#ah so many Thoughts I’m rambling just know I love them
dragonologist-phd · 1 year
oof Shadowheart’s act 2 quest…
So much kudos to her VA, she absolutely kills it- the way Shadowheart swings between fierce and determined to nervous and uncertain as she wavers over what to do…
Plus my own headcanons are being so fueled by that fight in the Shadowfell with Balthazar, who’s basically a mirror of Naia’s own Worst Possible Ending (descending so far in necromancy studies that she sacrifices her own humanity for it and ends up spending centuries alone in a laboratory with only constructs for company…)
So *that’s* what’s on Naia’s mind as she watches Shadowheart grapple with her own future, and how a part of her knows that if Shadowheart becomes a Justiciar she’ll lose her forever. How Nightsong even said Justiciars give up love. How Naia didn’t even have to pass a persuasion check in the end, and Shadowheart threw the spear away herself
I just love them a lot
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lovebugism · 1 year
AH HI!! so... i love the way you write ditzy!reader, and especially with steve idk it just warms my heart yk? The way they interact 😭 it's so lovely
Since I'm an angsty girly at heart, I thought about a situation where steve gets a teeny tiny bit frustrated with ditzy!reader, but it's just seconds, even less than that but it's enough to make her upset for making him upset but also a super fluffy moment between both of them and steve being mesmerized by her and just so much in love
ahh thank u lovie! pls enjoy!! — steve gets frustrated with his sensitive gf and makes up with her accordingly (hurt/comfort, established relationship, 2.7k)
fictober (㇏(•̀ᵥᵥ•́)ノ)
You keep Steve company during the last half of his shift like you always do. 
He’s grumpier than usual, though — all pouty and visibly brooding. 
You plop yourself on the front counter of Family Video and ask him what’s wrong, and he tells you that the day’s been hell and he’s just tired. There is no “but I feel better now” like there usually is when he’s upset but doesn’t want you to think it’s your fault. 
The “because you’re here” is typically implied. 
Not so much now.
You’re having the complete opposite day of your sulking boyfriend. Yours had been dreadfully boring, or at least you say it had been, but you find a million different things to tell him. You’re too excited after having spent so many hours without him, like a dog with a wagging tail. You’ve got the zoomies of the mouth, if you could even call it that.
“—And then I saw the cutest dog on the way over here. His name was Cappy, and he was huge, and the owner was so nice. He even let me pet him, and he literally felt like a cloud— the dog, not the owner.”
Steve is used to this. The whole rambling about nothing thing. He loves it about you, actually. It took him ages to coax you out of that shell after your asshole ex told you that you talked too much, convinced you that no one cared about what you had to say.
You’re more comfortable now, and Steve loves that you are, but right now he just can’t concentrate.
Keith’s been on his ass about inventory all day, and he just learned how to do it on the old, bulky computer this morning — but only after Robin made him an hour late to his shift. Everything’s just too much now. He’s overwhelmed to the point of spontaneous combustion. 
For the first time ever, you’re not helping.
“—And, like, I know when we move into our apartment, we’re technically not allowed to have pets, but like… What about a fish? Or a turtle?” you wonder aloud but don’t stop to let him answer. Sitting on the edge of the counter, you kick your feet and flit your eyes to the spotted ceiling. “What if I start feeding the deer in the woods, and they just start showing up at our backdoor? ‘Cause technically—”
“Babe, please,” Steve snaps suddenly when your sneaker knocks his chair. He’s buzzing with anger, and even though it’s not because of you, he doesn’t know where else to put it.
Your eyes go wide at the newfound bite in his tone. He’s not shouting at you, but it makes your heart stop like he is. You feel like a kid again, getting scolded for being “too much.”
“…What?” you squeak.
Steve sighs. A deep, heavy sigh. It doesn’t remove the leaden weight from his chest, though. 
“I’m… I’m really trying to concentrate here, and you’re just— you’re making it really hard,” he tells you through gritted teeth, trying hard to keep his composure.
You deflate like a popped balloon. “Oh…”
He can hear the waver in your tone, the way your voice sounds wet with unshed tears. But he’s too overwhelmed — internally raging and selfish with it. His sweltering temper makes his woe feel more important than yours.
“Yeah, so… Can you just— go bother someone else for, like, five minutes?” he asks, fists clenched on either side of the clunky keyboard, his gaze concentrated on the pixelated screen. “Robin’s probably sulking in a corner somewhere. Go find her.”
Your face crumbles like a balled-up piece of paper. Your chest gets all tight, and your eyes start to burn when tears gather behind them.
You’d always been a flower of melodrama — blooming eternally and constantly sensitive. So when Steve cut you off as you fantasized about a family of deer living in the backyard of an apartment you were supposed to share together, it felt like a knife in your chest. 
The irrational thought that he no longer wanted any of that with you was fleeting and vivid and burning. Irrational, still.
But now you’re annoying him. He’s told you as much, with an unusual harshness he’s never spat at you before. And now your fears feel much more real.
“I’m bothering you?” you ask him, barely intelligible through the whimper in your throat.
Steve huffs again. His elbows thunk against the desk when he puts his head in his palms, swiping his fingers through his hair like he always does when he’s antsy. 
“I just really need to get this done,” he tells you, softer now. He makes himself mad all over again, though, and gets sharper once more. “I need to finish this before I get fired, and then we have no apartment to move into because we have no money, alright?”
There it is. The root of all his anger. A lingering feeling of inadequacy. 
He wants a life with you, but all he’s got is a measly Family Video salary — which he’s lucky to have apparently, because he can’t seem to do anything right. It stirs like a fire in the pit of his stomach.
After another deep breath, he finally turns to look up at you. His honey eyes are wet and stern. The chiseled edges of his features are sharp. Gently, he pleads. “I really need to work here, babe.”
You nod, understanding and internally weeping. “Okay. I’m— I’m sorry, I was just— I’ve been missing you all day, and I got too excited, I think,” you confess, wringing your clammy hands in your lap like a scolded child.
“Don’t apologize,” Steve says with a huff, leaning back against the squeaking swivel chair. It’s old and has lost all its cushion. His stiff back aches all the more. There’s no relief, to any of it. 
He sits back up again and puts his unsure hands back on the keyboard. “Just— Just go, okay? Let me finish this.”
He leaves little room for argument.
You wouldn’t, though, even if you wanted to. Which you do. You’re just not strong enough.
Steve tells you to go, but you end up in the kiddie corner across the store. 
Mr. Rogers puts on a bright red cardigan and sings a tune that makes you feel like crying. You sit on the color-blocked carpet, surrounded by block toys, and clutch a stuffed bunny to your chest. You can’t tell if the vintage VHS is making the screen blurry or if it’s the tears gathering heavy at your waterline.
Robin walks by you, does a double-take, and immediately reports to Steve.
“What did you do?” she interrogates with narrowed eyes, strolling up to the counter with a cart full of tapes to put away.
The hearty tap, tap, taping of the keyboard fills the silence. 
Steve doesn’t look at her until he’s finished up the last of his work. Only when it’s fully and finally complete does his hardened gaze dart to her. “What are you talking about?”
“Your girlfriend. She’s upset.”
“What do you mean she’s upset?”
Robin rolls her eyes at his obliviousness. “I don’t know. She’s singing the Mister Roger’s theme song and, like, crying. It’s weird.”
Steve’s brows pinch. His heart does, too. “Crying?”
“Well— not crying, exactly. It’s this really weird blubbering thing.” She fails to explain it so she tries to imitate it. A sobbing, sniffling sort of noise. She fails at that, too. Her scrunched face goes back to normal. “Like that.”
Deadpanned, Steve nods. “Wow, Robin. That was really helpful. Thank you.”
“Just go comfort your girlfriend, dingus.”
Steve still thinks she’s joking. Robin doesn’t lie, but she does have a tendency to overemphasize the mundane. 
He goes to see you anyway, though, and doesn’t think twice about any of it — about what Robin said or what he had said to you before that.
He finds you in the kid’s section, in front of the tiny television, surrounded by brightly colored toys. He smiles at the sight of you, exhaling a sharp laugh through his nose.
“What are you doing all the way over here, huh?” he questions to announce his arrival, which you seemingly hadn’t noticed. “This area is usually for kids, ya know? Well, kids and Dustin Henderson.”
He doesn’t sound as annoyed with you anymore. You’re grateful for that much, but you still feel a bit sick about the whole thing.
Your nervous hands pick the cotton of the fuzzy bunny in your arms. You keep your gaze on the television in front of you, but you aren’t really watching it anymore. “I used to watch this stuff a lot growing up. The nostalgia sorta makes me wanna puke. But, like, in a good way.”
Steve scoffs. “Well, maybe we should turn it off then, ‘cause if I have to clean up vomit after the day I’ve had, I might actually go insane.”
He’s kidding. Mostly. The universe tends to be cruel like that, but he’d clean up all your messes a thousand times over if he had to.
He laughs at his own joke as he crouches to sit down next to you. He bends his knees, props his arms on top of them, and looks over at you. You don’t crack a smile for him, which is weird because you always laugh at his jokes. Even the ones that aren’t funny. Especially the ones that aren’t funny.
His smile ebbs to a wavering half-smirk as he knocks his shoulder with yours. “You okay?”
You think for a moment, jutting your lips out, unblinking at the television screen. “No,” you answer after a few seconds of silence. “But I’ll get over it. I think.”
Your honesty makes his heart wrench — like you’ve wrapped both your tiny hands around the beating organ and squeezed. It knocks the breath out of his lungs, a fish so ruthlessly pulled from the water. He tries to speak through the sudden lack of air. “Wh—What happened? Was it… Did I do something? Did you—”
“No,” you cut off his stammering with a firm shake of your head. “I did something.”
“Oh,” is all he says, pink lips pouting and wide eyes darting. “What does… What does that mean? Did you, like, step on a rogue VHS or something? ‘Cause I do that all the time, and technically, that’s Rob’s fault for leaving them out, so—”
You shake your head again, digging your nails into the delicate cotton of the well-loved stuffy in your arms. “No. I was just— I was botheringyou, and now I feel bad,” you confess, all quiet like a meek child who’s learning what it means to be sorry.
Steve — your oh, so oblivious one — goes aflame with embarrassment. He’d been too clouded by his own anger to recognize the venom spilling from his mouth; to understand that it would inevitably hurt you.
With chiseled features twisted in confusion, he shakes his head and stammers. “What? No! You weren’t— You weren’t bothering me!”
