#agent qasim
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site 600 staff relationship chart!! these guys are my world and me and my friend have been working on them for so long,,,
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welldonekhushi · 5 months
Call of Duty OC: Vasili "Bell" Sokolov 🔔
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Finally, I came up with my Bell's bio-sheet as well! I abandoned him for nothing, but now I decided to give him some depth and character for good <3
Name: Vasili
Full name: Vasili Mikhailovich Sokolov/Vincent Stephens
Codename: "Bell", Ворона (The Crow, by the KGB)
Alias(es): Vasya, Vince, Vasen'ka (by his parents), Adler's protégé (by Woods), Scary Old Man (by Sims), Major Sokolov
Gender: Male
Nationality: Russian (as Vasili), American (as Vincent)
Languages spoken: Russian, English, Spanish, Italian, German and fluent in many other languages
Date of Birth: [REDACTED]
Place of Birth: Kamyshin, Russian SFSR
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: KGB (retired), Perseus Operative (formerly), MACV-SOG (currently, but after the true ending he leaves)
Status: Unknown
Universe: Black Ops: Cold War
Faceclaim: Danila Kozlovsky
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Song: "Ostrov Nevezeniya" by Andrei Mironov
Biography: Bell, unaware about his own existence and his past, sought to assist the CIA special agent, Russell Adler on the aim to hunt down Perseus. Every moment that passes, he starts gaining his lost memory back, which makes him question himself about what he truly is. Would Bell choose the right side of history, or choose his own?
Get to know about his parents too!
KGB (Committee for State Security)
General Anton Charkov
Major Dimitri Belikov (double agent)
Major Vadim Rudnik
Lev Kravchenko
Perseus Faction
"Perseus" (leader)
Arash Kadivar
Anton Volkov
Qasim Javadi
The Safehouse
Alex Mason
Frank Woods
Russell Adler
Helen Park
Lawrence Sims
Lazar Azoulay
Aleksandra "Aleks" Clarke R. (@alypink)
Yume Sieheart (@cyberghostdraws)
Koa "Hunter" Nikau (@islandtarochips)
Charles Moore (@deeptrashwitch)
Weapon induced: Knife, MI6A1, M60, MP5, Type 63, LW3 — Tundra, AK-47, Throwing Knife
Fighting style: Systema, hand-to-hand combat, a little martial arts
Special skills: Has a good sense of observation and quick to react to the situation, can compose himself in many identities
Talents: Vasily could learn languages easily at a fast rate, even after getting brainwashed, he still retained those qualities within him
Shortcomings: Has frequent headaches, loses focus at times, not very confident when it comes to taking a decision, becomes absolutely dependent on his superiors
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Myers-Briggs Type: ISTP (The Virtuoso)
Is aware of his surroundings: Because of his career as a special agent, Bell conceals himself in terms of his personal life in seclusion. Even knowing he's hunted everywhere, he intelligently makes himself invisible from the outside world which makes others difficult for him to locate or recognise.
Works in solitude: Vasili/Bell has always prefered to work alone, but it doesn't mean he doesn't mind going on missions with the team. But, as his habit of being a special agent, that trait normally came from him back in his days when he worked with the KGB.
Observant and intelligent: Vasili was able to survive any sort of situation because of his good observant skills, and his capacity to act quicker. He was able to learn a lot of languages as well, and posed himself in different identities, that made it harder for the intelligence agencies to track him down.
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Is reserved and introverted: Bell really doesn't speak to anyone much, unless when it comes to planning or going for missions, he needs to form a sort of communication to keep it lively. He is seen being more comfortable with Mason and Woods, but never felt having a good vibe with Adler. It was odd on his part, but it was going to grow very obvious when the truth would have come closer to any minute.
Bell, who first used to live under the identity of Vasili Sokolov, was born in a family who had an army background, where his mother and father, both served during the Second World War, and hearing their stories, it gave Vasili a motivation to support his parents legacy by joining the intelligence — which was the KGB, going under the codename "Crow".
When Vasili joined the organisation, he showed a remarkable performance as a special agent. Some say he was born to join the intelligence and make the country proud, or he was a gifted child who could learn anything quickly and successfully perform a mission by stealing info or destroying any plans that could harm his country, without any failure. He even pointed out possible mistakes while planning out a mission, and in the end they worked out efficiently. Alongside, he made himself a friend, whose name was Dimitri Belikov, and grew closer to each other and worked together as a team.
Sooner or later, Vasili's influence spread all around the world, especially during the Cold War, the enemies of the Soviet Union had a kill/capture on him. "Kill" because Vasili knew too much about them, and "Capture" because, they wanted him to tell everything he has with him, which likely created a risk for the KGB and they couldn't do so. With that, General Anton Charkov gave him the order to "retire" and stay hidden to protect himself along with the organisation. Disappointed, Vasili protested that it was the only thing that "kept him going", but having no choice, the agent decided to leave the KGB, under the General's orders.
It was a matter of time, when one was going to collect him instead, realising he was now no longer affiliated with the KGB. Vasili was met with someone who called himself "Perseus", and requested him to join his alliance, since he knew about Vasili from his influence, and promised to give him full security, knowing he was hunted worldwide too. Seeing that as an opportunity, Vasili agreed to join in good terms, directly becoming Perseus's loyal agent.
As he continued his journey in the faction, he had shown his skills again which made Perseus as his most trusted agent, unlike the rest. But, at times Vasili has shown inner conflict towards his ideas. During the moment when he was explained about "Operation Greenlight" with the members, it left a strange feeling within his heart. He tried to protest, but he somehow couldn't refute his superior's words, and decided to acknowledge instead. Vasili had kept showing a remarkable performance, much to Arash Kadivar, one of the faction members, being envious of his relationship with Perseus.
Kadivar lures him to Trabzon Airport, where he takes Vasili, and explains that he didn't want any more "competition", resulting in him shooting the special agent in the car he was present in, leaving him to die and bleed alone. But, sooner or later, an attack situated on the airfield, unbeknownst to the dying Vasili who was growing unconscious every passing minute. Growing lost in his own thoughts, about Perseus that promised him to give him protection from the outer forces, but didn't recognise that his "own" people were against him too, as he questioned his existence at the same time.
The voices echoed, and the man started to lose his breath.. until he woke up, and found himself in a strange place, where he couldn't remember anything of what happened. This is where, he encounters Russell Adler, a CIA agent who he curiously looks upon, having no idea. Unable to introduce himself, Adler briefed him about his name, being it under the codename "Bell". And this is where, all the very events of the canon game begin from here.
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pyxis-stellae · 7 months
A chance in a million
What have you done?
Tags: Call of Duty, Black Ops: Cold War, Bell, Perseus.
Heavily inspired by @transmascsimonriley depiction of their relationship
Summary: after the events in Solovetisky, Perseus finds an old comrade.
First Next ->
He should have seen it coming.
Now, watching the ruins of the monastery in Solovetisky, Perseus knew he should have seen it coming.
It started with the death of two of his agents. Arash and Qasim had a mission, and none of them came back.
Neither did Perseus's most trusted agent. And while they found the other two bodies, their was never found.
Then, things starting going south. His agents being picked out, Volkov, Rudnik... All dead. And the CIA closer and closer to him. He knew it. He knew, the second that the Lubyanka building was raided by Americans, that there was someone from inside giving them information.
And they finally got to him. Somehow, the CIA learned where he would detonate the bombs and destroyed the place first. That someone from inside needed to be close enough to know the details. There was only one left. Perseus didn't want to think about that possibility.
There was no point in despair. However, walking amongst the dead bodies of his men, it hurt. So many people that believed enough in his ideals to be willing to die for them, and in the end, they did just that. They would need buckets to collect such a huge amount of tags.
Perseus decided to take a walk to the cliff side, hoping to clear his mind. The Americans were gone, either way. They took what they wanted and left, leaving just destruction and pain in their wake. Such an American behavior.
He didn't expect the person he would find in that cliff side.
A body amongst a million. And yet, such a remarkable one.
His agent, sprawled on the ground as they slowly bleed out, betrayed by the Americans that used them for their own gains, and now cut off the loose ends. A protegee, an agent, a traitor.
Now dying right in front of him, after he spend months looking for them.
Perseus kneeled by the side of his agent, who was barely aware of what happened. The man sighed, shaking his head.
"Oh dear, what have you done?"
He muttered, more to himself than to the half conscious person in front of him. Pressing the wound to stop the bleeding from the bullet that pierced their chest, Perseus called for a medical team.
Maybe he had been betrayed, but he couldn't be sure just yet. And if hope is the last to die, he had to believe his agent had a good explanation.
Maybe, he could save that one life. Maybe, he could get an explanation. Maybe, just maybe, this one person would still be at his side on the end of this.
