hope blooming in his chest: No?
Adam: No dude. I'm not interested in her.
Take the hint shortie.
Lucifer smiled: Oh uhh, well, are you doing anything tonight?
Adam bit his lip: Nope, completely free.
Lucifer: You wouldn't want to go to dinner with me tonight would you?
Adam smiled, fucking finally: I would love to.
Lucifer conjured up a sunflower and handed it to him: Then it's a date.~
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yosajaeofficial · 23 days ago
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Important Update
Wassup ya'll. I've been crazy busy with college and even more personal stuff hence why I haven't made an update ever since.... September.... Yikes- That's like.... 6 MONTHS BRUUUUUHHH
I'm gonna give a life update and then I will talk about the JMC and what's happening with it. Let's jump right into it ✨️🕺✨️
Life Update ✨️🦐✨️
It’s been a long time and my life has been way too chaotic for me to keep going with JMC updates. I’m busy with college and it’s not really in a university but a community college with an 100% acceptance rate so that totally won't affect my education or anything (/sar). 
I'm struggling and gripping for dear life for me to get through my first year of college like oh my god can I just graduate already for tolerating so many counselor appointments that lead up to nothing and dumbass people like let my girl (me) free 😭😭😭
Truthfully, the updates drained me and I couldn't keep up because of the shit that has been happening as of recently. 
So I stopped doing them and even avoided doing them because I didn't have anything prepared and was too scared to keep repeating myself, "College is getting to me" "I don't got time" "I still haven't done it yet but will soon" and all that jazz. 
I felt like a broken record and doing the updates made me delay the production too so I made the mistake of doing monthly updates without thinking of it all the way through. 
Then as of recently, anxiety has really eaten me up and now I realize that it's not healthy at all to have so much of it that it affects my literal hobbies.
There's no way I'm gonna be putting up with it any longer because it's also admittedly eaten me up to the extent that I couldn't work on the comic itself for a very long time until my lovely best friend kept supporting me to do so. 
I'm still in a rough patch due to personal reasons and right now my priorities are to get through college but also help do better with my anxiety so I can function like an actual human being. The comic isn't my number 1 priority as of now as I get my life together.
JMC Update ✨️🕺✨️
I took a lot of time to think about the story and reflect on what I wanted to do with it. My best friend and I talked about that and where my stance was with how the story was going. 
So they gave me loads of questions so we could try to get a revamped script of chapter 1 done but the convo was literally like:
"What do you want to happen?"
She then continued to ask me questions, like why was I hesitant? What's each character's arc? 
My point is that they asked me loads of questions and I couldn't ever give an actual answer to any of them because I just didn't think about those kinds of questions. Like I know the reason being that at least 50% or more was because of my anxiety but also my ass just didn't know what I wanted to do with the story forward.
Those days were a struggle and I'm very thankful for her being really patient with me with the story, she's the reason I didn't give up on it and made it another one of my cancelled/lost media ahh projects.
With that in mind, JMC isn't cancelled by any means and the comic is still going to happen but... the two of us decided that a good ol 'revamp to the whole comic was needed.
Where I will start all over and create the story from scratch.
So, all of my previous updates are not canon; there's going to be new content that will come out showing the official canon material later on as the story and our progress continue.
This revised version of the story is gonna finally bring out lots of my true visions I wanted to get out in the first place.
I wasn't able to do it back then because I'm still so new to making stories (and not cancelling them-) and also I struggled a lot with my own personal insecurities which made my story fall flat and feel like it's being held back. 
I also know that I'm a huge perfectionist which has been at a real disadvantage like aw hell nah there's no way I'm gonna release the story if my friend didn't tell me to fucking redo it-
The story itself is going to be redone but I also want to say that the name, "The Jayce Myles Comics" is also a more outdated name for the story, it doesn't have a new name yet and I'm going to be changing it when the time comes but idk stay tuned for that~ 
That idea also was pitched by my friend who thought that the name should also have a makeover since it's more outdated. I agreed since the story is doing a lot more than just showing shenanigans. I know that I haven't even started the story at all (lol skill issue on my end) but I'm really glad it's already been 2 years and I can't wait for more to come. 
For better to come.
I'm not giving monthly updates anymore and will give myself time to actually get through personal business before I could actually provide authentic updates. 
When I do come back with actual updates, they’re not gonna be like how they were before. They’re going to be more of me showing a sliver of progress (depending on how comfortable I am showing y'all) and then giving y'all that thumbs up that yes, I’m still alive and doing well with the comics. But that's it.
