#agere taehyun
lullabytaeyong · 2 years
Found Me - R!Taehyun
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tw: vomit & crying followed by lots of fluff
Taehyun was not feeling good. He was drained from just half a day of work after constantly waking up with stomach cramps and needing to use the bathroom. He wasn't sure if he ate something that upset his stomach or if he caught some sort of bug. No one else seemed to be having any troubles and they all ate the exact same things the day before.
Taehyun sighed to himself, resting his head on the wall behind him. The squeaking of Soobin and Yeonjun's shoes shifting along the polished floor made his ears unusually sensitive. He longed to be wrapped up in a cozy blanket after a nice warm shower. It was very chilly in the dance studio and his hoodie wasn't doing its job of keeping him warm. They had all agreed to lower the temperature of the room since they got sweaty from the strenuous activity, but now he was wishing he had objected.
There wasn't anything scheduled for them to do for a couple hours, so they were just messing around. Soobin and Yeonjun were making up stupid dances to entertain themselves and the other two boys had retreated to their phones. Taehyun wasn't interested in doing either. He was focused on the uncomfortable feeling settled in his abdomen and his heavy eyelids.
I want to go home already. My tummy hurts and I feel sick. Hyungies just notice already! He found his thoughts decreasing in vocabulary, subconsciously pouting at himself in the mirror.
Tummy hurts. Why did I think tummy?
"Uh oh."
Beomgyu turned his head towards Taehyun expectantly, waiting for him to continue.
"What?" He asked, after Taehyun blinked at him without another word.
"It's nothing. Do you- Do you think hyung will let me go home? I don't feel good." Taehyun half lied. He couldn't just start rambling about how he was mentally turning into a preschooler when the group hadn't any clue of what that was or why it happened.
He could just feel it within himself. The way his teeth chewed on his bottom lip, the room feeling bigger than before, his toes wiggling in his shoes, and the light haze starting to cloud his mind.
"Well, what's wrong? What's not feeling good?" Beomgyu asked. He could tell something was wrong by the anxious look in Taehyun's owl eyes. Again, it took longer than it should for him to respond.
"My stomach. I was up and down all night because of it, so I'm really tired now, too. I don't know." He added the last part to make it easier to just brush away if Beomgyu didn't take him seriously.
"Oh, sorry I didn't realize. I'm guessing practice made it worse?"
Taehyun nodded, suppressing a whimper from a sudden cramp around his middle.
"C-Can you tell Soobin hyung? 'm going to the bathroom." He said hastily, getting up from the floor and speed walking out the door.
"What was that about?" Huening kai asked.
"Taehyunnie feels sick." Beomgyu mumbled back. "Hey, Soobin hyung! Yah! Stop trying to touch each other's butts!" He called out.
"What do you want Gyu?" Yeonjun chuckled, his hands perched on his hips.
"Somethings wrong with Taehyun. He told me he doesn't feel good and wants to go home. Apparently, he was up most of the night." Beomgyu explained, side eyeing Kai, as he should've noticed his roommate getting up so much.
"Don't look at me! I slept like a corpse and had weird vivid dreams all night." Kai defended with hands up.
"I knew something was up." Soobin murmured. "Where'd he go?"
With that, Soobin exited the studio and walked to the mens bathroom. He stood outside the door for a moment, listening for anything out of the ordinary. What was the point in that? If Taehyun was sick he wouldn't be throwing a party in there. Soobin shook his head at himself and pushed the door open. The very first stall was the only one shut, with quiet crying coming from the other side.
"Taehyunnie? Are you okay?" He asked, taking a step closer. The noise stopped abruptly for a second and turned into what sounded like someone pretending they didn't need to catch their breath.
"If you want me gone that's fine, just tell me."
Soobin's hands fidgeted with anxiety after hearing Taehyun's strained voice.
"Open the door for me, okay?" He encouraged, glancing to the side when another figured entered the space. It was just Yeonjun. He looked to Soobin to confirm if Taehyun was in there.
"Yeonjun hyung is here, too. You don't sound good in there, Taehyun."
Concern grew on Yeonjun's face when he heard Taehyun whine something incoherent and jumbled. It was followed by some shuffling and then sitting on the floor, Taehyun peaked his head around the door and looked up at the two. Unshed tears watered his eyes and his hoodie sleeves were spotted with saliva and vomit near the cuffs.
"Oh, honey." Soobin said sympathetically, sinking to his knees. He pushed Taehyun's hood back and felt the heat radiating from his body.
Taehyun whimpered nervously. He wasn't his normal self anymore, he was still Taehyun, just much smaller and more vulnerable. His big self refused to give into the way his little self wanted to be babied by his hyungs. It would completely blow his cover! But, he felt so awful, it was all he could think about.
"Hey, it's okay. We'll take care of you." Soobin said quietly when he saw Taehyun start to cry.
"Here, you can put my sweatshirt on instead." Yeonjun offered, tugging the fabric over his head.
"Let Binnie take yours off for you."
Taehyun gazed up at Soobin and lifted his arms so his hoodie could be taken off. He shuddered when the cold air hit his arms that were damp with sweat. He made grabby hands to Yeonjun, silently asking for his help. Soobin wiped his eyes and mouth with toilet paper before Yeonjun sacrificed his clothes. The hoodie was a couple sizes too big for Taehyun, but it made him feel much smaller, like a little baby.
"Baby.." He mumbled, putting his thumb in his mouth.
"Baby? I mean, you'll always be our baby." Yeonjun smiled, albeit confused at the random word.
"Mm- Tummy hurts. Wanna go ni' night."
Taehyun was so far gone that he didn't catch the quizzical stares observing him. Yeonjun and Soobin weren't sure how to approach what was happening with their friend. It wasn't everyday that they suddenly acted like a toddler. Well, maybe Kai, but that was just aegyo and his personality. This was different. Taehyun didn't seem fully present.
"Baba.." He whimpered, crawling into Soobin's lap and curling up against him.
"Hi, honey. Let's get you home now. You need your rest, yeah?" Soobin said. He thought the odd behavior was some strange symptom of Taehyun's fever, and he wanted to ask a lot of questions, but he didn't think it would do any good for the time being.
Soobin stood up carefully with Taehyun in his arms, supported on his hip. He suggested that Yeonjun gather the other boys and meet up back at home. Taehyun glued himself to Soobin the entire way back to the dorm, falling in and out of sleep. He grimaced now and then when a new smell passed his nose or his head throbbed a little too hard. Eventually, he woke up from the beeping of their highly secure front door and slid out of Soobin's arm to sit on the floor. He watched Soobin kick off his shoes and stared down helplessly at his laces.
"Need help, Baba." He murmured. Soobin smiled softly and kneeled to help him take off his shoes.
"There you go. Do you want something to eat?"
Taehyun shook his head, his tummy still felt weird and hurt a little bit. Soobin watched him slouch away to his bedroom and sent a text to the others that they were home. He could hear some thumping coming from Taehyun's room and went to investigate. Around the doorway, he saw Taehyun on the floor with his upper body under his bed. A pair of old shoes, some books and storage bins had been pulled out and sat messily beside him.
Taehyun kicked one leg up and made an accomplished squeak. The he pushed himself out from under his bed with a dark blue box about the size of two shoe boxes. He didn't acknowledge Soobin, only sparing him a glance before climbing into his bed. Soobin watched curiously as Taehyun popped the lid off his box. His eyebrows furrowed when the boy held a sippy cup up towards him. It was white with a green lid and had a cute graphic of a zebra, giraffe, and lion on the side.
"Where'd that come from?" He asked curiously. Taehyun pointed bluntly to the box which made Soobin smile.
"No, I meant why do you have that?"
Taehyun pointed to the cup and then himself.
"Juice..." He mumbled, lowering the cup and holding it in his lap.
"O-Okay, uhm I think we still have some. Unless Hyuka secretly chugged the rest of it."
A cute giggle came from Taehyun, as he slowly rocked back and forth with a smile. His special Soobie-hyung didn't say anything mean to him!
"I'll uh, be right back. You should change to something comfy." Soobin said, leaving the room promptly after. He had no idea what he was doing, but concluded that it would all be okay if he followed Tae's lead.
