#ahahaha I’m suffering
roguemonsterfucker · 7 months
*chants to self* spiders are not vengeful and won’t try to murder you after you failed to kill it spiders are not vengeful and won’t try to murder you after you failed to kill it spiders are not vengeful and won’t try to murder you after you failed to kill it
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bitterpngs · 6 months
i am notttt strong enough for all of this today
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minijenn · 2 years
May or may not have a breath of the wild fic idea brewing in my brain…
0 notes
the-bitter-ocean · 3 months
(ACT 3 SPOILERS) Hi everyone! I Wanted to post writing I did for @tealgoat In tales of time au!! For context it’s set around act 3, where Odile reached the end for the first time with a family run. The art I used in this post is made by teal and you can find the links to those drawings individually over here and here! Writing is under the cut:
< You’re here again. >
< But something feels different. >
< You managed to beat the king like always… but this time..>
< This time you had the courage to call your companions your family. >
< You got to understand all of them a little better and in turn that made you all grow closer. >
< Is that what you needed? Is that the solution to the problem? >
< You didn’t think that helping them would amount to anything much, but the story’s outcome changed a little didn’t it? >
< Even if it was small.. you know how important it is. >
< Your father used to tell you that rereading a story allows you to see details you may have not noticed on a first pass. >
< That it can your change your entire perception of the story itself, even. >
< Is this what you needed all along? >
<Your heart feels warm. >
< He used to read you stories like that all the time. >
< Fairytales about love and friendship saving the world. >
< It gave you comfort then.. and it seems it’s giving you comfort now. >
< You’ve talked to everyone.. they all said different lines then the ones you’re used to.>
< With that logic in mind.. then it should be obvious that the Head Housemaiden should say something different. >
=> < Talk to her. >
=> < Don’t talk to her yet.>
=> < Talk to her.>
< You’ve said everything you needed to say to your companions. >
< It’s time for the moment of truth. >
< You approach the Head Housemaiden and greet her. >
< “Hello!” >
< The head Housemaiden smiles at you and waves. >
((“Hello traveling one! Are you done talking to your companions? Yes, wonderful wonderful-“))
< ….?>
((“ I’d like to thank you for accompanying young Mirabelle on the journey. You have my gratitude.”))
((“ Odile, yes? If there’s anything I can do to thank you, please don’t hesitate to let me know!”))
((“I know you will go back on your travels soon but I do hope-”))
<…… Ah. >
< Of course. >
((“ Just know that no matter what that Dormont will always be open to you! Please come back any…time….”))
((“…!!!! Oh… oh no no no.. oh nonono-“))
< Ahahaha…!>
< You should’ve expected this. >
< Why would whatever happened before change the story’s ending now? >
< Just because you felt loved and safe? Stupid stupid stupid- you should’ve known better! Why did you decide to rely on how you felt instead of looking at the reality of the situation you’re in? >
< You try to breathe. >
((“ Oh Odile! I’m so sorry..!”))
< It’s fine. It’s just the end again. It’s the same. >
((“ I’m so sorry..there’s no way we can stop it now!” ))
< You’ll just be..>
((“- going back! Back when everything started!”))
< You know her lines by heart, now. >
< If you know what happens next…then you can always know how to react and never be disappointed.>
< You’re fine. >
< You’re…>
<| “…? Odile?” |>
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<| “Is everything okay?”|>
< You turn your head and look in Siffrin’s direction. >
< He’s staring right at you. >
< You can’t shift your expression fast enough. >
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<| “ Odile what’s wrong- “|>
{“ Head Housemaiden, is something the matter?” }
((“ I cant fix it on my own, not before it all ends… if only I noticed it all sooner!”))
[“Huh? What’s happening? ]
(“ Dile?”)
< You can’t move. >
< You’re frozen. >
{ “Madame, what’s-Urgh!”}
[“ Is something happening? The air around us.. it feels like.. AGH!” ]
(“ My head hurts!!!”)
((“ It’s my fault you have to suffer like this…”))
<| “ODILE!!!”|>
[“ M’DAME!!!”]
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< They’re all running, reaching towards you..>
(“ Dile come back! Somethings wrong!!!”)
< You have to move. >
< Maybe you can catch Isabeau’s hand if you reach out to him. >
((“I just hope that one day..”))
< You slowly hold your hand out for him to hold. >
< You take a step forward. >
((“ You could learn to forgive-“))
< And you- >
<You open your eyes, your hand reaching out to nothing. >
< You’re back in the store once more. >
< You grip unto the shelf and take a deep breath. >
< Foolish. >
< You press your fingers against the bridge of your nose and adjust your glasses. >
< You laugh quietly as you can. >
< You truly believed this could work, didn’t you?>
< You really thought helping them all would be the key to your escape! >
< That if you helped them, if you were loved, then surely it had to free you, right? >
< Hahahahaha! >
< That was awfully childish of you! >
< They loved you but it’s not enough to save you! >
< And why would it? When has anything ever been that simple for you? >
< You should know better. >
< Everything was reset back to the beginning. >
< Any character development reversed and undone. As if it never happened at all. >
< Mirabelle is back to feeling out of place because of her identity. >
< Isabeau is still hiding everything about himself, pretending to be something he’s not. >
< Boniface is back to feeling like they’re useless and that they don’t contribute enough to the rest of you. >
< Siffrin won't remember the times you spent together.. back to being scared of you..! >
< And you're back here.. again.. and again .. and again! >
< That's what you get for hoping! That's what you deserve, for being so blinding incompetent and - >
< You slowly look up and glance at the clock. >
< Siffrin will enter the shop soon, won't he? >
< You need to cut this spiral of yours short then. That’s fine, it’s not like crying ever did you any favors.>
< Focus on the present. >
<The power of friendship didn't work. That’s fine. >
< All you can do is try something else now.>
< You owe it to everyone to keep going. >
< The story isn’t over for you yet. >
| You got a MEMORY OF FAMILY! |
< You'll always remember this. >
| When equipped, Memory of Family doubles everyone's EXP gained in battle, except for yours. |
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faebaex · 1 year
Tangled in Wonderland - Three's a Crowd, Four is a Party
author note: Eee Scarabia chapter! I really enjoyed writing this one, I never get an opportunity to write Kalim and Jamil and they were interesting and fun to write. Also, chapters are taking slightly longer as I thought of an interesting twist halfway through and now I’m working up to implementing it!! Floyd up next! (๑>◡<๑)
characters: Kalim Al Asim x GN!Reader, Jamil Viper x GN!Reader
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You were unnerved.
Today, you saw Crowley. But not because it was you chasing him down, hurling abuse at him and whatnot. No, this time he came to you. And he didn’t come empty handed. He brought you a phone.
It wasn’t book four yet. Winter holidays were nowhere near. You hadn’t asked for a phone, but Crowley had insisted that you take it, in case you needed it for an emergency or whatnot. He just wanted you to have it, just in case.
You felt on edge. You had no idea what was happening. Since you had been transported to Twisted Wonderland, the story had proceeded as planned no matter how much you had tried to avoid it. At this point, you were still in the fray of book three, so why was Crowley giving you a phone now? That wasn’t supposed to happen until everyone was leaving for the winter holidays! So why now was the story veering off path?
It was all you had been fretting over for days. On top of avoiding Azul and the Leech twins, you were now worried about your future, and the little electronic device in your hands. You stared at the black screen, your perturbed expression reflected back at you as you walked back towards Ramshackle dorm. You wondered what this would mean, getting the phone a whole book early. Perhaps you were overthinking it? It was just a phone, after all. It hardly played a part in book four, only used as a brief plot device before disappearing completely. Maybe you were worrying over nothing…
You didn’t get any longer to dwell on it before you walked straight into someone. Or more accurately, they crashed into you.
You fell backwards from the impact, right onto your ass with the current object of your misery going flying out of your hand. “Ouch…” You groaned, checking your palms for grazes, and hoping your uniform trousers didn’t get damaged in the fall.
“Sorry, so sorry! Hey, are you okay? You’re not hurt, are you?”
You froze when you heard that voice, not daring to look up. Oh no, oh no.
“Ahahaha… Jamil was right, I really should look where I’m going…”
Kalim Al Asim. The game’s local ball of sunshine and housewarden for Scarabia. Victim of book four, whatever way you look at it. Usually often chased after by the ever suffering—
Jamil. Vice housewarden of Scarabia and perpetrator of book four. And another person that you certainly didn’t want to get mixed up with.
You quickly scrambled to your feet, dusting yourself off and looking around wildly for your tote bag so you could quickly take your leave. You found your bag sprawled across the path a few feet away, quickly grabbing it and throwing it over your shoulder, trying to make your getaway before Kalim could rope you into anything.