It was a lot of maybes. But what else can one do when everything in their life has been shattered?
Perseus picked up the body of his agent, and walked back to extraction.
Maybe, they would make it.
Maybe there will be a part two, not sure yet!
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lavendershazy · 2 months
current ncis idea list for posterity idk
my terribly disloyal adhd brain wants to write more ncis fics now that I'm well into my rewatch. disregarding how behind I am on every wip that already exists. literally barely managing single chapters every few weeks and my brain wants to spit out soooo many ideas ugh. especially bc there's so much that I wish happened that we never see, even when we can imagine it's happening off-screen, and I'd love to write so much lol.
so on top of the ideas in progress, almost all for other shows, my brain wants me to write:
-ziva breaking down when she's close to having tali and trying to come home, only to be in the hospital because of the flight, and give tony's info to the hospital as her emergency contact. he gets the work call and immediately heads out because it's a family emergency. he, gibbs, and senior get to be there for baby tali's world debut, and the team family meets them at tony's place when they return to the country.
-qasim surviving the attempt on his life and living to be ellie's official fiance and future husband
-ellie and nick goat yoga - among other lowkey kinda-dates. esp if accompanied by a slowly increasing interest from the other team members (and including someone chewing nick out for acting like there's no reason for men and women to be platonic friends, esp when he's trying to say they're having very platonic time spent bonding together, oops, pick one)
-ellie and nick, too-long stakeout in a home. trying not to be too domestic, but ellie keeps thinking about and mentioning when she and jake moved in together and it's getting awkward.
-sloane/izzy sapphic surfer times, with a side of interagency noncooperation.
-reeves' aa experiences and pieces of that scotland trip with ellie
-reeves', abby's, and kasie's volunteering, ducky's book tour and following vacation.
-post-what-child-is-this ellie and nick oopsie baby. gibbs having a different idea of how to tread with an in-team relationship than he did for tony and ziva, let alone him and jenny. still being peak protective dad mode. (remarks to himself about how apparently none of his kids use proper protection, despite being good at protecting themselves otherwise.) everyone having fun with them learning to be parents, once the not-quite-shock subsides. team being advisors, esp as they figure out that things aren't really casual, they're just scared of feelings.
-earlier people with relationships to the team coming back.
like maddie (kelly's long-ago best friend) being in contact with gibbs as she continues about her life, graduates school, gets married, etc. mcgee's little brother from that program growing up. the mentees that torres had, like max whose dad was an agent who died in the navy yard bombing? jeanne and her husband being points of contact on more cases in africa.
sarah mcgee! finishing her degree and getting to work, eating her weird pizza. what is/was her relationship with the admiral or with penny like? what is delilah's sister like? where are leyla and amira?
god, there are so many ideas.
anyway, I'll probably not get around to it. so if you write any of these, especially if you're inspired by this post, maybe let me know? no pressure.
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Good event/nasty event: Good event per Germania e Stati Uniti, nasty event per il regno dell'anticristo e il dominio sciita-ebraico
Con la proclamazione del ennesimo Sacro Romano Impero e del quarto reich attraverso l'approvazione degli Stati Uniti,Unione europea e cattolici tedeschi,Heinrich Ludwig assume il nome Heinrich III, il partito Nazionalsocialista tedesco viene fatto ritornare attivo, Adolf Hitler,Reinhard Heydrich e Josef Mengele poterono ritornare nel partito perché il ban è stato rimosso nei loro confronti tuttavia chiariscono che nessuno di loro sarà il leader del partito perché già occupati nei loro lavori quindi come leader del partito venne scelto Otto Von Bolschwing, noto per aver supportato gli ebrei sionisti nella Palestina britannica, noto per aver lavorato nelle SS di Adolf Hitler e per aver lavorato come agente segreto della CIA, egli è stato riportato in vita dal Purgatorio attraverso la grazia di Dio e unico creatore dell'universo.
I neo nazisti continuano ad essere arrestati dalla polizia di Berlino perché sono bande criminali che erano collegate in precedenza con il presidente russo Vladimir Putin.
Il Sacro Romano Impero attraverso il suo esercito invade prima l'Austria e l'Italia annettendole entrambe così l'anticristo non occuperà nessuno delle due nazioni.
Il Vaticano ha preso Heinrich III come un liberatore e protettore, di conseguenza i falsi preti e i falsi cristiani vennero scomunicati perché falsi profeti e vennero anche arrestati per pedofilia quindi rimangono solo i reali cristiani e i reali preti nel Vaticano.
Il Vaticano parla nuovamente tre lingue: Latino,Italiano e tedesco come era successo in passato con Ottone I.
Vennero messe in tutto il Sacro Romano Impero restrizioni contro i musulmani e gli ebrei per motivi che entrambi potrebbero fare attacchi terroristici.
Regno dell'anticristo:
Abu Qasim Muhammad è irritato che è stato bloccato nei piani di conquistare Roma perché come temeva è spuntato un nuovo Sacro Romano Impero e il quarto reich quindi il suo esercito conquista la Giordania e l'Egitto ed è anche arrabbiato per il fatto che Hassan al-Douri, il Mahdi sunnita non è interessato all'Europa ma soltanto al Medioriente e che custodisce le terre ereditate a Ismaele tramite il patto di Dio con Abramo.
Abu Qasim Muhammad essendo l'anticristo in persona e molto arrogante con la conquista dell'Egitto fece tante azioni cattive,inique,malvagie,degne di un ladro e arriva anche mettersi al di sopra di Dio:
"Condurrà in Egitto i loro dei con le loro immagini e i loro preziosi oggetti d'oro e d'argento, come preda di guerra, poi per qualche anno si asterrà dal contendere con il re del settentrione"
Daniele 11: 8
"il re dunque farà ciò che vuole, s'innalzerà, si magnificherà sopra ogni dio e proferirà cose inaudite contro il Dio degli dei e avrà successo finché non sarà colma l'ira; poiché ciò che è stato determinato si compirà.  Egli non si curerà neppure delle divinità dei suoi padri né del dio amato dalle donne, né di altro dio, poiché egli si esalterà sopra tutti.  Onorerà invece il dio delle fortezze: onorerà, con oro e argento, con gemme e con cose preziose, un dio che i suoi padri non hanno mai conosciuto.  Nel nome di quel dio straniero attaccherà le fortezze e colmerà di onori coloro che lo riconosceranno: darà loro il potere su molti e distribuirà loro terre in ricompensa".
Daniele 11: 36-39
Stati Uniti d'America:
Nel frattempo Richard Stuard è stato incriminato per tutte le accuse che aveva fatto:
-interferenza russa
-frode elettorale
-supporto per il neo nazismo
-evasione fiscale
- supporto per l'anticristo
-stupro contro le donne e bambini
Al momento, Richard viene sbattuto in ergastolo e la pena di morte attraverso la corte internazionale criminale deve essere ancora decisa attraverso l'unione europea perché si trattava di una persona che aveva supportato Vladimir Putin, Bashar al-Assad e voleva invadere la Cina in modo irragionevole piuttosto che attendere che è il popolo cinese se rovesciare i communisti in qualsiasi momento quando vedranno le prove che il communismo non funziona ed è un ideologia che vuole uccidere cristiani e musulmani della Cina*
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ivanvolkovroleplay · 1 year
Ivan Volkov soprannominato Ivan VII (18 maggio 1976) è l'imperatore (zar) della Russia e in precedenza era oppositore del presidente russo Vladimir Putin, un politico,ex agente di sicurezza del FSB.
È attualmente sposato Aleksandra Ivanova
Breve biografia
Ivan Volkov nasce il 18 maggio 1976 a San Pietroburgo in precedenza città chiamata Leningrado nell'impero sovietico da parte di una famiglia russa.
Nel 1996, all'età di 20 anni si recluta come agente di sicurezza presso l'agenzia russa del FSB che aveva sostituito il KGB dopo la caduta dell'impero sovietico e si sposa con Aleksandra Ivanova.
Nel 2011, Ivan diserta dal FSB e partecipa alla protesta governativa contro il presidente russo Vladimir Putin.
Nel 2023, Ivan critica Putin per aver invaso l'Ucraina e fece promesse alle opposizioni di Putin che cercherà un modo di fare pace con l'Ucraina e con gli Stati Uniti.
Il 3 aprile, Ivan tramite la ribellione russa rovesciò il presidente russo Vladimir Putin e mette fine il communismo russo causato dagli ebrei sovietici e divenne imperatore (zar) della Russia con il soprannome Ivan VII, egli permisse le basi militari del nuovo Sacro Romano Impero attraverso il nuovo imperatore tedesco Heinrich Ludwig e inviò l'esercito Imperiale in Siria per aiutare i ribelli sunniti di Free Syrian Army.
