#agent p3
thewanderer1049 · 1 year
I got bored a while ago and did this. I’m a bit rusty so. 🤷🏼
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fafnirhumgy · 6 months
I find myself wanting to write more about the Echo x Adastra x Persona idea. And while we're at it... what about adding more?
I'm separating the whole casts into 4 categories:
Phantom Thieves: The Phantom Thieves sans Violet, Crow, Sophie, and Wolf, and the main Adastra cast. Amicus is a bit hesitant about allying with thieves, even if they're good people all around, while Marco being Marco has not let his rebellious streak die down at all the past 8 years. Alexios is given weird looks as the group gets to know each other, especially once he awakens to his fighter-masquerading-as-a-Navigator Persona. Everyone else is just trying their best to acclimate to the new world, with varying results. Their part of the plot revolves around taking down the Palace-like distortions wherever rumors start to amass.
Investigation Team: The Investigation Team + Marie, all on their lonesome. While one team may be better suited to traveling the Metaverse and the other terrifying at dispatching Shadows, the Inaba crew have a god and Shadow Self experience. Even during the slowest apocalypse ever, people continue to be horrible and even try to spin the situation into their advantage, which inevitably backfires as their own Shadows creep up on them. It's their job to help these fools face themselves while tracking down who - or what - is causing the fusion in the first place.
Shadow Operatives: The Shadow Operatives old and new, and the main Echo cast. With the latter group's more intense familiarity with one half of the overarching forces attacking the Persona world, they take a more passive role protecting the common folk from upsurges of rumor-stirred hysteria panics and the Shadow leaks that follow. Aigis in particular is interested in Flynn, since she is more fine-tuned to time distortions (because robot, and who wants a repeat Abyss of Time am I right?) and can feel something very weird from him whenever he uses his Persona.
Hikari Studios: Hikari, Sho Minazuki, Labrys, Adachi, Akechi, Sumire, Maruki, Zenkichi, Sophia, Ichinose, Toshiro, Guernica, Jose, the important route side characters of Echo sans the ghosts, Bjarni, Brunis, and Magis from Interea, and the main cast of Socially Awkward (haha surprised you didn't i?!). Jose's van has become rather large as he comes into his own as one who governs power! And with some hasty modifications to Maruki and Zenkichi's rides as the cognitive dimension starts to fuse more drastically with the real world, Hikari leads a behind-the-scenes B squad against the smaller but no less dangerous threats across the land, with only the fragmented memories of Q2 and her determined heart to lead the unlikely group! Hijinks naturally ensure as the side Echo and SA crews share notes between their worlds and become increasingly concerned for this group's mental health with 6 (former) antagonists among their number.
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reallyvalid · 2 years
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please reblog if possible! my tumblr account is a little small so any reach would really help TwT im moving soon and ill need some funds, since my family will be very tight on money during the process 🙏
im taking commissions in this style! $45, $70, $85 for bust, halfbody and fullbody respectively!
payment upfront via paypal
simple/no bg
message me if interested :3
will try to complete in two weeks to a month, but please understand if i need longer!
also that splatoon drawing is unfinished, rest assured ill actually draw shoes properly if you commission a piece haha
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jellyluchi · 2 years
12.) Does your OC reappear in later parts? If so, what do they do? Give a brief description.
I don't have a crusader's OC unfortunately 😅and Foca doesn't appear in later parts unfortunately either.
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ef-1 · 10 months
Twitter is mad at Daniel again because they caught on to that CH interview about Daniel being offered the same contract as Max, icl I'm also bitter about it. I wish he wasn't so rash in 2018
It's easy to be bitter in hindsight but the reality is more nuanced, had it not been recorded and internationally broadcast, what happened to Daniel in 2018 would be flat out unbelievable by ANY standard lol. Daniel had mechanical issues in every. single. weekend in 2018 <- this is not a hyperbole or a joke (more on this later). He ran multiple races with a b spec engine -> 20 bhp down on Max. At no point in 2018 did Max run a lower engine power than Daniel. Daniel incurred 8 dnfs, 4 back of the grid starts for mechanical issues and 6 grid drops in total where as Max had *1*[one]. This isn't even accounting for failures in quali or free practice that would have compromised his set up or race prep. Daniel's car accounted for 92% of Red Bull failures in comparison to Max's 8%.
Christian's cunty "he ran from a fight" comment stung particularly hard because it was Christian who made MULTIPLE public apologies to Daniel in 2018 on the ground that he wasn't given a chance to compete. Christian would apologise to Daniel again when Max won in Mexico, even though Daniel had an uncharacteristic outburst in the media pen during that famous "The car is cursed. I can't wait to give it to Pierre" This isn't even diving into the dubious & predatory RB contract practices. At 28 years old, to quote Christian "It's the first time he's effectively a free agent."
You look back at it now and lament it as a bad call but even by Christian's admission Red Bull were on the verge of selling the team for 4 years. Honda was coming in, I know it's easy to praise Honda now but Honda single handedly sent Alonso into early retirement. He found working with them untenable + said it cost him his love for the sport. Those were the lingering images of Honda as they re-entered the sport, the team who electrocuted Alonso then bled his love for racing dry.
If you weren't around in 2018 let me give you a run down so horrific it looks like a joke:
Australia - Race: 3 Place grid penalty
Bahrain - Race: DNF - Battery Failure
China - Free Practice 3: Gear box issue with complete engine turbo failure. Misses FP3 entirely, no quali set up prepared. He would go on to win that race from p6
Baku - Race: DNF - Collision with Max. Racing incident.
Monaco - Race: partial MGU-K failure. He would go on to win that race with drastic loss of power.
Canada - Free Practice 2 - Power unit issue, misses majority of the session.
France - Race: front wing failure. (it disintegrated)
Austria - Race: DNF - Retires from p3 with MGU-k Failure
Britain - Quali: DRS failure. No DRS activation, still qualifies p6 behind Max in p5
Germany - Race: Back of grid start + DNF - Takes new engine for the weekend, starts p19 + has lower power spec A ICE approximately 20 BHP down on B spec that Max was running. Daniel climbed upto p5 from p19 but incurs a MGU-k failure and retires.
Hungary - Race: Daniel is forced to run lower power spec A ICE again, 20 BHP down on B spec that Max was running
Spa - Free Practice 1 + DNF: Daniel misses entire session with engine injector issue + Daniel would go on to retire after being driven into on lap 1.
Monza - Race: Back of grid start + DNF. Daniel takes another new engine for weekend (spec C) and incurs another full grid penalty, starts p19. Daniel would go on to climb to p6 before having clutch failure and retiring.
Singapore - Race + Quali + Free practice: During every session in Singapore Daniel has an unresolved spec C engine clipping issue that Red Bull can't fix.
Russia - Race + Free Practice 1 - Daniel misses FP1 due to mechanical issues. Daniel takes another engine penalty, starts p18
Japan - Race + Quali: Daniel incurs throttle actuator failure, misses quali, another back of grid start.
USA - Race: DNF - Battery Failure
Mexico - Race: DNF - clutch Bearing failure + start software clutch issue. Daniel retires the race from P2
Brazil - Race: Daniel takes a 5 Place grid penalty due to new turbo charger replacement. Starts in p11.
Abu Dhabi - Free Practice 3: Misses majority of FP3 with water leak.
Daniel's insanely vulnerable "if racing was the only thing making me happy this year, I would have been miserable" during the last on the sofa with Max was a v apt summary of 2018. To suggest that Daniel fucked up based on the information he had in 2018, namely Daniel undergoing all those problems + knowing RB was flirting with selling the team + Helmut's fuckery + having an out from the RB umbrella for the first time in his career? Your problem isn't with his decision making process, you just wish he was clairvoyant which is an unfair thing to be bitter about
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deepseasecret · 7 months
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Pics of my newest charms ~ they came in earlier this week. Preorders are going to be dropped off on Saturday and then the listing for the P3 + Kanji/Naoto charms will go live!
