#ah bracelet gate
thomasmxller · 1 year
did you see what j*hn said in his comments about hyvnjin? lmao someone commented, “you have your arm around hyvnjin are you kidding” and he responded, “we did more than that 🙈” the vibes are RANCID
i could forgive the whole talking about chan and skz thing because it would be difficult i think to see people you grew up with be successful knowing you weren’t able to grow with them but also this man keeps simping for chris brown in the year of our lord 2023 ???
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mynameisjag · 8 hours
Danny Phantom/DC Prompt Idea: Forced Recovery
It seemed no matter where he went, he was never safe.
Breaking through Amity's block, finally getting the attention of older actual heroes, who jumped to help them, the Ecto-Acts proving to be false claims upheld by the now debunk and dismantled G.I.W.
Danny should have been safe now, should have been able to continue with his life a little easier now…
Instead he found himself snatched up and placed with a family that were pure strangers, far from his home and the now shut-downed portal, his parents arrested and waiting a trial, and Jazz barred from seeing or knowing his whereabouts and health.
He was trapped in a mansion with rich fruitloops, an anklet bracelet that monitored his health and would trigger an alarm if he went passed the gates.
House arrest with the excuse of it being for his benefit, the Justice League saying that there was still Agents out there looking for him, families from Amity realizing that most of the damage to their town was his own family’s fault and they couldn’t get to his parents as easy as they could get to him, then they threw in concerns of his health.
With the portal closed, he would have to rely on environmental ecto, so low ecto meant low power usage, he was practical malnourished, overstressed, overworked, underweight, a list that was more like a novel by the time the doctor got through with his examination.
It all came together in one big warm shit pie.
He just needed to wait this out…wait for his parents verdict…wait for his health to get better…wait till Jazz was allowed to get in touch with him…wait…all he can do is wait…
For now, he was going to get breakfast and hide away from the rest of the residents of the Manor.
Gotham was blessed and cursed with an abundance of ecto just floating around, enough to aid his healing and health…not enough to restore the levels he needed to regain his full strength and powers though.
Even with the filter he created to concentrate the ambient ecto into a pick me up drink, he wasn’t gaining health as fast has he liked to.
Speaking of his filter, the contraption sat next to Tim’s near worshiped coffee pot, granted it was built out of refurbished carbonated soda stream, so it didn’t look too out of place in the kitchen. And luckily it seemed the only person up right now was Alfred, the older man smiling gently at him as Danny grabbed his thermos to fill it up for the day.
“It’s good to see you up and about.”
“Just filling up for the day before heading back to my room.”
“Of course, as usual, rest is good for your health but so is social interaction.”
Ah...that was a…hint…wasn’t it…he guessed he has to fill the social quota himself before the others decided to do it themselves.
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sadly-in-active · 4 months
Hello can I request Golden Cheese Cookie x reader who is obsessed with silver (like Golden Cheese with gold) who has a rivals to friends to lovers relationship and if it's possible can it be both headcanon and oneshot if not I'm good with one or the other.
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Golden Cheese Cookie x Silver-Obsessed Reader
Summary: You are a wanderer that travels between all the Kingdoms in Earthbread, selling and obtaining silver items. Some have nicknamed you the Silver Seller, others just preferred to keep you nameless. Once in the Golden Cheese Kingdom…it seems you stayed a bit longer then you were supposed to. Why? Well, because you were looking for the silver!
Where was it?
Where did it all go?
TW: None
You were face to face with the ruler of the Golden Cheese Kingdom. She didn’t look too pleased at your efforts to try and sneak in to her gleaming palace, yet she kept a smirk on her face despite her annoyance. After all, it would be unwise to send you off without knowing the reason why you were breaking and entering!
For a brief moment, she pondered how you even managed to get past Burnt Cheese Cookie at the gates…but she had to deal with the situation at hand, like the good queen she was.
“Well then, I’d like you to state your business of wandering around my palace and trying to enter it. Were you trying to steal my gold, little silver-eyes?”
You didn’t say anything, only shaking your head in disgust at the fact of stealing her gold. Why would you? It looked so…yellow.
“Ah! So we have someone who looks disgusted at the mere thought of gold? How silly. If you wish to obtain any other boring metals, I’d suggest leaving and never coming back! Or maybe, you could learn from your foolishness and stay for a while. Wouldn’t that be a proper punishment for you?”
Wait a minute, she was planning on imprisoning you here? That wasn't part of the deal. This wasn't what you signed up for. All you wanted was to find the silver in this golden kingdom, not to be imprisoned with all this gold.
And for the next…well, you didn’t know how much time passed. You were forced to stay in Golden Cheese’s palace as her personal attendant, forced to put on her lavish golden jewelry and work for her. She honestly just wanted to keep an eye on you.
Yet…you didn’t complain. Well, didn’t complain often. You certainly spoke your mind when it came to the gold, and she merely scoffed and put it on you anyways. She even said that you looked better without some dusty old cloak and your silver bracelets.
Sooner or later, you got used to it, hell, you actually kind of liked serving the Golden Sovereign. It wasn’t that bad, all you had to do was keep her company and do some tasks she wanted you to do. It became your routine, and a good routine at that. Some days, she even allowed you to go to the Colosseum and watch the monsters fight.
With a Marzipan Cookie watching you, of course.
The Sovereign liked talking with you, hearing about your travels and what you liked. It was refreshing talking to someone without them bowing and worshipping you all of the time, barely having a normal conversation.
On a special day, she even made you some silver jewelry. She wasn’t used to making stuff that wasn’t gold, but she tried her best.
Seeing your happy smile as you put on a shiny silver necklace and anklets was…making her feel happy too. Not even her piles and piles of gold compared to your look of joy. She liked watching you smile, believe it or not.
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lalovi · 6 months
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Pure Vanilla x GN! Reader.
Warnings: Very very small angst? I don't think it even counts as angst, tbh. And it's not proof read
"Greetings, old friend! It's been a while since we have last talked, and I do miss the ways we would chat the days away. Are you busy? I would hope not. That would be most unfortunate, since I'm hosting a grand party at my kingdom! You are one of few friends that I've invited with a handwritten letter. I do hope you enjoy it! The party and the letter, I mean. I hope to see you there. Maybe we can catch up? Oh and, I do hope we can continue being friends for a very long time.
-Sincerely, Pure Vanilla Cookie."
Your old friend Pure Vanilla was hosting a grand celebration, and everyone was invited. He even gave you a handwritten letter and eveything. It was going to be a large ball, where there would be music, food, and laughter. You couldn't wait for it to begin, though, you couldn't help but feel your heart sink at the words 'friend.' He thought of you as just that, a friend.
You thought of him as so much more, though.
Holyberry Cookie went shopping with you beforehand for some new outfits. You settled on a very fancy outfit that Hollyberry said looked nice on you.
There was also a small bracelet that Pure Vanilla gave you a while back. You decided to wear it, thinking it completed the outfit.
Before you knew it, it was already 8:00 P.M., the appointed time of the party.
How has time passed so quickly? You would ask yourself as you stood before the large gates.
Everything was so prestine and perfect, as expected of Pure Vanilla. He himself was rather perfect, wasn't he? All beautiful and kind. How did he even become friends with someone like you? Oh well, it doesn't realy matter.
When you entered the gates of the kingdom, you could already see floods of couples and people.
That's right, people don't usually come to parties alone. They usually come with someone they love.
Someone you love.
I have someone I love.
But do they love me back?
It's been a while since I last saw him..
You'd be thinking these thoughts to yourself as you walked into the main ballroom.
It was perfect in here as well.
The light bounced off of every wall in a way that made the whole room glow. The stained glass windows were all polished, and the floor was spotless.
He's way out of my league.
The chandelier hung enchantingly from the roof, and the tables were full of only the most exquisite foods.
And then of course, there was him. The center of attention, the heart of the party, the beloved ruler, Prune Vannila.
He was just talking to some guests, wearing that soft and inviting expression on his face while making small talk look so easy. He would smile, and laugh, and listen.
But most importantly, he looked so happy.
You'd look down at the invitation in your hand and sigh.
He would never love me.
You turned around and headed for a balcony. It was the same balcony that you and Pure Vanilla would always go to, and talk on. It was a nice place, and it was also a place where you could escape the party.
You'd rest your arms on the railing and look up at the sky. It was filled with stars, each spinning and sparkling in its own unique way. You wondered if Pure Vanilla would like them.
"Here you are. I saw you walking away from the party, and I had a feeling you'd be here," said a voice. You recognized it immediately.
"Pure Vanilla? I thought you were still talking to the guests.."
"I was, but when I saw you, I couldn't help myself! It's been much too long." He would say with a smile and he stood next to you.
"It has been a while... How have you been?"
"Ah, I don't mean to sound snobby or ungrateful, but everything was rather boring." He would pause for a moment. "I'm much happier now that you're here." He'd say.
You couldn't help but smile as well. "I'm much happier too."
There was a nice silence as the two of you looked up at the stary sky.
"Hey, I know this is a pretty random request, but.." he would hold out his hand.
He was wearing the bracelet as well. Just like he said he would.
"May I have this dance?" He asked, with a much more nervous smile this time.
You would put your hand in his. "Of course."
He would place his other hand on your waist, and you'd put your other hand on his shoulder. The music, though noticeably softer, could still be heard from the ballroom.
You two danced like this once before, but it was a long time ago. You wanted to learn how to dance, and he taught you.
At the time you weren't the best, but he didn't care. He just liked dancing with you.
"You've gotten better." He would say before twirling you around.
"I wanted to be good enough for the next time we met.." You'd say as you let Pure Vanilla guide your body through the dance.
"So you've been looking forward to this dance then?"
You nodded your head.
"I have as well..."
He would close his eyes as he recited the steps perfectly.
"You're wearing our bracelet." You'd say.
"Of course! I never lie." Pure Vanilla would pause for moment. "Except for one thing, actually."
You would tilt your head to the side curiously, awaiting an explanation.
"In the letter, I said I wanted us to stay friends for a long time. That was a lie though."
You felt your heart sink once again.
Was he trying end this friendship?
You weren't the best, but to just end it so suddenly?
"What do you mean-?" You would ask in a shaky voice. You didn't want to cry during this party, but if he continued on like this, you just might.
"Don't take it like that. That's not what I meant." He would say. "What I meant was... I want us to become more than friends." Pure Vanilla explained.
What did he just say? More than freinds?
"Don't make jokes like that." You'd say coldly.
"It's not a joke. I am being serious. I've always wanted to have you as my lover. Ever since our first dance together." He'd say.
"Then..." youd pause, and there was a suspenseful silence.
"Then I want to be more than friends as well.." you would finally spit out.
Pure Vanilla would let out a sigh of relief before smiling.
"Then please, my love, let us dance until the sun rises once again."
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zoropookie · 3 months
Scara and Y/N having the couples bracelet(Look it up if you don't know) and beeping it when they miss each other🤭
"I swear, I'm going through withdrawals." You complained, sitting back, toying with the bracelet on your hand impulsively.
"You don't even have to do too much, you can turn me on with just a touch," Hu Tao sang in response.
"Hilarious," You groaned, rubbing your temples in mild grief. The trinket on your hand became a source of comfort for you in the days that you were an even longer distance from your boyfriend.
Annual TwitchCon happened — and this time, you actually were a featured guest. Furina managed to nudge you a spot at the panel happening in a few hours, so you were sat here, in writing mental agony over not being able to see Kuni for the remainder of the time.
For now, you were in the meet and greet session, consistently taking photos and signing autographs of people you were surprised even look like fans. Pretty sure you saw someone who looked like Satoru Gojo at one point in line. Was it on brand to cosplay here, or...?
The convention was a kaleidoscope of blended colors and disco-ball like brightness. There was a mild hum of mild chatter filling the air within the line, and your table was adorned with merchandise that you were pretty excited about. It made you realize how little you decorate your things in your house.
Each fan that approached you brought a different kind of joy with them, sweaty and all, which brought you joy too. Often not doing too well in public scenarios, you and Hu Tao were handling it well without the (fatherly) arms of Thoma helping you two out.
"I mean, why didn't they want to go with us anyway?" You huffed, sitting back in your chair, accepting the small interval. "It would have helped having more than one person being beside my hip at any given moment."
"You're as dependent as they come," Hu Tao shook her head. "You'll be aight."
"And what if I'm not?" You turned your head to her. "Huh? What if I keel over and die today just because everyone decided to ditch us? Decided to stop at the gate of the lion enclosure just because they were too scared? Kuni isn't even here. He said he'd be here."
Your friend sighed, closing her eyes in mild annoyance. "Listen, dumbass. You can't depend on him for everything, I mean, you were the same person who was making snide comments on him a few months ago, even you knew. He's got a life now, just text him or something and leave it at that until we're done." She murmured.
You puffed your lip into a pout, eyes narrowing towards your bracelet again. He hasn't even made it known that he missed you at all today, and you were forced to believe he was busy because of it. "You're right, I guess."
"I always am, now start putting in the work putting in the hours. We got a quota to fill before lunch and I want that shoyu ramen they're selling up front." Hu Tao said, immediately being pleasant and nice to the fans approaching her.
You rolled your eyes, getting ready to shift your persona back into a more public one away from your sullen mood. The line stretched on forever, and each person you were met with carried uniqueness to them. From their stories or their special connections they felt with you despite the drama.
You adjusted your posture, and even though the lingering thoughts of Kuni plagued your head, you still signed every single item you were given on that table with a special message.
As you were about to sign the next autograph, you felt your bracelet vibrate, sending an initial shock to you before the jolt sent you in a more cheerful mood than expected. The moon on your bracelet showed a soft aura of blue around it, which gave you the signal that he missed you.
"Ah!" You yelled, startling the fan in front of you.
Hu Tao narrowed her eyes towards you without directly turning her head. You were toying with your bracelet, tapping on it very aggressively in response, sending multiple tremors to your boyfriend's end. "What are you doing?"
"Sending him vibrations."
Hu Tao slowly looked towards the confused fan in front of you, before giving her an apologetic look. "...Did he stick the bracelet up his ass, or what?"
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shyvioletcat · 1 year
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~ Single Parent ~ Ah yes, this is always one of my favourite days. This is part two to my Fish are Friends fic, so please enjoy. @rowaelinscourt
“This guy is loaded.”
Aelin snorted at her friend's awed exclamation as she eased off on the accelerator coming up the long, paved driveway. The house wasn’t obnoxiously large, but it was well beyond decent with a pretty facade and well kept gardens. And if the price he had offered initially for her services today was anything to go by, yes Rowan did have money to burn. 
She had waited until she got home to text him back and to say yes to the offer of Ivy’s birthday party, claiming that now she had turned back into a mermaid she could talk mermaid business. With how the girl was so enamoured by the whole mermaid performance Aelin couldn’t even think of saying no. Rowan had immediately come back with a price just under what her gig at the aquarium paid in a fortnight and she stared at it wide eyed for a full minute. She knocked it back, then there was a mildly heated discussion over what the price should be. Rowan was overly generous, and Aelin helped equate the cost by saying she needed to bring a friend along to help her with her costume and they would split it. That had been fine, of course, and why Lysandra was sitting in the passenger seat. 
The car stopped and Lysandra was still peering out the windows trying to get a better look. “His wife, slash girlfriend, slash whatever must be living the life.”
“He’s divorced,” Aelin said, pushing the gear stick into park. 
“That’s an awfully weird thing to find out in a conversation that went for two minutes,” Lysandra added.
Aelin shrugged, seatbelt clicking as it undid. “Well his daughter did demand he kiss me.”
Lysandra paused from where she was checking over her make-up in the sun visor mirror, head turning sharply. “She what?”
“I had to keep the magic alive and I may have told her that I needed a kiss from my true love to stay a mermaid. There was something about a sea witch curse in there too.”
The mirror closed with a snap. “That’s real dedication.”
