#ah i wish that were me
royaltea000 · 1 year
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Talk about haunting the narrative huh
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andromedaa-starss · 2 months
just saw a clip from strange new worlds season three and it bothered me so much.
disclaimer this is just my opinion, if y'all like it more power to you.
here's the clip so y'all can see it for yourselves: https://youtu.be/QYLXhIb506w?si=s2WHqKzNYZMtjhWV
but basically, pike, uhura, la'an, and christine chapel all get turned into vulcans genetically (which bothers me already bc shouldn't they just be putting on prosthetics? but w/e that's a bit nitpicky don't mind me). however here's where it gets real bad for me. they start acting like vulcans right out the gate.
huh??? why would they do that? this implies two things, either being logical and doing all that is genetic (which. wrong, incorrect, a total misunderstanding of how vulcans work) or the crew are all trying to mimick spock to get into the Vulcan Spirit™️ (which feels real fucking weird. like. vulcans are not all spock imitations).
and like either way it feels like a fuckup of vulcans. for the first scenario, VULCANS AREN'T BORN LOGICAL. it was born from years of practice. this is why michael burnham was acting like one--she learned the same control a vulcan child raised on vulcan would. if i took a vulcan child and raised them away from vulcan influence they would probably be more emotional. it's even stated that before surak came along, the vulcans were very emotional and highly volatile. and that's how the crew should be acting shortly after they turned into vulcans. they don't have the control that spock or any other vulcan has, so they should be hyper emotional and volatile. implying that vulcans are genetically logical and Like That disregards everything we have been told abt vulcans.
and then for the second scenario, i don't have as much to say bc i don't have a concrete reason as to why it's fucking up vulcans, it just gives me the ick. like idk i think the crew, if they're trying to act vulcan, are basing their interpretations soley on spock. which is bad bc spock is one vulcan. he doesn't represent the entire race. every vulcan acts differently. like idk if that's what was going on it's just ugh. i don't like that. can't put my finger on specifically why but i just don't.
anyways i wish they went abt this differently but hopefully the rest of the episode is better.
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smaeemo · 2 months
What do you mean “Fantasy doesn’t count as real literature.” Great, Thanks. Have fun reading another white man complain about fincial issues and how women are “too promiscuous these days.” I’m going to go read a cool werewolf book, and guess what, it’s all a metaphor about racial inequites specifically via schooling as a result of colonialism. AND it has a cool map at the begininng. So suck it.
Also, even if I were rereading twilight, atleast im not pretending to enjoy myself reading catcher in the rye. I read 40 books last year, predominantly classics and basically? Not a single one was as interesting as Edward and Bella. 🤷
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strawberryicemoon · 6 months
Why I can't watch the Ducktales Finale
I'm not the kind of person who struggles to watch the last episode of something. I love to finish a show, and let it sit in my brain. I'm the kind of person who often enjoys spoilers because it adds to my understanding of the media. I love to view the media in their entirety just as much as I love a journey to get there.
But I can't get past the first few minutes of Ducktales 2017, The Last Adventure. And it's because of spoilers that I couldn't deal with. I don't like them, and even years later after I've had time to digest, and have seen so many finale clips, that I still can't just sit down and watch it. And I've made attempts. I've looked through the summary of the episode to prepare. But I can't.
And there's... a couple of things that rub me the wrong way about the Finale that keep me from being able to just watch it.
1. Webby is Scrooge's Clone Daughter
2. Webby is April, of April May and June
3. Donald and Daisy are going on vacation.
Now, I don't actually hate any of these... conceptually. And I'm well aware that Frank Angones has stated the Webby twist was planned from very early on. And usually I am completely down for whatever a finale is, as long as I can tell that this was something the creator really believed in.
I'm a fan of such "controversial" endings as, Amphibia and Digimon Adventure 02, because I know exactly why they ended like that. It's written in the themes. Even if it took me time to understand Adventure's ending, I've grown to understand it and love it once I learned more about the original Japanese version and the shows production (and also grew up myself). Amphibia ended exactly as I expected based on one of the very earliest things I heard about the show from Matt Braly: "an ode to past friendships". Even if I think there are things they messed up I GET IT. I wouldn't want them ending any other way.
