#ah!prince sidon
sodascribbles · 1 year
3. restless. (sidon – the zora prince won't idle long.)
(read on ao3 here!)
word count: 100 characters: sidon warnings: n/a
Cold rain falls upon the Domain, as it has been for the last few weeks. For a moment, he watches the droplets collect on the pathways. He sighs.
The Domain is quiet; the sun has scarcely started to rise. He refuses to look at the statue of his sister as he leaves.
He reaches the deck facing the angry Vah Ruta. Sidon stares at it for a long moment, expression intense but unreadable, before he begins to pace.
It doesn’t take him long to come to a decision. What kind of prince would he be if he didn’t take action?
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sgraffitobonito · 1 year
Wallpaper-worthy fierce deity set Link strikes again: fruity edition
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littlefreakelio · 1 year
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you're my king and i'm your lionheart
@kenneduck 's dtiys for her amazing comic! the story makes me want to cry and the art is MWAH MWAH MWAH
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avionvadion · 1 year
I feel like I’m heading dangerously close into Vampire territory…
But, nah, it’s just Zora’s Domain.
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imababblekat · 2 years
The Prince’s Gift
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@nesting-dreams​ ,” How do you think Prince sidon would deal with having a crush on a Hylian and he gave them a romantic gesture of protection. Crush does not realise this. Nobody told them. They thought it was because theyre friends and didnt know this was a part of Zora culture.  They end up splitting apart because crush has to go elsewhere, but when they meet up again, crush still has it With them. Crush finds out this time that its a romantic gesture and they apologise to him for not realising, but they offer to continue having it even after they realise because they like him  back if hes still interested? This idea is sweet and funny to me.”
Staring down at the specially crafted shield in your hands, you let out a groan, gently knocking your head into said hand held barrier. You felt so silly. How could you have not realized the implications and significant importance of it? Looking back and remembering all the moments shared between you and the Zora Prince, Sidon, the evidence was as clear as day. However, you of course hadn’t noticed a single one, too oblivious to notice your own true feelings how could you have been able to see his. Now, standing before the graceful statue Mipha, you wondered if it was too late. It had been a long while since you were last in the domain, having departed for an extended mission alongside Hyrules Hero. Before having left, Sidon had pulled you aside, handing you the shield as what you thought a simple parting gift between friends. Oh how wrong you were though, as it was anything but a simple friendly gesture. 
“Hylia, I feel like an idiot.”, you grumbled out, gazing up into the stone eyes of Mipha.
You never personally knew the princess, but from what you gathered by the stories Sidon shared with you, you had a feeling she would have been giggling at the adorable predicament between you and her dear brother. 
As if the universe had been reading your mind, the sounds of foot falls across the domains watery floor resounded behind you, and you turned with a stunted breath to see the man on who’d been occupying your mind. 
Upon seeing you, Sidon broke into a wide grin, sharp teeth glistening the light of the glowing architecture surronding you both. 
“Ah, so Bazz was right. You have returned. I am glad to see you again, and safe nonetheless.”
The feeling of familiar butterflies fluttering in your stomach had started up, and you internally cursed about your reaction to such a simple statement from your closest friend. Perhaps it was his tone that had set your heart array, the Prince had always had a light air to his voice you noticed. Sidon had been known for his charisma, but even when not trying to rally confidence out of others, he seemed to still have a way of caring his thoughts through his voice. With a shake of your head to regain focus, you took few steps forward to be closer to your best friend, holding out the object that caused you so much recent turmoil.
“W-well, I have your gift to thank for that.”, you gulped, feeling your cheeks warm and peering up to gauge Sidons reaction from beneath your lashes. 
Sidons eyes had widened for but a brief moment at seeing the protective gear he had presented to you now being presented to him. With a gentle smile, he reached down to caress his scaled claws over the intricate designs he carved himself, taking note of a slight gash that had not been there before. As much as it scared him to know you’d been in some sort of trouble, he was relieved to see his present had provided it’s purpose. However, along with the remembrance of the reason for his gift to you, came a sorrow that had blossomed the day you left with it. Before Sidon could express his troubled thoughts, the call of his name and your furrowed brows accompanied by a worried frown had stopped him.  
“Yes (y,n)? Whatever is the matter? Please tell me.”, he persuaded, a frown equally etching its way onto his eloquent face.
With another gulp, you nervously tapped your nails against the gorgeous shield that kept you safe day and night during your journey.
“About your gift. I-well. . .uhm. . .I’m so sorry.”
A gut wrench feeling like the tip of the sharpest spear pierced it’s way through Sidons heart. Oh no. Was this it? Was what he had been fearing about to actually occur. He had thought your nonchalant thanks when he had presented you the shield after the endearing speech he’d given before hand had been a tad bit strange. The poor Zora figured you had accepted his hard made, devoted gift only out of kindness as friends, not wanting to cause him any dismay if you’d rejected it instead. Oh, but how far from the truth Sidon was. 
The prince regained himself, ready to put up a front to hide his pain and take back the rejected gift, when you’d suddenly clutched the shield to your chest. With a heavy sigh, you willed yourself to speak what you meant by your apology, all the while nervously stumbling over your words.
“It’s just that-well-I. . .I didn’t know what it truly meant when you gifted me this shield, and I’m so so so sorry for the lack of appreciation I must have given you. In truth, I. . .”
Biting your lip, you held up said gift to shield your own embarrassment before blurting out the truth.
“I really do cherish your courting gift, and I would love to court you if you still want to!”
A moment of silence fell between you both, the only sound being the domains rushing falls and your own racing heart. There was no way Sidon could still feel the same. Enough time had passed between his proclamation of how he truly felt about you, that surely he’d have gotten over it by now. Yet, you knew that if you didn’t say something in this moment, than trying to go back to just being friends would be very difficult on your part. At least this way, you could have some closer and a reminder to squash any fluttering feelings from blossoming further in the future. 
The sound of a handsome laugh had pulled you from your thoughts, and you peeked over the metal of the shield to see Sidon trying his best to not burst into further laughter. At your very confused expression, the prince waved a hand, reaching forward to clasp his much larger hands over yours which still clutched his gift. 
“Oh my dear (y,n). I am the one who should be apologizing. I suppose I was too excited in gifting you that I had forgotten Zora courtship practices are not very well known to others.”
Looking from his warm hands cupped over yours to the endearance pouring from his gleaming eyes, you goofily squinted.
“Soooo, that’s a yes to still wanting to ya know? Like. . .court and stuff?”
A deep laugh resounded from within Sidons chest as he gently lifted you up into a hug; you clinging to him and the shield he crafted to forever protect you. With an added kiss to your burning cheeks your Zora companions actions gave your elated self a very clear, and heartwarming answer.
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frost-link · 1 year
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Sidon X Reader [Angst]
Finding Out About Yona
[Part One]
You hadn't seen Sidon in months due to the upheaval in Hyrule, and due to Sidon becoming extremely busy at Zora's Domain after Calamity Ganon. However, word got around that a strange sludge had appeared there causing havoc. You were quick to make it to Zora's Domain on foot, by the time you got there you were covered in sludge and drained. You couldn't help but be overwhelmed by how different Zora's Domain looked.
Your P.O.V.
I had approached the new statue seeing it wasn't Mipha anymore, but instead Link and Sidon.
"Where did Mipha's statue go...?" I muttered to myself, getting distracted while trying to find Sidon. There was a sound of footsteps behind me, however I was too lost in thought to hear them. I then jumped a bit in surprise hearing an abrupt feminine voice behind me.
"Ah, a hylian! We weren't expecting any visitors during a dire time like this. What brings a hylian like you here? Are you alright? It must have been quite the journey to get here!" I turned around seeing a green female Zora. I raised my eyebrows a bit surprised, noting how I never saw her before, I then smile a bit in response.
"Ah. You scared me." I laughed nervously rubbing the back of my head. "I was here hoping to find Sidon to make sure that he was okay, and I'm fine! Just a little dirty from the sludge." I said looking up to the worried green Zora. Her concerned expression turns into a relieved expression before her eyes widen a bit pointing towards me.
"Are you... (Y/n) by chance?" She asked with a curious look, I stood a bit shocked at her recognizing my name before I nodded. She smiled even wider. "Sidon has told me so much about you! He has been worried about you and Link since the upheaval, that's pretty much all he talks about is you two!" She said with a small grin. I couldn't help but feel my face go warm hearing this. She then shook her head a bit before continuing. "Sorry! I got a bit ahead of myself there, I almost forgot to introduce myself! My name is Yona, I'm Sidon's fiancé!" She said in a chipper tone. I immediately froze, like a pit in my stomach just dropped.
"...Fiancé?" I asked a bit hesitantly in disbelief. She then nodded. I only stood there in silence. My brain couldn't process what she had just said, my brain suddenly felt dazed, I could hear her talking, asking me something; however it fell deaf to my ears. I then turned back to her when I felt her shaking my shoulder lightly.
"(Y/n)? Are you okay? Do you need to go to the infirmary?" She asked concerned with her eyes filled with worry, I quickly shook my head.