“Hey, are you okay?” Kalim asked again, having gotten back to his own feet. You waved him off quickly, a tight smile plastered on your face that you hoped would placate him enough to get him to leave you alone, “I’m fine, I’m fine. Don’t worry about it! I’ve got to go, I’ve got an appointment…” You quickly rushed out an excuse, turning to walk away, even though that was the opposite direction to Ramshackle. You’d only taken a few steps when you felt a hand grip your arm, stopping you in your tracks.
“You forgot this.” Jamil said, holding out your phone, the cursed little object that was apparently finding new ways to bring you misery. You plastered your fake smile back on as you turned around, but it was quickly wiped away when your phone screen flashed on… And both you and Jamil looked down to see your phone screen had several cracks spread across it.
“Ah.” Jamil exhaled, and Kalim was quick to bound to his side, his face falling when he saw the ruined screen. “Oh no, I’m so sorry Y/N! Was that my fault? I’ll buy you a new one!”
“Oh no no! It’s all good!” You quickly said, grabbing your phone out of Jamil’s hand and shoving it in your tote bag, “It’s just some random dud that Crowley gave me, he probably found it in the 90% off sale basket at Sam’s!” You faked a small laugh before you waved and quickly rushed off in the opposite direction before they could stop you.
This was the last thing you needed. You were already up to your eyeballs dealing with the events of book three, you didn’t need book four to start early! You ducked down into the courtyard, sitting behind a bush and flopping your bag down beside you. You dug inside and pulled out your now cracked new phone, fiddling around with the buttons. It seemed to work fine, just the cracked screen making the interface look a little funky, but it was still useable. You sighed as you settled behind the bush for the long haul, hoping that fate would give you a small break for once.
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Fate did not give you a small break.
It had been a couple of days since your little bump with Kalim, but thankfully you didn’t have any further run ins with either Kalim or Jamil. You did have a run in with a couple of mischievous eel twins, but otherwise you’d call yourself unscathed.
Of course, that was until Kalim came bounding towards you as you left the school building, giving you no hope of escape as he called your name and waved his arms at you exuberantly. So exuberantly, in fact, that he almost toppled over as he ran up the stairs, and you had to grab him by his upper arms in order to steady him. Kalim laughed, his usual carefree laugh as he fell into you, clutching your arms as he beamed at you.
“I’m sorry, I keep falling into you lately!” He commented, keeping his grip on your arms as he righted himself, still not letting go once he was solid on his feet, “I was looking for you! I wanted to invite you to a party!”
Oh no.
Kalim continued on, completely oblivious to the strained smile on your face. “I have been thinking of a way to make it up to you for breaking your phone, but Jamil told me I couldn’t buy you a new one. So I thought, why don’t I host a party with you as the guest of honour!”
Oh no.
You opened your mouth to try and stop this tragedy in motion but Kalim continued, unfettered.
“And then I thought, why not invite all the other housewardens too, and we can have a little housewarden party!”
Oh no oh no oh no.
“So come to the dorm tomorrow evening for the party!” Kalim exclaimed, bright smile on his face as he let go of you and span on his heel, bounding down the stairs with the same exuberance with which he came, “I’m going to invite the rest of the housewardens now, so I can’t stay. Bye!”
“Kalim, wait!!” You shouted after him, but he was already long gone, off to invite whatever housewarden he ran into first. This situation was worse than what you ever could have imagined – not only were you now the guest of honour at a party that you didn’t ask for and certainly didn’t want to attend, now all the other guests were all the people you had been trying to avoid! Whilst your relationship with Riddle had bloomed into something pleasant, and Leona gave you no trouble when you passed him in the hallway, you certainly didn’t want to be stuck in a semi-formal setting with Azul, considering all the issues you have been having with him lately. On top of that, you did not want to run into all the housewardens you had successfully avoided thus far.
You had to think of a way to get out of this.
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You sighed as you slowly trudged into the hall of mirrors, heading for the Scarabia mirror.
Despite how hard you tried, you weren’t able to convince Kalim that you couldn’t attend his party. He was surprisingly hard to pin down, and when you finally managed to catch him, he batted off all your excuses like they were flies.
Nothing to wear? “Just come in your uniform! I’ll wear mine too, we’ll match!” Kalim assured with his sunny smile.
Got a detention? “Don’t worry, I’ll move the party back an hour!” Kalim exclaimed sympathetically.
Sudden homework to finish? “Bring it with you, Jamil can help! He’s great!” Kalim beamed, nodding enthusiastically.
Poor Jamil, as if he didn’t have enough to do.
You dragged your feet as you walked through the portal into the Scarabia dorm, not wanting to get to this party any faster than necessary. You realised that it would be more suspicious if you just didn’t turn up at all, so you hoped that if you showed your face for at least an hour, you could find an excuse to leave quickly with minimal damage incurred. Perhaps Riddle could help, he was a stickler for rules. Now you just had to remember one of the Queen of Hearts’ rules to quote.
The hallways of Scarabia were eerily quiet as you walked through them, incredibly conscious of the sound of your footsteps, as soft as they were, as you tried to figure out where to go. Even though you had played the game, you still had no idea of the layout of the dorms. You figured the party would be in the lounge, but where was the lounge?
You heard footsteps approaching and you looked up to see Jamil rounding the corner. He was distracted, looking down and typing on his phone. You opened your mouth to get his attention but he suddenly looked up, sensing someone ahead of him. His face immediately dropped when he saw you, a panicked expression overtaking his features as he froze in place before speeding towards you. Your eyes widened at the display, and you held your hands up to defend yourself but it didn’t stop Jamil as he grabbed hold of your wrist and yanked you towards him, clasping hold of the tops of your arms. Oddly, it reminded you of Kalim.
“What are you doing here?!” Jamil hissed at you in a whisper, almost looking like he wanted to shake you, his expression severe. “I-I came… For the party?” You stuttered out, confused and a little startled with the way that Jamil was acting. An uneasy feeling swept over you. Had book four actually started early and Jamil was already on his rampage? A thousand thoughts ran through your head a once, your expression looking akin to a deer in the headlights when both you and Jamil were abruptly brought back to reality by a voice.
Said voice trilled through the dorm, sounding faintly like it was coming from the entrance of the dorm. Unmistakably Kalim’s. Jamil’s expression turned more panic as his grip tightened on your arm and suddenly he was dragging you along the corridor, yanking open one of the doors and pushing you inside, quickly slamming the door shut.
The room that Jamil had shoved you both into was pitch black and very small, and you blinked several times in an attempt to help your eyes adjust. When your eyes finally adjusted, you saw that you were in some sort of cleaning closet, and you were very close to Jamil. You took a quick step back, not realising just how small the cupboard was as you bumped your head on one of the shelves.
“Ouch.” You hissed, Jamil immediately turning to shush you. “Be quiet, he’ll hear us!” Jamil scolded quietly, and you glared at him, disgruntled, opening your mouth and retort when—
“Jamiiil! Where are you?” Kalim called, his voice so close to the door that it made both you and Jamil freeze. You slowly closed your mouth, holding your breath as you listened to Kalim’s footsteps walk down the corridor, his voice slowly fading as he walked further into the dorm in his search for Jamil. Jamil pressed his ear to the door, making sure that the corridor was indeed silent before he turned back to you, the panic gone from his face but now replaced with an unimpressed expression as he folded his arms across his chest.
“I got Kalim to cancel the party, didn’t he tell you? I sent him off to tell all the housewardens not to come.” Jamil whispered, and your expression turned surprised as you shook your head quickly. Jamil sighed heavily, his hands massaging his temples. “Of course he didn’t…” He muttered under his breath, and you swear you could detect a hint of bitterness in his tone. Jamil closed his eyes as he continued to rub his temples, and you stood awkwardly, wondering what to say when Jamil suddenly opened his eyes and held out his hand.
“Give me your phone.”
“What?” You blurted out, leading to Jamil shushing you again. “Give me your phone. If Kalim sees you here, he’ll insist on having a mini party. I’ll go and distract Kalim, and I’ll message you when the coast is clear so you can leave.”
Oh… That was actually a pretty good idea. Scarabian foresight, you supposed. You reached into your blazer pocket and pulled out your phone, handing it to Jamil and he pressed the start button, clicking his tongue when he saw it light up instantly.
“You should really lock this,” he remarked as he began tapping away on your broken screen, “Azul would have a field day if he got hold of this.”
That he would.
Jamil tapped away silently on your phone for a little bit longer before handing it back to you. “Stay here and keep an eye on your phone. I’ll message you when you can leave. Make sure your quick.” Jamil said curtly, opening the door and stepping out. He turned to look at you right before he closed it, a hint of a sly smile tugging up his lips, “and you should really get your phone screen fixed.”