You turn to look at him, for the first time since he sat down beside you. Your eyes are glassy and swimming with hurt. You try to keep your trembling features stoic. You don’t want to seem as hurt by it all as you really are. 
You feel like you should, anyway. What right do you have to be sad when you were the one being a bother?
“You said I was,” you remind him, still soft but sterner now. “You told me to go bother someone else—”
“Oh, babe…” Steve says, deflating just as you had. 
He knows how sensitive you are, how deeply you feel things. You’re vulnerable, raw — it makes everything feel more personal than it really is. It makes grumpy jabs from your dumbass boyfriend hurt like a lemon on a weeping wound.
He tries to apologize, knowing that he hurt you and that it’s not up to him to decide that he didn’t. 
“I wasn’t… I didn’t mean to, babe,” he murmurs, swiping a tense hand through his hair and then gesticulating wildly with it. “I was just being a dick, you know? I’ve been super stressed all day and—”
“Don’t apologize. I was being annoying.”
Steve blinks at you with wide, wet eyes — like you’ve hurt him by talking so cruelly about yourself. 
“Baby, no. No,” he urges, ducking down to meet your gaze when you look away from him. “I’m just an idiot, okay? I put off inventory until the last second, and Keith’s been on my ass all day about it, and I just— I took that out on you, and that’s not fair, and I’m sorry.”
You shake your head, pursing your bitten lips to the side and twisting the long ear of the bunny between your fingers. “It’s not your fault, Steve…” you murmur, almost inaudibly.
He scoffs. It sounds like a bitter laugh. “Well, actually, it kinda is.”
“I just… I don’t really understand what’s going on sometimes. Or, like, a lot of the time,” you admit with a distracted gaze, eyes flitting everywhere but to the boy beside you. You’re too ashamed to look at him now. “And it’s harder for me to know when I’m talking too much, you know? Or if I’m being super annoying.”
“I know…” Steve nods, trying his best to be sympathetic of you. He loves how soft you are — too much to understand you completely. He loves how gently you treat the rest of the world, how unusually giddy you get in your gentleness. 
You swallow through a tightening throat and shrug to pretend your world doesn’t feel like it’s crumbling around you. “And I don’t care about annoying other people— well, I do, but it’s different with you, you know? Other people can’t break up with me for being too much.”
“The idiot that told you you were too much had exactly zero personality,” Steve tells you, mostly because he means it but also to see you smile. 
You do, just barely. A grin so soft only someone deathly in love with you could see. 
“You’re never annoying me, okay? Ever. I love hearing you talk. I love having you around.”
“Yeah?” you ask him, blinking back burning tears.
“Hell yeah! You’re, like, the best part of my day! The only good part of my day, now that I think about it.”
Biting back a grin, you tease, “Well, what about Robin?”
“Robin made me late today, so we’re kinda not friends right now.”
“That’s mean,” you scold despite the growing smile on your face.
Steve shrugs. “We’ll make up before I clock out. No big deal.”
You go suddenly shy, smiling sheepish and tilting your chin to your chest to peek at him through your lashes. “Are we gonna make up before you clock out?” you wonder quietly.
“Only if you’re willing to forgive me for being an insufferable douchebag,” Steve answers, only half-joking. He very seldomly feels worthy of your softness.
You look at him with it, anyway. 
Full on beaming now, you reach across the short distance to wrap him in a firm embrace. The position is only slightly awkward. Sitting side by side with your asses on the hard carpet, your arms wound tightly around his neck — a bit like a snake smothering its prey. 
Steve feels grateful to be held so ardently. 
His nose smushes into your neck. The sweet scent of your perfume entwines with the warm scent of your sweater. He smiles into your shoulder when it makes you giggle. You pull back from him then, just to steal a quick peck a moment later. Your lips smack audibly against his grin.
“Can we make out before you clock out?” you lilt with a shy smirk.
“…That is the single best idea I’ve heard all day.”
Your giggle fills the empty store when Steve rises suddenly and pulls you with him. He leads you toward the back, tugging you by the hand down the short corridor and rambling all the way. “Keith left for the day, so his office is empty, which means it’s fair game—”
“I am not making out with you in Keith’s office!”
“But his desk chair is crazy comfortable, and also, he’s a dick, so… who cares?”
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yuwuta · 2 months
Wow I have been nonstop thinking about tennis king yuuta and his little baby boy I’m going to kill you (affectionate) - @yuutito
teeheeeeeeeee….. here’s some more, aleks :’) enjoy :))))))
“Everybody thinks he looks like me, but I don’t see it that way. Maybe it’s because every time I look at him, I see my wife and I’m reminded of her […] I’m a little biased so I see her in everything.” 
You find yourself with tears welling in your eyes the more you read into Yuuta’s latest magazine interview. Between his sweet quotes and the pictures of him with your son, it’s taking everything in you not to burst into full-blown tears. 
Your boys look so handsome. You and Yuuta shared your concerns with publicizing your child at such a young age, but you two came to the conclusion that you’d rather have the control in the narrative than to let private family pictures be leaked uncontrollably. As another point of reassurance, Yuuta’s career provided him with just enough lime-light to be a household name without the crazy fame and criticism that came along being a true celebrity. Besides—Yuuta talked enough about you and your son in press conferences and interviews that it was bound to happen sooner rather than later. 
The article wasn’t entirely about you, or your family—or at least, you’re sure it wasn’t intended to be; you knew your husband had a knack for rambling about his loved ones, even where work was concerned. As you continue to read, you find a segment where the author compared Yuuta’s current statements with something similar he’d said about you twelve years ago—at the very start of his professional career: “If I owe this [winning Gold] to anybody, it’s my girlfriend. She’s always believed in me, even when I didn’t believe in myself. I wouldn’t have qualified or even thought to qualify if it weren’t for her.” 
It feels like you and Yuuta were just two kids in love back then. You didn’t think it could be more than that—you didn’t think you could love Yuuta more than you did all those years ago, but somewhere along the way just being in love wasn’t enough to describe it; Yuuta became your partner, someone you loved fundamentally, but also because you couldn’t stand to see yourself without him. And just when you thought you couldn’t love anyone nearly as much as you love him, you turn the page to a picture of your husband and son peeping through the holes of a racket and your heart feels full. 
When you scan the image more closely, you realize that it isn’t just any racket—it’s an old one, one you’d given to Yuuta as a gift probably back in high-school. You had no idea he’d kept it, but you suppose you shouldn’t be all that surprised; Yuuta is nothing if not sentimental. 
“Ah, there she is~” Yuuta’s voice cuts through your thoughts. When you turn, you see him, with your baby boy on his hip, sliding the back porch door closed. 
Both boys approach you with a smile on your face, and you set the magazine aside to sit up in the lounge chair to greet them. Yuuta presses a kiss to your forehead, then your lips before you do the same to your son. Immediately after, he reaches his arms out for you, and Yuuta chuckles, “You wanna be with your mama? Can’t blame you, I missed her, too.” 
He hands the baby off to you, and takes a seat on the other end of the chair, reaching over to coo at his son as you smother his face in kisses. 
“How was the farmer’s market?” you question, letting the baby settle into your lap. 
“Good, he picked out some very bright peppers, and we got some more strawberries, know you’ve been craving them,” Yuuta smiles, reaching over to pat your son’s head, when the closed magazine catches his eye, and he reaches for it, quickly flipping through, “Ah—I guess that interview’s out. He’s grown so much, even though it was only a few months ago.” 
You find the blush on his cheeks beyond endearing. Yuuta always finds room to be bashful no matter how many times he’s waxed poetic about his love for you, or his family—his cheeks always stain pink like the first day you met him. 
“It’s sweet. You’re sweet,” you smile, sparing a hand to run through Yuuta’s hair, charmed by the way he leans into your touch, “I didn’t know you still had that racket.” 
“Of course, I keep everything you give me,” he says, earnestly. He closes the magazine and scoots a little closer, taking advantage of the proximity and of your touch to lay his head on your shoulder, “Did you… read all of it?” 
“Almost, but no, why?” you question, with a light-hearted grin, “Did you say something that would lead the world to believe you’re somehow even more in love with me? Because you might already be past the threshold, dear.” 
Yuuta hums. He reaches to take you son out of your lap and carefully shifts himself to that he’s laying down, his head on your lap, and the baby in his arms, happily giggling and cooing as Yuuta holds him up. He lowers and raises him back and forth a few times, nuzzling their noses together when their faces are close, before sitting him up on his chest.
Then he tilts his head up to look at you, wide, love-filled eyes blinking slowly before he says, “Maybe… depends on if me saying I want more kids is past the threshold or not.” 
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starrylothcat · 1 year
If you gave the clones flower, like a bouquet of flowers, what do you think their reactions would be?
You can of course include as few or as many clones as you'd like and any Squad.
💐 💐 💐 For you, Dear!
Omg thank you so much for this ask???
Oh this is fun! I made this into a Clone x Reader HC/Drabble thing and got a bit carried away.
Warnings: None. Mentions of kissing. Established relationship. Reader not described. Didn’t proofread, sorry. 😅
The Bad Batch + Bonus Rex under the cut! Hope you enjoy my ramblings~
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💋💐 You Give The Bad Batch (+Rex) Flowers Headcanons/Drabble 💋💐
He’s confused at first, wondering why you are holding a handful of flowers out toward him.
You tell him you thought of him when you saw the flowers. They made you happy, so you hoped they’d make him happy, too.
Hunter accepts them, not used to receiving gifts, especially thoughtful ones like this.
He’s so used to giving, leading, bearing responsibility, it catches him off guard how nice it feels to be taken care of in return.
The flowers smell sweet, reminding him of you.
He smiles and cups your chin gently, bringing you in for a passionate kiss, feeling some of his stress melt away.
“Thank you, mesh’la. They are beautiful, just like you. What would I do without you looking out for me?”
He tucks one of the flowers into his hair above his ear, wearing it the rest of the day, his thoughts never straying from you.
You hold a flower out to him, and he just stares at you.
“What are you doing?” He finally speaks.
“I’m giving you a flower.”
Crosshair raises an eyebrow, chews his toothpick, hesitantly taking it from you.
He asks what he’s supposed to do with it.
You roll your eyes and tell him it’s a gift.
“I saw it and thought of you.”
Crosshair doesn’t know how to respond or react at first, being given a kind gift was never something he experienced.
You get slightly annoyed and insecure at his silence, knowing this was a dumb idea in the first place.
You quickly turn from him, mumbling under your breath that it was a stupid thought and that you’ll leave him alone, embarrassment heating your cheeks.
You avoid him all day. Why did you think he’d want a flower of all things?