"I'm fine. I think the sludge made me a little dizzy, I'm going to go get some air." I said brushing her hand off me lightly, before walking away. I could hear her call out my name once again completely worried. I had simply ignored her, and kept walking. My mind has completely wandered. I found myself near the top of Mount Plymous. I then stumbled a bit seeing Sidon's back, my breath was sharp as I stood feeling tears in my eyes. He seemed to have been doing something, as he was standing in the water with light emitting from hit palms near the water. I watched him in silence for a few moments, feeling overwhelmed with so many different emotions.
"(Y/n)! I'm surprised to see you all the way up here! Are you here to see Prince Sidon?" I heard a Zora guard call out to me, I immediately panicked hearing this, taking multiple steps back.
"No! Just wanted to see what was new up here, anyways I have to go now. Bye!" I said quickly turning away trying my best to hold it together, starting to walk away at a quick pace. The Zora guard looked a bit confused before waving. I didn't get very far as I soon heard a deep and rich voice.
"(Y/n)? Is that you?" Sidon called to me, I slowly turned my head to his voice but turned back, my pace increasing more. It wasn't long before I felt a strong hand on my shoulder. "(Y/n)!" Sidon called out again, immediately turning me to face him, his face was concerned, as mine was filled with anger and tears.
"Yona, huh?" I immediately asked in a vile tone, clearly emotionally charged.
"(Y/n) I-" he started, but I cut him off before he could finish as I immediately pulled away from his grip.
"I left for a couple of months, and you're now getting married to a random zora?! Why didn't I know about this, did our relationship mean nothing to you?!" I cried out as tears continued to drip from my eyes as my face was red from anger. Sidon was immediately taken aback by my hostile tone.
"I... It's not what you think it is!" It was an arranged marriage, and she was my childhood friend!" He said with a small look of guilt, as his face was saddened.
"A childhood friend?! You threw away our relationship for a childhood friend?!" I yelled out angry before continuing. "I worked so hard throughout our entire relationship to keep it private and then you turn around and do this!" I screamed at him. His eyes went from widened then to a soft glare.
"I'm a Prince! I take my role very seriously! I have to do what's best for my kingdom!" He said defending himself lightly. I felt angrier at him if it was at all more possible.
"Our relationship suddenly means nothing now?! Is your kingdom more important than us?" I asked with stepping away completely enraged. Sidon looked taken aback once again, before he realized that he had said the wrong thing.
"Of course it matters! I just... Let's not talk about this right now, darling. I have more important matters right now." He said trying to reach towards me, I pulled away once again.
"You don't have the right to call me that anymore! It's over!" I was quick to immediately start walking away once again, ignoring his calls to me. Everything hurt.
(Part 2 Coming Soon!)
(The writing isn't the best however this is my first post. I needed some angst after finding out about Yona LOL)
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ratsoh-writes · 5 months
Underfell, Mafiafell, Lustfell, Swapfell Gold, and Lustswapfell reaction to a S/O whose a voice actor and has a wide range of voices they can do?
Red: he was all cool with it until SO started copying his brothers voice for sh*ts and giggles. Nothings worse than kissing your SO then suddenly hearing them whisper your name in your bothers voice. Red always pushes them off when they do that.
Edge: he’ll never admit this to SO, but the strange cartoon character voices they do creep him out. He always shudders when he hears those characters on tv these days.
Butch: he can’t take SO seriously when they talk in the other voices. It always leaves butch in hysterics. Especially when they started fighting with boss using Popeyes voice. Butch was laughing so hard he cried a little
Boss: if you ever say you love him in pinkie pies voice again, he’ll never say it back. He’s dead serious
Lush: there was this one time lush called SO and asked them to say “you’re all incompetent lazy *ss bitches who wouldn’t recognize talent if it hit you like a train”. Naturally SO did, choosing the voice of Mickey Mouse to express this. What they didn’t know was that lush had them on speaker and basically used them to tell off some bad managers he was about to fire.
Pepper: sometimes he’ll find himself saying quotes in a similar tone to the voices SO likes to use when they say them. Then pepper always feels the need to brush his teeth cause gross! lol
Wine: ah yes dear, you’re very talented~ sometimes SO thinks wine is lying when he acts all impressed with their voice acting. He is. But he still wants to acknowledge they worded hard
Coffee: his life will be complete if SO can copy prince Sidons voice.
Sir: have you considered working for the brothel? There’s by quite a few customers who would break the bank to &$&@@$ someone who sounded like their favorite characters~
Weasel: when he first learns SOs talent, he tells them to never show sir. His brother would absolutely try to recruit SO for the brothel lol
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sombersummerskies · 2 months
A Sage's Regret: Chapter 6
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Chapter 6: Land of the Sky Fish
Word Count: 5439
CW: None
Want all the chapters? -> Masterlist
~~~ <> ~~~
With the Zora armor you’re easily able to ascend the waterfalls, the series of which help bring you near the top of Ploymus mountain. You shake the water off of your body and secure your bag of supplies before starting your trek up to the plateau. By now the sun had set, and in its stead, a quarter moon was hovering in the sky. Your mind is racing as you walk, the noise of your swirling thoughts competing with the chirping crickets and the grass that crunched beneath your boots.
To say that you were confused would be an understatement. The mummy, the phenomena, Zelda, and the sky. They all seemed to be connected but how? You were growing frustrated, as if the answers were being dangled just in front of your face but you couldn’t reach them. How could the princess have possibly reappeared to attack King Dorephan? In the same vein, how did she appear at the castle only to disappear into a flash of light? Who was that mummy beneath the castle, and how had his awakening caused this entire mess to start with?
You groan, dragging a hand down your face as you trudge toward Mipha Court. The answers to these questions would have to wait, for now, you needed to focus on the sludge problem. Warily you cast your eyes upward to the sky, glaring at the streams of filth that flow down to the ground.
As you approach the fountain you can see that the prince is still awake- and of course he is, he’s dedicated himself to cleansing the waters. Though the light of the moon illuminates him beautifully, there’s a pang in your heart when you see the exhaustion that’s visible on his face. Your eyes flicker across his figure momentarily as you recall the king’s statements in the sanctum.
Sidon would be king soon. And that was just a fact you were going to have to contend with.
He glances up once he hears you approaching, and a small smile graces his face as he lowers his arms. It seems as though he opens his mouth to greet you, but the words get lodged in his throat. His eyes widen as he looks down at you and he stammers before quickly averting his gaze.
‘What was that about?’
“Ah! That… that is the Zora armor,” he says softly, nervously clearing his throat, “... it truly is perfect on you. I- I have no doubt that it will help you in your search for Princess Zelda!”
‘Oh. Right. The armor.’
You feel a tad flustered and awkwardly tilt your head, feeling heat rise to your face, “y-yeah, it fits great, and it feels brand new. I’m sure it will be a great help.”
He slowly nods his head, allowing his golden gaze to settle on you once more, “speaking of, have you found anything?”
You recite the statement found on the stone slate Jiahto had uncovered. Then you explain how you’d searched for the king and he’d bestowed his scales, the ‘mark of the king’, to you. Tentatively, you also reveal the cause for Dorephan’s absence. While the king hadn’t chosen to inform his son himself, you thought it would be best for him to know the truth. 
Sidon’s eyes widen as he responds, “what…? You say the monster that attacked my father was unleashed by Princess Zelda? What could that possibly mean?” He pauses, a flash of confusion crossing his face. “Well, for now I fear all we can do is take my father at his word and try not to let our concern overcome us. Thank you for telling me about my father.”
You nod your head and place your hands on your hips, “well, what do you think we should do now?”
He turns his attention away from the water, the blue glow in his arms fading. He glances upward as he says, “Princess Zelda descending from the sky, not to mention the monster and that filthy sludge… it seems our course is skyward. We now know that the mark of the king written of on the slate refers to my father’s scale.  The only remaining mystery is that of the land of the sky fish and the floating rock in the shape of a droplet…”
“Stand upon the land of the sky fish…” he murmurs, repeating the words from the slate, “that must be referring to an actual location of some sort. I am sure that if we locate this ‘sky fish’, it will lead us to this supposed ‘droplet’! _____, if you find any leads, please let me know at once.”
His golden gaze settles upon you once more and he gives you a look of confidence and a smile. You shuffle your feet and nod in return, ignoring the way in which your heart skips as he looks down on you. As you bid him goodbye and step away from the fountain, Yona’s words echo in your mind.
“I’m well aware of his affection for you- he is madly in love with you.”
But was this still true? Even after you had pushed him away, could his heart still possibly hold the same affection? You wouldn’t blame him if he didn’t, you’d told him yourself that he had his duties and you had your own. 
Did you still feel the same way about him?
You take a quick peek over your shoulder and look back at the Zora in question. Your heartbeat quickens as you gaze at him, subtly admiring the curves of his body. His biceps flexed as he used his water manipulation to separate the muck from the fresh water. You couldn’t deny the way your face warmed up as you stared. It was also undeniable that you longed to be in his arms once more, how you wished for him to call you his, how you were desperate to be able to kiss him and not feel guilt or shame-
‘Alright. Yes. I still love him. But now’s not the time to be worrying about that.’
