spurious · 1 year
💿💿 for sga!
Rodney's rented an apartment in the city—Rodney was supposed to have gotten an apartment with Keller, but she's been "visiting home" for over a month and John's starting to think there might be more to the story, there. He's not sure he wants to know it, or if Rodney wants to tell it.
John's staying over, because he doesn't—he won't—have a place of his own yet. They're sitting on a plush sofa, eating Chinese takeout, and Rodney is very, very drunk. John thinks Rodney might be very slowly coming to terms with his engagement not working out. John also thinks Rodney looks cute with a flush across his cheeks, looks painfully attractive in his worn MIT t-shirt and sweatpants. John feels all of these thoughts as a physical sensation, an ache that echoes through his bones, radiates out from the pit of his stomach.
Maybe, he thinks, maybe once Rodney's gotten over this, maybe then John will allow himself to do something more than ache.
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ROYAL AU HIT 100 FOLLOWERS! (106 to be exact)
I'm so happy rn! I'll make something Royal AU related soon!
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a lot of posts and whatnot are giving thanks to fall out boy for the concert last night (somerset) despite the storm, and while I'm super grateful that we had a concert at all (shoutout to fob and the crew) and it's great that so many people see the bright side, I do want to talk about how much it just sucks that this happened. this was my first concert, and of course my first fall out boy concert -- my favorite band of almost nine years. and it's not their fault or anything, but a lot of the songs I most wanted to hear live were cut and it just sucks so bad. it fucking sucks and that's okay
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Fics about Steve being taken to the Upside Down instead of Barb in season 1 always mess me up because they just highlight how tenuous all his connections are. Who is going to miss him? His parents who are on a business trip (and don’t ever seem to be around for whatever reason throughout the show)? His very new girlfriend Nancy? Probably her, but not the same way she missed Barb. His friends, Tommy and Carol? Maybe, maybe not. They were kind of jerks. They would notice but probably not search as frantically. Idk, I’m just having sad thoughts about this cause it makes more sense why Steve is acting more needy with Nancy in Season 2, because he’s left his friends, he’s fought a monster, and he wants for their relationship to work so much but it’s not, and he’s in a vulnerable position with losing his crown and Billy around, and then he is told right to his face that he never really was on the same page as Nancy. It was never working and he was trying to patch up cracks in a dam with glue and bandaids. He was more alone than he thought.
And then he has a new friend in Dustin, his only close friend, and he’s a babysitter, but by season 3 Dustin is gone for camp and the rest of the kids only visit if they want something, and Robin and him don’t really get along, so he’s extra desperate (and going completely against his advice to Dustin in season 2 of ‘not showing you care’) and it’s not working because he’s not honest (because who would want to be around him if they knew the truth) and he can’t build a connection and he doesn’t know what he wants. 
And then he tells Robin after being captured, tortured, and drugged by evil Russians, that this is the most he’s laughed in a long time.
And then she tells him she really likes him when she had only a few hours ago told him he was an asshole and they actually get to be friends.
And she makes sure he gets the job at family video so they can both work together again, and Dustin is around again, and he’s not alone.
Idk I just have a lot of feelings about Steve and friendship, and how lonely he actually was for so long, and how if he had disappeared or died in season 1, no one would have really cared that much. 
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redhotarsenic · 2 years
Man I’m really having a hard time choosing whether to draw wolfwood as lady or trish
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savoryangel · 1 year
I just spat my pepsi no fuckinh way
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levitheeldritch · 2 years
adhd thing... Hgbbbbbhhg
I was fighting a hoard of sharks for no reason in farcry 6, and then though of the shark movie about a veggitarian shark.
Then I remember Robin(from emkay)'s view on it, and I swear he said that it was about "Shark Jared Leto accepting his gay son" and THEN I thought of the phrase "What do you have against little einsteins? What the fuck Jared Leto?"
And that's my brain and I'm tired :(
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revelisms · 7 days
Reve I just need you to know that me and my friends have been talking about sea captain!Secondo all day. It’s catching on!!! Thank you for putting it out into the universe ♡
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AAA this is everything I could hope for and more 🖤
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carnival-core · 2 years
I have new Twisted Wonderland OCs in my head but God I need to draw them . The issue is what the fuck is motivation ever . I've had my art energy zapped from me for at least personal art rn
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grey-rambles · 2 years
My housemate. Made me a custom tea blend for Christmas.
See, this is why this whole thing is so complicated man!
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bunnieswithknives · 1 month
Song: Plastic by Cheekface
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pixelatedraindrops · 4 months
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Happy Birthday Yakou! 🚬💙🎉
The best roommate, mentor, boss, father figure and caretaker Yuma could ask for💕
I had to try to make something for him. I’ve grown to adore him almost as much as yuma as I kept putting them in various scenarios the past half year.
(its kinda for both of them since their birthdays are only a day apart from each-other??)
So yeah, birthday cuddles for them both~ 💜💙
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shima-draws · 9 months
Catch me being super emotional and sappy on this Monday morning. Anyway I'm so so so glad I got into One Piece, I don't regret it for a single second, I'm so mad that it took me this long to finally sit down and watch it bc now it's been what. 3 months? And I'm 400+ episodes in. I've never watched 400 episodes of anything before (except maybe Pokeani) and I thought it would feel like a chore but now I'm SO fucking addicted I can't get enough. The story is so good the pacing is so good the characters are SO good I can't help but get attached and scream and jump for joy and cry my heart out (and worry my roommates downstairs with all my yelling but. You know) because it's just EVERYTHING. The found family, the power one goofy kid has to topple kingdoms, to make friends with anyone and everyone he meets, to completely destroy anybody who hurts his nakama, to rid his crew of all their burdens and chains that bind them to their traumatic pasts. I'm going to fucking explode I love One Piece so much. And maybe I'm 20 years too late to the party but I'm here and this series has its claws in me so deep that I couldn't leave even if I wanted to. And there's people here who have been fans for years and years and YEARS at this point who are OP Veterans and you've all been so sweet and kind and nice and it makes me want to cry. GOD DAMMIT. Banging my head against the wall all these emotions ARE going to make me blow up. I love you Monkey D Luffy I love you One Piece
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qutiepai · 1 year
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I make my monitor screen blink twice to show my agreement.
(image descriptions in alt text)
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arch-i-techs · 2 years
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hi tumblr its been a hot minute
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hits my head against concrete brick hits my head against concrete brick hits my head against
holmes brought watson along thinking he was really going to die and he just wanted watson there because he needed his boswell he needed his watson there he needeed that confort cause he thought it was really over he was really gonna die this time and he was scared, but when the danger really showed itself to him instead of begging watson to stay in stead of trying to keep that comfort with him, instead he told watson he should leave, he told watson to go, he wanted watson to be safe even if holmes couldnt be. and watson stayed. because watson has always seen holmes's need. because he's always just wanted to be there for holmes. because hes always just wanted to care for him as his doctor but also as his friend. but when holmes saw his death just on the horizon and an opportunity showed itself to get watson away from the danger, he took it immediately.he really thought he was going to die then, but he didnt even ask for watson to be there for him in his final moments. he didnt ask for that. because he just wanted to know that watson would be okay, watson would be safe, watson would keep living without him.
and when he came back, watson wasn't mad because he was lied to. watson was sad because he wished he could have been there, by holmes's side, taking care of him.
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