Older charms have also been restocked too! Including Yosuke, Yu, and the Splatoon agents <3
Shop Link
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silver-velvet-860 · 1 month
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From left to right:
Top row: Agent D (Toxic C1-C3)
Bottom row: Topaz, Onyx, Ruby (Buttons P1-P3), Lights
This batch was DIFFICULT, but it was very rewarding to complete. I’m proud of how these ones turned out!
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humbledragon669 · 4 months
S1E2 – The Book Write Up P3– Present Day/Thursday (2 days to the end of the World) (from Aziraphale and Crowleys’ arrival in Tadfield up to their departure from Tadfield Manor)
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Despite only looking at a short section of this episode, there is a lot of ground to cover in this part of the write up so let’s not waste any time! This collection of thoughts and meanderings commences from the scene in the episode where Aziraphale and Crowley are entering the Tadfield area. The first time I watched this through, I had thought that the plan for the swapping of the Antichrist as described by Crowley had actually been devised by him too. But that’s not possible, is it? Crowley doesn’t become aware of his involvement in the Antichrist plan until he’s actually being handed a baby and Harriet Dowling is already in labour and on her way to the “hospital”. So presumably there was another agent in Tadfield (at the air base?) who was ready to suggest that she be transported elsewhere, though that is never confirmed in any sense, let alone with details of who that agent was. With that in mind though, it’s no wonder that Crowley gets defensive when it’s pointed out that the plan has failed; after all, it only failed AFTER the point where he became involved.
Aziraphale’s speech about the flaws of evil feels like a strangely personal attack on Crowley here, though if that’s the case the following line has some interesting connotations:
Evil always contains the seeds of its own destruction.
We know that Heaven considers all beings from Hell to be inherently evil – is he insinuating that Crowley is on a path to self-destruction when he says this? The whole speech seems almost spiteful to me, which is not really a quality I associate with Aziraphale, particularly when it comes to Crowley. I wonder if this whole speech is meant to part of a campaign, which I would think is a long and outstanding one, to try and get Crowley to stop bending to his Hellish ways so much. Which is of course impossible. That underlying meaning would explain why Crowley takes the whole thing so calmly, and brushes it all off with a glib response, for which he is rewarded with a look that I would argue contains admiration, pride, and not a little bit of desire.
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There’s one other little Easter egg to be had in this scene. We can hear the music, which starts the scene as a classical piece obviously chosen by Aziraphale, morphing into Queen and instantly becoming more prominent at the point where Crowley essentially wins the argument. I’ve said it before about music being used to convey subtextual plot points, and I feel that this is one of those. If we thought Aziraphale had the upper hand in the discussion at the beginning of the scene, the music tells us that is quite definitely not the case by the end of it.
We’ll take a quick detour into another The Them scene, but there’s not a lot I have to say about it. I do like how the innocence and exaggeration of a child’s imagination is used as a device to really hammer home the ridiculousness of the reasoning behind torturing people for religious persecution. And the irony of Adam basically telling Anathema that what she’s looking at is right in front of her face, which she instantly dismisses.
Back with our heroes, and it’s time to really start getting into some weeds I think. So first let’s just pick up on the information that Aziraphale is capable of feeling the love of other people: I imagine this to be like the someone’s love of something leaving traces of that love on whatever it is that is the object of their affection, and he can feel those traces. It is suggested in this same scene that this is a power that Crowley doesn’t share. More importantly, and I think you’ll all know what I’m about to talk about, when Aziraphale does detect love, he instantly reaches out and touches Crowley:
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This is one of those things that I said lots of other people have already talked about. I don’t feel like I can call this write up complete if I don’t acknowledge this EXTREMELY important interaction. Let me clear about what I think about it: Aziraphale feels love and reaches for it. We will see this reflex again in later episodes so I am not backing down. Not only do we see him touch Crowley in this scene, but there appears to be a split second when they reach for each other’s hands. You have to really be paying attention, and some people might think it’s more likely to be just the momentum of David’s arm swinging but I’m not one of those people. Crowley’s hand swings three times after Aziraphale reaches out to him, the second of which has more range than the first, suggesting that there is some movement there not caused by pure momentum. His hand even starts to turn upwards to meet a receiving hand. Not to mention Aziraphale’s hand is held in a position that definitely suggests he’s expecting to receive a hand. I managed to catch a few frames that show what I’m talking about:
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You can try and talk me out of this if you want, but it will be very much falling on deaf ears; after all, my head canon is that they have already been a couple in secret for 11 years at this point. So with that covered, let’s move (quickly) on to something less contentious – the second and last time (at time of writing!) we see Crowley in anything other than his human form.
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There’s a little bit in the book about this, and the fact that he hates doing transformations because he’s always worried he’ll forget how to change back to his “favourite shape”, which I really like. The show version of Crowley doesn’t seem to hate it though – he is thoroughly enjoying the mischief he’s just caused. And interestingly, Aziraphale doesn’t flinch in the slightest at that’s just happened. Maybe he’s seen this sort of behaviour before, maybe he’s just too worried about the paint stain on his coat that he’s had for 180 years. Either way, he’s not bothered by Crowley’s behaviour (or appearance) here at all.
Alright, time to pick apart another micro-interaction that’s already been covered dozens of times – the cleaning of the coat. I think the least wordy way for me to cover this is going to be in GIFs with some out-of-band captions with my head canon’s subtext for each one – I’d like for there to be as few words for this analysis as possible because this is one of the moments between them that, despite how many times I’ve watched it over, still makes my heart pound a little faster and causes the butterflies to start fluttering in my stomach. OK, here goes…
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Head canon subtext: I really love this coat. I could miracle the stain away but that’s sort of cheating. But it wouldn’t be cheating if someone else did it for me. I couldn’t ask “someone” to do it for me though otherwise that’s still like I’ve cheated and makes me seem needy. So maybe “someone” will understand what I’m trying to say…
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Head canon subtext: aww, poor baby… (très sarcastic).
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Head canon subtext: pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease…
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Head canon subtext: urgh, fine, I have to get this stuff off me anyway. But I’m going to make it look like I’m not really doing this for you.
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Head canon subtext:
AZIRAPHALE: oh, lovely, he got the message. And he did a splendid job. Best say thank you and pretend I didn’t expect him to do it, let him think it was a thoughtful gesture on his part.
CROWLEY: (shaking his head in disbelief) oh you’re welcome, angel. As if that’s not what you were angling for in the first place.
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Head canon subtext: did I get away with it? I think I did.
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Head canon subtext: you absolutely did NOT get away with it, angel. You know it. I know it. You know that I know it. I know that you know that I know it. And so on and so forth. But now you owe me a favour. Anyway, I only did it because I know that you adore that coat and because getting rid of that stain would make you really happy. Because I’d do anything for you really.
And there we have it. There are two other integral parts of the scene I want to point out here:
We hear the demonic miracle noise again when Crowley miracles the paint away. It should most definitely be cemented in your brain by now.
This is a pretty clear display of the hidden/non-verbal communication channels that Aziraphale and Crowley have established between themselves.
Moving on now (just not very far). There’s something very double-entendre about the language Aziraphale uses in the conversation about a gun. I mean who calls a paintball gun “impressive hardware”? And we can see how genuinely ridiculous his assessment of the weaponry is by watching Crowley’s face, who is clearly humouring him:
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Crowley also shows us just how valid he considers Aziraphale’s argument that guns can be used to give weight to a moral argument when he discards the paintball gun carelessly. To be fair to the angel, even he isn’t convinced of Heaven’s rhetoric on this point, though he chooses to show it in a much subtler way.
