#agszc headcanon
strayheartless · 8 months
Random body headcanons for AGSZC:
Zacks hyper mobile. His elbows do the thing where they bend to far out when he sticks them up. He can also touch his thumb completely to his wrist and crack his hips. Down side of this is so many broken bones.
Cloud has got little scars on the back of his hands and calf’s from various canings.
However the stupidest scar he has is the one on the inside of his lip where zack bit him as a joke… they were not dating at the time.
Angeal has a couple of scars on his right forearm and elbow from the time he had to get the bone pinned because Genesis pushed him out of a tree when they were eight.
Sephiroth doesn’t really scar unless it’s a deep deep wound. He’s got a few surgery scars but the dumbest one is the one on his wrist that is a suspicious match for Genesis’s dental records (it’s exactly what you think.)
Cloud and Genesis and both incredibly flexible people.
Angeal is about as stiff as a board. Genesis has tried to loosen him up with yoga. It did not work.
Zacks not inflexible, however he overestimates how bendy he actually is and usually hurts himself.
Zack can dance he just chooses to be bad at it. The only time you’ll catch him dancing properly is when he’s trying to wooh his partners.
While Cloud and Genesis are very flexible, Sephiroth has mastered the ability of being able to fit all six foot five of himself in the gap behind the boiler in the airing closet. Many hours have been lost to that place.
Zack runs hotter than the sun.
Genesis runs surprisingly cold for someone who favours fire materia.
Cloud frequently does not recognise that he feels cold. He will walk around with blue lips until Angeal wrestles him into a jumper.
Angeals shoulders have been known to be wider than some door frames.
Don’t ask me where this came from. I do not have the answer.
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soggy-fishsticks · 5 months
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wowa-bublord · 1 month
Who out of AGSZC likes unicorns the most? Who do unicorns like the most out of them? Since you have the last unicorn on your page, I figured you might know <3
HI. I DO KNOW!!! Sephiroth, 6.5/10 I think Sephiroth would relate to the last unicorn, actually haha, the feelings of isolation and her struggles with being unable to relate to the others around her, and the search for her family/the rest of her people. HE GETS HER!!!
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unicorns in general, I think he would like the idea of them and feel a connection to them but he probably wouldn't have much exposure to their stories like a normal kid was, with Hojos whole... everything. I think he would want to watch MLP but he'd feel a lot of shame for liking anything seen as childish even on his own. In a happier world he's unicorns #1 fan, but I don't see them occupying a lot of his thoughts Angeal, 4/10 He would think the last unicorn; the movie was weird haha but I don't think he'd hate it, more just confused on why everything in it has boobs. Why does the bird have titties. Why does the tree have masive honkers. Zack you said this was PG. DID THAT BIRD JUST RIP A WOMAN APART WHILE SHE WAS STILL ALIVE. I don't think he'd dislike unicorns in any way but he also wouldn't find much appeal in them. Genesis. 8/10 He would love more.. like classic, refined imagery of them? Unicorns have a lot of roots in religious imagery which I think would connect with him. Particularly he'd like the last unicorn book, and not as much the movie, he wouldn't hate the movie but he'd be annoyed with how it doesn't incorporate everything from the novel 100% correctly LOL (he's pretentious.) 2 points knocked off because he would tease someone for liking more childish versions of unicorns like MLP LOL (he makes a distinction between his own tastes and 'simpler' ones out of insecurity. 'Yes I like unicorns but I'm not CHILDISH about it I'm REFINED and FANCY'. He doesn't want to be made fun of himself lolol) Zack, 5/10 Like Angeal, he doesn't have a dislike for unicorns, but he wouldn't feel too connected to their imagery or visuals. However, unlike Angeal, he would think the movies were AWESOME for giving so many things titties. Hell yeah bird lady, rip that creep apart! Cloud, 6/10 He would like unicorns as a kid, pre-Shinra. But he wouldn't want to ever show it, since he wouldn't want to be made fun of. I think he'd have a positive association with them because he'd play with Tifa and her toys as a little kid. However, at some point as a pre-teen he tries to separate himself from any interest that isn't cool, wanting to streamline himself into a version he thinks people would like more. It doesn't really work. (without realizing it, though, its very similar to his hero.) Post-nibelheim, he doesn't remember he ever had an interest in them. AS FOR WHICH OF THEM THE UNICORNS WOULD LIKE MORE... If we're going for the pure of heart myth, Zack and Cloud would get highest points- just since they're 16 and 14/15? And they've been to the least war. If we're going for the 'virgin woman' myth. Sephiroth.
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rainbowcarousels · 9 months
Three years ago, I did a AGSZC post about how they love or at least lust and I thought I would bring it back and see what's different.
Pansexual as fuck. Likes the wine, not the label. Also more of a casual fucker than anyone else because sex can just be something fun to do and sometimes variety of the spice of life. He is also the spice of life, so it works well.
Love language is touch so he is absolutely the person who does random touches throughout the day, from reaching over to push back hairs to 'accidental' hand brushing, he's like a cat who doesn't want you to know they want your attention while simultaneously pushing you to give them the attention.
I think a lot of people think he's fussy but he's not, he's just big on body reclaimation especially after degradation. Being able to shift his look, to feel a little softer in his own space, it's an important part of why Shinra has never been the be all entity for him. As such, I think he pushes for the same for people he loves as part of that sense of love because he values that independence and self expression. He likes to bring a little chaos and impulse to things so he likes to push and challenge, especially in bed.
Highest sex drive of the lot of them, but is also probably the person most versed in his own body too because he both took the time to figure out what he liked. Also his skills really translate well to sex. He's a mage so he's good with his hands and his dexterity, he's learned to roll his tongue to do more than recite the plays inspired by LOVELESS and he feeds off of reactions then responds in kind.
Possessive as all hell, he likes to see his handiwork in all manner of places. He's a biter, he's a scratcher and he will write on them with anything to hand. There has definitely been some knifeplay with that writing.
While he can seperate sex and love, when the two mix is generally when he's in his element. Whether that's the kind of puppy love he has with Angeal, the demanding ferocity of Sephiroth, the casual enthusiasm of Zack or the intense connection of Cloud, it's a different experience for him and he never treats anyone exactly the same. He would 100% have a good time with Tifa and the sheer power of that woman but if we go JBSWM-verse, baby sister called dibs and being violently possessive of loved ones seems to be a family trait.
Has a tendency to think practically about sex as a biological thing, right up to the point he can push out of that mindset and then, it's all pure desire and instinct. Everything becomes want and need very quickly once he's made up his mind and then he's just all about completely enveloping the other person into himself. There is a reason he wants everyone to be inside him canonly, okay? It's just some misplaced kink.
Generally a little touch starved when he was younger so he's very touch focused as an adult. Like there is a reason he likes nails down his back or bites or anything that really gets under his skin and takes a while to leave. It's this evidence of something important.
For someone who has largely used his body as a weapon to inflict violence, also really into wringing out the most pleasure that he can. Once someone is below those barriers, I think he has a lot of fun getting genuine responses from people. The kind of things that they may not notice in themselves but he files away as part of something they like. Even with himself, I think he notes things like how he's all about how different things feel.
Absolute bastard too, total tease when he's being controlling and thus when those tables get turned and he chooses to give that up, it's always about getting pushed to his limits. That's why it's always with someone he loves and trusts enough to do that - he may not have a choice in how his body was/is used in some ways but in the ways that matter to him, he is very particular about who he lets near him and how much he'll trust them. I think this is the core of Genesis's desire to get a very vocal response some day, he wants to try and wipe the restraints of this away and get him swallowed up in the moment while being swallowed down.
Way more tentative about being the instigator, but again, I think that's just because he's so much in the spotlight that so little of his life is his that he's obscenely possessive of what he has and the public do not deserve to intrude on it.