“Yes it is and that’s why I need you to go knock on the door and suss out where I need to go so Ivy doesn’t know I’m here until I’m dressed. I’m only human between three and six to her knowledge,” Aelin explained, gesturing to the dark wood door.
“I feel like there was an easier way to do this,” Lysandra said.
Aelin shooed her with a gesture of her hand. “I was under pressure, now go.”
Lysandra didn’t answer, just did what she was asked, hopping out of the car and making a show of knocking on the front door. Aelin sunk in her chair a little, ready to hide completely if anyone little appeared at the door. She managed to see an older woman with greying auburn hair look her way as Lysandra pointed to the car. There was some more conversing and then some nodding, and then Lysandra was coming back over to the car. 
She opened the car door and lent in. “So, that lady was Iris and she’s the grandmother. She said all the littlies are inside making bracelets or something so you are all clear to sneak in using the side gate and use the pool house to get ready.” 
“Fantastic,” Aelin replied and didn’t waste any time. Children were unpredictable, who knows when they might choose to stampede outside. “Let’s go.”
The two of them unloaded the gear, managing to get it all gathered together in one load. Tail and accessories in hand, the side gate was easy enough to spot. Aelin led the way, listening out for an excitable little girl who’s birthday she did not want to ruin. Sounds of laughter and music came from inside the house, but Aelin ignored it all and headed straight to the pool house. Luckily, the blinds were down on the floor to ceiling windows saving them the trouble. It was a tidy space, besides the child’s toys stacked in a corner. There were a few lounges, a small kitchenette and a door Aelin assumed led to a bathroom. 
The gear was dumped on one of the lounges and Aelin started to strip off. “Alright. Let’s do this.”
Rowan tried to keep his hand steady even as the little girl in front of him was determined not to stay still. Ivy had begged him to do face painting at her party, and of course he was going to say yes. He had spent the last month practising on paper, his daughter and even his friends when they let him. Rowan had been good to start with, and now he was considering making it a weekend job. Not really, being a deputy principal during the week and being a full time dad was more than enough work for him. But at least it was therapeutic. 
“Hold still for just one more second,” Rowan told the brown haired girl sitting in front of him. She huffed, but listened, the lure of a unicorn horn and ears overriding the need to see what was going on. Adding a few last details on the horn to really give it some sparkle and then he was done. “There.”
Rowan didn’t need to say more than that and the girl was off. He wiped his hands on an old tea towel and was about to refill some of the snack bowls when his mother approached him looking like she was holding in a secret. 
She sidled up close, beckoning him a little closer so Rowan had to lean in as she whispered. “Your mermaid is here.”
“Oh,” Rowan said, taking a look around. “Where?”
“I sent her and her friend to the pool house,” Iris said. “After Ivy’s rave reviews I’m excited to see her myself.”
Because Aelin was all Ivy could talk about and she already fawned over her to anyone who would listen in her select circle of people she chose to talk to. Rowan had kept the mermaid appearance under wraps and he was glad to see his surprise hadn’t been ruined. His daughter was going to lose her mind. 
“Pool time!” Rowan announced to the room, excited squeals drowning out his chance to say anything else. 
Ivy was by his side in a second, pulling at her dress so she could get to the swimsuit she had insisted on wearing underneath. Rowan helped her before he could do some damage, revealing the mermaid scale patterned one piece with a frilly little tutu skirt around her waist.  
“Come on, Dad!” Ivy said, pulling on his hand  and trying to drag him towards the pool.
Rowan smiled at her eagerness. “Hold up, we gotta wait for everyone else to be ready.”
That didn’t take long at all and it was only about 10 minutes later that everyone was crowded around the new location for gathering. To help ease the minds of the parents he’d paid a couple of his friends to be honorary lifeguards. In the end he had chosen Connall and Vaughan, and it had taken some heavy consideration. Lorcan was out because his lack of care and observation might just end in disaster. Fenrys’ sole purpose would be showing off shirtless in front of the mums and anyone else who found themselves interested, and Rowan needed the children in the water to be the priority. And even though Vaughan had similar motives, he would at least include the supervision of the children in his displays. Connall was the easy decision because, besides Rowan himself, he was the most level headed and had more than an ounce of common sense. 
“Excuse me.”
Rowan turned at the unfamiliar voice behind him. A stunning brunette who he did not recognise stood there. She didn’t have the look of one of the parents and she wasn’t a caterer—she was dressed too casually for that. It had him wondering who she was.
“Hi, I’m sorry but…”
“Oh, Lysandra,” she said, a hand on her chest. “Friend of Aelin.”
“Pleased to meet you,” Rowan extended his hand for a handshake which was returned. 
“Likewise,” Lysandra said. “Aelin is ready but we’ve hit a bit of a snag.”
“How so?” Trying not to sound too panicked at the potential flow in his party plans.
“Um, she can’t exactly walk out of there.”
Rowan felt the confusion on his face as he tried to figure it out. 
Lysandra smiled. “She doesn’t have legs.”
“Oh, right,” Rowan said, laughing a little. “What do you need me to do?”
“It’s a good thing you at least look strong,” Lysandra said, beckoning Rowan to follow. 
“Mam, can you watch Ivy and the pool,” Rowan threw over his shoulder—her affirmative answer sounding as he headed towards the pool house. 
The blinds were closed and Rowan did one last check of the pool before he ducked into the building right behind Lysandra. Aelin sat on one of the lounges in her full get-up, tail and seashells and the make-up that had her face sparkling. Once again, he was struck by how beautiful this woman was, it was an impossible thing not to notice.
“Nice to see you again,” she said with a little wave. 
“You too,” Rowan said, then hastily added. “And thank you. For doing this.”
“Anything for the kids, right?” Aelin said. 
“Speaking of, should we get to it?” Rowan asked.
Aelin gave a flourish of her hands down the length of her body. “By all means.”
Rowan tried not to be awkward as he bent down and scooped Aelin up bridal style, she even draped her arms around his neck. The tail made her stiffer than other women he’d carried like this, but he managed. 
“If you could get the door?” Rowan asked Lysandra. 
“Of course.”
Rowan was concentrating so hard as he stepped through the doorway, trying his best not to knock Aelin’s head or tail. She must have been concerned as well because her grip tightened and she hugged herself closer to him. He managed it all without incident and brought them safely into the sun. 
“Look who I found in the bathtub!” Rowan announced, drawing the attention of the party. Ivy’s exclamation of Aelin rang out over all of it. He lowered his voice so only Aelin could hear. “Where do you want me to set you down?”
“Shallow end, by the steps,” Aelin replied quietly before turning her attention to the party. “I heard it was someone’s birthday.”
Rowan set Aelin down and Ivy was there a heartbeat later. 
“It’s me, Aelin. It’s my birthday,” Ivy said nearly climbing onto the mermaid. 
Aelin graciously took it all in her stride, wrapping her arm around the girl. “I couldn’t miss that.”
Within moments Aelin had control of the party, all the kids flocking to her and her magnetic energy. Rowan left her to it, heading outside the pool fence to grab himself a drink. He grabbed a beer from the cooler in the kitchen before returning to the back patio to watch the show. There was no doubt in his mind that Aelin would be putting on a performance if her work at the aquarium was anything to go by. 
“Dude, you got a mermaid?” That overly question came from Fenrys, who had appeared next to Rowan, face still decorated with a large rainbow and a collection of stars. Ivy had insisted her uncle get his face painted and like everyone else in her life, he hadn’t refused. “She looks legit. Where’d you find her?”
“The aquarium,” Rowan answered before taking a sip from the beer bottle in his hand. 
“I don’t know if you’re kidding or not,” Fenrys said. 
That made Rowan laugh. “I’m being serious. She works at the aquarium, and Ivy fell in love with her the other day. I asked her if she did private functions and she said yes.”
“Private functions? That sounds shifty as hell,” Fenrys added. 
Rowan thought for a moment, recalling how Aelin had stalled and the awkwardness had skyrocketed. It was nearly enough to make him flush with embarrassment again. 
“Yeah, I realised my error in wording pretty quickly,” Rowan admitted. 
“How much did she cost?”
That voice was female and accusatory, it made Fenrys grimace sympathetically before he left Rowan to deal with answering. He turned around, finding his ex-wife just behind him, glaring in the direction of the pool before her eyes darted back to him. Waiting. 
Strained was an apt description to describe the relationship between him and Lyria. They had been high school sweethearts that decided to get married before they knew anything of the world. They’d stuck it out years longer than they should have, divorce had been up for discussion when they’d found out Lyria was pregnant. It hadn’t helped the already precarious relationship and by the time Ivy was two Rowan found himself a first year teacher and a single father with majority custody. He had been ready to fight for Ivy but it was an obvious choice considering the stability and flexibility of his job. Rowan was guaranteed a job with manageable hours, he’d have school breaks off, and with the money he made plus what he had from his family to back him, allocating him as primary carer was an easy choice. It just left him open to continual criticism over the choices he made about raising his daughter, especially when it came to money. 
“It doesn’t matter,” Rowan said. “She’s made Ivy’s day, what’s more important than that?”
Lyria hummed her objection, her gaze darting over to their daughter again at a bright burst of laughter. “You need to stop throwing money at things just to make her happy. She’ll grow up with a skewed view of the world, not knowing what the real world is like.”
Rowan resisted rolling his eyes. They’d had this discussion before, and they’d have it again. She always accused him of spoiling their daughter in the worst way. And maybe he did, to an extent, but Rowan was also sensible to a fault as his friend’s like to point out. 
“We figured it out, and so will she,” Rowan said. “Hopefully sooner than we did, hmm?”
He left Lyria to muse over that, not wanting to have this fight and potentially ruin the party. Rowan decided his time was better spent refilling the snack bowls and checking the cake hadn’t been damaged in the fridge. Once those menial tasks were done and his beer finished, Rowan wandered to the poolside again. 
Aelin was in the water now, showing the kids how she swam from one end to the other with her tail. It wasn’t just the kids watching either, like at the aquarium she had the whole crowd entranced. Rowan took up a spot on the transparent fence waiting to see what Aelin might be up to next. She’d stopped swimming and sat on one of the pool steps, from her hips down in the water. Bubble bottles had been conjured from somewhere and all the kids sat in a row having a competition to see who could blow the biggest one. Aelin pursed her lips, bubble wand poised in her hands. He was again struck by how beautiful she was, and just as he had been that day at the aquarium Rowan found it hard to look away. 
The makeup she wore still remained intact depite he time in the water, the gold shimmer around her eyes highlighting their unusual colour. What had him damn near entranced was her smile, it seemed to brighten her entire being. Rowan felt like he was getting dangerously close to leering—respectfully—when he was interrupted.
“Not, bad Ro. Not bad at all,” Fenrys said, his only reply was an eye roll. “You don’t have to dent it, mermaids are hot.”
“I didn’t know you had that much experience,” Rowan quipped back. 
“I’ve been chatting to her friend. Did you know she’s a mermaid too?” Fenrys asked.
“I did not,” Rowan replied flatly. 
“Well, she is. And just like your friend here, she’s smoking. You did me a solid favour,” Fenrys went on to say. 
Rowan sent his friend a questioning look. “What does that mean?”
Fenrys backed away, shrugging his shoulders and giving Rowan a conspiratorial wink to an unknown conspiracy.    
Ivy saved him from being made to suffer through more idiocy, her damp hand patting his forearm where it rested on the top of the fence. “Daddy, I need to ask you something.”
Rowan stepped back so that he could lean down a little closer. “What is it, love?”
“Um, can I… wait. No, can you—“
Ivy’s rambling had him confused but half a second later it was all made clear. A wave of water hit him, drenching his head and arms, the rest of him saved by the protection of the fence. Ivy was caught in it too, but she just cheered and laughed, trying to clap but the floaties on her arms stopped her hands from meeting fully. Rowan wiped the water from his face and saw Aelin swimming away, smiling and sending him a wink. Rowan let out a chuckle at the antics, grinning broadly at the uncontrollable giggles bubbling out of Ivy. 
“We got him!” Ivy squealed and then launched herself back in the pool. 
He saw on Aelin’s face the mirror of his own lurching gut as Ivy hit the water. She knew how to swim of course, he wasn’t stupid enough to throw her a pool party if she didn’t, but most confidently with assistance. The concern for her safety was hard to shake, and luckily Aelin was right there, arms out to keep the girl’s head well and truly above water. 
Rowan had no idea how Aelin was able to do everything she did without sinking to the bottom of the pool. If he had his legs bound together he would not be doing so well. His shirt was clinging to him uncomfortably and decided to change. So he left his daughter to the mermaid, knowing that she was in safe hands. Or maybe that was fins.
Aelin hadn’t expected to have this much fun at a kids birthday party. It might have been because Ivy was just so stinking cute and enthralled by the whole mermaid thing that it was hard not to be infected by it as well. Or it might have been because the pay was just that good it was an immediate mood booster. Aelin had expected it to be the latter, when in fact it was the former. 
She had been in the pool for a good two hours, playing around and telling stories. When the kids started to shiver the parents had dutifully begun to dry them off. With the afternoon sun fading behind the clouds it was hard to keep warm, and that included Aelin. Her tail offered no insulation and just made the situation worse. Even though the kids begged for more entertainment while drying off or returning to the poolside, Aelin could feel the goosebumps on her skin even when she tried to ignore them. Soon she would start shivering and she was sure her lips would start turning blue. There was a lull in the activity around her and Aelin looked around for Lysandra or at least Rowan, hoping to flag either one of them down to get some help getting out of the pool. 
Neither was within Aelin’s sight, and a shudder went from head to hip, everything lower down completely immobile. She needed to get out of her tail, and fast. Looking around again Aelin spied Ivy talking to a woman sitting on one of the pool chairs. Her brown hair was wavy and her gentle face seemed to hang on every work Ivy said. If Aelin were to hazard a guess, she would say that woman was the girl’s mother. 
“Ivy,” Aelin called, her voice catching because she was just that cold. “Hey, Ivy.”
That time Ivy heard her, quickly walking over because she had announced more than once that her father said there was no running around the pool. “Hi, Aelin.”
“Sweetie, I wonder if you could find your dad for me,” Aelin said. 
“Yeah, I can.” The little girl was excited and easy to please. 
But on the way past the woman stopped Ivy, catching her by the hand. “We should get you dried off for cake.”
Aelin nearly groaned, because that was enough to divert Ivy attention completely. Watching Ivy being led away Aelin started cursing her friend who had somehow entirely disappeared without a trace. She kept looking over the various adults milling around and moving into the semi alfresco dining area readying for cake. Never spotting Lysandra, Aelin eyed the cement around the pool and contemplated the damage to her skin and tail if she had to crawl her way back to the pool house. The children might just die from shock if she stripped off her tail here. 
The chorus of ‘happy birthday’ sang out from the house and Aelin peered through the crowd to see Ivy beaming at her expertly mermaid themed decorated cake. This was now ridiculous. Lysandra knew the kid even less than Aelin did, if she was in there singing along and hoping for a slice of cake while she was freezing her tits off out here.
“Where is she?” Aelin muttered as she wrapped her arm around herself. 
This silicone tail might be the death of her. All she could do was be resigned to her fate. Aelin zoned out, keeping her body distracted and warm as she could by flicking her tail through the water. The sound of the pool gate creaking had her looking over and found Rowan approaching, a plate in hand. 
“I brought you some cake,” he said.
“Thanks,” Aelin replied, voice unsteady. 
That was enough to stop Rowan in his tracks, and Aelin watched his eyes dart over her. “You’re blue.”
“It’s turquoise, actually,” Aelin said, pushing a lock of damp hair out of the way. 
Rowan put the cake on one of the pool chairs. “That’s not what I meant and you know it. What didn’t you tell me?”
“I tried to send Ivy to you but she got distracted,” she nodded over at the cake. “By cake.”
Rowan just shook his head, motioning for her to get ready to be picked up. Aelin bent her knees the best she could now that her legs were stiff and cold, and let herself be scooped up. He carried her back to the pool house, Aelin holding on tight while there was some awkward manoeuvring around the door handle. 
