#ah yes his iconic catchphrase
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sosoribro · 2 years ago
meep meep (from young justice: lost in the multiverse part 1)
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over-rad-squad · 10 months ago
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But I'm sure you still remember it. It's a "love song", you know?
(My Dear Starlight Chapter 1)
"Onii-chan!!... I'm bored can we invite some friends over tonight Mom's not going to be home for a few months"
I looked at Tsukasa as he got up and did his iconic pose
"HAHAHA OF COURSE MY DEAR SISTER!,I could invite my friends at school and Emu"
"Ooo!,Can I invite Ichi-chan?!"
"Of course you can't be left out of our sleepover if you don't have Ichika Hoshino"
We both giggled as we texted our friends to come over!
The first one to arrive was An Shiraishi,Tsukasa's Friend
"Yo You're Saki Tenma Right?"
"Mhm the one and only pianist of Leo/need!"
"Pleasure to meet you Toya always talks A lot about you and Your brother"
"Oh we were his Childhood friends!"
I heard the door knock as I left the living room leaving An and Saki Alone to get to know each other
As I opened the door the next person to arrive was Emu,Rui and Nene
"Ha-Ha!,well if isn't My Theater Members!"
"Just call us friends Dumbass"
Nene Looked annoyed at my loud voice
Of course Emu tackles me with her usual catchphrase...
"WONDERHOY!~★, Tsukasa-Kun!! Thank you so so so so MUCH for inviting us over!!"
"Emu....You're killing me Ack!"
"Emu Get off of Tsukasa Your going to hurt him"
Emu immediately got off me as I got up
"Fufu, Tsukasa-Kun it's a pleasure to be here you know!"
...Of course Rui....
ALWAYS giggling like he's flirting with me WE AREN'T DATING EACH OTHER
As we walked to the living room Saki noticed me and the others
"Hi Guys!!"
Nene and Emu Went towards Saki and An and Not Rui
"Why are you still here aren't you going to hang out with the others?"
"No Tsukasa-Kun I want to hang out with you instead!"
Act cool Tsukasa I thought as I chuckled to Rui
Of course we all heard Tsukasa yell how is Saki Okay with all the yelling?
"Saki how can you still handle his yelling?"
"Hehe he's always been like that"
As I sighed and continued playing my game until I heard another knock pausing my game
"I'll get it..."
I approached to the door to See Mizuki And Toya
"Ah Mizuki,Toya!"
"Hi Nene-san I had to bring Toya-kun with me while we were on our way to Tsukasa-senpai's place!"
I smiled softly since I'm neutral with them
"Of course You two are my school mates after all"
I noticed Nene Talking to Toya and Mizuki and I waved at Mizuki
"Oya Mizuki!"
Mizuki Immediately ran Towards me and Hugged me as Toya Went To greet Saki and Tsukasa
"I missed you Sooo much Rui!"
"Fufu Anything that makes you happy to see me!"
I smiled at Saki and I saw Toya
"Yo Toya!,your invited too?!"
"Ah...well yes Tsukasa-senpai invited the people he knows at School"
"Isn't Onii-chan the best?!"
Saki smiles At the both of us as I sighed in defeat
"If he wasn't a troublemaker at school with Kamishiro he would've been the best"
We heard the door knocked as Saki got up to get it
As I went to door I opened it to see Ichika,Akito and Ena
I hugged Ichika as I squeal
"S-Saki you're embarrassing me!"
Ena And Akito just watches have a lovely time and I started to blush
"S-Sorry Shinonome-Kun and Shinonome-san! C'mon in!"
"Ugh Finally about fucking time..."
"What You swear too!"
"Nuh uh!"
And of course the Shinonome siblings began to argue
Saki Came in with Akito and Ena and her Girlfriend Ichika
".... oh dear God no"
"Oya Shinonome-Kun!"
"Ah Mizuki!!"
I gave Akito a pat on the shoulder
"Pleasure to see you again!"
"....oh brother"
I approached Akito with a smile
"Akito,I wasn't expecting you to be here! "
Akito shouted as I gave him a hug TOTALLY NOT HOMO
"Geez...You always make me happy y'know that right?"
I watched as Toya and Akito get along of course I am the World's future star
I'm so happy that Toya's happy...
And so does Saki
"Alright I think that's Everyone!"
"Yep Everyone's here Onii-chan!"
"We'll let's get the slumber party Going!"
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todomitoukei · 4 years ago
Japanese vs. English Todoroki - A 301 Comparison
Finally, for the first time since this manga has begun - and it only took 300 chapters to get here - we get an entire chapter that is solely about the Todoroki family! As I read through the chapter and started to type down the Japanese text, I asked myself which scenes I should translate. And so here we are with me having translated every single line. With that, this is a long post. Long. You have been warned. So let’s get right into it:
The chapter starts out with a flashback to Endeavor speaking with Rei’s father to get his approval to marry Rei:
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「次期 ; jiki 」-> next term
「No.1 ; nanbaa wan 」-> number one
「呼び声高い ; yobigoe takai 」-> being widely talked about as a prominent prospect (for)
「エンデヴァー様 ; endevaa sama 」-> Endeavor-Sama
「から ; kara 」-> from
「お声掛け ; okoegake 」-> greeting; approaching (someone)
「いただける ; itadakeru 」-> receive (potential form)
「とは ; to wa」-> adds emphasis to the prior word/phrase
「夢にも思いませんでした ; yume ni mo omoimasen deshita 」-> I never dreamed that; not in one’s wildest dreams
「僥倖 ; gyoukou 」-> good fortune
「の ; no 」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe
「極み ; kiwami 」-> height; extremity
「に ; ni 」-> at
「ございます ; gozaimasu 」-> to be
= “I never dreamed that we would receive greetings from Endeavor-Sama, who is widely talked about as a prominent prospect for the next term’s Number One position. We are at the height of good fortune!!”
It’s kinda sad if the height of your good fortune is meeting Endeavor. I also wonder how he reached out to them? “Hi, I need a wife with an ice quirk, do you have one?” How did he even search them? Is there some kind of registry that tells you which family has which quirk? 
Anyway, we then learn a little about Rei’s family:
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「氷叢 ; himura 」-> Himura
「も ; mo 」-> also
「かつて ; katsute 」-> once; before; formerly
「は ; wa 」-> topic marker particle
「名家 ; meika 」-> noble family; distinguished family
「と呼ばれた ; to yobareta 」-> was called
「由緒ある ; yuisho aru 」-> prestigious; with a long history
「家柄 ; iegara」-> social standing of a family; lineage
「に ; ni 」-> from
「ございます ; gozaimasu 」-> to be
「故 ; yue 」-> reason; cause; circumstances
「トップヒーロー様 ; toppu hiro sama 」-> Top Hero-Sama
「の ; no 」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe
「伴侶 ; hanryo 」-> spouse
「としまして ; to shimashite 」-> to take as
「は ; wa 」-> topic marker particle
「充分に ; juubun ni 」-> sufficient; enough (the ni turns this word into an adverb)
「釣り合い ; tsuriai 」-> balance
「が ; ga 」-> subject marker particle
「とれる ; toreru 」-> to be attained (of balance)
「ものと ; mono to 」-> shall; to assume; understood as
= “The Himura family was also once called a noble family. It’s a lineage with a long history - so to take her as a top hero’s spouse shall be a sufficiently attained balance.”
Something I would like to note here is something that is difficult to properly translate, which is the politeness level. There are a lot of different politeness levels to show the different social ranks. We don’t know how Rei’s father normally speaks, but he probably talks politely here to show respect to a top hero, which also makes this seem more like a business deal rather than a familiar conversation with your future father-in-law.
Anyway, we then get a little bit of narration from Endeavor:
「氷 ; koori 」-> ice
「のような ; no you na 」-> similar to; like
「女 ; onna 」-> woman
「だった ; datta 」-> was
= “She was a woman like ice.”
Ah, the classic “this woman doesn’t immediately worship me so she has no feelings” attitude. Not that I can say that I’m surprised he’d say something like that. And look at her. She looks so unhappy! Why are there people reading this chapter and claiming that this wasn’t a forced marriage when she looks like that? She clearly didn’t truly want this herself. This is also confirmed in the next line:
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「個性婚 ; koseikon 」-> quirk marriage
「である ; de aru 」-> is; be
「事 ; de aru koto 」-> nominalizes the preceding phrase
「も ; mo 」-> also
「承知の上で ; shouchi no ue de 」-> being aware of; taking something into account
「家 ; ie 」-> family
「の ; no 」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe
「為に ; tame ni」-> for the sake of
「俺 ; ore 」-> I 
「の ; no 」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe
「妻 ; tsuma 」-> wife
「になる ; ni naru 」-> to become
「と言う ; to iu」-> to say
= “She is also aware that this is a quirk marriage... she says she will become my wife for the sake of her family.”
De aru is a formal way used to express that someone is explaining something and makes it a neutral, official-sounding statement.
It’s not entirely clear to me how she knows that this is a quirk marriage, though. Did Endeavor just tell her? Did he tell her father? Does she just know?
It still leaves me baffled how some people read this sentence and came to the conclusion that it wasn’t a forced marriage just because she agreed to it. I’m actually kind of sensing a pattern here: first, we learn that Rei agreed to have more children, so people claimed she wanted to have all these kids with him. Now, she apparently wanted to marry him out of her own will. I cannot stress this enough, but please please understand that if you do something “for the sake of your family” or generally for the sake of someone else, it doesn’t mean you actually want it yourself. If you live your life basing your decisions on what makes the people around you happy, you will not be happy. It’s one thing to be selfless, but another to never live for your own sake.
The only reason Endeavor decided to have a wife, specifically Rei, was for his own selfish goals. And the only reason Rei agreed, despite knowing she was being heavily objectified and reduced to her quirk here, was to please her family. However, this in no way indicates what her true feelings are. 
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「花 ; hana 」-> flowers
「が ; ga 」-> subject marker particle
「好き ; suki 」-> to like
「か ; ka 」-> question marker particle
= “... Do you like the flowers?”
A pretty straight-forward sentence.
「はい。とても綺麗。 」
「はい ; hai 」-> yes
「とても ; totemo 」-> very
「綺麗 ; kirei 」-> pretty; beautiful; lovely
= “Yes. They’re very pretty.”
Can I just say that she looks so sad here? There is something very lonely about her expression and the way she looks at these flowers. I’ve mentioned it before in another post, but the flowers Rei likes so much are Rindou, and the meaning of them is “I love you who is sad”, “justice”, or “sincere; faithful” - this would probably be more something to talk about in a separate meta on Rei, but I think maybe she identifies with those flowers in a way? She doesn’t seem happy - and granted, who would be in her situation? Maybe her whole life has been sort of dictated by her family and about pleasing them instead of ever being truly happy. These flowers are a common theme in terms of their relationship, so it’s likely that here, she is the one who is sad and maybe she just wants to be loved despite knowing this marriage isn’t based on love. She might still be hopeful that it will turn into love eventually and for now, she just enjoys the thought that someone might love someone as sad and unhappy as her.
「強く ; tsuyoku 」-> strong
「しかし ; shikashi 」-> however
「触れれば ; furereba 」-> to touch; to come in contact with (conditional form)
「溶けて ; tokete 」-> to melt
「消えて ; kiete 」-> ; to vanish
「しまい ; shimai 」-> to do something completely
「そうな ; souna 」-> it seems
= “Strong… however, she seems like she would completely melt and vanish if I touched her.”
Then… don’t. Anyway, as mentioned in other posts, a verb + shimau means either that something that was done was regrettable or that it was done completely. Shimai is the polite version of this same concept. Back to the present:
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「冷 ; rei 」-> Rei
「おまえ ; omae 」-> you
「大丈夫 ; daijoubu 」-> alright
「なのか ; nanoka 」-> question marker particle seeking an explanation
= “Rei…! You… are you alright?”
The no itself is already a question marker, but men often add ka to it to make it more ~manly~
「大丈夫 ; daijoubu 」-> alright
「じゃない」-> am not
「よ ; yo 」-> emphasis particle
= “I’m not alright!”
I’m not sure what kind of answer he expected, to be honest, but I think we can all appreciate Rei here. The official translation did a good job capturing that emphasis of yo by having her say “Okay? No, I’m not.” which bolds her statement a little more.
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「だから ; dakara 」-> that’s why
「来た ; kita 」-> came; arrived
「の ; no 」-> explanatory particle
= “That’s why I came.”
Other people have already pointed out how this line is similar to All Might’s catchphrase, which is 「私が来た」 - watashi ga kita. Obviously, she doesn’t say that exact line - although that would have been absolutely hilarious to see, just imagine you see your wife after ten years of her being in a mental hospital because of you and your obsession with your rival only for her to quote your rival’s catchphrase at you? Iconic! Anyway, it still has that same feeling to it.
Another thing worth noting is how much her expression here differs from the earlier flashbacks. 
The panel of her looking at the flowers is a high-angle shot, which is used to make the subject seem inferior and looked down on. Additionally, that shot is from Endeavor’s POV, which is to give us a sense to show us how he viewed her - inferior. He is the hero and he is the one planning on using her to gain more power for himself. He made the decision to get a wife and thus initiated this whole relationship.
In this panel, though, we look at her with an eye-level shot. This is a neutral perspective, so it’s neither a superior or inferior situation, but there is still a specific atmosphere being created, usually done to make the viewer connect with the character and sort of having the character’s emotions be projected onto the viewer, especially in uncomfortable scenarios. To intensify this, we are staring directly at her. In the flashback, she is also turned to the side, so we don’t see her full face. Instead, she is avoiding eye contact and instead, is looking down at the flowers. Showing a character from the side creates a distance and makes it less clear what the character truly thinks.
But here, she is fully facing the viewers and staring directly at us. As mentioned before, this angle is meant to make you feel what the characters feel, especially when there’s an uncomfortable atmosphere. So here, when she says “That’s why I came” it’s supposed to make you uncomfortable. The “I am not alright” isn’t because her supposedly dead son turned out to be alive and a villain - she is not alright because of all the pain each of them endured for the past decade because of Endeavor. She lost ten years of her life, precious time with her kids, missed seeing them grow up, because of him. She wasn’t able to be there for them because of him. So no, she is not alright. But now she is out. And now she can finally regain some power. Power she never had in this relationship and possibly never had in her whole life. But now she is here. She is here because she feels guilty for what happened to her son, but she isn’t going to just give up. She is holding herself accountable, but she is making sure Endeavor knows he is the culprit. He is supposed to be uncomfortable and so should you (to understand that Endeavor is not the victim here) and anyone who sees that panel and thinks she is being supportive of him here? She isn’t.
