#aggro berlin
reexrco · 2 years
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seftes · 9 months
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fursasaida · 5 months
[Excerpts from this piece on the particular German psychosis and relationship to an imagined Jewish life that props up the German repression, islamophobia, and racism against Arabs and Palestinians we've seen explode from their previous levels in the last few months]
Since October 7, German politicians have proposed rescinding the nationality of German citizens, restricting the civil rights of non-EU foreign residents, and limiting the number of children with a migration background who can attend any given school, which have been promoted as means for preserving and supporting “Jewish life” in the country. A German politician credibly accused of harboring neo-Nazi sympathies in his youth blamed the country’s antisemitism on immigration. Germany’s largest newspaper published a fifty-point manifesto on what it means to be German; number forty-seven reads, “Germany has a heart for children. They are not beaten but promoted.” A prominent German journalist published an article with the title: “The Jews or Aggro-Arabs: we have to decide who we want to keep.” The Anti-Semitism Commissioner of Baden-Württemberg, who is not Jewish, wrote, “The Nazis were still hiding their mass murders, whereas Hamas celebrated them in the media, like Daesh before them.”
Not everything is as it seems in Germany. That tree? It used to be a Jew. That building was once a Jew. That streetlamp was a Jew. And the Jews? It seems they’re all Germans. [...]
In the eyes of many German critics, Wolff’s greatest sin was to argue, in the guise of a Jewish identity, that supporting a boycott of Israel is not necessarily antisemitic, even though he did not support such a boycott himself. Wolff was subsequently castigated as a costume Jew (Kostümjude) by Germany’s largest Jewish and gentile newspapers. He’s been called an aspiring Kronzeugejude (key witness Jew). Contra Wolff’s complaints about German, this is a language with an astonishingly nimble capacity for creating neologisms on the word Jew:
Alibijude: an alibi Jew, one who provides cover for antisemitic (or anti-Israel) rhetoric
Berufsjude: a professional Jew, a Jew by profession
Faschingsjude: a carnival Jew
Großvaterjude: someone who has one Jewish grandfather
Kostümjude: a costume Jew
Kronzeugejude: a key witness Jew, providing testimony for antisemitic (or anti-Israel) rhetoric
Meinungsjude: An opinion Jew? Or a Jew by opinion??
Modejude: A fashion Jew??? Or fashionably Jewish????
Schmusejude: a cuddly Jew, one who presumably cuddles up with Germans
Vaterjude: someone who has a Jewish father
Vorzeigejude: a model Jew
With the possible exception of Vaterjude, these constructions are pejoratives about giving the appearance of being Jewish or utilizing your Jewish identity for gain. Far from an aberration, the revelation of Wolff’s fabricated Jewish identity turns out to be something of a German tradition. Not a year seems to pass without a scandal involving the identity of a prominent German Jew. [...]
Not everyone assumes a Jewish identity; some are satisfied with appearances.
The television journalist Lea Rosh was the public face and most vocal proponent of the campaign to build Berlin’s Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe. Rosh has cultivated a Jewish aura—a Scheinbarjüdin, perhaps. “I don’t look so Aryan,” she once enthused during an interview. Rosh changed her name from Edith to Lea, and unsuccessfully sued the (Jewish) author Ruth Gay for writing that she had done so to sound more Jewish. She once fiercely rejected a proposal to place the Holocaust memorial across from the Reichstag: “Did the ‘German people’ murder the Jews? Hardly.”
Then there are the literal costume Jews. I have twice witnessed large groups of Germans wearing kippot. Once at a rally against antisemitism and once marching with a large police escort down Sonnenallee, the hub of Arab life in Berlin, chanting pro-Israel slogans. To hold a sign that said “Stop Genocide” or “From the River to the Sea” on that same street today would invite certain arrest and potentially criminal prosecution. The police violently suppressed demonstrations and even basic symbols of Palestinian identity on Sonnenallee in the weeks following October 7; I had to extricate a friend, a prominent (Jewish) journalist, from one such demonstration after he was pepper-sprayed for filming the brutal arrest of a man whose crime was to hold a Palestinian flag. But few here are trying to co-opt a Palestinian identity.