Least straight of the bunch. There's only one pussy that ends up in his bed and it's him. (Sephiroth as cat jokes will never get old and I will not apologise for them.)
Surprisingly, I think he's the one who has the most sharing when we're doing things on the poly side. I don't think it's so much possessiveness as he has a very traditional idea of what a love story is and can't always seperate himself from the idea that love is about being someone else's everything and that makes it harder with multiple people involved. He might advocate sharing but he's not always a big fan of it, so he does like a lot of one-on-one time to try and sate that feeling.
I also think comparatively, Angeal's the most 'straight' of the bunch. Genesis slipped under the wire because he's 100% demi and that connection means that what parts he had wasn't really a deal breaker and Sephiroth got in under the 'Sephiroth defies categorisation' rule. If you want to extend that to Zack, he comes under Genesis any twenty minutes you let them be bored alone together as another person where it's how he knows him and if you want to add in Cloud, well, he does like the spitfires, doesn't he? I think baby Genesis made an impression.
Care as a love language. Absolutely loves to feel needed, to take care of who he's with even if he can roast them during doing so. It's about giving them food, making them comfortable and pushing out of his comfort zone when he can because he does love them. He likes to make love more than fuck, I'm not even sure he knows how to just fuck. The two things are so linked for him.
Does enjoy the commander role in bed, which is pretty funny when he's with people who outrank or are the same rank as him. I think he enjoys the idea of just getting under their skin enough to let them relax and he can just take care of everything - but not right away, this is someone who screams edger to me both for himself as a sense of denial and for whoever he's with.
Rarely has anal sex. Not because of a lack of enjoyment, it's just that - as I think I wrote somewhere before - it's not just his wallet that's tight. He has trouble relaxing into it and I think it takes a lot longer and they just don't really have the time. He does however have large fingers and knows how to use them. I like to think this came from Genesis being ready to be sexually active before he was so he got a lot of practice in doing other intimate things before he was ready for that.
Pure energy and enthusiasm, Zack is just someone who's up to try anything and roll with it. I don't think he always likes everything but he's maybe the most open minded of the lot and loves trying new experiences. I don't think he takes sex particularly seriously often, it's something fun, it's a great release of endorphins and as such, I think he can dial down the intensity best and just be funny and silly with it.
100% has no preference between genders, he is an equal opportunity guy and if you ask, he might say yes regardless. I think he and Genesis are the most likely people to have fucked someone else they work with and still get on okay with them. I think he's just trying to get the most of his experiences without labelling them.
That doesn't mean he can't get intense. I think when he's gotten right into the moment, he can get very intense and instinctive. Like he might be a dope and he might squeal like a puppy but I think with him it's a matter of needing everything all at once. He's impatient so I do also think that means he pushes himself over the edge a lot sooner than he often means to.
Honestly I think his love language is wound up in that almost starry eyed sense of what love is, like it's a big feeling and he's not always great at expressing those because it's serious and really important. When he tries, he pulls it out as doing things for people in a way that's similar to Angeal but I think that makes sense. He's grown up with Angeal so it feels like humour and acts of service would translate. Like he is little sloppy in bed, there's no finesse to it, but he's absolutely about to make sure everyone has a good time.
Falls in love easily. He's a little spacy, he doesn't have the best track record for his attention span, but in the moment when he's with someone, they're his entire world. He has a great sense of devotion, we see it in canon with Cloud, but I don't think how spacy he is makes him easy to deal with so I think that's why he needs someone who understands that.
I think Cloud does actually prefer men but in the same way as Genesis snuck under Angeal's wire, Tifa kind of snuck under his and they have a similar sense of young love. As such, I think he tends to lean more masculine for type but really, people who kick ass is probably his sexuality.
So sensitive to touch. Seriously. He is so easy to get worked up and get a very vocal response out of and he is so mad about it. I don't think it's voluntary, he's just someone who gets off on being given a lot of touch - both rough and affectionate - so it's easy to get him overwhelmed and squirming. We've all seen the Wall Market scene, it's practically a canon trait.
While I think he can match anyone's energy - well maybe not Zack, but who can? - I think when he's instigating anything sexual, he doesn't really leave wiggle room for interpretation. This isn't the 'gentle touches so you know I want to' with Angeal, it's not 'pushed into the nearest wall' like Sephiroth once he decides he wants it or Zack coming straight out and asking but I think the closest is probably Genesis in that he wants to challenge and be challenged. He wants pushback, he wants to feel it and they're damn well going to feel it tomorrow if he has anything to do with it.
I think as the person with the least experience in relationships and sex, he's a little more tentative. I think he enjoys finding kinks he enjoys, but it's a gradual gliding in and not jumping right in to trying it. There is a part that wants to seem aloof and will pushback against the idea he needs anything or anyone but I think the right people can dismantle that by dismantling him in the best way.
Chronic blusher and hates himself for it. Can and will attempt to hide it and it's genuinely pretty funny to see someone that turned on and that grumpy, no wonder Zack tends to get the giggles.
I will probably add to this at some point but it was fun to think about!
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rottenpumpkin13 · 1 year
Aight, what's AGS + Zack and Cloud
specialty dish?
Like, the dish they're cook the best
Sephiroth: He can hunt his food, prepare and char cook it over an open flame. His cooking is limited to what he learned during SOLDIER training.
Genesis: Everyone assumes Genesis can't cook, and he loves to prove them wrong by preparing them a delectable salmon meunière, banora white apple pie for desert, and then getting them drunk with his mixing skills.
Angeal: His pot roast is indecent but he rarely ever makes it anymore because every time he does, his friends fight over the last piece and it results in an ugly fight.
Cloud: His mom's Nibel stew recipe. Every time someone asks him what's in it, Cloud smiles cryptically and says "just eat the stew"
Scares people constantly.
Zack: He puts pickles, chips, marshmallow, bacon and hot sauce between two pieces of bread and thinks it's art.
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silverflqmes · 5 months
hi!! i hope this request finds you well, do you think you could write agszc with a s/o whos good with kids please 💕?
notes. hi hi anon — i wasn’t sure how to go about this so i took a little inspiration from the interactions cloud and zack have with the sector five kids and applied them to everyone a bit! went for headcanons, i hope they are to your likings<3
genre. fluff + crack
ft. sephiroth, cloud strife, zack fair, genesis rhapsodos, angeal hewley
gender neutral! reader.
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➫ 𝓢𝗘𝗣𝗛𝗜𝗥𝗢𝗧𝗛 ୨୧ ˎˊ˗
⌗  i hate to break it to you anon but i gotta slap some angst in here — sephiroth finds himself a bit confused, yet curious watching you among kids. had he been raised as normal kids were, would he have received this sort of attention too..? this kindness that was given without effort or consequences?
⌗  in the beginning he just let you do your thing, hanging out with them as you did while he waited to walk you home later.. but then he was slowly urged to join- by the kids no less.
⌗  he felt awkward, out of place and unsure of how he should act — but everyone was patient with him and something oddly warm began to spread in his chest. you didn’t pressure him into anything either — which he was grateful for.
⌗  the girls would braid brush his hair, place flowers in, and when the boys marveled at his height and overall build, begging to be carried, sephiroth obliged and found himself feeling elated — at peace among them.
⌗  you always told them bedtime stories but over time, the kids began to whisper and ask you if sephiroth could because his voice was so smooth and lulled them to sleep effortlessly
⌗  one time the children found a gray, stray kitten — and didn’t want to give it away.. so it became a combined effort between you, the kids and sephiroth, too.. who felt a strange empathy for the feline. it became an everyday thing from then for all of you to take care of the cat and welcome it among your group<3
⌗  someone crying or hurt? masamune’s out and ready to take out the reason behind those tears and wails — which you have to stop seph from doing, but it’s cute how much he cares<3
⌗  he’s um- cloud is uh.. he’s doing his best, remember?? ahem.. in other words, he is still trying to get accustomed to kids — it’s a work in progress, but you seem to be amazing with them??