“Where’s best?” Her saviour asked. 
Aelin couldn’t stop the whole body shiver. “Uhh, here. I just need to get this tail off.”
Rowan obliged, easing her down onto the couch. It was difficult and awkward but Aelin rolled to the side and started battling with her zipper. Her cold and numb fingers were completely useless, all they did was slip and fumble. When she swore viciously she heard Rowan halt in his exit. 
“Are you okay?” He asked. 
Aelin gave up and flopped onto her stomach, she had never felt more like a fish in her whole career as a mermaid. “I can’t get out of my godsdamned tail.”
“Oh. Should I go see if I can find your friend?”
“No.” Aelin blurted out, quite loudly and on the wrong side of desperation. She was ready to start begging. “I need it off, now. Can you help me?”
Rowan just stood there, blinking down at the mermaid sprawled out on his couch. He could see goosebumps raised on her exposed skin, she was obviously freezing. The smartest option was to go and find her friend because he had never once in his life removed anything close to this tail. He didn’t know how, didn’t know where to begin. 
“I feel like this isn’t a job for me,” Rowan said. 
“I feel like a literal popsicle, and I’m not beyond begging right now,” Aelin said, and he swore that her teeth were chattering. 
“If you insist,” Rowan said, leaning down and finding the top of the zipper. 
It might have been the most impressive zipper he had ever seen, sturdy and strong, it had to be to hold the silicone together. Awkwardly unfortunate for him, it sat tight over her ass and it was hard not to touch it in the process. At least the materials were thick and Rowan told himself that was the firmness he was feeling. He tugged the tail down, but everything came to a rushing stop when he caught sight of what Aelin wore underneath. Peeking through the gap between the zipper sides near the top of her hips was a dark blue thong.
“Is it stuck?” Aelin asked with a glance over her shoulder.
Rowan felt his face flush, only deepening his embarrassment. “Ah, no.”
She laughed, maybe at him, maybe it was the situation. “I’m not shy.”
And by the gods did he believe that. Rowan ignored the flaming in his cheeks and the hint of a broad grin on Aelin’s face as she turned back around. “I’ll, uh… close my eyes then.”
Like he said he would, Rowan kept his eyes closed and let the zipper run its natural course. And then he didn’t know where else he was supposed to try and extract it. 
“You have to pull at the hips and then work your way down, then do it all again until it comes all the way off,” she explained. 
“Right,” Rowan said. That would be mighty hard to do with his eyes closed. 
But Rowan gave it his best effort, fumbling between closed eyes and squinting. When there was a tug that gave way more than he was expecting on instinct his eyes opened, a hand flying out to stop himself from falling right on top of Aelin. His hand was lucky, his eyes not so much. He copped an eyeful. 
Just as quickly he shut them, but the damage was done. He wouldn’t be forgetting that sight any time soon. Rowan went back to his task and in the end when she was free enough Aelin ended up kicking the tail off herself. Respectfully he kept his eyes down, rubbing at the back of his neck. 
“There’s a shower you can use, it’ll get you warmed up,” he offered. “There’s clean towels and everything in there.”
“Thank you,” Aelin said. 
Rowan left her to it, and even though she’d undoubtedly take a shower he was still concerned. Back inside the party had died down, mainly just family remaining, so he went to the kitchen and turned the kettle on. While that boiled he went upstairs and retrieved a hoodie. The day had started out fairly warm but without the sun the atmosphere had begun to chill. If she didn’t bring anything with her she’d just catch te cold again. 
By the time he got back down to the kitchen the kettle was done and he filled a mug with water, along with grabbing a few selections of teas. No one noticed him leave and head back to the pool house. Most thankfully Ivy remained oblivious. She was better off not knowing Aelin was out there un-mermaidified and the magic be ruined at the end of such a perfect day. 
Rowan knocked and heard a faint Come in. Aelin was sitting on the couch, dressed in leggings and a loose shirt. She was drying her hair with a towel, looking much better than she had a few minutes before. 
“I brought you some tea,” Rowan said, gesturing to the mug. “And a jumper if you needed it.”
“Thank you.” Aelin took both and slipped the hoodie right over her head. The hood caught on her head and the rest of the fabric drowned her. But she at least looked warm and content. 
Rowan offered the teabags and Aelin took a few moments to decide. She picked and dropped the bag into the awaiting water. 
“You did a great job today,” Rowan offered. “Although you didn’t have to go as one as you did.” 
Aelin picked up the string and bobbed the tea bag up and down. “How could I not? Ivy was having such a good time.”
“Still, it wasn’t something to risk your health over.”
“Not the worst situation I’ve been in,’ Aelin said, taking a sip of her tea and sighed. 
The door opened suddenly and for one sickening moment Rwan thought Ivy might have tracked him down. But instead it was Lysandra, turning up from who knew where to finally help out her friend. 
“Where have you been?” Aelin demanded, putting down her tea. 
Lysandra gave a noncommittal twist of her shoulders. “Here and there.”
“I nearly died,” Aelin said drastically. 
Lysandra actually shot Rowan before looking back at Aelin. “I am sure that’s not what happened.”
“You know what?” Rowan said, cutting through the building tension. “Why don’t I keep an eye out and you guys can head off?”
“Great idea,” Aelin said, putting her mug on the low table and pointing a damning finger at her friend. “If you think you’re getting a cut of the money you’re severely mistaken. You did nothing for me today.”
Lysandra actually laughed at her friend’s theatrics and Rowan decided this would be the best time to leave. He went and stood by the corner of the pool fence where he had a good view of anyone who might be coming outside. It wasn’t long before Aelin and Lysandra left the pool house, a hissed conversation passing between them as they headed for the side gate. Just before disappearing around the side of the house aelin stopped, giving him a broad smile and a wave. Waving back, he had to admit that he was sorry they hadn;t had more time to chat. 
As Rowan watched her disappear from sight he was disappointed that he didn’t have another excuse to see Aelin again. Maybe he would have to take another trip to the aquarium just to see what might happen next if he by pure chance she was there too. 
I’m currently in a quirky hotel room and posting from my iPad so I’m not even going to attempt the disaster that is tagging at the moment.
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zillobeastbait · 1 year
Till the End - Ch. 1 - Pt. 3
Chapter 1
Endings and Beginnings
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photos from Pinterest, moodboard by me
“Why are you in my house?” Comes a voice from behind him. Daryl spins around and aims towards where the voice came from. He sees a sharp movement from lower towards the ground and aims his bow lower till her can see. “P-please don’t hurt m-me.” A small girl has tears running down her face and is hugging a stuffed cow close to her. “Your ‘ight. I ain’t gon hurt ya.” Daryl lowers his aim off of the girl and looks her over for a minute. “Where's your parents kid?” Daryl looks around the corner to see if someone is about to come in after her. “They left a couple of days ago and haven't come back.” The girl sniffles as she talks, making it take longer for her to respond. “Sorry kid but they're probably gone.” Daryl decides to talk to the kid since he doesn’t think she’s going anywhere else, at least not for a while. “You mean they're not coming back?” The little girl looks like she’s about to start crying all over again and Daryl is too busy taking cans and jars out of the girl’s pantry to realize it. “Nah kid, they’re-” Daryl stops when he hears the girl start crying again, this time harder. “Ah, shit. Look I’m sorry. I’m not used to kids.” Daryl kneels on the ground in front of her in hopes that he can calm her down. He doesn’t know what else to do, yet before he can come up with anything the girl leans her body onto his. Daryl’s body tenses and freezes on the touch. He sits like that for a moment before he cautiously moves his arms around her. “What's your name kid?” Daryl speaks as softly as he can, realizing that his voice may scare her. “Crimson.” She says through her sniffles. “Daryl Dixon.” he simply says back to her. “Oh, Crimson Mills. That's my full name.” She pulls out of the weird hug slowly, just enough to see his face. Daryl keeps his hands on her shoulders, as if she may run away. “Alright Crimson Mills, would you like to come back to where I’m staying? I hate to break it to you, but your parents probably aren’t coming back. But I’ll tell you what, we can leave them a note so they can find you if they do come back?” Daryl tries to sound as nice as he can, and he tries to read her face but he can’t tell if she's going to start crying again or not. Instead of replying, Crimson just nods her head. “Alright, do you want to write the note?” Again, Crimson just nods in response before she runs off. Daryl sits for a moment, lost in thought. What the heck were they going to do with a kid? He only wastes a second more before packing up the rest of the kid’s food. By the time he’s brought the bag out to his bike, he sees that the girl has left the note on the counter. She had come down a little earlier to ask where to put that her parents could pick her up. He told her to just write the prison, and they would know where it was. She came out the door with the backpack on, full of the things that Daryl had helped her pack. Some clothes, her coloring book, her string that she used to make bracelets, and she held her stuffed cow, who he has learned is named Moo Moo, in her arms. “Ready? I ain’t wain all day.” She only nods yes in return and shuts the door to her house behind her. When she sees that none of the monsters are close, she walks to the gate. She glances up at Daryl, sending him a worried look. “ ‘Ts alright, they won’t get ya” He opens the gate for her and lets her through before closing it behind her. He lifts her up and sets her on the motorcycle seat, in front of where he will sit. He shows her where to lean forward slightly and hold onto the handlebars. “Ready?” Daryl looks down and expects her to only nod, but to his surprise, she responds. “Yes, I love motorcycles.” He sees the giant grin on her face and almost smirks himself. As they take off towards the prison Crimson doesn’t even realize that her parents are with all the other monsters watching as they drive by. Her thoughts stuck to the fact that she was riding on a motorcycle. She is only six.
Part 1
Part 2
I promise it gets better, this is kinda just the sucky intro chapter
Thanks for reading though and as always support your artists by liking, commenting, and re-blogging!
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Chapter 35- Part 11
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Meowstic’s Charge Beam turning the lights back on is a bit late, but A for effort I guess.
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So they really are both here- hahaha, good! Getting to beat up Connal a second time would be one thing, but I'm really raring to see what Sirius’ team is about! Besides Lin, he's the only other major member of Team Meteor we haven't fought yet. Well- I guess Canis Major was mentioned too, but this isn't about him.
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Well now I'm wondering what nickname she'd give Xera- 
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OH SHOOT, THAT PENDANT WAS IMPORTANT. As if we needed any more reason to beat those two up-
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What is with these pieces of jewelry being keepsakes from dead loved ones? Heather's mom, Anna and Noel’s father- not sure about the Emerald Brooch, but at least the Sapphire Bracelets don't have that kinda baggage at the moment.
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I really think Xera should tell someone about what Solaris told her! About the purpose of the gems, and that gate! I feel like that would really help everyone be on the same page about the urgency of this situation! Surely she can be allowed to talk one time, as a treat?
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Ah- alright, before we go up, let's see if there's anything else these folks have to say.
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Did they not take her Pokémon away-? Ah well, the Knights next.
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Implying the destruction caused by the PULSEs aren't violating the land somehow, but go off bro.
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And Xera could easily smack you with the palm of her hand, but we've got more important things to take care of now-
What about you, Cain? Anything new?
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Precisely! But it's okay- they're right up those stairs, it sounds like. No more waiting, let's go kick their butts!
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blackvahana · 2 months
More time-play? Unless someone gave this to me but I swear I don't remember, because it was something that was meant to be. What. I mean that I'm pretty sure it was not given to me but I can't tell because my eyes are focused on the fact that I need to make it real.
Let me lay it out linearly (according to this planet's linear time):
Used the creation of Astral eyes to follow you around as an example of something I've seen done
Said to myself I really need to do that, felt the snap magnetic pull of vein pulled into place time-wise
"Will do that myself. Will make a bracelet so I can take it on and off."
"I already have one?" yes I do. I already have one but I haven't made it yet.
I'm making it in the future but it's already made. Thank god. But it isn't already made
It's going to be made out of this celestial seashell that reminds me of... ah, forgot the name, the iridescent deep green shell - ah yeah! Paua, abalone, shell. It's not that, it's a deep material of the... god. The image is scraping off the discharge from the walls of the depths of space as a weird anatomical birthing system, but not necessarily invoking the Cosmic Mother, just... the collective place we reside in. It's made of that, tiny eye shapes? They're not really, they come across as that but I need to open the gates to other eye types - ohh, right, yeah. In the sparse few notes I got to write while feeling the time snapping without being confident that was what was happening, I started writing about how in my head it reminded me kinda of Hermaeus Mora's eyes mixed with Yog-Sothoth symbolism which........ obviously that's the word/name I got halfway through writing when I realised I need to go birth the thing that's already conceived and written and coded. Mora's floating eyes for reference:
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But not quite like that, not moving, not without body/holding, not growing in size. They're extensions of the Peacock, which I think is key here. They're not just eyes for seeing, certainly not just for decoration, but their optic nerves are twisted back into a brain that can't be seen. Explicitly I think their creation is a turning point for me, they're expressions of something I had the DNA so-to-speak latently in the background unbirthing these things and... this bracelet is just a way to wear them as decoration. which. makes a lot of sense, of course. I like to wear what I am, decorate myself with myself, I keep my symbols close to me and speak with them and uh. Hmm. Anyway. Birthing time
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝑼𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒏𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒑𝒑𝒍𝒆 𝑻𝒓𝒆𝒆 𝐶𝘩𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑆𝑖𝑥𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛
Personalised story for @leniabranch. Pairing: Otto Hightower x Lenia Branch Word Count: 3.6k Warnings: none, just fluff
It was tradition amongst your mother’s family, House Manfri, to have a women-only gathering a day before the wedding. Memories of the bride’s life would be shared; gifts would be exchanged, and laughter would never cease.
The morning was perfect as you awoke. Warm sunlight heating your skin to wake; you hadn’t been alone for many nights. Sanah, Elrie, even at times your mother, would accompany you to and from places. Part of it was customary, but mostly it was so the groom couldn’t have a moment alone with you.
 “Morning Bride,” Sanah’s voice was always croaky in the mornings. If one could describe the perfect night owl, she would be it.
You let out a small chuckle, “morning sister,” you rolled over to face her. Neither of you caring about morning breath, you moved the mess that was Sanah’s hair out of her face.
   “What does it feel like?” She said sleepily, her eyes still half closed.
“What? To be a bride? You already know –“
     “No, Lenia, to be the future wife of a man with such standing.” She moved her hand to rub her blue-green eyes, yawning in the process.
Not being able to stop your own, you yawned as well. Underneath the sheets, your feet were tangled together, a small physical connection. Someone born without a sister would never know the closeness that came with that bond. Physically, emotionally, mentally – sisterhood was a connection that not many could articulate.
  “Hmm… I hadn’t thought of it like that. I’ve never seen him as someone with influence. Only as Otto Hightower, a man with ambition and … a love for his country.”
“Oh, very diplomatic. You’ll be a great politicians wife.”
The two of you giggled then, still feeling like children. Your wedding day was tomorrow and whenever you thought about it, nerves rattled your stomach and sweat formed on your hands.
 “It’ll be okay though, right?” You whispered this, feeling so vulnerable.
Sanah gave you an empathetic sigh, and slowly smiled. “Of course, it will be.”
The castle hadn’t seen so many unconventional people in … well, ever. Only those with high standing or something valuable to the Kingdoms were invited to court. Your mother’s House had shocked even the cityfolk as they made their way into the Red Keep.
 As soon as House Manfri was spotted, the gates to the Red Keep were opened and there stood the King with Otto Hightower. The leader, who was your mother’s oldest sibling, bowed to Viserys and his Hand.
  “It is a privilege and an honour, to be here, my King. We thank you.”
Viserys was doing all he could not to balk at the colourful aspect of House Manfri; even the horses were adorned in some type of dresswear. And these decorated horses were pulling carts that look like miniature homes.
  “I am glad you’re here!” The King replied, his voice bellowing over the silence. “The pleasure is mine,” he finished and held out a hand for Vai to clasp it.