When you retreat to your bunk that night, a beautifully arranged bouquet of flowers is resting on your pillow with a small note. “Thinking of you, too.”
He is THRILLED when you hand him over a large bouquet of flowers.
Wrecker picks you up and hugs you, almost crushing the bouquet between the two of you.
“All of these are for me?” He suddenly becomes a little sheepish, since he wasn’t expecting such a sweet gesture from you.
“They are bright and wonderful, so I thought of you when I saw them.” You smile as Wrecker’s ears turn red at your admission. He kisses you softly, thanking you for the flowers.
Wrecker places the flowers in the cockpit of The Marauder where everyone can see them, proudly and lovingly exclaiming they were from you when his brothers asked.
He keeps one flower in his utility belt, smiling all day whenever he sees it.
Tech doesn’t quite understand the gesture at first.
He inspects them, beginning to spout facts about each flower, assuming you were giving them to him for research.
You giggle, telling him they weren’t for research, just as a gift.
“What an interesting sentiment. You went out of your way to choose these just for me? To keep as a gift?” He cocked his head, the gears turning in his head.
“Ah, it’s symbolic of how you feel for me. I understand now. Thank you, my dear.”
Tech kisses you sweetly as you smile, and carefully places the flowers on his workbench to look at while he tinkers.
Tech begins a deep dive into researching flowers, analyzing your favorite colors, scents, and specific flower meanings to reciprocate the gift. He wants to give you the perfect arrangement to symbolize his affection for you in return.
He preserves the flowers you gave him so he can always be reminded of your love.
You tell Echo to close his eyes, saying you have a surprise for him.
He smiles, giving you a look, but obliges.
“Ok, open them!
He sees you holding out flowers, offering them to him. He smiles softly, his eyes widening in surprise.
“Are these for me?” He asks, gently taking them from your hand, not quite believing he deserves such a delicate and beautiful gift.
Even though you and Echo have been together for awhile, he still harbors insecurities about his body.
“I thought you might like them.” You say. “You’re always doing so much for me, you deserve something nice, too.”
Echo brings you into an embrace, not knowing how he was so lucky to have someone as special as you.
“Thank you, mesh’la. They mean a lot to me, just like you.”
Echo places the flowers in his bunk, gazing at them as you fall asleep curled up next to him.
You saw beauty in him when he didn’t, and the flowers meant more to him than you’ll ever know.
You’ve noticed Rex was stressed (more than usual) and wanted to get him something nice.
When you hand him the flowers, Rex (internally) panics.
He thinks he missed your anniversary or some other important event. Why else would you be giving him something as nice as flowers?
You can see the panic flash in his eyes, and you immediately tell him the flowers were just for fun. A gift to show him how much you love him, that’s all.
They were blue, matching his 501st colors.
Rex relaxes, now overwhelmed with feeling at the romantic gesture from you.
“You’re always thinking of me, cyare. How can I repay you?”
“I can think of a few ways. How about we start with a kiss?”
Rex smirks as he wraps you in a warm embrace, kissing you tenderly. How did you always know exactly what he needed?
He tucks one of the flowers in his breastplate, wearing your love for all to see.
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💐Hehe thanks for reading!💐
Tags: @wanderer-six @the-cantina @pb-jellybeans
Let me know if you want to be tagged in my fics!
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vonnawithav · 9 months
I don’t like romance in movies
Now, this is totally personal opinion and preference, so please keep that in mind when reading.
“I don’t like romance plots in movies”
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That sounds so weird I know. Especially when this entire blog I dedicated to one ineffable couple I’ve hyper fixated on ever since I offhandedly watched a random show on prime when I was bored.
There’s lots of things I don’t like about the idea of stereotypical *ahem, usually heterosexual* romance, and one of those things is the perceived intensity of attraction.
While I understand it to an extent, I also don’t. On the few occasions I’ve been romantically interested in someone I’ve never had the urge to rip their clothes off and jump their skin, or marry them that afternoon.
I do however, want to show them my book collection, send them obscure memes, talk about that one scene in that one show I can’t move on from yet, listen to them talk about their passions, share romantic but subtle moments, and just generally enjoy each other’s company.
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Maybe this is because my lack of neurotypical tendencies, my demisexuality, or just my queerness in general, I don’t know.
But this type of romance is rarely shown in media, (again, in my personal viewing experience), especially in straight media.
You’re probably wondering what the fuck this has to do with movies. Same honestly I lost my train of thought one sec-
Ah yes.
Romance in movies feels immensely rushed to me. There is no time to sit and talk while you watch the sunrise, there cannot be an entire episode where the entire plot line is your traumatic childhood and how you two can bond over the fact both of your dads left for milk and never came back, or your wooden frog collection.
Noooo, instead, there must be this instant inexplicable attraction that causes both of your hormones to go haywire, because the plot only has two hours to not only get through this plot line BUT the other three in the background.
For romance to work in my head, 👏🏾I 👏🏾 Need 👏🏾 Bonding 👏🏾 time 👏🏾.
That’s one of the many reasons I love OFMD and Good Omens so much, we get to see that bonding time.
Ed and Stede chilling while having breakfast in bed while they look at each other lovingly?
Azira and Crowley sitting and enjoying a good bottle of wine while talking about the end of the world?
Never seen anything better.
I think romance is at its best when subtle and calming, not frantic and unnerving.
Don’t get me wrong, I think franticness has its place in romance, especially once sexual tension has begun, but there needs to be large spaces of comfort and safety in between. (In my personal opinion)
Alrighty then, I’ll be off.
Lmk if you see where I’m coming from, or if I’m just posting insane ramblings because I’m sleep deprived and recovering from a cold 🥲.
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skyliv · 4 months
(feeling weird again! did this instead of doing something that’d make me feel so much worse, so i’m pretty proud of that! i also love the Rio Romeo song so theres a fake little title)
There’s a faint beep from outside Olivia’s office. A shadow of a person looms at the frosted glass door, their open hand hovering over the sensor that denied access. The doctor squints, her sharp gaze scrutinizing how the figure’s hair was so unkempt it seemed like a halo around them, before she shrugs and clicks a security pop-up on her computer. The day had been a drag, why not humor this visitor.
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The doors slide open with a sharp hiss, causing the young woman on the other side to jump with her surprise. It’s Lucielle, in almost comically large cargo pants, a small tank top, and a speckled fur coat hanging off her shoulders. Olivia reacted with similar shock, freezing up on her yoga ball before both women smile. Lucielle’s is sweeter, more practiced, as she waves when walking in. Olivia’s, however, is awkward; she looks exhausted, her brows furrowing as she lets out a breathless chuckle.
“Heyyy..” The mutant at the doorway greeted kindly, allowing the doors to close automatically and adjusting the messenger bag on her shoulder.
“Lucy?!” Olivia stands swiftly, the ball getting kicked back and rolling under her desk. She nearly trips when she rushes forward, her lab coat billowing to her knees and falling loosely at the rolled up sleeves. They meet in the middle, slipping on the shiny tile floors into a flourish of a hug. Olivia feels quite desperate, her long arms squeezing tight as her hands practically claw for the mutant to come closer, to drown in her. Lucielle gives a small laugh, squeezing the hug herself, her eyes clenched tight.
Olivia doesn’t let go, and her words spill out without a second thought. “You thought of me! You thought of me enough to come over, are you serious?!” She practically cackles, “What about your work though? Your degree work? The bookstore?”
“Nothing for you to worry about, that’s for sure,” Lucielle answers simply, barely breaking away from the hug to look up at the exhausted smile on Olivia’s face. Even with seemingly more on her plate, her worry was directed to Olivia. “I should be asking you that! You’ve barely slept, I’m scared you haven’t been eating, is there anything I can do?”
As the mutant spoke Olivia faltered, she loosens the hug and let her gaze fall to the floor. Her face went slack with a hint of a frown. “Ah, well, no it’s been fine.. You have no need to worry!” And just like that, her professional mask slips back on: a still weak smile and a stronger stance as she attempts to hide her exhaustion. “I’m more surprised you took the time to come here than anything.”
Olivia steps back, her brows knitting together and her eyes flitting up and down her little friend. She does glance to her computer and steps back to put a nimble hand on the corner of her desk, but she keeps a polite smile on her face. Lucielle slings her bag down, the buttons on its flap quietly clinking together. She drops it and lets it droop, more interested in taking a small step forward.
A few seconds of awkward silence passes between them, barely broken up by the fans of Olivia’s computer. Until the selkie asks, “Are you available for a break? Or should I schedule an appointment?”
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Lucielle rolls forward on a wheeled stool, stopping a collision by propping her leg at the base of one of the many counters surrounding the office walls. Olivia sits in a similar seat, her elbow resting on the white countertop as she gently puts her glass of water back down. Her posture is practically ruined, but Lucielle isn’t one to judge.
“I couldn’t be luckier,” Olivia continues.. She had finally gotten a time to just let loose, she may have been on the clock but rambling to this young woman was a release she didn’t know she needed. She ranted to her employees, almost berated many of her team, but knowing that this person actually listened was nice. Her emotion led to lashing out, she usually took it out on Spider-Man but it could weigh her down if she didn’t have an outlet.. And it built up quite quickly. “If I told anyone else they’d write me off as crazy- Again!”
Impressively, she wasn’t complaining about what she saw as incompetence of her workers, nor the mistreatment from her boss. Rather, it was about how she knows she’s lost herself. How she wants so much, how she’s so close to achieving it all, how she’ll keep going, but mainly how tired she’s become. Lucielle nodded along, chiming in now and then, but never wanting to overstay her welcome. She added on her understanding, sympathizing with her own stories to try and lighten the mood. It was like two old friends reconnecting, a duo you’d see at a cafe or a park, drunk or eating, spilling their hearts out.
Lucielle had ditched her sealskin coat, it laid draped over her bag on the counter next to Olivia’s lab coat. She moved to stretch, pulling her hands over her head in a much more relaxed manner than earlier. “Mmh, no, I’m lucky,” She says with a small catlike yawn, showing off sharp canines- That make Olivia remember the first time she saw them, that feeling of wanting to get close to her and just learn, just learn everything she could about this woman. “I know you, and you trust me. That must mean something.”
When Olivia was surprised, she looked like an owl: wide hazel eyes boring through you and tightly pressed lips. She was impressed to say the least, the mutant reciprocated her care and she didn’t want to recall the last time she felt that. She’s about to respond, but-
“And I trust you.”