For now you needed to turn your attention to solving the mystery of this supposed ‘sky fish’. As you walk down the grassy path you unhook the Purah Pad from your belt and examine it closely. From the ground, you were unable to spot anything that aligned with the description from the slate, but perhaps the map of the area would provide you with a little more assistance. 
The pad’s map was split into three layers: the sky, the surface, and the depths. Whenever you would activate one of the Skyview Towers it would use the collected data to fill in the map for the surface and sky- however, to uncover more of the depths you would have to physically traverse Hyrule’s dark underbelly. Your fingers glide across the smooth screen, carefully examining the map of the wetlands and domain. Nothing seems out of the ordinary, so you flick upwards and swap to the sky layer.
The Purah Pad had carefully mapped the mass of islands in the sky above Zora’s Domain. Some small, some large, and notably there appeared to be a large mass of islands closely grouped together directly above the palace. You pinch your fingers, zooming in closer on the screen. Your brow furrowed as you narrowed your eyes and-
A floating island a little to the east of Ploymus Mountain. It was one larger body of rock surrounded by a multitude of smaller fragments. But the largest island in the small, sky archipelago resembled a-
“Sky fish,” you realize, looking up from the device, “it’s not a creature, it’s an island.”
You jump into a sprint, skirting along the side of the plateau as your eyes scan across the sky. Your boots skid to a halt at the cliff side and you catch your breath, gazing up at an array of floating rocks. The northern end of the island had a stream of water flowing off the end of it, and you decide that this is your target. After maneuvering to the highest ground you could find, you run off the edge and utilize your paraglider to float through the air toward the island. Once you're within arms reach of the waterfall you’re able to use the Zora armor to swim upward (though the fact that there’s no water beneath you to catch you should you fall is a tad nerve-wracking.)
Once you’re standing atop the floating mass you have to reorient yourself. The small sky island is caked with muck and filth, but luckily you had a few splash fruits on hand to clear a path for yourself. The island was tiered and had staircases, as though it were once a part of a larger structure but had broken off at some point. As you wander around and investigate, you recite the words from the slate once more. 
“Stand upon the land of the sky fish, and behold its lofty view. Among the floating rocks you see, a droplet waits for you. Through this droplet shoot an arrow with the mark of the king,” you mumble, looking at the field of smaller rocks which sat in the air around the island. You found the ‘sky fish’ and you possessed the mark of the king, but what could this ‘droplet’ possibly be?
The smaller rocks were beautiful, made up of various shades of blue and green that shimmered in the moonlight. They seemed to be floating gems, shards of a larger node perhaps. Your boots softly thud against the smooth stone floor as you march up the stairs. ‘These have to be a part of the solution somehow,’ you muse, ‘but how? None of these contain water…’
As you walk across the highest platform you notice how the rocks seem to shift depending on where you’re standing. Your perspective is altered as you move back and forth along the island. You look at each rock individually and grow frustrated as none of them seem to offer an answer to your questions. Your heels skid against the ground as you turn suddenly, growing frustrated, but just as you make this motion your eyes make a connection.
A cluster of the rocks begins to connect- not physically, as they each float far apart from one another. But from where you’re standing your perspective makes it seem as though the rocks connect to one another, like puzzle pieces. As you step closer to the edge you can see that the rocks make up a shape: the outline of a water droplet.
“Oh…” you softly gasp, your fingers fumbling as you grasp your bag. You reach inside and produce the scales King Dorephan had bestowed upon you. Using an arrow from your quiver you utilize your Fuse ability to carefully connect the two, thus making it so that the scale will act as the pointed tip of the arrow. 
‘The mark of the king,’ you think as you grab your bow, ‘I wonder what Sidon will look like once he ascends to the throne. Will he inherit his father’s crown and sash?’
With a heavy sigh you put an end to these thoughts and square your shoulder, setting the arrow in place and drawing back on the string. You exhale softly as you line up your shot, staring at the formation of droplets. One arrow should hopefully be enough.
“Do this task and you shall reveal a most wondrous thing. See the watery bridge’s resting spot with your own two eyes: that which connects the Zora to the people of the skies,” you whisper, letting the arrow loose.
It soars through the air, flying through the center of the rocks. The floating stones glow green in response, a sign that you’ve seemingly activated something- you just weren’t sure what. Your arrow continues to fly, farther than you’d ever seen one go, soaring farther and farther in an arching line. You lose sight of it, realizing that it must have landed in the eastern reservoir- the large body of water where Divine Beast Vah Ruta had once stood.
There’s a distant rumbling and your eyes widen as a beam of light shoots up and out of the lake. It was a greenish-blue hue, identical to the color in which your right arm would glow. In the dark of nighttime, it was a spectacular sight, and you could imagine that it must’ve been visible for miles in any direction.
“I need to show Sidon,” you say aloud, though there’s no one around to hear you.
Your feet carry you faster than your brain even instructs your body to move. With the paraglider, you’re able to easily hop off of the island and glide back to the plateau atop the mountain. As you approach Mipha Court, however, you’re surprised by the sight you see.
Yona had traveled up the mountain and was in the middle of a conversation with the prince.
Once you land you’re able to hear a fragment of what’s being said.
“It is far too dangerous for you to be here!” Sidon insists, his expression laced with concern.
“I came here because there is something I need to speak with you about,” she responds, “I have been thinking for quite some time- oh! Hello there, champion.”
Your eyes awkwardly flicker between the two of them. It was difficult enough to hold personal conversations with them separately- but to talk to both at the same time felt like an entirely different challenge. You nervously clear your throat and nod your head in greeting.
“What has happened?” Sidon asks, his gaze settling on you, “did you figure something out?”
You do your best to explain, but it’s difficult for you to ignore the pounding in your chest. You hadn’t imagined that it would be so strange to speak to them both at the same time. It was anxiety-inducing as if you’d been thrown into a fight or flight response. Frankly, all you wanted to do was fly away and hide- but there were more important things to deal with. Though your voice is noticeably tense and stilted, you manage to tell him what you discovered.
“So you solved the ancient stone slate’s riddle, and a pillar of light appeared?” he asks, shocked by this revelation, “if the words upon the slate are correct, a path to the sky may open up if we investigate that location… well done, _____! This is a huge development!”
Beside him, Yona hums gently and lifts her hand to her chin in thought, “I see… dear Sidon, I think that you should go with the champion to investigate that pillar of light. As I was just about to say, for a long time, I have been concerned that you are holding yourself back and not acting as freely as I would have expected.”
Your eyes widen and you turn your head, suddenly feeling as though you’re caught in a conversation that you should not be a part of. As though this was a private affair which you were intruding upon. Suddenly the ground has become awfully interesting and you stare at the dirt, nervously crossing your arms. If you could conveniently disappear into thin air, you would.
“But, if you and _____ join your powers, I am certain you shall be able to overcome whatever danger awaits,” she persists.
With your head turned away you’re unable to see the way the prince looks at you. You’re unaware of his lingering gaze and the deep longing in his eyes. He has to force himself to stop, to snap his attention back to the princess.
“That is undoubtedly true. However…” he trails off.
Yona speaks up, “whatever is troubling you, Sidon? Why are you hesitating so?”
This is all too much for you. There was an affection in her words, and though you’d been told that it was you who he cared for you still couldn't bear to hear it. You stumble backwards and away from the two. “I- I should go,” you stammer, “you guys can discuss, uh, whatever it is you have to talk about. I’ll come back later.”
You can hear the prince call your name out and you want nothing more than to be able to run straight into his arms- but you can’t. To attempt to get any closer to him was foolish and you knew that. Your feet are barely able to carry you a handful of steps before a sudden tremor shakes the ground.
A monster crawls up through the earth, the large mass suddenly erupting before you. You gasp and step back, your arm instinctively moving to grab your sword. Momentarily you’re reminded of the gloom hands that had previously attacked you, though luckily there was no gloom to be seen. Whatever this beast was, however, it was covered from head to toe in sludge.
You hear a shout from the prince behind you but there’s a pounding in your ears that leaves you unable to process what’s being said. As you walk backward you stare at the monster and attempt to analyze it for any weaknesses- it seems to be shaped similarly to a Like Like, but with the muck acting like an armor you couldn’t locate a spot to attack.
A hand on your shoulder makes you jump, but as you tilt your head you realize that it was Prince Sidon standing behind you. You meet his eyes and he gives you a confident nod. “Please,” he urges you, “I must ask that you fight at my side once more! It is a mighty opponent, certainly, but we must not falter. When an opportunity presents itself, call out to me. I shall use my power to envelop you in water, thusly shielding you from our foe- and you may shoot forth the water as an attack as well!” 
