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aterabyte · 4 months ago
General litmus test: if you can take the thing you are going to say about transmascs, and replace transmascs with women, and it is obviously misogynistic? Literally just shut up it's entirely free.
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agfanforever · 2 months ago
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American Girl “My First” plush line, $50 for each plush
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meltycatdolls · 1 month ago
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meet cricket: my 2012 tumblr-era hipster nerd american girl doll! 💕
inspired by my own experiences on tumblr as a teen, she loves doctor who, polaroid photography, riot grrrl music, and mixed media collage 🌈
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thestuffinginside · 9 months ago
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Customized a Speaking Rain doll this week ♡ she is Kaya's adopted sister (cousin) from the books, and she is visually impaired
I re-beaded one of Kaya's meet dresses to better match Speaking Rain's (few) illustrations and overall personality, and I gave her Séliš-style braided loops since she splits her time between the two tribes. I've ordered her a new wig so that she looks a bit more different from Kaya, and I'll post her again after the swap!
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futuristicsaladparadise · 2 months ago
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Ivy wishes everyone a happy and prosperous year of the snake 🐍
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stluciabuns · 1 year ago
The Historical Accuracy of Kirsten's Dirndl
Despite its adorableness, I have seen many people complain about Kirsten's Swedish Dirndl outfit.
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I would kill a man to have bought this for $22.
She wears this outfit for most of Meet Kirsten, being that she is an impoverished immigrant child who does not own any other clothes, and also for continuity reasons.
Frequently, I have seen it claimed that this outfit is not historically accurate and should not have been included as part of her collection. Conversely, I have also seen many German folk costumes marketed as being made for Kirsten. Both of these pain me a great deal (actually they just annoy me).
Nonetheless, I have decided to further procrastinate doing actual, meaningful work and instead set out on a new mission: figure out what the fuck is up with Kirsten's Dirndl.
In this post, I will lay out the research I have done, the evidence supporting the historical accuracy of this outfit, the challenges to its existence, and ultimately aim to answer the question of whether this outfit is one Kirsten plausibly could have worn on her journey from Sweden to America in 1854.
Let's begin.
First, the name. Pleasant Company/American Girl referred to this outfit as "Kirsten's Swedish Dirndl and Kerchief."
Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a Swedish dirndl. "Dirndl" is a German term, and refers to folk costumes worn by people in German-speaking areas of Europe (the Alps, Bavaria, Austria, and so on).
Kirsten is Swedish, and before Meet Kirsten has never left Sweden before. It is very unlikely she would have acquired, and regularly worn, a German dirndl. See this gorgeous example of a dirndl c. 1840:
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Outfit, c. 1840. Munich, Bavaria, Germany. Münchner Stadtmuseum.
This ensemble is beautiful, but tragically, it is not what Kirsten is wearing.
What, then, is Kirsten wearing? What kind of traditional dress does Swedish culture have?
As it turns out, the proper term for what she is wearing is a folkdräkt. This is a Swedish term meaning "folk costume." Here is an illustration depicting multiple examples of Swedish folk costumes. In proper terms, these would be called "Svenska folkdräkter."
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Nordisk familjebok (1908), vol. 8, Folkdräkt. Retrieved from runeberg.org.
These outfits are not quite identical to anything we see in Kirsten's collection, but you can observe various elements that have carried over -- the vertical stripes, black woolen skirts with ornate trim, and white dresses and red sashes (hello St. Lucia)!
Let us dive deeper. What do extant Svenska folkdräkter, specially those made c. 1850, look like? Is there anything like Kirsten's outfit among surviving examples?
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Johan Sodermark, "Kvinna i dräkt."
In my few hours of research, this example image is the closest thing I have found to Kirsten's dirndl.
This lovely portrait is a watercolor from 1850 painted by Johan Sodermark. It is very creatively titled "Kvinna i dräkt" -- literally, "Woman in costume." The pattern of this woman's apron is incredibly similar to that of the skirt of the Kirsten doll's outfit -- a dark red base with blue and yellow stripes woven throughout.
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Here is a closeup from the American Swedish Institute.
Although it is not shown in the doll-sized version of the outfit, the illustrations in Meet Kirsten by Renée Graef show us she also wears a light-colored, striped apron, which is almost surely the one that comes with her meet outfit.