⌗  bro is completely awestruck at how well you get along with them, how you have them following you around with such ease and looking all excited when you arrive. literally how is that possible?? it makes no sense..
⌗  but cloud, as stated before, is doing his best. during the times that you ask him to help out, he manages to provide a lending hand in busying them.
⌗  a lot of the kids are in awe with him and want a chance to ride on fenrir with him or learn how to wield such an impressive weapon like he does — so cloud does what he can to indulge in those requests..
⌗  not the best or worst with cooking but he does know some recipes from growing up with his mother and has shared them with you to cook together on occasion for the children<3
⌗  over time cloud does get better with them, becomes more natural and less stiff.. though he can’t help but stop at times and stare when he witnesses you with them — so serene and kind, delicate and careful. unknowingly, it brings a tint smile to his lips and thoughts of the future.
⌗  ..and then the kids call him out and he becomes a flustered, tsundere, mess — which has you stifling a laugh into your hand LMAO
➫ 𝓩𝗔𝗖𝗞 𝓕𝗔𝗜𝗥 ୨୧ ˎˊ˗
⌗  you’re good with kids?? him too!! zack is so so good with kids, they absolutely ADORE him ( can’t blame ‘em ) — he’s just so chill for an adult!
⌗  seeing you with kids literally clenches at his heart, your exchanges with them are just so so cute and you speak in such a sweet, gentle voice towards them. could honestly listen to you all day if he could😭
⌗  the kids always tease you guys about getting married and make kissy faces at you guys which has your face burning up with embarrassment meanwhile zack is like hell yeah!! ofc he’s gonna marry you, duh!!
⌗  the girls like to pick flowers for you both and do your hair all pretty<3 and zack’s too, cuz ofc he needs to look his best too!! he has little reluctance and is excited as a puppy✨
⌗  oh no a kid is crying?? zack is on the case.. had it not been for you comforting them already oops. but-! he’s on his way to find the culprit! even if it’s just a pebble or branch that happened to be in their path..
⌗  cooking? not his domain, but you seem to be good at it! especially making these cute bunny looking apple slices<3 he helps with cleaning instead ( sometimes )
⌗  now what he does do good in is bedtime stories! has the craziest things to tell and even some folklore from his hometown, gongaga! the kids eat up everything he tells them and are out cold within minutes🫡
⌗  surprisingly, he’s very good with kids! more so the girls because they’re all heart eyes for genesis, thinking him to be some sort of a prince.. especially with the way he dresses, speaks and carries himself in general..
⌗  he often entertains their fantasies, going along with them and accepting the flowers they picked for him or the colorings they’d hand him — it was just so cute!
⌗  the boys enjoyed to see him in action more with combat, literally watching with stars in their eyes when he fights.. but they always seem to gravitate a little more towards you ahaha..
⌗  genesis has to pinch himself occasionally from staring at you, watching how loving and caring you were towards these random kids that attached themselves so easily to you because you had given them the time of day
⌗  as the kids are lining up for your cooking, so is your boyfriend — he is SO there for that food and is very much enjoying not only the meals you prepare but this overall side of you.. it’s refreshing, he feels special to see it🙁
⌗  organizes a little play for the kids to take part in — of course it’s loveless, it always has to be with him.. and the kids beg him to read it to them at night which brings tears to his eyes. finally some loveless enjoyers!! unlike his friends who make FUN of him..
⌗  always brings baskets of dumbapples to share a piece of home with the kids and even makes different deserts and pastries that he came up with personally! might not do much cooking but baking — and with his hometown’s fruit? yes he will!
⌗  you would think he is another one of the awkward few ( seph and cloud, unfortunately im looking at you guys.. ) but he is not! angeal is really good at taking care of zack, almost as if he’s his own family.. so i believe he must be good with children too despite his stoic appearance
⌗  it was by chance one day during a mission that he had ended up helping you out with the kids you regularly took a detour to visit and hang out with, always bringing stuff from your missions — it was super cute honestly😭
⌗  he is a pretty family oriented guy tbh and totally seems like malewife material?? cooks for the kids, cleans up too, patches up them up if they get injured and tells stories to put them to sleep!! he’s doing it all, guys!
⌗  he wants to lessen your load as much as he can but you seem to have things pretty much under control and the kids are just so chill with you — it’s impressive honestly, he might need a tip or two for handling zack..
⌗  he was telling a story one time — about the buster sword, actually, and as attentive as the kids were, even you since it was your first time hearing, you’d ended up fast asleep along with the kids — it was the cutest sight seeing them curled up against you
⌗  games aside, you do try to teach the kids norms and values to keep with them and angeal also throws in a few words about dreams.. honor.. etcetera..
⌗  a few days later the kids ended up making cardboard and wooden cutouts of the buster sword and repeated his words along with the gesture — yourself included..🫣
notes. sorry for the wait, i hope these were okay and to your likings! i went in with no plan and this was the result basically.. i know it was meant to center around the reader but it shifted over to the boys ahaha.. my bad, hope you don’t mind :’)
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I love to love all over these guys and I can’t get it out my head. they deserve to be babied and coddled. S/o sitting on their laps headcanons for AGSZC. Yes, I’m sneaking Hojo in here again.
That man was shaking like a chihuahua the first time you plopped on his lap, anxiety went straight through the roof. Questions what you’re doing on him while turning a deep scarlet. He’s a sweating, stuttering mess, immediately overwhelmed
Gonna have to show him where to put his hands (physically) the first 20 times before he instinctively wraps his arms around you whenever you claim him as your seat. Over time he’ll start grabbing you by the waist, gently tugging you down to sit on his lap. Never quite vocalizing what he wants but by now there’s an unspoken language
Loves when you sit across his lap, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. Cloud’s eyes fluttering shut as he buries his face into your neck, taking a deep breath, relaxing against you. He’ll hold you there for an indefinite amount of time, not quite ready for your warmth to leave him.
Will definitely fall asleep holding you, acts like he didn’t and childishly denies falling asleep once you notice. “Cloud, you were snoring.” Yea okay that doesn’t mean call the man out on it, he’s embarrassed about everything alright. Don’t tease him too much, he may go into hiding.
His favorite thing, which once again he’s not admitting to, is when you sit on his lap and pepper his face in kisses. Pretends to fight it, giving a displeased groan and half assed attempts to pull his face away from you. Secretly tries to get your lips to connect by coincidently turning his head the same time your lips should’ve met his cheek.
Prepared to be tickled and squeezed to death. Immediately reacts with glee and pulls you impossibly closer, “Well hello there babe~” you’re the one flustered and you came over here to tease him, why does he always pull the old uno reverse.
If he has to get up to do something he’s carrying you with him, placing you right back in his lap and continuing his assault of cuddles. He’s even attempted carrying you to the bathroom with him since he’s been “Holding it for so long cause he doesn’t wanna let you go”
Will scoop you up and put you in his lap at any given moment but loves it more when you seek out his attention. It just makes him feel so special when you come home from a long day and the first thing you do is drop yourself in his lap. Starts covering you in smooches proceeding to ask how your day has been.
Prefers when you straddle his lap more so he can bury his face directly in your chest, melts into the kisses you lay on the top of his head. Turns into an actual puddle when you tangle your hands in his hair, massaging and occasionally scratching his scalp. (He’s a puppy he loves his scratches)
Will fall asleep like this, definitely will be drooling on you. He’s lucky he’s Zack and everything he does is cute. If you fall asleep in his lap he’ll carry you to bed, tucking you in and crawling beside you, pulling you into more cuddles.