You stood awkwardly as you waited in the cramped closet, thinking over everything that had happened. Jamil had arranged for the party to be cancelled… You knew that Jamil usually got the bad end of the deal when it came to Kalim’s parties, always having to cook and arrange for things on top of all the other things that he had to do when he wasn’t wrangling Kalim. He could just be doing this for his own reasons, to lighten the load on his own shoulders. Or… Book four could have indeed started early and he cancelled the party so that he didn’t have all the housewardens sniffing around when he was coiling his grip around Scarabia.
You sighed as you crouched down and got a little more comfortable. Perhaps you were overreacting, and Jamil had no motive for doing this, it was just another way of keeping his head down and keeping his carefully crafted exterior looking ordinary and un-astounding.
… But you had seen the aftermath of book four, and Jamil certainly wasn’t the type to stick his neck out for anyone else, let alone you. So you really didn’t know what to think, and you just hoped with all your might that whatever it was, it wouldn’t cause you any more trouble.
Your phone vibrated in your hand, a message from Jamil popping up.
‘Go. Now.’ The message read, and you quickly shuffled to your feet and slowly opened the door, peaking out to make sure no one else was in the hallway before you quickly skuttled out of the closet, closing the door quietly and running as quietly as you could as you quickly made yourself out of the Scarabia dorm and towards the mirror portal.
You breathed a sigh of relief as you crossed over the threshold into the hall of mirrors, feeling a weight leaving your shoulders. You stopped for a moment at the entrance as you typed a quick message to Jamil to let him know you had gotten out undetected, and to thank him as well. You know, just in case it went a long way in the event that when he did eventually overblot, he might not throw you to the edge of the dorm along with the rest of the cast. Small victories, and all that.
As you hit send on the message, you got a peculiar feeling. The same feeling you got sometimes when fate decided that it wasn’t done messing with you yet. Or when someone was watching you.
You shouldn’t have stopped outside the hall of mirrors.
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Catching Wrio Off-Guard…or Not? - Part 3
Surprise Visit - Part 0 of 3 Taking Down an Oni - Part 1 of 3 Teasing a Childe - Part 2 of 3 Catching Wrio Off-Guard…or Not? - Part 3 of 3 (This Post), Also on AO3
Summary: Will the remaining two lovers, Lyney and Heizou, catch Wriothesley off guard and tickle him to pieces or will they be the ones getting tickled?
A/N: Here’s the final part, numero tres! Hope you enjoy it!
Word Count: 1095
Wriothesley still sat in his chair sipping his tea as he listened to the sounds of ticklish laughter echo around Aether’s house.
“Heh, Aether knows my preference in tea. Two cubes of sugar, just how I like it.”
He downed the last drops of tea before getting up and setting down the cup on a nearby table and immediately flicking both his wrists behind him.
“Gah!” a voice shouted before he heard a thump to his left.
“No!” another voice sounded to his right and fell to the same fate as the first.
“Pleasure to see you both come on time,” Wrio towered over Heizou and Lyney with his arms crossed. “Hope you don’t mind the restraints. Couldn’t let you both get your hands on me.”
They glared at him and struggled against their cuffs. Heizou with Cryo cuffs and Lyney with regular ones.
“You think you are sly, do you?” Heizou bit back.
“Oh? A tough cookie you are, detective. Just like the magician,” Wrio smirked at Heizou’s surprised look. “I’ve heard lots from Aether’s stories and you are mistaken if you can take me down, even with Lyney here.”
“Tch,” Heizou tried to break from his bonds again.
“Those aren’t coming off unless you have Pyro or my help,” Wrio called out while walking over to Lyney. “Struggle all you want while I deal with your boyfriend over here.”
“Don’t you dare touch me or you will suffer,” Lyney threatened.
“Ooh, I’m scared,” Wrio deadpanned.
He went for Lyney’s ribs causing him to cackle.
“NOhoHohOHO! WriOHohO! YoUHU- AHAHAhahaAHA!”
“Sorry. What were you going to say?” Wrio teased.
“Lyney! I’ll save you!” Heizou wiggled his way towards Lyney only to be met with Lyney’s panicked expression.
“DohOHon’t COHOHOME! AHAHAHA! WrioHOHO wihihill- GAHAHAHA!” Lyney tried to warn him.
“You should’ve listened to him,” Wriothesley shook his head before grabbing him and bringing him and Lyney side by side and getting both their ribs.
“AhahaHAHA! HohOHow stroHOHOng ARehehe youHU?!” Heizou shrieked, hiding his face in the crook of Lyney’s neck.
“Hehehei! THAHAT tihHIckles!” Lyney laughed.
“Heh, I got you both in my clutches now,” Wrio smirked triumphantly and roamed his hands over their sides causing them both to shake with laughter in his grasp.
“Hmm, where’s my next targ- huh?” Wriothesley’s eyes widened when he felt water on his hands and rapidly looked for the source.
His eyes fell on Heizou and his cuffed wrists. Somehow, he managed to slip his wrists next to Lyney’s own and took advantage of his Pyro vision to try and melt away his cuffs.
“A smart one you are, huh detective?” Wrio praised. “But not as quick and smart as me,” he immediately lifted Heizou’s arms over his head and froze them to the floor where there was some water for reinforcement.
Heizou was left shocked and helpless as Wrio’s attention was focused on him.
“Nonono!” Heizou helplessly wiggled on the floor as Wrio cracked his knuckles and descended upon him.
“It was inevitable, detective. Accept your fate.”
“I’m sure you will,” Wrio rolled his eyes, increasing the intensity. NAHAHAHA! “And you,” Wriothesley turned to Lyney who jumped. “Don’t think you can get away to call for help.” He pulled Lyney alongside Heizou but not too close. “Tickle tickle tickle~”
Wriothesley scribbled his fingers all over Lyney’s tummy making him double over and squeezing Heizou’s thighs causing him to try to curl inwards.
Ignoring their pleas, Wriothesley kept it up watching their reactions with amusement as he wrecked Lyney with practiced precision and learned to do the same with Heizou. He heard footsteps coming over and knew that his time was almost up.
“I guess that’s my cue for the finale.”
“Oh you poor magician, knowing what is coming.”
“It means this detective, ‘You are done for.’”
Wriothesley clawed both their armpits and they dissolved into ticklish laughter.
“BWAHAHAHA! AHAHAHA! HAHAHA!” Heizou laughed hysterically as he arched his back and tugged at his restraints. “NOHOHOHO! HEHEHEAHAHA!”
“GAHAHAHA! NAHAHAHA! PLEHEHE- AHAHAHA!” Lyney didn’t fare any better as he shook his head. “WRIOHOHAHAHA!”
They both crumbled under Wriothesley’s touch as he clawed, dug, and scratched their pits making them howl with laughter.
“Okay, I think that’s enough for you two,” he finally said, stopping when the others came in. He dusted himself off as he got up. “Nice to see all of you coming in,” he said nonchalantly as if he hadn’t wrecked two people a moment before. “Just finished my work.”
Heizou and Lyney gasped for breath as Wriothesley freed them.
“Hah…hah, freedom,” they said in unison.
“They look spent,” Aether laughed, picking up Lyney, and Wanderer doing the same with Heizou.
“You both got your asses kicked, huh?” Venti chuckled.
Lyney nor Heizou could be bothered to come up with a comeback as they laid on their boyfriends’ backs.
“What happened to Childe?” Wrio asked, noticing he wasn’t with them.
“He fell asleep.”
“He got his ass handed to him.”
“We knocked him out.”
“Oh. I guess he couldn’t compete with you guys.” I better not mess with these three. A god, one who almost became a god, and the one who has the strength of a god.
Itto, Xiao, Gaming, and Kazuha came strolling in with all of them looking spent, while Ushi walked in with Man Chai resting on his back
“Whoo! That was the most fun I had in a long time, but man am I exhausted,” Itto boisterously laughed as he sat on the couch.
“Heh, you could say that again,” Gaming chuckled, collapsing next to Itto.
“You are quite the formidable opponent when it comes to tickling,” Xiao said.
“I second that,” Kazuha yawned.
Aether went to get some snacks and drinks for everyone as they all chatted and waited for Childe to wake up.
“Hey guys,” a familiar voice entered the room. “What did I miss?”
“The man of the hour himself is here.”
“What were you guys talking about?”
“How you got wrecked by Aether, Venti, and Scara.”
Time passed by quickly and it was time for the trio to head home.
“Thanks for having us!” Itto and Childe grinned.
“No problem,” Aether smiled back.