Some years ago, a friend of mine was invited to a Shabbat dinner. The attendees all gave the appearance of being religiously observant. They knew the hymns, the men wore kippot, one even had payot. The hosts insisted that my friend recite the various blessings. Through a chance comment during dinner, he discovered he was the only Jew in attendance. They were Germans who enjoyed enacting Jewish rituals, and wanted a Jew to unwittingly give his blessing.
Many more Germans than Wolff, Hingst, and Seibert “feel Jewish.” Jewish community archives evidence that many Germans attempted to “discover” their Jewish heritage after the war. Everyone seems to have a Jewish aunt here. Or their grandparents were in the resistance. Or maybe it was their great-aunt. Others have simply converted. [Note from me: obvious parallel to Americans' "Cherokee princess" great-grandmothers here.]
[...] German television recently ran an award-winning talk show called Freitagnacht Jews (Friday Night Jews) that featured a roundtable of Jews talking about what it’s like growing up Jewish in Germany. Vogue Germany once ran a column called “Jewish Today”—subhed: “The everyday life of a German Jewess, who takes us on a journey through a world we hardly know”—where readers could learn about Jewish bodies, Jewish sex, Jewish doubt, Jewish decision-making and why Jewish men can’t come as quickly thanks to circumcision. Germans love the peculiarity of Semitic sorrows, the specificity of Jewish joys. They love klezmer music. They will solemnly nod their head when you tell them, “My grandfather is a tree.”
The great beneficiaries of this funereal interest, assuming they don’t criticize Israel too much, are Israelis. In common perception, Israeli is synonymous with Jewish. The reality is more complicated inside of Israel, but Israelis are nonetheless regarded as the summa of all things Jewish by a German public whose thinking is still fundamentally characterized by a nation-state framework. And the cultural predilections of Israeli society—an obsession with interrogating Israeli identity as a sort of special existential condition, an enormous capacity for self-aggrandizement and self-pity—conveniently align with German expectations of “Jewish culture,” and largely mirror those of German society. Germany is the largest market for translated Israeli literature in the world.
[...] To be German is to be a Täter, a perpetrator. But the crux of Germany’s national identity, its famed memory culture and the “overcoming of the past,” is, paradoxically, its relationships with Jews, the universal victims. Through empathizing with and supporting Jews, conveniently embodied in the state of Israel, Germans can expiate the evil inherent in being German, passed down from generation to generation as though it were in their blood. Jews become the bearers of an inherited virtue as victims.
Yet far from overcoming the past, this dynamic seems to demand its constant reenactment. Non-Germans can only become German by checking their own histories at the door. Minister of Culture Roth recently told the new Cameroonian-born director of a state cultural institution: “You have become part of the Täternation.” Cameroon was formerly a German colony.
These prevailing tendencies have become ever more apparent in the wake of the horrifying violence in Israel and Palestine over the past months. Germany’s political, media, and cultural elites have rushed to demonstrate who can stand closest to Israel. The identification has been so intense and Israel’s security so frequently invoked as a matter of Staatsräson that at times I have wondered if some Germans don’t believe Hamas’s attack wasn’t obliquely directed at Germany. Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck gave a much-lauded speech in which he called on Muslims in Germany to “clearly distance themselves from antisemitism so as not to undermine their own right to tolerance.” No similar imperative was given to Germany’s good Christian citizens. Friedrich Merz, the leader of the CDU (Angela Merkel’s party) who is widely presumed to be the frontrunner to become the next chancellor, proposed mandating recognition of Israel’s right to exist as a condition of acquiring German citizenship. His proposal has become reality in the east German state of Saxony-Anhalt.
This formulation of German identity does not offer an inclusive vision for a diversifying country. A friend’s partner, the descendant of Kurdish “guest workers” who arrived after the war, was so impressed by her vociferous school lessons about the misdeeds of Germany’s prior generations that she briefly believed her own grandfather had likewise slaughtered Jews in Europe during the war. Germanness as such has no aspirational, positive content. It’s not hard to understand why some would want to escape this cycle of pathologized guilt, just as it’s not surprising that some would take identification with Jews a step further.