As the couple enter the Manor, and just in case you didn’t recognise the man who is now passed out on the ground in the courtyard, we are informed that the company undertaking the exercise are none other than Newt’s previous employers – United Worldwide Holdings (Holdings).
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If that little treat for the eagle eyed wasn’t enough, we’re also treated to not one, not two, but three casual instances of physical contact between Crowley and Aziraphale here:
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I love this – neither of them appears to notice that it’s happening, presumably because it happens all the time. There’s plenty of room for them to walk through the hallway with some space between them (in fact we see just how much space there is available to them in the next shot), but they clearly just can’t help themselves.
And ooh look, another instance of the demonic miracle noise. I sincerely hope you’ve hardwired to that noise and what it means by now… And this time around, we see how much fun Crowley is having being mischievous – he’s getting to pick Aziraphale’s argument about guns and their place in a moral argument to pieces using the concept of free will whilst simultaneously winding the angel up. He’s really in his element. He can’t keep the pretence up for long though, Aziraphale’s righteous attitude just takes all the fun out of it really quickly. There is an interesting parallel between what Aziraphale calls fun and what classes as the same for Crowley. In episode 1, we see Aziraphale declaring that fun for him is achieving success in doing things the “hard” (human) way, instead of relying on his miracles to achieve the same success. Here Crowley shows us that fun for him is very different – it’s about providing opportunities for humans to confront their own choices, watching their emotional response without causing any physical damage. He’s actually railing against his authorities in a way that they wouldn’t be able to tell he was defying them, which likely adds to the fun. Pretty complicated for a lowly demon don’t you think? Whilst Aziraphale’s motivations are entirely selfish. They make such a funny little pair, don’t they?
Alright, we all knew it was coming. One of the most iconic moments of this show.
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I don’t think there’s anything I can say that will add to the libraries worth of discussion that have been had about this, so I’ll try and keep this brief. Perhaps the best way for me to get through this is to present my take on the wall slam incident along with a few key arguments. Is Crowley threatening Aziraphale when he pins him up against the wall? Is Aziraphale frightened of Crowley when he does pin him? My answer to both of these questions is a resolute “NO”. Does the wall slam have subtextual meaning? HELL YES. Let me illustrate.
Aziraphale knows exactly what to say to initiate this little dance. Note the smirk on his face just before he calls Crowley “nice”:
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That is the face of an angel who knows exactly what the consequences of his actions are going to be. And if you think he’s on his own in that knowledge, check out Crowley’s face whilst he just waits for this line to land:
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My thoughts? Aziraphale is deliberately invoking this reaction. I’m going to go all out here and say that I think he’s probably quite turned on by his demon’s behaviour and that this is him acting on it. I’d even go so far as to say they’ve probably already played this little bit of kink out before, with “nice” being the trigger word for the role play. If you’re still in doubt, let’s take a look at a couple of things. First, you can see Aziraphale bracing himself slightly before he hits the wall proper:
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OK, so that one could be argued away as something Michael did to protect himself from getting hurt. What you can’t use the same argument on is the expression on his face as Crowley snarls in his face:
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There’s not the slightest hint of fear on his face, even though Crowley is so close that their noses are touching. How about if we look at it from the other side?
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Not only is he not afraid, but his gaze has shifted. Now it looks like he might be looking straight at Crowley’s lips…  And how about immediately after they’re discovered?
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Aziraphale’s eyes stay on Crowley’s face for a second. And even when his gaze is drawn to the source of the interruption, we can see how completely unafraid he is of what’s just happened.
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Crowley on the other hand looks a little panicked, I suspect because he’s a little worried that they’ve been discovered. And let’s not leave out the most obvious Clue that our heroes were acting on impulse – ex-Sister Mary Loquacious TELLS US THAT’S THE CASE:
Excuse me, gentlemen. I’m sorry if I’m breaking in on an intimate moment-
Well yes, love, you really were, as evidenced by how quickly Crowley’s “fury” dissipates and Aziraphale’s nonchalant resetting of his clothes. He does look pretty disappointed at the way things have turned out though. And despite all of that supposed rage we saw just seconds ago, the two of them are on pretty friendly ground again very quickly – there is A LOT of shoulder brushing going on between them as they question the ex-nun and leave the manor. Crowley even summons Aziraphale away from Mary with an insistent “oi” as he goes, hardly the sort of thing you’d trot happily off to if the person issuing it had just been terrorising you.
I need to deviate slightly from the body language of ethereal beings for a second, because we’re introduced to a new miracle noise here, this time to indicate that Crowley has just performed a sort of time-freeze on a person:
It’s used in conjunction with the previously established demonic miracle noise, but this time there’s an additional sound over the top – it makes me think of a bubble and reminds me of the noise a wobble board makes. So now we have another noise to be on the lookout for…
As the two of them are leaving the Manor, we see another example of the differing views that Aziraphale and Crowley have of one another. Crowley has categorised them both as being “occult”, but Aziraphale makes a distinction between them, calling himself “ethereal” instead. You can see that Crowley is slightly taken aback by his angel’s insistence on establishing a boundary between them (not surprising considering how little those boundaries mattered to them both in the moments before this), but he doesn’t argue, presumably because he knows it’s rather pointless.
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Back in the car, we’re treated to a reminder that Aziraphale is not a fan of Crowley’s driving. Not just that though, we’re also given another piece of musical subtext. The song now playing in the Bentley is Queen’s “Days of Our Lives”, specifically these lines:
Those days are all gone now, but one thing's still true When I look, and I find I still love you
Not really sure how much more obvious anybody would want this message to be to be honest.
On that note, I think this is a good place to finish this section. It’s been longer than intended for such a short chunk of the episode, but I think necessary given the importance of some of the interactions we’ve seen take place in it.  As always, comments, questions, discussions are welcome!
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chussyracing · 3 months
what has been happening in the world of motorsports?
