new year notes
dreamy fatigue EP
knocking on my door all night DONE
if u wanna DONE
first time DONE
blue/green DONE
petty girl with a microphone DONE
slime? (maybe keep separate) separate work!
finalise and print scores for sissy bois DONE
Print books x
finish and export ep x
upload ep to band camp with Shell Corp Records x
…Burn to CDs? Mp3? tapes?—
Upload Slime
to buy:
post its
cd drive
cd cases
cheap cd player?
if u wanna:
reds in 1.25 - 2.00 SORTED
and 6.40-6.55 SORTED
7.25 to 7.30 SORTED
9.10-9.20 SORTED
10.10-10.30 SORTED
maybe end is a bit TOO click.. doesnt sound like an effect.. maybe change SORTED
upload sounds to blog or soundcloud
upload some photos of videos of you playing with your text pieces
upload notes on books you’ve been reading
Dalston superstore has a call out for emerging artists… maybe apply..
Articles to read for radio show on POC drag king research:
UPLOAD SOUND WORKS!! or make a cd with all your tests on? maybe a usb is easier for now... not sure what i want public just yet.
maybe to make it clearer for examiners: make a list to one side of all your shows/exhibs this term and say more details on blog or at least label a few
upload audio for sylvie! upload ITGETSBETTER vids. all to USBs for examiners. keep USBs seperate maybe...
upload pics of SFSB book!
presentation for assessment:
queerphonie shows
usb - ducmentation
1 mp3 player or CD - dreamy fatigue
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>Sonic Experience: Augoyard & Torgue
repulsion as a sonic effect… hm. i like how its emotive and instinctive and also more of a feeling than a sound
“A psychomotor effect referring to a sound phenomenon that produces in an uncontrolled or conscious way, an attitude of rejection and behaviours of flight, whether mental or real.” pg 98
Phonotonie - “the feeling of euphoria provoked by a sound perception” pg 86 sounds romantic… or drug-induced
Erasure- “one or several sound elements in an audible ensemble that are deleted from perception of memory. This selective suppression is a fundamental effect of hearing. The majority of audible sounds in a day are heard without being listened to and are then forgotten.
Asyndeton as a synonymous effect of erasure… pg 47 hmmm
audio descriptive words for future scores and text:
expand, fade, feedback, filtrate, larsen, limitation, incursion, intrusion, remenance, release, rallentando, accelerando, reprise, propagation, wow, wah, wobble
synecdoche - “ability to valorise one specific element through selection”.
a good book for in depth physics analysis…. maybe buy a copy and use alongside work in the max msp elective… not super relevant to current work… but soon
>musical evocations of landscapes: A. S. Weiss
I actually met Weiss at a conference and clashed with him about his fetishisation of japan……… however i am curious about how he writes about the ‘musical evocations of landscapes’… even if i find them inappropriate i can work with what needs to be written/created in the sound art world to bring in more diverse works on sound landscapes…..
i think the references to the telegraph harp of Thoreau and the Aeolian harp etc paint a beautiful audio picture… but know that these references aren’t recognisable to the queer camp scene i want to make art for… i want to reference our communities recognisable sounds… i do like the romantic/camp gesture of cartoonish harps in comedy and kids shows to show ‘love’ or ‘beauty’… something more like this might work for my stuff
“Messiaen effectively humanised birdsong precisely by stylising it”. - both as malleable material and as a document….
animated sounds of feelings vs sounds to notate landscape/nature… i think this is a nice idea but in Weiss’ work definitely with the western language he used to notate sounds of nature… it all seemed very stylised and othered… i’d like to take this concept but use it for the queer POC scene as an inhabitant of that community… which i feel would more honestly notate some kind of ‘truthful’ notation to what the sound actually were…
in fact the metaphor of messiaen describes it well… the sounds were humanised through stylisation… or familiarised to the western human… they are styled to be digested by a different species/race.. not documented non-animated, localised notations
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some candle tests to accompany audio installation works.
made using menthol filters, mojito and seabreaze scented wax, plain wax, incense sticks, oil paint, gems
i want to create a smell/look that looks DIY and imperfect.. even ugly to accompany busy/messy audio works referencing rave cultures, queer cultures and depression/fatigue.