[...] The “I am Jew in Germany” essays articulate something like the opposite: a brittle, uncertain identity in a country that offers Jews many assurances and no certainty. They mark out “Jewish” and “German” as dichotomy of distinct, irreconcilable identities. These essays celebrate “Jewish humor” and are chronically unfunny. They nod to the profundity and factiousness of Jewish culture and hew to the schema of the local Weltanschauung. Profoundly awkward social mannerisms abound. It is almost as though they were . . . German.
The farce of this situation is readily apparent. But the tragedy has never lingered far from the surface, and that tragedy has come into clearer view since October 7, which occurred a few weeks after I initially turned in a draft of this essay to a different magazine. Since October 7, German politicians have authorized breaches in the country’s constitutional order on the basis of nebulous sensitivities, unwittingly setting a ruinous precedent for when the far-right Alternativ für Deutschland comes into power. Since October 7, German arms shipments to Israel have risen so substantially that the total for 2023 represented a ten-fold increase from the previous year, and now account for 30 percent of Israeli arms imports (another report puts it as high as 47 percent). And since October 7, those munitions have been used by Israeli forces to kill more than fourteen thousand children in Gaza. Germany has a heart for children.
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chameleon-on-lsd · 1 month
Polizeiruf 110 (Monstermutter) liveblogging
is it a bad idea to watch the show backwards? maybe lmao that was the lamest bank robbery ever mh ja, noch n paar lutscher is wichtig xD haha ja oke, war wirklich wichtig ach das is seine partnerin ne hm handschuhfach-apfel xD WIKTOR! ja DER adam wirkt etwa so zerzaust und wie Hildes Erbe adam. aber was war da zwischendrin dass er happy sein durfte "was in den akten gesucht, sherlock" lmao salty much adam wolle :D lmao the fucking berliner ish dialect nach 5 jahren immer noch siezen ist auch... Deutsch I guess is ja nich ihr chef lmao kind ist aggro pulli!adam :3 ich mag ja so dass man dann sein kettchen sieht lmao 'du chillst jetzt mal. und das draussen!' xD d'aw manbun guy wasn hässlicher blazer lmao der typ im tanktop. schön verschoben wies halt so is wenn man im tanktop pennt xD "heute abend" einfach mal n ganzen tag n fremdes auto auslehnen. ne alter xD is ne hässliche karre, ja lmao adam. einfach mal fett beleidigend gegenüber der mutter der verdächtigen xD ...dundunduun that's the guys car lenski, drück ihn halt nicht weg isses SIE die stirbt? (stirbt nicht einer adam's kolleginnen? kommt davon wenn man ne show erst durch fancontent erlebt xD) der lame kampf mit der krassen musik dazu xD 'das mit der tussi vom jugendamt' xD who the FUCK has their child on the answering machine lmao 'und LILY :D' xD mh wär das jetzt ne gute idee ihr zu sagen, dass du auch ne tochter hast? oder so das gegenteil? yep the concern is here, she's olga now but then it's even weirder that adam is so happy with luschke??? ah here we go with the daugther chat ja mal pissen muss halt sein xDD lol bist du kacken? xDDD lol und jetzt so labern, als wär das voll nicht aufgefallen lmao dass sie sich jetzt vorstellt xDDD immer schön freundlich bleiben beim entführen ja geIL alter handschuhfach apfel lol wie lou das ding auch zukickt wie alma xD selbst ist die frau ne 'maus' ist halt schon süsser kosename .........you slapped her to death? 'keine scheiss fotze als mutter' ja SCHWIERIG xD jaja, der papa der nichts von dir will xD 'den oberbullen' xD lmao was ne versiffte familie xD indiskutabel, schönes wort ???? was wird das hat lou die bullen nicht gesehen???? wie?? :o SEK :D ja geil dklasödlksaldkasls dAMN shoutout to statisten SEK die kleine is schon ne maus adam am stress kaugummi kauen xD danke fürs schmactzen xD das heftige atmen war nicht schlimm genug welp hey but she lives, which I didn't think^^ whew that just triggered tears adm ;-; wie er den leeren platz anstarrt awwww wiktor's lächeln afjdsajklakjladsjladsjlfadjldffdjkldfjkl DAS BILD wiktOR BABY
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trapninjaguru · 1 year
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sidomerch · 2 years
Sido Merch
Sido is the stage name of the Berlin rapper Paul Würdig (conceived November 30th, 1980), one of the best specialists of the German record mark Aggro Berlin. Sido separates himself through awkward, provocative, forceful verses. He frequently wears a silver veil. Buy Sido Merch here!