“Come for tea whenever you are around in Fontaine,” Wrio waved.
“Will do,” Aether answered.
Everyone said their goodbyes with a promise of more tickle shenanigans in the future.
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that-gay-gal · 9 months
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My love mine all mine looking ahh /lyr /nsrs
Im not projecting onto him ahahaha your just crazy I swear I’m ok-
Anyway he’s listening to Mitski rn
And will part 6 of my comic ever be out?
…. Hopefully- look, I’m working on it. But my motivations’ at an all time low while both my procrastination and art block are having the time of their life making me suffer :’)
Not to mention all my other projects like my fic (Is That Godzilla?? On ao3) and etc.
Anyway pookies (IM KIDDING), have a good day :D
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talxns · 6 months
omg that hanahaki post you revolved with one of the prompts being “character a who is in a loving relationship but due to past trauma has trouble saying i love you has recurring bouts of hanahaki and their partner says it’s totally okay if they can’t say i love you yet they love character a anyway and even if they can’t these flowers are beautiful” that’s sooooo brudick coded
GOD yeah that post… it’s a better interpretation of the trope than the traditional one (in summary you throw up flowers as long as you have feelings for someone but aren’t confessing them, it’s not about having requited love or the pressure of loving someone back or they die). and it’s brudick coded for sure! of course i had them in mind when i saw it hehe
bruce being unable to express really vulnerable and emotional things meets dick’s inability to believe just how much bruce cares for him… their bed is covered in petals … wait ahahaha now i’m thinking of them having sex and dick expressing his love and bruce just. coughing up flowers on him. would that ruin the mood? shfkhkdjshfk
also consider: teenage dick struggling with his infatuation for bruce. dick trying very hard to keep his hanahaki a secret from him. when bruce discovers it, he assumes dick is crushing on girls. if barbara has entered the picture, he assumes it’s feelings for her. then if dick and babs start dating but dick is still throwing up flowers it turns the relationship sour, but babs would understand what it means. dick refuses to burden bruce with this. he doesn’t want to ruin their relationship and lose him. he’ll just let himself suffer to keep the relative peace.
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The Clone Wars 4x5 'Mercy Mission' Reaction
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eeeeeeeeeeee Wolffe!
Omg he’s so grumpy and done with everything and long suffering already I love him so much
You can tell from the first word he says. That “We’ve” was basically sighed with so much disgruntlement.
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Ahahahaha he’s so pissed that he’s not there supporting Plo. Why has my General been left by himself? *humph* That is barely concealed displeasure that he’s been diverted from his duties. Wolffe said ‘Orders’ in such a particular tone that made it pretty damn clear how pissed he is. He’s so grumpy. I love him.
How often do the clones interact with Senators? Or at least Padmé? I should imagine Rex and Cody would more than others (Rex is probably so done with Anakin pretending to be subtle) but this feels like the first time I’ve seen a clone directly report to a Senator. 
I’m again struck by just how Aussie the clones sound. Or maybe Generic Antipodean/slightly British at best. That is not a Kiwi accent. Give the clones the Kiwi accent they deserve. 
That shot of the ships in space flying over the curved edge of the planet with a sun in the background feels like a homage to something. 2001: A Space Odyssey? That’s usually what gets referenced. The music here is gorgeous.
This is probably going to be a very unpopular opinion but it kind of feels like the clones are being a bit dickish to the droids? Please don’t eat me alive
Omg the LAAT/i’s have nose cone art of Plo and his troopers. I think I’ve seen this in previous episode's but I still love seeing it again.
“Greeeeeeaaaaaaaat, it’s gonna be another one of those planets.” omg I love you random clone trooper pilot. They’re all so grumpy. The entire Wolf Pack is just so grumpy. Maybe that’s a prerequisite for being part of the Wolf Pack. Eternal grumpiness.
My god Wolffe, that is some jaw line
“Ah, did you get that?” ahahahaha the dryness of that line. Insert your cliches about being drier than Tatooine here.
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That is some Star Trek bridge shaking level acting going on in the after shock
Ugh he’s so gruff and rough and just ugh do me commander
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“We’re good, but not that good.” ahahaha the sarcasm is off the charts
Oh hey Sinker is still around! Hey Sinker!
Do all of the Wolf Pack have the same paint? Usually it’s fairly easy to tell between the different clones but I can’t spot the differences as well with them. Maybe it’s the grey paint? I think Sinker has grey sections on the bottom of his helmet but the rest of his armour seems to be the same as the rest of the Wolf Pack. They all have the same patterned left pauldron.
Oh hey it’s Boost as well! Hey Boost! I hope he and Sinker and Wolffe and Plo are doing ok after the Malevolence. Ok doesn’t feel like the right word for what happened to them but I can’t think of the right one. Wookieepedia has just informed me that the Malevolence was inspired by the Bismarck, which makes sense.
Back to the paint of the Wolf Pack, Boost has grey spikes under the horizontal section of his visor but that’s the only difference I can spot. At least it’s better than his hair XD
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Lmao Boost could you be any more trigger happy
Omg after Boost kicks open the door, the shot pans up and Sinker is just standing there like a model, slightly bent knee and all. 
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I love how much you can tell that Wolffe takes absolutely no shit just from the way he moves and carries himself. 
Omg the sneer over his shoulder. If he glared at me like that my knees would absolutely buckle.
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“Do I need this?” CACKLING
“A firm hand.” I bet that’s not the only place where Wolffe has a firm hand omg help me the thots are taking over
“I have a bad feeling about this.” Star Wars cliche klaxon
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I’m only noticing this because I remember a post pointing this out but Wolffe really does waddle in his kama. The poor man definitely has back problems. He's so stiff.
I love the way that Aleena takes a moment to realise they’ve been left with Wolffe and suddenly has this ridiculously exaggerated horrified and terrified expression on their face before fleeing. 
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It’s the Ents! Does that make R2-D2 and C-3PO Merry and Pippin?
Is Orphne supposed to be some kind of alien villainous femme fatale? Gestures matching words? What is this, a high school theatre production? 
Fire. Soil. Water. What is this, a Captain Planet reference?
R2 did you just pee on Orphne’s floor?!
The vapours! *faints*
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The music is beautiful here too. The Kiner’s did such a good job.
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That’s Boost and Sinker standing next to Wolffe with two very understanding tilts of their buckets.
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Ah, so that’s where the gifs of Wolffe wincing comes from. Also, Sir, those are some seriously sharp cheekbones. 
“I couldn’t agree more, Sir.” Sinker being the very supportive Sergeant there.
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Look at Wolffe standing there all sassy with his hand on his hip and blaster. 
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Including this gif for the look down and up. There is something about Wolffe that is just uuuuuuuuuuuuuugh
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i have no excuse for naming this what i named it 😭
lee: Han
lers: Chan and Changbin
“aaand…JISUNG!” Chan exclaimed as Jisung misses his line for the 5th time. 
Jisung looks to the ground sadly and sighs. “sorry hyung, i’m really out of it today”
“How about we play a game?” Changbin suggests.
Changbin and Chan both exchange evil glances behind Jisung’s back.
“Yeah, I think I will be fine after I take a little break..” Jisung agrees.
“Hmmm but what game should we play?” Chan asks Changbin, both smirking.
“Let’s play hide-and-seek!” Changbin shouts.
“But-just to make it more interesting- how about we have a punishment?” Chan asks.
“Wait wait wait why should there be a puni-” Jisung starts. However, he gets interrupted by the loud counting of the two eldest, and Jisung’s eyes widened and he bolted out of the room, not bothering to shut the door behind him. 
“aaaand thirty!!! READY OR NOT HERE WE COOOME!!” Both Chan and Changbin shouted. 
meanwhile Jisung hid behind an open door, getting odd looks from Minho and Felix, who silently laughed at his terrified face.
It took about ten minutes for the evil lers to reach the room Jisung was hiding in. They both walked into the room and walked to the bed to question Minlix, unaware of Jisung behind them. Han took this as a chance and bolted out of the room, getting the attention of the two boys and they shouted, chasing after him and leaving Minho and Felix laughing and pointing at them. 
Jisung screamed loudly as he ran, 2basco right on his tail. They managed to corner him in the room they started, and Chan locked the door while Changbin cornered him. Han giggled nervously as they both approached him, cruel smirks on their faces. 
“So, we caught you~” Chan giggled out 
“So now u need a punishment” Binnie points out. 
“ah! how convenient! I’ve been keeping a stopwatch and it took us 13 minutes and 44 seconds to catch you!” Chan explained while showing his phone with a paused stopwatch.
“And why would you need to keep track of that?” Han questions suspiciously, his eyes narrowing.