So I understand WHY the decision is made. Conceptually it does make sense. Webby exists as a composite character of April May and June, and I believe shares the same name as April in one language. Webby being Scrooge's clone daughter is an effective way of full-circling her relationship with him. Strangers in each other's home to father and daughter. She's family not BECAUSE of Blood, but because of Love. She still loves her Granny, it's just the non blood relationship wasn't the one she thought it was. And Donald deserves a vacation, and to have the more down to earth life experiences he wanted, especially after raising his sisters kids alone for 10 years.
But they still twist me up inside.
And I think it comes down to three reasons: 1. Lack of Continuity between episodes 2. An over-focusing on Scrooge 3. Handling of Word of God
1. Lack of Continuity between episodes Part of what got me to fall in love with Ducktales was S1 and the continuity of the Spear of Selene subplot. We got hints at a semi-regular pace, but it successfully overhung the entire series. It was what separated Scrooge and Donald. It was why Della was gone. The subject matter was of course not something that needed to be overstated, as most of it was being kept hush hush. Sure it was a mystery, but not an urgent one. Dewey had never had his mom, so it wasn't like he couldn't focus on anything else for a while
But in S2 I started noticing that the show stopped explaining or foreshadowing things. Maybe it always did, I haven't re watched it properly. But I definitely noticed something off about the storytelling then. But it was definitely a problem throughout the show.
Webby never brought up Lena after her sacrifice until the relevant episode.
Lena living with the Sabrewings was something never brought up until episodes later we saw her with them.
We had Della talking about the boys with their "Uncles" setting up the pain of not knowing how things fell apart after her departure, only to get no payoff.
We didn't get ANYTHING about Webby's parentage until the final episode, and barely a hint in 1 season 3 episode.
Almost every finale episode changes the status quo in some way. The question is how much. Lots of final episodes kind of have things going back to the way they were before plot kicked off but better (like with new friends or a new government). Sometimes someone dies.
Webby being Scrooge's clone is paradigm shifting. And that kind of thing needs to be set up. You CANNOT catch your audience off guard with something like that.
In Digimon Adventure 02 the series ends with everyone on earth with a digimon partner which is controversial but at least built up throughout the series at hints of other digidestined until an arc near the end showcased many international digidestined. Hilda ends with the reveal that Hilda's mother is half-fairy, and despite not being present throughout the first two seasons, it was hinted at through the third season, and contextualized some of the few things we did know before about Johanna's childhood. The Hollow's first season ends with you finding out it was all a game, but it had been hinted at before with the video game nature of the world. Sure Avatar didn't hint at Aang getting the power to take away bending, but we knew he was a pacifist who didn't want to kill so was looking for a solution, getting the power to remove bending (ie power over others) works thematically, in the same way Anne using the power of the stones and getting brought back to life by a god like being worked. Sure, Scratch turning out to be a wraith at the end of The Ghost and Molly McGee was rather sudden, but people had been theorizing that Todd was Scratch's body for a long time, so it wasn't like there weren't any hints, and while the show was cut short and had to rush to end, the build up of Scratch's memories at least gave some sort of foreshadowing link to what was going on.
There's a reason people rarely throw in new characters at the very end of a show. It can absolutely work. Amphibia and The Owl House threw in "God" at the end, but that gets a pass for being the kind of figure they meet once and then move on with their lives. On the other side, you can sometimes have secret big bads that were pulling the strings the whole time too. I can't speak for the finale of Ducktales (because again, can't bring myself to watch it), but adding two new characters on top of changing the entire dynamic of how the family is set up at the very end of the show does not sit well with me. We won't get to see how this change in status quo effects the characters. We saw how learning about their mom affected the boys relationship with Scrooge, her return and having to build a relationship with her and her presence conflicting with Launchpad's. But we don't get that with Scrooge and Webby? Basically too many status quo shifts in the finale all at once.
All we got was Beakley was a spy, was overprotective of Webby, and a few episodes before the end it was revealed Beakley was lying to her. Webby didn't seem to care about her parents. And this was a girl who was very dedicated to unraveling the secrets of clan mcduck. Couldn't they have had one hint at some point in the show where it was unclear if it was the boys or Webby who were recognized as a McDuck? Some offhand mention where the boys ask her about HER parents, because she helped them with her mom?