Sido Merchandise Official Sido Merch Store New Sido Merch Shop Sido Mittelalter Camp Merch Sido Weihnachts Merch Bravado Sido Merch Sido Muncul Store Sido Merch 2023 Sido Merch Hoodie Sido Merch Long Sleeve Sido Merch T Shirt Sido Merch Shirt
#sidomerch #sidomerchandise
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agatha-abstinent · 2 years
Tag 2660 / Weil ich seit 4:00 Uhr wach war, musste ich mich um 14:20 Uhr eine Stunde lang hinlegen während der Arbeitszeit
Aber es gibt Leute, die schlafen auch auf der Arbeit und legen sich noch nicht mal dabei hin.
Das Wasser hat sich sehr gut angefüllt. Das Becken war sehr sauber. Man konnte ganz weit gucken. Das Becken ist ganz tief: 5,20 m. Der bewölkte Himmel hat gut getan. Dann war das Wasser das Blauste. Schwimmen unterm Sprungturm. Gleiten unter Wasser, über Wasser. Die Stimmung war nicht so aggro wie vor einer Woche im Sommerbad Kreuzberg. Viel weniger Leute, obwohl es fast die gleiche Temperatur ist. Die sanitären Anlagen hingegen sind in einem so schlechten Zustand wie ich sie eigentlich noch in keinem Schwimmbad gesehen habe, was nicht das Schwimmbad zu verantworten hat, sondern die Gäste. Es liegen Taschentücher, Gras, Dreck in der Dusche. Salzstangen sind zerbröselt in der Umkleidekabine. Ich habe mich lieber so umgezogen, dass alle mich dabei sehen können, weil mich die Umkleidekabinen so abgetörnt haben. Das Sicherheitspersonal ist etwas zu aufdringlich, denn um 19:45 Uhr muss man mir nicht sagen, dass ich bald gehen muss. Wenn ich gerade nackt neben der Securityfrau stehe, bin ich wohl dabei mich anzuziehen, um spätestens bis 20:00 Uhr raus zu sein.
Ich habe mir überlegt, dass ich das auf gar keinen Fall weiter verfolgen darf mit dieser Sonderzahlung; zumindest nicht gegenüber meinem ehemaligen Arbeitgeber. Grundsätzlich interessieren würde mich schon und nicht nur in Bezug auf meinen Arbeitgeber, wie viele Berliner Institutionen diese Sonderzahlung gegeben haben, ob davon überhaupt jemand Gebrauch gemacht hat. Eigentlich ist das ja ziemlich ungerecht. Sie geben mir ein schlechtes Zeugnis und sich ein Armutszeugnis. Ich weiß noch wie mein Vorgesetzter bei einem Abschiedsessen das Zeugnis unterschrieben ließ für meine Kollegin, die ja nun schon seit mehr als zwei Jahren weg war. Bei so einem Arbeitsessen muss noch mal eine alte Unterschrift her. Das kam mir irgendwie wieder sehr gemauschelt vor.
Ich hab gestern viele Fehler gemacht. In der E-Mail habe ich, 27. Mai, statt 27. Juni geschrieben. Die eine E-Mail habe ich von der falschen Adresse geschickt. Und irgendeinen Fehler habe ich noch gemacht. Und es gibt eine ganz klare Marschroute: Ich muss mich einfach weiterhin trauen, oft genug zu fragen.