With a tense nod, you turn your attention back to the monster, crouching into a defensive position. With the beast being so close to the fountain, there were other lives at stake. Of course, the guards could defend themselves, but Yona and her two assistants had no weapons to speak of- and none had made mention of ever having trained in combat. Not to mention, you were incredibly concerned about Sidon himself. If this was similar to the creature that had harmed his father, you dreaded the idea of the prince falling ill with the same poison.
The monster writhes before spitting up balls of muck into the air, covering the ground around itself with the substance. You tried to think of a plan quickly, knowing that the splash fruit you carried could dispel the sludge- however, you only had a finite amount. However, if the prince could bestow his water manipulation to you, perhaps it too could counteract the filth.
“Sidon,” you say sternly, not taking your eyes off of the monster, “give me the shield, I need to see if I can get rid of the sludge.”
“On it!” he affirms quickly. 
You hear a rush of water and are momentarily stunned as a wall of liquid envelops you. It’s a hollow sphere, allowing you plenty of room to breathe and move. Tentatively you reach a hand out and touch the water, your fingers pushing against the rushing water. It was warm, like the feeling of ocean water that’s been heated by the sun. Your heart skips a beat when you realize that, like this, Sidon is protecting you.
Carefully you step forward, anxiously watching the beast in case it chooses to make any sudden movements. You tighten your grip on your weapon; a traveler's sword fused with a blue Bokoblin horn. As you walk closer to the monster it spits up more balls of sludge, attempting to hit you, but you’re able to sidestep them and narrowly avoid getting struck. 
Once within range you angle your arm back before flinging it forward- similarly as you had once done with the Master Sword. However, instead of emitting a beam of light, it resulted in your attack being infused with the water from your shield. You trade the defense for offense, watching as the water creates a wave that rids the ground of sludge and lashes against the monster.
The beast writhes and roars as its armor of muck dissipates. You see that it is, in fact, a Like Like- though this one appears paler than those you’d found in caves. Knowing what the creature was gave you an advantage in battle, as you now knew exactly where its weak point was. Out of the corner of your eye, you spot a flash of movement and realize Sidon is sprinting forward, brandishing his trident.
“Wait!” you shout, “it’s skin is too thick, your spear won’t make any impact! You have to wait for it to stick out its tongue!”
This halts the prince in his tracks and you notice the look of confusion on his face. Surely the instructions must have sounded strange, but regardless he still listened to you. As the Like Like wriggled and prepared to launch more muck, the pair of you gave each other looks of confidence. It was as though you communicated silently, each agreeing on the same strategy.
You each flank either side of the monster to divide its attention, and the creature seemingly struggles to focus on a target. After weakly spitting up a few more balls of sludge it finally reveals the glowing, bulbous weak point in its mouth. “There!” you shout, quickly drawing your bow and taking aim.
Swiftly you strike the tongue and watch as the Like Like collapses, open and vulnerable to attack. The prince quickly takes advantage of this, easily sidestepping the muck that littered the ground and gracefully twirling his trident in his hands. With unparalleled elegance he attacks, using the spear as an extension of himself to repeatedly strike the monster. You’re so distracted by his movements that you nearly forget to dole out some damage as well. Luckily you have enough time to land a few hits with your sword before the beast recoils and defends itself once more.
The pair of you have a strategy now, repeating the previous steps in an effort to take down this foe. Sidon gives you a shield of water which you use to dispel the Like Like’s sludge armor, then after its weak point is struck you can attack it at full force. All the while you both do your best to avoid being hit by its muck spitballs. After a few more rounds of this you finally, thankfully, watch the monster collapse into a heap and slowly sink back into the ground.
Your chest heaves as you attempt to catch your breath once more- though you were improving you still sorely missed the strength that had been sapped from you beneath the castle. “Goddesses… what was that,” you huff, sheathing your sword and trudging back to the fountain. 
Simultaneously, Sidon bound forth, seemingly invigorated with energy after the battle (you could only assume it was a rush of adrenaline because he had seemed exhausted just minutes before). “You did it, _____! Take that, foul beast of the sludge,” he cheers, a grin on his face as he looks toward Mipha Court, “is everyone alright?”
You can see Yona standing at the edge of the fountain and she smiles at you. Behind her were her two ladies in waiting, Chroma and Khira, who had seemingly taken over the task of purifying the water. “We are unharmed,” the princess says with a nod as she approaches you.
The prince sighs gratefully, “thank goodness. Lady Yona, if something had happened to you… I…”
There’s a pang in your heart that you desperately try to bury.
“In any case, it is possible that another monster will appear. I suggest that you return to the domain at once,” Sidon continues with urgency in his voice.
“Thank you for the sentiment, Sidon. However, more importantly, we must consider what Lady _____ spoke of earlier,” she retorts with a gentle shake of her head, “the pillar of light that she said appeared at the reservoir begs to be investigated. This may be our opportunity to learn the cause of the sludge falling from the sky or even Princess Zelda’s whereabouts. Leave this place to us, Sidon. Your darl- er, the champion needs your help getting to the bottom of this mystery.”
Her slip-up practically makes you flinch. Surely, there was no chance that she had nearly said that aloud. To call you Sidon’s ‘darling’ was crossing a line- but to do so publicly with others in earshot could be disastrous. The prince reacts as well, his eyes widening as he attempts to stammer out a response.
“W-well… of course it would be best for me to accompany her. However, I cannot leave you alone in this dangerous place!” he pleads.
Yona crosses her arms, and though her expression is kind you can hear a tense tone in her voice, “did you not entrust this task to us already? We will not be on our own for long. We shall be just fine.”
The prince shakes his head in an attempt to argue, but seemingly can’t find the words. All he can bear to utter is a simple, “but…”
“Sidon…” sighs the princess, her gaze gentle as it settles upon him, “I truly appreciate that you worry so for my safety. It speaks to the kindness in your heart. But you are the prince of the Zora. One day, you will lead the people of your beloved domain. I can see right through you, whether you want me to or not. You are yielding to the fear of losing someone you love again.”
You find yourself hanging on each word she says, and you can’t help but feel that there’s a double meaning to her sentiments. You were well aware of the prince’s fears, you’d witnessed firsthand the anxieties he held which stemmed from the loss of his dear sister. However, when she spoke of him losing someone he loved, you were fairly certain that she wasn’t speaking of herself… rather, she was alluding to you.
“You must overcome your past and face whatever the future holds with courage,” she urges him.
Though you don’t dare to look directly at him, for you don’t trust yourself to hide your emotions, in your peripheral vision you can see the prince cast his gaze to the floor. He mumbles something quietly, another utterance of doubt in himself. It pains your heart to see him so unsure of himself when he usually thrived with confidence.
“Enough is enough! You are not acting like yourself!” Yona loudly proclaims, and it’s loud enough to catch you off guard and equally startle Sidon. She pauses momentarily before softening her voice, “you must leave this place to me. Sidon… do not get lost in the past. You must keep moving ever onward. Just follow your heart, as you always do.”
‘Follow your heart,’ you repeat her words in your mind, ‘... follow your heart…’
In the corner of your eye, you can see the way the prince looks toward you- and you have to force yourself not to look back. Not now. You couldn’t bear it.
“Like my old self…” he says softly,  “like I always do…”
Would he follow his heart? Would you follow your own? You weren’t sure of yourself anymore.
“It is alright, I swear it,” Yona insists, “I… we… we are not going anywhere.”
Beside you Sidon whispers, just barely loud enough for you to be able to pick up on his words. “I see… and there it is, clear as day… I was giving into my fear… I…”
Suddenly he jumps up, a beaming smile on his face as his eyes twinkle with excitement, “you are right, Yona! I will not give in to this fear! Nor forsake my trust in you! I will leave this place to you, my dearest friend!”
Before either of you can respond he spins on his heels and turns to fully face you, giving you his all-too recognizable grin. “Off we go, _____! To the pillar of light! Let us blaze on ahead!” he cheers, nodding his head assuredly. 
He steps aside to speak with the guards, no doubt giving them instructions to protect the princess and her assistants as they work to cleanse the waters. As he does so you hear a happy sigh and flick your gaze back to Yona. Her kind eyes meet your own and she smiles, ushering you closer.
“It seems Sidon has finally put his doubts behind him and returned to his usual fearless self. I am so glad,” she says softly, “all this time he was clinging to regret over being unable to save his precious sister, Mipha… poor, tormented Sidon. And to think, he was unknowingly paralyzed from taking action because he feared- well… I’m sure I needn’t have to say it aloud.”
You nod in affirmation, flickering your eyes back toward the prince. He was speaking animatedly with the guards, and though he was still showing visible signs of fatigue he seemed far more awake and lively than before.
“Please, take good care of our dear Sidon,” the princess utters gently, placing a hand on your shoulder, “he means so much to his people…”
You place your hand atop her own and offer her a smile, “of course…” Your mind briefly flashes back to the times when you hadn’t been able to protect the prince, but you bury those anxieties quickly. You exchange farewells and begin to walk away, but Yona calling out your name once more pauses you in your tracks.
“One last thing, champion… you should not give in to your fears either,” she says calmly, “I think that… if you both look to the future, you will make an excellent pair.”