it's very long, so all updates and rumours are under the cut
DRIVERS (and others) MARKET
Esteban will leave Alpine at the end of the year (he will confirm his future in f1 „soon“)
Checo Perez got a contract extension in RBR for 2025 and 2026 (meaning that yes, he will be in the team for the first year of new rules)
since there are whispers about Newey already being signed for Ferrari, there are also rumours about Enrico Cardile looking at potential offers (like the one from Aston Martin) as his role could be diminished by Newey coming
very much a rumour (by DailyMail as well) but Ollie to Haas has been confirmed by them
Yuki extended his contract with RB for 2025 season
FIA passed the rule that drivers can be 17 to achieve Superlicence needed for outing in F1 and the only person it could probably apply to right now is Kimi Antonelli who turns 18 in August, so we may see him in an F1 car sooner than that (on the other hand it can also apply to the FP1 junior outing as well)
another thing that supports is are quotes from Toto (that they told Carlos they want to focus on young drivers and he understood) and form James Vowles (that Carlos is their main target for signing)
there are also unconfirmed rumours that Williams offered Carlos a 4 year deal (2 years with 2 years extension possibility) and that the deal could get announced around Barcelona GP
Guanyu is rumoured to look into Alpine seat possibility (remember he was in their junior academy)
Horner cleared up that the new contract extension for Checo is not actually 2 year but rather 1+1
Sauber (or rather Audi) signed Stefano Sordo as performance director in preparation for 2026
Adam Kenyon has been promoted to Head of Aero of Williams and according to James Vowles he has been with he team since 2021 and was “quietly promoted” in March this year already, they just didn’t announce it with a lot of noise
there are reports that Ferrari dropped the negotiations with Newey around Monaco and since he visited Aston Martin factory
Helmut Marko confirmed that if they cannot find a seat for Liam Lawson for 2025 he has a clause in his contract making him a free agent open to all the teams
Montoya said that Logan already has been told he won’t continue racing for Williams in 2025 and this is what is behind his bad results this year (but when does anyone listen to what Montoya says anyway)
Jamie Chawdick became the first ever female to win an Indy NXT race (after also becoming the first female pole sitter)
after Este speaking about getting dead threats, the same happened to Theo Pourchaire in IndyCar for a crash during Detroit GP (Arrow McLaren stood behind him, the same cannot be said about Alpine)
on the other hand… um. he was hired after David Malukas got injured and he was supposed to drive for the rest of the season, and now they fired him and hired Nolan Siegel instead after he apparently just posted about being excited to drive this upcoming weekend (nobody speak to me about how Ferrari treats Carlos for not extending his contract when you see this please)
Marc Marquez will join Bagnaia in Ducati for 2025 in MotoGP
Arthur Leclerc won his first race with his Scuderia Baldini and rest of the team in GT3 series (with a car sponsored by LEC which based on his race suit is his personal sponsor)
Ferrari won 24 hours of Le Mans AGAIN for the second year in row, this time with car #50 and car #51 coming in p3 for a double podium (Nyck de Vries was p2 with Toyota, Ferrari #83 was running in contention for a win or podium at least until the engine died, Alpine suffered double DNF with both cars)
McLaren reserve driver Hirakawa tested MCL36 yesterday
Jack Doohan did his FP1 session for Alpine in Esteban’s car in Canada and coincidentally Bruno Famin (Alpine TP spoke about him being on their list for the 2025 Alpine seat)
Ollie Bearman will be doing another FP1 session in Nico’s car in Barcelona for Haas
Jak Crawford tested 2022 Aston Martin car
Kimi Antonelli tested W13 in Barcelona
Kacper Sztuka was dropped from Red Bull junior academy after just 4 race weekends and there is a real concern if he will be able to finish the season without the financial backing that the F1 backing brought him
Red Bull Ring will have temporary gravel traps between T9 and T10 (so it would avoid track limits trauma from past two years in F1 but it would also stay safe for MotoGP)
F1’s revenue increased by 45% in first quarter of 2024 in comparison to 2023
the 2026 rules were announced by FIA: cars will be narrower and shorter and lighter, DRS will be replaced by MOM (manual overtake mode) which just sounds like push to pass tbh as it gives you more energy for some time, there will be new aero modes – basically active aero parts (so again similar to DRS but both on front and rear wing and those will be manually activated and it won’t be depended on how close you are to the car in front) and there are new safety measures with stronger hoop after Guanyu’s crash in Silverstone and better/more lights for visibility and of course no front wheel deflectors thank god, there will be less ground effect and less exhaust engine power with electric engine adding more power
FE also will get some new rules: new gloves with better protection (after a series of hand injuries with current generation of cars) and same rules as in F1 about superlicence were updated
side note many F1 team principals apparently already protested certain parts of the new rules (and also some drivers, Lando said that fans can forget about more than one team running for a victory with new rules and George said it could be dangerous with crazy speeds on straights and very slow ones in turns)
also Domenicali admitted that these regs might be the last with hybrid cars, instead they would focus on 100% sustainable fuels and better “traditional” sound and lighter cars in the upcoming years after that
oh and Newey spoke about the new regs as well and said that FIA was “heavily influenced by one or two manufacturers” when making 2026 technical regulations
and Mercedes and Renault are against alternations to the agreed engine regulations for 2026
Ferrari tested the 2025 Pirelli tyres in Mugello last week
FIA is thinking of doing two sets of testings (instead of just three days like it was in recent years, doing 6 of them instead) which would probably be 3 days in Barcelona and 3 days in Bahrain for 2026 as the teams would need to collect more data with the new regulations coming into place
the investigation against Stake Kick Sauber F1 Team in Switzerland was dropped “after determining that Sauber’s international presence and the inaccessibility of Stake’s services in Switzerland rendered the sponsorship compliant with regulations”
formulauno reports that Ferrari’s Imola upgrade package cost them about 35% of development budget, so more big changes were meant come in Silverstone but the team pushed forward and is expected to bring them in Barcelona already (so maybe new floor? maybe diffusor area where we lose a lot to RBR?) – this upgrade package could be fit to both cars depending on how they do (and if they can do 3 copies)
Mercedes should also bring new floor to Spain with more gains expected from them, Red Bull, VCARB and McLaren are also expected to bring some upgrades
Williams had a fanzone in Montreal and opened another in Barcelona
Red Bull is apparently asking for legality check of the front wings of Mercedes (and probably McLaren and Ferrari and there is a speculation that Aston Martin has a similar front wing in works)
there are speculations about Renault dropping out of F1 after rumours that Alpine is asking for possibility of Red Bull Powertrains as their engine supplier from 2026 onwards
speaking for Alpine, they had some upgrades that obviously helped them quite a lot, but according to Esteban, they have been swapping one chassis (the older one) that is 3kgs heavier and he had it since Miami and he expects them to swap it for the rest of the whole season…
Zak Brown was saying how RBR is toxic right now and he expects more people to leave them
Mercedes is under a wave of criticism because they kind of erased Lewis’ trophy from Chinese sprint from this year on social media (person opinion: I don’t think it was purposeful maybe but definitely very unfortunate under the current circumstances)
slight drama with Alpine (again) from Canada: despite starting much lower with the overweight chassis and grid drop penalty from Monaco, Esteban was running in front of Pierre towards the end of the GP and the team asked him to swap with Pierre who was behind, Esteban didn’t want to but after a lap or so he let Pierre in front, at the end of the race when Pierre couldn’t catch up with Daniel in front, Esteban asked if they can swap back like usual and got negative response
also McLaren could have won the race in Canada and fumbled it because they didn’t call Lando to pit although he was in front of the pit entry when the safety car came out (so it wasn’t bad luck with safety car as some fans called)
RB or VCARB or whatever will be changing their name again because it is pretty confusing right now (Horner said that when they called Yuki about his contract extension with RB he was hopeful for a second that RB means Red Bull)