You couldn't tell what was or was not going be important in the way they dropped. It's very hard to set your expectations when you had no clue what to expect. And while there is something to be said for unexpected surprises and twists in a story, an audience really needs to know what is or is important or they're going to go on wild goose chases and get disappointed when they build up hype for something the show then refuses to address.
In HINDSIGHT, I find it extremely odd that Huey and Louie, prior to finding out about Dewey's investigations, did not pry at ALL into the fact that hey: if Donald was an adventurer with Scrooge, then he had to know their mom. Like that’s weird right?
2. An over-focusing on Scrooge Scrooge is the Center of the Universe.
I'm not a Disney Ducks fan. Aside from 2017, and pop culture osmosis, I know very little. But the thing is I am someone whose first inclination once I become a fan of something is to check out the wiki pages for information. Find about what longstanding fan mysteries there are. I understand the importance of cross continuity callbacks. I'm a fan of other longstanding series and have rubbed elbows with several others. I get really long franchises with several iterations.
Which is to say that I, despite not having a horse in this race, understand how this works and how it should work.
Now a bit of this is the fact Ducktales is ABOUT Scrooge. But Scrooge isn't the center of the Duck universe. Something I find pretty interesting is the fact that Donald has reasonably fleshed out family trees on both sides of his family. That's cool. That's how real people work, a meeting point of the stories of those who came before. But Ducktales doesn't care, the only adult the show cares about is him. I get that to a certain extent it was the show execs insisting on focusing on the kids. And again, he's kind of the main character. But you brought back Donald, and Della. There are other characters here with rich lives, he doesn't need to take over everything.
It's especially egregious ANY time the McDuck clan gets involved. Could Matilda be the youngest child now? Sure. But that's a really arbitrary change, that they don't use for anything. And even if that was purposeful, the fact is that the first thing they established is Donald's mom is still Scrooge's sister, so Donald is the grandson of Fergus and Downy McDuck. Not nephew? Surely they could recognize him? But where is Hortense and Quackmore? They brought them up in the first episode, and then they never made any appearances aside from references. Why were Donald and Della staying with Scrooge for Christmas? Never clarified. Fans (reasonably) assumed they were dead. Scrooge called Donald his ward (admittedly when he also called him Fergus and Downy’s nephew rather than grandson). I mean where else would they be when their DAUGHTER DISAPPEARED. Would they not want to meet their grandchildren? But that was never clarified. And I've seen some fans alternatively interpret them as bad parents, which I think is just really unfair. Scrooge gets to be the good parent? It's once again Scrooge to the rescue. The CAPITALIST? I mean it's also a little bit just a family issue in general: It's Uncle Gladstone and Cousin Fethry when they are theoretically the same: technically cousins but old enough to be honorary uncles. It's fair enough. But really that brings us to the Duck family in general.
Grandma Duck? What about Gladstone and Fethry's parents? Gus Goose? Are they all dead? Does Fethry have any siblings? Do the boys not know or not care about the Duck side of the family? They know Gladstone but no one else? I mean Scrooge's parents, who should be dead, were magically kept alive but nothing for the duck family. Speaking of which, they constantly bring up how old Scrooge and occasionally refer to the causes of his supernatural age, but that does not explain how young Donald and Della are compared to him. Overall, we get nothing on the Duck family except for its existence at least, so even removed from the context of Disney Ducks legacy its weird to introduce a side of the family and just gloss over it.
The one episode about the Duck family legacy is a Webby episode. Which, fine, she's not a Duck, but she's part of the family. Except wait. She's Scrooge's daughter/clone, and you gave her the focus on the one episode about the Duck family not the McDuck's? You couldn't leave Scrooge out of anything?
So for Webby's great twist in the finale, was taking not just one, but two characters NOT related to Scrooge (April and Webby), and tying them to Scrooge. I think I could deal with Webby being April, and (HUGE MAYBE) Webby being Scrooge’s clone or April being Scrooge’s clone but not both. Not to mention April, May and June are DAISY's nieces... not random three girls who are her boyfriends uncles clone and and boyfriends uncles clones clone? It doesn't sit right with me that a character who I thought was supposed to be learning that he was sometimes in the wrong, and not the center of morality (see how he made Glomgold a villain through his own ego), continue to be made the center of the universe in ways he simply shouldn't be.
He's literally an old rich guy. Like there is historical context for why this character is like this, but why does the world revolve around him in this show.