When he returned Taehyun was in the exact same spot, still in his regular clothes. He was shivering and his eyes were all droopy. Soobin had almost forgotten why they came home in the first place. Taehyun seemed to brighten up for a few minutes when they got home, but his energy had clearly diminished.
"Here's your juice." Soobin said softly, crossing the room and sitting down on the edge of Taehyun's bed.
Taehyun took the sippy cup back and held it up to his mouth to bite. Soobin watched curiously until he eventually took a couple small sips. The older got up and grabbed a clean sweatshirt and sweatpants to help him change into.
"Do you need help changing, baby? Is that why you stayed on your bed?" Soobin asked, as he guided the little out of bed.
"Need 'elp." Taehyun repeated. He whimpered when he was stood on two feet and got hit with a bad dizzy spell.
"It's okay. We'll be quick." Soobin reassured. "Arms up, tyunnie." Taehyun was very easy to change and clung to Soobin like a koala bear when they were done.
"Cutie. Would you like watch a movie?"
"I take that as a yes?"
"Movie." Taehyun whispered.
Soobin chuckled affectionately and picked Taehyun up into his arms. Like a nervous rabbit, Taehyun burrowed his face into Soobin's shoulder and remained that way until they were sat on the sofa. Soobin kissed his head, draped a soft starry blanket over his back and played with his hair. Taehyun was rarely this cuddly, so he was going to enjoy it while it lasted.
"There's a lot of movies to choose from. Do you have any ideas?" Soobin asked.
"One with kitties." He requested cutely.
"Hmmm kitties you say..." Soobin exaggerated his thinking expression by holding his chin.
"Aristocats? There's also Hello Kitty and The Cat Returns."
"A-istocats." Taehyun picked.
"Sounds good to me."
They cuddled together as the movie played out. About twenty minutes in, Soobin noticed Taehyun squirming around every so often. He suddenly started whimpering and urgently tried to get off of Soobin. He stumbled onto the floor and only took a few steps before collapsing.
"What's wrong?!" Soobin asked, a hint a fear in his worried voice.
Taehyun lurched, starting to heave and gag. Some sort of hidden Dad instincts Soobin didn't know he had kicked in and he snatched Taehyun off the floor and ran with him in his arms to the bathroom. They didn't make it to the toilet, instead Taehyun threw up into the bath tub. He sobbed between each round, his stomach aching and throat burning.
"Oh, I know sweetie. You're okay, Tyunnie. Just breathe, it's okay." Soobin cooed, taking down the shower head and turning on the water.
He avoided spraying Taehyun in the face and aimed the water so it rinsed the mess down the drain. Taehyun continued to cry, using the tub edge as a pillow. Soobin got him to sit up and collected some of the water in his hand to help him clean out his mouth. He felt like a father taking care of his child, he didn't care what mess was made, just that his baby was okay and taken care of.
When the tub was rinsed out Soobin shut off the water and gathered Taehyun in his arms. They sat on the floor together, letting the adrenaline slowly diminish. Taehyun sniffled, no longer sobbing. He was completely worn out from his day. Regressing out of no where was tiring in general, add a fever and tummy bug on top and Taehyun would say he felt like he was going to fall into a coma.
"I'm so sorry you're sick. You'll feel better soon. I told the others to grab some popsicles and medicine to help you feel better." Soobin said, taking Taehyun's mind off of throwing up.
"Baba bed." He murmured. "Tired."
"Honey, why are you calling me baba? I don't mind, I just don't know why you've been acting like this." Soobin asked. He was desperate to know what was going on with him. Taehyun whined and took a minute to gather his thoughts.
"I'm weird, I know it's weird. My mind turns little like-like a kid. It makes me feel better when everythin's too much." Taehyun confessed, breaking off into shoulder shaking sobs. Soobin hugged him closer while he let his words sink in.
"Shhh, it okay. Tell me more, love."
"I can't help it, hyung. I'm sorry! Please don't hate me! Little Taehyunnie needs you!" Taehyun couldn't stop crying. He was overcome with the fear of rejection.
"We'd never hate you. Never! I just need you to explain it a little more, it's okay." Soobin said, guiding Taehyun to rest his head on his shoulder.
"What do you do when you feel like a kid?"
"Borrow Ningies plushies and hide in my bed. If no one's there I watch kid shows all alone a-and wish someone would take care of me." Taehyun let the words tumble past his lips. It was so relieving to finally talk about his secret, but it was just as terrifying.
"I get so lonely and small that I just cry til it all goes away. Everything gets harder to do and more confusing...It's so scary telling you this."
"I know, but I'm so glad you did. It sounds familiar. I think my psychiatrist told me about it when we started going over trauma stuff. It's Age Regressing right?" Soobin spoke softly. Taehyun's heart filled with stars at his words. He knew. His hyung knew! It was like he had been falling for miles and just landed in a strong secure set of arms.
"Aha, I can see how hard that would be to talk about. You're precious to us, Taehyun, and you always will be. You're never alone. You can always come to me when you feel little." Soobin said lovingly.
He coddled Taehyun for awhile longer, whispering sweet reassurances into his ear and rubbing his back. With the comfort of being taken care of and held, Taehyun quickly grew sleepy again.
"Bed." He murmured. "Tired."
"I'm sure you are. C'mon, you can sleep in my room."
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soobsz · 6 months
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🎡 Baby Boys !!!! ???
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hyukakisses · 23 days
-emo txt dating an age regressor!
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pairing: ot5 txt x reader
plot: separate headcanons of txt dating an age regressor
warnings: (this was a vv old request i got asked to re write on this account), english is NOT my first language, this is a SFW one shot. fluff, cg! txt & ag! reader
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• soobin who’s always patient and making sure his tone was gentle with you, knowing how scared of loud noises you were ):
• soobin never letting you do anything by yourself, from tying your shoes to mouth feeding you
• soobin always bringing you your comfort plushie <3 knowing how anxious you get once you’re in public
• soobin who knew exactly what to do/say to comfort you after a long day of work, rubbing your back in circles using the pet name ‘bun’ he had for you in attempt of calming down your cries
• beomgyu who always held onto your hand everywhere you both went, insisting you’ll get lost without him “don’t let go pup beomie has to make sure you’re safe at all times”
• beomgyu who would let you play with his dimple, you babbling about how cute it looked. gentle poking your fingers on his cheeks
• beomgyu who always gifted you teddy bears, even though he whines about how you already have him ): he just can’t say no to you wanting more plushies
• beomgyu who would always put on your favorite animes/cartoons enjoying the gasps and ooo’s you’d make pointing at the tv screen
huening kai:
• huening kai who would stop everything he was doing the moment you got sick, his care giving instincts kicking in as soon as you complain about feeling sicky :( he hated seeing you in pain
• huening kai who would cradle you to his chest, you in fetus position as you weep about how hard college is to him
• huening kai who would always catch under the bed for any ‘monsters’. the boy was pretty fearless never really expressing any emotional distress when it came to scary situations and you liked that about him
• huening kai who would buy you coloring books <3 hanging up the colored pages on the fridge proud of his little baby :(
• taehyun who learned to have more patience for you; often reminding you to eat and not to run around the house since you were such a ditz
• taehyun who would bounce you on his thigh as he did arm lifts <3 basking in your addicting giggles and gasps as you ramble about whatever hyperfixation you had for the month
• taehyun who use his strength for you 24/7. carrying you in bridal style to your bed, lifting you in the air so you could reach for the cookie jar all by yourself. and opening it afterwards of course
• taehyun who wouldn’t hesitate punishing you with no kisses or cuddles if you were being a brat ): as much as he loved you he wanted to make sure you always knew your place around him.