it is in the stage of rumour for now BUT Alpine is apparently looking for a way out of the deal with Renault as it is open secret they make the weakest power unit out of all factory teams and instead is looking for a new engine supplier to become a customer team (also there is a rumour that this and the fact that Flavio Briatore has been linked to the team are the main reasons that Esteban was looking for a way out), there is also a real concern of selling the team (to Andretti for example) but  Renault CEO said that won’t be happening
Charles invested in Chrono24 which is marketplace for luxury watches (funny side note: Christiano Ronaldo invested in the same company last year)
Charles was the first torch bearer of Olympic flame as it passed through Monaco, making him second F1 driver to do so after Lewis (and Nico Rosberg was there in the crowd to watch Charles lol)
apparently Lewis is staring in Camilla Cabello’s new music video
Charles will be taking part in Jules Bianchi karting marathon in September
Carlos will have a special edition of a cap for his home race in Spain
Max will have a special helmet for Barcelona, Red Bull Ring, Spa, Zandvoort and Monza which is fully orange as “they are European races with a lot of orange fans” (…bro. monza… um)
Max said he was contacted by teams in WEC for a possibility of him taking part in 24h of Le Mans in a hypercar, Pierre also said he would like to do it one day but remains focused on F1 now and Charles also said it could be something he would like to do after F1 because it calls for a lot of training he cannot afford with current 24 races long F1 calendar
gentle reminder that Checo will have a 3 places grid drop penalty in Barcelona because his team purposedly told him to bring the damaged car to the pits although they knew it would be considered driving under unsafe conditions, just because they were afraid of it ruining Max chances of winning
apparently Kelly Piquet had to post about receiving hate online and Max also spoke out about it under her post (no comment)
Jacques Villeneuve had some pretty brutal things to say about Daniel Ricciardo (mostly that he doesn’t belong in F1 right now and is taking up space for someone talented) and Daniel answered that he probably hit his head too many times
oh also Charles’ issue in Canada was system one, not engine one which is why they remain optimistic with his pool of used engines, on the other hand the issue was up to 80 horse power units and about 1.5s per lap so…
Charles won the overtake of the month trophy for his pass on Lewis from the outside in Miami
Charles posted a new vlog on YouTube (and I have yet to see it AHH)
Carlos revealed in an interview that he has co—owned a burger restaurant with his friends for a year now (Boogie Burgers)
Liam Lawson recorded a song in the studio (it is unknown to me if he is on the vocals or guitar as well tbh but… damn these drivers are just collecting sidequests at this point)
Valtteri Bottas won a 114 km long gravel cycling race (fun fact: there is an incredibly funny headline I didn’t screenshot talking about Carlos getting inspired by Valtteri’s win as a fellow driver without a seat and buying a new bike)
the Apple original F1 movie with Pitt will be released internationally on 25th June 2025
Canadian GP organizers were called to stewards after track invasion after the end of the GP (but there were other issues which Stefano Domenicali had to apologize for: flooded parts of the facilities, fans who paid tickets getting a fence in front of them covered by black cloth, fans being sent home on Friday with information that the sessions were cancelled)
F1 wants to involve AI more in the industry and we already saw AI made trophy for the Canadian GP (and apparently last Merc post about Doriane is labeled as made by AI too)
Stuart Pringle spoke up as a Silverstone managing director about the lack of sales for the tickets and mentioned that after years of Mercedes dominance as a British team with a British champion, the Red Bull dominance has hurt them the most (but as everyone else spoke up, it might as well be their sketchy prizes tactics)
Barcelona had a live roadshow with multiple drivers doing donuts/showrun in f1 cars (Carlos, Checo, Jack Doohan…)
F1 Exhibition will also visit London after being successful in Madrid, Vienna and Toronto
FIA launched a new campaign focusing on preventing concussion
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the-fiction-witch · 5 months
Benny Watts Masterlist NO.2
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Show Off - Flirty
Show Off P2 - Smut
Little Place - Sweet
Hi Benny - Flirty
Princess Daddy - Adorable
Not A Word - Smut
Mrs Watts - Sweet
Mrs Watts P2 - Flirty
Mrs Watts P3 - Flirty
Letters to Apartment 64D - smut
Letters to Apartment 64D P2 - Adorable
Letters to Apartment 64D P3 - Adorable
King Of Hearts - Flirty
Queen of Diamonds - Flirty
Gothic Chess Mausoleum - Cute
Greatest Fear - Sweet
Excuse me - Smut
Mine - Smut
Cheater - Smut
The Girl Upstairs - Smut
Love in Separation - Sweet
Love In Separation P2 - Sweet
Moscow Snow - SMUT
Relax - Smut
The Girl In The Black Dress - Cute
Pew pew - Flirty
Comfortable - Sweet
Sweetheart - Smut
Agent Y/L/N - Flirty
Agent Y/L/N P2 - Sweet
Agent Y/L/N P3 - Sweet
Love you Too Hun - Steamy
The Visitor - Flirty
The Visitor P2 - Sweet
Bratty Princess - Smut
Voice of an Angel - Sweet
Baby mama - Sweet
Baby mama P2 - Sweet
Baby mama P3 - sweet
Over The Phone - Steamy
You Loose Princess - Flirty
mademoiselle - flirty
You Always Know - Sweet
Dirty habbit - Sweet
Slabs - Spooky
thumper - Cute
Shut up - Smut
laundry - Flirty
Feelings - Smut
Formalities - Smut
Care - Sweet
Reading - Smut
outfit - sweet
mummy & Daddy - SMUT
We're A Family - Smut
We're A Family P2 - Sweet
The Chess Boy - Flirty
Passenger Princess - Smut
behave yourself Benjamin - Smut
The Cost of The Crown - Flirty
The Cost of The Crown P2 - Spooky
Family - DARk
The Agency - Sweet
The Agency P2 - Sweet AF
Red And Blue - Dark
The Girl - DARK + Spooky
Redhead - Smutty
Five - Cute
I couldn't find the words to say - sad
I couldn't find the words to say P2 - Sad and Sweet
Dad - Sad
Well Find Her - Sad
Well find her P2 - Sad
Well find her P3 - Sad
Well Find Her P4 - Sad
Well Find Her P5 -Sad
Memories - Sad
Sleepy - 18 +
sick - 15 +
Commission Page
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lesbianneopolitan · 6 months
Hey, any other Neo AUs you've drawn or been meaning to draw but fleshed out in your head? Like you have vampy Neo, and Hazbin Neo now, and the P3 Reload Neo you drew. Any other neato Neo'd you got cooking?
I don't even think I would count with P3 Neo because it was just one drawing, like, I would say I didn't flesh that out at all in my head aside of getting some basic questions about her arcana choice, it was more of a 'I like the style! I'll try to draw a Neo in it' for the small challenge than anything xD
Nevertheless, I may as well make a list of the Neos I've drawn in the style of other series, that were done for fun, rather than to flesh an AU
When it comes to the fleshed out AUs inside my head we have:
It was the first, I know a lot of people know of its existence, but I had to mention it anyway because I'll forever be fond of it. Like, vampires are one of my main hyperfixations, so I almost always gotta have a vampire AU if the character in question isn't one already.
Even if the main timeline is up to happen in a modern setting, I've actually written some of Neo's past in RP format to develop her life with her parents, when she was still a recently sired vampire and stuff.
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I think the doodles speak very well by themselves, but the main idea with this was that Neo was an ex-Corpo that used to work for Salem (Grimm Corp.), which treated to experiment on Cyberpsychos in order to turn them into mechanical aberrations (like the Hound, but more Cyberpunk).
I was partially inspired by the run I played in my own Cyberpunk 2077 game lol
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Nevermore AU
My bestie and I watched the Wednesday show and ended brainstorming an AU for the academy that the protag stays at. I actually wrote a bit of Neo in the setting as well with my bestie, for the fun of it.
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I actually learnt a few things while doing this one and brainstorming ideas, because I had no idea they use Ditto in the mangas to shapeshift people, as in, Ditto can cover a person and use the shifting powers so the person has a disguise like, WHAT?
Anyway, a Pokemon AU of my Neo. Mimikyu was her starter as a kid when still known as Trivia. The Espeon actually helps with transmitting Neo's thoughts if she needs to communicate real bad, Ditto is for her own shapeshifting...
She also has a Vanilluxe and a Zoroark (her biggest ace in the sleeve) for proper battle and help with her crimes due to illusions. Vanillite and Ditto are the ones swapped for them in that case.
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THE FUCKING ROCK AU HAS ONE OF MY FAVE NEO DESIGNS! Like I love her, I loved designing this one. It was fun. I should draw her more, honestly.
In this one, Neo ACTUALLY had a voice at first, she was actually a vocalist and keyboard player before an accident that left her vocal cords fucked up- had to go through an operation, but she never recovered her voice.
She's a musician that actually uses old records of her voice to develop a system that will replicate her voice for new songs, think like, Vocaloid, sort of.
She eventually meets Cinder and joins her band as a guitarist to honor Roman.