I'm still not sure what I'm gonna do social media wise because once again, college and personal shit. However, I will start spicing it up, trying new things and maybe show some more stuff just because (and also because I should show some stuff honestly-). 
Luckily, after this update goes up, I'm gonna be uploading a new voice skit! The voice skit was just for funsies but it finally is Jayce and Donnie related, idkkkk maybe you should check it outttt ooooooo~ 
You might get a small peek at what Jayce’s been looking like as of recently too~ (guys she's pretty...)
Anyways, that was all. Thank you for reading to the end and I appreciate your support for doing so. This story is going to happen...Or else my friend/assistant will get a hammer and make sure that I'm bonked multiple times that it leaves an indent on it- For now, I'm going to go on this semi hiatus where I'm not going to be uploading much but stuff here and there and this also will show y'all that I'm indeed still working on this rise comic. The master list is also going to be unpinned and this will take over for the time being, a new master list will be made soon but this post seems appropriate to take the pinned post for now. Stay tuned and mucho besitos~!
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hell-drabbles · 6 months ago
Ahh I have a bit of personal headcanons of Asmo, if you dont mind me sharing them.🪽
Honestly, I don't think he's the type to force anyone into anything they don't like. But that doesn't mean he can't be a tease in other ways:
"Quite a temper you have," he rests his chin on his knuckles. "Have you ever tried relaxing?"
He poked at their cheek. His sharp nail felt like a needle about to puncture their flesh, but he never did. "You should loosen up, be more like Raon."
He's the same level of calm as Mammon. He's aggressive when he needs to be. To me, he's bordering on motherly and fatherly:
"Ah," his head perks up when he notices the fresh scars on their flesh. "Look where your wrecklessness has brought you."
He approaches them in a manner almost similar to a saunter. The King of Lust stands before them, raising their injured arm, only a region of their injured body. The open wound heals as he places the pads of his fingertips against it, leaving only a remnant of the sanguine trail. "Careful next time. We don't want Raon to lose his little friend."
Although he might seem like he favors Raon more, I think he treats Companion and him equally. He just likes seeing Companion ticked off. He loves getting reactions out of them.
He's able to hold up a conversation with them well, though. He seems like the type to ramble on about himself considering he's a narcissist:
Although they may roll their eyes at him, he doesn't mind as long as they're listening. He'll ask about their day, too. Just to be fair.
"I'm sure your day must've been great." Asmodeus' red eyes stare at the already bitter face, their eyes somewhere else. "Especially since Raon was in it."
"Oh, the complete opposite," they look at the devil in front of them. It seems like they're engaged now.
Asmodeus snickers. It seems that he could make time for their rant.
I honestly think they should've made Asmodeus' hair less messy and his horn less geometrical, I guess? I hope you like my thoughts on him, though.🪽
Yeah the hair in the fancy selfie card does bother me, since Asmodeus's hair in his regular sprite doesn't look layered. It smooth, it sleek.
I very much enjoyed those headcanons, man are they fun to read. It always stirs up my brain for my own ideas!
He does seem like someone that would enjoy some good ol tea. Who doesn't enjoy gossip? I would imagine he would keep these little conversations a secret, not because out of any respect, but because it bothers my Ra-on to the nth degree. Well, perhaps a little bit of respect towards the Companion but who says he can't have a bit of a fun and tease my Ra-on about this information.
"You're not very good at hiding your desires. You can say all you want how much you don't want to hear what they've said, but I see the way you bite your lip every time I make them laugh. You want to hear what I said, and your companion said in return, don't you? Why don't you try and strike a bargain? Maybe I'll tell you, maybe I won't."
Hmm, I don't have many headcanons on him, just small plans or potential ways I could use Asmodeus.
Something something, Asmodeus representing the current future waiting for Ra-on if he continues on the path he's going, cursed to simply be an object of lust, never able to forge close bonds out of his own inability to give up on his selfishness, something something, the differences between the bonds Asmodeus and my Ra-on have with my Companion ultimately serve to further highlight Ra-on's self-destructive and avoidant nature that's deeply seeded into him, that his overly horny nature is not the true core of his problems.
Because, for all of Asmodeus's problems and how generally hated by the public he is, he can still get along with the Companion. He surpasses my Ra-on in terms of how horny he is, and can still have a civil conversation with them. Doesn't help that, Asmodeus being Asmodeus, obviously wants to fuck the Companion. And yet, there the Companion is, sitting, more than tolerating, enjoying in fact, being around him.