Olivia feels like she might pass out, almost lightheaded in her shock. She rests her forehead on her hand, and sighs weakly. Lucielle rolls a bit forward on her chair, clasping her hands in her lap as she leans forward and tilts her head to the side. “Oh, shit, did I say something wrong?” Lucielle mutters. She was prone to overthinking, fearful that anything could be her fault and that she could’ve done better.
The doctor begins to laugh again, quietly, but genuinely. She shakes a bit with it, unable to contain herself before sitting up. She’s smiling again, and looks more put together than when she was venting, but as she runs a hand through her hair Lucielle can still feel how tense she is. The selkie frowns some, but can’t properly bring herself to say something.
“I- I really can’t see how! I’ve told you so many times that you know what I’ve done, what I do for a living.. And you’re still here! I don’t want to drag you down with me, the last thing I need is you getting hurt because I told you too much or-“
The villain’s voice began to shake, but she’s cut off by the boldest action she’s ever experienced. A short peck of a kiss from the other woman, silencing her in a split second. No one had ever done something so out there, almost outrageous, but she’d be lying if she didn’t like it. It doesn’t last long, and Lucielle pulls back with one hand on the counter beside them. And she just smiles again, her freckle peppered cheeks rising and her gaze lighting up when she sees the doctor’s shock. She was almost smug, like she found the only proper way to shut the head scientist up, even if her breath trembled with the boldness of the act.
Olivia was always so put together, stoic and cold to anyone in her way. She even tried to be that with Lucielle, although a bit more charismatic, she hated showing weakness for too long. Now, she couldn’t stop it. A few blinks and a few quick breaths later, she can still barely think.
Lucielle was about to sit back when Olivia’s hand on the counter reaches up to her’s before she can. That hand holds fast when it gets to her forearm, and she tugs the mutant forward on the wheeled chair, right into another warm hug. Olivia almost falls back herself, as the movement pulls Lucielle right out of her chair. She wants to say something more, some form of thanks, but she realizes the words were kissed out of her when she buries her face in the crook of the other woman’s neck.
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archiveikemen · 1 year
'His Cherished Doll' Story Event: Premium END
William Rex
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection. I do not own any of the original content. Please support CYBIRD by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
❥・• Warnings and FAQ
My body was forcefully held in the hand of a man who wasn’t Will.
Avoiding the eyes of the other people present, the man snuck into a room in the mansion.
Under the room’s light, the face of the man who captured me was revealed.
(This person talked to Will earlier…)
– Flashback Start –
Doctor Cedric: Allow me to introduce myself as well. A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Earl Rex.
William: Ah… Doctor Cedric Hamilton, is it? I heard that you’re very passionate about your research on developing new drugs.
– Flashback End –
Back then, I quickly thought to act like a doll, but it seemed that he had already noticed me moving.
With me still in his hand, the doctor started rambling excitedly.
Doctor Cedric: You can breathe and blink… what a mysterious lifeform!
Doctor Cedric: How did this happen to you? Are you a living person? When did this happen?
(... I can’t keep up my act anymore. In that case…)
(Before that, I want to find out even just a little bit about his intentions.)
— Will will definitely come to my rescue.
As long as I have Will, I’ll be completely fine.
Kate: Before that, please answer my question first. Why are you in such a place?
Doctor Cedric: I have been pursuing Earl Rex, because I heard that he’s funding the Royal Hospital.
Doctor Cedric: I want to ask for him to fund my research as well.
Kate: … Is it research for a new drug?
Doctor Cedric: That’s only one part. I want to know everything.
Doctor Cedric: There are still many things about the human body that are unknown, it’s so mysterious… I can’t stand not knowing all about it!
Doctor Cedric: I want to know every single thing about the human body, and that’s why I’m here.
Doctor Cedric: It’s certainly God’s will for me to know everything…
Doctor Cedric: Now… reveal it all to me. I want to know every nook and cranny of your body…
Kate: … *gulp*
William: Thank you for that passionate proclamation of love to my lover, Cedric Hamilton.
Doctor Cedric: … Earl Rex…?
Kate: … W-Will!
William: You naughty girl, having another man court you while I’m away. Now, come back to me.
Doctor Cedric: This girl is Earl Rex’s… lover? No, that doesn't matter right now.
Doctor Cedric: This girl should be presented to the medical society. She will definitely be an extremely valuable research material…
Doctor Cedric: No, no. I must dissect her myself. Anyone who dares interfere, even if it’s Earl Rex—
The doctor pulled out a sharp scalpel from his breast pocket.
(He’s pointing it at Will…!)
(Take this!)
I bit down as hard as I could on a finger on his right hand, the hand holding the scalpel.
Doctor Cedric: Ouch!?
He let go of the scalpel and it tumbled onto the ground. The one who caught my body was—
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William: Welcome back, Thumbelina. Or should I call you my courageous knight instead?
Kate: It’s nice to be back, Will. Fufu, you can call me whatever you like.
Doctor Cedric: D… Damn it…
Doctor Cedric: Give her back to me… this girl is my precious research material…
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William: Cedric. I heard a rumour that you have been purchasing cadavers through illegal means for dissection.
Doctor Cedric: H-How did you know that…
William: You have a long history of other crimes, shall I list them all?
Doctor Cedric: … ugh
William: You haven't committed murder. However, it's undeniable that you've committed the sin of being indirectly involved in them.
William: Craving for more knowledge is a beautiful thing, but… it can get a little too extreme.
Doctor Cedric: … Ah, ahh…
William: — Shall we negotiate? Cedric Hamilton.
After negotiating with Cedric, Will and I returned to Crown’s castle.
This was the condition Will offered to Cedric—
In exchange for turning a blind eye to his crimes, Cedric was to never tell anyone about me.
Although it was called a “negotiation”, he became under Will’s control from now on.
— He would never dare to commit crimes again.
(Will silenced him and even condemned him for his sins… impressive.)
Will prepared some tea, he placed me in his palm and looked at me.
William: — So, my adorable Thumbelina, is there something you’ve been wanting to ask me from earlier?
Kate: … Yes. How did you know about that doctor’s crimes beforehand?
William: How?
Kate: It wouldn’t be surprising if you knew the sins of every person in England, but…
Kate: You wouldn't be able to remember them all, would you?
William: Right, my mind is too occupied with my memories of you.
Kate: Will… please don't dodge my question and answer me.
There was a playful flicker of joy in Will’s red eyes, his beautiful lips curled into a smile.
William: The reason for going to that mansion tonight was to see that man.
Kate: Huh…?
William: I remember hearing from Roger that there wasn’t enough of the drug needed to return you to your original form.
William: Cedric was expected to show himself there tonight.
William: He's notorious for being a drug enthusiast, that’s why I thought that he must have the medication we need.
Kate: So that means…
William: Yes, this was kept a secret from you — during the negotiation with Cedric, I had one more condition.
Will narrowed his eyes, like he was about to tell me a top secret—.
William: “A man named Roger will be coming later, you will show him to the place where you store your drugs.”
William: “And give him whatever he says he needs from you.”
William: Roger should have obtained the drug by now.
William: Since it’s Roger we’re speaking of, that man most likely took all the other drugs Cedric had in possession as well.
I was under the assumption that Will attended the social gathering tonight on a whim.
(... And yet, it was all… for the sake of helping me return to my original form.)
He once again provided me with the best solution to a problem.
My heart felt so full from Will’s love, I almost couldn't speak.
Kate: … T-Thank you so much, Will.
William: Anything for my sweetheart.
William: I only want you to remember one thing.
William: Kate.
He gently caressed my cheek with his fingers that I loved so much.
William: It doesn’t matter what form you take. As long as you’re still you, that’s alright.
William: I fell in love with the beauty of you as a human being.
Kate: Will…
Will’s voice and words soaked into my heart, spurring my desires.
(... I want to kiss you. I want to be even more deeply affectionate with you.)
He gave me a kiss, as though he had seen right through me and knew what I wanted.
Kate: Mm… mm…
William: Kate.
Kate: … Yes?
William: Want to try and see how far we can take this while you’re in this form…?
Kate: How… far…?
William: Yeah, those shameful yet pleasurable things you love—.
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azrielgreen · 2 months
Hiya! I’ve been rereading Prism (again) and I found something I hadn’t picked up on before in Chapter 7 when Eddie is taunting Billy in the bathroom:-
“You should have seen him then. Seen how fucking pretty he was, how pure. I would watch him at night and, god, there have been so many moments when he’s been right there” … “Close enough to touch, but every time I reached out, it was like…like the universe swept in and said no, not yet, be patient.”
OMG he’s such a creeper! Me thinks Eddie has spent many a night up that tree outside Steve’s bedroom LONG before Billy came along! I’m soooo curious to know exactly what moments Eddie’s talking about though because that sounds like properly evolved stalker behaviour years before the story is set… how many times has Eddie got close to Steve without Steve even knowing he’s there? What were his plans in those moments and why did he decide to wait???!!! (And is there any chance we might learn more about some of these specific moments in future chapters? 👀)
“You did a great job, honestly. Even I can admire your work, though your methods…” “You cracked him wide open in a way I never could” “It was a real test for me, because I could have intervened, but you know…”
-WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK, EDDIE???!!!On my first read, I assumed that Eddie wanted Steve at that party but Billy just got to him first so Eddie made the most of an unfortunate situation and ultimately realised he could use Billy’s abuse to endear Steve to himself… but I’ve just realised how this suggests that Eddie consciously decided he would *allow* Billy to have Steve specifically so that Billy could break him apart and give Eddie the advantage of being able to not just rescue Steve but rebuild him to his liking or something. There was a line somewhere in the fic about Eddie trusting in the universe and never intervening in someone’s divine path, so the optimistic part of me that loves this scheming little fucker wants to believe that not intervening was just part of his personal faith/belief system… but when I tell you I got LITERAL CHILLS reading this part, I’m not exaggerating… my arm hair actually stood up from the gooseflesh! If it’s not too spoiler-y, could you give any insight into Eddie’s thought process on the night of that party? Like… Is he so desensitised to suffering that he couldn’t really conceive how hurt Steve would get if he allowed the universe to do its thing? Did he willingly let Steve and Billy leave while this whole scheme started to take shape in his mind? Is there more to it that I haven’t even considered???
God, Eddie is so complex and bloody convoluted and I’m OBSESSED!
Ah this is SUCH a cool ask thank you!!! So yes, we will see some of those "moments" that Eddie is talking about, the "close enough to touch" sort of moments where he feels that it wasn't their time.