I’ve seen a lot of people either claim that she is supporting Endeavor here or people say that she is being too soft on him here. While I don’t really see how this could possibly be her supporting him, I definitely do agree that Horikoshi seems to avoid wanting anyone directly pointing a finger at Endeavor, which is odd considering throughout the whole story everyone in the Todoroki family has always only ever blamed Endeavor. Dabi made it very clear in his broadcast that he wants to destroy Endeavor, Shouto always blamed Endeavor for his scar and for Rei being in the mental hospital, Natsuo can’t even have one dinner with Endeavor because he has always been neglected by him and because he blames Endeavor for what happened with Touya - rightfully so, by the way, Touya being alive doesn’t exactly change that Endeavor destroyed Touya. And given how Horikoshi writes female characters in general, it’s not really surprising that the only ones who don’t actively speak out against and blame Endeavor are the women of the family.
But while I do think that Horikoshi is toning down on that here and I don’t wanna give him too much credit, we should also keep in mind that this is the first time in ten years that Rei talks to him. Just a few months prior, when Fuyumi and Natsuo visited her, she said that she was still afraid to see him. I think it’s actually more realistic that she isn’t yelling at him or anything like that, yet is still able to at least put him in his place and remind him that this isn’t about him.
And that’s the other reason why I think it makes sense she reacts the way she does. It’s not about him, but this is also not about her. The last line of chapter 300 was saying “I’m here to talk about our family and Touya.” This isn’t about any of them individually except for Touya (more on that later). So if she gave an entire speech here about how much pain Endeavor has caused her and how he took ten years of her life away, this simply isn’t the time. Instead, she is prioritizing Touya.
Could she be a bit more clear that Endeavor is the culprit who caused them all a lot of pain and trauma? Yes, apparently she needs to say this more clearly considering how many people absolutely fail to interpret this correctly by claiming they are a happy family. But it’s not the most unrealistic way to write her here, either.
But let’s move on to Dabi and where the main criticism for the official translation comes in:
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「だいぶ ; daibu 」-> considerably; greatly; a lot
「焼けた ; yaketa 」-> burned
「な ; na 」-> sentence ending particle; usually used to seek confirmation
= “Burned a lot, huh…”
Someone recently pointed out to me that Dabi’s staples might actually just be there for him to check how much his scars are spreading. And that really does seem to be the case now as he has simply moved them to the new edges of the scars. The new burns aren’t yet as intense as the rest, so I guess those aren’t skin grafts that need to be held in place, after all, but just his skin heavily burned?
As mentioned above, na gets used at the end of a statement to seek confirmation, however, it can also be used in a more rhetorical sense to make a sentence less assertive in order to simply introduce a topic in a more casual and less abrupt way.
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「何も ; nanimo 」-> (not) anything
「感じねぇ ; kanjinee 」-> not feeling
= “I don’t feel anything.”
The normal negation of kanjiru (to feel) is kanjinai. Changing the nai into nee is a more casual form, but it can also be used instead of nai to add more emotion/feeling to what is being said, which is kinda ironic in a sentence talking about his inability to feel anything.
Dabi generally uses both forms (nai and nee) for negation so it’s hard to say if this is just him negating a word or if this form gets used to put more emotion to it, though it’s probably a mixture of both considering he is just lying there and reflecting on the situation.
More importantly, this sentence reminded me of what he said to Shouto in chapter 292 「そうだよ焦凍。兄ちゃん何も感じなくなっちまった。」- “That’s right, Shouto. Nii-Chan has completely stopped feeling anything.”
While the line from chapter 292 is referring to his mental state, he is now talking about his physical state. So basically, Dabi is completely numb - both physically and mentally. Fun times!
「あいつ ; aitsu 」-> he; that guy
「は ; wa 」-> topic marker particle
「俺 ; ore 」-> I 
「の ; no 」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe
「親父 ; oyaji 」-> dad
「だ ; da 」-> be
「あの ; ano 」-> that
「程度 ; teido 」-> degree; amount
「で ; de 」-> by; of
「死ねる ; shineru 」-> to die (potential form)
「ような ; youna 」-> like; similar to
「タマ ; tama 」-> person (when commenting on their nature); character
「じゃねえ ; janee」-> isn’t
「例え死にたくても」-> even if you want to die (例え...ても + 死にたく)
「立場 ; tachiba 」-> position; situation
「が ; ga 」-> subject marker particle
「それ ; sore 」-> that
「を ; o 」-> direct object marker
「許さない ; yurusanai 」-> doesn’t allow
= “That guy is my dad. He isn’t the kind of person to die from something of that degree. Even if he wanted to die, the situation doesn’t allow that.”
A few things to note here:
First of all, and I know this is a big shocker to us all, and it does pain me to say, but he does not say “adios” here. He really just says “want to die” and, although this is such an unimportant change it’s just really annoying to constantly see him being translated in such a weird way. Even minor changes like this one just make him sound strange. Dabi is someone who chooses his words carefully, so it really does alter people’s perception of him when he suddenly starts speaking like that. Does anyone actually talk like that?
“He isn’t the person to die from something of that degree” - Here, Dabi uses “tama” which is usually written in Kanji, but is written in Katakana here for emphasis. More importantly, though, this is a derogatory term.
Anyway, that sentence follows after the obvious statement of “That guy is my dad” - which isn’t new information to us, but this is the reason why he concludes that Endeavor hasn’t died without actually having that confirmed. He is able to tell how much damage Endeavor can take, possibly also stating here that as long as Dabi himself doesn’t die from his attack, Endeavor also wouldn’t have died. So much for his self-confidence! The “dear old dad” in the official translation yet again sounds a bit odd. It might be used to make a more clear distinction between otousan and oyaji, but much like boku and ore (male pronouns), you don’t really need to make a distinction in English because it’s just something unique to Japanese, and trying to translate it results in something like “dear old dad” which just makes the character sound weird because no one says that in English.
“The situation doesn’t allow it” - while the fan translation went for “I won’t allow it” the official translation went for “His position won’t allow it” - all of which are different statements. It’s hard to determine which of these is correct since there isn’t a pronoun used here. The reason I went for “the situation” is because it seems like he is referring to the current state the country is in. We’ve already been shown how much damage has done and the “I am not here” statue shown in the previous chapter is a good summary of that. Although it’s unlikely that Endeavor could do much to make things go back to how they used to be before the reveal, the country is still waiting for his statement, which will further impact the situation. If he died now, it would probably be the end for heroes, whereas him being alive and trying to somehow save the country could bring a little hope back to the people. So basically, the future depends on him (not really, but that’s the general idea here).
「そろそろ ; sorosoro」-> gradually; soon
「表 ; omote 」-> surface
「に ; ni 」-> to
「出てくる ; detekuru 」-> to come out; to appear
「頃合い ; koroai 」-> suitable time; good time
「だ ; da 」-> be
= “Soon it’s a good time to come to the surface.”
Much like the rest of the country, Dabi is clearly also awaiting Endeavor’s statement to the public so he can plan his next move.
Something to note here is that these two panels use the thinking speech bubbles, so we have two different kinds of internal monologues from Dabi in this scene: interior monologue and soliloquy. Soliloquy refers to a speech given to oneself out loud, which is why this is commonly found in plays in order to show what a character is thinking since you can’t make the audience hear the character’s thoughts otherwise. 
An interior monologue gives us readers immediate access to a character’s unfiltered thoughts. Since we don’t exactly control our thoughts, we often jump from one thought to another without explaining how we got there. So when Dabi thinks “That guy is my dad.” followed by “He isn’t the kind of person to die from something of that degree.” - he doesn’t have to go into an elaborate explanation as to why the second sentence is the conclusion of his first statement because he just knows.
A soliloquy isn’t too different as the character is still their own audience. However, this style is often used to amplify a character’s thoughts, in a way signaling that they can’t keep their thoughts inside anymore so instead they just come out of the character’s mouth. Using these two styles here emphasizes the soliloquy even further. While his interior monologue is a reflection of what happened and tells us that Dabi already knew he wasn’t going to kill Endeavor back then, the soliloquy part focuses more on his actual feelings. This last part of his interior monologue, where he concludes that Endeavor will have to face the public soon, serves as a trigger of his following excitement, highlighting his obsession with making his dreams of ruining Endeavor come true.
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「早く ; hayaku 」-> soon; quick (adverb)
「惨めな ; mijime na 」-> miserable
「面 ; men 」-> face; mask
「が ; ga 」-> subject marker particle
「見てぇ ; mitee 」-> to see
「楽しみ ; tanoshimi 」-> anticipation; looking forward to
「だ ; da 」-> be
「ここまで ; koko made 」-> so far
「長かった ; nagakatta 」-> was long (time)
= “I’m looking forward to seeing your miserable face soon. It’s been a long time so far.”
Here we have another case of the official English translation making him talk in ways no one talks. Aside from the “pathetic mug” part, Dabi doesn’t say “damn” - considering swear words aren’t really a thing in Japanese anyway. But he’s also generally not really talking in a rude way here, it’s just a pretty straight-forward sentence. To be honest, I think the reason why certain characters (i.e. Dabi) get written like that™ is to add character and distinguish them from less casual-speaking characters? To show that this is a character that’s a bit on the rougher side? Even so, he doesn’t actually talk like that, and trying to make him sound rough in every single sentence is a bit of an overkill. I get that he’s dramatic, but that still doesn’t mean that he speaks like he never read a normal book.
To quickly bring up the soliloquy again: You can see with this sentence that this is far more subjective. “Soon it’s a good time to come to the surface” was somewhat objective as the whole country awaits Endeavor’s public statement to this situation. But “I’m looking forward to seeing your miserable face soon. It’s been a long time so far” is subjective. The public might not necessarily care about a hero being exposed. But Dabi cares because to him, this whole reveal is personal (obviously). This plan has been in the making for around ten years, whereas the rest of the country was unaware of the truth about Endeavor up until a few days ago.
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「轟炎司 ; todoroki enji 」-> Enji Todoroki 
「お母さん ; okaasan 」-> mom
「冬美ちゃん ; fuyumi chan」-> Fuyumi-Chan
「夏くん ; natsu kun」-> Natsu-Kun
「焦凍 ; shouto 」-> Shouto
= “Enji Todoroki. Mom. Fuyumi-Chan. Natsu-Kun….. Shouto.”
While we can’t exactly blame the official translation for not including these suffixes, the distinction with Shouto doesn’t really show in the translation at all. Endeavor is an obvious one in either version - addressing your parent by full name indicates a distance as this shows no signs of familiarity. Much like his other siblings (I will talk about this at some point in a separate post) he calls his mom okaasan, a pretty normal way to say mom. As the older sibling, he wouldn’t have to use a suffix for any of his siblings, but this can - especially in a case like this - show familiarity. Aside from the many many dots representing a small pause he makes before even naming Shouto almost like he initially forgot about him, Shouto is also the only one only being called by name without a suffix, so the distinction becomes far more pronounced. It’s obvious that Touya, Fuyumi, and Natsuo grew up together and spent a lot of time together, thus he still uses these suffixes. But Shouto is just… Shouto. There is no relationship between them and the many dots just show this distance between the two.
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「俺 ; ore 」-> I 
「を ; o 」-> direct object marker
「見てくれ ; mitekure 」-> please look at me
「地獄 ; jigoku 」-> hell
「の ; no 」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe
「底 ; soko 」-> bottom
「で ; de 」-> in
= “Please look at me in the depths of hell.”
The kure at the end of mitekure gets used when asking a favor from someone.
The official translation yet again sounds a bit weirder with the “Take a real good look at me” when kure is more of a “Please look at me” which sounds less assertive. Anyway, Dabi is clearly trying to state that his life is hell and now they get to see it, too. At the end of the chapter, Rei says that she and Endeavor both didn’t look at him before and there are several times during the flashback where Touya says “look at me!” which is all a summary of where this whole thing went wrong: Touya was in pain, and he made it known that he needed help and that he wasn’t okay, but both his parents ignored that. And so now his broadcast forces them to look at him. Forces them to look at what happened as a result of them ignoring his pain before. It’s not just to show the civilians how their heroes aren’t all that heroic, but more importantly, it’s so that someone can see his pain. He’s not giving them a choice, either. Though people - both in bnha society and in the fandom - write Dabi off as annoying or continue to refuse to see him as a victim, it really doesn’t matter because what he has accomplished is making people experience his pain. He is damaging society just how society has damaged him. Just how his father said “you’re not good enough” it’s now Dabi’s turn to say the same thing to him and society.
Dabi is already in the depths of hell, yet so far his family didn’t know that. But now they do and now they have to face the facts.
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「せっかく ; sekkaku 」-> after all the effort
「休み ; yasumi 」-> rest; holiday
「なんだから ; nandakara 」-> so
「“個性” ; kosei 」-> quirk
「訓練 ; kunren 」-> training
「付き合って ; tsukiatte 」-> to go along with; to follow someone’s lead
「よ ; yo 」-> emphasis particle
「何で ; nande 」-> why
「急に ; kyuu ni 」-> suddenly
「ダメ ; dame 」-> no good
「とか ; toka 」-> and so on; such as
「言う ; iu 」-> to say; to mean
「んだ ; nda 」-> used for emphasis when information has been shared
「よ ; yo 」-> emphasis particle
= “You have a day off, so come do quirk training with me after all that effort!! Why do you suddenly say things like it’s no good!!”
Sekkaku doesn’t have a direct translation, but here it emphasizes that an opportunity has come up (Endeavor having a day off), which would be a shame to waste by not spending it with training. The nanda in nandakara is a preliminary remark, which can be used to get the listener’s attention to the conclusion that follows after. Again, these are nuances that you can’t necessarily translate. But at least little Touya talks more like a normal person than Dabi.
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「何度も ; nando mo 」-> many times over; often
「言ったろう ; ittarou 」-> told; said
「おまえ ; omae 」-> you
「の ; no 」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe
「為 ; tame 」-> advantage; benefit
「んだ ; nda 」-> explanatory particle
= “I’ve told you many times. It’s for your benefit.”
The tarou ending in ittarou is used to add an accusatory tone to the phrase, so it shows somewhat of an impatience/annoyance here. Imagine being Touya. You always look forward to your training days with your incredible dad. And suddenly, he keeps canceling on you and just says “it’s for your own good” - kids aren’t stupid, and they know when they are treated as though they were. So it’s obviously frustrating that his dad just gives him weak excuses instead of being honest with him. And it’s not like Endeavor is seeking an actual way to help Touya. All he does is go to the doctor, gets told that Touya’s body and quirk don’t match, and then his solution is to stop training him. It’s one thing to be a concerned parent and keep your child away from harm, but it’s more important to think about how you keep them from harm and whether or not you ensure that they know that failing doesn’t mean that they are a failure. Problem is, Endeavor can’t tell him he’s not a failure since Touya is a failed project so he does, in fact, see him as a failure.