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I released this EP under my DJ name ‘Fluffie’ with the label Shell Corp.
I feel the EP sums up my studies and experiments for this term. I wanted to merge some kind of relatable sound format with sound art for installation. Although this work is being released as an EP for mp3 download i feel the harsh panning, reverbs and delays make for a spatial album that would work well in a gallery space. Ideally this work can be played in either homes on speakers/headphones but also in gallery spaces. The ep album cover is shows an experimental visual sculpture i would like to use in the space whilst the EP is playing... i have a few other objects that I have been creating that I might also use... they are still in the development process. these include scented/colured candles and plasti-dip and gem collages.
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I like how bleak and imperfectly done Gorig’s works are. To me they really suggest anti-labour and queer exhaustion... it’s a mood i find comfort in seeing in a range of queer works and have a strong connection to in my own... i could bring this through into my audio work as well... but i want to start picking up my sketch work again too. i find the sketch a very relatable and common platform... giving easy access to a range of queer feelings and reference points
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journal/sketch books self-care pieces
-linked to blog post on Mark Aguhar
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I’ve been looking over works by the late Mark Aguhar. Their work shows minimal effort, exhausted text based sketches. I feel a strong connection to Aguhar’s blog and mental health issues surrounding being a queer POC. 
I was just journalling as a form of personal self-care and it reminded me of Aguhar’s work. I really appreciate how they share torn out journal and sketch book entries as finished works and show a raw emotion. 
I’ve decided to document more of my self-care poems and doodles in my GSA work and also perhaps include them as supporting pieces for my audio and film works.
Even Aguhar’s poses alongside their works remind me own my poses in my video works... for example in my recent film Stickers. There is a discontent with one’s own gender, race and it’s performativity and that feeling is shared among many POCs. I’m really comforted in the similarity in our works and other POC artists... I want to prioritise solidaritised feelings of discontent in minority groups and steer away from neo-liberal individual or super original works. I am happy with the clear similarities in content even if my works do also share some intimate emotions of my own.
^^^the next post shows some of my journal/sketch books self-care pieces that i feel draw a strong similarity to Aguhar’s work... but also to zines i documented earlier from the Women’s Library and also actually to steven shrigley.... 
i suppose the dead humour of very minimal honest sketches can transfer between people of various identities... i just personally value the link to Aguhar highly...
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i love these intense portrait style interviews. people intensely talking about euphoria, heavy music, drugs. its a very teenage ‘cool’ thing to make art about... but i like how i’m reverting back to my teenage fantasies in my work. re-doing my puberty now as an out bisexual and gender queer person. i want to make more art that brings this youthful euphoria back but replays it with some ‘queerness’.
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I am currently in the process of creating a website with web designer Hector Bennett. Hector is still relatively new to the industry and piecing the website together is proving to be a lengthy process. However, as Hector is new and this is an interesting project he is doing it for free as long as I upload most of the content myself and he sticks to the coding.
It’s actually been really useful to see how the website is coded stage by stage... I might be able to make my own in the future. I would quite like to code an online gallery space or at least an online sound space in which a user could navigate sounds on the screen by moving a mouse around an abstract graphic score or similar... the idea is early days but this project with Hector is going well so far. I hope to have this website ready for public viewing within the next couple of months.
The link shows the website so far
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i’m obsessed with the camp lesbian sci-fi look/sound of this film. i love how its not realistic at all and ignores a lot of continuity rules. paints the gay girl up to be an unachievable fantasy... so out of reach. 
the tacky sci-fi sounds make the sci-fi genre seem like a dress up, something thats just for the aesthetic. its interesting how it’s so proudly fake and fetishistic. it’s the same kind of over-the-top twee american style of art films like that of ryan trecartin... both mocking this americanised western teen dream but also really indulging in how pleasurable and erotic dress-up and drag can be.