• yeonjun who would tuck you to bed, reading you a goodnight story in a attempt of luring you to sleep <3 kissing your face goodnight once your eyes fluttered closed
• yeonjun who would dress you up, and tie pretty ribbons in your hair <3 pressing light like feather kisses on your knuckles once he was done
• yeonjun who would play dolls with you ): not wanting you to be lonely, he’d always set up tea parties with all your stuffies present just for you both <3
• yeonjun who would melt at your drawings you’d make for him when he was away at work, kissing you repeatedly as the male head rubbed you as a thank you ):
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lullabytaeyong · 7 months
Little Taehyun 🐿️
Gets angry and cries because he feels bad for yelling or being mean on accident
“I’m sorryyy!!” *running to cg w/ arms stretched out in need of hugs*
His big eyes getting even bigger when he’s excited
Makes that trrrlling sound in his throat while throwing stuffies into the air to catch
Or when getting chased by Kai to take a bath
So so so so so SMILEY I feel like he’s just be so happy and carefree
Has a bin of toy cars he shoots down the hall or in and out of rooms
They become weapons when left on the floor
Likes getting help changing or brushing his teeth because he wants to be doted on and cared for
Not having to think about those things makes it easier to feel carefree and childlike
Omg shuffles to the kitchen at night with the tip of an empty sippy cup in his mouth to get a drink
Holds his toes while sitting just cause
Enjoys sitting on the couch doing absolutely nothing
Just quiet and content to observe on his own
Refuses to take naps but dozes off too quickly to put up much of a fight
Draws his own designs of different toys he likes to play with or collect
His pockets are filled with rocks and acorns if he goes outside
Seeks body warmth when he’s cold instead of a blanket or sweater
Sits through endless episodes of his favorite show
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kitty-agere-fics · 26 days
Request Info - - - - TXT Masterlist
Little!Reader, Little!Beomgyu, CG!Yeonjun, CG!Soobin, CG!Taehyun, CG!Kai
Reader is 6th txt member
Yeonjun = Baba, Soobin = Dada, Taehyun = Appa, Kai = Papa
“Again,” the instructor starts the music from the beginning. A few notes are made, small critiques, little imperfections. Then, the instructor leaves, letting them work through the choreo on their own for a little bit. The second that the door closes, you throw yourself onto the floor, sobbing. You were tired from several long practice days with no time to regress. 
“Y/N,” Yeonjun sighs softly and goes over to you, kneeling beside you, “Come here, Baby,” he coos softly, “Come see Baba.”
You slowly sit up before going closer to Yeonjun. He pulls you into his lap and you lay your head on his shoulder, allowing him to stroke your hair. He gently rocks you back and forth. When he looks up, he sees Taehyun and Kai trying to comfort Beomgyu in a similar way. Yeonjun gently lifts you up, carrying you over to the others. He sets you down beside Taehyun, watching you immediately latch onto his arm. Yeonjun crosses the practice room, going over to where their water bottles are laying on the floor and picks them all up, taking them over to the rest of the group and passing them out. 
“Where did Soobin-ah go?” Yeonjun looks at Taehyun and Kai as he sits down. 
“Went to go talk to manager-nim, see if we could get at least the rest of the day off.”
“Hopefully that works. Either way, these two don’t practice anymore today,” Yeonjun sighs.
At the mention of practice, both you and Beomgyu start to whine again.
“No practice!”
“Wan home!”
“Hey, hey, hey. It’s alright, don’t cry. No more tears.” Kai reaches over and gently strokes your hair while Taehyun hugs Beomgyu. “You don’t have to practice anymore, not today. Dada went to go talk to manager-nim so we can hopefully take you two home early.” 
Both you and Beomgyu pout a little bit, but the crying (mostly) stops. Yeonjun and Taehyun gently coax the two of you into drinking a little bit of water which also helps a bit. When Soobin comes back into the room, you look up at him hopefully.
“Dada! Home now?” 
“Yes, home now. Let's go.” 
Yeonjun picks you up while Kai takes Beomgyu. Taehyun and Soobin grab everyone’s things, and then it’s time to go home. 
“Wanna pway wit Beomie at home!” You pout, making puppy eyes at your caregivers.
“Um, no. Not right when we get home. You and Beomgyu need to take naps and daddies are tired too. So it’s nap time first when we get home, okay?” 
Beomgyu agrees immediately, but you still pout. You could be very stubborn when you got your mind set on something. 
“You and Beomgyu can play after nap time okay?” Yeonjun’s voice is soft as he whispers in your ear, “It’s been a long couple of weeks, so a nap would be good for you.”
“Kaaay” you pout, but agree. 
After a bit, the car arrives at the dorm. As Yeonjun and Kai take you and Beomgyu to your separate bedrooms, you both start to whine, not wanting to be separated. 
“Noooo! Wann nap wit Sibby!” Beomgyu pouts and reaches out for you as you start to cry again.
“Let’s just take them both to Y/N’s room. They have the bigger bed.” Yeonjun sighs, looking exhausted.
Kai nods and you and Beomgyu are taken into your bedroom and tucked into your bed. Kai and Yeonjun both give you kisses and hugs. “Now it’s time to sleep, Little Ones.”
“Noo, no sleep yet!” Beomgyu pouts and looks at Yeonjun and Kai.
“Why not?” Kai sighs.
“Nee Appa an Dada kissies too!” You explain innocently, not wanting to take a nap yet.
“We’ll send them in. But then it’s nap time, got it?” Yeonjun and Kai go to the door and Yeonjun pauses, waiting for a response. Both of you nod.
Part two: Playdate, now posted
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riikive · 1 year
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pairing. taehyun x female!oc | genre. soft, fluffy, romance, comfort/hurt, etc. | warning. age regression, littlespace, etc. | word count. 1.9k
note. this is my first age regression story. I did research as best as I could. I apologize if it isn't as accurate. I did my best. I made another account for age regression stories only, so if you are interested, here is the link. Thank you for reading and I hope you like it!
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Yumi was on her phone, scrolling through Instagram. Sighing quietly at the photos of people looking happy and pretty. She knew she shouldn't feel sad, but it couldn't be helped sometimes. Exiting Instagram, she turned off her phone and just stared at the television. Letting her thoughts roam around her head.
She heard the passcode, meaning her boyfriend was home. Taking a breath as she heard the door closed. "I'm home!" Her boyfriend shouted.
"Welcome home!" She shouted back. Yumi looked behind and smiled when she saw her boyfriend, Taehyun. He smiled back as he walked towards her. Putting his bag down on the couch before wrapping his arms around her. Kissing the top of her head. "How was my girl doing?"
"Like any other day, good," she answered. "How about you?" He rested his chin on her head before responding. "It was a hectic day, but seeing my girl after a long day. I feel better than during the day." Yumi nodded. They stayed in complete silence in each other's warmth before Taehyun went to the shared bedroom to shower.
the rest is under the cut
While he was showering, Yumi quickly went to another room. What she told Taehyun was half a lie. It wasn't good. She was so stressed from work, and scrolling down Instagram didn't help at all. She took a breath, inhaled, and exhaled. Walking towards the closed closet before opening it. Spotting two of the boxes on the floor before pulling them out.
It has been 2 months since she moved in with Taehyun. She was hesitant at first but agreed to move into his apartment as he promised her that she could have the extra room he had if she wanted it. So she agreed with the condition of him not entering the room. He agreed and never questioned it. It wasn't like she didn't trust him. It was complicated.
Yumi set down a huge blanket on the floor before looking through the box. She took out two coloring books, two of her favorite children's books, some snacks, and her favorite teddy bear. Just looking at the teddy bear made her feel small.
Looking through the boxes, she quickly grabbed a paci and some crayons. Putting the paci in her mouth before opening a random page of her new coloring book that she got a few weeks ago. Yumi began to color while eating her goldfish snacks.
As she played around with her toys, she slowly slipped into her little headspace. She felt much better after slipping. Knowing Taehyun was probably working on his work in the dining room and dinner won't be until 2 hours later, she let herself be little.
Suddenly she heard a knock on the door, she froze in her spot. Stopped what she was doing before slowly turning to the closed door. "Yumi?"
Oh no. She cursed. "Y-yes?" She stuttered, making the sound using her adult voice. "What do you want to eat for dinner?" Taehyun asked.
"Anything!" She shouted, using her adult voice. There was silence after her answer. She bit her lips and waited for a couple of seconds before heading to Taehyun, walking away from the door. She sighed in relief before playing with her things again.