If you take a quick look at Touya, you can see his hair is only now starting to get a few white spots. It’s difficult to determine the exact timeline of things, but it’s obvious that this takes place only shortly after his hair first started turning white, which means that Endeavor went to the doctor pretty quickly. And yes, he says this is for Touya’s sake but remind me again why Touya is born? Oh right, for Endeavor’s sake! Anyway, moving on to the doctor’s office:
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「珍しい ; mezurashii 」-> rare
「例 ; rei 」-> instance; case
「です ; desu 」-> to be
「ね ; ne 」-> sentence ending particle; used to seek confirmation
「炎 ; honou 」-> flame
「の ; no 」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe
「個性 ; kosei 」-> quirk
「因子 ; inshi 」-> factor
「は ; wa 」-> topic marker particle
「より ; yori 」-> than
「色濃く ; irokoku 」-> strongly tending to
「引き継がれている ; hikitsugareteiru 」-> inheriting (present progressive passive form)
「のです ; no desu 」-> explanatory particle
「が ; ga 」-> but
「肉体 ; nikutai 」-> the body; the flesh
「は ; wa 」-> topic marker particle
「お母さん ; okaasan 」-> mom
「の ; no 」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe
「方 ; hou 」-> type
「を ; o 」-> direct object marker
「強く ; tsuyoku 」-> strong (adverb)
「引き継いでしまってるん ; hikitsuide shimatterun 」-> completely inheriting
「です ; desu 」-> to be
= “A rare case, isn’t it? The flame quirk factor is more strongly inherited, but the body is strongly and completely inherited from the mother’s type.”
In the last part, we once again have the verb + shimau constellation, which always either indicates that something happened regrettable or completely. In a way, both meanings apply here since Touya’s body fully takes after Rei’s constitution, but this is also obviously regrettable since it’s a waste of his strong fire quirk. In the official translation, he just says “he takes after his mother physically” which doesn’t really carry either nuance.
「つまり ; tsumari 」-> that is to say; in other words
「炎 ; honou 」-> flame
「への ; e no 」-> particle that describes the word that follows using the direction towards the word that comes before
「体制 ; taisei 」-> order ; system
「よりも ; yorimo 」-> in comparison to; rather than
「氷結 ; hyouketsu 」-> freezing; freezing over
「寒さ ; samusa 」-> coldness
「に ; ni 」-> for (purpose)
「適性 ; tekisei 」-> aptitude; suitability
「のある ; no aru 」-> there is
「身体 ; karada 」-> body
「なんです ; nandesu 」-> explanatory particle
= “In other words, it’s a body with an aptitude for the cold rather than being a system to the flames.”
Considering all the support items the heroes have, I feel like they could have found a solution to this. Dabi’s current coat helps cool him down, so why did Endeavor not think of something like that?
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「まア。。。デザインじみたことはね。。。この“個性”時代禁忌なんで。。。やめといた方が。。。 」
「まア ; maa 」-> well
「デザイン ; dezain 」-> design
「じみた ; jimita 」-> like
「こと ; koto 」-> thing
「は ; wa 」-> topic marker particle
「ね ; ne 」-> sentence ending particle; used to seek confirmation
「この ; kono 」-> this
「“個性” ; kosei 」-> quirk
「時代 ; jidai 」-> period
「禁忌 ; kinki 」-> taboo
「なんで ; nande 」-> because
「やめ ; yame 」-> to stop
「といた ; to ita」-> to do something in advance (contraction of te oita)
「方が ; hou ga 」-> should; it’d be better to (used to give advice)
= “Well… design-like things, huh… because this taboo of the “quirk” period… It’d be better to stop in advance.”
I feel like a normal doctor should maybe inform someone that this Top Hero is having a little eugenics project on the side. Maybe also call Child Protective Services. But since we’re all assuming this doctor is Dr. Ujiko, it’s not exactly surprising that he left it at “giving advice” which he is just as good at as Endeavor. Those two would truly get along well.
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「なんと ; nanto 」-> what…!; surprisingly; believe it or not
「今日 ; kyou 」-> today
「は ; wa 」-> topic marker particle
「62 ; 62 」-> 62 
「も ; mo 」-> emphasizes the number
「の ; no 」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe
「市町村 ; shichouson 」-> cities, towns and villages
「を ; o 」-> direct object marker
「救いました ; sukuimashita 」-> saved
「オールマイト ; oorumaito 」-> All Might
「がいる ; ga iru 」-> there is
「限り ; kiri 」-> as long as
「我々 ; wareware 」-> we
「が ; ga 」-> subject marker particle
「悪 ; aku 」-> evil
「に ; ni 」-> to
「屈する ; kussuru 」-> to yield; to give in
「事 ; koto」-> nominalizes the verb it attaches to
「は ; wa 」-> topic marker particle
「決してない ; kesshitenai 」-> never; by no means
「でしょう ; deshou 」-> used to express certainty
= “What! Today, 62 cities, towns, and villages were saved! We will certainly never give in to evil as long as All Might is there!”
The mo after the 62 implies that 62 is a large number and granted, that is a lot of places to save in one day. 
「燈矢 ; touya 」-> Touya
「おまえ ; omae 」-> you
「なら ; nara 」-> on the topic of; if
「オールマイト ; oorumaito 」-> All Might
「を ; o 」-> direct object marker
「超えられる ; koerareru 」-> to surpass (potential)
= “Touya. You can surpass All Might.”
Let’s move on to some sibling interaction, though:
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「冬美ちゃん ; fuyumi chan」-> Fuyumi
「ちょっと ; chotto 」-> a little
「火傷する ; yakedo suru」-> to burn
「くらい ; kurai 」-> used to describe a state, situation
「なのに ; nanoni 」-> even though; although
「さ ; sa 」-> emphasis particle
「全然 ; zen zen 」-> entirely; completely
「がまん ; gaman 」-> bearing (something)
「できる ; dekiru 」-> be able to
「のに ; noni 」-> used when complaining to someone
「さ ; sa 」-> emphasis particle; also used to let out emotions
= “Fuyumi-Chan. I only burn a little! I am able to endure it!”
Noni is something that roughly translates to even though, and usually gets followed with a second part of the phrase, but that follow-up part can be left out when you can understand it from context. So in that first part, he’s basically saying “Even though I got burned a little, I can still do this so he shouldn’t stop training me!” The second noni is used as a way to complain about the situation (= “Even though I am completely able to endure it, I get treated like I’m weak.”)
「俺 ; ore 」-> I 
「の ; no 」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe
「身体 ; karada 」-> body
「のことは」-> nominalizes the preceding phrase
「俺 ; ore 」-> I 
「が ; ga 」-> subject marker particle
「一番 ; ichiban 」-> the most
「よく ; yoku 」-> good (adverb)
「わかってるん ; wakatterun 」-> to understand; to know
「だ ; da 」-> be
= “I am the one that knows my body the best.”
We don’t know how fast his hair color was changing, but this is probably a few months after his hair first began to turn white. So at this point, Endeavor already knows that Touya’s body and quirk aren’t compatible yet still hasn’t bothered to come up with a solution. Instead, Touya keeps training. It’s odd that no one seems to try and properly stop him and make him understand that training isn’t good for him.
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「でも ; demo 」-> but
「冬美 ; fuyumi」-> Fuyumi
「も ; mo 」-> also
「燈矢兄 ; touya-nii 」-> Touya-Nii
「ボロボロ ; boroboro 」-> worn-out (physically); tattered
「なの ; nano 」-> this particle functions as a substitute for a noun (= his body)
「心配 ; shinpai 」-> worry
「嫌っ ; yaa 」-> casual no
= “But Fuyumi also doesn’t [want to] worry about Touya-Nii [being] tattered.”
Me too, Fuyumi, me too.
「冬美ちゃん ; fuyumi chan」-> Fuyumi-Chan
「には ; niwa 」-> as for
「わかんねー」-> doesn’t understand
「よ ; yo 」-> emphasis particle
「には ; niwa 」-> as for
「わかんね」-> doesn’t understand
「ンだ ; nda 」-> explanatory particle
= “Fuyumi doesn’t understand! Girls don’t understand!”
The n in nda is written in Katakana, once again for emphasis.
Also he looks so adorable the way he is marching out of the room there. Tiny Touya.
Still can’t believe some people in this fandom apparently were never (around) kids and somehow drew the conclusion that Touya is sexist. What a great takeaway from this entire chapter! Anyway, that’s just how kids talk - and definitely something brothers say to their sisters - but I’m pretty sure if he tried to say something like that now Fuyumi wouldn’t let him get away with it. But she’s like 2 (?) here, so not like she cares. Oh and… if you think “a girl wouldn’t get it” is sexist, then wouldn’t you also have that same energy in regards to a man solely getting a wife to use her as a baby-maker-machine, and then after putting her into a mental hospital proceeding to turn his only daughter (who was only created as emotional support person for her older brother) into a replacement for the mom? Yeah, I’m really surprised little Touya would say something that could be considered sexist...
「心配ちてんのに!! 」
「心配ちてん ; shinpai chiten 」-> worrying
「のに ; noni 」-> used when complaining to someone
= “I’m worrying!!”
Here, little Fuyumi-Chan is basically complaining that Touya-Nii is mad and says she doesn’t understand, even though she is just worried about him. Everybody say “Thank you, Fuyumi!” for caring about Touya. Now, moving on to the actual sad panel:
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「俺 ; ore 」-> I 
「は ; wa 」-> topic marker particle
「もう ; mou 」-> already
「超えたい ; koetai 」-> want to surpass
「って思ってるん ; tte omotterun 」-> thinking
「だ ; da 」-> be
「火をつけた ; hi o tsuketa 」-> ignited
「のは ; no wa」->
「お父さん ; otousan 」-> dad
「だ ; da 」-> be
= “I’m already thinking ‘I want to surpass him’! Dad is the one that ignited that flame in me!”
He is crying! Already! He acted tougher before walking away, but now that he is facing away from Fuyumi, the tears start rolling in a very defensive way. It’s basically him knowing that he can’t live up to his father’s expectations, but this is what he wants. He “wants” to surpass All Might, but it’s Endeavor who ignited that fire in him. Kids oftentimes have one parent they are closer to and sometimes even look up to. For Touya, that’s obviously Endeavor. He wants to make his father proud and wants to be what his father wants him to be.
Clearly, he’s always been very smart and also very self-aware. He’s always known his limits, but also back then refused to admit to it because he still had hope that he would somehow be able to be this incredible hero, despite his limitations. He wasn’t willing to just give up back then, and even now in the present time, he doesn’t give up. He can’t just let go and move on with his life, because no one ever told him that was an acceptable option. Not performing well meant his father loved him less. That’s why he never gave up because a child naturally craves their parents’ attention and love, even if it isn’t a healthy love. So who would give up something if that would result in not being loved anymore?
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「それ ; sore 」-> that
「は ; wa 」-> topic marker particle
「あんまり ; anmari 」-> too much
「だ ; da 」-> be
「よ ; yo 」-> emphasis particle
「残酷 ; zankoku 」-> cruel
「じゃない ; janai 」-> used to express emotion; when you want to accuse someone
「あなた ; anata 」-> you
「が ; ga 」-> subject marker particle
「子ども ; kodomo 」-> child
「に ; ni 」-> for
「何 ; nani 」-> what
「を ; o 」-> direct object marker
「求めてる ; motometeru 」-> searching for; seeking
「か ; ka 」-> represents the intention of a question
「燈矢 ; touya 」-> Touya
「は ; wa 」-> topic marker particle
「もう ; mou 」-> already
「知ってる ; shitteru 」-> to know
= “That is… too much…! It’s cruel! Touya already knows what you want children for!”
A difference I noticed between the original version and the official English translation is that in the official translation Rei says “That would be too cruel!” whereas in the original version she says “That is cruel!” accompanied by janai which is used when you want to accuse someone. The “would” seems a bit more like Endeavor merely suggested something, but it’s still undecided. In reality, he’s not asking for her permission. It’s not about what Rei wants, yet she is still trying to make him come back to his senses and realize what effects his actions have on Touya.
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「どれだけ ; dore dake 」-> how much
「言っても ; ittemo 」-> although I say
「毎日 ; mainichi 」-> every day
「新しい ; atarashii 」-> new
「火傷 ; yakedo 」-> burn
「を ; o 」-> direct object marker
「つくってくる ; tsukuttekuru」-> continue to get (つくる + てくる)
= “Despite how much I say, he continues to get new burns every day.”
Well, the earlier advice of “it’s for your own good” isn’t exactly the best way to get your child to understand why it shouldn’t do something. There probably could’ve been a bit more initiative here, you know, like getting a therapist involved. Someone, who actually understands children and knows how to handle them.
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「バカなところも俺に似た。。。!諦めさせるにはそれしかない。。。燈矢には。。。超えられない 。」
「バカ ; baka 」-> idiot
「なところ ; na tokoro」-> aspect; side
「も ; mo 」-> also; too
「俺 ; ore 」-> I 
「に似た ; ni nita」-> resembled
「諦めさせる ; akirameru 」-> make someone give up
「には ; niwa 」-> as for
「それ ; sore 」-> that
「しかない ; shika nai 」-> only
「燈矢 ; touya 」-> Touya
「には ; niwa 」-> as for
「超えられない ; koerarenai 」-> can’t surpass
= “He also resembles me with the idiot aspect…! That is the only way to make him give up… Touya can’t surpass him.”
Those last two panels honestly look straight out of a horror story. Is that the face of a loving family man? Apparently so!
These posts originally started out because of the bias and obviously, Dabi is still written weirdly, but I do have to point out that the official translation at least doesn’t make Endeavor sound nicer here than he actually is.
I also find it interesting how Rei is drawn here, with half her face being in a shadow, which is usually a style used to show a character’s sinister side. Here, it’s accompanied by a sweat drop, which often indicates exasperation. This might indicate the start of a turning point for her. And this turning point is something that you see over the following panels until it comes to a finale on everyone’s faces once Shouto is born:
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Looking at their eyes, they all look less than fine here.
Touya just kinda stares lifelessly. As Rei stated in the previous scene, Touya already knows why he and his siblings exist. He already knew when Natsuo was born and thus, Natsuo’s existence was living proof that Touya was still not enough. Yet, he still refuses to give up and desperately tries to prove himself to his father. And then 3 ½ years later, another sibling arrives.
Rei has shading under her eye and her eyes only half-way open, indicating fatigue. Obviously, giving birth would do that, but she’s also just generally tired of this and probably began to understand how powerless she is. And Endeavor has his eyes wide-open with tiny pupils, often indicating a character’s drive (not in a good way). He knows this is the one.