Nello stesso giorno rese San Pietroburgo e Mosca come le due uniche due capitali della Russia.
Il 4 aprile, Ivan VII fece scatenare i progroms contro gli ebrei russi che avevano minacciato di distruggere l'Europa e il cristianesimo attraverso le armi nucleari e i terroristi, fece risparmiare soltanto gli ebrei neutrali e che non credono in nessun messia ebreo.
Significato del nome:
Ivan è nome di origini celtiche,anglosassone ed ebraiche che significa "Dio ha avuto misericordia"
Il Toro ascendente con ascendente Capricorno è artistico, è ambizioso, testardo e di bella presenza. La vita interiore è vivace, ma la vita sentimentale instabile e fiacca a causa anche di una certa vulnerabilità di fondo che subentra nel momento in cui esce dalla sicurezza della propria praticità e razionalità
Data di nascita: 18 maggio 1976
Luogo di nascita: San Pietroburgo,Russia
Luogo di residenza: San Pietroburgo,Russia
Nazionalità: Russo
Professione: Imperatore (zar)
Segno zodiacale: Toro
Religione: Cristiano ortodosso
Ideologia: Nazionalismo e monarchia
-James Sawyer, presidente degli Stati Uniti
-Heinrich Ludwig, imperatore del Sacro Romano Impero e quarto reich
-Adolf Hitler, ex dittatore della Germania nazista e del terzo reich
-Josef Mengele, collaboratore di Adolf Hitler,medico e scienziato
-Reinhard Heydrich, collaboratore di Adolf Hitler e ufficiale delle SS
-Joseph Ratzinger, ex papa tedesco
-Hassan al-Douri, emiro dell'Arabia Saudita e Mahdi sunnita
-Malik al-Badri, leader dell'Iraq sunnita baathista
-Abu Qasim Muhammad, re d'Israele,anticristo e Mahdi sciita
-Ephraim Werner, collaboratore di Abu Qasim Muhammad e falso profeta
-Saif al-Adel, leader di al-Qaeda
-Bashar al-Assad, leader sciita della Siria
-È un uomo introverso,indeciso e testardo
-Parla inglese,russo,francese,danese e tedesco
-Ama viaggiare e i viaggi
-È un uomo profondamente religioso
-È stato un ex agente di sicurezza del FSB prima di diventare un oppositore di Putin
-È molto atletico, fa esercizi mattutini fa passeggiate quotidiane, ama il kayak e può camminare per decine di chilometri alla volta.
Ama guardare e partecipare alle corse di cavalli.
È un eccellente nuotatore e un appassionato amante del biliardo.
Gli piace anche il tennis.
Durante l'inverno è un appassionato pattinatore e giocatore di hockey sul ghiaccio.
Aleksandra Ivanova (moglie)
Olga Volkov (figlia,1997)
Tatjana Volkov (figlia,1999)
Marjia Volkov (figlia, 2001)
Anastasjia Volkov (figlia, 2003)
Aleksej Volkov (figlio, 2005)
Nicola II Romanov
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shinmiyovvi · 2 years
Bell OC Info 💖💙
Alright, I made a promise that I would make Kaoru and Dimi's info about the two of them! Now then, let's start with this thing.
Kaoru Sasaki:
She is the daughter of Akane Sasaki and Shintaro Masaki (Takeo's descendant? Maybe his son/grandson perhaps?)
Her height is 5"10 (Quite tall for an Asian woman)
She was born on September 18, 1952.
Kaoru can speak English, Japanese, and Russian.
Her favorite color is red, black, and gold.
Also called "Hannya" (It can be symbolized as anger, fear, strength, or betrayal, as it also means wisdom according to Buddhism.)
She is a quiet, smart, and caring person.
Kaoru has an earring where it shows the kamon (family crest?) of the Sasaki clan and her gold haori having the crest of the Masaki clan on the back (I'll make the kamons soon 💖)
Spends her childhood by learning martial arts from her grandfather on her mother's side and katana training with Shintaro.
Wants to be a programmer but ended up in an office as a call center agent due to the lack of job hiring.
Always eager to learn new things.
Always misprounounces her name to Masaki, which she finds it a bit annoying. At the same time, she wants to make use of her father's last name to make her ancestors proud and bring honor to them (Takeo: *happy honor noises*)
Has feelings with Dimitri throughout their time in the CIA. (Yes, they're already in a relationship after the events of the campaign.)
She has a katana wherein there's a name inscribed on the blade which said "Takeo Masaki" (It's like Path of Sorrows, but with Tak's name on it. Tak is such a proud grandpa right now 🥹💖)
When she was 15, she wants to dye her hair red, but her father refused to let her do so until she's already old enough. (Imagine Kaoru yelling "IN YOUR FACE, OLD MAN!" to Shintaro when she finally got her hair dyed 😅)
She's is friends with Mikan Owari, Kitsune, Wraith, Naga, Portnova, and has a complicated friendship with Jackal but still look at each other as allies.
She feels uneasy when she met Stitch on her workplace or when he shows up to any places she went to until she feels comfortable being with him.
She looks at Adler as an enemy for being a huge douchebag and an ahhhole to Dimitri.
During her time in Perseus, she got a scar on her left cheek and a scar on the bridge of her nose during her time with the CIA.
When she was brainwashed, all of her memories were tampered and forgot about her goal to save Dimitri from Adler and the others. (Which Dimi pulls out a reverse card on her by doing the same thing she did to him by letting him remember who he was.)
Kitsune and Kaoru are quite rivals when it comes to challenging themselves on who can hijack the security in an government office.
Like Dimi, she hates Arash and Qasim for being jerks.
Kaoru always wanted to meet her grandfather and the Masaki Clan. (Imagine Takeo just losing his shit when he meets Kaoru, it could be Ultimis or Primis, who knows.)
Finds Mason and Woods as two uncles, one is a grumpy old man while the other is chill and caring.
Also has feelings for Lazar (Can't blame her though, Lazar is something.)
Kaoru has good terms with Park and Sims until she found out about their involvement about the MKUltra.
She loves eating spicy yakisoba, katsu, donburi, sushi, takoyaki, and dango.
When Lena saw her records, this reminded her of Takeo himself as she was convinced that she is Tak's descendant. (I know, Tag happened but this is a headcanon where Tak got a son and maybe a grandson before the events of Zombies.)
Dimitri Volkov
He is a KGB agent and part of Perseus.
He was once part of a gang during his teenage years.
Dimitri is a serious, criminal-minded, smart, and brutal person.
He has no relations with Anton Volkov.
His height is 6"1.
Dimitri was born in November 9, 1949.
He usually curse at Kaoru for complimenting him, did something wrong, or just being all of a pesimist person. But deep inside, he cares for her, he's just being a huge tsundere to her.
He was a campus crush during his senior years even though he was quite rebellious.
His father is from the KGB when he was young and followed his footsteps when he got older.
He loves going to bars a lot to drink some beer or vodka and talk to the ladies there.
Before joining Perseus, aside from being a KGB agent, he was also a hitman as well.
He doesn't get drunk easily.
He's mostly fond of playing board games.
During his time as a KGB agent, hitman, and part of Perseus, he got a scar on his left eye, right eyebrow, and also on his neck.
Dimitri's quite handsome that even the female employess on the KGB falls in loved with him, though he did got a girlfriend once but ended up dumping her for being a tramp and just begs him to be her boyfriend only for money, attention, and smeks.
He likes girls who are pure, beautiful, has honor with them, not a huge tramp, loyal, caring, a loving person, sweet, and gives him the love that he needs in his life. (Aw, even Dimi can be soft sometimes.)
He has some tattoos on his arms and back.
Dimitri smokes a lot, but only when he feels like it. He has his limitations.
When he was an spy on the CIA, he goes by the name Yuri Sidorov.
Stitch and Dimitri has a strained relationship with each other.
Dimitri hates Arash and doesn't care about Qasim. When he found out Arash died and Qasim was captured, he only wished he was there to see them getting beatened up by Adler amd the others or simply beating them up with his bare hands.
Hates Adler, Mason, Woods, Hudson for torturing him and involving Kaoru to his mess during the interrogation.
He's Kaoru's boyfriend at the end of the campaign. (I chose Duga in my fic so yeah after what happened in Duga, Dimi helps Kaoru recover her memories back and finally got the chance to make her as his girlfriend.)
Doesn't care about Sims, Lazar, and Park but he knew that Park was the one behind the idea of the MKUltra.
When he met Lena, he got a liking on her but it was gone until he remembered about Kaoru.