One hour has passed. Yumi was walking around until she accidentally hit her leg on the bed and thumped on the floor. Tears were falling as she lay on the floor. She heard Taehyun running down the hallway before knocking on the door again. "Yumi, is everything okay in there?" He asked.
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She was in tears, sitting on the floor, and looking at her cut. She grabbed her teddy bear, which was near her, and held it tightly as she felt tears rolling down. No answer came from her. "Yumi, is everything okay in there?" He asked again. "Y-yeah," she tried to use her adult voice, but her little voice cracked because she was silently crying. "I'm coming in," he said.
Hearing the door twist open, she let reality hit. Closing her eyes, the door opened. Slowly opening her eyes, she saw Taehyun standing there in shock. She gulped nervously as she watched him scan the room. Before his eyes land on her. She felt a bit embarrassed about this and hugged her bear even more tightly.
The next thing he did took her by surprise. He quickly went to her and kneeled in front of her. "What happened, sweetie?" He asked softly. She pointed at the cut on her knee, and he followed. "You have a boo boo?" She nodded slowly. He wiped her tears. "Do you know where the first aid is?" He asked her slowly. He somehow knew Yumi would keep first aid for kids in this room. She pointed at her closet.
"I will be back," he told her before walking to the closet. She watched him open it and scan through it before taking out the first aid. Taehyun walked back to her with the first aid in his hands and opened it. "It may sting for a second or two, okay?" He looked at her, waiting for a nod or something.
Yumi gave a nod, and he started to clean the cut. She closed her eyes, squeezing her bear tightly with tears. "All done.". She slowly opened her eyes, seeing him smile at her. "What band-aid do you want?" He took the bandaid in his hands and spread them around for her to see. "I want this," she answered, pointing at the Doc McStuffins band-aid. Taehyun put the rest away and carefully put it on her. "Better?"
"Better, thank you," she said. He smiled. "You're welcome, sweetie." Softly ruffled her hair. "How old are you?" She put four fingers up, and he nodded. They sat in silence for a while before Taehyun spoke again. "Do you love the teddy bear?"
Yumi nodded with no hesitation. "I love love it," she excitedly said while squeezing the bear. "Do you know the name of your bear?" He asked. She thought for a moment before responding. "I forgot the name, but adult me would know."
Taehyun smiled and nodded. He looked at the clock on the wall before turning back to Yumi. "Are you hungry, sweetie?" He asked. She nodded. "What do you want to eat?" He asked her softly.
"Mac and cheese, please." He nodded. "Alright, I will be back. Go play with your toys before dinner, okay?" She nodded. He smiled. "May I kiss your forehead?" He asked. "Yes," she replied. He then lightly kissed her forehead before leaving the room. She went on playing with her toys.
Taehyun went to the kitchen and started to make dinner. He went to the pantry and saw boxes of mac and cheese. Grabbed a few of the boxes and some others before going back to the kitchen.
After a few minutes, Taehyun came back and sat down next to Yumi. "Yumi, it's time to eat." She put her toys down and looked at him. He gave her a sweet smile. "Okie." Then he asked her. "Is it alright if I carry you?" She nodded, and he helped her stand up, then carried her in his arms.
He walked with her in his arms to the dining room before putting her on a chair. He pulled her closer to him. "Do you want me to feed you?" "Yes, please." He then fed her the mac and cheese that was already cooled down. He then took the cup of apple juice with a straw and brought it closer to her while holding the straw.
After she was done eating, he asked her if she needed help getting ready to sleep. She shook her hand and said, "I don't need help." She went to the bathroom and got ready for bed. He ate dinner before washing the dishes.
When he went back to her room, he saw she was sitting down on the floor staring at her hands in her pajamas. He quickly went to her and sat down in front of her. Hesitantly, he took her hands to his. "What's wrong, sweetheart?" He asked. She looked up, and the words came out of her mouth, surprising him. "You don't hate me?"
Taehyun pulled her into his arms. "Of course not. Why would you think that?" "People usually hate me when they see me like this," she told him. He pulled her closer to him. "Well, they must be jelly or something," he told her. She looked at him. "Really?" He nodded before kissing her forehead. "Yes, love."
They stayed like this before she fell asleep. He smiled at her sleeping face and carefully carried her to their shared bedroom. He carefully laid her on the bed and made her feel comfortable before getting ready to sleep. Then he lay next to her and looked at her sleeping face before kissing her forehead lightly. "Good night, sweetheart."
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The next morning, Yumi woke up, slipped out of her little space, looking at Taehyun sleeping for a little bit before walking to change into her other pajamas. Then she got ready for the day. She went to the kitchen and cooked breakfast. She sat down, eating her food while thinking about last night.
Taehyun walked out of the bedroom and saw her in deep thought. Not touching her breakfast. He looked at the breakfast, and from the look of it, she slipped out of her little space. He walked up to her and back-hugged her. "Good morning," he said. She was startled and quickly looked up. "Good morning."
"What are you thinking?" He asked. "Oh, it's nothing." He hummed in response. "May I ask you some questions?" He asked her. "Sure." He broke the hug and sat in front of her. She was mentally prepared for the questions.
"When did you start being a little?"
"When I was in middle school, you know I was struggling a lot back then. I went to therapy that my aunt paid for me without my parents knowing and talking about age regression with my therapist. She told me she agreed with me since it will help me a lot. Then she gave me a list that I could do to start being a little."
Taehyun nodded. "Do you know your age range?" "It depends, but I am mostly 5-10 years old, but sometimes lower if I have a tough day or I haven't been age regression for a long time. That…. Happened often, actually. It was probably not good, but I was so caught up with life that I forgot about it." Taehyun nodded again.
"May I ask you a question, too?" She asked him. He nodded. She hesitantly asked. "How do you know about little space?" He didn't look surprised at all. He just has a smile on his face. "One of my friends is a little too. I accidentally walked in when he was a little." He told her. She nodded. "Is he your bandmate?" "No, it was my best friend in high school. I was his caregiver until he found his love." She nodded.
"Do you have anything else you want to ask?" "Do you want to be my little caregiver?" He smiled and grew even bigger. "I would love to." She felt relaxed. "My little one never had a caregiver, and you're my first boyfriend. It will be different, but I am sure my little one would love it." He nodded. "I am sure, too." Then she went on telling him everything he would need to know and even made a list of things too.
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permanent taglist : none (please send an ask if you want to be added to the permanent tag list!)
please do not copy, steal, plagiarize, rewrite, repost, etc!! Feel free to reblog, like, comment, and share!!
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tyunniestims · 2 years
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yourlocalmoon · 6 months
hi! mes again, promise ill give you a break! last one for a while, i just love them sm! don't know if you do musical artists but if you do, could you do a light green txt cg taehyun board 4 me? if so, thank you so much! ill definitely be back but ill give you a break xoxo you're my favorite moodboard creator, thank you sm! :3
Hello !! Thank you for the request :3 Don't even worry about it, I love moodboards currently <3 This one is a bit strange considering I've never listened to them.. But I attempted anyway !! I'm so happy to be your favorite moodboard creator !! :O light green was harder to find then I thought ^^"
Caregiver Taehyun Moodboard !!
(Color specific; light green)
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Would definitely encourage you to do new things, but wouldn't be pushy !! Always buys you tons of stuff for whatever your hobby is, coloring? He's bought a ton of supplies. Taking pictures? He's bought 7 new things of storage and a brand new camera. Also gets matching stuff animals for you and him <3
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tyunniebear · 2 years
☆Little Taehyun Headcannons☆
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Little age 5-7
Whilst he tries convincing you that he’s a big boy, he’s nothing but a clingy mama’s/dada’s boy
He’s so cute, he’s always clinging to your arm and nuzzling into you
The definition of the 🥺 emoji, his big eyes are always full of wonder and curiosity
He asks so many questions. He wants to know everything about everyone and everything
He always takes his pens and toys apart to see how they work, and loves building/logic based games/toys and puzzles. Legos and puzzle books are a go to!! He also enjoys studying whilst little.