Clingiest one out of the bunch, will get pouty if you deny rights to the throne his lap. You can’t leave him without affection for too long he might stop breathing. Thinks something is wrong when you come home and you don’t plop into his lap as a greeting. If there’s nothing going on with you he puts on his best puppy face “is there something wrong with me then?” Give him what he wants, he doesn’t want much.
I know, I know. Why would anyone, right? Stockholm syndrome of course, he’s all you really know and the only person that interacts with you. So when you climbed in his lap for the first time for comfort it felt so right, until he moved from under you less than a minute later.
“I don’t have any use for whatever affections you’re trying to offer me.” Mean old man, playing hard to get and that’s fine. “I only let you out to get a bit of freedom, it would be wrong to leave you in there all of the time.” Finally, a crack in his facade. In turn you respond with a question “Why is it wrong to leave me in my pod all of the time? I don’t ever see you let the others out.” Ignores you for weeks following such a call out but can’t help letting you out eventually.
At some point you notice your attempts to sit in his lap are no longer met with an immediate reaction. He always acknowledges you, at least sparing a glance towards you. It takes baby steps but at least you can sit in his lap for up to 30 minutes now.
Never going to be outwardly affectionate but eventually he stops moving you while you sit on his lap and delves into whatever research you have no interest in no understanding of. “As long as I’m stationary I suppose you could stay for a bit.” Puts his hand on the small of your back if he feels like your balance is off.
Oh he’s wrapping his arms around you now? Not really, at least that’s what Hojo claims. He’s just trying to get a more comfortable position while he’s fiddling with his computer. Apparently it’s also easier to write if he puts one of his arms around your waist. Victory achieved, he lets you use him as a seat.
Angeal (best boy for real)
This suave guy here, definitely pulled you into his lap first during a movie night you two were having. “I just thought you were too far away.” He says, as though the two of you weren’t sitting directly next to each other. muscles arms wrapping around you snuggly.
Angeal’s respectfully touchy, hands roaming over your thighs, rubbing circles soothingly on your back, fingers trailing along your arm. Hands still only touching modest areas of your body. “Look at me.” Likes to make eye contact before kissing you, giving you a warm smile when the two of you part
Sometimes can’t help himself, whispering loving words into your ear as he holds you, opening up emotionally and telling you how much he loves and appreciates you. Other times he just talks to you about any and everything as he holds you.
His favorite form of comfort when he’s feeling troubled. Will just sit quietly with you in his arms even after venting to you about what’s on his mind. Doesn’t always talk about what’s bothering him, opting to stay silent and bury his face into your neck instead.
Lets out a sigh of relief upon making physical contact with you, also melts like butter when you play with his hair. Leaning into your touch when you massage his scalp, he’s practically purring. Especially loves it when you lightly rake your nails across his facial hair occasionally giving his chin little scratches. Makes him smile and he doesn’t even realize it til you point it out.
This is the one that gets all of the babying. Wasn’t sure what to say nor do the first time you sat in his lap but after a little direction he quickly got comfortable. Very nonverbal about wanting to be coddled but he stares at you until you understand what he wants.
You kind of got him addicted to the amount of affection you show him, climbing on his lap, making him lock eyes with you and telling him just how special you think he is. All of which causes him to blush deeply, it doesn’t matter how many times you do this, he’s a tomato by the time you're done talking to him.
Of course he loves you playing in his hair while you sit on his lap, fingers running through silky strands, hand resting on the back of his neck once you’re done but still unwilling to move. Likes burying his face in your hair, enjoying your scent and holding you tightly.
Holds you against him like you might slip through his hands some days, especially after Genesis goes missing. He constantly seeks out your touch, this is when he starts pulling you into his lap himself, burying his face into your neck. Once Sephiroth called it “his favorite hiding place” he may not let you go for hours.
Is also going to tote you around your home because he isn’t ready to let you go, will read with you in his lap or take care of any work (that he’s allowed to) with you there, his hand rubbing your thigh for extra comfort. Loves when you rub his ear as he reads, found it to be a bit odd at first but you say his ears are cute so he’s inclined to let you do as you please.
When things go south with Angeal there isn’t a moment he isn’t underneath you. Sephiroth’s lap is about the only place he’ll let you sit in private, only parting with you to use the bathroom, shower or of course go to work. Definitely starts falling asleep with you on his lap. If he’s going to sleep so are you though, carrying you to bed and snuggling up to you
Genesis (yes yes, The Rizzler pt 2)
Pulled you into his lap first while teasing you, didn’t let you go for a while because “I wasn’t expecting such a simple act to feel so perfect.” Tells you how beautiful you are as he wraps his arms around you. His words can be too much sometimes, all you can do is tuck yourself into his neck and smile. Which is fine with him, he’s going to keep talking because he knows you love it.
Dunno about yall, but I think this man can sing. One hand firmly set on your thigh, making sure he holds you in place, his other hand on your chin to make sure that you’re looking at him. Sings you love songs and makes sure to make eye contact with you on the lyrics he feels you two connect to the most. It’s contagious and you can’t help but sing along with him at times.
Of course he reads Loveless to you while you sit in his lap. It makes him smile when he realizes you actually pay attention every time he reads it instead of drowning him out like others tend to. Sometimes uses it as an excuse to hold you in place a bit longer. “Let me finish the next act and I’ll let you up.” Genesis ends up reading Loveless in its entirety; it doesn't fail.
Loves you straddling his lap, hands immediately finding purchase on your waist. “Give me a kiss sweetheart.” You were the one supposed to be making him melt. true owner of the uno reverse card. Sitting on his lap like this may result in you ending up in your back.
Loves words of praise, tell him exactly how you feel as he holds you. His arms wrapping around you tighter with each word that reaches his heart. Sometimes the two of you are so love sick and just get wrapped up saying the sweetest things to each other.
“Mmm my Genny-poo~” you coo at him from time to time. One of the only ways to make him blush, maybe it’s how sickeningly sweet it is that causes a light tint to spread across his cheeks. Called him that in front of Angeal and Sephiroth once, Sephiroth now frequently calls him Genny-poo to torment him.
Genesis especially has been rotting my brain lately, which I have no complaints about. This man is getting a whole fic from me.
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salternateunreality2 · 6 months
Miscellaneous Neurodivergent (ND) AGSZC Headcanons/Alternate Universe
Disclaimer: not an expert
AU setup: all the boys are neuro-spicy except Angeal, who has depression/anxiety. I HC that GZ are more ADHD-leaning and SC are more Autism (ASD)-leaning
From: the archives of my convos with @strayheartless
Everyone has a fondness for really dense, tiny objects. Cloud has a heavy, cold wolf charm that has tiny shards of ice-type materia for eyes. It's always cold and reminds him of home.
Zack definitely has a slap bracelet that doubles as one of those reversible sequin thingies. It has a frog head. He either violently slaps it on things when he's wound up, or meticulously makes all the sequins go the same direction when he's hyper focusing on it, or roughly pets it up and down to change colors rapidly, or digs the sequins under his fingernails. He also fiddles with the felt tongue and makes it go floopfloopfloop and lick his friends.
Sephiroth doesn't understand at first, and Zack's the one who buys him a plethora of toys. Some of them he hates, some he loves, and most of them he keeps in a basket for his friends at his flat. There are a couple noisy ones he hides from Zack, or "accidentally" lets Zack steal. I think his favorite would have to be something that goes with his uniform, probably the ornate belt buckle he has in canon. He can trace the design with his fingers or fiddle with the tassels. I'm mostly thinking of the round one, but it could be other parts of his uniform too.