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zonenahas · 2 years
Capital bra rap am mittwoch
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His first solo release, Vom Bordstein bis zur Skyline (2003) peaked at number 88 in Germany. Intent on pursuing a solo career as a rapper. Ferchichi's first official release was Carlo Cokxxx Nutten, released in October 2002, a collobaration with Fler. (Alle Rap am Mittwoch Auftritte) Rap am Mittwoch Laas Unltd. He started rapping at age eleven and participated at Rap am Mittwoch in 2014, a German battle rap tournament. Ferchichi released his demo, King of KingZ in 2001, which later led him to sign a record label deal with Aggro Berlin. Born in Bonn and raised by a single mother in Berlin, Tempelhof, Ferchichi came in contact with hip-hop through graffiti and his friend and fellow rapper Fler. As of August 2018, Capital Bra achieved six number-one-hits on the German singlecharts in a row.Īnis Mohamed Youssef Ferchichi (born 28 September 1978), better known as Bushido, is a German rapper, hip-hop producer, entrepreneur and co-founder of record label ersguterjunge. His fourth album, Berlin lebt (2018), peaked at number one in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The follow-ups Makarov Complex and Blyat were realesed in February and September 2017 and peaked in the Top 5 of German-speaking Europe. Intent on pursuing a solo career as a rapper, Capital Bra released his first studio album Kuku Bra in January 2016 to minor commercial success in Germany. He started rapping at age eleven and participated at Rap am Mittwoch in 2014, a German battle rap tournament. Born in Siberia, Russia and raised in Dnipropetrovsk in Ukraine, he moved with his mother to Berlin, Germany when he was seven. Im Februar 2016 erschien sein erstes Album mit dem Titel Kuku Bra. Der Durchbruch gelang Capital Bra bei Rap am Mittwoch. Vladislav Balovatsky (born 23 November 1994), known professionally as Capital Bra is a German rapper. CAPITAL BRA Der erfolgreichste deutsche Rapper kommt für Konzerte in Linz, Klagenfurt und Graz nach Österreich und wird seinen Fans ein einmaliges Konzerterlebnis bescheren. Top 100 Greatest Hip-hop/Rap Singles Of All Time.Take a look at the currently trending celebrities, the most popular birthdays for a specific day or jump to a random or recently added celebrity's page if you're not looking for anything specific. Start a scrapbook of everyone born on your birthday or give a gift of a scrapbook of everyone born on a loved one's birthday. Use it as fun information for a birthday party or a game at another type of celebration. Learn about famous persons' keys to fame, discover interesting trivia and find out where they rank on several types of charts. Ich komm von Rap am Mittwoch und fick jeden, der was gegen sagt (brra) Bretter meine Beats, ich rolle durch meinn Kiez Was ich rede, das ist. Capital, radikal, bleib am Ball wie Neymar A7, S-Klasse, Kennzeichen B-TK Damals hatt ich nix, heute Geld zähln, jeden Tag. You can search by birthday, birthplace, claim to fame or any other information by typing in the search box, or simply browse our site by selecting the month, the day, the horoscope, or any other clickable option. Lyrics for Kennzeichen B-TK by Capital Bra feat. If you're curious to see who was born on your birthday, you can use our database to find out who, what, where, when and why.
“ The Famous Birthdays” catalogs over 40,000 famous people, everyone, from actors to actresses to singers to tiktok stars, from serial killers to chefs to scientists to youtubers and more. Allstars Lyrics: Haha, natürlich freue ich mich, dass dieses Kind 'Rap am Mittwoch' jetzt in seiner vollen Blüte strahlt und wir mittlerweile eine große Familie von hunderttausend. Most popular famous person, and the 419th most popular rapper of all time. In general, Capital Bra ranks as the 10882nd Most popular celebrity for the day (November 23) and the 260th most popular for the year (1994).įall under the Zodiac sign of Sagittarius, the Archer.Ĭapital Bra is the 807th most popular Sagittarius.Īside from information specific to Capital Bra's birthday, Capital Bra is the 47th most famous Russian. As a person born on this date, Capital Bra is listed in our database as the 29th
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Anti-Alles, ich bin anders als die anderen
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wastedindestiny · 6 years
„Wir brauchen keinen Schlaf
Wir brauchen nur ein bisschen Gras
Eine handvoll anderer Drogen
Bis alles wunderbar ist“
- Sido & B-Tight
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unfr1endz · 3 years
Böhse Onkelz und Deutschrap sorgten für meine Unterhaltung
Böhse Onkelz und Deutschrap sorgten für meine Unterhaltung
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reexrco · 2 years
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furien · 6 years
Es ist wie es ist digga Swiss oder stirb
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"Ho, mein Freund, ich wünsche dir 'ne frohe Weihnachtszeit"
Sido - Weihnachtssong
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trapninjaguru · 1 year
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wastedrapyouth · 7 years
20 Jahre Krieg ich bin ein Kugelsich'rer Jugendlicher
Sonny Black & Frank White, Kugelsicher, 2003
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