He likes playing sports with his hyungs!! Especially football
He can feed, clothe and go potty all by himself, he’s very easy to take care of. Such a brave and smart boy!! But he does like you to do these things for him anyway sometimes, so he can really feel like your little boy
Praise him for everythinggggg <3 he needs his cg’s validation for his confidence ; even though he knows he can do things, some encouragement, a few ‘good boy’s and some forehead kisses could never do any harm
A very smart and independent boyo. He very rarely breaks rules, the only times he’s really naughty are when he gets stubborn and/or tries to outsmart you.
Doesn’t respond well to yelling, but if you explain to him calmly and properly why that’s naughty and why he broke a rule, he will admit he’s wrong and it won’t go any further than that
He sticks to bedtime cuz he LOVES stories and cuddling his cg to sleep 🥺 but he’s the type to take a while to get to sleep and get hyper at bedtime. 
Overall, little tyunnie is such a snuggly, adorable good boy who loves to play and cuddle!
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tyunpuppy · 8 months
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TyunPuppy’s masterlist for Agere edits
Yeonjun: 🐣 🐼
Soobin: 🌙 🦊
Beomgyu: 🧸 💤
Taehyun: 💤 🎂
HueningKai: 💀
Zhang Hao: 🩷
Ricky: 🛏️
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Video Scenarios:
🍪🏠, 🐼, 🎢, 🩹, 🧸
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littletxt · 2 years
So I got an idea for a request.
I have really bad night terrors and wanted to request caregiver Taehyun comforting you after you woke up from one being small?
~princess 🐰
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Wc: 936
Taglist: @pinkheadflowers @sweetiehyuka @woonie-muffin @desatando-me @ethie @djdudjdjkw @chariottie @kiki-woo
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Night Light
There’d been no particular reason for them to start back up. It could have been the most suffocating, heavy and humid summer heat. Or, maybe it was the stress of moving away from the security of the place you and Taehyun had called home for so long, along with a new job, new people you weren’t comfortable around and new names you’d have to learn. But more than likely it was the lack of time you’d had to regress, to be vulnerable and safe with your Daddy. It’d been weeks as you packed up your whole life to start over somewhere new. No particular reason for them to come back, but far too many.
Jumping out of his sleep, muscles tense and ready as his eyes searched foggily searched in the sea of black that was your bedroom, only lit by a single yellow, heart-shaped nightlight. Reaching out to find the switch to the bedside lamp at your first sound of distress, Taehyun was prepared to take on the world for you. Whether that meant putting years of boxing experience into practice with a swift bonk to someone’s face or taking the weight of your anxieties head on, he’d do anything for you. With no danger in sight, he relaxed for only a moment until another cry left your lips, poured then pressed thin, and you trembled and fidgeted in your sleep. A thin sheet of cold sweat covered your anguish-twisted features as your hands tightly gripped the sweat-damp fabric of the thin sheets you'd traded out from your usual comforter to cope with the hot summer nights.
Pushing down that deep ache in his heart he turned to you, stroking your reddened cheek and wiping the sweat from your brow.
“Princess….hey. Wake up, baby.”, he gave a gentle squeeze to your clammy, trembling hand before pulling you easily into his arms, rocking you softly against his chest until you woke. Breaking from the deeply rooted claws of your night terror, your breathing became frantic as you grasped, delirious, to anything and everything around you.
“Hey, hey! Daddy’s here… I’ve got you. I’m right her. Open your eyes, pumpkin.”, Taehyun spoke clearly, loosening the tight grip of his arms to allow you to look at him, watery, wide eyes rapidly shifting over the features of his face. The pure terror on your face, he couldn’t imagine, no matter how many times over the years you’d told him, how truly awful it’s hold must be. You’d think he’d have gotten used to it by now, the nightmares being more common on muggy evenings like this one. Though he never could, it did help that he knew exactly what to do to help you through it.
Taking deep breaths until you followed along, he squeezed you tight again, grounding you, bringing you back to him. When your ragged breaths calmed to short hiccups he loosened his hug and stroked your hair in repetitive, slow motions.
“Same one?”, his voice was soft and unfeigned, strained with emotion. No matter how badly he wanted to take your pain, he couldn’t. But that would never stop him from trying. A weak nod was all you could manage as you rolled over into his chest and cried. Not a little, but endlessly tears fell as you tried to hold back your sobs.
“Baby, hey. Sit up.”
Letting him pull you up to look at him, you sniffled with your puffy red cheeks and nose, grumbling a bit, knowing full well what was coming.
“You can cry, Princess. I know it’s scary. It’s so so scary and Daddy wishes he could be there to protect you each and every time. It’s not real, but it really feels like it is, huh?”, Taehyun leaned forward, kiss your forehead, continuing to stroke your hair as you nodded. You’d never needed to say much with him, he knew you better than you knew yourself.
“Daddy will always be here when you wake up. And Princess knows that Daddy would never ever let anything hurt you don’t you, baby?”, he giggled at the way you fought off a smile, finally relaxing for a moment. But only a moment, a distraught expression returning, your brows wrinkling, eyes watering once again.
“‘m sorry…”, your head fell, tears dripping one by one, each a blotted stain on his yellow shorts. Fully sitting up in bed with you he raised your head, holding your chin steady between his fingers. Those big brown eyes demanding your attention, but his soft, loving expression was ever more attentive.
“No, Baby. Never apologize to me for this. You have nothing to be sorry for. This is Daddy's job. and Daddy loves his jobs.”, he kissed your cheek, caring very little about the salt taste of your tears. Each line made you shy away, a blush creeping up on your cheeks., “I don’t want days off or holidays. I wanna spend every second taking care of you, Princess. That’s my job. I love you, pumpkin."
His voice grew softer, more tender as he spoke, caressing your heart in the safety of his love. Rubbing his nose against your cheek, now dry, he pulled you into his arms again for a brief minute. Imagining the sweltering heat was hardest on you, he knew his body heat certainly wouldn’t help. His natural, smiley expression greeted you, calm and tender-hearted.
“Now, let’s go cool you off with a shower, Princess.”
With another dutiful nod, a sniffle and an intertwining of his slender fingers between your own, you let yourself slip into that comfortable vulnerability, safe with your Daddy.
“Good girl.”
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🧸End note: I know it took my forever, but here it is. honestly I was so afraid of how this would come out because I wanted it to be perfect for you 🫶 I love youuuu 🥺💛💛 I hope this was okay for my first fic in a while.💕
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babybearcookie · 3 years
Aaaah yayyy !! ohmygod i have so many requests i now wanna ask for :( but I’ll just start with one hehe ! little reader (fem/gn either is ok) x caregiver taehyun, prompt: although taehyun knows abt yn’s little space and is perfectly okay with it, today is different, today yn doesn’t want to be little. so they try their hardest to make sure that taehyun doesn’t know but he always knows everything, he notices every single one of of yn’s little ticks and knows exactly the right things to say. heh idk i thought this could be a cute idea ? like a little trying to hide that they’re regressed but they can’t hide anything from their daddy :3
yay!! i'm looking forward to all the requests i'll get then!! :D
now, i hope i interpreted your amazing request the right way, if i didn't then i apologize. you can send another request anytime if i got it wrong, but here it is!!
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this is an age regression drabble; if you don't like that, don't read it. age regression is a sfw coping mechanism, so i will be blocking anyone who sexualizes it
word count: 1,2k gender neutral reader
You looked at all the work you had yet to finish, frustrated out of your mind at the slow pace everything was going. You had at least 6 unfinished projects with a deadline coming too soon, and you knew that you needed to finish them faster than you could to be able to turn in anything satisfactory, but your frazzled mind just wouldn’t let you. You had tried other things to get yourself in work-mode, such as making yourself the lunch you usually would outside of the weekend, watching YouTube videos about the topic you were working on, even trying to get yourself in some clothes that weren’t your usual I-can-wear-what-I-want-because-it's-weekend attire (usually consisting of pyjama pants and a t-shirt), but nothing seemed to be working.