...eventually also falls out with her and ends with Ruby's band, initially to spite Cinder for kicking her out.
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Bruh, I even went ahead and designed all the members of the Ever After Mafia in this one. Neo wasn't initially part of them and had her own thing -Roman's Mafia- which she inherited after Roman died.
Cinder is like a double agent in this one and eventually betrays Neo and leaves her to die (following Salem's orders), but Neo survives and ends in the Ever After, desperate to have revenge against Salem's Mafia for what they did.
The Curious Cat is the big boss initially, but he was a motherfucking manipulator that took advantage of the other members when they were in their lowest, even Neo.
So Neo eventually has enough and kills him, becoming the boss instead, even if she honestly hates the responsibility. It's when Neo becomes the Mad Hatter for the group.
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The recent one- I'm sure people don't need that much info of this one because it's pretty recent.
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Other AUs: Rusted Knight but it's Neo suffering the time trap ; Werecat AU ; Serial Killer AU ; Jennifer's Body AU
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And now for other crossovers:
Among Us, TCOAAL, Hellborn Neo (Succubi + Demon Cat mix)(HH, Helluva Boss), Homestuck, Helltaker, Adventure Time, Sinner Neo (HH), Persona 3, Disney Cat
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froggods · 4 days
Rules: Make a poll of your favourite female characters and see which your followers like the most!
I was tagged by @idlenight 💛
I will tag ! @swordtit @bisexualgradient @calnexin and @just-a-tiny-goldfish !!
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silent-sanctum · 2 months
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"Will your OC have any significance/appearance in Stone Ocean?"
Well I'm glad you asked!
Yall have seen Yuna's P3 and P4 designs yeah? Your lttle miss school darling and local Speedwagon field agent
But I haven't yet shown you:
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"Stone Ocean Yuna"
She's well into her 40s, still in a solid marriage with her husband Jotaro, certified MILF to 2 daughters (yes you read that right), and has garnered a rather infamous reputation among DIO's cult following, including Father Pucci himself.
Why you might ask? Let's just say she integrated a bit too well in her job where now she's the one "pulling the strings".
More lore on that coming soon 🌸
Also here's a random headshot of P6 Yuna I made for funsies:
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25origami · 11 months
Agent D: Master of Disguise
Alright, as we now have the debut of Gimme More in Just Dance 2024 Edition, I think we all are truly getting to appreciate the fact that we've seen Agent D around a lot more places than we thought. She's clearly a master of disguise!
So I've attempted to come up with all of the Brittney Spears songs across Just Dance so you can get a look at just what kind of looks she's had across several of her missions. Some of these aren't officially confirmed WHO she is in the routine, but I think my guesses are pretty good.
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First of course, we've got Agent D in her spy outfit as she appears in Gimme More and Toxic Extreme! (Personally, I prefer her with longer hair)
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Next, we have her disguises we now have names for, thanks to Gimme More! From left to right and top to bottom, there's the Nurse (Toxic JD2), the Air Hostess (Toxic JD23E), the Site Manager (Work Work), and the Performer (Circus Extreme Version)!
Now we enter the realm of routines where the songs were by Brittney Spears (And as Gimme More implies, one of the coaches MUST be Agent D), but we don't know the disguise name. So now, I shall try and give my best ideas for what their names could be...
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Scream and Shout P2 is SURELY Agent D, a lot of the vibes are there. Not really sure what her disguise name could be though...
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Till the World Ends' background even LOOKS like that weird cyber-bit in Gimme More, and I'm inclined to say this outfit would be like, "the Hacker" or something.
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Womanizer, and this one is interesting as I don't REALLY know quite what her outfit is supposed to be.
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Slumber Party is another one where I wasn't quite sure of what the disguise name would be, but yeah, I think P2 fits Agent D the most.
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Oops!... I Did It Again, P3 is OBVIOUSLY Agent D! The bobcut, the red color, it's her! Outfit name is probably "the Criminal..."
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And lastly, for the final Brittney Spears song, Baby One More Time P1! "But wait," you say, "that's not how she looks on Plus OR on Unlimited!" And I say, I know. It's from the original version, and believe it or not, P1's original hair color was blonde and she wore red! Red... signature color for Agent D, and the blonde bobcut is similar to her look in Circus Extreme Version! I rest my case!
And now for two final routines that aren't technically Brittney songs, but I still absolutely think it's Agent D as one of the coaches...
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Yes, that's Promiscuous P1 and The Way I Are P2. It ABSOLUTELY looks like Agent D for both of these ladies though!
Anyways, that's all I've got for now!
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stevenbasic · 1 year
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GITJ Post 311: Back to the Study Clinics, p3
Audio File Transcript Excerpts, Annotated
6.11.20¥¥      Site 004       Camera 013/”Study Exam Room 3”
Time Stamp 10:23:05
Subj F8-021-TB (aka “Thalia Bates”): “So, is now when you hypnotize me?”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч (aka “Karen/Karina Katasova, APRN, CANS”): “Oh, sunshine, remember what we talked about. <places patient file F8-021v2 onto countertop> I don’t like to think of it as ‘hypnotizing’ you. It’s more a mix of…’well, we call it ‘psychological induction’ and ‘guided manifestation’.”
Subj F8-021-TB: <laughs> “Okay if you say so - I just, like, want more…”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “Can you tell me why?”
<Agent biofeedback node xx0038 shows activation of B.A.galamukh1 implant; other vitals steady> 
Subj F8-021-TB: “Well, last time, a couple weeks ago, when you did it with me I…I felt great, after. I went home and I was so much more confident, with, like, my boyfriend, my math teacher. And, like, everyone, men…it was awesome.”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “That’s good to hear. You’re taking to treatment so well! But we should do your physical exam first, and get you your next injection. Here, stand up, let’s see the figure. Any progress since last time?”
Subj F8-021-TB: <giggles> “MMhmm, well -” <Subject stands, tightens gown around torso>
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Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “Oh, well, those got bigger! &lt;laughs> Fantastic, you look amazing. Have you had to buy new bras? Remember, we’ll have the custom ones coming to you soon…”
Subj F8-021-TB: “I did have to buy a couple. Well, daddy did &lt;giggles>. I went up another two cup sizes.”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “So that makes you a…?”
Subj F8-021-TB: “36HH.”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: <typing into chart, entry dated> “Wonderful. Now, let’s take some blood, get you measured…”
<Agent KLCTVxx0038цч visualized drawing blood into vials labeled EP0021.F8192 and KLCTV6559.55564 and taking figure, height and weight measurements of Subj F8-021-TB, entering data into chart>
Time Stamp 10:29:23
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “Well, sunshine, that’s....five-eight and a bit. You’ve grown almost another two-point-f…another whole inch since last time, more than five inches since we started. And for weight it’s-”
Subj F8-021-TB: <laughs>”Omigod please, don’t tell me!”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: <laughs> “Oh it’s nothing to be ashamed about! But I understand! We’ll keep that a mystery but someday you’ll be proud of everything you’ve gained.”
Subj F8-021-TB: “What, when I’m, like, eight hundred pounds?” <giggles>
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “Oh, Thalia, don’t be silly! But, tell me…what’s been going on with your father? You were mentioning him last time. Is he still embarrassed by what you’ve been posting online?”
Subj F8-021-TB: “Oh, god, yes.” &lt;huff of exasperation> “He tells me all the time: ‘Tally! I’m a Senator! You can’t be SAYING these things!’ He’s so boring that way.”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “Aw, that’s unfortunate, that must be hard. But remind me - he wasn’t up for re-election this year?”