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wow, beautiful article! mayeb should contact the author to collab... really should do some work for gal-dem.
better than a lot of queer/gender theory published books. so rare to see brownness that is not considered feminine but is not chosen either written down and explained as non-cis in such a great manner.... and yet so common.....
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Website with hector ~
Call to organise free bus pass
Buy books with allowance!…….~
Call ica again!! ~
Remember to take copies of squelch to ldn
Check on glasses
change nuggets address on chip x
extend sections more, fix clips
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Black Mirror’s tone can vary from bleakly comic to deeply tragic, often in the space of one episode. 
It’s only really when you see it to picture that you can go, ‘Yeah that totally works.’”
“By the time you’ve heard it over and over again, you’ve completely changed the essence of the song,” 
The sound for our version of a tweet was made by whistling and then processing the audio.”
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Email/call Ica again!! - closed on monday RAAA - call tomorrow
presentation for archives X done
write up for archive x
DONE now get a proof read, print and hand in physically on monday and upload online
presentation for class and examiners X edit and rehearse
more sound work/poetry etc:
draft of sissy bois by end of week x DONE
some sounds for SUE F meeting would be nice.. some recordings ~ sorta done not happy tho
email alan (to send to examiners) reminder about your IRF x DONE
ask debi about reference list… x DONE
as in just a reference list for quotes? or as you have done with info on all sources mentioned x DONE
notes for Sue F tutorial
ask about punctuation and grammar decisions for SFSB
sad gay guitar album ideas
next steps for slime audio work
-make it longer… sue would say up to 20
like the raw feeling of humming recordings
free improv with fizz n motors again.. miss that… maybe play some water sounds too… in the background.. field recordings
sounds n sample ideas:
dj spin
hd vs lo-fi
delicate humming/singing
screams at 1.30
multichannel gay asmr
walk around the room and talk us through her possessions, what you talked about here, what you felt there. touch objects in the room. make it feel ‘3d’
you need to borrow multiple mics for this and playback on multiple speakers
email karena about your multichannel recording.
Hi Karena,
This is Natasha Lall from MLitt Sculpture. I have a degree in sound arts and would like to request some specific technology that I am having trouble with booking online.
I plan to do a four channel field recording for an upcoming piece. I will be using two cardiod mics on one zoom recorder and another two cardio mics for two zooms.
I would like to book out:
2 zoom recorders
4 cardiod microphones
4 male to female xlr cables
On the booking website I can only seem to work out how to book one 1.5 xlr cable at a time. Does the media studio only have the one?
I can only find two cardio mics of one brand and one single cardio of another. Does the media studio happen to have another one?
Also, In the future I would like to use some of the equipment in the advanced user option, specifically the Sennheiser MKH 416 and the Roland recorder. Could you please remind me of how I go about becoming a member of this group?
Natasha Lall
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My visuals for queer techno night GYA at the Art School on the 16th Dec.
The organiser asked for something simple to go with a techno beat but also ‘slightly gay’.
So, after experimenting with various gem stones, stickers and sketches i began introducing coloured light to the mix. This became the main focus of the visuals. My imperfect phone camera could not process the RGB lights well and created a pulsating pattern of coloured stripes. The rainbow-esque pattern was perfect for an LGBT night and the repetitive beat was great for the rhythmic music.
I still included a few of the gems which were my initial idea as they brought an element of youth and campness to the visuals.
The organiser was happy with the visuals and said she would book me again, this is the second time she has asked me to work for her. I enjoy collaborating with her and the queer team that works at her clubnights.
The two still images are from the initial tests and the video is the final film.