The whole thing with Eddie being at the party where Steve met Billy, yes! So it's a mixture of feelings he had really. Firstly, and he won't admit this in store for a while, but he was actually quite jealous. Eddie never really admits to being jealous, even internally, but he's deeply prone to it sometimes. It felt almost like a betrayal, and Eddie - who was fresh out of his 1st stint in prison was in an especially unstable mindset so after hearing them in the bathroom, he left and then quite literally left town to go do "mysterious things" we don't know about yet. Eddie's belief in fate and the path each person must walk is absolute. Its all that's kept him alive sometimes. But it hurt him to have it so sorely tested (that's how he thinks of it). There's always several parts of Eddie that are thinking different things. He feels many things at once.
Eddie's "scheme" was very loose and fluid at the start, he IS patient or he was before he got close to Steve and his faith in fate has carried him through a lot. What he wants from Steve cannot be rushed, forced or cheated. It's a marathon versus a sprint.
Sorry for the ramble, hope it makes sense!!!💜💕✨️
P.S - though he's not lying to Billy, he did really want to scare him so small elements were exaggerated for theatrical effect because Eddie's a little bitch sometimes.
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alieinthemorning · 11 months
Melancholia [Avatar of Wrath | Satan]
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Content: Hurt/Comfort, Self-Indulgent
Pronouns: None
Reblogs: Let me know that you enjoy my work and want to see more, so don't forget to like and reblog (and comment in the tags. I love seeing people’s rambles in the tags)!
This work's concepts, plot and original characters are my own which means I do not allow any sort of creative theft nor do I allow my work to be entered into any sort of A.I. bots. Thank you for respecting my space and boundaries.
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Despite what everyone thought
you got angry
really angry.
So angry that you ended up snapping at the brothers, stormed into your room and just started wrecking it.
Throwing things here and there.
Even to the point of throwing your D.D.D at your open door
that Satan was standing in.
“Woah there.” He said, catching the device with ease. “You might hurt someone.”
You glared at him. “Just because you feed off anger doesn’t give you the right to instigate mine.”
He sighed. “I’m not here to make things worse. I’m here to help.” He paused, holding out a hand. “If you’ll allow me.”
You stared at the open invitation for a moment before turning away as you crossed your arms. “Whatever.”
You could already feel the anger fizzling out.
Leaving you as a smoking fume of exhaust.
You barely registered Satan closing and locking your door, securing it with a binding spell. You counted the few footsteps it took for his long strides to meet you on the other side of the room. Then he was placing his hands on your shoulders, guiding you to your bed.
“No…room’s a…mess…” Ah. Talking had already become too much.
“We can deal with that after you’ve rested.” He gently maneuvered you, curled up against him with your head resting on his shoulder while he sat up against your many pillows, a book in one hand and the other tracing small patterns along your back.  
And then, he was reading to you.
Reminding you of a long forgotten warmth.
You soon succumbed to your fatigue
from your wrath
and from your melancholia.
You floated in and out of consciousness for a bit.
Hearing bits and pieces of Satan’s conversations with his brothers.
Assuring them that you were in good hands and to not disturb you.
Then he muttered a few incantations, ones to restore your room from before your outburst.
And then,
the soft lulls of his breathing.
Which pulled you back to sleep.
A beautifully dreamless sleep.  
Until you could sleep no more.
And you had to face your emotions.
“So…do you know what caused this?”
You either say it or you don’t.
Keep it buried in the deepest depths of your heart for the rest of your feeble life.
You bit your lip, tears already threatening to overflow. “...I think it was misplaced. I think the real reason was…is…the death of my father. The anniversary is coming up really soon.”
You knew that out of all the brothers’
Satan would have the least amount of understanding in this.
Hell, his father was his brother
or something.
And the brothers' creator…
Well they were still alive weren’t they?
The closest thing they had was Lilith, but Satan only had the remnants of Lucifer’s emotions to feed into his own regarding her, so—  
“I don’t understand.” He began, “The feeling of losing someone important. I’ve never had it happen to me. However, I can still sympathize. I felt your wrath, that emotion, no matter how misguided, was deeply rooted in pain and hurt.”
“It’s just—” Tears fell, you were quick to wipe them away. “I’m sorry. I—”
He grabbed your wrist, pulling them away from your face, allowing the tears to fall freely.
“It’s okay to cry. You don’t need to hold back— You don’t have to be afraid to feel anymore.
"I’m here.”
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I forgot how personal this one was lol
Context if you didn't read the original: I wrote this on the anniversary of my daddy's death: April 19th. It's been 14 years.
Ko-Fi | Commission | Masterlist
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kouginoa · 1 year
PSYCHO PASS PROVIDENCE (english dub) Kougami & Akane moments. (SPOILERS)
at the end i added a photo of me in akane cosplay & kou in popcorn hehe 
this is a mess sorry... 
PT.1 [ how i felt, what im feeling, what i understood and what i saw ]
where do i begin, AH, ill start off with saying psycho-pass will forever make me so happy and i will always find comfort in this show. i’m so happy to have heard the english dub cast again. 
[ i want to say, my movie experience was pretty piss poor sadly, and tbh, i could not focus AT ALL on the movie, on what i feel like was 85% of the time. there was someone in the theater that was kinda like live commenting on the movie and it was so annoying and really broke the most emotional parts. after the movie i cried quietly a bit because i really have been waiting a year for it just for it to come out and be ruined by someone who could not shut their mouth.... just a psa: if your going to see a movie, please remember the space you are in ]
this is kinda just a ramble so sorry if it doesn't make sense~ 
the movie was truly amazing and TBH REALLY HELPED ME UNDERSTAND SEASON 3 in regards to not only why Akane was in jail but to better understand Arata & Kei. which i have to say, i have gown a little more fond of Arata and makes me wonder what more he is going to do in hopefully the later movies/ or hopefully seasons 
there was a lot that happen like ginoza’s hair flying in the wind and also kogamis wet hair but yeah ill skip to the part that really made me think a lot and the part that i could not stop thinking about Akane’s note to Kougami, and the very end/ the end of the movie being him saying he will get Akane out.
PT.2 [ Akane & Kougami]
NOW Kougami and Akane. wow, the part of kougami covering her from the bomb... we love to see it. KOUGAMI CARRYING HER BRIDLE STYLE AGAIN. WE LOVE TO SEE IT !!!!!!! god,,, any moment where it was just them two i wanted to cry and scream, i really need to relive the movie again alone because it was super super good and my dumbass has a pea for a brain and felt like if  i was to have any real reaction my brother (who so kindly went with me to the movie) would just look at me. 
but really they broke my heart many many times during this movie, kougami calling akane, trying to work his way to say sorry but ended up just being a smart ass and akane saying that she wishes he just said sorry. I WANTED TO SCREAM. i feel like this film was really eveything we have been wanting to see out of the two... i really feel bad for akane i do, i don’t know how to explain it but i feel like she was really never able to truly able to talk to kou. i mean she did in the elevator and during the phone call,,, but since kou never said sorry i feel like she never got to talk to him and i felt like it was really a lot for her and what all she experienced. 
kougami saying that he lives with out regret makes me feel like is what pushed akane to do what she did, i want to say, i really wanted to cry, REALLY wanted to cry when akane wrote a letter to him, kou calling akane an idiot/fool just like she did during season one, maybe i feel like, just how much it effected akane when kou wrote her a letter it kinda had the same effect on him. akane ending up in jail really gave kougami a new push, a push he hasn't had in a while
PT.3 [Gino, Kou, Akane]
going off of that kougami’s care for akane has grown as we know it’s party the reason why he came back to Japan was a way to see her and see how much shes has changed things for the better good. but Ginoza and Kougami talking about her really was truly sweet. Ginoza adores Akane a lot, and dare i say is kinda like an unsaid older brother. i thought it was really sweet to hear that Gionza wants to protect akane and make sure nothing happens to her. but with that being said... i really cant begin to think what ginoza felt after what akane did. 
poor ginoza really, i have gown really fond of him in the years leading up to now, after really seeing and understanding how much he cares for akane and how much he wants the best out of her, and how much he wants to see her grow. the part where gionza pushes kou against the wall in anger (for akane) really was fun to see. kougami not keeping his word (we knew he wouldn't) of saying out of their hair. ginoza, what a silly man. to think kou wouldnt find his way back home.. 
PT.4 [ ill shut up now <3 ]
to end- the way the movie ended and the way season three ended makes me want to cry,, even right now, as i said before, akane gave kougami a drive that it doesn't seem like he has has for a while now. although he has always felt the need to also take care of akane this time was different, he feels like she got there because of him, so its now party his job to get her out, 
but it makes me think of the end of season three and when kougami went to go and pick her up, that, besides saying that he was there to get her he also said sorry the sorry that akane had been waiting to hear for a while... but anyways... i think this movie really helped us better understand what more akane and kougmi relationship has faced, and also i like to think this all happen and now they are on the same level and have a better understanding of each other. kougami and akane are and have for once meet as equals. 
i think, what Akane did was really really smart, a smart way to show the world what is going on behind closed doors and how the system that japan is ran on is- like what any government system is,,, flawed. but also how the Sibyl System can be a good stepping stool to an EVEN better system but there just has to be some changes . BUT i also like to believe that while the sibyl system is evil and crazy i think it has its benefits, but just needs to be used wisely and more as a (again) steeping stool rather then a latter, point being... i think in this movie thats what i feel like what was being made super clear, that there needs to be room for growth for both the sibyl system and using it as a helping hand rather than relying it to fully judge someone.
i bet none of this made any sense, im writing this at 1:15AM after a con weekend with no glasses on :D , but this was my thoughts and my opinions about the movie unbiased... i have not read what anyone else had said, i didn't want what i was thinking to be affected by anyone else. but i cant wait to read some ! i like many of you, have been waiting for this for a really long time now and tbh am super sad that the  movie experience was not 100% it wasn't only the person saying shit though-out the whole movie but it was also bad on the theater i went to part as well,,, and like i said, i want to cry, i really do, my first time seeing the move was shat on and just have a hard time remembering what happened due to my bean for a brain lol... anywho
if you have any questions regarding the movie PLEASE DROP A QUESTION IN MY ASK BOX !!!! i want to better format my thoughts and i do best with questions hehehe
as promised… me cosplaying akane (wtf face reveal !??) to the movies + kou in the popcorn 🍿
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☆ love u all <3 thanks for making this place, a place where i can talk about anything regarding psycho pass, you don’t understand :,)
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togrowoldinv · 2 years
A Date to Remember
Natasha Romanoff x Reader, Maria Hill x Reader (briefly)
When Maria takes you to a party, she helps you realize your feelings for Natasha
Note: I was watching HIMYM and came up with this idea. I hope y’all enjoy it!