 Your uncle did, and from the Manfri’s came shouts and yells of joy.
 You ran to them as soon as you saw them; even though they all had the same dark curly hair, you knew exactly who was who.  
Even though you spent a lot of time with your father’s side of the family, it was your mother’s side that truly helped raise you. Especially in your youth.
  “Bibi Leonora!” You cried, running, and wrapping your arms around your mother’s younger sister.
“Ah! Nini!” Her nickname for you went back to the day you could talk. You wanted so much to be like your Aunt, she always wore long skirts, with a veil loosely wrapped around her waist. Rings on her fingers; her toes as well, she was in love with jewellery. Even wearing anklets, and many bracelets on her wrists. One could hear her before they saw her.
 “My beautiful niece, how much you have grown!” she said in her native tongue.
  “Well, it has been many, many years,” you replied, looking into her dark brown eyes.
They were a peculiar shade of brown, with green rings around her pupil. Some could call them hazel, but outlining colour was one of the deepest shades of brown you had ever seen in someone’s eyes. Near black in certain lights.
You felt a presence come up behind you and your mother shouted her sister’s name.
Their hug nearly brought tears to your eyes as Elrie hung on nervously to her mother’s hand. Luci was clutching to your mother’s skirts, peeking every now and again at all the people in front of him.
 You crouched down and opened your arms, gladly, he clutched onto you. Picking him up, and shifting him to one hip, you looked around the hall where nearly a hundred of your relatives resided.
  Overhearing your mother’s conversation, you heard her explain why Sanah wasn’t here to greet the other family members.
   “Finishing touches on the dress, she wants it perfect for Lenia.”
“She’s a good girl, both of them are.” Your Aunt remarked, her mass of curls bounding down her back.
 Suddenly, there was a tug on your own skirt, and you peered down to see a child that looked like the epitome of your Aunt, except in child form.
 “Oh! This is Analetta, my youngest. But she goes by Letti,” your Aunt’s curved form held out her hand and the little girl took it. However, it wasn’t in shyness.
 “Hey, that sounds like my name,” whispered Luci in your ear. He was still clutching desperately to you.
“You’re right!” You murmured, “Letti and Luci-“
    “Luci, why don’t you introduce yourself to your cousin?” Your mother said, taking him out of your arms. You let her but crouched down to his height.
His cheeks went red, and he shook his head.
  “Ha, stubborn, just like his mother,” Leonora said. Then she ushered Letti forward and told her to teach him one of the Manfri games. Luci’s eyes lit up at the word ‘games.’ In an instant he was chasing after her, toward a group of young ones in the corner of the hall.
Helping your mother to her feet, Onatah shook her head and smiled. “I won’t lie, sometimes I think there are too many etiquettes at court. Look at how easy it is with our ways.”
  “Mother!” You said, utterly and completely shocked. You hadn’t seen this side of her since the last time she was with her family.
 Your Aunt laughed and nodded her head in agreement. As she did so, her curls bounced around her, like they had minds of their own.
Moving so that she was in between the two of you, your aunt looped her arms between your mother’s and your own and led you off to the rest of your female family.
    “Oh, I cannot wait for you to see Vano, Lenia. He’s thinking of becoming a maester…”
It was midday by the time Sanah entered the hall with the servants behind her. Their arms full of an assortment of different foods and drinks. Pomegranates, berries, freshly baked bread, suckling pig, honey cakes, salted pork, candied almonds, mulled wine, pomegranate juice, and a specific wine made only by the Manfri’s. However, in your chalice was added herbs for fortune, protection, and fertility.
You were all sitting on the floor, cushions underneath you, blankets askew across the floor and around shoulders. The food was set on an array of small side tables that had been pushed together; there was no formality, no pressure to say or do the right thing.
 You were mid conversation with another ‘Bibi,’ who you had never met (but was a relative nonetheless) when Sanah stealthily slid down next to you and gave you a kiss on the cheek.
  “Sanah, this is Bibi Malina, she’s –“ but you were interrupted mid-sentence by a booming voice announcing Queen Alicent and Princess Rhaenyra. Oddly enough, they entered together, albeit distantly.
 Everyone stood as they entered, with Alicent sitting between Sanah and yourself, and Rhaenyra on your other side. Sister between stepmother and stepdaughter. Or rather…your stepdaughter sitting beside you.
Even though you had invited them, you didn’t think either would attend. It was a shock, to many (even to the young women themselves) but there was no time for awkward silences as your Aunt started speaking as soon as the royals sat down.
   “Lenia…our Lenia,” your Bibi looked at you with so much love, even after all these years. “Your wedding tomorrow is blessed, not just by family, but by the Gods and Goddesses.” Every woman raised their cup, Onatah and Sanah making sure the Queen and Princess knew what to do.
Your Aunt continued, “we call upon the blessings of our Goddess Despoina, her story now becoming yours, as is tradition. You looked at Onatah and she had tears in her eyes. You knew how much it meant to her; this tradition, which went back centuries. On and on it had passed, from one woman to the next. A gathering of those who had been overlooked and underappreciated.
That was one thing Onatah missed about her family. The fact that it was led by a matriarch. It wasn’t the firstborn son who the titles passed to, but the firstborn child. And it was by luck that Vai had inherited the leadership of House Manfri.
 After the speech came the gifts. Each woman seemed to flock you, their seats in the circle long forgotten about.
Stacked around you were clothes, scarves, jewellery, tonics, powder, tinctures and remedies. Everything a woman – everything a newly wedded woman, might need. And that included a knife given to you by your great aunt. Your long-passed grandmother’s sister. She could not speak, but wrapped the knife within a scarf, letting Bibi Leonora do the explaining.
  You took it as not to cause a fuss, especially when the Queen was sitting close by. Your mother had gone red in the face when you told her.
  “Keep it underneath the bed, or your pillow – somewhere easy to grab,” your aunt had said. Shaking your head in disbelief, you swallowed deeply as you recognised your family for who they truly were. Warriors, female warriors – even if they had not fought in any wars.
Sanah nearly choked when you showed her the dagger, the wine she had been drinking nearly hitting you in the face.
  “I thought you were joking-“ she said, sitting the cup down and walking over to examine the fine weapon.
  “It’s actually quite beautiful…”
“Then you keep it under your pillow!” You whisper-shouted, exasperated.
The pair of you had retreated to your chambers when the skies had darkened. You loved your family but spending hours with them…it would cause anyone to erupt.
 Luckily enough, it was also tradition for the bride to leave the gathering early, to prepare for the day ahead.
As you took your leave, as did Alicent and Rhaenyra. And you swore when you looked out the window, you could see a shadow moving in the sky.
 When you turned back around, Sanah was across the room, talking to someone at the door.
“Thank you, yes, this is perfect,” she said and closed the oak door shut. When the lock clicked, she turned to you with a wicked grin.
“What did you do?” It was a question you had said a lot during your childhood…and teenage years…and now young adulthood too.
  “I couldn’t give you my present in front of the family…” She sauntered over to where you stood and motioned for you to sit. In her hands was a giant box, and when you opened it your eyes grew wide.
 “Sanah!” You said laughing, picking up the shift that looked tiny in your hands. “And what exactly is this meant to fit?”
“It’s not meant to fit much!” And she threw her head back in laughter.
The turned it this way and that, seeing the light purple underclothe near transparent in the candlelight.
You had woken up alone the next morning – just as you had asked. You wanted your last night as an unmarried woman to be by yourself.
 It was an effort to get out of bed, to face the day ahead. Your body was a whirlwind of excitement, nerves, and ‘what ifs.’But you had to check the weather. Flinging back the blankets, you scrambled across the floor to open the window.  
Whatever prayer you had said last night, worked because the sky was clear and bright. You wanted today to be perfect, you truly did. Even if that was a far-fetched desire. Because a cloudless sky was more than important for today.
 Your stomach was churning as you heard the doors open and close.
“Oh! You’re awake-“ Your mother was the first one to enter your chamber, followed by Elrie, who was just as eager for today as you.
“Truthfully, I’ve barely slept,” you replied, walking over to let her kiss your cheeks.
When you were done, Elrie turned to you and curtsied, causing you to raise your eyebrows. Your eyes flicked to your mother and she explained:
 “She overhead yesterday ‘how important you were now, marrying the Hand of the King’ and wants to show you her loyalty-“
 “-and gratitude for all your future husband does for the realm,” Elrie finished off. For a girl of one and ten, she could be a tad too easily influenced.
  “Elrie, I’m your sister, you don’t need to do that.”
“Yes I do!” Her hands balled at her sides and she stamped her foot.
   “Okay, okay. How about you only do it in public?” You said, trying to soothe the oncoming storm.
Onatah was too used to this to intercede.
 You could see the thoughts flicking through Elrie’s head. “Fine,” she said in conclusion. And that was that.
You were waiting for Sanah to come into the room but moments passed and still, she did not arrive. Sitting in your vanity’s chair, your mother brushed your long dark hair and soon footsteps could be heard in the hallway.
  “Good morning, bride,” it was not Sanah, but it was someone’s sister. Bibi Leonora strolled through your chambers, holding many, many pots and brushes on a tray.
“Bibi did my make up and hair on my wedding day too,” said your mother and she squeezed your shoulders in excitement. A moment shared. A memory to be looked back on. But it wasn’t that you did not trust your Aunt to do a good job, no…it was that you didn’t trust her to make you look like a Westerosi bride.
   “Where’s Sanah?” You called to your mother in a light tone, trying to hide the fear you felt.
“Coming!” A familiar voice called, and you nearly slumped with relief.
 Holding your dress up in her arms, with Darick and your cousin, Vano, keeping it off the floor.
The white, near blue dress was light and flowing, with a tight corset that showed some bust. Your sleeves were loose, as they draped beneath your shoulders flowing down your sides. In some light it looked as if Sanah had worked some type of magic as the white-pale blue turned white-pale lavender as you moved.
The skirt was just as light and free as the sleeves, and it had a long train in the back with small beadwork that travelled from the back of the skirt into the train, cascading down into the earthy colours of House Branch and House Hightower.
 Everyone in the room nearly gasped at its beauty. Elrie looked at the lone dress and nearly started crying for her own, when servants came rushing in, holding a dress for your sister’s and mother.
  Soon the attention turned to Vano, who you hadn’t seen since your childhood. With open arms, you two embraced, gushing over how much the other had changed.
 “Now isn’t the time!” Your Aunt ordered and ushered the men out of the room. And when she picked up a brush, your eyes flung to Sanah in a silent plea.
 “I’ll start on her hair,” she said taking the brush from your mother’s hands.
“Ah, and I’ll do the finishing touches on that too.”
There was no stopping Bibi Leonora.
  “She did do a fantastic job though,” Sanah said as you walked with her and your mother down the hallway.
Your father was waiting for you at the doors, Sanah behind you, fixing your dress and veil before slipping through the large doors to signal you were ready. Elrie and Luci were with Darick, waiting for your entrance.
  “You look beautiful,” your father said and kissed your forehead. You could see the tinges of red in his eyes, definitely still hungover from the night before. House Branch and House Manfri must have reunited at last.
   The band started playing and your stomach started churning once more.  
“You can do this, my love,” your mother kissed your cheek, and you realised you were about to cry. But she took your other hand and kissed the back of it. “We’ve got you. No matter what.”
 As on queue, the doors opened, and the sun appeared - nearly blinding you. Silently wishing for some clouds, you walked down the stone steps with your parents’ arms linked in yours.
There were rows upon rows of wooden seats, each with a standing guest. You realised that the courtyard had never been so populated, and probably would never be so again. Because who else would want to get married underneath an apple tree?
 Your hair billowed in the slight breeze, your veil along with it. The white and pink roses, baby’s breath and ranunculus’ were clutched tightly in your hands, as if they would keep you steady.
At the end of the altar, Otto nearly sobbed at the sight of you.
 Standing in his most formal attire, a white rose pinned to his cloak, he watched as you walked toward him. Regal, the word flashed in his mind. His eyes found your own and you blushed deeply, your eyes lined with the same black kohl as your family.
You willed yourself to look back, not to shy away from his gaze, to not look anywhere else but him.
  And then suddenly the priest asked if your parents give you to Otto and they said yes.
The ceremony seemed to go by in a flash. Someone had collected your flowers from your hands, and Otto’s cloak was around your shoulders and you both swore your love to one another for eternity.
       And you were married.
It wasn’t exactly tradition, but you wanted to put a piece of yourself into your one and only wedding. Not caring what the other courtiers may think, Sanah helped you into your second outfit. A green dress in the colour of House Hightower, bare feet (aside from the traditional Manfri anklets) and matching bracelets.
 The guests were sitting expectantly, excitedly, as the music stopped. Like doors to the throne room opened, and there you stood, with your arms across in the air, hands at a graceful halt.
 As the strings were plucked and drums banged, it all came together. You waited for the flute to start before you moved.
You twirled into the room, letting your long hair fling around you as you did so. The guests sighed in awe as they watched a fair maiden transform into a married woman.
You moved to pluck a rose from one of the table centrepieces, gracefully extending your leg as you did so, then turning to graze the face of your Uncle who was sitting at the that table. The crowd gasped and laughed at your mischievous action.
From the bridal party’s table atop the dais, Otto stared at you with love-filled eyes. (Well…lust-filled as well.) He couldn’t look anywhere else, his body was almost compelled.
The violin’s turned harsh as you made your way closer to your husband. As if the players were other men vying for your attention, and you had to fight against them to find your true love.
  You flung yourself toward Otto, but caught yourself mid air and whirled to the side. Elegantly holding the rose in one hand and holding the back of your hand against your forehead in pretend distress.
The crowd reacted exactly as they were supposed to, feigning the emotions along with the performance.
And just as the song built and built, you looked this way and that, trying to find your love. You knew your facial expressions were over-the-top, but that was a part of performing. That was a part of it that you loved; becoming something else, morphing into a character and playing pretend…even for just a little while.
 The climax of the song was building, and you whirled past family members, members of House Hightower, and tapped their shoulders or grazed their faces (the HighTower’s’ were very unsure of how to react to that one. Compared to your Uncle Vai, who loved it).
And then suddenly, like your eyes were opened for the first time, you spotted him! Your love! The music halted as you saw him from across the room. And then the music picked up at once, as you leaped and bounded toward your love. The rose was still in your hand, now in your mouth, as you twirled and twirled and twirled in the middle of the open space. Your anklets and bracelets tinkling as you did so.
 You halted, and taking the rose from your mouth, gently walking up the steps and held out the rose to Otto. The music stopped once again, almost as if this silence was one of deliberation.
Shocking everyone, he played along. Furrowing his eyebrows and cocking his head to the side, you moved your hands to your heart and bowed your head.
 Completely unscripted, he got up from his chair, lifted your head and kissed you.
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jumpywhumpywriter · 3 months
Beautiful Blood -- Sadistic Vampire Whumper Keeping Human Pets part 12
TW: violence, blood drinking, intimate Vampire whump, death, forced servitude
Asher closed his eyes, and must have unknowingly dozed off because he awoke to another knock at the door. And this time when he answered it---
"Oh! Come in..." Asher stepped back to let Callum enter his bedroom, closing and locking the door behind him. "Have you... given any more thought to what I said?" He asked apprehensively.
"I have." Callum began pacing as he organized his thoughts. "And... I've decided to help."
Asher could hardly believe his ears, his heart faltering for a beat. "You really mean it?"
Callum held up a hand to silence him. "I will help... to an extent. If you've got a plan worth trying, I'm all for it... but if it goes South... you're on your own. If Nyx catches you in the act... I'm not getting you out of trouble. Is that understood?"
Asher nodded, his heart fluttering hopefully.
"Good. So what tricks you got up your sleeve?" Callum smirked.
"Firstly, I need to know how to disable these things." Asher tapped on the metal band around his neck.