If you had to admit it, it was because you were half regressed. You had worked your butt off for some time now and had yet to give yourself a break. You had planned to spend this weekend with your boyfriend, Taehyun, who also happened to be your caregiver, a very good one at that. Just the thought of having two entire days with him was enough to make you relax a bit and slip into the headspace of a kid, but you weren’t going to admit that because that would mean you had to face the fact that you had overworked yourself and needed to take a second to breathe, and that would be anything other than ideal.
You heard the lock to your front door click and the handle being pushed down for someone to enter your living space and you knew that it was Taehyun. You quickly looked around you and threw everything that could give away what mental state you were in on the bed, or hurriedly put them in their place, almost running out to greet the person you subconsciously had been waiting for the entire day.
You ran into his arms as soon as you rounded the corner in view of the front door, and he eagerly dropped what he had in his hands to receive your warm embrace. As you were hanging from his shoulders, squealing about him being there, he chuckled his soft chuckle that was reserved for your antics and kissed your cheek, both of his arms tightly holding you as close as he could manage without crushing you. As he slowly let you go to get a good look at you was when he noticed your outfit; one of the button-up shirts he liked and jeans, grey ankle socks and your hair pulled away from your face. It wasn’t that he disliked it, he found you so beautiful, but he had expected... something else. He had expected comfortable pyjamas, fuzzy socks and hair clips in every colour, which did absolutely nothing to get your hair out of your face. The two of you hadn’t exactly discussed you regressing that weekend, but it wasn’t out of the ordinary for you to regress when he came over to spend time with you. He had been looking forward to taking care of you, but his slight disappointment was only replaced with worry. Had something been wrong? Had he in some way made it seem like he didn’t want you to regress? And then he saw it.
It was in the way you were standing. Toes scrunching up and then relaxing, small fists balled up and body swaying back and forth. He smiled as he looked at you, now your very grown-up outfit looking more like a kid playing around in their parents’ closet. “I have missed you so much, my love,” he finally told you, making you smile wide and tell him that you had missed him even more. He picked up the bag he dropped when you had come charging at him, holding it in one hand and holding out his other hand for you to take. You looked at it and then at him and then back at his hand. “I’m not a kid, Taehyun, i don’t need you to hold my hand,” you laughed nervously, and that made Taehyun sure that you were, in fact, not in your grown headspace at that moment. If you had been completely out of your younger headspace, you would have taken his hand without care. It was only when you were feeling a bit small that you had a problem with holding his hand. He narrowed his eyes at you and said: “Sure you don’t.”
As you followed him into your bedroom, he asked how everything was going and you start rambling on about the big workload you had yet to even approach and how it was so important and you’d be in big trouble if you hadn’t had it finished before the week was over. As you were preoccupied with telling him about how stressed you were, he placed a hand on your arm and lead you to sit down on the bed as he roamed around, putting away his stuff for the weekend, going extra slow to let you vent about all the things frustrating you. He let out a hum or a short answer every once in a while, to let you know he was still listening, though he soon moved on to gather the things you’d use when you were regressed, laying out your clothes beside you on the bed, bringing your favourite stuffed animal and a pacifier that would go with the outfit. You watched him do all of it, of course, but you were so far into telling him about one of the projects you were working on to actually notice what he had going on. You even looked down into his eyes as he was kneeling in front of you, sliding off your boring grey socks to replace them with soft blue ones with yellow ducks printed on them.
“Daddy’s sorry you feel so stressed, little one.”
That was when you snapped out of your trance to look around you, only to find your stuffed friend in your lap, looking up at you with a friendly gaze, and a bundle of clothes in various soft colours lying beside you, looking ever so tempting. You looked down at your caregiver, still kneeling and with his hands comfortingly placed on your knees. “N-Not small,” you stuttered out, with almost no conviction, and Taehyun offered you a gentle smile. “Are you sure about that? You’re not daddy’s little baby?” he spoke softly. He had figured that your pressing deadlines had been the culprits behind your hesitation to regress completely, and he knew that he needed to slowly convince you to slip fully. You needed to realise that you needed it, or else none of you would have a good time.
Your response to his questions was to nuzzle your face into the soft fur of your stuffed animal, hugging it tightly, whining ever so softly. “Bub, you know that Daddy only wanna protect you and make sure you’re safe, right? He would never push you into something he knew you didn’t want, would he?” you shook your head. Of course, he wouldn’t. He was the best daddy in the world, your own superhero. And if he wanted you to be tiny, then there must be a reason, right? You peeked over the head of your fuzzy friend and shook your head again, now softer. He smiled brightly; “then, why don’t we get you properly dressed and bring your friend to watch some cartoons in the living room, hm? Doesn’t that sound like a good idea?” It did! It sounded like an amazing idea, the most fantastic idea anyone has ever had. You nodded fiercely and smiled at your daddy.
“My good little baby! Letting daddy take care of you, you’re so good!”
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ao3feed-ateez · 4 years
by kamgguk
내 별들<3 yoyo the last one got too long so here we are kpop littlespace sh!teu, i need it, you need it, lets get it
[Requests: open]
Words: 56, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of ice, ice, BABY
Fandoms: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS, GOT7, Stray Kids (Band), NCT (Band), TREASURE (Korea Band), MCND (Band), SEVENTEEN (Band), ATEEZ (Band), Monsta X (Band), TOMORROW X TOGETHER | TXT (Korea Band), EXO (Band), Day6 (Band)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Little! Yugyeom | Caregiver! Bambam, Little! Jimin | Caregiver! Seokjin, Little!Haechan | Caregiver!Taeyong, Little!Mark Lee | Caregiver!Taeyong, Little!Jungwoo | Caregiver!Doyoung, Little!Lucas | Caregiver!Ten/Taemin, Little!Yangyang | Caregiver!Kun, Little!Winwin | Caregiver!Kun, Little!Han Jisung | Caregiver! Lee Minho, Little!Felix | Caregiver!Changbin, Little!Beomgyu | Caregiver!Taehyun, Little!Soobin | Caregiver!Yeonjun, Little!Mark Tuan | Caregiver!GOT7, Little!Mingi | Caregiver!Hongjoong, Little!Yunho | Caregiver!Seonghwa, Little!Mashiho | Caregiver!Hyunsuk, Little!Asahi | Caregiver!Jihoon, Little!Huijin | Caregiver!MCND, Little!Jongin | Caregiver!Kyungsoo, Little!Baekhyun | Caregiver!Chanyeol, Little!Haruto | Caregiver!Jeongwoo, Little!Jooheon | Caregiver!Changkyun, Little!Hyungwon | Caregiver!Hyunwoo, Little!Minhyuk | Caregiver!Hoseok, Little! Bangchan | Caregiver! Hyunjin, Little! Youngjae | Caregiver! Jaebeom, Little! Jungkook | Caregiver! Namjoon, Little! Yoongi | Caregiver! Hoseok, Little! Yeosang | Caregiver! Jongho, Little! Mingyu | Caregiver! Seokmin, Little! Minghao | Caregiver! Soonyoung, Little! Xuimin | Caregiver! Suho, Middlespace! Kihyun, Little! Jihoon | Caregiver! Chan, Little! Jeonghan | Caregiver! Jun, Little! Joshua | Caregiver! Hansol, Switch! Seungkwan | Caregiver! Seungcheol, Little! Dowoon | Caregiver! Wonpil, JonginxKyungsoo, BaekhyunxChanyeol, MingyuxSeokmin, FelixxChangbin, JisungxMinho - Relationship, ChanxHyunjin, JeonginxSeungmin, MarkxHaechan, JungwooxDoyoung, JaeminxJeno, SichengxYuta, YangyangxHendery, YukheixTaemin, yoongixhoseok - Relationship, SeonghwaxHongjoong, MingixYunho, SanxWooyoung, HyunsukxJihoon, HarutoxJeongwoo, MashihoxJunkyu, YedamxDoyoung - Relationship, MinjaexSeongjun, YugyeomxBambam, YoungjaexJaebeom, DowoonxWonpil, SungjinxYounghyunXJae, BeomgyuxTaehyun, YeonjunxSoobinxKai
Additional Tags: agere, Age Regression, kpop littlespace, nothing s3xual!