Natasha Romanoff Masterlist 1, Natasha Romanoff Masterlist 2, Main Masterlist
You were shocked when Agent Hill asked you to go to a Shield holiday party with her. Expecting her to frame it as a plus one, your mouth must’ve hung wide open at her asking you to be her date. But you accepted like any person with sense would.
Maria comes back from the bar now and hands you a drink. Her hand lands on your back softly. The simple display of affection makes your heart soar, but when your phone rings the moment is broken.
“Hey Nat,” you answer it.
“Hey y/n. I’m sorry to call, but my plus one bailed for the party which also means that I have no way to get there and-“
“I’ll come get you,” you interrupt her rambling.
“Are you sure? I know you’re with Hill. I wouldn’t want to interrupt,” Nat says.
“I’ve got you, Natasha. Hang tight.”
You hang up the phone and turn to Maria.
“Nat got stood up and needs a ride,” you explain.
“Ah, and you’re going to get her,” she doesn’t phrase it as a question. “Go on. I’ll wait for you here.”
“Really? Thanks Maria. I promise I’ll dance with you when I get back, okay?” You smile at her.
“I’ll hold you to that, y/n,” Maria says.
Boldy, you kiss her cheek before you leave the party to get Natasha. You ride in the car Maria had gotten for you two and get to where Nat is staying quickly.
“Thank you so much for this,” Nat says as she climbs into the seat next to you.
“No problem. I am going to need the name of this person that stood you up, so I can yell at them profusely,” you say.
“Please don’t. It’s okay,” Nat says with a light chuckle.
“Alright. I’ll let it go for now,” you mumble. She nudges your shoulder playfully and you smile.
This time when you walk into the party you see Maria sitting at the bar. Nat follows you over to her.
“Hey, I’m sorry about that. I’m back now,” you say as you sit next to her.
“No worries,” she says. “You did miss Fury doing a dance battle though.”
“What? No way!” you say excitedly, and Maria starts laughing. “That was a lie, wasn’t it?”
“It was,” she admits. “It was cute how you fell for it though.”
You laugh and lean into her shoulder in embarrassment for believing her. Her arm goes around your waist to pull you closer.
“Hey Romanoff,” Maria greets Natasha as her gaze moves beyond you.
“Hill,” Nat acknowledges her back.
It’s a couple hours of conversing with the two women and having a good time. You stay close to Maria, but she notices that you also pay a lot of attention to Natasha. Towards the end of the night, a slow song comes on and you ask Maria to dance.
With your arms around her neck and hers around your waist, you start leaning in to kiss her. Maria stops you short by pressing her forehead against yours.
“Is everything okay?” you ask her. You thought you had read the moment correctly.
“How long have you been in love with Natasha?” she asks. Your head spins.
When you first joined Shield, you were surprised to meet so many amazing people. You quickly became friends with a lot of other agents and not long after you joined along came Natasha Romanoff.
Agent Barton was sent to kill her; you remember the assignment briefing and how Clint returned with her instead of with proof of her death. You, just as the other agents, could tell that Natasha was well worth saving and that she would make a great asset to the team.
What you didn’t expect was to hit it off with Natasha. You would teach her simple things about America and she would teach you Russian. After a few months of that, you asked her on a date.
It was a good date, one that even ended in a kiss, but you both decided that you’re better off as friends. She was new to the country, and you felt like you were too young to settle down anyways, and a part of you knew that the second you kissed Natasha that you would want to settle down with her.
So, you were friends and that felt okay. You were content and so was she. Or at least that’s what you told yourself.
“What? I’m not- we’re friends,” you explain. At this point, you’ve taken a respectful step back from each other.
“Y/n, I hate to break it to you but you’re in love with her,” Maria says. “And she’s in love with you too.”
“Do you think so?” you ask, your tone hopeful.
“I know so.”
“I’m sorry,” you tell Maria.
“Oh, that’s okay. I was pretty sure before tonight, but now I definitely see it’s true. Go get your girl, y/n,” Maria says.
You hug her and thank her for being so great before you walk towards Natasha.
“Can we go talk somewhere?” you ask the redhead.
“Sure,” she says as she follows you.
You two go outside to the balcony and you try to shake the nerves from your body.
“Natasha, I need to confess something,” you begin. “I know we decided to just be friends, but I really like you and I haven’t been able to think about anyone but you for months.”
“I’m in love with you,” Natasha suddenly says. Her voice is almost shy as she says it.
“You are?” you ask. She nods and you move closer to her.
 Your arms go around her neck as you kiss her. It feels just like the first time. Her lips against yours are filled with the promise of love for each other. When the kiss is over, Natasha hugs you and buries her face in your neck. It somehow feels more intimate than the kiss.
And you’ve never been more thankful that you joined Shield.
Tag List: @gracebutnotgraceful @i-wished-for-you-too @wandasbb @be-missed @likefirenrain @hehehehannahthings @mythosphere-x @readings-stuff @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @madamevirgo @milfloverslut @mrswidowjohansson @alotofpockets @wandassitcom @ggrangerdanger @marvelwomen-simp @maia-lightwoood @xxromanoffxx @peanutbutterprincess @karmasgxrl @picnicmic @wandaslittlewhore @exhaustedfangirl @when-wolves-howl @natashalovers @marie45019 @inluvwithfictionalwomen @sammi1642 @jujuu23 @the-night-owl-blr @strangegardentaco @avatarsnips @romanoffswoman @natashasilverfox @imthenatynat @sayah13 @harleysincairo @rach2602 @cordyandbilliehavemyheart @lovelyy-moonlight @huitzilinthebudgie3 @juicyy444 @natblackwidow2 @youralphawolf72 @btay3115 @red1culous @lenam07 @randomwriter1021
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reputationbarbie · 11 months
joel and ginny's first date
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Oneshot Summary: joel and the sweetest baker have their first date.
Chapter Warnings: this is all fluff, language, slight age gap (F!MC and Joel are 6 years apart), symptoms of anxiety and depression, lmk if i forgot something.
Series Tags: chef! Joel, single! father Joel, no outbreak! Joel Miller, slow burn, dual-pov, fluff, flirting, friendship, eventually established relationship, eventual smut, original character, black!fem!OC, no y/n.
⋆ word count: 2.1k⋆
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ series masterlist, joel masterlist ⋆ spotify playlist ˖ ݁ 𖥔.
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A path is getting worn into my rug with the amount of pacing I’m doing. Gnawing on my lip, my mind spins with thoughts of what’s about to happen. I’ve never wanted to be with someone so bad in my life. But I’ve also never been so nervous to go on a date with someone. I want it to be tremendous, but I’m scared of being totally and completely addicted to him.
My phone buzzing in my hand brings me out of my spiral, and when I look at it, I see Joel’s text letting me know that he’s outside on the screen. I quickly slip on my black wedges and take one last look at myself in the mirror to adjust anything out of place. The two-piece tight set that I’m wearing has an open space that shows my belly button piercing, and I absolutely love the outfit. I'm hoping Joel will too. 
I scan myself one more time before I grab my purse, putting my lip gloss and keys in it before zipping it shut. My hands shake from nerves and excitement as I quickly scurry out the door and descend the stairwell. Joel comes into view when I reach the front of the bakery, and I immediately drink him in. Damn. He looks good enough to eat. 
The gray button-up he’s wearing with a few open buttons near the top has my mouth practically watering even more than usual. Since he hasn't noticed me yet, I take the time to admire his freshly cut hair and lightly tanned skin. As my eyes scan him further, I notice that he's holding a beautiful bouquet, making me smile.
He's still looking down at his phone when I push the door open, but his eyes immediately snap in my direction at the sound. As soon as his eyes lock on to my form, his head is thrown back and a groan escapes him. “Damn it, Sugar.” He straightens up and looks back at me. “How are we supposed to go on a date when you look like that?” he bellows, meeting me halfway to bend down and kiss me sweetly.
I step back from him, suddenly panicking at the thought of Joel not liking my outfit. “Do I look bad? I look bad, don’t I? Should I change?” I ramble, rubbing my sweaty palms on my skirt.
He wraps his arms around my waist, burying his head into my neck to pepper me with kisses. “No. Hell no. You look amazin’, Sugar. Wear whatever you want. As long as you like it, I love it. Don’t you dare change,” he states, squeezing my ass. 
Relief washes over me, and a smile directed at Joel forms on my face. He hands me the bouquet, and I thank him, bringing them to my nose to smell. “These smell good,” I observe. 
His hand moves to the small of my back, ushering me towards his pickup truck. He smiles at me, running his hand up and down my back. “Glad you like ‘em, Sugar.” 
My smile widens at that, and I enjoy the happiness. Nobody has ever made me feel as good as Joel–it's one of the many things on my list of what I adore about him. Probably right next to his smirk-smile. I make a mental note to tell him that at some point, not feeling confident enough to tell him just yet.
Joel opens the car door, allowing me to slide in and get comfortable before he gently shuts it. He quickly jogs to the driver’s side, slides behind the wheel, and starts the car. 
“So, where are we going?” I inquire, both out of curiosity and excitement.
Shifting the car into drive, his hand slides over to my leg. “Hope you don’t mind, I asked for a bit of help. We’re going to the cat cafe.” Ah, Maddie. She knows I’d kill for 10 minutes in a room full of kittens. Especially when it’s nearing December, meaning we’ll be busy as fuck with a new holiday every day of the month.
I clap my hands together, bouncing a bit, even more excited now. Seeing Joel interact with cats was not on my bingo card for the year but I’ll gladly accept it. I try to stuff the giggle down my throat and lace my hand with his. But it slips out a little anyway when I bring up his hand to my lips to kiss it. I smile over at him, amused.
We park fairly close to the door and when the sign for the restaurant comes into view, and my breathing quickens in anticipation. Now I’m going to be dreaming about Joel, Ellie, and a kitten when I sleep at night. The more I think about the cute pink paws, the more I start to bounce, causing me to veer off into the middle of the street. 
All of a sudden, Joel stops walking, gently yanking my hand and making me fall into his chest. “Sugar, I’m sayin’ this because I care about you. You never, ever, walk on the outside of the sidewalk. I want any possible car to hit me first before they get close to you. Okay?” he pleads with desperation, still making sure the people passing us can’t hear our conversation.
I blink up at him for a second, processing his words. Then, my hand comes up to cup his face, running my thumb across his stubble. “Yeah. I got ya,” I affirm, standing on my tiptoes to pucker my lips for a kiss. 