“cause that’s how long your punishment is going to last.” Changbin clarifies.
“Well, at least tell me what my punishment is.”
Chan and Changbin both lunged forward suddenly and gripped one of Jisung’s arms to the wall above his head with one of their own arms. Jisung shrieked in surprise finding himself immobile and Chan started a timer. They wasted no time and dug hands roughly into Han’s small waist. 
“wait what’s happen- AHAHAHA!”
“Well, we decided this was a fit punishment so now u suffer~” Chan smiled at Jisung’s wiggling as his knees shook with the task of keeping him steady on the ground.
They both dug their hand into one of Han’s armpits and he screamed, his body shaking as the two others quickly moved on, leaning down (in Binnie’s case, at least 😂) and they grabbed his thighs and kneaded and squeezed roughly.
“HAHAHAHAHA PLEAAHHA HYUNGAHA” was the only thing that Jisung could get out of his throat. He had never been tickled like this before. It was so amazing, and rough, and it tickled so so so badly.
Chan and Binnie both stopped abruptly to give him a break, as Jisung looked like he was in a daze, face flushed and wet with tears. 
They waited a minute before Chan made a fist, Changbin soon following.
“wait wait WAIT DONT HURT ME-” Jisung pleaded before they both shoved their fists at his ribs and knuckled his ribs roughly.
Jisung let out a scream so raw that his throat hurt, his knees buckled and his laughter silenced after 10 seconds of nonstop cackles and screams with tears streaming down his face. 
Han’s brain felt like mush and he was unable to think about anything except: ‘it tickles it tickles OH MY GOD IT TICKLES’. And soon enough the lers stopped seeing he was just about to faint, and the timer rang faintly in the background. 
Chan and Binnie let go of his arms and sank to the floor with him, rubbing at his torso to get rid of ghost tickles and wiping the tears off his face as Jisung panted and hiccuped. 
“Oho my gohod that was-“ Jisung started.
“Did we go too far? We’re so sorry Sungie” Binnie suddenly started apologizing.
“NO no I…needed that. Thank you”
“I don’t think anyone has ever THANKED me for tickling them” Chan teased
“Yeah, you sure you didn’t like this Jisung?” Changbin added, smirking.
“I actually did like it” Jisung turned red while admitting.
“AWE THAT’S SO CUTEEE!!!” Chan squealed.
“just…WOW, you mean…can i just ask you and i can get this?” Jisung asked, still turning red. 
“Yeah, of course! Just tell us Sungie” Changbin says while standing, offering a hand to Jisung. Chan stands up as well, and 3RACHA heads back to the desks to continue recording their song.
i hope you enjoyed! please check my intro before interacting! 😊💗
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Ikemen Villains - Elbert Greetia
These translations are not intended as a replacement for the game. Please support Cybird by buying their stories. Expect grammatical errors. Not 100% accurate.
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He responded with a smile that was so captivating that I almost forgot how to breathe.
But then一
???: “Is that you, Kate?”
(Huh? This voice...)
Kate: “Danny?”
I turned to look at the familiar voice and saw a colleague from the post office waving his hand with a surprised look.
Danny: “Long time no see! I didn’t expect to see you here.”
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Elbert: “And you are?”
Danny: “Hi, I’m Danny. Kate’s coworker, well, former coworker. And this is my girlfriend, Loretta.”
Elbert: “Elbert Greetia.”
The woman introduced as Loretta was staring at Elbert with a starstruck expression.
(I hope she snaps out of it before Danny notices her.)
Danny: “I see you snag a handsome boyfriend. Where did you two meet?”
Kate: “Huh!? Um, while working at the palace?”
Danny: “Why the question mark? Also, didn’t you just start working at the palace a few weeks ago? And now you’re getting married?”
Kate: “I-It does seem quite fast. Ahahaha!”
(I didn’t consider coming up with a plausible explanation that wouldn’t raise suspicions for acquaintances.)
As I forced a smile and broke into a cold sweat, someone suddenly wrapped their arm around my waist and hugged me.
There was only one person here who would do such a thing.
Kate: “Elbert?”
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Elbert: "You, too, should only look at me."
I couldn't help but blush as he sweetly whispered over my shoulder.
Kate: "Ah. S-Sorry."
I could only squeeze out those words as my voice trembled.
Danny: "He really loves you."
Danny: "Tell me more about it next time, okay? Sorry for interrupting you guys. Best wishes!"
Danny took his girlfriend with him and smiled as they walked away.
(How will I explain this next time I see him?)
Elbert: "Sorry."
Kate: "It's okay! I was struggling, and you helped me out."
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Elbert: "That's true, but as I stared at you, I couldn't help but want you to turn around.” **
Kate: "Huh?"
Elbert: "What's wrong?"
Kate: "Nothing!"
He doesn't seem to have any intention of teasing or flirting with me.
(It seems like he simply expressed what he was thinking.)
He removed his arm from my waist, but I couldn't move from the spot, and my cheeks were taking their time to cool down.
(He probably didn't have any deep intention. I should quit reading too much into it.)
Wanting to shake off my restlessness, I turned my gaze to my surroundings.
(Thank god. Everyone stared at us when we arrived earlier, but now, most of them are absorbed in their partners.)
I felt happy and frustrated as I saw Danny and Loretta laughing together in the distance.
(I can't believe these happy couples could disappear.)
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Elbert: "I bet none of them ever thought that their current happiness would be destroyed."
He seemed to be looking at the lovers with the same feelings as I was, and I could sense the sadness in his mumbled words.
(What's happening here must be stopped.)
Kate: "Let's do our best not to let their happiness be destroyed."
Elbert: "Yeah."
Elbert: "They can still make it."
("Can still make it?")
The words stuck with me, but the sadness in his profile as he gazed at the happy scene made the question stuck in the back of my throat disappear.
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After the party, the cultist stopped us and told us we had passed.
He also told us that the wedding would take place tomorrow and assigned us a room to stay at the church.
That night, we sneaked out of our room and found multiple coffins in the basement, confirming that the lovers had been stabbed to death after examining their bodies.
(They were probably killed during the ceremony since they were still wearing their dresses.)
Elbert: "Are you okay?"
Kate: "I'm fine. Let's complete the mission to save more unfortunate lovers from suffering."
(I used the word "complete," but now that we know Amour is guilty, he has to take the killer's life tomorrow.)
I wanted to stop this whole thing, but just thinking about his hands getting dirty hurt me so badly.
(Elbert was considerate and concerned about the possibility that I might get hurt.)
(He's kind and grieves for the misfortunes of the couples, and yet...)
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Elbert: "You don't have to look so sad."
Elbert: "I guarantee your safety. I won't let the couples die anymore, so一"
???: "What are you doing here?"
I turned around to see a sharp-eyed cultist staring at us from across the hallway, holding a lantern.
Elbert then covered me with his back to hide me.
Elbert: "We were just taking a night stroll. What about you? What are you doing here at this hour?"
Sharp-eyed cultist: "It's none of your business. Please go back to your rooms. It's not safe to go out here at night."
(That's an unusual choice of words for a cultist.)
Elbert also seemed to sense this, and after a few seconds of contemplation, he spoke up.
Elbert: "You don't seem to be a member of this group."
Sharp-eyed cultist: "----!"
Elbert: "Does what we saw in the basement have anything to do with this?"
Sharp-eyed cultist: "You've seen it. Well, then, to make the story short. I'm一"
The guy revealed an unexpected truth, and we made a certain promise before parting ways.
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Female cultist: "Then, I'll call the groom for you."
Kate: "Yes. Thank you for everything."
Wearing the jet-black dress from the black box that Elbert had brought, I saw off the female cultist who helped me get ready and do my makeup.
(I've never seen such a gorgeous, beautiful dress before. I'm a little uneasy.)
As I grew restless, I turned my head to the door after hearing it open.
Kate: "Elbert, thank you for the dress."
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Elbert: "..........."
Kate: "Elbert? Something wrong?"
Elbert: "No. It's nothing."
Kate: "Can I really wear this dress? It's yours, right?"
Elbert: "I found it after accepting the mission. I thought it would look good on you, so I got it."
Elbert: "Does wearing the dress bother you?"
Kate: "----!"
Elbert: "Does it?"
Kate: "No! I'm happy. Thank you."
Elbert: "As I thought, it looks good on you."
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Elbert: "Maybe I should just lock you up like this."
I felt a hint of darkness in the way he stared at me.
It was similar to the heavy, intense gaze he had when he was contemplating whether or not to cut the roses blooming in the garden.
I felt my entire body entangled in the beautiful dress he had given me and his gaze, and a shiver ran down my spine.
Kate: "You're good at giving compliments! I almost took you seriously there for a moment."