You furrow your brow as you mull over her words. “An excellent pair… in combat, yes?” you reply.
She laughs softly, clasping her hands together, “of course, in combat.”
‘Surely she’s not implying that I- that we- no, I can’t think about this right now, I have to focus on the task at hand.’
Once the prince has finished instructing his guards you walk together toward the staircase connected to the fountains. The steps would lead you straight to the edge of Ploymus mountain, an easy vantage point to reaching the eastern reservoir. You walk side by side in silence and you nervously keep your arms glued to your sides, as though you might reach out to him if you don’t remind yourself that he’s not yours to touch anymore.
At the top of the staircase, you find yourself face to face with the state of Mipha, realizing that this is where she was now located. The princess smiles down at you fondly, her ethereal form elegantly depicted in the carved stone. You offer her a wordless greeting and a smile, her presence helping to calm you even now. Beside you Sidon acts similarly, whispering a small greeting to his sister as you walk past.
Now at the edge of the platform, you gaze down at the massive lake, its once pristine waters tainted by the sludge from the sky. The glowing light created by the arrow was still present, making it easy to show the prince your next location. “That’s where we need to go,” you say, “but the stone slate had no explanation about the light. Once we’re down there, I have no idea what we’ll have to do next.”
“I have an idea, but I won’t know for certain until we’re down there,” Sidon replies with a nod. He glances at you, his eyes illuminated by the moon, and he smiles. “Well, little one, are you ready?”
You sigh shakily but nod in reply, “ready as I’ll ever be. Let’s meet on that broken platform near the center of the reservoir.”
The prince grins and you watch as he gracefully leaps off the cliffside. You peer over the edge and watch as he soars further and further, before finally landing in the water with a large splash. Just below the surface, you’re able to see a blur of movement, signifying his swimming form.
You take in a deep breath as you unfurl your paraglider. You would be working alone with Sidon, a thought that simultaneously thrilled and terrified you. Hopefully, your poor heart will be able to survive this excursion. 
Before you can begin to think too hard and change your mind, you run off the edge and glide down to the reservoir below.
~~~ <> ~~~
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newtabfics · 1 year
Prince Sidon x Proposal
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"There you go," Dento encouraged as the scale slid into place.
Sidon sighed in relief, eying the piece. It was nowhere near completed. He only had gotten the collar done but...
He looked longingly at the pile of scales on the tabletop, making the old Zora chuckle. "love is patience tested, your highness. If you can't even do this, what will you do during our first fight?"
Sidon chuckled as he remembered the mishap the day he knew his true feelings for her. He hadn't meant to offend her. He thought he was being very polite. But a slip of the tongue and a few too many conclusions later, Y/N was storming off, unintentionally to Lynel territory.
He'd gone in to protect her, only to be nearly felled by shock arrows. She moved quickly, using a wooden shield to block the folley before charging in. He was quick to his feet, fighting alongside her as they took out the monster, but watching her...
The wild look in her eyes as she fought not just a monster but for his safety...despite her anger.
"I'm still mad at you!" She barked when Lynel fell. She kept her eyes pointedly at the ground before glancing over. "But...are you okay?"
"I am! Y/N, you're incredible. I thought...you are mad so--"
"Just cuz I'm angry at you doesn't mean I stopped caring, moron! Geez. Does being a prince take away your better sense of judgment or something?"
Dento laughed as he shook his head, listening to Sidon recount the tale. "It's no surprise but, it does fill me with joy to see you happy, your highness."
"Thank you. Ah, but I'll be taking my time with this. Love is patience."
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
Tabby: Just so you guys know, I wrote and queued this BEFORE the release of TOTK so like this is based on botw solely.
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hystericstar · 1 year
I saw your post about wanting more ask. Lucky for you I'm thrust for more Sidon x reader posts. So how about this. We all know Sidon is 100% virgin. It's funny the fandom treats him like he's a sex god but he ain't. This himbo Zora prince will be a blushing submissive mess for his first time.
So may I request that with sub!Sidon with a hylian female s/o?
I wanted to let you know that this ask made me giggle and kick my feet like a schoolgirl 😫😫 I absolutely adore this thank you for feeding the brain rot <33
cw: blowjob, titjob, riding, reader calls the shark male wife a good boy and I think that’s it! If there’s anything I missed let me know <3
kinda proofread there might still be mistakes
! MDNI !
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“Ah, Is… is this okay?” His voice trembled ever so slightly as he spoke in a hushed voice. Lately, his mind had been reeling with thoughts of you, laying bare beneath him. Dreams of being able to worship you, holding you so close your heartbeats became one plagued his mind on the daily. However, one thing stood in the way of achieving that fantasy. And that was the fact that… he wasn’t experienced… at all. As of right now, he had only removed your shirt and was still looking at you like a lost puppy when asking to undo your bra. The usual bravery in his eye gone.
A soft giggle bounced off the walls. You lit up in amusement when the zora tensed under your touch, watching with wide eyes as you guided his hands away slowly, and gently pressed your palms to his shoulders. A silent command to lean back. Sidon swallowed thickly when he felt his head hit the plush mattress beneath him. “Did- did I do something wrong, my pearl?”
Promptly straddling him, you brought a hand up to cup his face and press a soft kiss to his lips. “No, I just want you to relax for me, mmkay?” His face burned red while his heart swelled in his chest. The response was a silent nod.
The bed emitted a soft creak when you moved down and released his two lengths from the pouch they originally resided in. Sidon gasped the moment he felt you kiss one of his tips, accompanied by the sound of your bra being unhooked. The cool air against your skin sent a wave of shivers throughout your body, but they went unnoticed as you preoccupied yourself with the act of sinking your mouth down onto him slowly. Cupping your breasts, you lent in closer untill they pressed against the neglected shaft.
You hummed when Sidon threaded a hand through your hair, tucking away a stray strand behind your ear. Slowly, you got to work kneading your breasts around his second shaft. peering up at him through your eyelashes, you made eye contact with him, feeling his hips lightly buck up into you. “Dearest, your so- hah, so precious.” His face had a fierce fed color, almost matching the rest of his scaled body as he stuttered out the sentence between heavy pants and grunts. His lengths were big in comparison to you, but that didn’t stop you from trying to take him even deeper into your small mouth. Every time your tongue circled his tip, he would let out a slight gasp, and for every long stripe you licked up his length, you'd be rewarded by a breathless moan. As soon as you watched him throw his head back, you decided it was the perfect time to catch him off guard and speed up your pace, syncing the rhythm of your breasts and mouth. The Prince was thoroughly surprised, his head jolting forward. Sidon’s eyes met yours once more. A copy smile graced your features at the sound of an involuntary moan reaching your ears.
“My love! S-slow down! I think… I think I’m g-gonna-“ your mouth left his tip with a ‘pop’. Your hands flew to each grasp a shaft, rigorously pumping up and down. Your lips curved up once more after pressing your tongue to his tip. “Do it.”
Sidon’s hand swiftly moved from your hair to the sheets, grabbing them roughly as his other moved over his mouth. The zoras mind replayed your tone of voice, the command bouncing off the walls of his head. You watched his entire body tense, feeling his hot seed shoot out and coat you in the thick translucent liquid. His chest was heaving when he looked down at you once more, eyes widening at you lapping up whatever you could.
His warm palm cupped your cheek, thumb swiping at your bottom lip and unknowingly bringing a bead of cum to your lips. How amusing it was when his eyes widened and mouth opened slightly at the feeling of you licking his finger, going as far as to even wrap your lips around it and making a point to keep eye contact. You couldn’t be stopped from laughing seeing him look to the side, covering his mouth with the back of his free hand. “Your not hiding your blush y’know? Its clear as day love.” You spoke up, hooking your thumbs under the end of your pants and shimmying them down, opting to kick them off and throw them to some random corner of the room. When you were done, you moved his hand away to kiss his cheek, slowly trailing your mouth down his jaw. “My Pearl-“ he breathed, inhaling sharply when you sucked on his neck. Only then did he become painfully aware of your cunt barely hovering over his drooling members, the only separation being the underwear you still had on.
While he might’ve just been pushed off the edge of pleasure, he wanted more. Soft hands wrapped around your hips, bringing them down to rest completely on top of him. Sidon shamelessly whined at the feeling of such intimate contact. “That’s the spirit! Good boy.” You cooed. “Now you’re getting the hang of it.” He felt himself twitch at your praise and goddesses the heat in his cheeks was embarrassing.
“If I may..” he spoke softly motioning towards your underwear with his eyes. “Mmhm”
That was all he needed to work up the courage to pull your panties down and shakily press a finger to your hole. Although your soft sigh gave a nice boost of confidence, it still wasn’t enough to break that cloud of anxiety he felt deep within his mind.
When he felt you starting to line yourself up on one of his dicks, he jolted to grasp your hand. “Ah, we don’t have to-“ “No. I wanna.”
The only thing he could do now was sit back and watch you took your seat on him. Sidon etched every single detail into his mind. He refused to look a way no matter how good it felt. From the way your body twitched and trembled when just the tip was in. To the borderline pornographic moans that gracefully tumbled out like a sirens song.