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「お父さん。俺も超えられるよ。ほら。。。こんなに強い炎が出せるようになったんだ 。俺のこと見てよ。 」
「お父さん ; otousan 」-> dad
「俺 ; ore 」-> I 
「も ; mo 」-> too
「超えられる ; koerareru 」-> can surpass
「よ ; yo 」-> emphasis particle
「ほら ; hora 」-> look!, hey!
「こんなに ; konna ni」-> such
「強い ; tsuyoi 」-> strong
「炎 ; honou 」-> flame
「が ; ga 」-> subject marker particle
「出せる ; daseru 」-> can produce; start (a fire)
「ようになったん ; you ni nattan 」-> have reached the point that
「だ ; da 」-> be
「俺 ; ore 」-> I 
「のこと ; no koto 」-> about
「見て ; mite 」-> look 
「よ ; yo 」-> emphasis particle
= “Dad. I can also surpass him. Look… I have reached the point that I can produce such strong flames. Look at me!”
Based on this scene we can conclude that Touya kept training on his own. Endeavor knows about this, yet never bothered to actually stop him from going out to train (just saying “don’t do this” isn’t enough).
You can just see the desperation on his face, completely ignoring the tears running down his face. He is already at a point here where his feelings start to be tuned out. The only thing that’s on his mind is his goal of proving himself as the worthy successor.
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「ダメ ; dame 」-> no good
「だ ; da 」-> be
「何故 ; naze 」-> why
「わからん ; wakaran 」-> don’t understand
「そこまで ; sokomade 」-> that far
「の ; no 」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe
「火傷 ; yakedo 」-> burn
「を ; o 」-> direct object marker
「負って ; otte 」-> receive (wound); injured
「何故 ; naze 」-> why
「わからない ; wakaranai 」-> don’t understand
「んだ ; nda 」-> explanatory particle
= “No good! I don’t understand why! You get so many burns and still don’t understand!!”
Again, not a great way to get your kid to understand anything. Yelling isn’t helping, either! Neither is telling them you don’t understand why they don’t understand.
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「燈矢 ; touya 」-> Touya
「おまえ ; omae 」-> you
「は ; wa 」-> topic marker particle
「外 ; soto 」-> outside
「を ; o 」-> direct object marker
「見ろ ; miro 」-> look (imperative)
「冬美 ; fuyumi」-> Fuyumi
「や ; ya 」-> and
「夏雄 ; natsuo」-> Natsuo
「と ; to 」-> with
「遊べ ; asobe 」-> play (imperative)
「学校 ; gakkou 」-> school
「で ; de 」-> at
「友達 ; tomodachi 」-> friends
「を ; o 」-> direct object marker
「つくれ ; tsukure 」-> to make (imperative)
「ヒーロー ; hiro 」-> hero
「以外 ; igai 」-> excepting; with the exception of
「にも ; nimo 」-> as well
「沢山 ; takusan 」-> plenty; enough; a large number
「の ; no 」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe
「世界 ; sekai 」-> world
「が ; ga 」-> subject marker particle
「ある ; aru 」-> be
「わかる ; wakaru 」-> to understand
「だろう ; darou 」-> don’t you agree
= “Touya…!! Look outside! Play with Fuyumi and Natsuo!! Make friends at school! There are other things than heroes… there are many worlds… you understand that, don’t you!”
The darou at the end here is a little assertive, like saying “This is how I see it and you should agree!” which is captured in the official translation by him saying “I know you understand” - which is a funny phrasing since Touya obviously doesn’t understand.
I get that being a hero is often reduced to just being about fighting, but how is this man so incapable of understanding his own child? He knows Touya goes out training regularly - and has been for years - and keeps coming home with burns and even after all this time Touya still doesn’t listen to him, and yet his incredible advice here is “Go get some friends!” Is that… helpful to anyone? No wonder he never got to the Number One position if that’s how he tries to save people.
There’s actually a chapter in the School Briefs light novels (no spoilers) that brings up this topic too: What kind of hero are you if you can’t even save your own family?
And we’re not talking about Touya being held at gunpoint or something; we’re talking about years and years of this child’s mental and physical health decreasing, very obviously so, and it’s not getting any better.
Touya doesn’t do this because he’s jealous because he already did all of this before any of his competitors (= Natsuo and Shouto) were born. He’s doing this because he is a child and like any other child out there just wants his parents’ love and attention, which is literally the parents’ whole job. Endeavor failed both as a father and a hero.
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「そうしていく ; soushiteiku 」-> continue to do so (そうする + ていく)
「内に ; uchi ni 」-> while
「忘れる ; wasureru 」-> to forget about it
= “While you continue to do so, you’ll forget about it.”
I don’t even know if he thinks this is good advice? Surely, no one could think this would be helpful here, right…?
「学校 ; gakkou 」-> school
「の ; no 」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe
「子 ; ko 」-> kids
「は ; wa 」-> topic marker particle
「皆 ; minna 」-> everyone
「ヒーロー ; hiro 」-> hero
「になる ; ni naru 」-> to become
「って ; tte 」-> quotation marker
「さ ; sa 」-> emphasis particle
「わかる ; wakaru 」-> to understand
「はずない ; hazu nai 」-> cannot be 
「だろ ; daro 」-> right; I think
= “The kids at school all say they’ll become heroes…! I cannot understand, right?”
Hazu nai is used to strongly emphasize that something cannot be. In this case, Touya cannot possibly understand that concept of just letting go because this is his whole identity and you can’t just toss your whole identity away, especially when that identity is necessary in order to get your parents’ attention and love.
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「俺 ; ore 」-> I 
「は ; wa 」-> topic marker particle
「���父さん ; otousan 」-> dad
「の ; no 」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe
「子ども ; kodomo 」-> child
「なんだから ; nandakara 」-> because; after all
= “After all, I am your child.”
Nandakara has an important nuance that’s worth talking about it. It’s used to give an explanation or emphasize something that both the listener and speaker know and expresses a strong emotion that the speaker feels and that the listener doesn’t fully appreciate. Apparently, some people had an issue with the official translation here and claiming it sounded too accusatory. Anyway, this child has every right to accuse his father of expecting him to just give up on his attempt at reaching his goal when Endeavor got married and had four kids because he wasn’t immediately handed the Number One position. That sure is ironic and sad that little Touya understands this so well, too.
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「冷やさなきゃ; hiyasanakya 」-> must cool; must calm down; must cool off (冷やす + なきゃ)
= “We must cool him off!”
This is a pun that also works in English! While the word hiyasu can mean to cool off in the sense of calming down, it can also mean to cool (from room temperature); to refrigerate. And both meanings are applicable here since Touya is having a breakdown and needs to be calmed down mentally, but he also seems to be sweating almost like his quirk is building up inside of him and about to boil over, which it then does as he tries to attack Shouto, so he also needs to be physically cooled down.
「お父さん ; otousan 」-> dad
「が ; ga 」-> subject marker particle
「火をつけた ; hi wo tsuketa 」-> ignited
「んだ ; nda 」-> explanatory particle
「消えない ; kienai 」-> won’t go out
「んだ ; nda 」-> explanatory particle
「よ ; yo 」-> emphasis particle
「なかったことに ; nakatta koto ni 」-> to forget something ever existed; to pretend something didn’t happen
「なんて ; nante 」-> something like
「できない ; dekinai 」-> can’t
「んだ ; nda 」-> explanatory particle
「よ ; yo 」-> emphasis particle
= “Dad ignited that fire in me…! It won’t go out…!! I can’t just pretend something like that never existed, you know!”
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「俺を見てろよ。。。!!エンデヴァー 俺を見てろよ!!!」
「俺 ; ore 」-> I 
「を ; o 」-> direct object marker
「見てろよ ; mitero yo」-> just you wait and see (as a threat)
「エンデヴァー ; endevaa 」-> Endeavor
「俺 ; ore 」-> I 
「を ; o 」-> direct object marker
「見てろよ ; mitero yo」-> just you wait and see (as a threat)
= “Just look at me…!! Endeavor, just look at me!!!”
So mitero yo is an expression meaning “just you wait and see” and it consists of the imperative form on miteru (= you must be looking) and the yo emphasizes this more. “Just you wait and see” obviously sounds far more threatening (because it is) and also kind of makes sense when considering where they are now in the present time. Now - fifteen years or so later - Endeavor sees him. This goes back to the earlier part where Dabi said “Watch me from the depths of hell” - it’s a different form (in that part he says mitekure, while here he says mitero yo) but he’s always telling his family to look at him. Because, at the end of the day, that’s where it all went wrong. No one ever truly saw him and his pain until one day, he broke. What exactly is a child supposed to do? Endeavor has gotten away with not looking for too long, but Dabi won’t let him go on like that anymore.
And notice how he says the same line twice here? And in the middle he says “Endeavor” - for the first time, he addresses him by his hero name instead of calling him dad. This is because he isn’t just asking his father to look at him, but he’s also threatening Endeavor. I think this might actually hint that he’s already having thoughts of turning into a villain? Maybe he already thought about what it would be like to just turn himself into a villain and refuse Endeavor from reaching his goals just as Endeavor has refused Touya from reaching his goals. Whether he actively thought about this or whether that was more of a subconscious feeling is hard to say but it’s clear that at that point he already viewed Endeavor, the hero, as the bad guy that took his father away from him. If it wasn’t for Endeavor, the hero, then Touya wouldn’t have to prove his worth to his father by having a strong quirk.
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「一番 ; ichiban 」-> the most; number one
「辛い ; tsurai 」-> painful; difficult (emotionally)
「のは ; no wa」-> nominalizer + topic marker
「あなた ; anata 」-> you
「じゃない ; janai 」-> aren’t
「し ; shi 」-> emphasizes the point you make
「あの ; ano 」-> that
「子 ; ko 」-> child
「を ; o 」-> direct object marker
「見なかった ; minakatta 」-> didn’t look
「のは ; no wa」-> nominalizer + topic marker
「あなた ; anata 」-> you
「だけ ; dake 」-> only
「じゃない ; janai 」-> aren’t
= “You are not the one with the most pain. You aren’t the only one that didn’t look at that child.”
This is another line where some people claimed the official translation made Rei sound harsher than she actually is. But I don’t think she’s even being harsh here? She’s just stating a fact. And just compare the two of them real quick: Rei just got out of the mental hospital she stayed in for ten years and upon finding out what really happened with Touya, immediately took responsibility and decided to do something. Endeavor, on the other hand, is crying in his hospital bed because suddenly he regrets that he failed as a parent for over twenty years. I don’t think she’s being harsh by telling him that he isn’t the one who is hurting the most when that’s just a fact. And the “you don’t get to claim” phrasing of the official translation isn’t really harsh, it’s just being direct. But Endeavor is a grown man and with all the pain he has caused his family, I think he can deal with not being handled like some fragile little thing.
What I find interesting about this line is that it’s essentially a continuation to what she said in the last chapter when she stated that “Everyone else is having those feelings a lot more than you” Now, she is adding to that because not only has the rest of the family suffered a lot more than Endeavor, but one person in particular - Touya - is currently in the most amount of pain out of any of them. Endeavor’s self-pity and regrets have no space here because Touya is the actual victim here, and not Endeavor for having been exposed for something he chose to do for over two decades.
They both never looked at that child, but now it’s time to change that and finally start looking at him.
There weren’t really a lot of changes in the translation - aside from our now Spanish-speaking amigo, Dabi - but there’s still a lot to talk about, as you can see by this very very long post. So if you read all of this, thank you! And also congrats for making it through! There’s always nuance that just doesn’t translate but is still important to mention and gives a better insight into the characters. This chapter was just the first part so chapter 302 will surely give us some more clarity, possibly even finally revealing what actually happened on the day Touya supposedly died. So now let’s see what the next chapter will bring. 
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stupid-stew · 4 years ago
i took notes on the art stream dana did tonight in my own way, yes this is also what my school notes look like so my formal apologies
dana didn’t have many friends or anything in college (self defined recluse)
king is the hardest character to draw due to his specific skull shape
dana loves pokemon and the king resemblance is a coincidence, and she drew everyone to be RIPPED
young entrepreneur out here art queen getting that bag WHY WAS SHE MAKING SHIP ART OF HER CLASSMATES FOR MONEY AT THE AGE OF LIKE 11 IM SOBBING
king ruined the sand castle :(
the mcdonald’s coffe, it sucks apparently
insomnia dana supremacy, felt that
DANA WINS ROUND 1 (against her will)
side note i think i need to start watching more anime, that’s just for me the remember tho
“let’s get weird”- dana terrace 2021
“give us the most uncomfortable furby suggestions please”- also dana terrace 2021
hard time communicating outside of drawings (one of us 👹)
toh is script driven, sicknasty
her test was turned away SPILL THE TEA
dana proposes to furby suggestion giving chat member
8months struggling for job
turned away from power puff girls boooo
“i called up a friend and we had a drink and i cried :(“ -dana
the director had to fight to make the furby scene happen and sir we appreciate it
“androgyny is beautiful”- dana, about a furby
yes girl let jesus take the wheel on that anatomically correct furby
“fuck you! fuck you!”- not dana’s furby
$80,000 in debt for this
“shit shit fuck shit”
“as good friends, as disney would say”
dana trying not to lose her job
straight black coffee you psycho
cannot cook, girlboss, win dana with food
catchphrase? “AAAAAAAHHH”
scared of spiders
do not wake the cat
“is that a pile of garbage or is that ur self esteem after i fucking demolish you”
-dana terrace 2021
the iconic “byeeeee” was difficult
why can’t she draw shrek
“i need validation please jesus christ”
-dana terrace 2021
someone buy this woman the cat gamer headphones alex hurry up
she does not like the booth but she does it for us thank you queen
dana fainted getting a stick n poke rip
at least she’s having a good time making her own gross little fantasy land, improvise adapt overcome
dana unlocks the idea of things being done in different ways and have them all be good for the masses
“limitation breeds invention”
“wow ur really wise dana”
“….thanks dawg”
“well i didn’t have friends… no one laughed.”
i want the little comics of her pets
cat person dana
awww little stick and poke on her ankle
does not celebrate her birthday
#mood bunny
“how can we make this weird” GIRL IT IS KERMIT ON S T E R O I D S
this is literally psychological warfare
dana has not watched the muppets but she knows him drinking the tea so winning
she’s proud about her making dipper and mable fight
hooty is the owl house canon?
i wish the owl house was like a creature that would have been so funny
season 2 is outline heavy when it comes to the writing
dana knows what she wants for season 2 and we love that
execs up the wall on season 1
dana has not found the character porn! keep it up girl! stay over there!