When he met Kaoru on the building where it became a hideout for her, he hates her for being stubborn for not joining Perseus until they got along during her day off. (They even got a photo on the carnival where he won her a plushie and I will draw them soon 🥹💖)
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themovieblogonline · 5 months
It’s All RAW In "RUSLAAN”: A Thrilling Story with Poor Casting
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Ruslaan (Aayush Sharma) was orphaned at a young age. His terrorist father (Nawab Shah) was killed in a shootout by the police and during the same shootout, his mother was also killed. He was adopted by police inspector Sameer Singh (Jagapathi Babu) and his wife. Ruslaan had an interest in music and grew up to become a college music teacher. But nobody knew his shocking secret. He was also working for the secret intelligence agency in India, RAW. He used to disobey the orders of his senior RAW officers but his misdemeanors went unpunished as he was a brave and honest man of high integrity. His senior officer Mantra (Vidya Malvade) was on a mission to track down and capture a dreaded terrorist named Qasim. During this mission, Ruslaan became a victim of allegations that he had murdered a renowned international businessman. Ruslaan’s adoptive father Inspector Sameer Singh, thus began tracking him down to arrest him. The Roar Of A Rebel: Casting Aayush Sharma as Ruslaan! https://youtu.be/_bX1RtKdoPs?si=mpv_eneujmidg583 So, what’s the reality? Did Ruslaan really commit the murder or is someone else the murderer? And who is Qasim? Was he ever captured? You will get to know all if you watch this petrifying musical action-thriller! Written by Shiva, produced by K.K. Radhamohan, and directed by Karan Lalit Butani, the unstoppable force “Ruslaan” is here to break the Bollywood big screens on April 26, 2024! With a gun in one hand and guitar in another, he is going to create a symphony of rebellion like none other. Ruslaan (2024) Official Trailer: https://youtu.be/gqpFSY93qF0?si=_t2Xkw2Haj_3xUhD The Good: The story of Ruslaan is interesting and the screenplay has a heavy dose of raw and engaging action. The action and stunt scenes are intense and thrilling coupled with an exotic high-definition cinematography. If you want some adrenaline rush within an intricate plot, then this is just the movie for you! Some of the dialogues in the movie are powerfully patriotic. "Jis Kuran Ko Maine Padha Hai Usme Allah Ke Baad Desh Aata Hai Aur Mera Desh Hindustan Hai" meaning, “The Quran I have read gives priority to my country just after Allah, and my country is India!” You can feel the power and intensity of this dialogue just by reading it. Presenting Aayush Sharma with Sushrii Shreya Mishraa in the romantic track “Taade” from Ruslaan https://youtu.be/5hoauPa_PT4?si=b1ro_HUmMnaEM5fK The Bad: Even if the screenplay is action-packed, the overall emotional and dramatic essence falls flat. Know what, the drama in Ruslaan is actually similar to that of 90s-era Bollywood action movies. It appears very routine and lacks novelty. There are some twists and turns in the 2-hour movie but they just don’t seem to make up for the foundering screenplay. Moreover, the eponymous music teacher and RAW-agent character of Ruslaan is very relatable and predictable. At the start of the movie itself, you will know that this guy is unstoppable and is here to prove his point. You will get a hint of the climax and will be able to visualize what’s going to happen after two hours. So, this can spoil the thrill to a certain extent. Actually, this heavy-duty action-hero character of Ruslaan was framed for a Bollywood actor who has star power as well as muscle power, for example, Salman Khan. But instead of Salman Khan, it’s his brother-in-law Aayush Sharma who takes the lead. Aayush Sharma is not a very popular actor in Bollywood. His movies rarely come out, the previous one being “Antim: The Final Truth (2021)” where he starred as the lead villain opposite Salman Khan and unfortunately, the movie became a Box-Office flop. Hear The Roar: Who The Don? Ruslaan!! https://youtu.be/EmBM_KmysjA?si=IBpRztQBRIX2kK-j Disappointingly, it’s all about the aura! It’s not about how the action goes, but about who is performing that action! Even if Aayush Sharma has performed some high-intensity action stunts in Ruslaan, he just doesn’t seem to fit in the shoes of the titular action hero because of his cute boyish looks as he appears more like a romantic hero than an action hero. I mean compare him to heavy-built macho men like Salman Khan and John Abraham. When you think about these guys, the image of Aayush Sharma will automatically shrink and disappear from your mind. The boy has built a good physique for his role no doubt, but he simply doesn’t stand on par with other action heroes in Bollywood in terms of ruggedness, machismo, or fame. Although he has tried his best to look rugged and fierce, I am sorry to say that no matter how hard he may try, he seems to be better off with romantic or comical roles. To be honest, Ruslaan received a pathetic opening from the audience and I guess, it’s because people are least interested in seeing Aayush Sharma as a Bollywood action hero. Surprisingly, it was not just Aayush’s performance but the performances of all other actors including Jagapathi Babu, Vidya Malvade, and Sushrii Shreya Mishraa seemed dreary. However, Bollywood’s legendary action hero Suniel Shetty in his short special appearance did put in some star power. https://youtu.be/U9YNhG4Fs-E?si=aparByk8K-p01wbD The Verdict: Aayush’s action film “Antim: The Final Truth” was a big flop. If things continue like the present-day openings, “Ruslaan” may not be able to survive at the Box Office, despite Salman Khan urging his fans to watch his brother-in-law’s film. I am not prohibiting you from watching Ruslaan. You can visit your nearest theaters, grab a bucket of popcorn, and dig yourself into this action-packed story. But while watching, make sure you leave your logic behind. Why is it that whenever the nation is under threat, there’s only one man who can save the day? Don’t try to reason, after all, it’s all just for entertainment! https://youtu.be/AvCRCk_i9Z4?si=ZrD0Z4VWKpvb-tHC   Read the full article
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vomitnest · 11 months
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...and so the system is control by what I call the corporate autocracy. 
Kermit Roosevelt was an essence the first economic hitman. He was also a jack, he was a two combined. But he was a CIA agent, card carrying government employee and so very quickly he realized that that's no good, but if he'd been caught and we would look pretty bad, so we developed a new class of people like me and we worked for private companies, consulting firms whatever, and where economic hitman and essence we worked for the corporate autocracy, the government, but were not paid directly by them, we're paid by a consulting firm. 
We've given this country… we put this country in a terrible, terrible situation, and a terrible predicament. Few of its wealthy people have made a lot of money and... they've invested in real estate in Florida, or Swiss banks, or stock markets overseas, they're taking their money out of the country, and they become very rich and if something goes wrong in the country they just leave. But the other people are left holding this huge debt and as a result… they can't afford the education systems, the water, and sewage systems that they need, the health...
But we don't hear that we think foreign aid is altruistic, that it's there to help people, in fact it's only there to help the corporate autocracy, that's what it's for, that's how the system is set up. I think that's terribly unfortunate…
So if… if the corporate autocracy does not like what's going on in Nigeria, or Botswana, or Thailand, or any other country, and they go in, and they send people like me, and they send economic hitman in and… and… and we try to corrupt the system, we… we offer that the bribe, and the same time the threat. And if the leader doesn't buy, then in fact we do send in, what we call the jackals and they overthrow the government or they assassinate the leader. 
So we decided he had to go, he had to be assassinated, we send an assassination team in the early '60s, it was headed by a young man at the time, who failed and get… get… get wounded in the process and had to flee the country, that was Saddam Hussein, he was are hired assassin.
He failed so the CIA went in directly and had Qasim publicly executed on Iraqi television, and put Saddam's family in power.
Umm… We've done this time after time after time, usually the economic hitman are successful. So we don't need to send in the jackals, but on those occasions when we're not successful, and it's for me I was… I was… I failed with Omar Treehouse in Panama and Jaime Roldos in Ecuador, and so the jackals were sent in, and assassinated these men. 
On a very few instances when neither the economic hitman nor the jackals are successful then and only then do we send in the military and this is what happened in… in Iraq, you know, we… the economic hitman were unable to bring Saddam Hussein around, the jackals were unable to take him out, he had very loyal guards, and he had look-alike doubles, so it's difficult to take him out. And so we sent in the military.
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sufiphilippines · 1 year
Capt. Kalingalan Caluang son of Caluang, Caluang son of Panglima Bandahala, Panglima Bandahalan son of Satyu Munu, Satya Munu son of Qasim(Father’s side)
Mother’s side: Capt. Kalingalan Caluang anak sin Muhayla, Muhayla anak sin Padukka Salih
From the Descendants of Ghawth Azam Sayyiduna Shaykh AbdulQadir Jilani qaddasallahu sirrahu
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Founders: Capt.Kalingalan Caluang, Rashid Lucman, Salipada Pendatun, Domocao Alonto, Hamid Kamlian, Udtog Matalam, Atty. Macapantun Abbas Jr.