I couldn't help but avert my gaze.
Kate: "Come on, let's go, Elbert. Let's go get married."
Elbert: "Yeah, sure."
Elbert: "I pledge my undying love to you, my pretend bride."
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Part 1┆Part 2┆Premium End┆Epilogue
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rengokusflames · 9 months
~Goofing around ~
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Summary: While Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitsu stay to settle at the old lady’s place, they decide to go to sleep. But something more playful comes their way🪶
(I took a scene from a episode and changed it to make it a playful time lol)
Orange text=Zenitsu
Blue text= Inosuke
Green text=Tanjiro
All of them are laying down on the beds the sweet lady offered them. Tanjiro is in the middle so Inosuke and Zenitsu don’t fight, But Zenitsu and Inosuke can’t seem to get along still. Zenitsu is still annoyed with how Inosuke acted back at the creepy mansion where they found the older brother of the 2 younger kids.
“You sorry?…” He asked with a straight face.
“Not really.” He told him with a straight face making Zenitsu more annoyed.
“JUST APOLOGIZE!!” He yelled. His straight face was replaced with a angry look. “Forget it!” The 2 seemed to start arguing again.
“Hey! Be nice!” Tanjiro scolded both of them. He couldn’t understand why they can’t just make up and be friends.
“Look Inosuke…We just won’t eat with you if you act that way.”
“Huh?! How’s that related?!” Inosuke was confused by this.
“Because meals always taste better when you eat together y’know?…”
“Yea, he’s right!” He responded.
“Did the 2 of you hit your heads or something?” He asked with a werid look. Although Inosuke still was talking calm. Despite him being aggressive….He’s not really yelling! So far… “LIKE YOUR THE ONE TO TALK ABOUT THAT!!” Zenitsu yelled AGAIN. These 2 really started to annoy Tanjiro. He remembers how his little siblings would argue and whine a lot which drove Tanjiro crazy as a older brother. But now that he lost all his little siblings besides Nezuko. He missed them so so much…The poor boy has been through a lot and still manages to keep a smile on his face.
Tanjiro just chuckles. His annoyance now gone. “You guys are starting to remind me of my younger siblings who used to argue with each other a lot.” Boy…He should have never said that.
“Wait what?” He tilts his head. While Inosuke seems offended by this comment.
“EH?! WHATS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN GONPACHIRO?! ARE YOU TRYING TO OFFEND US?” Inosuke sits up from his bed and looks at Tanjiro straight in the eyes giving him a angry glare.
“W-What? No no! It’s not like that! I just find it funny! That’s all! I wasn’t trying to offend you guys. And for the record…My name is Tanjiro not Gonpachiro!” He seems embarrassed about saying that, he never wanted to make his friends upset by this. He also wishes Inosuke would say his name correct for once lol.
“WHY ARE YOU GETTING OFFENDED SO EASILY?! Don’t worry, Tanjiro! I’m not offe-” Zenitsu is interrupted by Inosuke.
“HOW DARE YOU DISRESPECT ME?! YOU KNOW WHAT U WERE SAYING! YOU SHALL SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES!” Inosuke yells at Tanjiro, still saying his name wrong. As he tries to tackle Tanjiro. Zenitsu tries stopping him by grabbing his arms.
“Hey hey! Enough Pighead! Leave him alone he didn’t want to offend you!”
“GET OFF ME! I NEED TO TEACH THIS IDIOT NOT TO MESS WITH ME!” Inosuke pushes Zenitsu off him pretty harshly that Zenitsu even yelps. But he doesn’t care. He glares at Tanjiro. “Inosuke! C-Calm down! I was just- AGH!” He is tackled by Inosuke. Zenitsu immediately screams.
“TANJIROOOOOO! NOOOOOO!! DONT HURT-…Huh?…” As he tries to defend Tanjiro he realizes something… Tanjiros Hands are pinned down by Inosuke, Inosuke uses his free hand to tickle Tanjiros neck and armpits. Inosuke….is tickling him?…Zenitsu just watches with a confused look and raised eyebrow while Tanjiro is dying of laughter.
“AHAHAHA! INOSUKE- HAHAHA PLEHEHEASE STAHAHAP!!! IM SORRY! AHAHAHAHAHA!” He laughed hysterically as Inosuke got his worst spots tickled.
“Oh your sorry? Well I’m not stopping! This is what you get. Mwahaha! Die, die, die!” Inosuke tickles very fast and this just makes poor Tanjiro laugh even more hysterically. His laugh is so adorable!
“ZENITSUUU! HELP! *snort* AHAHAHA! ME! HAHAHAHA” he cries out. Zenitsu thinks about it for a second…Before joining Inosuke and tickling Tanjiro too. He tickles his sides and stomach making him squeal.
“Sorry, Tanjiro…But I’m honestly REALLY enjoying your laugh!” He chuckled.
“That’s right! He’s on team Inosuke! We are gonna tickle the life out of you. HIYAAA!” He tickles Tanjiro EVEN faster! While Zenitsu focuses on tickling his sides and stomach. Tanjiro can’t even breath anymore due to how much it tickles! But…Thankfully…After 3 more minutes of tickles…They let him go. Poor Tanjiro is breathing heavily.
“You ok?” Zenitsu helps Tanjiro sit up.
“Yes…I just…am out of…breath…” He breathes heavily and chuckles with Zenitsu.
“We are still friends right?…” He asks worried.
“Of course! Of course! Don’t you worry. :D”
“HAH! Your pathetic! Can’t even handle a few tickling?!” Inosuke wiggles his fingers.
“Oh shut up! Leave him be!”
“I’m not talking to you, noisy!” He rolls his eyes. While Zenitsu suddenly has an idea.
“Hey Inosuke…Your not ticklish are you?! I know you aren’t pathetic.” Zenitsu gives him a playful smirk.
“Well, of course not!…Tsk…” He seems to be avoiding eye contact.
“Inosuke, why are you avoiding eye contact?!” He chuckles. Tanjiro seems to find Inosukes reaction funny. It’s clear he is lying.
“Be quiet, Monjiro! I’m just focusing on something else!” Inosuke seems to be having a tiny bit of blush on his face. Both Zenitsu and Tanjiro laugh at this.
“Sure buddy…Sure…” Zenitsu smirks more.
“Everyone is ticklish! There is no need to be embarrassed by it, Inosuke!” He chuckles some more and tries to reassure him.
“Shut up! Shut up! I’m not ticklish! I am not weak, hmph!” He makes a pouty face and looks the other way crossing his arms. Tanjiro giggles at his reaction while Zenitsu sneaks up behind him and starts to tickle his ribs. “H-HEY! HAHA WHAHAHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING, IDIOT? HAHA!!” He tries pulling away from Zenitsu. By trying to punch him and push him away but nothing is working.
“You are ticklish! I knew it! Tickle tickle tickle! Guess your not the big strong man you are huh?!” He moves to his armpits. Making Inosuke laugh EVEN harder. His laugh is werid….But at the same time goofy!
“YOU DUMB@SS!! AHAHAHA! I HATE YOU SOHOHO MUCH! GAHAHAHAHA! *snort* HAHAHA!!” Inosuke is now on the floor trying to fight Zenitsu off. And it seems to be working. Zenitsu quickly panics and tries yelling for Tanjiro.
“TANJIRO!! HELP ME DEFEAT HIM! I CANT DO IT BY MYSELF AHHHH!” He’s now pinned down by Inosuke.
“Sorry, Zenitsu…But since you helped Inosuke instead of helping me…Your on your own this time!” He gives a slight smirk.
“HAH! YOU HEARD HIM! YOUR SO DEAD!!” Inosuke tries to pin his arms down. But Zenitsu isn’t making it easy. He keeps wiggling and trying to kick him.
“OI! QUIT MOVING AROUND! OR IL DO THIS THE HARD WAY!” Inosuke threatened him. He was getting so mad that Zenitsu wouldn’t stop moving.
“Don’t worry! Il help you, Inosuke.” Tanjiro grabs Zenitsu arms and pins them down, While Inosuke managed to pin his legs down too.
“I’m still gonna do this the hard way! So you better be ready!”
“W-Wait! No please! I promise Il stop moving just don’t do it the hard way!” He really began to panic. He couldn’t wait for what Inosuke was about to do. Inosuke tries moving the clothes the old lady offered them to expose his bare belly only. When he saw Inosuke take a deep breath…He knew it was absolutely over for him.
“NO NO NO! ANYTHING BUT THAT! NOOO!” He yelled in panic.