3. Word of God Word of God is useful. As are interviews and statements made by the creator. It helps to provide insight into the themes. I love seeing the person behind the art.
But here's the thing. Word of God is clarification, insight into how you should look at the work to set expectations. It's supplementary. It doesn't replace text.
This is a little bit difficult to really talk about now that I'm several years removed from the experience, so grain of salt and all, but I really think the way Word of God was handled did the show a disservice.
Back to Lena becoming a Sabrewing, we didn't get that in show. Lena just dropped off the face of the earth, not until S3’s premier we got a clarification on that in show.
We never got Della's reaction to learning that Donald and Scrooge were estranged, she just suddenly stopped speaking under that assumption.
So Word of God became an essential part of understanding the text, because a lot of necessary information was left unexplained by the canon its a huge problem. And Word of God is often fluid. It can be changed later if during the writing process something changes. (We should probably cover this topic in show and want to do it a bit differently, I have a great Idea of what we can do to turn that error into foreshadowing, I was lying to the fans to keep a secret).
But when word of god is necessary, word of god becomes essential for tempering expectations about the show.
This is probably going to be less of an issue for people who come and watch the show later. Sure, things are still unexplained, but when you can binge the show Lena's unexplained absence is less obvious, you're so busy moving on to other things that Della's change in understanding about the situation is clearly unimportant and you can move on.
But what ended up happening is that Frank Angones struggled to balance clarifications, keeping show secrets, and a sometimes changing story. Which sometimes left characters completely sure on where the story was sitting, only for it to be ripped out from under them. Also, tying back to the first point, of plot points being dropped until the episode where they where they were relevant made it VERY difficult to tell what was or wasn’t going to be relevant, and what emotional beats to get emotionally invested in.
Prior to the finale there was a bit of a community of Webby/Triplet shippers. Personally, I see that as a complete dismissal of the themes of the show and a bit heteronormative. I avoided all such content. But at the same time, shipping doesn't hurt anyone. At the end of the day, the boys and Webby were not related by blood, and hadn't even met until age 10. There wasn't... really a reason you couldn't ship them. There are TONS of shows out there with 10 year old characters and love interests. Just off the top of my head: Any Ship with Ash Ketchum, Sprigivy, Phinabella, Kenyako, Sorato. Even if they don't get together at 10, (or at all) the fact of the matter is 10 year olds getting shipped is old news. I'm still attached to Pokeshipping and Takari to this day, even if I tend to see them more as platonic relationships these days. So I avoided all shipping with them, but I understood why people (particularly younger people) were shipping them. Until the finale hit, and the ships that people thought never going to be canon, but were safe, weren't. To a certain extent, that's the game you play with shipping clearly noncanonical ships. But I feel that the way questions about shipping were answered didn't help, because iirc he tended to say the show wouldn't focus on that more than he explicitly stated the kids were family. He called Webby/Triplet shipping highly unlikely for example, giving it more legitimacy than a no, which leant to it being taken as a solid fact prior to the finale that Webby was definitely not related to the boys, because a lot of what else was said was solid fact.
4. (Bonus): of course, I do also feel it kind of isn't enough to justify breaking the found family. So much of Webby's arc was being accepted into the family. Becoming the 4th triplet. So for her to have been blood all along is a little cheap. Sure it doesn't break the becoming family despite blood before. But, having meta-knowledge of Launchpad probably finding family with Gosalyn and Drake Mallard, it's just Beakley whose left as not blood related (and she's technically the help...). And yeah, there's the Granny/Grandaughter adopted relationship. But....
Webby is one of four kids. Again, she became one of the kids. So yeah. I'm happy that she became one of the kids. Able to call him uncle scrooge. But it feels weird to me that she, the kid who already lived in the manor with Scrooge even if they kept their distance, displaced the triplets as Scrooge's natural heirs. The uncle relationships in this show being parental/grandparental was already good. Not all families look the same, some people parent their siblings' kids for one reason or another. Scrooge's presumed "heirs' ' was his sister's descendants, not his, but he loved them like his own. That's good. So to not only break the "not blood related at all" to "actually daughter", kind of ALSO meant a "my niblings are my legacy" got overtaken with "my daughter is my legacy".