oooh bike queen
yes get that energy out girl
ddr stan, loses to matt braly at gravity falls team bowling hang out
cat is sad :( give her a snack :(
AWW GHOST HAS ASTHMA omg kinnie moment
conspiracy theory enthusiast when intoxicated
vaccination queen
does not believe in ghosts, kill me girl i’ll haunt you don’t worry i’ll prove it
“the ow house get ready to get some boo boo”- this other guy because it made me cry
“you’re gonna have to pay me to write shit because i don’t work for free”
not a music person
dana do a flip for charity please i’ll donate like an organ or something
she can canonically do a flip and she’s not gonna show us this is homophobic
her neighbor is parking yes get it
draw left hand
while holding pen wack
do it in online version of ms paint
“MS pain”- dana not finishing her word
and stick and poke
show us the work stuff dana >:(
“he’s a strong independent dog”
“4 minutes 20 seconds 😏 h e h e h e”
not the muscle pulling girl not now
“also dog”
ghost gets rejected
“he’s not impressed with ur bullshit”
catra shrek fan girl moment
dana has probably done drugs
“i am a fan of waluigi”
note to self dana will only marry you if you look like kermit the frog
also dog comes from a land where dogs eat people at starbucks
“he’s making out with it! he’s using tongue!”
there are bouncers in cafes where also dog comes from
dana has worked the cash register
someone make real witch merchandise
hooty is he has a very he has more he has a backstory it exists it’s written out but we might not ever get it because it’s just for her dana please i am on my knees
would play dnd if she could
favorite episodes haven’t even aired but currently is echoes of the past or keeping up a fear ances because they’re personal especially a fear ances
mentally she is thriving with the show and it’s going to end well 🙏
“it’s just my voice :(“
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despacitobandito · 3 years ago
alright Skylander OC shit les go
firstly lets start off with our fav bastard (affectionately), Tiphr
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(also imma link all Picrews down below for when I'm done)
this lil bastard probably uses tumblr
age is uh around mid 20s, old enough to know better but young enough to not do better
he/she pronouns
intersex as well as genderqueer
lost both his right eye and arm in an accident. he can't get his eye back but he got a wooden arm from Dr. Krankcase
speaking of Dr. Krankcase, he ended up being Tiphr's father (adopted)
the "you're not my real dad" jokes are... frequent to say the least
also from Tiphr's joke department, he'll often say shit like "ah yeah it cost me an arm for this" or if you need help he'll say "need a hand?" and he'll give his entire fucking arm to you
he's a portal master
a headcanon of mine is that all Portal Masters have a "leaning" towards certain elements, which means that those ones are the quickest to control and/or learn. Tiphr's are Life, Tech, Air, and Dark, respectively
he kinda remembers where he was originally from, but most of it is just kinda... lost to time ig
ig since he is from another world, per say, does that make him an alien? the answer is yes
lots of steampunk vibes from this guy, but also with nature. good fun
he likes to call bras "tit jackets." no one knows where he learned it from, no one has been able to get him to stop
his wooden arm makes normal guitars sound like bass guitars
yes he can play guitar
he can be serious when need be, but he does enjoy being a funny source of comedy sometimes
loves plants, is a plant parent (would let moss grow in her room, much to Krankcase's dismay)
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uhhhhhhh so here's an Inky boi
his name used to be Inkwash but uh i had to change that
i was in 7th grade when i made him, ooooooof
anyways, this guy is a Dark element
basically, he's an artist. his weapon is ink. oh and he's emo
creativity 100
haha ah well still love my emo wolf boi
listens to whatever the Skylands equivalent of MCR is
probably relates to that one pic of the anime girl where it has two sides and it says "I'm Fine."
godspeed you
has a sad aesthetic tumblr account
actually can kick ass in a fight surprisingly
catchphrase is "A painting of pain!"
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my first OC (technically my second but an overpowered shapeshifter self insert doesn't count) which i have changed. a lot
she's a fire/undead element hybrid
catchphrase is "Here kitty kitty!"
has a pair of dragonlike wings (used to have a scorpion tail too but that was too edgy so that got scrapped)
now she just looks like a little charizard with her tail on fire :)
can self-immolate
was originally just a feathercat (like Scratch's race) who was dared to go into the Land of the Undead. she didn't come out the same, though...
was one of the first to be a hybrid element (not counting the SWAP Force but damn what they got going on is unnatural to say the least)
is totally a punk alt girl
likes being petted
you know that one song "go kitty go"? yea she unironically enjoys that
Tiphr makes fun of her for it
also yea Tiphr is besties with Grave
also Grave doesn't mind being called Gravy
so yea that was a long read. i'm not really sure how to conclude me rambling on about my own characters for a game that is kinda dead (not saying the fandom is, godspeed you guys) but yea, hope you enjoyed and here's a link to (almost) all the picrews i used
the other wolf one is from a game on DollDivine called Wolf Maker Unleashed (due to the death of Flash you can't run it on Google anymore but there's tutorials on the website to help you get around this)
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proxylynn · 3 years ago
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Your Boyfriend (Visual Novel).
The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewers head. There's also Peter's nihilistic outlook AKA our boyfriend which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Your Boyfriend truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the iconic in Peter's existential catchphrase "darling" which itself is a every Yandere tropes reference. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Fuboo's genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Your Boyfriend tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎
Lynn: This is about Rick and Morty, don't you dare lie to me.
Peter: I'm gonna trigger them.
Lynn: Don't.
Peter: ...Szechuan sauce.
Lynn: Peter, please!
Peter: Wubba Lubba Dub-Dub.
Lynn: He's gone mad with power!
Peter: Nobody exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere. Everybody's gonna die. Come watch TV.
Lynn: Ah, great googly moogly, it's all gone to shit!
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hugging-jjba-characters · 5 years ago
Your lungs feel like they’re burning, as you run through dry city streets and the desert sun beats down on your back. The angry footsteps a few yards behind you urge you on, but the steps to your left sprint in tandem and with a cool attitude. 
You knew that enemy had to have one last trick up their sleeve before they died, one last act of revenge. He seemed the petty type, not one to let his adversary kill him with no consequences. Before his last breath, the stand user was able to call the attention of a few police officers on break. That quickly launched a full chase, neither you nor Jotaro quite wanting to pick a fight with the law. 
So, here you were, running along the sidewalk of some shitty town in India, wondering how you were supposed to shake the officers from your trail and get back to the relatively safe hotel. 
Your thoughts were interrupted by Jotaro grabbing your wrist as you both turned a corner and dragging you in the direction of an alleyway. 
Okay, well, maybe calling it an alley was a bit generous. It was more like a small space between two buildings that were simply built at different times, barely big enough for a singular dumpster and entrance to a bigger pathway running perpendicular to it. 
Jotaro had pulled you into the space, just a few feet from the sidewalk, and into his panting chest. The momentum caused your free hand to go to his shoulder, and his perched on your hip. Jotaro’s eyes were dedicated to the street, waiting for when he could deem it safe to leave, but yours focused on the man in front of you. 
The hand gripping yours moved to your waist and around your back as the policemen passed you. You looked up to see Jotaro’s eyes closed, like he was willing for you to not be noticed. You couldn’t help but to take note of his warm arms around you, gentle but strong-willed and pulling you much closer together than when you first entered the alley. Helpfully, your brain also focused on the muscles you could feel under his shirt and the smooth slope of his jaw above you (you knew he was 6’5” but that height felt like so much more at this distance). 
You may have gotten a little caught up in staring, because suddenly Jotaro was dragging you back to the mostly empty pavement and beginning to walk back the way you had came. 
“What was that about?” The words left your mouth before you had time to process them. 
Jotaro stopped and half-turned to you, the shadow from his hat covering a portion of his face. “What do you mean?” 
“T-the alleyway,” you stuttered and suddenly you wished you hadn’t said anything at all. 
“We had to get away from those cops. The entrance was small and close to a corner so I figured they wouldn’t think to investigate it. Is there an issue?”
You wanted to talk about the way he held you. There was definitely more room in between those walls than he acted like. There was no reason for you to even be against him like that, and it almost seemed like... like he just wanted to be close to you. 
But alas, you had nothing to really call him out on, so you let it go and the two of you awkwardly trudged back to the hotel where the others were. 
Later in the evening, after plans had been made for the next few days of the journey, and the hot sun was beginning to set, you still couldn’t get the alley incident out of your head. 
If Jotaro actually was closer than necessary... what did that mean? Jotaro was already quiet and hard to read at the best of times, but when you  tried to ask him about it earlier he seemed—pensive? Embarrassed? Annoyed? Argh, why was it so hard to know what he’s thinking? 
Even though you were content at first to spend the evening relaxing in your room and enjoying a crappy television, you found your legs moving you to Jotaro’s room door, spurred by your brain’s frustration. 
Before you could freak out over what you were doing and what the hell you were even going to say, the door opened in front of you. You were met with the not-quite-unpleasant sight of Jotaro without his jacket on, though he still sported his iconic hat. He held a bucket for ice in one of his hands. 
“Uh—Jotaro! H—”
“Do you need something?” He tilted his head cutely and you nearly forgot every word in the english language. 
“Oh well, I was um, wondering if I could talk to you about something. I—it can wait until later though if you’re busy.”
He put down the bucket on a table and opened the door for you, saying “I was just going to get ice for the night, but we can talk first.” 
Shit, there goes backing out of this. 
You hesitantly walked in through the door that he held open, feeling your cheeks heat up before you even said anything. Jotaro closed the door, sealing your fate, and you turned to him once more. 
“Can I hug you?”
The four words blurted out of your mouth before you could stop them. 
You never quite thought you would see the day that Jotaro Kujo bushed because of something you said, but here it was. 
The boy looked shocked for a moment, then looked to the ground in an attempt to hide his reddening ears. Regardless, he stiffly held his arms out wide and hummed. 
You shuffled up to him and placed your palms on his back, hiding your face into his chest. 
The hug was uncomfortable at best, but got less tense as a few seconds went by. His robotic posture slowly slumped into something loose as he let himself relax into it. Jotaros face met your hair as he slouched, and his arms wrapped further around your waist, until each palm was on the opposite hipbone. Your own body softened too, as you mentally screeched about how good he smelled and how his arms felt. 
A lengthy one, the embrace ended when you reluctantly cleared your throat, and your limbs drifted back to your own personal bubbles. 
“I thought you were acting weird after what happened in the alley...” You mumbled. Jotaro lifted a hand to pull his hat down, as if it could help him escape this conversation. “I think I know why. It’s okay. I—I feel the same.” 
Jotaro perked up at your words. His face, albeit red, was still blank, but you could see hints of disbelief in his eyes. 
“I—I’d like to hug you more often, Jotaro. If that’s okay.” You stared down at your nails, which had taken quite a lot of dirt in on your journey, nervously. 
Jotaro sighed, “Yare yare daze.” You would have scoffed at his catchphrase if you weren’t confused by it. “Sit down and find something to watch on that tv, I’m getting ice. There anything you want from the vending machine while I’m out?” His voice was gruff. 
“U—Uh...” You stuttered. “Maybe a Coke?” 
“Okay. I’ll be back.”
With that, Jotaro grabbed the ice bucket once again and left you and the room. True to his word, he came back after five minutes. You never thought the best night of your life could be summed up as watching bad sitcoms and snuggling on a lumpy mattress with this stoic motherfucker, but apparently you were wrong. 
“You can’t tell anyone about this. Nobody can know.”
“Ah, yes of course. Can’t have our favorite tsundere getting his cover blown...Ow! Why’d you hit me with the pillow?”
“Leave me alone, bitch.” 
But something in his face told you he never wanted you to leave his arms again...  
And also Star Platinum nearly jumped for joy when you scooted back into Jotaro’s chest. 
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mock-star-aq · 5 years ago
Supermonster Dinner Party: a Dragula fic.
Happy Holidays y'all! This is my fic for the @rpdrficexchange for Wolfie, aka Wolfie @thepastpresentandfutureofdrag !! I hope you like this darling! (For some reason I can't tag you in this?)
This is a weird cannon divergent style where they are their drag personas but dragula and drag race still happened, (if that makes sense) so make of that what you will.
Edit: Thanks to @hellobiqtchlasagna for helping me come up with the surprise at the end. I forgot to credit them in my rush to get my fic up and I feel bad😅
"Do you know anything about him?" Vander asked, pulling a batch of cookies out of the oven and sliding them onto a cooling rack. Biqtch was leaning against the wall, nursing a mixed drink.
"Just that he's Boulet approved, same as you." Biqtch drawled. " Swan actually told me to be nice, as if I would be mean to anyone who wasn't mean first, or a Republican." 
"You can be a bit crass at first. Drac told me to be mindful of not coming across too snooty, but she's one to speak." 
"Oop, I'm snitching! I'm going to tell her you said that!" 
"Oh, she knows, she makes fun of herself. And she would just brush it off. I can tease her a little since I know her relatively well." 
"Yeah that's fair, Lord knows they talk shit about us all the time in private."
"I'm pretty sure it's mostly good things, but yeah, they absolutely poke at our screwups with each other. " 
"Because they want the best from us, cause we're super monsters and all that." Biqtch pushed herself up from the wall, crossing over and rinsing out her cup to use again later. 
"And also because we have to work together from now on, so we have to be at least cordial to each other." Vander said, pulling out her phone to check the time. "He should be here anytime now. I told him 6, and it's 5:55." 
Just as Vander stopped speaking, the doorbell rang. 
"Speak of the devil, that should be him." Vander motioned for Biqtch to follow her as she went to the door, smoothing out some wrinkles from Biqtch's shirt before opening the door wide. 
"Hi, nice to finally meet you! Landon, right?" 
"Yup, Landon Cider. Nice to meet you too." He affirmed, holding a hot bag. Vander waved him inside and relieved him of his dish, allowing him to hang his coat up as Biqtch closed the door. 
"Nice to finally meet you, I'm Biqtch Pudding, and that's Vander Von Odd. You're hot as shit." Biqtch introduced herself, leaning against the wall as Landon took off his outerwear. The most prominent thing about him was how chiseled he was, even his face. The Boulets weren't ones to choose supermonsters based on conventional standards of beauty, but Landon was certainly very attractive. 
"Ah yes, you two are infamous. The first two supermonsters!" Landon smiled, slightly blushing at Biqtch's remark.
"I hope our fearsome reputation precedes us." Biqtch flexed, her arm about half the size of Landon's. 
"Landon, does this need to be warmed up at all?" Vander asked, holding up a casserole dish from the hot bag, interrupting before Biqtch could embarrass herself more. 
"Maybe? I pulled it out of the oven before I left, so it should still be warm." He crossed over and took off the top, holding his hand over what appeared to be a lasagna. "Oh it's fine. It probably needs to cool down a little actually. Biqtch, I know you're a vegetarian, so this is just cheese." 