Genesis has puzzles of all sorts around him at all times. He prefers quieter ones made of wood and string that he can carry around, but has loud metal ones, large boxes, etc. He sadly broke the water ring puzzle Zack gave him in a fit of rage and never solved it. It's just as well, the thing was tacky. (It is not just as well, he still gets angry thinking about it and wants to beat it SO BADLY, feels guilty for breaking it, and feels ashamed for letting it best him).
Angeal enjoys solving Gen's puzzles from time to time.
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Angeal: is bewildered, but bought extra to keep on hand
Genesis: LOVES THEM, and won't say so in those exact words; rather, he has a myriad of scientific evidence to back his opinion up
Sephiroth: every spoon is a tiny spoon to the lorg boi
Zack: likes them, but also needs normal and big spoons to shovel food in
Cloud: secretly really likes them, but also likes comically large, inappropriate spoons, like wooden stirring spoons
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Living Spaces
Filled to overflowing, but mostly tastefully arranged: Genesis
Spartan by choice: Sephiroth
Spartan by necessity: Cloud
Neurotypical: Angeal
Messiest apartment: Zack
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One of Seph's subtle stims is swishing his hair. Idk if you've ever done that with like a high ponytail or something, but you just very subtly move your body and all the hair goes whoosh whoosh.
Zack starts squatting subconsciously.
Cloud likes ducking his head into his shirt/scarf.
Genesis is very rhythmic, he likes tapping, humming, whistling, and reciting certain poems.
Angeal will find himself tapping along to Gen sometimes.
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Angeal makes an absurd amount of buttered noodles with milk for Cloud when he's suffering with mako, and figures out how to make bland enough noodles from scratch because he's a legend.
(yeah, this is a bit of a stereotype, but have you HAD buttered noodles when you can't eat anything else?!)
Meanwhile, sensory-seeking Genesis and Zack bring home the weirdest, most flavorful things they can find.
Zack: Cloud! Look at this! I have crawdad claw fingers now!!! RAWWRRR!!!!
Cloud: ...enjoy your creek bug.
Not that Cloud can't eat almost anything; growing up poor forced him into many sensory experiences with food he Did Not Enjoy, but now that he has more of a choice, he saves the DEMON SPAWN FIRE SAUCE HOT WINGS foods for Zack.
Genesis pretends to be a snob, so his weird food has fancy names and costs a pretty penny, like escargot.
Sephiroth, much like Cloud, can choke down almost anything in the name of ingesting calories, but he likes simple, tasty things that aren't mushy.
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Angeal will try most things and is a member of the clean plate club.
Deep Pressure
All the boys love hugs from their partners, and these 5 gentlemen give the best deep pressure hugs ever. The strength in their arms makes the pressure so strong, satisfying, and secure. They can also be found laying on each other just to get smooshed and feel grounded.
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Meow (Echolalia)
Zack wanders around meowing, setting off Cloud and Sephiroth.
Angeal joins in because he thinks he hears a cat, and he's a good sport.
Genesis: Angeal. Why are you meowing.
Angeal: just talking to the cat, don't mind me 🙂
Genesis: ....YOU DON'T HAVE A CAT
Angeal: ...I don't have a cat, what the heck?
Zack, Cloud, Sephiroth: meow
Sephiroth is very good at imitating sounds; it makes sense though with his alien shapeshifter genes. He also chirps, like, a LOT, like a cat luring in his prey
See also: why he quotes Loveless.
Genesis: *spiraling about something, overstimulated, self esteem in the toilet, pacing, babbling*
Sephiroth: My friend, do you fly away now?
Genesis: *instantly snaps out of it, comes over for snuggles*
Sephiroth: *purrs*
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ladykf-writes · 2 years
SO. As you guys know I was/am involved in several projects - notably I’ve advertised preorders for the Chaos Theory Zine I was invited to (again, if you haven’t checked it out and happen to have the funds to spend for it I would really check it out. This was a fantastic project to be involved in, crafted with great skill and love and centered around FFVII’s Vincent Valentine.)
I’ve also been involved with the FFXV Reverse Bang for the second year in a row, and while I can’t give too many details I do want to say that it’s a great story inspired by fantastic art and carries a lot of the canon divergent / happy ending themes you guys are used to from me. Lots of action, a lot of humor and a lot of high stakes for our favorite protags. Can’t wait to post it, sometime mid next month through early December. (I don’t have my date yet.)
Now, regarding projects that have been on the back burner that I know you guys have been looking forward to and thankfully waiting patiently on.
Forged in Fire has been written through CH47 thanks to last NaNo and is not in immediate need of writing since that’s another 34 weeks of weekly posting before I run out of buffer. Expect steady posting there unless I’m sick or otherwise unable to post on the given Saturday.
A Second Chance at Family still has a ways to go before we reach the ending, but it’s been on the back burner while I hurried to finish my Reverse Bang fic. Now that that’s done and with NaNoWriMo on the horizon, I have chosen to fixate on finishing ASCAF as my main project of the month. As such, I’m working out plot notes now so I will be able to kick off strong in a little over a week with the start of November. I will be resuming my weekly Thursday posting as I polish the pieces off enough to post.
A shoutout to @wandererriha, my fantastic beta for all this, and also @yuzukimist and @happy-orc for joining her in listening to me plot and helping bounce ideas until things mostly make sense.
To Save the Future, the FFXV/FFVII crossover I’m working on with Riha has largely suffered from brain fog, other projects demanding attention, and the fact that we realized we need to restructure things from our original plans for various reasons. This is not abandoned, but needs a little love and elbow grease before we start posting again. I’m hoping to tentatively get back to it during NaNo as a “still writing but relaxing my brain” exercise. We have a lot of great things in store here, it’s just a matter of polishing what we have and writing out the rest of what we’ve talked about. There will be a finished fic.
Dog Whistle remains on the back burner for a bit yet. I have wandered away from FF7 for so long that I’m going to have to reread, make a lore bible (note to self: quit waiting until the nth hour to make the damn lore bibles!) and only then will I be able to navigate the final who-knows-how-many chapters. That said, it is not forgotten, merely set aside while I chase other plunnies.
Honorable mentions and some future ideas under the cut:
I’m still looking at one day finishing my other fics. The first to come to mind are Party of FIve, the AGSZC MMO modern-day AU, and of course the FF7/MCU crossover It’s Not A Game also lingers in the back of my mind. Both fics were fun, but very much outside my usual and so have been left to gather dust. They are not, however, actually abandoned. I’ve actually got some unposted but finished chapters, just not enough to reconsider posting. The Welcome to FFVII series needs a complete rework because my headcanons have shifted, but I’d still like to do it.It’s way down the priority list, though. On a very different note, also wanting to work on my Threads of Fate (Dewprism) semi-novelization Journey to the [Relic] even though no one’s reading it just because I’ve fallen back in love with the game.
Future projects I’d like to embark in include a vastly canon divergent series that’s actually labelled in my folder as “A Softer FFXV” that places a huge emphasis on family bonds and you will pry the power of love trope from my cold dead hands. (Let’s be real here, if you’re here you eat up that trope.) There’s another that might be a polished up what-if basis one shot and not an actual story that has a very BAMF!Regis but we’ll see if that happens. I’d also like to explore writing in Legend of Zelda, probably Ocarina of Time or Twilight Princess and also Stardew Valley and maybe some of the Harvest Moon / Story of Seasons settings, but I know from experience that the latter two are have a very different vibe that doesn’t come as naturally to me.
On that note, debating a Friends of Mineral Town fangame / visual novel (in Ren’Py) but that’s a ways down the road with the rest of this on docket and also needing to code and have visual assets. Or is it?
Anyway! Thank you for your time and feel free to comment/reblog with thoughts!
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strayheartless · 6 months
DnD AGSZC. You know you have HCs. Sharing is caring.
oh well, twist my arm why don'tcha!
