#ah! mold
diari0deglierrori · 3 months
Shocking News I’m not mentally stable enough to take care of children
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elliwoods · 5 months
I need to buy myself a really expensive lego set.... as a treat.
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hercarisntyours · 1 month
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milkweedman · 1 year
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Finally processing my 3 pound (1.3 kg) Shetland fleece that I got at last year's flock and fiber. Noticed the dyes I did recently have started to mold--didn't do anything different this time except that I wasn't able to store them in the pantry bc I've been moving, so my only guess is the light has maybe caused problems. This is the only large amount of white fleece I've got, so I'm hoping to use up all my deteriorating dyes on it.
It's still raw though, so I'm currently washing it in batches.
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I've got my two wool pots full--there's also an industrial sink in the basement that I might end up doing most of my wool washing in, depending on how much my new roommate tolerates sheep smell. Hopefully... some ? I've never tried washing raw fleece in just a sink--it sounds like it would waste a lot of water, but it'd probably work.
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Still have that pile left--probably will fill both pots again; it's an actual pile and not spread out. Pretty well skirted too--I assumed it was totally unskirted bc the part originally on top was the grossest bit.
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goldensunset · 20 days
so we back in the mines (mistralton cave)
#goldie plays pokémon black… 2!!!#finally found an axew with mold breaker#bc i was dumb the first time and left with the first one i saw#like ‘there’s no way to know what ability it’ll have until i check it at the pc but it’ll probably be good!’#i leave and check the pc and of course it’s rivalry instead#go all the way back through route 6 and get into the cave again#stumble around blindly in the dark bc i don’t have flash on any of my mons and i’m not wasting a move slot for it#didn’t bother getting an hm slave#also strength. i have only cleared half the boulders from the last time i was there#same deal i wasn’t gonna teach anyone that move#and then on top of that idk why the encounter rate in there has been so low today#i’m talking like having to walk for ten seconds before getting a single encounter on average#normally that would be a blessing but whew. when i WANT an encounter. smh#found another one and was like hm ok i learned my lesson i’m gonna get a few before i leave bc surely one of them will have mold breaker#right?#found a third one and then it happened. ‘the wild axew breaks the mold!’ on screen#and it occurred to me. ah yes. mold breaker is one of those abilities that is publicly announced whenever the pokémon enters battle#aka i should’ve Known the first two didn’t have it#dumb of me#ah well all’s well that ends well i found one plus she’s a girl so that’s epic and she’s slightly higher leveled than the others#her name is riju
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desperatepleasures · 30 days
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ikmenios · 1 month
My best friend works at a dog hotel and the last photo I have saved from her in snapchat is this one, so every time she sends me something on there he's right there lookin at me
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toytulini · 5 months
everyone always talks about how fucked up it is that they dont put clocks in casinos so u lose your sense of time and like, true
but no one ever talks about how if you cant read an analog clock due to something like dyscalculia, and you add time blindness on top of that, thats really not that different from your average experience at most locations
Analog clock readers can reblog
if they behave 🔪
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thek0ifish · 5 months
Urbanspook is a piece of shit and his analog horror shit sucks donkey dick man in the suit, walton files, white stag, greylock, the jurassic park analog horror, a few resident evil analog horror stuff, monument mythos, ningen, gemini home entertainment are way better than fucking urbanspook crap.
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eorzeashan · 1 year
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gothicromancebf · 1 year
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kyngsnake · 2 years
New chapter posted today! Finally had a reason to add the canon-typical violence tag.
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roseverdict · 2 years
huh. if i had a nickel for every time a fandom hyperfixation had some old creep that has:
delusions of grandeur
an obsession with molding the only other(s) like him into mini-hims (and discarding them if they prove unmoldable)
cloning a guy he is convinced Should™ be on his side (but is not above murdering the OG) for a hobby
murdering the clones he made for a hobby
too much power at his disposal (most definitely acquired through unsavory means)
seriously who put these fruit loops in power over the masses
a portal to another dimension in their secret lab
shapeshifting abilities
canonically gotten smacked flat by something or someone unfathomably dangerous
dark twists to the story revealed regarding or during a time travel episode
Control Issues™
mad science
"Friend(s)" On The Other Side™
a holier-than-thou accent
manipulative tendencies up the wazoo
little to no regard for anyone but himself
a secondary form with inhuman speed, strength, etc
a Distinguished Gray Ponytail
then i would have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice, right?
in conclusion luz should dress up as danny phantom and hunter should be dani for their next hallowe-
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variousqueerthings · 2 years
funniest thing our landlords have said to us so far is a very sincere: “this is your house... we just own it”
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There aren't many pros to being allergic to penicillin but when you're a picky bitch like me who refuses to try blue cheese it's GREAT to have an excuse
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dropespeon · 16 days
another day another post about kaito regretting being kid When will you people understand
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