He nods, giving me a quick peck. To ensure my safety, Joel pulls me until I’m firmly on the inside of the sidewalk, away from the street. I smile and shake my head. It’s nice to be looked out for. 
When we enter the cafe, we’re greeted by a group of employees, waiting for us to check-in. Joel speaks for us and I wander the lobby, admiring the art on the walls. There’s a mural that looks like how I envisioned Ellie’s would look in my shop. I slightly flinch when Joel pulls me out of my days with a hand pressed firmly on my back. “They’re ready for us,” he informs me and I look up at him with a smile on my face.
“Reminds me of El,” I murmur, pointing to the mural. He grunts in response, letting me know that he heard my comparison. But last night he told me every piece of artwork reminds me of Ellie, which is true.
When we get into the kitten room, I survey the space. There’s no one around but us and the staff in the typically busy cafe. We walk up towards the counter to order the coffee when I notice all the furniture has been moved to the edges of the cafe. There are toys and treats scattered along the bright rug.
My head whips over to Joel, my jaw already on the floor when I realize he’s booked a private half hour. “You did not,” I exclaim, pushing his shoulder.
He smiles, bending down to kiss my shoulder. “I did, Ms. Scott,” he murmurs, staring at the large coffee menu on the wall.
“You’re playing a dangerous game, Mr. Miller. I will leave here with a cat,” I warn him playfully.
I bounce again, excitedly telling the cafe waitress my order. Joel orders the same thing before grabbing my hand to walk me over to the middle of the room. “Go ahead and sit. I’ll be back with the coffee. They should be letting them out any second,” he instructs sweetly. 
He disconnects our hands, allowing me to sit and get comfortable before he turns to go back to the counter. Just as he predicted, the door opens, and a bunch of fluffy balls come darting out.
It doesn’t take long for a group of kittens to notice I’m sitting with a bag of treats. The moment my hand dips into the bag, the kittens become insatiable. My lap is full while I equally distribute them their fishy flavored snack.
When Joel returns, I’ve completely forgotten about the coffee. The kittens so dramatically requesting belly rubs in front of me are addicting. Nonetheless, when he takes his seat across from me I crawl into his lap, missing his touch.
Joel secures his arms around my waist, allowing two particular kittens to play with his shoelaces. “They’re so cute,” I mumble.
“They are,” Joel replies with his lips ghosting right above my ear.
The more I watch them play, the more I want them. I take a sip of the latte, thinking about how nice it would be to have a cat to spend time with. Off days curled up with my cat sounds like a dream.
I reach forward, softly lifting the orange one and cradling it in my chest like a baby. “I should take it home,” I look down at it, stroking it’s head with my finger.
“You should?” I hear Joel ask.
My head turns to look at Joel. “I told you bringing me here was dangerous,” I remind him.
The grey kitten, seemingly jealous of its sibling receiving attention crawls up Joel's arm. He winces feeling the claws of the tiny cat lightly pierce his skin. When the kitten has finally reached its summit, it turns around, sitting proudly on Joel’s shoulder.
Joel stays still allowing the cat to rub its body onto his neck. He slightly flinches at the sensation and the giggle I’ve been holding in slips through my lips. My head falls back in laughter and I have to remind myself I’m still holding a tiny kitten in my arms.
Joel extends his arm, scratching the cat a couple of times on the noggin before returning his attention to me. “But do you have energy for a cat?” he pries.
“Of course I do. And besides, I can't leave it here,” I try to reason with him.
His head tilts towards me and the kitten’s does the same. Don’t laugh, Ginny. Secure the cat first. “You can,” he argues.
I look down at the now-sleeping tabby in my arms. My heart feels like it’s beating through my chest when I hear a familiar purring sound come from its body. “I can’t,” I repeat.
Joel sighs, grabbing the kitten off his shoulder and setting it softly on the floor. “Alright, Sugar. At least let me pay for the adoption fee,” he concedes, standing.
A squeal leaves my lips and I down at my new baby. Joel extends his hand for me to grab and walk up to the employee at the counter. “Can I adopt this cat?” Joel asks, pointing to the little lion in my arms.
The employee stands on her tiptoes, looking at the animal in my arms. “Yeah, Toph is available. But you have to take her sister Katara, too,” she stipulates.
Joel takes a deep breath before a noise below us grabs my attention. Katara has a loose shoestring in her mouth and she’s wrestling with it, trying to pull it out of Joel’s shoe. “Joellllll,” I beg with the best puppy dog eyes I have in my arsenal.
Joel’s eyes flicker back and forth between mine and I can tell he’s trying to hold firm. “Ginny,” he groans.
I bend my knees, scooping Katara up to keep her from destroying her future dad’s shoes. “I need these cats,” I repeat, holding them up near my face. “Look, look at the fluffy bellies,” I pout.
Joel scratches his scruff with frustration. “It’s not about the fluffy bellies, Ginny. I’m worried I’m gifting you work,” he explains. 
I reposition the kittens so I can continue this conversation with the stubborn man. “Joel, I’m not a fucking child. Come on. If you let me get Toph and Katara, I’ll let you have joint custody,” I try to make a deal with him.
A wave of disgust washes over his face. “I don’t want joint custody of two fuckin’ cats,” Joel deadpans, gesturing to the fur balls and I snort.
I step closer to him, batting my lashes at him. “But, Ellie would kill you if she found out you said no to us 3,” I pur. I know I can’t resist him, so I’m assuming this will work since he can’t resist me either.
Joel’s brows knit and I’m assuming he’s thinking about the possibility of my words coming true. “Okay. But only because they make you happy, Sugar,” he concedes with a sigh.
I tickle Katara’s belly. “Yes. The best benders are coming home with us,” I cheer lowly to my new kittens.
I can’t wait to introduce them to Ellie. Best fucking first date ever.
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namelessuchiha · 2 years
⤐⋙ unrequited ⋘⬷
↳chapter three : stages of grief
( chapter one . chapter two )
warnings: mentions of starvation, depression, and general grief. 18+, eventual nsfw, and suggestive themes mentioned.
Silence wraps its arms around you like an old friend. 
It holds you tightly as though you haven’t seen each other in a while, consuming you with its warmth. Alone in the darkness of your unlit room, your thoughts run wildly in the silence. 
Silence, like an old friend, has much to say. It is the clarity that shines through your mind like a sun's rays of light. But most of all, silence is terribly and utterly dangerous. It causes you to find lost pieces of a puzzle and be able to put them together. 
‘How could I be so stupid and oblivious all of this time?’
Your thoughts filtered through the silence in stages. 
First came the denial.
There was absolutely no way that Obito was in love with Rin. The two of you had been together for four years, you had started building a life together. The two of you had planned for the future, a life-long future together. 
“Hmm…” Obito hummed into your neck. The two of you lay in your king-sized bed, half-naked bodies clinging to each to each other as if being even an inch apart was a crime. “How many kids?”
You opened your eyes quickly, blinking repeatedly. “H-how many… Huh?”
He chuckled, “How many kids do you think you’d like to have?”
“A-ah. I’m not too sure, I’d have to think about it. Shifting your head slightly to look down at Obito’s tousled brown hair, the corners of your lips turning upward. 
“I don’t know how many little Obito’s I’d be able to handle running around this place. Just one is already causing me trouble.” 
Obito quickly untangled himself and propped himself up, beginning to protest with his arms crossed. “Hey! What is that supposed to mean? You need to stop hanging out with Bakashi so much, you’re starting to sound like that idiot.”
You leaned onto your side, propping your elbow up to hold your head in your hand and look at your boyfriend. You giggled softly at his pouting face. “What about you, how many-”
“Two. Maybe three.” He said immediately, cutting you off. “All I know is I’d like to have more than one.”
He closed his eyes, pondering for a moment before continuing to speak. “I’d never want them to feel the loneliness I felt growing up. I’d like them to always have someone they could turn to if they needed it and if we were no longer around.” 
You stared up at him in awe. Biting his lip, he looked down at you before his face broke out in a cherry red colour. “O-of course we’ll get married first before anything, I was just thinking, you don’t have to-”
Raising yourself up quickly, you lightly pressed your lips to the Uchiha’s mouth. Efficiently shutting off his nervous rambling. Your hand slid up to cup his cheek. 
Pulling back, you smiled at him. “I’d love that Obito.” 
Obito's lips curled up into his utterly beautiful smile. The one that had originally magnetized you towards him, before his loud and overwhelming personality consumed you entirely.
You swung your leg over Obito’s, straddling his lap and gripping either hand onto his broad shoulders. “So, what would we name these hypothetical children?”
“Well one of them is going to be named Tobi, with an I, and the other one-”
“Tobi?! What kind of name is that?!”
Secondly came anger. It was loud and rageful. It was bitter. But most of all, it was pure and utter agony.
How could he do this to you? How was this even possible? He had told you himself, every day, just how much he loved you. How much he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you. How he wanted to start a family together and die old together. How?!
Did he ever even love you at all during these last four years? Or was it all just some ploy to stay close to Rin while she pined and lusted after his best friend, Kakashi?
Your boyfriend, Obito, was in love with your best friend Rin. But if you would've opened your eyes and acknowledged the blatant signs in front of you, maybe you wouldn’t be sitting in your solitude, heartbroken. 
The lingering glances he would hold towards Rin. The light blush that would dust his cheeks whenever she would say the slightest remotely positive thing towards Obito. The way he would center his attention almost solely on her, whenever she entered a room. The way he brought her up daily before you, her best friend, even had the chance to. 
You had blown all of these large and bright red flags off. Because you had loved Obito since the moment you laid eyes on him five years ago. 
Third, came the bargaining. 
‘What did I do wrong? Was it the way I look? The way I act? Did I not show him that I loved him enough?’
It was you who had pushed relentlessly for the four of you to hang out together as a couple. You felt bad leaving Obito alone while you and Rin had girl’s night together. When she and Kakashi finally became an item, you saw it as a golden opportunity. You had elected Tuesdays as your weekly double-date night. 
‘Maybe if I hadn’t pushed them together so frequently, this would have never happened.’
Fourth, came the worst stage of all.
Depression engulfed you like a dark cloud. It felt as if your world was solely in black and white. It was melancholy.  
It left you bedridden for days on end. Wallowing in sorrow. At first, your stomach cried out in hunger. But as the days went on, your body was completely numb. Succumbing to the fact that nothing of nutritional value would be entering your body anytime soon. Your mind followed your body shortly after. You were lethargic when the tears finally stopped flowing for the first time in days. 