So it makes my Ra-on question: What wrong with me, then, that they avoid me? That they hate me if they can be around Asmodeus?
You know, fun character stuff.
You wanna know what's funny to me? I actually can't see my Ra-on enjoying being around Asmodeus, and he, at the current moment, can't articulate why. He's a beautiful devil, and by all means, he would probably be the best and most debauch fuck to have. And yet, my Ra-on wants out. Looking at him is painful. And Asmodeus scares him.
I love messing with my Ra-on.
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myesmi · 2 years ago
hi hi! i saw that you were taking requests, and i'd love to hear your personal headcanons about thomas hewitt (and maybe jason voorhees?)!
have a nice day!
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cw. my personal general headcanons, mentions of insecurity and mental illness, bones / bone collecting, etcetera
note. ahh tysm for the request!! <3 i’m so glad you’d like to hear my personal hcs for ol’ thomas! i hope you enjoy my thoughts, it’s a little all over the place, so apologies! and speaking for jason voorhees, i’ll do another post at a later time for general hcs! comments and reblogs always appreciated! <3
requests are open. masterlist.
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thomas is not shy, he’s reserved. he keeps to himself not because he’s particularly shy or afraid, but because he was conditioned to think, ‘ why would anybody be interested? ’
he spent his entire life being aggressively put down by the town he grew up in, as well as his family. charlie, hoyt, while he would defend thomas when needed ( as hewitts stick together ), was not one for kind words. and uncle monty was quiet and not particularly the supportive kind.
so, thomas really only had luda mae to depend on for emotional support. she was the matriarch, and the one whom he cares for the deepest. you mess with luda? you’re messing with him.
in general, thomas is naturally a protective man, if not also an envious man. of course he wants his family to be safe and sound, he was simply surrounded by the fact damn near his entire life. protect your family.
and yet thomas is a deeply jealous, deeply insecure man. his intimidating size is already enough to make him wish he was smaller, however growing up deformed? poor? and he never really did too amazing in school either.
i feel like at some point, thomas came to terms with his physical situation. he had to. there was nothing he could to do change his physical self, so he had to learn how to deal with it. that doesn’t mean he’s any less frightfully insecure, however.
which leads me to believe that he’s quick to annoyance / anger. he is a patient man to an extent when it comes to work and chores, and especially towards his family. but with victims? outsiders? he is extremely quick to anger, or even violence. it comes from a deeply rooted place of discomfort.
thomas only trusts his family. they know what’s best for the hewitt household.
speaking of, while thomas is much larger, and much stronger than everyone in his little family unit, he remains firmly underneath them and their words. he is still their little boy that they took in. hoyt basically runs the household, especially by the point in the movies, he’s taken over as leader.
it doesn’t feel right saying that thomas is afraid of hoyt, but he most certainly does not want to go against him, or make him angry. hoyt has always been an angry man, especially after returning from the war. ( however, it wouldn’t be impossible for thomas to stand up to hoyt, especially if it were for thomas’s s/o. however that could be explained further if anyone wanted to request s/o headcanons or something… <3 )
switching gears, thomas is crafty. of course we know this, he creates his own masks. however, i feel like he just generally likes crafts. thomas is into creating, as it makes him feel… good. he’s creating, instead of destroying. positive to distract from the negative, y’know?
thomas is also a huge workaholic. he spends almost all of his time working around the hewitt farm, doing any type of chore and any type of work his family requests of him.
and however, despite being a workaholic who often strays far into the night, thomas is an early bird. the quiet moments in the mornings are his favorites. no one knows it, but he often wakes up before the crack of dawn to watch the sunrise, sneaking his way through the house to watch through the kitchen window above the sink.
and as for hobbies, bone collecting. of course this one was coming. i feel like thomas, being crafty and spending a lot of his time on the farm doing various tasks, comes across some old animal carcasses time to time. little bones left behind by natural scavengers. so? he collects them. has been since he was a young boy ( which in turn made him an even bigger outcast… ). he has many an old, dusty jar full of various bones from animals such as rabbits, field mice, deer, etcetera. he even was able to collect a few skulls.
also? pressed flowers. thomas would never reveal this to any of his family members, especially hoyt, but when he comes across a wild flower in the field? little clumps of ditzy white flowers growing along the roadside? he’ll carefully pick them, place them in his pocket, and at the end of the day, press them into a little battered, empty journal he found. it’s rather beautiful, his own pretty little slice of the world to admire.
i also think thomas collects whatever little nicknacks he comes across. little old, cracked glass figurines, old metal pieces, discarded cds, interesting little coins, etcetera. he keeps them in a box, hidden in his basement work station most likely, alongside his hidden journal filled with pressed flowers.