The moment he was fully inside of you, he felt he could come. Everything so new and so utterly divine. His whole being was trembling with just the warmth of you alone.
Finally feeling adjusted enough by the stretch to accommodate the sheer size of him, you slowly began rocking your hips forward. Every movement you made filled the room with echoes of synchronized moans and frequent bed creaks.
“You feel, hah- you feel s-so good.” Sidon could barely speak. His vision went fuzzy while he helped you move along his length, the extra friction of his other shaft rubbing against your stomach making his body tingle. The sounds you made would forever play in his head as he eyed the way your breasts moved deliciously in time with your movement. Everything at once tipped him off the edge once more, blessing him with a high he swore to never forget. Your insides filled with his release and stomach abruptly painted with another layer of seed.
The air was cut by sharp moans from the two lovers. A comfortable silence befell you as you fought to catch your breath. “I love you. I love you so much.” The Prince whispered, snaking his arms around you. You rested your forehead against his, focusing on the feeling of his breath fanning over you. “I love you too. You should blush more often. It’s cute.” Once more he bashfully averted his eyes.
~《☆♡•°•°♡☆》~ I got a little carried away whoops- anyway, I hope you enjoy and thank you for requesting!! <33
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babyrdie · 4 months
Achilles stan are really hypocritical about Alexander now, did you see that?
No, I didn't see it.
I saw people mentioning something about Achilles and Paris, now there's this ask and I'm starting to wonder if the recent ask an anon sent me about Paris was a discreet way to test me (this one, where I explicitly say that I really don't care about Paris discourse). I honestly don't know where the hell this weekly Achilles vs Paris debate came from, so I'm really confused. It's a Tumblr debate and I just didn't see the original post? Is it an debate imported from another website? I don't know. But other than Apollo and Paris killing Achilles, I don't really see what relevant connection these characters have to each other. They also don't even have the same role or the same archetypes, which once again leaves me wondering why this comparison even exists in the first place.
But here we go: my opinion is that no one is a saint. In most of these X vs Y discussions, I'm simply going to consider both characters as not being people who would be considered good today. And it's the same case here.
Achilles killed Tenes despite being warned not to do so (he was warned by Thetis, so he certainly knew she was serious), sacked cities (including not all of them were Trojans), enslaved people (both men and women. Some were sold, others remained. Some were sexual slaves, like Briseis and Diomede), committed a murder inside a temple (Troilus), dishonored a body (Hector), practiced human sacrifice (Patroclus' funeral. And you can see from the narration that it's not a case of "ah, but human sacrifice was cultural and accepted") and stopped the winds just to demand Polyxena's sacrifice (I still wonder how the hell he stopped the wind). He isn't a saint.
Paris ignored Oenone's prophecies about the fall of Troy and abandoned her (she was his first wife. And unlike Cassandra, she wasn't cursed. He didn't listen because he didn't want to), stole Menelaus (I'm not even talking about Helen. He took Menelaus' treasure too. Honestly, at that point Paris knew he was bringing war to Troy and didn't care if he felt so comfortable that he even took the treasure), depending on the version kidnapped Helen, taken city (Sidon), killed a guy because he was jealous of him with Helen (Corythus. Who is his son, by the way) and he ignored the Trojans' requests and continued the war. He was a prince, so I guarantee you he had slaves too, and slaves are indeed mentioned in Trojan territory (e.g. Lycophron writes from the point of view of a slave watching over Cassandra). He isn't a saint.
Yeah, Achilles isn't just a cute guy in love and suffering for his boyfriend, but Paris is also not just a cute and harmless little thing. People paint Paris too much as harmless useless. So my honest opinion is that this discussion is a waste of time because neither of them is the pinnacle of morality. It's reminding me of the Achilles vs Odysseus debates, which were equally pointless because Odysseus, like Achilles and Paris, is also not an immaculate crystal. The Clytemnestra vs. Agamemnon debates were also another pointless thing because sometimes they even cited something they both did but only against one (e.g., Clytemnestra ridiculing Cassandra's status as a Trojan captive in "Agamemnon" and Agamemnon doing the same to Hesione via Teucer in "Ajax"). At this point, I think it would be interesting to read Greek mythology without trying to do morality rankings. I also already talked about this in this post.
So that's it, that's my opinion. I haven't ignored any asks I've received so far, but if I receive one more ask about fans and haters of characters and morality in Greek mythology I'll probably ignore it because I think my opinion is already pretty clear (It's even in my post about my blog). I also talked about this in the Hades Odysseus controversy.
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breannasfluff · 1 year
Eldritch Echoes - 4
The zora prince, alone, isn’t who Twilight expects to enter the inn.
When Wild doesn’t immediately pop out from behind him, Twilight asks, “Everythin alright?”
“Hmm? Oh yes, don’t worry.” Sidon is too big to look so flustered. “Link is, ah, swimming. Burning off steam, I think. I was hoping to talk to you and your companions before he got back?”
“I think that’d be a help. I know the others got some questions.” With a wave, he heads back into the main room where the group talks quietly.
Time takes over when he catches sight of the prince. “Thank you again for your hospitality.” He sketches a half-bow.
“My friend, we don’t stand on formality here! If we did, Link would never have gotten in.” He grins as he takes a chair. “Now, I’m sure you have some questions and I have a few of my own, if you don’t mind. Link is a very dear friend to me and I want to make sure he’s okay.”
His affection and protectiveness is clear. Twilight smiles as he settles on the edge of a bed to listen. It’s good to hear that the cub has people watching out for him.
It’s gentle, patient Sky, who bluntly asks, “What’s wrong with him?”
“Sky!” Even Time glares at him.
Sidon stiffens in his seat, drawing politeness around him like a shield. “There is nothing wrong with Wild. He’s a bit…different than you might be used to, but he doesn’t deserve your judgement.”
“Don’t you feel it when you’re around him? How can you let him sit on your shoulders?” Sky shudders. “I feel physically ill if I spend too much time around him, even if I wanted to.”
“Metal freezes around him; or feels like it does,” Warriors chimes in.
Hyrule whispers, “I taste blood.”
“After a while, I get a headache and my teeth hurt.”
The rest of the Chain mutters but doesn’t share. Sidon looks at each of them in turn. 
 “And you?” he asks Twilight.
The rancher shrugs. “Sure, he’s a mite odd, but he feels like ma home. Nature and loneliness, all wrapped inta one. I like the cub.” He waves a hand to the rest of the boys.
“They’re not lyin. He’s got an effect on people. First time we met im, we ran like Ganon himself was snapping at our heels. Felt like right fools, later, but in the moment, we couldn’t do anythin else.”
Wind pipes up. “Do you feel anything from Wild, er, Link?”
“Link doesn’t bother me near as much as it sounds like he does the rest of you. He told me once that some people seem to be more sensitive to his…energy than others. Perhaps you are all unlucky in that way.”
Sidon slumps slightly in the chair, crossing an ankle over his knee and rubbing it. “Link does have a feeling around him. I notice it most when we are swimming. Sometimes we chase each other; sort of an underwater tag. He goes deeper than he should and it doesn’t bother him.”
Rub, rub, rub on his ankle. Is it bothering him?
“As a shark zora there’s plenty of monsters to fear, but my heritage brings a certain innate sense of being at the top, as it were.” His face crinkles at the notion. “Crass, I know, but we cannot outrun our instincts. But when we swim, I know I am nothing in Wild’s attention.” Sidon’s lips tighten. “I am prey, and he will catch me. Sometimes it feels like being hunted.”
Wind stares at him, eyes huge. “Why would you do that, then?”
“Because he is my friend!” Laughing, the tension in Sidon’s frame melts away. “He has so much fun and few will play with him, even if his teeth are rather sharp. And I rarely get a chance to let loose, as well.”
Hyrule catches the absent rub to his ankle. “Are you injured?”
“Hmm?” The zora looks down like the movement was unconscious. “Oh, no, Link wouldn’t leave me injured. See?” He removes his hand and shows his ankle.
Twilight leans forward to see and, it’s true, there’s no wound. There are faint marks, almost like scars. Hyrule brushes his fingers a breath away. “I don’t feel an injury, but it is a little—odd. Almost a residue?”
“That would be Link. He leaves his mark.” Sidon doesn’t seem particularly worried. “If I can repay my dear friend in any way for what he’s done for Hyrule, I will.”
Read the rest here!
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caliconekouniua · 8 months
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Sidon x Hylian!Reader
Italics are Link signing
(Original Story: The champions won against Ganon and Y/n is friends with Link. After learning that Y/n had never been to Zora's Domain he decides to take her to meet his friends)
Y/n's POV
"Link, how much longer?" I whine and Link chuckles. Not much further, I promise. I pout but continue climbing and following the lit path to the Domain. Finally we arrive at a long bridge. I look up and gasp. "It's beautiful!" Link smiled and motioned for me to follow him.