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lullabytaeyong · 1 year
Scared of the dark R!🐱
✦✧✦✧ Ageretober Day 4 ✦✧✦✧
Summary: Taehyun’s up late when he’s not supposed to be and the power shuts off!
Word Count: 2,066
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Taehyun was up much later than the rest of the boys. Shhh! It’s a secret. It was against the rules to be little all by himself without notifying anyone, but he just couldn’t sleep. He tossed and turned, his mind drifting toward his headspace, until all he could think about was Mario Kart on the tv. No one was out there using it, it could be all his! There wouldn’t be anyone asking to watch a show or join in on his game, just him. So, that’s how he ended up being awake well past 2am with his second juice box in his hand and Beomgyu’s switch hooked up to the tv. He spent the first half hour sat on the floor right in front of the big screen. The colors and music of the Rainbow Road track were mesmerizing. He didn’t even care that Bowser kept falling off the sides of the track, or that he came in 10th place. No one else was there to gloat and make him angry.
After awhile, Taehyun felt chilly and wrapped up in a thick blanket on the couch. It was super windy outside and raining heavily. He didn’t like it. The wind made scary sounds against the window panes that made him feel unsettled. To tune it out, he loaded up Beomgyu’s animal crossing island and turned up the volume so he could bop his head to the music. He changed the characters outfit to farmer and went around the island watering plants and harvesting crops. The villagers were very talkative and cute, but he couldn’t keep up with what they were telling him. He was peacefully engrossed in the digital world and went fishing for snapping turtles that he wanted to leave out in Beomgyu’s house to prank him.
Taehyun was antsy after so much juice, but continued to play the game. The storm outside grew gustier and suddenly- *zzt* all the lights went out, even the tv screen displaying Diana in a new dress. Taehyun froze. He couldn’t see a thing! There wasn’t an ounce of light coming from beyond their windows or anything from their electronics. His lip trembled and heart started to pound. Pictures of monsters and skeletons flashed through his mind on repeat. He knew there weren’t any there, but it felt like there was, like there were eyes on him that he couldn’t see.
Taehyun was alone in the dark, small and afraid. His instincts for comfort shot into high alert and had him running blindly to Yeonjun’s room. It was like he was being chased. His body knew the way, but he still bumped into part of a wall in his panic. He whined in the back of his throat after knocking into the door and frantically pushed it open.
“Dadaaa!” Taehyun cried. He stumbled into the direction of the bed and dove into Yeonjun’s body.
“Wha-?!” Yeonjun jolted and shot upright at the intruder. He felt all over the place to figure out who it was, but Taehyun did that for him.
“Dada, Dada! Too dark.” He wept. Yeonjun sighed upon realizing he wasn’t getting abducted and wrapped his arms around Taehyun’s body.
“Gosh, you startled me. Did you have a nightmare?”
Taehyun whined and shoved himself into Yeonjun’s chest, going limp and wrapping around his entire body koala bear. The adrenaline of running away from danger started to diminish once he was safe in the older’s arms.
“M’scared of the dark.” He mewled. That was no secret to anyone of them. Taehyun always flocked to the eldest’s when a room went dark or they walked through a place with little light.
“I know you are.” Yeonjun replied, keeping one hand on Taehyun’s back and reaching over with the other to turn on his bedside lamp. He made a confused noise when it clicked but didn’t turn on. Then he noticed that the ac wasn’t humming like usual.
“Is the power out?” He mumbled to himself.
“Yeah, all the lights went out. I hate it.” Taehyun murmured sadly.
“Were you up?” Yeonjun asked. When Taehyun didn’t answer, essentially proving himself guilty, he grabbed around the nightstand for his phone and groaned at the time.
“Taehyun-ah, it’s 3:50 am! You shouldn’t be up right now. Have you slept at all? How long have you been little?” Yeonjun scolded and asked, trying to wrap his head around the situation with his sleep muddled brain.
“I dunno…I was okay. I had some juice and got it by myself! Then played games. I caught turtles.” Taehyun rambled quietly. Yeonjun just sighed.
Even though Taehyun was just fine on his own, there were reasons why he needed to tell someone he was little. For example, so he didn’t stay up until nearly 4am, guaranteeing a miserable day to come. It wasn’t out of character for Taehyun to crave some independence and alone time, but missing crucial hours of sleep to do so wasn’t the healthiest way to go about it. It would only make him overtired and moody.
“Honey, you should’ve come gotten me. It’s not okay to be up this late. You need sleep.” Yeonjun explained. He could feel Taehyun tense up against him.
“I’m sowwy…” He whispered.
“I know, it’s okay.”
“Jus’ trying to be a big boy.” Taehyun sulked.
“But you’re a little boy right now, aren’t you?” Yeonjun said rhetorically. He felt Taehyun nod against him. If he could see his face clearly, he was sure Taehyun would be bright red and avoiding eye contact.
“That’s what I thought. You don’t have to be a big boy, sweetheart. I’m here for you.” Yeonjun quietly reassured.
Taehyun rarely showed his vulnerable side outside of their home. He bottled things up and carried them around until he felt safe enough to explode. Then he’d pick himself up with some help from the other boys. They coddled him, dried his tears, gave him hugs when he needed them the most and protected him. Nine times out of ten, he let himself collapse into their arms, but only when it was just the five of them hidden behind closed doors.
“Please make the lights come back.” Taehyun pouted, continuing to hide in Yeonjun’s neck.
“I’m not a wizard, baby. But, I know what we can do.” Yeonjun chuckled and tapped his phone flash light on. In the pale white glow he could see Taehyun’s round eyes staring up at him and the worried look on his face.
“There you are.” He smiled, giving Taehyun’s cheek a little squeeze. It wasn’t the greatest lighting, but it would do. Shadows grew awkwardly up the walls from the small shining light and it didn’t light up the whole space. Taehyun wasn’t impressed.
“Now, I can see my little night owl. Are you getting sleepy yet? I think we should go to bed.” Yeonjun yawned.
“No.” It was a lie. Taehyun was feeling sleepy.
“I have to pee.” He deadpanned. Yeonjun snorted. Taehyun had a way with changing the subject in the least subtle way possible. He clambered off of the bed and stood over the eldest with his hand out.
“Come with me. It’s scary.”
“Alright…” Yeonjun sighed. He let Taehyun grab hold of his hand and carried his phone in the other to light the way.
Once they were at the bathroom, Yeonjun held out the phone for Taehyun to take so he could close the door, but the little frantically shook his head. He tried to pull Yeonjun into the room with him, but whined when he was told not to. Someone had to keep the monsters in the shower away! Taehyun fussed enough to get him to stand by the sink facing the other way and quickly used the bathroom. He latched on to Yeonjun’s arm the second he was done. So many creepy things were appearing in his head just from being out in the open.
“I’m right here. Wash your hands, now.” Yeonjun said gently, turning the water on for him.
After the trip to the bathroom, Yeonjun brought Taehyun back to his room with him and helped him get settled in the bed. He wasn’t going to bother trying to send Taehyun back to his own room. It wasn’t worth the lack of sleep. Yeonjun climbed in after him and left his phone with the flashlight still on, facing upright on the night stand. Taehyun shimmied closer to his side and held onto his arm like he was hugging a pillow. Yeonjun’s eyelids felt so heavy. He had no idea how Taehyun was still awake.
“Okay, shut your eyes, sweetheart. Let’s try to get some sleep.” Yeonjun went to turn off his phone light but was stopped by a small voice.
“Dada don’t!”
“It’s okay, I’ll be right here. You won’t even know it’s dark with your eyes closed.”
“Still…leave it please.” Taehyun requested. Yeonjun decided to leave it and let him have his way. Anything to get him to sleep.
“Okay, I’ll leave it on. Goodnight, honey.”
The next morning
Once Taehyun fell asleep, he was out cold. So was Yeonjun. They both slept soundly for several hours until the sun was shining in their eyes. Even then, Taehyun just rolled over and tucked his head into Yeonjun’s shoulder. The rest of the house was awake by then and slowly making their way out of their rooms. Beomgyu was the first one to the living room and stood there with a perplexed look when he saw his animal crossing home displayed on the tv screen. It was the sound of the music playing loudly from the speakers that brought him there. K.K. Lullaby, the song that played on repeat in his house. The first thing that came to mind was that Kai had booted it up for some reason. He didn’t have to look hard for him because he shuffled in a second later.