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Illustrations from Meet Kirsten, drawn by Renée Graef.
Notice the fabric of the bodice in the third illustration, though: Kirsten's top is made of red plaid fabric, while Sodermark's girl has an outfit full of stripes. Kirsten, bless her heart, spends an entire book outfit-repeating a potential pattern-mixing fail: plaid and two kinds of stripes and a floral scarf. Did Pleasant Rowland just hate her? Is Kirsten on another, elevated fashion plane far beyond my comprehension? Is there a historical basis for this combination of patterns?
I have no answer to the first two questions, but thankfully can speak on the third.
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Komplett Vilskedräkt, Västergötlands museum. Some pieces c. 1865.
The top is plaid and laces up, which is not necessarily the most common way of fastening (in most examples, the bodice pins up), but it is a sensible choice considering both Kirsten's age (9) and the fact that Pleasant Company was making toys for little hands.
The model for the outer shell (the lace up top) belonged to Karl Edberg from Hällestad; it is not dated, but at least one piece of this set (the bag, which is not shown) is c. 1865. Additionally, the blouse here is very similar to the one that comes with Kirsten's winter outfit -- look at that keyhole neckline!
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So, Kirsten's Dirndl outfit is actually very accurate as far as the clothing itself goes...the name remains the trouble.
I have no idea why they called it a dirndl. Folkdräkt is definitely challenging to pronounce, but why wouldn't PC just translate it as "folk dress" or "Swedish outfit" and call it a day? Why the insistence on referencing a culture that isn't relevant to the doll or her dress at all?
Perhaps this is a mystery to tackle for another day...
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5hensandacockatiel · 1 year ago
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I feel like we all can agree that Kaya is one of the most underrated American Girls.
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midsummerdolls · 3 months ago
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First photo: Corinne, Tsukiko, Nanea, Esme
Second photo: Eloise, Divya, Lena, Amarah
Third photo: Andrés, Nihkko
Fourth photo: Kaya, Marie-Grace, Cécile, Claudie
Hey! It’s been a while! I was able to switch some of their clothes to winter-y (kind of) clothing, and they’re so cute! I want to photograph them soon 🥰
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xavierthebat · 1 month ago
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Happy (late) Valentine’s Day from my dolls to you!!
Kissy faces: Iris and Lilly
Xoxo Sweater: Genevieve
Friend bargaining for candy: Roxy
Sleepy lover: Nellie and Kaya
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in-the-dollpalace · 1 month ago
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alittlebitbethany · 1 year ago
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Hi everybody as it is Ivy‘s birthday today I took a photo to celebrate. happy birthday Ivy! I hope that you like my photo. Image Description: a photo of an American Girl doll wearing pink clothing standing behind a table with a Hello Kitty cake . soda bottle , and goody bag on it. The doll is holding the soda bottle.
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timetravelingcourtney · 3 months ago
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School’s still out so Tenney and Logan made a day of it starting with hot chocolate and Minecraft.
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Logan made lunch which was hot chicken a la Georgia’s. Murf was a total pest the whole time.
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Then they watched Fall Guy (again) but this time the extended cut on YouTube.
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Once Logan left, Tenney changed into PJs and tinkered with the song she is working on. Murf loves it and shows his appreciation by breathing heavily and snorting.
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It was a good day.
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Hope you had a good day too ☕️💕🎶
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agfanforever · 16 days ago
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Welcome home Juniper (Junie)!
I finally got my dream doll, JLY #4!
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meltycatdolls · 1 month ago
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HI LOOK WHAT I THRIFTED TODAY!! it’s molly’s scenes and settings!!!
can’t wait to take some crazy doll photos with this 💕
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thestuffinginside · 7 months ago
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First round of doll collection portraits! From left to right:
Row one — Josefina, Meredydd (Journey Girls), Lanie
Row two — Felicity, Elizabeth
Row three — Karsen (Truly Me 21), Cécile, Ivy
Row four — Samantha, Kaya'aton'my'
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futuristicsaladparadise · 6 months ago
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Ivy and Kavi are ready for Halloween
I made Kavi’s clown costume. Ivy’s Pooh onesie is Disney ILY.
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