From Norodin Lucman:
Fast facts: Moro National Liberation Front
Philippine Daily Inquirer / 04:25 AM November 05, 2016
Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF)
Year founded: 1972
Founders: Nur Misuari and Hashim Salamat
Strength (Misuari’s faction): 3,000 (reports as of 2016)
Historical Fact
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Founders: Rashid Lucman, Salipada Pendatun, Domocao Alonto, Hamid Kamlian, Kalingalan Caluang, Udtog Matalam, Atty. Macapantun Abbas Jr.
Salamat Hashim was a member of the Ansar el Islam, the Islamic wing of the BMLO under Sen. Domocao Alonto
From 1968 to 1972 the BMLO trained and financed about 30,000 Bangsamoro fighters, men and women, in guerrilla warfare. BMLO was supported by the Confederation of 19 Royal Houses of Mindanao and Sulu and most major Muslim political clans in Mindanao and Sulu.
BMLO was supported by Malaysian PM Tunku Abdel Rahman, King Faisal of Saudi Arabia, Pres. Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt, Ustaj Saleh Taynaz and Libyan Minister Saleh Bouyasir, who died in a plane crash in 1972.
MNLF emerged after it won support from Malaysia’s Tun Mustapha, head of the proposed Republik covering Sabah and Mindanao and Sulu, Libyan Pres. Muammer Khadaffi, Foreign Minister Aly Trekky and the OIC. Tun Mustapha confiscated the 2,000 FN rifles bought by Rashid Lucman in Belgium in 1972 earmarked for the revolutionary fronts in Lanao and Maguindanao.
MNLF declared the establishment of Mindanao Republik in 1972.
Origin: The MNLF was a splinter group of the Muslim Independence Movement, later called the Mindanao Independence Movement, which was founded in 1968 to work for a separate Moro state in the southern Philippines.
Gov. Udtog Matalam, brother in Law of Gen. Salipada K. Pendatun, declared Mindanao Independence when his son was killed by NBI agents in 1968. His son Udtog “Jun” Matalam Jr. was active in the BMLO.
Ideology and goal: The MNLF initially sought a fully independent state for the Moros, but its leadership accepted autonomy under the 1996 Final Peace Agreement.
Currently, the MNLF is divided in its aims, with some factions supporting MILF-government talks and the proposed Bangsamoro region, while other factions strongly oppose the proposal, insisting on full implementation of the 1996 agreement.
Major attacks:
Sept. 9, 2013 — MNLF members entered Zamboanga City and attacked government forces and took some 300 civilian as hostages.
Oct. 10, 1977 — Thirty-four military officers and soldiers, including Brig. Gen. Teodulfo Bautista, were killed in what came to be known as the Patikul massacre in Sulu province.
Moro Islamic Liberation Front
Year founded: 1977
Founder: Hashim Salamat
Strength: 12,000
The MILF broke away from the MNLF because of ideological and political disagreements between Salamat and Misuari. Salamat Hashim accused Nur Misuari of giving away the Bangsamoro revolution to Libyan Pres. Muammar Khadaffi and First Lady Imelda Marcos through the 1976 Tripoli Agreement. Dimas Pundato broke away from Nur Misuari and organized the MNLF-Reformist Group in 1979–1980. (SOURCE: EYEWITNESS)
Ideology and goal: The MILF formulated a policy of gradually creating an Islamic society in the Moro regions. To accomplish this, the MILF applied Islamic law in the areas under its control and believed that the creation of an independent Moro state would eventually follow.
Major attacks:
Jan. 25, 2015 — Forty-four police Special Action Force commandos were killed in fighting with MILF guerrillas and members of the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters while pursuing two international terrorists, including the Malaysian terrorist Zulkifli bin Hir, alias Marwan, who was reportedly killed by the policemen.
July 10, 2007 — Fourteen Marines were killed, 10 of them beheaded, while on their way home from operations to rescue kidnapped Italian priest Giancarlo Bossi in Basilan province.
Sources: Stanford University and
Inquirer Archives
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eretzyisrael · 2 years
Memories of the 1958 Iraqi revolution
Not many Jews have recorded their memories of the 14 July 1958 revolution in Iraq, when a bloody army coup d’état led by Abdul Karim Qasim overthrew the Hashemite monarchy. Tamara Ruben interviewed her aunt Amy, a young woman at the time, to record her memories of this period as part of Tamara’s efforts to raise awareness of the plight of Jews from Arab countries.  The events she lived through were so traumatic that  her aunt Amy, who now lives in England, resolved to depart from Iraq, even if it meant leaving her parents behind – an act that demanded much courage. These are her aunt’s words (With thanks: Nancy):
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The young King Faisal II, murdered in the 1958 revolution aged 18
The revolution in Iraq of 1958 took me back to one of the scariest and most agonizing times of my life. This is because the Iraqi masses believed that killing and abusing Jews would be a safe bet at a time when the new military government was busy consolidating its power and grip on the country.
The Jews had their telephones cut off, Jewish government officials were fired (if there were any left after the establishment of Israel), and several Jewish homes, including ours, were raided.  We waited in fear for them to take us and throw us in jail. Some prominent Jews were left to rot in prison. Six soldiers armed with rifles raided our house. It was three storeys high. They searched every corner. One soldier asked my father to sit at the table and sign a document. My father, horrified and grey-faced, was ready to sign. When I mustered enough courage to ask the soldier what document he was signing, the soldier replied, “We couldn’t find any spy equipment.” After they left, I told my father that I was leaving Iraq and that he had to leave too. He refused because of his age and my mother’s various illnesses.
I was told that the Chief Rabbi of Baghdad was so concerned that he complained to the leader of the revolution, Abdul Karim Qasim, who had pledged to protect the Jews. Qasim tried to keep his promise until he was assassinated in his office in the Ministry of Defence. This was the counter-revolution of  February 1963. Power was passed to his assistant and revolutionary collaborator,ʿAbd al-Salam ʿArif, who died three years later in what they believed to be a ‘planned’ helicopter accident….
In the 1958 revolution, the entire royal family was put to death.
The body of the young King Faisal II was secretly exhumed and buried when the junta realised that there would be a rebellion if it was known that the body of the beloved young king had been dragged through the streets. I don’t think  that the British dared to intervene because Iraq had remained under their influence while it was supposedly independent!
The hated crown prince, Abdel Il-llah, whom the mob thought was the agent of the British colonialists, was tied up, murdered and his body dragged through the streets of Baghdad.
Prime Minister Nuri al-Said escaped, but was caught the next day, disguised in a woman’s abaya, and was shot immediately.
The next day, I got up to go to work as usual when I discovered that our front gate was blocked by a tank. Martial music blared on all radio stations. I left on July 14, 1959:  it took me one year to get a passport.
My parents stayed another year and left in 1960 via Turkey to join the rest of the family already in Israel”.
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snowgoldwaylon · 3 years
Cold War/Black Ops Characters, Summed Up in Out of Context SpongeBob Stills:
Park after explaining to Adler that Volkov needs to be captured alive and all he says is "Your preference has been noted, Agent Park:"
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Hudson literally anytime he hears Bell's named being mentioned in a sentence:
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Bell, trying to get some sleep but they hear Adler play The Stroke by Billy Squier for the 107th time at 3 AM while shotgunning a tall boy:
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Qasim Javadi when he saw the three shilouettes on his back patio:
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Mason's face when Woods brought up Raul Menendez on the ride to the bar for guys night for the 6th time this week:
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What Russell Adler thought Perseus looked like years after Vietnam:
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Sims thinking of all the magazines he has back on the heli while on mission:
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Lazar when he couldn't buy Park any Knackwurst:
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Mason, after Woods literally breathes:
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Stay tuned for part two!
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guigz1-coldwar · 3 years
Always for the greater cause... : an new COD What if?... fic is out !
Plot :
What if...Bell was never a Perseus agent but became one...not by her own will?
In this rewriting of the Cold War campaign, Vikhor 'Stitch' Kuzmin and the Perseus Collective discover during an operation in Turkey, the resurgence of the old nemesis of Stitch, Russell Adler nicknamed 'America's Monster', responsible for many problems to the Collective and now, giving to Stitch, the time of vengeance for what Adler did to him years ago.
But at the same time, Stitch also discovers that someone survived in that operation after having been shot by one of the targets of the operation...an opportunity for him to take.
To read it on AO3, click here!
Taglist : @snowgoldwaylon , @clxudtea , @efingart
13th January 1981
Vikhor 'Stitch' Kuzmin, Perseus
A little shack near the Trabzon Airport, Turkey
Arash Kadivar...I knew that he was a traitor to the cause, along with his friend Qasim Javadi, always been jealous of my men or myself. Working with the Americans for money & glory, what idiots those two men are. As I thought the day before, Javadi took only a minute to crack after Naga threatened him to make him fly in one of the numerous cars of Amsterdam and he gave up the location of Kadivar before Naga decided to make him fly nonetheless for his betrayal.