So to start, Sephiroth is one of THOSE players. You know the ones: makes broken characters that seemingly can do anything by level five; consistently has a rather depressing backstory that drives their character to be a dick to everyone for the sake of "roleplay". one of THOSE PLAYERS (see also: the Chocobro... or as Salty has pointed out to me, the Genebro.)
Likes to dable with his Characters. Though his favorite remains his Dragonborn Oathbraker Paladin, named Azriel who turned on the party in one paticular campaign to join forces with a powerful female Dragonborn Litch... I don't thing I really need to tell you why.
Angeals a pain because he wants to play "correctly". he's not competative but heis a rulebook warrior. Cloud has banned the Player's handbook from the table for this very reason. Angeal complains about "house rules" and the "rule of fun" all the time, even while activly enjoing the game. He's a pain.
He usually plays a Paladine and his drive for adventure is always "to avenge/ make his father proud. he once pushed the boat out at Clouds behest and broke his oath, and it didn't go... Well. to put it lightly everyone at the table cried (esspecially Zack) and Angeal had to make a new character.
Genesis is predictable to the point of hilarity. always a Bard or a Warlock. Always a Tiefling. Always gender ambiguous. if the games not starting withthe party finding Gen drunk and bemoning exsistence in a tavern then are they really playing DnD? He will always be playing a College of Tragedy bard (Thank you Matthew Mercer.) He's never pushed the boat out once in all the time they've played and if he can squeeze a loveless Quote in where he can he's gunna do it.
Genesis is however the table flirt and the Horny player. he's rolling to seduce the dragon. Cloud has Vowed never to let them play Curse of Strahd... EVER.
Zack is never predictable in his Character build. In the beginning he went similar to Angeal except a human young fighter with dreams of being a hero, But now he likes to dabble with his classes sometimes and mess around in terms of race. Cloud likes Zacks approach to DnD cause it keeps him on his toes.
His Favorite build thus far is his Halfling Rough/Monk multiclass he based off of a little girl he met in Wutai (you know who.).
When Kunsels Available to play he plays as a College of Lore Bard. He knows everything and Cloud is pretty sure He's been spying on his notes between games.
They are all suprisingly big on Roleplay which is fine by cloud cause it makes his job more fun. He's made them cry multiple times with his storylines, and His NPC voices are unparalelled. concidering he's not expressive in his day to day, he comes alive as DM.
There has been some massive in jokes that make other people question if they are sane or not. things like all the boys mimicing Clouds voice yelling "DON'T FUCK THE DRAGON!" everytime they gointo monster dens. Or looking Angeal up and Down and saying "I don't have the hit points to clinb you like a tree," .
Genesis begs Cloud to make a LOVELESS based Campaign... Cloud doesn't want to admit he already has one, hes just afraid Gen will pick holes in it.
Zack is a bastard for casting Fireball when he doesn't have the hit points to survive his own spell. the one time he played a wizard he cast it, did 39 points of damage and only JUST survived by one singular hit point.
Kunsel has the magic touch where dice are concerned. He constantly rolls consistently high rolls.
Cloud is absoloutly sure Sephiroth uses loaded dice. but he can't prove it.
Angeal always seems to end up getting attacked by mimics. doesn'tmatter how many times it happens, he always has too much trust in everyday objects.
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goddessofroyalty · 4 years
*Ask meme prompt. Where AGSZC is a thing. Do not mind if it’s omegaverse or not...would just like to hear your AGSZC head canons.
- They start dating before Cloud fully gets over his hero worship. The others don’t know this, of course, but it takes an extra couple of months even after they are together for Cloud to fully get over his fear that he isn’t good enough for them and fully come into his own personality
- There is a bit of competitive rivalry going on between them. It’s nothing with too much heat about it but they do compete over a lot of silly, inconsequential, things.
- Because of their very different levels of comfortableness with public displays of affection very few people are aware they’re all in a relationship - instead a lot of people only thinking a couple/three of them are together or there’s like a love-triangle in play.
- Cloud has to deal with people saying he’s slept his way to his position. Even though he’s actually gotten to the point of being on fairly even footing with the others through his own hard work. Look I will DIE on the hill of people from Nibelheim being just naturally stronger because of growing up exposed to mako they just have to work their asses off to get over the first hump to unlock it
- Shinra (as in the company) does try to keep them all from being at the same place and same time. They’re not exactly trying sabotaging the relationship they just think it’s a waste of time to have all their powerhouses so caught up in domesticity and so don’t like it when they all are being ““idle”“ (even if that ‘idle’ is like teaching classes, filing out paperwork, doing the bits of their jobs that aren’t conquering territories or killing monsters). Doesn’t stop them from doing their best from trying to organise them all being together as much as possible.
And one omegaverse because it’s me
- They’re all a bit scared of the idea of having a baby. Between their possibly-unstable genetics and kind of fucked up childhoods/lives (also the possible jealousy) they don’t know if they should risk it despite all having moments where they feel the urge to have one.
send me an au and i’ll give you 5+ headcanons about it
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strayheartless · 8 months
could you write more AGSZC goth witch poly hcs possibly plz? i read your original post and...now i need more of it in my life
Well if you need it who am I to deny you😌… hmmm let’s see:
Zack tends to find random spell bags and witch bottles all over his apartment. This is usually Clouds doing but Genesis has also been known to hide a protection charm in the pocket of his work pants from time to time.
Angeal has a big leather bound book full of “family recipes” that looks like it’s made out of cerulean drake skin. Zack swears he’s heard it growl before… he doesn’t ask.
Sephiroth does not own a cat, yet there seems to always be one with him. He says they just follow him, and honestly, he’s probably right. hojo has yet to figure out how they keep getting into his lab and fucking with his results.
Cloud is covered in witchy/gothic related tattoos. moth on his breast bone, triple moon goddess on his side, lunar cycle down his spine - you know, the classics.
Angeal’s most disturbing habit (according to Zack anyway) is enthusiastically yelling “dead things!” When he finds taxidermy in antique shops. They have too much Taxidermy. Seriously Angeal stop with the stuffed birds!
Genesis has a tongue piercing. They all found that out the errr… fun way. Ahem… MOVING ON.
Sephiroth does Yoga at weird times of day, in weird places. He ropes cloud and Genesis into it too. It’s not unusual for Angeal to send Zack onto the roof to call them in to dinner because they are meditating under the full moon.
Crystals. Crystals everywhere. Don’t move them you will upset the little gothic chocobo in the corner. No seriously you’ll mess with the resonance don’t touch them.
Genesis watches true crime like it’s reality TV. They and Angeal sit together and discuss motive and mind sets of killers. It’s unnerving
Clouds an artist. He’s very creative and spends most of the time designing tattoos and drawing witchy stuff.
They are patented members of the gothic night club down town. It’s a bit too kinky for Zacks taste but he’s happy as long as he’s with them.
When they go out in public all of them have two modes, and those are: face full of makeup(except Angeal he keeps it natural), killer heels/ smart shoes, the most elaborate clothing you’ve ever seen. OR. Slouchy cloths and no eyebrows, hair needs re-dyed, boba or coffee cup, comfy slippers/ boots. There is no in between state.
Contrary to popular believe (*cough* Kunsal) Genesis doesn’t actually drink Zack’s blood and use vampire mind control tactics that they definitely don’t have on him. Even if they could do that there wouldn’t be a point. All they’d have to do is flutter their eyelashes at him and he’s dying for their attention.
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strayheartless · 6 months
hi again! witch bf anon here. What are some of their favorite dates? Their daily routines individually or together? (or I guess just a typical day) ooo how did they all meet? lol I am back and back with much more questions!
Hello again! This is a nice one to answer on valentines actually so I’ll try and answer via order of timeline events!