“THIS IS FOR TRYING TO ATTACK ME, YOU LITTLE IDIOT!!” Before you know it. Inosuke faceplants into his stomach and starts to give him massive aggressive raspberries. Making Zenitsu Squeak like a mouse. While Tanjiro tickles under his chin and neck.
“AHAHAHAHA HAHAHA *squeal* IT TICKLES TOO MUCH- BAHAHAHA! TANJIRO! INOSUKE! STAHAHAP! Zenitsu was laughing so so much! He kinda sounded like a squeaky toy!
“Haha! This is what you get, Zenitsu! Your gonna have to survive this!” He chuckles as Inosuke still is giving him raspberries. Zenitsu kicks and squirms to be let free, but it’s no use. Inosuke seems to stop after the 10th raspberry. Letting Zenitsu catch his breath. But after a minute Inosuke starts tickling his belly button, making him laugh hysterically again.
“NOHOHOOOOO! I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE!! HAHAHA AHAHAHA!” He shakes his head and starts going crazy. Tanjiro just chuckled and continues tickling him. Moving to tickle behind the ears, Zenitsu is just dying at this point.
“Zenitsu, Your laugh is so contagious that it’s making me laugh aswell!” He chuckles.
“Il stop if you tell me I’m better then you!” Inosuke gives Zenitsu a big annoying smirk.
“NEVER! AHAHAHA! HAHA!!” He squealed.
“Then, you will suffer! Mwahaha!” The 2 of them continue to tickle him. Zenitsu starts running out of breath, so he has no choice but to surrender.
“That’s what i like to hear! Hah!” He gives Zenitsu a few pats on the stomach then let’s him go.
“Are you alright, Zenitsu?” He seems worried if he went too far with the tickling. Tanjiro gives Zenitsu a pat on the shoulder.
“I…Guess…” He sits up as he managed to catch his breath. Tanjiro then pulls them both close to him.
“Alright…To make sure you 2 are getting along now. Give each other a hug!” He smiles at them.
“But what if he crushes me?!”
“Zenitsu…Inosuke…Cmon! If you guys hug and apologize to each other. Il make sure to reward you both with your favorite food!” Tanjiro gives them both a sweet smile trying to make them get along. Zenitsu managed to hug Inosuke first.
“*sigh* I’m…Sorry for fighting with you…” he mumbled annoyed but ATLEAST he apologized!
“It’s…Err…Fine! Whatever…Im S…or….ry” Inosuke said it annoyed too. He even had trouble saying the word, but he honestly just wanted the food. He started to squeeze him harder, but Zenitsu tried not to make a sound despite how tight the hug is now.
“Thank you both! I’m glad you apologized to each other! Now…I want you both to try not to argue so much, can you do that for me, please?”
“Fine…” Both of them said at the same time still with a annoyed tone. But Tanjiro ignored it and just smiled back at them.
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iheartmomochi · 1 year
Momochi CR released wiretapped recording “The Fateful August 8th 10PM” translation
Important: as always i DID NOT make this translation. I commissioned currytantou on twitter, so all credit goes to them! here is their carrd in case you also want to commission them! please do not repost this translation anywhere or use it for re-translations into another language.
you can listen to the cd here
[phone vibrates] Hmph, you answered quickly. Were you waiting for my call? I see. If you’re behaving like a good girl, maybe I should let you know some good news later?~ Wanna know? Then, wait and look forward to it. I’m on my way home. Huh? Me? Well, I can’t say I’m not happy but actually, what makes you think that way?
Huh, what the heck? Are you trying to say that you can tell how I’m feeling from my voice tone through the phone? Can you not get cocky just because I praised you a little? Anyway, make sure to behave until I’m home. Okay, I’m gonna end the call. [phone ends]
(sighs) Alright, I gotta hurry h- Whaaaa..! Owww...! Hold on! What’s wrong with this place? It’s flooded??! Isn’t that dangerous?! What’s the deal with this office, seri- Ah. Judah messed up the tank of this water dispenser...Aggh, seriously?! How ridiculous! It’s his fault! Ugh. Actually, where the heck is that guy Judah? I totally forgot about him because of the PR problem. In the first place, the talk about that matter is still not- (sighs) Nobody’s around too. Ahh, seriously. He’s gonna get a piece of me next time I see him. I’m never gonna forgive him! (sighs)
Anyway, how am I supposed to deal with this? I’m gonna stand out and it’s gonna be difficult to grab a taxi. Ahh, seriously. I want to go home soon. This seriously sucks! Do I have something I wear in the locker?
Thank god I have a change of clothes. Although I don’t remember why I have shirts for training sessions? This outfit should be fine since all that’s left is to grab a taxi and go back home. Anyway, finally I can go home. Actually, what’s with today? I’m so tired! Survival’s reunion is the only good thing- Huh? (gasps) Those voices..? Are they still around? Wh-what should I do? I have to hide! I’m gonna be in another trouble if they find me!
(sighs) ...Hm? You guys are still around? It’s Saturday anyway, so I thought you’ve left... Huh, this? Uhh, things happened and I had to change. Ah! Y-yes..! Actually, I trained afterwards. I mean, look! An album is coming so I don’t think it’s a waste of time to train...! Ah. Uh. Uhm. Actually, I don’t know many details yet either. Ahahaha..! Yeah, maybe. So, I think you guys should wait for the follow-up report too. Huh?! To-together?! But I’m already- Uhh... Again, they’re not listening to me..!
[door unlocks] (sighs) I’m back... I see. You’re worried because I’m late. Obviously something happened! What other reasons could explain why I’m this late! Each and every one of them! Nobody can read the room! Enough is enough. You too, you sure got some audacity to say that first thing first! Hm. I know. Perhaps you wanted to get hurt after a while? Which reminds me, you were being so conceited on the phone earlier. You pretended to behave but you were actually provoking me. Nghh..! Hehe!
How’s that? This is what you wanted, right? Hm, am I wrong? Then, what do you want? If it’s not something suffering, something painful? Or are you saying both? But, right. You were waiting the whole day after all. This is not enough, right? Hehe! What a helpless girl. Ngh!!
Sure, I’ll keep you accompanied tonight. Once Survival reunites, I’ve no time to pay attention to you anyway. Just in time.
Apparently. Besides, it’s an album this time. Just Veronica. Which means, I’m gonna be busier. Keep that in mind. Hey. You seem to be lost in thoughts. What’s up? Hurry up and come over- Well, of course. With an album, we’ll have three new songs. What? Are you that happy you could hear me singing again? I see. Then, how about you try to be on your best behavior and don’t make my motivation drop. (pecks) Hehe!
Now what should I do? Tomorrow is the day off that I've been eagerly waiting for. I have all the time we need. Bear it no matter what I do to you. Don’t even think of shrieking. We had a tough time moving into this place. You, too, will be in trouble if people think weirdly of us. Hm? Can you do it? I see. Now come over, quick. I’ve had the worst day but finally I could have some fun. Hehe!
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allamericanb-tch · 3 months
only the brave thoughts (1)
chapter 1
i’m so invested in this already
dorcas!!! my fav
background rosekiller ?! they’re my everything
ooh regulus is a prefect
eugh snape
wait i got distracted a new chapter of a diff fic im reading got posted 
regulus and remus just got paired together moonwater is my fav platonic ship ever
“It’s annoying to him that Sirius seems to only have good looking friends.” BYE
ooh pov switch hello james
oh peter i hope i love peter in this
wait what year are they in (im sure we will find out later)
literally the next sentence— “Last time he saw Regulus, on this very train on the last day of their sixth year and Regulus’ fifth,” so they’re in seventh year and regulus is a sixth year
oooh james is seeing regulus
sirius thinking james is distracted by lily ahahaha
chapter 2
“Regulus can’t sleep.” me core
dorcas i love her so much
“”I was with someone,” she whispers, surprising him somewhat.” marlene ?!
who is this blair
dorcas and regulus coming out to each other i love them
james pov switch
they’re brewing amortentia ooooh
james smells lavender im almost certain that will come up with regulus later
sirius smelling chocolate and being upset about it wolfstar wolfstar wolfstar wolfstar
regulus pov switch
i love barty he makes me giggle
omg regulus is overhearing marlene and lily talking about james’ amortentia smelling like lavender… lily smells like lavender… oh no
this conversation oh my
“Regulus thinks he’s going to pass out. How are these girls discussing this so casually? Like it’s no big deal? His palms are sweaty and he’s pretty sure he’s hyperventilating. And yet, for some reason, he cannot force himself back into his chair. He wants to hear what the girls say about the possibility of James Potter - the straightest bloke to ever exist - liking a dude.”