Our preparation was in no time, Kadivar hiding right in Turkey at the Trabzon Airport to make a weapons delivery but also meeting with some agents from the West, probably to tell them that he's planning to defect to the West and surely going to work with the CIA's dogs. To make sure the job was done perfectly, I took the same men that were with me in Amsterdam to get Javadi: Naga & Jackal.
"Please, don't do this." I was in the little shack after neutralizing a little patrol of Arash's men as one of the men that were having a knife in his chest was pleading with me to let him live as he was trying to crawl away from me but as I am, I wasn't going to let him do this freely. "Sir, I ain't liking Arash at all." The man breathed as I grabbed him to make him look right into the only eye I got left, my face hidden by the black mask and the hood, showing proudly the Perseus necklace to the man.
"You work with a traitor, you die a traitor," I told him in a threatening voice before I pulled the knife out of his chest but not to let him go. In a second, I used it to slash the man's throat all along it, filling the knife with blood and a bit of it, going off like a fountain on a part of my clothes. "Traitor," I said, cleaning up the knife on my right sleeve before I start to walk out of the shack to join Naga & Jackal. "Naga, you're good?" I asked him as he was checking one of the bodies on the ground near a pick-up.
"All good, Stitch," He replied, going back on his feet to grab his Pellington 703 leaned on the pick-up.
"Fine, let's go, Arash should be here now," I ordered in a clear voice, moving to take the AK-47 that I left near the front door of the shack as Jackal was also getting ready, cleaning up his knife too.
"Let's go find this shithead," Naga scoffed, talking to Jackal as I was walking away from the scene to join up the little ridge that was going to give us a good view over the airport to look for our traitor before I arrive on the site, discovering a cargo plane guarded by Arash's loyal men...all traitor to Perseus now.
"Seems that Arash is still appreciated by some," Jackal remarked as we all laid down on the ground to stay hidden from the sight of the airport, looking at the numerous soldiers on site. "I'm going to take a closer look to see if he's here," He added, taking binoculars from his outfit to use them as Naga was using his sniper rifle to look closely at the runway.
"Why are we chasing that guy, Stitch?" Naga demanded to me in a curious voice even if he was already knowing of it since I've talked about it a lot before.
"Maybe because he's ready to unleash intel about your operations in the Golden Triangle," I responded, looking at him with a deadly glare to make sure that he was going to comply with my orders. "Or about your moves in Africa," I addressed myself to Jackal this time, him less questioning our motives but still wanting to make the two remember. "If he talks, it will be only a few days for the West to start to pursue us all over the world and the three of us doesn't want this to happen, am I right?" I added, looking back to Naga, seeing his eyes through his sunglasses.
"Yes, you're right," Naga chuckled, a bit uncomfortable until he starts to look back at the runway through the scope of his rifle, the three of us trying to find Arash between the men on the airport. "Looking like Arash isn't even here," Naga commented, a few seconds after my words to him & Jackal.
"Wait, I got eyes on him, he's coming out of the plane," Jackal corrected him as I could see that Iranian arms dealer coming out of the cargo plane on its ramp, along with one of his men who was holding a card box.
"Stitch, permission to shoot?" Naga asked me, his finger right on the trigger of his rifle, ready to pull it to put a bullet hole between Arash's eyes and I was ready to give him the order until Jackal nudged me at the shoulder.
"There's a car coming into the runway," He stated, pointing his finger towards the direction he saw that car, revealing a military car with what I can see, 3 people inside of it. "A driver and two persons on the backseat," Jackal added, giving more details about what was inside of it.
"Must be the agents of the West coming to talk with Arash," I suggested, gesturing to Jackal to give me his binoculars to allow me to have a better look at the situation: the three persons were all masked but at the look of it, there was a woman judging with the uniforms the people on the backseat were wearing. "Two men and a woman, the man behind left the car," I observed the scene, seeing the man that was on the backseat with the woman going out of the car to meet with Arash, shaking hands with him.
"Bet that they're talking about how to fuck us," Naga joked, his rifle still aiming towards Arash as it wasn't the time to joke actually.
"Or about how they can fuck you in particular," Jackal scoffed in a humorous tone with his muffled voice due to his mask, taking his Krig 6 in his hands.
"Just stop joking now, you will have time later," I ordered in a serious voice as I could see the man that left the car, taking in his hand a pistol that Arash was giving to him, and suddenly, out of nowhere, the same guy instantly aimed towards the car he came in, shooting 6 bullets into it, killing without any reasons, the woman and the driver that was waiting for him.
"Shit, why the fuck that guy did this?" Jackal cursed, not understanding the whole situation in front of him along with Naga as for me, I was thinking that it was surely something very strange to see without showing it on my face.
"Naga, you got the order, execute the mission," I told Naga, giving him the order to shoot Arash down as he was walking with the man that shot his former colleague on the plane ramp to get inside.
I & Jackal were now waiting for Naga to pull the trigger of his rifle, having only a few seconds left to do it, and then, after a deep breath through his green mask, he fired the shot...a shot that couldn't be missed to silence Arash for good but instead, the only thing I saw from afar was only the guy that was in front of Arash who received the bullet behind his skull...he missed.
"You missed!" I raised my voice against Naga but it was not the time to put my voice up against him. "Not the time for this, we're doing this from up-close," I said, cocking my AK-47 and going up back on my feet as the alarm of the place was going off, alerting everyone of our presence before I slide down the ridge to get into the fight that was now inevitable for us to do.
I was the first one to go down to fire the first bullet towards Arash's men that were trying to ripost against me, Naga & Jackal who were following me to get the job done but these guys...Arash's men...They were maybe loyal to him but these guys were also too much incompetent to battle against us and to make sure that we show that we weren't joking, the three of us decided to get out of cover to bring the fight from up-close.
As Naga was taking on a soldier & Jackal doing the same, I was facing two soldiers that were struggling to reload their guns without any success from the...Pathetic...I didn't even want to use my rifle, going directly to dispose of them with only the knife I used before, slashing the first guy neck and letting him bleed while for the other, I stabbed him more than 10 times in the chest, enough to spit his guts on the runway ground...
"Shit, the plane's taking off!" Naga shouted to me & Jackal as we were both done with the guys we were fighting with, pointing towards the plane's engines that were starting, making a loud noise around the place. "Quick, in that pick-up!" He suggested, running towards a blue pick-up and its driver seat.
"Jackal, get behind, I'm getting with Naga," I said loudly, taking back my AK-47 in my hands as I start to run to install myself quickly at the passenger seat next to Naga as Jackal was getting behind in the loading part of the pick-up.
"Let's go!" Jackal tapped on the window behind us and in the second that followed, Naga immediately started the pick-up, launching it right to chase the cargo plane, trying to find a way to stop it to take off "Damnit, reinforcements are coming in," Jackal yelled, making me look through the mirrors and seeing some cars arriving behind and near us.
"Give me your hand cannon, you take care of the cars," I ordered to him, having a plan in my head. He complied instantly, managing to give his hand cannon as I was getting my upper body out of the car to grab it in his hands before he turned around to shoot at the upcoming cars. "Stay steady, Naga," I demanded, trying, in fact, to aim down the back of the cargo plane at its wheels, and with that gun in my hands, it was sure that I could make big damage to the plane.
That gun wasn't easy to aim with but with some luck & strength, I managed to fire three shots on the wheels and a four on one of the engines on the right-wing, and those caused the plane to come back on the ground, starting slowly to get on its side as I returned inside the car.
"You did good, Stitch," Naga commented towards me, staying focus on the road as he was getting around the plane to avoid its wreck. "I can say that...." He was interrupted then by a car that decided to take us out of the runway, hitting us right behind us, causing the pick-up to deviate before Naga got his revolver out to shoot down the driver that tried to make us crash, a bullet right into the head. "Oh shit!" He said as he couldn't manage to get us back to normal as the pick-up start to roll over, causing me & Jackal to be ejected out of the car, Naga still inside before we start to roll on the runway right in front of the wreck.
"That wasn't part of the plan!" Jackal yelled as the right-wing of the plane was going to fall on us but luckily, we both managed to avoid it by chance, landing only a few meters from us.
It was almost hurting to have slid on this runway after been ejected from a car but I've seen worst in my life, making this little ejection like it was only nothing compared to what I've experienced during my life. I was the first to get up on my feet, looking around me to see the flames & the burning wreckage of the plane. I checked up myself to see if I didn't have any cuts or wounds after that before I walked to get to Jackal who was getting up, his red mask on the ground, seeing for the first time, the man behind the mask.