And maybe I'd feel less sour about it if we had more time after the show. But on a fundamental level it didn't just alter Webby's place in the family, but her grandmother's, and the Duck Twins and Triplets. Again, especially with the triplets. I wanted the four of them to become functional equals. The 4th triplet. But for her to have a secret Scrooge connection that overtakes the one she was jealous of the triplets of having doesn't sit right to say the least.
I feel I could get over this one, especially maybe if they gave us more time. But it just didn't make it worth it to me.
5. (Bonus Bonus): Now I don't use the term Mary Sue lightly. But what I do think of canon Mary Sueism is a tendency to make female characters on predominately male casts "special" in some way to justify their presence. They have to be the level headed smart ones and the ones with . They have to be likable so they're robbed of character. I wouldn't say Webby is a particularly bad example of this, and it's not like Ducktales lacks other flawed female characters (Della my beloved).
But the way Webby is treated reminds me of April from TMNT 2012, and Allura from Voltron Legendary Defender (and kinda Larmina from Voltron Force). All are 80s characters in shows that had a predominately male cast of characters, and who were both an outsider, and defined by being a girl. And then the reboot both doubled down on making them special, integrating them into the group more, but also making them generally tougher the boys in some way, and also sometimes more in the know about things. Webby is aged up to match the boys age rather than aged down to match the boys age like April but the effect is still the same.
The girl is now a peer to the boys, 4th triplet, rather than a little sister. Webby is more capable and well-read than any of the boys. And at the start of the series she's socially awkward enough it feels like it will work. And I'm not saying Webby isn't flawed, she is. But when it comes to the things the family finds important: adventuring, she doesn't have any obvious shortcomings. Louie quits easily and isn't as coordinated, Dewey is reckless and generally uneducated, and Huey isn't flexible. And Webby... used to be socially awkward???
It’s kinda trading 1 sexist trope for another. And yeah, all shows do have OTHER female characters who kind of avert this. But it doesn’t change the fact the leading lady is more “special” than the boys. Like being a girl has to be special.
In short, at the end of the day Webby being Scrooge's daughter doesn't help her character, her grandmothers, or the rest of the family. It kinda helps Scrooge’s character, but while I haven’t seen the episode myself, I’m not sure there would be enough time for it to be meaningful. And again, I think a lot of the characterization and worldbuilding of other characters were already sacrificed for Scrooge’s sake in the show already.
Oh and the Donald/Daisy thing.
The reason Daisy/Donald's trip doesn't sit right with me is we barely got any Donald and Della having to coparent. Get used to each other again. We barely got any of them and we're heading back into separation. It doesn’t feel cathartic when we still have unanswered questions from this stage in their life. And even if the trip is well, a trip. It feels weird.
It feels kind of unexpectedly "conventional family", even if it's still really unconventional. Donald is going to go be happy with his love interest, away from the boys he raised who aren't actually his sons (and yes, I know he takes May and June with him but still, knowing that May and June are by default Daisy's nieces kind of has "new kids with new wife" implications to me but that's neither here nor there). Adding this to "Webby being Scrooge's daughter is a good plot point for him" and it's just really weird, and kind of feels like the final nail in the nontraditional family dynamics coffin. If feel only way they could have buried it more is if Beakley died or something.
I was already kinda uncomfortable with the “Daisy being the only one to understand him” thing because like. That’s sweet. His soulmate is the only one who really hears him. But also that’s a fucking speech impediment Donald has. Are you telling me that no one in his family cared enough to effectively communicate with him despite his disability? Like if it is REALLY that much a problem he should have an effective communication method. Sign-language for example?
The triplets he raised don’t always understand him. His twin sister doesn’t always understand him? But this random woman does? I am all for Daisy and Donald being basically soulmates. But uh? This feels both ableist and allonormative in a show that really wasn’t those things before. (well okay it was kinda ableist about Donald but it felt less weird to me when there wasn’t one person who could magically understand Donald). And Daisy understanding him still could be a big thing? The first person who understood him without getting to know him first/wasn’t literally raising him/raised with/raised by him?
I want to like Daisy so much, but she just feels a bit like Webby does: a legacy female character they are trying to make too cool, who gets some of their coolness incidentally defined by a male character, rather than a full-fledged character on their own. (For instance if we saw Daisy with anyone other than Donald, her overbearing boss and… whatever Storkules is). 