"Yasss thanks doll!" Biqtch cheered. "What do you want to drink?" Biqtch led Landon over to Vander's drink cart as Vander pulled together the last little bits of the meal and set the table. She put the basket of rolls down as Landon and Biqtch came back, and Landon immediately put his drink down to help Vander put the last few things on the table. 
"Thanks babe." Vander said as they all sat down at the table and started serving food. It was quiet for the first few minutes while they ate, but then Vander started asking Landon questions, since the main point of the dinner was to get to know him. 
"So tell us about yourself Landon, where are you from, what do you do outside of doing performing .."
"Are you single?" Biqtch interjected. And Landon chuckled before responding. 
"Well, I'm from Long Beach, and I have a Hispanic background. I am happily married, sorry Biqtch." He apologized, and Biqtch pretended to be upset, pouting and snapping her fingers before sitting up and shoving his shoulder, indicating that she was joking. 
"We fucked like the all of the drag race winners do when they win but neither one of us liked it, so she was hoping to get a second chance." Vander explained, and Landon spit out his drink. 
"And you know that HOW?!" He spluttered as Biqtch clapped him on his back. 
"Sasha told me. She doesn't love the tradition, but I have a feeling she'll change her tune if Shea wins an allstar season." 
"So they haven't fucked?" 
"Oh no, they have. And they'll take any excuse to fuck. They're just rarely in the same place at the same time anymore. Trust me, Sasha's an open book once you get to know her well enough. So are most of the other RuGirls. Several of the other winners have offered to include us in the tradition, but unfortunately that probably ends with you. At least the sex part, most of them would probably be willing to makeout with you or cuddle with you." 
"Fine by me!" Landon declared, wiping his brow. And they all started laughing. 
"Yeah, we all saw you make out with Evah!" Vander teased, and Biqtch hooted appreciatively. 
"Neither of you can talk!" Landon retorted, and they all started laughing harder. "Biqtch is a dick pig and Vander handled a pup during her final floor show. Hypocrites, both of you!" He wheezed out, clutching his stomach with one hand while pointing with the other. 
"Look at the pot calling the kettle black!" Biqtch screeched. 
The rest of the night dissolved into hysterics, scream laughing at each other so loud it was a wonder they didn't get a noise complaint. The food was barely touched and cold, but no one cared. 
"I was inside so I couldn't see, but you could just hear her screaming! FUCK THE BIG PICTURE CLINT!!!" 
"That's better than Loris's temper tantrum. "NoT tOnIgHt!" 
"Well we didn't have any fun catchphrases like y'all did!"
"Bitch the fuck you mean? Everything that came out of Disasterina's mouth was fucking iconic! "Attention human males? She's murdering my pussy?" You just gotta think!" 
"Ooh ooh! I know! "You're just a trigger happy alcoholic that's what I said bitch you gotta pop a xanax every 10 fucking minutes!" That's the closest thing  Dragula has to the sugar daddy speech so far!"  
"Ok, you both are right. What can I say? I just a dummy ass thick Biqtch." She joked, standing up slightly to twerk slightly to the amusement of Vander and Landon, who laughed even harder.
The doorbell rang, interrupting their laughter. Vander got up to answer it, and came back carrying a white box, slightly damp from the snow. 
"What is that?" Biqtch asked as she and Landon got up and walked over to the counter where Vander sat it down. 
"No idea, but it's addressed to me and it's from a really nice bakery." Vander replied, cutting the string tied around the box off with a pair of scissors and opening the box. All of their jaws dropped as the lid fell back and revealed what was inside. Biqtch came to her senses first, hunching over laughing and clutching the counter. Vander covered her mouth and started wheezing as Landon chuckled and pinching his forehead as if he couldn't believe his eyes. 
"That is not what I think it is." 
"It is." Vander and Biqtch said in unison. Biqtch pulled out her phone and took a picture, still laughing. 
"I'm sending this to her right now. It's so lifelike, and I should know, I stared at her mug for weeks!" Vander laughed, kneeling to get a better look. 
"Did she send it?" Landon asked, taking out his own phone to take a picture. Vander plucked up an envelope that was beside the cake and opened it, laughing harder when she read it. 
" It's from the Boulets." She wheezed. 
" Happy Holidays uglies. Hope you don't mind if Meatball crashes your supermonster dinner party. We truly are proud of you all. XOXO. Dracmorda and Swanthula."
"Swan wrote that." Biqtch said, looking over Vander's shoulder. "Drac has chicken scratch." 
"Ooh! I'm snitching!" Vander mocked, and Biqtch doubled over again while Landon laughed in a confused way. 
"So who wants to do the honors of cutting Meatball's head and seeing what flavor her brain is?" 
"Landon should do it, welcome to the family bro. " Biqtch said. Vander nodded and handed Landon a knife, which he took. 
"Alright, cheers Meatball." Landon said as he sunk the knife into the cake shaped like her head and cut away a piece. 
"It looks like Red Velvet." Vander said as she held out a plate for Landon to put the cake piece on. 
"That's clever as fuck!" Biqtch smiled, watching as Landon cut the next piece. 
"Now I know how the Boulets feel, this is a powerful feeling, slicing someone up." 
"Oh he's definitely one of us!" Biqtch cheered, high fiving Vander. Biqtch high fived Landon as Vander's phone went off and she unlocked it. 
"Swan's glad to hear we got it and Meatball sent a bunch of grave emojis." 
"That tracks." Biqtch said as Vander put her phone away and went to grab wine glasses and a bottle, uncorking it and handing them all a glass of red wine.
"A toast." She said as she held up her glass. "To the Boulets, to Dragula, to good food and good times, and to the supermonsters, past, reigning, and future. Cheers." 
"Cheers!" Biqtch and Landon echoed. And they all drank. 
"Now let's go eat our cold food and our Meatball head cake." Vander directed. "This is a dinner party after all." 
"A holiday dinner party! Where's the mistletoe?" Biqtch joked.
"I am not kissing you again! Once was enough!" 
"Spoil sport. Landon will make out with me, won't you Landon?" 
"Umm, we'll talk. " 
"That wasn't a no!" 
Landon rolled his eyes and laughed at Biqtch's perseverance and Vander's apologetic face. This family was strange and weird and unconventional, but he loved it and wouldn't have it any other way.
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rawiswhore · 5 years ago
Shawn Michaels, Triple H x Fem Reader- “Three’s Company”
December 1997, around the same time of that D Generation X strip poker moment.
The WWF's Attitude Era, which would be why we still have the WWE today and would save the WWF from going out of business and losing to WCW, is in its early stages (though some could argue and debate it's already started).
And Shawn Michaels and Triple H, who was once as a classy stuckup 1800's gentleman named Hunter Hearst Helmsley, have now formed a tagteam known as D Generation X.
Both Shawn and Triple H are so sexy, you're enamored with both of them, and became enamored with them both in 1996.
And y'know what that means: a threesome!
Though, you've had a few threesomes with them both, but not a threesome like this tonight.
You were in an empty room with the two of them, the 3 of you were all completely naked, as naked as the day you were all born and not a single stitch of clothes on any of your bodies.
The door was locked to keep from anyone entering the room (which you didn't want).
Trips was lying down on his back, his body was lying all across the couches seats.
You were sitting on his lap, your legs on opposite sides of his body like you were riding a horse.
Shawn was resting his forearms on the arm of the couch.
You were bouncing and riding up and down Triple H's cock, his hands were on opposite sides of your hips, holding your hips while you rode his shaft.
While that was all going on, your face was close to Shawn's face, one of your hands was behind his head, running your fingers through his long brown locks.
Your lips were attached to Shawn's lips, your mouth was open and so was his.
Your tongues were wrestling, fighting and clashing in each others mouths, tasting each others tongues, going up and down, twisting, tossing and turning.
While you were French kissing Shawn, Trips' head was reclined on the arm chair Shawn was resting his forearms are, your breast was right in front of Triple H's face.
Triple H opened his mouth and craned his head closer to your breast, where he wrapped his mouth around your nipple, your nipple now in his mouth.
With that, he then trailed his tongue all around your breast in a circle, making your nipple feel so good.
Your nipples were very sensitive, even more sensitive than your clitoris, and you loved Triple H doing this to you.
With the other breast left all alone, Shawn opened his eyes, noticing one of your breasts left all alone while the other breast, or rather, nipple, inside of Triple H's mouth.
Shawn had an idea.
When will Triple H cum? And when will you cum?
No, that wasn't Shawn's idea, but an observation from you.
Shawn then pulled his head away from you, breaking the kiss in between the two of you, the two of yours lips departing made a loud lipsmacking noise.
You then opened your eyes when Shawn pulled away from you.
Why'd he break the kiss? you thought.
"Why'd you stop kissing me?" you asked.
"I wanna do this to you" Shawn replied.
"What?" you asked.
You can't believe you're asking a question while someone's thrusting in and out of you.
Shawn then craned his head further into your breast Trips was running a circle around with his index finger, patting and swatting Trips' hand away.
"What are you doing?" Triple H asked Shawn.
"What you're doing to her that doesn't involve my cock in her pussy" Shawn replied loudly. "I'm shouting so you can hear over the thrusting and moaning".
Shawn then craned his head close to your breast that wasn't in Triple H's mouth.
He opened his mouth and wrapped his mouth around your nipple and began sucking it, which would end up becoming DX's catchphrase (yes, I know it's "suck it", not "sucking it").
Like Triple H, the tip of Shawn's tongue ran around your areola in a circle over and over again.
You had two men sucking and licking your breasts, licking your areolas.
Two very sexy men, who just so happened to be pro-wrestlers.
With Shawn's mouth no longer attached to yours, now you could moan loudly and not have it inside of Shawn's mouth.
"Yessssssss, yeaaaaaaah!" you moaned, moaning like Meg Ryan in that iconic restaurant scene in "When Harry Met Sally "Fuck me harder! Hard and deep!".
The friction Trips was causing when he vigorously thrusted in and out of you, although, not so much that his cock would end up entering and breaking your uterus.
Your skin was feeling so hot and warm, so was his, for that matter.
Your eyes were clenched shut, your mouth was slightly downturned while Trips was fucking you hard.
Trips then suddenly gripped his hands and fingers hard in your hips, his eyes shut tightly and his mouth in a hard grimace, like he stubbed his toe.
His cock burst a load of cum inside your cunt, his sperm was now entering your uterus, about to impregnate you...NOT!
You took a birth control pill to prevent you from getting pregnant.
Hopefully you won't get pregnant.
You felt Triple H's hands gripping tightly on your hips.
It hurt a bit, leaving behind pink colored finger prints on your hips.
His cock was still inside your pussy though, albeit not thrusting in and out of you, and, opening your eyes, you noticed his chest heaving up and down, he was breathing heavily like he was finished running a marathon.
He came inside me, and you felt his cum burst inside you.
You hadn't cum yet, drat.
Maybe you'll cum when Shawn's dick is in your cunt.
When you're in a threesome, and someone has came inside you, that means it's time to switch.
You then moved your hand to Shawn's chest, where you patted his chest a few times with your hand.
Shawn's eyes burst open, looking up at you.
"What?" he asked.
"Trips' came in me" you said. "And when a man cums in me and we're having a threesome, that means it's time to switch".
"I just sucked and licked your tit!" Shawn exclaimed, sounding frustrated.
He was just sucking and licking your tit and enjoying it, but now it's time to switch?
"You can suck my tit when you're fucking me, like Triple H was!" you fired back.
You didn't try to sound angry when you replied back to Shawn.
You then raised your body off of Trips' cock, his dick was wet and slippery from being inside your wet, creamy, salty pussy, until his cock was no longer in your pussy.
When you got off of him, he got up off the couch and Shawn laid himself on his back across the couch's two seats, laying like Triple H was.
Y'know, Shawn could've jerked off while he was making out with you and pleasuring your nipple, but he doesn't want to cum before his dick is inside your cunt.
Triple H then took a few steps to where Shawn was originally positioned; by the arm of the couch.
"Y'want to make out with me like Shawn was making out with you?" Triple H asked you.
Oh boy, that's a hard decision.
"Trips" you said to him. "I would love to make out with you while riding Shawn's dick, but I want to suck your cock, clean your cock off, since it's all covered in cum, but I'm afraid when I first suck your cock and make out with you after, you'll taste my cum flavored breath!"
"You could suck my dick after we make out!" Triple H snapped.
"Touché" you responded.
Shawn's dick was standing completely still and erect, waiting for you to ride it and he's probably getting impatient from listen to you and Triple H argue.
"Sorry, Shawn" you said, looking at him. "Now, where were we?"
You then hopped on Shawn's lap like you were riding a horse, positioned like you were positioned on Triple H's lap previously, and lowered your body down, until you sunk your pussy down in Shawn's cock.
You felt Shawn's hard cock entering and pushing through pussy hole, your pussy was as hot as he was (hehehehe).
Your eyes rolled in the back of your head, followed by your eyelids covering the whites in your eyes, your head tilted and arched back and a moan escaped from your agape mouth
The same process happened with Shawn, where his eyes rolled in the back of his head, his eyelids shut the whites in his eyes, and he tilted his head back.
He placed his hands on your hips, holding your hips while you were about to ride him.
Once you reached the bottom of his shaft, you began bouncing up and down his cock like you were riding one of those bouncy balls from your childhood.
Shawn gripped his hands tightly on your hips like a pair of early 2000's hip hugger jeans, holding you, trying to make sure.
His thumb pad pressed hard in your flesh, his fingers were sinking deeply in your skin behind your back hips.
"Ohhhhhhhh, Shawn!!!" you moaned and cried. "Yesssss, Daddy! Fuck me harder, Daddy!"
With you bouncing up and down Shawn's cock, Trips didn't even know if you should be making out with him or sucking his cock since you were busy being fucked by Shawn.
Ah well.
Triple H then craned his face closer to your face, his eyelids shutting while he pulled his face closer to yours, and his mouth attached to your lips like a magnet on a refrigerator, fitting atop of your mouth.
You noticed and felt Trips' lips on your lips, where your eyes burst open.
It was Triple H kissing you, but of course it was.
When you saw your lips on Trips' mouth, you closed your eyes and pulled Trips in for a kiss, putting your hand behind his head and pulling him closer to your face.
With his face right in front of yours and your hand behind his head, while you were kissing his lips, your lips and his attaching and breaking apart over and over again, you ran your fingers through his long, gold tresses, like your hand was a comb or a hairbrush.
He has such slick, beautiful, Pantene-esque hair.
You ran and combed your fingers through his long blond locks over and over again, like your fingers were a literal comb or hairbrush.