Subj F8-021-TB: “No, lucky him, ‘cuz it sounds like women won everything, huh? Like, the other senator from Minnesota is going to be a woman, now.”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “Oh? I hadn’t heard that.”
<Agent visualized readying Product dose>
Subj F8-021-TB: “Yeah totally. But, anyway, I know his political advisers tell him to just keep letting me do what I do, post what I want, that it’s doing wonders for his approval ratings or whatever. That he should, like, lean into what I’m doing, to use my, like, lots of followers. ‘Raise his profile’, a bit.”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “Mmmmhm. How does that feel, having influence like that? It must feel good, right? Thinking that you have this kind of…power, over your father? This important, accomplished man?”
Subj F8-021-TB: “It…does. But, it’s weird. Every time I see him he looks, like…smaller. Like, he’s not as smart or whatever as he used to be. And, like, with every new follower - or thousand followers - I get I feel like I’m…I dunno…”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “Getting stronger? Bigger? More important and influential? Oh, sunshine, you are. You’re growing into a strong, strong young woman. Thousands and thousands of people watch you, listen to you. You can tell them what to do, how to think. Do you believe that?”
Subj F8-021-TB: “Yes.”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “And, your father? Him, men like him? Their days, their days of being in charge are coming to an end. Do you see that? I think, in fact, that your father is-”
Subj F8-021-TB: “I think he’s a little scared of me.”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “Yes, yes. Go on, more, Tally, continue…”
Subj F8-021-TB: “I heard, actually, that his advisors told him to be careful, ‘don't piss her off’, they said...”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “That if you used the weight of your growing fame to hurt him it could honestly be the end of his career?”
Subj F8-021-TB: “Omigod yes.”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “Sunshine I’m so proud of you. Now, are you ready for your next injection?”
Subj F8-021-TB: “oh god yes okay.”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “Alright here we go. Just a little pinch…”
<Agent KLCTVxx0038цч visualized administering Dose 005, Evolution Pharmaceuticals Product 0008/“Product”, labeled lot 00854g to Subj F8-021-TB on camera, time stamp 10:30:44; intramuscular, left deltoid.>
Subj F8-021-TB: “owww!” &lt;giggles>
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “Sorry sunshine. Did that hurt?”
Subj F8-021-TB: “Just a little. It’s okay.”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: &lt;disposing of syringe, sharps container FH0093> “So, tell me. Since we last saw you - how are you feeling, Thalia?”
Subj F8-021-TB: “Oh, yeah, me? Pretty good. Well, really good…warm? It changes every day. Full? Tingly?”  &lt;giggles>
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “That’s all normal, good. You’d mentioned your boyfriend, how you were feeling different around him. Can you tell me a little more about that?”
Subj F8-021-TB: “About my boyfriend?”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “Yes, about him. I’m sure your boyfriend is…excited about how you’re changing, how much you’re growing. What’s happening to you is like every guy’s dream, these days. You’ve been with him for a while now, right?”
Subj F8-021-TB: “Yeah we started hanging out like, a year ago? And he, yeah…likes it. It freaked him out at first, but now…well, I don’t know if excited is a strong enough word. It’s almost like he becomes a different person when we’re, like, together…”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “When you two are alone?”
Subj F8-021-TB: “Well, yeah…”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “Oh? How so?”
Subj F8-021-TB: “Well, lately, he really focuses in on…” &lt;subject motions to her chest> “And it’s like, well, it’s like he just can’t stop. Can’t get enough of them…”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “You used the term ‘boob-monkey’ last time?”
Subj F8-021-TB: &lt;giggles> “Omigod did I? That’s my little nickname for him. Did I really tell you that?”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “It’s okay. You did.”
Subj F8-021-TB: “Omigod I’m such a dork. But, I don’t really know how else to put it. He can be really pushy, you know? In normal life, in school. But when these started to grow, and then when I get him alone, whenever I take off my top, or put them in front of his face, he goes real quiet. He can barely string two words together, you know? And he grunts…he whines. Kind of like a monkey or a, like…”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “A baby?”
Subj F8-021-TB: <giggles> “Yes, yes!  Exactly. Like a baby!” <giggles>
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “That’s interesting. Don’t you find that interesting?”
Subj F8-021-TB: “Uh…yeah. And it’s, like, exciting, being able to do that to him. Is that normal? Is everything okay?”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “Yes, yes of course, Thalia. This is all within normal parameters for the treatment. He’s changing just as you're changing. Now, what else happens when you’re with your boyfriend?”
Subj F8-021-TB: “Well…he’s really into nuzzling into me, cuddling. Sucking on my, like…nipples.” &lt;giggles> “Oh…I’m sorry, this just seems so weird to talk about!”
<Agent biofeedback node xx0038 shows further increased activity of B.A.galamukh1 laryngeal implant; Frontal (15Hz) and Occipital (19Hz) Beta wave activity up-modulated>
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “Now now, we are both the women here, no need to be shy.”
Subj F8-021-TB: “Ooooo I felt that…! <giggles> Yeah, of course. Well, like I said, he really burrows in, and even though he doesn’t tell me…well, he can’t tell me, but I could just sense he wants me to, like, smother him, to really mash my boobs around his face, to…yeah. Smother him.”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “And do you? Smother him?”
Subj F8-021-TB: “Well, &lt;giggles>…yeah. Like, playing. But, sometimes…it gets to be more than just playing.”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “I understand. That’s good. That’s you exerting strength, do you see? Strength and dominance. Showing him what you could easily do, if you wanted.”
Subj F8-021-TB: “oh god yes I get it…”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “Does he struggle, try to stop you from actually smothering him?”
Subj F8-021-TB: “No. It’s almost like…the more my boobs cover his face, the less he struggles. It’s like he…wants it. Wants me to…bury him under my, like, breasts.”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “He wants to submit to you, do you see? Be submissive. He wants to be buried in your body, inside you somehow, part of you. And there’s nothing you’d like to do more than that, is there?”
Subj F8-021-TB: “No, that’s…oh, god…exactly it.”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “Fascinating. Now, you are the social media…what is the word? ‘Influencer’, is that it?”
Subj F8-021-TB: “Yes, I have like almost eight-hundred thousand followers and subs, now. My videos have been getting millions of, like…likes.” &lt;giggles>
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “But you didn’t start that way, right?”
Subj F8-021-TB: “No, yeah, right. In fact, just like six months ago, before my first dose, I had only like a few hundred followers, my videos got maybe a couple-few views…”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “And, tell me…what changed?”
Subj F8-021-TB: “Well…these things!” &lt;laughs, motions to chest> “They grew like…like…well, one sub said like ‘watermelons after a rainstorm’.”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “And your followers…they are like your boyfriend?”
Subj F8-021-TB: “Oh my gosh, yes…they’re constantly simping for me, now. Omigod the ‘mommy’ comments I get! ‘I want mommy’ ‘I want milk’, pleading for me to smother them with my ‘mommy milkers’...&lt;giggles> “Don’t they know I’m still in high school??” <;giggles>
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “I see. And…did you get the same sense from your father, or from the doctor, today, earlier?”
Subj F8-021-TB: “I…w-what?”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “It’s okay Thalia, you’re not in the trouble. As a member of the medical team, it’s my job to make observations for continued research. Honestly, I’m happy that you did what you did with the doctor today. Now, what did you feel when the doctor came into the room?”
Subj F8-021-TB: &lt;pauses> “Well, I just felt this, like, I dunno…connection to him. I was so grateful he was here to help me…but he was so little. I felt like he needed me to, like, nurture him, to care for him. I needed to pull him to me, to my chest…”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “Go on…”
Subj F8-021-TB: “He needed my comfort, my softness and hugs and…and deep down I could sense he wanted me to absolutely bury him between my boobs. And then suddenly I felt him just sink into my chest, felt him struggle a little bit, then relax. &lt;subject moans> It felt so nice…”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “That’s incredible Thalia - is that why you greeted him how you did?”