I feel some of these may have been resolved with more time. But some of these problems had their seeds planted as early as S1. That said I think if the quality of S1 was maintained they would have been fine. Overall, I think Ducktales is a good reboot, and a good show, but it really could have been better. Was so close to being better.
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whenthegoldrays · 2 months
and like, despite the deliciously shippable couples it has, Twinkling Watermelon is not a romcom, it’s a fantasy coming-of-age. the theme is family, the main relationship is between Eun Gyeol and his father and while their respective romantic storylines are crucial, they’re not central.
which is nice, on the one hand, because it offers a slightly different (and beautiful) kind of story, but then because instead of being [main couple] > [second couple] it’s [son and dad] > [son’s gf and mom], it ends up letting down Eun Yoo and Cheong-ah a bit and leaving their resolutions a bit rushed / open ended (you know, like how in other shows you’ll see the second couple standing together at the main characters’ wedding but no actual, solid resolution).
so the final scene of the show is primarily a bonding moment and a resolution for Yichan and Eun Gyeol, and you don’t get much of Cheongchan and a very quick last-moment wrapping up of Euneun (and like. what happened to our girls in the years in between?? we need answers!)
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i was just reading kell's pov in acol where he goes down to see holland in the cells, how he feels hollands eyes scraping against his own, and back in adsom where its described as two stones sparking together. not only does that make me want to go insane, it also makes me wonder if holland feels that too or if its just kell? its not mentioned as far as i can remember in any of hollands pov and not even in their first meeting flashback. the absence of it from holland's pov is a bit of a shame really though it does suggest that its just kell and the effect holland has on him... its also mentioned briefly when lila gets her antari prosthetic eye (in the sense that kell feels glad that he can look her in the eyes without that friction) which makes me wonder, if lila had both eyes would there be that sparking sensation between her and kell? would it not as their black eyes are on the same side? why would that sensation be only due to the presence of the marked eye? it's clear that kell and lila DO have a connection but then again so would most people who went through what they did together (especially as kell is quite dramatic about what he cares about). it would just be a shame to have this connection between antari be a real thing and it not be developed past a couple of brief mentions one of which to enhance a ship. the antari could be endlessly more strange so it's a shame that, even when bonded with the rings, they are essentially just very powerful magic users and not something altogether else...
#give me some STRANGE#also actually i was thinking about if there was an actual bond between antari whether they like it or not#and how lila and holland would navigate that#i tried to write a lila pov fic about this that was mainly just a stream of consciousness actually#about when holland is torturing lila in adsom to get kell to come back#and despite the fear and hatred she felt like she could lean back and through into him like ink into water#meeting something made from the same stuff as her and that feeling of connection being new and utterly terrifying#but alas i cannot write and also don't have the patience to get better at it so it is not somethig i can post#i just really wanted them all to be more weird about it lmao#i can imagine holland turning up to deliver letters and people being like “ah theres holland. he and kell have something weird going on”#or kell being consumed with grief about having to kill one of his own kind but not being able to express it to anyone especially rhy#and feeling this overwhelming wrongness thinking its just that he killed holland#not knowing its actually holland having osaron in his head thats causing the inexplicable wrongness#or just lila hating that she has any kind of bond with holland wishing she could seperate the two of them#but if she were to take a knife to remove him from her she wouldn't know where to start cutting#wow thats a lot of words today#adsom ramble#adsom#shades of magic#holland vosijk#lila bard#kell maresh#anyway i do love and adore these books but it doesnt mean i can't be sad about missed opportunities
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As I've seen people say: our silly adorable fandom wasn't made for this level of drama.
Rest, my tired warriors, we did well
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emin-folly · 4 months
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title(s) that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! (then tag as many people as you have WIPs.)