We make it across the long bridge and into the Domain. Link turns to me. Time for you to meet my friends. I nod and follow him up a long staircase. Link stands before the Zora King and I hide behind him. "Ah! Champion Link. What brings you to Zora's Domain?" The King's voice boomed.
My friend has never been to Zora's Domain so I wanted to show her. He signed before moving. My eyes widen and I try to hide again but Link stops me. I smile sheepishly and wave to the King. "H-hi." I manage to squeak out.
I look to the right of the King and spot a very handsome and tall red Zora. And to his left is an older green Zora. "Why hello! What's your name, dear?" The King asked. "Y-y/n. My name is Y/n." I straighten my posture.
"it's a pleasure to meet you Y/n. This is my son, Prince Sidon." I wave shyly. It seems the Zora was lost in thought staring at me. I blush lightly. "Prince Sidon?" The green Zora asked. He seemed to snap out of it.
"Oh. Sorry Muzu. Hello Y/n. It's lovely to meet you." Sidon walks over to me causing me to have to look up. He takes my hand and kisses my knuckles. A blush spreads across my face.
"I believe Mipha will be pleased to see you, Link. Sidon can give Y/n a tour." The King spoke. Link glanced at me and I nodded and shoo him off. I realize the Prince is still holding my hand and gently tug it back.
"Ah, sorry." He smiled sheepishly. I giggle. "It's okay, Prince Sidon." He motioned for me to follow him. "Please, Sidon is fine." He spoke as we walked down the stairs. He led me underneath the throne room. "The Domain is so pretty." I speak up shyly.
"Why thank you." He smiled. I noticed his sharp teeth. I follow him down to the main level. "This is the inn and the general store." He pointed out. I looked around and nodded. "I bet this place looks even better from a high vantage point." I say.
"I know a place. Where we could test that theory, but um..." I turn to Sidon and tilt my head. "We will have to go up waterfalls. You'd have to ride on my back." I blush and giggle. "Are you sure? I'm not light by any means." Suddenly I'm lifted off the ground. "Ah!" I squeak.
"You're not heavy at all." He said setting me down. I giggle softly. "I'm up for it if you are." I told him and he grinned. He took my hand and pulled me through the Domain and across a bridge. We get to the first waterfall and he kneeled down.
"Climb on." He said. I carefully wrapped my arms around his neck, making sure not to choke him. "I'm ready." With ease he swam up the waterfall landing gracefully on his feet. We repeated the steps two more times before reaching the top of the mountain.
He kneeled once more and I climbed off. I turn around and gasp. "It's... Breathtaking." I tell him, mesmerized. "Yeah." He mumbled. I turn to him and realize he's looking at me and blush. He sat down with his feet hanging over the edge and I followed his actions.
"Ah, the sun is going down. What a perfect place to watch." I say, gently kicking my feet. Sidon's hand gently slid over mine and I felt my cheeks heat up once more. I focus on hiding the blush when his soft fingers caressed my chin and turn me up towards him.
Sidon leaned down and pressed his lips against mine. I kiss back and feel his hand against the back of my head, pulling me closer to him. I placed my hand on his chest as he pulled me into his lap.
The kiss deepened and he slid his tongue against my lips. I part them and he slid his tongue inside and gently explored my mouth. We pull away and breathe heavily. I look up at him and smile sheepishly. "I think I'll keep you around for a while." He teased before leaning in for another kiss.
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chainsawbettyloo · 2 years
Sidlink primal instinct (smell of blood/adrenaline. The real sharky stuff)
tw: blood, biting
we do love a good primal sidon in this house
send me spicy sidlink, m!dimileth, endeku, or zhongli/any guy writing prompts if you wanna. i'll get to them when i get to them
A slow bead of scarlet rolled down Link's chin, blooming from the fresh slice through his bottom lip. He blinked rapidly a couple times then laughed quietly, raising a hand to carelessly wipe the blood away. Ah fuck, what a mood dampener. Not for him, of course - he couldn't care less if those sharp teeth ripped him to shreds but Sidon was always so particular about not nicking him. He didn't want to add any more scars to his already mangled body. A sweet sentiment, one that always made Link feel fuzzy but the reality was: sharp, pointy teeth mixed with easily breakable flesh was going to end up with some mishaps. It was going to happen eventually...he just hoped he could talk Sidon into seeing it that way too.
"It's alright!" Link quickly reassured the silent Prince, lifting his head to smile up at him - fully aware that his bloodied teeth and lips were probably not doing much to comfort Sidon. Damn, there was too much blood in his mouth. He didn't want to swallow this mess but spitting it out with Sidon watching him so intently didn't seem like that good of an idea either. "It's just a little-."
Large, powerful hands clamped down onto the sides of his head. Brilliant golden eyes, blazing with a near deranged hunger, filled up his vision as Sidon lurched down, smashing his lips against Link's battered ones. A startled squeak jumped up his throat and was quickly muffled by Sidon's large tongue shoving its way into his mouth. Within moments, all the sticky coating was washed away as Sidon's tongue swiped, rolled and rubbed across his palate and the insides of his cheeks before plunging down into his throat to gather up every last drop of blood.
"Urgk! Mmmgh...!" Link gagged against Sidon's invading tongue. He weakly clasped at the Zora Prince's shoulders, unsure of whether he was trying to push him away or drag him in closer. Wha...what was this...? So...so rough! Link's eyes squeezed tightly closed. His cock, already vehemently hard before Sidon started tongue-fucking his throat, strained impudently against the front of his pants. Harsh pangs of heat rolled through his belly and thighs. Just as he was moving to give his penis some much need relief, one of Sidon's hands dropped. He shoved his broad hand between Link's trembling thighs, firmly squeezing his cock through his soaked trousers.
"Mmph!!" Link cried out into Sidon's mouth, his hips bucking to grind needily against the Zora Prince's burning hot palm. A blazing wave of pleasure coursed out from his crotch. He clutched onto Sidon's broad shoulders, his blunt fingernails digging into his smooth, scaly skin. What was going on? Sidon was never usually this intense. He could easily get over-excited and even a little pushy sometimes but never like this...It..it felt so good...
"Link..." Sidon gasped sharply. "Link! Link, Link...Link!"
He abruptly jerked away. Before Link had time to react or protest, he was shoved onto onto his back. Sidon seized Link's knees with trembling fingers, wrenching his legs up and open. He wedged his large form between them. Sidon's two massive cocks rubbed insistently against Link's crotch, smearing thick precum everywhere. Link's breath caught at the sight of them. His own penis thrummed in response, twitching needily inside his soaked underwear. A powerful hand grabbed hold of the seat of his trousers, wrenching backwards to tear the thin fabric to shreds. Link yelped in surprise. A cool breeze brushed against his now exposed backside. He could feel a trickle of the lube he used earlier to get ready dripping onto the bed.
"Link...!" Sidon panted harshly. He leaned down, sliding his long, thick tongue to drag it across Link's lips. More blood had seeped out during the short time that Sidon had stopped kissing him but with one sweep of his tongue, it was quickly lapped up. Sidon swallowed nosily, his hazy gaze intensely staring at Link's swollen red lips. A blossom of azure stained his normally white cheeks, clashing vibrantly with his blazing golden eyes. His broad chest heaved with labored breaths. Link could feel the scalding heat of his two throbbing penises through the material of his trousers. It soaked into him, seeming almost to permeate into his muscles and bones.
Another trickle of blood slithered down Link's chin. The blood...wait, the blood! Was that it...? Was that what was making Sidon act like this? Now that he thought of it, he was sure that he'd never been around Sidon while injured before. Was this why Sidon was always careful not to draw blood?
"Link...Link!" Sidon moaned against his lips.
He pulled his hips back, leading the tip of one massive cock to Link's soaked entrance. Precum smeared across his hole. Tingling heat spread across his skin. His insides pulsed and tensed, eagerly welcoming the thick length grinding against him. Sidon curled his large hands around Link's waist, holding him firmly in place. Not that he needed to bother. There was no way that Link was going to try to escape this. Grinning lopsidedly, he purposefully dug into the cut with the tip of his incisor, drawing a fresh well of blood. If this was what he wanted, then he could have all of it...every last drop.
A gleam of lust burst into a raging fire in Sidon's golden eyes. His sharp teeth gnashed together. A low, rumbling growl came from deep within his broad chest. His hands clamped down tighter onto Link's hips, sharp nails digging into his sweaty, flushed skin. He insistently pressed the sloppy tip of his twitching cock to Link's hole and roughly slammed forward to bury his entire length inside. Lunging down, stretching his mouth open wide, Sidon chomped down hard onto his shoulder. The sharp tips of his teeth pierced through his skin. Blood bloomed to the surface, splashing into Sidon's mouth.
"AANGHH!!" Link wailed, his eyes stretching open wide. Intense heat pierced through his belly. His mind went completely blank, soaked with a dizzying ecstasy. All the breath was shoved out of his lungs by that one brutal thrust. The incredible sensation of being stuffed full so suddenly was almost too much for him to take. He could barely even feel the pain of Sidon's bite over the scathing pleasure coursing through his overstimulated body. More...he wanted even more...He wanted Sidon to completely devour him!