Acceptance was not an option for you.
You felt like you had lost everything.
But most of all, you felt like you had lost yourself along the way, too.
↳chapter four : enter obito uchiha
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mal1ntent · 10 months
You know, at the start I was pretty against the whole ‘Matrix theory’ where they’re in some sort of virtual reality, it felt like a copout and that it invalidated characters’ experiences, but as more things are added to this story the more it feels like it’s the only way I can feasibly take in all the plot holes and make them make sense. Of course there’s going to be improv rp mess ups, that comes with this brand of storytelling, but god the contradictions on a larger scale are just too much for me to rationalize. And I get it, too many cooks in the kitchen, there’s a lot of people collaborating on this story, so this isn’t really a complaint or anything. I just think for me personally, no matter what gets canonized or not, I will always be headcanoning that this is a fake reality designed to experiment on the psychology of the residents. And I mean a lot of the themes within the story fit with it, so as of now the theory fits pretty snugly, but even if somehow we get complete confirmation that it’s false, I just don’t think I’ll be able to deal with all the contradictions it implies. And the room to explore all the implications of it being a virtual reality is also very appetizing
However I still don’t like invalidating character experiences too much so I choose to believe that most memories from before the island are real, but can definitely be fucked with and/or erased completely. So characters like Bagi and Cellbit that “grew up” on the island just have their memories altered, likely everything would be accurate except for anything relating to the federation. I like to think that the home they had is the same, it was just virtually reconstructed here to suit the fake story implanted in their heads. Also this would imply that EVERYTHING is a pawn in the bigger picture, the rebellion, the federation, even the eye guy are all controlled by a bigger entity or force just playing with toys to see what happens (though I imagine it’s more professional than that). But that’s quite the big assumption so I’ll leave it at that
For characters like Baghera or Jaiden there’s room for a lot of cool concepts, but I won’t ramble too much. I guess at the end of the day it all boils down to something that has absolute power over their minds and the world they are stuck in going “wouldn’t it be funny if this happened/I wonder how it would play out if this was the case” which honestly is kind of just a representation of the content creators and the admins themselves which then gets really meta but is also really cool within it’s own right and I said I wouldn’t ramble but here we are
Hope this was coherent enough, and if it is please let me know what you think about it! I’d love to hear anyone’s thoughts on this stuff, there’s so much more to consider with it, like the eggs and the workers and the codes. And honestly if it were to ever become fully canon I think it would have to be handled very delicately and presented in a way that doesn’t just feel like a copout, which is honestly why I prefer it as a headcanon for now, and if it is actually currently true within the admins’ heads then I hope it continues to be subtly hinted at and maybe never confirmed. A good story has mystery that doesn’t need to be answered, there’s no better conclusion to a mystery than one you as a consumer of the story come up with yourself (like exactly what I’m doing now!)
ah I never know how to conclude something like this so I end up making a conclusion that rivals the length of the actual post
okay well thanks for reading this far down! <3 you’ve got great resilience to written out brain mush
and uh I guess there’s only one real way to end this off
I hope you enjoy the island :)
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lockem · 2 years
HIII LOVE!! ok so I’ve been in dire need of some overwatch fics I have so many ideas but one rly stands out for me could you do Moira x Fem reader or non binary if you prefer, where reader is slowly falling into a sort of “depression” state because of moiras neglect for them over her work ? Maybe ending in mega fluff lol I appreciate and adore your writing (if you ever are itching to write message me I come up with prompts out of my ass lol)
Moira x Reader
I tried my best, I didn't want to put a specific gender for the reader so anyone can enjoy it!! Hope you like it!!
angst !! +comfort ?
“Do you really care about me? or was that just another one of your lies Moira?” _
She keeps reassuring you, that once her work finally clears up that she’ll make it up to you. But that never happened now did it? Every time you ask her to spend time together or atleast take a break, she always makes such empty promises.
“Not now darling, I’m busy. Gabriel wants this done before the end of the week. I promise that I’ll make it up to you” 
“After this, we can continue that little show you always watch.”
Every single time, and yet here you are holed up in a small room, with only the sounds from the tv whispering. You’d miss how you and Moira would spend time together, how you’d go on little dates, or hold eachother and whisper sweet nothings as you’d fall asleep together. But that had been months ago, Moira always making excuses, distancing herself from you while she drowns herself in more and more experiments. 
An icky feeling in the back of your head forming, “What if she’s grown tired of me. What if she’d replace me with one of her subordinates? That cute assistant? Or what if she really hates me now. She’s always said she isn’t one for affection— what if—” 
What a foolish feeling. Sounds like something Moira would say, it just hurts to think about. So many “what ifs”, so many scenarios filling your head, “It doesn’t matter anyways, she’s probably leaving me soon, who am I to think I’d deserve to be someone like her, she’s so amazing, intelligent and beautiful.. She’ll probably choose that new assistant of hers over me—” Soft tears rolled down your cheeks, your room feels awfully cold, soft sniffles could be heard as the room lights up, the lights from the tv illuminating your tear struck face.
“Are you still watching?”
The show has finished. You couldn’t even pay attention in watching the finale, you’d been too busy, thinking about her, thinking about Moira. As you’d reach for the remote, you heard soft knocks on your door.
“Darling? Are you in there?”
Ah… Speaking of which, she’s here, outside your door, still calling you the same old name, so sweet. Hearing no answer, Moira lets herself in, gazing upon your tearstruck face.
“Darling.. Are you okay? What happened, I’m here now” she holds you, the same way she always did, with so much care, so gentle, it makes you feel like you're made of glass. Unlike her experiments, she’s always taken such good care of you. As soon as she held you in her arms, the tears began flowing, you’d miss her. She’s missed you. It’s like when she distanced herself and buried herself in work she’d broken you into pieces.
But now that she’s here, loving you as she did before, it feels like she’d put you back together. Gluing pieces of your relationship together, trying to keep it from falling apart. “I’m so sorry my dear, I know I’ve been distant for a while, I just wanted to finish everything, so I can hold you as long as I want. I am so sorry my dear, I didn’t mean to, I promise this won’t—” words cut short, shutting her up from her ramble of apologies, oh how you’d love her voice, her warmth, her presence, you missed kissing her. 
You didn’t care anymore, those jealous thoughts vanished as she held you. Moira didn’t care about her work anymore, you were here and so was she. She was going to make it up to you. So as the tv flickered off, the lights went, just the two of you together again was enough. You held each other in the dark, whispering sweet nothings into each other’s ear as you both nodded goodnight.
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impawsiblecat · 5 months
100 Days of Deathduo
Fantasy AU?? Don't know what to call this one but I love it so much
No trigger warnings for this one! Just fluff!
    It is a Thursday, at 11:53 AM, when an adventure comes into the tavern. Clover shakes her head fondly at the time. The adventurers that pass by never have a schedule, coming and going as they please, and this one is no different. They have long white hair, impractical for fighting, but the adventurers never seem to be affected by it, and their eyes are bright and purple in the way that the townsfolk’s eyes never are. 
    That’s just the way that adventurer’s are though, bright colours and clothing with trophies of their past victories strapped onto their belts, daggers poking out of their boots and a magnifying glass poking out of their backpack from helping someone from a different village. This adventurer is no different, and they have a ton of things on their person that highlight all of the things they must have seen.
    “Hello there, Traveler. Is there anything I can get for you?” Clover says, as she always does, smiling and tucking the washcloth she had been using into her pocket. The adventurer takes a seat at the bar, and Clover can already predict the next statement.
    “Well hello there, Clover the Inn Keeper! Who also happens to have a sidegig at the local tavern, I see! Would you happen to need any help around here? Bags of wheat to be moved, a rare ingredient to be found, or a dragon to be slain?” And there it is. These adventurers, always so helpful. Clover rarely asks them to do anything, and this one is no different.
    “I’m afraid I do not! I manage the inn and tavern quite well, if I do say so myself. But I appreciate your offer. Is there anything I can get you, adventurer?” She asks, and the adventurer pauses and considers.
    “Well, you can call me Icee if you like. And perhaps just a water?” They say, and it's always nice when the travelers introduce themself. Its a tad awkward when they know Clover’s name but she doesn’t know theirs. She has no clue how they do it, and theres a running conspiracy with the townsfolk that the adventurer’s who pass through are mind readers. She wouldn’t be surprised, but none of them seem to react when she attempts to think a particularly strange thought, so she doubts it.
    Just in case, she poses a question in her mind. Are vampires cannibals? She thinks, and intensely watches Icee. They don’t react, so she just shrugs and gets them the water they asked for instead.
    “So how has your day been?” Icee asks, and the question startles Clover. Usually, the adventurers that pass through regale her with their tales, rather than start a conversation with her, and she sets down Icee’s water with a smile.
    “Ah, pretty good for the most part! Thank you for asking. It’s mostly the same old routine, but I was almost late to work this morning. My cat, Gummy Worms, knocked over a jar of lentils I had sitting out, a rookie mistake for a cat owner, I know. Luckily, I managed to get here on time, can you imagine how much of a disaster it would be if I was late?” Clover replies, and with a start, she realizes she is slightly rambling. Icee laughs at all the right parts of the story though, and doesn’t seem to mind at all, and that is quite nice.
    “Ah, cats can be menaces sometimes! Mine always wakes me up at four in the morning by sitting on my face while I am trying to sleep. But it’s ok, I love her anyways.” Icee says, and Clover tries to discreetly look for a cat on their person. She doesn’t see any, sadly. Maybe the cat had stayed in Icee’s base, although she has seen many an adventurer bring their companions with them.
    “Ah, luckily my cat doesn’t do that very often, I have trouble enough sleeping without a furry creature lying on my head.” Clover says, smiling.
    The afternoon passes by, and Clover is glad that she lives in a small town, for no other adventurers come in as she talks with Icee, a real conversation, and its so lovely. The townsfolk are nice enough, but Clover really only sees them when her schedule allows, and between the tavern and the inn she is kept at her work a lot of the time. And it’s nice to be heard, and to listen in response, the push and pull of language connecting her and the adventurer.
    When Icee eventually leaves, Clover waves goodbye, and she very nearly wants to tell them to come back soon. She doesn’t, of course. Adventurers don’t pass by the same place too often, too preoccupied with chasing treasure, or helping others. And it would be unfair to Icee to ask them to stay, for traveler’s are free spirits, and not meant to be chained down in one place.
    It doesn’t stop Clover from hoping their paths might cross again. And it doesn’t stop her from being ecstatic when Icee shows up a week later.
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