Tagged by @ceeloilights~
I'll just doing my DC folder since I have way WAY too many WIPs for a normal person lol (long ass list is LONG, you've been warned~)
My DC art WIPs in alphabetical order:
Ace and Batman
Alan and Thomas
Alan n Hal
Allen fam
Bar Spo (yeah I don't blame you for not understanding this one lol I sometimes like to abbreviate the names of the characters)
Barry and Wally
Barry and Wally 2
Barry horse
Barry Iris
Barry Iris 2
Barry Iris date
Barry Jesse
Barry out of time
Barry possessed
Barry sketchdump
Barry study
Barry suit
Barry Superman 2
Bart the Menace
Batman and Riddler
Batman needing help
Battle of the Fashion Tastes
Bby Eo and Barry
Bringing Barry to life
Carrying Barry 1
Carrying Barry 2
Carrying Wonderflash
Clark reading Cinderella
Cover Flash
Cover mockup
Cover redraw fem
Crackship doodles
Creature Eo
Crossdressing Barry
CW Flash
CW Flash 2
Dark Flashpoint Eo Supes
Dark Flashpoint Eo ivy
DC Aftermath
DC Barry and Kitty
DC Barry vs Slade
DC Barry's obsession
DC Barry's weird fears
DC Bruce's Farm Madness
DC Dad brawl
DC Eo styles
DC Flash and Thawne
DC drawpile 1
DC drawpile 2
DC Fashion Tastes
DC Food Cramps
DC Hal's Stripper Discovery
DC Hole in the Ground
DC Human Disaster
DC Human
DC Interviews
DC Justice League Civilian
DC Mer Spell Gone Wrong
DC My Hero
DC Nobody wants to save Thawne
DC Off Worlding
DC Plan Backfire
DC Slade's new pet
DC SonicFlash
DC Speedster Realities
DC Speedsters and Bug
DC The No Speed Force Race
DC Welcoming Barry back
DC Bleached
DC Furries
DC Mer Funny
DC pile
DC things
DC vampires au
DC vs vampires 2
Deer style
Flash AU doodles
Flash AU
Flashfam fluff
Dress up
Drunk Barry
Eo and Croc
Eo Barry civilian
Eo medieval
Eo meme
Eo needs help
Eo outfit
Eo panel practice
Eo torn up
Eo vs Batman
Eo wants commitment
Eobard AU
Eobard AU 2
Eobard Ivy doodles
EoBarry transformers
Eo Carol
EoIvy 2
EoIvy Genderbend
EoIvy meeting
EoIvy talk
Eo's Coping Methods
Eo and Paradox
Eo mini Barry
Eo's verbal mess-ups
Eostar pickup
Fem Bard full body
Fem Eo
Fem Eo 2
Fem EoBarry
Fem Thawne
Funny Silver Age
Genderbend Eo
GL headaches
GL Human infestation
Good Cop, Bad Cop
Hal in Thawne's body
Hal suspects faves
Hamlet 2
Hamlet 3
Hamlet 4
Injustice Eo
Injustice Eo dump
Injustice EoIvy
Iris gets powers
Iris holding a grudge
Ivy about Eo
JL silly faces
Linda and Barry
Manga Eo
Mer AU
Mer AU 2
Mer design concept
Mer Reverses
Mom J'onn
Monster Supes
Muzzle Barry
New suit
No speed
Obsessive Eo
Panel redraw Barry
Panic induced Rogues
Parallax Eo
Personal boundaries
Pre new 52 memories
Prop up
Random doodles
Reverse fam
Rogues and Barry
Role reversal
Roy and Ralph
Scarlet Speedster
Ship comic
Speed dancing
Speed Force and Eo
Swan Thawne
Team up Thomas and Baby Bruce
Thomas and Barry
Touchy feely
Vampire Barry
Wally Shayera AU
Wally talks to Barry
What Eo eats
Wonderflash doodles
Wonderflash 2
xxx 2
Zoom prodigy
As for who I'm tagging, I don't really know who to pick specifically so the person reading this, boop you're it! :>
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anglerflsh · 2 years
Hi! I ADORE how you draw Belos' mask, I can definitely see the hollow knight influence! 💜
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I'm a big fan of masks and masked characters
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wild-shaped · 11 months
rock shop witch lady cut herself off mid-sentence to look me up and down, then tell me that people believed their town's springs had healing properties and that i should probably bottle some
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drstonetrivia · 11 months
Chapter 204 Trivia
What we thought may be a politics arc may in fact become a brotherly feud…
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Galileo's quote is taken from his book "The Assayer", considered to be one of the pioneering works of the scientific method. At the time, most science was done by philosophical arguments rather than observation and trying to understand the mathematics behind them.