How did they all meet?:
I think I’ve mentioned in a previous ask (the moving in together one I believe) how they all met briefly but I’ll go into more detail here!:
Angeal and Genesis: grew up together in the same Coven. Started dating at 15 and were each others first great love. Prime up at 19 when Gena decided to go study ancient prose and poetry, while Angeal wanted to stay in town and settle down. It was an amicable split but they were both devastated for weeks afterwards.
Genesis and Sephiroth: Met when Sephiroth saved Gena from a vampire attack while going to collect the post from the post room of their shared apartment building. Gen had already been bitten and had lost a lot of blood so Sephiroth nursed them back to health. They fell in love after spending more time together and were dating within five months of meeting.
Angeal and Zack: Zack moves into town in a very hallmark movie way. He’s an Animal Rescue centre owner who buys the old warehouse and sets up a kennel. Angeal is endlessly (and rather embarrassingly) fascinated by him and decides to be friendly and bake him cookies. Zack flirts unmercifully with Angeal who’s flustered but pleased and they start dating almost within three weeks of meeting.
AGSZ: After the attack on Gena and having dated for about six months it becomes clear that Genesis isn’t comfortable in the city anymore. Sephiroth suggests that they move back home, and Gena agrees although they don’t want to brake from Seph so they attempt long distance. The first few weeks find Gena comfortable and on the third week he bumps into Angeal and Zack. It’s amazing how easy it is to slip back into Angeals life and Zack (although not usually Genas type at all) is ridiculously kind and attractive. Genesis finds that they are falling in love again but tries to Squash is because they adore Seph. Then Sephiroth surprises Gena by buying a house in town because he realised that he’d rather be with Genesis then in the City. Meeting Angeal and Zack is the closest to love at first sight Sephiroth has ever experienced past Genesis and within a month they are all officially dating each other.
AGSZC: Cloud rolls into town like the wind. One minute he’s not there, the next he’s suddenly bowling Zack off of his feet. He’s young and sad looking and the minute Zack meets him he’s going home to tell the others that they have to too. Cloud avoids everyone in town for a while and rejects an invitation to join the local coven out of fear. Only Zack seems to be able to get any kind of conversation out of him and in the end he manages to coax Cloud to dinner with his partners. Cloud fits right in but it’s only 11 months down the line, when he’s sat between Gena and Seph after a really good day that he asks if their all dating now and ‘Geal comes up behind the couch to kiss his head and tell him they’ve been dating him for months.
Favorite dates:
They all collectively love nights when they can lay in bed and just exist together, but some honourable mentions are:
Cloud and Zack picnicking during respective lunch brakes in the puppy room. Cheese and crackers and puppies, what’s not to love?
Seph and Angeal having lazy afternoons in the garden. Angeal talking to his plants, Sephiroth meditating in the grass and eventually lying together watching the sky and making out a little.
Genesis, Cloud and Sephiroth walking on full moon nights to collect herbs. Cloud bouncing up ahead and stopping occasionally to pick things up and put them in his basket. Seph and Gena sharing soft kisses and marvelling over how happy Cloud these days. Cloud running back to babble at them about the the Sloe berries that he’s collected for Angeal and showing them his interesting bones and feathers he’s found. Seph surprise kissing Cloud and the two older men chuckling when Cloud melts a little.
Zack and Angeal cooking dinner for them when they get home. Zack sitting on the counter, occasionally locking his legs around Angeal and demanding kisses. Feeding the book Marshmellows when it grumbles about being left open with they canoodle.
Daily routine:
Usually on days when they are all together it means their days off align so nobodies getting out of bed until at least 11:30AM. Lazy day Brunch and even lazier kissing. Maybe if it’s nice they will all go work in the garden. In the winter it usually means sitting with the radio on and existing quietly around eachother.
Individually. Zack’s up first because he would choose to work with animals. He feeds Edger who’s not a morning person and croaks like a chainsaw to be left alone. He then heads out to work, feeds and mucks out the horses, sees to the puppies and dogs, feeds the cats and the rabbits and checks on the Owls and birds of pray.
Next up is Angeal, who’s always just too late to feed Zack but gets a kiss or two in before the man heads for the door. He makes breakfast for everyone else and goes about his daily chores. Angeals a home maker by choice and while Gena jokes about him being a literal 50s pastiche, they are all aware their household would fall to ruin without him. Once things are cleaned up from the night before and pillows are fluffed, he gets dressed -usually a smart casual 50s cut slack and shirt - and heads into the bedroom to wake the others.
Sephiroth gets up with little fuss but will always catch Angeal in a Kiss before throwing on work out cloths and doing Yoga before he eats.
Genesis is next, but grumbles about it the whole way to the bathroom. They usually do a full face of makeup before work (he’s a librarian) and usually is not good conversation before coffee and a chapter of his latest book.
Clouds the worst to get out of bed. Mostly because once he’s comfy it’s hard to get him to move. Also because some days he’s low and needs coaxed. Regardless Angeal usually spends the morning positioning a very sleepy Cloud around the house and feeding him bits of fruit and pancake until he fully wakes up.
Then people go to work, lunches in hand. Genesis to open the library, Sephiroth to the elderly care home (he finds it a very fulfilling job), and Cloud to the apothecary.
Usually Angeal goes out into the garden, or works around the house. Sundays are for meal planning and fridge cleaning; Mondays are shopping and plant care; tuesdays he goes to the graveyards around their local churches and cleans the older ones up -they don’t go to church but it’s something he likes to do and it’s given him the respect of people around town; Wednesday is bathroom cleaning and bedding laundry; Thursday is chores around town; Friday is a quiet day for gardening or reading in the sun room; Saturday is clothes laundry and Cleaning out Edgers enclosure.
I don’t know if any of this is particularly magical, but I often find that half of being pagan/ a witch is trying out slow living and living for the quiet moments anyway so!
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strayheartless · 8 months
Are they a morning person:
Angeal: up at 5:00 AM . By the time he has to officially clock in he has: watered his plants, made breakfast, had a shower, brushed his teeth, remade the bed, ironed his uniform, done his beard care routine, and read a few pages of his book. All that and he still has time to get into work early and get a head start on reports. And he does it with no animosity towards the sun.
Sephiroth: He wakes up early, however he’s not exactly verbal in the mornings. Coffee is needed as well as a silent kitchen and no lights on but the little lamp by the microwave. He needs the silence to calibrate and that takes until at least seven o’clock. Like Angeal he’s in the office early but there’s no point in scheduling a meeting with him because you won’t get an answer.
Genesis: No. he’s not a morning person. Genesis wakes up naturally at about 8:00AM when he has work at 8:30AM and he spends that thirty minutes scrolling on his phone to get his brain into gear. Lazard has given up on Genesis being on time. Mostly because the one time he forced the issue he was subject to Genesis being unbearable for the rest of the day. He was ungroomed, snappish, bags around his eyes, emotional and at one point Lazard thought he might actually keel over had it not been for Angeal deciding Genesis would spend the rest of the day napping on the couch in his office.
Zack: he’s a morning person and it’s disgusting. Unlike Angeal and Sephiroth, Zack is making noise from the minute he wakes up. He’s up early yet still has no time to get to work on time. He spends the entire morning working out or having a dance party in the kitchen. He’s perky and bouncy and UNBARABLE.
Cloud: Cloud is usually up before even Angeal. By the time Angeal gets to his office Cloud has done three different rounds around sector 5, directed three separate old ladies to the train station, broken up 2 early morning drunken disputes and been propositioned no less than six times on his sweep of wall market. He’s done all of this and he’s done it on less that three hours sleep. Cloud isn’t a morning person. He’s not an awake person. Cloud is a “fuck you universe I’m going to be productive anyway.” Person. He simply gets on with it.