And speaking of over and over again, your lips and his lips made these lip smacking sounds every time they parted apart, only to be joined again.
While your lips were attached to his, you crept your tongue into his mouth, trying to titillate his tongue and even wrestle (ba-dum-tsssh) with his tongue.
Trips noticed and felt your tongue in his mouth, and he returned the favor.
You wanna wrestle my tongue? You're gonna.
His tongue snuck in your mouth, trying to wrestle with your tongue.
The two of yours tongues were twisting and turning in each others mouths, feeling each others tongues inside each other.
You were still letting some moans out, releasing them out of your mouth into Trips' mouth, while Shawn was still fucking you, and while you were trying to French kiss Triple H.
And speaking of Shawn, he lifted his head  up to your nipple, where he wrapped his mouth around your nipple and began sucking it.
Like he did with your nipple he was sucking previously while leaning on the arm part of the couch, he ran the tip of his tongue around in a circle around your areola over and over again.
"Ohhhhhhhhhh" you moaned and whimpered in Trips' mouth.
Your nipples were very sensitive, very sensitive.
And Shawn knew your nips were sensitive.
With your other breast not in Triple H's mouth, Shawn then caressed his hand up your body, both directing his hand to your breast and trying to make you feel good.
Shawn caressing your skin was enough to make you cum, but you hadn't cum yet.
When his hand finally reached your breast, using the tips of his fingers, he tweaked and caressed your nipples, tweaking one of your nipples like a radio dial with your nipple in between his index finger and thumb.
You moaned, cried and whimpered in Trips' mouth, your voice inside Triple H's mouth.
Trips then brushed his lips down your chin, all the way down to your neck, even though you were bouncing up and down Shawn's cock.
You opened your eyes when you noticed Triple H's lips weren't on yours.
But who cares? Things need to change.
His lips sent tingles throughout your body, the hair on your arms standing up and erect.
Hey Shawn Michaels, who sends chills up and down women's spines now?
Though, Shawn is sending chills up and down your spine, and was when he was sucking your tit and kissing you, he's sent chills up and down your spine many times before.
Triple H brushed his lips down to your breast that Shawn was tweaking your nipple, where Trips' moved Shawn's hand off of your breast.
Shawn's eyelids burst open when noticed his hand being shooed.
"What are you doing?" Shawn shouted, doing this so Trips can hear.
"I'm gonna suck her tit, that's what!" Triple H quipped.
Shawn shrugged his shoulders. Makes sense, Shawn thought.
Triple H craned his head close to your nipple, where he wrapped his mouth around your nipple and started sucking it.
Like Shawn, Trips took the tip of his tongue and ran the tip of his tongue around in a circle over and over again on your areola.
He also, using his tongue, was forming and drawing letters of the alphabet on your areola, dragging his tongue across your areola and all over it.
Oy, all of this nipple stimulation is enough to make you cum, will it, eventually?
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh!!" you moaned, your face clenched and scrunched up, your eyes shut tight.
Your cunt eventually came, your clitoris beating like a heartbeat, white salty cum was now drenching the top of Shawn's cock.
And speaking of cum, Trips remembered his cock, and how it hadn't been sucked yet, yet it's all sticky and covered in cum.
He then pulled his head away from your breast, your nipple leaving his mouth.
Your eyes opened, him moving away from your breast startled you.
You looked down and noticed him pulling away from your breast.
He held his penis, sticky and covered in cum, but hopefully not dried up yet,
He remembered, you thought. You still remembered you needed to suck Trips' dick.
You then pulled your face closer to Triple H's genitals, where you opened your mouth and wrapped your mouth around his cock, where you bobbed your head up and down his shaft.
Your mouth collected and swallowed the salty cum off of his dick, the cum on his cock a mixture of your slippery pussy juices and his own cum.
Your tongue snaked around his shaft, collecting the cum in your mouth, you gulped it down.
And speaking of cum, when will Shawn Michaels cum?
Trips loved you giving a blowjob to him, he could nearly roll his eyes in the back of his head and tilt his head back.
His chest was heaving up and down and his heart was beating fast.
Suddenly, Shawn gripped his hands, or better yet, his fingers, deep into the flesh of your ass, his face clenched tight like he stubbed his toe.
His cock burst a huge load of salty white cum inside your already frothy, wet cunt.
You felt his fingers dipping and gripping deeply in your skin, it hurt a bit, but with Shawn's facial expression, and what you felt inside your pussy, that means he came in your cunt.
Even though Shawn came in your pussy and that meant it was all over, for now anyway, you still had to clean up Triple H's dick.
Shawn opened his eyes, his chest heaving up and down like he was finished after a wrestling match.
And his dick was still inside your pussy.
You then leaned your face even closer into Triple H's genitals, so much, that Shawn's dick was leaving out of your cunt, your pussy dripping white cum, and his cock totally smothered in cum.
Guess you need to suck Shawn's cock eventually too.
You opened your eyes and pulled your face away from Triple H's dick to see if there was still any cum on his cock.
Nope. Thank goodness!
The 3 of you were all exhausted from all that fucking, although, either you'll need to suck and clean off Shawn's cock and maybe one of them (if not BOTH) will have to eat out your pussy.
"Hey boys" you said, a naughty smile on your face.
"What?" they both said, one after the other.
"Y'know, they used to chant 'Shawn is gay' sometimes" you said.
And Triple H, next year, would say "I'm many things that are bi, but lingual isn't one of them!".
"Yeah?" Shawn said.
"Y'know" you said "I was thinking maybe you could take turns fucking me while the two of you take turns fucking each other up the ass".
"What?!?!" Triple H asked, a confused, shocked look on his face.
"I mean" you explained "Like, when one of you is fucking me, the other could be fucking the man in the ass. Like, Shawn fucks my pussy, while behind Shawn, Trips is fucking Shawn's butt, and then vice versa".
Both Shawn and Triple H burst into laughter.
"Are you high?" Triple H asked. "Drunk?"
"No!" you exclaimed, "It was just a thought! Although, it doesn't have to be now!".
Epilogue: The fem readers cleans Shawn's cock with her mouth, swallowing the jizz on his dick, whereas Shawn and Trips both take turns eating out the fem reader's pussy, cleaning her cum drenched cunt.
I found out how years later, after Chyna was fired by the WWF, she did porn with X Pac.
Why did it have to be with X PAC of all people and not Shawn Michaels or Triple H?
Though, Trips did cheat on Chyna with Stephanie...
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henry-hart · 7 years ago
The Danger Begins s1 ep1
I’m so glad I decided to rewatch this because it made me so happy!!!! (also, to keep you guys from getting uber annoyed with me, i’m just gonna lb on one big post like this from now on lolol)
first off
s1 henry was the cutest thing to ever exist. ever. my heart couldn’t take it bc he’s so grown now but in that first ep he’s this adorable little baby chick ajdksjslk
it was so incredible to see Siren on my screen. Like, within thirty seconds BAM there she was. i felt blessed, like she blessed my laptop
PIPER. MY OVERDRAMATIC DAUGHTER. I miss her “I am NOT okay!!!” catchphrase akdjlsj 
her “so we’re living like animals now” reply to being told to wait for her video to load---same girl, same.
Henry at 13 was a million times more proactive about the whole job search than I have ever been and I’m 22 sksjskjsk
his whole “I’m not good at anything. I’m a big ball of average”---I feel that lol
“No special skills needed.” “That’s me!!” 
okay one of Char’s first lines was “One day when you two are cleaning my pool bc you failed this algebra test...” and it doesn’t get more iconic than that
Ray just coming in with all these ridiculous questions lolol poor Hen
“I’m 13. I’ll be 14....on my next bday.” ajskjsksljk
“Ah, so you’re aging sequentially. I like that. The name’s Ray.” “Nice to meet you, Ray. I’m Henry.” “You ask a lot of questions.” “I....don’t think....I’ve asked any questions...????” loved it
I laughed when Ray changed into his uniform and the zipper got stuck (that never happens again????)
“Did you have to melt my phone???” Hen, sweetie, hate to break it to you, but your phone gets broken.....preeeeetty much every ep (need me a bank account like that where I can steady get new iphones)
WhAt Do YoU mEaN nO sPeCiAl SkIlLs HeNrY???? yOu NoTiCeD tHe TaToO!!!!!! u smart lil cookie
Ray was all “I’m getting old. I can’t do this forever.” Two things: 1) RAY DID YOU JUST REFER TO YOURSELF AND OLD IN THE SAME SENTENCE??? 2) why is this never mentioned again??? Like, Ray got a sidekick to pass the mantle onto someone younger to keep protecting Swellview when he’s done. We’re like 4 yrs down the line, and they haven’t even hinted towards CM retiring??? (I know that would mean the end of the show, but they could at least bring it up every now and then)
OK. hated the toddler then. hate him now. 
Props to the props department (ha ha get it???) for all the junk in the store. It’s all so strange and doesn’t make sense and fits the show so well (also it seems like each ep has diff junk??? that’s impressive)
“They seem like nice kids.” “Yeah, they’re names are Jasper x Charlotte. I’ve known them ever since--” “Get rid of them.” “I’ll get rid of them.”
DAWWWW Jasper x his buckets :’))))
“I told you Canadian money upsets ppl!!!” Ah Char (I wonder if Riele comes up with some of these Canada jokes??)
OMG I FORGOT ABOUT HEN’S HORRIBLE TEST WARDROBE. IMAGINE IF THEY HAD KEPT ONE OF THOSE IDEAS AKSJLKSJ (there really wasn’t any need for a whole test wardrobe tho--just style an outfit to fits Ray’s. His obvs works out well for him) (I know that’s what they ended up doing lolol)
Okay, Ray’s “Oh man. I ate a lot of fruit.” line KILLS. ME. bc when i first watched this ep, every time the scene changed and Ray was shown w/ a diff fruit, I was like, “Why...is he eating so much fruit????” bc they’re all diff and he even eats a whole pineapple--outside peel and all. BUT I WAS THINKING IT AND THEN HE SAID IT AND IT MADE IT ONE MILLION TIMES FUNNIER.
“Chew gum. Blow bubble. Fight crime.” Ray wrote those instructions. I just know it. aksjskl
“And what does a single flashing light mean?” “Just to shoot me a text, you know, whenever.” aksjklsk
Hen not knowing how to get the tubes to work and just jumping up and down making noises aksjlsk
“Affirmative.” “That means ‘yes’.” “I got that.” and so the sass begins lolol love it
“Awwww no! That was my favorite bridge!”
“I hate my life and I am NOT okay.” i feel u Pipes
the sass is strong in those Hart kids. Siren x Jake can’t catch a break aksjslk
Siren. Hart. Is. So. Beautiful. her hair just looks so good this ep
“I’ll run away. I’ll do it.” ajskjskl Pipes chill
Jake....Siren...that’s....your son on the tv screen...like.....that’s literally your child’s face.....the product of both of your genes is right there.....plastered on the screen.....how do u....not....recognize him?????
“Two ppl said they might come.” “Who?” “Sidney Birnbaum and Oliver Pook.” “Ew.” “Those guys eat bugs.” “So? They’re people.” I just love the kid’s line delivery here lolol
I just want everyone to know that s1 Henry is the cutest. I already said it, but I’m saying it again. 
Henry panicking bc he doesn’t want C x J to keep reading about KD but he also doesn’t know what to do so he just throws a glass and smacks C’s phone out of her hand and clean across the room ajskjslk SAME
Jace was so.....twitchy in the first two seasons. He’s really mellowed---which I understand it happens when you get older---but it’s just so funny to see this little bean with all his crazy expressions and loud outbursts and rapid movements lolol
Hey Lelani? You’re hot (give me ukelele lessons pls)
“The toddler’s men stole 5,000 packages of diapers. Can you guess why?” “Uhhhh???” “To bombard the diapers with radioactive zenite particles.” “.....I would not have guessed that.”
also Ray getting lower to the ground as he talks and Hen just following is so funny to me. Ray was really extra in that first ep 
“Okay. Okay. It’s cool. You go to Jasper’s party. I’ll handle the toddler by myself. Don’t worry about it.” “Are you sure?” “Yeah. I’ve battled the toddler alone before--almost killed me, but whatever.” and u still want to take a 13 yr old out there??? Ray.
“No, I’m not bringing the muffins!” but u said u would
okay, but the news jumping from CM’s kidnapping to a report on why squirrels love nuts???? TOO tru (they really do that “here’s something serious. kids are dying. now here’s this pointless and meaningless crap” lolol)
“I can’t talk! I’m naked!” friends anyone??? (“You can’t come in. Ross is naked.” “Why’d you tell her I was naked???” “I couldn’t tell her I was naked. She’s allowed to see me naked.” “Why does anyone have to be naked???”) (sorry i just love friends akjslkjs)
I hate u toddler. just in case you were doubting.
Jasper unknowingly saving the day by downloading that sound effect app on Hen’s phone *claps for him*
Henry just....completely kicking butt on his second day???? That’s my son.
“Captain Man!” “Henry!” “It’s Kid Danger.” :))))) I’M SQUEALING. I’M SO PROUD OF HIM. HIS LIL POINT TO RAY AND THAT SMALL SMILE. TOO. CUTE. (also Ray just namedropping like they don’t have identities to protect)
“How do I get you out of there?” “I don’t know. This is the first time I’ve been stuck in a baby bouncer hovering over a bottomless ball pit.” CALL SUPERHEROES OUT, RAY. all these extravagant traps they’re caught in and they just....know what to do??? Doubtful. (bottomless pits are impossible, but you know lol)
Ray swinging around everywhere in that baby bouncer was hilarious alkjdlksj
that spitting device is the literal WORST thing i have ever seen. i freaking hate spit.
God, i wish the toddler had stayed tf down there in that ball pit. i wish that bottle had blown him to the center of the earth. (sorry i just really don’t like him akdjslj)
“What do we do with this? (the bottle bomb)” “We give the baby his bottle.” “Ah. Good call.” “Hey.” “Suuuuup.” “Hurry.” “Oh, right.” aksjlsksjl there are some really good moments in this ep
Ray shielding Henry was <33333 (it would be really messed up if he hadn’t considering he’s indestructible, but I like to think that he chose to)
AJKSJSKLSKSJLK HENRY’S FACE WHEN RAY TOLD HIM “GOOD JOB” WAS SOOOOOOO PRECIOUS. He looked so shocked. Like, “CM thinks I did a good job????” 
It’s like, Henry’s second day on the job, and they’re just namedropping right and left. Why be careful???? It’s not like they have secret identities or anything.....(they steady use their real names. i guess they don’t really have to worry. C must be the only smart person in Swellview bc no one else seems capable of figuring it out. I mean, not even his parents recognized him ajksjslk)
If you need any proof that Ray is a good guy, just watch this ep. His willingness to show up to J’s party despite only knowing Hen for like two days is a solid testament to his character. This is the Ray I know and love.
awwwwww poor Jasp. your party isn’t a flop. It’s about to be lit af because your bff is HENRY FREAKING HART, THE SWEETEST BOY TO EVER LIVE.