noooo lily don’t ask him out
this is stressful
chapter 3
quidditch practice woo hoo
“There should be no one here. No one at all.” pleeeease i hope it’s regulus
“James wants to hit on him.” go get your man james
they need to kiss so bad the tension omg
regulus pov ahhhh
oh, regulus. dear sweet regulus.
pandora i love pandora
“You’re in a cave. It’s dark, and wet, and cold, and you’re afraid. You’re very afraid.” oh??? this is so cassandra coded
the sun is james
ooohhh the party
eavesdropping again are we reggie
eye contact omg
what is sirius yapping about
chapter 4
james is tweaking out rn
james is telling remus and lily he has a crush… please tell me lily doesn’t think it’s her
oh no remus is leaving remus you are not the wingman you think you are right now
JAMES SAID HE wait did lily even notice
james what are you doing
regulus pov !!
background rosekiller is background rosekilling
they’re calling regulus a dragon this is so funny
reggie’s plotting
oh he’s just being a good friend
hello did james just burn down remus’ bed as a ploy to make wolfstar happen
oh remus is pissed
chapter 5
eugh blair
omg regulus you icon
i want to know his little plan for vengeance SO BAD
regulus is looking for james abhhh
“James’ hands. He’s going to kill whoever did this to him. Slowly. Painfully. He’ll make them suffer. Drag it out.” it’s funny bc james did it
omg james thinks regulus is sirius
this is making me nervy
james pov switch
eeeee party time
see james is being a good wingman right now
james and pete plotting to make wolfstar happen
“He wishes Regulus would show up” i have news for you james
omg regulus is here
ahhhh james is walking over
omg is marlene gonna ask dorcas out
remus and regulus talking hello
i mean i can’t just end it here
chapter 6
a cigarette 
platonic moonwater save me platonic moonwater
regulus running straight into james and then just insulting him
hrnghhhh i know this fic was tagged with slow burn but i want them to get together so bad
sirius pov jump scare
“Sirius is seriously (haha)” BYE
“Remus smiles, lifts his arm. Sirius ducks under it immediately. It’s one of his favourite places in the world. Next to Remus. Touching Remus. Remus smells so nice, like chocolate, and the outdoors. Sirius could bottle Remus’ scent and carry it in his pocket.” how has he not realized
aww they’re hugging
james pov again
oh my
“You have exactly one minute to tell me that the crush you need getting rid of isn’t on Regulus Black,”
james is lying booooo tomato tomato
james is going to buy cigarettes for regulus (!!!!!!)
gasp the pub goers are taking about voldy
the prank ☹️
dumbledore isn’t being useless for once! huzzah!
HELLO??? ENDING??? I CANT BE EXPECTED TO JUST STOP READING THIS but i’m reading it with my friend so i can’t get ahead
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that-gay-gal · 10 months
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Part 5!!! Tada! It’s done! Idk how long it took (the art app I’m using glitched out) but ik it took more than… 5 minutes, I think
Prev -> Part 5 -> Part 6
UGH why won’t Raph just talk to his brothers about himself!!! AGHHH
Hypocritical, right? Like I could easily fix this… but angst is fun so… We r gonna suffer for a lil while longer. Stay strong guys
But yeah, this one was fun to draw :)) Krang Raph is rlly hard but really cool to draw
Anyway, next part is gonna be all Pb & J duo, so yippee ig (while this comic is mostly Raph centric, I still want the others to get traumati- I mean development :))
And yes, Raph is supposed to not have his arm-thingies, he is literally washing his hands. And no, I don’t know where they went (lol)
Have a good day <3 love u guys
Note: I’m actually so stupid I forgot Mikey’s bandages AHAHAHA (how did I miss those 👺)
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Kanato Maniac [Epilogue]
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ー The scene starts in the forest
Yui: Kanato-kun! Kanato-kun!!
...Haah...! Kanato-kun...Where are you!?
Yui: ーー !?
( Don’t tell me...Has Father come after mーー )
*Rustle rustle*
Kanato: ...
Yui: ( Eh...? )
Kanato-kun...? ーー Kanato-kun!
ー Yui runs up to Kanato and embraces him
Yui: I’m so glad...! I missed you...!
Kanato: ...How are you...?
Yui: Well, it’s a long story...
Yui: But for now, let’s run away! Okay? 
Kanato: ...
...I wonder why? I can hear her voice...
But...Yui-san should be dead...?
Yui: Kanato-kun, what are you saying...?
Kanato: Aah, I see...I understand now...
You are also an illusion trying to trick me, aren’t you...?
Yui: I-I’m not...! I’m no illusioーー
Kanato: Fufu...Fufufufu. I have no business with frauds. 
*Drip drip drip* 
Yui: ( What’s this dripping sound...? )
Kanato: I’ll use this stake...No, I’ll use my powers to kill you. 
*Thud thud* 
Yui: ...Why...?
( The wooden stake he dropped on the floor is dyed a deep crimson, you can barely even recognize it... )
( Is this what Kanato-kun has been using to...? )
Kanato: ...Are you scared? However, you are not getting away...
I want everyone messing with my head to disappear from my life.
Yui: C-Calm down...Kanato-kun!
I’m the real one...! I’m not lyingーー 
Kanato: Shut up! Not another word!!
Yui: ーー Kyaah!?
Seiji: ーー Yui!!
ー Seiji rushes to her side
Yui: ...Father...!? 
( And the other Vampire Hunters too!? )
Seiji: You’ll be okay now. Just leave the rest to me. 
Kanato: ...Haah. Look at all these pesky flies buzzing around me again...
Fufu...However, I’ll get rid of them all at once. Ahahaha!
Seiji: You darned Vampire toying with my daughter’s heart, I shall end you.
Kanato: Che...
Yui: Father, no!!
ー Yui runs up to them
Seiji: You must not come! Stay back!
Yui: B-But...!
( At this rate, one of them willーー )
Kanato: Hmm~? The two of you are rather close, it seems...
If you’re connected to the Church, the natural enemy of us Vampires, then you truly must be a fake after all.
How could you...Out of all people, you just had to disguise yourself as her...
Yui: Wait! Iーー 
Kanato: Shut up! I don’t want to hear your excuses!
I won’t be tricked by the words of a fraud!
*Rustle rustle* 
Kanato: ーー Farewell.
Yui: ( ...!? Oh no...I can’t run! )
Seiji: Uguh...!? 
Yui: ...!? Father...? 
( Why is he standing right in front of me...? )
( Don’t tell me he tried to protect me... )
Yui: Ah...Aah...
Father...Father...! Hey...Wake up...Hey!!
Seiji: ...
Yui: Noooooooooooooo!!
Kanato: Not yet...I’m not done yet...I have to hurry up and put an end to it...
I don’t care for a World in which she doesn’t exist...So I must wipe everything clean...
ー The Vampire Hunters run up to him
Kanato: Fufu....Fufufu...
Kanato: Fufufu, haha...Ahahaha!
Come on, come on! You better learn to aim a bit better than that!
If you don’t try hard enoughーー 
Kanato: I’ll kill you first, see? 
ー The other hunters drop dead
Yui: ...Ah...Ah...
( This is...no longer the Kanato-kun I once knew... )
Kanato: ーー Oh? You guys are finished already?
Oh well, I suppose it’s fine. I left the best part for last after all. 
ー Kanato walks up to Yui
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On certain CGs, little black roses will appear on the screen. If you click on them, you get an extra line of dialogue.
“A World without you holds no value. It’s unnecessary. Therefore, let’s get rid of everything.” 
“It makes no sense for me to be the only one suffering, right...!? Everyone else should also feel my wrath after losing you...!”
Kanato: Sorry for the wait. ...Ahaha. Seems like I gave you quite the scare. 
Yui: Uu...
Why...! How cruel...How could you, Kanato-kun!!
ー She hits him repeatedly on the chest
*Thud thud thud*
Kanato: ...Is this your attempt at fighting back? I believe you’ll have to try a bit harder then. 
*Thud thud*
Yui: ....You killed my Father...and attempted to kill me as well...
Where has the kind Kanato-kun gone...!? 
Kanato: ...?
Yui: Hey, I’m begging you! Snap out of it!! Get a grip!!
Why can’t you even tell that I’m Yui!? 
*Thud thud thud* 
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Kanato: ...
Could it be...You really are Yui-san...?
Yui: ...Exactly!
That’s what I’ve been telling you this whole time, haven’t I!? Trust me...! Ugh...
Kanato: Oh...You’re actually the real one...
I was convinced...that you had diedーー 
ー He suddenly collapses
Yui: Kanato-kun!!
ー Yui grows faint as well
Yui: ...?
( I guess it’s because all tension released at once...? My consciousness is slipping... )
???: ...
ー Kino walks up to them
Kino: ...Ahーah. Things really aren’t going my way...
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