"Ah, you mean the shock collars. There's an electric device in Nyx's private quarters that controls them all. It usually sits right on the table next to her favorite couch. If you can get your grubby hands on it, you can disable your collar. Only one other person has ever pulled it off, and Nyx still caught them in the end right when they were at the front gates about to make it out." He touched his own neck, which is when Asher noticed for the first time that he didn't have a collar on.
"I earned my freedom from it about a year ago," Callum explained. "It took a lot of hard work to get Nyx's trust. You could always wait and do the same, give her what she wants until she lets you off the leash a little. Then it would be one less problem for you to worry about before running away."
It suddenly sounded a lot like Callum was trying to talk him out of escaping, and Asher shook his head stubbornly. "I don't have time to cater to Nyx's every whim," he spat. "I need to get home. My family is probably worried sick about me, if they haven't already assumed I'm dead."
Callum shrugged and then sighed wearily. "It was worth a try," he said simply. "Your second option would be to outright kill Nyx, solve all of your problems in one solid blow."
Asher gaped at him in disbelief, but realized he had a point. If he went with the first plan, and successfully got out of his collar... he still had Nyx to deal with. But if he killed Nyx directly...
"How do you kill vampires?" He asked.
Callum grinned smugly. "The easiest choice would probably be to get a fancy kitchen knife and put it through her heart. Ironically, almost all the utensils in this mansion are pure silver, because Nyx likes things expensive, and she doesn't think any of her servants would be stupid enough to try stabbing her with them. Which is true, except for you, apparently." Then his face darkened. "But... if you go down that route... you better be sure you don't miss."
Asher couldn't help shivering at the thought of what might happen to him if he did miss.
Their conversation was abruptly interrupted by a quiet buzzing noise, and Asher could feel his collar vibrating against his neck, startling him.
"Speak of the devil herself," Callum grumbled, glancing down at the bracelet on his wrist, which had a tiny blinking red light. "That's Nyx's way of summoning us," he said. "Just like how I gave you that button to summon me on your first day here. Your collar vibrates to let you know she requests your presence. For me it's the bracelet."
He shuffled awkwardly on his feet. "We should... get going, I guess. Before Nyx gets impatient." He bit his lower lip, looking like he might say more. "And... if you do decide to attempt an escape... just know that I enjoyed your company."
It sounded an awful lot like a final goodbye, but Asher shoved the thought from his mind, walking determinedly toward the bedroom door. "I'll be careful," he said reassuringly to Callum as he brushed past the servant. "Wish me luck."
"You're going to need a lot more than good luck to pull something like this off," Callum answered grimly.
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nuka-rockit · 6 months
Hey! For the Dark Urge asks if you fancy it, how about:
3. The Netherstone, how did they wear it? Did they even wear it?
5. What was their class, and what was their favourite way to use its perks? Did they maybe even dabble in multiple ones?
10. Their name; did they ever have one? Who chose it for them, or did it maybe change sometime down the line? Did they perhaps even have multiple Alias?
oooh, thank you for indulging me c:
3. He did! Much like the other Chosen he had a custom holster made for his Netherstone. In his case it was a sort of pauldron/shoulder bracelet on his left upper arm, made to resemble a stylized face of the slayer form with the stone in its mouth (I actually have a WIP where you can see him wearing it pre-tadpole, hopefully I'll finish that someday) (EDIT: here is crop so you have an idea what I mean. dw about that hand)
Tumblr media
5. He is technically a bard, although the way this was expressed in his Chosen days was less music and singing and more his prowess with weaponry (as of his College of Swords specialization). Music was more of a guilty pleasure than anything, really. That said, the Sword Bard class was a great overlap between classic weapon combat, skill with a good amount of armors, as well as a decent access to spells not dependent on things like material components. He was a killer for hire before he was officially introduced to the Temple at sixteen and picked up many of his skills up during this time. 10. Ah, the names. So, this is kind of a long one: When he was adopted as an infant his adopted parents (a tiefling couple) named him Cassander, and as long as he lived with them he went by that name. But when his Urge began manifesting, he was approached by Scleritas (who had of course watched over him and only bid his time) who slowly manipulated him towards embracing his dark impulses, alienating him from his peers and his parents. this ultimately culminated in him murdering his adoptive parents when he was nine, after Scleritas convinced him this was necessary to find his "true family" and that they were never his kin in the first place. He set fire to the house and disappeared into Baldur's Gate's underworld with Scleritas as his only confidante. After he left his old life behind he abandoned his name. He was nameless for years, only going by monikers other people gave him, until he joined the Temple. There his identity was defined by his role as the Pureblood Bhaalspawn, the unholy assassin, the Chosen, and a whole bunch of other titles given to him by the followers of Bhaal. Orin and Sarevok usually referred to him as "Bloodkin", higher ranking Bhaalists as "Unholy Assassin" or "Chosen", and the gnolls, lowest ranking members and of course Scleritas as "Master" or "Lord". Ironically, when he wakes up on the Nautiloid, he remembers none of the dozen things people used to call him. He only remembers one name, the one a kind tiefling couple gave him so long ago, and when he is asked who he is he answers "Cassander".
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leonsrightlations · 9 months
The Earth is Online Chapter 18.1
Li Wen jumped from behind the man who looked like a teacher and walked with long strides into the gate guard room. Behind him there were also four middle school students jumping about.
Tang Mo loosened his hold on the small chubby boy’s hands and the chubby boy ran behind the teacher in a wisp of smoke. [1]
Li Wen said, “You finally came. After the tower attack game finished today, I opened my eyes and found that I’d been tossed onto a thoroughfare. When we entered the game, we’d just reached the boundary between Puji District and Zhangwen District. In the end, I unexpectedly woke in Anding District. I thought about it and still decided to go to North Jing first. Maybe I could wait for you.”
Tang Mo took a look at the teacher and students who were still guarded against him, then again looked at Li Wen. “How long have you been here?”
“About seven hours. This is my alma mater. I know the way.” Li Wen noticed that the teacher and students had never spoken and hastened to make introductions. “Teacher Li, this is Tang Mo. He’s the person I talked about previously. He isn’t a bad person and isn’t a stowaway, don’t worry.”
Teacher Li protected the students behind him, vigilantly watching Tang Mo. “Li Wen said that you came to find someone? Who are you looking for?”
When Tang Mo heard that Li Wen was particularly anxious to explain he wasn’t a stowaway, he raised his eyebrows.
“I’m looking for Chen Shanshan. She should be a first year student.”
“Ah? Shanshan?”
“He came looking for Shanshan?”
Tang Mo was just feeling strange when he saw a 1.6 meters tall, short-haired little girl walk out from among the students. Without any expression on her face, she looked cooly at Tang Mo and said, “I’m Chen Shanshan. I’m the only first year at North Jing by this name. What are you looking for me for? What’s your purpose?”
What an unexpected coincidence!
Li Wen was also surprised. “I didn’t realize the one you were looking for was Shanshan, ah. If only you had told me the name. I already found her.”
Tang Mo bowed his head to look at this extremely calm little girl and said, “I’m friends with your dad. Your dad’s name is Chen Fangzhi. I work at E-City library and he regularly goes there to read books. He asked me to come to S-City on his behalf and take a look to verify your safety.”
“That really is my dad’s name. Do you have any evidence to prove that you know him?”
“Shanshan?” Li Wen and Teacher Li both frowned. Li Wen had always believed in Tang Mo and wasn’t at all suspicious toward him. Teacher Li had heard about Tang Mo and also felt that he was trustworthy. But Shanshan still doubted him?
Tang Mo smiled, seeing that the little girl’s gaze held a bit more seriousness.
“Your dad is approximately 175 centimeters tall and he’s been unemployed for almost a year. He and I have spoken. His father, your grandfather, is a doctor. Oh, right, your dad always seemed to be wearing a red agate bracelet on his wrist.” Tang Mo paused, then smiled and said, “I can only prove that I really know your dad like this, but I still can’t prove that I came to find you in order to fulfill his wish and don’t have any other intentions.”
“Is it his wish or…his dying wish?”
The smile on Tang Mo’s lips faded. “It’s his dying wish.”
The little girl’s expression eased in an instant. She abruptly turned away and, as she returned to the students, said, “I believe you.”
Li Wen let out a breath. “Why make it so complicated? I already said before that I met Tang Mo on the highway from E-City to S-City. If he really was a bad person, there was no need for him to go far away to another city in order to harm an unfamiliar middle-schooler, right? Is E-City not enough for him to wreak havoc? He really isn’t a stowaway.”
Tang Mo said, “So what happened here?”
Teacher Li said, “This isn’t the place to speak. Zhao Ziang, you and Liu Chen do your best and rebuild the trap. We’ll go inside to talk.”
The chubby little boy named Zhao Ziang nodded his head and remained at the school entrance with another tall male student, restoring the deep pit trap that had just been triggered by the glass fragments. Tang Mo followed Teacher Li inside the school.
Walking beneath the loft fir trees, Teacher Li explained, “Apologies. We were truly afraid you were a bad person - a stowaway. We didn’t dare take a risk. The current time is the most dangerous and this is also when you happened to come to the school. We had difficulty determining your identity. We would rather not kill, but also don’t dare let one in.”
Tang Mo nodded. “Eleven o’clock at night to two in the morning is the time when people are deep asleep. This time truly is the most dangerous time of day. If there are people who want to mount a sneak attack, they’re most likely to choose this time.”
A middle-schooler interrupted to say, “Hey, you said the same thing as Shanshan.”
Tang Mo glanced at the short-haired little girl among the students.
In addition to the two male students who had remained at the school entrance and Chen Shanshan, there was also a female student and a little male student who followed them into the school. Chen Shanshan’s head was lowered and she didn’t speak, that male student and the other female student continuously comforting her. No matter what, Tang Mo had just told Chen Shanshan that her father had already died.
Although this little girl didn’t cry, she was still young in the end, and there was no way to completely conceal her sadness.
Teacher Li sighed. “What you said isn’t wrong. We really are worried that there are people who will take advantage of nightfall to steal into the school and make a sneak attack. Added altogether, North Jing’s students and teachers have more than a thousand people. After that day when the Black Tower said the game had officially started, most of our school disappeared. Merely two teachers and sixteen students remained.”
Tang Mo asked, “Where are the other people?”
Teacher Li’s voice was hoarse and raspy. “They…have already been eliminated. [2] There were too many students and only two teachers. The sixteen students weren’t all from the same areas. Some were near and some were far, and we couldn’t take each of them back to their homes. The morning of the day before yesterday, after the game officially began, Teach Wang and I decided to wait at school for the parents [3] to come get their children. If their parents hadn’t disappeared, I believed they would definitely come get their children. If we blindly took the children back home, there was instead the possibility that we might miss the parents. If they had disappeared, then we would just get through the crisis together. In the end, five parents came to get their children, and there were still eleven children that no one came for.”
Tang Mo turned his head. “How were they eliminated?” It was obvious that it hadn’t been done by the Black Tower.
Teacher Li’s eyes reddened in an instant as he angrily said, “It was that group of stowaways!”
Li Wen shared his anger against this common enemy. “Tang Mo, during the day today, we were all transported into the Black Tower to participate in the tower attack game. The teachers and students of North Jing were no exception. When the game finished, only two children didn’t return. Nine came back, and so did Teacher Wang. Among these, three of the children were transported to the same game. That game had six players in total. Aside from them, there were also three adults. Among the three adults, two were stowaways! Those three children were all only ordinary reserves, only seeking to survive in the game. They didn’t imagine that one of the children would unexpectedly complete a side mission and be rewarded with a big match.”
Tang Mo was startled. “A big match!?”
Li Wen nodded his head. “That’s right. It’s exactly the same as that big match of yours.”
Teacher Li indicated to the students and the little male student walked to the gym’s equipment room, taking out a giant match. It had a huge red match head and a familiar wooden match stem.
Tang Mo took the match and looked it over once. “It really is exactly the same as mine. That child saw Mosaic? They completed a mission issued by Mosaic?”
Li Wen shook his head. “I don’t know. That child is already no more.”
Tang Mo had collected Qian Sankun’s ability, “I’m just one spiritual plot short of the protagonist.” It was an ability restricted to single use and it could only store the same kind of inanimate object in his body. Holding the big match, Tang Mo noticed that he could collect it into his body at any time, once again transforming it into a tattoo.
But he didn’t do that, giving the big match to that little male student.
The little male student took it, his eyes red. A teardrop fell. He quickly wiped it away. This match is Wang Chao’s. The three of them were all…by those stowaways… Before Wang Chao was eliminated, he told me that after he got this big match, a stowaway forced him to hand it over. That stowaway saw when it appeared that it was definitely a treasure. Actually, if that stowaway had insisted, Wang Chao definitely would have given it. Wang Chao’s courage wasn’t great. Previously, we all liked to make fun of him, saying he was even more timid than a girl. But…but…”
The little male student sadly choked, “But in the game, Wang Chao still hadn’t had time to choose when that monster said it had found a stowaway, that it wanted to eat stowaways. If the stowaway wasn’t handed over, it would eat up each and every one of them.”
Li Wen said, “It was the same as our situation. They also faced this kind of thing. But of those three adults, two were stowaways. The two of them decided as one to first hand over the small children. I don’t know how the last adult reacted. The monster joined the enemy camp and decided to start eating the three children.  That child named Wang Chao randomly pointed because he was scared and said that one of the adults was the stowaway. The monster said that adults have lots of meat, turned its head to eat the others, and, in the end, there really was a stowaway…”
Tang Mo said, “He pointed to them by chance?”
“That’s right. At that time, those three children were utterly terrified, only wanting to not be eaten. He just randomly pointed at one. That person had previously always said they wanted to hand Wang Chao over, so Wang Chao just pointed at him. He didn’t imagine that he actually pointed at the right person.”
“The monster ate the stowaway?”
Teacher Li grit his teeth. “Why wouldn’t it eat the stowaway? Wang Chao said that the tower attack game suddenly ended. All six of them completely left the game. Originally, we thought the matter would end like this and prepared to celebrate everyone surviving the Black Tower game. We didn’t imagine that those two stowaways would recognize North Jing’s school uniform. Half an hour later, they came to attack the school. They even found three stowaways, so altogether five stowaways came to raid us!”
The little male student’s eyes reddened. “They said they wanted Wang Chao to hand over the big match. We weren’t willing to hand it over at first. That was the reward Wang Chao worked hard to get. Why should he give it to them? But those five all have abilities and are too terrible. After they eliminated one of us, we decided to give them the big match, but that’s not all they wanted. In total, they attacked twice. Wang Chao and the others…even Teacher Wang…sob sob sob…”
Teacher Li said, “The current matter already isn’t as simple as whether to give the match. So many children and even Teacher Wang…This matter must be resolved!”
There had always been evil people like this in the world and many places had no rest from the flames of war. It was just that the previous A-Country had been too peaceful, with a lot of people who sacrificed themselves to protect everyone. Now evil people extended their claws and teeth. All they could do was eradicate these evil people to protect themselves.
Tang Mo felt rage that he hadn’t felt in a long time. He breathed deeply, regained his calm, and took a look at the clock on the gym wall. “It’s currently already three o’clock in the morning. There are still three stowaways. [3] If they’re smart enough, they shouldn’t attack the school again this evening. But to make sure it’s safe, still assign people to guard the entrance.”
Teacher Li said, “Of the six of us remaining, Qiao Feifei and Zhao Ziang are official players. They both have abilities and their physical strength is also better than us reserves. Zhao Ziang is currently guarding the entrance.”
Tang Mo said, “You all know what official players, reserves, and stowaways are?”
He thought it had only been the big mole that said these things.
Chen Shanshan, who had never spoken, opened her mouth to say, “Today, the thirteen of us in total entered six different games. Each game was different, but had one thing in common. The Black Tower monsters in the six games all informed the players of the three types of player identities. But they didn’t explain what the three identities mean. It was Li Wen-gege who told us. Only then were we clear on the meaning of the three identities. Of course, before today, we actually already knew that there are official players and reserves.”
“How did you know?” Tang Mo asked, astonished.