"I didn't see anything," I took the mask in my hands to give it back to him, knowing that Jackal preferred to stay hidden behind it, respecting his privacy about and he grinned, putting the mask before I helped him going back on his feet.
"Where's Naga?" He asked me, adjusting his mask to make sure it was correct.
"You should have stayed with us when you had the chance!" We both heard a voice coming behind us and we turned around to see Naga, not even hurt at all on his uniform, having grabbed a wounded Arash by the collar before throwing him at my feet.
"Here you are, Arash," I muttered, seeing him on his knees below me.
"You fucking douchebags, you were always the top guy of Perseus," He said, feeling the angriness on his voice towards us as I was getting out of my holster my own pistol. "But don't worry, Adler will soon find you all," He revealed, making me stop in my moves.
"What did you say?" I demanded to him, cocking the pistol to him, having heard that name from his mouth...
"I said that Adler will put an end to your organization," He spit right at my feet before he starts to laugh at me. "He will surely pull the other eye out..." He tried to continue in his annoying voice before I decided to not listen to him anymore, preferring to silence him for good, the rage inside my body doing it and his body went limp, touching the ground with a bullet hole in the head.
"Let's come back to where the shooting started, now," I ordered to Naga & Jackal, putting my pistol back in my hostler before I start to walk away.
"Who is Perseus?" I heard Naga talking to Jackal but no one, even me responded as I was continuing to walk away.
Adler...Russell Adler, the man that humiliated me long enough to make me betrayed by the state I swore allegiance to, getting put inside a gulag before Perseus saw the potential in me, the man that makes me suffer in 1968 in Rebirth Island, removing my left eye off me and now, I knew that one day, I will have to face the man again but this time I was the one who was going to make him suffer, it's not only a simple fight I'm bringing to him...it's a war...
All of my thoughts were on that man while I was walking back to the place the shootout occurred, Naga & Jackal still wondering who was that 'Adler' but I wasn't willing to respond to that question for the moment, they will both know at the right moment who is Adler as for now, we came back to where it's all started to make the first cleanup of any intels before the cleaning crews were going to come to the runway to get rid of the bodies.
"Damn, guess with who that guy was working?" Naga demanded as he was checking the body of the man he managed to hit with his sniper rifle before the fight as for me, I was checking one of the boxes, finding only some weapons in it.
"I don't know? CIA?" Jackal proposed to him and Naga shook his head.
"Nope, this man was working with the British, MI6," Naga told him the right answer, credentials in his hands handing it towards Jackal who came closer to see it perfectly. "Seems that the CIA didn't want to get the dirty job," He commented.
"Put the credentials with the useful things, it can be useful for us," I suggested before I walked back to them. "I'm going to look up in his car, take a last look around," I said to both of them before I start to go near that car, trying to find anything that can be useful for Perseus. I looked at the backseat, seeing a file on the body of the woman "Interesting..." I muttered, taking the file in my hands to take a look at it, it was mostly encrypted things, giving work to our men back at Solovetsky but then, I saw the woman's head move a little, her eyes narrowed to the max...shit...
"Guys, we have a live one!"
18th January 1981
Vikhor 'Stitch' Kuzmin, Perseus
Perseus base in the Solovetsky Island, Barents Sea, North of Russia
"Russell Adler...the biggest threat of our Collective." I was making a briefing for the highest members of the Perseus Collective in the meeting room of the base: Vadim Rudnik who is our KGB officer & Robert Aldrich who is our spy inside the CIA. Volkov was the only one not here since he had deliveries to make around Europe, the most important person here was Perseus himself, sit on the other side of the table. "Been a threat to us since 1968 after Fracture Jaw and Rebirth Island." I continued before making a sign to the soldier to open the sheets from the windows
"Come on, Stitch, Adler's just a legend inside the CIA, even them doesn't acknowledge that he exists," Rudnik told me, sounding sure in his voice, putting his arms on the table as the sheets of the room were getting opened, letting the light from outside coming back inside the room.
"You don't know too much about him, Rudnik," Aldrich called him at the other side of the table. "He's not a legend and certainly not a myth, I know that because someone in his room knows what he did and I also talked with him once," He added, mentioning briefly about what Adler did to me.
"As Aldrich said, I know well what Adler is capable of," I clenched my fists on the table, giving a deadly glare towards Rudnik. "If you still not convinced, I'm going to ask you what's your best eye to make you believe me," I threatened him clearly as he chuckles in fear at me
"Stitch, I think that you convinced him," Perseus spoke up, making me stop to threaten Rudnik to pull an eye out of him. "We all know what's the risks of letting Adler around to risk our operations around the world and it can't continue anymore," He exclaimed, joining his hands together on the table. "Give Stitch whatever he wants!" He advised Rudnik & Aldrich who both nodded to him, giving me full powers.
"Sir, as you advised, I already make my requests for the team I will be having to make operations against Adler," I explained to him, putting my hands behind my back.
"I know, I received the files this morning before your briefing,' He confirmed before he took a deep breath. "I wanted to talk about...the asset you can use in your team, can you tell me more?" He asked me, knowing that he will do.
"Well, the asset's state is still recovering and we've been thinking to use an extreme way to persuade to work with us," I replied to him in a good tone. "'Wraith' has been able to grab files about the MK-Ultra project thanks to Aldrich's help," I turned my head to Aldrich who nodded to me, a smile on his face. "She knows the project well during her time in the NIS and her skills are needed for the mission,"
"I understand, we need to use every way to make sure that our vision can be realized for what we want to build," Perseus exclaimed, remembering us of our common & precious goals towards our Russia. "Everyone, we are fighting for our way of life that's in danger, the world will soon know about our work and the glory of our Collective," He continued, looking at everyone in the room before his eyes went back on me, looking proudly and sure of something that I knew well...
"I know that you will not fail us, Stitch!"
"Normal forms of interrogations aren't working on her,"
"Breaking the subject's mind & will is a difficult & painful process but we know that well,"
"Do you want me to talk about my time in Rebirth Island and the gulag?"
"Finally, we need to find a name for the subject,"
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yoavcoleman · 4 years
Yoav Coleman (22 aprile 1991) è un agente segreto della CIA statunitense ed è fratellastro di Adnan, Edward,Hillary e Mary Coleman.
Breve biografia:
Yoav Coleman nasce il 22 aprile 1991 a New Jersey (Jersey city) dall'unione amorosa tra Hassan al-Qulbain Coleman e Naomi Cohen, i quali hanno continuato ad avere rapporti nonostante Hassan era già sposato con Anne e aveva tre figli.
Durante l'infanzia e l'adolescenza Yoav studiò nelle scuole ebraiche sia ortodosse e laiche degli USA.
Concluse le scuole, all'età di 18 anni iniziò a lavorare per la CIA come agente segreto lavorando sulle lingue principali: Inglese,Ebraico e Arabo per motivi di sicurezza e individuare possibili nemici che minacciano la sicurezza degli Stati Uniti.
All'età di 23 anni, Yoav lascia Jersey city e si trasferisce a Chicago nello stato dell'Illinois dove ci sono comunità ebraiche americane.
Significato del nome Yoav:
Yoav è un nome ebraico che significa "Dio di mio padre"
Un Toro con ascendente in Capricorno è una persona molto razionale, con i piedi fermamente a terra. Ha grandi capacità lavorative, si impegna, ma con organizzazione, disciplina, tempo e pazienza.
Dà importanza agli aspetti materiali e sa gestire i suoi beni in modo molto economico. In amore, è presente, amichevole e fedele e fornisce stabilità al suo partner e alla sua famiglia.
Potente e carismatico, è difficile da conoscere e, ancor di più, da conquistare.
Per lui, l’amore ha sempre una buona posizione sociale, un portafoglio imbottito o una sorta di potere. È dominante e controlla nelle sue relazioni amorose, anche se lo fa in modo sottile.
Hassan Coleman (padre, deceduto)
Naomi Cohen (madre)
Adnan Coleman (fratellastro da parte del padre)
Edward Coleman (fratellastro da parte del padre)
Hillary Coleman (sorellastra da parte del padre,deceduta)
Mary Coleman (sorellastra da parte del padre)
Talib Coleman (fratellastro da parte del padre)
Osman Coleman (fratellastro da parte del padre)
Frank Coleman (nipote, figlio di Edward)
Osman e Ines al-Badri (nipoti gemelli, figli di Hillary)
Qasim Coleman (nipote,figlio di Talib)
Jawad e Bilal Coleman (nipoti, figli di Talib)
Harry Coleman (zio, deceduto)
Elizabeth Coleman (zia)
Omar Coleman (zio)
Ramses Coleman (cugino)
Chaka Coleman (cugino, deceduto)
Rashid Coleman (cugino, deceduto)
Romeo Coleman (cugino)
Nasser Coleman (cuginastro)
Rashid Coleman Jr (cugino di II grado)
Rex Baye (cognato, marito di Mary)
Ariana Baye (nipote, figlia di Mary)
Yoav Sharabany
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richardalmasirp · 4 years
Biografia di Ahmed al-Hashem
Ahmed al-Hashem (12 agosto 1990) è un agente segreto italiano del SISMI di origini siriane-iraniane.