Ray, your excuse is horrible. “My van broke down across the street so I decided to come into this house and into this basement.” alskjlskj what is that????
“You’re CM!” “Thank you.” “You’re my hero!” “Of course.” oh Ray
Henry’s just watching J freak out over CM, watching how excited and happy J is and knowing he did that for him, and it’s just----my heart is all ajkdjlsjks
Char is the cutest in this ep. she’s fangirling over CM, and it’s so weird bc now she can’t stand him lolol
Hen x Ray pretending they don’t know each other. SO. PRECIOUS. Ray’s face is so sweet and they share this secret smile and just GAHHHH
J asking CM if he can hit him w/ a bball bat alksjlk “Remember kids: never do this to anyone but CM bc regular ppl could be badly inju--AHHHHHH.......I wasn’t done talking.” “Did that hurt?” “Yeah. But I’m okay.” the way Ray says yeah cracks me up bc it’s like, duh it hurt. it was a bat hitting my head lolol
“Hey, CM?” “Yes, boy?” “Would it be ok if Jasp texted a few friends and told them you were here at his party?” “Suuurrreeee. I love being used.” Ray kills me. cooper x jace have some of the best line delivery/comedic timing akdjslkj
*J is shaking CM’s hand* “Thank you so much! This is the best day of my life!” “Ha ha, are your hands always this sweaty?” “Yes sir.” “He takes medicine for it.” “Wellllll, it’s not working.” *wipes hand on J and leaves wet mark* ajsklj poor Jasper
Henry brought the muffins after all <33333 “Muffins.” “Yeah.” (you can tell Jace x Sean were already good friends. so cute.)
Hen x Char got Jasp the bucket from the shop that Gooch wouldn’t let him have. Dawwwwww
“For awhile there, I thought you weren’t gonna come.” “Come on, man. I’ll always be there for you.” then. they. hug. they’re. so. cute. i. love. solid. friendships.
that was a perfect way to end an ep
I’m glad I watched this. I’ve forgotten most of the earlier episodes which is a crime because they’re so good. It was hard to see Jace so little when he’s so grown now!!!!! My heart couldn’t take it. But lil Henry is precious and I love him. Stay tuned for more rewatches!!!! xoxoxox
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stanneoctchinaline · 8 years ago
170627 Ilsan Fansign - Winwin moments
op: this promotion era has been really busy right? you guys got so many overseas schedules as well~ isn’t it tiring?
ww: oh~ but it’s fun! there are really lots of fun!
op: did you get some good rest in new york? and had delicious food?
ww: i had lots of good foods!
op: what dishes?
ww: oh~ the hamburgers that johnny hyung bought
cr: sseucheong
(op’s name is minkyung)
op: hello!
ww: hello
op: can you give me a chinese name?
ww: ah.. that’s difficult..
op: just a generic name.. whatever name is ok..
ww: (wrote the hanja character for min) what is ‘kyung’.. ah.. kyung *thinking hard*
op: no no just whatever chinese name that you can think of!
ww: *not listening* kyung.. ah.. um
/in  the end he wrote down the hanja version of minkyung/
cr: sseucheong
op asked winwin to recommend her a chinese noodle dish, winwin asked back ‘chinese dishes?’ so op also said ‘yes! chinese foods!’, then winwin replied to her indeed confidently ‘BIBIMBAP!’
op gave a surprised reaction then winwin started giggling at her. Op thinks that winwin must have been teasing her because he himself asked ‘chinese foods‘ (and he knows bibimbap is not a chinese dish, hence he is just joking)
cr: sseucheong
op: winwin do you like being cute or being cool?
ww: though i like both i think i prefer being cool
op: why?
ww: because being cute is like.. too childish
op: oh hahahha childlike eh? then winwin is really cool!
ww: ooh! *thumbs up* thank you
cr: sseucheong
op told winwin that he can change his weibo bio already (it still says 'limitless'), he froze for a moment before smiling sheepishly then op asked if he had forgotten his weibo acc pw, and he kept laughing~ op then asked if he can write a sentence down for her but he kept drawing hearts instead? so the op thought maybe there was no time and said "it's okay you can write it for me at the next fansign" but when winwin gave her back the album, he suddenly asked, "do you have freestyle?" (iconic catchphrase of wu yifan on chinese rap show) and the op was just like ??? she froze and then started laughing like crazy
cr: nctdojae
Here’s the video of wyf saying the catchphrase LOL
op: hello sicheng! my friend is called xing xing (op is getting signature on behalf of her friend)
ww: which character of ‘xing’?
op: xing as in stars on the sky. can you write for her ‘live well and take care’
ww: why this sentence though?
op: she really likes you, she wants some encouragements from you coz her health is not good
ww: oh, ah, thank you thank you
op: recently, you’ve been flying abroad a lot right?
ww: yes
op: last time you said you liked ‘six records of a floating life’ right, do you have any favorite foreigh poet?
ww: foreign poet.. *thinking* i don’t know any actually
op: then chinese poet?
ww: xu zhimo
op: isn’t xu zhimo a painter?
ww: (? questioningly looked back, then constantly asked if the ‘mo’ in xu zhimo was written rightly)
op: im not sure either
ww: (kept the album in his hands w/o giving back, asked if he got the fan’s name right) (but he didn’t let op go, kept asking if xu zhimo was written like this)
op: i really don’t know
ww: (continued thinking) (afraid that he wrote ‘mo’ wrongly so he crossed over it then returned the album)
op; take care~
cr: sseucheong
op: before you said that you liked grilled samgyeopsal made by taeyong hyung the most right? what kind of food do you like recently?
ww: um...
op: if that’s hard to answer then how just say what you often eat!
ww: self-cooked instant noodle
op: are you good at cooking?
ww: i am!
op: do you add eggs?
ww: yes!!
op: how many?
ww: i add one egg!
cr: sseucheong
before doing the ending ment they had to pick 2 lucky fans to get pics (?), when the box of name lots was drought out:
ty: since mark and haechan aren’t here today, winwin is our maknae, sjall we let the maknae pick? winwin how do you like being the maknae?
ww: if i could be the maknae everyday that’d be nice..
cr: sseucheong
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ggangpaehoshi · 8 years ago
My thoughts on the WANNA ONE lineup
From a Seoul-living Korean American Piece of P101S2 Trash who cried when she found out she couldn’t go to the final performance:
First of all, as an unfaltering Jaehwan Stan since Episode 1, I was thrilled. I actually burst into tears when they announced him as 4th place. And overall, the lineup isn’t bad. There’s a balance of positions, and a variety of people: big companies, small companies, and no companies.
Let’s just start in the order that they were announced.
Bae Jinyoung wasn’t my top pick, or even within my Top 11, but he is incredibly hard working and has the smallest face on the show. He’s got a really unique voice, and has improved tremendously in his singing and dancing. Though a bit shocked and fearful of how the rest of the group would play out, I was really happy for him. Besides, his position as center in “Hands on Me” was really fitting. I was impressed.
Hwang Minhyun. Well… here’s the thing about the Nu'est members: if none make it, Na.Pros will be outraged, but if too many make it, they’ll also be angry. Though I’d have expected Jonghyun to also make the cut, Minhyun has been fortunate enough to be in groups in which many of the members made the final cut as well. Aside from that, Minhyun’s dashing good looks and beautiful vocal color were very memorable to the Korean public. He also had an advantage, having debuted before and gained a considerable amount of publicity. Though it didn’t save his band mates, these factors managed to save Minhyun. And I’m truly happy for him, though it did break my heart to see him upset at the end of the episode.
Yoon Jisung. Yoon Jisung is extremely hard working and talented, and I’m happy that he made it. Many of my friends made him their fixed pick because of his bubbly personality and his strong leadership shown in the position evaluations. He’s a great contribution to the group dynamic in terms of humor and variety, and would be a strong asset when on other reality shows or televised interviews. Additionally, he and Ong Sungwoo have a great dynamic.
Lai Guanlin. Some say this was rigged, and perhaps it was. However, I still think he’s a necessary part of the group. His rapping skills were never particularly bad, and have improved immensely as the season progressed. And although his dancing isn’t perfect yet, he’s learned a lot. He’s starting to develop an onstage charisma that some of the more experienced trainees have, and the fact that he knows many languages (three, if I’m not mistaken) will be vital when promoting in foreign countries.
Park Woojin. I’m very biased towards Park Woojin. Though at first I was a bit taken aback at how strong his appearance was (with the eyebrows, the snaggletooth, etc) but after seeing his self-introduction, I fell deep and hard. As of right now, he’s probably my #4, so I was elated to see him at 6th place. Honestly, he has so much going for him: top-notch rap skills, and out-of-this-world dancing. He is truly the dark horse of this season, and has so much to contribute to the group. And though I’m usually not the kind of person, “sexy baby, oh my lady” was listened to by me probably a million times.
Ong Sungwoo is my eleven-year-old brother’s fixed pick. He loves Ong Sungwoo, and for good reason too. Sungwoo definitely has charisma, variety, talent, and everything else an idol may need. His slate, “Get Ugly” face, and “배고파요” made him funny and relatable, while his company performance (and all of his other performances) reminded Na.Pros that he was extremely skilled. His face is also a face that is hard to forget, making it easy for people to point him out (which is an asset for idols). Because he stands out, he can help his group stand out as well.
Ah, Kim Jaehwan. My fixed pick from day one. In my completely honest but very biased opinion, a group isn’t good without a good main vocal. And a group isn’t great without a great main vocal. Lucky for WANNA ONE, Kim Jaehwan is an outstanding vocal. And although I wasn’t quite sure of that during the Individual Trainees’ “Hey Mama,” I was sure of it after Jaehwan’s “Skyfall.” And though his dancing skills lacked significantly (especially in the beginning), he was able to show that through hard work, anything can be done. Even without a company.
Lee Daehwi. I wasn’t even surprised. He can produce, sing, dance, and has an incredible stage presence. After becoming the first icon of the season, there was no way for this boy not to make the debut line. After all, he was unique in appearance and aura, and had an incomparable charisma: one that just glows with confidence and self-esteem. I know he’ll do great in WANNA ONE, and I’m confident that Rhymer won’t have to worry about hate messages now. But did he ever?
Park Jihoon actually came as a surprise to me. I expected him to be first place, despite last week’s rankings. For some reason, I just assumed that the Na.Pros preferred a pretty boy over someone with a more manly appeal (and they usually do… take Cha Eunwoo for example). But perhaps the Na.Pro wanted a boyband with a sexy concept, or just really liked Daniel. Nonetheless, although he was not given many opportunities to be the actual center of a lot of things, he was always overflowing with energy and that showed through onstage. And his catchphrases have become nationwide. He’s got the idol impact, for sure.
Kang Daniel is honestly so attractive and I’m really happy for him. Not because he’s attractive, but because he has matured a lot as the season progressed. By being the leader of “Get Ugly” and “Open Up,” he was able to learn through the successes and mistakes he encountered, and became a really balanced and capable artist by the last episode. In the second episode, he was struggling to hit the notes in “나야 나,” but completely nailed the Sub Vocal 1 position in “Hands on Me.” All of the concepts suit him, and I think he will handle the center position very well.
And finally, Ha Sungwoon. Ha Sungwoon didn’t really catch my eye until the position evaluations, where I discovered that he had a beautiful voice. I had sort of skimmed through Episode 2, so I never actually watched the Ardor and Able evaluation, only the portion where Noh Taehyun is krumping. Nonetheless, since starting to like him, I rooted for him, but only in an underdog “it’d be a miracle if he makes the next round” kind of way. But then, I watched videos of him promoting with HOTSHOT, and it made me so sad to think that someone with this much potential could have been so underrated and unnoticed. Then, prior to the second elimination, there was a cut of him volunteering to perform “Never” first, and that is when I realized that this is all he has. Without this opportunity, HOTSHOT may disband and he may never be able to perform again. And this is very similar to a lot of groups, and perhaps even the Nu'est boys. But seeing him work so hard moved me and thousands of Na.Pros to voting for him. At the time, you could pick two members, so I chose him and Jaehwan, and he remains my #2. He has everything: dance skills, vocal versatility, good looks, and can fill whatever position is needed of him in WANNA ONE.
I know many people people are upset about Samuel, Jonghyun, and Dongho, and I am sad as well. They are all incredibly talented boys, and all of them deserve to debut. I am glad to hear that Samuel has some impressive debut plans ahead of him, and hope that Nu'est will also have that opportunity. However, I hate seeing comments about replacing a confirmed member with one of the previously mentioned, or about not supporting WANNA ONE because their favorite trainee has been eliminated.
The thing about reality shows is that they’re rigged. There is absolutely no way for Na.Pros to perfectly, expertly select trainees to fill every position and every aspect needed. Of course it’s rigged. Without Lai Guanlin, the rest of Asia (particularly China and Taiwan) may not support WANNA ONE. Or without Kim Jaehwan or Ha Sungwoon, the group wouldn’t have the vocal support that they need. Or, in other instances, talented trainees like Jung Sewoon or Samuel are perhaps best left out of WANNA ONE so that they can do better things. Though I’m not sure about Sewoon, Samuel has plans for a solo debut, and I think Sewoon should too and follow in the footsteps of his Starship predecessors (like Yu Seungwoo). Jung Sewoon shared my #2 with Ha Sungwoon, so seeing them as the two people for the eleventh spot was just terrible. But all things considered, Sungwoon more closely fits the idol image, whereas Jung Sewoon would make an amazing soloist.
I know a lot of people are still distraught over the eliminations of Samuel and the Pledis boys, but truth be told, too many Pledis members would’ve ruined WANNA ONE’s popularity among its target audience (yes, Korean people), and Samuel, perhaps as a result of unspoken racism or just lack of people choosing him as their fixed pick, just wasn’t very popular among Na.Pros. It sucks, it really does, and the result would’ve been different if chosen by international fans, but we need to take into account that although K-Pop is becoming a global trend, it ultimately must appeal to its home country and citizens to continue to promote K-Pop to the world as culturally Korean, and not as the result of a lot of foreign countries pitching in to determine what Korean culture should be like.
I will miss Jung Sewoon, Kim Jonghyun, Kang Dongho, Lim Youngmin, Ahn Hyungseob, Yu Seonho, Kim Samuel, Joo Haknyeon, and Choi Minki, and despite my disappointment at some not making the final cut, I will continue to support and cheer on WANNA ONE. Please support them with me.
Thank you for reading.
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