The little female student who had always been hiding behind the others came forward. “It’s me. I’m an official player. My ability isn’t like Zhao Ziang’s and doesn’t have that kind of use. I can only see others’ identities.”
Tang Mo went blank. “You can see others’ identities?”
The little female student nodded her head. “Right. In my eyes, there are words floating on top of everyone’s heads. After the game officially started, I saw the words ‘official player’ floating on Zhao Ziang’s head. Teacher Li, Shanshan, and the others’ have the word ‘reserve’ on their heads. But I can only use my ability five times a day, so I can only see five people’s identities. Once I’ve seen five people, the words on top of other people’s heads will change into a mosaic.”
Tang Mo said, “Then just now at the school entrance, did you not see my identity?”
The little female student shook her head. “It’s very strange. I obviously still haven’t used up my ability today, yet I can’t clearly see your identity. The top of your head is also a mosaic.”
Tang Mo thought about it. “Does this ability of yours require any trigger condition?”
“No. I can see it directly.”
Tang Mo said, “Try touching my hand. See if you can trigger your ability.”
The little female student walked up, touched Tang Mo’s hand, and again raised her head. “Ah! I can see it! Official player! How strange. Why couldn’t I see it just now and it’s only after I touched your hand that I could see it? I saw Zhao Ziang, and even when it was those few stowaways, I immediately saw all of them.”
Tang Mo was also unable to explain this solution.
The male student who was responsible for building the trap with the chubby boy came back. “Teacher, we already built the trap. Zhao Ziang said he would continue watching the entrance and had me come back to sleep first.”
“Official players and stowaways all must have abilities, and obviously the physiques of these two identities are much better than reserve players.” Chen Shanshan suddenly opened her mouth. Everyone looked at her while she still looked at Tang Mo. “Can we know…what your ability is? If you don’t want to say in detail, we can understand, but I want to know if you’re willing to stay and help us. Is your ability the same as Feifei’s with no actual combat power, or is it like Zhao Ziang’s, inclined toward the attack type?”
Tang Mo looked fixedly at the little girl and, after a while, said, “My ability can’t be considered an attack type, but I will stay.”
Everyone let out a breath.
It was already white in the east, slightly warm with dawn light.
As the color of the sky gradually brightened, the constantly tense nerves of Teacher Li and the children also at last relaxed.
This chapter is only lightly edited, so I apologize for any errors... Chapter 18 is a lot longer than other chapters normally are and I didn't have a ton of time this week ha ha ha........
I will probably be pushing back post days to Monday evenings in the future. It was silly of me to be doing it on Sundays in the first place since is the day I work the latest and have the least amount of time to do translation work... orz
Translation Notes:
[1] As in, he was running so fast he was like a wisp of smoke. I’m picturing a cartoon where a character instantly vanishes and leaves a cloud of dust behind.
[2] They died. General statement for this entire chapter: The print version is way more vague about what actually happened to them, probably because they’re children. Most references to their deaths have been removed. In the original version, Tang Mo actually sees their bodies and makes reference to their specific wounds.
[3] Two of the stowaways were also “eliminated.” This is in the original version and not the print version for some reason, even though leaving this detail out makes the text somewhat difficult to understand.
(Also, is it just me, or is Tang Mo way more shocked by the appearance of the second Mosaic’s match than he is by hearing about the death of children… He has so much in common with Uncle Mole… They both love Mosaic’s match and are both the cutest in the Underground and Overground Cities… (/▽\*)。o○♡)
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facelessxchurch · 1 year
I wrote my thoughts down while reading HBL, plus some the-morning-after thoughts.
MASSIVE Spoilers for "Hell Breaks Loose" under the 'Read More'. These are spoilers for the entire book including the big twist, so read at your own peril.
Too much talk about Skulduggery. Even when he's not present he remains the focal point, I hate it.
So far Ghastly seems to be the only POV character.
Why the fuck are my Bois wearing wigs???
Honestly, no one on their right mind would send a special force with a leader that has a personal grudge against one of the people they are meant to protect. This is beyond stupid.
Speaking of beyond stupid. The notion that some rando assassin could kill Mevolent is ridiculous, he is a god amongst men. Would be nice if Landy would remember that and stop doing him dirty.
So Ghastly is crushing on the leader of the masked sisters. And Saracen is of course trying to fuck her. Only proofing my dislike of him right again.
Remember that part on the Grimoire that says one of the FO bloodlines was cut short during the war? Yeah, found the fucker.
That fight was complete bullshit.
Nice to see an FO follower making a point of herself not believing her side to be evil. But fucking hell that dialog feels forced.
Dear god's, too many people in this book like to blabber on. Also, first Skul is going on about dinosaurs and now this part about the earth's gravitational pull and ancient knowledge about this planet. This is just Landy feeling smart BC he skimmed over a few wiki articles for like five seconds. Move on with the damn story.
Huh, Mev dealing with the gate is pretty close to the fake cover I made.
Skul keeps getting praised as a genius but he keeps doing stupid stuff like running at three overpowered enemies surrounded by their soldiers without a goddamn plan
As much as I enjoyed Baron stepping in the way and beating the shit out of Skul while Nef watches, Baron and Mev abandoning him is fucking bullshit and exactly what I feared would happen :/ poor Nef just keeps getting captured
Aaaaand Skul's stupidity doomed the world
Ghastly's mother showed up.
They really do like putting bracelets on Nef
The voice. I can't believe Landy ripped off the fucking mouth of Sauron, what the fuck. Everybody knows LotR. Then again the Luke Skywalker thing was even worse. How is any of this legal?
FUCKING TIME TRAVELING VALKYRIE CAIN WE CAN'T GET EVEN ONE BOOK WITHOUT THST FUCKING STUPID WORTHLESS CUNT even more annoying was people predicting Valkyrie would travel back to war times ever since time travel became canon. Also there is a whole long-ass fic about exactly that premise.
The story just got a lot more convoluted and stupid. But now I know why this book is meant to be read after phase 2.
And let me guess, since Val is an overpowered Mary-Sue, they don't technically need Mev anymore to close the gate and she will do it instead
This feels like an unpleasant mix of exposition dump and getting lectured and I'm not here for it.
Nef is such a dramatic little shit, I love him!
Aaaaand he's dead.
Ah fucking hell, one of the only reasons I bought the book in the first place just died and I swear half the dialogue in this book is just about Ghastly's love life. Just continue the damn story and resurrect my bastard snek man >:/
Huh, nice trap from Mev. That's why I love the man <3 guess he must have known Nef was dead when he wasn't at the meeting and didn't take too kindly to it.
"kill him twice" "prime him for death" this plot makes less sense by the second. also, called Mev no longer being needed to close the portal.
Needless animal cruelty so you know the bad guys are the bad guys (this is not referring to the faceless followers btw)
Fighting literal children.
The Italian guy Valkyrie needs to talk to is randomly able to speak English.
And Skul turned into Vile. The scene seems like a parallel to Val turning 'permanently' into Darquesse in LSoDM
His entire skeleton got disintegrated yet that fucker put himself back together with shadows. Landy really made his shitty self-insert immortal, huh?
Saracen and Dexter are canon now apparently.
Baron and Mev are back, but it's not the same without Neffie :(
I call bullshit on Mev not instantly annihilating fighting 3 Dead Men at once, especially since they are weakened and tired.
So Valkyrie still has the black lighting but only uses it on the goddamn floor and not on the overpowered enemy she had been fighting a minute prior
Mev losing to the necromancers AGAIN is fucking bullshit
Did Ghastly just beat Baron to death? While he himself was half dead? That too is bs
Now there are multiple timelines. The one we read about and another one where Val hooks up with the Dead Men (can't tell if she is joking or not) and one that might be the same timeline where she and Mev fight together and Mev seals the portal. Aaaaand she flicked him off before leaving. This is why no one likes you, Val.
Morning After Thoughts:
I don't think we actually know what Hopeless' discipline was. But since he was a Hidden Blade too I guess it's something similar to Tanith?
I'm still not over how we got drowned in dialogue when it came to the Dead Men, yet Mev and his nasties barely spoke, especially not to each other. I think the most interaction they had was Nef saying one line to Mev and Baron smiling when they ditched Nef.
Holy fuck, Nef was done so dirty in this. He got knocked out almost instantly, left behind, captured, poisoned and then torn apart. With each Nef scene I'm more convinced he's based on someone Landy doesn't like bc he just loved fucking up Nef.
He really enjoyed watching Mev just fucking annihilate the Sanctuary side eventho I call bullshit on some scenes like Mev not instantly killing the three very exhausted Dead Men at the end of the book and Baron managing to get beaten to death after he had essentially already won.
The part in the present fucking sucked and I call so hard bullshit on Mev losing to the necromancers again. They are like a mini cult, they would not have the numbers for that even after Mev is done with the Sanctuaries. It's probably bc Landy made Vile OP AF in this 🙄 Also, this future proves Mev right about mortals.
I'm in general VERY disappointed how Mev and his generals felt at times more like set dressing than anything else. Given the synopsis, this feels like a massive bait and switch :/ You want wartime stories? Whoops, it's Val again. Fuck you.
Btw it's really hard to root for Skul and the Dad Men bc their plan is always to just rush in and start hitting stuff. At least they got some well-deserved ass-kicking for that. Meanwhile, Mev is the only one that actually comes up with plans and successfully executes them. Once again, Mev feels more like the main character than the main characters do.
But at the same time Landy can't help himself but to make a parody of Mev, especially with this 'the voice' bullshit that made Mev just look ridiculous. Landy doesn't seem to know that a good villain can make or break the story. Just look at the recent Puss in Boots movie, the villains are so good, they are what most people are talking about.
Conclusion: This feels like a massive bait-and-switch. The synopsis promised wartime stories Mev and his generals taking a central role alongside the Dead Men. Instead, it was a mix between a romance story for Ghastly and a time travel story for Valkyrie. Also, everything gets reset in the end and what we actually read is just one of the timelines she messed up before finding a conveniently easy fix. So it's NOT a prequel story as advertised, it's an alternate timeline. So everything that happens there is non-canon bc it gets reset at the end of the book anyways. So once Val and her time travelling gets revealed (or at the latest point when Nef dies) there is no reason to be invested in this story anymore bc you can tell it's just gonna get reset anyways.
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duhdumb89 · 1 year
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A Forbidden Happiness | Chapter 6
Jiayi was sorry that Wang gugu removed them Jiang gui ren's rooms. It would've been nice to see the screaming, thrashing temper tantrum that they heard across the courtyard, in person.
Over the sound of plates breaking Jiayi reapplied medicinal paste on Ping'er's back.
"She's gone crazy," Ping'er whispered, "It's been almost two hours now,"
Gone was her sullen, tear streaked face. Ping'er had taken plenty of joy watching Susu being dragged away for punishment.
"Of course she's crazy," replied Molan, "Susu completely embarrassed her in front of His Majesty. I wouldn't be shocked if it's all anyone talks about tomorrow,"
"How did Susu trip like that?" Pie'er asked as she peered out of window hoping to catch sight of something.
Jiayi shrugged, "Bad luck. Or the weight of her head made her tip over,"
Even Pie'er joined in the laughter at that. As they crawled into bed, Ping'er piped up.
"What do you think Xiang gui ren will be like?"
"Whatever she's like, hopefully she's no worse than Jiang gui ren," replied Molan.
Xiang gui ren's arrival turned out to be more nerve wracking than Jiayi imagined. The Emperor had come to Xianfugong to welcome his newest concubine. He sat in the courtyard, surrounded by his servants and Jiang gui ren. Eager to make up for Susu's mistake, she was fluttering around The Emperor like a bee.
"Are you too warm, Your Majesty?"
"Have you eaten today, Your Majesty?"
"Your Majesty, please have some tea,"
The Emperor took the cup, barely giving her a nod. With a strained smile, Jiang gui ren began to fan The Emperor.
"Seeing Your Majesty so excited for my newest meimei is making me excited as well. What's Xiang meimei like?"
"She's like nothing the Forbidden City has seen before,"
Jiang gui ren was so startled by the answer that she nearly dropped her fan. Jiayi could see the strain in the corners of her smile. Susu stood off to the side, sweating with pain, looking worried for her mistress. It was cruel to say but it made Jiayi feel better that she wasn't the most miserable person in the courtyard.
"Xiang gui ren arrives!"
The Emperor stood at attention. A lifted chair was lowered outside Xianfugong's gates, Wang gugu and Zhang Wei helping the occupant step out. Xiang gui ren stepped through and Jiayi was...confused. Xiang gui ren was obviously a beautiful woman with her soft white face and full lips but, she was unadorned, which was strange in a place like the Forbidden City. Her makeup was so light it almost as if she wasn't wearing any at all. Her hair piece was modest in size and decorated with small silk flowers. The chenyi* she wore was the latest fashion but it just a pale pink and embroidered with delicate plum blossoms. The only jewelry she wore was a purple jade bracelet and three pearl earrings in each ear.
At the sight of The Emperor, a dazzling smile lit up Xiang gui ren's face. With quick dainty steps, she brought herself in front of The Emperor before kneeling.
"This concubine wishes The Emperor golden peace. May you reign for 10,000 years,"
If The Emperor's presence was like a dark cloud, then Xiang gui ren was the bright sun. Jiayi couldn't take her eyes off of her.
The Emperor helped Xiang gui ren to her feet, keeping a tight grip on her hand. He stared into her eyes, and smiled.
"Huifen, you've returned. Have you been well?"
Even her mistress' name was pretty.
Xiang gui ren nodded, "This concubine thanks His Majesty for his care,"
Eager to interrupt their moment, Jiang gui ren greeted Xiang gui ren.
"Xiang meimei,"
"Ah," The Emperor said with a sigh, "This is Jiang gui ren. She also shares Xianfugong. I expect her to guide you well,"
Xiang gui ren nodded. She looked up at Xianfugong.
Breathlessly, she said, "Your Majesty, I've never seen anything like it,"
"I've personally picked out all the furnishings of your room. Come, I'll show you,"
The Emperor took Xiang gui ren by the hand and tugged her towards her new apartments. Their exit was interrupted by the cry of a child.
"Mommy! Royal father!" A little voice cried.
Fifth princess ran outside and clung to Jiang gui ren's leg, her nursemaid, Chun momo in hot pursuit. 
"Jiang gui ren, forgive this servant," The nursemaid said, falling to her knees, "Fifth princess slipped away for a moment. I'll take her back now,"
Jiang gui ren glared at the servant, "You–"
Xiang gui ren kneeled down, "Who is this pretty girl?" She asked.
"This is my auspicious daughter, Huaguang," The Emperor said he picked up the toddler, "Come to Royal father," 
"Fifth princess? This can't be Fifth princess," Xiang gui ren replied with a smile. She tugged at Fifth's princess' robes, "She's such a big girl, I thought Fifth princess was a baby,"
"I'm not a baby!" Fifth princess said before hiding her face in The Emperor's shoulder.
"Huaguang, speak properly to mother Xiang," The Emperor chastised.
Fifth princess pouted, "Hmph!"
"Huaguang, behave properly before your Royal father," said Jiang gui ren.
"No harm done," Xiang gui ren said, "Fifth princess, do you want to see my rooms? Your Royal father decorated it himself. He said it was very pretty,"
"Of course! Lots of pretty jewelry and clothes and a brand new bed! Do you want to see it?"
Fifth princess wriggled around and pulled The Emperor's cheeks, "Let's go, I want to see, I want to see!"
"Very well," The Emperor said with a smile.
As Wang gugu passed by Jiayi and the other servants she ordered them to follow inside. The servants steamed into the apartments while Jiang gui ren stood frozen as both The Emperor and her daughter were spirited away.
Xianfugong's other tenant was no where to be found when Xiang gui ren and The Emperor reentered the courtyard. The affectionate pair had roamed the rooms, pointing out beautiful things to Fifth princess. It was the perfect family scene. Jiayi had never even seen her father be that affectionate to her mother. Jiayi had planned to stand to the side silently like a good maid, only for Wang gugu to drag her by the arm to Xiang gui ren's side.