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Math is the universal language because the symbols may change, but the meanings/axioms cannot. Because of this, the cover of the Golden Record placed on Voyager 1 (the probe leaving our solar system) has instructions written in math in the hopes some future beings can understand.
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Ryusui wasn't wearing two swords last chapter, I wonder where they came from and why he's wearing them now…
(Maybe this is why Sai was running from him haha!)
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Mathematical errors have ruined a lot of space missions: the Mariner 1 was destroyed because of a missing hyphen, and the Mars Climate Orbiter was destroyed on landing because of a failure to convert units.
Avoiding these errors was very difficult when it was all done by hand.
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This seems to be at least partially true, however the practice has lessened over the decades. Indian-educated parents and grandparents may remember, but students these days probably only need to learn up to 19x19!
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The HR industry in India is incredibly large, and are a very useful resource to have for any business looking to scale up. It's not surprising that the Nanami Corporation set up a university there!
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Sai appears to be the 554th most popular name in India and can be used for both genders, but it's generally a male name.
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The equations in the background here I haven't identified yet, but the gamma (γ) thrust here may be alluding to the thrust equation used with rocket engines in space. The gamma is the specific heat ratio of the gas.
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The day is October 1st, so the team likely left Spain sometime between September 15th-20th if it did in fact take them 10 days to travel the distance (with some delays because of the Suez situation).
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The food here may be a somewhat generic curry as the sound effect seems to indicate, or it could also be lamb gosht based on the color, region, and spices used.
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Technically we don't know that Ruri specifically called for the defensive positions, but we do know everyone in Japan is probably in them.
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I think this is the same sky image as the one Tsukasa saw in chapter 188, but with a different star pattern.
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The Fellenius method and what Senku is actually doing here is dividing the slopes into segments and calculating how stable each one is using the properties of the dirt and rock. Putting the segments together should give you how likely a rock slide is. Strata are layers of rock.
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The many-armed pose Sai is found in is a reference to Durga, a major Hindu deity. She is associated with protection, strength, motherhood, destruction and wars.
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This comment I believe is Chelsea's from the "I'm not a fan" part, with the "baaad" learnt from Chrome's habit.
The meaning of her comment is confusing, but it might be because the last pretty-boy character introduced was a villain (Stanley), however shes also a fan of Hyoga…?
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Sai's outfit is very simple and rather lacking compared to Ryusui's, however they share elements such as the collar type and addition of a belt.
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The belt buckle is very interesting, it doesn't follow Ryusui's nor Nanami Corp.'s branding and looks like a C+.
My guesses for the meaning: -C+, the programming language, based off the fact he was petrified on his laptop presumably. -C, the Roman numeral, indicating 100+ because of the million-times brainpower comment (million in Japanese is 百万, 百=100). -C, from E=mc^2, for light speed.
Sai's odd yell ("peegyaaaah!") may be a computer joke, as the sound effect "ピ" (pi) tends to be used for computer beeps, like pressing a button.
A similar sound has been used in the past for Xeno's encryption device.
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Sai's character could go a lot of directions since he's unlikely to be one of the traditional nerds they described, nor one like Joel since Joel exists. What Ryusui did to scare off his older brother though, I'm very curious about…
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apotelesmaa · 7 months
None of u understand how funny emunene is… emu going I’m going to follow you forever and ever you’re so amazing nene chan you’re so pretty and talented let’s hang out all the time & nene going I just don’t think she likes me that way 😔 she’s just being friendly. Also objectively nene realizing she has the same level of denseness as tsukasa wrt rui is hysterical. she goes thru all the stages of grief in a week and contemplates telling nenerobo to kill tsukasa so she doesn’t have to think about it ever again.
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everysongineverykey · 8 months
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gentlebliss · 10 months
Figured I would post this song poetry I wrote earlier this year; my ex boyfriend had received bad news and was very depressed following it, so when he went to bed that night, I stayed up until ~8am writing this for him
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lehdenlaulu · 13 days
So, I guess in order to be able to enjoy Veilguard at all one should probably start thinking of it as something of a spinoff or perhaps even reboot, not a sequel?
In addition to 'half-cooked mash-up of various plans and ideas by half a dozen different dev teams which is now being pushed out, finished or not, because 10 years was the final deadline', that is.
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mo-ok · 27 days
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not to be back on my sun vulcan shit but literally what did they mean by this why did you look at shark like that
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