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© myesmi . . . do not steal, translate, or repost.
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zxphy · 2 years ago
☆ Yandere Alphabet!
Yandere! 2k18 Michelangelo x Reader
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Tws/cws: Uhhh yandere stuffs, implied sexual content??, abuse, nothing explicit, everything is just implied, and uhh just Mikey being straight up awful. 💀
Written by a minor, dni if uncomfortable.
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☆ Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Michelangelo is the cuddly, affectionate type, hugs and sweet kisses all around. There will be no point in the day where he's not holding you tightly against him. Depending on the type of darling, this would be either good or bad. But either way it doesn't matter, he's not letting up no matter how much you scream and cry.
☆ Blood: How messy are they willing to get when itcomes to their darling?
Surprisingly.. very messy, he'll do anything it takes to keep you at his side, and if he has to spill blood and hurt others badly, so be it.
☆ Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Since Mikey is kinda delusional, he kind of IGNORES the huge power imbalance between you two, even though its obviously there. He sort of treats you like both a pet and a lover. He doesn't allow you to do anything for yourself. He won't even let you feed yourself.
☆ Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling's will?
☆ Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Oof, well.. when I say he loves you, he LOVES you. He's incredibly vulerable and tells you basically everything. He pours his heart and soul into your "relationship". He's so vulnerable when it comes to you, he'd rip out his heart and let you hold it.
☆ Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Nothing some good ol' mystic chains can't fix!
☆ Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
It's all fun and games to him...until he loses.
☆ Hell: What would be their darling's worst experience with them?
Do you REALLY want to know? :)
☆ ldeals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Probably some kind of cliche happily ever after story, where y'all get married and have kids or whatever.. but keeping you locked up and hidden where no one but him can see you works aswell!
☆ Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
All I have to say is, be careful of everything you do or say whenever he's nearby. Especially if you're with someone else.... he doesn't have anyone to take it out on but you.
☆ Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Ahh! Such a sweer and loving boy, like a said he's always going to have you in his arms, bruises all over your neck and face from him loving you just a bit hard. He's not going to stop till he's satisfied, stop struggling.
☆ Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
100% tries the old fashioned way, meeting you, trying to get to know you, becomming closer and closer, falling more and more in love with you, until he eventually couldn't take it ajd just snatched you right up. :3
☆ Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Mask? What mask? He's still silly, sweet and caring Mikey. He is. He is. He is. He is. He is. He is. He is. He is. He is. He is. He is. He is. He is. He is. He is. He is. He is. He-
☆ Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
☆ Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Remember your old life? Maybe you went to school or had a job, or whatever the fuck. Forget that shit. You're with Mikey now! The only thing you're going to be doing is just sitting pretty and loving Mikey like you should.
☆ Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Incredibly patient, but... everyone has their limits.
☆ Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
No. Not ever. He'd do anything in his power to keep you with him, and he won't stop until that's the reality.
☆ Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
Nope! He doesn't regret a thing. :)
☆ Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Ah, well being the youngest, he's only had people protecting him and not the other way around. You give him a sense of control and refuses to let it go. But me personally, I headcanon him to have BPD. You make him feel something he's not used to and he loves it.
☆ Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Stop that. It won't end well for either of you.
☆ Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
I like to think that Mikey is obsessive, delusional and sadistic. Me personally, I think he mood swings a lot and his weird little personas judt make life hsrder for you. Ahem ahem... Dr Delicate Touch.
☆ Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
You could probably use the fact that he's incredibly emotionally vulnerable.. but I wouldn't suggest it. It could go south...really fast..
☆ Wit's end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
He didn't want to, but then you forced his hand. You made him do it, it's all your fault. Does the bruises all over your body not teach you ANYTHING?
☆ Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Like I said, he'd do ANYTHING to keep you with him. No matter the cost, no matter how much blood is spilled.
☆ Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Probably a couple of months...
☆ Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
He'll try not to. :)
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The yan alphabet draft can be found here!
(Please don't interact with her nsfw works if you're a minor, please respect her boundaries she's an awesome writer and you're free to read whatever sfw word she has.)
Bye pookies I hope you enjoy!! :3
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