"This is your maid, Jiayi,"
The bow Jiayi gave Xiang gui ren was involuntary. She was startled by being given the honor. Wouldn't it have looked better if Ping'er or Molan were close to Xiang gui ren's side? When Xiang gui ren held her hand as they walked to the courtyard to bid The Emperor farewell, Jiayi was sure it was the closest thing to being blessed. Her mistress' hands were elegant, soft and pale. It shouldn't have been shocking that all parts of Xiang gui ren were beautiful.
After Jiayi helped Xiang gui ren back to her feet as The Emperors raised chair was carried away, her mistress turned to her, a gentle smile on her face.
"What's your name again?"
"Wei Jiayi, mistress, Shang Molan, Tsu Ping, and Wu Pie are here to serve you as well,"
"Aiya," Xiang gui ren said with a sigh, "I had to spend so many months memorizing the names of every concubine's and their second uncle's second uncle. I don't have any space for maids names. No matter!" She turned to Ping'er.
"You'll be Big Cutie for now,"
She then pointed to Pie'er, "You'll be Little Cutie,"
For Molan she said, "I'll just call you Pretty for now,"
"And you," Xiang gui ren said turning to Jiayi, "Well, I supposed I'll just remember your name,"
Jiayi watched as Jiang gui ren walked across the courtyard. The other concubine had changed outfits. She wore a light pink chenyi with a watercolor scene of the mountains, three pearl earrings in every ear, gold, sliver, and jade dotted her hairpiece and each hand had at least three or four gold rings. Her nails guards glistened in the sun. They must have weighed 5lbs each, so studded with gems as they were.
"Jiang jiejie," said Xiang gui ren.
With a bright smile, Jiang gui ren clasped Xiang gui ren's hands, "Now that His Majesty has welcomed you properly, I can take a good look at my new meimei. His Majesty was correct, you're certainly nothing the Forbidden City has ever seen before,"
"Jiejie will make me blush. His Majesty calls me beautiful but how could I compare to you?"
Preening, Jiang gui ren touched at a few of gold accessories in her hairpiece before saying, "Have you greeted The Empress yet?"
Xiang gui ren shook her head.
Jiang gui ren's face fell, "You should go quickly," she urged, "You shouldn't keep her waiting!"
"Jiejie, what's the rush?"
"The Empress is..." Jiang gui ren shook her head, "I shouldn't dare say it,"
"No, you must tell me," said Xiang gui ren.
Jiang gui ren stepped close and dropped her voice to a whisper, "The Empress was furious when His Majesty revealed his intentions to bring you to the palace. She found it a great insult. My advice would be to walk carefully around her,"
Xiang gui ren pressed a hand to her chest, "Jiejie is kind to look out for me,"
"Go quickly then,"
Jiayi kept her mouth shut as she helped Xiang gui ren into the raised chair. Jiang gui ren was lying through her teeth, but Jiayi was just a maid. It was a crime to slander someone so above her. As they walked to Yikungong†, Jiayi heard a snort from above her.
"I must look even dumber than usual," she said, "If Jiang gui ren thought I believed her act. Did she really think I didn't hear how she behaved when she learned about me? Please,"
"Mistress is wise," Jiayi said.
At least her new mistress was sensible.
It would seem Jiayi spoke too soon.
Jiayi informed the maid at the door that Xiang gui ren was there to greet the Empress. Instead of waiting for Shiyi gugu to fetch them, Xian gui ren took off after the white peacock that roamed the front garden.
"Is it sick?" She said, staring at it.
"Mistress, let's go back," Jiayi said, tugging on her arm.
The woman who saw through Jiang gui ren's performance and the woman who had to stopped from poking The Empress' pet were like two completely different people. 
The maids at the door pulled the hanging cloth door and two women stepped out. Jin pin and Tong pin. Jin pin was one The Emperor's most distinct women. Short, wide and plain, it was a wonder to many people how she became a concubine at all. The answer was simple, in the Old Manor, Jin pin was one of The Empress' dowry maids. The Emperor had no particular liking to her, but her eldest brother was low-ranking official who managed to successfully relocate over 5,0000 refugees after a landslide in the South. As reward, her brother was promoted and she was given the privilege of becoming part of the Imperial Family. After years of sincere service and the birth of the Fourth prince, Yifu, she was granted the title of Imperial Concubine.
Tong pin's place in the Forbidden City was a bit more scandalous. Even if measures were taken to try and stifle the truth, everyone knew about it. Shu pin, mother of the Sixth prince, Yiqiang, offended The Empress so gravely that her execution was considered. However, her family consistently made merits for the country and The Emperor was sentimental towards her. So, Shu pin had been locked away in one of the far halls for quite some time. Tong pin, her half sister, was sent to the palace in her stead.
"Greetings to Your Highness'," said Xiang gui ren.
The pair of concubines didn't stay to chat, only nodding at Xiang gui ren's greeting before departing.
"Greetings to Xiang gui ren," Shyi gugu said with a bow, "The Empress is eager to meet you, this way,"
They followed Shiyi gugu into the receiving hall. The Empress was sitting in the phoenix seat, poised and sharp. Looking at her, you could tell her lineage even without her beautiful clothes. A true Manchurian, the Empress had a strong bearing and sharp eyes. Her changfu was bright blue and embroidered in silver clouds and storks. Everything, from her hairpiece to her shoes contained kingfisher feathers, gold, and silver. On someone else, so much luxury would leave a sour taste in your mouth, but on The Empress? It looked as natural as can be.
Jiayi was terrified. She had never come close to even breathing the air that the Empress left behind in the streets of the Forbidden City, and suddenly she was right in front of her.
They dropped to their knees.
"This concubine wishes Her Highness the Empress peace," said Xiang gui ren, "May you reign for 10,000 years,"
"Yes, Your Highness,"
Without waiting for The Empress to offer her a seat, Xiang gui ren scampered over and sat down.
"Your Highness, I wanted to come here and thank you for your grace and allowing me to enter the palace," said Xiang gui ren.
"Xiang gui ren, there's no need. It was God's will for you and the Emperor to meet. Obviously you're a very blessed woman," The Empress said, a tight smile on her face.
"It's your blessing that matters the most, though!" Xiang gui ren stood up and raised three fingers, "I swear to always have you in my heart to repay you for your kindness for allowing me to enter the palace and serve His Majesty. If I don't, let my womb remain empty!"
Shiyi gugu gasped, "Xiang gui ren, that's not something to joke about,"
"Who's joking?"
"Xiang gui ren, it's good that you understand that I am your master here, but there's no reason to go to extremes," said The Empress, "Sit back down, have you had melon seed tea before?"
"Not at all," said Xiang gui ren as Jiayi handed her the cup that was resting at the side table. She sniffed the cup heartily, "It smells very fresh and pretty," she said before taking a sip.
Xiang gui ren's hands, pale and white raised the cup to her lips. Her thick dark lashes gently kissed her rosy cheeks as she savored the flavor. Her bright black eyes then sprung open in pleasure. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, it was all Jiayi could think.
"Oh!" Xiang gui ren said dropping the tea to the side carelessly, "I have a gift for you, Your Highness,"
She slid a book from her sleeve. Jiayi could tell she was going to try and hand it to the Empress personally. Not wanting to make the meeting any worse, Jiayi passed the book to Shiyi gugu who presented it to The Empress.
"I can read and write but I know little about great works of poetry. My gugu made me study great works of our ancestors and many of them made me think of you and my devotion. I transcribed them and bound them into this book,"
The Empress flipped through the pages, "The Evergreen Stands over the Peonies," she read, "I've never seen this poem before,"
"I've also written some of the poems myself," Xiang gui ren said, going back to her tea.
"Are they any good?" The Empress asked.
The proper thing for Xiang gui ren to do would be to tell The Empress that her writings could never compare to the great masters who attribute their writing to the nurturing of the mother of nation.
Xiang gui ren instead said, "I think so,"
The Empress smiled gently and handed the book back to Shiyi gugu.
"Your Highness, I have a favor to ask you," Xiang gui ren said.
The Empress tilted her head, "Speak then,"
Xiang gui ren pursed her lips before glancing at the servants that lined the walls. The Empress followed her line of sight. "Leave us," she said.
The servants bowed and filed out of the room. This made Jiayi nervous. Xiang gui ren wasn't ready to have a private audience with The Empress. One wrong move and it would the servant's heads rolling first! When Xiang gui ren stepped outside, not a hair was out of place. For all they knew, she and the Empress had a nice friendly chat.
On their return to Xianfugong, she gifted all the servants 1 tael of silver. Jiayi joined in the admiration of the large sum, she also never held so much money at once before!
Xiang gui ren clasped her long fingers across her knees, "I've given you these gifts to let you know that I'll strive to be a magnanimous and fair master. I'd like to live here simply. If I die a gui ren, that's perfectly fine with me. As you see, I reward freely. Hopefully you don't have to see how freely I punish,"
"This servant understands," they chorused.
Xiang gui ren walked into her bedroom and sat on her bed. She ran a hand over the opulent embroidery before calling them all over. She nodded and pointed to a heavyset eunuch named Bolin, "Bring me that chest,"
The rest of the afternoon was spent unpacking and putting things in order. It probably took twice as long as usual because Xiang gui ren had to stop and 'ooh' and 'aah' over everything. Once she saw her jifu†† she of course wanted to wear it right that second. It felt like Jiayi was serving a woman closer to 20 than 40. Xiang gui ren was so absorbed in it all, she seemed shocked that Molan was asking her if she wanted lunch.
"Oh, it's so late in the day already? Yes, I'd like lunch now,"
"Of course, mistress," Molan said, "I will return soon,"
Not even gone for five minutes, Molan returned.
"Mistress, the Emperor sent over lunch from his personal kitchens, should I send them in?"
"Really?! Of course, send them in, send them in,"
Molan helped Xiang gui ren to the dining room where a gaggle of eunuchs were placing dish after dish on the table. It was more food than Jiayi had ever seen at once. Glistening roast duck and roast pork, a bubbling hot pot of thick duck soup, beautifully bright vegetables, steamed fish, fried fish, and smooth white noodles.
Xiang gui ren picked up a small plate. All of the dish ware sent by His Majesty were bright red and covered in the character for double happiness.
"This looks just like wedding porcelain," said Molan.
Xiang gui ren smiled brightly.
A eunuch bowed to Xiang gui ren before handing her a stick of silver and then taking his leave.
"What's this for?"
"It's to test for poison," said Molan, "If you stick it into your food and it becomes discolored, you shouldn't eat it,"
"Poison?" Xiang gui ren asked, "Who would poison me? I just arrived,"
"It's best to get into this habit now,'' said Jiayi.
The stick came away clean for each dish. Molan and Jiayi picked up a pair of chopsticks, ready to serve.
"Mistress, what do you want to eat first?" Jiayi asked, poised to dish out the food.
Xiang gui ren looked at the full table and paused, "There's a brown crock on the nightstand next to my bed, bring it to me,"
Molan darted into the bedroom and brought back the small crock. Xiang gui ren lifted the lid and Jiayi felt like someone had blown fire up her nose. She turned away and hacked into her fist. Ping'er, Molan, and Pie'er were no better. 
"Is it...is it poison?" Molan asked between coughs.
"Poison! Do you think I'm dumb enough to bring poison into the Forbidden City? No, stupid girl, it's chili sauce!"
Jiayi wiped her eyes, "You eat this?"
"Of course. This how everyone eats in the South," Xiang gui ren replied.
Soon the fresh, fragrant plate of food in front of Xiang gui ren looked like it had been dipped in the waters of Hell. Even the poor white rice wasn't spared.
Xiang gui ren slurped loudly on her outrageously red bowl of broth and let out a gusty sigh.
"I had to smuggle some in. I knew I wouldn't be able to find these sort of flavors in a place like this,"
Thank goodness for that.
Watching her eat, Jiayi once again understood why The Emperor was so taken with her. In Xiang gui ren's hands, eating, one of the most vulgar acts for a woman became a delicate dance. Xiang gui ren didn't cover her mouth so all could see her bright white teeth with every bite of food. She chewed in delicate small bites, her pink lips perpetually smiling. How could any man look away?
"I'm going to lie down for a while," Xiang gui ren as she laid her chopsticks on the table, "You can stay and finish the food if you like," she said.
"All of it?" Jiayi asked, "Mistress you're allowed to tell us to throw it away,"
Xiang gui ren hadn't eaten much. There would still be waste even between the eight servants.
"And I'm allowed to tell you to eat it. Even dogs get table scraps," she said, "Someone come take down my hair!"
With their new mistress tucked away in bed, the servants descended on the leftovers like the dogs Xiang gui ren likened them to. The eunuchs ate as fast as they could, needing to head back to their posts. The maids had the privilege to linger.
"So," Molan said, "What do you think?"
"About what, jiejie?" Asked Ping'er, her cheeks stuffed with food.
"Don't talk with your mouth full," whispered Pie'er.
Molan's voice dropped to a whisper, "About mistress? What do you think of her? She's more beautiful than I imagined,"
"She's nice," declared Pie'er, "She gave us this nice food,"
"Jiejie, what do you think?"
It was rude, but Jiayi hadn't been paying attention the other girls at all. Even as a child, she didn't eat food as luxurious as what Xiang gui ren tossed at their feet. The roast duck was her favorite. If she were a meaner girl, she'd eat the whole platter herself.
"Of Xiang gui ren," Molan said again.
"You girls can keep chatting. I'm going to eat every scrap and you all can go hungry,"
Like angry mice, the maids squeaked in protest, doing their best not to wake their new mistress. With something more important to occupy their mouths, the conversation was over. It didn't matter what Jiayi thought of Xiang gui ren. Good or bad, she would serve. 
It was all she could do.
*A type of everyday robe with 1 side slit and 5 buttons †Palace of Earthly Honor ††Most formal court robe for women ranked Noble Lady and below. Worn for special occasions like promotions, festivals, religious ceremonies, etc
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elshells · 2 years
Agent Ace Chapter 10 || HARLEY
Rating: Teen + Word Count: 3,762 Content Warnings: Reader discretion is advised. Click here for a list of potential warnings; only #1 applies. Summary: Jade is cleared from the medical ward, returning home three days after Harley's interrogation. Harley pays her a visit and discovers that Jade has a surprise waiting in store.
June 25 6:21 P.M. Hub District - Pandor: De Soto Residence
Harley held her hand up in front of her face, twisting it around and watching the sunlight reflect off the bracelet. She didn't hate it any less after wearing it for three straight days, but at least it looked like an ordinary piece of jewelry. No one else who saw her would know that she was being watched—not that that was a comforting thought.
She wondered if the Watch could see her now. If they could, they would know that this was the first time she'd left her house since they'd given it to her. Or, if the tech was even more advanced, they might know that she was outside with Ahren, walking only a few minutes away from Jade's house.
Were they getting real-time footage of everything she saw, and listening to her conversations? If she declared out loud to the bracelet that she was innocent, would it hear her and fall to the floor in pieces?
She wouldn't be getting the answers to those questions any time soon. Except for the last one, which she had already discovered from experience was a hard 'no.'
She dropped her hand. "Hm?"
"What's on your mind?" Ahren asked.
"I don't know."
He sighed, but didn't press her further. They followed the curve at the end of the sidewalk and started up the hill. Harley began to pick up the pace. She'd trekked up this hill countless times before, and she was especially eager to get to the top.
"Hey." Ahren spoke again, but she kept her gaze trained forward. "I have a question for you. About the, uh, interrogation. And if you don't want to hear it, tell me, and I'll shut up. Okay?"
"Okay." She shrugged. "What is it?"
"Did the Watch have anything to say about Sophia?"
It was just like Ahren to ask about Sophia, though Harley couldn't blame him. "They still don't know where she is, if that's what you're asking."