"Link...!" Sidon gasped raggedly, releasing his shoulder. He hungrily dragged his tongue across the fresh wound, lapping up a mouthful of blood. Another guttural growl pushed up the Zora Prince's throat. He clung tightly to Link's trembling form as he began to roughly thrust into it. The pace of his hips was uneven and jagged, driven more by a primal lust than anything else. Link cried out loudly, his shaking hands grabbing hold of Sidon's pauldron fins just so he could have something to hold onto. With every thrust, Sidon's other length rubbed against Link's, creating a friction that threatened to drive him over the edge from the start.
"Aaahn!! Ahnn!! S-Sidon! Sidon-!" Link moaned into his broad shoulder. Damn, no...they-! They had just gotten started but he was already going to cum! It...all of this was too much for his body to take. He...he was being fucked so roughly by Sidon! His...His Sidon - always so cautious and gentle with him - was going completely crazy over him! A delirious smile spread wide across Link's brightly flushed face. Cum...cumming, cumming-! Link's hips strained up further, bucking rapidly in time with Sidon's beastly thrusts. It felt so good-! It felt so incredibly good-! Sidon's massive heat pummeling his insides-! His teeth digging into his skin-! He couldn't-! He couldn't-!
Sucking in a sharp, ragged breath, Link seized Sidon by the fins that framed the sides of his face. He yanked his head over, surging upwards to smash their lips together. Blood seeped into his mouth, settling across his tongue. Sidon shuddered violently, slamming his hips against Link's backside once more. They cried out together, their moans mingling and overlapping into one loud sound as they came simultaneously. Thick ropes of pinkish tinted semen burst from the tips of Sidon's cock, coating across Link's pulsing insides and his smooth belly. His own cum mixed in with the mess, becoming indistinguishable amongst it.
Collapsing back onto the bed, his breaths slow and labored, Link stared hazily at the ceiling. Sharp, stinging pain radiated out from his new shoulder bite. Sidon's weight pressed down onto him, a comforting sensation that he weakly snuggled closer to.
"I'm sorry..." Sidon panted softly from his shoulder. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, Link. Oh Goddess, I don't know what-."
Settling a trembling hand on the top of Sidon's head, he gently stroked down the curve of his fin, murmuring, "Bite me again."
"Huh?" Sidon lifted his head to gawk at him, his golden eyes full of confusion.
"Bite me again." Link said again, "Bite me all over. Fuck me until I can feel the shape of your cock days after I leave here. Leave your marks all over me." Link clapped his hands onto Sidon's cheeks, pulling him down so that they were almost kissing, "What we just did, I wanna do it again. I wanna see all the sides of you: gentle, angry, hungry, demanding. Everything. I want it all. So," he tilted his head to the side, exposing his now injured shoulder, "bite me again."
Sidon stared at him quietly for a few moments, the conflict going on inside his head obvious in his gleaming eyes then laughed softly, "Perhaps next time. For now, I need to tend to that bite before I give you another."
"So, you will?"
Sidon paused then nodded, "Yes. Now that I've gotten a taste," he leaned down to lightly brush a kiss against Link's lips, "I don't know if I'll be able to hold myself back any more."
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(Making this a submission so it doesn’t get lost)
With the Mipha, Zelda, “Princess” thing, I was referring more to how “Princess Zelda” seems to be a concrete ROLE in Hyrule - the next incarnation of the Goddess, with the TriForce of Wisdom, the power to Seal Ganon, etc.. I read a fic once where someone explained it as “there is never a ‘Queen Zelda’, for the role of Zelda is not to rule her kingdom, but sacrifice in its defence.” I was thinking more along those lines, so for the Zora, “Princess” doesn’t mean “Royal Heir” the way “Prince” does, but instead someone with magical ability from the royal family who acts as a guardian for the Domain. Like, more dividing duties? So, in this analogy, Sidon is in charge of ruling day to day shit, making sure people have food, or health care, or other resources, and fixing disputes. Mipha would be involved in that periphally, but would focus more on magical studies, to use in defence of the domain, and work on making sure their soldiers were up to standard. In that way, it’s less that Mipha was assigned the “Princess” role because of Zelda, but because when the Zora were translating stuff, they saw Zelda, looked at their royal family, and said “Oh, that must be like [insert word here]!”, so that’s what they explain it as.
Honestly that’s something I’d switch up with mine in that there can be Queen Zeldas. Both in the sense of like.
1.) of the Zeldas we see, only one has had any mentioned siblings. So for the Royal Bloodline to continue, she’d need to survive and become the ruler and have children. Like /maybe/ they could have her husband become King and take the ruler role, but you’re telling me you’re not going to let your Goddess Royal take the lead? Plus some Princesses do seem to be ruling their kingdoms anyway, like TP!Zelda. I think this is just a bit of falling into the ‘princess = good, queen = evil’ trap in media.
2.) The reason the Zeldas all have the same name is that it’s tradition to name the first princess Zelda. So not every ‘Princess Zelda’ is “The Princess Zelda™”
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asksidon · 1 year
POV: Sidon is comforting you (Y/N) after a rough job interview ((somewhat self-indulgent prompt here but hey maybe it can help someone else too)) | | comfort and fluff, and a touch of romance | |
You’ve been trying to hold it together. Sidon is splashing happily in the lake, and the cool spring breeze feels good in your skin and hair. The stars are bright, and the luminous stones give the clearing around you a lovely glow. But you just want to cry. You keep thinking about that stupid interview and some of the ways you think you messed up.
After asking you if you want to ride on his back, and your refusal, Sidon glides out of the water and into the air. After swimming several laps, he pops out and places a Hyrule bass next to you. It’s still alive and flipping around; it makes you squeal and squirm away. Sidon chuckles and flings it back in the water. He was just trying to get your attention with it, but now he’s certain that something is bothering you. He lays down on his back next to you, his expressive eyes focused on your face in concern.
“I’m sorry,” you say, “I guess I just have a lot on my mind.”
“Did your interview not go well? Tell me, Y/N. I want to know everything. I knew something was amiss from how quiet you’ve been.”
You shake your head as tears well in your eyes. You hate how easily the emotions come to the surface when you try to be strong. As much as you want to think about something else, you just can’t. “I felt so stupid,” you confess. “Some of the answers, I knew, but I got so nervous and forgot that I know what I know. Does that even make any sense?”
“Yes.” Sidon places his hand on top of yours on the grass. After a silence, he asks, “Is it possible that you’ve done better than you believe? Sometimes I think you can be much too hard on yourself.”
“I don’t know. Maybe.” So much was riding on this interview. “I felt like such a failure. I spent so much time preparing and made such an effort even to get the interview, and now it all feels like a waste.”
“I’m sure it wasn’t.” Sidon exhales audibly and looks up at the stars. “Some of these Hylian traditions boggle the mind. To think one would judge your entire ability to do something based on your ability to speak well about it just seems . . . Well. I don’t wish to offend. But all I can say is, if I selected my guard based on how well they talk about their swordsmanship, I’d probably be dead by now.”
“Can I just stay in the Domain forever? I’ll work for you. I can cook, and clean, and generally just be there for moral support and conversation. And the occasional dirty joke. Kind of like I am now, but it could be more official.” You look over at him, though you aren’t being completely serious. You want to have your own life and know you should. But you can’t resist his ability to comfort you.
“Fine by me.” Sidon grins, showing off his pointed, perfectly white teeth and pulls you on top of him. As you rest your head on his chest, he wraps you in his strong arms and squeezes you. He’s still got droplets of lake water all over him, but you don’t mind. “What should my interview questions be? Hmm . . . What’s the one the Hylians always use — ah, yes. Why do you want to work for me, Y/N?”
You smile, feeling your good humor coming back to you. “Well, I guess because you’re very handsome. And you smell good.” You press your nose to his shoulder. He smells like sea water and grass, and oak, and cedar. He smells like a warrior and a prince, and you want to lose yourself in him in the best way.
“Good answers. You’re hired. Can you start right away?”
“Mmm, I think that works. That was an awfully short interview, though. Are you sure?” You pick up your head to look at him.
“Shh, best not to question the management. Just go with it,” he teases you, kissing your nose.
You rest on him a while, content to just be there. Talking about things made you feel better than you thought it would. Sometimes you remember a cringe thing you said in the interview and rehash it to him while he strokes your hair and listens intently. But he always reassures you.
“These little performances we have to put on in life are so silly, aren’t they?” he thinks aloud. “Look at how beautiful this night is, Y/N. I want you to sit up and actually look at it. Take it all in.”
You feel reluctant to move from the comfort of him, but you do. You see the way that the luminous stone and the stars seem to almost twinkle in unison, winking at you as though they hold the universe’s secrets. It strikes you in a way that it didn’t earlier when you were lost in your thoughts of failure, stuck in the past.
“I think it helps to remember what’s real,” he says. “I love you, Y/N. No matter what.”
“I’ll remember.” You nod, feeling the tears coming on again but for a completely different reason this time.
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