Subj F8-021-TB: “I…yes. Can you…oh god, do the thing.”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “I will, I promise. But tell me more about that, when you first saw the doctor..”
Subj F8-021-TB: “Well…when he came in, I was just overwhelmed by how small and precious and, like…how vulni he was. I couldn’t help it - I just filled the room with my…what do you call them? Pheromones?”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “Yes, that is the right. You’ve been using them, practicing, at home?”
Subj F8-021-TB: “I…yes. But they’re sometimes…hard to control.”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “That is okay. That is the good. I want you to practice, to use them. You will practice, you will use them. You will get stronger, you will gain control. Do you understand?”
<Agent biofeedback node xx0038 shows further increased activity of B.A.galamukh1 laryngeal implant; Frontal and Occipital Beta wave activity increasing in amplitude.>
Subj F8-021-TB: “Omigod there it is again, &lt;sighs>. Yes…”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “Now tell me again, Thalia, when he came in…”
Subj F8-021-TB: “The pheromones. They just gushed out of me. I could see immediately where he was looking. Even though he was trying not to look I could, like, sense where his attention was focused, how he felt, and I knew I needed to…to just deal with it, you know?”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “Yes, Go on, Thalia…”
Subj F8-021-TB: “He asked, his voice was shaky but he needed to know numbers, to know just how big I was, how big I was growing. So I told him, told him that I’d gained thirty pounds since my first treatment, and a lot of it up here.” &lt;subject presses out her chest, demonstrating breast size><;giggles>
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “Thalia, I see the smile on your face. You sound like you are the joking, but you are proud of your developments, aren’t you?”
Subj F8-021-TB: “Yes, well…who wouldn’t want to be bigger like this?  It just…feels…”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “It feels the right, doesn’t it?”
Subj F8-021-TB: “Yes, exactly!  But at the same time, even though I said what I said as a bit of a laugh, to him…I meant it. I wanted him to know just how heavy my breasts are…if that makes sense?”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “It makes the very good sense, Thalia. You are good. You did the good. Now…let’s talk about your father some more…”
Subj F8-021-TB: “...Daddy?”
<Agent biofeedback node xx0038 shows further increased activity of B.A.galamukh1 laryngeal  implant and activation of Eldritch Nanotech; new prefrontal Gamma activity present>
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “Yes…now, again, we’re just girls here, right? How is your father handling all of this?”
Subj F8-021-TB: &lt;moaning> “Oh god, yes. Well…I mean…he’s been gone for so long…he’s a Senator, you know. Lucky for him he wasn’t up for re-election this year. But yeah…he’s kind of missed all these changes with me, but he’s home now on recess…”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “Mmhmm?”
Subj F8-021-TB: “And at first he seemed really blown away - eyes wide, giving me these brief, almost awkward hugs. But lately…”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: &lt;pause> “Yes?”
Subj F8-021-TB: “Lately he’s let his eyes linger a little too long…and…I can see it. It’s like there’s this…longing in his eyes.”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “Thalia…do you get the same feeling with your father as you get with your boyfriend? With your followers? With the doctor?”
Subj F8-021-TB: &lt;hesitates> “uhhh…”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “It’s okay, Thalia, this is all protected by HIPAA and our confidentiality agreement. What you tell me now is protected information.”
Subj F8-021-TB: &lt;pause> “y-yes…It’s faint right now. But I can feel it. Like, Daddy…he’s being drawn to me. Like he needs me to protect, to nurture, to care for him…”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “To smother him, too?”
Subj F8-021-TB: “omigod yes maybe.”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “And…have you noticed any other changes, now that you’re growing up? You had said something about it before. Does your father actually look…smaller to you?”
Subj F8-021-TB: “I…Well, yes. Now that you mention it.”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “That’s wonderful, Thalia…you’re not imagining it. It’s actually happening, you’re making it happen. Do you see how strong you’re getting?”
Subj F8-021-TB: “oh, my god, Ms. Katasova…”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “Please, call me Karina. But how does that make you feel? That you’re growing and your papochka…sorry, your father…that he’s shrinking? That you’re making him smaller? That one day, a US Senator, he could be tiny compared to you?”
Subj F8-021-TB: “Well…omigod. A little awkward? Because he’s my daddy? B…b…but…”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “...but also a little powerful?”
Subj F8-021-TB: “<sigh>...nnngh...exactly…”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “I want you to think about how empowering that could be for you, Thalia. To make him smaller, and weaker. You have this natural tendency to care for and protect others, and now you’re growing into the job. Imagine being the protector and nurturer, being bigger for them, while they all get smaller, and need you more, get dependent on you for warmth and love. You could be a mommy for your boyfriend, for your followers, for your father…”
Subj F8-021-TB: “Oh god that would feel sooo good…”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “Tell me how it would feel, Thalia.”
Subj F8-021-TB: “Like, like I was giving the whole world a big, squishy hug!” &lt;giggles, hugs herself around chest>
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “I think the world needs a hug from you Thalia!” &lt;laughs>
Subj F8-021-TB: &lt;laughing> “Yes they do!”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “And your father, he needs your support now, to keep his job, as a senator. He depends on staying in your…how do you say? Good graces. He is afraid, Thalia. Do you see? If he has your support he can have everything, but you could take your support away.”
Subj F8-021-TB: “Oh god yes it’s like I’m his boss.”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “Yes and you will tell him that, let him know. But you will be the kind, loving, understanding. He is a weak, small man. Your father, you understand, likes big boobs also. He likes them a lot. Just like your boyfriend, just like your followers.”
Subj F8-021-TB: “y-yeah my mom told me…”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “That is the good, that’s good that you can share. What do some of your followers, or your boyfriend, ask you to do?”
Subj F8-021-TB: “Like, mommy stuff? Or, like, live in my bra?”
<Agent biofeedback node xx0038 shows optimal Beta wave activity>
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “Maybe your father would like to try some of these things too. ‘Mommy stuff’.”
Subj F8-021-TB: &lt;pauses> “Yes I think he might. <sighs, pauses again> Thank you, Karina.”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “You are the welcome. &lt;smiles, pauses> Want me to call him back in here, the doctor, so you can practice?”
Subj F8-021-TB: “Omigod could you? That would be awesome.”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “Yes of course. Why don’t you remove your top, begin making more pheromones? I can go get him.”
<Subj F8-021-TB visualized removing exam gown, unzipping sports bra>
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч: “How about a picture for your followers?”
Subj F8-021-TB: <giggles>
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===============<end transcript>===================
thanks again to Tally Berry for allowing us to use her images.
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morally-grey-variant · 5 months
I don't know how to write short episodes or post things on time so here's a snippet from part 3 of love is a dagger
(I'm gonna try to have p3 up tomorrow as long as I can finish this scene and get it edited but I'm dying to have more posted asappppp and it's killing me)
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He whips around, face contorted in horrifyingly inhuman fury. His hands ball up into fists at his sides. “Do you know the last agent I fucking stabbed, Grey?” He seethes through clenched teeth. A muscle in his jaw flexes, twitching up through his temple. “I killed Phil Coulson. Stabbed him in the fucking back.”
His eyes glaze over, the whites now run through with pinkish-red. He spits his admission through his teeth like a snake spitting venom. The things that haunt him in the middle of the night, that he wishes he could bury deep and let them rot in his heart forever. But they forever lurk just beneath the surface. When he looks at me, he sees Coulson.
“I know, Loki. I'm not afraid of you."
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