"I figured as much." He sounded calm, but from the corner of her eye, Harley noticed him stiffen.
"She'll be okay," she said, trying to sound chipper. "Right? She's tough."
It sounded even more unconvincing out loud.
"Sophia never gives up easily," Ahren agreed, and Harley was grateful that he was willing to gloss over her poor attempt to reassure him. "I just... Harley, I'm really sorry. About what you—"
"I know. It's okay."
The Guardian's face was still vivid in her mind. His death hadn't been revealed to the public yet, but her mother had learned his name after a conference with the Watch—Victor Klymenko. Though knowing his identity didn't bring her any closure. If anything, it just made the situation much more real.
"Well," Ahren said hesitantly, "what about your friend? Max, right? Did they have anything to say about him?"
She shook her head. "No. They said they'd let me know if they learned anything else, but so far, I've heard nothing."
"Hopefully, Cressida will know more after tonight's meeting."
In the days since her interrogation with the Watch, Harley and her mother had probably exchanged about ten words total. After a Guardian wound up dead, the Council was extra keen on hearing and explanation from the Watch, and as a councilor, that meant that Cressida was barely around.
Don't trust the Watch, her inner voice chimed in helpfully.
If she was lucky, the Council would do their job and keep the Watch in check. She only hoped that her instinct was wrong.
"How long will she be gone?" Harley asked.
"I don't know," Ahren replied. "Could be all night. I plan to stick around until she's back, though. Just in case."
Harley pushed open the gate at the top of the hill. The sidewalk circled around a cul-de-sac, nestled inside a shady grove of trees. Ahren and Harley stopped in front of a tall, olive-green house with crisp white trim. The wooden porch was decorated with an assortment of colorful hanging baskets that wafted a sweet, flowery aroma down the driveway.
Next to her, Ahren cleared his throat. "Well, I'll be back to pick you up in an hour or two. Tell Jade and her family I said hi."
Harley nodded. "I will."
"Hey, one more thing." Ahren placed a careful hand on her shoulder, and Harley looked up to meet his earnest gaze. "I'm here for you. You know that, right?"
She forced a smile onto her face. "Right."
"If you need anything from me," he continued, "and I mean, anything, please talk to me. I'll help you in whatever way i can. Just say the word."
"Thanks. You, too, Ahren."
He patted her arm. "See you soon, kid,"
She turned away and began to climb up the driveway, glancing once over her shoulder to see Ahren walking back the way they came. As she approached the porch, the front door opened and Jade's mother, Imani, stepped outside. Her braided hair was pulled up into a bun at the top of her head, and the dimples in her cheeks deepened as she smiled and spread her arms wide.
"Harley!" She pulled her into a firm hug. "It's so good to see you."
Harley accepted the embrace. "It's good to see you, too, Mrs. de Soto."
She pulled away, her face falling as she met Imani's warm, dark eyes. "I'm so sor—"
"Sweetheart." Imani quieted her with a squeeze on her arm. "You have nothing to apologize for. I'm just happy you and Jade are both safe."
She gave Harley a half-smile, but the tears in her eyes were unmistakable. Harley lowered her gaze to her feet as Imani gave her another quick hug.
"Come inside," she said. "Jade has been dying to see you."
Harley couldn't help but grin. "So have I."
She followed Imani into the house, kicking off her shoes and shutting the front door behind her. The voices of Jade and her father drifted down the hallway, speaking to one another in Spanish.
At this, Harley felt a tiny pang of envy. Jade's father, Angel, was from Puerto Rico, and while Harley's own father had been of Mexican descent, he hadn't grown up learning Spanish with his adoptive family. Jade had taught her a few words and phrases, but Harley was still far from fluent, and she wished that she'd started to speak the language sooner.
"Jade!" Imani called. "Harley's here!"
Footsteps thudded from the opposite room, and Jade appeared at the end of the hallway. The corners of her eyes crinkled as her face lit up. "Harley!"
"Hey." Harley crossed one arm over her chest, suddenly overwhelmed.
"Let's go to my room." Jade took her hand and led her up the stairs. Harley gave a final wave to her parents as they rounded the corner at the top of the steps.
Jade's bedroom barely looked any different from the last time Harley had seen it. It was tidier than her apartment, and the unmade bed was the only indication that anyone had been living in it. The walls, which alternated between mint and terracotta, were cluttered with canvases, all filled with Jade's art. The color combinations seemed odd at times, and the paintings' subjects almost seemed to pop out of their frames like visions in a dream. It was something Jade called 'surrealism,' which Harley thought was a perfect descriptor.
One canvas stood out from the rest—propped up on an easel in the corner of the room was a large painting that, while unfinished, resembled the tiny potted cactus basking under the sun lamp on the windowsill. The painting was simplistic, but completely different from Jade's usual style.
"I wanted to try another approach," Jade said, following Harley's gaze to the canvas. "Sometimes it's good to go back to what's familiar, y'know?"
Harley took a deep breath as the door pulled shut behind her. "Jade—"
She broke off as Jade threw her arms around her, almost knocking her off balance. Harley held on tight, not daring to breathe as Jade buried her head in her shoulder. They stood there in silence, swaying in each other's arms.
After several heartbeats passed, Jade murmured, "I'm so glad you're okay."
"Y-You, too." Harley's voice cracked. "I thought I was too late."
Jade let go and fell back onto her bed, taking an otter stuffie off her pillow and holding it to her chest. Harley pushed a pile of blankets to the side to sit down next to her. For a moment, they sat in comfortable silence.
"So, the Watch cleared you from their medical ward?" she asked.
"With a clean bill of health. My jaw's a little sore, but the worst I'll have is a bruise." Jade rubbed her jaw, then looked at Harley with a big-eyed gaze. "Did Sophia really know I was in trouble?"
"Honestly, I don't know. It's a long story."
Jade paused, then picked up another stuffie—a fox—and tossed it gently into Harley's lap. "Tell me."
Harley looked down at the fox's pointed face, then back up to Jade as she began to fidget with its fuzzy orange ears. "She called me in the middle of the night, but something was wrong. I don't think she was alone, or maybe it wasn't her at all. But she told me to find you, and I left the house to find her gun on the doorstep."
She pulled herself into a cross-legged position and sat back against the wall. "I was so scared that you were already dead that I didn't stop to ask any questions. Nothing else mattered except that you were okay. But, here we are now."
Jade listened in silence, toying with a curl of hair. "I'm so sorry. All of this... it's horrifying what's happened. But at the same time, you saved my life. Thank you."
Harley shook her head. "I didn't do anything."
"You did what you could."
"Well..." She shrugged. "I just wanted to help. But now, I'm just worried about Sophia."
Jade leaned forward, resting her chin on top of the otter's head. "Does she have any enemies?"
"I mean, the Watch has enemies, so yeah."
"Anyone who'd want to hurt you, specifically?"
"I don't know. Sophia was looking for Max, and now, she might be missing, too. What if she found something, and someone else is keeping her quiet? And what does any of this have to do with you, or me? Everything else is connected, but we're just... in the middle of this."
She buried her face into the fox's fur. These questions in her head were becoming too much to bear.
"Harley?" Jade said.
Harley lifted her head to see Jade push herself to her feet. Her face was still somber, but now she had the tiniest smile.
"Will you come with me?" she asked. "I have something I want to show you."
* * *
Harley didn't know what to expect after following Jade to her car. She hadn't said anything else—not even a goodbye to her parents on their way out the door—but she had a familiar, steely gleam of determination in her eye. Whenever she looked like that, Harley knew she could trust her to take charge.
Fifteen minutes later, they were greeted by the vibrant neon lights of South Blumoore, bouncing off every surface and weaving through traffic like rainbow threads. Blue twilight had settled over the city, but crowds of people bustled around every street corner, drawn in and out of the clubs and bars that pumped muffled music out into the night. Even before Jade had parked the car on the edge of the street, Harley knew exactly where she was going.
The Vibe stood out prominently on the other end of the sidewalk, the glowing sign above the door burning into Harley's retinas. Though the music inside was faint, her pulse began to beat in sync with the rhythm.
"Hey, no offense, J," Harley said as she squinted out the passenger window, "but I don't think I'm in the mood for dancing."
"We're not going inside," Jade responded as she stepped out of the car. Harley followed her out, watching as she reached into the back seat and pulled out a grocery bag. The contents rattled as she jumped up next to Harley on the sidewalk.
"What's that?" Harley gestured toward the bag.
"I'll answer that in a minute." Jade took her hand. "Follow me."
She led her around the sidewalk corner to the back of the venue, where a brick alleyway obscured them from the view of the streets. As Harley's eyes adjusted to the dark, her breath caught in her throat.
The large window looking into the venue was boarded up, but the plywood had been painted over with colorful, elaborate street art—sprawling geometric shapes and spirals that fit together in strange but perfect ways.
Jade gave her hand a gentle squeeze. "What do you think?" she whispered.
"I-It's beautiful."
"I know. But look closer."
Harley took a step toward the window, examining every airbrushed line. The chaotic patterns began to make sense, fitting together like pieces of a convoluted puzzle.
She was looking at a city, but not Harmont. Another city whose skyline was collapsing in on itself.
Most importantly, though, were the three words branded across the canvas in bold black letters.
"'For Max Ahn,'" Harley read aloud, brushing her fingertips along the patterned wood. "What is this?"
"Haven't you seen these all over the city?" Jade's voice carried from over her shoulder.
"Can't say that I have."
"There's a vigilante arsonist that's been running around lately. I'm sure you've heard about it. A lot of paranoid businesses have started boarding up their buildings out of fear of being targeted—by the arsonist, or by rioters, either way. Street artists have been leaving their tags on the windows, which isn't legal, technically, but graffiti is so low on the Watch's list of priorities that I don't think anyone minds having these little displays of art."
"Did you make this?" Harley asked breathlessly.
"Only partly." Jade stood next to her, staring at the window and looking as mesmerized as Harley felt. "A couple of weeks ago, I came by here and found another artist leaving her mark. I didn't know her, but she caught me watching and asked if I wanted to join her."
A smile grew on her face as her eyes drifted over the painting. "I didn't want to at first—it's sort of a rule that you shouldn't paint over someone else's art—but she insisted. Said that we could be partners. So I helped her finish it, and I added Max's name, with her permission."
"Wow." Harley looked back to the words, tracing the loops and curves of the letters with her gaze. "Who was she?"
Jade shook her head. "No idea. I never found out. But I know I've never seen her around here before. I would have recognized her."
"What did she look like?"
"Like most other street artists. Cargo pants, a puffy jacket with the hood up over her head. But she had these pink glasses covering her face—I've never seen anyone wear something like that before. It makes them stand out, which is generally undesirable."
Harley pulled her hand away from the wood with a start. A face flashed before her eyes, smiling at her through the tinted lenses.
The person on the light rail. The one that spoke to her when she used Kit's headphones. The voice she'd heard inside her head. The voice she'd heard inside her head.
She turned back to Jade. "Did you say—"
Her reply was lost on her tongue. The last dying ray of light fell over Jade's face, catching her eyes and turning them gold.
Whoa. Her heart skipped a beat. I forgot they did that.
Jade had the most most amazing eyes that Harley had ever seen—deep brown and warmly intense, and when they captured the light, they came alive and danced with golden sunbursts.
"What?" Jade asked, tilting her head so a stray curl fell over her forehead.
Harley blinked, glancing away. "Y-You're incredible, Jade. This is incredible."
Jade laughed. "I'd go to every single window in this city if I had the time. But, here."
She reached inside the bag and pulled out a can of spray paint, giving it a couple of vigorous shakes before handing it off to Harley.
"Wait." Harley took it hesitantly. "What? I'm not an—"
"I thought you might want to add Sophia's name," Jade said. "Like, as a way to welcome her home when she comes back. W-With Max."
Harley nodded and looked down at the can, noticing the subtle twitch of her own fingertips.
"You don't have to, if—"
"Shush." Harley uncapped the can of paint and walked up to the window. With one more shake, she took aim and held down the trigger. A cloud of paint exploded from the nozzle with a hiss, catching her momentarily off guard. She waved her arm around in wide, sweeping arcs to complete the letters of Sophia's name.
Finally, she stepped back to inspect her handiwork. Sophia Colbo stared back at her her, blotchy and uneven compared to Jade's handwriting.
Jade tapped her on the arm. "I love it."
"Th-Thank you."
"Can I borrow that? For a final touch."
Harley handed her back the can. Jade stood on her tiptoes and began to paint in quick, confident strokes. The lines banded together into crude shapes, taking form before Harley's eyes. When she stepped away, two wispy silhouettes stood beneath the names, reaching towards each other with one outstretched arm.
Max and Sophia. Shivers ran across Harley's skin.
Jade dropped the can with a loud clatter. She met Harley's gaze for a split second—long enough for her to see another flash of gold—before she broke down into tears.
"Hey, hey." Harley pulled her into her arms and held her close. "I got you."
Jade sniffed and pressed her face into Harley's shoulder. "What the hell is happening?"
Harley squeezed her tighter, lowering her down into a kneel on the sidewalk while struggling not to cry herself. The reverb from the bass inside the Vibe thudded in her chest like a third heartbeat amongst her and Jade. As Jade regained her composure, she leaned into Harley, hugging her around the waist and taking deep, shuddering breaths.
"The Watch is going to find them," Harley told her in a hushed voice. "The Guard is involved now. If anyone can help us, they can."
"But what if they can't?" Jade asked, her voice muffled by Harley's shirt. "Sophia's gone. What if something already happened to her, or Max? What if something happens to us?"
Harley's gut twisted. I really don't want to think about that. "We don't know that whoever did this wants anything to do with me, or you. Right?"
"But, still—"
"What happened that night, in your apartment?"
Jade didn't respond for a long time. Finally, she said, "I woke up to the window breaking. When I left my room to investigate, someone was standing in my living room. I-I didn't even see the body."
Harley rubbed her back. "That's okay."
"It was dark, and I never got a good look at them," Jade continued with another sniff. "I tried to run, but they caught me. The next thing I knew, you were there."
Harley thought of the rogue vigilante from the news—the fires they'd set, and the rest of the city preparing to be hit. Could Jade's apartment have been their next target?
But what would that have accomplished? Would they have succeeded if Jade hadn't intervened? Did it even fit their motive to do so?
She couldn't bring herself to suggest the theory aloud.
Jade sat up straight, wiping the tears from her face. "Your phone's buzzing."
Harley realized with a jolt that she was right. She pulled the phone out of her pocket and checked the screen for the caller. "It's Ahren."
"Go ahead and answer," Jade insisted.
Harley accepted the call. "Hey. What's up?"
"Hey, Harley." Ahren's voice sounded tight. "So, uh, look. So, it's getting dark, and I need you to come back home, but... well, I made a mess of the kitchen trying to make dinner, and it's gonna take me a while to clean up. I-I think I'm gonna have to order a pizza, and... well, anyway, could you have the de Sotos bring you home? I don't want you walking out and about alone."
"Jade can drive me back," Harley replied. "It'll only take us a few minutes. Do you care if she stays the night? If she wants to."
"Uh, sure, if her parents are okay with it."
"Cool. We're on our way. See you soon." She hung up and put the phone away. "It's time for me to go home. You can come have dinner with us if you'd like."
"Okay, yeah. That sounds fun." Jade jumped to her feet, grabbing the spray can off the ground.
"Are you feeling okay?" Harley asked as she stood back up. "Do you want me to drive?"
"No, I'm fine. Promise." Jade dropped the can into the bag. She started to walk back towards the car, but halfway there, she stopped and turned back to Harley. "Uh, thanks for coming her with me. This was... well, I don't know what to call it, exactly. But, thank you."
Harley smiled. "Thank you for bringing me along. We made a really good thing here."
You, me, and this mysterious artist, whoever she is.
What does she want from me?
Harley took Jade's hand, sending one last glance towards the vibe and the painting on the wall before they walked together out of the alleyway.
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