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ICA have STILLLL not sent you back your sketches!!!! call tomorrow! they also have not emailed you back about paying for books. very interesting gallery o.O.
HALIFAX CALLLL ASAPPPPP or you will have no money!
MOVE ON FROM FILM, focus on text/scores/audio for a couple months…
scores for pansies
for someone with tomboy tendencies
candle wax scores for queer witches who like candles and crystals
delicate scores for fragile flowers
a score for emotional release:
cry everytime you breath in,
cry everytime you breathe out.
whisper “whisper”  to yourself
acknowledge your personal, private, super-secret space
listen to the quite nasal whistle of your breathing in and the muffled hum of your breathing out.
note: i am not a hippy
…but i am a fragile flower
scores to myself: sounds like self-care
picture yourself kissing the baby butch you fancy on her forehead, it’s cold out and your lips are stiff and dry and her face is stiff and icy. the crunchy kiss from cold cracked lips to cold crisp skin makes you feel ‘warm’ and you feel a wee endorphin rush that shivers you as you inhale and leaves with a sense of newfound warmth at you exhale. play something that sounds like this feels. something simple. perhaps just tap a tune with your finger on your lap, an easy patter to play when you want to feel ‘warm’ again on a cold glesga night.
more poetry work done
more work on old ‘sad gay album’ project
-started new clap project.
> record an applause
> record individual clapping in a slightly echoey crisp space
drum n clap ‘sampler’ hmmmmm
record some sad poems
sad gay guitar album…
keep working on that hardcore tape
self-release EP! ask cat about labels
book - sissy boi scores
poems with audio/scores about clubs with vivid club beat descriptors… maybe if time…
buy a nice sketchbook to draw up scores
buy a folder with sleeves for loose sketches n scores
text for SFP:
scores with an alternative approach to duration and performance. time can span over weeks or months and the performer may be the only one who knows the score is being performed. taking inso from CBT and mindfulness, these scores act as radical, introverted modes of self-care and experimental music performance.
!!!!!!!Message holly about putting radio show onto her noise archive & do write up!!!!!!
-holly doesnt work here anymore… email/call cathy
-add to sound art radio archive
Archive class w Bildwechsel archivist
Reading on digitisation vs zine archives
-adding in women liberation as a category to archives.. making spaces for holes in archives
based in Hamburg
How Do You Do?
-send in video postcards of whats going on where you live
Europe supports artists
-tips and tricks on how to survive in each others’ country
Feminist Utopias
not a ‘static’ archive with classification terms
-Sex Worker Film Festival
-most of the scottish part of the archive is from the 90s… when there was more cash available
-Lesbian & Gay film festival in Hamburg
film released during section 28: my dear bejesus… humour/blasphemic/erotic lesbian film with personal jesus soundtrack
william forsyth - impressing the czar
-talk through assignment brief with michael m… what should you show… do you have enough notes? enough finished work? how many more pieces and how much more research is needed to get a top mark?
-discuss audio work
-write up
-send radio show to archives
-soundcloud?… still waiting discussion group page?
arppegiating, disruption, harmony… with the drum clap… more complexity.. think about common interactivicities with everyone but there can be recognisable queer sounds
gamer screams
Ruth Mclellan Talk:
film work
London based
Literal steps to showing climate change effects
Making films in Crimea
Call of north (film)
Hand shake but he camera
Clearly live field recordings
Very tactile and ‘close’ feel
Hero city
Some overlapping shots w first film
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I had never seen films shown in the upper part of the Art School before. The audio was amazing... the sound system designed for clubnights brought out a range of pitches and an immersive soundscape.
It is always moving to see a POC run project in a big space. I could feel a similar emotion from other audience members during the Q&A. The GSA POC society are doing really amazing work... i appreciate this colloboration with the black radical imagination collective who are currently doing a residency at Transmission gallery.
I particularly admired how the films ranged from collages of archival footage to very contemporary HD portrait style works. 
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