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strayheartless · 1 month
AGSZC and being read to:
Inspired by this ask answer by @rottenpumpkin13 ❤️
I do not apologise for the amount of pain I’m inflicting recently. But know that I am also in pain.😅
Angeal: bedtime stories were important to Angeal’s bedtime routine growing up. He liked when his dad read to him because he did all the voices and made shadow puppets on the wall with the bedside lamp. They couldn’t always afford books, but there was a local library and Gillian seemed keen for him to be imaginative and creative.
As he got older, guided reading homework was a good way to spend one on one time with either parent, and Angeal lived for calm evenings sat leaning on his father as his mother cooked dinner and Angeal read aloud bolstered by their soft praise.
As an adult Angeal is less interested in fiction and fantasy, instead loving history and horticulture books. He does enjoy fiction about self discovery -especially if the protagonist is escaping to heal in nature- but he mostly likes to learn when he reads.
Genesis: As one would expect, Genesis lives for reading. As a child His Nannie read to him and her soothing Banoran lilt smoothed out any of that anxious energy that bothered him though the day. For Genesis one of the most painful things about his childhood was that his mother never read to him. She was never in the mood to listen to him read and even when they had mother son days, she would send him to bed with a promise of tucking him in and saying goodnight, and never would. These were times when little Genesis sat on the end of the bed all night waiting with a story book in his little hands and his heart hurting.
As an adult Genesis is most offended when people complain about his reading aloud. It helps him self sooth and he will literally read anything put in front of him ms LOVELESS will always be his comfort read, but he has been known to enjoy vampire romance and high fantasy novels too.
Genesis is at his most relaxed when reading to his friends or when Angeal or Sephiroth return the favour by reading to him. As kids he and Angeal read to eachother and it’s Genesis’ safe place to be read to by him. Sephiroth’s voice is, however, the one that can put Genesis to sleep in a good way. It is an extremely important part of a bonding process to Genesis that he can share language and stories with them in this way. His friends understand that this is Genesis’ most intimate love language.
Sephiroth: he was never read to as a child, unless you count that short barely remembered time with professor Gast. He also has a vague memory of a brown haired woman who smelled like flowers and dirt but he doesn’t know who she was. He read aloud alone or with his tutors and it always felt sterile and uncomfortable growing up.
As an adult he craves being read to like nothing he’s ever craved before. It aches so painfully that Angeal and Genesis see it on his face when they do. There has been many times when they have tactfully not drawn attention to the tears he sheds when Angeal reads him a kids book he’d never had the chance to read. They never point out that he clings to Genesis like a enraptured toddler when he shows him illustrations in his book of folk law. Reading out loud is still extremely difficult for Sephiroth, and he’s not always comfortable enough to do it. But the nights that he is are so special that none of them talk, just bask in it.
Zack: Zack is not a big reader. He wasn’t really very creative as a child and bedtime stories were kind of lost on him due to his attention wandering. His mother created a way to engage him creatively by telling stories in a “choose your own adventure” kind of way that had Zack moving and thinking but this didn’t really work for bedtime.
Growing up getting Zack to do his reading logs was a pain because he hated being made to sit and look. He did it, but it was an ordeal for everyone involved.
As an adult Zack still doesn’t really get any pleasure from reading or being read to. He can’t sit still long enough and prefers movies and video games. He likes things that keep him moving and engaged.
Cloud: reading with his mama was always Clouds safe place as a child. A lot of his childhood was spent with his nose stuck firmly in a book as he leant against his Mama’s legs as she washed dishes; or curling up in blankets but he fire listening to her read. This makes reading an incredibly personal thing to him and it horrified him to find out that Sephiroth never had that, and that Zack didn’t want it.
For Cloud the only bright spots of his childhood were the books he read with his mother and the moments they shared together. It was the time he felt the most loved and when it’s gone Cloud finds that the ache is one that never leaves. He doesn’t read like that with anyone else until Denzel and Marlene, and he hopes that they have the same associations with his voice as he had with his mothers.
He finds comfort in listening to others read and like Genesis it is one of his most intimate love language but you have to be truely special for Cloud to share that with you.
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strayheartless · 8 months
friendship bracelets:
Zack makes them, obviously, because he’s a sentimental dork, and in Gongaga it’s considered a sign of great affection to give someone something like jewellery. I like to think there’s a Gongagan tradition/ holiday a bit like Valentine’s Day but it’s for showing appreciation to everyone. And on this day people swap hand made jewellery to signify their respect and love for a person.
Mostly Gongagan kids swap them, and it’s a big thing in school, but Adults do also observe the day with those closest to them -or someone who has done them a great service through the year!
Zack hasn’t really observed the holiday since he left home, but when he finally becomes FIRST he gets kind of sentimental and homesick for some reason. So he buys a bracelet making kit from a craft store and makes a bunch of bracelets for his fellow firsts and Cloud and Kunsel, he makes one for Aerith too!
Giving them to Kunsel is pretty easy. They’ve been friends for years and have talked a lot about Gongagan holidays before. Kunsel is pretty touched actually, and hugs Zack. It’s a nice little moment between them. Quality brotherly affection. Hense the reason the word “brother” is stamped on the bracelet.
Giving Cloud his is funny only because Cloud goes bright red in the face and stutters through accepting it. Zacks pretty smug throughout the entire encounter about making Cloud blush like that. But he’s also incredibly emotional when Cloud turns up at 12:00 PM the same night and pushes a bracelet into Zack’s hand. Zack hadn’t known what to stamp on Clouds “best friend” seemed too weak and and anything more then that felt presumptuous to the point of impertinence, considering he was still battling with how he felt about Cloud. In the end he’d gone with “legacy” which felt like a cop out but Cloud seemed to like it.
It’s only as he looks down at the word printed on his bracelet that he realises he needs to seriously get his act together with Cloud… the word that both brakes his heart and makes it soar “everything”.
Aerith is pretty happy with her bracelet, and as she does with most things, gives him a bunch of flowers for his efforts! He deliberated on what to put on hers too. “Girlfriend” made him feel guilty. He loves her, he does… but he knows, and she knows that they’re playing a game until Zack tells her about Cloud. Instead he stamps “soul” on hers because she will always know his soul better than anyone.
Giving Angeal his is nerve wracking because it makes Zack feel stupid. He knows Angeal wouldn’t make fun of his homes tradition, but still… in the end the worrying is for nothing. Zack gives Angeal the bracelet stamped “mentor” and Angeal is very touched and even a little emotional over it actually. He gives Zack a side hug and puts the bracelet on immediately.
Genesis is -if possible- even more nerve wracking, because Zacknis absolutely sure he’ll be made fun of. He positively shakes out of his skin giving the bracelet stamped “hero” to Genesis and for a second Gen does do his whole “shoot it down in flames” thing until he realises two things: 1. Zack had gone to extend a art lengths to match the colour red to Gens coat, and 2. he turns it over in his hand and runs his fingers over the letters stamped into soft leather.
Zack absolutely panics when Genesis starts to cry. Gens emotional sure, but Zacks never seen the man cry. Gen asks him “why would you spend time on this for me?” And Zack tells him the truth, “cause you are a hero Genesis, and I wanted you to know that people see you that way.”
Genesis is never taking the bracelet off. Ever.
Then the only person left to give a bracelet to is Sephiroth. It is exceptionally hard to pin the man down that day, and in the end Zack has to wait a week for him to come back from mission. And then it’s terrifying to hand it over.
What’s even more terrifying is that Sephiroth kind of stops breathing for a second when Zack gives it to him. He sits on the edge of his desk heavily and stares at the inscribed bracelet in his hand. Zack says his name at least three times before Seph responds to him. When he does it’s with a shaking “why?” And Zack can only hug him and whisper back “because you are,”
The stamp simply reads “best friend” but it’s enough to bring the great general sephiroth to his knees.
Alternative title for this little headcanon is:
Zack Fair stops crisis core with the power of friendship.
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