“Were you playing this?” Beomgyu asked suspiciously.
“Hm? When…this morning?” Kai mumbled, lazily flopping onto the couch.
“No, not me. I was on my phone til now.”
“Then why is it on?” Beomgyu pointed out bluntly.
“I don’t know. Go ask Soobin hyung, maybe it was him.”
Beomgyu turned around to go find Soobin, but stopped when he noticed Yeonjun coming down the hall towards him with Taehyun in his arms. He looked like he just came out of a coma, squinting his eyes and looking around slightly dazed. Taehyun seemed to still be asleep.
“What’s with the music?” Yeonjun asked, his voice unusually rough, only ever sounding like that when he first woke up.
“That’s what Im trying to figure out. Did Soobin touch my switch and play with it?” Beomgyu said, growing more irritated with the lack of answers.
“Not that I’m aware of. The power was out last time I was up with this one.” Yeonjun explained, gesturing to Taehyun by tilting his head.
“Really? I didn’t notice it.”
“Yeah, cause it was 4am which is apparently little Taehyun’s witching hour. It went out and scared him.”
With all the talking happening right by his head, Taehyun shifted and blinked awake. He listened to what they were saying and needed to interject immediately.
“I wasn’t scared.” He defended, accidentally using a very whiny and tired tone.
“Whatever you say, baby. What were doing for so long by yourself last night?” Beomgyu asked.
“Playin’ games. Found lots of..hmp..turtles.” Taehyun mumbled, yawning mid sentence and closing his eyes.
“I see. So you’re the culprit then. Honestly, I had you last on my list of suspects.” Beomgyu stated with his hands on his hips. Mystery solved. Taehyun grunted absentmindedly. He didn’t really know what was going on.
Yeonjun internally groaned and tsked, following Beomgyu to living room so he could sit down. He knew this would happen, and it would only get worse throughout the day. If he was lucky, Taehyun would go back to normal and keep his complaints to himself, but by looks of things, that wasn’t going to happen. Curled up in his lap was Taehyun, dozing off with his thumb in his mouth. His heart could’ve exploded. Taehyun was so cute when he was sleepy and snuggly. Maybe he would take the opportunity to cuddle all day and laze around with his baby. That sounded much better than trying to go about their normal routine.
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kitty-agere-fics · 3 months
little!ot5 with caregiver reader where hueningkai is a headspace on 2-3 while the other boys are 4 and up but hueningkai refuses to except this and tries to act older but ultimately hurts himself in someway so reader and ot4 have show him that it’s ok to be younger
Here! Enjoy! ~ KITTY
It's Okay
Request Info - - - - Masterlist
CG!Reader, Little!OT5
(Reader is called CeeGee as a nickname for CareGiver)
TW: blood (only mentioned)
"I wanna too!" Kai whines as he see the craft the others are working on. He crosses his arms and pouts. "Pwease?"
"Kai-Kai, you can't," Yeonjun looks at the maknae, "CeeGee said not let you because you to small today."
"Can color with us! Here!" Taehyun smiles and hands Kai some paper and crayons.
Kai pouts, but accepts the paper and crayons. He colors for a bit, but the bright colored handles of the scissors catch his attention. When the other boys go into the kitchen, where you're preparing a snack, Kai is momentarily left alone.
All of the other boys are clamoring to show you what they mad. You laugh at their energy.
"Set them on the table and go clean up real fast, okay? Then you can have your snack."
They all agree and run back to the living room. A moment of quiet. And it doesn't last long.
You run into the living room as you hear Beomgyu shout. You see the boys having started to clean up except Yeonjun and Kai. Yeonjun is holding a pair of kids scissors in his hand. Kai has a cut on his arm.
"What happened?" You frown, highly doubting that any of the boys would have done this to Kai, but preparing for anything.
"Kai-Kai had da scissors when we came out!" Taehyun replies, "Junnie told him you say no, but he didn't listen!"
You nod. That sounded right. You sigh, "Give me the scissors, Junnie."
Yeonjun carefully hands you the scissors and you go to put them on the kitchen. You come back to the living room.
"Finish cleaning up. Be careful," you instruct. The boys nod. You gently half drag, half lead Kai down the hall into the bathroom to clean up the cut.
"Why were you playing with the scissors, Kiddo?" You frown.
"Wanna do da craft too!" Kai pouts and looks down at his lap. "No mean to cut myself."
"You can't use the scissors by yourself when you're this little, Kai. If you'd have asked me, I would've come and helped you do the craft after I was finished getting the snack ready."
"Da others get to do it alone!" He tries to cross his arms but can't since you have a grip on his wrist.
"Don't move. This will take longer if you move," I caution. "And the others get to do it alone because they aren't as little as you are."
"I not little! I big!"
I bandage his hand and shake my head. "Sweetheart, you're acting really little right now."
"I'm not," he pouts stubbornly. He crosses his arms across his chest and tries to get up to leave the room. "Wanna go play, CeeGee."
"Go play, then, Kiddo." You watch him run out of the room.
Kai goes out to play with the other boys and asks to play with them.
"Can't play, Kai-Kai. I sorry." Tahyun gives Kai a sympathetic look, but the younger just pouts.
Kai runs off, closing his door while crying. You enter the room right at that point.
"Boys…" You sigh.
"He's too small for the game CeeGee." Soobin explains with a small pout. "Didn't wanna make him cry."
"I know you didn't. He's just having a hard day." Your voice is gentle. You want them to know what's going on, but you don't want to upset any of the boys.
"Will paci and pushie help?" Beomgyu looks up at you.
You think a moment. "You can try, but he might not like that."
Beomgyu nods and runs off. When you here more crying, you instruct the other boys to stay put.
You go down the hall and hear Kai vehemently denying that he's "that little," you sigh and enter the room. You go over to Kai and Beomgyu.
"Whats wrong, you two?"
"Gyu-Gyu think I in babyspace!" Kai pouts.
"Kai, Gyu just wants to help you. Come here." You gently coax him into a hug. He nuzzles into you.
"It's okay if you're in babyspace Kai."
Beomgyu chimes in, trying to help, "Uh huh! I do babyspace sometimes! An CeeGee an Junnie an Binnie an Tyunnie an you all fine wit it!"
"Not in babyspace! I kidspace!" He puts his thumb into his mouth as he pouts.
You gently pull his thumb from his mouth. "Don't do that. You don't wanna hurt yourself on accident."
He pouts, but let's you put the paci in his mouth. He cuddles into you. Beomgyu hugs Kai.
"We can play different game so you can play, Kai-Kai!"
Kai nods after a bit and let's Beomgyu pull him out of the room to go convince the others to play a simpler game. You follow and watch the other boys all fussing over Kai, not wanting him to be sad.
The other boys all spend the rest of the day playing with Kai and encouraging him to ask you for help when he needs it. Each time you see this, it causes you to smile.
Towards the end of the day, Kai comes up to you.
"Hm, what's up?"
"CeeGee, I sorry. I bein difficult today," he pouts a bit.
You shake your head and embrace him. "You don't need to say sorry for that, Kai. You just need to remember that it's okay if you aren't as big as the other boys are. Okay? Oh, and you need to be careful. No more accidents because you're trying to act older than you are."
"I know, CeeGee. I will."
"Good. That's good." You smile. "C'mon, let's go get you ready for bed."
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riikive · 1 year
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ongoing. [ ♪ ] finished. [ ♬ ] discontinued. [ ♩ ] hurt/comfort. [ ✉ ] suggestive. [ ☄ ] others. [ ⤹ ]
☆ little one ☆ [ ♬, ✉, little agere, little space, etc. ] ➤
☆ deserve it all [ ♬, ☄, ✉ ] ➤
☆ lovesong [ ♪, ✉, ☄, ⤹ ] ➤
☆ lights camera and action | actor/model au [ ♪, ✉, ☄ ] ➤
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