Ahmed è figlio del siriano Hazim al-Hashem e di una donna spagnola di nome Maria Evans ed è il fratello maggiore di Zayn al-Hashem e fratellastro dei Foster (Ivan,Nikolaj e Boris) ma è anche fratellastro del saudita Zayd al-Qulbain. La carriera è stato un semplice carabiniere dal 2007 al 2017. Dal 2007 al 2020 ha avuto la cittadinanza statunitense.
L’8 novembre 2017 Ahmed viene promosso nel ruolo di commissario del dipartimento di polizia di New York. A Giugno 2018,Ahmed fa ritorno in Siria per un breve periodo ma il suo fratellastro Qasim gli dice che i loro tre fratelli Arif, Hashim e Fahad sono morti misteriosamente. Il giorno 14 febbraio 2020 viene promosso nel ruolo di detective ed inizia a lavorare sulle indagini di crimini misteriosi. Il giorno 2 ottobre 2020, suo padre Hazim al-Hashem con il suo amico Abu Omar al-Asadi accordò di fare sposare i loro figli Ahmed al-Hashem e Najaf al-Asadi. Ahmed e Najaf si sposaronno e festeggiarono il loro matrimonio il giorno 2 ottobre 2020. Il giorno 4 ottobre 2020, Ahmed venne a sapere la morte di suo fratellastro,Qasim al-Hashem a Idilib in Siria da un suo amico, Ahmed pianse per la morte del suo fratellastro Qasim e giurò vendetta contro i suoi uccisori.
Dopo che suo padre Hazim era stato scoperto dalla CIA che è una spia iraniana e furono esplusi dagli USA a causa di questo,Ahmed seguì suo padre prima in Brasile a Rio de Janeiro e poi in Italia a Firenze e a Palermo, a Palermo infatti grazie alle sue abilità fu assunto come detective per lo stato italiano per qualche periodo.
Dopo l'esperienza in Messico nella città di Messico lavorando come cameriere per un certo periodo e il collasso dell'Iran come nazione, Ahmed lasciò sia il suo lavoro come agente segreto della VAJA e sia quello di cameriere.
Il 17 febbraio Ahmed insieme a sua moglie Najaf al-Asadi tornò in Italia a Palermo dove ottene la cittadinanza italiana e inizia a lavorare per i servizi segreti italiani (SISMI).
L’uomo del Leone è e si sente davvero il Re della foresta (o dello Zodiaco, se preferite). Le sue passioni sono forti, le sue emozioni intense e la sua vitalità eccessiva. Assume, per natura, una posizione d’autorità. Un’esistenza mediocre gli sarebbe insopportabile; il suo desiderio di grandezza lo spinge ad affermarsi sempre di più, giorno dopo giorno, e sul suo successo costruisce un vero e proprio regno.
Hazim al-Hashem (padre)
Maria Evans (madre)
Najaf al-Asadi (moglie)
Abu Omar al-Asadi (suocero)
Zayn al-Hashem (fratello, 1992)
Arif al-Hashem (fratellastro da parte del padre,deceduto, 1989-2017) Hashim al-Hashem (fratellastro da parte del padre, deceduto, 1991-2017)
Fahad al-Hashem (fratellastro da parte del padre, deceduto, 1993-2017)
Awad al-Hashem (fratellastro da parte del padre,1995)
Qasim al-Hashem (fratellastro da parte del padre, 1997-2020)
Ivan Foster (fratellastro da parte della madre)
Nikolaj Foster (fratellastro da parte della madre)
Boris Foster (fratellastro da parte della madre)
Zayd al-Qulbain (fratellastro da parte della madre)
Jafar al-Qulbain (fratellastro da parte della madre)
-Dima Gornovskyi
-Christian Hogue
-Rafael Lazzini
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omarmoore98 · 4 years
Biografia di Omar Moore
Origini ed esperienze
Omar Moore precedentemente Zayn al-Hashem (8 luglio 1998) è un bartender e barman statunitense di origini siriane-iraniane è un ex commerciante, imam sunnita e agente segreto della CIA.
E’ figlio di Hazim al-Hashem e di Maria Evans ed è fratello minore di Ahmed al-Hashem.
Dal 2016 al 2018 Zayn ha lavorato come commercialista poi verso il 2019 ha iniziato a lavorare come imam sciita e iniziò ad aiutare suo padre nel suo lavoro e affari, si sposò con un’ebrea statunitense Leeya Owens, verso il giorno 17 settembre 2020 nasce il loro primo figlio Ismael al-Hashem.
il 4 ottobre 2020 sapendo la morte del fratellastro Qasim al-Hashem, come membro della famiglia Zayn rimase sconvolto.
La fuga in Brasile e il trasferimento in Italia
Zayn al-Hashem con la sua famiglia seguì suo padre Hazim al-Hashem in Brasile a Rio de Janeiro una volta che venne espulso dagli USA e perse la cittadinanza statunitense perché suo padre era stato smascherato di essere una spia Iraniana.
Zayn seguì con la sua famiglia ancora una volta suo padre prima a Firenze e poi a Palermo,in seguito comprò una casa accanto a quella di suo padre, iniziò a stringere amicizia con i musulmani e cristiani italiani ed a frequentare le moschee regolarmente.
L'arrivo in Messico e poi Los Angeles
Dopo l'esperienza a Palermo in Italia, Zayn si spostò con suo padre e fratelli in Messico incontrando il suo fratellastro Awad al-Hashem ancora vivo ma che rivelò che nella banda criminale gestita dal mafioso e gangster Edward Coleman c'è un uomo di nome Ibrahim che assomiglia stranamente a loro padre.
Il padre di Zayn, Hazim aumentando i suoi sospetti decise allora di seguire i passi di Edward Coleman oltre che provare stringere alleanza con lui inizierà anche a conoscere lo sconosciuto Ibrahim che in seguito il test del DNA rivela essere suo figlio e di conseguenza il fratellastro di Ahmed,Awad e Zayn.
Dopo questa scoperta Hazim e Zayn smisero di usare le loro false identità di Xander e Ruben Gonzalez ed strinsero alleanza con Edward Coleman per aiutarsi a vicenda nei loro affari.
Trasferimento in Phoenix:
In seguito alla rottura dell'alleanza tra suo padre Hazim al-Hashem ed Edward Coleman,e che suo padre si trasferì in Austin in Texas, Zayn decide di abbandonare Los Angeles e di trasferirsi invece a Phoenix in Arizona ma non solo quello,una volta ottenuto la cittadinaza cittadinanza nuovamente,Zayn decide di proseguire la sua strada e cambia il suo nome in Omar Moore per sembrare un arabo-americano.
Un altro lavoro:
Ad Omar non gli bastò lavorare solo come imam islamico sciita e il giorno 17 febbraio 2021, venne assunto come agente segreto della CIA aiutando ai suoi colleghi di comprendere il corano, l'arabo e il persiano.
Omar decide in seguito di lasciare l'Islam sciita e di abbracciare invece l'Islam sunnita che è la parte più conservativa.
Abbandono della CIA, ruolo religioso e nuovo lavoro:
Omar rimane un musulmano sunnita praticante ma decide di interrompere il lavoro nella CIA e di essere imam, decidendo di lavorare come bartender e barman in un locale sempre rimanendo alle regole della sua religione di non bere alcool.
Hazim al-Hashem (padre,deceduto)
Maria Evans (madre)
Leeya Owens (moglie)
Ismael Moore (figlio)
Amos Owens (cognato)
Ahmed al-Hashem (fratello)
Arif al-Hashem (fratellastro da parte del padre, deceduto)
Hashim al-Hashem (fratellastro da parte del padre, deceduto)
Fahad al-Hashem (fratellastro da parte del padre, deceduto)
Qasim al-Hashem (fratellastro da parte del padre, deceduto)
Awad al-Hashem (fratellastro da parte del padre)
Ibrahim al-Hashem (fratellastro da parte del padre)
Ivan Foster (fratellastro da parte della madre)
Nikolaj Foster (fratellastro da parte della madre)
Boris Foster (fratellastro da parte della madre)
-Omar Borkan al-Gala
-Bilal Abbas Khan
-Henrotay Maxime
-Robert Palmer Watkins
-Michael Yerger
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